Nokia Help
Nokia Help
Nokia Help
Description: The alarm is raised when Application Assurance configured override values exceed policer resources.
Remedial action: The Application Assurance Subscriber Policy override(s) configuration has exceeded the policer resources. Remove overrides
of a policy configuration for an Application Assurance subscriber where this may be occurring. If the problem persists please contact your Nokia
support representative for assistance.
Description: The alarm is raised when the 5620 SAM detects that an AARP is operationally down.
Raising condition: (('Administrative State' EQUAL 'Up') AND ('Operational State' NOT EQUAL 'Up'))
Clearing condition: (('Operational State' EQUAL 'Up') OR ('Administrative State' NOT EQUAL 'Up'))
Remedial action: The application assurance redundancy protocol is down either because it is administratively disabled, faulty or a peer address
is not up. Ensure that the AARP is administratively up, and the peer ip address and this ip address points to each other. 1/143
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Description: The alarm is raised when the 5620 SAM detects that an AARP interface is operationally down.
Raising condition: (('administrativeState' EQUAL 'Up') AND ('operationalState' NOT EQUAL 'Up'))
Remedial action: The condition exists because the physical interface is down either because it is administratively disabled, faulty or a cabling
fault has occurred. Ensure that the interface is administratively up. Check for a poor cable connection to the port or for a faulty cable/fiber. If
neither appears to be the problem run diagnostics on the port to determine if it is faulty.
Description: The alarm is raised when an L2 or L3 interface operational state is Down. The alarm is not raised against an L2 access interface
that is associated with an MC ring or MC LAG in the standby state.
Raising condition: (('Operational State' NOT EQUAL 'Up') AND ('State Cause' NOT EQUAL 'Standby For MC-Ring') AND ('State Cause' NOT
EQUAL 'Standby For MC Protocol') AND ('State Cause' NOT EQUAL 'Standby For BGP Multi-homing'))
Clearing condition: (('Operational State' EQUAL 'Up') OR ('State Cause' EQUAL 'Standby For MC-Ring') OR ('State Cause' EQUAL 'Standby For
MC Protocol') OR ('State Cause' EQUAL 'Standby For BGP Multi-homing'))
Remedial action: The condition exists because the physical interface is down either because it is administratively disabled, faulty or a cabling
fault has occurred. Ensure that the interface is administratively up. Check for a poor cable connection to the port or for a faulty cable/fiber. If
neither appears to be the problem run diagnostics on the port to determine if it is faulty.
Remedial action: This alarm is raised when there is a abnormal state indication on NE. 2/143
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Description: The alarm is raised when the Operational State of a adjacency is Down, for example, because of one of the following conditions:
The Operational State of local port pointer is Down.
Remedial action: NE Alarms causing operState down must not exist on the selected adjancency.
Description: The alarm is generated when the aggregated virtual fabric link on the virtual chassis slot is down.
Raising condition: (('Shelf Type' EQUAL '7850') AND ('Total Slots' EQUAL '4') AND ('Virtual Fabric Link State' NOT EQUAL 'Up'))
Clearing condition: (('Shelf Type' EQUAL '7850') AND ('Total Slots' EQUAL '4') AND ('Virtual Fabric Link State' EQUAL 'Up'))
Remedial action: The alarm is raised when the aggregated virtual fabric link on the virtual chassis is down. Please check the virtual fabric links
for the virtual chassis setup.
Description: The alarm is raised when the path management state of a Diameter peer changes to a state other than Up.
Remedial action: A Ga reference point (peer) is operationally down for one of the following reasons: the underlying IP or physical interface is
down, the far end peer is down or the underlying transport between this NE and the peer NE is down. To resolve the issue ensure that the
IP/physical interface is up, check that the far end peer is operational and check that the underlying transport network is up. 3/143
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Description: The alarm is raised when the Ingress Multicast Path Management ancillary path bandwidth limit is reached.
Raising condition: (('Ancillary Path Limit Override' > '0') AND ('Ancillary Path In use' >=" (1000 * 'Ancillary Path Limit Override')))"
Clearing condition: (('Ancillary Path Limit Override' > '0') AND ('Ancillary Path In use' < (1000 * 'Ancillary Path Limit Override')))
Remedial action: Informational - The alarm is raised when the Ingress Multicast Path Management ancillary path bandwidth limit is reached. This
can be remedied by modifying the ancillary path limit located at T1 Paths tab of the multicast bandwidth policy which assigned to the card, or
increase the ancillary path limit override located at the Daughter Card tab under Daughter Card Slot form.
Description: The alarm is raised when an OSPF area on one NE is configured as an NSSA and the same OSPF area on another NE is
configured as a stub area.
Remedial action: A configuration error has been made which must be corrected. The OSPF area type configured for the NE does not match with
the same OSPF area configured on another NE. Compare the configuration on the endpoint and correct the mismatch.
Description: The alarm is raised when there is a peer configuration mismatch that prevents MC operation.
Remedial action: Check configurations on both members to see anything not matched. 4/143
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Table 4064: AsymmetricalConfig (lag)
Description: The alarm is raised when the members of an MC LAG do not have matching configurations.
Remedial action: Check configurations on both members to see anything not matched.
Description: The alarm is raised when the associated power supply is not operationally Up.
Description: The alarm is raised when both Authentication Key and RSVP Keychain are configured. RSVP Keychain will be used.
Raising condition: (('RSVP Keychain' NOT EQUAL '\"\"') AND ('enableAuthentication' EQUAL 'true'))
Clearing condition: (('RSVP Keychain' EQUAL '\"\"') OR ('enableAuthentication' NOT EQUAL 'true'))
Remedial action: Authentication Key and RSVP Keychain are both configured. RSVP Keychain will be used. The alarm is cleared when only one
is configured. 5/143
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Description: The alarm is raised when the primary subscriber identification script is operationally down, but one of the other scripts is
operationally up.
Raising condition: (('isLocal' EQUAL 'true') AND ('Primary Script Operational State' NOT EQUAL 'Up') AND (('Secondary Script Operational
State' EQUAL 'Up') OR ('Tertiary Script Operational State' EQUAL 'Up')))
Clearing condition: (('isLocal' EQUAL 'true') AND (('Primary Script Operational State' EQUAL 'Up') OR (('Secondary Script Operational State'
NOT EQUAL 'Up') AND ('Tertiary Script Operational State' NOT EQUAL 'Up'))))
Remedial action: If the DHCP ACK Python script processing behaviour is desired, please make sure that primary, secondary and tertiary scripts
are installed and operationally up.
Description: The alarm is raised when Bare Metal server is reachability down.
Remedial action: This alarm can be cleared when bare metal device BGP prefix is up. Check for virtual switch controller down or virtual switch
down or interface/port down in underlay network (hence the BGP prefix not advertised).
Description: The alarm is raised when a SONET port reports a line signal degradation BER error. The alarm corresponds to the lb2er-sd alarm
on an NE.
Raising condition: (('Outstanding Alarms'anyBit'BER Line Signal Degradation') AND ('Report Alarms'anyBit'BER Line Signal Degradation'))
Clearing condition: NOT ((('Outstanding Alarms'anyBit'BER Line Signal Degradation') AND ('Report Alarms'anyBit'BER Line Signal
Degradation'))) 6/143
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Description: The alarm is raised when a SONET port reports a line signal degradation BER error. The alarm corresponds to the lb2er-sf alarm on
an NE.
Raising condition: (('Outstanding Alarms'anyBit'BER Line Signal Failure') AND ('Report Alarms'anyBit'BER Line Signal Failure'))
Clearing condition: NOT ((('Outstanding Alarms'anyBit'BER Line Signal Failure') AND ('Report Alarms'anyBit'BER Line Signal Failure')))
Description: The alarm is raised when the BFD connection to a peer times out.
Remedial action: Check the peer router, fix the BFD connection
Description: The alarm is raised when the Operational State of a BFD session is Not Connected. 7/143
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Remedial action: Check the BFD interface configuration, fix the BFD connection
Description: The alarm is raised when a BFD peer detects a connection timeout.
Description: The alarm is raised when a BGP instance has an Operational State other than Up, and the Administrative State is Up.
Raising condition: (('Administrative State' EQUAL 'Up') AND ('Operational State' NOT EQUAL 'Up'))
Clearing condition: (('Operational State' EQUAL 'Up') OR ('Administrative State' NOT EQUAL 'Up'))
Remedial action: The BGP protocol entity is down - administratively disable BGP and re-enable. If the problem persists please contact your
Nokia support representative for assistance.
Description: The alarm is raised when the BITS2 timing reference on an NE is not in the Qualified state.
Raising condition: (('Qualified For Use' EQUAL 'Not Qualified') AND ('Input Administrative State' NOT EQUAL 'Down'))
Clearing condition: (('Qualified For Use' NOT EQUAL 'Not Qualified') OR ('Input Administrative State' EQUAL 'Down')) 8/143
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Description: The alarm is raised when the BITS2 reference on an NE is not qualified due to Loss of Signal.
Remedial action: Make sure that peer connected to BITS2 is properly configured.
Description: The alarm is raised when the BITS2 Reference on an NE is not qualified due to Out of frequency.
Remedial action: Make sure that frequency configured for BITS2 is correct.
Description: The alarm is raised when the BITS2 Reference on an NE is not qualified state due to Out of poll in range. 9/143
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Remedial action: Check the BITS2 is configured correctly. Check the SONET port is configured correctly and that the physical layer cabling is
operating correctly. Contact your Nokia support representative if necessary
Description: The alarm is raised when the BITS/BITS1 timing reference on an NE is not in the Qualified state.
Raising condition: (('Qualified For Use' EQUAL 'Not Qualified') AND ('Output Administrative State' NOT EQUAL 'Down'))
Clearing condition: (('Qualified For Use' NOT EQUAL 'Not Qualified') OR ('Output Administrative State' EQUAL 'Down'))
Description: The alarm is raised when the BITS/BITS1 reference on an NE is not qualified due to Loss of Signal.
Remedial action: Make sure that peer connected to BITS/BITS1 is properly configured.
Description: The alarm is raised when the BITS/BITS1 Reference on an NE is not qualified due to Out of frequency. 10/143
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Remedial action: Make sure that frequency configured for BITS/BITS1 is correct.
Description: The alarm is raised when the BITS/BITS1 Reference on an NE is not qualified state due to Out of poll in range.
Remedial action: Check the BITS/BITS1 is configured correctly. Check the SONET port is configured correctly and that the physical layer cabling
is operating correctly. Contact your Nokia support representative if necessary
Description: The alarm is raised when the bundle Administrative State is Up and the Operational State is Down.
Raising condition: (('Protection Type' EQUAL 'None') AND ('Administrative State' EQUAL 'Up') AND ('operationalState' NOT EQUAL 'Up') AND
('specificCardType' NOT EQUAL 'Unsupported ASAP Card'))
Clearing condition: (('Protection Type' NOT EQUAL 'None') OR ('operationalState' EQUAL 'Up') OR ('Administrative State' NOT EQUAL 'Up')) 11/143
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Remedial action: At the end of each step wait to see if the fault clears. If not, continue with the next step.1. Is the alarmed pack a 100G Coherent
OT (112SCA1, 112SNA1, 112SCX10 or 112SNX10)? 2. Check the line port information and Line port PM.If the OPT and OPR parameters are
blank go to Step 3.3. Check the firmware profile that is currently running on the pack.If not, go to Step 7.If the firmware profile for the card is lower
than the versions shown in the table below,then the firmware should be upgraded see - Selecting a Specific Firmware Version 4. Perform a cold
reset of the card.5. Reseat the card.6. Replace the card.7. Perform a warm reset of the card.
Description: The alarm is raised when the CCAG Administrative State is Up and the Operational State is Down.
Raising condition: (('Administrative State' EQUAL 'Up') AND ('Operational State' NOT EQUAL 'Up'))
Clearing condition: (('Operational State' EQUAL 'Up') OR ('Administrative State' NOT EQUAL 'Up'))
Description: The alarm is raised when the 5620 SAM detects a jitter buffer overrun.
Raising condition: (('Report Alarm Status'anyBit'Buffer Overrun') AND ('Report Alarm'anyBit'Buffer Overrun'))
Clearing condition: NOT ((('Report Alarm Status'anyBit'Buffer Overrun') AND ('Report Alarm'anyBit'Buffer Overrun')))
Remedial action: Informational - if the alarm persists or is occurring frequently then investigation is required to understand why the underlying
transport network is unreliable.
Description: The alarm is raised when the 5620 SAM detects a jitter buffer underrun. 12/143
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Raising condition: (('Report Alarm Status'anyBit'Buffer Underrun') AND ('Report Alarm'anyBit'Buffer Underrun'))
Clearing condition: NOT ((('Report Alarm Status'anyBit'Buffer Underrun') AND ('Report Alarm'anyBit'Buffer Underrun')))
Remedial action: Informational - if the alarm persists or is occurring frequently then investigation is required to understand why the underlying
transport network is unreliable.
Description: The alarm is raised when the 5620 SAM detects one or more malformed packets.
Raising condition: (('Report Alarm Status'anyBit'Malformed Packets') AND ('Report Alarm'anyBit'Malformed Packets'))
Clearing condition: NOT ((('Report Alarm Status'anyBit'Malformed Packets') AND ('Report Alarm'anyBit'Malformed Packets')))
Remedial action: Informational - if the alarm persists or is occurring frequently then investigation is required to understand why the underlying
transport network is unreliable.
Description: The alarm is raised when the 5620 SAM detects a packet loss.
Raising condition: (('Report Alarm Status'anyBit'Packet Loss') AND ('Report Alarm'anyBit'Packet Loss'))
Clearing condition: NOT ((('Report Alarm Status'anyBit'Packet Loss') AND ('Report Alarm'anyBit'Packet Loss')))
Remedial action: Informational - if the alarm persists or is occurring frequently then investigation is required to understand why the underlying
transport network is unreliable. 13/143
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Description: The alarm is raised when the 5620 SAM detects a remote packet loss.
Raising condition: (('Report Alarm Status'anyBit'Remote Packet Loss') AND ('Report Alarm'anyBit'Remote Packet Loss'))
Clearing condition: NOT ((('Report Alarm Status'anyBit'Remote Packet Loss') AND ('Report Alarm'anyBit'Remote Packet Loss')))
Remedial action: Informational - if the alarm persists or is occurring frequently then investigation is required to understand why the underlying
transport network is unreliable.
Description: The alarm is raised when the 5620 SAM detects a remote RDI.
Raising condition: (('Report Alarm Status'anyBit'Remote RDI') AND ('Report Alarm'anyBit'Remote RDI'))
Clearing condition: NOT ((('Report Alarm Status'anyBit'Remote RDI') AND ('Report Alarm'anyBit'Remote RDI')))
Remedial action: Informational - if the alarm persists or is occurring frequently then investigation is required to understand why the underlying
transport network is unreliable.
Description: The alarm is raised when the 5620 SAM detects a remote TDM fault.
Raising condition: (('Report Alarm Status'anyBit'Remote TDM Fault') AND ('Report Alarm'anyBit'Remote TDM Fault'))
Clearing condition: NOT ((('Report Alarm Status'anyBit'Remote TDM Fault') AND ('Report Alarm'anyBit'Remote TDM Fault')))
Remedial action: Informational - if the alarm persists or is occurring frequently then investigation is required to understand why the underlying
transport network is unreliable. 14/143
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Description: The alarm is raised when the 5620 SAM detects received stray packets.
Raising condition: (('Report Alarm Status'anyBit'Stray Packets') AND ('Report Alarm'anyBit'Stray Packets'))
Clearing condition: NOT ((('Report Alarm Status'anyBit'Stray Packets') AND ('Report Alarm'anyBit'Stray Packets')))
Remedial action: Informational - if the alarm persists or is occurring frequently then investigation is required to understand why the underlying
transport network is unreliable.
Description: The alarm is raised when an NE detects an STP exception condition on a SAP, for example, one-way communication or a
downstream loop. The alarm clears when the STP status changes.
Raising condition: (('STP Exception Condition' NOT EQUAL 'None') AND ('Administrative State' EQUAL 'Up'))
Clearing condition: (('STP Exception Condition' EQUAL 'None') OR ('Administrative State' EQUAL 'Down'))
Remedial action: Check 'STP Exception Condition' field for more details and fix the STP exception.
Description: The alarm is raised when SAM fails to manage a 9430 Compact Mobility Unit due to an FTP failure.
Remedial action: Verify FTP connectivity between the 5620 SAM and the 9430 Compact Mobility Unit, then re-attempt to manage. 15/143
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Description: The alarm is raised when a device reports module fault on a coherent optical interface.
Clearing condition: NOT ((('Configured Alarms'anyBit'Module Fault') AND ('Reported Alarms'anyBit'Module Fault')))
Description: The alarm is raised when a device reports Host Tx Fault on a coherent optical interface.
Raising condition: (('Configured Alarms'anyBit'Host (Electrical Side) Transmit') AND ('Reported Alarms'anyBit'Host (Electrical Side) Transmit'))
Clearing condition: NOT ((('Configured Alarms'anyBit'Host (Electrical Side) Transmit') AND ('Reported Alarms'anyBit'Host (Electrical Side)
Description: The alarm is raised when a device reports loss of reference lock signal on a coherent optical interface. 16/143
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Description: The alarm is raised when a device reports Rx Fault on a coherent optical interface.
Raising condition: (('Configured Alarms'anyBit'Network (Optical Side) Receive') AND ('Reported Alarms'anyBit'Network (Optical Side) Receive'))
Clearing condition: NOT ((('Configured Alarms'anyBit'Network (Optical Side) Receive') AND ('Reported Alarms'anyBit'Network (Optical Side)
Description: The alarm is raised when a device reports Tx Fault on a coherent optical interface.
Raising condition: (('Configured Alarms'anyBit'Network (Optical Side) Transmit') AND ('Reported Alarms'anyBit'Network (Optical Side)
Clearing condition: NOT ((('Configured Alarms'anyBit'Network (Optical Side) Transmit') AND ('Reported Alarms'anyBit'Network (Optical Side)
Description: The alarm is raised when a configuration rollback rescue file delete operation is performed.
Remedial action: Informational - If rollback rescue file deletion status indicates failed, then, the requested rescue file might not be available or
check the FTP permission for the rescue location. 17/143
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Description: The alarm is raised when a configuration rollback rescue save operation is performed.
Remedial action: Informational - If rollback rescue file creation status indicates failed, then, check the FTP permission for the rescue location.
Description: The alarm is raised when a configuration rollback rescue operation is performed.
Remedial action: Informational - If rollback rescue status indicates failed, then, the rescue file might not be available or check the FTP permission
for the rescue location.
Description: The alarm is raised when a configuration rollback file delete operation is performed.
Remedial action: Informational - If rollback file deletion status indicates failed, then, the requested rollback file might not be available or check the
FTP permission for the rollback location..
Description: The alarm is raised when a configuration rollback CPM sync operation is performed. 18/143
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Remedial action: Informational - If rollback files CPM Sync status indicates failed, then, check whether standby CPM is up.
Description: The alarm is raised when a configuration rollback save operation is performed.
Remedial action: Informational - If rollback file creation status indicates failed, then, check the FTP permission for the rollback location.
Description: The alarm is raised when the compositeEquipmentState attribute has a value of containingEquipmentAdministrativelyDown.
Raising condition: (('Status' EQUAL 'Parent Admin Down') AND ('isTerminatable' EQUAL 'true'))
Clearing condition: (('Status' NOT EQUAL 'Parent Admin Down') OR ('isTerminatable' NOT EQUAL 'true'))
Description: The alarm is raised when the compositeEquipmentState attribute has a value of containingEquipmentMismatch.
