Attractions Magazine: Fall 2013
Attractions Magazine: Fall 2013
Attractions Magazine: Fall 2013
24 Q&A
Ron Logan’s work can be found in every Disney theme park.
28 Skipper Ben’s Top 10
Orlando Roller Coasters
See if you agree with the order of these top coasters.
32 Transformers: The Ride - 3D
The Transformers need your help to protect the AllSpark
at Universal Studios’ major new attraction.
38 A Tribute to The Twilight Zone
Tower of Terror
Learn about some of the unrealized concepts, what it
became and versions at other Disney parks.
44 Weeki Wachee Springs State Park
Mermaids have been entertaining Florida visitors at
Weeki Wachee for more than 50 years
48 Resort Report
Rosen Centre Hotel
52 Table Service 38
Hash House A Go Go
DEPARTMENTS Editor and Publisher
Matt Roseboom
6 What’s New Online Anthony Armenia, Richard Bent, Michael Corbisiero,
8 Feedback Andy Guinigundo, Seth Kubursky, Banks Lee, Barbara Nefer,
Ben Rebstock, Matt Roseboom, Jackie Roseboom,
12 Vacation Planner Simon Veness, Susan Veness
14 Work in Progress Matt Roseboom
Art & Design
20 Photo Finds John Green, Pat Lewis, Sharon Liguori,
Christopher Titchenal, Christina Wright
22 Versus
Proofreading Editorial Assistants
56 Cartoon Ruth Roseboom Anthony Armenia, Banks Lee
liVe FrOM
the parks
Follow us on Twitter at
and our Facebook page at
We frequently post on-the-spot information, Fantasy Faire and Mickey
photos and short videos while we’re inside
Orlando’s theme parks. You can also be
and the Magical Map
notified of our latest videos if you
subscribe to our YouTube channel at Disneyland Resort recently opened an expansion of Fantasyland as Fantasy Faire. Watch our videos of the Fantasy Faire stage show in the Royal Theatre featuring
“Tangled” and “The Beauty and the Beast” and the new Mickey and the Magical Map stage show.
Oliver and the rest of the family. Next ly, I’ve been hearing news of the closing
week we head to Disney before jetting of Hollywood Studios attractions
I hope you enjoy this issue, including the
home to England. Will keep watching towards the back of the park to make
new rumors column on page 58, “The
(Attractions Show) to relive the memories room for a Walt Disney World Cars Land.
Rumor Queue”. Rumors
of this once in a lifetime holiday. Can you confirm or deny this please?
are always circulating but
Chris Lorraine Oliver and Alex Scott Christopher Viola
we try not to spread them
Hull, England South Jersey, N.J.
unless there’s some basis
of fact or the rumor
I’m glad you’ve been able to visit As of press time, Cars Land coming to
seems likely to happen.
Orlando and have some family fun again and Walt Disney World is just a rumor. Read more
But we’re going a little
hope you’ll all be back soon. We wish Oliver about it and other rumors on page 58.
beyond that with this new
a quick recovery and a long life of good
column. We’ll still be trying to present the
rumors that have some merit, but we’ll also
mention some that seem to stick around. As
it says at the beginning of the column, these
I congratulate you and your team on
rumors are not fact and should be seen only
such a brilliant magazine. I always look
as here say until officially confirmed or
forward to each edition, packed with so
denied. We know sometimes rumors become
much news about the latest Orlando pro-
“fact” in some people’s minds, and that’s
jects. Your weekly shows are also must
not our intent. Enjoy them as pure specula-
viewing, and it’s the next best thing to
tion and dream about what’s possible.
actually living in Orlando. I can’t wait for
my return trip to the magic on Nov. 29,
Have Fun,
when I will be celebrating turning 65 -
Matt Roseboom
and couldn’t imagine a better place to be
on this special occasion.
Brian Burton
Borehamwood, GB BETTER ThAN PLUTO?
