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OccuLtT CHEMISTRY INVESTIGATIONS BY CLAIRVOYANT MAGNIFICATION INTO THE STRUCTURE OF THE ATOMS OF THE PERioDIC TABLE AND SOME Compounps Contents: The Nature of Matter; The Hydrogen, Spike, Dumb-bell, Tetrahedron, Cube, Octahedron, Bars, and Star Groups; Compounds; Catalysis, Crystallization; Conclusion; Analysis of the Structure of the Elements; Table of Atomic Weights; Notes and Reports of Certain of the Investigations; Index; Illustrated. C.W. Leadbeater & Annie Besant ISBN 1-86459-678-8 CHAPTER Sfec2hee XL 288 CONTENTS Introduction to the Third Edition : The Nature of Matter : 5 The Hydrogen Group : 7 . The Spike Group : : The Dumb-bell Group 5 : The Tetrahedron Group A The Tetrahedron Group Bo. . : The Cube Group A : 7 : The Cube Group B 7 : The Octahedron Group A The Octahedron Group B ‘The Bars Group The Star Group. : . Compounds Catalysis, Crystallization Conclusion : . . : Analysis of the Seructure of the Elements. Table of Atomic Weights - . : Notes and Reports of certain of the Investigations ines : : : ‘With 230 Mlustrations PAGE SSeERoK uy 45 THE PERIODIC LAW (after Crookes) ae Te ee de le / \ BEY Sa ree / \ ee mae al \ Set cee pe a a / 0 "a oa ae \ \ \ \ \, hee sl Seat a \ or = So aw we aoe / - \ \ \ eae hs os we, Voy Joon ghz | a = ERY pepahere= Tm \ "rh 7 = \ aod sabe iat | oe em or aR pi 1 gle woe maar | Mice ET is | om en Hla a rh mn fe spy pres For ac coestat) whch cope te ene Inopes are mat gen tenes mk ye tmarred ty hema Sy Sst 2,28 AO.— aa aty INTRODUCTION TO THE THIRD EDITION By ©. JINARAJADASA THIS work contains a record of clairvoyant investigations into the structure of matter. ‘The observations were carried out at intervals over a period of nearly forty years. the first in August 1895 and the last in October 1933. The two investigators, Annie Besant (1847-1933) and C. W. Leadbeater (1847-1904) were trained clairvoyants and well equipped to check and supplement each other's work. ‘Method of Investigation : The method is unique and difficult to explain. Many ave heard of the word “clairvoyance ™ (clear-seeing), connoting the cognition of sights and sounds not perceived by ordinary people. In India the term Yoga is sometimes related to faculties that are beyond ordinary cognition. It is stated in Indian Yo that one who has trained himself “can make himself infinitesimally small at will”. This does not mean that he undergoes a diminution in bodily size, but only that, relatively, his conception of himself can be so minimized that objects which normally are small appear to him as large. ‘The two investigators had been trained by their Eastern Gurus or Teachers to exercise this unique faculty of Yoga. so that when they observed a chemical atom it appeared to their vision as highly magnified, When using this method the investigator is awake and not in any form of trance. He employs his usual faculties for recording what he observes: he maps out fon a piece of paper a sketch of what he sees and may describe his impressions so that a stenographer can take down his remarks Just as a microscopist, looking into the microscope and without removing his eyes from the slide, can describe what he observes so that it can be recorded, so the clairvoyant investigator watching an atom for molecule can describe what he sees in front of him. What he sees is not subjective, in the sense that it is a creation of the imagination; it is as objective as is the paper on which I am writing this and the pen which I use. The object examined, whether an atom or a compound, is seen exactly as it exists normally, that is to say, it is not under any stress caused by an electric or magnetic field. As each object is in rapid motion, the only force brought to bear on it is a special form of will-power, so as to make its movement slow enough to observe the details. The earliest investigations were made in England in 1895. The first atoms observed were four gases in the air, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen, and a fourth fas (atomic weight=3) so far not discovered by chemists. The atoms do not carry their own labels and the first problem was that of identification. Most active of the four gases was one which the investigators considered was probably Oxygen. ‘A somewhat lethargic gas was thought to be Nitrogen. The lightest of all four was 2 OCCULT CHEMISTRY taken to be Hydrogen. But it was only after the fullest examination of the constituent parts ‘of each gas (for each so-called “atom,” the “un-cut-ble.” was found wo be as obviously a different gas, Later it was given the name of Occultum, Diagrams and deniled descriptions of the internal structure of the atoms of Hydrogen, Oxygen and Nitrogen and of the ultimate atoms, or Anu, of which all the elements are composed, were first published in Lucifer, London, November 1895, ‘Work was resumed in 1907 when 59 more elements were observed. When the element to be examined exists in a pure, easily obtainable state, as for example the elements Sulphur, Iron and Mercury, there was no difficulty as eo che identification, even before mapping its structure. But a difficulty arose in the cace of contacted him, “Leadbeaters requirements constitute a large order. Of the list of require, ments he sends I can give metallic Lithium, Chromium, Selenium, Titanium, Vanadium and Boron. Beryllium I can give him as an oxide. But Scandium, Gallium, Rubidive and Germanium are almost impossible to get, except perhaps in a very impure state." Je ‘was then found by the investigators that it was not essential for the purpose of investigation to have an element unmixed or uncombined with any other clemene Jn many compounds, the constituent atoms do not exist in jurtaposition, each retaining its atomic individuality, as is the theory in chemistry. Each atom breaks up ince smaller parts and unites its parts with similar broken-up parts of the other atom or atoms, as the fingers of the right and left hands can interlock In salt. Sodium and Chlorine are interblended in such a manner as to give to the compound the outline of a cube. By the exercise of will-power, the force holding the parts together as molecule can be nullified: in such a case, the separated parts of each atom instantly Sroup themselves as the arom was before combination. When, therefore, a salt molecule Nas broken up.” the parts composing Sodium came together, as the atom of Sodiom, similarly the parts of Chlorine united to form a Chlorine atom. INTRODUCTION TO THE THIRD EDITION 3 this could be obtained by consulting an encyclopaedia. I went with the list to the Dresden Museum, and noted down in which of the show-cases the elements needed existed as compounds. Soon after my return, C. W. Leadbeater and I went to Dresden and I showed him the minerals I had noted. He examined them quickly and obtained a picture of the complex configuration of the mineral in which existed the element he needed. After returning to Weisser-Hirsch he was able at leisure to evoke by clairvoyance the picture he had seen at Dresden. Exercising, then, his will-power on a mineral mélecule, he dissolved the complex structure. On so doing, the separated parts of each atom united and formed an individual unit. Thus the pure element which he desired was before him for examination and for drawing. ‘As each element was mapped and drawn the rough diagram of it was passed on to me, to draw carefully the essential parts of the element (for final half-tone line block), to count the units in it, divide the number by 18 (the number of units in Hydrogen), and to see how near our weights came to the weights given in the latest book on Chemistry. During the investigations at Weisser-Hirsch in 1907, 59 elements (not counting several isotopes observed) were drawn by me. These were printed month by month jin the magazine The Theosophist, published at Adyar. a suburb of Madras, beginning with the issue of January 1908. In 1907 three unrecorded elements were described, to which the provisional names Occultum, Kalon and Platinum B were given, also a new group of three inter-periodics labelled X.Y and Z. Observations of Radium, with a diagram, were made at Adyar in 1908, The diagram was sent to me when I was in the United States, and there I drew the diagram which appeared in The Theosophist for December 1908. The diagrams of all these elements were drawn by me and appeared in the first edition of Occult Chemistry published in 1909, which also included the article on The Ether of Space. In 1909, the work was resumed by Mr. Leadbeater at the Headquarters of the Theosophical Society at Adyar, Madras. Twenty more elements were mapped out. The rough drafts of drawings were made but they were not published. though a general description was given in The Theosophist of July 1909. Three more unrecorded elements and an isotope of Mercury are described there. In 1919 in Sydney, Australia, the first compounds, salt and water, were investigated and very rough models made. A second edition of Occult Chemistry was issued in 1919, but it contained no additional matter and gave no record of any work after 1907. Mr. A. P. Sinnett, who edited this second edition, merely wrote an introduction. In 1922 the work was again resumed in Sydney and descriptions of compounds were then given for the first time. Water and salt had been examined in 1919, but no diagrams drawn. Then in 1922 they were examined again and diagrams drawn, and several other ‘compounds were examined, all of which were published in The Theosophist, March, April, August 1924; March, April, August, September, October 1925: July 1926. Some Carbon ‘compounds of the chain and ring series were among those examined. A complicated struc- ‘ture investigated was the diamond, composed of 594 Carbon atoms. A model was made in Sydney and sent to me in India. A description of the structure and a photograph of the 4 OCCULT CHEMISTRY ‘model appeared in The Theosophist, September 1925. Hafnium was described in 1928 and Rhenium in 1931. After C. W. Leadbeater came to Adyar in 1930 such remaining elements of the Periodic Table, which had not been previously investigated, were mapped out by him. In 1932 and 1933 more material was published in The Theosophist. This included a description of elements 85, 87 and 91 and a list of atomic weights An element of atomic weight 2 was reported in 1932, and given the name Adyarium, as the discovery was made at Adyar, Madras. In this Third Edition the results of the later researches have been incorporated. All the material has been carefully revised and checked with the original drawings at ‘Adyar. New diagrams have been made where necessary and the whole has been rearranged s0 as to display the facts more clearly. ; In any scientific work progress continues and a text book needs amendments to bring it up to date in accordance with later discoveries, This third edition contains such necessary additions and corrections and represents as accurately as possible the material at present available. Diagrams and descriptions, hitherto unpublished, of thirty compounds, are here included, as well as all the material published in The Theosophist. This third edition is in three parts, Part I being the general introduction, Part II a detailed study of all the elements, and Part I containing all the information available concerning the combination of the elements into compounds. From the material the following facts emerge : The unit of matter. It was noted in 1895 that Hydrogen, the lightest atom, was not a unity, but was composed of 18 smaller units. Each such unit was then called an “ultimate physical atom". Some thirty years later it seemed simpler to use the Sanskrit term for this ultimate particle of matter; the word is “ Anu,” pronounced as in Italian, or in English as “abnoo.” The word Anu does not add “5” to make the plural but remains unchanged. The investigators knew no way of measuring the size of an Anu. The only difference found was that the Anu existed in two varieties, positive and negative, and that in their formation the spirals wound themselves in opposite directions. ‘Thus, each negative Anu was a looking-glass image of the positive Anu. There was no investigation made as to the nature of positive and negative. There are at least 100 chemical elements, not counting isotopes. Clairvoyant research in 1907 described a neutral gas, Kalon, heavier than Xenon and lighter than Radon. Two elements, called here Adyarium and Occultum, have their place in the Periodic Table between Hydrogen and Helium. The diagram of Occultum had been drawn in 1896 ; it was drawn again in 1909. There is among the rare earths a group of three minerals forming a new inter-periodic group. Thesep were found in 1909 in pitchblende, which I sent from U.S.A. to Mr. Leadbeater, and their weights published In 1907 a fourth member of the Platinum group was found and called Platinum B. Elements“ 87" and“ 91" ‘were described. Isotopes were seen and described as early as 1907. Some elements have a variety which is not a true isotope, since it differs in internal arrangement only, and not in weight. It was in 1913 that Soddy coined the term “isotope”: he had suggested in 1910 INTRODUCTION TO THE THIRD EDITION 5 that atoms of the same chemical element might possess different mass. In 1907, during the clairvoyant investigations at Weisser-Hirsch, some isotopes were found ; the investi- gators used the term “meta” to denote the second variety of the element. The first noted was the inert gas Neon. with atomic weight 20 (H=1); the second variety of Neon, labelled Meta-Neon, had the weight 22.33 (H=1). Then it was found that Argon, Krypton. and Xenon each had an isotope. At the same time a still heavier inert gas was found, for which the label Kalon was coined, and an Isotope, Meta-Kalon. Each meta variety or isotope of the inert gases has 42 Anu more than the element which bears the name. A variety of Argon lighter than that recorded in chemistry was found and named Proto-Argon. ‘There was found in the third interperiodic group a second variety or isotope of Platinum. We labelled the normal variety Platinum A, and the isotope Platinum B. The diagrams of both varieties were drawn by me in Weisser-Hirsch and published in The Theosophist. In the issue of July 1909, an isotope of Mercury is mentioned, especially notable for the fact that it is solid., External Shapes. The elements have definite shapes. With a few exceptions all the elements fall into 7 groups or forms: the groups were named Spikes, Dumb-bell. Tetrahedron, Cube, Octahedron, Crossed-bars, Star. Valency can be subdivided, that is to say an atom with valency 1 can divide itself into two halves each exercising } valency. Hydrogen divides itself into 2 or 6 parts each with 4 or 4 valency, when it enters into combinations. Similarly, elements having valencies 2, 3 or 4.can subdivide. The valency has some connection. with the shape. Divalent elements are predominently tetrahedra, trivalent elements cubes, and quadrivalent octahedra, When one element combines with another the atoms almost always break up, The combination is not of one atom with another as a whole, but the component parts are re-arranged to form a complex structure. Periodic Law. Of all the diagrams stating the Periodic Law. we have found that of Sir William Crookes the simplest and the most descriptive of the facts observed. His reasons for a diagram depicting a pendulum swing were given by him in a lecture at the Royal Institution, London, on February 18, 1887 and published by him later. We use a slightly amended form of this pendulum diagram. The ultimate physical atom. All the elements are found to be built up from units called in the early editions the ultimate physical atom, and to which the name Anu has since been given. Weights. ‘The weights given in the tables are all in terms of Hydrogen. We take Hydrogen-=18 Anu as our standard and equal to 1. The relation between our weights and that of the International Tables can be found by adjusting our weights to the standard of H=1.0078, Of course it was seen at once that the investigations made into the structure of the chemical elements and into a few molecular compounds were nothing more than the scratching of the surface of an enormous sphere. The number of problems that arose and the questions that might be asked are innumerable, but the two investigators led very busy lives. as lecturers and authors. and the researches into Occult Chemistry were only 6 OCCULT CHEMISTRY incidental in their very heavy, labours in the field of Theosophy. While both were willing, when time permitted, to do further investigations, it was impossible to get the time and isolation necessary ‘for concentration for clairvoyant magnification. The two investigators and the recorder were frequently in different countries of the world, busy at their work of Theosophical propaganda, and it was rarely chat all three met together for any considerable period. ‘Throughout the investigations, from the beginning to the end, my role was that of recorder. Te has often been asked whether the Anu is the electron. The answer is definitely, No. What it is remains to be determined. "A further question raised has been regarding the relation which these investi- gations have to the discoveries of physicists. At the moment, no relation can be found. Tam reminded here of what happens when a new tunnel is to be pierced through a mountain, Two sets of engineers, with carefully triangulated plans, begin, one at either side of the mountain range, to cut through the mountain. Slowly they come nearer and nearer. till the partition separating them is so thin that the hammering from one side can be heard by the other. In the case of one tunnel that was built, the displacement between the two tunnels at the meeting point was only about one foot. Similarly, the occult investigators and the physicists are working from two sides of a great range. 1 feel sure that some day in the future they will meet. It must be remembered that the results of the physicists’ researches have been from reading of spectroscopic records. The work that has been done is so wonderful in technique that out of the lines of the spectrum new elements can be located and their atomic weight deduced. Work such as Aston’s mass spectroscopy. requires magnetic forces to be brought to bear upon the atom. As already mentioned no force except that of will-power is used by the occult investigator. The recording of the two methods is not dissimilar to two photographs which night have been taken of Piccadilly Circus in London during che war. From five chief avenues of craffic vehicles are passing in various directions. If a photograph were to be taken there would not only be the picture of crowds of vehicles but also of pedestrians, This would be the state of Piccadilly Circus in normal times But when an air raid alert is sounded, immediately everybody takes shelter and the only objects that might be found to be photographed would be fire engines, ambu- lances, the police und fire fighters. The second photograph would not be Piccadilly Circus in a normal condition. Similarly, the photographs of electrically excited atoms are not photographs of atoms under normal conditions, Nevertheless. the constituents of the ‘atoms behave in such a regular fashion that the lines of the spectrum can be disentangled as characteristic of one atom, rather than that of another. During the course of the many long years that I have been connected with Occult Chemistry as recorder, as I studied each new atom as it was mapped out, I have Been profoundly impressed by two ideas: one, ingenuity, and the second, beauty. I have been strongly reminded of the maxim of the Platonic School: “God geometrizes ” If, as they propounded. che universe is the result of the action of a Demiurge, "the Fashioner,” then it is obvious that the Demiuege is not only a Great Architect of the Universe, but also a Grand Gcometrician. For in some manner or other, whether INTRODUCTION TO THE THIRD EDITION 7 obvious or hidden, there seems to be @ geometric basis to every object in the universe. Ic is apparent from the diagrams in this work that the main thesis of Crookes of a “Genesis of the Elements ” is borne out. since in a particular family the heavier element is built after what might be termed a pre-fixed model. It is in this slow building up that there appears what we can only term the working of a Divine Mind that introduces some incalculable factor for a heavier element. After I had drawn the diagrams of Iron, Cobale. and Nickel ; Rutheniyn, Rhodium and Palladium ; Osmium, Iridium and Platinum : I could not help feeling that in the gap between the second and third groups in the Periodic Table there must exist another inter-periodic Group among what are known as the * rare earths”. Working from the diagrams before me, I reconstructed theoretical diagrams for the missing group. This was in 1908. Later when I sent some minerals to Mr. Leadbeater from Montana, U.S.A. he found the missing inter-periodic Group. In my theorizing I gave for the new groups the weight of each “bar” as 185, 187 and 189. When the missing group was found, the weights were found to be 189, 191 and 193. In my diagram I had not calculated for something unexpected, which the Demiurge would do in constructing the new elements. All throughout it is this sudden emergence of a new idea from the mind of the Demiurge that is of the utmost fascination. I have long desired complete leisure to construct a large circular room, on the walls of which would be placed enormously amplified diagrams of each element. Then. sitting in the middle on a revolving seat, I should like to meditate upon the diagrams before me, for I would then come into touch with the operations of the Divine Mind, which the Greeks postulated as not only Truth, but also Goodness and Beauty. Asa result of fifty-five years of pondering over the diagrams in Occult Chemistry. my mind has sought correlations with other natural objects. I have minerals showing the five Platonic solids in their structure. Why should a mineral, composed of diverse atoms. crystallizing under heat and pressure perhaps two thousand millions of years ago. crystallize into tetrahedra, cubes, octahedra, dodecahedra or icosahedra? Was it because in some unexplainable way the “form” or root-base of the mineral-to-be was influenced by the Platonic solids structure inherent in all the elements, with the exception of very few ? When we see a dandelion in flower. the blossom is flat; when the flower has been fertilized and produces its seeds, why are the seeds arranged as a sphere? Many a time when noting such spherical sced-balls, my mind has pictured the sphere at the centre of Radium, There is a weed growing on Adyar Beach, which helps to bold the sand from drifting; it creeps to long lengths, and presently produces a seed-cluster like a stiff brush, We can separate the seeds and count their number, over one hundred. But why that particular number? Throughout the vegetable kingdom, geometrical forms appear in one form or another. But why ? Of course, itis not for the strictly “ scientific” mind to ask these questions. Yet did not Jeans say, * from the intrinsic evidence of His creation, the Great Architect of the Universe now hegins to appear as a pure mathematician”. And again, “ the motions of electrons and atoms do not resemble those of the parts of a locomo~ tive so much as those of the dancers in a cotillion ” When all is said and done. “Occult Chemistry.” with its geometrical basic structures, is the source of all substances, and of all organisms built of those substances. A. 8 OCCULT CHEMISTRY day will come when a great synthesizer endowed with high mathematical and imaginative sifts will link physics and chemistry to the vegetable and animal kingdoms, and so to the human. Shall we then have a faraway glimpse of the Demiurge, the Fashioner, who builds in Beauty for everlasting? ©. JINARAJADASA November 17, 1950. NOTE Nearly all the diagrams have been redrawn during the last three years, under the supervision of Miss Elizabeth W. Preston, who bas been in touch with the work of Occult Chemistry for the last twenty years. I have put her in complete charge of the shaping of this Third Edition, and I desire to express to her my deepest obligation, since Iam unable, with my heavy tasks as President of the Theosophical Society, to give adequate attention to supervision of the work myself C4 CHAPTER | THE NATURE OF MATTER AN article, bearing the title Occult Chemistry, appeared in Lucifer, November 1895, and was reprinted as a separate pamphlet in 1905. In that article three chemical elements, Hydrogen. Oxygen and Nitrogen, were clairvoyantly examined, and their analyses were presented tentatively to the public. The work was done by Mr. Leadbeater and myself. The pressing nature of our other labours prevented further investigation at the time, but we have, however, lately (1907) had the opportunity of pursuing these researches further. and as a considerable amount of work has been done, it seems worth while, still tentatively. to report the observations made. Certain principles seem to emerge from the mass of details, and it is possible chat readers, who are better versed in chemistry than ourselves, may see suggestions to which we are blind. An observer's duty is to state clearly his observations ; it is for others to judge of their value. and to decide whether they indicate lines of research that may be profitably followed up by scientists. The drawings of the elements (in the first edition) were done by two Theo- sophical artists, Herr Hecker and Mrs. M. L. Kirby, whom we sincerely thank: the diagrams, showing the details of the