Aip Autumn 2018
Aip Autumn 2018
Aip Autumn 2018
Acupuncture in Physiotherapy TM
ISSN 2058-3281
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Editorial..................................................................................... 5
Chairman’s report.................................................................... 7
Chief Executive Officer’s report.......................................... 9
AACP Annual Conference................................................... 11
Literature review
Mechanisms and dose parameters of electric needle
Acupuncture in Physiotherapy stimulation: clinical considerations – Part I by T. Perreault,
S. O. Flannagan, M. T. Grubb & R. Grubb.......................... 17 Paradigm
The interaction and outcomes of acupuncture, both
Acupuncture in Physiotherapy is printed twice a year traditional Chinese medicine and intra-muscular
for the membership of AACP. It aims to provide stimulation, with Deep Oscillation® Treatment: a case
information for members that is correct at the time study-based discussion by C. Boynes.................................... 27
of going to press. Articles for inclusion should be
Practical applications of meridian theory in pain
submitted to the clinical editor at the address below
or by email. All articles are reviewed by the clinical management – the meridian wave approach by A. Ziv &
editor, and while every effort is made to ensure I. Levi........................................................................................ 35
validity, views given by contributors are not
necessarily those of the Association, which thus Research
accepts no responsibility. Types of control in acupuncture clinical trials might
affect the conclusion of the trials: a review of
Editorial address acupuncture on pain management by H. Chen, Z. Ning,
Dr Val Hopwood W. L. Lam, W.-Y. Lam, Y. K. Zhao, J. W. F. Yeung,
18 Woodlands Close B. F.-L. Ng, E. T.-C. Ziea & L. Lao.................................. 45
Dibden Purlieu How placebo needles differ from placebo pills by
Southampton SO45 4JG Y. Chae, Y.-S . Lee, P. Enck.................................................... 55
Case reports
Acupuncture/dry needling as part of the physiotherapy
approach to greater trochanteric pain syndrome: a case
The Association
study by A. Manso.................................................................. 67
The British association for the practice of Western
research-based acupuncture in physiotherapy, Left elbow lateral epicondylalgia, treated successfully
AACP is a professional network affiliated with the with acupuncture combined with typical physiotherapy
Chartered Society of Physiotherapy. It is a intervention by Justin Walsh.................................................. 77
member-led organization, and with around 6000 The use of Seirin Pyonex indwelling needles in the
subscribers, the largest professional body for treatment of non-traumatic low back pain – a case study
acupuncture in the UK. We represent our members by D. Giura............................................................................... 83
with lawmakers, the public, the National Health Acupuncture for pain relief in a patient following hip
Service and private health insurers. The organization arthroscopic surgery by D. Atkinson................................... 87
facilitates and evaluates postgraduate education. The Acupuncture for the treatment of whiplash associated
development of professional awareness and clinical disorder by Suzanne Cronin.................................................... 95
skills in acupuncture are founded on research-based
evidence and the audit of clinical outcomes. Opinion
Electricity and electroacupuncture – a quick overview by
Sefton House, Adam Court, Newark Road, L. Pearce................................................................................. 105
Peterborough PE1 5PP, UK
Tel: 01733 390007 Product review..................................................................... 109
Book reviews........................................................................ 111
Printed in the UK by Henry Ling Ltd News, views and interviews............................................... 115
at the Dorset Press, Dorchester DT1 1HD Guidelines for authors........................................................ 117
Chairman’s report
Welcome to the latest edition of the being on the editorial board for the International
Acupuncture Association of Chartered Journal of Childbirth. Dr Lokugamage presented
Physiotherapists (AACP) journal Acupuncture in an insightful talk exploring “Why Women Seek
Physiotherapy, in autumn 2018. Even through the Acupuncture and Complementary Medicine for
long hot summer, the team at the AACP office Women’s Health.” Another speaker of note
has been working diligently to ensure the latter was Chris Nortley. Chris brings 30 years of
half of 2018 is as productive as the former was. experience to the AACP stage, first as a clini-
Following on from the success of the AACP’s cal specialist nurse in psychiatry, and then as an
annual conference held on 19 May in Reading, acupuncturist treating inpatients and outpatients
we had two other key dates for the AACP diary with a range of mental health and general medi-
in the autumn: 13 October for the AACP’s cal conditions in the National Health Service
conference in Leeds, and 3 November for the (NHS). A clinician of considerable standing,
AACP’s Scotland study day in Edinburgh. These Chris was presented with an award by HRH
are part of the continuing efforts of the AACP The Prince of Wales for his work in integrating
to reach members across the country and to acupuncture into the NHS in 2003; in 2004 he
improve access to ever expanding knowledge in was featured in the Independent on Sunday as one
research and approaches in clinical practice. of the ten leading acupuncturists in the UK,
Notable speakers in Leeds included Dr and in 2011 he received an ‘Acupuncture Hero’
Giovanna Franconi, Dr Daniel Keown and Dr award from the British Acupuncture Council.
Amali Lokugamage. Dr Giovanna Franconi is Chris presented “an Introduction to Traditional
assistant professor of Internal Medicine at Tor Chinese Medicine.” Other speakers included the
Vergata University in Rome, and a member ever popular Andy Harrop presenting the rela-
of the editorial board of the European Journal tionship of “the Adrenal Glands in Diagnosis
of Integrative Medicine. Dr Franconi presented and Treatment,” and AACP Fellow, David
the intriguing topic of “Traditional Chinese Mayor, who was “Exploring Amplitude in
Medicine (TCM) and Acupuncture in the Omics Transcutaneous Electroacupuncture Stimulation
Era.” Making a welcome return to the AACP (TEAS).”
conference stage was Dr Daniel Keown, author The Scotland study day in Edinburgh wel-
of the critically acclaimed book What God Forgot comed four practicing clinicians to the stage
To Tell Surgeons. Following in the theme of this to share their wealth of knowledge and clinical
popular treatise, Dr Keown informed those in experience which informed their approaches to
attendance why “Qi Exists!” Also presenting was a variety of clinical scenarios. Subjects vary from
internationally renowned consultant obstetrician “Acupuncture, Pain and the Emotional Mind”
and gynaecologist, and fellow of the Royal presented by John Wood, to “Acupuncture
College of Obstetricians and Gynaecology, Dr Within Sport” with Johnny Wilson, to
Amali Lokugamage. Dr Lokugamage has been “Acupuncture in Neurology” with Caroline
lauded for her work in promoting respectful care, McGuire. The day opened with Lynne Pearce’s
dignity and autonomy in maternity services as insightful reflections on “Fascial Connections”
well as lecturing on the origins of compassionate and their relationship and influence within acu-
behaviour and social cohesion. Dr Lokugamage puncture. Further information on the Leeds and
is a member of the board of directors of Edinburgh events can be found on the AACP
the UN- recognized International Motherbaby website.
