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The document discusses different sock patterns that use various cable stitches and techniques like double wraps. It also provides information on recommended yarns and gauge for the patterns.

The document discusses stitches like 1/2 LC, 1/2 LC DW, 1/2 RC, 1/2 RC DW, M1L, M1L DW, M1R that involve slipping stitches, knitting with double wraps, and lifting stitches.

The document recommends using Knit Picks Stroll Hand Painted Sock Yarn for the patterns.

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ISBN 978-1-62767-159-0
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Basketwork Socks 6

Rainbow Wave Socks 10

Oblique Socks 14

Tree of Life Socks 18

Meandering Socks 24

Mock Turtle Socks 28

Geometric Diamonds Socks 34

Twirla Socks 40

Westney Socks 44

Oscillatory Socks 48

Heavenly Shades Socks 52

Sparkle Socks 58
by Mone Dräger


7.5 (8, 8.75)" leg circumference, 8 (8.5, US 1 ½ (2.5mm) two 24" circular needles
9)" leg length including heel, foot length for two circulars technique, or one 32"
8 (9, 10)” or longer circular needle for Magic Loop
technique, or size to obtain gauge.
(DPN’s are not recommended due to
Knit Picks Stroll Hand Painted Sock
Yarn (75% Superwash Merino Wool, 25%
Nylon; 462 yards/100g): Coffee Shop NOTIONS
25899, 1 skein Yarn Needle
Stitch Markers

32 sts and 44 rows = 4" over Basketwork
Pattern, blocked

For pattern support, contact  Basketwork Socks 7

Basketwork Socks Wrap and Turn (W&T)
Bring the yarn to the front, slip the next stitch purlwise, bring the
Notes: yarn to the back, return the slipped stitch to its original position
The socks are knit toe-up with gusset and heel flap. The foot on the left needle. Turn your work.
length and leg length are adjustable. Start gusset and cuff after
Judy’s Magic Cast On
the desired number of repeats of the pattern, but after having
Step 1: With your right hand, hold the needles together with the
worked the pattern round indicated in the instructions. Foot
tips pointing left. Leaving a tail which is long enough to cast on
should measure 4 (4, 4.25)” less than the desired length when
the required number of stitches plus a little excess and place it
starting the gusset.
between the top needle and the bottom needle and coming out
Slip all stitches purlwise with yarn in back unless otherwise to the back. Now, loop the working yarn over the top needle.
instructed in the pattern. Because of the slipped stitches and Step 2: Pick up the yarns with your left hand, holding the yarn
the crosses they form, the stitch pattern has less give than other tail over your index finger and the working yarn over your thumb
patterns. Make sure to keep your tension even to meet gauge. If in the slingshot position. This puts a little twist in the yarn which
possible try on the sock frequently, especially when working the forms the first stitch on the top needle which is considered the
leg and if necessary adjust the leg length to make sure the sock is first stitch.
stretchy enough to be pulled on comfortably. Step 3: Move the pair of needles up and wrap the yarn on your
index finger around the bottom needle as if making a yarn over.
Double Wrap (DW)
Step 4: Move the needles downward and wrap the yarn on your
To avoid the negative ease caused by the slipped stitches used in
thumb around the top needle as if making a yarn over.
the cables, they are worked with double wraps. When the stitch is
Repeat steps 3 and 4 until you have the required number of
knit the yarn is wrapped twice around the needle; the additional
stitches on both needles, ending with step 3.
wrap is dropped when working the stitch the next time.
Step 5: Turn the needles and take them in your left hand, so that
1/2 LC the yarn tails are positioned at the right. Drop the tail and bring
On RS: Slip next stitch to cable needle and place at front of work, the working yarn up behind the top needle, making sure the tail
K2, then K1 from cable needle. lies under the working yarn to secure it. Knit the stitches of the
On WS: Slip next 2 stitches to cable needle and place at back of top needle. Once these are worked, turn needles and knit the
work, P1, then P2 from cable needle. stitches on the second needle. 1 round worked.

1/2 LC DW Jeny’s Surprisingly Stretchy Bind-off

On RS: Slip next stitch to cable needle and place at front of work, Processing a K st: Wrap the yarn around the right-hand needle in
K1 with a double wrap, K1, then K1 from cable needle. a reverse yarn over, from back to front. K 1 st. Pull the YO over the
On WS: Slip next 2 stitches to cable needle and place at back of K st.
work, P1, then P1, P1 with a double wrap from cable needle. Processing a P st: Warp the yarn around the right-hand needle in
a yarn over, from front to back. P 1 st. Pull the YO over the P st.
1/2 RC
BO Step 1: Work first st as described above; 1 st on the RH needle.
Slip next 2 stitches to cable needle and place at back of work, K1,
BO Step 2: Process the next st correctly, i.e. working the YO the
then K2 from cable needle.
way described above and K or P as needed.
1/2 RC DW BO Step 3: Pull the 1st st on your RH needle over the 2nd st on
Slip next 2 stitches to cable needle and place at back of work, K1, your RH needle and off the needle.
then K1, K1 with a double wrap from cable needle. Repeat Steps 2 and 3 until 1 st remains. Cut the yarn and pull it
through the last st.
Make 1 Left (M1L)
Lift the horizontal thread between your needles with your left Basketwork Instep Pattern (worked in the round over a multiple
needle tip from front to back. Knit this newly lifted stitch through of 3 sts plus 2 sts)
the back loop. Rnd 1: K2, *Sl1 WYIB, K2; rep from * to end.
Rnd 2: Rep Rnd 1.
Make 1 Left with Double Wrap (M1L DW)
Rnd 3: *1/2 RC DW; rep from * to last 2 sts, K2.
Lift the horizontal thread between your needles with your left
Rnds 4-5: Rep Rnds 1 and2.
needle tip from front to back. Knit this newly lifted stitch through
Rnd 6: K2, *1/2 LC DW; rep from * to end.
the back loop with a double wrap.
Basketwork Heel Flap Pattern (worked in rows over a multiple of
Make 1 Right (M1R)
3 sts plus 2 sts)
Lift the horizontal thread between your needles with your left
Row 1 (WS): P2, *Sl1 WYIF, P2; rep from * to end.
needle tip from back to front. Knit this newly lifted stitch.
Row 2 (RS): K2, *Sl1 WYIB, K2; rep from * to end.
Make 1 Right with Double Wrap (MIR DW) Row 3: *1/2 LC DW; rep from * to last 2 sts, P2.
Lift the horizontal thread between your needles with your left Row 4: Rep Row 2.
needle tip from back to front. Knit this newly lifted stitch with a Row 5: Rep Row 1.
double wrap. Row 6: K2, *1/2 RC DW; rep from * to end.

8  Basketwork Socks
Basketwork Leg Pattern (worked in rounds over a multiple of 3 Set-Up for Short Row Heel: M1L, [1/2 RC] 5 times, [1/2 RC DW] 10
sts) (11, 12) times, [1/2 RC] 6 times, do not work sole sts on Needle 2.
Due to the nature of the pattern, there are cables worked using 92 (98, 104) sts.
stitches at the end of one round and the beginning of the next
Heel Shaping (on Needle 2)
round. The beginning of the round however stays in the same
Row 1 (RS): K25 (28, 31), W&T.
place. Pay careful attention to keep the marker at the correct
Row 2 (WS): P22 (25, 28), W&T.
Row 3: K to 2 sts before st wrapped in previous RS row, W&T.
Rnd 1: *K2, Sl1; rep from * to end.
Row 4: P to 2 sts before st wrapped in previous WS row, W&T.
Rnd 2: K2, *1/2 LC DW; rep from * to last st, Sl1 to CN, remove M,
K1 with DW, PM for beginning of rnd. Rep Rows 3-4 three (three, four) more times.
Rnd 3: K1, K1 from CN, *Sl1, K2; rep from to last st, Sl1.
Next Row (RS): K to end of needle. For all wrapped sts, pick up
Rnd 4: Rep Rnd 1.
the wrap with the right needle from front to back, K the wrapped
Rnd 5: *1/2 RC DW; rep from * to end.
st and pull the yarn through both, the wrapped st and the wrap.
Rnd 6: Rep Rnd 1.
Next Row (WS): Sl1, P to end of needle. For all wrapped sts,
DIRECTIONS pick up the wrap with the right needle from back to front, place
it on the left needle and bring it over and behind the st it was
wrapping, P the st together with the wrap.
Use Judy’s Magic Cast On to cast on 20 (22, 24) sts; 10 (11, 12) sts
on each needle. PM to indicate the beginning of the round. Heel Flap
Knit one round. The heel flap is joined with the gusset sts at the end of each
Inc Rnd: On Needle 1, *K1, M1L, K to last st, M1R, K1; rep from * on row. You might want to rearrange sts before you start working
Needle 2. 24 (26, 28) sts. the heel flap and transfer first 16 sts and last 16 sts of Needle 1
Rep Inc Rnd four more times. 40 (42, 44) sts. to Needle 2. Adjust sts so that the first st to work is the last st
Next round: K worked for the heel.
Alternate between Inc Rnd and plain K rnds until there are 60 Set-up Row (RS): Sl1, [K2, K1 with DW] 8 (9, 10) times, K2, SSK,
(66, 72) sts; 30 (33, 36) sts on each needle. turn. 1 gusset st dec.
Row 1 (WS): *Sl1 WYIF, P2; rep from * to last heel st, P2tog, turn. 1
gusset st dec.
Set-Up Rnd 1: Remove M, K all sts on Needle 1, K1 st from Needle
Row 2 (RS): *Sl1, K2; rep from * to last st before gap, SSK, turn. 1
2 onto Needle 1, K all but the last stitch on Needle 2, transfer last
gusset st dec.
st to Needle 1. 32 (35, 38) sts on Needle 1 for instep, 28 (31, 34) sts
Row 3: Sl1 WYIF, *1/2 LC DW; rep from * to last 3 sts before gap,
on Needle 2 for sole.
P2, P2tog, turn. 1 gusset st dec.
Set-Up Rnd 2: K2, [K1 with DW, K2] 10 (11, 12) times, K all sts of
Row 4: Rep Row 2.
Needle 2.
Row 5: Rep Row 1.
Rnd 1: Work in Basketwork Instep pattern on Needle 1, K all sts on
Row 6: Sl1, *1/2 RC DW; rep from * to last 3 sts before gap, K2,
Needle 2.
SSK, turn. 1 gusset st dec.
Repeat Rnd 1, working Rnds 1-6 of Basketwork Instep pattern a Rep Rows 1-6 three more times, then work Rows 1-5 once more.
total of four (five, six) times, then work Rnds 1-5 once more. 62, (68, 74) sts.
Row 30: Sl1, *1/2 RC DW; rep from * to 3 sts before gap, Sl2 to CN
and hold at back, K1, K1 from CN, SSK with DW (1 from CN and
Rnd 1: K2, *1/2 LC DW; rep from * to end of Needle 1, M1R DW, K
last gusset st), PM for beginning of rnd. 1 st dec. 61 (67, 73) sts.
sts of Needle 2. 1 st inc.
Rnd 2: *K2, Sl1; rep from * to end of Needle 1, K sts of Needle 2. Leg
Rnd 3: *K2, Sl1; rep from * to end of Needle 1, M1R, K sts of Needle Set-Up Rnd: [K2, Sl1] 10 (11, 12) times, K2, K2tog with DW, [K2, Sl1]
2. 1 st inc. to end. 60 (66, 72) sts.
Rnd 4: M1L DW, *1/2 RC DW; rep from * to last st of Needle 1, K1, K Work in Basketwork Leg pattern. Pay close attention that the
sts of Needle 2. 1 st inc. beginning of rnd M stays in the correct place.
Rnd 5: *Sl1, K2; rep from * to last 2 sts of Needle 1, Sl1, K1, M1R, K Work Rnds 1-6 a total of 7 (8, 9) times, then work Rnds 1-4 once
sts of Needle 2. 1 st inc. more.
Rnd 6: M1L, *Sl1, K2; rep from * to end of Needle 1, K sts of Needle Next Rnd: *1/2 RC; rep from * to end.
2. 1 st inc.
Rnd 7: K1, *1/2 LC DW; rep from * to end of Needle 1, M1R DW, K
Rnd 1: *K2, P1; rep from * to end.
sts of Needle 2. 1 st inc.
Rep Rnd 1 fifteen more times.
Rnd 8: M1L, K1, *Sl1, K2; rep from * to last sts of Needle 1, Sl1, K sts
BO in pattern using Jeny’s Surprisingly Stretchy Bind Off.
of Needle 2. 1 st inc.
Rep Rnds 3-8 four more times. 91 (97, 103) sts; 63 (66, 69) on Finishing
Needle 1 for instep, 28 (31, 34) on Needle 2 for sole. Weave in ends, wash and block.
Rnd 33: *K2, Sl1; rep from * to end of Needle 1, Sl1, K sts of Needle
2.  Basketwork Socks 9
by Christina Danaee

