Origin of Matter - Suddhātthaka Created by The Mind
Origin of Matter - Suddhātthaka Created by The Mind
Origin of Matter - Suddhātthaka Created by The Mind
Pure Dhamma
November 27,2015; Revised December 17, 2017; May 17, 2019; August 21, 2019
1. Suddhātthaka is not even mentioned in even many Thēravada Texts. I have deliberated for
some time whether this post is premature. This post requires an understanding of basic
concepts that I have discussed so far (as of November 2015).
Please don’t read it, unless you have thought about the basic concepts of “san,”
gati (or gathi), āsava, paticca samuppāda, etc. It may not make much sense,
and thus it could discourage people from proceeding any further thinking, “this
stuff does not make sense.”
On the other hand, for those who have some understanding of those concepts,
this could help gain more insight.
As I publish more posts on this issue, the picture will become
increasingly apparent. Please be patient. The value of the Buddha Dhamma will
also become apparent, and that is the best way to cultivate saddhā (faith based
on understanding).
This topic discussed in detail in the “Nāma & Rūpa to Nāmarūpa” subsection of
the “Living Dhamma” section.
4. Buddha Dhamma, of course, says all living beings living at present have existed forever.
In other words, “all existing lifestreams” have existed forever. In each life, a
given “lifestream” gets a physical body (coarse or subtle depending on the
realm of existence), and that physical body is, of course, a sankata. When that
physical body dies, the lifestream takes hold of a new body; see, “What
Reincarnates? – Concept of a Lifestream“.
What “propagates” from life-to-life (while continually changing), are the āsava,
anusaya, and gathi (mental properties) that make up a dynamic (ever-
changing) lifestream.
Thus, the universe does not start with a “Big Bang,” as many scientists
believe right now. Remember that only 100 or so years ago, scientists thought
the universe was in a steady state. Scientific theories change to “fit the existing
data.” But pure Buddha Dhamma has not changed at all since Buddha Gotama
taught it 2500 years ago; see, “Historical Background.”
5. The Buddha discouraged people from investigating the properties of the universe in detail.
However, he has taught that uncountable “planetary systems” like our Solar system exist in
the universe. That also has been confirmed by science.
Here we will discuss only the origin of the smallest unit of matter, called a
“suddhātthaka.” (sometimes written as suddhāshtaka).
This unit of matter is billion times smaller than “an atom” in modern science.
One time, not long ago, science believed that an atom was the smallest unit of
matter. But they are composites of many “elementary particles.” Even many of
those “elementary particles” are shown to have more structure! At present,
there is no end in sight how smaller a “basic unit of matter” can get. Now
science is unable to distinguish between “matter” and “energy.”
For example, a “Higgs boson” is just a packet of energy.
Matter and energy are essentially the same, related by the famous equation, E
(energy) = m (mass) x c2, where c is the speed of light. Thus any small unit of
matter is indistinguishable from a “packet of energy.” For example, the light we
see comes in “packets” called photons. Thus photon is matter in this sense,
and therefore everything in this world at the primary level can have the label
“matter” or “energy.”
The distinction between “matter” and “energy” is blurred at this fundamental
Retreat: "Puredhamma mediation retreat 2020"
7. A suddhātthaka is a “packet of energy” and is THE basic unit of matter. It is much smaller
than in energy compared to a light photon that we see. A humongous number
of suddhātthaka would have the energy of a single light photon.
8. But most of the time, what we are doing now is to “remake” different types of sankata using
the “raw material” (suddhātthaka) created billions of years ago. These
original suddhātthaka have lifetimes of close to 20 antakkappa (or antarākalpa), where 80
such antakkappa are in a mahā kappa.
What is Suddhātthaka?
9. Suddhātthaka (“suddha” for “pure” or fundamental” + “attha” or “eight”) means a unit of
matter consisting of eight fundamental entities (usually translated as the “pure octad.”)
Four of these are the “satara mahā bhūta“: patavi, āpo, tejo, vāyo. These are
indeed the most fundamental units of matter, but they cannot be detected by
themselves. It may be hard to believe for many at this stage, but those arise
due to our “gati” (or “gathi“) that I have discussed in several posts; see, the
introductory post: “The Law of Attraction, Habits, Character (Gati), and Cravings
(Asavas)“. By the
to Nibbāna –CLICK
removal of “āsava
way, "Puredhamma ” and “gathi
mediation ” lead
retreat to Nibbana: “The Way
of Āsavas.” One needs to have an understanding of
these concepts to grasp the material in this post.
