Manmeet 23030003
Manmeet 23030003
Manmeet 23030003
Jalandhar, hereby declare that I have completed the project on the topic STUDY OF
EMPLOYEE WELFARE MEASURES for the academic year 2024 - 2025, under the kind
guidance of DR. JYOTI KUMARI as a partial fulfilment of the course curriculum in the The information submitted herein is true and original to the best of my knowledge.
Throughout a decade, various economists, industrialist, and radical thinkers contribute useful and
thought-provoking insights to our research project.
A thank is just a word but it contains volume of thoughts and feeling in one’s heart. With the
profound sense of gratitude because ‘gratitude’ is not a thing of expression, it is a matter of
Their impact to the study’s success, as well as global economy in general, is immeasurable. I’d
like to express my gratitude to the following people for guidance in this project:
I am indebted to other teachers of the Department of Commerce, Sant Baba Singh University for
their help, encouragement and suggestions made from time to time.
Every individual has certain needs and motives which he/she wants to fulfil. Any job which
fulfils their needs and motives give him satisfaction. There are some situational factors
responsible for job satisfaction .The important causes of job satisfaction are wage incentive
systems, the work environment, length of working hours, behaviour of the supervisor, security,
scope for promotion and recognition of merit. Besides proper evaluation of work, impartial
behaviour and social relationship with co-workers etc. are also contributory factors.
The term welfare proposes many ideas, meanings and connotations, such as the state of well-
being, health, happiness, prosperity and the development of human resources. As a total concept
of welfare, it is a desirable state of existence involving physical, mental, moral and emotional
well-being. The social concept of welfare implies the welfare of man, his family, and his
community. Welfare is called a relative concept, for it is related to time and space. Changes in it
have an impact on the system of welfare as well. Welfare is also a positive concept. In order to
establish a minimum level of welfare, it demands certain minimum acceptable conditions of
existence, biologically and socially.
Employee welfare is an area of social welfare conceptually and operationally. It covers a broad
field and connotes a state of wellbeing, happiness, satisfaction, conservation and development of
human resources and also helps to motivation of employee. The basic propose of employee
welfare is to enrich the life of employees and to keep them happy and conducted. Welfare
measures may be both statutory and non-statutory laws require the employer to extend certain
benefits to employees in addition to wages or salaries.
Organizations provide welfare facilities to their employees to keep their motivation levels high.
The employee welfare schemes can be classified into two categories viz. statutory and non-
statutory welfare schemes. The statutory schemes are those schemes that are compulsory to
provide by an organization as compliance to the laws governing employee health and safety,
these include: canteen facilities, drinking water, proper and sufficient lighting , facilities for
sitting , changing rooms , first aid appliances, latrines and urinals , washing places, spittoons, rest
rooms. Non statutory welfare schemes may include: personal health care, flexi-time, employee
assistance programs, harassment policy, employee referral scheme, mediclaim insurance scheme.
The non-statutory schemes differ from organization to organization and from industry to
Health, safety and welfare are the measures of promoting the efficiency of employee. The
various welfare measures provided by the employer will have immediate impact on the health,
physical and mental efficiency alertness, morale and overall efficiency of the worker and thereby
contributing to the higher productivity. Some of the facilities and services which fall within the
preview of employee welfare include adequate canteen facilities, accommodation arrangements,
and recreational facilities, medical facilities transportation facilities for travelling from & to the
place of work. Employee welfare covers an ample field and connotes a state of wellbeing,
happiness, satisfaction, protection and enlargement of human resources and also helps to
motivation of worker. The fundamental propose of employees welfare is to enrich the life of
employees and to remain them joyful and conducted that helps to development of organization.
Every organization should provide statutory and non-statutory welfare measures but some
organization provides some more welfare facilities to the employees and their quality of work
life. The prime aim of our nation is to achieve maximum possible economic development so as
to achieve higher standard of living for workers in the country. In spite of all the modern
technology and all the systems of controls coming into wide spread use, man still remains the
most important factor in production process. If people do not want to work, it is impossible for
every organization to attain its goals. So, in this connection welfare measures is one of the aspect
of national program towards improving the production of the industry condition of the worker
and income of the society. The welfare measures are more important for every employee,
without welfare measure employee cannot work effectively in the organization.
1. Dr. P. Venugopal (2011), has undertaken the research on “Employee welfare activities with
respective measures in industrial sector” published in the “International journal of research in
Commerce, IT & Management”. The total sample size taken for this study is 366. Tools used for
this data analysis is Correlation. The objective of the study is to analyze overall satisfaction level
of employee regarding welfare programmes and to obtain relationship between departments &
welfare activities. In this research it was found that Employees in industrial cluster are availing
welfare measures such as recreational, medical, educational, housing, transportation, sanitation,
safety and also statutory welfare measures such as Workmen Compensation, ESI, Sickness, P.F
and Maternity benefits but these industries have to provide some more welfare facilities to their
employees such as Gratuity, Pension, Welfare fund, so that they may retain the employees and
their quality of work life. The organizations maintaining smooth relationship between Employees
and management, which leads to attainment of organization efforts.