Childbirth Organization and sits on the advisory This summer saw the appointment of a
board of Human Rights in Childbirth, as well as new AACP clinical advisor in the person of
literature review
S. O. Flannagan
Founder One Accord Physical Therapy, Phoenix, Arizona, USA
M. T. Grubb
The University of Tennessee, Chattanooga, Tennessee, USA
R. Grubb
The University of Tennessee, Chattanooga, Tennessee, USA
Recent studies support that electric needle stimulation (ENS) provides superior analgesic
effects compared to manual needle stimulation alone, making it preferable for the clinical
management of chronic pain. An electronic database search was performed with the aim
of completing a narrative review of the literature to explore the neuronal mechanisms trig-
gered by ENS from a clinical standpoint. The majority of studies on ENS mechanisms
support the use of strong, noxious needle stimuli for greater pain inhibition at the spinal
and supraspinal levels. Multiple studies support that noxious ENS enhances spinal serotonin
(5-HT) and noradrenaline (NA) levels by activating supraspinal neurons that project down
to the level of the spine, and that both NA and 5-HT have an overall effect of creating
anti-nociception. Further, arginine vasopressin (AVP) is released due to noxious ENS leading
to amplified effects of the descending pain inhibitory systems. Various studies supported the
use of lower frequency ENS for inducing a potent anti-nociceptive effect in the periphery
by enhancing anandamide levels, increasing the availability of its target receptor, and up-
regulating the endogenous opioid system in the periphery. Additionally, longer durations of
electric stimulation (between 15 to 30 min) resulted in longer lasting analgesic effects and
increased pressure pain thresholds in human subjects. A multitude of analgesic mechanisms
are triggered with electric needle stimulation; however intensity of stimulation, needle place-
ment within the segmental distribution of pain and duration of ENS seem to be the most
important dose parameters for greater anti-nociceptive effects.
Keywords: acupuncture, analgesia, needle, pain, stimulation.
that mimics the effect of oxytocin (Qiu et al. resulting in greater activation of the seroton-
2014). Collectively, these studies display that ergic and noradrenergic descending inhibitory
supraspinal mechanisms are triggered with the systems that amplify analgesic effects at the
application of ENS and pain control is heavily spinal level. Locally, strong low-frequency ENS
modulated at the spinal level through activation has been shown to suppress inflammatory pain
of endogenous neuromodulators (see Fig. 1). by increasing anandamide concentrations, up-
regulating the endogenous opioid system in the
periphery and regulating neuropeptide release
According to clinical studies on subjects with in the SC. Additionally, ENS triggers release of
pain conditions, electrical stimulation of needles adenosine locally resulting in activations of A1
applied in place of, or in addition to, manual receptors and suppression of nociceptive ion
manipulation may result in superior analgesic channels in DRG neurons and pain suppression.
effects. The anti-nociceptive effects of ENS are A multitude of analgesic mechanisms are trig-
strongly mediated by spinal segmental inhibitory gered with electric needle stimulation, however,
processes that are engaged when afferent nerve intensity of stimulation, needle placement within
fibres are stimulated. At the spinal level, strong the segmental distribution of pain, and duration
low frequency ENS promotes release of 5-HT, of ENS seem to be the most important dose
NA, anandamide and endogenous opioids parameters for better anti-nociceptive effects.
that act to decrease excitability of nociceptive
neurons and decrease glutamate release in the References
dorsal horn leading to analgesia. Beyond this, Ahluwalia J., Urban L., Bevan S. & Nagy I. (2003a)
noxious ENS triggers AVP release supraspinally Anandamide regulates neuropeptide release from
This article first explains what Deep Oscillation® Treatment (DOT) is and how it works,
then focuses on four case studies in which the author has used acupuncture and DOT
together effectively as part of overall patient treatment and management.
Keywords: Electrostatics, lymphatics, oscillation, pain reduction, tissue response.
Frequency Effect
• “Use a combination of DOT and acupuncture • “Each treatment complements each other; it offers a
for stubborn injuries” calming and soothing effect on clients”
• “Positive changes with acupuncture and DOT on • “Encourages relaxation prior to needling; relaxation
lymphatic presentations” both of the patient mentally, and of the tissues
Question: Do you feel that using
acupuncture and Deep Oscillation® has Question: What do your patients feel
reduced treatment times? If so, by how about your use of DOT; what feedback
much? do you regularly get?
Answers: Answers:
• “Not sure if it has reduced treatment times, but • “Players generally comment that they feel that have
result is more effective” come back more quickly than they expected and feel
• “Each treatment is longer but I’m seeing faster a lot more mobile following treatment”
results in fewer sessions” • “They love it. They are surprised it is effective as it
• “DOT has helped with pain and movement in feels so comfortable”
85–90% of patients” • “Reduction in pain, feels less tight and looser”
• “Patients see results in probably 25% fewer • “Most patients respond favourably to DOT and
sessions” are quite intrigued by its concept. Most have found
• “Not treatment times, but perhaps the frequency of relief of symptoms when applied to painful neck and
treatments” shoulders”
I. Levi
Heaven and Earth TCM specialty clinic, Rehovot, Israel
Meridian theory serves as a fundamental concept in classical Chinese medicine. Yin yang
and five phase theory, zang fu internal organ theory and channel theory comprise a theoreti-
cal foundation often described as the ‘Three Pillars’ of Chinese medicine. Meridian wave
acupuncture is an effective, evidence-based system for pain management based on classical
channel theory. This article outlines the basic theory and main techniques of this system for
clinical application in pain management. A key element discussed involves the arrangement
of the channel system into six pairs of functional physiological units. These six channels
act as connecting pathways between the external environment and the internal environment
of the internal organs. Each channel resonates with a distinct wave quality. By tapping into
the correct channel with acupuncture treatment, a strong wave-like movement of Qi can be
induced in order to vigorously resolve obstruction. Three main actions are performed dur-
ing the acupuncture session and include a ripple ‘wave initiation’ through bleeding jing-well
points, a channel Qi-leveraging ‘wave propagation’ through needling distal ends of the same
channel, and immediate assessment of the result that is described as ‘wave effect’. Although
many additional elements support this system, the key aspects presented here serve as an
immediately applicable and effective tool for pain management. Much of the work and
theory described in this article is based on the teachings of the late Professor Dr Wang Ju
Yi, a contemporary master of channel theory-based acupuncture.
