DV-5A Red-E Cabinet

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DV-5A Red-E Cabinet

Integrated Preaction Fire Protection Package

General • industrial grade rollers (4) are

standard at bottom of cabinet
Description • forklift compatible
• two-door cabinet design for ease of
The TYCO DV-5A Red-E Cabinet is a maintenance
pre-assembled fire protection valve
package enclosed within a free-stand- • internal, gauge panel, and control
ing cabinet designed to occupy minimal panel lighting
floor space and to provide an aestheti- • optional seismic kit
cally pleasing enclosure for a fire pro-
tection valve riser. The entire package The DV-5A Red-E Cabinet has been
is pre-wired and the water inlet and designed to readily incorporate 1-1/2
outlets to the valve riser are grooved to to 8 in. (DN40 to DN200) valve risers
provide minimal installation time. The for the following types of preaction
valve package includes the system systems:
(manual) shut-off control valve, auto- • Single Interlock Wet Pilot Actuation
matic water control valve, and water-
flow/supervisory switches. A built-in • Single Interlock Dry Pilot Actuation • Double Interlock Electric/Pneumatic
air compressor with associated con- Actuation
• Single Interlock Electric Actuation
trols provides an automatic air supply • Double Interlock Electric/Electric
for use as either supervision and pneu- • Double Interlock Electric/Pneumatic Actuation
matic actuation of the automatic water • Double Interlock Electric/Electric
control valve. System Types
• Preaction Type A The Technical Data Sheets referenced in
Integral to the DV-5A Red-E Cabinet is a Table A provide complete details for each
control panel and back-up batteries for system type arrangement.
providing electrical alarm, supervisory, Working Pressure Range
and trouble functions. All switches The DV-5A Red-E Cabinets described 20 to 300 psi (1,4 to 20,7 bar)
within the cabinet are pre-wired to the herein must be installed and main-
tained in compliance with this docu- Construction
control panel, making the electrical The Red-E Cabinet is constructed of 14
connections for power, detection cir- ment and with the applicable standards
of the NATIONAL FIRE PRO­TECTION gauge steel and is free standing. The
cuits, and alarms the only remaining standard paint finish is bright red and
connections to complete the system. ASSOCIATION (NFPA), in addition to
the standards of any authorities having black. The front doors of the enclosure
In addition to the control panel being jurisdiction. Failure to do so may impair are fully hinged (and removable) and
integral to the DV-5A Red-E Cabinet, the performance of these devices. open nearly to the cabinet floor level
windows have been provided in the allowing easy access to the couplings
door for viewing the releasing panel The owner is responsible for main- when connecting the water supply
functions and essential system pres- taining their fire protection system and drain. Pre-drilled holes on tabs
sure gauges. A lock for the control and devices in proper operating con- along the base of the cabinet provide
panel access door is standard, and a dition. Contact the installing contrac- an anchor point for the cabinet to be
lock for the cabinet door is optional. tor or product manufacturer with any secured to the floor when required.
questions. Industrial grade rollers at the bottom
Features and benefits are as follows: of the cabinet are standard. Internal
• aesthetically pleasing appearance Technical controls that provide functions to reset
a system after operation (for example,
• professionally assembled
• internally wired
Data alarm test valve, main drain valve, etc.)
are individually tagged for easy iden-
Approvals tification. All prefabricated piping is
• custom manufactured
Schedule 40 steel.
• all gauges and panel display are UL and C-UL Listed, FM Approved
System Types A Splash-resistant Drain Cup is pro-
externally visible
vided that ensures water does not
• Single Interlock Wet Pilot Actuation splash into the cabinet during flow
• Single Interlock Dry Pilot Actuation testing. The discharging water can be
IMPORTANT observed through a clear tube attached
• Single Interlock Electric Actuation to the drain cup. It is designed with a
Refer to Technical Data Sheet
TFP2300 for warnings pertaining to fail-safe feature allowing water to over-
regulatory and health information. flow in the event the drain is blocked.

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Nominal Riser Size

Nominal Dimension
in. (mm)1
DIM Description 1-1/2 (DN40) 2 (DN50) 3 (DN80) 4 (DN100) 6 (DN150) 8 (DN200)

A System Discharge 1-1/2 (DN40) 2 (DN50) 3 (DN80) 4 (DN100) 6 (DN150) 8 (DN200)

