GEN003 Science Technology Society P1 Q1
GEN003 Science Technology Society P1 Q1
GEN003 Science Technology Society P1 Q1
(discoveries)and solving problems (scientific world’s creation and its evolution; (2) studied at
method). Shrewsbury School.
Technology - (1) it deals with creating and Copernican Revolution - (1) is named for
inventing things that fulfill our needs and desires Nicolaus Copernicus who’s Commentariolus,
or perform certain functions; (2) is the application written before 1514, was the first explicit
of understanding of natural laws to the solution of presentation of the heliocentric model in
practical problems. Renaissance scholarship; (2) changed the way the
world viewed its place in the universe.
Ancient Times
Heliocentric Model - Earth revolved around the
STS in the ancient times has a big impact
in the science and technology of today.
(3) Ages of Ancient Times: Darwinian Revolution - is generally taken to be
1. Stone Age - all humans were one of the key event in the history of Western
hunter-gatherers, a lifestyle science.
which involved limited use of
Sigmund Freud - (1) is a famous figure in the
field of psychology; (2) is not a traditional
Stone tools and weapons
Clothing Psychoanalysis - is a scientific way to study the
2. Bronze Age - after the Neolithic human mind and neurotic illness.
Revolution which drawn radical
changes in agricultural Unorthodox - focusing on human sexuality and
technology, animal the evil nature of man.
domestication and permanent
Meso-american Revolution
3. Iron Age - involved the adoption Mesoamerica - (1) includes the entire
of iron smelting technology area of Central America from Southern
which replaced bronze. Mexico up to the border of South
America; (2) is a significant region of
Middle Ages agricultural development.
Many historians and scientists regard the Potatoes
Western Europe, after the fall of the Corn
Roman Empire, as completely devoid of Mesoamerican Region - is rich in
interest, a barren wilderness in the culture and knowledge prior to the arrival
history of science. of its European colonizers.
Dark Ages Maya Civilization - is one of the famous
civilization that lasted for approximately
Modern World 2, 000 years.
By the beginning of the twentieth Neolithic Revolution - (1) is the most
century, the idea of progress was closely important era in human history; (2) it is
linked with technological development, also called the Agricultural Revolution.
and that linkage intensified in the Freudian Revolution
following decades.
He was born on May 6, 1856.
Scientific Revolution - was the period of He was an Austrian neurologist and the
enlightenment when the developments in the founder of psychoanalysis.
fields of mathematics, physics, astronomy, Psychosexual Development - one of his
biology and chemistry transformed the views of most famous theories.
society about nature. (5) Stages of Psychosexual:
Nicolaus Copernicus - (1) one of the 1. Oral Stage (Birth - 18 Months) -
Renaissance men, particularly in the field of child becomes focused on oral
science; (2) ideas were an example of what is pleasures such as sucking.
presently called as a thought experiment. 2. Anal Stage (18 Months - 3
years) - focus of pleasure here is
on eliminating and retaining
feces and learning to control this
due to societal norms.
3. Phallic Stage (Ages 3 - 6 years)
- child’s pleasure move to the
a. Oedipus Complex -
boys develop an
unconscious sexual
desire for their mothers
and fear that because of
this fathers will punish
them by castration.
b. Electra Complex - for
4. Latency Stage (Ages 6 -
Puberty) - sexual urges remain
largely repressed at this stage.
5. Genital Stage (Puberty
Onwards) - final stage leads to
the individual switching their
interest to members of the
opposite sex.