construction of each element, we owe to the most painstaking labour of Mr. Jinarajadisa, without whose aid it would have been impossible for us to have presented clearly and definitely the complicated arrangements by which the chemical elements are built up. We have also to thank him for a number of most useful notes, implying much careful research, which are incorporated in the present series, and without which we could not have written these papers. Lastly, we have to chank Sir William Crookes for kindly lending his diagram of the grouping of the elements, showing them as arranged on successive “figures of eight.” a grouping which, as will be seen, receives much support from clairvoyant observations. ‘As we study these complex arrangements, we realize the truth of the old Platonic idea that the LOGOS geometrizes ; and we recall H. P. Blavatsky's statement that nature ever builds by form and number. The physical world is regarded (1895) as being composed of between sixty and seventy chemical elements, aggregated into an infinite variety of combinations. These combinations fall under the three main heads of solids, liquids and gases, the recognized substates of physical matter. with the theoretical ether (Aether of space) scarcely admitted as material. It would not be allowed (by scientists) that gold could be raised to the etheric condition as it might be to the liquid and gaseous. The clairvoyant 10 OCCULT CHEMISTRY finds that the gaseous is succeeded by the etheric state, as the solid is succeeded by the liquid. The etheric state is found to cover four substates, as distinct from each other as are solids, liquids and: gases. All chemical elements have their four etheric substates, which, with the solid, liquid, and gaseous, give us seven substates of matter in the physical world. The method by which these four etheric substates were studied consisted in taking what is called by chemists an atom of an element and breaking it up, time after time, until what proved to be the ultimate physical unit was reached, HYDROGEN The first chemical atom selected for examination was an atom of Hydrogen (H), On looking carefully at it, it was seen to consist of six small bodies, contained in an cggclike form, Fig. 1. Ic rotated with great rapidity on it own axis, vibrating at the same time, the internal bodies performing similar gyrations. The whole atom spins and quivers and has to be steadied before exact observation is possible. The six little bodies are arranged in two sets of three, forming two triangles that are not interchangeable. The lines in the diagram of the atom on the gaseous sub-plane, Fig 1, are not lines of force, but show the two triangles ; on a plane surface the interpenetration of the triangles cannot be clearly indicated. The six bodies are not all alike ; they each contain three smaller bodies—each of these being an ultimate physical atom or Anu. In wo of them the three Anu are arranged in a line, while in the remaining four they are arranged in a triangle. ‘The first thing that happens on removing a gaseous atom from its" hole’ or encirchng “wall is that the contained bodies are set free, and, evidently released from sremendous pressure, assume spherical or ovoid forms, the Anu within each re-arranging themselves, more or less, within the new ‘hole’ or ‘wall’. The figures are, of course, three-dimensional, and often remind one of crystals ; tetrahedra, octahedra, and other like torms being of constant occurrence. It is, of course, impossible to convey in words the clear conceptions that are gained by direct vision of the objects of study, and Fig. 2 is offered as a substitute, however poor, for the lacking vision of the readers. The horizontal lines separate from each other the seven substates of matter: solid, liquid, gas, ether 4, ether 3, ether 2, ether 1. The successive changes undergone by the Hydrogen atom are shown in the compartments vertically above it. It must be remembered that the bodies shown diagrammatically in no way indicate relative size; as a body is raised from one substate to the one immediately above it, it is enormously magnified for the purpose of investigation. When the gaseous atom of Hydrogen is raised to the E4 level the wall of the limiting spheroid in which the bodies are enclosed, being composed of the matter of the gaseous kind, drops away and the six bodies are set free. They at once re-arrange them- selves in two triangles, each enclosed by a limiting sphere : one sphere having a positive character, the other being negative. These form the Hydrogen particles of the lowest cetheric plane, marked EA (ether 4) in Fig. 2. HYDROGEN FIG. 1. HYDROGEN 2 OCCULT CHEMISTRY ‘On raising co E3, they undergo another disintegration, losing their limicing walls. The positive sphere becomes two bodies, one con- sisting of the two groups distinguishable by the linear arrangement of the contained Anu, enclosed in a wall, and the other being the third body enclosed on the E4 level and now set free. The negative sphere also becomes two bodies. one consisting of the two groups of three Anu, and the second, the remaining body, being set free. These free bodies do not remain on the E3 level but pass immediately to E2 leaving the positive and negative groups. each containing two groups of three Anu, as the representatives of Hydrogen on E3. On taking these bodies a step higher to E2 in their turn, their wall disappears, and the internal triads are set free, those containing the Anu arranged lineally being positive, and those with the triangular arrangement being negative. On again raising these bodies a step further, the falling away of the walls sets the contained Anu free and we reach the ultimate physical atom, the matter of El, the Anu. The disintegration of this sets free particles of astral matter, so that we nave thus reached the limit of physical matter. The building up of a gaseous atom of Hydrogen may also be traced downwards from the El level. Every combination begins by a welling up of force at a centre, which is to form the centre of the com- bination. In the first positive Hydrogen combination on the E2 level. an Anu revolving at right angles to the plane of the paper and also revolving on its own axis, forms the centre, and force, rushing out at its lower point, rushes in at the depressions of two other Anu, which then set themselves with their points to the centre. As this triad whirls round, it clears itself a space, pressing back the undifferentiated matter of the plane, and making to itself a whirling wall of this matter, thus taking the first step towards building up the chemical Hydrogen atom. A negative triad is similarly formed, the three Anu being symmetrically arranged round the centre of out-welling force. These triads then combine, two of the linear arrangement being attracted to each other and two of the triangular, force again welling up and forming a centre and acting on the triads as on a single Anu, and limiting wall being again formed as the combination revolves round its centre. The next stage, the E4 level. is produced by each of these combinations attracting to itself a third triad of the triangular type by the setting up of a new centre of up-welling force. Two of these Fic. gfit2 | uniting, and their triangles interpenetrating, the chemical atom is DI : THON cn formed and we tind it to contain all eighteen Anu. HYDROGEN Further details and diagrams concerning Hydrogen, based on later researches. aty given in Chapter 2. THE NATURE OF MATTER B THE ULTIMATE PHYSICAL ATOM OR ANU ‘As we have seen, a chemical atom may be dissociated into less complicated bodies: these. again. into still less complicated ; chese, again, into yet stil less complicated. After the third dissociation but one more is possible : the fourth dissociation gives the ultimate physical atom on the atomic sub-plane, the Anu. This may vanish from the plane, but it can undergo no further dissociation on it. In this ultimate state of physical matter two types of units, or Anu, have been observed : they are alike in everything save the direction of their whorls and of the force which pours through them. In the one case force pours in from the * outside,” from fourth-dimensional space, the Astral plane, and passing through the Anu, pours into the physical world. In the second, it pours in from the physical world, and out through the Anu into the ” outside ” again, ie, vanishes from the physical world. The one is like a spring, from which water bubbles out ; the other is like a hole. into which water disappears. We call the Anu from which force comes out positive or male: those through which it disappears, negative or female. All Anu, so far are of one or other of these two forms. Fig. 3. as observ positive NEGATIVE FIG. 3. THE ANU It will be seen that the Anu is a sphere, slightly flattened, and there is a depression at the point where the force flows in, causing a heartlike form. Each is surrounded bv a field. ‘The Anu can scarcely be said to be a” thing.” though it is the material out of which all things physical are composed. It is formed by the flow of the life-force and vanishes with its ebb. The life-force is known to Theosophists as Fohat. the force of which all the physical plane forces are differentiations. When this force arises in * space.” that is when Fohat “digs holes in space,"—the apparent void which must be filled with substance of some kind, of inconceivable tenuity—vAnu appear: if this be artificially stopped for a single Anu. the Anu disappears: there is nothing left. Presumably, wer “4 OCCULT CHEMISTRY that flow checked but for an instant, the whole physical world would vanish as a cloud melts away in the empyrean. It is only the persistence of that flow (the first life-wave, the work of the third Logos) which maintains the physical basis of the universe. In order to examine the construction of the Anu, a space is artificially made. (By ‘a certain action of the will, known to students, it is possible to make such a space by pressing back and walling off the matter of space.) Then, if an opening be made in the wall thus constructed, the surrounding force flows in, and three whorls immediately appear sur- rounding the “hole” with their triple spiral of two and a half coils, and returning to theit origin by a spiral within the Anu; these are at once followed by seven finer whorls, which, following the spiral of the first three on the outer surface, and returning to their origin by a spiral within that, flowing in the opposite direction—form a caduceus with the first three. Each of the three coarser whorls, flattened out, makes a closed circle ; each of the seven finer ones, similarly flattened out, makes a closed circle. The forces which flow in them again come from “outside,” from a fourth-dimensional space. Each of the finer whorls is formed of seven yet finer ones, set successively at right angles to each other, each finer than its predecessor: these we call spirillae. (Each spirilla is animated by the life-force of a plane, and four are at present normally active, one for each Round. Their activity in an individual may be prematurely forced by yoga practice.) In the three whorls flow currents of different electricities; the seven whorls vibrate in response to etheric waves of all kinds—to sound, light, heat, etc.; they show the seven colours of the spectrum ; give out the seven sounds of the natural scale ; respond in 4 variety of ways to physical vibration—flashing, singing, pulsing bodies, they move incessantly, inconceivably beautiful and brilliant. ‘The Anu is a sun in miniature in its own universe of the inconceivably minute, Each of the seven whorls is connected with one of the Planetary Logoi, so that each Planetary Logos has a direct influence playing on the very matter of which all things are constructed. It may be supposed that the three conveying electricity, a differentiation of Fohat, are related to the Solar Logos. Force pours into the heart-shaped depression at the top of the Anu, and issues from the point, and is changed in character by its passage; further, force rushes, every spiral and every spirilla, and the changing shades of colour that flash out from the rapidly revolving and vibrating Anu depend on the several activities of the spirals sometimes one, sometimes another, is thrown into more energetic action, and with the change of activity from one spiral to another the colour changes. The Anu has—as observed so far—three proper motions, iz., motions of its own, independent of any imposed upon it from outside. Ie eurns incessantly upon its own axis, spinning like a top; it describes a small circle with its axis, as though the axis of the spinning top moved in a small circle; it has a regular pulsation, a contraction and expan. sion, like the pulsation of the heart. When a force is brought to bear upon it it dances up and down, flings itself wildly from side to side, performs the most astonishing and rapid gyrations, but the three fundamental motions incessantly persist. If it be made to vibrate, as a whole, at the rate which gives any one of the seven colours, the whorl belonging to that colour glows out brilliantly. THE NATURE OF MATTER 6 An electric current brought to bear upon the Anu checks their proper motions, ie, renders them slower: the Anu exposed to it arrange themselves in parallel lines, and in each line the heart-shaped depression receives the flow, which passes out through the apex into the depression of the next, and so on. The Anu always set themselves to the current. Fig. 4. In all the diagrams the heart-shaped body, exaggerated to show the depression caused by the inflow and the point caused by the outflow, is a single Anu. ANU AFFECTED BY ELECTRIC CURRENT Fic. 4 The action of electricity opens up ground of large extent, and cannot be dealt with here, Does it act on the Anu themselves, or on molecules, or sometimes on one and sometimes on the other? In soft iron, for instance, are the internal arrangements of the chemical atom forcibly distorted, and do they elastically return to their original relations ‘when released ? In steel is the distortion permanent ? It will be understood from the foregoing, that the Anu cannot be said to have a wall of its own, unless these whorls of force can be so designated ; its " wall” is the pressed back “space.” As said in 1895, of the chemical atom, the force ~ clears itself a space, pressing back the undifferentiated matter of the plane, and making to itself a'whirling wall of this matter.” The wall belongs to space, not to the atom. NOTE NY C. JINARKJADEBA The sphere-wall of the Anu. Each Anu, as each group of Anu, whether few in number or making a large configuration as in Radium, has round it what has been termed a “ sphere-wall. This enclosing sphere is at a great distance from the central group and is. generally a sphere : there are a few exceptions as in Nitrogen, an ovoid. When writing out for publication the structure of the Anu, Annie Besant stated that the sphere-wall of the ‘Anu was composed of the “undifferentiated matter of the plane". From the beginning this has created difficulties for me, since the term used by her to describe the sphere-wall could only be composed of Anu. It was only Inter that a special investigation was made to examine the nature of the sphere-wall of the Anu. Though there were no final conclu- sions on the matter,at appeared to the investigator as if the sphere-wall was composed of 16 OCCULT CHEMISTRY forces radiating from the centre, which after travelling a certain distance, returned to the centre. The nature of this radiating force was not analyzed. Therefore, though the sphere-wall appears as a part of the Anu, itis only a temporary phenomenon. It was later discovered that the sphere-walls of Anu within the solar system were all compressed by the attraction of the sun. When so compressed the sphere-wall did not, as expected, have the shape of the dodecahedron, but that of the thombic dodecahedron. KOILON—THE AETHER OF SPACE The following account was written by C. W. Leadbeater in 1907. It is reproduced here as giving further essential details concerning the relation between the planes of nature and the structure of the Anu : The scientific hypothesis is that all space is filled with a substance called aether, as to the constitution of which many apparently contradictory statements are made. It is thought to be infinitely thinner than the thinnest gas, absolutely frictionless and without weight, and yet from another point of view far denser than the densest solid. In this substance the ultimate atoms of matter are thought to float as motes may be seen to float in the air, and light, heat and electricity are supposed to be its vibrations. Theosophical investigators, using methods not yet at the disposal of physical seience, have found that this hypothesis includes inder one head two entirely different and widely separated sets of phenomena. They have been able to deal with states of matter higher than the gaseous, and have observed that it is by means of vibrations of this finer matter that light, heat and electricity manifest themselves to us. Seeing that matter in these higher states thus performs the functions attributed to the aether of science, they have (perhaps unadvisedly) called these states etheric, and have thus left themselves without a convenient name for that substance which fulfils the other part of the scientific requirements. Let us for the moment name this substance koilon , since it fills what we are in the habit of calling empty space. What Malaprakriti or “ mother-matter" is to the inconceivable totality of universes, koilon is to our particular universe—not to our solar system merely, but to the vast unit which includes all visible suns. Between koilon and ‘Molaprakriti there must be very many stages, but we have at present no means of esti- ‘mating their number or of knowing anything whatever about them. To any power of sight which we can bring to bear upon it this koilon appears homogeneous, though it is not probable that it is so in reality. It answers to scientific demands in so far that it is out of all proportion denser than any substance known to us— * Greek word meaning llow “CJ. THE NATURE OF MATTER uv quite infinitely denser—belonging. to another arder and type of density altogether For the very keel and nexus of the whole conception is that what we call matter is not kkoilon, but the absence of Roilon. So that to comprehend the real conditions we must modify our ideas of matter and space—modify them almost to the extent of reversing our terminology. Emptiness bas become solidity and solidity emptiness To help us to understand more clearly let us examine the ultimate atom of the physical plane. (See Figs. 3 and 6.) It is composed of ten rings or wires, which lie side by side, but never touch one another. f one of these wires be taken away from the atom, and as it were untwisted from its peculiar spiral shape and laid out on a flat surface, it will be seen that it is a complete circle—a tightly twisted endless coil. This coil is itself a spiral containing 1,680 turns: it can be unwound, and it will then make a much larger circle. There are in each wire seven sets of such coils or spirillae, each finer than the preceding coil, to which its axis lies at right angles. The process of unwinding them in succession may be continued until we have nothing but an enormous circle of the tiniest imaginable dots lying like pearls upon an invisible string. These dots are so inconceivably small that many millions of them are needed to make one ultimate physical atom. They appear to be the basis of all matter of which we at present know anything; astral mental and buddhic atoms also are built of them, so we may regard them as fundamental units of which all material atoms on any plane yet attainable are composed. These units are all alike, spherical and absolutely simple in construction. Though they are the basis of all matter, they are not themselves matter: they are not blocks but bubbles. They do not resemble bubbles floating in the air, which consist of a thin film of water separating the air within them from the air outside, so that the film has both an outer and an inner surface. Their analogy is rather with the bubbles that we see rising in water, bubbles which may be said to bave only one surface—that of the water which is pushed back by the contained air. Just as the bubbles are not water, but are precisely the spots from which water is absent, so these units are not koilon but the absence of koilon— the only spots where it is not—specks of nothingness floating in it, so to speak, for the interior of these space-bubbles is an absolute void to the highest power of vision that we can turn upon them. ‘What then is their real content—the tremendous force that can blow bubbles in material of infinite density? What but the creative power of the Logos, the Breath which He breathes into the waters of space when He wills that manifestation shall commence ? These infinitesimal bubbles are the “holes” which “Fohat digs in space ”: the Logos Himself fills them, and holds them in existence against the pressure of the kkoilon because He Himself is in them. These units of force are the bricks which He uses in the building of His universe, and everything that we call matter, on however high or low a plane it may be, is composed of these and so is divine in its very essence. The Outbreathing which makes these bubbles is quite distinct from and long antecedent to the Three Outpourings which have been so frequently discussed in Theosophical literature ; it is not even certain whether it is the work of the Solar Logos or of One a stage higher still. The later Outpourings whirl the bubbles into the various arrangements which we call the atoms of the several planes, and then aggregate those atoms into the molecules of the chemical elements. 