B Supply Header 4 (DN100) 8 (DN200)
C Drain Header 2 (DN50)
D Header Left 17.0 (431,8) 24.75 (628,7)
E Header Right 16 (406,4) 26.75 (679,5)
F Riser Height 68.26 (1733,8) 68.40 (1737,4) 68.44 (1738,4) 67.34 (1710,4) 67.9 (1724,7)
G Connection Offset 9.42 (239,3) 9.34 (237,2)
H Connection Offset 5.0 (127,0) 8.6 (218,4)
J Connection Offset 4.88 (124,0) 8.5 (215,9)
K Connection Offset 6.88 (174,8) 9.5 (241,3)
L Connection Offset 5.63 (143,0) 6.57 (166,9)
M Connection Offset 19.5 (495,3) 25.15 (638,8)
N Cabinet Height 73.25 (1860,6) 73.5 (1866,9)
P Cabinet Width 38.15 (969,0) 48.15 (1223,0)
R Cabinet Depth 23.73 (602,7) 29.64 (752,9)
1. All pipe connections are grooved
2. Supply and drain header connections made internal to cabinet




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1 - Supply Header
4 2 - Drain Header
15 3 - Supply and Drain Header
Connections on Left or
20 Right Side
14 4 - System Discharge
5 - System Air Supply
8 Connection with Plug
6 - DV-5A Valve with
Preaction Trim
18 7 - Manual System Shut-Off
12 8 - System Pressure Gauges
9 - Manual Control Station
19 10 - Splash-Proof Drip Cup
9 11 - Drain Header Integrated
Drip Cup Connection
6 12 - Waterflow Pressure Alarm
10 Switch
13 - Main Drain Valve
7 14 - Releasing Panel
17 13 15 - Electrical Conduit
16 16 - Main Compartment
2 11 Access Door with
Optional Lock
17 - System Air Compressor
1 3 18 - Low Air Pressure Alarm
19 - Manual System Shut-Off
20 - Air Tank

The Hard Piped Funnel Drain is con-

nected through a Swing Check Valve to Design • determination of air compressor
size for double interlock preaction
the Main Drain Header, eliminating the
need to run a separate drain line from Considerations systems as a function of system
type and volume, see Table B
the funnel. The cabinet floor is provided The automatic sprinklers and/or • power supply to Red-E Cabinet
with a drain opening to allow water to nozzles, fire detection devices, manual
drain out. A plug is also provided to • separate power supply to the air
pull stations, and signaling devices compressor
prevent water from draining from the that are to be utilized with the Red-E
cabinet if necessary.
The Air Supply connection for cabinets
Cabinet must be UL Listed, ULC Listed,
C-UL Listed, or FM Approved, as appli- Installation
without compressors (using AMD-1) are cable. With reference to Figure 3, the
terminated at a common height across system designer must consider and The TYCO Red-E Cabinet is to be
all model sizes allowing the connec- make preparations for use of a Red-E installed following the directions
tion of groups of cabinets easier. This Cabinet as follows: given in the “Red-E Cabinet Install-
allows a single tank mounted compres- er’s Manual” provided with the Red-E
• adequate floor space to facilitate Cabinet. Instructions pertain to the fol-
sor sized to meet the requirements opening of the cabinet doors
of the largest system in the group to lowing items:
supply all the cabinets in the group, or • minimum ambient temperature of • placing the cabinet
alternatively, connect to the factory air 40°F (4°C)
• connecting the system piping
supply. The air supply line contains a • installation of a suitably sized water
tee and plug which is used to connect supply to the water supply header • electrical connections
a hydraulic test pump that pressurizes (Port B, Figure 1) • system start-up
the sprinkler system above the butterfly
valve for hydraulic testing of the system • installation of system piping (Port A,
in accordance with NFPA 13. Figure 1) including automatic sprin-
klers and/or nozzles from the Red-E
Table A provides list of riser compo- cabinet outlet
nents and a cross reference to indi-
vidual Technical Data Sheets, as well • installation of drains from main
as individual component laboratory drain header (Port C, Figure 1)
approval information. • installation of the detection system
Figure 1 provides dimensional infor- components and alarms
mation for Red-E Cabinets, and
Figure 2 illustrates the typical assem-
bly arrangement.
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Description Model TDS* UL C-UL/ULC FM Global CSA