Keywords: acupuncture, bleeding, channels, injury, leverage, meridians, meridian wave, musculo-
skeletal, obstruction, pain, Qi, wave.
Figure 1. Each meridian has a specific Qi wave quality that resonates throughout its whole pathway.
functioning of the Lung is absorbed from the to say that each meridian operates at a different
air during breathing. This process is governed energetic resonance. By identifying the correct
by the hand Tai Yin Lung meridian. Internally, meridian wave quality and selecting appropriate
the balance of fluids and nutrients manifested point combinations, the whole meridian can be
physiologically by the nourishing dampness pro- activated through a strong therapeutic wave-like
duced by the Spleen (i.e., ying-nutritive Qi) is movement of Qi. This method enhances acu-
governed by the transporting and transforming puncture stimulation and yields an immediate
functions of the foot Tai Yin Spleen merid- response with instant and measurable clinical
ian. Thus, the hand and foot Tai Yin meridian outcomes. Key principles that will allow practi-
system is constantly balancing the external and cal utilization are introduced below.
internal environments with regard to moisture
and nourishment.
This pairing of the channels into six func- Method overview
tional units that operate in relationship to The following section introduces the guiding
specific climatic factors lays the foundational principles and concepts of meridian wave acu-
basis of physiology and pathology according to puncture, which are later explained in detail in a
meridian theory. pragmatic step-by-step fashion.
Ellis A., Wiseman N. & Boss K. (1989) Grasping the
Wind. An Exploration into the Meaning of Chinese
Acupuncture Point Names, pp. 375. Paradigm Publications,
Wang J. Y. & Robertson J. D. (2008) Applied Channel Theory
in Chinese Medicine. Eastland Press, Seattle.
Wang J. Y. (1999) Notes from teaching sessions, San Francisco,
Wang J. Y. (2000) Notes from internship, Beijing, 2000.
Ziv A., Yoav M., Guy A., et al (2012) A randomized
controlled trial of an integrative approach utilising
acupuncture for back and neck pain in an emergency
department setting. European Journal of Integrative
Medicine 4 (1), 23–24. A summary of this research was
presented by Amos Ziv at the European Conference
of Integrative Medicine in Florence (Italy) and at vari-
ous orthopaedic conferences in Israel. In addition the
study was presented by Dr Samuel Bar-Chaim, head of
the Asaf Harofeh Medical Centre Emergency Services,
at the MEMC Emergency Medicine conference in
Marseille, France.
Figure 3: Key steps of meridian wave acupuncture
treatment in a left medial meniscus tear along the foot
Jue Yin Liver meridian. Amos Ziv MSc LAc is a researcher and an entre-
1. Pain/limitation scale assessment preneur. He is the founder and former director of the
2. Meridian selection clinical research unit of the Shiram Integrated Medicine
3. Wave initiation – bleed LHS Dadun LR 1
4. Reassessment
Services in Asaf Harofeh Medical Center, Israel, where
5. Wave initiation – point selection he headed the Acupuncture for Back and Neck Pain
6. Point stimulation – RHS Neiguan PC 6 and LHS in the Emergency Room Clinical Trial (ABNP study).
Xingjian LR 2 He is a graduate of the American College of TCM,
7. Reassessment
8. Knee movement San Francisco, California and an expert in TCM chan-
9. Addressing the underlying condition – RHS nel theory applications in pain management and cardio-
Yanglingquan GB 34 vascular conditions. Amos studied as a personal student
LR=Liver; PC=Pericardium; GB=Gall Bladder;
LHS=left hand side; RHS=right hand side
of Professor Wang Ju Yi in California and China
since 1999. He has published numerous articles in both
TCM and scientific journals and is an invited speaker
Step seven would involve reassessment. Step to international conferences. He has taught the meridian
eight would involve asking the patient to gently wave acupuncture system to hundreds of practitioners in
bend the knee several times (without reaching Europe and Israel. Amos was a co-founder and chair-
the pain threshold), preferably whilst the points man of SIRF, the Sino- Israeli Research Foundation
are simultaneously stimulated. Step nine would and is the founder and CEO of ReguRate Advanced
involve adding one or two points to address the Integrative Technologies in Cardiovascular Health. He
underlying condition. There are many options is the owner and manager of Heaven and Earth TCM
here, one possibility would be Yanglingquan GB specialty clinic in Rehovot, Israel.
34 on the opposite side. This point not only Idan Levi is a Chinese medicine practitioner who
treats stagnation in the Liver but also addresses specialised extensively in meridian theory acupuncture,
the tissue damage (torn ligament) as it is the corrective exercise and lifestyle management. He has
Z. Ning
School of Chinese Medicine, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
W. L. Lam
School of Chinese Medicine, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
W.-Y. Lam
School of Chinese Medicine, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
Y. K. Zhao
School of Chinese Medicine, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
J. W. F. Yeung
School of Nursing, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, China
B. F.-L. Ng
Chinese Medicine Department, Hospital Authority, Hong Kong, China
E. T.-C. Ziea
Chinese Medicine Department, Hospital Authority, Hong Kong, China
L. Lao
School of Chinese Medicine, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China and
Department of Chinese Medicine, University of Hong Kong-Shenzhen Hospital,
Shenzhen, China
Analgesic effects of acupuncture have been extensively studied in various clinical trials.