This is my dog PT who has an image
I hope you have a happy and of Mickey Mouse on his back. When he
fun 65th! Be sure to get your wags his tail, it looks like Mickey Mouse
birthday button when you go to is wagging his tail.
the theme parks. Ron Quimby
South China, Maine
I came across your show That’s really cool. It even looks like a
by accident. I love the show. I rare side profile hidden Mickey. Thanks for
have just spent the past num- sending it in.
ber of weeks doing catch up. I
didn’t realize how much I hELP DISNEYLAND PARIS
FINALLY BACK IN ORLANDO missed on my last visit to Walt Disney You may have heard that Disneyland
Well, the Scott family has finally made World. I can’t wait to return. I only have Paris is in a very bad state, and it became
it to Orlando, 21 years after mum and dad 102 weeks to go. even worst the last months. Countless
met here on our first visit (1992). You Louise Corris, breakdowns, bad conditions, closed
might remember our two boys Oliver and Cardiff, G.B. attractions, restaurants, boutiques and no
Alex with the Ripleys T-shirt that dad stage show and nighttime parade any-
won in your competition last year. I’m glad you found us and hope the 102 more. This situation is very sad and we
Finally after heart surgery and weeks fly by. I'm glad we can help pass the want to raise the attention of the Walt
numerous operations (for our eldest son time. Disney Company, which remains end-
Oliver), we have been able to make it to lessly blind on that issue.
Orlando. We thought we would never CARS LAND EAST? For that reason, along with a few
make it. I’m a huge fan of your magazine! As other Disneyland Paris locals/regular
Universal did a fantastic personal an avid Disney fan, I’m always on top of visitors from various European countries,
meet and greet with The Simpsons for the latest rumors and reports, and recent- we launched an open letter to The Walt
about what was going to happen. efore it was Krustyland and The Simpsons Ride, it was the Institute of Future Technology
Peter Johnson and the Back To The Future ride at Universal Studios Florida. The Institute building didn’t
Clermont, Fla. actually have a NASA space shuttle on top of it. This was an optical illusion created by plac-
ing your camera on a certain spot provided by Universal. Although this particular illusion photo
Don’t worry little girl, Zam isn’t how she opportunity is gone, others can occasionally be found in the park.
appears. (She’s worse … looking that is.)
We asked our Facebook followers to tell us their favorite meet and greet character
in Orlando’s theme parks. Here’s what they said:
boring photos. He gets the kids to maybe her “evilness”. I can’t quite have to get in line early since they
be all naughty with him - sticking put my finger on just one reason fill up quickly, but I’d wait with my
out tongues, etc. why I like her, but I get my picture daughter again in a heartbeat.
Braedon Godin with her every time I am there. Tony Noone
It would have to be the Fab 5 at Nicola McAndrew Ariel has always been my favorite.
Epcot’s character spot because you On our recent trip, two characters I’ve done many meet and greets
are able to actually spend a little stood out. Rapunzel at the Magic with her but one in particular
time with them before moving on Kingdom. She took her time with stands out in my mind. I was
and on. both our children and even got my spending a day in Magic Kingdom
Michael Fridgen David Lowe four-year-old son up for photos to celebrate my birthday. This was
My favorite is Pinocchio because he My favorite is Cinderella because after saying “Princesses were too before New Fantasyland opened
moves like he’s made of wood. she helped make one of my girlie”. The second character that so Ariel in human form was doing
Attached is a photo of my husband favorite recent memories. My wife exceed expectations was Spider- meets in Adventureland. When it
and me attempting to get a photo and I took my six-year-old daughter, Man at Islands of Adventure. Again was my turn, I told Ariel she was
with Pinocchio, when we were Emma, and one-year-old son, Alex, this character had a good conver- my favorite Princess (and Eric told
photo bombed by Geppetto! (We’ve to Disney World this summer along sation with my kids (and with us) me we had that in common). We
been to all the Disney Parks around with my parents. The look of joy and got them pulling all the super chatted for a bit and Ariel noticed
the globe. Orlando definitely has and amazement on my daughter’s hero moves. Both characters made my pin collection on my lanyard
the best procedure for accessing face when she walked up to meet memories for us all. (the majority of which were of
the characters. It’s a bit of a mob Cinderella and started talking to Kimberly Masimore herself) She started talking about
scene at Disneyland Paris. However, her, was the highlight of my entire Mickey Mouse! He is the one who her collection and asked if I knew
in Tokyo, you can see a lot more of trip far above the the rides and started it all. No visit is complete her favorite item in her collection.
the minor characters that don’t shows! until I have my picture taken with Having seen The Little Mermaid a
make appearances at the U.S. Teresa Cross him! (Oh yeah and my kids picture million times I instantly knew it
parks.) Spider-Man at Universal Studios too!) was the Dinglehopper. She asked
Stephanie Marie Robinson has always been one of our Emily Wright me how many Dinglehoppers I
Mulan at Epcot. She doesn’t rush favorites. We have never felt rushed The most impressive are now the had in my collection at home.