These satara mahā bhūta are first created by the mind with four basic “gathi”
of humans: “thada gathiya” (in Sinhala) means the “coarseness,” corresponding
to patavi; a defiled mind is “hard” and “coarse” and correspond to “patavi”
The word āpo comes from the tendency to “attach or get attracted to worldly
things” (“bandena gathiya” means the “bind together,” which leads to liquidity
in science). Tejo comes from “fiery or energetic” (“théjas gathi” in Sinhala), and
vāyo refers to “motion” (“salena gathiya” in Sinhala). They are all created in
javana citta that arise in mind, of course, in minute quantities that cannot be
detected. However, those with abhiññā powers can generate large amounts of
matter like a flower.
10. Those most fundamental four units (satara mahā bhūta) are supposed to be created
by the mind due to avijjā or ignorance. We like to have possession of things made out of
these units because we do not comprehend the “unfruitful nature” of such impermanent
11. Therefore, four basic units of patavi, āpo, tejo, vāyo arise due to avijjā, and the other four
of varna, gandha, rasa, and oja arise due to tanhā. The latter four also occur due to patavi,
āpo, tejo, vāyo (actually they are just different modes of vibration of patavi, āpo, tejo, vāyo).
We will get into more detail in the future so that even physicists would be able to appreciate
the value of Abhidhamma.
These eight never arise in isolation and thus are called “avinibbhoga rupa.”
They always rise together; all eight are there in any suddhātthaka. The relative
“amounts” of each component can vary, and thus some suddhātthaka can be
dominated by one element, for example. Even then, all eight are present to
some extent. That is equivalent to saying that wherever there is avijjā,
there is tanhā, and vice versa.
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This very fundamental level is called the “bhūta” stage. Bhūta is another name
for “ghost” because of their elusive nature. They can never be detected and can
only be “seen” by a Buddha. The Buddha explained this to Mahā Brahma, who
thought he knew everything about the world: “Brahmanimantanika Sutta
(Majjhima Nikaya 49)“. I will explain this sutta in detail later.
And a suddhātthaka can never be divided; thus they are called “avinibbhöga
rupa kalapa.”
Other Implications
13. Therefore, we can see that patavi, āpo, tejo, vāyo have much deeper meanings than just
earth, water, fire, and wind. Why did the ancient Greeks also use the same terms? That is due
to the same reason that Hinduism also uses terms like karma (which is the Sanskrit word for
kamma), Nirvana (which is the Sanskrit word for Nibbana), anapana, etc.
There have been three Buddhas in this mahā kappa (i.e., during the
existence of our Solar system) before the Buddha Gotama; that is how those
terms came to usage before Buddha Gotama. Those concepts by the previous
Buddhas were transmitted down through successive generations, but the true
meanings got lost.
Human history is much longer than tens of thousands
retreat of years, as believed by
many today. Whole
"Puredhamma mediation 2020"
CLICK ›continents can submerge, wiping out entire populations;
this is not being considered seriously yet, but there is
evidence: see, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Submerged_continent. Anyway,
that is a topic to be discussed later when more evidence becomes available. It
will be proven that one region that has not changed since the formation of the
Earth is Asia encompassing Sri Lanka, India, and China. Archeologists should
focus more in that region rather than in Africa. See, “Ancient teeth found in
China challenge modern human migration theory.”
14. As I mentioned above, there were three Buddhas before Buddha Gotama. That is how
some of the key terms like patavi, āpo, tejo, vāyo and kamma, and Nibbana (nirvana) have
been in use even before the Buddha Gotama. They had been transmitted down through
generations, but of course, their true meanings had been lost.
Losing the true meanings in the Tipitaka happened at least a few times, even
during this Buddha sāsana, within the past 2500 years. The best example is the
misinterpretation of san, sansara, anicca, and anatta during just the past
hundreds of years; see, “What is “San”? Meaning of Sansara (or Samsara)” and
“Anicca, Dukkha, Anatta – Wrong Interpretations.”
But the Buddha Gotama has said that his Buddha sāsana will last for 5000
years. We are only halfway through. That is why it is making a comeback
now. And this time it will have staying power due to the presence of the
internet. That is one reason why we should all be forever grateful to
modern science, much more than for all other technological wonders it
has brought about.
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