Hinal Songhela & Aakib R Hamdani
Hinal Songhela & Aakib R Hamdani
Hinal Songhela & Aakib R Hamdani
aakibhamdani786@gmail.com hinalsonghela21@gmail.com
Mobile No. +91 7383156800
The basic aim to carry out the study is to find out the labour welfare measures provided to the
employees. From the study, we will come to know about the impact of inadequate welfare
measures on employee absenteeism and attrition. The study is carried out by using the
descriptive research design. Sample size is 150. The research has been conducted by using
stratified random sampling method with structured questionnaire. After the study, it is found that
inadequate welfare measures are not the reason behind employee absenteeism. But health
problem, work environment, work life balance, etc are the causes of absenteeism. As far as
employees’ attrition is concerned, non availability of First Aid and Medical Facilities and
Canteen Facilities lead to blue collar employees’ attrition. Therefore, there is need to provide
proper welfare facilities(both statutory and non-statutory) and work environment to workers,
which has direct influence on social and economic development of the organization as well as
Keywords: Labour Welfare Measures, Absenteeism and Attrition, Motivation Level, Blue
Collar Employees
The term Welfare simply means the health, happiness, and fortunes of a person or group.
Labour Welfare means the voluntary efforts made by the employer to provide better
conditions of employment in their own industries. Labour welfare should meet the basic
requirements of workers. It should contribute to the productivity and efficiency of the workers.
The main objective of labour welfare is to provide the better standard of living of the workers,
by indirectly reducing the burden on their purse. An efficient, skilled and satisfied will be an
asset for the organization. He will work enthusiastically and better results can be achieved.
Labour is happy if his needs are fulfilled. The various labour welfare measures provided to the
employees are infact an important and valuable investment.
As overall cement and chemical industries involve large numbers of men and women workers.
The working environment in such industries is hazardous for their health. Due to this the
absenteeism, rate of attrition and labour turnover is high. Also labour may suffer from disease
and injuries. Therefore to overcome this problem, maintain healthy working conditions and to
retain the employees, industries are offering various safety measures along with the various
welfare facilities. That’s why, in this research, the Saurashtra Cement Limited situated in
Ranavav, Porbandar, Gujarat is selected to analyze the impact of Labour Welfare Measures
towards motivation level of blue collar employees.
The total concept of welfare is that desirable state of existence involving the physical, mental
and emotional well-being.
The relative concept of welfare implies that welfare is relative in time and place. It differs
with time, region, level of education, social customs, political system, etc. Labour welfare
implies the setting up of the minimum desirable standards and the provisions of facilities like
health, clothing, housing, medical assistance, education, insurance, job security, recreation and
so on. Such facilities enable the worker and his family to lead a good work life, family life and
social life.
According to N. M. Joshi, “Welfare measures cover all the efforts which employers take for
the benefit of their employees over and above the minimum standards of working conditions
fixed by the Factories Act and over and above the provisions of the social legislation providing
against accident, old age, unemployment and sickness.”
The nature of the study is descriptive research. Working blue collar employees from Cement
industry from Ranavan, Porbandar, Gujarat area is sample unit for this research. The sample for
the study is in total 150 numbers. Stratified Random Sampling method has been used for the
A) Preference Given by Blue Collar Employees for Essentiality of Welfare
Measures in future.
Essentiality of Welfare Measures In Future
Sr. (Percentage)
Welfare Measures Employee Response
Very Very
High High Medium Low Low
1 Washing Facilities 84.95 5.30 4.42 2.65 2.65
2 Storing & Drying 85.84 7.07 5.30 0.88 0.88
3 Sitting Facilities 84.95 9.73 3.53 0.88 0.88
4 Statutory First Aid 99.11 0.88 0 0 0
5 Canteen 96.46 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88
6 Rest Room 85.84 5.30 3.53 3.53 1.76
7 Creches 75.22 7.96 5.30 5.30 6.19
8 Welfare Officer 90.26 4.42 1.76 1.76 1.76
1 Accommodation 82.30 11.50 4.42 0.88 0.88
Education to
2 Children 92.03 3.53 1.76 1.76 0.88
3 Holiday Homes 59.29 21.23 7.07 5.30 7.07
4 Medical 93.80 2.65 1.76 0.88 0.88
5 Leave Travel 69.91 15.04 4.42 6.19 4.42
6 Transportation 67.25 19.46 10.61 1.76 0.88
7 Uniforms 92.03 7.07 0.88 0 0
The above table and graph depict the opinion of blue collar employees for welfare
measures that are essential and they would like to have these facilities in future also. Most
of the blue collar employees i.e. 99.11%, 96.46%, 90.26%, 85.84%, 84.95%, 84.95%, &
84.95% have given very high preference to First Aid, Canteen, Welfare Officer, Storing
and Drying Facilities, Washing Facilities, Sitting Facilities & Rest Room Facilities
As far as non statutory welfare measures are concerned blue collar employees that
comprise of 93.80%, 92.03%, 92.03% and 82.30% have given very high preference to
Medical, Education to Children, Uniforms and Accommodation respectively. Blue collar
employees have given high preference to Holiday Home & Leave Travel also; medium
preference is given to Transportation i.e 10.61% respondents. The reason behind this is that
company does not give these facilities (Leave Travel, Holiday Homes & Transportation) to
the blue collar employees. Hence, blue collar employees do not bother about these & so
only worry or focus on the routine facilities.