However, the conclusion remains controversial, even among large scale randomized con-
trolled trials. This study aimed to evaluate the association between the conclusion of the tri-
als and the types of control used in those trials via systematic review. Published randomized
controlled trials (RCTs) of acupuncture for pain were retrieved from electronic databases
(Medline, AMED, Cochrane Libraries, EMBASE, PsycINFO,, and CAB
Abstracts) using a pre-specified search strategy. One hundred and thirty-nine studies leading
to 166 pairs of acupuncture-control treatment effect comparisons (26 studies comprised of
53 intervention-control pairs) were analyzed based on the proportion of positive conclusions
Figure 1. Flowchart of screening. One hundred and thirty-nine studies with 166 pairs of intervention-controls were
RCT=randomized controlled trial; SCI=Science Citation Index.
and 57.1% had negative conclusions (Table duration of acupuncture), optimize the duration
2). However, the relationship between study of treatment, select proper measurements and
control type and study conclusion in these measurement time points, or examine the safety
studies was not significant (Fisher’s exact test, in a pilot study or at the early stage of develop-
p = 0.47). ing a certain acupuncture treatment.
However, patients assigned to receive non-
treatment usually prefer to get real treatment.
Discussion Their feeling worse in the disease condition
In this study, we systematically reviewed RCTs for not having the opportunity to receive the
that studied the efficacy of acupuncture for real treatment is called nocebo effect (Enck
pain. Potential association between the conclu- et al. 2008). The nocebo effect is regarded as
sions of acupuncture efficacy and the types of negative placebo effect which has been raised
controls was analyzed. We found that studies from expectation and psychological condition-
had the highest tendency to yield positive con- ing (Enck et al. 2008). Wait list control offers
clusions (84.3%) when nontreatment controls patients the same treatment as the treatment
were used, compared with a lower tendency group after the patient completes treatment
(53.3%) observed in the noninsertion controls, so that nocebo effect is minimized as much as
and lowest tendency (37.8%) in the insertion possible. In fact, few studies restrict patients to
controls. Consistently, in studies reporting suc- take medications or other therapies if patients
cessful blinding, a higher tendency of positive really need treatments. Taking into considera-
conclusion was found in non-insertion sham tion the ethical issue and nocebo effect, usual
controls compared with that in insertion sham care, medical education, or rescue medications
controls. are used as the “nontreatment” control (Cherkin
In clinical practice, acupuncture analgesia et al. 2001; Cherkin et al. 2009).
may be explained by various effects, such as the Studies using the noninsertion controls have
specific therapeutic effect, nonspecific physiol- a higher tendency of positive conclusion com-
ogy effect, placebo effect, or disease spontane- pared with those using needle insertion controls
ous remission. These effects are commonly in acupuncture for pain studies. It could be
distinguished by adopting specific controls or explained that needle insertion controls may
are excluded by appropriate trial design step by produce more nonspecific physiological effects,
step. e.g., the diffuse noxious inhibitory controls (Le
The nontreatment control determines Bars et al. 1991). The difference in pain scale
whether the disease has spontaneous remis- between acupuncture treatment groups and nee-
sion. It had the highest positive conclusion dle insertion controls is likely to be smaller than
of acupuncture efficacy and the cost is lower studies using noninsertion controls. However,
than RCTs using other controls such as sham noninsertion controls may reduce the success of
control. It is more feasible to conduct a clinical blinding as patients with acupuncture experience
trial using nontreatment control compared with are more likely to identify the sham treatment,
using other types of controls. With this advan- which lowers patient expectancy and attendance.
tage, nontreatment control is recommended The noninsertion sham controls can be used
to establish the adequate dose of acupuncture for the short-term trials, e.g., acute pain study,
(e.g., number of acupoints, frequency, and or trials recruiting acupuncture naïve patients.
Y.-S. Lee
Department of Anatomy and Meridians, College of Korean Medicine, Gachon
University, Seongnam, South Korea
P. Enck
Department of Internal Medicine, Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy, University
of Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany
Because acupuncture treatment is defined by the process of needles penetrating the body,
placebo needles were originally developed with non- penetrating mechanisms. However,
whether placebo needles are valid controls in acupuncture research is the subject of an
ongoing debate. The present review provides an overview of the characteristics of placebo
needles and how they differ from placebo pills in two aspects: (1) physiological response
and (2) blinding efficacy. We argue that placebo needles elicit physiological responses similar
to real acupuncture and therefore provide similar clinical efficacy. We also demonstrate that
this efficacy is further supported by ineffective blinding (even in acupuncture-naïve patients)
which may lead to opposite guesses that will further enhance efficacy, as compared to no-
treatment, e.g., with waiting list controls. Additionally, the manner in which placebo needles
can exhibit therapeutic effects relative to placebo pills include enhanced touch sensations,
direct stimulation of the somatosensory system and activation of multiple brain systems.
We finally discuss alternative control strategies for the placebo effects in acupuncture
Keywords: acupuncture, blinding, control, physiology, placebo.
Figure 1. Additional components involved in the effects of placebo needles. In pharmaceutical trials, the nonspecific
effects of treatments can be ruled out by comparing the placebo pill group with an untreated group, e.g., on a waiting
list. In acupuncture trials, tactile stimulation is an additional factor that affects the placebo needle and untreated groups.
Enhanced touch sensations, which are distinct during acupuncture treatment, but absent with placebo pills, remain
substantial during placebo needle administration. Thus, placebo needles not only play a role as a cue for treatment
expectations, but also evoke the somatosensory system and directly activate multiple brain systems.
during acupuncture, has been considered to be with real acupuncture (Chae et al. 2013). When
one of the essential components for clinical the placebo needle touches the skin and evokes
efficacy (Chae & Olausson 2017). Considering activity in cutaneous afferent nerves, it seems
the lack of a significant difference between to act in the brain and result in a limbic touch
treatments administered with real and placebo response (Lund et al. 2009).
