Subject : Physics
Class : XI
Topic : oscillation Practical : based on the topic
Sub-topic : simple harmonic motion superposition of waves, oscillation of simple pendulum
oscillation of floating cylinder oscillation of spring attached with the mass
Duration of Period : 45 min No. of teaching period required : 5
Date :
Learning Objectives :
1. Explain Periodic and oscillatory motion
2. Explain Simple harmonic motion and force laws ofsimple harmonic motion
3. Relate simple harmonic motion and uniform circular motion
4. explain forced, damped oscillations and resonance
Learning Outcomes : After the completion of the topic students will be able to –
explain Periodic and non periodic motions, oscillations.
explain Simple harmonic motion and terms related to SHM.
understand Oscillations due to a spring and their combinations.
understand Simple pendulum and find time period of simple pendulum.
explain Concept of natural frequency , damping and resonance.
On line material web-NPTEL login , Diksha app,
Website –physics academy online
Physics NCERT text
Introductory Activity
by giving different examples thevibrating and oscillating objects such as simple pendulum
motion of earth around Sun teacher will ask students to explain the difference between periodic
motion and non periodic motion oscillation and vibration, frequency , time period and amplitude.
Show motion of simple pendulum is simple harmonic motion .
what is the phase difference between displacement and the velocity in simple harmonic
Why pendulum clock se not stable for spaceship?
Drive expression for the total energy of a particle in simple harmonic motion .
At which point in simple harmonic motion the acceleration and velocity are maximum?
Define force constant and what is its unit?
Oral discussion
Pen Paper test
Group discussion
Checking the note making on given topic
Asking question related to topic given
Home work
Evaluation / Rubrics
10/10 Outstanding
07/10 Average