The above table and graph shows that, for blue collar employees 95.57%, 93.80%, 91.15%
& 87.61, Health Problem, Stress, Family Problem and Partial Shifts are the major causes of
absenteeism respectively. The reason behind this is that blue collar employee’s deal with
actual manufacturing process. They work on heavy machinery, so they face health
problems and are stressed due to unhealthy workplace environment. 67.25% blue collar
employees responded that inadequate welfare measure does not lead toabsenteeism.
1. Almost all blue collar employees are getting statutory and non-statutory welfare
measures except leave travel and holiday home for blue collar and non availability of
2. An inadequate welfare measure doesn‘t have an impact on absenteeism of blue
3. There is less attrition on part of employees as proper welfare measures are
4. It is found that non availability of first aid and medical facilities are responsible
reasons for blue collar employees’ attrition in the company.
Every organization provides the statutory welfare measures but some organization
provides some more welfare facilities to the employees so that they may retain the
employees and their quality of work life. By the result of increased quality of work life
among the employees they get satisfaction in their personal and professional life. An
organization could see the reflection of these things in increased productivity. As far as
cement industry is concerned welfare measures are very much essential because the
workplace environment in the cement industry is hazardous and it directly affects workers
health. Therefore it leads to absenteeism and attrition. To overcome employees’ attrition
ratio, organization must provide proper welfare facilities. As a result of this, organizations
will definitely achieve their goals & objective effectively and efficiently.
Jagdish C. Joshi (2010) Labour Welfare Administration: Tools andTechniques
John M. Knight (2008), How To ReduceAbsenteeism
Kunal Gaurav (2007) Drivers of Employee Satisfaction andAttrition
Pratibha Goyal (2011) Labour Welfare and JobSatisfaction
Journals :
―Cooperative Unionism and Employee Welfare‖ by Michael R. White (University
of Westminster - Policy Studies Institute) Industrial Relations Journal, Vol. 36, No. 5, pp.
348-366, September2005.
―Provision Of Welfare Under Factories Act & Its Impact On Employee
Satisfaction‖ by Parul P Bhati (Research scholar Karpagam University), Dr. Ashokkumar
M (Professor & Head, Department of Management, Karpagam University) Journal of
Business Management & Social Sciences Research (JBM&SSR) ISSN No: 2319‐5614
Volume 2, No.2, February2013.
―A Study On Performance of Labour Welfare Measures of Indian Industries: An
Overview‖ by Dr. A. Jebamalairaja (Associate Professor, Dept of Economics , Urumu
Dhanalakshmi College, Trichy, Tamilnadu, India) R. Pichumani (Associate Professor, Dept
of Economics , A.A.Govt. Arts College, Musiri, Trichy, Tamilnadu, India) IJMRR April
2012/ Volume 2/Issue 4/Article No-9/546-551 ISSN: 2249- 7196.
Labour Welfare Measures In Cement Industries In India (A Case OfKcp
LimitedCement Division,Macherla,Andhra Pradesh) by M.Ramasatyanarayanar. R.
Jayaprakash Reddy July 2012 IJPSS Volume 2, Issue 7 ISSN:2249-5894.
A Study On Absenteeism Among The Employees Of Textiles Industries, Coimbatore
District By K.Vishnupriya, N.S.Suganya, P.Bhuvaneswari Sep 2012 IJMT Volume 2, Issue
9 ISSN:2249-1058.
Effectiveness of Labour Welfare Measures in India by K. Kaliyamurthy Associate
Professor & Research Advisor, Pg And Research Department Of Economics, Urumu
Dhanalakshmi College, Kattur, Tiruchirappalli and J. Shyamala Devi Ph.d Research
Scholar, Pg And Research Department Of Economics, Urumu Dhanalakshmi College,
Kattur, Tiruchirappalli.International Global Research Analysis Volume : 1 | Issue : 7 | Dec
2012 • ISSN No 2277 –8160.