3 8 OCCULT CHEMISTRY ‘Thus the worlds are gradually built up, but always out of this selfsame material which to us seems nothingness, and yet is divine power. It is indeed a veritable creation, a building of sométhing out of nothing—of what we call matter out of a privation of matter. FIG. 5. BUBBLES IN KOILON THE NATURE OF MATTER » ‘The exact number of these bubbles included in an ultimate physical atom is not readily ascertainable, but several different lines of calculation agree in indicating it as closely approximating to the almost incredible total of fourteen thousand millions. Where figures are so huge direct counting is obviously impossible, but fortunately the different parts of the atom are sufficiently alike to enable us to make an estimate whose margin of error is not likely to be very great. The atom consists of ten wires, which divide them- selves naturally into ewo groups—the three which are thicker and more prominent, and ‘the seven thinner ones which correspond to the colours and planets. These latter appear to be identical in constitution, though the forces flowing through them must differ, since each responds most readily to its own special set of vibrations. By actual counting it has been discovered that the numbers of coils or spirille of the first order in each wire is 1,680; and the proportion of the different order of spirill to one another is equal in all cases that have been examined, and corresponds with the number of bubbles in the ultimate spirilla of the lowest order. The ordinary sevenfold rule works quite accurately with the thinner coils, but there is a very curious variation with regard to the set of three. As may be seen from the drawings, these are obviously thicker and more prominent, and this increase of size is produced by an augmentation (so slight as to be barely perceptible) in the proportion to one another of the different orders of spirillx and in the number of bubbles in the lowest. This augmentation, amounting at present to not more than 00571428 of the whole in each case, suggests the unexpected possibility that this portion of the atom may be somehow actually undergoing a change—may in fact be in process of growth, as there is reason to suppose that these three thicker spirals orginally resembled the others. ‘Since observation shows us that each physical atom is represented by forty-nine astral atoms, each astral atom by forty-nine mental atoms and each mental atom by forty-nine of those on the buddhic plane, we have here evidently several terms of a regular progressive series, and the natural presumption is that the series continues where we arc no longer able to observe it. Further probability is lent to this assumption by the remark- able fact that—if we assume one bubble to be what corresponds to an atom on the seventh or highest of our planes and then suppose the law of multiplication to begin its operation. so that 49 bubbles shall form the atom of the next or sixth plane, 2,401 that of the fifth. and so on—we find that the number indicated for the physical atom (49) corresponds almost exactly with the calculation based upon the actual counting of the coils. Indeed. it seems probable that but for the slight growth of the three thicker wires of the atom the correspondence would have been perfect. Te must be noted that an ultimate physical atom cannot be directly broken up into astral atoms. If the unit of force which whirls those millions of bubbles into the compli- cated shape of a physical atom be pressed back by an effort of will over the threshold of the astral plane, the atom disappears instantly, for the bubbles are released. But the same unit of force, working now upon a higher level, expresses itself not through one astral atom, but through a group of 49. If the process of pressing back the unit of force is repeated. so that it energizes upon the mental plane, we find the group there enlarged to the number of 2.401 of those higher atoms. Upon the buddhic plane che number of atoms formed by the same amount of force is very much greater still—probably the cube of 49 instead of 2 OCCULT CHEMISTRY ‘the square, though they have not been actually counted. It is also probable, though not certainly known, that the number of bubbles utilized by that unit of force is the same fon all these planes, though grouped on the physical as one atom, on the astral as 49 atoms, fon the mental as 2,401. Therefore one physical atom is not composed of forty-nine astral oF 2.401 mental atoms, but corresponds to them in the sense that the force which manifests through it would show itself on those higher planes by energizing respectively those numbers of atoms. The koilon in which all these bubbles are formed undoubtedly represents a part, and perhaps the principal part, of what science describes as the luminiferous sther, Whether it is actually the bearer of the vibrations of light and heat through interplanetary space is as yet undetermined, It is certain that these vibrations impinge upon and are Perceptible to our bodily senses only through the etheric matter of the physical plane. But this by no means proves that they are conveyed through space in the same manner. for we know very little of the extent to which the physical etheric matter exists in inter. planetary and interstellar space, though the examination of meteoric matter and cosmic dust shows that at least some of it is scattered there. ‘The scientific theory is that the aether has some quality which enables it to transmit at a certain definite velocity transverse waves of all lengths and intensities— that velocity being what is commonly called the speed of light. Quite probably chis tay be true of koilon, and if so it must also be capable of communicating those waves to bubbles or aggregations of bubbles, and before the light can reach our eyes there must be downward transference from plane to plane similiar to that which takes place when a thought awakens emotion or causes action. In a recent pamphlet on The Density of Aether Sir Oliver Lodge remarks “Just as the ratio of mass to volume is small in the case of a solar system or a nebula or a cobweb, I have been driven to think that the observed mechanical density of matter is probably an excessively small fraction of the total density of the substance, or zther, contained in the space which it thus partially occupies—the substance, of which it may hypothetically be held to be composed. Thus for instance, consider a mass of platinum, and assume that its atoms are composed of electrons, or of some structures not wholly dissimilar: the space which these bodies actually fill, as compared with the whole space which in a sense they ‘occupy,’ is comparable to one ten-millionth of the whole, even inside each atom ; and the fraction is still smaller if it refers to the visible mass. So that a kind of minimum estimate of ‘etherial density, on this basis, would be something like ten thousand million times that of platinum.” And further on he adds that this density may well tur out to be fifty thousand million times that of platinum. ~The densest matter known” he says,""is trivial and gossamer-like compared with the unmodified wether in the same space. Incredible as this seems to our ordinary ideas, it is undoubtedly an understatement ather than an exaggeration of the true proportion as observed in the case of koilon. ‘We shall understand how this can be so if we remember that koilon seems absolutely homogeneous and solid even when examined by a power of magnification which makes physical atoms appear in size and arrangement like cottages scattered over a lonely moor, and when we further add to this the recollection that the bubbles of which these atoms THE NATURE OF MATTER a in turn are composed are themselves what may be not inaptly called fragments of nothingness. In the same pamphlet Sir Oliver Lodge makes a very striking estimate of the intrinsic energy of the aether. He says “The total output of a million-kilowatt power station for thirty million years exists permanently, and at present inaccessibly, in every cubic millimetre of space.” Here again he is probably underestimating rather than over- estimating the stupendous truth. Te may be asked how it is possible, if all this be so, that we can be so utterly unaware of the facts—how we can pass through and move amongst so dense a solid as this koilon without seeing or feeling it in any way. The answer is that consciousness can recognize only consciousness—that since we are of the nature of the Logos we can sense only those things which are also of His nature. These bubbles are of His essence. and therefore we, who are also part of Him, can see matter which is built of them, for they represent to us vehicles or manifestations of Him. But the koilon in which they move is of some other and as yet unknown nature, and therefore it is to us non-manifestation, and so imperceptible. We pass through it just as easily and unconsciously as a gnome passes through a rock, or as the wind blows through a network of iron wire, We live in it as mites live in a cheese or microbes in a body. The world built up of fragments of nothingness is to us the visible reality, just as to a miner his mine is an objective reality even though it consists of empty galleries hollowed out of the solid rock. ‘As none of our investigators can raise his consciousness to the seventh plane. it will be of interest to explain how it is possible for them to see what may very probably be the atom of that plane That this may be understood it is essential to remember that the power of magnification by means of which these experiments are conducted is quite apart from the faculty of functioning upon one or other of the planes. The latter is the result of a slow and gradual unfoldment of the self. while the former is merely a special development of one of the many powers latent in man. All the planes are round tus here, just as much as at any other point in space, and if a man sharpens his sight until he can see their tiniest atoms he can make a study of them, even though he may as yet be far from the level necessary to enable him to understand and function upon the higher planes as a whole or to come into touch with the glorious Intelligences who gather those atoms into vehiclés for Themselves. ‘A partial analogy may be found in the position of the astronomer with regard to the stellar universe, ot let us say the Milky Way. He can observe its constituent parts and learn a good deal about them along various lines, but it is absolutely impossible for him to see it as a whole from outside. or form any certain conception of its true shape and to know what it really is. Suppose that the universe is, as many of the ancients thought. some inconceivably vast Being; it is utterly impossible for us, here in the midst of it, to know what that Being is or is doing, for that would mean raising ourselves to a height comparable with His; but we may make extensive and detailed examination of such particles of His body as happen to be within our reach, for that means only the patient use of powers and machinery already at our command. Let it not be supposed that, in thus unfolding a little more of the wonders of Divine truth by pushing our investigations to the very furthest point at present possible 2 OCCULT CHEMISTRY to us we in any way alter or modify all that has been written in Theosophical books of the shape and constitution of the physical atom, and of the wonderful and orderly arrangements by which it is grbuped into the various chemical molecules; all this remains entirely unaffected, Nor is any change introduced as regards the Three Outpourings from the Logos, and the marvellous facility with which the matter of the various planes is by them moulded into forms for the service of the evolving life. But if we wish to have a right view of the realities underlying manifestation in this universe we must to a considerable extent reverse the ordinary conception as to what this matter essentially is. Instead of thinking of its ultimate constituents as solid specks floating in a void. we must realize that it is the apparent void itself which is solid, and that the specks are but bubbles in it. That fact once grasped, all the rest remains as before. ‘The relative position of what we have hitherto called matter and force is still for us the same as ever it is only that on closer examination both of these conceptions of ours prove to be in reality variants of force, the one ensouling combinations of the other, and the real matzer (Koilos) is seen to be something which has hitherto been outside our scheme of thought altogether, How vividly. how unmistakably this knowledge brings home to us the great doctrine of Maya, the transitoriness and unreality of earthly things, the utterly deceptive nature of appearances! When the candidate for initiation sees (not merely believes, remember, but actually sees) that what has always before seemed to him empty space is in reality a solid mass of inconceivable density, and that the matter which has appeared to be the one tangible and certain basis of things is not only by comparison tenuous as gossamer (the “web spun by “Father-Mother"), but is actually composed of emptiness and nothingness is itself the very negation of matter—then for the first time he thoroughly appreciates the valuelessness of the physical senses as guides to the truth. Yet even more clearly still stands out the glorious certainty of the immanence of the Divine ; not only is everything ensouled by the Logos, but even its visible manifestation is literally part of Him, is buile of His very substance, so that matter as well as spirit becomes sacred to the student who really understands. Pethaps the consideration of these two factors may help us to comprehend many sratements in The Secret Doctrine, such as (to select two references at random) that “matter is nothing but an aggregation of atomic forces” (iii, 398) and that “ Buddha faught that the primitive substance is eternal and unchangeable. Its vehicle is the pure luminous ether, the boundless infinite space, not a void resulting from the absence of che forms, but on the contrary the foundation of all forms.” (ii, 402) Ie has been suggested (though this is merely a matter of reverent speculation) that in successive universes there may be a progressive diminution in the ise of che bubbles—sthat it may be the very glory of a Logos that He can sacrifice Himself to the titrmost by thus thoroughly permeating and making Himself one with that portion of koilon which He selects as the field of His universe. What is the actual nature of koilon, what is its origin, whether itis itself in any way changed by the Divine Breath which is poured into itthese are questions the {nswers to which investigation cannot as yet give, though they may perchance be found by an intelligent study of the great scriptures of the world. THE NATURE OF MATTER B NOTE BY C. W. LEADBEATER ‘There is a sentence in the article on “ Koilon”. It runs as follows. “By actual counting it has been discovered that the number of coils or spirille ‘of the first order in each wire is 1,680; and the proportion of the different orders of spirill to one another is equal in all cases that have been examined, and corres- ponds with the number of bubbles in the ultimate spirilla of the lowest order.” I counted all those 1,680 turns in the wire of the Anu, not once, but many times. I tried altogether 135 different specimens, taken from all sorts of substances. If we remove one wire from the Anu it can of course be straightened out into a circle. Really, however, it is not a single wire but a spiral spring. as in Fig. 6, and I called each of these little rings a coil, ot a“ spirilla of the first order.” “ a,” and I meant to explain ‘that there were 1,680 of these rings or turns or coils in each wire. But each of those coils is itself a spiral spring made up of finer coils (which we might call “b*) and I a) FIG. 6 THREE COILS IN AN ANU called those “ spirill of the second order,” and so on down to ™ spirill of the lowest order ™. In the seven thinner wires of the atom which correspond to the seven colours I find that each “spirilla of the first order,” “a,” is composed of seven “ spirillae of the second order“. “b” each “b™ in turn is composed of seven “cs, each “c” of seven “ds, and so on down to the “ spirilla of the lowest order" which is composed of exactly seven bubbles. Bur in the three thicker wires of the atom there is a very slight difference. The seven bubbles no longer fit exactly under one another, as it were. if one looks along or through the wire endwise; in 100 “ spirille of the lowest order™ there ought to be just 700 bubbles: so there are in the seven thinner, coloured wires, but in the three thicker wires there are 704. So the increase is at present 1 in 175. And the same curious little increase holds good in the relation of the different orders of spirillae. In the thinner wires exactly 7 spirillae of one order make 1 of the next higher order, so that 700 “bs make exactly 100 “as and so on; but in the thicker wires 704“b"s go to 100 “as, and the same curious proportion all throttgh. That is what I meant when I said that “the proportion of the different orders of spirillae to one another 24 OCCULT CHEMISTRY is equal, and corresponds with the number of bubbles in the ultimate spirilla of the lowest order.” THE ETHERIC SUBPLANES The first etheric subplane E1 is formed, as has been previously explained, by single ‘Anu, More or less complex combinations of these Anu form successively the second, E2, third. E3, and fourth, EA, etheric subplanes. The second subplane E2—The siraplest union of Anu, apparently never consisting fof more than seven, form the second etheric subplane. In Fig. 7 are shown some characteristic combinations of the E2 state; the Anu is conventional, with the depression emphasized. The lines, always entering at the depression and coming out at the apex, show the resultants of lines of force. Where no line appears entering the depression, the force wells up from four-dimensional space: where no line appears leaving the apex, the force disappears into four-dimensional space; where the point of entry and departure is outside the Anu, it is indicated by a dot. It must be remembered that the diagrams represent three-dimensional objects, and that the Anu are not necessarily all on cone plane. TYPES OF E2 MATTER 9999000888 OGOBVOOES GOGO FIG. 7 THE NATURE OF MATTER 2 The third Etheric Subplane E3- The E3 state. in some of its combinations, appears at first sight to repeat those of the E2 state: the only obvious way of distin- auishing to which some of the groups of less complexity belong is to pull them out of the “cell-wall”: if they are E2 groups they at once fly off as separate Anu; if they are E3 groups they break up into two or morc groups containing a smaller number of Anu. Thus one of the E2 groups of iron, containing seven Anu. is identical in appearance with an E3 heptad, but the former dissociates into seven Anu. the latter into two triads and a single Anu. Long-continucd research into the detailed play of forces and their results is necessary: we are here only able to give preliminary facts and details, are opening up the way. TYPES OF E3 MATTER 6 OCCULT CHEMISTRY The fourth etheric subplane E4—The EA state preserves many of the forms in the elements, modified by release from the pressure to which they are subjected in the chemical atom. In this state various groups are thus recognizable which are characteristic of allied elements. These groups are taken from the products of the first disintegration of the chemical atom, by forcibly removing it from its hole. The groups fly apart, assuming a steat variety of forms often more or less geometrical; the lines between the constituents of the groups, where indicated, no longer represent lines of force, but are intended to represent the impression of form, ic. of the relative position and motion of the consti- tuents, made on the mind of the observer. They are elusive, for there are no lines, ‘The ‘appearance of lines is caused by the rapid motion of the constituents up and down, or along them backwards and forwards. The dots represent Anu, within the elements, Fig. 9 ‘Two Anu, positive and negative, brought near to each other, attract each other, and then commence to revolve round each other, forming a relatively stable duality ; such 4 molecule is neutral. Combinations of three or more Anu are positive, negative or neutral, according to the internal molecular arrangement ; the neutral are relatively stable. the positive and negative are continually in search of their respective opposites, with « view co establishing a relatively permanent union. Speaking generally, positive groups are marked by the points of Anu being turned outward and negative groups by the points being turned inward towards each other and the centre of the group. ‘The groups show all kinds of possible combinations ; the combinations spin, turn head over heels, and gyrate in endless ways. Each aggregation is surrounded with an apparen: cell-wall, a circle or oval, due to the pressure on the surrounding matter caused by its whirling motion. The surrounding fields strike on each other and the 4sroups and rebound, dart hither and thither, for reasons we have not distinguished. TYPES OF E4 MATTER Bi ae QOD ee 639 C3969 62) Saye 2B OCCULT CHEMISTRY THE CHEMICAL ELEMENTS ‘The first thing which is noticed by the observer, when he turns his attention to the chemical atoms, is that they show certain definite forms. The main types are not very numerous, and we found that, when we arranged the atoms we bad observed according to their external forms, with a few exceptions they fell into seven natural classes. Fig. 10, The Spike Group The Dumb-bell Group The Tetrahedron Group The Cube Group The Octahedron Group The Crossed Bars Group ‘The Star Group NEVE YE Each atom has a spherical or oval wall, within which the various groups of Anu move, That wall is drawn us an ovoid in the case of Hydrogen; it must be imagined in the case of every other element. A sphere-wall is a temporary effect. caused by fone or more Anu in rotation. Just as a stream of air under pressure will make a hole on the surface of water, by pushing back that water, so is it with the groups As they revolve, the force of their motion drives back the circumambient medium. ‘That medium chus driven back by the atom element as it moves round its axis is the space around it which is filled with millions of loose Anu; it also drives back denser parts of what 's called astral matter. For instance the medium driven back by each separate funnel in Sodium us astral atomic matter. In the seven clearly defined forms it is worthy of notice that in divalent elements four funnels open on the faces of a tetrahedron ; in trivalent, six funnels on the faces of a cube; in tetravalent, eight funnels on the faces of an octahedron. Hore we have a regular sequence of the plutonic solids, and the question suggests itself, will further evolution develop elements shaped to the dodecahedron and the icosahedron ? Qe £F ee > RS BARS STAR FIG. 10. THE SEVEN FUNDAMENTAL FORMS OF THE ELEMENTS The Five Platonte Sotuals 7. Tetiapere conte ewe og é | 1 Oatdainon meen 9 Sorteatogn ond TonBaoom ay fy Fig.2 Cube Bec] Heh TE PLATO Sat Ibs THE NATURE OF MATTER 29 THE PLATONIC SOLIDS Fig. 11 shows the five Platonic Solids. It was seen during the investiga- tions at Weisser-Hirsch that all the chemical elements, with the exception of Hydrogen, ‘Oxygen and Nitrogen, appeared to be constructed in a way which suggested the well-known Platonic solids—tetrahedron, cube, octahedron, dodecahedron and icosa- hedron. No element suggesting the dodecahedron was found, but bodies which made the central nucleus in several elements had groups of six Anu at the twenty corners of the dodecahedron. ‘A most interesting fact was the discovery by a Spanish Theosophist, Senor Arturo Soria Y Mata, of the relation that exists between the tetrahedron, dodeca- hedron and icosahedron. He constructed models of five regularly interlaced tetrahedra, and the twenty points of these five tetrahedra, when joined, gave the surface of the twelve-sided dodecahedron, while the intersecting points of the tetrahedron and dodecahedron gave the comers of the icosahedron. He published a monograph, “ Genesis,” in Madrid in 1913 giving the diagrams and showing how to cut paper to make the various solids. There has never been any difficulty concerning the five solids, but it was he who for the first time gave the diagrams describing how to cut the twenty comers of five tetrahedra and join them together. It was only in 1922, when investigating the structure of Benzene, that the figure of the dodecahedron was found as the central uniting nucleus. of Benzene. 30 OCCULT CHEMISTRY IDENTIFYING THE ELEMENTS One difficulty that faced the investigators was the identification of the forms seen on tocusing the sight on gases. It was only possible to proceed tentatively, Thus. a very common form in the air had a sort of Dumb-bell shape. We examined this, comparing our rough sketches, and counted its Anu; these, divided by 18—the number of ulemate atoms in Hydrogen—gave us 23.22 as che atomic weight, and this offered the presumption thar the atom observed was Sodium. We then took various substances such as common salt, in which we knew sodium was present, and found the Dumb-bell form in all. In ther cases, we took small fragments of metals as Iron, Tin, Zinc, Silver, Gold ; in others, again. pieces of ore, or mineral waters. For the rarest substances, Mr. Leadbeater visited @ mineralogical museum, In counting the number of Anu in a chemical atom, we did not count hem throughout, one by one: when, for instance, we counted up the Anu in Sodium, we upper part, divisible into a globe and 12 funnels: a lower part, similarly divided; and a connecting rod. We counted the number in the upper part: globe—10, the number in two or three of the funnels—each 16; the number of funnels—12; the same for the lower pare; in the connecting rod—I4. Mr. Jinarajadasa reckoned: 10 + (16x 12) = 202; hence: 2024 202+ 14~418: divided by 182322 recursing, By this method we guarded our counting from any prepossession, as it was impossible for us to know how the various numbers would result on addition. multiplication and division, and the exciting momen, iin when we waited to see if our results endorsed or approached any accepted weighe Im the heavier elements, such as gold, with 3.545 Anu, it would have been impossible vy Gout tach Anu without quite unnecessary waste of time, when making a preliminary dnvesrigation, Later, it may be worth while to count each division separately, as in some we noticed that two groups, at first sight alike, differed by 1 or 2 Anu, THE PERIODIC LAW ar tours into which the elements fall when arranged according to their Faecal feums prove to be very similar to chose indicated in Sir William Croskes- ches Era ere oa Peementatiocl ft chs peste) ine cry eae By, Crookes in a lecture which he gave to the Royal Institution in Lond et Eibcary 18 1887. Crookes visualizes 4 cosmic energy at work on cosmie sobeanee wa ie terms “protyle”. We can imagine this energy as of two Kinde et fading <= if downwards, from above below, the other as if swinging yendulneron, fom sieht to left. left to right. The swing of the pendulum slowly narrows, Back frees ae, thythmic. and they meet and cross at set places ot periods, Where happens, then * proryle "is affected, and an element is generated, THE NATURE OF MATTER 3 BUILDING THE HEAVIER ELEMENTS In considering the heavier elements, especially those belonging to the radio-active group. we find a certain variation from the orderly progress. Alll the way down we have been in the presence of an evolutionary force steadily pressing downward into matter along a spiral line. At certain points this force encounters the perpendicular lines which represent the various types or tendencies. We can imagine a group of nature spirits, marshalled under the orders of some higher Power. building these atoms according to the plan of the line to which they belong, and then scheming how to introduce the additional atoms which have been gathered since last the force crossed their line, while still retaining the main characteristics of their original plan. ‘Among the heavier elements it would seem that the power of the distinctive type is becoming less in proportion than that of the evolutionary force, for this latter is beginning to carry on with it certain characteristics from one type into another. Elements show affinity not only with those above it but also with those next before it on the spiral. The results seem in some ways to suggest the idea that an effort is being made to evolve certain features which shall when perfected be imposed upon all types. When we find two different attempts to build the same element it suggests two attempts one of which may be more suitable and therefore ultimately become permanent. ‘We find the central sphere of the chemical atom always increasing in size and importance until in the Radium group it seems to be the soul of the atom and the reason for which it exists—an active intensely living object rotating with wonderful rapidity ever drawing in and throwing out streams of matter, and actually maintaining by its exertion a temperature higher than that of surrounding objects. The process of making the elements is not even now concluded ; Uranium is the latest and heaviest element so far as we know (1912), but others still more complicated may perhaps be produced in the future A list of all the elements with the number of Anu in each, their weights and their characteristic shapes. is given later. 