Curreclem BAP Level 1

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Amhara TVET System

Revised Curriculum GARMENT


Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia



NTQF Level I

August 2017

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Ethiopia has embarked on a process of reforming its TVET-System. Within the

policies and strategies of the Ethiopian Government, technology transformation – by
using international standards and international best practices as the basis, and,
adopting, adapting and verifying them in the Ethiopian context – is a pivotal element.
TVET is given an important role with regard to technology transfer. The new
paradigm in the outcome-based TVET system is the orientation at the current and
anticipated future demand of the economy and the labor market.

The Ethiopia Occupational Standards (EOS) is the core element of the Ethiopian
National TVET-Strategy and an important factor within the context of the National
TVET-Qualification Framework (NTQF).They are national Ethiopia standards, which
define the occupational requirements and expected outcome related to a specific
occupation without taking TVET delivery into account.

This document details the mandatory format, sequencing, wording and layout for the
Ethiopia Occupational Standard which comprised of Units of Competence.

A Unit of Competence describes a distinct work activity. It is documented in a

standard format that comprises:
 Occupational title and NTQF level
 Unit code
 Unit title dence guide

Together all the parts of a Unit of Competence guide the assessor in determining
whether the candidate is competent.

The ensuing sections of this EOS document comprise a description of the respective
occupational level with all the key components of a Unit of Competence:
 chart with an overview of all Units of Competence for the respective level
including the Unit Codes and the Unit Titles
 contents of each Unit of Competence (competence standard)
 occupational map providing the technical and vocational education and training
(TVET) providers with information and important requirements to consider when
designing training programs for this standards and for individual, a career path


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The reformed Ethiopian TVET-System is an outcome-based system. It utilizes the needs of
the labor market and occupational requirements from the world of work as the benchmark
and standard for TVET delivery. The requirements from the world of work are analyzed and
documented – taking into account international benchmarking – as Ethiopian Occupational
Standards (OS).

In the reformed Ethiopian TVET-System, Curricula and Curriculum Development play an

important role with regard to quality driven TVET-Delivery. Curriculum help to facilitate the
learning process in a way, that learners acquire the set of occupational competencies (skills,
knowledge and attitude) required at the working place and defined in the Occupational
Standards (OS). Responsibility for Curricula and Curriculum Development will be given to
the Regional TVET-Authorities and TVET-Providers.

This curriculum has been developed by a group of experts from different Regional TVET-
Authorities based on the Occupational Standard for infrastructure operations Work-level 1.It
has the character of a model curriculum and is an example on how to transform the
occupational requirements as defined in the respective Occupational Standard into an
adequate curriculum.
The curriculum development process has been actively supported and facilitated by the
ministry of Education-in line with one of its mandates to provide technical support to the
regions-and by the TVET-Reform component of the Engineering capacity Building program.

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1. TVET-Program Design

TVET-Program Title Basic Apparel Production

1.1. TVET-Program Description

The Program is designed to develop the necessary knowledge, skills and attitude of the
learners to the standard required by the OS. The contents of this program are in line with
the Occupational Standard (OS). Learners who successfully completed the Program will
be qualified to work as Basic Apparel Production with competencies elaborated in the
respective OS. Graduates of the Program will have the required qualification to work in
the Garment industry sector in the field o f Basic Apparel production .

The prime objective of this training program is to equip the learners with the identified
competences specified in the OS. Graduates are therefore expected to, Draw interpret
Basic sketches , Take Body measurements ,Prepare Basic Pattern for Apparels ,Cut
Simpile Fabrics and lays, Bundle and Label cut Fabrics ,Prepare Sewing machines .Sew
Garment Parts ,Operate specialized Industrial Machines , Perform Hand stitching,
Perform Hand Embroidery ,Perform Garment product Finishing, Produce Simple
Garments , Perform Industrial Sewing Machine Minor Servicing ,Apply Quality
Standards ,Work with others ,Receive and Respond to work place Communication,
Demonstrate Work values, Develop Under standing of Entrepreneurship in accordance
with Performance criteria described in the OS`
1.2. TVET-Program Learning Outcomes
The expected outputs of this program are the acquisition and implementation of the
following units of competence in Basic Apparel Production Level -I

TXT BAP 1 01 09 11 Draw and interpret Basic sketch

TXT BAP1 02 09 11 Take Body measurements
TXT BAP1 03 09 11 Prepare Basic pattern for Apparels
TXT BAP1 04 09 11 Prepare Sewing Machines
TXT BAP1 05 09 11 Operate Specialized Industrial Machines
TXT BAP1 06 09 11 Perform Hand Stitching
TXT BAP1 07 09 11 Perform Hand Embroidery

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TXT BAP1 08 09 11 Cut Simple Fabrics and lays
TXT BAP1 09 09 11 Bundle and label Cut Fabrics
TXT BAP1 10 09 11 Sew Garment Parts
TXT BAP1 11 09 11 Perform Garment Product Finishing
TXT BAP1 12 09 11 Produce simple Garments
TXT BAP1 13 09 11 Perform Industrial Sewing Machine Minor Servicing
TXT BAP1 14 09 11 Apply Quality Standards
TXT BAP1 15 09 11 Work with others
TXT BAP1 16 09 1 Receive and Respond to woke place Communication
TXT BAP1 17 09 11 Demonstrate Woke Values
TXT BAP1 18 09 11 Develop Under standing of entrepreneurship
Kaizen1 19 0817 Applying 3S
TVET CEE1 20 0817 Develop Understanding of Constitutional Democracy
TVET CEE1 21 0817 Apply General Work Ethics
TVET CEE1 22 0817 Develop Saving Practices

1.3 Duration of TVET- Program

The program will have duration of 678 hrs. including on-the-job
Practice or cooperative training.
1.4 Qualification Level and Certification
Based on the descriptors elaborated on the National TVET Qualification Framework
(NTQF) the qualification of this specific TVET Program is “Level I”.

The learner can exit after successfully completing the Modules in one level and will
be awarded the equivalent institutional certificate on the level completed. The learner
can also exit after completing any one learning module. However, only certificate of
attainment or attendance (this is institutional discretion) will be awarded.

1.5 Target Groups

Any citizen who meet the entry requirements Under items 1.7 and capable of
participating in the learning activities is entitled to take part in the Program.

1.6 Entry Requirements

The prospective participants of this program are required to possess the
requirements or directive of the ministry of Education:

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1.7 Mode of Delivery
This TVET-Program is characterized as a formal Program on middle level technical
skills. The mode of delivery is co-operative training. The TVET-institution and
identified companies have forged an agreement to co-operate with regard to
implementation of this program. The time spent by the trainees in the industry will
give them enough exposure to the actual world of work and enable them to get
hands-on experience.

The co-operative approach will be supported with lecture-discussion, simulation and

actual practice. These modalities will be utilized before the trainees are exposed
to the industry environment.

1.8 TVET-Program Structure

Unit of Competence Module Number & Title Learning Outcomes Duration
 Prepare drawing tools,
equipment and work station.
TXT BAP1 01 0911  Identify basic design styles
TXT BAP1 M 01 11 15  Use template to draw sketches
Draw and Interpret Drawing and
 Interpret sketch 40
Basic Sketches Interpreting Basic  Complete work

TXT BAP1 02 TXT  Measure fit model

BAP1 m 02 11 15
BAP1 02 09 11  Assess physical characteristics
Taking Body Obtain measurements and 20hrs
Take Body
Measurements Measurements interpret size standards

 Plan and prepare for work

TXT BAP1 03 09 11 TXT BAP1 m03 11 15  Prepare block/basic pattern.
Prepare Basic Preparing Basic Pattern  Complete work.
Pattern for Apparels for Apparels 100hrs

 Prepare workstation
TXT BAP1 04 09 11 TXT BAP1 m 04 11 15  Check machine condition
Prepare Sewing Preparing Sewing  .Check machine performance 20hrs
Machines Machines

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 Prepare work pieces
TXT BAP1 05 09 11 TXT BAP1m 05 11 15
 Perform production assembly
Operate Specialized Operating Specialized tasks. 50hrs
Industrial Machines Industrial Machines  Dispatch completed work

TXTBAP1 06 09 11 TXT BAP1m 06 11 15

 Prepare workstation
Perform Hand Performing Hand  Perform hand stitching 15hrs
Stitching Stitching  Dispatch completed work

 .Interpret design brief or

 Prepare work pieces and
TXT EMB1 07 09 11 TXT EMB1m 07 11 15
Perform Hand Performing Hand 15hrs
 Embroider garment/article o r
Embroidery Embroidery piece
 Dispatch completed work

 Prepare workstation
 Lay-up fabric
 Draft lay marker
TXT BAP1 08 09 11 TXT BAP1 m 08 11 15  Copy marker
Cut Simple Fabrics Cutting Simple Fabrics  Position marker 30hrs
and Lays and Laying  Cut work
 Complete work

 Inspect cut works / fabrics

 Prepare finished cut works for
TXT BAP1 09 09 11 TXT BAP 1 m 09 11 15 dispatch
Bundle and Label Bundling and Label Cut 10hrs
 Dispatch bundled products
Cut Fabrics Fabrics

TXT BAP1m 10 11 15  Prepare garment parts

TXT BAP1 10 09 11 Sewing Garment Parts  Sew garment parts / work
pieces 80hrs
Sew Garment Parts
 Monitor machine performance
 Assess quality of sewn pieces

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 Apply finishes
TXT BAP1 11 09 11 TXT BAP1m 11 11 15  Trim excess threads
Perform Garment Performing Garment  Press finished garments 20hrs
 Package finished garment
Product Finishing Product Finishing

 Prepare garment components

TXT BAP1 12 09 11 TXT BAP1 m12 11 15  Prepare workstation
Produce Simple Producing Simple  Assemble garment components 80hrs
 Complete work
Garments Garments

TXT BAP1 13 09 11 TXT BAP1m 13 11 15  Assess machine performance

and operation
Perform Industrial Performing Industrial
 Rectify minor machine fault 8hrs
Sewing Machine Sewing Machine Minor  Clean and lubricate machine
Minor Servicing Servicing
 Assess own work
 Assess quality of received
TXT BAP1 14 0911 TXT BAP1m 14 11 15
Apply Quality Applying Quality  Record information 10hrs
Standards Standards  Study causes of quality
 Complete documentation
 Develop effective workplace
TXT BAP1 15 09 11 TXT BAP1 m15 11 15
 Contribute to work group 10hrs
Work with Others Working with Others. activities

TXT BAP116 09 11 TXTBAP1m16 11 15

receive and Respond receiving and Responding  Follow routine spoken messages 10hrs
to Workplace to Workplace  Perform workplace duties
following written notices.
Communication Communication

 Define the purpose of work

TXT BAP1 17 09 11 TXT BAP1m 17 11 15
 Apply work values/ethics
Demonstrate Work Demonstrating Work  Deal with ethical problems 10hrs
Values Values  Maintain integrity of conduct
in the workplace

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 Describe and explain the 50hrs
principles, concept
and scope of entrepreneur- ship
TXT BAP1 18 09 11  Discuss how to become
TXT BAP1m 18 11 15
Develop entrepreneur
Develop Understanding  Discuss how to organize an
Understanding of enterprise
of Entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurship  Discuss how to operate an
 Develop one’s own business
TVET kaizen101 0615 TVET kaizen MO 19 0817  Organize Junior Kaizen Promotion 60
Apply 3S Applying 3S Team (KPT)
 Prepare for work
 Sort items
 Set all items in order
 Perform Shine activities
TVET CEE1 01 0115: TVET CEE1 M20 0817:  Explain the importance of 18
Develop Developing Understanding democracy
Understanding of of Constitutional  Describe basic principles of the

Constitutional Democracy Ethiopian constitution

 Discuss features of a democratic
 Understand TVET National
TVET CEE1 02 0115: TVET CEE1 M21 0817:  Realize work and well-being 10
Apply General Work Applying General Work  Practice work ethics
Ethics Ethics
TVET CEE1 03 0115: TVET CEE1 M22 0817:  Understand benefits of saving 12
Develop Saving Developing Saving  Describe planning and saving
Practices Practices  Explain saving as a source of work

*The time duration (Hours) indicated for the module should include all activities in and out of the TVET institution.

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1.9 Institutional Assessment
Two types of evaluation will be used in determining the extent to which learning
outcomes are achieved. The specific learning outcomes are stated in the modules. In
assessing them, verifiable and observable indicators and standards shall be used.

The formative assessment is incorporated in the learning modules and form part of the
learning process. Formative evaluation provides the learner with feedback regarding
success or failure in attaining learning outcomes. It identifies the specific learning errors
that need to be corrected, and provides reinforcement for successful performance as
well. For the trainer/facilitator, formative evaluation provides information for making
instruction and remedial work more effective.

Summative Evaluation the other form of evaluation is given when all the modules in the
unit of competence have been accomplished. It determines the extent to which
competence have been achieved. And, the result of this assessment decision shall be
expressed in the term ‘competent or not yet competent’.

Techniques or tools for obtaining information about trainee’s achievement include oral or
written test, demonstration and on-site observation.

