Green laser (563.5 nm) on 2-axis translation stage, 1m optical bench, 1 slide holder, slide
with four single slits, slide with 3 diffraction gratings, slide with four double slits, slide with multiple
slits, pinhole, slide containing an etched Fourier transformed function, screen, tape measure.
To understand and test Fraunhofer diffraction through various apertures. To understand
Fraunhofer diffraction in terms of Fourier analysis. To gain experience with laser optics.
Suppose, as depicted in Figure 1, that a laser is shone upon a small slit. The light
passing through the slit is then allowed to fall on a screen, positioned at some distance, L, from
the slit, with its plane perpendicular to the path of the light's propagation. If light traveled in
straight lines one would expect the
screen to display a single image of
diffraction pattern the slit with the rest of the screen in
shadow. For a sufficiently small slit,
however, it is found that this is not
the case. Instead, a diffraction
pattern is observed, consisting of a
central bright fringe along the slit-
screen axis with alternating dark and
L screen
bright fringes on either side of the
central fringe. It is evident, based
slit on this observation, that light does
laser not travel in straight lines since
Figure 1 bright fringes are seen where
shadow would be expected. It follows then, that light has the property of being able to "bend"
around corners, a property called diffraction.
In order to examine diffraction we will assume that light
behaves like a wave. With this assumption one can imagine a wave fronts
beam of light to consist of a series of wave fronts aligned
perpendicular to the direction of light propagation. As shown in
Figure 2, a ray can be drawn perpendicular to the wave fronts,
indicating the direction of light propagation. This wave model of
light allows us to make use of Huygens' principle which claims
that any point on a wave front can itself be regarded as a point ray, indicates
source emitting circular wave fronts. Applying this principle to the direction of wave
situation under consideration, every point located in the slit acts propagation.
as a point source. Consequently, the diffraction pattern must be Figure 2
the result of the constructive and destructive interference of the various waves generated by
these point sources.
Diffraction phenomena are usually separated into two different types called Fraunhofer
and Fresnel diffraction. The latter describes the near-field pattern observed when the screen is
placed close to the slit (i.e. at small values of L), so the wave effects make only a small correction
to the geometric shadow of the aperture. Fraunhofer diffraction, on the contrary, describes the
diffraction pattern observed in the far field (i.e. at large values of L) where geometric optics is
completely inapplicable. We will postpone Fresnel diffraction until a later
date, and concentrate here on the far-field case.
where f = ( x, y ) reflects the geometry of the aperture. We treat this field according to Huygens’
principle as an antenna (extended oscillator) that generates secondary waves that form the
diffraction pattern. To calculate this pattern, we re-express the oscillator as a linear combination
of infinite plane antennas:
i ( k x x + k y y ) − i ωt
E ( x, y ) = E 0 ∫∫ f (k
k x ,k z
x , k y )e dk x dk y , (2)
i ( k x + k y ) −iωt i ( k x + k y + ik z ) −iωt
e x y →e x y z
with k y + k x + k z = (2π / λ ) = ω / c , so the field behind the aperture can be written as
2 2 2 2 2 2
i ( k x x + k y y + k z z ) − i ωt
E ( x, y , z ) = E 0 ∫∫ f (k
k x ,k z
x , k y )e dk x dk y .
The field produced by each plane wave antenna propagates in the directions defined by
angles (θ x , θ y ) with respect to the z axis, such that
sin θ x =
sin θ y = .
We continue our treatment within the so-called paraxial approximation, where we assume
that k z >> k x , k y , so k z ≈ k = , independent of k x and k y . The paraxial approximation also
implies that θ x ≈ sin θ x and θ y ≈ sin θ y . If the diffraction pattern is observed on a screen very
far away from the aperture (i.e. in the far-field approximation relevant to the Fraunhofer
diffraction), we can assume that the irradiance at some point ( x ' , y ' ) on the screen will be
determined by the electric field of the plane wave propagating at angles
θx =
L (5)
θy =
with respect to the z axis. Combining Eqs. (5) and (6) we find for the far field amplitude
x' y '
E ( x' , y ' ) = f (k ,k ) (6)
In other words, in the paraxial approximation the far-field diffraction pattern is just a scaled
inverse Fourier transform of the aperture. The intensity of the diffraction pattern is found
according to
I ( x' , y ' ) = E ( x' , y ' ) , (8)
Consider now a single slit, with the aperture function as described in figure 4. The vertical
dimension of the slit is sufficiently large so that we
may treat the problem as one-dimensional. The
aperture function here is the “top-hat” function:
a a
f ( x) = E 0 , x ∈ [− , ]
2 2 (9)
a a
f ( x) = 0, x ∉ [− , ].