needles, we can assume that the placebo needle In the pharmaceutical trials, active pills have
exerts an action that is similar to those exerted “true” therapeutic effects of the novel com-
during real acupuncture. The somatosensory pound in the capsules while placebo pills use
system is activated directly by placebo needles, the same types of capsules without active com-
which exert various physiological actions in the ponents. Placebo pills, of course, can induce
body that are similar to those exerted by real tactile sensation on the tongue, but it is not
acupuncture needles. Real and placebo needles likely that such tactile sensation can be related
produce enhanced skin conductance responses with the therapeutic effects in the trials. On the
and decrease the heart rate, suggesting that other hand, placebo needles can induce tactile
placebo needles are not physiologically inert in sensations around the acupoints that is similar
terms of autonomic response patterns (Kang to real acupuncture needles; these tactile sensa-
et al. 2011). Furthermore, these autonomic tions themselves could produce physiological
responses to placebo needles might be derived actions through the body in the acupuncture
from the patient’s orienting responses, or bodily trials.
self-awareness (Napadow et al. 2013). A func-
tional magnetic resonance imaging study dem- The affective-social aspect of the touch
onstrated that tactile stimulation, which mimics component of placebo needles
acupuncture stimulation, not only induces acti- The process of treatment with placebo needles
vation in sensorimotor processing regions and involves a component of touch between the
deactivation in default- mode network regions, patient and the practitioner. This affective-social
but also modulates higher cognitive areas in aspect, involving slow gentle touch stimulation,
the brain (Napadow et al. 2009). Additionally, a activates unmyelinated C tactile fibres (CT
meta-analysis of brain imaging studies showed afferents) and induces feelings of calm and
that placebo needles produce weaker, but well-being (Campbell 2006; Lund & Lundeberg
similar, patterns of brain activation compared 2006). Prior to inserting and stimulating the
Figure 2. The blinding components of placebo needles. (A) Differences in blinding characteristics between placebo needles and
placebo pills. In pharmaceutical trials, the similar shapes and tastes of the active and placebo pills prevent patients from
correctly guessing whether they are in the treatment group. In acupuncture trials, placebo needles are similar to real
acupuncture devices in terms of shape, but not in terms of penetration when applied to the skin. (B) Both active and
placebo pills have a 50% chance level of being perceived as active in the pharmaceutical trials, whereas both real and
placebo acupuncture causes a tendency to believe that they are receiving active treatment in the acupuncture trials.
Differences in blinding scenarios for placebo needles and placebo pills. In pharmaceutical trials, successful blinding in the treatment
and placebo groups results in patients making random guesses about whether they are receiving active or placebo pills.
Acupuncture trials involve different blinding scenarios: “unblinded participants” in the real acupuncture group and
participants making “opposite guesses” in the placebo needle group. Due to this unique pattern of blinding, individuals
more often respond to placebo needles because they are more likely to believe they are receiving active treatment (i.e.,
opposite guess).
to perceive the use of placebo needles as active than with a parallel- group design. However,
treatment (Figure 2). cross-over designs carry another risk: that of
carry-over effects from one phase to the next.
If the carry-over effect is based on Pavlovian
Alternative control strategies conditioning of responses (Suchman & Ader
When blinding becomes difficult (as with sham 1992), even longer wash- out phases cannot
acupuncture needles) or even impossible (such prevent it to occur.
as with psychotherapy), alternative control strat- A number of design alternatives have been
egies are required to separate specific therapy discussed which all exhibit both specific advan-
effects from unspecific (e.g., contextual) effects tages and pitfalls.
as well as from spontaneous remission and
response biases (Enck et al. 2013). Ineffective or No treatment controls (NTC)
impossible blinding also precludes conventional To separate “spontaneous variation” from
cross-over designs where each patient serves as “placebo responses”, a “no-treatment” control
his/her own control, thereby reducing the data group appears necessary that determines how
variance and allowing trials with far less patients much of the unspecific effects can be attributed
This case study presents the inclusion of Western medical acupuncture in the treatment
plan for greater trochanteric pain syndrome (GTPS). A patient with an 18-month history
of lateral right hip pain was referred for physiotherapy due to its significant impact on her
activities of daily living and sleep.
A physiotherapy plan including manual therapy, exercise, advice and three acupuncture/
dry needling sessions was applied through six sessions, after which the patient reported sig-
nificant improvement in the Numerical Pain Rating Scale (NPRS) and in the Hip Disability
and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score (HOOS) at 2 weeks follow-up.
The detailed treatment plan and clinical reasoning is discussed, including the rationale for
acupuncture and comparison with currently available literature but, as a case study, sensible
generalization is advised.
Keywords: acupuncture, dry needling, greater trochanteric pain syndrome.
muscle tone (Dommerholt & Fernandez-de-las- and another “layer” (as proposed by Bradnam
Peñas 2013) and facilitating the HEP. 2007) was added by working on the segments
Additionally, GB 34 was selected as it is a that provide motor supply to the glutmin (L4-
main point for stiffness of joints/muscles and a S1) through Bladder (BL) 25–27, to increase the
major point for lower limb disorders (Deadman segmental effects (White et al. 2008). GB 29 was
et al. 2017). As it was Patient A’s first acupunc- added for further local and segmental effects
ture experience, no more than six needles were (White et al. 2008).
used, of which only three were in place at the
same time for a short period of 15 min. Third treatment (Table 4)
At this stage, Patient A reported 80% overall
Second treatment (Table 3) improvement from the beginning of physiother-
Patient A reported that after the first acupunc- apy intervention and symptoms were as described
ture treatment and with the HEP/self-massage on Table 5. On examination, P1 was quite local-
she was feeling more relaxed and “less achy” ized on antero-superior aspect of the GT (not
when lying on her right at night, feeling she shooting even on deep palpation), Obers’ test
could achieve a deeper sleep. Patient A reported was negative and hip abduction strength (pain-
she was recently getting able to walk for periods free) was Grade 5 which, in some way, added
of 1 h with ache onset just towards the end to a non- muscular source hypothesis, such as
of it. Patient still reported P2 (NPRS 8). On the bursae. Right hip had symmetrical range of
examination, right hip ER improved to 40º, still movement (ROM) when compared with left hip,
with P2 at end of range, Obers’ test was better, with similar end-feel, but P2 would still be trig-
but still showing a mild tightness. On palpation, gered at the end of range of ER (NPRS 7).
the discomfort was more localised to the glut- Thus, on the third appointment the emphasis
min and at its insertion on the GT. was given to local (bursae) and segmental effects
As there were no adverse reactions following by working with the “fencing the dragon”
the first treatment, the same points were used technique (White et al. 2008) and adding a
“layer” with Bladder points at the same level of ADLs normal levels and felt she could self-
the bursae innervation (L2–4) (Genth et al. manage her condition, we agreed to follow-up
2012). with a quick consultation two weeks later, in
As Patient A reported good and consistent view to discharge in case the improvement was
improvement, was slowly getting back to her maintained.
case reports
This case study documents the use of acupuncture in addition to typical physiotherapy
modalities in the management of a 41-year-old manual worker with lateral epicondylalgia
(tennis elbow). The patient responded well to the intervention, with subjective improve-
ments on functional scales, as well as objective improvements in pain-free grip strength.