1.10 TVET Trainer’s Profile

The Teachers Conducting This particular TVET program are at least C Level and have
satisfactory practical related experiences or equivalent Qlifications.

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1.11 Learning Modules

Logo of TVET
MODULE TITLE: Drawing and Interpreting Basic Sketches
01 11 15

MODULE DESCRIPTION: This module covers the skills, attitudes and knowledge to draw and
interpret a two-dimensional sketch of a garment to identify construction features.

Learning Outcomes(Objectives)
At the end of the module the Trainees will be able to:
LO1 Prepare drawing tools, equipment and workstation
Lo2 Identify Basic styles
LO3 Use template to draw sketches
LO4 Interpret sketch
LO5 Complete work


LO1: Prepare drawing tools, equipment and workstation

1.1 Select drawing tools and equipment.
 A3 layout pad
 pencils with HB leads and pencil sharpener
 knead able eraser
 templates
1.2 Setting up work bench and seating according to OHS practices.

 hazard identification and control,

 risk assessment and implementation of risk
 reduction measures specific to the tasks manual handling techniques
- standard operating procedures
- personal protective equipment
- safe materials handling
- taking of rest breaks
- ergonomic arrangement of workplaces
- following marked walkways
- safe storage of equipment
- housekeeping

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1.3 Identifying and following Workplace practices and work instructions

Lo2: Identify Basic styles

2.1 Identify basic styles and pattern pieces

 straight and A-line skirt
 shift dress
 blouse
 pants / trousers
 waistbands and pockets
 skirt front and back
 sleeves
2.2 Identify and follow specification
2.3 Use correct terminology to identify garment components.(to include the above
sub title)

LO3: Use template to draw sketches

3.1 Identify Quality criteria for drawing.

 Proportion
 Perspective
 symmetry and balance
 fabric performance
 detail
 neatness
3.2 Select template to draw sketch
 front and back full body view - ladies', men's and children's
 upper torso or lower torso
 swimwear or lingerie
3.3 Draw required Lines to complete sketch accurately.
 Straight
 angled
 curved
 pointed
 circled

3.4 Draw sketch correctly represent pattern piece or garment

3.5 Identify and label relevant parts of sketch

LO4: Interpret sketch

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4.1 Identify features of design from sketch

 pattern pieces
 construction requirements
 garment style

4.2 Use specifications where interpret from sketch

4.3 Determine required fabric for the construction of garment from sketch.

LO5 Complete work

5.1 Inspect sketch against quality standards

5.2 Carrying out any changes or adjustments to sketch
5.3 Completed documentation relating to sketch


 Lecture-discussion
 Demonstration
 Practical exercises

Competence may be Assessed through

 Practical assessment
 Simulation
 Oral Question
 Written tests

CO-operative training


LO1 Prepare drawing tools, equipment and workstation

 Drawing tools and equipment are selected and made ready for use.
 Work bench and seating are set up according to OHS practices.
 Workplace practices and work instructions for controlling risks are identified and

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followed accurately

LO2 Identify Basic styles

 Basic styles and pattern pieces are identified.
 Specifications are identified and followed as required.
 Correct terminology is used to identify garment components
LO3 Use template to draw sketches
 Quality criteria for drawing are identified.
 Template is selected to draw sketch.
 Lines required to complete sketch are drawn accurately.
 Sketch is drawn to correctly represent a pattern piece or garment.
 Relevant parts of sketch are identified and labeled

LO4 Interpret sketch

 Specifications where used are interpreted from sketch.
 Required fabric for the construction of garment is determined from sketch.

LO5 Complete work

 Sketch is inspected against quality standards.
 Any changes or adjustments to sketch are carried out as required.
 Documentation relating to sketch is completed.

Resource Requirements
TXTBAP1M0111 15Draw and Interpret Basic Sketches

Description/ Recommended Ratio

Item No Category/Item Quantity
Specifications (Item: Trainee)

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A. Learning Materials
Reference manuals and books
To be developed by the trainer
6 1:5
Natalie B. (1983).
 Dress Pattern designing.

The basic Principles of cut & fit. 6


 Metric Pattern Cutting 6

Third Edition(Revised 1:5

 manufacturing sewn Product Analysis, 6 1:5

Prentice Hall. INC, 1990
 Needle work and Sewing techniques the 6
complete Encycnopedia Amanda o Neill
 Fashion sketch book Fifth Edition Bina 6
Abling New york

B. Learning Facilities & Infrastructure

 A3 layout pad
 pencils with HB leads and pencil 30 1:1
 kneadable eraser 30 1:1
 templates 6 1:5
 Good classroom environment

C. Consumable Materials
 Pattern 30 pieces 1፡1
 Over coat 30 1፡1
 Gowns 30 1፡1
30 pieces
 Tailors chalk flat &different colors
 Pencils & Eraser 30 1:1
 Pattern Paper in rims rims(100 3:1
 pins 30 packet 1:1

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Pattern Paper different colors 1:1

D. Tools and Equipments

 Tape measure plastic 150cm long, marked in inch

30 1:1
 Ruler large& Small 50cm long 30 1:1
 plastic/transparence 100cm long 30 1:1
 French curve, hip curve, Square rule 15 1:2
 Ready made patterns of different 6 1:5
 garment patterns of different size 6 1:5
 Arm hole curve 6 1:5
 Table for Cutting &Drafting Patterns width 76cm
15 1:2
length 150cm height 75cm
 Tracing wheel Metal ,15cm long ,Wooden handle 15 1:2
 Pencils Sharpener 15 1:2
 Table fix, Portable and stationary plants,
15 1:2
machines and equipment
 rulers, square rule, marker pens, pins, fashion
triangle, French curve, tape measure, pattern
hook, masking tape, sticking tape, hip curve, 15 1:2
pattern blocks, and arm hole curvePortable hand
and power tools
30 1:1
 Scissors, paper notch

OHS equipment and personal protective devices 30 1;1


TVET PROGRAM TITLE : Basic Apparel Production Level I

MODULE TITLE :Taking Body Measurements
11 15
MODULE DISCRPTION: This module covers the accurate
knowledge, skills and attitudes required in taking
measurements of the client.

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Learning Outcomes(Objectives)
At the end of this module the trainees will be able to:
LO1 Measure fit mode
LO2 Assess physical characteristics
LO3 Obtain measurements and interpret size standards

LO1 Measure fit mode

1.1 Identify or read drawing or sketch provided by client / supervisor.

1.2 clarify and confirm Workplace procedures and instructions.
1.3 prepare Tools and equipment :
 tape measure
 pen/pencil and eraser
 measure chart
 tape, cord or elastic
 standard chart
 dummy

1.4 Establish and make body reference points

1.5 Take and record body measurements of fit model:
 height and weight
 body reference points such as nape, acrimony, waist point, seat vertex, abdomen
vertex, carpus, neck base, upper sternum, bust point, pelvic bone
 levels such as crown, shoulder, armscye, bust or chest, waist,
 hip, crotch, knee
 girth measurements such as waist, bust or chest, hip,
 high hip, upper and under bust, head circumference, upper arm, wrist, thigh, calf,
ankle, heel/instep
 horizontal measurements such as shoulder, shoulder breadth, across front, across
back, bust point to bust point
 vertical measurements such as nape to centre back, waist, nape to neck base, nape to
bust or chest, nape to waist, nape to wrist, center front waist to floor, center back waist
to floor, right-hand side waist to floor, left-hand side waist to floor, waist to hip, inside
leg, body rise, arm length, neck length

LO2. Assess physical characteristics

2.1 Identify and compare body characteristics to standard body.

 posture
 genetic, developmental and structural influences
 shape classifications such as hourglass, rectangular, pear, inverted triangle
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 anthropometric classifications - somatotypes
 shoulder slope - raised, normal, sloping
 body sway and postural asymmetry - according to lower
 and upper body
 proportions – tall, short or average - high or low waist, mid-body shortness
 Standards size charts

2.2 Record Information on body characteristics and demographics of fit model:

 age
 ethnicity
 gender
 accurate assessment of body measurement positions
 accurate taking of body measurements, including girth, vertical and horizontal
 reference to Ethiopian standard measurements
 age
 sex
 assessment of physical characteristics, including body
 characteristics and unique features as aligned with standard representation

2.3 Determine and consider Special needs in accordance with the design specifications

LO3. Obtain measurements and interpret size standards

3.1 Obtain measurements in accordance with job instructions
3.2 Identify type of measurements
3.3 Categorize sizes according to their measurements.
 Women’s sizes such as 10, 12, 14, 16, etc.
 Men’s sizes such as 92, 98, etc.
 Children’s sizes such as 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, etc.
 babies’ sizes such as 0000, 000, 00, 0, etc
3.4 Record and pass data onto personal responsible

 lecture-discussion
 Demonstration
 Practical exercises
Reasonable Adjustment for Trainees with Disability (TWD)
Low Vision Deaf Hard – of – Physical
hearing impairment
Lecture-discussion - Organize the - Arrange seating - Facilitate trainees to - organize the

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Class room set to be seat in the front line class room
setting convenient for row of trainees seating
arrangement Eye to eye seating arrangement arrangemento
to be contact - Provide clear & be accessible
conducive for -assign sign short lecture to wheelchair
trainees language - Speak loudly user
- writing the interpreter - Ensure the attention - Facilitate
lecture - Use video of the trainee and support
material in record - Present the lecture in the trainees
large text information video format having severe
- Use short and upper limbs
clear sentences impairment
and summarize to take notes.
- Introduce new - Writing
and relevant main points
vocabulary briefly
- Follow the
attention of the

Demonstration - Conducting - use Sign - Show & use clear & - Facilitate
Close follow language short method and support
up interpreter - Use Video recorded the trainees
- Use verbal - Use different material having severe
description video and films - Ensure the attention upper limbs
- Provide of the trainee impairment
- Follow
special - Tutorial support (if to operate
attention of the
attention in necessary) equipments/
the process of machines
guidance - Assigned
- Tutorial support peer trainees
(if necessary) - Conduct
close follow
Practical Training - Close follow - Provide video record - Assign peer
- Sign language
up material trainees
- Provide - Close follow up
special - Follow
-Provide structured
attention in attention of deaf
the process of trainees
- Close follow up
- Use verbal
description of
Group work - Introduce - Facilitate know - Integrate the trainees - Introduce
the trainees the name of their with non-disable the trainees
with their group members with their
peers without - Group with peers
disability non disability
- Recorded Peer
material - Sign language
- Allow interpreter
- Touch and
work with

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- Close follow
- Briefing the
issues of the

Interview - use sign - speak loudly - Use written
language - Time extension response as
interpreter an option for
- Use written the trainees
response as an having
option to give speech
answer challenges
Demonstration/Observation - briefing the - Sign language - provide activity
instruction or interpreter based assessment
providing - provide - Briefing on the
them in large activity-based/ instruction of the
text practical exam
- Time assessment
extension method
- Time extension
Written test - Prepare the - Time extension - Time extension - Use oral
exam in large response as
texts an option to
- use give answer
interview as for trainees
an option having
- prepare the severe upper
exam in audio limb
format impairment
- Assign - Time
human reader extension for
(if necessary) trainees
- Time having
extension severe upper


Competence may be assessed through

 practical assessment
 simulation
 oral question
 theoretical exam(written tests)

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 CO-operative training
LO1 Measure fit mode
 Drawing or sketch provided by client / supervisor are identified or read
 Workplace procedures and instructions are clarified and confirmed
 Tools and equipment are obtained and fit model preparedfor measurement
and or image capture.
 Body reference points are established and marked. Body measurements of fit model
are taken and recorded
LO2 Assess physical characteristics
 Body characteristics are identified and compared to standard body.
 Information on body characteristics and demographics of fit model is
 Special needs are determined and considered in accordance with the design
LO3 Obtain measurements and interpret size standards
 Body characteristics are identified and compared to standard body.
 Information on body characteristics and demographics of fit model is
 Special needs are determined and considered in accordance with the design

Resource Requirements
TXT BAP1 M02 11 15 Taking body measurements.

Description/ RecommendedRatio
Item No Category/Item Quantity
Specifications (Item: Trainee)
A Learning Materials
 TTLM(teaching , training and 6
learning material 1:5

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 Reference manuals and books
To be developed by the trainer
6 1:5
 Natalie B. (1983).Dress Pattern
 The basic Principles of cut & fit. 6 1:5
Metric Pattern CuttingThird
6 1:5
 Glock E.R and Grace I. Kunz,
Apparel manufacturing sewn 6 1:5
Product Analysis, Prentice Hall.

