Wollastonite Irjet PDF
Wollastonite Irjet PDF
Wollastonite Irjet PDF
Abstract - Concrete is durable and efficient binding the research field active during last few decades. Since
material which is used for construction. India is second largest concrete is weak in tension, it could be overcome by adding
metal, mineral or synthetic fibres, but addition of these
producer of cement. About 1.5 tons of raw material is required
increases the cost of concrete. To increase the strength and
for every single ton production of cement. In order to reduce durability properties, partial replacement of Portland
the consumption of cement, supplementary cementitious cement is done by mineral admixtures such as fly ash, silica
materials are used in concrete production. Wollastonite is one fume, metakaolin etc. Wollastonite is one of the materials
such naturally occurring mineral formed due to interaction of among the admixtures which have not been investigated in
limestone with silica in hot magmas. In the present work, detail.
cement is partially replaced by Wollastonite at 0%, 110%,
1.1 Objectives of the Proposed Study
12%, 14%, 16% and 18% in concrete. The effect of
Wollastonite on strength properties of concrete for M30 grade
The main objectives of the present study, on the
mix is studied. IS 10262 (2019) is used to carry out the Mix
performance characteristics of concrete containing
Design. Slump and compaction factor are determined to
Wollastonite of M30 grade are as follows:
measure workability. For various mixes of concrete,
compression and flexural strengths are determined. Durability 1. Investigate the influence of varying percentage of
in terms of chloride and sulphate resistance is determined by Wollastonite on workability of fresh concrete.
immersing the cubes in HCl and MgSO4 solution for 28 days. 2. Investigate the influence of various proportions of
The obtained results from various combination of mixes are Wollastonite on compressive strength.
then compared with conventional concrete mix. 3. Investigate the influence of varying percentage of
Wollastonite on flexural strength of hardened concrete.
Key Words: Concrete, supplementary cementitious 4. To investigate the influence of acid and sulphate
material, Wollastonite, workability, compression and resistance of concrete with varying percentage of
flexural strengths.
1.2 Methodology
Concrete is composed mainly of water, aggregate and
To achieve the stated objectives, following methodology
cement. The second consumed man made material in the
is adopted in the present study.
world after water is concrete. Cement is an essential
ingredient of concrete, which binds aggregates to form 1. Basic tests on constituents of concrete viz. Cement,
strong building material. About 1.5 tons of raw materials are Wollastonite, aggregates (fine and coarse), to determine
required for every single ton production of cement. It emits their mechanical properties.
2. For varying percentage of Wollastonite in M30 grade
0.8 tons of CO2 and is responsible for environmental
concrete proportioning of constituent material is made as
problems. In order to reduce the consumption of cement, per Indian codal provisions.
supplementary cementitious materials are used in concrete 3. Slump and Compacting factor tests on fresh concrete to
production. determine the workability.
4. Conduction of compression and flexural strength tests on
Using supplementary cementitious material and other
hardened M30 grade concrete to determine the
additives such as admixtures, minerals and fibres have made
compressive and flexural strengths.
© 2020, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 07 Issue: 07 | July 2020 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072
5. Durability tests on M30 grade concrete to determine the Chemicals Used for Durability test: Magnesium Sulphate
acid and sulphate resistance. (MgSO4) Solution and Hydrochloric (HCl) Acid
Table – 1: Specific Gravity of Materials
Sl. No. Materials Specific Gravity
1 Cement 3.14
Wahab et al. (2017)37: Investigated the Wollastonite as
2 Wollastonite 2.9
partial replacement of cement and sand with replacement
3 Fine Aggregate 2.46
levels of 10% to 30% with an interval of 10% as prescribed
4 Coarse Aggregate 2.64
in BS EN 196-1-2016. The tests such as compression,
flexural, drying shrinkage and initial setting time were 3.2 Mix Design
conducted. Due to the incorporation of Wollastonite as 20%
sand replacement, the compression and flexural strength Mix design for M30 grade concrete for varying contents of
were enhanced upto 45% and 28% respectively, which in Cement and Wollastonite is carried out as per IS 10262 (2019)
turn delayed the initial setting time upto 60%. The codal provisions. Water cement ratio of 0.44 is used. Various
mixes used in the study are tabulated in Table II.