Raising condition: (('Status' EQUAL 'Parent Type Mismatch') AND ('isTerminatable' EQUAL 'true'))
Clearing condition: (('Status' NOT EQUAL 'Parent Type Mismatch') OR ('isTerminatable' NOT EQUAL 'true'))
Remedial action: A configuration error has occurred which must be corrected. The card type configured for the slot identified in the alarm must
match the installed card type. 19/143
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Table 4109: ContainingEquipmentOperationallyDown
Description: The alarm is raised when the compositeEquipmentState attribute has a value of containingEquipmentOperationllyDown.
Raising condition: (('Status' EQUAL 'Parent Oper Down') AND ('isTerminatable' EQUAL 'true'))
Clearing condition: (('Status' NOT EQUAL 'Parent Oper Down') OR ('isTerminatable' NOT EQUAL 'true'))
Remedial action: The operational state of the equipment element indicated in the alarm is down. This may be due to the element's administrative
state or it may indicate that the element has failed.
Description: The alarm is raised when a Control Channel has an Operational State other than Up, and the Administrative State is Up.
Raising condition: (('Administrative State' EQUAL 'Up') AND ('Operational State' NOT EQUAL 'Up'))
Clearing condition: (('Operational State' EQUAL 'Up') OR ('Administrative State' NOT EQUAL 'Up'))
Remedial action: A network configuration issue has been detected. Ensure the Control Channel configuration between the local node and the
peer node is consistent.
Description: The alarm is raised when an IP packet stream has exceeded the per-source limit.
Remedial action: A device in the network is sending traffic to the NE at a rate which is higher than expected. The source of the traffic must be
identified and if the behavior is undesired then the device should be disabled. It is also possible that the threshold has been configured at a level
which is lower that acceptable in which case the configuration should be align with the traffic levels expected. 20/143
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Description: The alarm is raised when the overall packet arrival rate limit at the SDP is violated.
Remedial action: A device in the network is sending traffic to the NE at a rate which is higher than expected. The source of the traffic must be
identified and if the behavior is undesired then the device should be disabled. It is also possible that the threshold has been configured at a level
which is lower that acceptable in which case the configuration should be align with the traffic levels expected.
Description: The alarm is raised when a per-source rate limit violation is detected for a client address of a Real-time Control Protocol (RTCP)
control traffic in VPLS Service.
Remedial action: A device in the network is sending traffic to the NE at a rate which is higher than expected. The source of the traffic must be
identified and if the behavior is undesired then the device should be disabled. It is also possible that the threshold has been configured at a level
which is lower than acceptable, in which case the configuration should be aligned with the expected traffic levels.
Description: The alarm is raised when a per-source rate limit violation is detected for a client address of a Real-time Control Protocol (RTCP)
control traffic in router context.
Remedial action: A device in the network is sending traffic to the NE at a rate which is higher than expected. The source of the traffic must be
identified and if the behavior is undesired then the device should be disabled. It is also possible that the threshold has been configured at a level
which is lower than acceptable, in which case the configuration should be aligned with the expected traffic levels. 21/143
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Description: The alarm is raised when the manufacturer-specific Auxiliary 1 of the XFP reaches the maximum threshold value.
Remedial action: Informational. Check the environmental parameters of the transceiver and ensure that it is not faulty.
Description: The alarm is raised when the manufacturer-specific Auxiliary 1 of the XFP approaches the maximum threshold value.
Remedial action: Informational. Check the environmental parameters of the transceiver and ensure that it is not faulty.
Description: The alarm is raised when the manufacturer-specific Auxiliary 1 of the XFP reaches the minimum threshold value.
Remedial action: Informational. Check the environmental parameters of the transceiver and ensure that it is not faulty. 22/143
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Description: The alarm is raised when the manufacturer-specific Auxiliary 1 of the XFP approaches the minimum threshold value.
Remedial action: Informational. Check the environmental parameters of the transceiver and ensure that it is not faulty.
Description: The alarm is raised when the manufacturer-specific Auxiliary 2 of the XFP reaches the maximum threshold value.
Remedial action: Informational. Check the environmental parameters of the transceiver and ensure that it is not faulty.
Description: The alarm is raised when the manufacturer-specific Auxiliary 2 of the XFP approaches the maximum threshold value.
Remedial action: Informational. Check the environmental parameters of the transceiver and ensure that it is not faulty. 23/143
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Description: The alarm is raised when the manufacturer-specific Auxiliary 2 of the XFP reaches the minimum threshold value.
Remedial action: Informational. Check the environmental parameters of the transceiver and ensure that it is not faulty.
Description: The alarm is raised when the manufacturer-specific Auxiliary 2 of the XFP approaches the minimum threshold value.
Remedial action: Informational. Check the environmental parameters of the transceiver and ensure that it is not faulty.
Description: The alarm is raised when the received optical power of an SFP or XFP reaches the maximum threshold value.
Remedial action: Informational. Check the environmental parameters of the transceiver and ensure that it is not faulty. 24/143
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Description: The alarm is raised when the received optical power of an SFP or XFP approaches the maximum threshold value.
Remedial action: Informational. Check the environmental parameters of the transceiver and ensure that it is not faulty.
Description: The alarm is raised when the received optical power of an SFP or XFP reaches the minimum threshold value.
Remedial action: Informational. Check the environmental parameters of the transceiver and ensure that it is not faulty.
Description: The alarm is raised when the received optical power of an SFP or XFP approaches the minimum threshold value.
Remedial action: Informational. Check the environmental parameters of the transceiver and ensure that it is not faulty. 25/143
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Description: The alarm is raised when the supply voltage of an SFP or XFP reaches the maximum threshold value.
Remedial action: Informational. Check the environmental parameters of the transceiver and ensure that it is not faulty.
Description: The alarm is raised when the supply voltage of an SFP or XFP approaches the maximum threshold value.
Remedial action: Informational. Check the environmental parameters of the transceiver and ensure that it is not faulty.
Description: The alarm is raised when the supply voltage of an SFP or XFP reaches the maximum threshold value.
Remedial action: Informational. Check the environmental parameters of the transceiver and ensure that it is not faulty. 26/143
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Description: The alarm is raised when the supply voltage of an SFP or XFP approaches the maximum threshold value.
Remedial action: Informational. Check the environmental parameters of the transceiver and ensure that it is not faulty.
Description: The alarm is raised when the temperature of an SFP or XFP reaches the maximum threshold value.
Remedial action: Informational. Check the environmental parameters of the transceiver and ensure that it is not faulty.
Description: The alarm is raised when the temperature of an SFP or XFP approaches the maximum threshold value.
Remedial action: Informational. Check the environmental parameters of the transceiver and ensure that it is not faulty. 27/143
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Description: The alarm is raised when the temperature of an SFP or XFP reaches the maximum threshold value.
Remedial action: Informational. Check the environmental parameters of the transceiver and ensure that it is not faulty.
Description: The alarm is raised when the temperature of an SFP or XFP approaches the maximum threshold value.
Remedial action: Informational. Check the environmental parameters of the transceiver and ensure that it is not faulty.
Description: The alarm is raised when the transmit bias current of an SFP or XFP reaches the maximum threshold value.
Remedial action: Informational. Check the environmental parameters of the transceiver and ensure that it is not faulty. 28/143
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Description: The alarm is raised when the transmit bias current of an SFP or XFP approaches the maximum threshold value.
Remedial action: Informational. Check the environmental parameters of the transceiver and ensure that it is not faulty.
Description: The alarm is raised when the transmit bias current of an SFP or XFP reaches the maximum threshold value.
Remedial action: Informational. Check the environmental parameters of the transceiver and ensure that it is not faulty.
Description: The alarm is raised when the transmit bias current of an SFP or XFP approaches the maximum threshold value.
Remedial action: Informational. Check the environmental parameters of the transceiver and ensure that it is not faulty. 29/143
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Description: The alarm is raised when the output power of an SFP or XFP reaches the maximum threshold value.
Remedial action: Informational. Check the environmental parameters of the transceiver and ensure that it is not faulty.
Description: The alarm is raised when the output power of an SFP or XFP approaches the maximum threshold value.
Remedial action: Informational. Check the environmental parameters of the transceiver and ensure that it is not faulty.
Description: The alarm is raised when the output power of an SFP or XFP reaches the maximum threshold value.
Remedial action: Informational. Check the environmental parameters of the transceiver and ensure that it is not faulty. 30/143
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Description: The alarm is raised when the output power of an SFP or XFP approaches the maximum threshold value.
Remedial action: Informational. Check the environmental parameters of the transceiver and ensure that it is not faulty.
Description: The alarm is raised when the Operational State of a Deterministic NAT Map is Down.
Description: The alarm is raised when the Operational State of a Deterministic NAT Prefix is Down and the Administrative State is Up.
Raising condition: (('Administrative State' EQUAL 'InService') AND ('Operational State' EQUAL 'Down')) 31/143
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Description: This alarm indicates that the system was unable to perform a mobility check for this lease state.
Remedial action: Please make sure that host-connectivity-verify is enabled on the SAP.
Description: This alarm is raised when an error is detected while processing a persistency record.
Remedial action: The recovery action depends on the exact cause of the failure. Please review the Additional Text field to obtain information
about the specific failure.
Remedial action: The recovery action depends on the exact cause of the failure. Please review the Additional Text field to obtain information
about the specific failure.
Description: The alarm is raised when the Local DHCP Pool Failover has a state other than Normal. 32/143
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Remedial action: This alarm is raised when the operational state of a particular Local DHCP Pool Failover is other than Normal. This can occur if
the failover configuration is incorrect, disabled or if a pool failover is in progress. This alarm is cleared implicitly when the DHCP Pool Failover
state returns to Normal.
Description: The alarm is raised when the Local DHCP Server Failover has a state other than Normal.
Remedial action: This alarm is raised when operational state of a particular Local DHCP Server Failover is other than Normal. This can occur if
the failover configuration is incorrect, disabled or if a server failover is in progress. This alarm will be cleared implicitly when the DHCP Server
Failover state returns to Normal.
Description: This alarm is raised when a address conflict lease update received from the failover peer cannot be processed successfully. This
DHCP server instance has already leased another address to this host.
Remedial action: This alarm indicates the Local DHCP Server Failover lease update has failed. Packet received from the failover peer, cannot be
processed successfully. This DHCP server instance has already leased another address to this host. Please ensure all configuration is correct.
Description: This alarm is raised when a shutdown lease update received from the failover peer cannot be processed successfully. The failover
state of this DHCP Server instance is 'shutdown'. 33/143
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Remedial action: This alarm indicates the Local DHCP Server Failover lease update has failed. Packet received from the failover peer, cannot be
processed successfully. The failover state of this DHCP Server instance is 'shutdown'. Please ensure all configuration is correct.
Description: This alarm is raised when a host conflict lease update received from the failover peer cannot be processed successfully. This DHCP
server instance has already leased this address to another host.
Remedial action: This alarm indicates the Local DHCP Server Failover lease update has failed. Packet received from the failover peer, cannot be
processed successfully. This DHCP server instance has already leased this address to another host. Please ensure all configuration is correct.
Description: This alarm is raised when a lease expired lease update received from the failover peer cannot be processed successfully. The lease
received from the peer has expired.
Remedial action: This alarm indicates the Local DHCP Server Failover lease update has failed. Packet received from the failover peer, cannot be
processed successfully. The lease received from the peer has expired. Please ensure all configuration is correct.
Description: This alarm is raised when a maximum reached lease update received from the failover peer cannot be processed successfully. The
maximum number of leases is already reached.
Remedial action: This alarm indicates the Local DHCP Server Failover lease update has failed. Packet received from the failover peer, cannot be
processed successfully. The maximum number of leases is already reached. Please ensure all configuration is correct. 34/143
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Description: This alarm is raised when a peer conflict lease update received from the failover peer cannot be processed successfully. The
failover peer has leased an address within a subnet range of which the failover control is set to 'local' on this local DHCP server instance.
Remedial action: This alarm indicates the Local DHCP Server Failover lease update has failed. Packet received from the failover peer, cannot be
processed successfully. The failover peer has leased an address within a subnet range of which the failover control is set to 'local' on this local
DHCP server instance. Please ensure all configuration is correct.
Description: This alarm is raised when a persistence congested lease update received from the failover peer cannot be processed successfully.
The lease received from the peer can not be persistently stored because the persistence subsystem is in overload.
Remedial action: This alarm indicates the Local DHCP Server Failover lease update has failed. Packet received from the failover peer, cannot be
processed successfully. The lease received from the peer can not be persistently stored because the persistence subsystem is in overload.
Please ensure all configuration is correct.
Description: This alarm is raised when a range not found lease update received from the failover peer cannot be processed successfully. No
valid include range for this lease could be found.
Remedial action: This alarm indicates the Local DHCP Server Failover lease update has failed. Packet received from the failover peer, cannot be
processed successfully. No valid include range for this lease could be found. Please ensure all configuration is correct. 35/143
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Description: This alarm is raised when a subnet not found lease update received from the failover peer cannot be processed successfully. No
valid subnet for this lease could be found.
Remedial action: This alarm indicates the Local DHCP Server Failover lease update has failed. Packet received from the failover peer, cannot be
processed successfully. No valid subnet for this lease could be found. Please ensure all configuration is correct.
Description: This alarm can be generated for hosts configured with a fixed IP address in the local user database. If such a host requests an ip-
address and the system cannot find a matching subnet in this server instance for this IP address, then this alarm is generated, and the request is
Remedial action: Ensure that the IP Address configured for this host under the local user database falls into a subnet under the local DHCP
server mapped to this alarm.
Description: The alarm is raised when the Diameter protocol has dropped a message
Remedial action: The recovery action depends on the exact cause of the failure. See the Additional Text field in the Alarm Info form for a specific
cause for the failure.
Description: The alarm is raised when the Operational State of a Diameter Peer Proxy is Out Of Service. 36/143
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Remedial action: Please ensure that the Diameter Peer Proxy on Diameter Policy is operationally up.
Description: The alarm is raised when an IOM is not upgraded or reset after a device software upgrade of both CPMs. A device resets an IOM
automatically after 120 minutes if the IOM is not manually reset after a CPM upgrade.
Description: The alarm is raised when an NE reports that a specific DS1 or E1 channel has an AIS alarm condition.
Raising condition: (('Outstanding Alarms'anyBit'Alarm Indication Signal') AND ('Report Alarms'anyBit'Alarm Indication Signal'))
Clearing condition: NOT ((('Outstanding Alarms'anyBit'Alarm Indication Signal') AND ('Report Alarms'anyBit'Alarm Indication Signal')))
Description: The alarm is raised when an NE reports that a specific DS1 or E1 channel has a remote loopback alarm condition. 37/143
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Raising condition: (('Outstanding Alarms'anyBit'Far end wants the near end to loopback') AND ('Report Alarms'anyBit'Far end wants the near
end to loopback'))
Clearing condition: NOT ((('Outstanding Alarms'anyBit'Far end wants the near end to loopback') AND ('Report Alarms'anyBit'Far end wants the
near end to loopback')))
Description: The alarm is raised when an NE reports that a specific DS1 or E1 channel has an LOS alarm condition.
Clearing condition: NOT ((('Outstanding Alarms'anyBit'Loss of Signal') AND ('Report Alarms'anyBit'Loss of Signal')))
Description: The alarm is raised when an NE reports that a specific DS1 or E1 channel has an OOF alarm condition.
Clearing condition: NOT ((('Outstanding Alarms'anyBit'Out Of Frame') AND ('Report Alarms'anyBit'Out Of Frame')))
Description: The alarm is raised when an NE reports that a specific DS1 or E1 channel has an RAI alarm condition. 38/143
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Raising condition: (('Outstanding Alarms'anyBit'Resource Availability Indicator') AND ('Report Alarms'anyBit'Resource Availability Indicator'))
Clearing condition: NOT ((('Outstanding Alarms'anyBit'Resource Availability Indicator') AND ('Report Alarms'anyBit'Resource Availability
Description: The alarm is raised when an NE reports that a specific DS1 or E1 channel has an SD alarm condition.
Clearing condition: NOT ((('Outstanding Alarms'anyBit'Signal Degradation') AND ('Report Alarms'anyBit'Signal Degradation')))
Description: The alarm is raised when an NE reports that a specific DS1 or E1 channel has an SF alarm condition.
Clearing condition: NOT ((('Outstanding Alarms'anyBit'Signal Failure') AND ('Report Alarms'anyBit'Signal Failure')))
Description: The alarm is raised when an NE reports that a specific DS3 or E3 channel has an AIS alarm condition. 39/143
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Raising condition: (('Outstanding Alarms'anyBit'Alarm Indication Signal') AND ('Report Alarms'anyBit'Alarm Indication Signal'))
Clearing condition: NOT ((('Outstanding Alarms'anyBit'Alarm Indication Signal') AND ('Report Alarms'anyBit'Alarm Indication Signal')))
Description: The alarm is raised when an NE reports that a specific DS3 or E3 channel has a remote loopback alarm condition.
Raising condition: (('Outstanding Alarms'anyBit'Far end wants the near end to loopback') AND ('Report Alarms'anyBit'Far end wants the near
end to loopback'))
Clearing condition: NOT ((('Outstanding Alarms'anyBit'Far end wants the near end to loopback') AND ('Report Alarms'anyBit'Far end wants the
near end to loopback')))
Description: The alarm is raised when an NE reports that a specific DS3 or E3 channel has an LOS alarm condition.
Clearing condition: NOT ((('Outstanding Alarms'anyBit'Loss of Signal') AND ('Report Alarms'anyBit'Loss of Signal')))
Description: The alarm is raised when an NE reports that a specific DS3 or E3 channel has an OOF alarm condition. 40/143
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Clearing condition: NOT ((('Outstanding Alarms'anyBit'Out Of Frame') AND ('Report Alarms'anyBit'Out Of Frame')))
Description: The alarm is raised when an NE reports that a specific DS3 or E3 channel has an RAI alarm condition.
Raising condition: (('Outstanding Alarms'anyBit'Resource Availability Indicator') AND ('Report Alarms'anyBit'Resource Availability Indicator'))
Clearing condition: NOT ((('Outstanding Alarms'anyBit'Resource Availability Indicator') AND ('Report Alarms'anyBit'Resource Availability
Description: The alarm is raised when EFM Ignore status is Enabled and EFM Operation Status has a fault that is not propagated to the Physical
Port Operational State.
Raising condition: ((('Operational Status' EQUAL 'Link Fault') OR ('Operational Status' EQUAL 'Active Send Local')) AND ('Ignore EFM State'
EQUAL 'true'))
Clearing condition: ((('Operational Status' NOT EQUAL 'Link Fault') AND ('Operational Status' NOT EQUAL 'Active Send Local')) OR ('Ignore
EFM State' EQUAL 'false'))
Remedial action: Informational - The alarm indicates that EFM has detected an error condition but has not affected the operation state of the
port. 41/143
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Description: The alarm is raised when the compositeEquipmentState attribute has a value of equipmentAdministrativelyDown.
Description: The alarm is raised when a single fan fails. The chassis attempts to continue operating within the normal temperature range using
only the remaining fans.
Description: The alarm is raised when the compositeEquipmentState attribute has a value of equipmentOperationallyDown.
Remedial action: This alarm indicates that a card in the NE has failed. The card must be replaced. 42/143
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Description: The alarm is raised when a I/O card or control processor or power-supply tray reports a failure. When the object type is
ControlProcessor, a CPM may be unable to boot. When the object type is Power Supply Tray and the alarm is raised during device discovery, a
power-supply tray may be out of service. When the object type is a Power Supply Tray and the device is in the managed state, a power-supply
tray may be out of service or the AC power shelf has a fault condition. The alarm clears when the status changes to OK.
