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Cambridge International Examinations

Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary and Advanced Level
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BIOLOGY 9700/22
Paper 2 AS Level Structured Questions February/March 2016
1 hour 15 minutes
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Answer all the questions.

1 Statements A to E relate to biological molecules.

For each statement, identify the most appropriate term that matches the description.

A The molecule formed from a condensation reaction between fructose and glucose.


B The name of the bond broken when two amino acids are separated by hydrolysis.


C The unbranched polymer consisting only of β-glucose molecules.


D The reagent used to test for the presence of proteins.


E The molecule produced, in addition to fatty acids, when a triglyceride is hydrolysed.


[Total: 5]

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2 Fig. 2.1 shows a root tip cell in interphase.


Fig. 2.1

(a) The actual diameter of the nucleus between X and Y is 9.0 µm.

Calculate the magnification of the plant cell shown in Fig. 2.1.

Write down the formula for magnification and use it to make your calculation. Show your


magnification × .......................................................... [3]

(b) Describe the structure of a nucleus.








[Total: 6]
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3 Erythropoietin, also known as EPO, is a large glycoprotein synthesised by specialised cells in the
kidney. These cells are very sensitive to changes in oxygen concentration in the blood passing
through the kidney and respond to a low oxygen concentration by increasing the synthesis of EPO.

EPO acts at the surface of particular target cells, such as cells in the bone marrow. These bone
marrow cells are stimulated to produce red blood cells.

(a) (i) A low oxygen concentration also leads to an increase in the quantity of mRNA in the
specialised cells in the kidney.

Suggest and explain why there is this increase in the quantity of mRNA.







(ii) EPO is stored in secretory vesicles before being released from the specialised kidney

Outline how EPO is released from the cells.








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(b) All cells of the body are exposed to circulating blood plasma containing EPO, but only
particular target cells respond.

(i) Suggest and explain how EPO acts on target cells and why other cells are not affected.











(ii) EPO cannot pass through the cell surface membrane to enter the bone marrow cells.

Suggest one reason why this is so.




(c) Red blood cells originate from undifferentiated cells in the bone marrow that are capable of
continuous mitotic cell division.

State the name of this type of undifferentiated cell.


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(d) As part of an investigation into the body’s response to EPO, a group of healthy young men
were given injections of EPO every day for four weeks.
The haemoglobin (Hb) concentration for each subject was measured at the start of the
investigation and then at intervals of one week for the next ten weeks. The first measurement
was taken two weeks before the first EPO injection was given.
Fig. 3.1 shows the mean results for the subjects.

first EPO final EPO

injection injection




mean Hb concentration
/ g per kg body mass



0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
time / weeks

Fig. 3.1

Describe the results shown in Fig. 3.1 and suggest explanations for these results.












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(e) The concentration of EPO in the blood plasma of a person will increase when travelling from
sea level to a high altitude. This is in response to the decrease in oxygen partial pressure in
the atmosphere.

Explain why an increase in EPO blood plasma concentration will be of benefit if the person
remains at high altitude.









[Total: 16]

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4 Morbillivirus, which causes measles, and the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) share these
common features:

• outer envelope surrounding the protein coat

• RNA as the genetic material
• infect cells of the immune system.

(a) Compare the modes of transmission of Morbillivirus and HIV.











(b) Antibiotics are not used to treat viral infections.

Explain why antibiotics do not affect viruses.






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(c) The structure of Morbillivirus is shown in Fig. 4.1.

Haemagglutinin (H) and fusion protein (F) are glycoproteins embedded in the viral envelope.

haemagglutinin (H)

fusion protein (F) viral polymerase

(protein coat and
nucleic acid)

viral envelope

Fig. 4.1

Morbillivirus only infects cells that have a membrane glycoprotein known as signalling
lymphocyte activation molecule (SLAM).

When Morbillivirus infects a cell, H acts before F. After the virus binds to the host cell, only the
nucleoprotein with the viral polymerase enters the host cell and the virus is replicated.

New viral particles leave the host cell by budding from the cell surface membrane of the cell.
This forms the main part of their envelope.

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With reference to Fig. 4.1 and the information provided on pages 9 and 10,

(i) outline the structural features of the viral envelope of Morbillivirus







(ii) suggest how Morbillivirus infects a cell with SLAM glycoproteins so that only nucleoprotein
and viral polymerase enter









(iii) suggest the role of viral polymerase in Morbillivirus.





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(d) HIV has an antigen known as p24.

One test for an early diagnosis of HIV infection uses a monoclonal antibody that identifies
antigen p24.

(i) State the type of biological molecule that is represented by antigen p24.


(ii) Outline how the monoclonal antibody against antigen p24 is produced.









[Total: 17]

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5 (a) Fig. 5.1 is a diagram of an ATP molecule.

Label Fig. 5.1 to show the structure of an ATP molecule.

Fig. 5.1

(b) Statements A, B, C and D are part of the sequence of events that occur during the loading of
sucrose into a phloem sieve tube.

A hydrogen ions bind to co-transporter protein

B diffusion of sucrose via plasmodesmata
C co-transport of hydrogen ions and sucrose
D hydrogen ions move out of companion cell

(i) State which event, A, B, C or D, requires ATP.


(ii) Place the letters A to D in the sequence that they would occur in the loading of sucrose
into a phloem sieve tube.


(iii) State the name used to describe any area within a plant where sucrose is loaded into a
phloem sieve tube.


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(c) ATP is used during translation in amino acid activation, when an amino acid becomes attached
to its specific tRNA molecule having a particular anticodon. The reaction requires an enzyme
called aminoacyl tRNA synthetase.

(i) Explain why a particular amino acid needs to be linked to a specific tRNA molecule.







(ii) The pH of the cytoplasm of most cells varies slightly around pH 7. At extremes of pH,
enzymes can become denatured.

Explain how the structure of an enzyme such as aminoacyl tRNA synthetase would be
altered if the pH of the cytoplasm became too acidic.







(iii) Aminoacyl tRNA synthetase uses the induced fit mechanism.

Explain the induced fit mechanism.







[Total: 12]

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6 (a) Fig. 6.1 shows the first three structures of the human gas exchange system through which air
from the external atmosphere passes during inhalation.

Complete Fig. 6.1 to show the pathway that air takes during inhalation.

nasal cavity



Fig. 6.1

(b) The inhalation of tobacco smoke can lead to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
COPD is a term used to describe a collection of lung diseases.

Name two smoking-related diseases associated with COPD.

1 ................................................................................................................................................

2 ............................................................................................................................................[2]

[Total: 4]

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