 Needle work and sewing

techniques or types of hand 6 1:5
stitches e dited by kristina

B Learning Facilities & Infrastructure

 tape measure 30 1:1

 pen/pencil and eraser 30 1:1
 measure chart 15 1;2
 standard chart 15 1;2
 dummy
6 1:5
 Good classroom environment

C Consumable Materials

 Patterns 30 pieces 1፡1

 Over coat 30 1፡1
 Gowns 30 1፡1
30 pieces
 Tailors chalk flat &different colors 1:1
30 1:1
 Pencils & Eraser
1 rims(100
 Pattern Paper in rims 3:1
 pins 30 packet 1:1
 Pattern Paper different colors

D Tools and Equipments

 tape measure
 pen/pencil and eraser
 measure chart
 tape, cord or elastic
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 standard chart
 dummy



MODULE TITLE: Preparing Basic Pattern for Apparels



MODULE DESCRIPTION: This module covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes to prepare
block/basic patterns

Learning Outcomes(Objectives)
At the end of the module the Trainees will be able to:
LO1 Plan and prepare for work
Lo2 Prepare block/basic pattern
LO3 Complete work.


LO1 Plan and prepare for work

1.1 set up Workstation and seating according to OHS practices
 OHS practices include hazard identification and control, risk assessment and
implementation of risk reduction measures specific to the tasks described by this unit,
and may relate to:
 manual handling techniques
 standard operating procedures
 personal protective equipment
 safe materials handling and safe storage of equipment
 taking of rest breaks
 housekeeping
 reporting accidents and incidents

1.2 Select and lay out materials

1.3 Set up and ready Patternmaking tools and equipment

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 pattern blocks
 scissors
 ruler and square rule
 marker pens
 hole punch
 pins
 fashion triangle
 French curve
 pattern notcher
 weights
 tape measure

1.4 Plan basic pattern according to quality standards and workplace practices

LO2 Prepare block/basic pattern

2.1 Interpret and clarify design drawings and specifications

2.2 Apply Principles of pattern making .
2.3 Document methods and formula .
2.4 Specify measurements to produce pattern.
2.5 Check Pattern pieces for accuracy, including seam allowances, ease allowances,
seam match, hems and functional openings.

LO3 Complete work

3.1 Label all pattern pieces including grain lines, notches, pattern information and cutting
3.2 Complete and attaché Specification sheets
3.3 Direct Final patterns to next production process.
3.4 File and store finished pattern if required.


 Lecture-Discussion
 Demonstration
 Practical exercise

Competence may be assessed through:

 Practical assessment
 Simulation
 Oral question
 Theoretical exam- written tests

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CO-operative training


LO1 Plan and prepare for work

 Workstation and seating are set up according to OHS practices and specifications for
 Materials are selected and laid out in accordance to work specifications
 Patternmaking tools and equipment are set up and readied for use
 Basic pattern is planned according to quality standards and workplace practices

LO2 Prepare block/basic pattern

 Design drawings and specifications are interpreted and clarified as required
 Principles of pattern making are applied in constructing apparel pattern according to
 Methods and formulas used are documented
 Pattern is produced to specified measurements
 Pattern pieces are checked for accuracy, including seam allowances, ease allowances,
seam match, hems and functional openings

LO3 Complete work

 All pattern pieces are labeled, including grain lines, notches, pattern information and
cutting instructions
 Specification sheets are completed and attached to pattern for filing or storage
 Final patterns are directed to next production process.
 Finished pattern are filed and stored if required

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Resource Requirements
TXTBAP1M03 11 15 preparing basic pattern for. Apparels

Item No Category/Item Quantity Ratio
(Item: Trainee)
A. Learning Materials

Reference manuals and books

6 1፡5
To be developed by the trainer
Natalie B.(1983).
 Dress Pattern designing.
 The basic Principles of cut 6 1፡5
& fit.

 Metric Pattern Cutting LEARNI

third Edition(Revised 6 1፡5

 Apparel making in fashion 6 1፡5

design injo kim Mykyunguh

Learning Facilities & Infrastructure

industrial s

Learning O
At the end
15 1፡2 LO1 Prep
 pattern blocks
LO2 Chec
 scissors 30 1፡1
LO3 Chec
 ruler and square rule 30 1፡1
 marker pens 30 1፡1 MODULE C
 hole punch 6 1፡5
 pins
1፡1 LO1 Prep
 fashion triangle 6 1፡5 1.1 Set
 French curve 30 1፡1 1.2 Cle
30 1፤1  s
 tape measure  th
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C. Consumable Materials

 Patterns 6 1:5
 Gowns 30 1፤1
 Tailors chalk flat &different colors 30 1:1
 Pencils & Eraser 30 1:1
 Pattern Paper in rims pieces)

TXTBAP1 M 04 11 15 preparing sewing machines

Item No Category/Item Quantity Ratio
(Item: Trainee)
A Learning Materials

 TTLM(teaching , training and learning 6 1:5

6 1:5
 Reference manuals and books
 Metric pattern cutting for Childers wear
and baby wear third edition 6 1:5

B Learning Facilities & Infrastructure

 single needle lockstitch machine 10 1:3
 three threads and four threads overlock 5 1:6
 computerized single needle lockstitch 5 1:6
 double needle lockstitch machine 5 1:6
 Good classroom environment
C Consumable Materials
 Gowns 30 1፡1
 Tailors chalk flat &different colors 30pieces 1:1
 pins
30 packet 1:1

D Tools and Equipments

 Table and chair
30 1:1

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MODULE TITLE: Operating Specialized
Industrial Machines
MODULE DESCRIPTION: This module covers the knowledge, attitudes and skills to use specialized
machinery to assist in assembly production and completion of garments and other associated

Learning Outcomes(Objectives)
At the end of the module the Trainees will be able to:
LO1. Prepare work pieces
LO2 Perform production assembly tasks
LO3 Dispatch completed work


LO1 Prepare work pieces

1.1 Lay out work prices or materials in sequence

1.2 A jest and set up equipment
 fusing machine
 gluing / binding machine
 buttonholing machine
 button attaching machine
 bar tacking machine
 blind stitch machine
 cover stitch machine

1.3 Report and record any problems.

LO2 Perform production assembly tasks

2.1 perform production tasks in accordance to requirements and OHS practices

 fusing
 binding
 button holing
 button sewing
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 tacking
 riveting
 hemming
hazard identification and control, risk assessment and implementation of risk reduction
measures specific to the tasks described by this module, and may relate to:
 manual handling techniques
 standard operating procedures
 personal protective equipment
 safe materials handling
 taking of rest breaks
 ergonomic arrangement of workplaces
 housekeeping
 reporting accidents and incidents
2.2 Assess work for compliance with quality standards .

2.3 Check and ajust specialized machine

fusing machine
 buttonholer
 cuff and collar turner and fuser
 button sew
 tacking machine

LO3 Dispatch completed work

3.1 check garments or articles against quality standards.

3.2 Identified any faults and record
3.3 Direct completed garments or articles to next operation
3.4 Complete work documentation


 Lecture-Discussion
 Demonstration
 Practical exercise

Competence may be assessed through

 Practical assessment
 Simulation
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 Oral question
 Theoretical exam- written tests

CO-operative training


LO1 Prepare work pieces

 Work pieces or materials are laid out in sequence according to specifications
 Equipment is set up and adjusted in accordance to specifications for work
 Any problems are reported and recorded

LO2 Perform production assembly tasks

 Production tasks are performed in accordance to requirements and OHS
 Work is assessed for compliance with quality standards and production
 Where specialized machine is used, machine is checked and adjusted to ensure
optimum performance

LO3 Dispatch completed work

 Garments or articles are checked against quality standards
 Any faults identified are reported and recorded
 Completed garments or articles are directed to next operation
 Work documentation is completed as required.

Resource Requirements

TXTBAP1 M 05 11 15 Operating specialized industrial machines

Description/ Recommended Ratio
Item No Category/Item Quantity
Specifications (Item: Trainee)
A Learning Materials
 TTLM(teaching , training and learning 6 1:5
 Reference manuals and books 6 1:5

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 Metric pattern cutting for Childers wear
and baby wear third edition 6 1:5

B Learning Facilities & Infrastructure

2 1:15
 fusing machine
 gluing / binding machine 1 1;15

 buttonholing machine 3 1:10

 button attaching machine 2 1:15

 bar tacking machine 2 1:15

 blind stitch machine 2 1:15

 cover stitch machine 2 1:15
 Good classroom environment

C Consumable Materials
Gowns 30 1:1
Tailors chalk flat &different colors 30 1:1
30packet 1:1

D Tools and Equipments

 Table and chair 30 1:1

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MODULE TITLE: Performing Hand Stitching MODULE CODE: TXT TXT BAP1M 06 11 15
MODULE DESCRIPTION: The unit applies to hand stitching on garments/articles, either at the
completion of production or during the production
Learning Outcomes (Objectives)
At the end of the module the Trainees will be able to:
LO1 Prepare work station
LO2 Perform hand stitching
LO3 Dispatch completed work

LO1. Prepare work station
1.1 Set up and organizes work area .
1.2 Clear and clean work area for safe working environment
1.3 Select and make appropriate materials

 garment
 thread
 color
 thickness
 shine
 texture
 stability
 strength
 scissors
 button
 thimble
 tracing paper
 tape measures
 hand stitching needles
 embroidery hoop
1.4 Check condition of needle to insure sharpness
1.5 Report and record any problems.

LO2 Perform hand stitching

2.1 Lay out material in preparation for stitching process.
2.2 Select appropriate type of stitch to suit particular application.
 Hemming
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 Blind hand stitch
 Button Hole stitch
 Cross stitch
 Smocking
2.3 Determine hand stitch specifications in consideration with the garment to be sewn.

 content
 color
 size, including width and length
 stitch type and size
 type of fabric
 color of fabric
 positioning of design
 purpose of garment
 suitability of size, design, color
2.4 Start and perform hand stitching properly .
2.5 Inspect finished work to ensure it conforms to specifications.
2.6 Complete hand stitching in accordance with job order

LO3 Dispatch completed work

3.1 Check garments/ articles against quality standards.
3.2 Identify and mark any faults or areas of re work
3.3 Perform rework or arrange other appropriate action
3.4 Direct completed garments or articles to next operation .
3.5 Clean work area and place back tools in storage.
3.6 Compeletwork documentation


 Lecture-Discussion
 Demonstration
 Practical exercise

Competence may be assessed through

 Practical assessment
 Simulation
 Oral question
 Theoretical exam- written tests
CO-operative training

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LO1 Prepare work station
Work area is set up and organized to maximize safety and productivity.
Work area is cleared and cleaned for safe working environment and ease of moving
Appropriate materials are selected and made ready for use
Condition of needle is checked to ensure sharpness and free from rust
Any problems are reported and recorded.

LO2 Perform hand stitching

 Material is laid out in preparation for stitching process
 Appropriate type of stitch is selected to suit particular application.
 determine are determined in consideration with the garment to be sewn.
 Hand stitching is properly started and performed and the last stitch properly tied off.
 Finished work is inspected to ensure it conforms to specifications
 Hand stitching is completed in accordance with job order and workplace procedures.

LO3 Dispatch completed work

 Garments/articles or articles are checked against quality standards.Clean work area
 Any faults or areas of rework are identified and marked
 Rework is performed or other appropriate action arranged.
 Completed garments or articles are directed to next operation.
 Work area is cleaned and tools are placed back in storage
 Work documentation is completed as required.

Resource Requirements

TXTBAP1 M 06 11 15 Performing hand stitching.

Description/ Recommended Ratio
Item No Category/Item Quantity
Specifications (Item: Trainee)
A Learning Materials

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 TTLM(teaching, training and learning 6
 Reference manuals and books 6 1:5
 Stitch and seamRM laing J Webster 6 1:5

B Learning Facilities & Infrastructure

 Classroom, library 1 1:30
 Chalk board/ white board/ Green board 1 1:30
 Sample documents 6 1:5
 Written materials 6 1:5
 Reference books, illustrations, 6 1:5
 Good classroom environment
C Consumable Materials
 Gowns 30 1:1
 Tailors chalk flat &different colors 30 1:1
 Pin cushions& pins 30 1:1
 garment 30meter 1:1
 thread 30 1:1
 scissors 30 1:1
 button 30 1:1
 thimble 30 1:1
 tracing paper 30pieces 1:1
 tape measures 15 1:2
 hand stitching needles 30 1:1
embroidery hoop 30 1:1

D Tools and Equipments

 Table 6 1:5
 Chair 30 1:1


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MODULE TITLE: Performing hand embroidery MODULE CODE: TXT TXT EMB 1M 07 11 15
MODULE DESCRIPTION: The unit applies to selecting and applying embroidery on
garments/articles, either at the completion of production, or during the production stage. The
embroidery is added by hand as determined by the design brief.