and asks the little girls if they want to visit him and he is always very Transformers characters. The first While I mentally counted the num-
to be themselves as strong war- entertaining, jumping up on coun- time I saw them (at age 32), I let ber of forks in the silverware draw-
riors like her when they grow up. ters and running all over while out an involuntary “WOW!!!” and er at home Ariel turned around
James Galliford always staying in character! ran over to get a picture. As for and was digging through a box
That is really hard to narrow down Becky Hoh cute and fun, I like Stitch and behind her. I finally answered
for me. I think the picture I like the Probably Shamu. SeaWorld has Mickey. Stitch is my husband’s “around 20.” Ariel said “Now you
most is with the Beast in the old always been my favorite park (still favorite character and the have 21! Happy Birthday!” When I
photo spot in the France Pavilion at is despite the negative publicity pictures/interactions are always got home I bought a special case
Epcot. Beauty and the Beast being they are receiving right now) and neat. You never know what Stitch is of the Dinglehopper. Everyone else
my favorite Disney movie, I still getting a picture standing by its going to do! Mickey is timeless. sees it as a simple plastic fork. To
haven’t gotten to New Fantasyland, trademark emblem just makes the When we meet or see him I still me it’s the best birthday gift I ever
so I bet that would be my new trip more special for me. I also like have the excitement and involun- got.
favorite place to meet Beast in his getting my picture taken with tary grin that I had as a little girl Dana Giuliano Spinelli
castle. I also love to meet Mary A’lure’s villainess (I am not sure meeting him for the first time. The Seven Dwarfs when they make
Poppins on the carousel. Who what she is exactly., maybe a siren Jeremy Miller their appearance at Mickey’s Not
doesn’t? or something), also at SeaWorld. I Aladdin and Jasmine in Morocco at So Scary Halloween Party because
Karen Christensen Goff don’t know what it is that attracts Epcot. They were by far the most they’re so hard to find and Dopey
Stitch, because he doesn’t take me to her, maybe her costume, interactive I’ve seen to date. You is my fav.
WRITE TO US! “Like” Orlando Attractions Magazine on Facebook to keep up with all the
latest news, and comment and answer next issue’s Facebook question.
We want your letters and photos! If you have any comments about the magazine, questions about traveling to Orlando or
fun stories or photos to share, simply e-mail us directly at
Vacation Planner
___________________________________________________________________________________ Anthony Armenia
Location: Legoland
Location: Busch Gardens Tampa
Dates: Select dates from Nov. 29
Dates: Weekends in
through Dec. 23
Cost: $10 to $40
Cost: Included with
This year, Busch Gardens
theme park admission
Tampa’s Christmas Town is get-
‘Tis the season for
ting bigger and better with a
Christmas Bricktacular
nighttime holiday wonderland of
with a 270,000 brick
wintery surprises featuring more
Christmas tree, festive
than 20 Christmas attractions,
decorations and daily
snow, shows, rides, dining and
appearances by Santa.
shopping options and themed
areas throughout the park.
Walt Disney World Universal Orlando SeaWorld Orlando Busch Gardens Tampa Legoland Florida Swan and Dolphin Resorts
Resort Resort (800) 327-2424 (888) 800-5447 (877) 350-5346 (407) 934-4000
(407) 939-6244 (407) 363-8000
finalists per
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Before the 20 ow n O rlan do on Aug. 1, they mited
ownt ial Li
in concer t in d ud ios to appear in a spec
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Disney’s Hollyw otorcade. They also mad
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Time Magic American Idol Experience fin
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Disney held a se
Kingdom in mid-Ju Long Lost Friends week at
ly as part of Lim the Magic
time were charac ited Time Magic.
ters from “Rob Meeting guests th
“Princess an in Hood”, “C is
d the Frog” a hicken Little
nd “Song of
the South”.
Both parks offer a kiddie coaster, but with the opening of Freedom Flyer and White Lightning,
Orlando’s only wooden coaster, the America park edges out USA and their spinning Rockstar Coaster.
America and USA have several of the same thrill rides such as the Tilt-A-Whirl and Paratrooper, but USA has a more thrilling selection with Hot Seat, Screaming Eagle and YoYo.
With the expansion of the Commander track at America, the park now includes three multi-level tracks as opposed to USA’s two tracks.
Fun Spot USA has the privilege of owning the world’s tallest SkyCoaster at 300 feet. However, the second tallest (250 feet) can be found at America.
Both Fun Spot America and USA have great locations. America is right on International Drive just minutes
away from Universal Orlando, and USA is on highway 192, next to Old Town and minutes away from Walt Disney World.
One of the attractions Ron is most proud to have worked on is the now retired Spectromagic parade at the Magic Kingdom.