Acupuncture appeared to provide a worthwhile reduction in pain within at least the short-
to medium-terms, although the true effect of acupuncture cannot be fully understood from
this case study as other modalities were also used. Nevertheless, the case presents a com-
prehensive description of the successful management of a patient with lateral epicondylalgia
where acupuncture was effectively included and was likely to have played a positive role.
Keywords: acupuncture, lateral epicondylalgia, physiotherapy, tennis elbow.
Many people suffer at one time or another with lower back pain. Treatments used over the
years have varied from advice to rest on the bed, medication, consultants and, eventually, a
referral to our profession. Since the start of the NHS, 70 years ago, we have managed to
gain respect as a profession and to be trusted in our assessments and treatments. We have
been careful to keep in mind evidence-based practice (EBP) as we justify our reasoning. The
AACP has fought and will continue to fight to keep acupuncture within the guidelines. We
all know acupuncture works and, mostly, how, and yet commissioners find it expensive, time
consuming and poorly supported by the research.
Lower back pain (LBP) has multiple causes. In the light of the National Institute for
Health and Care Excellence (NICE) 2016 guideline on low back pain, acupuncture has been
used less in its treatment, mostly in favour of more medication, although the experience of
physiotherapists has shown this treatment method can be effective. This case study presents
one of the cases the author has treated with Seirin Pyonex indwelling needles (SPIDN) over
the last few years.
Keywords: AACP, acupuncture, indwelling needles, low back pain, Pyonex needles.
Acupuncture was used as an alternative modality for pain relief in a patient 8 weeks after
hip arthroscopic surgery. Acupuncture was found to be effective in this case. Further qual-
ity research is required to generalize the findings from this case study and apply it to the
general population.
Keywords: Arthroscopy, hip OA, hip pain, pain relief, post-op
Patient profile
35-year-old male. Works in law in an office environment. Plays golf regularly, amateur XC MTB racer, regular user of gym for strength
History of presenting This patient had a progressive worsening of right-sided groin pain that began 12 months ago. During
condition this period, he had increased his general exercise in all areas and had felt improvements in his strength
targets. As he began to increase his lifting he began to have pain in the squat that progressed and
worsened to start to affect his ability to cycle and then to play golf. At this time (approx. 6 months
ago) he stopped exercises for his lower limbs in the gym and stopped cycling due to the pain associated
with these activities. Initial physiotherapy from a private provider proved unsuccessful in reducing pain
or increasing function and so the patient progressed to seeing a consultant who performed an X-ray
and MRI of the hip. The diagnoses of FAI were subsequently given, appropriately fitting within the
agreement of Griffin et al. (2016). Due to severity of symptoms, the surgeon opted for arthroscopic
hip surgery. A cam was debrided, and a labral tear was removed. The surgeon was happy for full weight
bearing and physiotherapy to begin. At a 7-week follow up with the consultant, the patient was still
struggling with significant movement loss and pain. The patient was then referred to the author for a
review and to begin a new period of physiotherapy.
Presenting condition Constant dull ache – VAS 5/10; intermittent sharp pain – VAS 6/10.
Aggravating factors Standing 30 min; reaching to put socks on; driving 20 min; mobility exercises.
Ease Lying prone or on left side for 60 min.
24 hr Morning very stiff but lacks soreness; progressive soreness through day, activity dependent.
Previous medical history Nil relevant.
Drug history Using paracetamol for analgesia but refusing to use higher level pain relief due to nausea.
Patient’s aim To recover from surgery and return to cycling and golf.
Objective examination A full objective assessment of the lower limb and trunk was performed. The following are the key
• wound sites healed; skin cool to touch and even skin tone
• reduced weight bearing through right side in standing; visual loss of muscle bulk through hip
extensors and quads compared to left side
hip PROM – flexion L 120 R 70 (pain)
• IR in flexion L 30 R 0 (pain)
• ER in flexion L 65 R 10 (pain)
• pain inhibited accurate muscle strength testing around the hip but clearly there had been over
6 months of disuse atrophy
• muscle length was reduced in hamstrings and quads on the right side
• gait showed an antalgic pattern with reduced stride length, stance phase and a corrective trunk
posture to cope with reduced lateral hip strength
• palpation demonstrated hypersensitivity through soft touch through the anterior of the right hip
with an over activity at rest also in the anterior musculature.
VAS = visual analogue scale; PROM = passive range of movement; IR = internal rotation; ER = external rotation.
The patient’s problem was painful symptoms
distributed anteriorly and laterally in the right hip.
These symptoms were not new and felt very sim-
ilar to the symptoms the patient had pre-surgery.
Evidently there were layers of both acute pain
(8 weeks post-op) and chronic pain (14 months)
and treatment therefore had to be considerate
of these elements. The current evidence base
for treatment of hip pain includes acupuncture
(Haslam 2001; Witt et al. 2006; Kwon et al. 2006)
Figure 1. Pain distribution. and there is a growing body of evidence to sup-
port practitioners in clinical reasoning in the use
Physiotherapy treatment of Western acupuncture (Bradnam 2007; White
In treating to obtain the initial goals a com- et al. 2008a). These papers were used in conjunc-
bination of manual therapy and exercise was tion with the AACP Foundation Course manual
Table 2. Details of treatments.
number Selected points Needling technique Dose Treatment effect
case reports
The objective of this case report is to discuss the acupuncture treatment of a 37-year-old
female suffering from a case of whiplash associated disorder. The rationale for using
acupuncture alongside other physiotherapy modalities is discussed with regard to recent
evidence and guidelines. Acupuncture was chosen to alleviate pain and facilitate the use
of other physiotherapy techniques to improve movement and function. Outcome measures
implemented included the visual analogue scale for pain, the Oxford scale, neck disability
index (NDI) and range of movement. The client completed six sessions of acupuncture
on a weekly basis in a private physiotherapy setting. The client’s reported pain score fell
from 7/10 to 0/10 from first to final assessment. There was also an improvement in the
NDI score from 8/50 to 2/50. A proposed reasoning for this marked reduction in pain is
discussed. Verbal and written informed consent was obtained from the client.