FINISHED MEASUREMENTS B (2.25mm) Crochet Hook (optional, to

7.5" foot circumference, 7.75" leg assist with K4tog)
circumference, 9" foot length, 6" leg length
YARN Yarn Needle
Knit Picks Stroll Hand Painted Sock Yarn Stitch Markers
(75% Superwash Merino Wool, 25% Nylon; Scrap yarn of similar weight and
462 yards/100g):MC Big Top 26735, 1 hank contrasting color
Knit Picks Stroll Sock Yarn (75% Superwash
Merino Wool, 25% Nylon; 231/50g):
40 sts and 48 rnds = 4" over Wave
C1 Wonderland Heather 25028, 1 ball
Pattern in the round with larger needles,
NEEDLES blocked.
US 1 (2.25mm) two 24" circular needles 34 sts and 48 rnds = 4" in St st in the
for two circulars technique, or one 32” round with larger needles, blocked.
or longer circular needle for Magic Loop Wave Pattern repeat 13 sts and 12 rows =
technique, or size to obtain gauge 1.25" x 1" with larger needles.
US 0 (2mm) two 24” circular needles
for two circulars technique, or one 32”
or longer circular needle for Magic Loop
technique, or one size smaller than size
used to obtain gauge.

For pattern support, contact  Rainbow Wave Socks 11

Rainbow Wave Socks Return to right side of needle and K38 with working yarn. (You
have now created a place to pick up stitches for your heel once
Notes: This sock is worked from the toe-up using an afterthought the leg of your sock is completed.)
heel. The top of the foot is knit in a lace pattern that is then
worked in the round for the sock leg.
Needle 1: (K1, YO) 3 times, K4tog, SM, work Rnd 1 of Wave Pattern
Wave Pattern (in the round over multiples of 13 sts) twice, SM, K4tog, (YO, K1) 3 times.
Rnd 1: Using MC K4tog, (YO, K1) repeat 5 times, YO, K4tog Needle 2: (YO, K1) twice, YO, K4tog, work Rnd 1 of Wave
Rnd 2: Using C1 K. Pattern twice, PM, using C1 K6. This marker will indicate the new
Rnds 3 and 4: Using MC K. beginning of round; you may adjust stitches on your needles in a
Rnds 5-8: Repeat Rnds 1-4. way that is more comfortable to work, or keep them as-is, making
Rnd 9: Rep Rnd 1. sure to work in pattern across gap between needles. Markers on
Rnd 10-12: Using MC K. Needle 1 are no longer needed and can be removed if desired.
Repeat Rnds 1-12 for pattern. The 13st Wave Pattern is worked 6 times around leg.

Follow all chart rows from right to left, reading them as RS rows. Work leg in pattern until it measures 3” from afterthought heel,
ending after Rnd 1 of Wave Pattern.
Judy’s Magic Cast-On
Using circular needles Judy’s Magic Cast-on creates a seamless Cuff
toe for your socks. Switch to smaller needle(s).
With C1
Kitchener Stitch Rnd 1: K.
The Kitchener stitch will join the live stitches of the heel together Rnds 2-3: P.
seamlessly. Switch to MC.
own-way-socks-top-down-part-8-kitchener-stitch/ Rnd 4: K.
Rnds 5-8: Work Rnds 9-12 of Wave Pattern.
DIRECTIONS Rnd 9: Work Rnd 1 of Wave Pattern.
Toe Switch to C1, breaking MC yarn and leaving a 3” tail.
Using MC and Judy’s Magic Cast-On, cast-on 16 sts to larger Rnd 10: K.
needle. (8sts per needle) Rnd 11: (P2, P2tog) repeat to last 2sts, P2. 59sts.
Knit one round. Rnd 12: P.

Increase rounds: BO all sts loosely knit wise.

Rnd 1: *K1, MIR, K to last stitch on needle, MIL, K1. Rep from * for
Afterthought Heel
second needle. 4sts inc.
Remove waste yarn and transfer each set of 38 live stitches onto
Rnd 2: K.
2 needles.
Rep Rnds 1 and 2 until there are 68sts (34 on each needle) ending
after Rnd 2. Starting with the bottom of the sock foot facing join MC and K
across needle 1.
Set Up Rnd: K4, PM, K26, PM, K4, K across needle 2.
Continue around to K across needle 2.
Rnd 1: K4, SM, work Wave Pattern twice, SM, K4. K across needle Decreases:
2. Rnd 1: *K1, SSK, K to last 3 sts on needle, K2tog, K1. Repeat from *
Rep Rnd 1 working through Rnds 1-12 of the Wave Pattern, on needle 2.
changing colors as indicated, until the sock measures 7” or 2” less Rnd 2: K.
than desired foot length ending after Rnd 10 of the Wave Pattern.
Repeat Rnds 1 and 2 until 24 sts remain (12 sts on each needle).
Heel Setup Rnd: Break yarn, join live stitches together using Kitchener stitch.
Needle 1: (K1, M1R) 3 times, K1, SM, work Rnd 11 of Wave Pattern
twice, SM, (K1, M1L) 3 times, K1.
Soak and block socks to desired measurements. Weave in ends.
Needle 2: (K1, M1R) 2 times, K to 3 sts before end of needle, (K1,
M1L) 2 times, K1.
Needle 1 now has 40 sts, Needle 2 has 38 sts.

Needle 1: K to M, SM, work Rnd 12 of Wave Pattern twice, SM, K to
end of needle.
Needle 2: Using a contrast color scrap yarn of similar weight, K38.

12  Rainbow Wave Socks

Wave Pattern Chart

13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Legend
12 k4tog
Knit four stitches
together as one
10 yo
9 Yarn Over

8 knit
knit stitch


5 C1

by Mone Dräger


Leg circumference 7 (8, 9)"; leg length US 2 (2.75mm) DPNs or two 24" circular
at the back of the leg including heel 7 needles for two circulars technique, or
(7.75, 8.5)"; foot length 7 (8.25, 9.25)", one 32" or longer circular needle for
adjustable Magic Loop technique, or size to obtain
Knit Picks Hawthorne Kettle Dye (80% NOTIONS
Superwash Fine Highland Wool, 20% Yarn Needle
Polyamide; 357 yards/100g): Compass Stitch Markers
26690, 1 (1, 2) skein(s)
30 sts and 40 rows = 4" in St st in the
rnd, blocked

For pattern support, contact  Oblique Socks 15

Oblique Socks Rnd 1: K2, (P2, K2) 6 (7, 8) times, P2, K1, PM, K1, (P2, K2) 7 (8, 9)
Notes: Rnd 2: (K2, P2) to last 2 sts, K2.
These top down socks with a heel flap and gusset feature ribbing Rnd 3: K2, M1L, (P2, K2) to 3 sts before M, P1, K2tog, SM, SSK, P1,
patterns all over, while increases and decreases form the oblique (K2, P2) to last 2 sts, M1R, K2.
lines. The ribbing patterns give a snug yet comfortable fit. Rnd 4: K3, (P2, K2) to 2 sts before M, P1, K1, SM, K1, P1, (K2, P2) to
Because of the way the increases and decreases are worked, the last 3 sts, K3.
cuff is skewed so the socks are taller at the front. Rnd 5: K2, M1L, K1, (P2, K2) to 2 sts before M, K2tog, SM, SSK, (K2,
P2) to last 3 sts, K1, M1R, K2.
Make 1 Left-Leaning Knit St (M1L): Lift the horizontal thread
Rnd 6: K4, (P2, K2) to 1 st before M, K1, SM, K3, (P2, K2) to last 2
between your needles with your left needle tip from front to back.
sts, K2.
K the newly picked up st TBL. 1 st inc.
Rnd 7: K2, M1LP, (K2, P2) to 3 sts before M, K1, K2tog, SM, SSK, K1,
Make 1 Right-Leaning Knit St (M1R): Lift the horizontal thread (P2, K2) to last 2 sts, M1RP, K2.
between your needles with your left needle tip from back to front; Rnd 8: K2, P1, (K2, P2) to 2 sts before M, K2, SM, (K2, P2) to last 5
K the newly picked up st. 1 st inc. sts, K2, P1, K2.
Rnd 9: K2, M1LP, P1, (K2, P2) to 2 sts before M, K2tog, SM, SSK,
Make 1 Left-Leaning Purl St (M1LP): Lift the horizontal thread
(P2, K2) to last 3 sts, P1, MIRP, K2.
between your needles with your left needle tip from front to back.
Rnd 10: (K2, P2) to 1 st before M, K1, SM, K1, (P2, K2) to end.
P the newly picked up stitch TBL. 1 st inc.
Rep Rnds 3-10 one more time.
Make 1 Right-Leaning Purl St (M1RP): Lift the horizontal thread
between your needles with your left needle tip from back to front, Leg Section 2
P the newly picked up st. 1 st inc. Rnd 1: M1L, K2, (P2, K2) to 3 sts before M, P1, K2tog, SM, SSK, P1,
(K2, P2) to last 2 sts, K2. 57 (65, 73) sts.
2x2 Rib (worked over a multiple of 4 sts)
Rnd 2: P1, PM (K2, P2) to 4 sts before M, K2, P1, K1, SM, K1, P1, (K2,
Rnd 1: *K2, P2; rep from * to end.
P2) to last 2 sts, K2.
Rep Rnd 1 for pattern.
Rnd 3: M1L, K to M, M1R, SM, (K2, P2) to 4 sts before M, K2, K2tog,
Please note: Due to the increases and decreases made in the
SM, SSK, (K2, P2) to last 2 sts, K2.
ribbing section, the pattern might start in the middle of the
Rnd 4: (K1, P1) to 1 st before M, K1, SM, (K2, P2) to 3 sts before M,
repeat and also end a st early. When the pattern refers to ‘work in
K3, SM, K3, (P2, K2) to end.
2x2 Rib’ always work the sts as they appear, i.e. knit the knit sts,
Rnd 5: M1L, K to M, M1R, SM, (K2, P2) to 3 sts before M, K1, K2tog,
purl the purl sts.
SM, SSK, K1, (P2, K2) to end.
Mistake Rib Pattern (worked in the rnd over a multiple of 2 sts Rnd 6: (P1, K1) to 1 st before M, P1, SM, (K2, P2) to 2 sts before M,
plus 1 st) K2, SM, (K2, P2) to last 2 sts, K2.
Rnd 1: K. Rnd 7: M1L, K to M, M1R, SM, (K2, P2) to 2 sts before M, K2tog, SM,
Rnd 2: *K1, P1; rep from * to last st, K1. SSK, (P2, K2) to end.
Rep Rnds 1-2 for pattern. Rnd 8: (K1, P1) to 1 st before M, K1, SM, (K2, P2) to 1 st before M,
K1, SM, K1, (P2, K2) to end.
Kitchener Stitch (grafting)
Rnd 9: M1L, K to M, M1R, SM, (K2, P2) to 5 sts before M, K2, P1,
With an equal number of sts on two needles, thread end of
K2tog, SM, SSK, P1, (K2, P2) to last 2 sts, K2.
working yarn through yarn needle. Hold needles parallel with RS
Rnd 10: (P1, K1) to 1 st before M, P1, SM, (K2, P2) to 4 sts before M,
facing and both needles pointing to the right. Perform Step 2 on
K2, P1, K1, SM, K1, P1, (K2, P2) to last 2 sts, K2.
the first front st, and then Step 4 on the first back st, and then
continue with instructions below. Rep Rnds 3-10 2 (3, 3) more times. 25 (33, 33) sts in Mistake Rib
Step 1: Pull yarn needle K-wise though front st and drop st from before first M.
knitting needle. Size 7” and 9” Only: Rep Rnds 3-6 once more. 29 (33, 37) sts in
Step 2: Pull yarn needle P-wise through next front st, leave st on Mistake Rib before first M.
knitting needle.
Heel Flap
Step 3: Pull yarn needle P-wise through first back st and drop st
The heel flap is worked back and forth in rows over the first 29
from knitting needle.
(33, 37) sts of the rnd. Keep remaining 28 (32, 36) sts on hold for
Step 4: Pull yarn needle K-wise through next back st, leave st on
knitting needle.
Rep Steps 1 – 4 until all sts have been grafted. Row 1 (RS): Sl1 WYIB, K28 (32, 36).
Row 2 (WS): Sl1 WYIF, (P1, K1) to last 2 sts, P2.
Rep Rows 1-2 12 (13, 14) more times.
Leg Section 1
Turn Heel
Loosely CO 58 (66, 74) sts. Join to work in the rnd and PM, being
Short-Row 1 (RS): Sl1 WYIB, K15 (17, 19), SSK, K1, turn.
careful not to twist sts.
Short-Row 2 (WS): Sl1 WYIF, P4, P2tog, P1, turn.