32 OCCULT CHEMISTRY THE PERIODIC LAW (AFTER CROOKES) FIG. 12 In the line depicting @ pendulum swinging backwards and forwards, all the elements are marked in their order of weight: the lightest, Hydrogen, beginning the Pendulum swing, and the heaviest, Uranium, (and possibly one or more heavier, yet to be discovered) closing the swing. Among the upright lines is a middle one, and there are four on either side. If the middle perpendicular line represents no valency, and also interperiodicity, and if the four lines on either side of this median line represent Valency 1, Valency 2, Valency 3, and Valency 4; then, it is found, as the elements are mapped out in the order of their atomic weights at the intersecting points of the pendulum line and the nine upright lines, that the element appear in order of Valency. ‘With a few exceptions, elements with similar external forms fall on the same vertical line. This may be seen on reference to Figure 12. First come 4 elements which are formed before the swing of the pendulum begins. These are ovaids. The Spike Group—The atoms of each of the elements consist of a number of spikes radiating from a central globe in the centre of a plate-like form. The Dumb-bell Group—The atoms of this group consists of a central rod at the ‘ends of which we find a globe. From each of the globes project 12 funnels. The whole making a form like a dumb-bell. . ‘The elements in the dumb-bell and the spike group are those usually considered by chemists as having a characteristic valence of one or seven. They are found to right and left of the central line. The Tetrahedron Groups—The atoms of this group have four funnels, containing ‘ovoid bodies, opening on the face of a tetrahedron. The funnels generally, but not always, radiate from a central globe. There are two tetrahedron groups at opposite sides of the central line of the pendulum swing. Their characteristic valence is two or six, The tetrahedron seems to be one of the favourite forms of nature and appears repeatedly in the internal structure. There are two tetrahedron groups, to right and left of the central line. The Cube Group—The cube appears to be the form of trivalent elements. It has six funnels containing ovoids and opening on the faces of the cube. There are two cube Soups, at the left and right of the central line. The Octahedron Group.—Here we find eight funnels opening on the eight faces of an octahedron. The elements are tetravalent. The two octahedron groups occur at the ‘extreme left and right of the swing of the pendulum, The Bars Group—This is the characteristic shape of sets of three closely allied elements termed interperiodic. Fourteen bars, or seven crossed, radiate from a centre ‘This group occurs on the central line. The Star Group —A flat sta, with five interpenetrating tetrahedra at the centre, is characteristic of this group, which comprises the inert gases. This group occurs on the central line. THE NATURE OF MATTER 3 THE PERIODIC LAW (after Crookes) 4 OCCULT CHEMISTRY NOTE BY c. TMAREIADIEA In the address presented by Crookes to the Royal Institution in London, on February 18, 1887, he gave a diagram of the pendulum swing, marking the place of each element at certain points in his diagram. Later he made a model of the pendulum swing in three dimensions, with two lemniscates, Fig. 13. It occurred tome that it was possible to make a model of the Periodic Law with four lemniscates, This I did, carefully planning that each rod in the illustration should be pasted with millimetre paper so as to map accurately the elements according to their weights, Fig. 14. My object with this model of four lemniscates is that some day, by careful study of the diagrams of the elements in Occult Chemistry, future students would be able to make cross-lines joining one element with another, since the heavier elements particularly have many groups in common. In this model the interperiodic groups and the rare gases appear on the central line. The elements of the octahedron group appear on the four outermost lines. The other groups fall into their places berween. FIG. 13 THE PERIODIC LAW (CROOKES) CHAPTER 0 THE HYDROGEN GROUP INTRODUCTORY WE come now to the more detailed study of the elements, and shall consider the atoms in their groups according to the Periodic classification, using the pendulum diagram. ‘As has already been pointed out, the Anu group themselves into seven definite forms or types, though each chemical atom is surrounded by a sphere wall of the surround- ing material, forming a sphere of influence. There are a few exceptions which are ovoid in shape. Into the seven types the Anu are packed in a beautiful and ingenious fashion, On ‘examining the internal structure of the atoms we find more or less complicated groups capable of separate, independent existence on the EA level. These may be dissociated into yet simpler groups on the E3 level and again into groups at the E2 level until we arrive at the single ultimate physical atom or Anu. ‘The diagrams can give only a very general idea of the facts they represent. They give groupings and show relationships, but much effort of the imagination is needed to transform the two-dimensional diagram into the three dimensional object. The student should try to visualize the figure from the diagram. Thus the two triangles of Hydrogen are not in one plane: the circles are spheres and the Anu within them, while preserving to each other their relative positions, are in swift movement in three dimensional space. ‘Where tive Anu are seen they are generally arranged with the central Anu above the four, and their motion indicates lines which erect four plane triangles meeting at their apices, on a square base, forming a square-based four-sided pyramid. It is found that many of the groups in which the Anu are arranged constantly recur and are therefore common to many atoms, forming, as it were, the bricks or funda- mental patterns from which their structures are built. The composition of each atom. therefore, can be expressed in terms of these constituent groups. By this means the relationships between the elements in a given main group, and their similarities with other groups, is brought out. A method has been devised by which all the elements can be expressed in an algebraic formula by which the reader may realize the structure of the atoms as they are built up out of their constituent groups. Each constituent group is named after the first element in which it occurs. The letters indicating the element are followed by 2 number indicating the number of Anu in the group. Thus the Nitrogen ‘balloon ' becomes N 110 and the Lithium spike is repre- sented by Li 63. 36 OCCULT CHEMISTRY ‘When the elements are analyzed in this way we can see how they are built up. In some cases alternative nomenclature is possible. We have endeavoured to select those constituent groups which best bring out the relationships. The method is used, too, in the large condensed diagrams and where the heavier elements would require too large a diagram if drawn in full. From the list of all the elements, given at the end of the book, it can be seen that Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen and Fluorine, which appeared to be so different from the rest in their external forms, contain characteristic groups which form part of many other elements. From this list, too, we can follow the changes as the elements succeed one another in weight. Each dot in a diagram represents a single Anu. The enclosing lines indicate the impression of form made on the observer and the groupings of the Anu. The groups will divide along these lines when the element is broken up, so that the lines have significance ‘but they do not exist as stable walls or enclosing films but rather mark limits, not lines, ot vibration. It should be specially noted that the diagrams are not drawn to scale, as such drawings would be impossible in the given space. The dot representing the Anu is enormously too large compared with the enclosures, which are absurdly too small ; a scale drawing would mean an almost invisible dot on a sheet of many yards square. So far as a chemical atom is concerned it does not matter whether it be drawn for investigation from 2 solid, a liquid or a gas; the atom does not alter its constitution by changing its state. ‘The imternal arrangements of the atoms become much more complicated as they become heavier, as can be seen, for instance, in the complex arrangement necessitated by the presence of the 3.546 Anu contained in the chemical atom of Gold, as compared with the simple arrangement of the 18 Anu in Hydrogen. THE HYDROGEN GROUP Before the pendulum begins its swing we find four elements; Hydrogen, Adyarium, Occultum and Helium. Hydrogen is the lightest element known to science. Adyarium and Occultum were first observed by clairvoyance. Helium is one of the rare gases and is usually associated with Argon. It does not conform to the shape of the inert gases, however, though it has some constituents in common. It is therefore grouped with the earlier, lighter elements All four of these are ovoid in external shape. Atomic No. Number of Anu Element Analysis L 18 Hydrogen (23! + H3) + (3H3) la 36 Adgarium 43 + 4 Ad6 1b 4 Occultum — 2H3 + Ad 24 + Ocl5 + Oc 9 2 R Helium = -2H3 + (2H3! + H3) + (3H3) +2Ad24 HYDROGEN GROUP 3 OCCULTUM 4 HELIUM 38 OCCULT CHEMISTRY ATOMIC NO. 1 HYDROGEN Hydrogen was the first chemical element examined and has already been discussed in Chapter L The Hydrogen atom consists of 18 Anu arranged in 6 groups, each of 3 Anu, all contained in an oval form. The six groups are at six points in space; each of the three groups making one half of Hydrogen are linked to each other actoss space by lines of attraction, We have thus the appearance of two interlaced triangles. Figs 1 and 15 show the details and linking. Hydrogen atoms were not observed to move in pairs. In 1908 diagrams were given of the two halves of Hydrogen, but no record was then made of the types of Anu, positive or negative, within each group of three. Te was then presumed, from the general appearance of the groups, that all Hydrogen atoms were alike. In 1932, however, during a more detailed examination of the two Hydrogen atoms in a molecule of water, a second variety of Hydrogen was discovered. ‘Hydrogen Variety 1 is composed of two halves, a positive and a negative. On examining Fig. 16 it will be seen that the positive half or triangle is composed of 5 positive Anu and 4 negative, thus making it preponderatingly positive; and thar the negative half or triangle is composed of 5 negative Anu and 4 positive, thus making it preponderatingly negative. The six groups are not all alike: they each contain three Anu, but in four of the groups the three Anu are arranged in a triangle, and in the remaining two in a line. To these small groups we have given the identifying symbols H3 and H3'. In one large triangle all the three small groups have their Anu in the form of a triangle, while in the other large triangle two of the groups of three Anu are in a straight line and one in the form of a triangle, In the first edition of Occult Chemistry the two linear triplets are shown as being one in each triangle. Fig. 2. This variety was not observed by Mr. Leadbeater in 1932 and appears to be rare. The common variety is that described above and shown in Fig. 16. Hydrogen Variety 2 differs in the number of positive and negative Anu forming the atom. In the first variety there are a total of 9 positive and 9 negative Anu, in the second variety we find 10 positive and 8 negative. This variety is therefore predominatingly positive. Fig. 17. In the molecule of water, HO, one Hydrogen atom is of the first variety and the other of the second variety. Hydrogen = (2H3' + H3) + (3H3) 6 spheres of 3 Anu 18 Anu Number weight 38 = 100 HYDROGEN VARIETY 1. 9 + AND 9-ANU [EI] c9 99 000001 9900000000 —1 E2 E3 E4 ES HYDROGEN VARIETY 2. 10+ AND 8-ANU | 99VD99909 99999090909 WIG, 17 THE HYDROGEN GROUP 4 Deuterium. During observations on the electrolysis of water 2 very few examples of two Hydrogen atoms united in a temporary alliance were seen. ‘These two atoms were of varieties 1 and 2 and placed themselves at right angles to each other as in Fig. 18 This group of two Hydrogen atoms would have double the weight of ordinary Hydrogen, as is required for Deuterium. Sony Kpdroqre Dreteriom Fic. 18 2 OCCULT CHEMISTRY ATOMIC NO. 1A ADYARIUM. The discovery of this very light gas of atomic weight 2 (H=I), was announced in The Theosophist, December 1932. The external shape of the atom is spherical and it consists of 36 Anu. Twelve of these are divided into four groups of H3, one of which is placed at each of the four comers of a tetrahedron. Interlaced with this, tetrabedron is a second containing four groups of six Anu. Fig. 15. Here we meet ‘two forms which occur very often. First the group of six Anu arranged in the shape of a ‘cigar’ or elongated hexagon or prism. This we distinguish as Ad6. This form revolves with extreme rapidity around its longitudinal axis, and looks like a pencil sharpened at both ends. It appears to be strongly coherent, for, as will be seen later, its six Anu remain attached to each other on the E3 level, and even when divided into triplets on the E2 level these revolve around each other. In Adyarium four of these prisms are placed at the comers of a tetrahedron, thus forming the larger group which also occurs very often and which is distinguished as Ad 24. Te will be seen that the two groups of four bodies each form tetrahedrons, that is to say, their respective positions in space, as they individually revolve within the sphere-wall of the element, are those marked out by the eight corners of two interlaced tetrahedrons. Adyarium is rare in the atmosphere at the earth's surface, but it exists in seater quantity in the stratosphere. Like Hydrogen, it is being slowly lost to our atmosphere by radiation during the earth's journey round the Sun. But the rays of light from the Sun are combining sub-elements all the time, and the lost elements are being replaced by the new creations. ‘As this element was first observed by clairvoyant magnification at Adyar, we have called it Adyarium. Adyarium = 4.H3 + 4 Ad6 ~ Adi2 + Ad24 43 4 Ads 2 Any we Total = 36 Anu Number weight 7 = 200, THE HYDROGEN GROUP “a ATOMIC NO. 18 OCCULTUM Occultum was first observed in 1895 and, finding that it was so light and so simple in its composition, it was thought that it might be Helium, of which it was not possible at that time to obtain a sample. When, however, Helium itself came under observation in 1907, it proved to be quite different from the object previously observed. so the gas observed in 1895 was called Occultum, until orthodox science should find it. This element consists of 54 Anu and contains groups from Hydrogen and Adyarium. It is ovoid in shape. Fig. 15. We here meet the tetrahedron, Ad 24, as in Adyarium. Above the tetrahedron is a balloon-shaped figure. Oc9, apparently drawn into shape by the attraction of the tetrahedron. The body below the tetrahedron looks like a coil of rope, and contains fifteen ‘Anu, Ocl5. They are arranged on a slanting disc in a flat ring and the force goes in at the top of one Anu, and out of the bottom of it into the top of the next, and so on, making a closed circuit. The two little spheres, each containing a triplet, are like fill-up paragraphs to a compositor—they seem to be kept standing and popped in where wanted. The constituents of Occultum reappear in Gold and other elements. Occultum = 2 H3 + Ad 24 + Ocl5 + 0c 9. Tetrahedron Balloon Triplets Ring Total Number weight $4 m nN 8 OCCULT CHEMISTRY HYDROGEN C% (CS) & m 4 DISINTEGRATION OF Rn eee VARIETY 1 THE HYDROGEN GROUP 45 ‘ATOMIC NO. 2 HELIUM Helium is different in configuration from the other inert gases. It is made up of the whole of Hydrogen and a good deal from Adyarium. It is ovoid in shape and not in the form of a six-pointed star as are the other inert gases, and it is therefore included in this preliminary group. Fig. 15 shows that the four elements in this group are closely related. The two triangles of Hydrogen appear in Helium and two Ad 24 tetrahedrons. The tetrahedrons revolve round an egg-shaped central body consisting of two H3 spheres, and the triangles spin on their own axes while performing a similar revolution Helium is completely balanced, that is to say. itis seemingly self-sufficient: a positive tetrahedron of 4 Ad6 groups is counterbalanced by a similar tetrahedron which is negative. A positive half of Hydrogen is satisfied with a negative half and in the centre of all the two groups of 3 Anu, being positive and negative, satisfy each other. ‘The whole has an attractive airy appearance, as of a fairy element. Helium = 2H3 + 2 Ad24 + (2H3' + H3) + (3H3) Centre 6 Anu 2ad24 6 2 Triangles Bw Total = 72 Anu Number weight 72 = 400 THE DISINTEGRATION OF THE HYDROGEN GROUP HYDROGEN On the E4 level the six bodies contained in the gaseous atom instantaneously re-arrange themselves within two spheres; the two linear triplets unite with one triangular triplet, holding to each other relative positions which, if connected by three straight lines, would form a triangle with a triplet at each angle ; the remaining three triangular triplets similarly arrange themselves in the second sphere. These form the E4 compounds of Hydrogen. In the dissociation of these to the E3 level, each sphere breaks up into two, the two linear triplets joining each other and setting free their triangular comrade. Two cof the triangular triplets similarly remain together, casting out the third, so chat Hydrogen yields four E3 compounds. On the EZ level, the connexion between the double triplets is broken, and they become four independent groups, two remaining linear, but rearranging their internal relations; the two remaining groups are triplets. The final dissociation sets all the Anu free. Figs. 16 and 19. OCCULT CHEMISTRY ULT Cea 26@|2Q)3e (6) i {9900|@ ©) |. e318 | \oo, |} FIG. 2. DISINTEGRATION OF ADYARIUM, OCCULTUM AND HELIUM THE HYDROGEN GROUP a7 DISINTEGRATION OF ADYARIUM (On the E4 level Adyarium sets free the two tetrahedrons Ad24 and Ad12. (On the E3 level the Ad24 gives 4 sextets, 4 Ad6, wo positive and two negative ; while the Adl2 gives 4 triplets (On the E2 level each Ad6 gives two triplets, making 8 triplets in all. The triplets from the Adl2 each give a duad and a unit, thus liberating four duads and four units. DISINTEGRATION OF OCCULTUM The tetrahedron, Ad24, acts as in Adyarium on the E¢ level and separates asa whole, with its 4Ad6, flattening itself out within its hole. Two of the Ad6 are positive and two negative. On further dissociation to the E3 level, the Ad6 go off independently, showing two types. These again divide into triplets on the E2 level. The ring, Ocl5, becomes a ring within a sphere and the two triads 2H3, which fare loose in the gaseous atom, come within this ring. On the E3 level the ring casts out the two triads, which become independent triplets, and the ring breaks into two, a close ring of seven Anu and a double cross of eight. ‘These subdivide again to form E2 compounds, the ring yielding a quintet and 2 pair, and the double cross separating into its two parts. The two triplets each cast out an Anu on dissociation to E2 and form ewo pairs and two units. The balloon, Oc9. On the EA level the balloon becomes a sphere. On the E3 level it is much divided, the cohesion of its parts being slight. It forms two triplets, @ pair and a unit. On the E2 level these set free, on further dissociation, no less than five separate Anu and two duads. DISINTEGRATION OF HELIUM Helium, being composed of the constituents of Hylrogen, Adyarium and Occultum, breaks up as do these elements. On the E4 level we find two spheres each containing three triplets as in Hydrogen and two tetrahedrons, Ad24. In addition there is a globe containing two small spheres, 2 H3. On the E3 level the Hydrogen triplets break up as ir Fig. 19 and the two Ad24 as shown in Fig. 20, The globe containing the two H3 liber.tes the two triplets on the E3 level. On the E2 level the disintegration proceeds as shown in Figs. 19 and 20. CHAPTER III THE SPIKE GROUP ALL the eleven elements in this group occur on the left-hand swing of the pendulum. They are all of the spike type, somewhat similar to the diagram in Fig, 21, which is chat of Lithium. In most cases, however, there are a number of spikes of equal size, instead of one large spike and a number of smaller petals as in Lithium. Fluorine does not conform to the type since its spikes are reversed. From Potassium onwards the constituent group N 110 appears as the centre from which the spikes radiate. The most striking component in all the elements of this groups is that termed the Lithium spike, Li 63. How, with this Li 63 and N 110 as units, the elements of this family are generated ‘can be studied from the diagrams. Of course, additional smaller bodies are brought in but a wonderful symmetry appears, as if a Grand Geometrician were indeed the Builder. THE, SPIKE GROUP ATOMIC ANU ELEMENT CENTRE SPIKES 3 7 Lithium 4Lia 1(Li 63) +8 Ad 6 9 340 Fluorine 2N 110 82 Be4+H3'4Li4) 19 701 Potassium NMO0+6Li4 9 (Li 63) 25, 992 Manganese NuO 14 Li 63) 37-1530 Rubidium 3N 110 16 (Li 63 + Rb 12) 43-1802 Masurium 3N10 16 (Li 63 + Ma 29 (a or b) 55-2376 = Caesium 4N 110 16 (Li 63 + 2 Ma 29a) 61.2640 Minium 4N 100 16 (2 Li 63 + 119 or IL 14) 2736 IL Isotope 4N 10 16 (2 Li 63 + 1117 or HI 18) 69 = 3096 = Thulium 4N 110 16 (2 Li 63 + Tm 40) 73 3368 = Rhenium 4N 10 16 (2 Li 63 + Re 57) 87 400687 5N 110 16 (3 Li 63 + 8727) FLUORINE uTHIUM LITHIUM, ELEMENTS SPIKE GROUP FIG, 2 LITHIUM &) 8 O © © FLUORINE eS ee 2, LITHIUM, FLUORINE FIG. THE SPIKE GROUP 0 ATOMIC NO. 3, LITHIUM Lithium is a striking and beautiful form, with its upright cone, or spike, its eight radiating petals at the base of the spike: and the plate-like support. in the centre of which is a globe on which the spike rests. The spike revolves swiftly on its axis, carrying the petals with it: the plate revolves equally swiftly in the opposite direction. The central globe contains four small spheres, each of 4 Anu. These spheres are identified as Lid. The spike contains two globes and a long ovoid : the spheres within the globe revolve as a cross. Within the ovoid are five spheres. In four of these the Anu are arranged as a tetrahedron. The central sphere has an axis of three Anu surrounded by a spinning wheel of six. This spike occurs in all the members of this family and since it contains 63 Anu in all, has been distinguished in our diagrams and for purposes of teference, as Li63. Lithium = 4Lid + 1Li63 + 8Ad6 Central globe 16 Anu Spike of 63 Anu a. 8 petals of 6 Anu a Toul == 127 Anu ‘ATOMIC NO. 9. FLUORINE Fluorine is » most peculiar object like a projectile. The 8 spikes, reversed funnels coming to a point. are partly responsible for this warlike appearance. Each spike contains four small groups, three tetrads and a triplet. The cylindrical body is occupied by two spheres each containi this group occurs first in Nitrogen it is identified as N110. Fig. 22. Fluorine = 2N110 +8 (2Be4 + H3'+ Lid) 2.N 110 spheres 8 spikes of 15 A 10 Anu As 220 Anu mw Total Number weight 39 = 1888 OCCULT CHEMISTRY POTASSIUM COOGI® eGG509O RUBIDIUM QCOOGID ‘©OOOD CAESIUM Be) GLHQS 606609 FIG. 2 MASURIUM, CAESIUM THE SPIKE GROUP 3 ATOMIC NO. ©. MASURIUM Masurium was recorded by clairvoyant observation in 1909 and discovered spectroscopically in 1931. There are two varieties, each containing the same total number of Anu. Like Rubidium, Masurium, has sixteen spikes. Each spike contains the Li63 group and an ovoid. The ovoids each contain 29 Anu, but in different atoms these vary in their arrangements, as shown in Fig. 24. The central globe contains three N110. Masurium . 3N110 + 16 [Li63 + Ma29 (a or b)] Central globe 330, Anu 16 Spikes of 92 Anu un Total = 1802 Anu ATOMIC NO 56 CAESIUM Caesium is in many ways similar to its predecessors. It contains sixteen spikes. each consisting of one Li63 and two smaller ovoids of 29 Anu similar to those in the «variety of Masurium. The central globe consists of four N110 groups. Caesium = 4N110 + 16 (Li63 + 2 Ma29a) Central globe 40 Anu 16 Spikes of 121 Anu = 16. Total = 2376 Anu 2376 ‘Number weight 5° = 13200 t OCCULT CHEMISTRY TLLINIUM, ‘OD GD GCOOGIO FIG, 25. ILLINIUM, THULIUM THE SPIKE GROUP 55 ATomic NO «t ILLINIUM linium also contains sixteen spies, but cach contains two Li63 groups and a tiny floating cap. Alternate spikes have caps of nine and fourteen Anu respectively. The central globe contains four N110 groups. Minium 4N110 + 16 (2L:63 + 119 or T114) ene sake 8 spikes of 135 Anu 8 .. 140 Anu Tou 2640 Anw Number weighs 2622 1466s ISOTOrE OF ILLINIUY ‘CA curious fact is that a single atom of Illinium was found which appears to be a variant of Illimium : an absolutely unique specimen, identical with Mlinium except that the two litele caps contain seventcen and eighteen Anu respectively, instead of nine and fourtcen. s This gives a total of 2736 Anu which would give a number weight of 152 Minium b ANL1O + 16 (2L163 + IL17 or 1118) Central globe * 440 Anu Sipueset Ane =a Am TS Tost 26 An Numer weight 236 == 13200 ATomIc NO THULIUM Thulium is another sixteen spike element. Each spike consists of two Li63 groups revolving round a smaller central column ‘of 40 Anu. This central column contains three ovoids. The central globe contains four N110 groups. It is noteworthy that Thulium contains exactly the same number of Anu as the rsotope of Kalon, Meta-Kalon. > Thulium = 4N110 + 16 (2Li63 + Tm40). Central globe = 440 Anu 16 spikes of 166 Ann 2656, Total 30% Anu Number weight = 1 OCCULT CHEMISTRY POOGOIY a/ —— SS EB SOOO 380 \ OC9GID FIG 2%. RHENIUM, NO. 87 THE SPIKE GROUP 7 ATOMIC NO. 75 RHENTUM Rhenium was examined in 1961, having been isolated by science in 1922. Te contains sixteen spikes. Each spike is composed of two Li63 groups and a third ovoid containing 57 Anu. The central globe is composed of four N110 groups. Rhenium = 4N110 + 16 (2Li63 + Re57) Central globe = 440 Anu 16 spikes of 183 Anu = 298, Total = 3368 Anu Number weight 368 = is7u1 ATOMIC No. #7. 