Learning Outcomes (Objectives)

At the end of the module the Trainees will be able to:
LO1 Interpret design brief or specifications
LO2 Prepare work pieces and workstation
LO3 Embroider garment/article or piece
LO4 Dispatch completed work

LO1 Interpret design brief or specifications
1.1 Identify type of embroidery
1.2 Determine embroidery specifications
 content
 color
 size, including width and length
 stitch type and size
1.3 Identify Garment considerations
 type of fabric
 color of fabric
 positioning of design
 purpose of garment
 suitability of size, design, color
1.4 Identify methods of embroidery by hand
 beading
 smocking
 embroidery stitches
 fabric manipulation

1.5 Identify criteria for selection of threads

 color
 thickness
 shine
 texture
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 stability
 strength
LO2 Prepare work pieces and workstation

2.1 Lay out work pieces

2.2 Set up work area according to OHS practices
2.3 Set up and adjusted equipment and materials specifications for work
 garment
 scissors
 tape measures
 hand stitching needles, such as beading and crewel
 embroidery hoop
2.4 adjusted equipment and materials

LO3 Embroider garment/article or piece

3.1 Complete hand embroidery in accordance with job order
3.2 Follow OHS practices
 Hazard identification and control, risk assessment and implementation of risk reduction
measures specific to the tasks described by this module, and may relate to:
 Manual handling techniques
 Standard operating procedures
 Personal protective equipment
 Safe materials handling
 Taking of rest breaks
 Ergonomic arrangement of workplaces
 Following marked walkways
 Safe storage of equipment
 Housekeeping
3.3 Assesses work for compliance with quality standards
LO4. Dispatch completed work
4.1 Check garment /articles against quality standards.
4.2 Identified any faults and record
4.3 Direct completed garments/ articles to next operation.
4.4 Comeplet work documentation


 Lecture-Discussion

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 Demonstration
 Practical exercise

Competence may be assessed through

 Practical assessment
 Simulation
 Oral question
 Theoretical exam- written tests

CO-operative training


LO1 Interpret design brief or specifications

 Identify type of embroidery required.
 Embroidery specifications are determined.
 Garment considerations are identified.
 Methods of embroidery by hand are identified.
 Criteria for selection of threads are identified

LO2 Prepare work pieces and workstation

 Work pieces are laid out.
 Work area is set up according to OHS practices.
 Equipment and materials are set up and adjusted to specifications for work.
 Any problems are reported and recorded.
LO3 Embroider garment/article or piece
 Hand embroidery is completed in accordance with job order and workplace procedures.
 OHS practices are followed.
 Work is assessed for compliance with quality standards and production specifications.
LO4 Dispatch completed work
 Garments/articles or articles are checked against quality standards.
 Any faults identified are reported and recorded.
 Completed garments or articles are directed to next operation.
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 Work documentation is completed as required

Resource Requirements

TXTEMB1 M 07 11 15 Performing hand. embroidery

Item Description/ Recommended Ratio
Category/Item Quantity
No Specifications (Item: Trainee)
A Learning Materials
 TTLM(teaching , training and learning 6 1:5
 material
 Reference manuals and books 6 1:5
 Stitch and seam laing J Webster
6 1:5

B Learning Facilities & Infrastructure

 Classroomlibrary, 1 1:30
 Chalk board/ white board/ Green board 1 1:30
 Sample documents 6 1:5
 Written materials 6 1:5
 Reference books, illustrations, 6 1:5
 Good classroom environment
C Consumable Materials
 Gowns 30 1:30
 Tailors chalk flat &different colors 30 1:30
 Pin cushions& pins garment 30 1:30
 Scissors 30 1:30
 tape measures 30 1:30
 hand stitching needles, such as
30pieces 1:30
 beading and crewel
 embroidery hoop 30 1:30

D Tools and Equipments

 Table 6 1:5

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 Chair 30

Learning Modules VIII


MODULE TITLE Cutting simple Fabrics and Lays MODULE CODE: TXT TXT BAP1 08 11 15

MODULE DESCRIPTION: This unit covers the skills and knowledge to lay-up, mark and cut
uncomplicated fabrics and lays.

Learning Outcomes(Objectives)
At the end of the module the Trainees will be able to:
LO1 Prepare workstation
LO2 Lay-up fabric
LO3 Draft lay marker
LO4 Copy marker
LO5 Position marker.
LO6 Cut work
LO7 Complete work

LO1 Prepare workstation

1.1 set up Workstation, cutting table and seating according to OHS practices
 hazard identification and control,
 risk assessment and implementation of risk reduction
 manual handling techniques
 standard operating procedures
 personal protective equipment
 safe materials handling
 taking of rest breaks
 ergonomic arrangement of workplaces
 following marked walkways
 safe storage of equipment
 housekeeping
 reporting accidents and incidents
 environmental protection practices

1.2 Clean, check and servicing assessed cutting equipment

 dressmaker's shears
 cutting mats

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 straight-blade cutter
1.3 prepare cutting table .
1.4 Set up and prepare Lay-up and marking equipment.

 computers and required software

 patterns
 fabric
 marker card or paper
 weights
 clamps
LO2 Lay-up fabric
2.1 Interpret lay-up instructions
2 .2 collect and check fabric.

 woven fabrics such as:

 knitted fabrics such as:
- rugby knit
- double knit

2.3 Check Fabric width and quality with lay-up instructions.

2.4 Adjust fabric laid up and fabric tension to match fabric performance.
2.5 Check fabric for faults and required action taken to cut out faults

LO3 Draft lay marker

3. 1 I nterpret cutting order for marking requirements
 fabric type,
 width,
 quantity and garment sizes.

3..2 Collect and check required pattern pieces manually or by computer.

3.3 Manipulate and position Pattern pieces manually on paper or by computer
3.4 Draw up lay marker manually or by computer.
3.5 Prepare Lay-up instructions according to requirements

LO4 Copy marker

4.1 Check marker against requirements

4..2 Copy marker either manually or by computer.

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LO5 Position marker

5.1 Place Marker on lay

5.2 Check Marker and lay alignment

LO6 Cut work

6.1 Cut lay using cutting equipment.
6.2 Identify cut work and inspect any faults
6.3 Take and record Preventative action
6.4 Check performance of cutting equipment regularly for signs of faulty operation
6.5 Follow OHS practices throughout the performance of this unit.
6.6 Take action according to OHS practices

LO7 Complete work

7.1 Clean and prepare Cut work directed to next operation
7.2 Store Master copy of lay marker


 Lecture-Discussion
 Demonstration
 Practical exercise

Competence may be assessed through:

 Practical assessment
 Simulation
 Oral question
 Theoretical exam- written tests

CO-operative training

LO1 Prepare workstation

 Workstation, cutting table and seating are set up according to OHS practices and
specifications for work.

 Cutting equipment is cleaned, checked and servicing assessed according to

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manufacturer instructions.
 Cutting table is prepared to suit correct lay length.
 Lay-up and marking equipment is set up and prepared for use.

LO2 Lay-up fabric

 Lay-up instructions are interpreted.
 Fabric is collected and checked.
 Fabric width and quality are checked with lay-up instructions.
 Fabric is laid up and fabric tension adjusted to match fabric performance.
 Fabric is checked for faults and required action taken to cut out faults or other
appropriate techniques.

LO3 Draft lay marker

 Cutting order is interpreted for marking requirements such as fabric type, width,
quantity and garment sizes.
 Required pattern pieces are collected and checked manually or by computer.
 Pattern pieces are manipulated and positioned manually on paper or by computer for
most efficient fabric use.
 Lay marker is drawn up manually or by computer.
 Lay-up instructions are prepared according to requirements

LO4 Copy marker

 Marker is checked against requirements.

 Marker is copied either manually or by computer.

LO5 Position marker

 Marker is placed on lay.
 Marker and lay alignment are checked and appropriate action taken according to job

LO6 Cut work

 Lay is cut using cutting equipment according to requirements for operation.
 Cut work is inspected, any faults identified and appropriate action taken to ensure cut
pieces meet required quality standards.
 Preventative action is taken to avoid any reccutting eurrence of defective pieces, and
is recorded.
 Performance of cutting equipment is regularly checked for signs of faulty operation,
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including evidence from inspection of cut pieces, and any required action is taken.
 OHS practices are followed throughout the performance of this unit.
 Action is taken according to OHS practices to prevent accidents and to eliminate risks
to personal safety.

LO7 Complete work

 Cut work is directed to next operation and work area is cleaned and prepared for next
 Master copy of lay marker is stored in filing drawer or computer as appropriate.

Resource Requirements

TXTBAP1M08 11 15 Cutting simple fabrics and lays

Description/ Recommended Ratio

Item No Category/Item Quantity
Specifications (Item: Trainee)
A Learning Materials
 TTLM(teaching , training and 6 1:5
learning material
 Reference manuals and books 6 1:5
 Metric pattern cutting for Childers
wear and baby wear third edition

B Learning Facilities & Infrastructure

  dressmaker's shears 30 1;1
 cutting mats 30 1;1
 straight-blade cutter 5 1:6

 computers and required software 1 1;30

 Patterns 30 1;1
 Fabric 60meter 2:1

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marker card or paper 30 1;1

C Consumable Materials
 Gowns 30 1;1
 Tailors chalk flat &different colors 30 1;1
 Pin cushions& pins 30 1;1

D Tools and Equipments

 Table 6 1:5

 Chair 1;1




MODULE TITLE Bundling and Labeling Cut Fabrics
BAP1M 09 11 15

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MODULDESCRIPTION: This module covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes to mark and cut
fabrics and lays for provision of materials for garment production process.

Learning Outcomes(Objectives)
At the end of the module the Trainees will be able to:
LO1 Inspect cut works / fabrics
Lo2 Prepare finished cut works for dispatch
LO3 Dispatch bundled products


LO1 Inspect cut works / fabrics

1.1 Inspect cut fabrics to verify that work has been performed
1.2 R report damaged or torn cut works
1.3 Deposit Condemned cut works in appropriate container or storage
1.4 Complete documentation in accordance with workplace procedures.

LO2 Prepare finished cut works for dispatch

2.1 Fold and classify cut work to meet workplace requirements

2.2 Check Storage equipment before cut works
2.3 Bundled Cut works according to job card and OHS practices

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Include hazard identification and control, risk
assessment and implementation of risk reduction measures
specific to the tasks described by this module, and may relate to:
 standard operating procedures
 personal protective equipment
 safe materials handling
 taking of rest breaks
 ergonomic arrangement of workplaces
 housekeeping
 reporting accidents and incidents

2.4 Store bundled cut works for distribution in allocated area.

2.5 Maintain bundled cut works records are accurately.

LO3 Dispatch bundled products

3.1 Check or add labels and tags if required

3.2 Bag or otherwise prepare bundled products for pick-up or dispatch
3.3 Ascertain dispatch instructions
3.4 Dispatch, or store product readiness for pick-up / dispatch using appropriate tools
and equipment.
 manual or powered lifting/hoisting equipment
 manual or powered packaging equipment including:
 nailing / stapling
 bundling or boxing (packing)
 banding machines


 Lecture-Discussion
 Demonstration
 Practical exercise

Competence may be assessed through

 Practical assessment
 Simulation
 Oral question
 Theoretical exam- written tests
CO-operative training

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TXTBAP1M09 11 15 Bundling and cut fabrics
Description/ Recommended Ratio
Item No Category/Item Quantity
Specifications (Item: Trainee)
A Learning Materials
 TTLM(teaching , training and learning 6 1:5
 Metric pattern cutting for Childers wear
and baby wear third edition 6 1:5
 Reference manuals and books
6 1:5

B Learning Facilities & Infrastructure

1 1:30
 manual or powered lifting/hoisting equipment
 manual or powered packaging equipment
including: 1
 nailing / stapling
 bundling or boxing (packing) 1
 banding machines, 1
 Good classroom environment 1

C Consumable Materials
 Gowns 30 1:1
 Tailors chalk flat &different colors 30 1:1
 Pin cushions& pins
30 1:1

D Tools and Equipments

 Table
6 1:5

 Chair 30 1:1

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MODULE TITLE Sewing Garment Parts
MODULE DESCRIPTION: This module covers the knowledge, attitudes and skills required to align
and sew garment parts using sewing machines and operation techniques.

Learning Outcomes(Objectives)
At the end of the module the Trainees will be able to:
LO1 Prepare garment parts .
Lo2 Sew garment parts / work pieces
LO3 Monitor machine performance
LO4 Assess quality of sewn pieces


LO1 Prepare garment parts

1.1 Chek and receive work bundle, determine and perform, any follow-
up action

 Checking that work pieces match ticket information

 Checking that relevant previous operations such as pressing and
cutting have been successfully completed
1.2 Assess and check quality of received component part against
 Color
 Size, including width and length
 Stitch type and size

1.3 Report and document any deviation or faults

1.4 lay out garment parts or work pieces

 sleeves – puff sleeve, tailored sleeve, cup sleeve and cuffs

 waistbands – straight or shaped
 collars – sports collar, shirt collars
 plackets
 facings – neck, armholes
 binds
 zips – dress, skirt, trouser, invisible
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Basic Textile Operation L- I ANRS TVED Bureau Page:-
TXTBAP1 M10 11 15 Sewing garment parts
Description/ Recommended Ratio
Item No. Category/Item Quantity
Specifications (Item: Trainee)
A Learning Materials
 TTLM(teaching , training and learning
6 1:5
 Reference manuals and books
 Metric pattern cutting for Childers
wear and baby wear third edition 6 1:5

B Learning Facilities & Infrastructure

 single and double needle 10 1:3

lockstitch sewing machine
 three, four or five thread overlock 6 1:5
sewing machine
 zigzag sewing machine 6 1:5

 blind hemming machines 3 1:10

 specialized industrial sewing 15 1:2

 bar tacking machine, buttonholing
machine, button attaching machine,
blind stitcher machine, cover stitch 3 1:10
machine, binding machine, feed on
the arm (FOA)
 scissors, machine accessories, 15 1:2
thread, screw driver, threader
 machine accessories and 15 1:2
 Good classroom environment

C Consumable Materials

 Gowns 30 1:1

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 Tailors chalk flat &different colors 30 1:1

 Pin cushions& pins

D Tools and Equipments

 Table 6 1:5

 Chair 30 1:1

MODULE TITLE Performing Garment Product MODULE CODE: TXT TXT BAP1 M 11 11
Finishing 15
MODULE DESCRIPTION: This module covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required in
applying finishing touches, attaching the needed accessories and accent, trimming of
excess threads, pressing finished garment and packaging of finished garment.