16  Oblique Socks
Short-Row 3: Sl1 WYIB, K to 1 sts before gap, SSK, K1, turn. before M, K1, SM, K1, work in 2x2 Rib to next M, SM, (P1, K1) to 1 st
Short-Row 4: Sl1 WYIF, P to 1 sts before gap, P2tog, P1, turn. before M, P1, SM, K to end.
Rep Short-Rows 3-4 4 (5, 6) more times. 17 (19, 21) heel sts.
Rep Rnds 3-6 (ending on a Rnd 4 or Rnd 6) until there is only 1 st
Gusset left each between first and second, and second and third marker,
Set-up Rnd 1: Sl1 WYIB, K16 (18, 20), PU and K13 (14, 15) sts along i.e. the markers in the middle of the instep. Remove second and
the edge of the heel flap, work instep sts as established in 2x2 Rib third marker on last rnd.
to 2 sts before M, K2tog, SM, SSK, work sts as established in 2x2
Next Rnd: K to M, remove M, K2tog, K to end. 54 (62, 70) sts; 27
Rib to end of instep, PU and K13 (14, 15) sts along the edge of the
(31, 35) sts each on instep and sole.
heel flap, K22 (25, 28), PM for new beginning of rnd. 69 (77, 85)
Foot length measures approximately 5 (6, 6.5)” at this point.
Set-up Rnd 2: (K2, P2) twice, work sts as established in 2x2 Rib to Foot Section 2
1 st before M, K1, SM, K1, work sts as established in 2x2 Rib to end Rnd 1: (P1, K1) to 1 st before M, P1, SM, K to end.
of instep, (P2, K2) twice, PM, K to end. Rnd 2: Knit.
Dec Rnd: Work in 2x2 Rib to 2 sts before M, K2tog, SM, SSK, work Rep Rows 1-2 until foot measures 1.75 (2, 2.5)” less than desired
in 2x2 Rib to next M, K to end. 2 sts dec. foot length.
Next Rnd: Work in 2x2 Rib to 1 sts before M, K1, SM, K1, work in
Rep Rnd 1 once more.
2x2 Rib to next M, K to end.
Rep last two rnds 6 more times. 55 (63, 71) sts.
Rnd 1: *K1, SSK, K to 3 sts before M, K2tog, K1; rep from * once. 4
Foot Section 1 sts dec.
Rnd 1: M1R, PM, work in 2x2 Rib to 2 sts before M, K2tog, SM, SSK, Rnd 2: K3, (P1, K1) to 2 sts before M, K2, SM, K to end.
work in 2x2 Rib to next M, SM, M1L, PM, K to end. Rnd 3: Rep Rnd 1.
Rnd 2: P1, SM, work in 2x2 Rib to 1 st before M, K1, SM, K1, work in Rnd 4: K2, (P1, K1) to 1 sts before M, K1, SM, K to end
2x2 Rib to next M, SM, P1, SM, K to end. Rep Rnds 1-4 3 (4, 5) more times. 22 sts.
Rnd 3: K to M, M1R, SM, work in 2x2 Rib to 2 sts before M, K2tog, Rep Rnd 1 once more. 18 sts.
SM, SSK, work in 2x2 Rib to next M, SM, M1L, K to M, SM, K to end.
Cut yarn, leaving an 18” tail. Use the yarn needle and tail and graft
Rnd 4: (P1, K1) to M, SM, work in 2x2 Rib to 1 st before M, K1, SM,
the instep sts to the sole sts, using Kitchener Stitch.
K1, work in 2x2 Rib to next M, SM, (K1, P1) to M, SM, K to end.
Rnd 5: Rep Rnd 3. Finishing
Rnd 6: (P1, K1) to 1 st before M, P1, SM, work in 2x2 Rib to 1 st Weave in ends, wash and block lightly.
by Kate Lonsdale


7 (8, 9)" leg circumference; 9 (10, 11)" foot US 1.5 (2.5mm) DPNs or two 24" circular
length, unstretched needles for two circulars technique, or
one 32" or longer circular needle for
Magic Loop technique, or size to obtain
Knit Picks Stroll Hand Painted Sock
Yarn (75% Superwash Merino Wool, 25%
Nylon; 462 yards/100 g): MC Koi Pond NOTIONS
26736, 1 hank. Yarn Needle
Knit Picks Stroll Sock Yarn (75%
Superwash Merino Wool, 25% Nylon; 231
32 sts and 48 rnds = 4" in St st in the
yards/50 g): C1 Black 23701, 1 ball
round, blocked

For pattern support, contact  Tree of Life Socks 19

Tree Of Life Socks Rnd 5 (MC): K.
Rnd 6 (C1): K.
Notes: Rnds 7-9 (MC): K.
This sock pattern was inspired by Frank Lloyd Wright’s famous Rnd 10 (C1): K.
“Tree of Life” windows in the Darwin D. Martin house. While the
pattern looks intricate, all colorwork is worked using slip stitches
Heel is worked back and forth with short rows in C1. Do not break
which means that you are only working with one color at a time.
MC, it will be picked up in the next section.
Be careful to catch the non-working yarn at the beginning of
each round to carry it along. Instructions for the Leg and Foot You may substitute another method or an afterthought heel if
sections are charted as well as written out. Each row on the you prefer, however the heel flap method is not recommended, as
charts is a RS round and should be read from right to left. it does not reflect the symmetry of the Prairie style.

YOB - yarn over backwards Right Heel is worked on the first 28 (32, 36) sts, and the
At the beginning of a WS row, move the working yarn to the back remaining 28 (32, 36) sts are K in C1 after the heel is complete.
as if to knit, insert right-hand needle into first st purlwise, bring For the Left Heel, K the first 28 (32, 36) sts in C1, then complete
working yarn over right-hand needle and complete the first purl the heel on the remaining 28 (32, 36) sts.
st as usual, creating an extra st before the first purl. (Note: This
Row 1 Right Sock (RS): K27 (31, 35), turn.
extra st will be mounted backwards. When you work this st later,
Row 1 Left Sock (RS): K55 (63, 71), turn.
you will need to reorient it in the correct position before you knit
(Left and Right Socks are worked the same way from here until
the last rnd.)
K3tog - K 3 together Row 2 (WS): YOB, P26 (30, 34), turn
Knit three stitches together as one. Row 3: YO, K25 (29, 33), turn
Row 4: YOB, P24 (28, 32), turn
Rows 5-22: Repeat Rows 3-4 9 more times, working 1 fewer st in
Sl the next 3 sts as if to K, move these 3 sts back to the left-hand
each row- 6 (10, 14) sts remain between YOs.
needle, P these 3 sts together through the back loop
Row 23: YO, K6 (10, 14), remount the next st (the YOB from
DIRECTIONS previous row) and K2tog with the following st, turn.
Row 24: YOB, P7 (11, 15), SSP, turn.
Cuff Row 25: YO, K8 (12, 16), remount next 2 sts, K3tog (with the 2
CO 56 (64, 72) sts in C1 and join for working in the round. Be
remounted sts and the next st), turn.
careful not to twist your sts.
Row 26: YOB, P9 (13, 17), SSSP, turn.
Rnd 1: *P1, K3, rep from * until end of rnd. Rows 27-42: Repeat Rows 25-26, eight more times, working one
more st in each row. 25 (29, 33) purled sts in the center section.
Change to MC and rep Rnd 1 until cuff measures 2 (2, 2.5)” from
Row 43: YO, K26 (30, 34), remount next 2 sts, K3tog (with the 2
CO edge.
remounted sts and the next st), turn.
Knit 3 rounds in St st. Row 44: P27 (31, 35), SSP, turn. No unworked sts remain.

Leg For Right Sock only: With C1, K 1 rnd.

Beginning of Chart A For Left Sock only: With C1, K28 (32, 36).
Rnd 1 (C1): *Sl1, K3, rep from * until end of rnd.
For both socks, you should be back at the beginning of the rnd.
Rnd 2 (MC): K.
56 (64, 72) sts.
Rnd 3 (C1): *Sl1, K1, rep from * until end of rnd.
Rnd 4 (MC): K. Foot
Rnd 5 (C1): *Sl1, K3, rep from * until end of rnd. Rnd 1 (C1): K.
Rnd 6 (MC): K. Rnds 2-4 (MC): K.
Rnd 7 (C1): *Sl1, K3, rep from * until end of rnd. Rnd 5 (C1): K.
Rnd 8 (MC): K. Rnd 6 (MC): K.
Rnd 9 (C1): *Sl1, K1, rep from * until end of rnd. Rnd 7 (C1): K.
Rnd 10 (MC): K. Rnds 8-10 (MC): K.
Rnd 11 (C1): *Sl1, K3, rep from * until end of rnd.
Beginning of Chart B
Rnd 12 (MC): *K2, Sl1, K1, rep from * until end of rnd.
Rnd 1 (C1): *Sl1, K3, rep from * until end of rnd.
Repeat Rnds 11& 12, 5 (7, 9) more times. Rnd 2 (MC): K.
Rnd 3 (C1): *Sl1, K1, rep from * until end of rnd.
Rnd 23 (27,31) (C1): *Sl1, K3, rep from * until end of rnd.
Rnd 4 (MC): K.
End of Chart A
Rnd 5 (C1): *Sl1, K3, rep from * until end of rnd.
Rnds 1-3 (MC): K. Rnd 6 (MC): K.
Rnd 4 (C1): K. Rnd 7 (C1): *Sl1, K3, rep from * until end of rnd.