incorporation of Wollastonite as 30% cement replacement
showed reduction in 28 days flexural and compression Table – 2: Mix Identity for M30 grade concrete
strength upto 17% and 35% respectively. Drying shrinkage Sl. Mix Content (%)
resistance was increased by incorporation of Wollastonite No. Identity Cement Wollastonite
powder. 1 M0 100 0
2 M10 90 10
Dahiphale et al. (2018)24: Studied the properties by 3 M12 88 12
replacing the cement by Wollastonite upto 30% with w/c of 4 M14 86 14
0.44. The Compression strength was tested for 3, 7 and 28 5 M16 84 16
days. Compression strength increased at 10%, 12.5% and 6 M18 82 18
15% of Wollastonite replacement, which is due to presence
of silica in Wollastonite and then there is decrease in 3.3 Testing
strength at higher percentages. It was found that, 15%
replacement of cement by Wollastonite is the optimum Slump and Compaction Factor tests are conducted on
percentage from the strength point of view. fresh concrete. Compression and Flexural tests were
conducted at 28, 56 and 90 days on strength properties of
Zade et al. (2019)38: Investigated the mechanical properties hardened concrete. Durability properties of hardened
of 20 N/mm2 concrete grade with replacement levels of concrete were measured in terms of 28 days compressive
cement by 0% to 20% Wollastonite powder with W/C of strength when immersed in MgSO4 and HCl solution.
0.45. Mechanical tests were conducted for 7, 14 and 28 days.
Mechanical strength values observed were increased with 4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
the percentage replacement of Wollastonite upto 15% and
then it was reduced at 20%. But the strength observed at 1. Slump and compaction factor test results are given in
20% was not less than the conventional concrete. Chart 1. From the test results obtained on fresh concrete,
workability reduces with increment in Wollastonite %
both in terms of slump and compaction factor.
3.1 Materials
Cement: OPC 43 grade conforming to IS 269 (2015).
Wollastonite: (Kemolit LG-25) is procured from Wolkem
India Ltd. Udaipur, Rajasthan.
Fine aggregate: Crushed stone sand is used as a fine
aggregate, procured from the local quarry.
Coarse aggregates: 20mm down size confirming to IS 383
(2016) obtained from local quarry.
Super plasticizer: ‘Conplast SP430’, procured from FOSROC
Water: Normal potable water as per IS 456 (2000) is used
Chart – 1: Variation of Slump and Compaction Factor
for both mixing and curing.
© 2020, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 2
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 07 Issue: 07 | July 2020 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072
2. There is rise in compressive strength at 10%, 12%, 14% continued hydration before the effects of sulphate and
and 16% Wollastonite replacement and at 18% acid attack are manifested. The compressive strength of
replacement, compressive strength decreases slightly. concrete cubes at 28 days are shown in Chart 4 when
Maximum compressive strength is observed at 16% immersed in MgSO4 and HCl solution respectively.
Wollastonite replacement. As per the codal provisions of
IS 456 (2000), the compression strength has reached the
expected strength of 30MPa for all the replacement
percentages. The cube compressive strength of concrete
mixes at the age of 28, 56 and 84 days results are shown
in Chart 2.
Chart – 2: Compressive strength of concrete 1. The workability of fresh concrete for M30 mix indicates
increase in stiffness with increase in percentage of
3. There is rise in flexural strength at 10%, 12%, 14% and Wollastonite addition.
16% Wollastonite replacement and at 18% replacement, 2. The optimum percentage of Wollastonite addition at
flexural strength decreases slightly. Maximum flexural which the study indicates maximum compression
strength is observed at 16% Wollastonite replacement. strength is observed to be in the range of 14 to
As per the codal provisions of IS 456 (2000), the flexural 16percent.Maximum increase in compressive strength is
strength has reached the expected strength of 3.83MPa 24% of reference mix.
upto 16% replacement. But at 18% replacement flexural 3. Compression strength variation is in agreement with the
strength is found to fall below the expected strength. literature survey of Dahiphale.
Flexural strength of concrete mixes at the age of 28, 56 4. The optimum percentage of Wollastonite addition at
and 84 days when cured in potable water are shown in which the study indicates maximum flexural strength is
Chart 3. observed to be at 16 percent. Maximum increase in
flexural strength is 2% of reference mix.
5. The variation of flexural strength is in agreement with
the literature survey given by Wahab.
6. Compression and flexural strength values for various
percentage of Wollastonite addition show to satisfy the
stipulation as per code.
7. The peak value observed for durability is very near to
16% and is above the reference value. The percentage of
increase in compression strength when immersed in
MgSO4 and HCl solution with respect to reference mix is
36% and 27% respectively. Hence increases durability
8. The variation of compression strength observed when
Chart – 3: Flexural strength of concrete cubes immersed in sulphate and acid attack are similar
with literature survey of Venkatanarayanan. Due to
4. There is rise in compressive strength for 12%, 16% and
continued hydration there is increase in the initial
18% at 28 days when immersed in both MgSO4 and HCl
strength, before the effects of sulphate and acid attack
solution compared to the normal curing. Peak value
are manifested.
observed for MgSO4and HCl is very near to 16% whereas
for water cured specimens it is in between 14% to 16%.
All the values of compressive strength observed for
durability are above the reference value because of
© 2020, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 3
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 07 Issue: 07 | July 2020 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072
© 2020, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 4
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 07 Issue: 07 | July 2020 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072
© 2020, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 5