Unibody Eng
Unibody Eng
Unibody Eng
The body is worked in the rounds, top-down. Use the marker to mark the last stitch in the round.
Disclaimer: Free pattern for non-commercial use only. The pattern may be shared, but only as a
whole, with no changes made. In order to sell toys made with the pattern, including after
modifications, you need the author’s permission. While publishing the pictures of the toys made with
the pattern, please include the name of the designer or add a link to Włóczkostwory’s Facebook page
Start with the head:
R1: 6sc in mr (6)
R2: 6 inc (12)
R3: *1sc, 1inc* 6 times (18)
R4: *2sc, 1inc* 6 times (24)
R5: *3sc, 1inc* 6 times (30)
R6: *4sc, 1inc* 6 times (36)
R7: *5sc, 1inc* 6 times (42)
R8-14: 42sc (7 rows of 42)
R15: *5sc, 1dec* 6 times (36)
R16: *4sc, 1dec* 6 times (30)
R17: *3sc, 1dec* 6 times (24) Stuff the head firmly
R18: *2sc, 1dec* 6 times (18)
R19: *1sc, 2dec* 3 times, 1sc, 1dec (11)
R20: 1dec, 9sc (10)
R21: 10sc (10)
R22: *3inc, 2sc* 2 times (16)
R23: *1sc, 1inc* 8 times (24)
R24: *2sc, 1inc* 8 times (32)
R25: *skip 8 stitches, 3sc, 2inc, 3sc* 2 times (20)
R26-30: 20sc (20) Stuff the tummy.
R31: 5sc, 1ss through the sixth and sixteenth stitch of
this row, 5sc
At this stage, we’ve gone through half the round. The
round is split into two circles. From now on, we’re
going to work on each of them separately, making legs.
Begin the left leg. Place the row marker in the last
stitch you’ve worked.
R32-36: 9sc (5 rows of 9)
R37: 6sc, 1inc, 2sc (10)
R38: 1sc, 2dec, 2sc, 1inc, 2sc (9)
R:2dec, 1ss finish, stuff, close flat, weave in the
remaining piece of thread.
Disclaimer: Free pattern for non-commercial use only. The pattern may be shared, but only as a
whole, with no changes made. In order to sell toys made with the pattern, including after
modifications, you need the author’s permission. While publishing the pictures of the toys made with
the pattern, please include the name of the designer or add a link to Włóczkostwory’s Facebook page
The right leg is worked the same as the left one, starting from the groin. Skip the middle stitch
conneting fron and back od the body between the legs.
Start the arms from the armpit.
Arm: 6 rows of 8sc, 1dec, 6sc, stuff, finish, close, weave in the remaining piece of thread.
After you’ve finished both arms, you’ve got the entire body.
Disclaimer: Free pattern for non-commercial use only. The pattern may be shared, but only as a
whole, with no changes made. In order to sell toys made with the pattern, including after
modifications, you need the author’s permission. While publishing the pictures of the toys made with
the pattern, please include the name of the designer or add a link to Włóczkostwory’s Facebook page