Remedial action: If the alarm indicates that the CPM card or I/O card has a fault, remove the card and reset it. If this does not clear the alarm
then please contact your Nokia support representative for assistance. If the alarm indicates that the Power Supply tray is out of service ensure
that the NE is properly connected to power. If the problem persists please contact your Nokia support representative for assistance.
Description: The alarm is raised when the compositeEquipmentState attribute has a value of equipmentMismatch.
Remedial action: A configuration error has occurred which must be corrected. The card type configured for the slot identified in the alarm must
match the installed card type. 43/143
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Table 4182: EquipmentRemoved
Description: The alarm is raised when the compositeEquipmentState attribute has a value of equipmentMissing.
Raising condition: ((('isEquipped' EQUAL 'false') OR ('compositeEquipmentState' EQUAL 'Removed')) AND ('isEquipmentInserted' EQUAL
Clearing condition: (('compositeEquipmentState' NOT EQUAL 'Removed') AND ('isEquipped' EQUAL 'true'))
Description: The alarm is raised when a MEP receives a CCM frame with an interface status TLV of 'Down'.
Remedial action: This alarm is raised when a MEP receives a CCM frame with an interface status TLV of Down.
Description: The alarm is raised when a timed loopback is in effect for an Ethernet port.
Remedial action: This alarm has been raised bye the node because "Timed Loopback" option of the specific port's Ethernet property has been
enabled. To resolve this problem from "Ethernet" tab of "Physical Port" properties form configure "Timed Loopback" Type property as "None". 44/143
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Description: The alarm is raised when a device reports a Duplicate Lane on an Ethernet port.
Clearing condition: NOT ((('Outstanding Alarms'anyBit'Duplicate Lane') AND ('Report Alarms'anyBit'Duplicate Lane')))
Remedial action: One of the following conditions exists on the referenced physical interface which must be corrected. A cable/fiber fault exists
which must be corrected - check to ensure that the cable is not faulty and is properly connected. The port is faulty - run diagnostics on the port to
determine the nature of the fault. If the problem cannot be resolved swap the card containing the port with a card which is known be functional.
Description: The alarm is raised when a device reports a high bit-error rate on an Ethernet port.
Raising condition: (('Outstanding Alarms'anyBit'High Bit Error Rate') AND ('Report Alarms'anyBit'High Bit Error Rate'))
Clearing condition: NOT ((('Outstanding Alarms'anyBit'High Bit Error Rate') AND ('Report Alarms'anyBit'High Bit Error Rate')))
Remedial action: One of the following conditions exists on the physical interface which must be corrected. A cable/fiber fault exists which must
be corrected - check to ensure that the cable is not faulty and is properly connected. The port is faulty - run diagnostics on the port to determine
the nature of the fault.
Description: The alarm is raised when a device reports a local fault on an Ethernet port.
Clearing condition: NOT ((('Outstanding Alarms'anyBit'Local Fault') AND ('Report Alarms'anyBit'Local Fault')))
Remedial action: One of the following conditions exists on the physical interface which must be corrected. A cable/fiber fault exists which must
be corrected - check to ensure that the cable is not faulty and is properly connected. The port is faulty - run diagnostics on the port to determine
the nature of the fault. 45/143
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Table 4188: EthernetPortNoAmLock
Description: The alarm is raised when a device reports a No Am Lock on an Ethernet port.
Clearing condition: NOT ((('Outstanding Alarms'anyBit'No AM Lock') AND ('Report Alarms'anyBit'No AM Lock')))
Remedial action: One of the following conditions exists on the referenced physical interface which must be corrected. A cable/fiber fault exists
which must be corrected - check to ensure that the cable is not faulty and is properly connected. The port is faulty - run diagnostics on the port to
determine the nature of the fault. If the problem cannot be resolved swap the card containing the port with a card which is known be functional.
Description: The alarm is raised when a device reports a No Block Lock on an Ethernet port.
Raising condition: (('Outstanding Alarms'anyBit'No Block Lock') AND ('Report Alarms'anyBit'No Block Lock'))
Clearing condition: NOT ((('Outstanding Alarms'anyBit'No Block Lock') AND ('Report Alarms'anyBit'No Block Lock')))
Remedial action: One of the following conditions exists on the referenced physical interface which must be corrected. A cable/fiber fault exists
which must be corrected - check to ensure that the cable is not faulty and is properly connected. The port is faulty - run diagnostics on the port to
determine the nature of the fault. If the problem cannot be resolved swap the card containing the port with a card which is known be functional.
Description: The alarm is raised when a device reports No Frame Lock on an Ethernet port.
Raising condition: (('Outstanding Alarms'anyBit'No Frame Lock') AND ('Report Alarms'anyBit'No Frame Lock'))
Clearing condition: NOT ((('Outstanding Alarms'anyBit'No Frame Lock') AND ('Report Alarms'anyBit'No Frame Lock'))) 46/143
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Remedial action: One of the following conditions exists on the physical interface which must be corrected. A cable/fiber fault exists which must
be corrected - check to ensure that the cable is not faulty and is properly connected. The port is faulty - run diagnostics on the port to determine
the nature of the fault.
Description: The alarm is raised when a device reports a remote fault on an Ethernet port.
Clearing condition: NOT ((('Outstanding Alarms'anyBit'Remote Fault') AND ('Report Alarms'anyBit'Remote Fault')))
Remedial action: One of the following conditions exists on the remote physical interface which must be corrected. A cable/fiber fault exists which
must be corrected - check to ensure that the cable is not faulty and is properly connected. The port is faulty - run diagnostics on the port to
determine the nature of the fault.
Description: The alarm is raised when a device reports a signal failure on an Ethernet port.
Clearing condition: NOT ((('Outstanding Alarms'anyBit'Signal Failure') AND ('Report Alarms'anyBit'Signal Failure')))
Remedial action: One of the following conditions exists on the physical interface which must be corrected. A cable/fiber fault exists which must
be corrected - check to ensure that the cable is not faulty and is properly connected. The port is faulty - run diagnostics on the port to determine
the nature of the fault.
Description: The alarm is raised when the External timing reference on an NE is not in the Qualified state. 47/143
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Raising condition: (('Qualified For Use' EQUAL 'Not Qualified') AND ('Administrative State' NOT EQUAL 'Down'))
Clearing condition: (('Qualified For Use' NOT EQUAL 'Not Qualified') OR ('Administrative State' EQUAL 'Down'))
Description: The alarm is raised when the associated fan is not operationally Up.
Raising condition: (('Device State' EQUAL 'Failed') OR ('Device State' EQUAL 'Unknown') OR ('Device State' EQUAL 'OutOfservice'))
Remedial action: Remove and reset the fan unit. If this does not resolve the problem replace the fan.
Description: The alarm is raised when the deviceState attribute has a value of deviceNotEquipped.
Remedial action: Informational - a fan tray has been removed from the NE.
Description: The alarm is raised when the device installed in the shelf has an EEPROM that does not contain the correct or recognizable
information. 48/143
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Remedial action: The alarm is raised when the device installed in the shelf has an EEPROM that does not contain the correct or recognizable
information. Replace the card.
Description: The alarm is raised when the number of MAC address entries in the FIB reaches or exceeds the VPLS site high watermark specified
by l2fwd.SiteFib.highWatermark. The alarm clears when the number of MAC address entries in the FIB drops below the VPLS site low watermark
specified by l2fwd.SiteFib.lowWatermark. The alarm can be raised against a VPLS site, L2 access interface, or spoke SDP binding.
Raising condition: (('Entries' >=" 'Size') OR ('Entries' >= (('High Watermark' * 'Size') / 100.0)))"
Clearing condition: (('Entries' < 'Size') AND (('High Watermark' EQUAL '0L') OR ('Entries' < (('Low Watermark' * 'Size') / 100.0))) AND (('Low
Watermark' EQUAL '0L') OR ('Entries' < (('Low Watermark' * 'Size') / 100.0))))
Remedial action: 1 Perform a warm reset on the card where the FPGAFAIL condition is raised. For CLI config card card type shelf slot reset
warm. For WEBUI Select the card, click the Reboot tab, select Warm Reboot >Submit. 2 Contact your Nokia support representative.
Remedial action: 1. Perform a warm reset on the card where the FPGATIMEOUT condition is raised. 49/143
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Description: The alarm is raised when the path management state of a Ga peer changes to a state other than Up.
Remedial action: A Ga reference point (peer) is operationally down for one of the following reasons: the underlying IP or physical interface is
down, the far end peer is down or the underlying transport between this NE and the peer NE is down. To resolve the issue ensure that the
IP/physical interface is up, check that the far end peer is operational and check that the underlying transport network is up.
Description: The alarm is raised when the GMPLS LSP's Administrative State is Up and the Operational State is Down. The alarm clears when
the GMPLS LSP's Operational State changes to Up or the Administrative State changes to Down.
Raising condition: (('Administrative State' EQUAL 'Up') AND ('Operational State' NOT EQUAL 'Up'))
Clearing condition: (('Operational State' EQUAL 'Up') OR ('Administrative State' NOT EQUAL 'Up'))
Remedial action: The Operational state of the GMPLS LSP is down, despite the Administrative state being up. Check if the GMPLS path, or the
LSP-path binding is down.
Description: The alarm is raised when the GMPLS LSP-path binding's Administrative State is Up and the Operational State is Down. The alarm
clears when the GMPLS LSP-path binding's Operational State changes to Up or the Administrative State changes to Down.
Raising condition: (('Administrative State' EQUAL 'Up') AND ('Operational State' NOT EQUAL 'Up'))
Clearing condition: (('Operational State' EQUAL 'Up') OR ('Administrative State' NOT EQUAL 'Up'))
Remedial action: The Operational state of the GMPLS LSP-path binding is down, despite the Administrative state being up. Check the failure
code and fix accordingly. 50/143
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Description: The alarm is raised when the IP/GRE tunnel Operational State changes to Down and the Administrative State is Up.
Raising condition: (('Operational State' NOT EQUAL 'Up') AND ('Administrative State' EQUAL 'Up'))
Clearing condition: (('Operational State' EQUAL 'Up') OR ('Administrative State' NOT EQUAL 'Up'))
Remedial action: The situation may occur if the underlying physical port is down either because of administrative disabling or a fault on the port
or due to a cable connection or cable failure. This alarm will also be raised if the underlying transport network fails or is unreliable.
Description: The alarm is raised when a RIP group has an Operational State other than Up, and the Administrative State is Up.
Raising condition: (('administrativeState' EQUAL 'Up') AND ('operationalState' NOT EQUAL 'Up'))
Remedial action: The RIP Group is down while it is administratively up. Please check RIP related configuration e.g., the RIP is not shutdown.
Description: The alarm is raised when the 5620 SAM detects that a group interface is operationally down. The alarm clears when the group
interface is operationally up.
Remedial action: Check the configuration and the underlying physical interface. 51/143
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Description: The alarm is raised when the trapDroppedRaisesAlarm parameter is enabled and the maximum allowed number of SHCV host
connectivity loss events on a SAP is exceeded. The SHCV action in response to the alarm is specified by the maxHostLostConnectivityRate
parameter. If the specified action is to remove the host information, the host information is removed and the connectivity of the host is not
subsequently verified.
Remedial action: This may be a transient error condition in the network or possible congestion or could be a sign that the SHCV ping interval is
too short. Verify the status of the network for those subscribers and the service SHCV configuration.
Description: The alarm is raised when the IGH is administratively up but none of the IGH protocols is operationally up.
Raising condition: (('igh_misconfigured' EQUAL '\"yes\"') AND ('Administrative State' EQUAL 'Up'))
Clearing condition: (('igh_misconfigured' NOT EQUAL '\"yes\"') OR ('Administrative State' NOT EQUAL 'Up'))
Description: The alarm is raised when an IGMP site has an Operational State other than Up, and the Administrative State is Up.
Raising condition: (('Administrative State' EQUAL 'Up') AND ('Operational State' NOT EQUAL 'Up'))
Clearing condition: (('Operational State' EQUAL 'Up') OR ('Administrative State' NOT EQUAL 'Up'))
Remedial action: While configured under VPRN, check if VPRN site is admin down, or if route distinguisher is not configured. 52/143
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Description: The alarm is raised when an attempt is made to configure an IGMP group source for a group when the number of group sources for
this group is equal to 'maxGrpSources', the maximum number of group sources per group supported on the interface.
Remedial action: Needs to increase 'maxGrpSources' value to allow more sources on this interface.
Description: The alarm is raised when an attempt is made to configure an IGMP source for a group when the number of sources for this group is
equal to 'maxSources', the maximum number of sources per group supported on the interface.
Remedial action: Needs to increase 'maxSources' value to allow more sources on this interface.
Description: The alarm is raised when a peer configuration cannot be found on the peer NE. 53/143
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Description: The alarm is raised when a peer configuration cannot be found on the peer NE.
Remedial action: The peered object cannot be found on the peer NE. Either delete this one, or create the missing peer object.
Description: The alarm is raised when the peer does not exist or the neighbor address does not point to a network interface on the NE that
contains the peer object.
Raising condition: (('Type' EQUAL 'MultiChassis') AND ('Neighbor match' EQUAL 'false'))
Remedial action: Make sure a peer exist and the neighbor address points to a network interface on the NE that contains the peer object.
Description: The alarm is raised when an MC peer does not exist, or when an MC peer exists but the peer address is not the address of a
network interface on the peer.
Remedial action: The peer configuration cannot be found on the peer NE. Either delete this one, or create the missing peer object. 54/143
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Description: The alarm is raised when the peer port does not exist, or when the peer port exists but the synchronization tags of the peers do not
Remedial action: Check if the peer port does not exist, or the peer port exists but the synchronization tags do not match.
Description: The alarm is raised when the VLAN ranges on the Multi-Chassis synchronization peers do not match.
Remedial action: Update the VLAN ranges on the Multi-Chassis synchronization peers to make them matching.
Description: The alarm is raised when the 5620 SAM detects that an SRRP instance is operationally down.
Raising condition: (('Administrative State' EQUAL 'Up') AND ('Operational State' EQUAL 'Initialize'))
Clearing condition: (('Operational State' NOT EQUAL 'Initialize') OR ('Administrative State' NOT EQUAL 'Up')) 55/143
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Description: The alarm is raised when the 5620 SAM detects that a VRRP instance is operationally down.
Raising condition: (('Administrative State' EQUAL 'Up') AND ('Operational State' NOT EQUAL 'Up'))
Clearing condition: (('Operational State' EQUAL 'Up') OR ('Administrative State' NOT EQUAL 'Up'))
Description: The alarm is raised when a deployed adjacency doesnt have sufficent bandwidth.
Raising condition: (('Deployed to Site' EQUAL 'false') AND ('isBandwidthExceeded' EQUAL 'true'))
Raising condition: (('Neighbor Count' EQUAL '0L') AND ('interfaceClass' NOT EQUAL 'System') AND ('Passive' NOT EQUAL 'true'))
Clearing condition: (('Neighbor Count' NOT EQUAL '0L') OR ('Passive' EQUAL 'true'))
Remedial action: This alarm is raised when the OSPF interface neighbor is operationally down. The situation may occur if the underlying physical
interface is down either because of administrative disabling or a fault on the far end port or due to a cable connection or cable failure. This alarm
will also be raised if the underlying transport network fails or is unreliable. Resolving the underlying instability in the transport network will correct
this problem. 56/143
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Remedial action: Ensure that no environmental issues are present where the network element resides.Resolve any existing issues.Verify if other
cards in the shelf report temperatures near their lower limit (within 10� C).Replace the alarmed card.
Description: The alarm is generated when tmnxIomResStateClr, tmnxIomResExhausted and tmnxIomResHighLimitReached occur more than
200 times because of resource usage fluctuation. The IOM raises the final trap to indicate overflow and stops logging traps.
Remedial action: Informational - The alarm will be cleared when the CPM polls the IOM for traps and the overflow is cleared by logging an
overflow-clear on a particular card.
Description: The alarm is generated when the type of resources on IOM as specified by tmnxIomResourceType has reached the value of
Remedial action: Informational - The alarm will be cleared when the type of resources on IOM as specified by tmnxIomResourceType has
dropped back down below the value of tmnxIomResourceLimitPct.
Description: The alarm is raised when the Operational State of a SAP IPsec gateway changes to Down and the Administrative State is Up. 57/143
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Raising condition: (('Operational State' NOT EQUAL 'Up') AND ('Administrative State' EQUAL 'Up'))
Clearing condition: (('Operational State' EQUAL 'Up') OR ('Administrative State' NOT EQUAL 'Up'))
Description: The alarm is raised when the Operational State of an ISA IPSec group is Down and the Administrative State is Up.
Raising condition: (('administrativeState' EQUAL 'Up') AND ('operationalState' NOT EQUAL 'Up'))
Remedial action: The operational state of the ISA-Tunnel Group is down, despite the administrative state being up. Check that the configured
ISA-Tunnel Group Member MDA(s) are active and operationally up. There may be a fault with the ISA Application IPSec(Tunnel) Group.
Description: The Alarm is generated when the ISA card memory usage ratio has reached the high watermark ,which is measured by the number
of phase 1 and phase 2 security associations (SAs).
Remedial action: This alarm is raised when the ISA card memory usage ratio reaches the high watermark which is measured by the number of
phase 1 and phase 2 security associations (SAs). The value used for the high watermark is 95% of the maximum number of SAs for the ISA Card.
The alarm is cleared when the ISA card memory usage ratio reaches the low watermark.
Description: The Alarm is generated when the ISA card memory usage ratio has reached the Maximum which is measured by the number of
phase 1 and phase 2 security associations (SAs). 58/143
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Remedial action: This alarm is raised when the ISA card memory usage ratio reaches the maximum value of security associations (SAs)
associated with the ISA Card. This maximum value is measured by the number of phase 1 and phase 2 SAs. The alarm is cleared when the
number of SAs reaches the low watermark.
Description: The alarm is raised when the BFD connection to a peer times out.
Remedial action: Check if the route to the BFD peer exist and is up.
Description: The alarm is raised when the Operational State of a BFD session is Not Connected.
Remedial action: Check if the route to the BFD peer exist and is up.
Description: The alarm is raised when a BFD peer detects a connection timeout. 59/143
12/21/2019 Alarms
Remedial action: Check if the route to the BFD peer exist and is up.
Description: The alarm is raised when the IPsec tunnel operational state changes to 'down' and the administrative state is 'up'.
Raising condition: (('Operational State' NOT EQUAL 'Up') AND ('Administrative State' EQUAL 'Up'))
Clearing condition: (('Operational State' EQUAL 'Up') OR ('Administrative State' NOT EQUAL 'Up'))
Description: The alarm is raised when an ISA-AA group Operational State is Down, and the Administrative State is Up.
Raising condition: (('Administrative State' EQUAL 'Up') AND ('Operational State' NOT EQUAL 'Up'))
Clearing condition: (('Operational State' EQUAL 'Up') OR ('Administrative State' NOT EQUAL 'Up'))
Remedial action: The operational state of the ISA-AA group is down, despite the administrative state being up. Check that the configured ISA-AA
Group Member MDA(s) are active and operationally up. There may be a fault with the ISA Application Assurance MDA. 60/143
12/21/2019 Alarms
Description: The alarm is raised when a subscriber cannot be assigned to an ISA-AA MDA in an AA group because of insufficient service
queues, a high AA subscriber count, or a high AA subscriber statistics collection rate. The unassigned subscriber is treated as specified by the
Operation Upon Failure parameter in the AA group. Recovery from this condition requires the removal and recreation of the AA subscriber when
sufficient resources are available.