Keywords: acupuncture, physiotherapy, whiplash associated pain.
and therefore cannot support or refute its use. (2007) reports: “The origin of all pain is the inflam-
Additionally, researchers White and Ernst (1999) mation and the inflammatory response”. In chronic
in an earlier review found no evidence for acu- conditions such as chronic whiplash, inflam-
puncture in the treatment of neck pain. matory mediators such as bradykinin can add
The NICE guidelines for the management of to the sensitization of tissues; this will lead to
WAD conclude there is weak evidence for the a smaller stimulus triggering a pain response
long-term effectiveness of physiotherapy such as (Chopade & Mulla 2010). It is important we as
exercise and mobilization (NICE 2015a). They therapists recognize the importance of choosing
are not confident physiotherapy would benefit the most effective treatments for WAD at the
patients with WAD; however, this is in direct earliest stage possible to prevent the condition
contradiction to the guidelines by the same becoming chronic.
organization which suggest acupuncture having The evidence for the pain-relieving effect of
a short-term benefit for sub-acute and chronic acupuncture on these systems will be regarded
neck pain as detailed in the NICE guidelines for in the rationale for the acupuncture selection
non-specific neck pain (NICE 2015b). later in this paper. The acupuncture treatment
There is growing support of the use of acu- is justified in this case in order to attempt to
puncture for reducing neck pain (He et al. 2004; alleviate pain and maximise potential for the
White et al. 2004; Vas et al. 2006; Willich et al. client’s rehabilitation.
2006; Witt et al. 2006; Fu et al. 2009; Trinh et al.
2009). It is proposed that acupuncture activates
the body’s own pain-relieving responses locally, Description of the case
segmentally and by having a central effect on The client was assessed in a private physiother-
the nervous system (White et al. 2008). apy practice following authorization from the
It has been suggested that acupuncture can insurance company for six sessions of physio-
modulate inflammatory conditions through therapy (Table 2). The client had not received
an inflammatory effect (White et al. 2008). any previous treatment for her neck pain. As all
Acupuncture has been shown to induce a symptoms appeared consistent with whiplash
phenotypic switch of muscle macrophages; this associated injury (Ferrari et al. 2005), a diagnosis
causes a reduction in pre- inflammatory cells of QUEBEC grading 2b whiplash associated
and an increase in anti-inflammatory cells thus injury – ‘neck pain with point tenderness and
facilitating a healing response (da Silva et al. reduced range of motion’ – was made (Hartling
2015). By treating with acupuncture, it is then et al. 2001).
hypothesized that promoting an inflammatory Acupuncture was discussed with the cli-
cascade will induce a healing response and ent and chosen to treat the client’s pain and
improve the client’s rehabilitation. Omoigui facilitate other physiotherapy modalities. No
Patient profile
37-year-old female. Mother of two teenagers, works as an administrator full-time; desk-based role. Attends gym twice a week which
involves a Pilates class followed by swimming (breaststroke).
Presenting condition: Neck pain following a road traffic accident 3 weeks ago; diagnosis of whiplash by her GP. Client reports that she
was working at her computer 4 days ago and felt a ‘twinge’ in her neck and since has felt the neck pain has worsened and felt more
‘stiff ’. The client was referred through an insurance company which approved six sessions of physiotherapy.
Mechanism of injury: Client was the passenger in a car in a road traffic accident. Client reports the vehicle was stationary and was hit by
a car from behind at approx. 40 mph. Client describes herself as facing forward with her head thrown forward and backward. The client
was wearing her seatbelt.
No pain felt initially; pain developed later that night. Headaches experienced since the accident. Pain recently increased following being
sat at her desk at work and turned head quickly and felt a ‘twinge’. Intermittent sharp pain = 7/10 at worst, = 5/10 during assessment,
and usually gets worse towards the end of the day. When asked about her psychological status the client reports she suffers occasional
anxiety if her workload is busy.
Past medical history: Hypothyroidism
Drug history: Takes levothyroxine daily, and paracetamol for pain relief
Subjective findings
Objective assessment
Observation: forward head position with increased lower cervical flexion and upper extension with protracted girdles, rounded shoulders
On palpation, spasm was detected on palpation of the upper trapezius, scalenes and levator scapular neck muscles. Hypomobility of the
cervicothoracic joint and point tenderness over C5–6
The client presented with reduced deep neck flexor activation, reduced cervical flexion 60%, reduced right and left cervical rotation
80%, and reduced cervical side flexion 75% bilaterally. Pain on all resisted cervical movements = 7/10
No neurological findings were detected upon assessment with upper limb tension tests, myotomal, dermatomal or reflex testing. No red
Problem list
Overall the client’s problems were pain, reduction in movement and function, difficulty functioning at work and activities of daily living.
