Title of The Film: Mga Munting Tinig Director: Gil M. Portes Main Actor/s
Title of The Film: Mga Munting Tinig Director: Gil M. Portes Main Actor/s
Title of The Film: Mga Munting Tinig Director: Gil M. Portes Main Actor/s
Main Actor/s:
Mga Munting Tinig is a movie for everyone, young or adult because the movie
tells and teaches us values that will help us in our present and future status. Th movie
gives inspiration to people to let them know what is out there. It not only shows us the
life of the people in the province, but also the realism that we are still experiencing. Gil
Portes, a director, writer and producer, has a way with this movie because of his visions
that made this movie one of the most well known Filipino movie in the world. The way
he presented it was beyond outstanding. As for the cast of the movie, the roles that
they were assigned to suited them. They are in character and everyone performed their
best. This is one of those movies that you would never get tired of watching over and
over. This movie will make you realize that even an ordinary person can make a
Melinda is a fresh graduate student that took up the course of education who
chose to be a substitute teacher in the province at Malawig Elementary School. Her
father died in a car accident which made her pursue music and teaching. Her mother
has high hopes for her and wants to join her in abroad but Melinda wants to prove
something to her mother that she could be a teacher here in the Philippines much better
than in abroad.
When she first arrived at the school, the first things she noticed about it were that
the school has insufficient resources. The students had to share books, have class
outside because of unsafe classrooms, teachers had to sell ice candies to help in their
finance, their area is a bit isolated to the city, and a war against the New People’s Army
(NPA) and the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP).
While Melinda was interacting with her fellow teachers and students, she senses
the presence of hopelessness in every one of them, because the people believed that
only the rich people can dream and as for the poor, they are left with nothing. So
Melinda had an idea that the school should join a singing contest not for the sake of
money, but to give the children hope. She motivated the children and their parents to
know that there is a future for them. Some challenges were faced when one of the choir
members died because of the war which took a huge blow to everyone, but in the end
they surpassed all challenges and came out victorious in the singing contest.
Gil Portes amazes me because of the way the story was told. The plot was accurate and
related to one another showing the order of the movie and the way every scene is important to
make sure that the viewers are concentrated on the story. The twists at the end and the climax
were very unpredictable and made me think of different ways on what will happen. The movie
gave me ideas, opened my eyes to the reality of life that it’s the same as now from before, that
there is despair and when there is the presence of despair, there will always be hope.
Since the movie was made from the year 2002, the camera used were a bit old
but gave a vivid picture of what is happening in every scene. The camera shots were
accurate and has great way of emphasizing the important scenes. In the audio, there
were some scenes that are unclear to me. If it wasn’t for the subtitle, I might not have
understood the relation of every shot. The music though is astounding because the way
the children sang the “Mga Munting Tinig” it was very clear and every word was
pronounced correctly. The setting of the movie was done in the province which is very
accurate for a story like this.
1. Poverty – it is shown in the movie because of the situations of the families in the movie.
To see them struggling just to survive.
2. Life in the province – life in province is a bit hard because of insufficient resources. The
needs of the people are hard to find
3. Hope – shown by Melinda to prove that every person has the right to dream for him or
her self
1. Melinda – she is the symbol of people that still believes in others even though the people
already gave up.
2. Ice candy – the mere candy is a symbolism of the people’s simple happiness that when
they eat it, the sense of refreshness to start anew.
3. Flute – it is the output of stress in Melinda’s life to relieve her of her troubles and sorrows
in life.
Watching the film, it was a real eye opener to me. I realized that the life is the most
valued thing. That you should never give up on anything especially yourself. No matter whom
you are or what you are, hope is always there to assist you in your life. To give you motivation
and inspiration to work hard and strive to do better than your best.