87 This element, with atomic number 87, was reported by science in 1930. It is very unstable. Te contains sixteen spikes, each spike being composed of three Li63 groups and a fourth ovoid containing 27 Anu. The central globe contains 5N110. 87 = SNLI0 + 16 (Li63 + 8727) Central globe 16 spikes of 216 Anu Total Number weight OCCULT CHEMISTRY LITHIUM ® S GLOBE PETAL SPIKE LI63 FIG, 27, DISINTEGRATION OF LITHIUM THE SPIKE GROUP 59 DISINTEGRATION OF ELEMENTS OF THE SPIKE GROUP Lithium, Fluorine, Potassium and Rubidium are the only elements in this group dealt with in detail. DISINTEGRATION OF LITHIUM The Lithium atom first breaks up on the E4 level into a globe, eight petals and cone spike. Fig. 27. The Globe. 4Li4. On the E4 level this forms a sphere containing 16 Anu arranged as four tetrahedrons. On the E3 level these become a group of sixteen Anu. On the E2 level four quartets are liberated, two positive and two negative. The Petal. Ad6. This group is identical with the Ad6 ‘cigar’ or prism already dealt with under Adyarium. On the E4 level eight of these are liberated. On the E3 level they give positive and negative sextets. On the E2 level each sextet gives two triads, one positive and one ness" The Spike. Li63. On the E4 level the spike rearranges itself so as - having the ovoid in the centre and the small spheres to left and right of it. ‘On the E3 level the spike breaks up into seven bodies. (@) Two groups, each of 12 Anu (®) Two groups, .. of 6 (©) Two groups, .. of 9 (@) One group, of 9 On the E2 level further disintegration occurs. Each (a) gives 4 triads. 4 positive and 4 negative, 8 groups in all (0) eo dude oe nll » (2) 4 duads and a unit 2 1, inal = (da sextet and a triple . 2. imal ‘Thus the total number of bodies on the E2 level is twenty-six. (On the El level all break up into single Anu. 0 OCCULT CHEMISTRY RUBIDIUM POTASSIUM @- f eles Pi He©) 6° Dd Oe® eh CENTRAL Glose | OVOID Roi? = $ SO Oe eral Pycooa (6 8 6 COOQOE 4 NI10 FUNNEL THE SPIKE GROUP a DISINTEGRATION OF FLUORINE, POTASSIUM AND RUBIDIUM FLUORINE The main body of this element is formed by two N10 groups. Fig. 28. ‘On the EA level they float off independently. On the E3 level the central ellipse forms a sphere while the six spheres of seven duads, NIA, are liberated. On the E2 level the ellipse gives six triplets and two quartets and each NI4 ives seven duads The funnels of Fluorine separate on the E4 level and are set free, becoming spheres. On the E3 level the funnels set free their contained bodies, each funnel giving three quartets and a triad. On the E2 level seven duads and a unit are formed. POTASSIUM ‘On the EA level one globe and nine spikes are liberated. The globe. The central part of the globe is the N110 group. Fig. 28. ‘On the EA level this forms a sphere surrounded by the six litte tetrahedrons, 6Li4. On the E3 level the N1JO disintegrates into a sphere and six N14, as already described under Fluorine, while the Lid tetrahedrons are liberated as quartets. Thirteen bodies are thus liberated on this level. ‘On the E2level the quartets Lid each give two duads while the N14 each give seven duads and the ellipse six triplets and two quartets. Half of these are positive and half negative. The Spikes. The spikes Li63 are identical with those in Lithium and their behaviour is as shown under that element. Fig. 27 RUBIDIUM Rubidium gives sixteen spikes and three N110 on the EA level The Globe. The central globe has three N110. Each of these is liberated on the E4 level and its disintegration proceeds as in the previous elements. Figs. 27, 28. The Spikes. The spikes are mote complicated than those of Lithium as they contain an extra ovoid RbI2, The Li63 group from the spike forms a sphere and behaves as in Lithium at all levels. as shown in Fig. 27. The ovoid Rb12 has a somewhat unusual form. On the EA level the triangles of the sextet revolve round each other. ‘On the E3 level the ovoid gives two triads and a sextet with two distinct triads. (On the E2 level the triads give duads and units. @ OCCULT CHEMISTRY Figure 29 shows in a condensed form all the elements of the spike group. The relationships and the way each atom is built up froma few constituents can be easily observed. LuTHIUM FLUORINE POTASSIU mancanese © wasunum (@S ‘CAESIUM JLUINIUM mm (29 " a7 o SPIKE GROUP peony ; y i a 8 DUMB-BELL FIG. 30. TYPES OF THE DUMB-BELL GROUP CHAPTER IV THE DUMB-BELL GROUP THE ten elements in this group are all of one type. What the type is will be seen from Fig. 30: the general shape was called a dumb-bell, as the best word to describe these elements. Each dumb-bell is composed of : 1. A connecting rod. 2. An upper part, or head, composed of twelve funnels revolving round 2 central globe. The twelvé funnels, as they radiate outwards from the globe, point slightly upwards or downwards alternately. 3, An exactly similar lower part, composed of twelve funnels, radiating from a similar globe. Each element is surrounded by a sphere wall. These elements occur to the right of the central line in the pendulum diagram. ‘Their characteristic valence is one. In the diagrams we give the connecting rod, the globe and one funnel. It will be seen that here, as in the spike group, we find certain characteristic groups which are built: into many of the elements. ‘The connecting rod in five elements is the same, and to this group we have given the distinguishing name of CL19. The rod in the last four elements steadily increases in size. The constituents of the Occultum atom appear frequently in Samarium, Erbium, Gold and 85. In the connecting rod, whenever there are two columns, as in Samariur they revolve perpendicularly round a common centre. When there are three columns, as in Erbium, they revolve round a centre which is the connecting rod C119, the three columns being at the comers of a triangle. When there are four columns. as in 85, they revolve round a common centre, being at the corners of a square. The connecting rod of gold is exceptional as it does not contain columns. The globes increase steadily in size as the weight increases. The analysis shows how these are built up. ‘The funnels aso increase in size. One very important group, C125. occurs in all the elements of this group from chlorine onwards. One isotope, that of chlorine was observed. “4 OCCULT CHEMISTRY THE DUMB-BELL GROUP STQMIC anu muemeNT nop cuoses FUNNELS ld 418 Sodium Nal¢ 2Nal0 24 (Nal6) Av 639 Chlorine cla 2Nal0 24 (Nal6+N9) = 24 CL25 29 1139 Copper clio 2 (2Be4+2Ad6) 2A (CL25+2B5+Cul0) 351439 Bromine cus 2 (Beie2HB+2N2) —24{Cl25+3GeI) 7 1385 Silber cus 2 (mNe5+2H3+2N2) 24 (Cl25e3 Gell+ AD 53 2287 Iodine clio 2 (3Be4+2H3) 24 (CL25+3Gell+5.1.7) 62 2,794 Samarium (2Sm84+ 4Sm06) 2Sm101 (24 (CL25+4 Gell+ Ag2l) 68 (3029 Erbium (CL19+3Sm84+6Sm66) 2Sml01 (24 (C125+4 Gell + Ag2l) 9 3546 Gold (4Sm84+16Au33 = Au864) 2 (Sm101+2Au38) (24 (C125+ 4Gell + Fe28) 85 3978 85 Au864 2 (Sm101+2Au38) 2A (CL25+2+4.85.15+ Fe28) ATOMIC NO. UL SODIUM Sodium is the simplest of the Dumb-bell group. It consists of a central rod, the bar of the dumb-bell, at each end of which is a globe from which radiate rwelve funnels. Rod. The rod consists of fourveen Anu arranged in three spheres of four, six and four Anu respectively. Globe. The globe from which the funnels radiate consists of two concentric spheres, In the inner one are four Anu, while six Anu are found in the outer circle. Funnel. Each funnel shows four enclosed bodies. chiefly made up of duads, as shown in Fig. 31 Sodium = Nald-+2Nal0 + 24Nal6. Connecting rod 14 Anu Upper part, 12 funnels of 16 Anu mw Central globe = wo - Lower par, 12 funnels of 16 Anu we. Central globe wo. Toul = 418 Anu Number wats $18 = ma THE DUMB-BELL GROUP ahs Bromine see * 8 EXQBE <@ 660 FIG, 31. SODIUM, CHLORINE, COPPER, BROMINE, SILVER, IODINE «6 OCCULT CHEMISTRY. ‘ATOMIC NO. CHLORINE Chlorine contains some of the fundamental patterns used in this group. Fig. 31. Rod. In the rod we find aif arrangement of five small spheres, containing three, four, five, four and three Anu respectively. This makes up the characteristic group CLIO which occurs again in a number of elements in the group. Globe. The globes are the same as those in Sodium, Funnel. The funnel, shown flat as an isosceles triangle, is somewhat compli- cated structure, of the same type as that in Sodium, the difference consisting in the addition ‘of one more sphere containing nine Anu. The whole funnel forms the characteristic ‘group C125, which occurs in all the succeeding elements in the group. ‘These close similarities point to some real relation between these elements. Chlorine = CL19 + 2Nal0 + 24C125, ‘Connecting rod 19 Anu Upper part, 12 funnels of 25 Anu co Central globe 0. Lower part, 12 funnels of 25 Anu 30 Central globe io) Total = 639 Anu Number weight $22 — 3550 18 ISOTOPE OF CHLORINE ‘This was specially looked for in sea water and found. The difference consists in the addition of one Anu to each of the 24 funnels, and of two Anu to each of the two globes round which the funnels revolve. A funnel of Chlorine consists of five spheres containing respectively 2,2,4,8, and 9 Anu. In the isotope, the arrangement is 2. 3.4.8, and 9. Each central globe of Chlorine contains ten Anu, an inner sphere of four Anu surrounded by an outer of six. In the isotope the central globe contains twelve Anu, an inner sphere of six Anu at the points of an octohedron, and an outer sphere of six. Fig. 31. The isotope is less common than the normal variety of Chlorine. Though a thorough investigation was not made of the difference between Chlorine and its isotope, nevertheless the impression gained was that the isotope was more positive than Chlorine. Chlorine a = CLI9+ 2 (Nal + 2) + 24 C126 Connecting rod 19 Anu Upper part, 12 funnels of 26 Anu 2 Central globe ice ‘Lower part, 12 funnels of 26 Anu a2 Central globe “Re Total = 667 Anu 67 Number weight 7 u $ R THE DUMB-BELL GROUP or ATOMIC NO. 2. COPPER Rod. The connecting rod in Copper is exactly the same as that in Chlorine, CL19. Globe. The ceneral globe contains two spheres of four Anu and a prism-shaped group containing six Anu. This is the Ad6 group, which is one of the most common of the constituent groups. Funnel. ‘The main portion of the funnel is that of Chlorine, C125. The funnel also contains additional bodies, notably a triangular cone containing ten Anu. Such a cone, built of varying numbers of Amu, occurs in other elements, such as Gold, Iron and Platinum. There are also two quintets, 2B5. Fig. 31. Copper = CLIO + 2 (2Be4 + 2Ad6) + 24 (C125 + 2B5 + Cul0) Connecting rod 19 Anu Upper part, 12 funnels of 45 Am Central globe Lower part, 12 funnels of 45 Ani Central globe ledges Torl = 1139 Anu Number weight 12? — 6328 atomic wo 33 BROMINE Rod. In Bromine the connecting rod remains unchanged, CL19. Globe. The globe seems to be formed from that of Chlorine. Two pairs of Anu are added and a rearrangement is effected by drawing together and lessening the swing of the pairs of triplets, thus making room for the newcomers. Funnel, Each funnel consists of the C125 and three additional groups. Gell, ovoid in shape, and each containing eleven Anu. Thus thirty-three Anu are added without any disturbance of form. The total number of Anu is here raised to 1439. Fig. 31. ‘Over and over again, in these investigations, were we reminded of Tyndall's fascinating description of crystal building, and his fancy of the tiny, ingenious builders busied therein. Truly are there such builders, and the ingenuity and effectiveness of their devices are delightful to see. Theosophists call them Nature-spirits, and often use che mediaeval term elementals. Beings concerned with the elements truly are they. even with chemical elements. Bromine = CL19 + 2 (Bet + 2H3 + 2N2) + 24(C125 + 3Gel1) Connecting rod 19 Anu Upper part, 12 funnels of 58 Anu = 696, Central globe “uw Lower part, 12 funnels of 58 Anu= 69 Central globe =m. Tol = 14399 Anu Number weight 1B? — 79.94 6 OCCULT CHEMISTRY ATOMIC NO #7 SILVER Rod. The connecting rod in Silver is the C119. Giobe. The globe is similar to that in Bromine, except that the small central sphere has five Anu instead of four. Funnel, The funnel contains the C125 and the three Gell, as in Bromine, but it adds a triangular group of 21 Anu. In this it resembles copper and other metals. Fig. 31- Silver - C119 +2 (m-Ne5 + 2H3 + 2N2) + 24 (C125 +3 Gell + Ag2l) Connecting rod 19 Anu Upper part, 12 funnels of 79 Anu 48 Central globe 15 Lower part, 12 funnels of 79 Anu “8 Central globe bw Total = 1945 Anu Number weight 1945 — 10806 18 ATOMIC NO. 53, IODINE Rod. The connecting rod is the CL19. Globe. The central globe contains three quartets and two triplets, Funnel. ‘The funnel contains the C125 and three Gell, as in Bromine, and adds five ovoids, 7, each containing seven Anu. Fig. 31. Iodine = C119 + 2 (3Be4 + 2H3) + 24 (C125 + 3Gell + 517) Connecting rod 19 Anu Upper part, 2funnelsof 93 Anu= 1116, Central globe wy Lower part, I2funnelsof 93 Anu= 116, Central globe mS Total 2287 Anu Number weight 7287 — 127.06 THE DUMBBELL GROUP cc) ATOMIC NO.«2, SAMARIUM This element seems to be an intermediate stage between Silver and Gold. Fig. 32. Rod. The connecting rod is yet in embryo, for it has not the wonderful solar system which makes so splendid an appearance in Gold. It has evolved already the curious form, Sm84, with its four rope-like rings, Oc. 15.. borrowed from Occultum. Two of these ‘Sm84 groups appear in Samarium and four in Gold. The Au33 groups, also derived from Occultum, which rotate round the central sphere in the rod of Gold. appear in this element but are curiously doubled. The rod contains, in all. six bodies, forming two columns which revolve round a common centre. The rod will be found on close examination to be constructed from the constituents of eight atoms of Occultum Globe. The globes at the top and bottom of the dumb-bell have now become a complex body which may be distinguished as Sml01. Each globe consists of a central small sphere of five Anu, surrounded by a ring of six duads. ‘These are again surrounded by a ring of twelve L7 groups. Funnel. ‘The funnels are identical with those of Silver, except that the C125 is slightly rearranged and there are four Gell instead of three. It contains the triangular- shaped body containing 21Anu, Ag2l. ‘There is some reason to believe that this element is the Autichalcum of the Atlanteans, as described by Plato. If so, it probably exists in much greater quantity than is yet known. ‘Samarium is considered to be one of the Rare Earths and chemists are undecided how best to assign places in the Periodic Table to these elements. It will be seen that the arrangement suggested in this book. and confirmed by the sequence of characteristic shapes, gives a scheme whereby all these elements fall naturally into the groups. Samarium == (2Sm84 + 4Sm66) + 2Sm101 + 24 (C125 + 4Gell + Ag2l) Connecting rod 432 Anu Upper part, 12 funnels of 90 Anu = 1090 Central globe Lower part, 12funnels of 90 Anu Central globe 2 OCCULT CHEMISTRY ATOMIC NO. 6. ERBIUM Rod. The connecting red follows the pattern of Samarium, but it contains three columns instead of two and these columns contain the constituents of twelve Occultum atoms, In addition there is the group CL19 which appears as the connecting rod in the earlier elements. The three columns are placed at the corners of a triangle and revolve round the C119, - Globe. The globe is the Sm101 group which forms the globe of Samarium. Funnel. The funnels are identical with those of Samarium. Fig. 32. Erbium = (C119 + 3Sm84 + 6Sm66) + 2Sm101 + 24 (C125 + 4 Gell + Ag2l) Connecting rod = 667 Anu Upper part, 12 funnels of 90 Anu 1080, Central globe =m . Lower part, 12 funnels of 90 Anu = = 1080, Central globe = im . = 3029 Anu Number weight 16827 THE DUMB-BELL GROUP n Samarium FIG, 32 SAMARIUM, ERBIUM R OCCULT CHEMISTRY ATOMIC NO. GOLD Gold is so complicated that‘it is difficult to recognise the familiar dumb-bell in this ‘elongated egg, but when we come to examine it the characteristic groupings appear. The eg is the enormously swollen connecting rod, and the upper and lower funnels with their central globes are the almond-like projections radiating from an ovoid. Round each almond is a shadowy funnel (not drawn in the diagram) and within the almond is the collection of bodies shown in the diagram of the funnel. Figs. 30 and 33. Rod, The rod contains four groups, Sm84, in the centre, and sixteen Au33 groups ‘arcling round them. These sixteen groups are arranged in two planes inclined to one another, The whole rod is made from the constituents of sixteen atoms of Occultum, Globe. ‘The central globe here becomes an ovoid and is made up of one sphere, as 1m Samarium, SmI01, and two new spheres, Au38. Funnel, ‘The funnels are exactly like those of Samarium and Erbium except that the triangular body has twenty-eight Anu, as in Iron. Gold = (4Sm84 + 16Au33) + 2 (Sm101 + 2Au38) + 24 (C125 + 4Gell + Fe28), ‘Connecting rod 864 Anu Upper part, 12 funnels of 97 Anu ue, Central globe a Lower part, 12 funnels of 97Anu = 1164, Central globe = m7 . Number weight m4 OCCULT CHEMISTRY [ATOMIC NO. 8. 85 This element follows the pattern of Samarium and Erbium, Figs. 32 and 34. Rod. The rod is very large and, like that of gold, contains the constituents of sixteen Occultum atoms. In No. 85, however, these groups are arranged in columns as in Samarium, though here we bave four columns instead of two, The four columns are arranged at the corners of a square and rotate round a centre. Globe. ‘The globe is as in gold and contains one Sm101 and two Au38 spheres Funnel. The funnel is like that of Gold but there are 18 extra Anu packed in. This is done, first by adding two Anu to the C125 unit, two of the upper duads be- coming triplets. Then instead of the four Gell groups we have four groups made up of two spheres of four Anu and one sphere of seven Anu. So we have four groups of fifteen Anu instead of four of eleven. The Fe28 cone comes at the mouth of the funnel. 85 = AuB64 +2 (SmI01 +2 Au38) +24 (Cl. 2542 + 4. 85. 15 + Fe28) Connecting rod 864 Anu Upper part, 12 funnels of 115 Anu 1380 Central globe ae Lower part, 12 funnels of 115 Anu 2. Central globe me Total = 3978 Anu Number weight °978 = 201.00 THE DUMB-BELL GROUP % NO OCCULT CHEMISTRY z oF ® S va ® oe & © alaal® a 0 0 0je @lee@ ,| © THE DUMR-BELL GROUP 7 DISINTEGRATION OF THE DUMB-BELL GROUP SODIUM, Sodium gives the basic pattern of disintegration for the whole group. Fig. 35. When Sodium is set free from its gaseous condition it divides up into 31 bodies : twenty- four separate funnels, four bodies derived from the two globes and three from the connect- ing rod, each with more ot less complex contents. Funnels. On the E4 level each funnel becomes a sphere containing four bodies, 2a, 1b and Ie. On the E3 level the two duads a become entirely independent and on the E2 level the four Anu break off from each other and gyrate in independent solitude. The contents of the & group unite into a quartet which, on the E2 level, yields ‘wo duads. The contents of the group are re-arranged on the E3 level. giving two groups of four within a common sphere. On the E2 level the sphere yields four duads Globes. Each globe yields a sextet and a quartet on the EA level. On the E3 level the sextet. with its six Anu whirling round a common centre, becomes grouped into ‘two triplets, preparing for the complete separation of these on the E2 level. The quartet, a whitling cross with an Anu at each point, becomes a quartet on the EB level, in which three Anu revolve round a fourth. In the E2 state the central Anu is set free, resulting in a triplet and a unit. Rod. On the EA level the rod sets free two quartets and a peculiarly formed sextet, Each of the quartets liberated from the Rod shows four Anu whirling round a common centre, exactly resembling in appearance the quartet from the globe. But there must be some difference of inner relation for, in the E3 state. they act differently. Those from the Rod re-arrange themselves as two pairs and divide into two duads on the E2 level. The sextet is a four-sided pyramid with two closely joined Anu at its apex. These still cling to each other in mutual revolution as an E3 body, encircled by a ring of four. ‘On further disintegration to the E2 level this leads to three duads. OCCULT CHEMISTRY ANIGOI “WATS "NIMOWE “wEadod 40 STANNA JO NOLLYYOIINISIA %* “OLE at av Olnd saz 6N oO @- Ay |G®D hae © @ © 8 @ eo} &s% a) 66/66| @ 66/@0/%5 va 3NIGOI uaATIs aNINOUS wadd0o 3NIUOTHO THE DUMB-BELL GROUP nv DISINTEGRATION OF CHLORINE Funnels. On the E4 level the 24 funnels, CL25. form spheres as do those of Sodium. The small additional sphere, N9, containing three groups of three Anu, remains within this funnel-sphere. Figs. 35 and 36. Globes. The globes are identical with those of Sodium and disintegrate in the same way. Fig. 35. Rod. The connecting rod, CL19, is common toa number of elements. Fig. 36. On the E4 level it sets free 5 bodies, two triplets, two tetrads and a quintet, the latter in the form of a four-sided pyramid. On the E3 level we find the two triplets and the two quartets. The quintet has become a ring of 4 Anu whirling round a central unit. On the E2 level these further disintegrate yielding 8 duads and 3 units. DISINTEGRATION OF COPPER Funnels. Each funnel in Copper contains a lower part which is identical with the funnel of Chlorine, C125. This lower part disintegrates as shown in Figs. 35 and 36, The upper part of the funnel provides us with new types, the two spheres of ten Anu. The Anu in these spheres are curiously arranged. One sphere. a, consists of two square-based pyramids, 2B5, turned so as to meet at their apices. It breaks up into two quartet-ring and a duad on the E3 level. On the E2 level it forms 4 duads and 2 units. The sphere. 4, also contains two four-sided pyramids but their bases are in contact and set at right angles to each other: the second apex is not seen in the diagram as it is directly below the first. The pyramids separate as E3 bodies and the Anu assume the peculiar arrangement indicated. On the E2 level, they break up into four pairs and two units. Globe. Fig. 37. Each globe contains two spheres of 4 Anu and two Aué groups. The globe is set free on the EA level but does not break up. On the E3 level it forms two quartets and two sextets. (On the E2 level we find 8 smaller bodies, four triads and 4 duads. Red, C119 disintegrates as in Chlorine. Fig. 36. ANIGOI WAATIS ANIMOWT WIddOD {0 SIIOID JO NOMLVYOSINISIA “ie “OI THE DUMBBELL itt? aL DISINTEGRATION OF BROMINE Funnels, The funnels of Bromine act similarly to those of Chlorine. Fig. 36. There fare, however. three extra ovoids, Gell, each containing two triplets and a quintet. This ‘ovoid, which is shown in Fig. 36. gives, on the E3 level, ewo triplets and a ring of four Anu ‘with another in the centre. On the E2 level we find four duads and two units. Globes. The globes are set free on the E4 level. Fig. 37. The quartets and the two triplets whirl in a plane vertical to the paper and the two duads on a plane at right angles to this. On the E3 level the two duads together form a linear quartet. The central quartet gives a whirling cross and the two triplets a single sextet. ‘On the E2 level these dissociate into four duads and two triplets. Rod. C119 disintegrates as does that of Chlorine. Fig. 36. DISINTEGRATION OF SILVER Funnels. The funnels of Silver are very similar to those of Bromine. On the E4 level we find the sphere-funnel of Chlorine. Figs. 36 and 37. Then we come to the three ovoids, Gell, each containing two triplets and a quintet. Their disintegrations ate shown under Bromine. Fig. 36. Finally we find the triangular-shaped body, Ag21, at the apex of the funnel, On the E4 level this forms three triangles joined at their apices, in fact a tetrahedron in which no Anu are distributed on the fourth face. On the E3 level these three faces separate and give three septets. On the E2 level each of the septets gives two triplets and a unit. Globes. These are set free at the E4 level. Fig.37. Each contains two triplets and two duads revolving round a central group of five. The pentad and the two triplets whirl in a plane vertical to the paper and the two duads in a plane at right angles to this. ‘The pentad is a four-sided pyramid on a square base. On disintegration to the E3 level they form a linear quartet. a sextet and a body of five Anu, On the E2 level they disintegrate as shown in Fig. 37. giving two triplets. four duads and a unit. Rod. The rod behaves as in Chlorine. DISINTEGRATION OF IODINE Funnels. These funnels are like those of Bromine, with the addition of 5 ovoid bodies, 5.17. at the top of each. The disintegration of the funnels is shown in Figs. 36. 37. ‘The lower part of the funnel acts as in Chlorine and the 3 ovoids, Gell, as in Bromine. On the EA level the ovoids. 