Raising condition: (('Number of Unassigned ESM Subscribers' NOT EQUAL '0L') OR ('Number of Unassigned SAP Subscribers' NOT EQUAL
'0L') OR ('Number of Unassigned Spoke SDP Subscribers' NOT EQUAL '0L'))
Clearing condition: (('Number of Unassigned ESM Subscribers' EQUAL '0L') AND ('Number of Unassigned SAP Subscribers' EQUAL '0L') AND
('Number of Unassigned Spoke SDP Subscribers' EQUAL '0L'))
Remedial action: The subscriber cannot be assigned to an ISA-AA MDA in an AA group because of insufficient service queues, a high AA
subscriber count, or a high AA subscriber statistics collection rate. Remove and recreate the AA subscriber when sufficient resources are
Description: The alarm is raised when the Operational State of an ISA-LNS group is Down and the Administrative State is Up.
Raising condition: (('Administrative State' EQUAL 'Up') AND ('Operational State' NOT EQUAL 'Up'))
Clearing condition: (('Operational State' EQUAL 'Up') OR ('Administrative State' NOT EQUAL 'Up'))
Remedial action: This alarm is caused by administrative shutdown or equipment failure of the MDA members. Review the status of the
underlying ISA MDA group members and ensure they are operational.
Description: The alarm is raised when the Operational State of an ISA video group is Down and the Administrative State is Up.
Raising condition: (('Administrative State' EQUAL 'Up') AND ('Operational State' NOT EQUAL 'Up'))
Clearing condition: (('Operational State' EQUAL 'Up') OR ('Administrative State' NOT EQUAL 'Up'))
Remedial action: The operational state of the ISA-Video Group is down, despite the administrative state being up. Check that the configured ISA-
Video Group Member MDA(s) are active and operationally up. There may be a fault with the ISA Application Video Group. 61/143
12/21/2019 Alarms
Description: The alarm is raised when an IS-IS interface has no adjacencies, for example, because the IS-IS protocol on the remote site is down.
Raising condition: (('Adjacency Count' EQUAL '0L') AND ('interfaceClass' NOT EQUAL 'System') AND ('Passive' NOT EQUAL 'True'))
Remedial action: Check remote site to see if corresponding IS-IS interface is configured and admin up.
Description: The alarm is raised when an IS-IS site has an Operational State other than Up, and the Administrative State is Up.
Raising condition: (('Administrative State' EQUAL 'Up') AND ('Operational State' NOT EQUAL 'Up'))
Clearing condition: (('Operational State' EQUAL 'Up') OR ('Administrative State' NOT EQUAL 'Up'))
Remedial action: The protocol is not working anymore, could be a problem with IP addresses, resources on the device, ...
Description: The alarm is raised when an IS-IS interface has an Operational State other than Up.
Remedial action: Check if underlying port is down, or associated network interface is down. 62/143
12/21/2019 Alarms
Description: The alarm is raised when the 5620 SAM detects a keep-alive protocol status of senderIdInvalid or responderIdError.
Raising condition: (('Keep-Alive State' NOT EQUAL 'Disabled') AND ('Keep-Alive State' NOT EQUAL 'Alive') AND ('Keep-Alive State' NOT
EQUAL 'Unknown'))
Clearing condition: (('Keep-Alive State' EQUAL 'Disabled') OR ('Keep-Alive State' EQUAL 'Alive') OR ('Keep-Alive State' EQUAL 'Unknown'))
Remedial action: Check the configuration of this tunnel and underlying physical transport.
Description: The alarm is raised when an L2TP site becomes administratively down. The alarm clears when the L2TP site becomes
administratively up.
Remedial action: This alarm indicates that the L2TP protocol administrative state is down. It is cleared automatically when L2TP administrative
state is up again. Please verify the L2TP configuration. This alarm can be safely suppressed if L2TP is not used.
Raising condition: (('Operational State' EQUAL 'No Egress Label') OR ('Operational State' EQUAL 'No Ingress Label') OR ('Operational State'
EQUAL 'No Labels') OR ('State Cause'anyBit'No Egress VC Label') OR ('State Cause'anyBit'No Ingress VC Label') OR ('State Cause'anyBit'Label
Manager Has Ran Out Of Labels'))
Clearing condition: (('Operational State' NOT EQUAL 'No Egress Label') AND ('Operational State' NOT EQUAL 'No Ingress Label') AND
('Operational State' NOT EQUAL 'No Labels') AND NOT ((('State Cause'anyBit'No Egress VC Label') OR ('State Cause'anyBit'No Ingress VC
Label') OR ('State Cause'anyBit'Label Manager Has Ran Out Of Labels')))) 63/143
12/21/2019 Alarms
Remedial action: An ingress or egress label is missing for the SDP binding.
Description: The alarm is raised when all ports in a LAG are operationally down.
Raising condition: (('Administrative State' EQUAL 'Up') AND ('operationalState' NOT EQUAL 'Up'))
Clearing condition: (('operationalState' EQUAL 'Up') OR ('Administrative State' NOT EQUAL 'Up'))
Remedial action: This alarm indicates that all physical Ethernet links associated with a LAG are operationally down. The reasons for the links to
be down may vary from link to link. The following possible causes of this alarm should be investigated. The physical port (near end or far end may
have failed - this can be remedied by replacing the interface card in question. The physical links may have been turned down administratively - re-
enable the links. A cable failure or disconnect may have occurred - please ensure that the cables are properly connected to the physical port and
and that the cable has not been damaged.
Description: The alarm is raised when the Lag Port Add function Fails.
Raising condition: (('state' EQUAL 'Link Down') AND ('LAG ID' > '0'))
Clearing condition: (('state' NOT EQUAL 'Link Down') OR ('LAG ID' EQUAL '0'))
Remedial action: A configuration error has occurred which must be corrected. The link that was to be added to the LAG group may be of the
wrong type (i.e. non ethernet) or the limit of the number of links supported in a LAG may have been reached.
Description: The alarm is raised when an LDP site has an Operational State other than Up, and the Administrative State is Up. 64/143
12/21/2019 Alarms
Raising condition: (('Administrative State' EQUAL 'Up') AND ('Operational State' NOT EQUAL 'Up'))
Clearing condition: (('Operational State' EQUAL 'Up') OR ('Administrative State' NOT EQUAL 'Up'))
Remedial action: Check operational state down reason and update accordingly.
Remedial action: Please check the LDP session path to make sure all associated protocols/interfaces/connections are OK.
Description: The alarm is raised when an LDP targeted peer is operationally down.
Raising condition: (('administrativeState' EQUAL 'Up') AND ('operationalState' NOT EQUAL 'Up'))
Remedial action: Please check the route to LDP targeted peer to make sure all associated protocols/interfaces/connections are OK.
Description: The alarm is raised when the Operational State of the NAT64 subscriber is Down. 65/143
12/21/2019 Alarms
Remedial action: If the ISA MDA reboots successfully, or another ISA MDA takes over, no recovery is required. If more resources become
available on the ISA MDA, no recovery is required.
Description: The alarm is raised when the Operational State of the NAT L2 Aware subscriber is Down.
Remedial action: If the ISA MDA reboots successfully, or another ISA MDA takes over, no recovery is required. If more resources become
available on the ISA MDA, no recovery is required.
Description: The alarm is raised when the Operational State of the NAT LSN subscriber is Down.
Remedial action: If the ISA MDA reboots successfully, or another ISA MDA takes over, no recovery is required. If more resources become
available on the ISA MDA, no recovery is required. 66/143
12/21/2019 Alarms
Description: The alarm is raised when a SONET port reports an LAIS error. The alarm corresponds to the lais alarm on an NE.
Raising condition: (('Outstanding Alarms'anyBit'Line Alarm Indication Signal') AND ('Report Alarms'anyBit'Line Alarm Indication Signal'))
Clearing condition: NOT ((('Outstanding Alarms'anyBit'Line Alarm Indication Signal') AND ('Report Alarms'anyBit'Line Alarm Indication Signal')))
Description: The alarm is raised when a SONET port reports a line error condition that a remote NE raises because of b1 errors received from
the local NE. The alarm corresponds to the lrei alarm on an NE.
Raising condition: (('Outstanding Alarms'anyBit'Line Error Condition') AND ('Report Alarms'anyBit'Line Error Condition'))
Clearing condition: NOT ((('Outstanding Alarms'anyBit'Line Error Condition') AND ('Report Alarms'anyBit'Line Error Condition')))
Remedial action: Check the SONET port is configured correctly and that the physical layer cabling is operating correctly. Contact your Nokia
support representative if necessary.
Description: The alarm is raised when a SONET port reports a line remote defect indication error caused by an LOF, LOC, or LOS condition. The
alarm corresponds to the lrdi alarm on an NE.
Raising condition: (('Outstanding Alarms'anyBit'Line Remote Defect Indication') AND ('Report Alarms'anyBit'Line Remote Defect Indication'))
Clearing condition: NOT ((('Outstanding Alarms'anyBit'Line Remote Defect Indication') AND ('Report Alarms'anyBit'Line Remote Defect
Indication'))) 67/143
12/21/2019 Alarms
Description: The alarm is raised when a port has no associated physical link or remote end point is operationally down.
Raising condition: (('compositeEquipmentState' EQUAL 'Link Down') OR ('compositeEquipmentState' EQUAL 'Oper Down'))
Clearing condition: (('compositeEquipmentState' NOT EQUAL 'Link Down') AND ('compositeEquipmentState' NOT EQUAL 'Oper Down'))
Remedial action: Please make sure that port has physical link and remote end point is operationally up.
Description: The alarm is raised when the local RNCV Operational State of a ring node is other than Connected or NotTested, which means that
the ring node is not connected to the local MC ring group. The alarm clears when the ring node enters the Connected or NotTested state.
Raising condition: (('Local Operational State' NOT EQUAL 'Connected') AND ('Local Operational State' NOT EQUAL 'Not Tested'))
Clearing condition: (('Local Operational State' EQUAL 'Connected') OR ('Local Operational State' EQUAL 'Not Tested'))
Remedial action: Make sure that ring node is properly connected to MC ring group.
Description: The alarm is raised when a SONET port reports an LOC condition, which causes the NE to set the port Operational State to Down.
Clearing condition: NOT ((('Outstanding Alarms'anyBit'Loss of Clock') AND ('Report Alarms'anyBit'Loss of Clock')))
Remedial action: One of the following conditions exists on the referenced physical interface which must be corrected. A cable/fiber fault exists
which must be corrected - check to ensure that the cable is not faulty and is properly connected. 68/143
12/21/2019 Alarms
Description: The alarm is raised when the chassis temperature falls below the minimum threshold.
Remedial action: The NE has detected internal temperatures which are abnormally low. This may happen when the environment that the NE is
operating in may not be within specifications found in the NE user guides.
Remedial action: The NE has detected internal temperatures which are abnormally high. This could be caused by a failed fan unit or one or more
dirty fan filters. Replacing the failed unit or filters should resolve the problem. Alternately the environment that the NE is operating in may not be
within specifications found in the NE user guides.
Description: The alarm is raised when the Operational State of an LSP is Down, but the Administrative State is Up.
Raising condition: (('administrativeState' EQUAL 'Up') AND ('operationalState' NOT EQUAL 'Up'))
Remedial action: So many things can cause LSP down, check if source and destination interfaces are down, LSP path is down and the failure
code, or MPLS path is down... 69/143
12/21/2019 Alarms
Description: The alarm is raised when an LSP primary path is rerouted to the bypass tunnel. The alarm clears when the primary path returns to
the original tunnel and the actual hop returns to the primary path.
Remedial action: There is a problem with the original path, check what is the problem and fix it if possible.
Raising condition: (('Administrative' EQUAL 'Up') AND ('Operational' NOT EQUAL 'Up') AND ('Type' EQUAL 'Standby'))
Clearing condition: (('Operational' EQUAL 'Up') OR ('Administrative' NOT EQUAL 'Up') OR ('Type' EQUAL 'Secondary'))
Remedial action: Check the failure code and update accordingly, e.g. whether MPLS/RSVP interfaces, OSPF interfaces are down.
Description: The alarm is raised when the TP LSR Path Administrative State is Up and the Operational State is Down. The alarm clears when the
TP LSR Path Operational State changes to Up or the Administrative State changes to Down.
Raising condition: (('Administrative' EQUAL 'Up') AND ('Operational' NOT EQUAL 'Up'))
Remedial action: The Operational state of the TP LSR Path is down, despite the Administrative state being up. Review the configuration and
make sure that the Administrative state is up, the forward and reverse labels are set and the Out-Link interface is operationally up. 70/143
12/21/2019 Alarms
Description: The alarm is raised when the SAP exceeds the MAC Move Frequency of the service site.
Description: The alarm is raised when the SDP exceeds the Service Site's MAC Move Frequency.
Remedial action: Check Service Site MAC move frequency or underlying physical link to understand issue.
Description: The alarm is raised when the SDP exceeds the Service Site's MAC Move Frequency even when
limitMacMove(sdpBindTlsLimitMacMove) is set to 'nonBlocking'.
Remedial action: Informational - User can adjust the value of 'MAC Move Maximum Rate' to reduce the frequency of this alarm. 71/143
12/21/2019 Alarms
Description: The alarm is raised when the 5620 SAM cannot find the peer MC IPsec tunnel group. This can be either the peer tunnel group is
misconfigured or the local peer group ID is not configured.
Remedial action: Configure the missing peered MC IPsec tunnel group or check the local tunnel group's peer group ID has been configured, or
delete this one if it is not used.
Description: The alarm is raised when a MC IPsec tunnel group is operationally down while it is administratively up.
Raising condition: (('Operational State' NOT EQUAL 'Up') AND ('Administrative State' EQUAL 'Up'))
Clearing condition: (('Operational State' EQUAL 'Up') OR ('Administrative State' NOT EQUAL 'Up'))
Remedial action: Check if the physical ISA IPsec Tunnel Group or the associated MDA is operationally down.
Description: The alarm is raised when all ports in an MC LAG are operationally Down.
Raising condition: (('Administrative State' EQUAL 'Up') AND ('Operational State' NOT EQUAL 'Up'))
Clearing condition: (('Operational State' EQUAL 'Up') OR ('Administrative State' NOT EQUAL 'Up'))
Remedial action: This alarm indicates that all physical Ethernet links associated with a LAG are operationally down. The reasons for the links to
be down may vary from link to link. The following possible causes of this alarm should be investigated. The physical port (near end or far end may
have failed - this can be remedied by replacing the interface card in question. The physical links may have been turned down administratively - re-
enable the links. A cable failure or disconnect may have occurred - please ensure that the cables are properly connected to the physical port and
and that the cable has not been damaged. 72/143
12/21/2019 Alarms
Table 4268: MCLagDown (lag)
Description: The alarm is raised when all ports in an MC LAG are operationally down.
Raising condition: (('administrativeState' EQUAL 'Up') AND ('operationalState' NOT EQUAL 'Up'))
Remedial action: This alarm indicates that all physical Ethernet links associated with a LAG are operationally down. The reasons for the links to
be down may vary from link to link. The following possible causes of this alarm should be investigated. The physical port (near end or far end may
have failed - this can be remedied by replacing the interface card in question. The physical links may have been turned down administratively - re-
enable the links. A cable failure or disconnect may have occurred - please ensure that the cables are properly connected to the physical port and
and that the cable has not been damaged.
Description: The alarm is raised when the value of the object tmnxMcOmcrStatFailed changes from 'notAct' to any of the other values. The alarm
is cleared when the value of the object tmnxMcOmcrStatFailed changes to 'notAct' from any of the other values. A transition from 'notAct' or 'no' to
'yes' means that the traffic of some or all associated client application entries' is being dropped. For example, all traffic from some or all of the
IPOE subscriber hosts protected by a failed SRRP instance is dropped by this system. A transition to 'no' means that the system has successfully
allocated resources for the traffic of all associated client application entries. A transition to 'notAct' means that this system is not performing the
active role anymore for this access protection instance. For example, the value of the object tmnxSrrpOperState has become different from
'master' for the corresponding instance.
Remedial action: There are three recovery actions possible, depending on the reason of the transition of the access protection instance. If it is
caused by a problem in the access network, fix that problem, or make additional resources available for this access protection instance. If it is
caused by a misconfiguration of this system, correct that, or make additional resources available for this access protection instance.
Raising condition: (('Operational State' NOT EQUAL 'Up') AND ('Administrative State' EQUAL 'Up')) 73/143
12/21/2019 Alarms
Clearing condition: (('Operational State' EQUAL 'Up') OR ('Administrative State' NOT EQUAL 'Up'))
Description: The alarm is raised when the GMPLS tunnel group endpoint member's Administrative State is Up and the Operational State is
Down. The alarm clears when the GMPLS tunnel group endpoint member's Operational State changes to Up or the Administrative State changes
to Down.
Raising condition: (('Administrative State' EQUAL 'Up') AND ('Operational State' NOT EQUAL 'Up'))
Clearing condition: (('Operational State' EQUAL 'Up') OR ('Administrative State' NOT EQUAL 'Up'))
Remedial action: The Operational state of the GMPLS tunnel group endpoint member is down, despite the Administrative state being up. Check
with the Reason Down Flags for more details.
Description: The alarm is raised when a MEP receives AIS test frames from one or more of its sub-layer MEPs.
Raising condition: (('AIS Received (AisRx)' EQUAL 'true') AND ('Facility VLAN ID' EQUAL '0'))
Remedial action: This alarm indicates that it has received a MEP fault from a sub-layer MEP, user should investigate the fault cause on the sub-
layer MEP and resolve this root cause issue.
Description: [CAUSE] The tmnxDot1agCfmMepFcltyFaultRaise notification is generated when the associated facility MEP
dot1agCfmMepHighestPrDefect has increased. [EFFECT] This notification can be used to correlate the ETH_CFM dot1agCfmFaultAlarm event
and the related IF-MIB::linkDown notification caused by the failure of the facility MEP. [RECOVERY] Follow the recovery for the
dot1agCfmFaultAlarm and the related IF-MIB::linkDown caused by the failure of the facility MEP. 74/143
12/21/2019 Alarms
Remedial action: Follow the recovery for the CfmFaultAlarm and the related Interface linkDown caused by the failure of the facility MEP.
Description: [CAUSE] The tmnxDot1agCfmMepFcltyFaultRaise notification is generated when the associated facility MEP
dot1agCfmMepHighestPrDefect has increased. [EFFECT] This notification can be used to correlate the ETH_CFM dot1agCfmFaultAlarm event
and the related IF-MIB::linkDown notification caused by the failure of the facility MEP. [RECOVERY] Follow the recovery for the
dot1agCfmFaultAlarm and the related IF-MIB::linkDown caused by the failure of the facility MEP.
Remedial action: Follow the recovery for the CfmFaultAlarm and the related Interface linkDown caused by the failure of the facility MEP.
Description: [CAUSE] The tmnxDot1agCfmMepFcltyFaultRaise notification is generated when the associated facility MEP
dot1agCfmMepHighestPrDefect has increased. [EFFECT] This notification can be used to correlate the ETH_CFM dot1agCfmFaultAlarm event
and the related IF-MIB::linkDown notification caused by the failure of the facility MEP. [RECOVERY] Follow the recovery for the
dot1agCfmFaultAlarm and the related IF-MIB::linkDown caused by the failure of the facility MEP.
Remedial action: Follow the recovery for the CfmFaultAlarm and the related Interface linkDown caused by the failure of the facility MEP.