Automatic Water Control Valve and Preaction Trim
Single Interlock Wet Pilot Actuation X X X
Single Interlock Dry Pilot Actuation TFP1425 X X X
Single Interlock Electric Actuation DV-5A X X X
Double Interlock Electric/Pneumatic Actuation X X X
Double Interlock Electric/Electric Actuation X X X
Preaction Type A TFP1485
System Shut-off Valve, 1-1/2”-2” (DN40-DN50) Lansdale Powerball X5 X5 X5
System Shut-off Valve, 3”-8” (DN80-DN200) BFV-300 TFP1511 X X X
Pressure Alarm Switch, Potter Electric Signal PS10-2A X6 X6 X6
Pressure Alarm Switch, Potter Electric Signal PS40-2A X6 X6 X6
Control Panel, Potter Electric Signal1 PFC-4410RC X6 X6 X6
Automatic Supervisory Air Supply2 G16AC812 TFP1620 X7 X7
Air Maintenance Device3, Regulator Type AMD-1 TFP1221 X X X
Air Maintenance Device4, Switch Type AMD-2 TFP1231 X X X
Nitrogen Maintenance Device4 AMD-3 TFP1241 X X X
1. The Model PFC-4410RC is standard. The Red-E Cabinet may be ordered without an integral control panel. Preaction Type A systems are not approved for use with PFC-
4410RC Control Panel, utilizing model Fast 2000 instead.
2. The Model G16AC812 is utilized to maintain supervisory air pressure in all sizes of Single Interlock Preaction Systems with either Electric Actuation or Wet Pilot Actuation.
3. The Model AMD-1 Air Maintenance Device, in addition to an Auxiliary Air Tank, is utilized as standard equipment in Single Interlock Preaction Systems with Dry Pilot Actuation,
as well as Double Interlock Preaction Systems with Electric/Electric Actuation. In the case of Single Interlock Preaction Systems with Dry Pilot Actuation, two AMD-1’s are
utilized to accomplish the two different pressure settings that are necessary for the system piping and the dry pilot line. In the case of Double Interlock Preaction Systems with
Electric/Electric Actuation, one AMD-1 is utilized to maintain the system pressure.
4. The Model AMD-2 Air Maintenance Device and Model AMD-3 Nitrogen Maintenance Device, as well as the Model AMD-1 Air Maintenance Device, are offered as options when
the Red-E Cabinet is ordered without a built-in (for example, air compressor) automatic air supply.
5. Approvals under the name of the valve company.
6. Approvals under the name of Potter Electric Signal Company.
7. Approvals for the Compressor and Motor are under the name of General Air Company, and the approvals for the Pressure Operated Switch are under the name of Hubble or
* TDS – Technical Data Sheet


Electric/Electric Electric/Pneumatic
Actuation Actuation
Model Number Horsepower Voltage1
System Volume, System Volume,
Gallons (L) Gallons (L)
20 psi in 30 min. 40 psi in 30 min.
OL12516AC 1/6 115, 60 Hz 290 (1095) 125 (473)
OL25033AC 1/3 115, 60 Hz 475 (1795) 250 (945)
OL36550AC 1/2 115/230, 60 Hz 780 (2950) 365 (1380)
OL43075AC 3/4 115/230, 60 Hz 930 (3520) 430 (1625)
OL615100AC2 1 115/230, 60 Hz 1430 (5410) 615 (2325)
OL915100AC2 1-1/2 115/230, 60 Hz 2320 (8780) 915 (3460)
OL1225200AC2 2 230, 60 Hz 3040 (11500) 1225 (4635)
1. Unless otherwise specified, 115 VAC, 60 Hz is provided
2. 6 and 8 in. (DN150 and 200) cabinets only
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be maintained and serviced in accor- 120 VAC 60 Hz MAX. 165 VA OR
dance with this section. 220 VAC 50/60 Hz 185 VA MAX.
Before closing a fire protection system FROM BREAKER PANEL FOR AIR
main control valve for maintenance COMPRESSOR AS APPLICABLE
work on the fire protection system that
it controls, permission to shut down
the affected fire protection systems
must first be obtained from the proper
authorities. All personnel who may
be affected by this decision must be
Inspection, testing, and maintenance AUDIBLE &
must be performed in accordance VISUAL SIGNALING
with the requirements of the NFPA, and DEVICES
any impairment must be immediately
The TYCO Red-E Cabinet does not
require any regularly scheduled inspec- REMOTE SIGNALS
tion or maintenance. The riser com- TO BUILDING FIRE
ponents enclosed within the Red-E ALARM PANEL
Cabinet, however, must be maintained
in accordance with their applicable ELECTRICAL
Technical Data Sheet, see Table A. In
addition, the Control Panel and Auto-
matic Air Supply components must be WATER SUPPLY INLET
maintained in accordance with their FROM WATER
applicable instructions provided with SUPPLY PIPING
the Red-E Cabinet.
The owner is responsible for the inspec-
tion, testing, and maintenance of their
fire protection system and devices in MAIN DRAIN & DRIP
compliance with this document, as well FUNNEL DRAIN TO
as with the applicable standards of any FLOOR DRAIN OR
authorities having jurisdiction. Contact EQUIVALENT
the installing contractor or product
manufacturer with any questions.
Automatic sprinkler systems are rec-
ommended to be inspected, tested, SPRINKLER SYSTEM
and maintained by a qualified Inspec- PIPING, AS WELL AS
tion Service in accordance with local SPRINKLERS AND/OR
requirements and/or national codes. NOZZLES