20  Tree of Life Socks

Rnd 8 (MC): *K2, Sl1, K1, rep from * until end of rnd.
Rnds 9-18 (9-22, 9-26): Rep rnds 7 & 8, 5 (7, 9) more times.
Rnd 19 (23, 27) (C1): *Sl1, K3, rep from * until end of rnd.
Rnd 20 (24, 28) (MC): K.
Rnd 21 (25, 29) (C1): *K3, Sl1, rep from * until end of rnd.
Rnd 22 (26, 30) (MC): K.
Rnd 23 (27, 31) (C1): *K1, Sl1, rep from * until end of rnd.
Rnd 24 (28, 32) (MC): *Sl1, K1, rep from * until end of rnd.
Rnds 25-28 (29-32, 33-36): Rep rnds 23 & 24 (27 & 28, 31 & 32),
two more times.
Rnd 29 (33, 37) (C1): *K1, Sl1, rep from * until end of rnd.
Rnd 30 (34, 38) (MC): K.
Rnd 31 (35, 39) (C1): *K3, Sl1, rep from * until end of rnd.
Rnd 32 (36, 40) (MC): K.
Rnd 33 (37, 41) (C1): *Sl1, K3, rep from * until end of rnd.
Rnd 34 (38, 42) (MC): *K2, Sl1, K1, rep from * until end of rnd.
Rnd 35 (39, 43) (C1): *Sl1, K3, rep from * until end of rnd.
Rnds 36-45 (40-53, 44-61): rep rnds 34 & 35 (38 & 39, 42 & 43), 5
(7, 9) times.
Rnd 46 (54, 62) (MC): K.
Rnd 47 (55, 63) (C1): *Sl1, K3, rep from * until end of rnd.
Rnd 48 (56, 64) (MC): K.
Rnd 49 (57, 65) (C1): *Sl1, K1, rep from * until end of rnd.
Rnd 50 (58, 66) (MC): K.
Rnd 51 (59, 67) (C1): *Sl1, K3, rep from * until end of rnd.
End of Chart B

Rnds 1-3 (MC): K.

Rnd 4 (C1): K.
Rnd 5 (MC): K.
Rnd 6 (C1): K.
Rnds 7-9 (MC): K.
Rnds 10-11 (CC): K.

Toe is worked in C1. Break MC and work in the yarn end on the
inside of the sock in order to avoid having to weave it in later.

Rnd 1: K.
Rnd 2: *SSK, K24 (28, 32), K2tog, rep from * once. 52 (60, 68) sts.
Rnd 3: K.
Rnd 4: *SSK, K22 (26, 30), K2tog, rep from * once. 48 (56, 64) sts.
Rnd 5: K.

Cont in pattern as established, decreasing 4 sts every even-

numbered rnd, until 14 sts remain on each needle – 14 (18, 22)
rnds, 28 sts total.

Next Rnd: K.

Distribute half the sts onto each of two needles. Graft remaining
sts together using Kitchener st.

Repeat instructions for second sock, remembering to work heel

differently, as indicated, for Right and Left Socks.

Weave in ends. Block to measurements.
Chart A Chart B 9" Chart B 10" Chart B 11"
4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1
31 51 59 67
30 Slip stitch as if to purl, holding
50 58

yarn in back 49 57 65
48 56
28 knit
knit stitch 47 55
27 62
46 54
26 61
9" finished length 45 53
25 60
44 52
24 10" finished length 43 51
23 42 50
22 11" finished length 41 49 56
21 40 48 55

20 MC 39 47 54

19 38 46 53

C1 37 45 52
36 44 51
35 43
34 42
15 48
33 41
14 47
32 40
13 46
31 39
12 38
11 29 37
10 28 36
9 27 35 41

8 26 34 40

7 25 33 39

24 32 38
23 31 37
22 30 36
21 29
3 34
20 28
2 33
19 27
1 32
18 26
17 25
16 24
15 23

Chart A 14 22 27
13 21 26
4 3 2 1
Legend 12 20 25

31 slip 11 19 24

18 23
30 Slip stitch as if to purl, holding 10
yarn in back 9 17
29 16 21

28 knit 7 15

knit stitch 6 14
27 18
5 13
26 17
9" finished length 4 12
25 3 11
2 10
24 10" finished length 14
1 9
8 12
22 11" finished length 7 11

6 10
5 9
20 MC
4 8

19 3 7

C1 2
17 4


2215  Tree of Life Socks 1



by Dana Gervais


7 (8, 9, 10)" finished circumference, US 1 (2.25mm) DPNs, or two 24" circular
choose a circumference that is 10% needles for two circulars technique, or
less than the wearer’s actual foot one 32" or longer circular needle for
circumference as measured at the Magic Loop technique, or size to obtain
widest part of the foot. Foot length is gauge
YARN Yarn Needle
Knit Picks Stroll Hand Painted Sock Stitch Markers
Yarn (75% Superwash Merino Wool, Cable Needle (optional)
25% Nylon; 462 yards/100g): Gemstone
26738, 1 hank
32 sts and 48 rnds = 4" in St st in the
round, blocked.
32 sts and 48 rnds = 4" in Meandering St
pattern in the round, blocked

For pattern support, contact  Meandering Socks 25

Meandering Socks Row 1 (RS): Sl1, K26 (30, 34, 38), M1L, turn work.
Row 2 (WS): Sl1, P26, (30, 34, 38), M1P, turn work.
Notes: Row 3: Sl1, K25 (29, 33, 37), M1L, turn work.
These socks are worked top down beginning with a ribbed cuff. Row 4: Sl1, P24 (28, 32, 36), M1P turn work.
The Meandering stitch pattern starts at the top of the leg and
Rep Rows 3 and 4, working one less st before the increase on
continues on the top of the foot, while the back of the leg and
each row until there are 8 (10, 12, 12) sts between increases, ending
sole of the foot are worked in stockinette. Featuring a short row
after a WS row.
heel and a wedge toe that is grafted closed with Kitchener Stitch,
the pattern has written instructions provided for the smallest size Row 5 (RS): Sl1, K7 (9, 11, 11), SSK, K1, turn work.
with instructions for the other sizes appearing in parentheses. If Row 6 (WS): Sl1, P7 (9, 11, 11), P2tog, P1, turn work.
there are no parentheses the instruction applies to all sizes. Row 7: Sl1, K8 (10, 12, 12), SSK, K1, turn work.
Row 8: Sl1, P9 (11, 13, 13), P2tog, P1, turn work.
A cable needle may be helpful (but not necessary) to hold the
slipped stitch in front of work. All slipped sts are slipped purl wise. Rep Rows 7 and 8, working one more st on each row before
working the dec until all heel sts have been worked and 28 (32, 36,
Meandering Stitch Pattern (worked in the round over a multiple
40) heel sts remain ending after a WS row.
of 4 sts)
Rnd 1: *K3, K1 wrapping yarn twice around needle; rep from *. Foot
Rnd 2: *P3, Sl1WYIB dropping the extra wrap; rep from *. K across heel sts to beginning of rnd.
Rnd 3: *K3, Sl1WYIB; rep from *.
Cont working the Meandering St pattern as established across the
Rnd 4: *P3, Sl1WYIB; rep from *.
first 28 (32, 36, 40) sts while working the last 28 (32, 36, 40) sts in
Rnd 5: *Sl3WYIB, Sl next st off LH needle to front of work, Sl same
St st until foot measures 1.75 (2, 2, 2.5)” less than desired finished
3 sts back to LH needle, return Sl st to LH needle and K wrapping
length ending after any rnd except Rnds 5 or 9.
yarn twice around needle, K3; rep from *.
Rnd 6: *Sl1WYIB dropping the extra wrap, P3; rep from *. Toe
Rnd 7: *Sl1WYIB, K3; rep from *. Rnd 1: *K1, SSK, K to 3 sts before M, K2tog, K1, SM; rep from * to
Rnd 8: *Sl1WYIB, P3; rep from *. end. 4 sts dec.
Rnd 9: *Sl next st off LH needle to front of work, K3, return Sl st to Rnd 2: K all sts.
LH needle and K wrapping yarn twice around needle; rep from *.
Repeat Rnds 1-2 10 (12, 13, 15) times until 16 (16, 20, 20) sts remain.
Cuff Arrange all instep sts on a single needle and all sole sts on a single
CO 56 (64, 72, 80) sts; PM after the 28th (32nd, 36th, 40th) st needle. Use Kitchener Stitch to graft instep and sole sts together.
to divide sts as follows: the first 28 (32, 36, 40) sts will form the Weave in ends and block.
front of the leg/instep of the sock and the last 28 (32, 36, 40) sts
will form the back of the leg/heel/sole of the sock. PM to mark
beginning of rnd and join for working in the round being careful
not to twist sts.

Rnd 1: (K1, P1) to end.

Repeat Rnd 1 twelve times or until work measures 1” from CO

Set Up Rnd: Work Rnd 1 of Meandering St pattern until M, SM, K
to end.

Work as established, working Meandering St pattern Rnds 1-9

once, then rep Rnds 2-9 of the Meandering St pattern until work
measures 6” or desired length from CO edge.

The heel is worked back and forth across the last 28 (32, 36, 40)

Set Up Rnd: Work the Meandering stitch pattern as established

across the first 28 (32, 36, 40) sts. Note the last pattern rnd

26  Meandering Socks
by Mary E Rose


6 (7, 8, 9)" foot circumference, and 6 (6.5, Yarn Needle
7, 7.5)" leg length before heel. Foot length Stitch Markers
is adjustable
YARN 36 sts and 44 rnds = 4" over Mock Turtle
Knit Picks Stroll Hand Painted Sock stitch in the round, blocked.
Yarn (75% Superwash Merino Wool, 25% 32 sts and 44 rnds = 4" in St st in the
Nylon; 462 yards/100g): Northern Lights round, blocked
26733, 1 hank

US 1 (2.25mm) DPNs or two 24" circular
needles for two circulars technique, or
one 32" or longer circular needle for
Magic Loop technique, or size to obtain

For pattern support, contact  Mock Turtle Socks 29

Mock Turtle Socks Gusset
Set Up Rnd: Sl1, K to end of heel flap. PU & K13 (15, 17, 19) sts
Notes: (1 for every slipped st) along edge of flap. Change needles or
With its 2x2 ribbing hugging the back of your leg, and a subdued place instep marker here. Work Rnd 1 of Foot Chart for your size.
textured patterning across the front and top of your foot, these Change needles, or place insole marker here. PU & K13 (15, 17,
socks allow hand painted, multi-colored or tonal yarns to shine 19) sts along the second side of heel flap. K8 (9, 10, 11). Arrange
and take center stage, while there's enough action in the slip needles or place marker here for start of round. 67 (77, 87, 97) sts.
stitch patterning to keep the knitter interested.
Rnd 1: K to 3 sts before M, K2tog, K1, SM, work Leg Chart for
This top-down sock with a slipped stitch heel flap and standard appropriate size across instep sts, SM, K1, SSK, K to end of rnd. 2
gusset and toe comes in four sizes to fit children through adults. sts dec.
Rnd 2: K to first marker, SM, work Leg Chart for appropriate size
When working the slipped stitches carry the yarn very loosely at
across instep sts, SM, K to end of rnd.
the front of the work.
Repeat Rnds 1 and 2 until 49 (57, 65, 73) sts remain.
Follow all chart rows from right to left, reading them as RS rows.
6” Size Only: Continue working chart rnds 2-13 on instep sts and
St st for insole sts until foot measures 1.25” less than desired
CO 48 (56, 64, 72) stitches and join to begin working in the
length, ending on Rnd 7 or 13. Decrease 1 st on instep sts on final
round, being careful not to twist sts.
rnd and proceed to Toe instructions. 48 sts.
Rnd 1: K1, *P2, K2* to last three sts, P2, K1.
All other sizes: Continue working Foot Chart on instep stitches
Repeat Rnd 1 until cuff measures 1.5 (2, 2, 2)” from CO edge. and St st for insole stitches until chart for your size is complete.
If additional leg length is desired repeat Rnd 2 of the chart as For a longer foot work additional rnds in St st until 1.5 (2, 2.25)”
needed. less than desired length. Proceed to Toe instructions. 56 (64, 72)
Rnd 1: With the Leg Chart for your size, work Rnd 1 over first 24 Toe
(28, 32, 36) sts, K1, *P2, K2* to last 3 sts, P2, K1.. 49 (57, 65, 73) sts Rnd 1: K to 3 sts before instep marker, K2tog, K1, SM, K1, SSK, K to
Rnd 2: Work next Rnd of chart of first 25 (29, 33, 37) sts, K1, *P2, 3 sts before insole marker, K2tog, K1, SM, K1, SSK, K to end of rnd.
K2* to last 3 sts, P2, K1. 4 sts dec.
Rnd 2: K.
Repeat Rnd 2 until all Rnds of the chart have been worked.
Repeat Rnds 1 and 2 3 (5, 7, 9) more times. 32 sts.
6” Size Only
Repeat Rnd 1 until 16 sts remain. K4 to side of sock.
Rep chart Rnds 2-13 three more times for a total of 4 pattern
repeats. Rearrange sts so that all the instep sts are on one needle and all
the insole sts are on a second needle and graft the remaining sts
Proceed to heel flap.
together using Kitchener st.
Heel Flap
Heel is worked over the last 24 (28, 32, 36) sts of the round. After
Weave in ends, wash and block on sock blockers.
finishing final Chart Rnd turn work for Set Up Row.