Description: [CAUSE] The tmnxDot1agCfmMepFcltyFaultRaise notification is generated when the associated facility MEP
dot1agCfmMepHighestPrDefect has increased. [EFFECT] This notification can be used to correlate the ETH_CFM dot1agCfmFaultAlarm event
and the related IF-MIB::linkDown notification caused by the failure of the facility MEP. [RECOVERY] Follow the recovery for the
dot1agCfmFaultAlarm and the related IF-MIB::linkDown caused by the failure of the facility MEP.
Remedial action: Follow the recovery for the CfmFaultAlarm and the related Interface linkDown caused by the failure of the facility MEP. 75/143
12/21/2019 Alarms
Description: This alarm is raised when the state of a connection with a Mobile Gateway has changed. [CAUSE] The state of a connection with a
Mobile Gateway has changed to Fault. [EFFECT] The effect depends on the new state. [RECOVERY] No recovery is required on this system.
Remedial action: Fault occurred on the connection with Mobile Gateway. Check the physical connection and interfaces between Mobile Gateway
and WLAN Gateway.
Raising condition: (('Status' EQUAL 'Failed - Latest configuration not available') OR ('Status' EQUAL 'Failed - Unable to migrate configuration')
OR ('Status' EQUAL 'Failed - Unable to transfer migrated configuration') OR ('Status' EQUAL 'Failed - Unable to reboot network element'))
Remedial action: This alarm is raised when a card migration fails. The operation has failed for one of the following reasons - a configuration
backup could not be created, the configuration transfer failed or the attempt to reboot the card failed. Please re-attempt the migration. If the
problem persists please contact your Nokia support representative for assistance. 76/143
12/21/2019 Alarms
Description: This Alarm is generated when the actual number of free prefixes with minimum free threshold length available in the considered
prefix becomes zero.
Remedial action: The operator may create additional prefixes in the considered prefix. Alternatively, examination of the leases in the pool may
reveal that the distribution is not appropriate.
Description: This Alarm is generated when the actual number of free prefixes with minimum free threshold length available in the considered
prefix is becoming too low.
Remedial action: The operator may create additional prefixes in the considered prefix to prevent a shortage of available prefixes with minimum
free threshold length. Alternatively, examination of the leases in the prefix may reveal that the distribution is not appropriate.
Description: This Alarm is generated when the actual number of free prefixes with minimum free threshold length available in the pool becomes
Remedial action: The operator may create additional prefixes in the pool. Alternatively, examination of the leases in the pool may reveal that the
distribution is not appropriate. 77/143
12/21/2019 Alarms
Description: This Alarm is generated when the actual number of free prefixes with minimum free threshold length available in the pool is
becoming too low.
Remedial action: Please create additional prefixes in the pool to prevent a shortage of available prefixes with minimum free threshold length.
Alternatively, examination of the leases in the pool may reveal that the distribution is not appropriate.
Description: The alarm is raised when a protected MAC address is not configured on all sites of a VPLS. This can occur if the protected MAC
address is added or removed using a CLI.
Remedial action: Configure the 'Protected MAC Address' on all the VPLS sites.
Description: The alarm is raised when an MLD site has an Operational State other than Up, and the Administrative State is Up.
Raising condition: (('Administrative State' EQUAL 'Up') AND ('Operational State' NOT EQUAL 'Up'))
Clearing condition: (('Operational State' EQUAL 'Up') OR ('Administrative State' NOT EQUAL 'Up'))
Remedial action: Check the base router and system are configured correctly.
Description: The alarm is raised when an attempt is made to configure an MLD group source for a group when the number of group sources for
this group is equal to 'maxGrpSources', the maximum number of group sources per group supported on the interface. 78/143
12/21/2019 Alarms
Remedial action: Increase the value of the 'Maximum Number of Group Sources' attribute in the parent MLD interface so that the number of
active MLD group sources stays under the configured threshold.
Description: The alarm is raised when an attempt is made to configure an MLD source for a group when the number of sources for this group is
equal to 'maxSources', the Maximum Number of Sources per group supported on the interface.
Remedial action: Increase 'Maximum Number Of Sources' value to allow more sources on this interface.
Description: The alarm is raised when the 5620 SAM no longer manages the EPS path instance of this mobile service site. As a result, the
service must be regenerated.
Remedial action: The underlying transport network has gone down resulting in the deletion of a mobile service connector (EPS path). Correct the
issue with the transport network and regenerate the mobile service connector by clicking on the re-calculate button on the mobile service
properties form.
Description: The alarm is raised when an MPLS site has an Operational State other than Up, and the Administrative State is Up.
Raising condition: (('Administrative State' EQUAL 'Up') AND ('Operational State' NOT EQUAL 'Up'))
Clearing condition: (('Operational State' EQUAL 'Up') OR ('Administrative State' NOT EQUAL 'Up'))
Description: The alarm is raised when an MPLS path update fails because of an MBB problem. The alarm clears when the MBB status changes
to Successful.
Raising condition: (('mbbStatus' NOT EQUAL 'None') AND ('mbbStatus' NOT EQUAL 'Successful'))
Clearing condition: (('Last Performed State' EQUAL 'Success') OR ('Administrative' EQUAL 'Down') OR (('Operational' EQUAL 'Up') AND ('Last
Performed State' EQUAL 'None')))
Remedial action: Based on the probable cause, change the parameters and update the path again.
Description: The alarm is raised when the number of MRP attribute table entries for a service site exceeds the high watermark specified by
l2fwd.SiteMrp.mrpAttrTblHighWatermark. The alarm clears when the number of MRP attribute table entries for the site drops below the low
watermark specified by l2fwd.SiteMrp.mrpAttrTblLowWatermark.
Raising condition: (('MRP Attribute Count' >=" 'MRP Max Attributes') OR ('MRP Attribute Count' >= (('MRP Attribute-Table-High-Watermark' *
'MRP Max Attributes') / 100.0)))"
Clearing condition: (('MRP Attribute Count' < 'MRP Max Attributes') AND (('MRP Attribute-Table-High-Watermark' EQUAL '0') OR ('MRP Attribute
Count' < (('MRP Attribute-Table-Low-Watermark' * 'MRP Max Attributes') / 100.0))) AND (('MRP Attribute-Table-Low-Watermark' EQUAL '0') OR
('MRP Attribute Count' < (('MRP Attribute-Table-Low-Watermark' * 'MRP Max Attributes') / 100.0))))
Description: The alarm is raised when an MSDP site is administratively down. The alarm clears when the site is administratively up. 80/143
12/21/2019 Alarms
Description: The alarm is raised when a trap is received because of retry expired. The alarm is cleared when the retry starts again.
Remedial action: May need to shutdown the multi-segment pseudo-wire provider edge to restart the retries.
Description: The alarm is raised when a MC ring group Operational State is not in the Connected state. The alarm is cleared when the ring group
enters the Connected state.
Remedial action: Check if MC ring is admin down, MC Sync is operational up, In-Band Control Connection is up, ring node is up ...
Description: The alarm is raised when an MVR source is an MVR VPLS that does not exist. The alarm clears when the MVR VPLS is created. 81/143
12/21/2019 Alarms
Description: The alarm is raised when a configured MVR proxy SAP does not exist. The alarm clears when the proxy SAP is created.
Description: The alarm is raised when MVR is disabled on an NE and a TLS VLAN or MVR VLAN service is provisioned on the NE.
Remedial action: To clear the alarm, enable MVR Admin Status under the Bridge Instance.
Description: The alarm is raised when something changed in the Deterministic NAT map. Such a change may be caused by a modification of the
Deterministic NAT Prefix or the Deterministic NAT Map. 82/143
12/21/2019 Alarms
Remedial action: Managers that rely on the offline representation of the Deterministic NAT map should get an updated copy by saving the
Deterministic NAT script.
Description: The alarm is raised when the NAT ISA group is degraded, while operationally still in service.
Raising condition: (('Degraded State' EQUAL 'True') AND ('Operational State' EQUAL 'Up'))
Clearing condition: (('Operational State' NOT EQUAL 'Up') OR ('Degraded State' NOT EQUAL 'True'))
Remedial action: The ISA-NAT Group is degraded. Check that the configured ISA-NAT Group Member MDA(s) are active and operationally up.
There may be a fault with the ISA Application NAT Group.
Description: The alarm is raised when the Operational State of an NAT ISA group is Down and the Administrative State is Up.
Raising condition: (('Administrative State' EQUAL 'Up') AND ('Operational State' NOT EQUAL 'Up'))
Clearing condition: (('Operational State' EQUAL 'Up') OR ('Administrative State' NOT EQUAL 'Up'))
Remedial action: The operational state of the ISA-NAT Group is down, despite the administrative state being up. Check that the configured ISA-
NAT Group Member MDA(s) are active and operationally up. There may be a fault with the ISA Application NAT Group.
Description: The alarm is raised when the session usage of an ISA-NAT group member reaches the high watermark. The alarm clears when the
session usage reaches the low watermark.
Remedial action: Review the watermarks configuration to make sure it matches the capacity of your network. If required, deploy extra equipment
to deal with the demand.
Description: Deprecated in 10.0, Use {NatIsaMemberSessionUsageHi on nat.IsaMember} instead. The alarm is raised when the session usage
of an ISA-NAT group member reaches the high watermark. The alarm clears when the session usage reaches the low watermark.
Remedial action: Review the watermarks configuration to make sure it matches the capacity of your network. If required, deploy extra equipment
to deal with the demand.
Description: The alarm is raised when the ICMP port usage of an L2-aware NAT subscriber reaches the high or low watermark.
Remedial action: Review the watermarks configuration to make sure it matches the capacity of the network. If required, deploy extra equipment
to deal with the demand.
Description: The alarm is raised when the session usage of an L2-aware NAT subscriber reaches the high or low watermark.
Remedial action: Review the watermarks configuration to make sure it matches the capacity of your network. If required, deploy extra equipment
to deal with the demand.
Description: The alarm is raised when the TCP port usage of an L2-aware NAT subscriber reaches the high or low watermark. 84/143
12/21/2019 Alarms
Remedial action: Review the watermarks configuration to make sure it matches the capacity of your network. If required, deploy extra equipment
to deal with the demand.
Description: The alarm is raised when the UDP port usage of an L2-aware NAT subscriber reaches the high or low watermark.
Remedial action: Review the watermarks configuration to make sure it matches the capacity of your network. If required, deploy extra equipment
to deal with the demand.
Description: The alarm is raised when the ICMP port usage of a large-scale NAT subscriber reaches the high or low watermark.
Remedial action: Review the watermarks configuration to make sure it matches the capacity of your network. If required, deploy extra equipment
to deal with the demand.
Description: The alarm is raised when the ICMP port usage of a large-scale NAT subscriber reaches the high or low watermark.
Remedial action: Review the watermarks configuration to make sure it matches the capacity of your network. If required, deploy extra equipment
to deal with the demand. 85/143
12/21/2019 Alarms
Description: The alarm is raised when the session usage of a large-scale NAT subscriber reaches the high watermark. The alarm will be cleared
when the session usage of a large-scale NAT subscriber reaches its low watermark again.
Remedial action: Review the watermarks configuration to make sure it matches the capacity of your network.
Description: The alarm is raised when the session usage of a large-scale NAT subscriber reaches the high watermark. The alarm will be cleared
when the session usage of a large-scale NAT subscriber reaches its low watermark again.
Remedial action: Review the watermarks configuration to make sure it matches the capacity of your network.
Description: The alarm is raised when the TCP port usage of a large-scale NAT subscriber reaches the high or low watermark.
Remedial action: Review the watermarks configuration to make sure it matches the capacity of your network. If required, deploy extra equipment
to deal with the demand.
Description: The alarm is raised when the TCP port usage of a large-scale NAT subscriber reaches the high or low watermark.
Remedial action: Review the watermarks configuration to make sure it matches the capacity of your network. If required, deploy extra equipment
to deal with the demand.
Description: The alarm is raised when the UDP port usage of a large-scale NAT subscriber reaches the high or low watermark. 86/143
12/21/2019 Alarms
Remedial action: Review the watermarks configuration to make sure it matches the capacity of your network. If required, deploy extra equipment
to deal with the demand.
Description: The alarm is raised when the UDP port usage of a large-scale NAT subscriber reaches the high or low watermark.
Remedial action: Review the watermarks configuration to make sure it matches the capacity of your network. If required, deploy extra equipment
to deal with the demand.
Description: The alarm is raised when node is sending periodically at most every 10 seconds while a NAT ISA MDA detects that it is receiving
packets erroneously, due to incorrect load-balancing by the ingress IOM. The MDA drops all incorrectly load-balanced traffic.
Remedial action: The ingress IOM hardware does not support a particular NAT function's load-balancing, for example an IOM-2 does not support
deterministic NAT. Upgrade the ingress IOM, or change the configuration.
Description: The alarm is raised when the Operational State of an NAT PCP Server Changes
Raising condition: (('Operational State' NOT EQUAL 'Up') AND ('Administrative State' EQUAL 'Up'))
Clearing condition: (('Operational State' EQUAL 'Up') OR ('Administrative State' NOT EQUAL 'Up'))
Remedial action: This alarm indicates the PCP Server Operational State is Down. Please check the State Description on the PCP server for
detail information 87/143
12/21/2019 Alarms
Description: The alarm is raised when the block usage of an L2-aware NAT address pool reaches the high watermark. The alarm clears when
the block usage reaches the low watermark.
Remedial action: This alarm indicates the block usage of a L2-aware NAT address pool reaches its threshold on a particular member MDA of its
ISA group. Please ensure the address pool block usage configuration adequate for the system requirement. This alarm will be cleared
automatically once the block usage is below the watermark.
Description: The alarm is raised when the block usage of a large-scale NAT address pool reaches the high watermark. The alarm clears when
the block usage reaches the low watermark.
Remedial action: This alarm indicates the block usage of a Large Scale NAT address pool reaches its threshold on a particular member MDA of
its ISA group. Please ensure the address pool block usage configuration adequate for the system requirement. This alarm will be cleared
automatically once the block usage is below the watermark.
Description: The alarm is raised when resource problem is detected while attempting to activate some part of the NAT configuration of a system
Remedial action: A resource problem was detected while attempting to activate a component of the system NAT configuration. Make sure the
ISA card on the NE has sufficient resources available. 88/143
12/21/2019 Alarms
Description: The alarm is raised when an OSPF interface neighbor is operationally Down.
Remedial action: This alarm is raised when the OSPF interface neighbor is operationally down. The situation may occur if the underlying physical
interface is down either because of administrative disabling or a fault on the far end port or due to a cable connection or cable failure. This alarm
will also be raised if the underlying transport network fails or is unreliable. Resolving the underlying instability in the transport network will correct
this problem.
Description: The alarm is raised when a configuration fallback is detected on the node and comes back up with a previous configuration. To
correct this situation it might be necessary to reconfigure the node, or perform full resync its database with the 'fallback' configuration returned by
the node.
Remedial action: the NE has come back to a previous configuration. Perform a manual Full Resync or a Reconfigure of the NE
Description: The alarm is raised when a configuration misalignment has been detected on the node and comes back up with an unexpected
configuration (configuration change triggered by external tool) To correct this situation it might be necessary to reconfigure the node with the 5620
SAM's old configuration or accept the new configuration received from the node.
Remedial action: the NE configuration is misaligned. Perform a resync in order to update SAM configuration according to the NE. 89/143
12/21/2019 Alarms
Description: The alarm is raised when the 5620 SAM detects an NE moved to suspend state as per user request.
Remedial action: This alarm is raised when user suspends the network element.The alarm will be cleared when the network element is managed
Description: The alarm is raised when all subscriber identification scripts are operationally down.
Raising condition: (('isLocal' EQUAL 'true') AND ('Primary Script Operational State' NOT EQUAL 'Up') AND ('Secondary Script Operational State'
NOT EQUAL 'Up') AND ('Tertiary Script Operational State' NOT EQUAL 'Up'))
Clearing condition: (('isLocal' EQUAL 'true') AND (('Primary Script Operational State' EQUAL 'Up') OR ('Secondary Script Operational State'
EQUAL 'Up') OR ('Tertiary Script Operational State' EQUAL 'Up')))
Remedial action: If the DHCP ACK Python script processing behaviour is desired, please make sure that primary, secondary and tertiary scripts
are installed and operationally up.
Description: The alarm is raised when a deployed adjacency is deleted on the site.
Raising condition: (('Deployed to Site' EQUAL 'false') AND ('existedOnSite' EQUAL 'true'))
Clearing condition: (('Deployed to Site' EQUAL 'true') AND ('existedOnSite' EQUAL 'true')) 90/143
12/21/2019 Alarms
Description: The alarm is raised when the 5620 SAM cannot find the peer MC ring.
Remedial action: Configure the missing peered MC ring, or delete this one if it is not used.
Description: The alarm is raised when none of the SFM are configured.
Remedial action: This alarm indicates that none of the SFM is configured. Please configured a SFM.
Description: The alarm is generated when the NTP Operational State is down for NTP.
Raising condition: (('Operational State' EQUAL 'Down') AND ('NTP State' EQUAL 'Enabled'))
Clearing condition: (('Operational State' EQUAL 'Up') OR ('NTP State' EQUAL 'Disabled'))
Remedial action: Please check if NTP is administratively enabled (Admin State in NTP General Tab). If admin state down, enable it to make NTP
operationally up. 91/143
12/21/2019 Alarms
Description: The alarm is raised when a local application filter refers to an obsolete application assurance protocol.
Remedial action: Change the application filter configuration to use a protocol that is not Obsolete.
Description: The alarm is raised when a non-service affecting hardware defect was detected on the card.
Remedial action: The OesOptTrnspndrMiscFail alarm indicates a lower priority fault on the card that does not directly affect the traffic currently
flowing through the card. However, the card should be replaced at the next available maintenance opportunity.
Description: The alarm is raised when when the inactive equipment controller card in the OES is not providing redundancy protection.
Remedial action: Check for the Redundancy demerit in the detailed information of the chassis indicated.
Description: The notification alarm is raised when the flow entry deployment create has failed. 92/143
12/21/2019 Alarms
Remedial action: This alarm is raised when the OpenFlow switch rejects creation of the flow.
Description: The notification alarm is raised when the flow entry deployment create has failed.
Remedial action: This alarm is raised when the OpenFlow switch rejects deletion of the flow.
Description: The alarm is raised when the MPLS-TP flag is not set in the Logical Port Status.
Raising condition: (('Logical Port Status' EQUAL '0L') OR ('Logical Port Status' EQUAL 'rsvp-te'))
Clearing condition: (('Logical Port Status' NOT EQUAL '0L') AND ('Logical Port Status' NOT EQUAL 'rsvp-te'))
Remedial action: When MPLS-TP is not set, OpenFlow port status will not be received by SAM.
Description: The alarm is raised when the RSVP-TE flag is not set in the Logical Port Status.
Raising condition: (('Logical Port Status' EQUAL '0L') OR ('Logical Port Status' EQUAL 'mpls-tp'))
Clearing condition: (('Logical Port Status' NOT EQUAL '0L') AND ('Logical Port Status' NOT EQUAL 'mpls-tp'))
Remedial action: When RSVP-TE is not set, OpenFlow port status will not be received by SAM.
Description: The alarm is raised when the Operational State of an OFSwitch is Down and the Administrative State is Up.
Raising condition: (('Operational State' NOT EQUAL 'Up') AND ('Administrative State' EQUAL 'Up'))
Clearing condition: (('Operational State' EQUAL 'Up') OR ('Administrative State' NOT EQUAL 'Up'))
Remedial action: This alarm is raised when the OpenFlow switch has gone down.
