5090 w16 QP 21 PDF
5090 w16 QP 21 PDF
5090 w16 QP 21 PDF
BIOLOGY 5090/21
Paper 2 Theory October/November 2016
1 hour 45 minutes
Candidates answer on the Question Paper.
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Write in dark blue or black pen.
You may use an HB pencil for any diagrams or graphs.
Do not use staples, paper clips, glue or correction fluid.
Section A
Answer all questions in this section.
Write your answers in the spaces provided on the Question Paper.
Section B
Answer both questions in this section.
Write your answers in the spaces provided on the Question Paper.
Section C
Answer either question 8 or question 9.
Write your answers in the spaces provided on the Question Paper.
At the end of the examination, fasten all your work securely together.
The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question.
DC (LK/SG) 109209/3
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Section A
1 Fig. 1.1 shows a model that a student made to represent the human breathing system.
rubber band
Fig. 1.1
(a) State the part of the model shown in Fig. 1.1 that represents each of the following structures.
(b) Describe how this model does not accurately represent the human breathing system.
.............................................................................................................................................. [4]
(c) (i) The model can be used to demonstrate the action of breathing.
Describe what the student must do to the model to demonstrate the action of breathing in.
...................................................................................................................................... [2]
(ii) State what the student would observe as the model is used to demonstrate the action of
breathing in.
...................................................................................................................................... [1]
(iii) The model becomes damaged by a hole being made in the side of the rigid plastic cup.
Describe and explain how this damage will change what the student would observe as
the model is used to demonstrate the action of breathing in.
...................................................................................................................................... [3]
[Total: 12]
2 Fig. 2.1 shows a magnified pollen grain from each of two plant species, A and B.
pollen grain from plant species A pollen grain from plant species B
Fig. 2.1
(a) (i) Use the information in Fig. 2.1 and your biological knowledge to describe three
differences between the pollen grains from species A and species B.
Table 2.1
...................................................................................................................................... [3]
(iii) Using the information provided by Fig. 2.1, describe how cross-pollination is most likely
to occur in species A and in species B.
species A
species B
Fig. 2.2
List two features that would be present in the flowers of species B that are not present in
those of species A.
1 ................................................................................................................................................
2 ........................................................................................................................................... [2]
[Total: 11]
3 Fig. 3.1a is a diagram of the human skeleton. Fig. 3.1b is an X-ray that shows damage to part of a
person’s skeleton.
(a) (i) Draw the letter X on Fig. 3.1a to show the location of the damage to the person’s skeleton
that is shown in Fig. 3.1b.
(ii) Describe the damage to the person’s skeleton shown in Fig. 3.1b.
...................................................................................................................................... [2]
(b) Fig. 3.2 shows the arrangement of bones and muscles in part of a person’s body.
Fig. 3.2
………………………………………………….. [1]
(ii) Draw an arrow on Fig. 3.2 to show the direction of movement that will be caused when
the muscle labelled B contracts.
(iii) When the muscle labelled B contracts, the muscle labelled A relaxes. State the term that
refers to a pair of muscles that act in this way.
…………………………………………………. [1]
(c) Fig. 3.3 shows the approximate percentage of body mass that is due to the skeleton in birds
and in humans.
percentage of 10
body mass due
to the skeleton
birds humans
Fig. 3.3
(i) Use the information in Fig. 3.3 to compare the approximate percentage of body mass
that is due to the skeleton in birds and in humans.
...................................................................................................................................... [1]
(ii) One reason for this difference is that the bones of a bird contain air spaces. These air
spaces are connected to the lungs of the bird.
The blood of birds contains more haemoglobin per unit volume than that of humans.
Suggest how these adaptations, and that shown in Fig. 3.3, help a bird to move by flying.
...................................................................................................................................... [4]
[Total: 11]
4 Table 4.1a shows some of the recommended dietary allowances for a child under the age of six
Table 4.1b shows part of the composition of bottle milk that may be fed to a child under the age of
six months.
(a) (i) Calculate the volume of bottle milk that a child under the age of six months should be
fed each day to obtain the recommended dietary allowance of each component listed in
Table 4.1a.
You may use the space below to work out your answer.
........................................................... [2]
(ii) State and explain the health risks to a child who is fed less bottle milk each day than the
volume you have calculated.
...................................................................................................................................... [4]
© UCLES 2016 5090/21/O/N/16
(b) (i) Many mothers choose to feed their child breast milk rather than bottle milk.
...................................................................................................................................... [4]
(ii) Suggest one reason why a mother may choose to feed her child bottle milk.
...................................................................................................................................... [1]
[Total: 11]
5 Complete the paragraph below by writing the most appropriate word in each of the spaces.
sections called genes. Genes may be copied and passed on to the next generation.
Each gene may have two or more alternative forms called ……………….……………. . One of
these forms may be ………………….…………. and the other recessive. A change in the structure
and ………………………….…. may increase the rate at which these changes take place.
[Total: 5]
Section B
.............................................................................................................................................. [3]
.............................................................................................................................................. [4]
(c) Describe the treatment of syphilis and suggest why it is not possible to treat the infection that
leads to AIDS in the same way.
.............................................................................................................................................. [3]
[Total: 10]
© UCLES 2016 5090/21/O/N/16
.............................................................................................................................................. [3]
(b) (i) State the role of the hormone insulin in controlling blood sugar concentration.
...................................................................................................................................... [3]
(ii) Name the condition caused if a person is unable to produce sufficient amounts of the
hormone insulin.
Describe the signs of the condition that you have named, and its treatment.
name of condition
...................................................................................................................................... [4]
[Total: 10]
Section C
8 (a) Describe the double circulation of blood in the human circulatory system and the different
functions of the two circuits.
.............................................................................................................................................. [6]
(b) Describe the structure of a capillary and the transfer of a named material between capillaries
and tissue fluid.
.............................................................................................................................................. [4]
[Total: 10]
© UCLES 2016 5090/21/O/N/16
9 (a) Discuss reasons for the conservation of species with reference to the management of
.............................................................................................................................................. [4]
.............................................................................................................................................. [6]
[Total: 10]
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