Learning Outcomes (Objectives)

At the end of the module the Trainees will be able to:
LO1 Apply finishes
LO2 Trim excess threads
LO3 Press finished garments
L O4 Package finished garment

LO1 Apply finishes
1.1 Identify and check needed finishing touches
 Closures
 Hemming
 Accessories and accent
 Stitches

1.2 Mark and attach accessories’ and accents’ positions

1.3 Sew accessories and accents by hand or by machine
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1.4 Perform finishing operation in accordance with customer’s specifications
1.5 Check garment for missing buttons and attachments
1.6 Fold and pin bodice hem allowances and sleeves
1.7 Sew hemline allowances
LO2 Trim excess threads
2.1 Check garment for loose threads
2.2 Trim excess threads
2.3 Reverse and hang

LO3. Press finished garments

3.1 Prepare fabric and pressing tools
Flat iron
Ironing board
Sleeve board
Press mitt
Tailor’s ham

3.2 Set up clean and check pressing machines

3.3 Identify faults, spots and mark sand take appropriate actions
loose threads
missing buttons
uneven stitches

3.4 Apply heat/Pressure

Level 1 – Silk
Level 2 – Cotton
Level 3 – Maong/Denims
3.5 Sequence pressing

LO4 Package finished garment

4.1 Pack finished garments in accordance with packaging standards/procedures

Sorting of garments according to:
- style
- color
- size

Putting label tags

4.2 Label garment packages
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 Short
4.3 Clean work station


Practical exercise

Competence may be assessed through

Practical assessment
Oral question
Theoretical exam- written tests
CO-operative training


LO1 Apply finishes

1.1. Needed finishing touches are identified and checked in accordance with
garment design/style specifications
1.2. Accessories’ and accents’ positions are marked and attached in accordance with
garment design/style specification
1.3. Accessories and accents are sewn by hand or by machine in accordance with
garment design/style specifications
1.4. Finishing operations are performed in accordance with customer’s specifications
and standard procedures
1.5. Garment is checked for missing buttons and attachments
1.6. Bodice hem allowances and sleeves are folded and pinned in accordance with
customer’s specifications.
Hemline allowances are sewn in accordance with the given stitch/seam

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LO2 Trim excess threads
2.1 Garment is checked for loose threads

2.2 Excess threads are trimmed in accordance with sewing procedures

2.3 Garments are reversed and hanged in accordance with standard procedures

LO3 Press finished garments

3.1 Fabric and pressing tools are prepared according to standard operating
3.2 Pressing machines are setup, cleaned and checked in accordance with
company’s procedures
3.3 Faults, spots and marks are identified and appropriate actions are taken in
accordance with standard procedures
3.4 Heat/Pressure is applied in accordance with product requirements, fabric
specifications and standard procedures
3.5 Pressing is sequenced in accordance with work specifications and standard
L O4 Package finished garment
4.1 Finished garments are packed in accordance with packaging
4.2 Garment packages are labeled following standard procedure
4.3 Work station is cleaned after work completion

TXTEMB1 M 11 11 15 Performing Garment Product Finishing

Item Description/ Recommended Ratio
Category/Item Quantity
No Specifications (Item: Trainee)
A Learning Materials 6 1:5
 TTLM(teaching , training and learning
 Reference manuals and books
6 1:5
 Stitch and seam RM laing J Webster
B Learning Facilities & Infrastructure
Classroomlibrary, 1 1:30
Chalk board/ white board/ Green board 1 1:30

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Sample documents 6 1:5
Written materials 6 1:5
Reference books, illustrations, 6 1:5
Good classroom environment
C Consumable Materials
 Gowns 30 1:1
 Tailors chalk flat &different colors 30 1:1
 Pin cushions& pins
30 1:1

D Tools and Equipments

 Table 6 1:5
 Chair 30 1:1
 Flat iron 6 1:5
 Ironing board 6 1:5
 Sleeve board 6 1:5
 Press mitt 6 1:5
 Tailor’s ham
6 1:5


MODULE TITLE Producing Simple Garments

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MODULE DESCRIPTION:. This module covers the skills, attitudes and knowledge to assemble
garment components using domestic machine and operation techniques.

Learning Outcomes (Objectives)

At the end of the module the Trainees will be able to:
LO1 Prepare garment components
LO2 Prepare workstation
LO3 Assemble garment components
L O4 Complete work

LO1 Prepare garment components
1.1 require and Select pattern according to size and style

 commercially available patterns,

 stock patterns
 individually drafted patterns

1.2 Select fabric to suit purpose and design of garment

 A range of fabric types including cottons, woolens, synthetics, velvets, lace, stretch,
knitted, etc.
 single and multi-directional prints
 interfacings and linings

1.3 Determine sequence of garment assembly operations

1.4 Calculate fabric amount according to fabric width, pattern size and pattern .
1.5 Layout and pin or tack pattern pieces .
1.6 Cut fabric according to seam allowances and pattern markings
 notches
 darts
1.7 Check pattern pieces against garment requirements and fabric characteristics.
1.8 Lay out garment components

 sleeves
 waistbands - straight or shaped
 collars
 cuffs
 plackets
 facings - neck, armhole
 binds
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 zips - dress, skirt, trouser, invisible
 buttons and buttonholes
 double fold, rolled, blind, stitched hem
LO2 Prepare workstation

2.1 Set up workbench and seating according to OHS practice

OHS practices include hazard identification and control, risk

assessment and implementation of risk reduction measures
specific to the tasks described by this module, and may relate to:
 manual handling techniques
 standard operating procedures
 personal protective equipment
 safe materials handling
 taking of rest breaks
 ergonomic arrangement of workplaces
 following marked walkways
 safe storage of equipment
 housekeeping
 reporting accidents and incidents
 environmental practices
2.2 Clean and check machine
 domestic sewing machine
 three thread over locker
 zigzag sewing machine
2.3 Set up and a jest machine
 correct thread, needle size and type, needle guard, tension setting and
 needle size and type
 needle guard
 tension setting and attachments

2.4 Identify an check needle attachments and parts

2.5 check performance of machine regularly
2.6 dentify and prepare other equipment
 pins
 scissors
 needle and thread
 Marker or chalk

LO3 Assemble garment components

3.1 Sew components according to OHS practices.
 hazard identification control, risk
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 control, risk

3.2 Control machine speed and work handling for type of sewing operations, fabrics and
garment complexity.

 positioning, feeding and handling of work pieces involving contouring, stopping

handling skills required to accommodate fabric variations
 gathering, easing, tucking

3.3 Check garment for correct fit and assembly quality

L O4 Complete work
4.1 Undertake any required hand sewing
 attaching buttons and other closures
 Attaching embellishments such as beading, trims, badges, etc.
 hemming and overstitching
 Embroidery
4.2 Inspect sewn garment
4.3 Press garment according to fabric requirements
 Accessories
 straight seamed, draw string skirt
 T-shirt
 smock dress
 headwear
 other garments that require a small range of sewing techniques using domestic


 Lecture-Discussion
 Demonstration
 Practical exercise

Competence may be assessed through

 Practical assessment
 Simulation
 Oral question
 Theoretical exam- written tests

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CO-operative training

LO1 Prepare garment components
 Pattern is selected according to size and style required.
 Fabric is selected to suit purpose and design of garment.
 Sequencing of garment assembly operations is determined according to pattern
 Fabric amount is calculated according to fabric width, pattern size and pattern
 Pattern pieces are laid out and pinned or tacked to make best use of fabric length
and to match fabric pattern, nap and weave.
 Fabric is cut according to seam allowances and pattern markings.Cut fabric
 Cut pattern pieces are checked against garment requirements and fabric
characteristics, and any required corrections are made.
 Garment components are laid out according to sequence of assembly

LO2 Prepare workstation

 Workbench and seating are set up according to OHS practices.

 Machine is cleaned and checked to ensure correct operation.
 Machine is set up and adjusted according to specifications.
 Needles, attachments and parts are checked and worn needles or parts are
identified and reported or replaced.
 Performance of machine is regularly checked for signs of faulty operation and
required action is taken according to defined procedures.
 Other equipment required for production is identified and prepared.

LO3 Assemble garment components

 Components are sewn according to OHS practices, garment requirements and

accepted quality standards.
 Machine speed and work handling are controlled for type of sewing operations,
fabrics and garment complexity.
 Garment is checked for correct fit and assembly quality

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 L O4. Complete work
 Any required hand sewing is undertaken according to pattern requirements and
accepted standards of sewing quality.
 Sewn garment is inspected, any faults identified and appropriate action taken to
ensure it meets quality standards and pattern requirements.
 Garment is pressed according to fabric requirements and garment construction

Resource Requirements

TXTBAP1M12 11 15 Producing Simple Garments

Description/ Recommended Ratio

Item No Category/Item Quantity
Specifications (Item: Trainee)
A Learning Materials
 TTLM(teaching , training and learning
6 1:5
 Reference manuals and books
To be developed by the trainer
Natalie B. (1983).Dress Pattern designing. –
 The basic Principles of cut & fit 6 1:5
 Metric Pattern Cutting
third Edition(Revised

B Learning Facilities & Infrastructure

10 1:3
 domestic sewing machine
 three thread over locker 6 1:5
 zigzag sewing machine t 3 1:10

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C Consumable Materials

 Gowns 30 1:1
 Tailors chalk flat &different colors 30 1:1
 Pencils & Eraser 30 1:1
 Pin cushions& pins 30 1:1
 Pattern hook, Pattern blocks 30 1:1

D Tools and Equipments

 Tailors chalk flat &different colors 30 1:1
 Tape measure plastic 150cm long, marked
30 1:1
in inch &cm
 Ruler large& Small 50cm long
30 1:1
plastic/transparence 100cm long
 French curve, hip curve, Square rule 15 1:2
 Ready made patterns of different
6 1:5
garment patterns of different size
 Table for Cutting &Drafting Patterns
width 76cm length 150cm 6 1:5
Height 75cm
 Portable hand and power tools
 Scissors, paper notch 15 1:2

 OHS equipment and personal protective

6 1:5

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MODULE TITLEPerforming Industrial Sewing MODULE CODE: TXT TXT BAP 1 M 13 11
machine Minor Servicing 11 15
MODULE DESCRIPTION:. This module covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes to provide minor
maintenance and servicing of industrial sewing machines and cutting machines. The unit
applies to the checking of machine performance and the undertaking minor adjustments.
Work may be undertaken on a range of machines.

Learning Outcomes (Objectives)

At the end of the module the Trainees will be able to:
LO1 Assess machine performance and operation
LO2 Rectify minor machine fault
LO3 Clean and lubricate machine

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Resource Requirements

TXTBAP1M13 11 15 Performing industrial sewing machine minor servicing

Description/ Recommended Ratio

Item No Category/Item Quantity
Specifications (Item: Trainee)
A Learning Materials
 TTLM(teaching , training and
6 1:5
learning material
 Reference manuals and books
6 1:5

B Learning Facilities & Infrastructure

Industrial sewing machines 6 1:5

Over lock machine

3 1:10

Good classroom environment

C Consumable Materials
 Gowns 30 1:1

D Tools and Equipments

 Screw Driver socket wrenches 6 1:5
 Adjustable 6 1:5
 Calibrate
6 1:5


MODULE TITLE Appling Quality Standards MODULE CODE: TXT TXT BAP1 M 14
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Basic Textile Operation L- I ANRS TVED Bureau Page:-
11 15
MODULE DESCRIPTION:. This module covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required in
applying quality standards to basics apparel production

Learning Outcomes (Objectives)

At the end of the module the Trainees will be able to:
LO1. Assess own work
LO2 Assess quality of received articles
LO3 Record information
LO4 Study causes of quality deviations
LO5 Complete documentation

LO1 Assess own work
1.1 Check complete work against workplace standards
1.2 Demonstrate and understand on how the work activities and complete work relate to
the next production process
1.3 Identify and isolate faulty pieces or final products
1.4 Identify, record and report faults
LO2 Assess quality of received articles

2.1 Check resaved materials ,articles or final product

 Visual inspection
 Physical measurements
 Check against design/specifications
2.2 Measure materials ,articles or products using the appropriate measuring instruments
2.3 Identify causes of any faults and take corrective actions
LO3 Record information
3.1 Record basic information on the quality performance
3.2 Maintain records of work quality

LO4 Study causes of quality deviations

4.1 Investigate and report causes of deviations from final products

4.2 Identify and recommend suitable preventive action based on workplace quality
 Materials

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 Component parts
 Final product
 Production processes
 Quality parameters
 Finish
 Size
 Durability
 Product variations
 Materials
 Alignment
 Color
 Damage and imperfection

LO5 Complete documentation

5.1 Record information on quality and other indicators of production

5.2 Record. all production processes and outcomes


 Lecture-Discussion
 Demonstration
 Practical exercise
Competence may be assessed through:

 Practical assessment
 Simulation
 Oral question
 Theoretical exam- written tests

CO-operative training


LO1 Assess own work

 Completed work is checked against workplace standards relevant to the operations
being undertaken
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 An understanding is demonstrated on how the work activities and completed work
relate to the next production process and to the final appearance of the product
 Faulty pieces or final products are identified and isolated in accordance with company
policies and procedures
 Faults and any identified causes are recorded and reported in accordance with
workplace procedures
LO2 Assess quality of received articles
 Received materials, articles or final product are checked against workplace standards
and specifications
 Materials, articles or products are measured using the appropriate measuring
instruments in accordance with workplace procedures
 Causes of any identified faults are identified and corrective actions are taken in
accordance with workplace procedures
LO3 Record information
 Basic information on the quality performance is recorded in accordance with
workplace procedures
 Records of work quality are maintained according to the requirements of the company

LO4 Study causes of quality deviations

 Causes of deviations from final products are investigated and reported in accordance
with workplace procedures
 Suitable preventive action is recommended based on workplace quality standards
and identified causes of deviation from specified quality standards of materials or
final product

LO5 Complete documentation

 Information on quality and other indicators of production performance is recorded.