Remedial action: This alarm is raised when the OSPF interface is operationally down. The situation may occur if the underlying physical interface
is down either because of administrative disabling or a fault on the far end port or due to a cable connection or cable failure. This alarm will also
be raised if the underlying transport network fails or is unreliable. Resolving the underlying instability in the transport network will correct this
Description: The alarm is raised when the chassis temperature exceeds the maximum threshold value.
Remedial action: The NE has detected internal temperatures which are abnormally high. This could be caused by a failed fan unit or one or more
dirty fan filters. Replacing the failed unit or filters should resolve the problem. Alternately the environment that the NE is operating in may not be
within specifications found in the NE user guides. 94/143
12/21/2019 Alarms
Description: The alarm is raised when the P2MP LSP Administrative State is Up and the Operational State is Down. The alarm clears when the
P2MP LSP Operational State changes to Up or the Administrative State changes to Down.
Raising condition: (('Administrative' EQUAL 'Up') AND ('Operational' NOT EQUAL 'Up'))
Remedial action: The operational state of the P2MP LSP is down, despite the administrative state being up. Review the P2MP Primary Instance
or S2LPath to make sure it was configured correctly and Administrative state is up. The physical port near end or far end may have failed - this
can be remedied by replacing the interface card in question. The physical links may have been turned down administratively - re-enable the links.
A cable failure or disconnect may have occurred - please ensure that the cables are properly connected to the physical port and and that the cable
has not been damaged.
Description: The alarm is raised when a partial resync on an NE fails. For example, when resyncing only some MIB entries as opposed to a full
resync. The periodic reachability test (sysUpTime) is not considered a partial resync, neither is a full resync. However, a PartialResyncProblem
alarm can only be reset by a FullResync.
Remedial action: Informational - if the alarm persists or is occurring frequently then investigation is required to understand a) why the underlying
transport network is unreliable or b) why the NE is too busy to respond to 5620 SAM or c) has SNMP been disabled on the NE.
Description: The alarm is raised when one or more sites are not encryption enabled in a VPRN service. 95/143
12/21/2019 Alarms
Remedial action: This site is newly added to the VPRN service, Perform the encrypt operation on the KeyGroup to clear the alarm.
Description: The alarm is raised when a request to insert a filter entry is not successful for a PCC rule application.
Remedial action: A Configuration error has occurred. The request to insert a filter entry was not successful for PCC rule application. Check the
configuration filter entry.
Description: The alarm is raised when the utilization of a filter entry range that is reserved for filter entry insertion increases to the configured
maximum value for a PCC rule application insert range.
Remedial action: The filter entry range reserved for filter entry insertion has increased to the configured high watermark for PCC rule application.
Make an adjusted to the watermarks or to the filter.
Description: The alarm is raised when the connectionState of this peer changes from Established to a state other than Established. The alarm
clears when the connectionState of this peer returns to the Established state.
Raising condition: (('connectionState' NOT EQUAL 'Established') AND ('administrativeState' EQUAL 'Up')) 96/143
12/21/2019 Alarms
Description: The alarm is raised when a BGP peer has a Connection State other than Established, and the Administrative State of the BGP peer
is Up.
Raising condition: (('Connection State' NOT EQUAL 'Established') AND ('Administrative State' EQUAL 'Up'))
Clearing condition: (('Connection State' EQUAL 'Established') OR ('Administrative State' NOT EQUAL 'Up'))
Remedial action: A mismatch in configuration may have occurred. Check the configuration of both peers to rule out a mismatched configuration.
Description: The alarm is raised when the GMPLS peer's Administrative State is Up and the Operational State is Down. The alarm clears when
the GMPLS peer's Operational State changes to Up or the Administrative State changes to Down.
Raising condition: (('Administrative State' EQUAL 'Up') AND ('Operational State' NOT EQUAL 'Up'))
Clearing condition: (('Operational State' EQUAL 'Up') OR ('Administrative State' NOT EQUAL 'Up'))
Remedial action: The Operational state of the GMPLS peer is down, despite the Administrative state being up. Check if the associated LMP peer
or the GMPLS tunnel group endpoint is down.
Description: The alarm is raised when a BGP peer has an Operational State other than Up, and the Administrative State is Up.
Raising condition: (('Administrative State' EQUAL 'Up') AND ('Operational State' NOT EQUAL 'Up'))
Clearing condition: (('Operational State' EQUAL 'Up') OR ('Administrative State' NOT EQUAL 'Up'))
Remedial action: The BGP peer entity is down - administratively disable the BGP peer and re-enable it. If toggling the administrative state does
not solve the problem check that the physical interface and network connection to the far end peer are up and operational. If the problem persists
please contact your Nokia support representative for assistance. 97/143
12/21/2019 Alarms
Description: The alarm is raised when the Administrative State of a peer changes from Up to Down. The alarm clears when the Administrative
State returns to Up.
Description: The alarm is raised when a BGP peer group has an Operational State other than Up, and the Administrative State is Up.
Raising condition: (('Administrative State' EQUAL 'Up') AND ('Operational State' NOT EQUAL 'Up'))
Clearing condition: (('Operational State' EQUAL 'Up') OR ('Administrative State' NOT EQUAL 'Up'))
Remedial action: The BGP peer group is down - administratively disable the BGP peer group and re-enable it. If the problem persists please
contact your Nokia support representative for assistance.
Description: The alarm is raised when the Administrative State of a peer group changes from Up to Down. The alarm clears when the
Administrative State returns to Up. 98/143
12/21/2019 Alarms
Description: The alarm is raised when the Peer Status is Peer LAC Rx Fault and Peer LAC Tx Fault
Raising condition: (('Peer State Cause'anyBit'Peer LAC Tx Fault') AND ('Peer State Cause'anyBit'Peer LAC Rx Fault'))
Clearing condition: NOT ((('Peer State Cause'anyBit'Peer LAC Tx Fault') AND ('Peer State Cause'anyBit'Peer LAC Rx Fault')))
Remedial action: One of the following conditions exists on the referenced physical interface which must be corrected. A cable/fiber fault exists
which must be corrected - check to ensure that the cable is not faulty and is properly connected. The port is faulty - run diagnostics on the port to
determine the nature of the fault. If the problem cannot be resolved swap the card containing the port with a card which is known be functional.
Remedial action: This alarm is raised when L2TP peer is unreachable. Please verify the L2TP tunnel profile configuration to ensure that the peer
is properly configured. Also verify that the peer is actually reachable from this network element. This alarm is cleared automatically when L2TP
Peer becomes reachable.
Description: The alarm is raised when a PIM site is administratively Up but operationally Down. The alarm is cleared when the PIM site becomes
operationally Up but administratively Down.
Raising condition: (('Administrative State' EQUAL 'Up') AND ('Operational State' NOT EQUAL 'Up'))
Clearing condition: (('Operational State' EQUAL 'Up') OR ('Administrative State' NOT EQUAL 'Up'))
Remedial action: This should never happen. Contact your Nokia support representative for assistance. 99/143
12/21/2019 Alarms
Description: This alarm is generated when the actual number of free addresses in the DHCP Server Address pool becomes zero.
Remedial action: This alarm is generated when the actual number of free addresses in a pool becomes zero. Please increase the pool address
range or create another address pool.
Description: The alarm is raised when the actual number of free addresses in a pool falls below the desired minimum number specified in the
address pool configuration.
Remedial action: The alarm is raised when the actual number of free addresses in a pool falls below the desired minimum number specified in
the address pool configuration.
Description: The alarm is raised when an Ethernet port Symbol Monitor Failure alarm condition is detected (Signal Degradation Threshold
Clearing condition: ('Symbol Alarm Reason' NOT EQUAL 'SD Threshold Exceeded')
Remedial action: Symbol monitor signal degradation alarm could be cleared by changing/disabling the associated threshold/multiplier values or it
is self clearing and will clear once the error rate drops below 1/10th of the configured rate. 100/143
12/21/2019 Alarms
Description: The alarm is raised when an Ethernet port Symbol Monitor Failure alarm condition is detected (Signal Failure Threshold exceeded).
Clearing condition: ('Symbol Alarm Reason' NOT EQUAL 'SF Threshold Exceeded')
Remedial action: Symbol monitor signal failure alarm could be cleared by changing/disabling the associated threshold/multiplier values or by
taking the port out of service (eg. shutdown, card/mda reset, physical link loss).
Description: This notification is generated when an AC failure occurs on the power supply.
Clearing condition: (('AC Voltage Status' EQUAL 'Not Equipped') OR ('AC Voltage Status' EQUAL 'OK'))
Remedial action: Insert a new power supply. If the problem persists please contact your Nokia support representative for assistance.
Description: This notification is generated when a DC failure occurs on the power supply.
Clearing condition: (('DC Voltage Status' EQUAL 'Not Equipped') OR ('DC Voltage Status' EQUAL 'OK'))
Remedial action: Insert a new power supply. If the problem persists please contact your Nokia support representative for assistance. 101/143
12/21/2019 Alarms
Description: The alarm is raised when a power-supply tray reports a failure. When the alarm is raised during device discovery, a power-supply
tray may be out of service. When the alarm is raised while the device is in the managed state, a power-supply tray may be out of service or the AC
or DC power shelf has a fault condition. The alarm clears when the status changes to OK.
Raising condition: (('Power Supply 1 Status' EQUAL 'Not Equipped') OR ('Power Supply 1 Status' EQUAL 'Failed'))
Remedial action: Ensure that the NE is properly connected to power. If the problem persists please contact your Nokia support representative for
Description: Generated when one of the chassis's power source supplies fails.
Clearing condition: (('Power Supply Input Status' EQUAL 'Not Equipped') OR ('Power Supply Input Status' EQUAL 'OK'))
Remedial action: Ensure that the NE is properly connected to power. If the problem persists please contact your Nokia support representative for
Description: This alarm is generated if any one of the input feeds for a given power supply is not supplying power.
Raising condition: (('inputFeedStatus' EQUAL 'Input A Down') OR ('inputFeedStatus' EQUAL 'Input B Down') OR (('inputFeedStatus'allBits'Input
A Down') AND ('inputFeedStatus'allBits'Input B Down')))
Remedial action: Restore all of the input feeds that are not supplying power. 102/143
12/21/2019 Alarms
Table 4363: PowerSupplyInputFeedDownAlarm
Description: This alarm is generated if any one of the input feeds for a given power supply is not supplying power.
Raising condition: (('Input Feed Status' EQUAL 'Input A Down') OR ('Input Feed Status' EQUAL 'Input B Down') OR (('Input Feed
Status'allBits'Input A Down') AND ('Input Feed Status'allBits'Input B Down')))
Remedial action: Restore all of the input feeds that are not supplying power
Clearing condition: (('Power Supply Output Status' EQUAL 'Not Equipped') OR ('Power Supply Output Status' EQUAL 'OK'))
Remedial action: Ensure that the NE is properly connected to power. If the problem persists please contact your Nokia support representative for
Description: This notification is generated when a power supply temperature surpasses the threshold of the particular physical chassis.
Clearing condition: (('Temperature Status' EQUAL 'Not Equipped') OR ('Temperature Status' EQUAL 'OK'))
Remedial action: Check input feed and/or insert a new power supply. If the problem persists please contact your Nokia support representative for
assistance. 103/143
12/21/2019 Alarms
Remedial action: To recover from this event, the customer is requested to add a new power supply to the system, or change a faulty power
supply with a working one.
Description: The alarm is raised when the value of tmnxPppLocalMagicNumber is the same as the value of tmnxPppRemoteMagicNumber,
which indicates that the link may be looped back.
Raising condition: (('Local Magic Number' EQUAL 'Remote Magic Number') AND ('Local Magic Number' NOT EQUAL '0L'))
Clearing condition: (('Local Magic Number' NOT EQUAL 'Remote Magic Number') OR ('Local Magic Number' EQUAL '0L'))
Remedial action: This alarm indicates the NCP phase setup failed, thus IP protocol can not be configured for the user that attempted to set up
the PPPoE session. Please verify NCP setup configuration. 104/143
12/21/2019 Alarms
Description: The alarm is raised when the primary software image specified in an NE BOF is unusable.
Raising condition: (('imageSource' NOT EQUAL 'Primary') AND ('imageSource' NOT EQUAL 'Unknown'))
Remedial action: The SW image on the NE may have been inadvertently corrupted. Download a new copy of the SW image to the NE. If the
problem persists contact your Nokia support representative for assistance.
Description: The alarm is raised when the Ingress Multicast Path Management primary path bandwidth limit is reached.
Raising condition: (('Primary Path Limit Override' > '0') AND ('Primary Path In use' >=" (1000 * 'Primary Path Limit Override')))"
Clearing condition: (('Primary Path Limit Override' > '0') AND ('Primary Path In use' < (1000 * 'Primary Path Limit Override')))
Remedial action: Informational - The alarm is raised when the Ingress Multicast Path Management primary path bandwidth limit is reached. This
can be remedied by modifying the primary path limit located at T1 Paths tab of the multicast bandwidth policy which assigned to the card, or
increase the primary path limit override located at the Daughter Card tab under Daughter Card Slot form.
Description: The alarm is raised when proxyMcLocalState of a Diameter Peer Proxy is changed. The states 'active' and 'standby' are normal
Raising condition: (('Local State' NOT EQUAL 'active') OR ('Local State' NOT EQUAL 'standby'))
Clearing condition: (('Local State' EQUAL 'active') OR ('Local State' EQUAL 'standby')) 105/143
12/21/2019 Alarms
Description: The alarm is raised when Precision Timing Protocol (PTP) clock does not support PTP timing master.
Remedial action: Informational- Please verify master clock configuration for timing.
Description: The alarm is raised when PTP on an NE is not in the Qualified state.
Raising condition: (('Qualified For Use' EQUAL 'Not Qualified') AND ('Administrative State' EQUAL 'Up'))
Clearing condition: (('Qualified For Use' NOT EQUAL 'Not Qualified') OR ('Administrative State' EQUAL 'Down'))
Remedial action: Check the communication path is up between the local PTP slave clock and its selected master
Description: The alarm is raised when the PTP peer is in the 'Packet Timing Signal Fail (Loss Announce)' state. This indicates that the PTP
announce messages are not received from the remote master.
Remedial action: Please check if Configured Peer IP address is reachable (ping <Peer Ip>) from the NE and PTP configuration is proper. 106/143
12/21/2019 Alarms
Description: The alarm is raised when the PTP peer is in the 'Packet Timing Signal Fail (Loss Sync)' state. This indicates that the PTP timing
messages are not received from the remote master.
Remedial action: Please check if Configured Peer IP address is reachable (ping <Peer Ip>) from the NE and PTP configuration is proper.
Description: The PtpPortNoTimestamping notification is generated when a PTP port is created and the associated Ethernet port does not support
IEEE 1588-2008 port-based timestamping. The PTP port is created but the performance may be degraded due to timestamping at the CPM. For
optimal performance, ensure PTP is enabled on ports with IEEE 1588-2008 port-based timestamping capability.
Remedial action: The Ethernet port used for the PTP port should be changed to a port on an MDA that supports IEEE 1588-2008 port-based
Description: The alarm is raised when the PTP reference on an NE is not qualified due to Loss of Signal.
Remedial action: Check the communication path is up between the local PTP slave clock and its selected master 107/143
12/21/2019 Alarms
Description: The alarm is raised when the PTP Reference on an NE is not qualified due to Out of frequency.
Remedial action: Make sure that frequency configured for Reference One is correct.
Description: The alarm is raised when the PTP Reference on an NE is not qualified state due to Out of poll in range.
Remedial action: If there is packet flow, the PTP slave clock is in it's initial acquiring states where the sync-if-timing reference does not qualify
just wait. 108/143
12/21/2019 Alarms
Raising condition: (('Operational State' NOT EQUAL 'Up') AND ('Administrative State' EQUAL 'Up'))
Remedial action: This alarm indicates an inoperable PortCrossConnect. Either the associated PhysicalPort or PortCrossConnectSubports are
Description: The alarm is raised when a RADIUS accounting request is not successfully sent to any of the RADIUS servers specified in the
RADIUS accounting policy.
Remedial action: The Radius server(s) which are configured in the accounting policy are unreachable. This may occur in a number of different
scenarios. The server(s) may have become unresponsive - please refer to the Radius server documentation for assistance. The network
connectivity to the server(s) may have been lost - please investigate why the underlying transport network is unreliable.
Description: The alarm is raised when all RADIUS servers have gone down.
Remedial action: Verify the RADIUS server is properly configured and radius server state is up.Check the connectivity between SAM server and
radius server configured on the Network element. 109/143
12/21/2019 Alarms
Description: The alarm is raised when the RADIUS server is out of service.
Remedial action: Please verify that: (1) RADIUS server is running. (2) RADIUS server is properly configured in the subscriber authentication
Description: The alarm is raised when the RADIUS server is out of service.
Remedial action: Please verify that: (1) RADIUS server is running. (2) RADIUS server is properly configured in the RADIUS accounting policy.
Remedial action: Verify the RADIUS server is properly configured to process pending accounting requests at the desired rate and ensure that
this rate matches the accounting request limit defined for this RADIUS server on the RADIUS accounting policy.
Description: The alarm is raised when an Active and Redundant MEP do not have the same ID, Operational MAC Address or Sub Group
configured. 110/143
12/21/2019 Alarms
Remedial action: MC-LAG redundant MEP configuration (MEP ID or Mac Address) for Active & Standby Interfaces do not match, this could
cause issues with CFM or CCM tests if Active interface changes. Delete and Re-create Standby MEP to match Active.
Description: The alarm is raised when a MEP misses a redundant counterpart on LAG or SAP.
Raising condition: (('MC-LAG Inactive' NOT EQUAL 'Not Applicable') AND ('Redundant MEP' EQUAL '\"\"'))
Clearing condition: (('MC-LAG Inactive' EQUAL 'Not Applicable') OR (('MC-LAG Inactive' NOT EQUAL 'Not Applicable') AND ('Redundant MEP'
NOT EQUAL '\"\"')))
Remedial action: MC-LAG redundant MEP is missing Active & Standby Interfaces, this will cause issues with CFM or CCM tests if Active
interface changes. Create missing Active/Standby MEP to match existing.
Description: The alarm is raised when a MEP loses connectivity with one or more remote MEPs. The Remote MEP DB State tab on a MEP lists
the missing remote MEPs.
Remedial action: MEP has lost communication with Remote MEP defined in Maintenance Association (MEG) Remote MEP list, Either Remote
MEP list is incorrect or diagnose connection fault and resolve. 111/143
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Description: The alarm is raised when the remote RNCV Operational State of a ring node is other than Connected or NotTested, which means
that the ring node is not connected to the local MC ring group. The alarm clears when the ring node enters the Connected or NotTested state.
Raising condition: (('Remote Operational State' NOT EQUAL 'Connected') AND ('Remote Operational State' NOT EQUAL 'Not Tested'))
Clearing condition: (('Remote Operational State' EQUAL 'Connected') OR ('Remote Operational State' EQUAL 'Not Tested'))
Remedial action: Make sure that ring node is properly connected to MC ring group.
Description: The alarm is raised when a RIP site has an Operational State other than Up, and the Administrative State is Up.
Raising condition: (('Administrative State' EQUAL 'Up') AND ('Operational State' NOT EQUAL 'Up'))
Clearing condition: (('Operational State' EQUAL 'Up') OR ('Administrative State' NOT EQUAL 'Up'))
Remedial action: The RIP Site is down while it is administratively up. Please check the node e.g, IOM is not shutdown or installed.