Ron has had an interest in entertainment since grad- a similar role. Disneyland asked me at that time to be a
uating from UCLA in the early ‘60s with a degree in part-time music consultant for the park.
music, followed with an MA. During this period he was
able to earn a living as a professional trumpet player, It must have been a very different Disney in 1960s.
producer and conductor. His first break came in 1960 What was it like?
when Disney hired him as a music consultant. Between Yes, it was a different time and era. Walt was still
then and 1977 he mixed work at Disney with the director actively very present and there was only Disneyland, so
of bands at James Monroe High School, in the San who knew where his dream was going to go? At that
Fernando Valley in Los Angeles. In 1977 he was offered time he was still in strong control of his vision, of what
the position of director of music at Walt Disney World. the park and the park entertainment should look and
The next 24 years saw increasing opportunities, with sound like. On one occasion I was leading a band down
him rising to the executive vice president position
responsible for all Disney “Live Entertainment” world-
wide. In 2007 he was honored at the Walt Disney Studios
with the rare Disney Legends award for parks and
When then Disney CEO Michael Eisner came to see the new
Illuminations show at Epcot, the globe only showed a color
test signal because someone forgot to push a button.
Universal's Islands
of Adventure
Formerly known as "Dueling Dragons" before Harry Potter moved in,
Dragon Challenge is two coasters in one. The inverted coasters feature
two distinct tracks (Chinese Fireball and Hungarian Horntail) that
interwine with each other. On numerous occasions, it feels like you're
going to hit the other coaster, only to dart out of danger at the last
moment. Don't be fooled, these are two different rides, so be sure to
experience both. And you might want to bring a sack lunch with you
as Dragon Challenge features one of the longest queues you'll ever
walk. But, on the bright side, at least you get to see the Triwizard Cup
on your way.
Rip Ride Rockit
Universal Studios
Opening in 2009, Hollywood Rip Ride Rockit changed the land-
scape of Universal Studios. The bright red track twists and turns
past and through existing show buildings, and its placement at the
front of the park is hard to walk past. It sucks you in by offering rid-
ers the ability to pick the song you listen to while you ride. It makes
you want to ride again and again and again. The vertical lift into the
face-first drop leads you into my favorite part of the ride, the
corkscrew loop (yes, a loop where you never actually go upside
down). At 65 mph, you shoot through the park, and even take a swing
outside through CityWalk. Sure, the soundtrack could use a little updat-
ing, but those in the know can access the "hidden songs" (Search our
website for a full list). There's nothing like riding an awesome roller
coaster to the Muppets singing "Rainbow Connection." Give it a try!
In 2000, SeaWorld unleashed the Kraken on theme
park visitors in Orlando, and it's been thrilling guests
ever since. The beast by the lake is the only floorless
roller coaster in Orlando, giving you the feeling that
you are literally just hanging on by the edge of your
seat. With a top speed of 65 mph, the Kraken tosses you around like a rag doll, tak-
ing you upside down seven times. This monster is one of the most extreme coasters
in Florida and should not be missed on your next visit.
Revenge of
The Mummy
Universal Studios
The Mummy is the perfect mix of dark ride and roller coaster. It
starts with an impressive queue that puts you into the story (the
set of the Mummy movie is haunted). Creepy cast members keep
the tone eerie, giving you a thumbs down as your cart moves into
the ride. After you give your soul to the bad guy, your car launches
into the only haunted coaster in Florida. It was also the first ride to
introduce the "false ending," which we won't spoil here. If you've been
on this ride, you know how much fun it is. And if you haven't, you are
in for a real treat. Now if I could only get my cup of coffee!
Orlando's only flying roller coaster is a standout on the scene. Granted,
the attraction is based on an animal that swims, you really do feel like you
are soaring through the air while facing the ground. The ride includes
four inversions across a very interesting track layout, giving you sensa-
tions that you have probably never felt on any other roller coaster. The
second half of the ride features the famous wing dip into the water (it's the picture you see
anytime the ride is talked about), where water launches from the surface as if your coaster car
is gently dipping into the lake surrounding the track. Also don't miss the walk-through aquarium
area. Manta is one of the newest coasters on the Orlando scene and is already one of the best.