Set Up Row (WS): Sl1, P23 (27, 31, 35).

Row 1 (RS): *Sl1, K1* rep from * to * to end. 24 (28, 32, 36) heel
flap sts.
Row 2 (WS): Sl1, P23 (27, 31, 35).

Repeat Rows 1 and 2 a total of 12 (14, 16, 18) times.

Heel Turn
Row 1 (RS): Sl1 WYIB, K14 (16, 18, 20) SSK, K1, turn.
Row 2 (WS): Sl1 WYIF, P7, P2tog, P1, turn.
Row 3: Sl1 WYIB, K8, SSK, K1, turn.
Row 4: Sl1 WYIF, P9, P2tog, P1, turn.

Continue in this manner working one additional st before the

decrease until all sts have been worked, ending with a WS row. 16
(18, 20, 22) heel flap sts.

30  Mock Turtle Socks

0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
42 knit
41 knit stitch 48 st foot and leg chart
40 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

39 Slip 3 Sts 13

38 Slip 3 stitches purlwise holding 12

37 yarn very loosely in front of work 11

36 10

Bow 9

Slip tip of working needle from the 8

bottom to the top, under the 7

strands from the slipped stitches, 6

knit next stitch and pass strands 5

over stitch just worked 4

29 3
28 2
Knit two stitches together as one
27 1
No Stitch
Placeholder - No stitch made.
make one
Make one by lifting
strand in between stitch
just worked and the next
stitch, knit into back of 56 st Leg Chart
16 this thread. 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
15 48
14 pattern repeat 47
56 st Foot
8 Chart
7 41
29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10
9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Legend 40
5 39
42 knit
4 38
41 knit stitch
3 37
Slip 3 Sts 36
38 Slip 3 stitches purlwise holding 35
37 yarn very loosely in front of work 34
36 33
Bow 32
Slip tip of working needle from the
34 31
bottom to the top, under the
33 30
strands from the slipped stitches,
knit next stitch and pass strands
over stitch just worked 28
k2tog 26
Knit two stitches together as one 25
stitch 24
25 23
No Stitch
24 22
Placeholder - No stitch made.
23 21
22 20
make one
Make one by lifting
strand in between stitch
just worked and the next 17
stitch, knit into back of 16
16 this thread. 15
15 14
14 pattern repeat
13 12
12 11
11 10
10 9
3 3
2 2
1 1

 Mock Turtle Socks 31

64 st Leg Chart 64 st Foot Chart
33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

54 49

53 48

52 47

51 46

50 45

49 44

48 43

47 42

46 41

 Mock Turtle Socks

45 40

44 39

43 38

42 37

41 36

40 35

39 34

38 33

37 32

36 31

35 30

34 29

33 28

32 27

31 26

30 25

29 24

28 23

27 22

26 21

25 20

24 19

23 18

22 17

21 16

20 15

19 14

18 13

17 12

16 11

15 10

14 9

13 8

12 7

11 6

10 5

9 4

8 3

7 2

6 1

72 st Leg Chart 72 st Foot Chart
37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

60 55
59 54

53 49

52 48
51 47
50 46
49 45

43 40

42 39
41 38
40 37

34 32

33 31
32 30
31 29
30 28

24 23

23 22
22 21
21 20

15 15

14 14
13 13
12 12
11 11

5 6

4 5
3 4
2 3

 Mock Turtle Socks

by Becky Greene


8 (9)" leg circumference (unstretched, US 2 (2.75mm) DPNs or two 24" circular
blocked); foot length is adjustable needles for two circulars technique, or
one 32" or longer circular needle for
Magic Loop technique, or size to obtain
Knit Picks Stroll Hand Painted Sock
Yarn (75% Superwash Merino Wool, 25%
Nylon; 462 yards/100 g): MC Red Wing NOTIONS
Blackbird 27073, 1 hank Yarn Needle
Knit Picks Stroll Brights Sock Yarn (75% Stitch Markers
Superwash Merino Wool, 25% Nylon; 231 Scrap yarn or stitch holder
yards/50 g): C1 Electric Blue 26406, 1 ball
32 sts and 40 rnds = 4" in St st in the
round, blocked.
32 sts and 37 rnds = 4" in Stranded St st
in the round, blocked.

For pattern support, contact  Geometric Diamonds Socks 35

Geometric Diamonds Socks Gusset
Rnd 1: K across heel sts; PU and K 1 st in each slipped st of the
Notes: heel flap plus one extra in the corner before the instep; PM; K
These eye-catching socks are knit from the cuff down in the across instep; PM; PU and K 1 st in the corner between instep and
round with a standard slip-stitch heel flap. Two options are given side of heel, PU and K 1 st in each slipped st of the heel flap; K to
for working the color work charts: wide or narrow diamond first marker (beginning of instep is now the beginning of rnd).
lattice. The sample is made with the wide diamond charts. Rnd 2: K to marker; SM: K1, SSK, K to last 3 sts before marker;
K2tog, K1; SM. 2 sts dec.
For cleanest results, knit with the MC as the dominant color. A
Rnd 3: K, slipping M.
tutorial on Yarn Dominance can be found here: Rep Rnds 2 and 3 until there are 32 (36) sole sts again. 64 (72)
dominance/. sts total.

Continue to work in St st until foot measures 3" less than desired
foot length. Work Diamond Foot chart or Skinny Diamond Foot
CO 64 (72) sts. PM. Join for working in the rnd, being careful not
chart for the correct size one time. Chart is worked twice per rnd.
to twist sts.
8 (9) rnds worked.
Rnds 1-15: (K2,P2) to the end of the rnd.
K one rnd.
Rnd 16: K.
Rnd 1: (K1, SSK, K to 3 sts before marker, K2tog, K1, SM) twice. 4
Adding C1, begin to work from your choice of colorwork charts
sts dec.
(Diamond chart or Skinny Diamond chart) for the correct size.
Rnd 2: K.
Chart is worked twice per round. Work Rnds 1-16 (1-18) three
times. Break off C1. Place last 32 (36) sts on holder for instep. Repeat Rnds 1 and 2 until there are 12 (16) sts remaining on each
of instep and sole. Kitchener together.
Row 1: (Sl1, K1) to end. Finishing
Row 2: Sl1, P to end. Weave in ends, wash and block.
Rep rows 1 & 2 14 times (or to desired heel depth).

Heel Turn
Row 1: Sl1, K18 (20), SSK, K1; turn.
Row 2: Sl1, P7, P2tog, P1; turn.
Row 3: Sl1, K to 1 st before gap, SSK, K1, turn.
Row 4: Sl1, P to 1 st before gap, P2tog, P1, turn.
Repeat rows 3 and 4 until all heel sts are worked. (20,22) sts.

Narrow Diamond Chart - Medium

32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1








knit stitch MC CC

36  Geometric Diamonds Socks

Narrow Diamond Foot Chart - Medium
32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Wide Diamond Chart - Medium

32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1








Wide Diamond Foot Chart - Medium

32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

 Geometric Diamonds Socks 37

Narrow Diamond Chart - Large
36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1










Narrow Diamond Foot Chart - Large

36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Wide Diamond Chart - Large
36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1










Wide Diamond Foot Chart - Large

36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

by Amanda Schwabe


7.5 (8.5, 9.5)" foot circumference, 7.25 (8, US 1 (2.25mm) DPNs or two 24" circular
8.75)” leg circumference x 8.5 (9.75, 11)" needles for two circulars technique, or
foot length, blocked. one 32" or longer circular needle for
Sock should be worn with up to 1" of Magic Loop technique, or size to obtain
negative ease. gauge

Knit Picks Hawthorne Fingering Multi Yarn Needle
Yarn (80% Superwash Fine Highland Stitch Markers
Wool, 20% Polyamide (Nylon); 357 Cable Needle (optional)
yards/100g): MC Goose Hollow 26430,
1 hank.
34 sts and 52 rnds = 4" over Chart A in
Knit Picks Hawthorne Fingering Kettle
the rnd, blocked
Dye Yarn (80% Superwash Fine Highland
38 sts and 52 rnds = 4" in Charts B & C in
Wool, 20% Polyamide (Nylon); 357
the rnd, blocked.
yard/100g): C1 Turkish Delight 26691, 1
34 sts and 52 rnds = 4" in St st in the
round, blocked

For pattern support, contact  Twirla Socks 41

Twirla Socks Rnd 4: With MC, [1/1 LC, K2] 4 (5, 6) times.
Rnd 5: With C1, Sl2, [K3, Sl1] 3 (4, 5) times, K1, Sl1.
Notes: Rnd 6: With MC, K1, [1/1 LC, K2] 3 (4, 5) times, 1/1 LC, K1.
The Twirla socks use an easy but effective technique: slipped Rnd 7: With C1, Sl1, K1, [Sl1, K3] 3 (4, 5) times, Sl2.
stitch columns! They are so easy to do, and they make such Rnd 8: With MC, [K2, 1/1 LC] 4 (5, 6) times.
pretty patterns. These socks look like they’re made with complex Rep Rnds 1-8 for pattern
colorwork, but you’ll only ever use one color per round.
1 Over 1 Left Cross (1/1 LC): Sl1 st to CN and hold in front, K1, K1
Twirla also features the Strong Heel method, a roomy, from CN.
comfortable heel with a gusset that is increased during the leg 1 Over 1 Right Cross (1/1 RC): Sl1 st to CN and hold in back, K1, K1
portion, with no flap or picking up of stitches necessary! from CN.

The 2-st cables are so tiny that I like to work them without a cable DIRECTIONS
needle, or with a locking stitch marker as a cable needle, to keep
the work from getting unruly.
Using MC, CO 64 (72, 80) sts. Join for working in the round, being
Slip all sts P-wise unless otherwise indicated, and work all rows of careful not to twist sts. PM for beginning of rnd. Work in Twisted
the charts from right to left as RS rows.. Rib until cuff measures 1” from CO edge.

