TLE6 Q2 Mod5 MarketingHouseholdLinen Version3

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Technology and Livelihood

Quarter 2 – Module 5
Marketing Household Linen

Department of Education ● Republic of the Philippines


10 Marketing Household Linens

What I Need to Know

At the end of this module, you are expected to market
finished household linens in varied/creative ways TLE6HE0e-10

What’s New

M Finished Household Linens

Here are some ways:

A. Packaging The Products

Products like household linens need to be packaged before selling. Packaging

them is important for the following reasons, namely:
a. to protect from dirt, stains, scratches, and from being disfigured which can
affect the quality of the products;
b. to make easy transport because the products are in the containers;
c. to have product sales appeal because an attractive, clean neat, and decent
looking package can entice customers to look into the product which can be
the first step in buying the product. Packages of household linens are usually
made of transparent plastics with cartons or thin cardboards inside to give
support to the shape, size, and folds of the linens inside the plastic container.
The container usually has a flap (an extended plastic on top containing
adhesives along the edge of the flap which when folded seals the product

B. Advertising The Products Using Technology

Advertising is a form of marketing communication used to convince an audience

to take or continue some action, usually with respect to commercial offering.

You can create a website

Today, the use of
for your finished products Moreover, do not forget
technology is used in
to create awareness to the the telephone, mobile
advertising the products.
wider public and gain phone, or fax machine
This is possible with the
prospective buyers. Use number because these
use of computer and
email or social media to can also help you gain
availability of internet
get in touch with your buyers.

C. Monitoring and Keeping Record Sales Of Production Of The Product


to ensure the growth of your products

to keep tract of the status of the products

to keep record of all the information or data on

production and sales of the different products

keep a ledger or record book of daily expenses then

indicate the type of expenses items you are listing

Example 1


Sept. 8, 2019 Fabric thread 2 spools 50.00 (25.00 Sewing
1 yard each spool) materials
Sept. 10, 2019 Oil for sewing 1 bottle 40.00 maintenance
Sept. 15, 2019 Gasoline for 2 liters 100.00 transportation
going to the
craft store
Sept.16, 2019 Plastic 1 roll 60.00 packaging
cardboard 1 pack 30.00
Ribbon 1 roll 60.00
Sept. 18, 2019 Printing of 1 copy 15.00 Marketing/
brochure/flyer Advertisement
Photocopy of 10 copies x 20.00
brochure/flyer Php2.00

D. Computing Cost, Sales and Profit

After you have successfully made your household linens like pillowcase or table
napkin, the next step you will do is to compute for the cost and selling price of your
project. Below is a sample costing of your product.

A. Linen cloth 1 meter ----- ----- P 40.00

Embroidery thread (assorted colors) - - - - 40.00
Needle ----- 20.00
COST P 100.00

B. Cost - - - - P 100.00
X .25 (25%) - Mark-up
P 25.00

C. 100.00 – Cost
+ 25.00 – Mark-up
P 125.00 = selling price

Let’s Remember

 Packaging has many purposes. It is used for advertisement,

information, protection of the product, and convenience in
handling the products.

 There are many creative ways to package household linens.

Some of these include the use of semi-open box, see-through
packaging, rolled packaging, taped and ribbon packaging.

 One needs to identify all the expenses incurred before computing

for the total cost of creating a household linen.

 A mark-up is added on top of the total expenses when determining

the price of the products. This is done in order to earn profit.

Activity 10.1 Let’s Apply and Practice

Directions: Complete the table below by giving the correct answer on the blank
Number 1 is done for you as an example.

Cost Mark-up Selling Price

1. P 300.00 10% 330.00

2. P 500.00 25%
3. P 400.00 15%

4. P 200.00 20%

5. P 400.00 30%

Note: Use Activity Sheet No. 10.1 on Appendices.

What’s More

Activity 10.4

Directions: Read and solve the given problem. Write your answer on the separate
sheet provided.

Mr. Mosiquera sold 50 pieces of pillow case. He planned to add 10%

to the original price which is Php 25.00 each. How much should be
his price for each pillow?



Directions: Put  on the blank if you agree on the statement and x if you do

__________1. Planning is important in a business.

__________2. Using creative and attractive packages and actual videos of the product
that is appealing can easily invite online customers to look into the
product and satisfy their curiosity and interest.
_________ 3. Packaging protects your product from being exposed to heat, moisture,
dust and other things that can cause damage.
_________ 4. Quality is not important in a product.
_________ 5. Creativity and uniqueness in labeling the products play an important
role in promoting the product.

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