Space Mountain
Magic Kingdom
Sure, there are much newer coasters out there. Ones with better
technology, ones that go faster, ones that twist and turn and throw
you around, but none of them are your first. What do I mean by
that? Any kid who grew up going to Disney World knows, Space
Mountain is that roller coaster you set on a pedestal. The large
white mountain that you built up as the guts to ride. And when you
finally did, you fell in love forever. In reality, Space Mountain doesn't
go very fast and it doesn't have many large drops, but it feels like
you're shooting the stars and flying through space. It's hard not to
feel like a little kid every single time you ride it
This may look like a long queue, but many guests waited well over two hours to ride General Morshower gives guests a video briefing about the Decepticon attack while
Transformers during its debut season. they wait to board the ride.
inspiration. It was agreed that hotel to sit toward the front gate A meshing of the two was The Tower of Terror
no one film would suffice as the of Disney MGM. I was all about suggested and The Hollywood After many brainstorming
primary source for a full- implementing show into the Horror Hotel was born, nick- sessions and conceptualiza-
fledged ride, but a tone could be concept.” The idea was to have named “Hotel Mel” by the tions, Brooks took his leave
derived from one. “We ulti- guests pass through areas that Imagineers. A real hotel would from the project and the world
mately decided upon “Young would dynamically change. have served as an adjunct with of theme parks. Hill postulated
Frankenstein” as our muse, in One example involved occa- the attraction being the center- that it might have had some-
terms of doing something that sionally transposing an audio- piece of the experience. Former thing to do with a failed televi-
was both funny and scary,” animatronic for a real actor in Disney Imagineer, artist and sion series helmed by Brooks
McNair said. “At the same time the hotel to ensure guests could- concept designer Tim Kirk entitled “The Nut House.” Mel
[of meeting with Brooks], we n’t memorize everything the revealed the Imagineers aspired would later go on to direct
were working on a four star attraction had to offer. to also offer effects in the rooms “Robin Hood: Men in Tights”.
for guests to experience during This left the team with the
their stay. “Maybe we were tower concept and no branding.
kind of imagining things; to McNair would later part the
think guests would want to project and resign from Disney
experience that,” he comment- Imagineering before seeing the
ed with amusement. tower to its fruition. A fair
Several iterations were cre- amount of the attraction’s core
ated, all incorporating thrills was established under his guid-
and gags. One such moment ance, which included the piv-
included guests being on the set otal drop sequence. The initial
of a hotel during Brooks’s latest idea was spurred when he
film shoot. Writer and theme demonstrated what the ride
park aficionado Jim Hill vehicle could do with the use of
described one of the original a salt and pepper shaker; push-
concepts of the freefall experi- ing the salt shaker off of the
ence: “You’d reach the hotel table and letting gravity handle
shaft, in which Mel would yell the rest. Not only did the ride
‘Cut!’ causing the elevator cable vehicle need to move guests
to be ‘cut’ and send guests vertically, but also horizontally.
plummeting to their death. Skepticism was pushed aside
Except they wouldn’t because and the Imagineers reached out
they’d stop just short enough to to Otis Elevator to test this idea.
Everything found in the attraction boasts a specific amount of dust and cobwebs and Imagineering had to employ their unique skill set to properly make the Hollywood Hotel
requires the custodial staff to be briefed as to how "dirty" the "hotel" must be kept. appear ominous and make it appear it's lofted higher with the use of forced perspective.
rests antique chairs dating back the Florida incarnation.
to the Renaissance era, several The Tower of Terror at
bronze statues carved by French Tokyo Disney, however, boasts
artist Moreau, a Mahjong set an entirely original concept
placed in an accurate manner, that’s divested from the proper-
mailboxes with parcels left in it ty due to the variance in cul-
and many more adornments all tures and because the Oriental
fitting within the chosen era. Land Company would have
The proposition of horizon- had to offer requisite fees to each version
tal and vertical moments were both Disney and CBS. The ride the Tower of
implemented by filling a space system is similar, but the narra- boasts uniqu
to the brim with vignettes from tive’s focal point is on Harrison architecture
The Twilight Zone’s theme that Hightower, said to be the hotel’s on the discr
etion of
leads guests through to the ele- famous builder. Guests experi- the imaginee
rs and
vator shaft that invariably sends ence the drop as a result of a spacial limita
them plummeting, although curse brought on by an idol Pictured is th
not uniformly. Profiles have Hightower brought from one of Tokyo Disney
been programmed and ran- his expeditions. Like the rendition, wh
domized for each encounter. California and Paris renditions, features a w
No two rides are identical. the ride circumvents the hori- different sto
“The additional profiles were a zontal hallway of the Florida
‘happy accident’,” McNair version. Thematically, there’s a
stated. large disparity, but its effect is
A slew of references from still the same. started watching “The Twilight believe if he were alive, he
the television series can be Each design team offered Zone” today and they’re every would have been the first one
found throughout the ride. their own architectural take bit engaged as people who in line,” he posited.
