Phys 601
Phys 601
Phys 601
Instructional Objective
4. To give the ability to formulate, interpret and draw inferences from mathematical solutions.
Vectors and Vector Spaces - Definition - Transformation of Vectors - Rotation of the Coordinate Axes -
Invariance of the Scalar Product Under Rotations - Gradient - Divergence - and Curl of Vectors - Physical
Interpretation - Vector Integration - Line- Surface and Volume Integrals - Gauss’ theorem - Stokes’
theorem- Dirac Delta Function - Integral Representations- Vector Analysis in Curved Coordinates -
for Gradient- Divergence and Curl in Spherical Polar Coordinates- Tensors - Contravariant and Covariant
as a special solution - Second Order Differential Equations with constant coefficient - Bessel polynomials
- Legendre Polynomials - Hermite and Laguerre polynomials and their differential equations- Generating
functions- Recurrence relations- Orthogonality of functions - One dimensional Green’s functions - Sturm
of a complex variable - Single and multivalued functions- Analytic functions - Cauchy Riemann
- Cauchy’s Integral Theorem - Cauchy Integral Formula- Taylor and Laurent Expansions - Laurent Series -
Essential Singularities - Removal Singularities - Isolated Singularities - Poles and Branch Points -
Mapping - Translation - Rotation and Inversion.
Matrices - Basic Definitions - Inverse of a matrix - Direct Product of matrices - Orthogonal - Hermitian
- Unitary and Normal Matrices- Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors - Degenerate eigenvalues - Introduction to
of Continuous Groups- Rotation Groups SO(2) and SO(3)- Rotation of Functions- Discrete Groups.
Arfken and Weber, Mathematical Methods for Physicists, 6th Edition, Elsevier, 2012.27
Murray R. Spiegel, Schaum’s Outline of Advanced Mathematics for Engineers and Scientists, 1st
Edition, McGraw Hill, 2009.
Gupta B. D., Mathematical Physics, 4th Edition, Vikas Publishing House, 2009.
Sadri Hassani, Mathematical Physics: A Modern Introduction to Its Foundations, 2nd
Edition,Springer, 2013.
Foundations of Mathematical Physics, Sadri Hassani, Allyn and Bacon Press.
Mathematical Methods, G. Erfken, Academic Press Inc., London.
Mathematical Methods for the Physical Sciences, Roel Snider.
Chattopadhyay P. K., Mathematical Physics, 1st Edition, New Age International, 2009.