Remedial action: This alarm is raised when the RIP interface is operationally down. The situation may occur if the underlying physical interface is
down either because of administrative disabling or a fault on the far end port or due to a cable connection or cable failure. This alarm will also be
raised if the underlying transport network fails or is unreliable. Resolving the underlying instability in the transport network will correct this problem. 112/143
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Remedial action: A configuration error has occurred which must be corrected. The RD must be configured on the L3 Service Site in question.
Description: The notification alarm is raised when the RPKI Session is not established.
Remedial action: Make sure that the Cache server is reachable and is configured properly.
Description: The alarm is raised when an RSVP site has an Operational State other than Up, and the Administrative State is Up.
Raising condition: (('Administrative State' EQUAL 'Up') AND ('Operational State' NOT EQUAL 'Up'))
Clearing condition: (('Operational State' EQUAL 'Up') OR ('Administrative State' NOT EQUAL 'Up'))
Remedial action: The RSVP Site is down while it is administratively up. Please check MPLS is enabled and administratively up. 113/143
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Description: The alarm is raised when a SONET port reports a section synchronization failure. A section synchronization failure occurs when the
S1 byte is inconsistent for eight consecutive frames.
Raising condition: (('Outstanding Alarms'anyBit'RX Section Synchronization Error') AND ('Report Alarms'anyBit'RX Section Synchronization
Clearing condition: NOT ((('Outstanding Alarms'anyBit'RX Section Synchronization Error') AND ('Report Alarms'anyBit'RX Section
Synchronization Error')))
Remedial action: Check the link status between SONET Port and the source.
Description: The alarm is raised when the bypass tunnel in an S2L path becomes active. The alarm clears when the bypass tunnel is no longer
active, for example, because a primary tunnel failure is resolved or a new path is established.
Remedial action: Check what caused primary tunnel is down and fix it if possible.
Description: The alarm is raised when the S2L path Administrative State is Up and the Operational State is not Up. The alarm clears when the
S2L path Operational State changes to Up or the Administrative State changes to Down.
Raising condition: (('Administrative' EQUAL 'Up') AND ('Operational' NOT EQUAL 'Up'))
Remedial action: Check the failure code and update accordingly, e.g. whether MPLS/RSVP interfaces, OSPF interfaces are down. 114/143
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Table 4399: SapDDosDynamicExceeded
Description: The alarm is raised when the protocol on a particular SAP has been detected as non-conformant to the associated distributed CPU
protection policy parameters (on receiving sapDcpDynamicExcd trap) and the alarm status is set as non-conformant When the SAP starts hold-
down period for an exceeding protocol (on receiving sapDcpDynamicHoldDownStart trap), the alarm status will change into non-conformant(Hold
Down Start). When the SAP completes hold-down period for an exceeding protocol (on receiving sapDcpDynamicHoldDownEnd trap), the alarm
status will be changed into non-conformant(Hold Down End). When the protocol for the SAP has been detected as conformant for a period of the
configured detection-time after having been previously detected as exceeding and completed any hold-down period (on receiving
sapDcpDynamicConform trap), the alarm will be cleared.
Remedial action: Appropriate configuration changes to the distributed CPU protection policy or to the affected SAP may be required.
Description: The alarm is raised when the local-monitoring-policer for a particular SAP has transitioned from a conformant state to a non-
conformant state and the system will attempt to allocate dynamic enforcement policers (on receiving sapDcpLocMonExcd trap), and the alarm
status is set as non-conformant When all dynamic enforcement policers associated with a non-conformant local-monitoring-policer have been
successfully allocated for the SAP (on receiving sapDcpLocMonExcdAllDynAlloc trap), the alarm status will be changed into non-
conformant(Located All). When the local-monitoring-policer for a particular SAP has transitioned from a conformant state to a non-conformant
state and the system cannot allocate all the dynamic enforcement policers associated with the distributed CPU protection policy (on receiving
sapDcpLocMonExcdDynResource trap), the alarm status will be changed into non-conformant(Cannot Allocate All). When all the previously
allocated dynamic enforcement policers for a particular local-monitoring-policer on the associated distributed CPU protection policy have been
freed up and all the protocols are once again being monitored by local-monitor (on receiving sapDcpLocMonExcdAllDynFreed trap), the alarm will
be cleared.
Remedial action: Appropriate configuration changes to the distributed CPU protection policy or to the affected SAP may be required.
Description: The alarm is raised when the static-policer on a particular SAP has been detected as non-conformant to the associated distributed
CPU protection policy parameters (on receiving sapDcpStaticExcd trap) and the alarm status is set as non-conformant. When the SAP starts hold-
down period for the exceeding static-policer (on receiving sapDcpStaticHoldDownStart trap), the alarm status will change into non-
conformant(Hold Down Start). When the SAP ends hold-down period for the exceeding static-policer (on receiving sapDcpStaticHoldDownEnd
trap), the alarm status will be changed into non-conformant(Hold Down End). When the static-policer for the SAP has been detected as
conformant for a period of the configured detection-time after having been previously detected as exceeding and completed any hold-down period
(on receiving sapDcpStaticConform trap), the alarm will be cleared.
Remedial action: Appropriate configuration changes to the distributed CPU protection policy or to the affected SAP may be required. 115/143
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Description: This alarm indicates that the system encountered a problem while trying to authenticate a subscriber.
Remedial action: Please review the Additional Text field to obtain information about which subscriber failed the authentication process.
Depending on if the subscriber should be allowed or not to access the service, further troubleshooting of the RADIUS server may be required.
Description: The alarm is raised when the 5620 SAM is unable to poll a network object, for example, because of intermittent or no IP connectivity
to an NE, incorrect SNMP or Netconf security parameters, or disabled SNMP on the NE.
Remedial action: Informational - if the alarm persists or is occurring frequently then investigation is required to understand a) why the underlying
transport network is unreliable or b) why the NE is too busy to respond to 5620 SAM or c) has SNMP been disabled on the NE. Once the issue
has been resolved SAM will automatically re-attempt.
Description: The alarm is raised when the primary subscriber identification script URL is operationally up, but a lower-priority script or URL is
operationally down.
Raising condition: (('isLocal' EQUAL 'true') AND ('Primary Script Operational State' EQUAL 'Up') AND (('Secondary Script Operational State'
NOT EQUAL 'Up') OR ('Tertiary Script Operational State' NOT EQUAL 'Up')))
Clearing condition: (('isLocal' EQUAL 'true') AND (('Primary Script Operational State' NOT EQUAL 'Up') OR (('Secondary Script Operational
State' EQUAL 'Up') AND ('Tertiary Script Operational State' EQUAL 'Up'))))
Remedial action: If the DHCP ACK Python script processing behaviour is desired, please make sure that primary, secondary and tertiary scripts
are installed and operationally up. 116/143
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Description: The alarm is raised when an SDP binding has an Operational State other than Up.
Raising condition: (('Operational State' NOT EQUAL 'Up') AND ('State Cause' NOT EQUAL 'Standby For BGP Multi-Homing'))
Clearing condition: (('Operational State' EQUAL 'Up') OR ('State Cause' EQUAL 'Standby For BGP Multi-Homing'))
Remedial action: To resolve this alarm check the SDP binding to determine if a configuration mismatch exists. If configuration is determined to be
correct then the associated network interface may be down. Further investigation is required to determine why the underlying network interface is
Description: The alarm is raised when an SDP binding tunnel has an Operational State other than Up.
Raising condition: (('Operational State' EQUAL 'Tunnel Not Ready') OR ('Operational State' EQUAL 'Tunnel Down') OR ('State
Cause'anyBit'Tunnel Oper Down'))
Clearing condition: (('Operational State' NOT EQUAL 'Tunnel Not Ready') AND ('Operational State' NOT EQUAL 'Tunnel Down') AND NOT
(('State Cause'anyBit'Tunnel Oper Down')))
Remedial action: To resolve this alarm check the endpoints of the SDP binding to determine if a configuration mismatch exists. If configuration
matches then the underlying network resource between the endpoints of the SDP may be down. Further investigation is required to determine why
the underlying transport network is down.
Description: The alarm is raised when the SDP egress interface's consistency state changes to inconsistent. 117/143
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Remedial action: To resolve this alarm check egress interfaces of the SDP configuration. If configuration is determined to be correct check
underlying physical transport. Further investigation is required.
Description: The alarm is raised when the Ingress Multicast Path Management secondary path bandwidth limit is reached.
Raising condition: (('Secondary Path Limit Override' > '0') AND ('Secondary Path In use' >=" (1000 * 'Secondary Path Limit Override')))"
Clearing condition: (('Secondary Path Limit Override' > '0') AND ('Secondary Path In use' < (1000 * 'Secondary Path Limit Override')))
Remedial action: Informational - The alarm is raised when the Ingress Multicast Path Management secondary path bandwidth limit is reached.
This can be remedied by modifying the secondary path limit located at T1 Paths tab of the multicast bandwidth policy which assigned to the card,
or increase the secondary path limit override located at the Daughter Card tab under Daughter Card Slot form.
Description: The alarm is raised when a SONET port reports a section error condition that a remote NE raises because of b1 errors received
from the local NE. The alarm corresponds to the lrei alarm on an NE.
Clearing condition: NOT ((('Outstanding Alarms'anyBit'Section B1 Error') AND ('Report Alarms'anyBit'Section B1 Error')))
Remedial action: Check the SONET port is configured correctly and that the physical layer cabling is operating correctly. Contact your Nokia
support representative if necessary.
Description: The alarm is raised when a SONET port reports a SLOF error. The alarm corresponds to the slof alarm on an NE. 118/143
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Raising condition: (('Outstanding Alarms'anyBit'Section Loss of Frame') AND ('Report Alarms'anyBit'Section Loss of Frame'))
Clearing condition: NOT ((('Outstanding Alarms'anyBit'Section Loss of Frame') AND ('Report Alarms'anyBit'Section Loss of Frame')))
Remedial action: One of the following conditions exists on the referenced physical interface which must be corrected. A cable/fiber fault exists
which must be corrected - check to ensure that the cable is not faulty and is properly connected.
Description: The alarm is raised when a SONET port reports a SLOS error. The alarm corresponds to the slos alarm on an NE.
Raising condition: (('Outstanding Alarms'anyBit'Section Loss of Signal') AND ('Report Alarms'anyBit'Section Loss of Signal'))
Clearing condition: NOT ((('Outstanding Alarms'anyBit'Section Loss of Signal') AND ('Report Alarms'anyBit'Section Loss of Signal')))
Remedial action: One of the following conditions exists on the referenced physical interface which must be corrected. A cable/fiber fault exists
which must be corrected - check to ensure that the cable is not faulty and is properly connected.
Description: The alarm is raised when a SONET port reports a section synchronization failure. A section synchronization failure occurs when the
S1 byte is inconsistent for eight consecutive frames.
Clearing condition: NOT ((('Outstanding Alarms'anyBit'Section S1 Failure') AND ('Report Alarms'anyBit'Section S1 Failure')))
Remedial action: Check the SONET port is configured correctly and that the physical layer cabling is operating correctly. Contact your Nokia
support representative if necessary. 119/143
12/21/2019 Alarms
Description: The tmnxDhcpSvrDeclineStaticAddr notification is generated when a DHCP decline message is received from a DHCP client that
has a static IP address assigned.
Remedial action: DHCP client has a static IP address. Make sure that the DHCP client has a dynamic IP address
Description: The alarm is raised when the system has reverted to default lease timer values for a particular DHCP client because the
configuration of the lease timers was inconsistent.
Remedial action: This warning is generated when configuration of the lease timers of a particular DHCP client is inconsistent; the system has
reverted to default lease timer values. The lease renew time T1 and lease rebind time T2 have been reverted to the default value of 1/2 and 2/3 of
the lease time. Please check the lease timers configuration on the local DHCP server to ensure the timers are compatible.
Description: The alarm is raised when the maximum number of leases allocated by local DHCP server is reached.
Remedial action: Informational - this alarm indicates that the maximum number of leases allocated by a local DHCP server was reached. The
address ranges for existing address pools should be extended or a new address pool should be configured for the local DHCP server.
Description: The alarm is raised when a DHCP message is generated but the message size exceeds either the maximum DHCP message size,
or the size provided by the client in the option maximum DHCP message size.
Remedial action: Review the access network DHCP configuration to ensure all parties send DHCP packets with appropriate message size. 120/143
12/21/2019 Alarms
Description: The tmnxDhcpSvrUserDbUnknown notification is generated when the local DHCP server instance drops a DHCP message because
a local user database with the name specified for this server instance could not be found.
Remedial action: Please specify a valid local user database for this server instance.
Description: The alarm is raised when all SAPs on a site are operationally down, or when the service tunnels for the site are operationally down.
For Backhaul Sites, this alarm is raised when one or more Backhaul Adjacencies is operationally down.
Raising condition: (('Operational State' NOT EQUAL 'Up') AND ('State Cause' NOT EQUAL 'All Spoke SDP Bindings are Standby'))
Clearing condition: (('Operational State' EQUAL 'Up') OR ('State Cause' EQUAL 'All Spoke SDP Bindings are Standby'))
Remedial action: The network resources (i.e. physical ports for SAPs or Backhaul Sites, or physical ports/LSP) associated with the service site
should be examined to determine if/why they are operationally down. The underlying transport network supporting the site may also be unreliable.
Remedial action: Please check the RSVP session path to make sure all associated protocols/interfaces/connections are OK. 121/143
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Remedial action: This alarm is raised when the OSPF sham link is operationally down. The situation may occur if the underlying physical
interface is down either because of administrative disabling or a fault on the far end port or due to a cable connection or cable failure. This alarm
will also be raised if the underlying transport network fails or is unreliable. Resolving the underlying instability in the transport network will correct
this problem.
Description: The alarm is raised when a device reports a single-SFM overload. The alarm clears when the VR exits the Overload state.
Remedial action: Information - if the the problem persists please contact your Nokia support representative for assistance.
Description: The alarm is raised when a SONET port reports a PAIS error. The alarm corresponds to the pais alarm on an NE.
Raising condition: (('Outstanding Alarms'anyBit'Path Alarm Indication Signal') AND ('Report Alarms'anyBit'Path Alarm Indication Signal'))
Clearing condition: NOT ((('Outstanding Alarms'anyBit'Path Alarm Indication Signal') AND ('Report Alarms'anyBit'Path Alarm Indication Signal')))
Remedial action: Check the SONET port is configured correctly and that the physical layer cabling is operating correctly. Contact your Nokia
support representative if necessary. 122/143
12/21/2019 Alarms
Description: The alarm is raised when a SONET port reports a path error condition because of b3 errors. The alarm corresponds to the prei
alarm on an NE.
Clearing condition: NOT ((('Outstanding Alarms'anyBit'Path B3 error') AND ('Report Alarms'anyBit'Path B3 error')))
Remedial action: Check the SONET port is configured correctly and that the physical layer cabling is operating correctly. Contact your Nokia
support representative if necessary.
Description: The alarm is raised when a SONET port reports a PLCD error. The alarm corresponds to the plcd alarm on an NE.
Raising condition: (('Outstanding Alarms'anyBit'Path Loss of Codegroup Delineation Error') AND ('Report Alarms'anyBit'Path Loss of Codegroup
Delineation Error'))
Clearing condition: NOT ((('Outstanding Alarms'anyBit'Path Loss of Codegroup Delineation Error') AND ('Report Alarms'anyBit'Path Loss of
Codegroup Delineation Error')))
Remedial action: Check the SONET port is configured correctly and that the physical layer cabling is operating correctly. Contact your Nokia
support representative if necessary.
Description: The alarm is raised when a SONET port reports a PLOP error. The alarm corresponds to the plop alarm on an NE.
Raising condition: (('Outstanding Alarms'anyBit'Path Loss of Pointer') AND ('Report Alarms'anyBit'Path Loss of Pointer'))
Clearing condition: NOT ((('Outstanding Alarms'anyBit'Path Loss of Pointer') AND ('Report Alarms'anyBit'Path Loss of Pointer'))) 123/143
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Remedial action: Check the SONET port is configured correctly and that the physical layer cabling is operating correctly. Contact your Nokia
support representative if necessary.
Description: The alarm is raised when a SONET port reports a PPLM error on a channel, after which the channel is set operationally down. The
alarm corresponds to the pplm alarm on an NE.
Raising condition: (('Outstanding Alarms'anyBit'Path Payload Mismatch') AND ('Report Alarms'anyBit'Path Payload Mismatch'))
Clearing condition: NOT ((('Outstanding Alarms'anyBit'Path Payload Mismatch') AND ('Report Alarms'anyBit'Path Payload Mismatch')))
Description: The alarm is raised when a SONET port reports a path error condition that a remote NE raises because of b3 errors received from
the local NE. The alarm corresponds to the prei alarm on an NE.
Raising condition: (('Outstanding Alarms'anyBit'Path Remote B3 Error') AND ('Report Alarms'anyBit'Path Remote B3 Error'))
Clearing condition: NOT ((('Outstanding Alarms'anyBit'Path Remote B3 Error') AND ('Report Alarms'anyBit'Path Remote B3 Error')))
Remedial action: Check the remote NE is configured correctly and its physical layer cabling is operating correctly.
Description: The alarm is raised when a SONET port reports a remote PAIS error. The alarm corresponds to the pais alarm on an NE.
Raising condition: (('Outstanding Alarms'anyBit'Path Remote Defect Indication') AND ('Report Alarms'anyBit'Path Remote Defect Indication')) 124/143
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Clearing condition: NOT ((('Outstanding Alarms'anyBit'Path Remote Defect Indication') AND ('Report Alarms'anyBit'Path Remote Defect
Remedial action: Check the SONET port is configured correctly and that the physical layer cabling is operating correctly. Contact your Nokia
support representative if necessary.
Description: The alarm is raised when a SONET port reports a path unequipped error. The alarm corresponds to the Path Alarm Unequipped
Path Error alarm on an NE.
Raising condition: (('Outstanding Alarms'anyBit'Path Alarm Unequipped Path Error') AND ('Report Alarms'anyBit'Path Alarm Unequipped Path
Clearing condition: NOT ((('Outstanding Alarms'anyBit'Path Alarm Unequipped Path Error') AND ('Report Alarms'anyBit'Path Alarm Unequipped
Path Error')))
Remedial action: Check the SONET port is configured correctly and that the physical layer cabling is operating correctly. Contact your Nokia
support representative if necessary.
Description: The alarm is raised when an SPB IS-IS interface has no adjacencies, for example, because the IS-IS protocol on the remote site is
Remedial action: Check remote site to see if corresponding IS-IS interface is configured and admin up. 125/143
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Description: The alarm is raised when an SPB IS-IS interface has an Operational State other than Up.
Remedial action: Check if underlying port is down, or associated network interface is down.
Description: The alarm is raised when an SPB site has an Operational State other than Up.
Remedial action: Check if the administrative state is down. If the administrative state is up, then check the ISIS instance associated with the SPB
and make sure it is up.
Description: The alarm is raised when a SAP detects an STP exception condition, for example, one-way communication or a downstream loop.
The alarm clears when the STP condition changes.
Raising condition: (('STP Exception Condition' NOT EQUAL 'None') AND ('Administrative State' EQUAL 'Up'))
Clearing condition: (('STP Exception Condition' EQUAL 'None') OR ('Administrative State' EQUAL 'Down'))
Remedial action: Check 'STP Exception Condition' field for more details and fix the STP exception. 126/143
12/21/2019 Alarms
Description: The alarm is raised when a SAP detects an STP root guard violation.
Description: The alarm is raised when an AAA server (e.g. a RADIUS server) specifies an ATM Traffic Descriptor override for a subscriber host
while it has already specified another one for another host on the same ATM Virtual Circuit.