 All production processes and outcomes are recorded.

Resource Requirements

TXTBAP1M14 11 15 Appling quality standards

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Basic Textile Operation L- I ANRS TVED Bureau Page:-
Description/ Recommended Ratio
Item No Category/Item Quantity
Specifications (Item: Trainee)
A Learning Materials
 TTLM(teaching , training and
6 1:5
learning material
 Reference manuals and books
 Quality Assurance for textile and 6 1:5
apparel second edition sera j
B Learning Facilities & Infrastructure
 Classroomlibrary, 1 1:30
 Chalk board/ white board/ Green 1 1:30
 Sample documents 6 1:5
 Written materials 6 1:5
 Reference books, illustrations, 6 1:5
 Good classroom environment
C Consumable Materials

 Gowns 30 1:1

 Pencils & Eraser

30 1:1

 Thread 30 1:1
 Button 30 1:1
 Garment
6 1:5

D Tools and Equipments

 Tailors chalk flat &different 30 1:1

 Tape measure plastic 150cm long,
6 1:5
marked in inch &cm
 Ready made patterns of different
3 1:10
garment patterns of different size
6 1:5
 Table for Cutting &Drafting
Patterns width 76cm length
Height 75cm

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 Scissors, paper notch
15 1:2

MODULE TITLE Working with Others
11 15
MODULE DESCRIPTION:. This module covers the knowledge, skills, and attitudes required to
develop workplace relationship and contribute in workplace activities.

Learning Outcomes (Objectives)

At the end of the module the Trainees will be able to:
LO1 Develop effective workplace relationship
LO2 Contribute to work group activities

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LO1 Develop effective workplace relationship
1.1 Do duties and responsibilities in a positive manner
 Job description and employment arrangements
 Organization’s policy relevant to work role
 Organizational structures
 Supervision and accountability requirements including OHS
 Code of conduct
1.2 Show assistance workgroup
 Supervisor or manager
 Peers/work colleagues
 Other members of the organization
1.3 Provide and encourage acknowledge and act upon Feedback
 Formal/Informal performance appraisal
 Obtaining feedback from supervisors and colleagues and clients
 Personal, reflective behavior strategies
 Routine organizational methods for monitoring service delivery
1.4 Respect and acknowledge differences in personal values

LO2 Contribute to work group activities

2.1 Provide and support to team members to ensure workgroup goals are met
 Explaining/clarifying
 Helping colleagues
 Providing encouragement
 Providing feedback to another team member
 Undertaking extra tasks if necessary

2.2 Make constructive contributions to workgroup goals and tasks according to

organizational requirements
 Goals, objectives, plans, system and processes
 Legal and organization policy/guidelines
 OHS policies, procedures and programs
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 Ethical standards
 Defined resources parameters
 Quality and continuous improvement processes and standards
2.3 Designate and share information relevant to work with team members


 Lecture-Discussion
 Demonstration
 Practical exercise

Competence may be assessed through:

 Practical assessment
 Simulation
 Oral question
 Theoretical exam- written tests

CO-operative training


LO1 Develop effective workplace relationship

 Duties and responsibilities are done in a positive manner to promote cooperation
and good relationship
 Assistance is sought from workgroup when difficulties arise and addressed through
 Feedback provided by others in the team is encouraged, acknowledged and acted

 Differences in personal values and beliefs are respected and acknowledged in the

LO2 Contribute to work group activities

 Support is provided to team members to ensure workgroup goals are met

 Constructive contributions to workgroup goals and tasks are made according to
organizational requirements

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 Information relevant to work is shared with team members to ensure designated goals
are met

TXT BAP1M 15 11 15 Working with Others

Description/ Recommended Ratio

Item No Category/Item Quantity
Specifications (Item: Trainee)
A Learning Materials
 TTLM(teaching , training and learning
6 1:5
 Reference manuals and books
6 1:5

B Learning Facilities & Infrastructure

Classroom library, 1 1:30

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Chalk board/ white board/ Green board 1 1:30
Sample documents 6 1:5
Written materials 6 1:5
Reference books, illustrations, 6 1:5
Good classroom environment

C Consumable Materials
 Gowns 30 1:1
 Pencils & Eraser
30 1:1

D Tools and Equipments

 Tailors chalk flat &different colors 30 1:1
 Table for Cutting &Drafting Patterns 6
width 76cm length 150cm
Height 75cm
 Scissors, paper notch
 OHS equipment and personal
protective devices

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MODULE TITLE Receiving and Responding to
Workplace Communication
MODULE DESCRIPTION:. This module covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to
receive, respond and act on verbal and written communication

Learning Outcomes (Objectives)

At the end of the module the Trainees will be able to:
LO1 Follow routine spoken messages
LO2 Perform workplace duties following written notices

LO1 Follow routine spoken messages
1.1 Gather require information by listening attentively and correctly
1.1 Record instructions/information properly
1.2 Receive instructions and act upon immediately
1.3 Seek clarification from workplace supervisor on all occasions
LO2 Perform workplace duties following written notices
2.1 Read and interpret written notices and instructions correctly in accordance with
organizational guidelines
written notices and instructions

 Handwritten and printed material

 Internal memos
 External communications
 Electronic mail
 Briefing notes
 General correspondence
 Marketing materials

organizational guidelines
 Company policies and procedures
 Organization manuals
 Service manual

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2.2 Follow routine written instruction in sequence
2.3 Give feedback to workplace supervisor


 Lecture-Discussion
 Demonstration
 Practical exercise
Competence may be assessed through

 Practical assessment
 Simulation
 Oral question
 Theoretical exam- written tests

CO-operative training

LO1 Follow routine spoken messages
 Required information is gathered by listening attentively and correctly interpreting or
understanding information/instructions
 Instructions/information are properly recorded
 Instructions are acted upon immediately in accordance with information received
 Clarification is sought from workplace supervisor on all occasions when any
instruction/information is not clear
LO2 Perform workplace duties following written notices

 Interpret Written notices and instructions are read and interpreted correctly in
accordance with organizational guidelines
 Routine written instruction are followed in sequence
 Feedback is given to workplace supervisor based on the instructions/information

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TXTBAP1M16 11 15 Receiving and Responding to Workplace

Description/ Recommended Ratio

Item No Category/Item Quantity
Specifications (Item: Trainee)
A Learning Materials
 TTLM(teaching , training and
6 1:5
learning material
 Reference manuals and books
6 1:5

B Learning Facilities & Infrastructure

 Classroomlibrary, 1 1:30
 Chalk board/ white board/ Green 1 1:30
 Sample documents 6 1:5
 Written materials 6 1:5
 Reference books, illustrations, 6 1:5
 Good classroom environment
C Consumable Materials
 Gowns 30 1:1
 Pencils & Eraser
30 1:1

D Tools and Equipments

 French curve, hip curve, Square
3 1;10
 Ready made patterns of different
3 1:10
garment patterns of different size
 Table for Cutting &Drafting
Patterns width 76cm length
3 1:30
Height 75cm
 Scissors, paper notch 10 1;3

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 OHS equipment and personal
protective devices
3 1;30


MODULE TITLE Demonstrating Work Values MODULE CODE: TXT BAP1 M 17 11 15
MODULE DESCRIPTION: This module covers the knowledge, skills, and attitudes in
demonstrating proper work values.

Learning Outcomes (Objectives)

At the end of the module the Trainees will be able to:
LO1 Define the purpose of work
LO2 Apply work values/ethics
LO3 Deal with ethical problems
LO4 Maintain integrity of conduct in the workplace

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LO1 Define the purpose of work
1.1 Identify one’s unique sense of purpose for working and the ‘whys’ of workreflected
on and clearly defined for one’s development as a person and as a member of
1.2 Harmony personal mission with company’s values
LO2Apply work values/ethics
2.1 Classify and reaffirm work values/ethics/concept in accordance with the
transparent company ethical standards, policies and guidelines.
2.2 Undertake work practices in compliance with industry work ethical standards,
organizational policy and guidelines

 Quality of work
 Punctuality
 Efficiency and Effectiveness
 Productivity
 Resourcefulness
 Innovativeness/Creativity
 Cost consciousness
 5S
 Attention to details
2.3 Cone duct personal behavior and relationships with co-workers and/or clients in
accordance with ethical standards, policy and guidelines.
2.4 Use Company resources in accordance with transparent company ethical
standard, policies and guidelines.
 Consumable materials
 Equipment/Machineries
 Human
 Time
 Financial resources
LO3 Deal with ethical problems
3.1 Access and apply company ethical standards, organizational policy and guidelines on
the prevention and reporting of unethical conduct in accordance with transparent
company ethical standard, policies and guidelines.
3.2 Report and resole work incidents/situation in accordance with company

 Violent/intense dispute or argument

 Gambling

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 Use of prohibited substances
 Pilferages
 Damage to person or property
 Vandalism
 Falsification
 Bribery and Blackmail
 Sexual Harassment
3.3 Use Resolution and/or referral of ethical problems identified as learning opportunities
LO4 Maintain integrity of conduct in the workplace
4.1 Demonstrate personal work practices and values consistently with acceptable ethical
conduct and company’s core values.
4.2 Provide instructions to co-workers based on ethical, lawful and reasonable directives.
 Verbal
 Written
4.3 Share company values/practices with co-workers using appropriate behavior and


 Lecture-Discussion
 Demonstration
 Practical exercise

Competence may be assessed through:

 Practical assessment
 Simulation
 Oral question
 Theoretical exam- written tests

CO-operative training

LO1 Define the purpose of work
1.1 One’s unique sense of purpose for working and the ‘whys’ of work are identified,
reflected on and clearly defined for one’s development as a person and as a member
of society.
1.2 Personal mission is in harmony with company’s values
LO2 Apply work values/ethics
2.1 Work values/ethics/concepts are classified and reaffirmed in accordance with the
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transparent company ethical standards, policies and guidelines.
2.2 Work practices are undertaken in compliance with industry work ethical standards,
organizational policy and guidelines
2.3 Personal behavior and relationships with co-workers and/or clients are conducted in
accordance with ethical standards, policy and guidelines.
2.4 Company resources are used in accordance with transparent company ethical
standard, policies and guidelines.
LO3 Deal with ethical problems
 Company ethical standards, organizational policy and guidelines on the prevention
and reporting of unethical conduct are accessed and applied in accordance with
transparent company ethical standard, policies and guidelines.
 Work incidents/situations are reported and/or resolved in accordance with company
 Resolution and/or referral of ethical problems identified are used as learning
LO4 Maintain integrity of conduct in the workplace
 Personal work practices and values are demonstrated consistently with acceptable
ethical conduct and company’s core values.
 Instructions to co-workers are provided based on ethical, lawful and reasonable
 Company values/practices are shared with co-workers using appropriate behavior
and language.