2. T. Priyanka (2014), has undertaken the research on “A Study on Employee Welfare Measures
with Reference to IT Industry” published in the “International Journal of Engineering
Technology, Management and Applied Science”. The total sample size taken for this study is
100. Data analysis Data was analysed by simple qualitative analysis for the study. The objective
of the research is to know the employees opinion about the present welfare facilities and study
the satisfaction of workers towards the present welfare facilities. This study aims to find out the
satisfaction of the employees. Based on the study of Employee Welfare Facilities in IT industry
it is clear that the companies are very keen in the promoting all the welfare facilities provided by
IT industries.
3. Chandra sekhar patro (2015), has undertaken the research on “Employee Welfare measures
in public and private sector: A Comparative Analysis” published in the “International journal of
service science, management, engineering and technology”. The total sample size taken for this
study is 90. Tool used for the data analysis is Weighted Average Method. The objective of the
study is to analyze the satisfaction level of employees. Organization have to provide welfare
facilities to their employees to keep their motivation levels high, A comparative study was
undertaken to know the satisfaction level of the employees on the enforceability of various
welfare measures in both the public and private sector organizations. The study also throws light
on impact of welfare measures on the employes performance.
4. B. Anvitha (2016), has undertaken the research on “Employee welfare measures in Indian
banking industry” published in the “International journal of human resource management”. The
total sample size taken for this study is 30. Tool used for the data analysis is Percentage analysis.
The objective of the study is to find out how effectively existing welfare measures have been
implemented and to examine the satisfaction level of employees regarding welfare measures
provided by the organization. The development and survival of any organization is influenced by
a vital factor “HUMAN RESOURCE”. The conclusion and suggestion are also given in this
report for the improvement of this syst3em in the organization.
5. Parameswara Rao B (2017), has undertaken the research on “A Study on Impact of Non
Statutory Welfare Facilities on Employees Performance At Reliance” published in the
“International Journal of Research Culture Society”. The total sample size taken for this study is
100. Tools used for this data analysis is Descriptive Research. The objective of the study is to
analyze the factors influencing employee performance and study the impact of Non-Statutory
Welfare facilities on employee performance. The findings of the study is that employees in the
organization strongly believes that welfare measures influence the job satisfaction. At last it
conclude that the existing facilities company should concentrate on education loans to the
children and subsidized loans to lower level employees. The study revealed that non-Statutory
facilities will definitely influence and motivates the employees at work.
Finally the study concludes that the employees are satisfied with the present welfare facilities in
the organization.
7. Harsha Vardhan M (2019), has undertaken the study on “Employee welfare measures about
Mahatma Gandhi sahakara sakkare karkhane (N) Bhulki Karnataka” published in the “Iconic
research and engineering journals”. The total sample size taken for this study is 50. Tool used for
this data analysis is Percentage analysis. The objective of the study is to provide better life and
health to the workers and to make workers happy and satisfied. The finding of the study is that
most of the respondent vehicle allowances paid by the organization. At last it can be concluded
that in the process larger part of the respondents are exceptionally positive towards the offices
and the workplace.
8. Harini. I. S (2020), has undertaken the research on “A Study on Employee Welfare Measures
with reference to animation industry” published in the “Journal of Human Resource Management
and Development”. The total sample size taken for this study is 100. The tools used for data
collection are Percentage Analysis and Chi Square Analysis. The objective of the study is to
analyses the effectiveness of labour welfare measures and the worker‟s attitude towards the
various welfare measures. Certain actions to be taken to enhance the level of awareness of
welfare schemes, protect from unions and legislations. Successful implementation of these
suggestions will enhance the value of service to the employees, there by management and
employees can feel pleasant.
9. Patel Vidhi (2021), has undertaken the research on “A Study on Employee Welfare Measure”
published in the “Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research”. The total sample
size taken for this study is 60. For this study Descriptive Research method has been used and the
data has been analyzed using Chi-Square tests. The objective of the study is to analyses the
impact of welfare facilities on employee satisfaction and to know the employees opinion about
the present welfare facilities. Finding of the study is that Safety at work place, leaves of
employees, canteen and other facilities are much to the satisfaction level of employees. In this
research it is conducted that overall respondents are satisfied with the welfare measure of
employee’s performance method. It also increases the effectiveness and productivity of
employees and organization as a whole.
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10. Ms. CH.N. S. Pujitha (2022), has undertaken the study on “Employee Welfare Measures in
Manufacturing Industry” published in the “International Journal of analytical and experimental
modal analysis”. The study has been conducted among 100 employees. The data has been
analyzed using Percentage analysis and correlation. The objective of the study is to analyses the
employee satisfaction towards the welfare measures. Finding of the study is that the most of the
employees are highly benefited with the welfare measures and also it has the positive effect in
the level of work satisfaction. It has been concluded that the strength of any organization
depends entirely on sincere working of all the employees. The management should take special
care to frame certain policies procedures to improve the welfare and Safety Measure of the
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“The manipulation of things, concepts or symbols for the purpose of generalizing to extend,
correct or verity knowledge, whether that knowledge aids in construction of theory or in the
practice of an art.
Secondary data has been taken from bellow sources;
Welfare benefits are a necessity in every organization today. Employees have to be kept
motivated at all times through various measure and activities. This strengthens their sense of
belongingness and responsibility towards the company. In this background study is selected to
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iii. To find out the levels of satisfaction among employees at NALCO with respective to various
welfare measures.
iv. To understand the extent of awareness among employees with various statutory and non
statutory welfare measure.
v. To suggest remedial measures if any, to improve the employee welfare at NALCO.
The present study is restricted to NALCO and data is analyzed based on the information
provided by employees of the NALCO.
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