Some of these facsimiles include with minor changes to the inte- grew up with the show,” said The Tower of Terror is a
a pair of broken spectacles from rior to reflect the logistics and author Zicree. But none of this timeless attraction; it’s nestled
“Time Enough at Last”, the budgetary constraints of each would have been possible with- in an era that it intrepidly
penny Mystic Seer machine project. In a way, this is befitting out the unbridled imagination embraces. It clearly delineates
from “Nick of Time”, the bro- of the concept and its roots as an of Rodman Edward Serling, or itself as a fixture from another
ken watch from “A Kind of a anthology series, which encour- “Rod,” as he preferred. After a era. As author and unofficial
Stopwatch” that could freeze aged the notion of offering mul- honorable discharge from his Disney Historian Jim Korkis
time, and the red toy telephone tiple stories and interpretations. Army post as a paratrooper, put it, “Tower of Terror is
from the episode “Long Serling turned to writing as an without a doubt an E Ticket
Distance Call”. Picture If You Will... outlet. After the pilot, "The attraction in every sense of the
There’s been some question Twilight Zone" spawned five phrase, from technology to
Other Permutations of the ride’s vitality; some say- seasons, which subsequently storytelling to attention to
“The hope in the 1990s was ing it feels dated and the “The delved deeper into the inexplic- detail.” Much like the original
that the property would be Twilight Zone” lacks the clout it able and bizarre, all while main- series, the ride will continue
familiar with the public, but once had since its opening on taing some sort of kernel of to invoke fear and delight and
even if it wasn’t, the atmos- July 22, 1994. When the series truth. ultimately inspire. We think
phere and experience would first premiered, there was noth- Would Rod Serling have Serling wouldn't have wanted
still carry it,” Kirk affirmed. ing like it; a collection of approved of The Twilight it any other way.
This kernel has remained true bizarres stories with no recur- Zone Tower of Terror? Serling So next time you find
in all renditions of The Tower of ring characters, but motifs and was described as a thrill-seek- yourself in the lobby of the
Terror. themes. Today, there’s still er by Zicree. “For Rod’s 40th Hollywood Hotel, we suggest
In the versions at Disney arguably little that resembles birthday, he visited his being very careful, or else you
parks in California and Paris, the television program. “I talk infantry regiment and took might just find yourself in …
the ride’s forward elevator to young people who’ve just one last jump out of the unit. I The Twilight Zone.
M ermaids have always been popular, but over the years they’re had spikes in interest from things like Disney’s The Little
Mermaid and the recent Animal Planet “documentary,” Mermaids: The New Evidence. While the latter was a fictional show pre-
sented under the guise of fact, there’s a place in Florida where mermaids are, indeed, as real as they get. You can see them perform
underwater several times a day, and even meet them on land, at Weeki Wachee Springs State Park.
An Age-Old Fascination underwater through air hoses. He bought the property that’s
“There’s always been an interest in mermaids, and that’s now Weeki Wachee Springs State Park in 1946, built an under-
why this park has been here for so long,” Public Relations water theater, and hired young women to perform as mer-
Manager John Athanason said of the unique state park. “We did- maids.
n’t invent mermaids here at Weeki Wachee. They’ve been around According to Athanason, that original showplace, which was
for hundreds of years, and there’s such a mystique about them. built right into the limestone six feet under the water’s surface,
Now the modern media has picked up on that a little bit, and I was later replaced with a larger theater. The theater that‘s here
think it’s wonderful. But we’ve had it here for 66 years, so we like now was was built in the late 1950s,” he said. “The original sat
to think we’re the mecca of mermaids.” maybe 22 folks, and this one holds 400.”
How did Weeki Wachee become the only state park to have
mermaids on its payroll? The attraction was the brainchild of for- One-of-a-Kind Theater
mer Navy frogman Newt Perry, who developed a way to breathe That expansion happened when the American Broadcasting
The underwater theater provides a window directly into the spring where the mermaids perform. It may look as though the mermaids appear like magic, but they
really come in through this entry tube. Then they must swim
through a long tunnel to the performance area.
46 • Orlando Attractions Magazine • FALL 2013
in the park’s history and climaxes with an amazing feat of The Fountain of Youth
underwater breath-holding. After each show, a mermaid meets Indeed, you might even see some of the original mermaids
guests for photos near the gift shop. doing a performance. Athanason said, “On our 50th anniversary
Weeki Wachee Springs also has activities that highlight its we invited a group of our former mermaids. We asked them to
identity as a state park. There’s an animal show with native come back and perform a show for that weekend. It was such a
wildlife like snakes and alligators and a scenic 30-minute boat huge hit that they come back one weekend a month now. They’re
ride down the river. Near the entrance there’s a separate conces- remarkable and very inspiring. You’ve got women who are in
sion renting canoes and kayaks if you want to take a self-paced their 40s, 50s and 60s. We had one who was in her 70s, but she
scenic journey. has since retired … again.