17, become spheres when the funnels are thrown off, and a crystalline form is indicated within the sphere. The Anu are arranged in two tetrahedrons. with a common apex, and the relationship is maintained in the E3 body. a septet. This latter breaks up into two triplets and a unit on the E2 level. Fig. 36. Globes. The globes resemble those of Bromine save that they each contain two quartets instead of two duads on the E4 level. These disintegrate as usual on the E3 level giving three quartets and also one sextet as in Bromine. On the E2 level we get two triplets and six duads Rod. The rod is similar to that in Chlorine and dissociates in the same way. OCCULT CHEMISTRY 2 ‘TaNNNd @ 8a08 a a © 66 g® @ 66%: 2'@ @ 0 8 @ © a a aio THE DUMBBELL GROUP & DISINTEGRATION OF GOLD Funnels. Fig. 38. On the EA level the 24 funnels first separate as complete funnels, but this condition does not last. The motion of the funnels changes and they finally cease to exist, setting free their contents. ‘At stage two on the E4 level, therefore, we have each funnel liberating nine independent bodies. The whole arrangement is very similar to that of Silver, and we find here also a four-sided pyramid, but it contains 28 Anu instead of 21 and is similar to that in Iron. On the E3 and E2 levels all these break up into the simple bodies with which we are already familiar in Chlorine, Bromine and Silver. Globes. Fig. 39. The globes each contain three bodies, Sm101 and 2 Au38, and these are first liberated on the E4 level ‘The Sm1O1 gives 13 bodies at the second stage of the E4 level The 12 septets form prisms as in Iodine and pursue the same course on the E3 and E2 levels. The central body, a four-sided pyramid with six attendants, remains as a single unit on the EA level. On the E3 level we find these as six duads revolving round a ring of four with a central Anu: while on the E2 level these duads go off independently and the ring breaks up. In the Au38 the tetrahedron, Ad24, follows its course as shown, breaking up into positive and negative groups of six at the E3 level and into triplets at the E2 level ‘The other tetrahedron in Au38 sets free two quartets and two triplets on the E3 level, yielding six duads and two units as E2 compounds. Rod. Fig. 40. At the first stage the 16 bodies, Au33, on the central inclined planes break away, the central globe with its four contained globes, Sm84, remaining unchanged. This is not permanent however. ‘At the second stage of E4 the sixteen Au33 separate into two groups and disinte- grate on the E3 level as in Adyarum and Occultum. The cigars, Ad6, form four sextets, ‘two negative and two positive. On the E2 level they give 8 triplets. The balloon, Oc9, gives on E4 a body with re-arranged Anu and on the E3 level wo triplets, a duad and a single Anu. On the E2 level we find five single Anu and ewo duads. The sphere, Sm84, forms four tings of 15 Anu at the second stage of E4, and an ovoid containing 24 Anu. On the E3 level each ring forms two bodies of 7 and 8 Anu respectively. On the E2 level these form a quintet, two quartets, and a duad. The central ovoid with its two contained bodies breaks up into eight triangles on the E3 level and each of these on the E2 level into a duad and a unit. a @- © eS Sy & 3 OL: QD O) G2 oY eo @ o 8 Oo} © e4}--------48-------- Td. Gtos Sm101 @= @ ) Oe @| O® H BO o. & & i) 86. OCCULT CHEMISTRY Fig. 41 shows the Dumb-bell group in a condensed form, from which the relationships in this group may be studied. 6 <= snven => 6 ems #8 ‘SAMARIUM FIG. 41, THE DUMB-BELL GROUP VALEWT He a EYPLS UF THE TRTRAHEDRON GROUP CHAPTER V THE TETRAHEDRON GROUP A THE twelve elements in this group occur on the swing of the pendulum to the left of the central line. ‘They are all tetrahedrons in shape, with the exception of Oxygen, which is ovoid. ‘Their characteristic valence is 2 Each element has four funnels of which two are positive and two negative. The last two elements add 4 spikes directed to the comers of the tetrahedron. Fig. 42, ‘As we proceed with this study we shall find how continual are the repetitions, and how Nature, with a limited number of fundamental methods, creates by varied com- binations her infinite variety of forms. ATOMIC TQMIC anu 4 8 BS #6 Be B Sex 164 290 720 936 1,568 1.746 2.455 2575 3131 3299 4,087 4267 ELEMENT CENTRE Beryllium Bet Onygen —(55N2#507) +(55N2+50.7) Calcium (8Li4+8Ad6) =C260 Chromium (8N6+8Ad6) Strontium — (8B5+817) =Sr96 Molybdenum (N2+Sr96) Barium (17+5r96) Neodymium (Ce667) Yeeerbium — (Yb651) Tungsten (Lu819) Radium (LuB19) Uranium —_(Lu819) 4 FUNNELS 4 (Belo) 4 (Cad5+Ca70+ Cas) 4Ca160 4 (Cal60+2C525) 4 (2Cal60+2Sr24) 4 (2Ca160+2Mo46) 4 (2Cal60-+2Mo46 + Ba33 + Li63b+ Ba80) 4 2Cal60+2Mo46+Nd65) 4(2Ca160+2Mo46+ Cal60 +Yb48)=4Yb620 4 (yb620) 4 (3Cal60+3Mo46) 4 (3Cal60+ 3Mo46) 4 SPIKES 4 GLi63+Culo) 4 BLi63+ Ur36 +Url9) 8B OCCULT CHEMISTRY BERYLLIUM OXYGEN FIG, 43. BERYLLIUM, OXYGEN THE TETRAHEDRON GROUP A » ATOMIC NO. 4 BERYLLIUM Beryllium is the simplest member of this group. It consists of four funnels radiating from a central globe, each funnel opening in the face of a tetrahedron. Fig. 43. Globe. The globe contains four Anu only. Bed, Funnels, Each funnel contains four ovoids. These ovoids are composed of ten ‘Anu arranged as two triplets and a quartet Beryllium = Bet + 4 (4Bel0) Central Globe = 4 Anu funnels of Anu = 160, Toul = 164 Anu Number weighe 4 = 911 ATOMIC NOs. OXYGEN Te was very early noted that Hydrogen, Oxygen and Nitrogen were quite different in structure from the general run of the elements. Nearly all the elements are built on the model of the regular solids, tetrahedron. cube and octahedron, but Hydrogen, Oxygen and Nitrogen seem totally distinct. An interesting suggestion has been made that these three may in teality belong to quite another scheme of elements. The gaseous atom of Oxygen is an ovoid within which a spirally-coiled, snake-like body. with five brilliant points of light shining on each of the coils, revolves at a high velocity. The snake-like body is really double. one half being negative and one positive. Fig. 43a shows diagramatically this double spiral. Oxygen. however, has an appearance of solidity due to the fact that the two spirals spin round a common axis, in opposite directions, and so present a continuous surface. The brilliant bodies seen in the atom are on the crests of the waves in the positive snake, and in the hollows in the negative one ; small bead-like bodies interpose between the larger brilliant spheres. These smaller bodies making up the spirals are very simple, being tiny spheres of two Anu, N2. ‘The larger spheres have seven Anu, but are of two types, 0.7 and O.7'. Fig. 43b is that of the Oxygen atom, showing the two spirals revolving in opposite directions producing the correct effect of a rounded body. One spiral is positive and the other negative, and each represents therefore one half of Oxygen. We shall call each + O. At first sight, the two halves seem alike, except for the difference in their twist; there is however a fundamental difference. Each 40 contains five large spheres of seven Anu. These are different in con- figuration according as they belong to the positive + O, or to the negative + O. Fig. 4. OCCULT CHEMISTRY t 7220080) @9090. Finsy Vaery 7 aaeeeaGPedsoe Z 'COOCOOOCC0CO +00 OCOOMOO0OCO FIG. 44. PART OF OXYGEN, VARIETY 1. THE TETRAHEDRON GROUP A mo Each }O is composed of five sections, which are all alike. A section consists of a group of 7 Anu, having above it 6 groups of N2, and below it 5 groups of N2. The five sections join together into one long string of beads, and then the whole string turns into a spiral. From Fig. 44 we can note at once the principal difference in the two halves of the atom ; it is in the group of 7 Anu. In the positive + O the 0.7 is arranged in a particular ‘way : in the centre isone positive Anu: 6 other Anu, 3 of them positive and 3 negative, are placed at the 6 points represented by the centres of the 6 sides of a cube. In the group of 7 Anu in the negative + O, there is a different arrangement : the centre is formed by one negative Anu : 6 other Anu, 3 positive and 3 negative, are arranged in pairs on three levels, ‘one pair on a line with the centre, the other two pairs above and below at right angles to each other. The median line, however, is not at right angles to either, but somewhat aslane. To each group of 7 Anu there are attached 11 groups of 2 Anu, and the arrangement is shown in Fig. 44. All this description, however, gives no real idea of the extraordinarily powerful nature of the forces which make Oxygen. How many types of force are involved is not yet known: three however have been noted. The operation of the first force appears to begin at the central positive Anu of the positive group of seven. That Anu gets charged by the Sun in a special way. The force, which is like blinding light, radiates out in all ditections through the whorls of the Anu, and draws towards it 6 other Anu. 3 of them positive and 3 negative. Then there wells up from the central Anu a second force. From the central Anu the force flows as indicated by the lines, following always this law, that a force always flows out from the bottom of an Anu, that is from its pointed end, and enters in at the top of it, at its heart-shaped depression. In the positive group of 7 Anu, the force flowing from the central Anu traverses the other six Anu and re-enters the central Anu at its heart-shaped depression. A complete circuit is thus made. In so completing the circuit, the force causes a third force to manifest, as if by a kkind of induction. It enters from the fourth dimension through the central Anu, and its operation is dual: first. it charges the group as a whole and then shoots upwards, and through each duad. Ie not only shoots up through them, it brings them into their position as a string of 6 duads. When it reaches the topmost duad, it shoots upwards s1 another section of the 4 O is above it; if there is no section above, the force curves over and enters the topmost duad of the negative 4 O, and shoots downwards through the 6 duads If there were not then a group of 7 Anu the force would rush downwards gathering more duads as pearls on a string. But on the descent, after the 6 duads, it meets a stream of force coming to it at right angles. This third force also issues from the central Anu of the positive 7: it shoots out at right angles to the ascending force. When the upward force in its descent meets this force at right angles, a vortex is created, whose effect is to bring first a negative Anu, and then round it 6 other Anu, three negative and three positive. When so brought into being this predominantly negative group of 7 Anu exercises a curious effect on the positive group. It is as if it existed in order to step down the tremendous energy ‘welling in the positive seven, so as to make it utilizable tor work. ‘The flow of the force 2 OCCULT CHEMISTRY within the negative 7 is as drawn in Fig. 44. But whereas, in the case of the positive group, the force issues at the bottom of the central Anu in one stream, here, in the negative group, that force ast issues at the bottom divides into two streams, each stream traversing three ‘Anu, and then returning back to the tentral Anu from which it originated. If the diagram is carefully examined, it will be noted that one stream, for instance that drawn as going to the right, as it issues from the point of the central negative Anu, enters into a positive Anu, then enters a negative Anu, then enters a positive Anu, and then returns to the negative ‘Anu, from which it enters into the central Anu. Similarly, the stream marked on the diagram as flowing from the point of the central Anu to the left enters into a negative ‘Anu, then enters a positive Anu, then enters a negative Anu, and then returns to the positive Anu, from which it enters into the central Anu. A complete circuit is thus made. ‘The descending force continues to rush down the 5 duads, and then on to the 6 upper duads of the next section. When the last section is reached, the force curves over to the positive # O and enters it. The spirally-coiled snake-like body which is Oxygen appears as a snake of white light: but when the snake is separated into its two constituents, the positive 4 O and the negative 4 O, the former is rose-red in colour, and the latter blue. Oxygen=(55N245.0.7)+(55N2+5.0.7') Positive half 55 tee of 2 Anu +5discsof7Anu = 145 Anu ‘Negative half 55 spheres of 2 Anu +5dicsof7Anu = M5. Toul = 280 Anu Number weight 29? = 1611 Second ey of Oxygen It is mentioned above that from the positive 7 a force shoots out at right angles. After the negative 7 is made there is an interaction between the two. In some Oxygen atoms this interaction produces a kind of stress, and there arises between them a force which flows in from the fourth dimension and holds 4 Anu, two positive and ‘two negative. Fig. 45. These 4 Anu are not encircled by any sphere wall; the force enters all four simultaneously, and does not go out of them. Why this body of 4 Anu exists is not known ; of course it makes a heavier variety of Oxygen. Positive section: 74+(11x2)Anu = 29 Anu Negative section =» a New group of 4 Anu as Total = 6 Am Since there are five such pairs making up Oxygen the new variety contains 5x62 Anu=310 Anu. Number weight 22 = 1722 THE TETRAHEDRON GROUP A 1 1 788880083) e0000. 8 OO 9 : QOGOOOEPIASGO TY ‘Secono Vari FIG. 45. PART OF OXYGEN, VARIETY 2 4 OCCULT CHEMISTRY Even of this second variety, there are two variants One is as shown in Fig. 45, where in the group of four ché two positive Anu are vertical. But there is a second variant, where the two positive Anu are horizontal. In this position they are farther apart than when vertical. This gives rise to two shapes of this second variety. Each Oxygen has its sphere wall, which is ovoid. The ovoid of the second variety is naturally fatter round the middle than the ordinary variety. But of the second variety there is one which is farter than the other, this being the case when the two positive Anu are horizontal. Third Variety of Oxygen This is probably not a natural variety, that is, it is not to be found in the atmosphere. It was artificially constructed, by tacking on to each 4 O, to the positive and to the negative, another pair of sections. This produced a very elongated Oxygen. How long this variety persists is not known, probably not very long. Five pairs of sections of 58 Anu each = 290 Anu New pair of sections = 8B Total 348 Anu Number weight “48 — 1933 In the few oxides so far examined, the Oxygen is of the normal Variety 1. The Vitality Globule In connection with quite a different series of investigations dealing with the problem of Prana or Vitality, an apparently similar group of 7 Anu to that in Oxygen was noted, But later investigations showed that the conclusion arrived at that the Vitality Globule was the same as the brilliant 7 in Oxygen was erroneous, though the error is easily accounted for, The 7 in Oxygen and the 7 in the Vitality Globule appear so similar that it is only on close examination that the very slight difference between them is noted. THE TETRAHEDRON GROUP A 95 ee es os é oy 8 Q Y POSITIVE GROUP 07 ‘THE VITALITY GLOBULE FIG, 4 At first glance the two groups in Fig. 46 seem to be the same, but closer exam- ination will show the difference. In both, six of the seven Anu are arranged at the six points in space—north, south, east and west, zenith and nadir—and the seventh is in the centre. In both, the force flows from the bottom of the central Anu. which is positive, and it circulates as shown in the diagram. But there is a difference in the two Anu which make the zenith and nadir. In Oxygen, the Anu at the zenith is positive ; that in the Vitality Globule is negative. This makes the Anu at the nadir in Oxygen 7 negative, while that in the Vitality Globule is positive. This slight difference in arrangement makes, however. a great difference in the behaviour of the two groups. It will be seen. in looking at the diagram of Oxygen 7, that the upper part of the group has three positive Anu, showing that, at a certain stage ‘of the flow of force. the force passes into three positive Anu in succession, and then back again into the central Anu, On the other hand, in the Vitality Globule, the force flows alternatively from positive to negative, except of course at the end when the force flows back into the central positive Anu. The fact that there are 3 positive Anu in the upper part of Oxygen brings about @ rigidity in the group. It therefore stands upright, as it spins round its axis, with the positive Anu at the zenith. In the Vitality Globule, however, owing to the fact that the force flows alterna- tively into positive and negative, the group, though spinning round its axis, is not held rigidly in an upright position. Ie turns head over heels, or in any direction according to the influence of other forces. Yet both globules are intensely brilliant and not to be distinguished one from the other at a casual glance. Nevertheless, the difference between them is fundamental, as the Vitality group is charged with a force from the Sun which is called Prana or Vitality, which emanates from the Second Aspect of the Logos, while the Oxygen group is charged with a similar force which also comes from the Sun, but from the Third Aspect of the Logos. One group cannot be transformed into the other. because there is a fundamental difference in the forces which play through each. Though no research has been made into the matter, probably the Vitality Globule does not enter into chemical combination with other groups. 96, OCCULT CHEMISTRY OZONE The appearance of Ozone is indicated in Fig. 47. It is composed of three Oxygen snakes, that is, of one Oxygen atom of two snakes, and a third extra snake of half Oxygen. ‘These three snakes are at the points of an equilateral triangle. They are on one plane, so that as they revolve, the large bodies within each snake come together at the nodes. Ozone being thus 4 (O ), it is found that there are two varieties of Ozone. Fig. 47 shows cone variety made of two positive snakes and one negative. The second variety of Ozone is composed of two negative snakes and one positive. ‘A. surprising fact was noted, that the first variety of Ozone, ic, two positive and fone negative, always rose in the air. It cannot be lighter, because the number of Anu in ‘both varieties of Ozone are the same, that is 435. No investigation was made to decide whether positive Ozone rose because of some repulsion to gravity, or because there was some force of a positive electrical quality radiating from the earth from which positive Ozone rebounded. At the height of the Blue Mountains near Sydney. about 3,000 feet above sea level, all the specimens examined of Ozone were positive Compared with negative Ozone, the positive variety gave a specially clean impression, suggesting that perhaps the sense of cleanness of the air in mountain regions may be due less to the absence of dust particles and more to the presence of positive Ozone. It was noted that Ozone 4 (Os) has a tendency to revert to Oxygen, leaving one snake to go and find a mate for itself. It was also noted that electrical action breaks up Oxygen into its two constituent halves. OO eee mee C2 <0 Xomoue SE BW es WNIDIvo THE TETRAHEDRON GROUP A 7 ATOMIC NO.20. CALCIUM Calcium follows the pattern of Beryllium, but 720 Anu are packed into the simple Beryllium form. Fig. 48 Central globe. The central globe is double, globe within globe, and is divided into eight segments radiating from the centre like an orange : the internal part of the segment. that belonging to the inner globe, has a triangular body within it containing four Anu. Li ‘The external part, belonging to the encircling globe, shows the familiar Ad6. Funnels. Calcium contains in each funnel three spheres, of which the central one, (Ca70, has within it seven ovoids, Bel0, identical with those of Beryllium. The spheres, Ca45. above and below the central sphere, each contain five ovoids each of 9 Anu. The funnels thus contain 160 Anu and may be distinguished as Cal60. The spheres Ca70 and Cad5 occur frequently. Calcium = (8Li44+8Ad6)+4 (GALS'+7Bel0+5A19') C80 H4 (Cad5-4Ca70+C245) Ca80 +4 (Cal60) Central globe 8 Anu Afunnels of 160 Anu = 640 Total = 720 Anu Number weight 72? — 4o00 aromic No 2 CHROMIUM Central globe. The globe is identical with that of Calcium as regards its external segments. In the internal segments the group N6 is substituted for the Lid. Fig. 48. Funnels. The funnels are very similar to those of Calcium save that two extra spheres are added, the funnels being widened to accommodate them. Each funnel contains the three spheres which form the Calcium funnel, Cal60, and two extra spheres, Cr25. These two extra spheres contain five quintets of which two pairs are to each other as. object and image. Chromium = (8N6+8Ad6)+4 (Cal6042Cr25) Central globe 4 funnels each 210 Anu 96 Anu Bee Total = 936 Anu Number weight T° THE TETRAHEDRON GROUP A 9 ATOMIC NO 38 STRONTIUM Central globe. The number of the divisions of the double sphere of the central globe is the same as in Calcium, but the contents differ. The cigars, Ad6, in the external segments are replaced by ovoids containing seven Anu, L7. The internal segments contain triangles with five Anu. The whole makes up S196. Fig. 49, Funnels, Within the funnel there are eight spheres. The six lower spheres are identical with those in Calcium and make up two Calcium funnels, ie. 2Cal60, Each of the highest. pair of spheres. $r24, contains four subsidiary spheres, with groups of 5, 7. 7 and 5 ‘Anu respectively. These are B5, 17. L7 and BS. The 17 groups are identical with those in Gold. but the difference of pressure in Gold makes the containing body spherical instead of ovoid ; similar groups are seen in the top ring of the lodine funnel, where also the group is oval in form Strontium == S196-+4 (2Cal60-+2Sr24) Central globe 96 Anu 4 funnels of 368 Anu wR. Total = 1568 Anu 1568 _ Number weight 2968 — e7.11 [ATOMIC NO. @ MOLYBDENUM This element closely resembles Calcium and Strontium. It differs from Strontium ‘only in the composition of the highest pair of spheres in the funnel, and in the presence of a litle sphere containing two Anu in the middle of the central globe. Fig. 49. Central globe. ‘The outer sections of the central globe contain the group 17. and the inner sections contain the groups BS, exactly as in Strontium. In addition we find a sphere of two Anu, N2, in the centre of the globe. Funnels. Each funnel contains two complete Calcium funnels, 2Cal60, as in Strontium. The two topmost spheres in the funnel each contain eight smaller spheres. Two of these are Lid, two BS and four 17, making 46 Anu in all, Mo46. The total in one funnel is thus 2Cal60+2 Mo46, making 412 Anu. Molybdenum = (Sr 96+2)-+4 (2Cal60+2Mo46) Central globe 98 Anu 4 funnels of 412 Anu 1648. Total = 1746 Anu Number weight 46 = 9700 THE TETRAHEDRON GROUP A 101 ATOMIC NO. 56 BARIUM This element closely resembles Calcium and Strontium but introduces some new bodies into its funnels and globe. Fig. 50. The Central globe is exactly similar to that of Strontium, save that it has an 17 in the centre. Funnels. In the funnels we find two Calcium funnels, 2Cal60, at the head of each of which appears the sphere Mo46, Within the funnels appears also a third rather complex segment. It contains first a new body Ba33, consisting of four fives and a seven, and an Ad6 group round which two of the fives revolve. This body, Ba33. is destined to play a prominent part in the powerful central globe of Radium. We find next, in this central segment in the funnel of Barium the material of the Lithium spike, Li63, re-arranged as a sphere. This may have been borrowed from the adjacent element Caesium. The third sphere, Ba80, in this segment, contains the group Ba33, with two attendant spheres of 24 and 23 Anu respectively, which suggest in their arrangement the centre of the globe of Lutecium and Radium. Barium == (Sr96-+L7}H44 (2Cal60+2Mos6+B233+Li63b-+Ba 80) Central globe 103 Anu 4 funnels of 588 Anu (2352 . Total = 2455 Anu Number weight “455 — 1364 ATOMIC NO. «0 NEODYMIUM This element much resembles Molybdenum in respect of its funnels, but has a much larger central globe. Fig. 50. Central globe. The globe has a central portion of 27 Anu, which is also found in Cerium, as well as in the later members of the group. Tungsten and Uranium. Round this centre we find 20 segments, each containing a group of 32 Anu very similar to the group Ba33 found in Barium and Radium. The whole is similar to that of Cerium, Ce667. Funnels. In each funnel we find first two complete Calcium funnels, 2Ca160, then two spheres Mo46, and finally a completely new sphere. It is composed of a quintet M-Ne5, then 4 quintets BS, then four L7 and 4 triplets, arranged so as to form a sym- ‘metrical pattern as shown. The whole make the group Nd65. Neodymium = (Ce27+20Ce32)+-4 (2Cal60-+2Mo46+Nd65) Central globe 667 Anu 4 funnels of 477 Anu 198, Toul = 2575 Anu ‘Number weight =e = 14806 THE TETRAHEDRON GROUP A 103, ATOMIC NO. 7. YTTERBIUM This element is built up in a manner somewhat similar to Neodymium. Fig. 51. Central globe. The centre-piece of the globe is Ce27. Round this radiate 24 segments, each of 26 Anu, Yb26. This central globe contains 651 Anu. Funnels, Each funnel contains three Cal60, two Mo46 and a new sphere Yb48, making up 620 Anu. The sphere Yb48 consists of four ovoids each containing twelve Anu. ‘Yeterbium = (Ce27+24Yb26) +4 (2Ca160-+2Mo46+Cal60 +Yb48) Central globe 651 Anu 4 funnels of 620 Anu 2480, Total 3131 Anu Number weight 13! = 17394 [ATOMIC NO. 74, TUNGSTEN Tungsten may be said to be a stage between Ytterbium and Radium. In fact Tungsten is almost exactly Radium without the spikes which are the