TXTBAP1M17 11 15 Demonstrating Work Values

Description/ RecommendedRatio
Item No Category/Item Quantity
Specifications (Item: Trainee)
A Learning Materials
 TTLM(teaching , training and
6 1:5
learning material
 Reference manuals and books
6 1:5

B Learning Facilities & Infrastructure

 Classroomlibrary, 1 1:5
 Chalk board/ white board/ Green 1 1:30
 Sample documents 6 1:5
 Written materials 6 1:5

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 Reference books, illustrations, 6 1:5
 Good classroom environment

C Consumable Materials

 Gowns 30 1:1
 Tailors chalk flat &different
colors 6 1:5
 Pencils & Eraser

D Tools and Equipments

 French curve, hip curve, Square

3 1;10
 Ready made patterns of different
3 1:10
garment patterns of different size
 Table for Cutting &Drafting
Patterns width 76cm length
3 1:30
Height 75cm
 Scissors, paper notch
10 1;3

 OHS equipment and personal

protective devices
3 1;30

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Developing Understanding of Entrepreneurship MO 18
MODULE TITLE: Developing Understanding of Entrepreneurship
MODULE DESCRIPTION: This module covers skills, knowledge and attitude
required to understand the principles, concepts and scope of entrepreneurship. It
also discusses how to become an entrepreneur, organize and operate an
enterprise and develop business plan.
At the end of this module the trainee will be able to:
LO1: Describe and explain the principles, concept and scope of entrepreneurship
LO2: Discuss how to become an entrepreneur
LO3: Elaborate how to organize an enterprise
LO4: Discuss how to operate an enterprise
LO5: Develop one’s own business plan

LO1: Describe and explain the principles, concept and scope of
entrepreneurship(15 hours)
1.1 Meaning and Scope of enterprising
1.2 Defining entrepreneurship and entrepreneurs
1.3 Functions of entrepreneurship
1.4 Principles of entrepreneurship
1.5 Entrepreneurial motivation
1.6 Setting entrepreneurial goals
LO2: Discuss how to become entrepreneur (10 hours)
2.1Assessing own potential to be future entrepreneur
2.2Basic competencies of successful entrepreneurship
2.3Entrepreneurial characteristics/traits
2.4Risk assessment and their management
2.5Meaning of self employment
2.6Self employment versus paid employment
LO3: Elaborate how to organize an enterprise(21 hours)
3.1 Importance of entrepreneurship in the society
3.2 Meaning of small and medium enterprises
3.3 The importance and role of small and medium enterprises
3.4 Key success factors in setting up small and medium enterprises
3.5 Generating business ideas using appropriate tools and techniques
3.6 Identifying and selecting suitable market for a business
3.7 Money needed to start an enterprise
3.8 Obtaining money to start an enterprises
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LO4: Discuss how to operate an enterprise (12 hours)
4.1 Identifying ways of getting into business
4.2 Managing time
4.3 Managing sales
4.4 Selecting suppliers
4.5 Using technology in small and medium enterprises
4.6 Knowing business costs and their management
4.7 Financial record keeping and preparing financial statement
LO5: Develop one’s own business plan(12 hours)
5.1 Meaning and concepts of business plan
5.2 The reason for preparing a business plan
5.3 Process of preparing/ writing a business plan
5.4 Standard structure and format of a business plan
5.5 Interpreting, assessing and analyzing findings of the business plan

LO1: Describe and explain the principles, concept and scope of
1.1 The principles, concept and terminology of entrepreneurship are analyzed
and discussed
1.2 The different / various forms of enterprises in the community are
identified and their roles understood
1.3 The identified enterprises are categorized and classified
1.4 The terms and elements involved in the concept of enterprising, both on a
personal level and in the context of being enterprising in business are
identified and interpreted
1.5 Functions of entrepreneurship in business and how the entrepreneurs
improved business and economic environment are explained
LO2: Discuss how to become entrepreneur
2.1 Self-employment as an alternative option for an individual economic
independence and personal growth is discussed and analyzed
2.2 Advantages and disadvantages of self-employment are discussed and
2.3 Entrepreneurial characteristics and traits are identified and discussed
2.4 Self-potential is assessed to determine if qualified to become future
2.5 Major competences of successful entrepreneurship are identified and
LO3: Discuss how to organize an enterprise
3.1 The importance and role of business entrepreneurship in the society are
discussed and correlated to the operations of the economy
3.2 Facts about small and medium enterprises are discussed, clarified and
3.3 Key success factor in setting up small and medium business are identified

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and explained
3.4 Business opportunities are identified and assessed
3.5 Business ideas are generated using appropriate tools, techniques and steps
3.6 Procedures for identifying suitable market for business are discussed and
3.7 Major factors to consider in selecting a location for a business are identified
and discussed
3.8 Basic types of business ownership are identified and explained
3.9 Amount of money needed to start an enterprise estimated and distinction
between pre operations and initial operation payments clarified
3.10 Advantages and disadvantages of using various sources of capital to start
an enterprise are identified
LO4: Discuss how to operate an enterprise
4.1 Disadvantages and advantages of three alternative means of becoming an
entrepreneur are identified and understood
4.2 Process of hiring and managing people is discussed and explained
4.3 The importance and techniques of managing time are discussed and
4.4 The techniques and procedures of managing sales are discussed and
4.5 Factors to consider in selecting suppliers and the steps to follow when doing
business with them are identified and discussed
4.6 Awareness of how new technologies can affect small and medium business
are developed
4.7 Characteristics of appropriate technology for use in small and medium
business are identified and explained
4.8 Different types of cost that occur in a business and how to manage them are
discussed and understood
4.9 Factors and procedures in knowing the cost of the enterprise are discussed
and understood
4.10Importance of financial record keeping and preparing simple financial
statement are explained and understood
4.11The application of self-management skills and negotiation skills are
discussed in operating a business
4.12 Risk assessment and management of business enterprise are performed

LO5: Develop one’s own business plan

5.1 Process of preparing/ writing a business plan is discussed and applied
5.2 Standard structure and format are applied in preparing business plan
5.3 Findings of the business plan are interpreted, assessed and analyzed
5.4 Feasibility of the business idea is made clear and understandable
5.5 Problems that may arise or encounter when starting a business are
identified and understand
5.6 Techniques and procedures in obtaining and sourcing information are
discussed and understood

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 Discussion
 Demonstration
 Practical exercises
 Role playing
 Presentation
 Small group work
 Case study
 Individual assignment
 Projects and mini enterprises
 Brain storming
 Guest speaker
 Games
 Coaching/mentoring
 Company visit

 Written test
 Demonstration
 Interview
 Direct Observation with Oral Questioning

Context of Assessment:
Competency may be assessed in the work place or in a simulated work place

Logo of TVET
MODULE CODE: 1 M01 0615
MODULE DESCRIPTION: This module aims to cover the knowledge, skills and attitudes required
by an employee or worker to apply 3S technique to their own job and work area.

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At the end of this module the trainees will be able to
LO1 Organize Junior Kaizen Promotion Team (KPT)
LO2 Prepare for work
LO3 Sort items
LO4 Set all items in order
LO5 Perform Shine activities
LO1 Organize Junior Kaizen Promotion Team (KPT)
1.1 Kaizen basics
1.1.1. The meaning of Kaizen and its concept
1.1.2 The origin of Kaizen
1.1.3 The dissemination of Kaizen in Ethiopia
1.1.4 The three pillars of Kaizen Kaizen as a Philosophy Kaizen Systems Kaizen Tools
1.1.5 Kaizen principles
1.1.6 The key characteristics of Kaizen Continuity Participatory approach Accumulation of small Improvement Needs small investment
1.1.7 Kaizen targets or elements Productivity Quality Cost Delivery time Moral Safety Environment Gender equality
1.1.8 Wastes/‘Muda’ Definition of Waste/ Muda Muda identified by TOYOTA Company Over production Inventory Motion Transportation Waiting Over-processing Defect making
1.2 5S basics
1.2.1 Definition of 5S

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1.2.2 The five pillars of 5S Sort Set in order Shine Standardize Sustain
1.2.3 Benefits of 5S
1.2.4 Three stages of 5S implementation Planning Implementation Sustaining
1.3 Junior Kaizen Promotion Team (KPT)
1.3.3 Basics of KPT
1.3.4 Aims and benefits of KPT
1.3.5 The principles of KPT
1.3.6 The structure and role of the components of KPT
1.3.7 Stages of KPT Junior KPT Middle KPT Higher KPT
1.3.8 Establish Junior KPT
1.3.9 Method of communication in a team
1.3.10 Concept and parts of Kaizen board (Visual Management board)

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LO2 Prepare for work
2.1 Job requirements
2.1.1 Work instructions
2.1.2 Job specification
2.1.3 Working manual
2.2 OHS requirements
2.2.1 Legislation/ regulations/codes
2.2.2 Safety equipment and tools
2.2.3 Safe operating procedures
2.2.4 Emergency procedures
2.3 Material preparation and selection for work
LO3 Sort items
3.1 Definition of the first pillar of 5S
3.2 Benefits of sort activity
3.3 Sort activity
3.4.1 Plan and procedures for sort activity
3.4.2 Record and quantify all items in the work area
3.4.3 Red tag strategy for unnecessary items Overview of red tagging Red-tag Holding areas Steps/procedures in Red tagging
3.4.4 Types of unnecessary items
3.4.5 Places where unnecessary items accumulate
3.4.6 Reporting methods and formats for sort results
LO4 Set all items in order
4.1 Definition of the second pillar of 5S
4.2 Benefits of set in order
4.3 Set in order
4.3.1 Plan and procedures for set in order
4.3.2 Set in order strategies Motion Economy strategy Visual control Strategy Signboard strategy Painting strategy Color-code strategy Outlining strategy Visual Management Board (Kaizen board) Strategy
4.3.3 Reporting methods and formats for set in order results
LO5 Perform Shine activities
5.1 Definition of the third pillar of 5S
5.2 Benefits of shine
5.3 Shine activity
5.3.1 Plan and procedures for shine activities
5.4 Inspection
5.4.1 The relationship of shine and inspection
5.4.2 The need for inspection
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5.4.3 Inspection steps
5.4.4 Inspection methods
5.5 Reporting methods and formats for shine results

 Lecture/ discussion/ Presentation
 Demonstration / Practical exercises
 Group/Individual assignments
 Case studies
 Project work
 Mentoring / Coaching
 Demonstration / Simulations
 Site visits / Educational Trips
 Brainstorming
 
 
LO1 Organize Junior Kaizen Promotion Team (KPT)
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 
 Basics, principles and stages of KPT are identified.
 Structure of Junior KPT is established in accordance with the organizational procedures.
 Effective and appropriate contributions are made to complement team activities and
objectives based on individual skills and competencies.
 Contribute to the development of team work plans based on an understanding of KPT’s
role and objectives.
 Effective and appropriate forms of communications are used and interactions are
undertaken with KPT members who contribute to known KPT activities and objectives.
 Kaizen board (Visual Management board) is prepared and used in accordance with
workplace situation.
LO2 Prepare for work
 Work instructions are used to determine job requirements, including method, material
and equipment.
 Job specifications are read and interpreted following working manual.
 OHS requirements, including dust and fume collection, breathing apparatus and eye and
ear personal protection needs are observed throughout the work.
 Material for work is selected appropriate to application.
 Safety equipment and tools are identified and checked for safe and effective operation
LO3 Sort items
 
 Plan for implementing sorting activities is prepared.
 In parallel cleaning activities are performed.
 All items in the work area are identified following procedures.
 Necessary and unnecessary items are listed using the appropriate format.
 Red tag strategy is used for unnecessary items.
 Unnecessary items are evaluated and placed in an appropriate place other than the
 Necessary items are recorded and quantified using appropriate format.
 Performance results are reported using appropriate formats.
 Necessary items are regularly checked in the work area.
LO4 Set all items in order
 Plan for implementing set in order activities is prepared.
 In parallel general cleaning activities are performed.
 Location/layout, storage and indication methods for items are decided.
 Necessary tools and equipment for setting in order activities are prepared and used.
 Items are placed in their assigned location.
 After use the items are immediately returned to their assigned location.
 Performance results are reported using appropriate formats.
 Each item is regularly checked in its assigned location and order.
LO5 Perform Shine activities
 Plan for implementing shine activities is prepared.
 Necessary tools and equipment for shinning activities are prepared and used.

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 Shine activity is implemented according to the prepared procedure.
 Reporting performance results using appropriate formats.
 Conduct regular shinning activities

Annex: Resource Requirements

Module Code and Title

Item Description/
Category/Item Quantity Ratio
No. Specifications
(Item: Trainee)
A. Learning Materials
1. TTLM 5 1:5
2. Reference Book 5S for operators (1995) 5 1:5
3. Journals/publications/magazines Recent 5 1:5
B. Learning Facilities and Infrastructure
1. Class room Standard 1 1:25
2. Workshop Standard 1 1:25
Visual training media (LCD,
3. laptops, blackboard, whiteboard, Each 1 1:25
flip chart)
C. Consumable Materials
1. Paper
2. Paint
3 Sticker
4 Broom
5 Pencil
6 Sponge

D Tools and Equipments

Safety equipments and tools
(dust masks/ goggles, glove,
working cloth, first aid, safety
shoes etc)
Materials for 3S activity
(hook, signboard, nails, shelves,
chip wood, shadow board/ tools
board, measuring tape, ruler etc)

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Basic Textile Operation L- I ANRS TVED Bureau Page:-

TVET PROGRAM TITLE: Basic Civics and Ethical Education Level I

MODULE TITLE: TVET CEE1 01 0115: Developing Understanding of Constitutional Democracy



MODULE DESCRIPTION: This module covers the knowledge, skills and attitude required to
understand the concept and principles of democracy.