Twisted Rib (worked in the round over multiples of 4 sts) Leg

All Rnds: (K2 TBL, P2) to end. Join C1 but do not cut MC.
From now until Foot, all odd-numbered rounds will be worked in
Chart A Cable Panel (in the rnd over 10 sts)
C1, and all even-numbered rounds will be worked in MC.
Rnd 1: With C1, K10.
Rnd 2: With MC, Sl1, K8, Sl1. PM at beginnings and endings of Charts:
Rnd 3: With C1, 1/1 LC, K6, 1/1 RC. Rnd 1: K3, work Chart A, K3, work Chart B, K3, work Chart A, K3,
Rnd 4: With MC, K1, Sl1, K6, Sl1, K1. work Chart C.
Rnd 5: With C1, K1, 1/1 LC, K4, 1/1 RC, K1.
Continue working in pattern as set, SM as you come to them and
Rnd 6: With MC, K2, Sl1, K4, Sl1, K2.
repeating Charts from their beginning as required, until Chart A
Rnd 7: With C1, K2, 1/1 LC, K2, 1/1 RC, K2.
has been worked 3 times.
Rnd 8: With MC, K3, Sl1, K2, Sl1, K3.
Rnd 9: With C1, K3, 1/1 LC, 1/1 RC, K3. Heel Increases
Rnd 10: With MC, K4, Sl2, K4. Rnd 1: K1, M1L, K2, SM, work Chart A, SM, K2, M1R, K1, SM, work
Rnd 11: With C1, K4, 1/1 RC, K4. Chart B, SM, K1, M1L, K2, SM, work Chart A, SM, K2, M1R, K1, SM,
Rnd 12: Repeat Rnd 10. work Chart C. 4 sts inc. 68 (76, 84) sts.
Rnd 13: With C1, K3, 1/1 RC, 1/1 LC, K3. Rnds 2-4: K to M, SM, work Chart A, SM, K to M, SM, work Chart
Rnd 14: Repeat Rnd 8. B, SM, K to M, SM, work Chart A, SM, K to M, SM, work Chart C.
Rnd 15: With C1, K2, 1/1 RC, K2, 1/1 LC, K2. Rnd 5: K1, M1L, K to M, SM, work Chart A, SM, K to 1 st before M,
Rnd 16: Repeat Rnd 6. M1R, K1, SM, work Chart B, SM, K1, M1L, K to M, SM, work Chart A,
Rnd 17: With C1, K1, 1/1 RC, K4, 1/1 LC, K1. SM, K to 1 st before M, M1R, K1, SM, work Chart C. 4 sts inc.
Rnd 18: Repeat Rnd 4.
Repeat Rnds 2-5 6 (7, 8) times more until there are 96 (108, 120)
Rnd 19: With C1, 1/1 RC, K6, 1/1 LC.
Rnd 20: Repeat Rnd 2.
Rep Rnds 1-20 for pattern. Work Rnds 2-3 once more.

Chart B Cable Panel (in the rnd over 16 (20, 24) sts) Work Rnd 4 partially once, ending with 15 (17, 19) sts unworked at
Rnd 1: With C1, [Sl1, K3] 3 (4, 5) times, Sl1, K2, Sl1. end of round.
Rnd 2: With MC, K3, [1/1 RC, K2] 2 (3, 4) times, 1/1 RC, K3.
PM for new beginning of round. Rearrange sts without working
Rnd 3: With C1, Sl1, K2, [Sl1, K3] 3 (4, 5) times, Sl1.
them so next 64 (72, 80) sts are on one needle to work back and
Rnd 4: With MC, [K2, 1/1 RC] 4 (5, 6) times.
forth for Heel Turn, and last 32 (36, 40) sts are resting on other
Rnd 5: With C1, Sl1, K1, [Sl1, K3] 3 (4, 5) times, Sl2.
needle(s) (these are the Instep sts and will be worked later, after
Rnd 6: With MC, K1, [1/1 RC, K2] 3 (4, 5) times, 1/1 RC, K1.
the Heel Turn is complete). At this point, both Chart A panels
Rnd 7: With C1, Sl2, [K3, Sl1] 3 (4, 5) times, K1, Sl1.
should be centered on Instep sts and Heel sts.
Rnd 8: With MC, [1/1 RC, K2] 4 (5, 6) times.
Rep Rnds 1-8 for pattern. Heel Turn
Cut C1, leaving a 6” tail for sewing in later, and rejoin to work the
Chart C Cable Panel (in the rnd over 16 (20, 24) sts)
heel turn. Do not break MC.
Rnd 1: With C1, Sl1, K2, [Sl1, K3] 3 (4, 5) times, Sl1.
Row 1 (RS): Using C1, K 34 (38, 42), SSK, K1, turn.
Rnd 2: With MC, K3, [1/1 LC, K2] 2 (3, 4) times, 1/1 LC, K3.
Row 2 (WS): Sl1 P-wise WYIF, P5, P2tog, P1, turn.
Rnd 3: With C1, [Sl1, K3] 3 (4, 5) times, Sl1, K2, Sl1.

42  Twirla Socks
Row 3: Sl1 P-wise WYIB, K to 1 st before gap, SSK, K1, turn. Toe
Row 4: Sl1 P-wise WYIF, P to 1 st before gap, P2tog, P1, turn. Cut C1 and use MC for Toe.

Rep Rows 3-4 11 (13, 15) more times. 38 (42, 46) heel sts remain, If necessary, divide sts evenly over 2 needles for toe shaping,
including 3 sts on either side of gaps. having the 32 (36, 40) Sole sts on the first needle and the 32 (36,
40) Instep sts on the second needle.
Row 5: Sl1 P-wise WYIB, K to 1 st before gap, SSK, turn.
Row 6: Sl1 P-wise WYIF, P to 1 st before gap, P2tog, turn. Rnd 1: K1, SSK, K to last 3 Sole sts, K2tog, K1. Repeat for Instep sts.
Rnd 2: K to end of round.
Rep Rows 5-6 once more. 34 (38, 42) heel sts remain, including 1
st on either side of gaps. Rep Rnds 1-2 until 20 sts remain, 10 sts on each needle, ending
after a Rnd 1.
Row 7 (RS): Sl1 P-wise WYIB, K30 (34, 38), SSK, do not turn work.
33 (37, 41) Heel sts. Close toe by using either of the following two options.
Option 1: Graft remaining sts together using Kitchener St.
Resume working in the rnd and work Instep sts as follows:
Option 2: [K2tog] to end. Cut yarn and thread tail through
Size 7.5 only: K11, work Chart A, K11. 32 Instep sts.
remaining sts, draw tight to close.
Size 8.5 only: Sl1, K12, work Chart A, K12, Sl1. 36 Instep sts.
Size 9.5 only: K1, Sl1, K13, work Chart A, K13, Sl1, K1. 40 Instep sts. Finishing
Weave in ends. Wash and block.
Rnd 1: With MC, K2tog, K31 (35, 39) Sole sts, K11 (13, 15), work
Chart A, K11 (13, 15). 64 (72, 80) sts.
Rnd 2: With C1, K 32 (36, 40) Sole sts, work all Instep sts as below
for your size:
Size 7.5 only: K11, work Chart A, K11.
Size 8.5 only: Sl1, K12, work Chart A, K12, Sl1.
Size 9.5 only: K1, Sl1, K13, work Chart A, K13, Sl1, K1.
Rnd 3: With MC, K all Sole sts, K11 (13, 15), work Chart A, K11 (13,

Rep Rnds 2-3 until foot measures approximately 6.75 (7.75, 8.75)”
OR 1.75 (2, 2.25)” less than desired length.

Chart B
Chart A 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Legend 8
knit 7
19 knit stitch
18 slip 5
17 Slip stitch as if to purl,
holding yarn in back 4
15 1/1 LC
sl1 to CN, hold in front. 2
k1, k1 from CN
1/1 RC
Sl1 to CN and hold in back.
11 K1, K1 from CN Chart C
Repeat 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
9 Work 3 (4, 5) times
7 MC
C1 5

3 3

2 2

1 1

 Twirla Socks 43
by Dana Gervais

FINISHED MEASUREMENTS one 32" or longer circular needle for

7 (8, 9, 10)" finished circumference, Magic Loop technique, or size to obtain
choose a circumference that is 10% gauge
less than the wearer’s actual foot
circumference as measured at the
Yarn Needle
widest part of the foot. Foot length is
Stitch Markers
Cable needle
Knit Picks Hawthorne Fingering Multi
32 sts and 48 rows = 4" in St st in the
(80% Superwash Fine Highland Wool,
round, blocked.
20% Polyamide (Nylon); 357 yards/100g):
32 sts and 48 rows = 4" in Westney st
Rose City 26432, 1 (2, 2, 2) balls
pattern st in the round, blocked
US 1 (2.25mm) DPNs, or two 24" circular
needles for two circulars technique, or

For pattern support, contact  Westney Socks 45

Westney Socks Shaping The Gussets
K across heel sts, PU and K 16 (16, 20, 20) sts along edge of heel
Notes: flap, SM (beg of rnd), cont Westney st pattern as established
These uniquely textured socks are worked top down starting with across instep sts, PM to separate instep sts from sole sts, PU and
the cuff, with the Westney stitch pattern starting at the top of the K 16 (16, 20, 20) sts along edge of heel flap, K to end of rnd. 76
leg and continuing on the back of the leg and top of the foot. The (80, 96, 100) total sts.
sole is worked in stockinette. The pattern features a heel flap and
Rnd 1: Cont Westney stitch pattern as established to M, SM, K1,
gusset and a rounded toe that is grafted closed using Kitchener
SSK, K to last 3 sts, K2tog, K1. 2 sts dec.
Stitch. Written instructions are provided for the smallest size with
Rnd 2: K all sts.
instructions for the other sizes appearing in parentheses; if there
are no parentheses, the instruction applies to all sizes. Repeat Rnds 1-2 10 (8, 12, 10) times until 24 (32, 32, 40) sole sts
Westney Stitch Pattern (in the round over a multiple of 8 sts)
Rnd 1: *Work Gathered Stitch, K4; rep from * to end. Foot
Rnds 2-5: K all sts. Cont working Westney stitch pattern as established across instep
Rnd 6: *K4, work Gathered Stitch; rep from * to end. sts while working sole sts in St st until foot length measures 1.5
Rnd 7-10: K all sts. (1.75, 1.75, 2)” less than desired finished length.

Gathered Stitch Shaping The Toe

K the next 4 sts then transfer those sts to a CN being careful not Sizes 7” and 9” Only
to change the order of the sts, wrap the working yarn loosely Set Up Rnd: K one rnd transferring the first 2 and the last 2 instep
around the sts counter clockwise 4 times, return the sts to the RH sts to the sole. Move M to divide instep and sole sts evenly. 28
needle. (36) instep sts and 28 (36) sole sts.


Rnd 1: K1, SSK, K to 3 sts before M, K2tog, K1, SM, K1, SSK, K to
last 3 sts, K2tog, K1. 4 sts dec.
CO 56 (64, 72, 80) sts, PM to mark beginning of rnd and join for
Rnd 2: K all sts.
working in the rnd being careful not to twist sts.
Repeat Rnds 1-2 7 (8, 9, 10) times until 28 (32, 36, 40) sts remain.
Rnd 1: (K2, P2) to end.
Rep Rnd 1 twelve times or until work measures 1” from CO edge. Repeat Rnd 1 only 3 (4, 4, 5) times until 16 (16, 20, 20) sts remain.

Leg Finishing
Work Rnds 1-10 of the Westney stitch pattern until work measures Arrange all instep sts on a single needle and all sole sts on a
6” or desired length from CO edge, ending after any rnd. single needle. Use Kitchener Stitch to graft instep and sole sts
together. Weave in ends and block.
Heel Flap
The heel flap is worked back and forth across the last 24 (32, 32,
40) sts.