distributive agency of Radium. Its central sphere. Lu819, is identical with that of Radium, except that the six ‘Anu at the outer end of each section are not equidistant but are definitely arranged in the cigar form. In the case of Radium it is evidently the speed of revolution which ‘overcomes their cohesion. In Tungsten the speed of revolution is much less, and the ‘element is only slightly radio active. The funnels of Tungsten are almost identical with those of Radium, except that Tungsten contains two more Anu in each funnel. Fig. 51. Central globe. The globe consists of a central sphere, Ce27, and 24 sections con- taining Ba33, making up 819 Anu in all. This sphere is first met with in Lutecium and is therefore identified as Lu819. As has been pointed out above, it occurs in Radium and other radio-active elements. Funnels. The Tungsten funnels are exactly like those of Ytterbium. Each funnel contains three sections, first three Calcium funnels, Cal60, and then two Mo46 spheres and one Yb48. Tungsten = Lu81944 (2 Cal604+2Mo46+Cal60+Yb48) Central globe = 819 Anu 4 funnels of 620 Anu = 2480, Total = 3299 Anu Number weight 329 — 1833 THE TETRAHEDRON GROUP A 105 ATOMIC NO. a. RADIUM Radium is built on a pattern similar to the other elements of its group. Fig. 52. Central globe. Radium has a complex central sphere, Lu819, extraordinarily vivid and living: the whirling motion is so rapid that continued accurate observation is very difficult; the sphere is more closely compacted than the centre-piece in many other elements, and is much larger in proportion to the funnels and spikes than is the case with some of the other elements in the group; in the lighter elements the funnels are much larger than the centres, whereas in Radium the diameter of the sphere and the length of the funnel or spike are about equal. The heart of the sphere is a globe containing seven Anu. This globe is the centre of two crosses, the arms of which show respectively groups with two and three Anu, Round this central sphere are arranged, as on radii, twenty-four segments, each containing five bodies, as in Ba33—four quintets and a septet—and six loose Anu, which float horizontally across the mouth of the segment: the whole sphere hhas thus a kind of surface of Anu. In the rush of the streams presently to be described, one of these Anu is occasionally torn away, but is generally, if not always, replaced by the capture of another which is flung into the vacated space. Funnels. The funnels are identical with those of Tungsten except that they contain two fewer Anu. We find first the three Calcium funnels, 3 Cal60, and then three Mo46, instead of two Mo46 afd one Yb48. The three sections in the Radium funnel-are thus similar to one another. They stand at the comers of a triangle and not side by side. Spikes. Radium has four spikes alternate with the funnels and pointing to'the angles of the tetrahedron. Each spike contain three Li63 and a cone or cap of ten Anu, Cul0, floating above the three Li63. A very peculiar result, so far unobserved elsewhere, arises from the extraordinarily rapid whirling of the central sphere. A kind of vortex is formed, and there is a constant and powerful indraught through the funnels. By this, particles are drawn in from without, and these are swept round with the sphere, their temperature becoming much raised, and they are then violently shot out through the spikes. It is these jets which occasionally sweep away an Anu from the surface of the sphere. These particles may be single Anu, or they may be bodies from any of the etheric levels ; in some cases the bodies break up and form new combinations. In factadium aeems like a kind of vortex of creative activity, drawing in, breaking up, recembiming shooting forth—a most extraordinary element. Radium = LuB19+4 [3 (Cal60+Mo46)]+4-(3Li63+Cul0) Central globe 819 Anu 4 funnels of 618 Anu un 4 spikes of 199 Anu 76 Total = 4087 Anu Number weight 87 — 22705 OCCULT CHEMISTRY WOINVEN ts ‘O17 Cah, aga” Os ; QNONO woINvEn THE TETRAHEDRON GROUP A 107 ATOMIC NO. 52. URANIUM Uranium is formed on the same pattern as Radium, but is far less active. It has four spikes as well as four funnels, Fig, 53. Central Globe. This is similar to that of Lutecium, Tungsten and Radium, except that the six Anu at the outer end of each section are not equidistant, but definitely arranged as a cigar. In this it follows Tungsten. Funnels. ‘The four funnels are exactly similar to those in Radium. Each con- tains three Calcium funnels. 3 Cal60, and three Mo46 spheres. ‘Spikes. The four spikes contain the three Lithium spikes as in Radium, but instead of the little cap of ten Anu there come two small globes. One of these contains ‘Ad24 and 4 triplets, Ur36, and the other. four triplets and one L7=Url9. The first of these spheres, Ur36, contains components of a Helium atom. Here we have the suggestion of the composition of the Helium atom that we should expect, since Helium is produced by the disintegration of Uranium. Uranium = LuB19+4 [3 (Cal60-+Mo46) ]+4 (SLi63-+U136+Ur19) Central globe = 819 Anu 4 funnels of 618 Anu unm 4 spikes of 244 Anu 96 Total = 4267 Anu Number weight “27 = 23706 OCCULT CHEMISTRY BERYLLIUM E2 E3 £4 i ® FUNNEL . GLOBE | FIG. 54, DISINTEGRATION QF BERYLLIUM THE TETRAHEDRON GROUP A 109 DISINTEGRATION OF THE TETRAHEDRON GROUP A DISINTEGRATION OF BERYLLIUM This element contains four similar funnels and a central globe. The EA groups consist of these five bodies set free. Fig. 54. Each funnel, released from pressure, assumes a spherical form, with its four ovoids, Bel0, spinning within it. On the E3 level, these four ovoids, Bel0, are set free, and two from each funnel are seen to be positive and two negative. ‘On the E2 level these decads each disintegrate into two triplets and a quartet, the positive with the points outward, the negative with the points inward. The central globe on the EA level remains a sphere containing a whirling cross. ‘On the 3 level the cross shows a change in the resultant force-lines, preparatory to its breaking into two duads an the E2 level. OCCULT CHEMISTRY OXYGEN es 35+ 35— a+ ©0000QC00000 3 ©0000O000000 FIG, 55. DISINTEGRATION OF OXYGEN THE TETRAHEDRON GROUP A mL DISINTEGRATION OF OXYGEN On the EA level the two snakes divide. The positive and negative snakes each consist of fifty-five duads and five brilliant discs. These discs have seven Anu but are differently arranged; those in the positive snake have the Anu arranged as in the Iodine ‘ovoids, L7, whereas the negative snake has them arranged as in a capital H. The snakes show the same extraordinary activity on the E4 level as on the gaseous, twisting and ‘writhing, darting and coiling. ‘On the E3 level the snakes break into 10 fragments, each consisting of a disc, with six beads, N2, on one side and five on the other, remaining as lively as the original snake. On the E2 level the snakes shiver into their constituent discs and beads, there yielding the ten discs, five positive and five negative, and 110 beads, 55 positive and 55 negative. OCCULT CHEMISTRY GO} & i (& Yeo) (& 8 © © , @ = 2 Gz @s g = a we a® Ger ®&) g THE TETRAHEDRON GROUP A m3 DISINTEGRATION OF CALCIUM Funnel. ‘The funnels as usual assume a spherical form on the EA level, and show three spheres, two Cad5 and one Ca70, each containing ovoids. At the second stage these three spheres, still on the E4 level, break free from their containing funnel, and three bodies are thus liberated on the E4 level. ‘The sphere, Ca70, contains seven groups of ten Anu, Bel0, and acts on the E3 and E2 levels as shown in Fig. 56 and under Beryllium. On the E3 level the two spheres, Ca45, each containing five ovoids, AL’, set free ten positive and ten negative duads and ten quintets. On the E2 level the duads become single Anu, and the central Anu from the quintet is also set free, making fifty units in all. The remaining four Anu of the quintet divide into two duads, making 20 duads. Globe. The central globe breaks up into eight segments on the EA level. Each segment becomes spherical and contains within it a cigar, Ad6, and a somewhat heart- shaped body, Lid. Fig. 56. On the E3 level cach segment gives eight spheres of six Anu, the cigar behaving as usual, four sextets being positive and four negative. The four Anu within the Lid, which appear as a tetrahedron, remain together on the E3 level. Four positive and four negative quartets are formed. ‘On the E2 level the Ad6 dissociates into triplets and the Li breaks up into duads. MOLYBDENUM ‘STRONTIUM ‘CHROMIUM @ @ Oe ee @ & Ged @-e- $r24 IN FUNNEL | IN FUNNEL eS. OY ©-e- (@- e | exe 1 @ 5 Es GLOBE Cr25 IN FUNNEL | FIG. 57, DISINTEGRATION OF CHROMIUM. THE TETRAHEDRON GROUP A us DISINTEGRATION OF CHROMIUM Funnel, Each Chromium funnel contains five spheres. Three of these are in Calcium, two Ca45 and one Ca70. Then there are two Cr25, each containing five quintets. These five spheres are quickly set free on the E4 level. The Ca45's and Ca70’s behave as in Calcium, Fig. 56. The Cr25 can be seen on closer examination to contain two pairs of quintets which are mirror images of each other, and a fifth quintet which is of a different type. Fig. 57. At the second stage of E4 each Cr25 forms two figures of ten Anu, making two joined pyramids as in Copper. The remaining quintet is set free. On the E3 level each figure of ten Anu gives a duad and two quartets ina ing. The remaining quintet makes a ring with the fifth Anu in the centre. On the £2 level 10 duads and 5 single Anu are set free from the C125. Central globe. In the central globe each segment is first set free, making 8 spheres ‘on the EA level, Each sphere contains Ad6 and a pair of triangles as in Hydrogen. On the E3 level these triangles revolve round each other, while the Ad6 acts as usual. ‘On the E2 level the triangles break up into two duads and two units, while each ‘Ad6 gives 2 triads. DISINTEGRATION OF STRONTIUM Funnels. The Strontium funnel contains eight spheres, six as in Calcium, four Ca45 and two Ca70, and two Sr24. All these are liberated in the first stage on the E4 level. The Ca45's and Ca70’s behave as in Calcium. At the second stage each Sr24 forms three groups. One of these isa group of ten Anu with two pyramids with apices joined. as in Chromium, and there are two groups of seven Anu, L7. Fig. 57. All these disintegrate as shown, either under Calcium or Strontium. Figs. 56 and 57. On the EA level the joined pyramids give two quartets and a duad, and the L7 gives a ‘roup of seven Anu as in Iodine. On the E2 level the joined pyramids give 4 duads and 2 units as in Chromium, and each seven gives two triads and a unit. There is really nothing new in Strontium, only repetitions of forms already studied. DISINTEGRATION OF MOLYBDENUM Funnels. The funnels contain 8 spheres. The first six of these are as in Strontium, while the last two are Mo46. In this Mo46 occur two additional groups of four Anu arranged in the form of a tetrahedron ; they occur in pairs as object and image. Fig. 57. On the E3 level the tetrahedrons give quartets, and on the E2 level these tetrahedrons each give two duads. 16 OCCULT CHEMISTRY Fig. 58 shows the Tetrahedron Group A in a condensed form, from which the relationships in this group can be studied. TETRAHEDRON GROUP A BERYLLIUM Qe oxycen GS ‘CALCIUM cHROMIUM B ‘STRONTIUM ® MOLYBDENUM, YTTERBIUM C= ec S3 a> GE=18 ‘TUNGSTEN ae aa S33 ant ease RADIUM —- S Ce] | Ged URANIUM Gee) [Gs ele} | Go d Cee] | [Ge > FIG. 58 THE TETRAHEDRON GROUP A TETRAHEDRON GROUP B MAGNESIUM FIG 5%, A TETRAHEDRON. MAGNESIUM CHAPTER VI THE TETRAHEDRON GROUP B THESE ten elements occur on the right hand swing of the pendulum, on the outgoing and fon the return swing. They are tetrahedrons in form, and their characteristic valence is four, although some of them are found to develop a higher valence of six. Fig. 59. Although their fundamental form is the same as that of the Tetrahedron Group A, yet we find a distinctly different type of arrangement of the Anu in the funnels. The same plan of four funnels opening on the faces of a tetrahedron is found in all these elements, but Magnesium and Sulphur have no central globe, and in Cadmium and Tellurium the globe becomes a cross. ATOMIC ayy ELEMENT CENTRE 4 FUNNELS 4 SPIKES 12 432. Magnesium 4B @Mg12) ] 16 576 Sulphur 4B Gs16)) 30-1170 Zine Znl8 4 [3 @S16)} 4 (4Zn20+3Zn18" +Cul0] 34 1422 Selenium Zn18_—_«4 [3 (9Se10+3Se10+3N2) +Se153)] 48 2016 Cadmium Cd48_—_ 4 [3 (3Se10+3Zn18'+ 42n20)} 52 2223 Tellurium — (Cd48+3) 4 [3 (BSe10+ 3Te2] + 4Te22)} (Te51) 63-2843 Europium Eu59 4 (3 (3Se1043Eu26+4Eu31)) 67 3,004 Holmium — Ho220. 4 [3 (3Se10+3Eu26+4Eu31)} 80 3576 Mercury Av864 4 [3 (BSe10+3C119+ 4Te22) +Se153] 84 3789 Polonium —Pod05 4 (3 (3Po17+3P033+ 4Po33')] [ATOMIC NO. 2. MAGNESIUM This element introduces us to a new arrangement of the internal structure of the funnels. Fig. 59. Central globe. Magnesium is exceptional in having no central globe at all Funnels, Each funnel contains three segments of three ovoids. Each group of three ovoids forms a ring. The ovoids are all similar and consist of three small spheres of two, seven and three Anu respectively. Magnesium = 4/3 (3Mgl2)) 4 funnels of 108 Anu = = 432, Anu Total = 432 Anu Number weight 3? = 2400 us OCCULT CHEMISTRY SULPHUR COD ZING 08) 2 > THE TETRAHEDRON GROUP B 9 ATOMIC NO. 16. SULPHUR Central globe. Sulphur, like Magnesium, has no central globe. Funnels. The funnels of Sulpbur are very similar to those of Magnesium, having three segments of three ovoids. The ovoids consist of three small spheres, a duad, N2, and two seprets, L7, making S16. Thus 36 extra Anu are slipped into the funnels. Fig. 60. Sulphur = 4 [3 (3S16)] 4 funnels of 144 Anu 576 Anu Total = 576 Anu Number weight 7? = 3200 ATOMIC No. 30 ZINC Zine contains a globe and four spikes in addition to the four funnels. Funnels and spikes alike radiate from a simple globe. Fig. 60. Central globe. The globe is made up of one N2 and four Lis, making Zn18, These five contained spheres are arranged cross-wise, preparing for the fully developed ‘ross of Cadmium. One end of the cross touches the bottom of each funnel Funnels, The funnels are identical with those of Sulphur. though they are more ‘compressed. ‘Spikes. The extra weight is mainly made up by the use of spikes, as was some- times done in the previous group, The spikes show the cone of ten Anu, met with in other elements, and three very regular pillars, each with six spheres containing two, three, four, four three and two Anu respectively. The four supporting spheres, Zn20, are on the model of the central globe but contain two more Anu. Zinc = ZnlB+4 [3 (3S16) ]+[4 Zn20+3 Zn18'+Cul0) Central globe = 18 Anu 4 funnels of 144 Anu 576 4 spikes of 144 Anu Total = 1170 Anu 1170 Number weight 477° = 6500 120 OCCULT CHEMISTRY SELENIUM THE TETRAHEDRON GROUP B Li ATOMIC NO. 3 SELENIUM Selenium is distinguished by the peculiarity of an exquisite quivering star floating across the mouth of each funnel and dancing violently when a ray of light falls upon it. It is known that the conductivity of Selenium varies with the intensity of the light falling upon it, and it may be that the star is in some way connected with its conductivity. Fig. 61. Central globe. The central globe is the same as that of Zine. Zn18, Funnels. ‘The bodies in the funnels resemble those in Magnesium, but a reversed image of the top one is interposed between this and the small duad, and each pair has its own enclosure. There are three segments in the funnel as usual. The Star. Ie will be seen that the star is a very complicated body, baving six points radiating from a central sphere. In each point the spheres of five Anu revolve around the cone of seven. Each star contains 153 Anu, Se153, Selenium = Znl8+4 (3 (3Se10+3Se10+3N2)+Se153] Central globe 18 Anu 4 funnels of 198 Anu me 4 stars of 153 Anu ia) Total = 1422 Anu 1422 Number weight “Tg = 79.00 6 ‘@ ¢) Say OCCULT CHEMISTRY CADMIUM FIG. @ CADMIUM © THE TETRAHEDRON GROUP B 13 ATOMIC NO. 4 CADMIUM Globe. The central globe is a new form, though prefigured in the central globe of Zinc. It consists of nine small spheres arranged so as to form a cross, Cd48. Fig. 62. Funnels. In Cadmium there are no spikes, but the three segments of the funnels are much moré complex than in Zinc. Each of the three segments contains four spheres Zn20 and three pillars Zn18' ‘The pillars are similar to those in the zinc spikes. Below each of the pillars is an ovoid with ten Anu. This is the Sel0 group found in the funnel of Selenium and which occurs frequently. Each segment of the funnel contains 164 Anu, hence the whole funnel contains 492 Anu, Cadmium = Cd48-+4 [3 (3Se10+3Zn18'+3Zn20)} Central globe 48° Anu 4 funnels of 492 Anu 1968, Total = 2016 Anu Number weight “9° = 11200 OCCULT CHEMISTRY TELLURIUM EXD ea COX GD THE TETRAHEDRON GROUP B 125 ATOMIC NO. 82 TELLURIUM Tellurium, Fig. 63, closely resembles Cadmium. Globe. The central cross which forms the globe differs from that of Cadmium in having a group of seven Anu at the centre instead of one of four. Cd48+3TeSl. Funnels, Tellurium has three cylindrical segments making up its funnel. The contained bodies in the pillars run two, three, four, five, four and three, making Te2l. A quartet replaces a duad in the globes, making Te22, Below each pillar is a Sel0 group. Each segment has 181 Anu. Tellurium = (Cd48+3)44 [3 (3Se10+3 Te21+4 Te22) | Central globe 4 funnels of 543 Anu Anu Total === 2223 Anu Number weight 723 — 12350 Note: The number weight for Tellurium is lower than that usually accepted by science. If there were another variety in which the pillars were symmetrical, that is if another group of two Anu were added at the top of each pillar, the total Anu in this variety would be 2295 giving a number weight of 127.50. OCCULT CHEMISTRY EUROPIUM ee CD GOSESSY ® 2) 8 ©D GOHGS9y HIG. 64. .EUROPIUM THE TETRAHEDRON GROUP B 27 ATOMIC NO. 6 EUROPIUM This element resembles Tellurium in its arrangement. Fig. 64. Central globe. The central globe of Europium is similar to that of Tellurium except that a tiny sphere of two Anu is added to each arm of the cross. Thus eight Anu are added to the globe of Tellurium, making Eu59. Funnels. The funnels each consist of three identical segments, each of 232 Anu. Each segment contains, first the three Sel0 as in previous elements, then three pillars each of 26 Anu, Eu26, and above these, four spheres, each Eu31. The total for one funnel is 696 Anu. Europium = Eu59+4(3 (3Se10+3Eu26+4Eu31) ] Central globe 59 Anu 4 funnels of 696 Anu wea Total = 2843 Anu ‘Number weight = 15795 1s OCCULT CHEMISTRY HOLMIUM bocca GD GOSBS5S> CD GOSEESS eS MiG, 6 HOLMIUM THE TETRAHEDRON GROUP B 29 ATOMIC NO. 67 HOLMIUM. This element is similar to Europium except that its central globe is much more complex. Fig. 65. Central globe. The grand centre of the globe is made up of a sphere of seven ‘Anu, surrounded by three groups of 15 Anu. The seven central Anu are arranged at the six points of space with one in the centre. ‘The groups of 15 Anu suggest the rings in Occultum, Oc15. Outside this sphere there radiate groups of bodies composed of two sets of four similar groups. Each set of four points in a definite direction fixed by the tetrahedron. One set of four points to the four faces and the other set to the four corners. The set that points to the four faces is that which occurs in the central globe of Europium. In the set which points to the four corners each contains N6, three Ad6 and BS, some of which groups are found in Occuleum. The BS at the end comes to a point as if it ‘were a prong, ‘When we take the three groups of 3B5 and the remaining groups which make the four pointers to the four corners, it is possible to account for three Occultum atoms except for one Anu. When the three groups and the four pointers were taken out they promptly rearranged themselves as three Occultum atoms. It was found that the missing ‘Anu was that which acted as the grand centre of the whole Holmium atom. Funnel. The four funnels are exactly as those in Europium. Each funnel has three segments and each segment contains 232 Anu arranged as in Europium. Holmium = Ho220+4 [3 (3Se10-+3Eu26+4 Eu31)] Central globe 220 Anu 4 funnels of 696 Anu 274 Total = 3004 Anu 1669 3004 Number weight 204 = 130 OCCULT CHEMISTRY D> ® GSES ax @ Coa FIG. 66 THE FUNNEL OF MERCURY THE TETRAHEDRON GROUP B 131 ‘ATOMIC NO. 10 MERCURY Mercury keeps to the tetrahedral form but adopts a much more complex central lobe. Figs. 66, 67. Here we have an element with 2 decided individuality of its own. True. its ‘component parts are all borrowed, but the combination of them is unique. Funnel. Mercury borrows its funnels from Tellurium, though dropping two ‘Anu from each column, and then captures the lovely Selenium star, but turns it into a solid looking and vigorously rotating sphere. The star is no longer flat but has its arms projecting towards the six directions. We may credit what is borrowed from Tellurium and Selenium to the type to which all three belong, but what is taken from Gold must. represent the influence of the evolutionary force. since Gold comes just before it on the spiral, though on quite a different line. ‘The funnels have three segments as in Cadmium. Each segment contains three ‘Sel0, three pillars, C19, and four globes Te22. Above the three segments there floats ‘a sphere made of the Selenium star. Each funnel contains three segments+Sel53, making 678 Anu. FIG. 67. THE CENTRE OF MERCURY @99 G9 FIG. 68 CENTRE OF THE STAR IN THE FUNNEL OF MERCURY B THE TETRAHEDRON GROUP B 133 The Central Globe. With splendid audacity. Mercury seizes upon the wonderful system of 864 Anu which makes the connecting rod in Gold, and uses that as its centre- piece. Fig. 67. Mercury = AuB64-+4 [3 (3Se10+3CL19+4Te22)+Se153] Central globe 864 Anu 4 funnels of 678 Anu == 2712 Total -: 3576 Anu 3576 Number weight “Y3 19866 An Isotope of Mercury. Mercury B is also a tetrahedron and closely resembles Mercury, the difference being only the addition of six Anu to each of the four funnels of Mercury. This produces a new element, a solid Mercury. A specimen of this rare form of Mercury exists in an occult museum. ‘The six extra Anu are added in the centre of the Selenium star in the funnels. Fig. 69 Mercury B. Central globe = 864 Anu 4 funnels of 684 Anu 276 Total = 3600 Anu Number weight 14 OCCULT CHEMISTRY ATOMIC NO. 4 POLONIUM, Polonium, though a tetrahedron, is still heavier and more complicated than the ‘earlier members of the group. It is rare and appears to be unstable. Figs. 69, 70. Central globe. The globe goes back to the pattern of Holmium. It contains a grand centre of a sphere L7 surrounded by six groups of (3B5)=Hol5, This again is surrounded by eight groups as in Holmium. Four of these are Po42 and four Po35, making a lobe of 405 Anu as the centre-piece of Polonium. Funnel. Each of the funnels has three segments, Each segment contains at the bottom three ovoids Pol7, then three pillars Po33 and then four spheres Po33'. These make up 282 Anu, Three segments of 282 make 846 Anu in each funnel, Polonium = Pod05+4 [3 (3Po17+3P033+4P033')] Central globe = 4 funnels of 846 Anu = Total 3789 Number weight “Fy = 2105 405 3384 3789 Anu Anu FIG. @. THE CENTRE OF POLONIUM 135 THE TETRAHEDRON GROUP B POLONIUM WAINOIOd 40 TANNO ZH1 Ww Old le| 3 eI c3| ve) Q) OCCULT CHEMISTRY SULPHUR ZINC IN| FUNNEL ‘SPHERE MAGNESIUM FUNNEL, IN SPHERE FIG. 71. DISINTEGRATION OF MAGNESIUM, SULPHUR AND ZINC THE TETRAHEDRON GROUP B 137 DISINTEGRATION OF THE TETRAHEDRON GROUP B DISINTEGRATION OF MAGNESIUM Funnel. On the E4 level the four funnels are first set free ; these then set free the three segments, each segment forming a large sphere. These spheres, however, are not permanent but the three ovoids break loose from the spheres and themselves become spherical. ‘Thus each funnel gives nine spheres. Fig. 71. (On the E3 level the three bodies in the sphere are set free, yielding a triplet, a septet and a duad. ‘On the E2 level the triplets become a duad and a unit, the septet gives a triplet and a quartet and the duad gives two units. : SULPHUR This element has the same groups in the funnel as Magnesium, with the substitution of a second septet for the triplet. At the final disintegration on the EA level we find, therefore, nine spheres from each funnel, each sphere containing two septets and a duad. (On the E3 and E2 levels these disintegrate as in Fig. 71. 6. 1 ed: SPIKE 4 GLOBES Zn20 3 PILLARS Zni8' ree OF ZINC FIG. 72, DISINTEGRATION ’ THE TETRAHEDRON GROUP B Be DISINTEGRATION OF ZINC On the E4 level the four funnels, the four spikes and the central globe are first set free. Figs. 71, 72. The funnels are identical with those of Sulphur and behave in the same way on disintegration. The spikes immediately release their contents. each spike giving eight bodies, the three pillars Zn18'. the four globes Zn20 and the cone Cal0. The pillars Znl6' become globes. Each globe has six bodies revolving in it in a rather peculiar way. The quartets turn round each other in the middle; the triplets revolve round them in a slanting ‘ellipse: the duads do the same on an ellipse slanting at an angle to the first, somewhat as in gold. The globes Zn20 behave as a cross on the E4 level. The triangular arrangement at the top of the spike is the same as the cone in Copper, Cul, The further disintegration of these bodies is shown in Fig. 72 The central globe. Zn18 is set free on the EA level and acts as 2 cross. The cross is a favorite design in these groups. On the E3 level it forms four quartets and a duad. (On the E2 level it gives 9 duads. wo OCCULT CHEMISTRY SELENIUM BOe| oe al® 3 28 D ay we 2 ® &) &) OW © @ x x ONE SEGMENT OF FUNNEL Ce zni8 centre STAR Se153 FIG. Ta. DISINTEGRATION (OF SELENIUM THE TETRAHEDRON GROUP B 1 DISINTEGRATION OF SELENIUM Funnels. Each funnel on being liberated sets free three segments on the E4 fevel. Each segment then liberates three spheres, so that we have nine spheres from each funnel. Fig. 73. ‘On the E3 level six decads are formed and one hexad. The body with six Anu is formed by combination of three duads. On the E2 level the decads give twelve triplets and six quartets. The hexad ive three duads The Star. The star is first liberated as a unit on the EA level but it soon shoots off into seven bodies. The central portion keeps together and the six points become spheres. within which the two cones. base to base. whirl in the centre and the globes of five Anu circle round them. On the E3 level all the thirty bodies contained in the star separate from one another, forming twelve quintets. six heptads, six sextets, three triplets and three duads. ‘The further disintegration is shown in Fig. 73. The central globe is similar to that in Zinc, Zn18 This is liberated on the E4 level and is as shown in Fig. 73. On the E3 level it forms four quartets and a duad. ‘On the E2 level it yields nine duads. 