At the end of this module the trainee will be able to:

LO1: Explain the importance of democracy

LO2: Describe basic principles of the Ethiopian constitution
LO3: Discuss features of a democratic system
LO4: Understand TVET National Strategies

LO1: Importance of Democracy

1.1 Concept and meaning of democracy

1.1.1 meaning of democracy
1.1.2 necessity of democracy
1.2 Meaning and purposes of constitution

1.1.1. meaning of the constitution

1.1.2. purpose of the constitution

1.3 Constitution and constitutionalism

1.4 Constitution and other laws
1.2. Meaning and purposes of constitution

1.3. constitution and constitutionalism

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1.3.1. constitutionalism

1.3.2. constitution versus constitutionalism

1.4. Constitution and other laws

1.4.1. comparison of constitution and other laws
LO2: Basic principles of the Ethiopian constitution

2.1 sovereignty of the people

2.2 Supremacy of the constitution

2.3 human and democratic rights

2.4 separation of state and religion

2.5 accountability and transparency

LO3: Features of democratic system

3.1 Forms of government

3.1.1 unitary form of government

3.1.2 federal form of government

3.1.3 confederation

3.2 Federal and regional power

3.2.1 power of the federal government

3.2.2 power of regional government

3.3 organs/structures of government

3.3.1 legislative

3.3.2 executive

3.3.3 judiciary

3.4. forms of democracy

3.4.1 direct democracy

3.4.2 indirect democracy

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3.5 systems of government

3.5.1 parliamentary

3.5.2 Presidential

3.5.3 hybrid (semi-presidential)

LO 4: TVET national strategy

4.1 Objectives of national TVET strategy

4.2 Guiding principles of Ethiopian TVET system

4.2.1 Demand orientation

4.2.2 Quality and relevance

4.2.3 Contributing to environmental challenges

4.2.4 Gender sensitivity

Reasonable adjustment trainees
 Discussion  Cases

 Written questions

 Pair, group and all class

 Lecture  Slide presentation

Provide Printed lecture materials and

 Demonstration Presentation
 Role play Drama
 Project/case study Paper work and presentation

 Quiz
 Test
o Continuous assessment  Individual and group assignment

 Project work  Individual and group project

 Final exam  Written questions

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LO1: Explain the importance of democracy
1.1. The concept and meaning of democracy is explained
1.2 The meaning and purposes of constitution is explained
1.3.Constitution and constitutionalism is described
1.4 Constitution and other laws is compared and contrasted

LO2: Describe basic principles of the FDRE constitution

2.1. The sovereignty of the people is cited and explained
2.2. The supremacy of the constitution is cited and explained
2.3. Human and democratic rights of citizens are listed
2.4. The separation of state and religion are cited and explained
2.5. Accountability and transparency is cited and described
LO3. Discuss Features of a democratic system
3.1 Unitary and Federal forms of government are compared and contrasted
3.2 The distinguished features and differences between the federal and the regional governments
power in Ethiopia are identified
3.3 Organs/structures of the government are identified and explained
3.4 Forms of democracy are identified
3.5 The difference between parliamentary and presidential systems of government is stated
3.6 concepts of federalism is understood

LO 4 : Understand TVET National Strategies

4.1. General and specific objectives of national TVET strategy is explained
4.2. Guiding principles of Ethiopian TVET system discussed

Description/ Recommended Ratio

Item No. Category/Item Quantity
Specifications (Item: Trainee)
A Learning materials
Prepare by trainer
1. TTLM (hard and soft 25 1:1
Author and Year of
Reference Books (Civics
2. publication (hard 25 1:1
and Ethical Education)
and soft copies)
B Learning facilities and infrastructures
Class room Standard 1 1:25

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Visual training media Standard
(LCD, Laptops, chalk
2 1 1:25
board, white board) and
audio recorder & player
C Consumable materials
White board
marker/marker, chalk
2 CD, flash disk
Transparencies, flip
4 Paper A4 size
Required Resources:

Description/ Recommended Ratio

Item No. Category/Item Quantity
Specifications (Item: Trainee)
A Learning materials
Prepare by trainer
1. TTLM (hard and soft 25 1:1
Author and Year of
Reference Books (Civics
2. publication (hard 25 1:1
and Ethical Education)
and soft copies)
B Learning facilities and infrastructures
Class room Standard 1 1:25
Visual training media Standard
(LCD, Laptops, chalk
2 1 1:25
board, white board) and
audio recorder & player
C Consumable materials
White board
marker/marker, chalk
2 CD, flash disk
3 Transparencies, flip chart
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4 Paper A4 size

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Basic Textile Operation L- I ANRS TVED Bureau Page:-

TVET PROGRAM TITLE: Basic Civics and Ethical Education Level I

MODULE TITLE: TVET CEE1 03 0115: Developing saving practices



MODULE DESCRIPTION: This module covers the knowledge, skills and attitude required to develop
the habit of saving


At the end of this module the trainee will be able to:

LO1: Explain benefits of saving

LO2: Describe planning and saving
LO3: Explain saving as a source of work

LO1: Understand benefits of saving

1.1 Developing the habit of saving
1.2 The benefits of saving
1.3 Factors affect saving practices
1.3.1 Lack of family planning
1.3.2 Expensive mourning ceremonies
1.3.3 Expensive wedding ceremonies
1.3.4 Unplanned expenditure
LO2: planning and saving

2.1 Role of planning in production, distribution and consumption for saving

2.2 Living within one’s own available resources
2.3 The role of domestic products in saving

LO3: saving as a source of investment

3.1 Saving as a source of creating work

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3.2 Traditional and modern institutions for saving
3.2.1 Traditional institutions of saving
3.2.2 Modern institutions of saving
3.3 Wealth as a means of investment
LO1 Understand benefits of saving
 the meaning of saving is explained
 the benefits of saving are identified
 extravagant practices that affect saving are distinguished
 the habit of saving is developed
LO2: Describe planning and saving
 planning for production and consumption is practiced
 the need of relying on one’s own domestic product is developed
LO3: Explain saving as a source of work
3.1 various saving institutions are differentiated

Reasonable adjustment trainees
 Discussion  Cases

 Written questions

 Pairs, groups and all class

 Lecture  Slide presentation
 Provide Printed lecture materials

 Demonstration Presentation
 Site visit Organizations, workshops and enterprises
 Project/case study Checklists

 Quiz
 Test
Continuous assessment
 Individual and group assignment

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Project work  Individual and group project
Final exam  Written questions

Required resources
Module Code and Title : TVET CEE1 M03 0115: Using Materials

Item No. Category/Item Quantity Ratio
(Item: Trainee)
A Learning materials
Prepare by
1. TTLM trainer (hard and 25 1:1
soft copies)
Author and Year
Reference Books (Civics and Ethical of publication
2. 25 1:1
Education) (hard and soft
B Learning facilities and infrastructures
1 Class room Standard 1 1:25
Visual training media (LCD, Laptops, Standard
2 1 1:25
chalk board, white board)
C Consumable materials
1 White board marker/marker, chalk
2 CD, flash disk
3 transparencies, flip chart
4 Paper A4 size

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Resource Requirements
TXTBAP1M18 11 15 Developing Understanding Entrepreneurship
Item Description/
Category/Item Quantity Ratio
No. Specifications (Item: Trainee)
A. Learning Materials
CBLM - Trainer’s made
KAB handouts
1. 25 1:1
CEFE _ Trainee hand books
2. Textbooks If available 25 1:1
1. Hisrich,
2. Thimons, New
Venture Creation
3. Gupta, Micro and
Small Business
4. Hailay
3. Reference Books 5 1:5
5. Gilkerson, self
employment from
dream to reality
6. Woretaw Bezabih
haric version)

Learning Facilities &

8 x 12m; equipped with IT
1 Demonstration room 1 1:25
2. Library Multipurpose
3. Shelves wooden or metal 5
4 White Board 1.50 X 1.50 1
5 Cabinet Metal 1
High speed Internet
Internet and Virtual Connection
6 1 1:25
library Recommended
E-VDO, Broad Band
C. Consumable Materials

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Basic Textile Operation L- I ANRS TVED Bureau Page:-
1 Blank CD CD-R/RW 5 1:5
Whiteboard marker,
2 Stationery
printing paper, printer ink
3 Flash disk San disk or similar 4GB 5 1:5
 Zope card  hard
 Flip chart  local
 Marker  white board and
permanent (all
 Scotch colors)
 Candy
 Chocolate
D. Tools and Equipments

Resource Requirements
Resource Requirement for Level-I
Item Description/
Category/Item Quantity Ratio
No. Specifications (Item: Trainee)
A. Learning Materials
 TTLM(teaching , training and
1. 6 1:5
learning material
 Reference manuals and books
2. 6 1:5

3. Reference Books 5 1:5

Learning Facilities &
1 1 1:25
3. 5
4 1
5 1
6 1 1:25
C. Consumable Materials
1 Blank CD 5 1:5
2 Stationery
3 Flash disk 5 1:5
4  Zope card

 Flip chart
 Marker
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 Scotch
 Candy
 Chocolate
D. Tools and Equipments
1 Samples 5 1:5
2 Computer 12 1:2
3 UPS 2
4 Divider 6
5 Multimedia projector 1 1:25
6 Printer 1
7 Desk jet Printer 1 1:25
8 Digital Camera 1 1:25
9 Scanner Image and Text support 1 1:25
10 Laptop Toshiba 5 1:5
11 Photo copier Canon 1 1:25
12 Dart 5 1:5

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Basic Textile Operation L- I ANRS TVED Bureau Page:-
Resource Requirments for Level-I
Item Ratio
Category/Item Description/ Specifications Quantity
No (Item:
A Learning Materials
 TTLM(teaching, training and Prepared by the trainer 1 1:25
learning material
 OS( Occupational tandard Federal Standard 1 1:25
 Moddel Curriculum Prepared by the Bureau 1 1:25
B Learning Facilities & Infrastructure
 Classroom Well spaced and ventilated 1 1:25
1:1.2 m2
 Work shop Well spaced and ventilated 1 1:25
1:1.6 m2
 Library Well spaced and ventilated 1 1:25
1:1.5 m2
C Consumable Materials
 Gowns Polister made, over coat style 30 1:1
 Tailors chalk flat &different colors 30 1:1
 Pencils HB 30 1:1
 Eraser 30 1:1
 Pin cushions& pins 30 1:1
 Pattern hook 30 1:1
 Pattern blocks 30 1:1
D Tools and Equipments
 Chair Student arm chair 25 1:1
single and double
 lockstitch sewing machine needle
10 1:3

 overlock sewing machine three, four or five thread 6 1:5

single and double
 zigzag sewing machine needle
6 1:5

single and double

 blind hemming machines needle
3 1:10

single and double

 industrial sewing machines needle
15 1:2

 bar tacking machine feed on the arm (FOA) 3 1:10

 buttonholing machine feed on the arm (FOA) 3 1:10

 button attaching machine feed on the arm (FOA) 3 1:10

 blind stitchery machine feed on the arm (FOA) 3 1:10

 cover stitch machine feed on the arm (FOA) 3 1:10

 binding machine feed on the arm (FOA) 3 1:10

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Basic Textile Operation L- I ANRS TVED Bureau Page:-
Stainless steel
 scissors 15 1:2
 screw driver 15 1:2
 screw driver 15 1:2

 Table 1m x 1m made of MDF 6 1:5

 Flat iron Electrical 6 1:5
 Ironing board 1m x 1m made of MDF 6 1:5
 Sleeve board 6 1:5
 Press mitt 6 1:5
 Tailor’s ham 6 1:5
 Tailors chalk flat &different colors 30 1:1
Cutting &Drafting Patterns
 Table width 76cm length 150cm 6 1:5
Height 75cm
 Screw Driver socket wrenches 6 1:5
 Adjustable 6 1:5
 Calibrate
6 1:5

plastic 150cm long,

 Tape measure 30 1:1
marked in inch &cm
large plastic/transparence
 Ruler 30 1:1
100cm long
Small 50cm long
 Ruler 30 1:1
 French curve 15 1:2
 hip curve 15 1:2
 Square rule 15 1:2
Ready made patterns of
 garment patterns 6 1:5
different size
 hand and power tools Portable
 paper notch 15 1:2

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The Amhara TVET BERO wishes to extend thanks and appreciation to the many
representatives of business, industry, academe and government agencies who donated
their time and expertise to the development of this Model Curriculum for the TVET
Program _________________.

The trainers (who developed the curriculum)

1-Yeshiwork Mekbib
2 Birhanu Setegn

The School name represented by the trainer

1 W/ro siheen poly Technic College
2 Debreberhne Poly Technic Colleg

The Industry Sector (if there are participants

The Management and Staff of Amhara TVET BERO

We would like also to express our appreciation to the following Staff and Officers of
Ministry of Education who made the development of this curriculum possible –

Prepared by
kedere yimer w/ro sehine poly t/collage
getahun Injabara poly t/collage

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