Set Up: Work the Westney stitch pattern across the first 32 (32,
40, 40) sts then work Row 1. Note the last pattern rnd worked. Westney Chart
Row 1(RS): *Sl1, K1; rep from * to end. 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Legend
Row 2 (WS): Sl1, P to end. 10 Gathered Stitch
9 K the next 4 sts then
Repeat these 2 rows 16 (16, 20, 20) times total, ending after a WS
transfer sts to a CN.
row. 8
Being careful not to
7 change the order of
Turning The Heel the sts, wrap the
Row 1 (RS): Sl1, K11 (15, 15, 19), SSK, K1, turn work. working yarn loosely
Row 2 (WS): Sl1, P1, P2tog, P1, turn work. around the sts
4 counter clockwise 4
Row 3: Sl1, K2, SSK, K1, turn work.
3 times, return the sts
Row 4: Sl1, P3, P2tog, P1, turn work.
to the RH needle
Row 5: Sl1, K4, SSK, K1, turn work. 2
Row 6: Sl1, P5, P2tog, P1, turn work. 1
knit stitch

Cont as established, working one more st on each row before the

dec until all sts have been worked, ending the last row(s) with
SSK/P2tog if necessary. 12 (16, 16, 20) heel sts remain.

46  Westney Socks
by Abbey Morris


7.75 (8.75, 10)" leg circumference x 7.25 Yarn Needle
(7.25, 7.5)" leg length before heel Stitch Markers
Cable Needle
Knit Picks Hawthorne Fingering Multi GAUGE
Yarn (80% Superwash Fine Highland 29 sts and 40 rows = 4" in Zig Zag Stitch
Wool, 20% Polyamide (Nylon); 357 Pattern in the round, blocked.
yards/100g): Abernathy 26863, 1 hank 29 sts and 40 rows = 4" in Stockinette
Stitch in the round, blocked
US 1 (2.25mm) DPNs, or two 24" circular
needles for two circulars technique, or
one 32" or longer circular needle for
Magic Loop technique, or size to obtain

For pattern support, contact  Oscillatory Socks 49

Oscillatory Socks Repeat Rows 1-2 ten (eleven, twelve) more times until 22 (24, 26)
rows have been worked.
Heel Turn
These stylish socks are worked from the top-down with a square
Row 1 (RS): Sl1, K15 (18, 20), SSK, K1, turn. 27 (31, 35) sts.
heel. After working a K1, P1 rib, the main Zig Zag Stitch Pattern is
Row 2 (WS): Sl1 P-wise, P6 (8, 9), P2tog, P1, turn. 26 (30, 34) sts.
worked around the leg, down across the top of the foot and the
Row 3: Sl1, K7 (9, 10), SSK, K1, turn. 25 (29, 33) sts.
wedge toe is closed using Kitchener Stitch.
Row 4: Sl1 P-wise, P8 (10, 11), P2tog, P1, turn. 24 (28, 32) sts.
Left Twist (LT) Row 5: Sl1, K9 (11, 12), SSK, K1, turn. 23 (27, 31) sts.
Sl1 to CN, hold in front, K1, K1 from CN Row 6: Sl1 P-wise, P10 (12, 13), P2tog, P1, turn. 22 (26, 30) sts.
Row 7: Sl1, K11 (13, 14), SSK, K1, turn. 21 (25, 29) sts.
Right Twist (RT)
Row 8: Sl1 P-wise, P12 (14, 15), P2tog, P1, turn. 20 (24, 28) sts.
Skip first st, K into 2nd st, then K skipped st. Sl both sts from
Row 9: Sl1, K13 (15, 16), SSK, K1, turn. 19 (23, 27) sts.
needle together OR K2tog leaving sts on LH needle, then K first
Row 10: Sl1 P-wise, P14 (16, 17), P2tog, P1, turn. 18 (22, 26) sts.
st again, Sl both sts off needle.
7.75” Size Only:
K1, P1 Rib (in the round over even number of sts)
Row 11: Sl1, K15, SSK, turn. 17 (-, -) sts.
Rnd 1: *K1, P1, repeat from * to end.
Row 12: Sl1 P-wise, P14, P2tog, turn. 16 (-, -) sts.
Repeat Rnd 1 for pattern
8.75” Size Only:
Zig Zag Stitch Pattern (in the round over multiples of 8 sts)
Row 11: Sl1, K17, SSK, K1, turn. – (21, -) sts.
Rnds 1 & 2: *K7, Sl1 P-wise, rep from * to end.
Row 12: Sl1 P-wise, P18, P2tog, turn. – (20, -) sts.
Rnd 3: *K6, RT, rep from * to end.
Rnds 4 & 5: *K5, Sl1 P-wise, K2, rep from * to end. 10” Size Only:
Rnd 6: *K4, RT, K2, rep from * to end. Row 11: Sl1, K18, SSK, K1, turn. – (-, 25) sts.
Rnds 7 & 8: *K3, Sl1 P-wise, K4, rep from * to end. Row 12: Sl1 P-wise, P19, P2tog, P1, turn. – (-, 24) sts.
Rnd 9: *K2, RT, K4, rep from * to end. Row 13: Sl1, K20, SSK, turn. – (-, 23) sts.
Rnds 10 & 11: *K1, Sl1 P-wise, K6, rep from * to end. Row 14: Sl1 P-wise, P20, P2tog, turn. – (-, 22) sts.
Rnd 12: *RT, K6, rep from * to end.
Set Up Rnd (All Sizes): K across heel, PU and K 16 (17, 19) sts
Rnds 13 & 14: *Sl1 P-wise, K7, rep from * to end.
down heel flap, PM, K4 (0, 4) sts, cont working in Zig Zag Stitch
Rnd 15: *LT, K6, rep from * to end.
Pattern from either chart or written instructions across next 24
Rnds 16 & 17: *K2, Sl1 P-wise, K5, rep from * to end.
(32, 32) sts starting with Rnd 13 across instep, PM, PU and K 16
Rnd 18: *K2, LT, K4, rep from * to end.
(17, 19) sts up the heel flap. 76 (86, 96) sts.
Rnds 19 & 20: *K4, Sl1 P-wise, K3, rep from * to end.
Rnd 21: *K4, LT, K2, rep from * to end. K 8 (10, 11) sts to the middle of heel and PM. The beginning of the
Rnds 22 & 23: *K6, Sl1 P-wise, K1, rep from * to end. rnd now starts in the middle of the heel.
Rnd 24: *K6, LT, rep from * to end.
Repeat Rnds 1-24 for pattern
Rnd 1: K to last 3sts before M, K2tog, K1, SM, K4 (0, 4), cont
If working from chart, follow all chart rows from left to right, working in Zig Zag Stitch Pattern from either chart or written
reading them as RS rows. instructions across next 24 (32, 32) sts, SM, K1, SSK, K to end. 2
sts dec.
DIRECTIONS Rnd 2: K to M, SM, K4 (0, 4), cont working in Zig Zag Stitch
Cuff Pattern from chart or written instructions across next 24 (32, 32)
Using Long Tail Method, CO 56 (64, 72) sts. Divide sts evenly over sts, SM, K to end.
needles. PM and join in the rnd, being careful not to twist the sts.
Repeat Rnds 1-2 ten (eleven, twelve) times until 56 (64, 72) sts
Ribbing remain.
Work in K1, P1 Rib for 12 (12, 14) rnds.
Leg Rnd 1: K to M, SM, K4 (0, 4), cont working in Zig Zag Stitch
Work Rnds 1-24 of the Zig Zag Stitch Pattern from either the Pattern from chart or written instructions across next 24 (32, 32)
written instructions or chart twice then repeat Rnds 1-12 of the sts, SM K to end.
Zig Zag Stitch Pattern once.
Repeat Rnd 1 until foot is 1.5 (1.5, 1.75)” less than desired finished
Heel Flap length, ending with an even rnd of the Zig Zag Stitch Pattern.
The heel flap is worked back and forth over the first 28 (32, 36)
sts of the rnd. Rearrange stitches as needed.
Rnd 1 (dec rnd): K to last 3 sts before M, K2tog, K1, SM, K1, SSK, K
Row 1 (RS): *Sl1, K1; repeat from * to end. to last 3 sts before M, K2tog, K1, SM K1, SSK, K to end. 4 sts dec.
Row 2 (WS): Sl1 P-wise, P to end. Rnd 2: K.

50  Oscillatory Socks
Rep Rnds 1-2 five (five, six) more times until 32 (40, 44) sts K to the first M, and if necessary rearrange the sts so they are
remain. even on two needles. Graft ends together using Kitchener Stitch
to close the toe.
Then rep Rnd 1, three (four, four) more times until 20 (24, 28) sts
remain. Finishing
Weave in ends. Wash and block.

Zig Zag Chart

8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
24 knit
knit stitch

22 slip
Slip stitch as if to purl,
21 holding yarn in back
Right Twist
19 Skip first st, K into 2nd st,
then K skipped st. Sl both
sts from needle together
17 OR K2tog leaving sts on LH
needle, then K first st again,
16 Sl both sts off needle
Left Twist
14 sl1 to CN, hold in front.
k1, k1 from CN




by Katherine Rollins

FINISHED MEASUREMENTS Magic Loop technique, or size to obtain

7 (8, 9)" foot circumference gauge.
US 3 (3.25mm) DPNs, or two 24" circular
needles for two circulars technique,
Knit Picks Hawthorne Fingering Multi
or one 32" or longer circular needle
Yarn (80% Superwash Fine Highland
for Magic Loop technique, or one size
Wool, 20% Polyamide (Nylon); 357
larger than needle used to obtain gauge
yards/100g): MC Alberta Arts 26446, 1
Knit Picks Hawthorne Fingering Kettle NOTIONS
Dye Yarn (80% Superwash Fine Highland Yarn Needle
Wool, 20% Polyamide (Nylon); 357 Stitch Marker
yards/100g): C2 Poseidon 26693, 1 hank.
NEEDLES 32 sts and 42 rows = 4” in stranded St st
US 2 (3mm) DPN’s, or two 24" circular in the round, blocked.
needles for two circulars technique, or
one 32" or longer circular needle for

For pattern support, contact  Heavenly Shades Socks 53

Heavenly Shades Socks Row 1: K to 1 st before the last st, W&T the last st.
Row 2: P to 1 st before the last st, W&T the last st.
Notes: Row 3: K to 1 st before the wrapped st, W&T.
“Heavenly shades of night are falling, it’s twilight time.” - The Row 4: P to 1 st before the wrapped st, W&T.
Platters, Twilight Time.
Repeat Rows 3 & 4 until 7 (8, 9) sts are wrapped on each side
These socks are knit toe-up and have a short row heel. They with 14 (16, 18) unwrapped sts in the center. This completes the
begin with a closed-toe cast on of your choice such as Judy’s first half of the heel.
Magic Cast On, and end with a stretchy bind off. Knitting a
Row 1: K across the center sts to the first wrapped st. K the st and
swatch is strongly recommended to ensure stitch gauge for fit.
the wrap together. W&T the next st (now this st has two wraps).
The stranded pattern makes a firm fabric with a snug fit. You may
Row 2: P to the first wrapped st. P the st and the wrap together.
wish to switch to a size larger needle to knit the leg section.
W&T the next st (now this st has two wraps).
Repeat the last two rows, knitting or purling the two wraps with
Pull the working yarn between the needles to the opposite side,
the st until all wrapped sts have been worked.
slip the next st, pull the working yarn back between the needles
to wrap around that st, slip the st back to the left needle. Turn the Leg
work. Begin working in the round again. Continue the Shades Chart 2
by working the row last worked before beginning the heel for 7
For a video demonstration of how to work a Wrap & Turn, see
(8, 9) times to complete the rnd, then work each chart row as
before for 14 (16, 18) times to complete a rnd. Repeat Shades
Chart 2 until leg is 3.5” less than desired height, ending on Row 12
Judy’s Magic Cast On of Chart 2.
For a video demonstration of how to work Judy’s Magic Cast On,
Begin working appropriate Shades Chart 3 for selected size Small,
Medium or Large. Work each row of the chart twice for each
round. Work all rows of Shades Chart 3 once. Break C1.
Stretchy Bind Off
For a video demonstration of how to work a stretchy bind off, see
With MC
Rnds 1-9: [K2, P2] repeat across the rnd.
Inc Rnd: [K1, KFB, P2] repeat across the rnd
DIRECTIONS Rnd 11-14: [K2, P3] repeat across the rnd.
BO all sts.
With MC, using a closed-toe cast-on (see Notes), CO 28 (32, 36) Repeat directions to make second sock.
K 1 rnd.
Weave in all ends and block.
Work increase rnds as follows:
Inc Rnd 1: *K1, M1L, K12 (14, 16), M1R, K1; rep from * once more.
Inc Rnd 2: K.