Buccaneer Bay, which is open seasonally, is a big draw, too. Its “When you watch them underwater, it’s like they’re 18 again.
water slides drop riders right into the chilly springs. There’s a div- If you ask them, they would swear this was the Fountain of
ing platform and a real lazy river. Unlike the concrete troughs at Youth, and their performances prove it.”
traditional water parks, nature’s park sends you through a gen- While Weeki Wachee Springs State Park may not be the leg-
uine waterway with depths of up to 16 feet. There’s also a play endary place Ponce de Leon was looking for, it does indeed
area for young children. prove that you can freeze the hands of time. The attraction is pre-
served much as it was in its early days and serves up a true slice
A Less Expensive Alternative of Florida nostalgia.
Even though it’s a two hour drive from Orlando,
Weeki Wachee Springs offers a unique alternative to
the big attractions. “If you really want that laid-back,
less expensive option, this is the perfect place for
you,” Athanason explained. “The mermaid shows do
reach capacity in the summer, but other than that,
you’re not going to have the hustle and bustle and
standing in long lines like you would at the theme
parks. At a rate of only $13 for adults and $8 for kids,
and no parking fee, we’re a nice day trip.”
Besides lower crowds, you can also count on
Weeki Wachee to transport you into the bygone era of
original Florida attractions. According to Athanason,
“People say, ‘It’s been 40 years. I remember coming
here when I was a little kid.’ They come back to
renew those memories again, so we really don’t want
to change our park that much.”
Buccaneer Bay is a water park with a twist. You splash and slide right into the chilly spring.
98Forty is one
of two small
bars where you
can get food and
drinks right in
the lobby.
The rooms at the Rosen Centre are very spacious and offer most everything
you'll need.
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dard tropical pool with to the convention center if you Everglades offers
umbrellas, lounge chairs, two use the covered bridge. a great bread
hot tubs and a fun little kiddy Numerous restaurants are selection. Notice
pool with a fountain. right on the other side of the the alligator-shaped
There are different guest hotel and the Pointe Orlando butter.
room configurations to suit shopping center, which fea-
your specific needs. The stan- tures many great restaurants,
dard rooms are spacious and a few shops and a movie the-
have all the usual amenities, ater, is only about a 15-20
including cribs (complimenta- minute walk. Most of that
ry), extra towels and bedding, walk is indoors if you pass
makeup and shaving mirror, through the convention cen-
hair dryer, iron and ironing ter.
board, refrigerator and a cof- The hotel offers one daily
fee maker. free ride to and from
The executive suites and SeaWorld and Universal. If
the VIP suites are available that doesn’t fit your schedule,
with one or two bedrooms there are other options – for a
and feature a formal entry fee. (The I-Drive Trolly is the
way, living room and a wet best bet for going to SeaWorld,
bar with a refrigerator and Wet n’ Wild and all of
microwave. They also have an International Drive.) Trans-
extra bathroom and access to a portation to Disney World is
VIP lounge. The largest rooms also available roundtrip for
are the two presidential suites $17 per person.
that feature a formal entry All rooms and common
foyer, a home theater and a areas of the hotel offer free
main living area with a large wireless internet access. The
conference table. hotel is pet friendly with a
The best feature of this number of rooms set aside for
hotel is its convenient loca- those traveling with dogs.
tion. It's literally right next to There is a $20 per day charge ly nice hotel in a central loca- few less amenities, is their sis-
the convention center on for valet parking and $13 per tion to all the attractions, give ter hotel, Rosen Plaza Hotel,
International Drive. You don’t day for self parking. the Rosen Centre Hotel a try. on the other side of the con-
even need to go outside to get If you’re looking for a real- Equally impressive, but with a vention center.