1) Reduce pain from LI 4 30 mm perpendicular, 1 cm depth 10 min as first Nil adverse effects
7/10 treatment Pain = 4/10
No change in ROM
GB 20 25 mm oblique/inferior, 1 cm depth
Neck Disability Index
GB 21 25 mm posterior oblique, 1 cm depth
score = 8
2) Reduce pain from LI 4 30 mm perpendicular, 1 cm depth 20 min Nil adverse effects
7/10; improve ROM Pain 4/10
GB 20 25 mm oblique/inferior, 1 cm depth Improvement in cervical
GB 21 25 mm posterior oblique, 1 cm depth flexion – 75%
BL 10 30 mm oblique, 0.5 cm depth
GV 14 30 mm perpendicular, 1 cm depth
SI 15 30 mm oblique, 1.5 cm depth
BL 60 30 mm perpendicular, 1 cm
3) Reduce pain from LI 4 All as previous 20 min No pain post-treatment
6/10; improve ROM GB 20 Reported has had no
GB 21 further headaches
BL 10 Improvement in cervical
GV 14 rotation 90% bilaterally
SI 15
BL 60
4) Reduce pain from LI 4 All as previous 20 min 2/10 pain
6/10; improve ROM GB 20 post-treatment
GB 21 Cervical flexion full
BL 10
GV 14
SI 15
BL 60
5) Reduce pain from LI 4 All as previous 20 min 2/10 post-treatment
4/10; improve ROM GB 20
GB 21
BL 10
GV 14
SI 15
BL 60
6) Reduce pain from LI 4 All as previous 20 min No pain post-treatment
2/10 GB 20 Neck Disability
GB 21 Index = 2, with client
BL 10 reporting she still gets
GV 14 slight pain if she reads
SI 15 for more than 1 h
BL 60 Cervical rotation 100%
Cervical side flexion
95% bilaterally
LI = Large Intestine; GB = Gall Bladder; BL = Bladder; GV = Governor Vessel; SI = Small Intestine; ROM = range of motion
the acupuncture group compared to the TENS (NICE 2012). Acupuncture has also been
sham were demonstrated. suggested to be more effective than sham acu-
Additionally, Franca et al. (2008) found acu- puncture in a systematic review for tension-type
puncture to be more effective when combined headache (Linde et al. 2009).
with physiotherapy for facilitating pain relief When applied to conditions of the neck,
in tension neck syndrome. With regards to the White et al. (2004) in a study with a large sample
client’s headache, the NICE guidelines support size showed a significant effect of acupuncture
the use of acupuncture for chronic headaches for mechanical neck pain when compared to
LI 4 bilaterally LI 4 covers dermatomes C6/C7 and is a “master point for pain.” It creates a calming response and was
chosen also to create an extra segmental response (White et al. 2008).
Distal points LI 4 were used bilaterally to induce a strong supraspinal pain descending inhibitory effect
(White et al. 2008). Additionally, Wu et al. (1999) found the acupoint LI 4 led to activity in the limbic area
related to pain response and detected in the descending anti-nociceptive pathways.
Haker et al. (2000) found acupuncture to the LI 4 points and an ear point led to a sympathetic response in
the related segment and resulted in pain relief.
GB 20 bilaterally “Master point” for pain and activating the sympathetic nervous system (Hecker et al. 2007)
GB 21 bilaterally GB 21 was chosen bilaterally to achieve a local, segmental and extra segmental effects and subsequently to
target the client’s head and neck pain and stiffness (He et al. 2004; White et al. 2008).
BL 10 bilaterally Vas et al. (2006). Indicated for cervical pain (Hecker et al. 2007)
BL 60 bilaterally Distal point to facilitate the strength of the bladder meridian (White et al. 2004)
GV 14 bilaterally GV 14 during the second session as this point can help with postural neck pain (White et al. 2004)
SI 15 bilaterally (He et al. 2004)
sham TENS which was not turned on over the real placebo, as the sham will have a treatment
same acupoints. effect of its own and it has been demonstrated
A large-scale German study (N = 3766) per- that the blunt needle can have profound effects
formed by Witt et al. (2006) found the use of on the limbic system (Pariente et al. 2005). Sham
acupuncture was associated with improvements acupuncture involves needling non-acupuncture
in neck pain and disability when compared to points or using a device whereby the guide tube
routine care alone. In a Cochrane Review with a is pressed against the skin but the needle either
smaller number of participants (N = 661), Trinh penetrates very slightly (superficial tissue) below
et al. (2006) found moderate evidence that acu- the skin or not at all (Lund et al. 2009).
puncture relieves pain better than some sham After reviewing the literature, the evidence
treatments in patients with neck pain. suggests the effectiveness of acupuncture in the
With regards to WAD, the CSP guidelines treatment of neck pain as part of a physiother-
conclude there is not enough clinical evidence apy treatment plan
to support or refute the use of acupuncture
(Moore et al. 2005). However, it is still widely
used in conjunction with other physiotherapy Discussion
modalities. Researchers Fu et al. (2009) in a The client reported no pain following the sixth
systematic review of 14 studies into the effec- treatment session. The NDI score (Appendix
tiveness of acupuncture for neck pain agreed 1) was 8 at initial assessment and reduced to 2
that more long-term follow up in this area was by the final session. The NDI is an outcome
required but reported a short-term benefit of measure which is considered a valid and reliable
acupuncture for neck pain. tool for measuring neck pain (Vernon & Mior
Following a review of the literature, acupunc- 1991; Stratford et al. 1999).
ture seems to have a place in the treatment of Improvements in range of motion were
pain conditions. observed following the third session, and full
The evidence for the effectiveness of acu- rotation was achieved by the final session, but
puncture within physiotherapy is uncertain, the client had some muscular tightness in side
with researchers reporting low quality evidence flexion and was advised to continue with the
produced and using low sample sizes. The big- stretching exercises. Education on posture, use
gest problem with the studies is that the place- of heat, manual techniques and exercises to
bos used, i.e., the sham technique, provide no improve muscular control and improve range
Electricity is good for the body. Attaching it to acupuncture needles can accelerate the
effects we can have on tissue healing, relaxation of both mind and body through stimulating
the release of neurotransmitters, and improving micro-circulation. This article takes a very
brief look at some of the key parameters of electroacupuncture and suggests ways in which
we can add it to our acupuncture-based toolbox.
Keywords: electroacupuncture, high frequency, low frequency.
Needle manipulation is brief and intermittent Stimulation is continued for the duration of treatment
Only ‘low frequency’ is possible (twirling or lifting-thrusting) No limitation to frequency of stimulus (frequency-specific and tissue-
specific effects can occur)
Strong manipulation risks tissue damage Strength of stimulation only limited by patient tolerance
Mostly central mechanism with De Qi More reaction around needle (2 Hz) – calcitonin gene-related peptide,
vaso-intestinal peptide and noradrenaline, greater vasodilation, and
increased segmental effects, alteration of sympathetic tone – segmental
and visceral organs
Local effects-trigger points e.g. some local tissue response Best effect re-creates exercise = melatonin production = better sleep
Book reviews
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Acupuncture in PhysiotherapyTM
Acupuncture in Physiotherapy TM
ISSN 2058-3281
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