Technical support for the Red-E
Cabinet is available by calling 888-572-­
4638 during regular business hours of
8:30-12:00 and 1:00-5:00 Eastern Time
Monday through Friday.
Contact Red-E Cabinet Technical
Support for special request cabinet
configuration or electrical connection/
control panel programming inquiries.
An answering service will take mes-
sages outside of the regular business
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P/N 53 — X — X — XX — X — X — X — X

Solenoid Pressure Rating

Air Maintenance Control
0 300 psi solenoid (standard) Device1 Panel Compressor1

0 None 0 None 0 None

1 AMD-1 A Included 1 1/6 hp 125 Gal
2 AMD-2 2 1/3 hp 250 Gal
3 AMD-3 3 1/2 hp 365 Gal
4 3/4 hp 430 Gal
Size System Trim
Type2 5 1 hp 615 Gal
in. Type
1 NPT Galvanized 6 1-1/2 hp 915 Gal
1 1-1/2 11 Single Interlock Wet Pilot Acutation
7 2 hp 1225 Gal*
2 2 12 Single Interlock Dry Pilot Acutation 1. Air Maintenance Device is not required
(select “0” - None) when a Compressor 8 S/I Compressor
3 3 13 Single Interlock Electric Acutation (1-8) is selected.
* Requires 230V/60Hz
2. Black trim types are available only on
4 4 14 Double Interlock Electric/Pneumatic Acutation request. Contact Red-E Cabinet Technical
Support for information.
6 6 15 Double Interlock Electric/Electric Acutation
8 8 16 Preaction Type A


Limited DV-5a Red-E Cabinet with

Double Interlock Preaction System
• with special size air compressors
for single interlock systems
Warranty and Electric/Electric Actuation
Specify: Size (specify) DV-5A Red-E
• with 50 Hz air compressors
• with seismic kit. Kit must be
For warranty terms and conditions, visit Cabinet with Electric/Electric-Actu- ordered separately.
www.tyco-fire.com. ated Double Interlock Preaction System
Riser with (specify model from Table Valve Size Part No.

Ordering B) Air Compressor, P/N (specify per

Table C)
1-1/2 – 4 in. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53-040-0-001
4 – 8 in. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53-080-0-001

Procedure DV-5a Red-E Cabinet with

• with sight flow gage (provides a
The Part Numbers (P/Ns) in this section Double Interlock Preaction System visual indication of flow through the
are provided for standard cabinets with and Electric/Pneumatic Actuation main drain)
integral control panel, built-in automatic
Specify: Size (specify) DV-5A Red-E • with extra capacity batteries (12V
air supply, for example, air compres-
Cabinet with Electric/Pneumatic-Actu- up to 18Ah) for longer battery
sor and controls, and galvanized pipe,
ated Double Interlock Preaction System time and/or systems with heavy
nipples, and fittings.
Riser with (specify model from Table B) power requirements , for example,
DV-5a Red-E Cabinet with Air Compressor, P/N (specify per Table numerous audible signaling devices
Single Interlock Preaction System C)
• with Class “A” initiating appliance
Specify: Size (specify) DV-5A Red-E Special Orders circuits (this option permits the
Cabinet with (specify actuation) Single The DV-5A Red-E Cabinet can be pro- connection of Class “A” style wiring
Interlock Preaction System Riser, P/N vided as follows as part of a special to the initiating zones)
(specify per Table C) request cabinet configuration:
• with Class “A” indicating appliance
• without the control panel circuits (this option permits the
NOTICE connection of Class “A” style wiring
• without built-in automatic air supply,
Electric Actuation and Wet Pilot Actu- for example, air compressor and to the indicating zones)
ation are provided standard with controls • with auxiliary relay modules to
the Model G16AC812 Automatic Air
• with an optional air/nitrogen mainte- provide extra-dry contacts when
Supply utilizing a 1/6 HP motor. Dry
nance device when ordered without required; up to an 8 ARM-44
Pilot Actuation is provided standard
built-in automatic air supply module per cabinet can be added
with an OL12516AC (1/6 HP) Air Com-
pressor and Auxiliary Air Tank complete • with trim black pipe, nipples, and • with RA-4410 RC Remote
with Model AMD-1 Air Maintenance fittings, as may be desired for AFFF Annunciator
Devices. systems Contact Red-E Cabinet Technical
Support for information about special
request cabinet configurations.
1400 Pennbrook Parkway, Lansdale, PA 19446 | Telephone +1-215-362-0700
© 2019 Johnson Controls. All rights reserved. All specifications and other information shown were current as of document revision date and are subject to change without notice.

NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION and NFPA are registered trademarks of National Fire Protection Association

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