2 2
We can then evaluate the Fourier transformation of the aperture function to find the electric field
at a point on a screen in the far-field regime
e ik x a / 2 − e − ik x a / 2 2aE0
1 1
E ( x' ) = ∫ f (k x )e ik x x dx = ∫ E0 e x dx = E0 =
ik x
sin(k x a / 2)
2π −∞
2π −a / 2
2πik 2πak
ak x / 2 = ak sin θ / 2 ≡ β (10)
we have:
aE 0 sin β
E (β ) = . (11)
2π β
Recalling that the irradiance at x’ is just the time-averaged electric field at that point, we
can write:
Fraunhofer Diffraction from a more complicated apparatus can be calculated by using the
fact that the Fourier transform of the convolution two functions f (x ) and g (x ) is the product of
the individual Fourier transforms:
h( x ) = f ( x) ∗ g ( x ) = ∫ f (t ) x( x − t )dt .
For example, the irradiance pattern for a two slits separated by a distance b, with each
slit having width a may be evaluated using (13) as the convolution of two Dirac delta functions
and a single slit (Figure 6.)
⎛k a⎞ ⎛k b⎞
I (θ ) ∝ sinc2 ⎜ x ⎟ cos 2 ⎜ x ⎟ (19)
⎝ 2 ⎠ ⎝ 2 ⎠
where the constant of proportionality is unimportant. We see that the single-slit diffraction pattern
sinc2(kxa/2) is now modulated by a finer pattern cos2(kxb/2) due to the two-slit diffraction. The
distance between the maxima of this pattern is given by
k xb
= mπ for m = 0,±1,±2,...
or, according to Eq. (4),
kb sin θ
= mπ (20)
or simply
b sin θ = mλ . (21)
The same analysis applies to many slit apertures and in more generality, to an arbitrary collection
of similar apertures.
When the number of equidistant slits further increases, the maxima of the diffraction
pattern remain at the same positions defined by Eq. (21), but become sharper. An extreme case
of such an arrangement is a diffraction grating – a repetitive array of slits (or obstacles).
Because of their dispersive properties, gratings are commonly used in monochromators and
spectrometers. The first artificial diffraction grating was made around 1785 by Philadelphia
inventor David Rittenhouse, who strung hairs between two finely threaded screws.
As mentioned, the diffraction grating will create a number of angularly separated maxima, with the
angle of diffraction determined by the wavelength of light. The angular position of the
m th maximum of the diffracted beam can be obtained by performing the inverse Fourier transform
of the grating as illustrated in figure 7. An infinite periodic grating can be considered to be the
convolution of a Dirac comb function (an infinite periodic array of delta functions) and a single slit.
The Fourier transform of the Dirac comb function of period d is also a Dirac comb function of
period 2π/d. The m maximum is thus given by the equation
kx = m ,
from which we find the condition for the maximum
d sin θ = mλ . (22)
The above treatment is valid for an infinite grating, which produces infinitely sharp
diffraction maxima. In a realistic experiment, the grating (more precisely, the illuminated area of
the grating) is finite. To find the Fraunhofer diffraction pattern from such a grating, we notice that
its aperture function equals to that of an infinite grating times that of a single slit (figure 8). The
resultant far field image is then the convolution of the irradiance pattern for a single slit and that of
an infinite grating, and the width δ sin θ of a given peak is found according to Eqs. (10) and (11):
wkδ sin θ / 2 = π
δ sin θ = , (23)
Two spectral
lines separated by an
interval ∆λ produce two
diffraction peaks whose separation ∆ sin θ can be found according to Eq. (22):
d∆ sin θ
∆λ = .