Repeat Rnds 1-2 until there are 56 (64, 72) total sts.

Attach C1 and begin working appropriate Shades Chart 1 for
selected size Small, Medium or Large. Work each row of the chart
twice for each round. Work all rows of the Shades Chart 1 once.

Work each row of the Shades Chart 2, repeating 14 (16, 18)

times to complete a rnd. Repeat Shades Chart 2 in pattern as
established until the foot length is 2” less than the desired total
foot length. Work 28 (32, 36) sts and note the last row of Shades
Chart 2 worked before beginning to shape the heel on the
remaining sts

Using C1 (or MC if desired), work the heel across the last 28 (32,
36) sts of the round only.

54  Heavenly Shades Socks

Chart 1 Large
36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
knit stitch

14 MC

12 C1


Chart 1 Medium
32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1









Chart 1 Small
28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1









 Heavenly Shades Socks 55

Chart 2 (all sizes) Chart 3 Large
4 3 2 1 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

12 21
11 20
10 19
9 18
8 17
7 16
6 15
5 14
4 13
3 12
2 11
1 10

Chart 3 Medium
32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1













56  Heavenly Shades Socks

Chart 3 Small
28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1













by Violet LeBeaux


7.5" circumference x 8" foot length x 7.5" US 3 (3.25mm) two 24” circular needles
leg height for two circulars technique, or one 32”
If back of leg is worked in plain St st calf or longer circular needle for Magic Loop
circumference is 8". If Picot Edging is technique, or size to obtain gauge.
worked, leg height is 7.75”
YARN Yarn Needle
Knit Picks Stroll Hand Painted Sock Yarn Stitch Markers
(75% Superwash Merino Wool, 25% Nylon; Sewing Pins (optional)
462 yards/100g): Make Believe 24770, 1
24 sts and 44 rnds = 4” in St st, in the
round, blocked.
28 sts and 40 rnds = 4” in Sparkle St
Pattern, in the round, blocked.

For pattern support, contact  Sparkle Socks 59

Sparkle Socks comfortable knitting together stitch by stitch you can opt to
knit the join row regularly and then sew the edge down while
Notes: finishing.
Sparkle is a simple sock pattern featuring the slipped Sparkle
stitch. The pattern is worked toe up with a stockinette sole
and a Fleegle heel. The top is ribbed and has an optional picot Foot
edging for a feminine finish. The stitch pattern distributes colors Toe
in a textured way that works well with tonal, hand painted and CO 16 sts over 2 needles using Judy’s Magic Cast On and PM to
speckle yarns. As the slipped stitch pattern has a bit less elasticity indicate the beginning of the rnd.
than stockinette there is a stockinette stripe up both sides of the Rnd 1: K to end.
leg area or the option to continue the stockinette of the sole all Rnd 2: Needle 1: *K1, RLI, K to last st, LLI, K1. Needle 2: Rep from *
the way up the back of the leg depending on fit preference. to end. 4 sts inc.

Note that these stitch patterns require blocking to bring out the Rep Rnds 1-2 another 7 times. 48 sts, 24 sts on each Needle.
star pattern and manipulate the slipped stitches to match the
If you require a larger size, continue repeating Rnds 1-2, until
row height of other sections. Before blocking it will not match the
the desired width (comfortable fit around your first 4 toes)
height of the stockinette sections and so your knitting will look
and number of stitches on one needle matches stitch count for
curved until blocked.
Sparkle St Pattern (multiples of 4 sts).
Sparkle St Pattern (in the round over multiples of 4 sts)
Rnds 1-2: *K1, SL3 WYIF; rep from * to end.
This section has the Sparkle St Pattern on the instep (Needle 1)
Rnd 3: *K2, SL2K, K1; rep from * to end.
and a St st sole (Needle 2) to maintain a stretchy fit.
Rnds 4-5: K2, *K1, SL3 WYIF; rep from * to last 2 sts, K2.
Rnd 6: K2 *K2, SL2K, K1; rep from * to last 2 sts, K2 Rnds 1-6: Needle 1: Work Sparkle St Pattern beginning with Rnd 1.
Rep Rnds 1-6 for the pattern. Needle 2: K to end.
Rep Rnds 1-6 until the piece measures 4.5” from start of the
When working charts in the rnd, follow all chart rows from right
pattern section ending on Rnd 6.
to left, reading them as RS rows.
If you require a longer foot size, continue working in established
Magic Loop (optional)
pattern until the sock reaches the ankle bend when worn and
A technique using one large circular needle to knit small
ending on Rnd 6.
circumferences. A great tutorial can be found here: http:// Heel
The heel is knit using the Fleegle Heel Technique which creates a
Judy’s Magic Cast On
heel gusset with increases, and then is turned with short rows.
Step by step instructions for Judy’s Magic Cast on can be found
here: Gusset
on/ Rnd 1: Needle 1: Work Sparkle St Pattern. Needle 2: K to end.
Rnd 2: Needle 1: Work Sparkle St Pattern. Needle 2: K2, RLI, K to
Lifted Increases
last 2sts, LLI, K2. 2 sts inc.
Left Lifted Increase (LLI): K 1 into the st below the previously
worked st on the right needle. Rep Rnds 1-2 10 more times (Needle 1: 24 sts, Needle 2: 46 sts)
Right Lifted Increase (RLI): K 1 into the st below the next st on left OR if knitting a larger size, repeat until you have 2 less than
needle. double the original number of sts on Needle 2. (e.g. If you started
with 30 sts on the second needle, continue increasing until you
have 58sts.)
Insert right needle under the two horizontal strands of yarn in
front of the previous rnds. K next st off left needle. Slide the 2 two Set Up Rnd: Needle 1: Work Sparkle St Pattern. Needle 2: Move
strands over the new st and off the needles. on to Heel Turn Short Rows below. Make note of which Sparkle St
Pattern rnd you have just worked.
Fleegle Heel
A heel technique using lifted increases for the gusset and short Heel Turn Short Rows
rows for the decreases. This section is worked back and forth using only the sts on
Needle 2.
Picot Edging (optional)
This edging is knit flat then folded in half and joined by knitting PM after half of the sts on Needle 2.
a round in which every stitch on the left needle is K2tog with a
Row 1 (RS): K to 2 sts past M, K2tog, K1, W&T.
stitch picked up from an earlier round in the knitting. The piece is
Row 2 (WS): Sl1, P to 2 beyond the M, SSP, P1, W&T.
then bound off.
Row 3: Sl1, K to 1 st before gap, K2tog, K1, W&T.
If you have trouble keeping the folded edge in place while Row 4: Sl1, P to 1 st before gap, SSP, P1, W&T.
knitting, use sewing pins to hold in place. If you are not

60  Sparkle Socks
Rep Rows 3-4 another 7 times (Needle 1 - 24sts, Needle 2 - 28sts) Plain Leg Option
OR if knitting a larger size rep until the sole has 4 sts more than This option features the stitch pattern on front only with
were originally on the second needle. (e.g. If you started with stockinette on the back to match the sole and heel. This version
30sts and increased to 58sts, continue decreasing until you have has a stretchier width and is therefore suggested for a wider
34sts ending on a WS row.) range of ankle and leg fits.
Next RS Row: K to end of Needle 2.
Rnd 1: Needle 1: Work Sparkle St Pattern. Needle 2: K to end.
Leg Repeat Rnd 1 until the piece measures 4.5” if working ribbing
This section is worked over both needles in the round. As the only, or 4.25” if working ribbing and Picot Edging, from end of
Sparkle Stitch Pattern has a little less give due to the slipped the heel on Needle 2 OR if knitting a larger size, repeat Rnd 1 until
stitches, there are two options to continue the leg section: work reaches the desired length minus 1” for the ribbing or 1.25” if
Patterned Leg and Plain Leg. working the optional Picot Edging.

Patterned Leg Option Move on to the Ribbing section.

This option features the Sparkle St on both front and back with
a 4 st stockinette stripe up each side to provide enough stretch
Rnds 1-10: *K1, P1; rep from * to end.
for a comfortable fit. If you are making socks for a larger heel you
If adding the optional Picot Edging, continue on to that section,
can knit the stockinette section on each end of Needle 2 wider
otherwise BO all sts using a stretchy BO.
before beginning Sparkle St in the middle. To work out how much
stretch you might need, compare your blocked gauge swatch Optional Picot Edging
stretched vs. the circumference around the foot at the largest Rnd 1-2: *K1, P1; rep from * to end.
point of the heel. Rnd 3: *YO, K2tog; rep from * to end.
Rnd 4-5: *P1, K1; rep from * to end.
Rnd 1: Needle 1: Work Sparkle St Pattern Rnd 1. Needle 2: K to
Fold the edge of the knitting back on itself so that Rnd 3 forms
the picot edging.
Rnd 2-4: Needle 1: continue Sparkle St pattern. Needle 2: K3, Rnd 6 (Join Rnd): K each st from your needle together with the
continue Sparkle St pattern (at same rnd as Needle 1) until 5 sts matching one behind it from Rnd 1.
before end, K to end. BO all sts.

Rnds 5-7: Needle 1: continue Sparkle St pattern. Needle 2: K3, Finishing

continue Sparkle St pattern (at same rnd as Needle 1) until 1 st If required, sew down edges of Picot Edging. Weave in ends,
before end, K to end. wash and block to diagram.

Repeat Rnds 2-7 until the piece measures 4.5” if working ribbing
only, or 4.25” if working ribbing and Picot Edging, from end of the
heel on Needle 2 OR if knitting a larger size, repeat Rnd 2 until
work reaches the desired length minus 1” for the ribbing or 1.25” if
working the optional Picot Edging.

Move on to the Ribbing section.

Full Back Stitch Chart - Needle 2
28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Full Instep Stitch Chart - Needle 1

24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

knit stitch
slip wyif
Slip stitch as if to purl, with
yarn in front
Slip 2 Knit
Insert right needle under the
two horizontal strands in
front of previous rows. Knit
next stitch off left needle.
Slide the 2 strands over the
new stitch and off the

pattern repeat

62  Sparkle Socks
Abbreviations M marker stitch TBL through back loop
BO bind off M1 make one stitch RH right hand TFL through front loop
cn cable needle M1L make one left-leaning rnd(s) round(s) tog together
CC contrast color stitch RS right side W&T wrap & turn (see
CDD Centered double dec M1R make one right-lean- Sk skip specific instructions
CO cast on ing stitch Sk2p sl 1, k2tog, pass in pattern)
cont continue MC main color slipped stitch over WE work even
dec decrease(es) P purl k2tog: 2 sts dec WS wrong side
DPN(s) double pointed P2tog purl 2 sts together SKP sl, k, psso: 1 st dec WYIB with yarn in back
needle(s) PM place marker SL slip WYIF with yarn in front
EOR every other row PFB purl into the front and SM slip marker YO yarn over
inc increase back of stitch SSK sl, sl, k these 2 sts tog
K knit PSSO pass slipped stitch SSP sl, sl, p these 2 sts tog
K2tog knit two sts together over tbl
KFB knit into the front and PU pick up SSSK sl, sl, sl, k these 3 sts
back of stitch P-wise purlwise tog
K-wise knitwise rep repeat St st stockinette stitch
LH left hand Rev St st reverse stockinette sts stitch(es)

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