38079 WHINID — | ayn, & @ -® L THE TETRAHEDRON GROUP B 13 CADMIUM Cadmium follows closely on the lines of Zinc, Fig. 74. Funnels. The globes in the funnels, Zn20, arc those of Zinc, and the pillars are the Znl8' of the Zinc spike. ‘On the E4 level the ovoids Se10 become spheres, the contained bodies revolving within them. The heptad whirls on a diameter of the sphere. cutting it in half as it ind the triad whirls round it at right angles. On the E3 level we have a decad, Sel0, and on the E2 level two triads and a quartet Central globe. The cross becomes a sphere, but the cruciform type is maintained within it by the relative positions of the contained spheres in their revolution. The subsequent stages are shown in Fig. 74. TELLURIUM Tellurium very closely resembles Cadmium. Funnels. The pillars are the same as the rod of Chlorine, CLI9, with a duad added at the base. The ovoid Sel0 is the same as in Selenium and Cadmium, and follows the same course in breaking up. In the globes in the funnels a group of four is substituted for the group of two in Zinc. Central globe. The cross in Tellurium is identical with that in Cadmium, excepe that the centre contains seven Anu instead of four. This disintegrates as in Fig. 74. 4 OCCULT CHEMISTRY Fig. 75 shows the Te trahedron Group B in a condensed form, from which the relations between the eleme ents in the group may be studied. TETRAHEDRON GROUP B MAGNESIUM SULPHUR wae C85 o™ L\ OSB SELENIUM 9 caomium TELLURIUM O EUROPIUM Q 6 HOUMIUM FIG. 75 THE TETRAHEDRON GROUP 8 He Fe IMS OF TH CURE GROUT comers of the cube. CHAPTER VIL THE CUBE GROUP A ALL the members of this group. with the exception of Nitrogen, have the external form of a cube. Fig, 76. They occur on the left hand swing of the pendulum. Their characteristic valence is three, but higher valencies are developed. They all have six funnels opening fon the six faces of a cube, and in two cases there are also spikes pointing to the eight ‘Ac firse sight it would appear that Nitrogen should not be placed in this group but, as we sball see, the constituents of Nitrogen occur constantly in the ‘components making up the funnels of the elements in this group. ATOMIC anu 5 200 7 oh 2 792 2B (OB 391,606 al A719 57 2.482 59 (2827 nm 3471 BR 329 39 4140 ol | 4227 ELEMENT Boron Nitrogen Scandium ‘Vanadium ‘Yeerium ‘Niobium ‘Lanthanum Praeseodymium Lutecium Tantalum Actinium Proto-Actinium CENTRE (4B) (N110+ N+ 2N24+2N20) (4 BS+ Bed) (4.B5+17) (Ad24+¥e16) (2Ad24+N9) (Nel20+7) 6 FUNNELS, 6 [4 (@H3)+ Ado] 3 [N110+ 4 (2H3)+ Ad6] 3 [N63+2N24+B5] 3 [NI10+N20+4 (2H3)+ Ad6] 3 [N63+2N24+N20+N6] 6 [N63 +N110+ Yed4 + (4¥e8+ 2Ad6)] 6 [N63+ 110+ Ye44+Nb6O} 3 (N63+N110+Mo46+Ca70+ Yedd+ Nb60} 3 [N63+NI10+Ca45+Ca70+ Veda + Nb6O] (Ce27+30 Ce32) 6 [Pr33+N63+N110+ Yrd4 + Nb6O] =Ce667 (Ce27+24B333) =Lu819 Lusi9 Lusi9 Lusi9 6 (N63+N110+ Lu53+Ca70+ Lu36 + Nb60] 6 (N63+N110+Ta63+Ca70+ Yr4d+ Nb60] 3 [N63+N110+ Mo46+ Cal60+ Yed4+ bso] 3 (Zr212+Sb128+ Acli6} +8 Li63. 3 [N63+N110+ Mo46+Cal60+ Yt44+ Nb6o] 3 { Zr212+Sb128+ Acl16+Pa29} +8 Li6s: OCCULT CHEMISTRY Hu. 77, BORON, NITROGEN THE CUBE GROUP A 7 ATOMIC NO. 5 BORON In Boron we have the simplest form of the cube. Fig. 77. It is as simple in relation to the other members of its group as is Beryllium. The Central globe has four spheres of five Anu, 4B5, The funnels contain five bodies also, four ovoids each of 2H3, and one Adé. Alll six funnels are alike. Boron = 4B5+6 (4 (2H3)+Ad6] Central globe 6 funnels each of 30 Anu 20 Anu 180 Total = 200 Anu 200 ‘Number weight uu ATOMIC NO 7 NITROGEN Nitrogen does not assume the cubic form of its relatives, but is shaped like a sphere. Fig. 77. The balloon-shaped body, N110, floats in the middle of the sphere This N110 contains six smaller spheres in two horizontal rows, and a long ovoid in the ‘middle. The balloon-shaped body is positive and is drawn down towards the negative body. N63, below it N63 contains seven spheres, each of which has nine Anu within it, arranged as three triads. In addition to N110 and N63 there are four more spheres in Nitrogen. Two of these, N20, containing five smaller globes of four Anu, are positive and two, N24, containing four globes of six Anu, are negative. What is there in Nitrogen which renders it so inert as conveniently to dilute the fiery Oxygen and make it breatheable, while it is so extraordinarily active in some of its compounds that it enters into the most powerful explosives? Some chemist of the future perhaps will find the secret in the arrangement of its constituent parts which we are able only to describe. Nitrogen = NIIO+N63+2N24+2N20 Balloon Oval 2N24 2N20 THE CUBE GROUP A a9 ATOMIC NO. 21 SCANDIUM In Scandium for the first time we meet funnels of two different types in the same atom. The three funnels of type A appear to be positive and those of type B negative, but this must be stated with reserve. Fig. 78. Central globe. The central globe repeats that of Boron, with an additional sphere of four Anu in the centre, Funnels. In the A type the Boron funnel is reproduced, the Ad6 having risen above its companion ovoids; but the most important matter to note in respect to this funnel is the introduction of the body N110. This body was observed by us first in Nitrogen, in 1895, and we gave it the name of the “ nitrogen balloon.” for in Nitrogen it takes the balloon form, which it also often assumes in other gaseous elements. Here it appears as a sphere, the form it always assumes on the E4 level, It will be observed thar this N110 appears in every member of this group except Boron. ‘The B type of funnel runs largely to triads. It contains N63, which has not only triadic arrangement of spheres within its contained globes, but each sphere has also 2 triplet of Anu. The funnel also contains two N24and is completed by a sphere of five ‘Anu at the top of the funnel. Scandium == (4B5-++Be4) +3 [N110-+4 (2H3) +Ad6] +3 [N63+2N24+B5] Central globe 24 Anu 3 funnels A of 140 Anu 3 funnels B of 116 Anu Total = 792 Anu 792 Number weight 7% — 4400 ATOMIC NO. 2, VANADIUM Vanadium closely follows Scandium. Fig. 78. The central globe has seven Anu, L7, in its central body. instead of four as in Scandium. Funnels. The funnels of type A only differ from those of Scandium by having 1 globe, N20, inserted in the ring of four ovoids. The B type funnels have a globe containing six Anu instead of five at the top, and slip in a third globe containing twenty Anu, N20, between the two N24 of Scandium. In this way Vanadium succeeds in overtopping Scandium by 126 Anu. Vanadium == (1.7+4B5)+3 [NI10-+N20+4 (2H3)+Ad6] +3 [N63+2N24+N20+4N6] Central globe 27 Anu 3 funnels A of 160 Anu 400 3 funnels B of 137 Anu au. Total = 918 Anu Number weig 28 = 51.00 WAIMLLA THE CUBE GROUP A 51 ATOMIC No 38 YTTRIUM The central globe presents us with two tetrahedrons, recalling one of the combinations in Adyarium and in Gold, and differing from that in Gold only by the substitution of two quartets for the two triplets. Fig. 79. Funnels. The funnels are of one type only, and we have here quite anew arrangement of bodies within the funnel. At the bottom comes N63, followed by N110. ‘The N63 is slightly lengthened. Two Ad6 whirl on their own axes in the centre near the top, while four globes of eight Anu chase each other in a circle round them, spinning madly on theit own axes. This axial spinning seems constant in all contained bodies. Lower down in the funnel a similar arrangement is seen, with a globe, N20, replacing the two Adé6, and four ovoids of six Anu replacing the globes of eight Anu. This group is identified as Yb44, One funnel of Yttrium contains exactly the same number of Anu as is contained in a gaseous atom of Nitrogen. Further, N110, N63 and N20 are all constituents of Nitrogen. We put on record these facts, without trying to draw any conclusions from them. Some day we, or others, may find out their significance, and trace through them obscure relationships. Yeerium = (Ad24+Yr16)+6 [N63+-N110+Yet4+ (4¥¢8+2Ad6)) Central globe 40 Anu 6 funnels of 261 Anu = 1566 Total = 1606 Anu Number weight “2° = p20 WAIGOIN 09 O14 WNIGOIN THE CUBE GROUP A 153, ATOMIC NO. 41 NIOBIUM. This element is as closely related to Yttrium as is Vanadium to Scandium. Fig. 80. Central globe. In the central globe we find two interlaced tetrahedrons each of four Ad6, 2Ad24, and a central sphere of nine Anu, N9, spinning round in the centre, seventeen Anu being thus added in each globe. Funnels. Niobium contains only one type of funnel, and these are exactly like those of Yttrium, save that the little globes which scamper round the two Ad6 contain twelve Anu instead of eight Thus each funnel contains N63, N10. Yt44 and the new group which is identified as Nb60. Niobium = (2Ad244N9) +6 (N634N110+ Ye44+Nb60) Central globe S7 Anu 6 funnels of 277 Anu = 162. Total = 1719 Anu Number weight 1719 = 9550 ATOMIC NO 57 LANTHANUM, This element is closely related to Vanadium and Niobium. Ie also uses two of the forms belonging to the Calcium group. which have apparently been brought over from its predecessor in atomic weight. Barium, by the evolutionary force. Figs. 81. 82. Central globe. The central globe is formed from a very striking group which occurs very often. It is made of five interpenetrating tetrahedrons, each tetrahedron being formed of four Ad6, making the group Ad24. The group of five of these tetrahedrons occurs first in Neon and has been called Nel20. In Lanthanum there is a small sphere of seven Anu. 17. at the centre of the Ne120. Funnels. As in Vanadium we find bere two types of funnels. Type A. These three funnels contain six groups, that nearest the centre being N63. Next we find N1JO, and then two groups from the Calcium type. Mo46 and Ca70. Then comes the group Yt44, and finally the large group Nb60. Type B. These three funnels differ from those of the A type only in having a group Ca45 instead of the Mo46. Lanthanum = (Ne120+17)+3 [N63+N110+ Mod6 + Ca70+ Yed4 + Nb60} +3 [N63+ 110+ Cad5+ Ca70+ Yet4 + Nb60] Central globe 227 Anu 3 funnels A of 393 Anu = uy, 3 funnels B of 392. = u% . Total = 2482 Anu ‘Number weight V TENNO4 GNY ULNdD WANVHINVT ‘Te ‘Old ‘ > oD v WOANVHING 155 THE CUBE GROUP A WONWHLINYT PRAESEODYMIUM THE CUBE GROUP A 157 ATOMIC NO. #8. PRAESEODYMIUM Central globe. The Central globe, Fig. 84, is complex and is borrowed from Cerium, its predecessor in the atomic weight list. It consists of a centre-piece of 27 Anu, ‘Ce27, and then a ring of twenty segments, each containing 32 Anu. Thus the central lobe is identical with Ce667. It also occurs in Neodymium. Funnels. Praeseodymium has six similar funnels. Fig. 83. At the bottom of the funnel comes a group containing three ovoids, Moll, making Pr33. and then the N63 and N1J0 groups. Next comes the Yt44, and finally Nb60. Praeseodymium = Ce667-+6[Pr33+N63+N110+Yt44+Nb60] Central globe = 667 An Six funnels of 310 Anu 1860 Total = 2527 Anu ‘Number weight “Tg = 1404 OCCULT CHEMISTRY FIG. 4. PRAESEODYMIUM CENTRE, Ce6é7 159 THE CUBE GROUP A FIG. 85 LUTECIUM CENTRE, Luéi9 wnidaint THE CUBE GROUP A 161 ATOMIC NO. 7 LUTECIUM Central globe, In this element occurs the remarkable central globe containing 819 Anu which is found in Radium and other elements. As Lutecium is the element of lowest atomic weight in which this globe occurs it has been identified as Lu819._ The globe is formed of a grand centre of 27 Anu surrounded by 24 segments of the Ba33 form, making up the 819 Anu. Fig. 85. Funnels, Lutecium has six similar funnels. At the bottom of the funnel we find first N63, then N1J0, and then a group Lu53. Next comes Ca70 and then another new group Lu36 instead of the usual Yt4, and finally the familiar Nb60. Fig. 86. Lutecium = Lu819-+6 [N63+N110+Lu534-Ca70+Lu36+Nb60] Central globe 819 Anu 6 funnels of 392 Anu 252 Cw Total = 3171 Anu Number weight S472 — 17617 VFS @ io [Sees | CS) o9 e ant i i a 2D ODED) \C} VERB @ WOIWINVL THE CUBE GROUP A 163 ATomIc NOB TANTALUM, Central globe. The central globe is identical with that of Lutecium, Lu819. Fig. 88, Funnels. Again we find six similar funnels opening on the faces of a cube. Fig. 87. At the bottom of the funnel we find first the N63 group. then N1JO. Next comes a group peculiar to Tantalum, Ta63; after that we find one of the all pervading Calcium type, Ca70, and then Yt44, and finally Nb60. Tantalum = Lu8l9+6 [N63+N110+T263+Ca70+ Yedd +Nb60) Central globe = 819 Anu 6 funnels of 410 Anu = 2460 Total = 3279 Anu 279 Number weight 272 = 1921 164 OCCULT CHEMISTRY FIG. & TANTALUM AND ACTINIUM CENTRE-Lu6i9 THE CUBE GROUP A 165 ATOMIC NO. 99 ACTINIUM, This element shows relations with more than one of the preceding elements both of its own and other groups. It has two types of funnels, and adds eight spikes, directed to the corners of the cube. Actinium is a true element and not the temporary product of a heavier element. It ts itself radioactive Central globe. The globe is identical with that of Tantalum, Lu819. Fig. 88 Funnels Type A. These funnels are very similar to those of Lanthanum. They contain the whole of the Lanthanum A type funnel, with the addition of two Cai5 groups. Fig. 89 Type B. For these three funnels Actinium has borrowed from Antimony and Zirconium. They contain the large ovoid from the arm of Zirconium, Zr212, which we shall describe later when we come to discuss that element. In addition to the Zr212, the funnel contains two groups from Antimony. Sb128, and Sb113 plus three extra Anu making up AclI6. Fig. 90. ‘Spikes. There are eight spikes. each consisting of Li63. Actinium = Lu81943 [N63+N110-+Mo46+Cal60+Ye44-+Nb60] +3(Z1212+Sb128+Acl16] +8Li63 Central globe 3 funnels A of 483 Anu 3 funnels B of 456 Anu 8 spikes of 63 Anu Anu Number weight 4140 2300 WNINILOW @ TANNA ‘WAINLLOV 6 ‘Old WNINILOV 168 OCCULT CHEMISTRY ATO UC NO. 91 PROTO-ACTINIUM This element is very similar to Actinium. It contains two types of funnels and igh spikes. Central globe. The globe is the familiar Lu819. Fig. 91. Funnels Type A. These three funnels are exactly like the A type funnels in Actinium and contain 483 Anu. Fig. 92. Type B. These three funnels contain the whole of the Actinium B funnels, ‘Ac456, with the addition of a new group Pa29. Pa29 contains four Ad6 and a B5, the Ad6 being in a ring as shown. Fig. 93. Spikes. The eight spikes are the Li63 groups as in Actinium. ‘Proto-Actinium Lu819+3(N63-+N110+ Mo46+Cal60+Yt44+Nb60) +3[Zr212+ Sb128+ Acl16+Pa29] +8Li63 ‘Central globe 3 funnels A of 483 Anu 3 funnels B of 485 Anu 8 spikes of 63 Anu 819 Anu wis, 55, 504 Total = 4227 Anu Number weight #227 = 233,72 THE CUBE GROUP A FIG. 91. CENTRE OF PROTO-ACTINIUM, Lu6i9 WNINILOV-OL0OUd 16 @ TANNA WNINILV-OLON <6 ‘ola WNINILOV-O.LOYd 16 NADOUWLIN JO NOLLVUDAINISI 46 “O14 o ooo GOOSSS GD /OO 3) oo eg) 2 3 THE CUBE GROUP A 173 DISINTEGRATION OF CUBE GROUP A. DISINTEGRATION OF NITROGEN The constituents of Nitrogen are used constantly in this and other groups. Nitrogen consists of six bodies, N110, N63. two N24 and rwo N20, each of these being complex. Fig. 4. NII. The “balloon,” N1JO. changes to x sphere, and holds together on the EA level: on the E3 it yields six globes each containing seven duads. and these are all set free as duads on the E2 level. The ovoid is also set free on the E3 level, becoming a sphere; and on the E2 level it liberates its contained bodies, as two triplets, two quartets and two sextets which immediately become triplets N63. This body is liberated on the E4 level. On the E3 level it sets free seven bodies of 9 Anu and these become twenty-one triplets on the E2 level. ‘N24. The two N24 spheres are liberated on the E4 level. On the E3 level each assumes a tetrahedral form with six Anu at each point. On the E2 level each gives four sextets. N20. On the E4 level each N20 is found as a tetrahedral arrangement of pairs of duads at the angles of a square-based pyramid. ‘On the E3 we find a similar arrangement though the distribution of the forces is changed. On the E2 level the groups separate into 10 duads from each N20. WORKLLA 'WAIGYNVA ‘WAIGNVDS ‘NO¥Od 40 NOLLVUDRINISIA $6 ‘O14 ‘wniavnvn NW eB): ©: @& WnIGNvos——~=S=~S~S=C*NO THE CUBE GROUP A 175 DISINTEGRATION OF BORON The Central globe, with its four quintets. is set free and breaks at once into two groups of ten Anu. Fig. 95. ‘On the E3 level four quintets are formed which, on the E2 level, are resolved into triplets and duads. The funnels. The six funnels are first set free on the E4 level, where they assume the spherical form, showing a central Ad6 and four globes each containing two triplets. On the E3 level the Ad6 behaves as usual and the triplets separate. On the E2 level the Ad6 gives triplets and the other triplets give duads and units DISINTEGRATION OF SCANDIUM The Central globe shows a cross at its centre, with the four quintets whirling round it, on the E4 level. On the E3 level the quintets are set free and follow the Boron type. while the cross becomes a quartet. On the E2 level each quintet gives a triplet and a duad and the quartet two duads. Fig. 95. Funnels A. In funnels A the Ad6 and che ovoids behave as in Boron, but the N10 escapes from the funnel as it changes to a sphere and holds together on the E4 level. ‘The N110 disintegrates as shown under Nitrogen and the rest of the funnel as in Boron. Funnels B. The N63 escapes when the funnel becomes a sphere on the E4 level. ‘The remaining sphere contains the two N24 and the quintet B5. On the E3 and E2 levels. these groups behave as in Nitrogen and Boron. DISINTEGRATION OF VANADIUM The Central globe follows the pattern of the globe of Boron. Fig 95. The centre sphere 17 is shown in Iodine. The A funnels of Vanadium repeat the A funnels of Scandium with the addition of N20. All these disintegrate as shown under Nitrogen or Boron. The B funnels also repeat the B funnels of Scandium with the addition of a N20 group and the substitution of a sextet, N6, for a quintet. These also disintegrate as shown under previous elements. DISINTEGRATION OF YTTRIUM The Central globe breaks up into two groups which disintegrate as shown in Fig. 95. Funnels. On the E4 level the six funnels are first liberated and then the N110 and N63 escape and behave as shown in Nitrogen. The ovoids. 2H3, and the cigars, ‘Ad6, ate set free on the E3 level and behave as in Boron Fig. 95 ‘Yt8 is a tetrahedral arrangement of duads on the E3 level and these are set free as duads on the E2 level. The N20 behaves as shown under Nitrogen. 176 OCCULT CHEMISTRY Fig. 96 shows the Cube Group A in a condensed form, from which the relation- ships in the group may be studied. CUBE GROUP A ScaNoUM rc 6B YTTRIUM 3 , SBS @ © FIG. 114, DISINTEGRATION OF INDIUM THE CUBE GROUP B 201 DISINTEGRATION OF INDIUM After the funnels of Indium separate they set free their segments and these in turn liberate their contents. Each segment gives seven bodies. Each funnel contains three segments, these being of two types, A and B. Fig. 114 Type A. On the EA level type A gives three Ga20, three Gal5 and an Inl6. On the E3 level each Ga20 gives a sextet and two septets as before. The Gal5 also acts as in Gallium giving a sextet and a cross of nine Anu. The Inl6 gives a sextet and two quintets formed of a ring of four Anu with one in the centre (a square- based pyramid). (On the E2 level these form triads, duads and unis. Type B. On the E4 level we have three Gal8, three Gal3 and an Inl4. On the E3 level each Gal8 gives three sextets and the Gal3 gives the cross of nine Anu and a ring quartet as in Gallium. The Inl4 gives a tetrahedron quartet and two quintets (square-based pyramids). (On the E2 level they give triads, duads and units as before. OCCULT CHEMISTRY ao) a0) © O61) @ 9) @ © |@; |@ ® @ @ | &3 ie @ & |G o ages el FIG. 115. DISINTEGRATION OF ANTIMONY THE CUBE GROUP B DISTINTEGRATION OF ANTIMONY This element follows Gallium and Indium in its disintegration. There are three segments in each funnel and these segments are of two types. Each liberates seven bodies on che E4 level. Fig. 115. Type A. On the Ef level we find three Ga20, three Sb17 and one Sb17._ On the E3 level each Ga20 gives a sextet and two septets. The SbI7 is like the Gal5 except that a triplet is substituted for the unit in the centre of the P9 group. This apparently throws the cross out of gear for we have a new figure of eleven Anu contain- ing two quartets and a triplet. In addition to the body of eleven Anu each Sbl7 liberates a sextet on the E3 level. The Sbl7' gives a septet and two quintets of the square-based pyramid type. ‘On the E2 level we find quartets, triplets, duads and units. Type B. On the EA level we find three Gal8, three Sb15 and one Inl4. On the E3 level each Gal8 gives three sextets, the SbI5 is similar to Gal3 except, for the substitution of a triplet for the unit in the centre. Each Sb15 gives the group of eleven Anu as in the A type segment and a ring of four Anu. The Inl4 gives a tetrahedron and two quintets of the square-based pyramid form. On the E2 level we find quartets, triplets, duads and units. 204 OCCULT CHEMISTRY Fig. 116 shows the Cube Group B in a condensed form, from which the relationships in the group can be studied. Ee SD S ae nm wou N07 , ae En ae Ea a2 Fa 3 = i Y & SS e, / FIG. 118 TWO FUNNELS OF CARBON WITH LINKING ANU. CHAPTER IX THE OCTAHEDRON GROUP A THIS group is a very interesting one, containing as it does the element Carbon, so important in organic chemistry. The members of the group occur at the extreme limits of the left-band swing of the pendulum. Their characteristic form is that of an octahedron, rounded at the angles and a little depressed between the faces in consequence of the rounding. In fact, it was not at first recognized as an octahedron, and was called the “ corded bale” ‘All these elements are tetravalent and have eight funnels opening on the eight faces of the octahedron. Here, as usual, we find that the number of funnels is twice the valence. ‘The conception of the four valencies of Carbon pointing to the four comers of a tetrahedron, so much used in organic chemistry. at once comes to the mind. It is obvious that if four of the eight funnels are used, these would give forces pointing in the required directions in space. This subject is further illustrated in the descriptions of the Carbon compounds in Chapter XI. ATOMIC NU’ ELEMENT CENTRE FUNNELS 6 216 Carbon 4 402744026 2 864 «Titanium = (Ne12048) 4 (Ti8B+C27+C26+1) +1274 40-1624 Zirconium (Nel20+8) 4 (2212+ C27+.C26+1) +122136 582511 Cerium = e667 4(Z212) 4 (Cal60+Ce36+C27+.C26) 72 3211 Hafnium = HET747 4 (Zx212+ 4H1836) 4 (Cal60+Ce36+.C27+ C26 +Gell) 9 © 4187 Thorium = Lu819 4 (Zs212+Sb128+ Acl16) 4 (Cal60+Mo46 + 2Li63+ C27 +C26+1) TITANIUM FIG. 119. TITANIUM THE OCTAHEDRON GROUP A 207 ATOMIC NO. 6. CARBON Carbon gives us the fundamental octahedron form, which becomes so marked in Titanium and Zirconium, Central globe. In the centre of the octahedron is a globe containing four Anu, each within its own wall; these lie on the dividing lines of the faces and each holds a pair of funnels together. It seems as though this Anu had been economically taken from one Ad6 in the funnels, to form the link. Fig. 118. Funnels. The funnels are in pairs, one of each pair showing three “ cigars ” and having as its fellow a funnel in which the middle “ cigar " is truncated, having lost one Anu. Each Ad6 has a leaf-like body at its base, the six together making up one Hydrogen atom. Carbon = 444C2744C26 Centre 4 funnels of 27 Anu 4 funnels of 26 Anu Total 216 Number weight 218 ATOMIC NO. 2 TITANIUM Central globe. ‘The central body is made up of the five interlaced tetrahedrons, Nel20, with a ring of seven Anu round an eighth, that forms the minute centre of the ‘whole, Into this elaborate body one hundred and twenty-eight Anu are built. Round this centre comes a ring of twelve ovoids each holding within itself fourteen Anu, distributed among three contained spheres, two quartets and 2 sextet. This is a new device for crowding in material. Fig. 119. Funnels. Titanium has a complete Carbon atom distributed over the ends of its four arms, a pair of funnels with their linking Anu being seen in each. Then, in each arm, comes the elaborate body Ti88, with its eighty-eight Anu. The protrusion of the arms in Titanium and Zirconium suggests the old Rosicrucian symbol of the ctoss and rose, but since they show at their ends the eight carbon funnels with their characteristic contents they justify their relationship. Titanium = (Nel20+8)+12Ti14+4(Ti88+.C27+C26+1) Central globe 128 Ring 4 arms 8 funnels Number weight

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