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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056

Volume: 03 Issue: 04 | Apr-2016 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

Copper Plating on ABS plastic

Vineet Pandey1, Dr. N.M Suri2
1 M.E student, Department of Production and Industrial Design, PEC university of Technology, Chandigarh
Professor, Department of Production and Industrial Design, PEC university of Technology, Chandigarh
Abstract - Rapid advancement in technology and polymer 2. Reported work
chemistry ABS (acrylonitrile-butadine-styrene) plastic is at a
stage of replacing metals parts due to its quality of cost Plating on plastics is a term used to illustrate the decorative
effective ,light weight easy to mold so good in aesthetic and or useful application of metal onto plastic substrates using
design etc. Main problem is its non conductivity because the process of electroplating as on ABS. Before plastics can
metals are very good conductor of heat and electricity. Plastic be electroplated they first need to be metalized. This is
is strengthen enough so we done etching on it to make it achieved by etching the surface (to provide a strong bond)
conductive with a environment friendly etching process as and coating the roughened surface with traces of a precious
direct electroplating is not easy without any adhesion. So in metal. This precious metal provides the 'seeds' for deposited
this paper coating on plastics is discussed below as earlier of a thin layer of nickel or copper by electroless deposition.
graphite plating with some adhesion was done. Now a days
due to advancement in industry and material we prefer the Etching is achieved in a sturdily acidic solution to which
copper plating on ABS plastic. special wetter's to reduce surface tension are added. The
acid is neutralized, before the precious metal is laid onto the
Key Words: ABS Plastic, Polypropylene, POP, surface. Typically nickel is used at the electroless stage.
Electroless nickel, HCl ,Copper, etching, Pd/Sn activating However when large components are plated, copper is
recommended due to its higher conductivity. Nickel and
chromium metals are the most commonly applied, normally
called 'chrome plating' or 'plastic chrome plating'. This finish
provides both technical and aesthetic benefits and can be
applied to meet many different application criteria. For
example, highly noticeable and corrosion resistant exterior
automotive components are often chrome plated plastics,
ABS stands for acrylonitrile-butadine-styrene contain almost providing a lower weight option compared to traditional
negligible corrosion and erosion with high strength to metal components. Plastic chrome plating is also ideal for
weight ratio.Because of some advantages industry are using sanitary fittings that require a durable and wear resistant
plating on plastics and advantageous reasons are as after coating to resist the humid bathroom environment. Before
plating no buffing or deflashing is required as well low electroplating started on ABS material some process involve
weight, low cost and its ability to mold aesthetically.No. of as cleansing ,etching and activation.
plastic material are being plated now a days in the industry
as Polypropylene, Polysulfone , ABS ,Polyetherimide,Teflon Cleansing is a process of removing each and every particle of
and so on but ABS is calculated best electroplating plastic dust from ABS. Etching is a process of providing roughened
among them because of some other influencing factor like surface which is useful for adhesion and coating Activation of
low coefficient of thermal expansion,erase modeling,good etched surface is to provide catalyst for chemical deposition.
aesthetics,high adhesion to substrate etc Rapid advancement Earlier polypropylene used for plating due to some problems
in the technology gives rise to replacement of metal with it demise even adhesion quality was excellent that is high
plastics in a no of applications with lots of influencing factor coefficient of thermal expension,notch sensitivity which
as discussed above. Commercially electroplating was makes it brittle and sink. Even though crack may be filled
introduced in Europe and after that in North America with with soft plastics but it loses strength also so it replaced by
limited breakthrough in ABS (acrylonitrile-butadiene- ABS in coming time. ABS is widely used in a range of
styrene) was a good adhesion material between ABS and application due to its quality as modeling is possible in a
coating material. Automobile industry was eagerly waiting selected part,as modeling is necessary part of any design so
for POP (plating on plastics) because despite of low cost and certain designing feature must be in mind of a designer
low weight which makes an automobile fuel efficient before making ABS conductive as filler presented in a hidden
aesthetic appeal of a product increase in market. area to improve the aesthetic quality,no welded joint in a
integral part, no visible sink mark with the help of ribs and
bosses ,textured the surface in a manner that no scratch is

© 2016, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 4.45 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 2726
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
Volume: 03 Issue: 04 | Apr-2016 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

3. Procedure 1.Chromic acid/ sulphuric Conc.sulphuric acid :-

These are some steps followed to do electroplating on any acid etch solution 180ml/l Chromic
plastics acid :- 430gm/l
Trivalent chromium :-
Temp.:-60-65° Immersion
time :- 3 to 10 minutes

180 ml/l
2.Dilute HCl dip

3. Colloidal palladium Palladium Chloride

activating solution (PdCl2 ) :-0.007gm/l
Stannous chloride
(SnCl2) :-35 gm/l
Stannic chloride
(SnCl4):- 4gm/l
Conc.HCl :-500gm/l
Immersion time :- 3 to 6

4. Dilute HCl dip

5.Electoless copper Copper salt :- 1.8 gm/l

Rochelle salt :- 25 gm/l
Formaldehyde:- 10 gm/l
Sodium Hydroxide:-
:- 2 gm/l

Fig -1: Procedure followed while doing electroplating

Table -1: Composition of Electroplating Process on ABS
These are simple cleansing and water rinse process despite plastics
of these composition is mainly important in electroplating
because every material need different composition with
different parameters .some composition being used in
This paper concluded that ABS like plastics are low weight,
electroplating process are discussed as follows
cost effective and aesthetically improved design. The above
process is eco friendly so no negative impact on

© 2016, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 4.45 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 2727
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
Volume: 03 Issue: 04 | Apr-2016 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

environment. This increases demand of ABS in industry

especially in automobile industry


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© 2016, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 4.45 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 2728

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