In order to resolve these lines, their separation ∆ sin θ should not exceed the individual peak
width given by Eq. (23). We find
dδ sin θ d
∆λ = = λ
m mw
so the resolving power of the m maximum of the grating is
λ wm
ℜ= = = mN . (24)
∆λ min d
The resolution of the grating in the first diffraction order equals the number of lines
Figure 10 shows the experimental arrangement that will be used to study diffraction
patterns. The laser, mounted on the optical bench by means of the two-axis translation stage,
shines on the slide holder which holds one of the various diffraction
slides or gratings. The translation stage is used to accurately adjust the x
and y position of the laser. The resulting diffraction pattern is observed
on the screen.
two-axis translation
y-adjust slide holder screen
x-adjust laser axis
optics bench
Figure 10
In this experiment, it is frequently required to measure the angle of a diffracted beam by
measuring the distance from the aperture to the slide. From basic trigonometry (figure 11) the
sine of the diffracted angle may be calculated from the displacement x of the pattern from the
primary (undiffracted) beam as follows:
sin θ = (25)
x 2 + L2
Experimental Procedure
1. Arrange the equipment so that the laser is pointed at a piece of blank paper taped to the wall
with the slide holder positioned quite close (≤ 5.00 cm) to the laser. Throughout this experiment it
is important to remember that looking directly into the laser can cause retinal damage. As a
consequence the optics bench should be positioned so that no one is working in the path of the
2. Using a tape measure, determine the distance from the grating to the wall.
3. Using equations (10) and (12) calculate the values for the maxima and minima of the single slit
diffraction pattern for the slit widths of 0.02 mm, 0.04 mm, 0.08 mm, and 0.16 mm.
4. Place the slide consisting of four single slits with openings of 0.02 mm, 0.04 mm, 0.08 mm,
and 0.16 mm in the slide holder. Adjust the two-axis translation stage so that the beam of the
laser passes through the largest slit. Sketch the resultant intensity pattern, mark the central
maximum as x = 0 cm and measure the distance from each maximum to the central fringe.
Repeat the process for the remaining three slits. Compare your theoretical results obtained in part
3 to your experimental data.
5. Replace the single slit slide with the slide consisting of four double slits of varying width and slit
spacing. The individual spacing of the maxima may be too small to measure accurately, but the
distance between three or four maxima is easily measurable. Make a sketch of the resultant
pattern and measure the distance from the central fringe to every four or so fringes for as many
fringes as possible. Compare the resulting diffraction pattern to the pattern obtained for the single
slit and with the theoretical prediction (19).
6. Replace the double slit slide with the multiple slit slide consisting of four multiple slit patterns
with the same width and spacing. Compare the resulting diffraction pattern and note, qualitatively,
how the number of slits affects the diffraction pattern.
7. Replace the multiple slit slide with the slide consisting of three diffraction gratings. Make sure
the grating is positioned perpendicular to the optical axis. This can be accomplished by twisting
the slide holder so that the distance between adjacent maxima of the diffraction pattern is
minimized. Adjust the two-axis translation stage so that the laser is incident upon the grating
ruled with 2400 lines/inch. (1 inch = 2.54 cm).
8. Using the tape measure determine the distance, L, between the central maximum displayed on
the wall and the diffraction grating. For at least six maxima on one side of the central maximum
measure the displacement, x, from the central maximum. To the best of your ability, measure the
diameter of the beam incident on the wall. Repeat for the remaining two gratings.
9. Plot a graph of sinθ versus m with error bars for each order m you have measured. From the
slope of the best fit line, determine the wavelength of the laser with error and compare to the
accepted value, printed on the laser.
10. For several diffraction orders, use the measured peak diameter to determine the resolution of
the grating (i.e. if the grating were illuminated by another laser with a slightly different wavelength,
how large does the wavelength difference need to be in order to produce a distinct diffraction
maximum?). Make an order-of-magnitude estimation of the diameter of the grating area
illuminated by the laser and make a prediction for the grating resolving power from Eq. (24). Are
the two values consistent?
11. Restrict the diffraction grating field with the 0.16 mm slit and repeat step 9.
12. Replace the diffraction grating with the pinhole slide and sketch the resultant pattern.
12a. (Bonus) Derive the Fourier transform of a circular aperture and compare to sketch.
13. (Bonus) Place the slide upon which an inverse Fourier transform of a grid is etched in the
holder and describe the resulting pattern.
1. Values for the distance L to the wall at all points in the experiment.
3. Values for positions of maxima and sketches of patterns for parts 4 and 5.
6. Plot from part 9 along with value for slope and for resolution of laser.