Remedial action: Modify the AAA configuration so that all subscriber hosts sharing the same ATM Virtual circuit use the same ATM Traffic
Descriptor Override VSA. If different overrides are required, then the subscribers must be in different ATM Virtual Circuits.
Description: This alarm is raised when the system wide maximum number of lockout hosts is reached.
Remedial action: Please do one of the following: 1. Investigate why the hosts are locked out. Possible reasons include authentication failure due
to mis-configuration on the host end, mis-configuration on the BNG, missing or invalid configuration on the RADIUS server, session negotiation
failure with the client, resource exhaustion on the BNG, unavailability of RADIUS server (and no fallback configured). 2. Clear the host lockout. 127/143
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Description: This alarm is raised when the maximum number of lockout hosts on a given SAP is reached.
Remedial action: Please do one of the following: 1. Investigate why the hosts are locked out. Possible reasons include authentication failure due
to mis-configuration on the host end, mis-configuration on the BNG, missing or invalid configuration on the RADIUS server, session negotiation
failure with the client, resource exhaustion on the BNG, unavailability of RADIUS server (and no fallback configured). 2. Clear the host lockout on
the SAP. 3. Change the Maximum Lockout Hosts (per SAP).
Description: This alarm is raised when a subscriber management specific problem occurs during Multi Chassis Syncing, e.g. of DHCP lease
Remedial action: The recovery action depends on the exact cause of the failure. Please review the Additional Text field to obtain information
about the specific failure.
Description: This alarm is generated when the actual number of free addresses in the DHCP Server Subnet becomes zero.
Remedial action: This alarm is generated when the actual number of free addresses in a subnet becomes zero. Please create another subnet. 128/143
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Description: The alarm is raised when the actual number of free addresses in a subnet falls below the desired minimum number specified in the
subnet configuration
Remedial action: Please ensure that an adequate free address threshold is configured or create a new subnet to meet the system requirements.
This warning is raised on IPv4 DHCP servers only.
Description: This alarm indicates that system was unable to process a Change of Authorization (CoA) request from a Radius server.
Remedial action: Please ensure that Accept CoA attribute is properly enabled on the subscriber authentication policy defined for the service.
Ensure that the object targeted by the CoA request (a subscriber host for example) is present on the router.
Description: This alarm indicates that the system encountered a problem while trying to authenticate a subscriber.
Remedial action: Please review the Additional Text field to obtain information about which subscriber failed the authentication process.
Depending on if the subscriber should be allowed or not to access the service, further troubleshooting of the RADIUS server may be required.
Description: This alarm indicates that the system encountered a problem while trying to authenticate a subscriber.
Remedial action: Please review the Additional Text field to obtain information about which subscriber failed the authentication process.
Depending on if the subscriber should be allowed or not to access the service, further troubleshooting of the RADIUS server may be required. 129/143
12/21/2019 Alarms
Description: The alarm is raised when a subscriber interface is operationally down. The alarm clears when the subscriber interface is
operationally up.
Remedial action: Check the configuration and the underlying physical interface.
Description: The alarm is raised when the IP next-hop usage by subscriber managed routes reaches its high watermark, cleared when it reaches
its low watermark again; the watermarks are derived from the limit specified with the property subSysNextHopLimit.
Remedial action: The alarm is raised when the IP next-hop usage by subscriber managed routes reaches its high watermark, cleared when it
reaches its low watermark again; the watermarks are derived from the limit specified with the property subSysNextHopLimit.There is no immediate
effect, but when the usage actually hits the limit, new hosts will not get their managed routes.
Description: This alarm is raised when the memory usage by subscriber management on this system or chassis reaches its high watermark
Clearing condition: (('Memory Usage High' EQUAL 'False') OR ('Memory Usage High' EQUAL 'unspecified'))
Remedial action: The memory usage by subscriber management on this system has reached its high watermark. Please check your memory
usage. 130/143
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Table 4447: svcMacFdbTabelFull
Description: The alarm is raised when the system limit of FDB records is reached.
Remedial action: The alarm is raised when system limit of FDB records is reached.
Description: The alarm is raised when the license is due to expire soon.
Remedial action: Obtain license file: Please contact your Nokia support or sales representative for assistance with obtaining a license file from
Nokia Software License Manager (ASLM).
Description: The alarm is raised when the license becomes invalid for the reason specified in Additional Text.
Remedial action: Obtain license file: Please contact your Nokia support or sales representative for assistance with obtaining a license file from
Nokia Software License Manager (ASLM).
Description: The alarm is raised when the GMPLS TE link's Administrative State is Up and the Operational State is Down. The alarm clears when
the GMPLS TE link's Operational State changes to Up or the Administrative State changes to Down.
Raising condition: (('Administrative State' EQUAL 'Up') AND ('Operational State' NOT EQUAL 'Up')) 131/143
12/21/2019 Alarms
Clearing condition: (('Operational State' EQUAL 'Up') OR ('Administrative State' NOT EQUAL 'Up'))
Remedial action: The Operational state of the GMPLS TE link is down, despite the Administrative state being up. Check if the associated LMP
TE link or the GMPLS tunnel group endpoint is down.
Description: The alarm is raised when a Traffic-Engineering Link has an Operational State other than Up, and the Administrative State is Up.
Raising condition: (('Administrative State' EQUAL 'Up') AND ('Operational State' NOT EQUAL 'Up'))
Clearing condition: (('Operational State' EQUAL 'Up') OR ('Administrative State' NOT EQUAL 'Up'))
Remedial action: A network configuration issue has been detected. Ensure the Traffic-Engineering Link configuration between the local node and
the peer node is consistent.
Remedial action: The NE has detected internal temperatures which are abnormally high. This could be caused by a failed fan unit or one or more
dirty fan filters. Replacing the failed unit or filters should resolve the problem. Alternately the environment that the NE is operating in may not be
within specifications found in the NE user guides.
Description: The alarm is raised when a device detects a physical loop on an Ethernet port. 132/143
12/21/2019 Alarms
Clearing condition: (('Down When Looped Status' EQUAL 'No Loop Detected'))
Remedial action: An Ethernet port has been mis-cabled - please remove the loopback cable on the port.
Description: The alarm is raised when a TMS interface is operationally down. The alarm clears when the TMS interface is operationally up.
Remedial action: This alarm indicates TMS Interface configured is operational down.
Description: The alarm is raised when the TP LSP Administrative State is Up and the Operational State is Down. The alarm clears when the TP
LSP Operational State changes to Up or the Administrative State changes to Down.
Raising condition: (('Administrative' EQUAL 'Up') AND ('Operational' NOT EQUAL 'Up'))
Remedial action: The Operational state of the TP LSP is down, despite the Administrative state being up. Review the configuration and make
sure that the destination information is set correctly and that the Administrative state is up.
Description: The alarm is raised when the TP LSP Path Administrative State is Up and the Operational State is Down. The alarm clears when the
TP LSP Path Operational State changes to Up or the Administrative State changes to Down.
Raising condition: (('Administrative' EQUAL 'Up') AND ('Operational' NOT EQUAL 'Up')) 133/143
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Remedial action: The Operational state of the TP LSP Path is down, despite the Administrative state being up. Review the configuration and
make sure that the Administrative state is up, the egress and ingress labels are set and the Out-Link interface is operationally up.
Description: The alarm is raised when the 5620 SAM detects that an MPLS path is administratively down.
Description: The alarm is raised when the 5620 SAM detects that a service tunnel is administratively down.
Remedial action: Informational - an operator has manually turned down a service tunnel.
Description: The alarm is raised when an MPLS path has an Operational State other than Up, and the Administrative State is Up.
Raising condition: (('Administrative' EQUAL 'Up') AND ('Operational' NOT EQUAL 'Up')) 134/143
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Description: The alarm is raised when the 5620 SAM detects that a service tunnel is operationally down.
Raising condition: (('Administrative' EQUAL 'Up') AND ('Operational' NOT EQUAL 'Up'))
Remedial action: This alarm indicates that a problem has been made in the underlying transport network. If the alarm persists or re-occurs
frequently then investigation of the underlying transport issues is warranted.
Description: The alarm is raised when a SONET port reports an SS1F error. The alarm corresponds to the ss1f alarm on an NE.
Raising condition: (('Outstanding Alarms'anyBit'TX Section Synchronization Error') AND ('Report Alarms'anyBit'TX Section Synchronization
Clearing condition: NOT ((('Outstanding Alarms'anyBit'TX Section Synchronization Error') AND ('Report Alarms'anyBit'TX Section
Synchronization Error')))
Remedial action: Check the SONET port is configured correctly and that the physical layer cabling is operating correctly. Contact your Nokia
support representative if necessary.
Description: This alarm is raised when the bits [64-71] of NAT64 destination prefix are non-zero for prefix length of 96. 135/143
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Raising condition: (('NAT Destination Prefix Length' EQUAL '96') AND ('NAT Destination Prefix' NOT EQUAL '\"([0-9A-F]{1,4}:){4}([0-9A-F]{1,2})(:
Clearing condition: (('NAT Destination Prefix Length' NOT EQUAL '96') OR ('NAT Destination Prefix' EQUAL '\"([0-9A-F]{1,4}:){4}([0-9A-F]{1,2})(:
Remedial action: When using a prefix length 96, set the bits [64-71] of NAT64 Destination Prefix as zero.
Description: The alarm is raised when the standby CPM is rebooted and operational after a software upgrade. A device resets an IOM
automatically after 120 minutes if the IOM is not manually reset after a CPM upgrade.
Description: The alarm is raised when all connections of the Uplink are down.
Remedial action: This alarm is raised when all connections associated to the uplink lost connectivity. 136/143
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Description: The alarm is raised when some connections of the Uplink are down.
Remedial action: This alarm is raised when a connection of the uplink lost connectivity but at least one connection remains connected.
Description: The alarm is raised when a video interface is operationally down. The alarm clears when the video interface is operationally up.
Remedial action: Check the configuration and the underlying physical interface.
Remedial action: This alarm is raised when the OSPF virtual link is operationally down. The situation may occur if the underlying physical
interface is down either because of administrative disabling or a fault on the far end port or due to a cable connection or cable failure. This alarm
will also be raised if the underlying transport network fails or is unreliable. Resolving the underlying instability in the transport network will correct
this problem. 137/143
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Description: The alarm is raised when a neighbor virtual link is operationally down.
Remedial action: This alarm is raised when the OSPF neighbor virtual link is operationally down. The situation may occur if the underlying
physical interface is down either because of administrative disabling or a fault on the far end port or due to a cable connection or cable failure.
This alarm will also be raised if the underlying transport network fails or is unreliable. Resolving the underlying instability in the transport network
will correct this problem.
Description: The alarm is raised when the protocol on a particular network interface has been detected as non-conformant to the associated
distributed CPU protection policy parameters (on receiving vRtrIfDcpDynamicExcd trap) and the alarm status is set as non-conformant When the
network interface starts hold-down period for an exceeding protocol (on receiving vRtrIfDcpDynamicHoldDownStart trap), the alarm status will
change into non-conformant(Hold Down Start). When the network interface completes hold-down period for an exceeding protocol (on receiving
vRtrIfDcpDynamicHoldDownEnd trap), the alarm status will be changed into non-conformant(Hold Down End). When the protocol for the network
interface has been detected as conformant for a period of the configured detection-time after having been previously detected as exceeding and
completed any hold-down period (on receiving vRtrIfDcpDynamicConform trap), the alarm will be cleared.
Remedial action: Appropriate configuration changes to the distributed CPU protection policy or to the affected network interface may be required.
Description: The alarm is raised when the local-monitoring-policer for a particular network interface has transitioned from a conformant state to a
non-conformant state and the system will attempt to allocate dynamic enforcement policers (on receiving sapDcpLocMonExcd trap), and the alarm
status is set as non-conformant When all dynamic enforcement policers associated with a non-conformant local-monitoring-policer have been
successfully allocated for the network interface (on receiving sapDcpLocMonExcdAllDynAlloc trap), the alarm status will be changed into non-
conformant(Located All). When the local-monitoring-policer for a particular network interface has transitioned from a conformant state to a non-
conformant state and the system cannot allocate all the dynamic enforcement policers associated with the distributed CPU protection policy (on
receiving sapDcpLocMonExcdDynResource trap), the alarm status will be changed into non-conformant(Cannot Allocate All). When all the
previously allocated dynamic enforcement policers for a particular local-monitoring-policer on the associated distributed CPU protection policy
have been freed up and all the protocols are once again being monitored by local-monitor (on receiving sapDcpLocMonExcdAllDynFreed trap),
the alarm will be cleared.
Remedial action: Appropriate configuration changes to the distributed CPU protection policy or to the affected network interface may be required.
Description: The alarm is raised when the static-policer on a particular network interface has been detected as non-conformant to the associated
distributed CPU protection policy parameters (on receiving vRtrIfDcpStaticExcd trap) and the alarm status is set as non-conformant. When the
network interface starts hold-down period for the exceeding static-policer (on receiving vRtrIfDcpStaticHoldDownStart trap), the alarm status will
change into non-conformant(Hold Down Start). When the network interface ends hold-down period for the exceeding static-policer (on receiving
vRtrIfDcpStaticHoldDownEnd trap), the alarm status will be changed into non-conformant(Hold Down End). When the static-policer for the network
interface has been detected as conformant for a period of the configured detection-time after having been previously detected as exceeding and
completed any hold-down period (on receiving vRtrIfDcpStaticConform trap), the alarm will be cleared.
Remedial action: Appropriate configuration changes to the distributed CPU protection policy or to the affected network interface may be required.
Description: The alarm is raised when a device reports an encoder degradation on a wavelength tracker interface.
Clearing condition: NOT ((('Configured Alarms'anyBit'Encoder Degrade') AND ('Reported Alarms'anyBit'Encoder Degrade')))
Remedial action: The OT or SVAC card has detected a DSP failure and this means that the wavelength tracker encode power control is
compromised. If this occurs during steady state operation, there is a high probability that the services carried by this OT or SVAC are unaffected.
To clear this alarm, replace the card. The card replacement procedure is service affecting and should be conducted during a maintenance window.
Description: The alarm is raised when a device reports an encoder failure on a wavelength tracker interface.
Clearing condition: NOT ((('Configured Alarms'anyBit'Encoder Failure') AND ('Reported Alarms'anyBit'Encoder Failure')))
Remedial action: A cold reset, reseat, or replacement of a card is service impacting if the card is currently carrying services. If there are services
currently carried over the card, it may be best to wait for a maintenance window before resetting, replacing, or reseating the card.Confirm that
replacement OT or SVAC card supports the same band as the alarmed OT or SVAC card and connect all fibers to the replacement OT or SVAC
Description: The alarm is raised when a device reports a power control high limit on a wavelength tracker interface.
Raising condition: (('Configured Alarms'anyBit'Missing Pluggable VOA') AND ('Reported Alarms'anyBit'Missing Pluggable VOA'))
Clearing condition: NOT ((('Configured Alarms'anyBit'Missing Pluggable VOA') AND ('Reported Alarms'anyBit'Missing Pluggable VOA')))
Description: The alarm is raised when a device reports a power control degradation on a wavelength tracker interface.
Raising condition: (('Configured Alarms'anyBit'Power Control Degrade') AND ('Reported Alarms'anyBit'Power Control Degrade'))
Clearing condition: NOT ((('Configured Alarms'anyBit'Power Control Degrade') AND ('Reported Alarms'anyBit'Power Control Degrade')))
Remedial action: check to see that the fibering for that card is correct. Remove the fiber from the Tx port on the transponder card. If the condition
clears after 20 seconds, then this is a misfibering problem.
Description: The alarm is raised when a device reports a power control failure on a wavelength tracker interface.
Raising condition: (('Configured Alarms'anyBit'Power Control Failure') AND ('Reported Alarms'anyBit'Power Control Failure'))
Clearing condition: NOT ((('Configured Alarms'anyBit'Power Control Failure') AND ('Reported Alarms'anyBit'Power Control Failure')))
Remedial action: Either alarmed card has detected equipment problem or there is misfibering problem such that a light-emitting fiber has been
plugged into the Tx port of aWavelength Tracker encoder-equipped transponder card.If the card is a transponder card that is equipped with
aWavelength Tracker encoder, check to see that the fibering for that card is correct. Remove the fiber from the Tx port on the transponder card. If
the condition clears after 20 seconds, then this is a misfibering problem.the card is an SVAC, or if there is no fibering problem on the transponder
card.Disconnect all fibers on the alarmed card and Replace the card. connect all fibers to the replacement card 140/143
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Table 4477: WaveTrackerPowerControlHighlimit
Description: The alarm is raised when a device reports a power control high limit on a wavelength tracker interface.
Raising condition: (('Configured Alarms'anyBit'Power Control High limit reached') AND ('Reported Alarms'anyBit'Power Control High limit
Clearing condition: NOT ((('Configured Alarms'anyBit'Power Control High limit reached') AND ('Reported Alarms'anyBit'Power Control High limit
Description: The alarm is raised when a device reports a power control low limit on a wavelength tracker interface.
Raising condition: (('Configured Alarms'anyBit'Power Control Low limit reached') AND ('Reported Alarms'anyBit'Power Control Low limit
Clearing condition: NOT ((('Configured Alarms'anyBit'Power Control Low limit reached') AND ('Reported Alarms'anyBit'Power Control Low limit
Description: The alarm is raised when the WLAN GW ISA group is degraded, while operationally still in service.
Raising condition: (('Degraded State' EQUAL 'True') AND ('Operational State' EQUAL 'Up'))
Clearing condition: (('Operational State' NOT EQUAL 'Up') OR ('Degraded State' NOT EQUAL 'True'))
Remedial action: The ISA-WLAN GW Group is degraded. This alarm occurs when the number of active IOMs in the ISA Group fall below the
"Active IOM Limit" configured on the ISA Group. Check the assigned IOM and MDA card statuses. 141/143
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Description: The alarm is raised when the Operational State of an WLAN GW ISA group is Down and the Administrative State is Up.
Raising condition: (('Administrative State' EQUAL 'Up') AND ('Operational State' NOT EQUAL 'Up'))
Clearing condition: (('Operational State' EQUAL 'Up') OR ('Administrative State' NOT EQUAL 'Up'))
Remedial action: The operational state of the ISA-WLAN GW Group is down, despite the administrative state being up. Check that the
configured ISA-WLAN GW Group Member MDA(s) are active and operationally up. There may be a fault with the ISA Application WLAN GW
Description: The alarm is raised when there is a resource problem detected while attempting to activate some part of the WLAN Gateway
configuration of this system.
Remedial action: The alarm is raised when there is a resource problem detected while attempting to activate some part of the WLAN Gateway
configuration of this system.
Description: The alarm is raised when a resource issue occurs while creating a WLAN Gateway tunnel QoS infrastructure instance.
Remedial action: This may be a temporary phenomenon. If it persists, the QoS configuration or the scaling may have to be modified to ensure
enough resources are available for the UE QoS. 142/143
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Remedial action: The recovery action will depend on the exact failure cause as given by the failureReason.
Description: The alarm is raised when the 7701 CPAA software is the wrong version and requires an upgrade.
Raising condition: (('Software Version' EQUAL '\"TiMOS-B-3.0.Generic \"') AND ('Chassis Type' EQUAL '7701 CPAA'))
Clearing condition: (('Software Version' NOT EQUAL '\"TiMOS-B-3.0.Generic \"') AND ('Chassis Type' EQUAL '7701 CPAA'))
Remedial action: The SW version of the CPAA must be upgraded to the version compatible with CPAM version.
Description: The alarm is raised when an MDA reports persistent XPL Errors.
Remedial action: Informational - if the condition persists then the MDA indicated in the alarm should be replaced. 143/143