Hash House A Go Go
Opens its First Florida
Location on I-Drive
S ome say the location is
cursed. Some say it’s
built on an ancient Indian bur-
ial ground. But Hash House A
Go Go, situated just south of
Festival Bay Mall on Inter-
national Drive, is out to prove
the right dining concept has
arrived. And if our visit is any-
thing to go by, we think they’re
Hash House began 13
years ago in San Diego, Calif.,
and while it’s a chain restau-
rant with locations in four
Sous Chef Cory Hoekstra and Assistant Kitchen Manager Mike Koster pose next to
states – now five, with the
the tractor in the lobby.
opening of the Orlando loca-
tion – it has the feel of being
family-owned, in part due to a and Sous Chef Cory Hoekstra We were intrigued by the
menu filled with comfort introduced us to the concept restaurant’s catch-phrase, Twist-
foods, in part due to its casual and the food. Cory is an ed Farm Food. “You have to see
elegance, without a hint of Orlando restaurant veteran, the food to grasp the concept,”
cookie-cutter decor. joining the Hash House team Cory said, “but it’s our twist on
When the Travel Chanel’s this past June after training at comfort foods. We don’t claim
Man v. Food program took on the Las Vegas location. “There to be farm-to-table, but we’re
Hash House’s Fried Chicken is a difference in the tourist pretty close. Everything is made
Eggs Benedict – a gluttonous flow,” he told us. “In Vegas, from scratch, and it’s all good,
combination of grilled mashed tourism is constant. Orlando homey food. There are no heat
potatoes, tomato, spinach, has seasons, with distinct ups lamps and no microwaves
fried chicken, scrambled eggs, and downs, and that has to be here.”
a fresh biscuit, smoked bacon, handled properly so we Cory started our culinary
and grilled cheese, smothered always keep the guests tour with the Fried Green
in chipotle cream – the crowd happy.” The restaurant was Tomato Stack, a towering
went wild and Hash House quiet during our visit, but at ensemble of thick tomato slices
achieved instant fame. dinner time and weekend deep-friend in a sage and corn-
Assistant Kitchen Manager brunch the place is packed. flake coating, topped with
The deadline for entries is Nov. 22, 2013. One answer allowed per person, per issue. Please include your
name and mailing address with your answer. Everyone who submits the correct location will go into a
drawing. One person, randomly selected from all the correct entries, will win a prize. We reserve the right
to publish the name, city and state of those entering. One winner per household allowed per year.
Tell us the exact location of this photo and you could win a prize!
To enter, e-mail your answer, along with your name and mailing address, to
hint: You’ve walked right past this guy and his friends many times while visiting Walt Disney World.
Kings Island Announces way and other attractions. The Blue Streak roller
Banshee Coaster coaster celebrates its 75th birthday this year. In
Mason, Ohio – The ill-fated Son of Beast once- recent years, the Blue Streak restoration has gained
looping wooden coaster took its final riders in early momentum having received a $50,000 Pepsi
2009. There it sat unmaintained and in disrepair “Refresh” grant. It was not too long ago that the
until 2012 when it was mercifully disassembled. coaster was not running. Despite all of the renewal,
After much speculation, Kings Island announced that tragedy has struck the park again. Early the morn-
Banshee would be built upon the site where Son of ing of Aug. 1, fire ravaged the 77-year-old Beach
Beast once stood. At park closing time on Aug. 8, Club Restaurant and connected dockside banquet
fans and local media were on hand when the record- hall. While all park rides were spared, a Blue Streak Record Breaking Looper
breaking B&M designed inverted coaster was train being stored within the Beach Club was lost. Opens at Six Flags
announced. With inverted coasters, the track is on Both buildings are a total loss and the official cause Valencia, Calif. – In June, the world’s tallest and
top and the ride vehicle is suspended below. It will of the fire remains under investigation. fastest looping coaster, Full Throttle, opened at Six
become the world’s longest inverted coaster at
4,124.1 feet. It is expected to travel 68 mph to a Life-sized Lego Star Wars
height of 167 feet and a maximum elevation change X-wing Fighter Comes to
of 208 feet. It will invert seven times in a variety of Legoland
ways, and carry a robust 1,650 passengers per Carlsbad, Calif. – The world’s
hour on three trains. Construction has already largest Lego model, a life-sized Star
begun. The ride is expected to open in April 2014. Wars X-wing Fighter, made its way
via six freight trucks from New York
Conneaut Lake Park Suffers to Legoland California. The fighter’s
Ups and Downs appearance coincided with Star
Conneaut Lake, Penn. – Restoration continues at Wars days at the park in June, but it
the 121-year-old Conneaut Lake Park. A Travel will remain through the year. The
Channel film crew was at the park recently to docu- model required 5,335,200 Lego
ment the efforts that have extended beyond the blocks. It weighs 45,980 pounds
classic Blue Streak roller coaster into the park mid- and sits 11 feet high and extends
Flags Magic Mountain. Full throttle has several attractions. The new park is being described as “big-
unique features in addition to its sheer speed and ger, better, and wetter”. It will cover four additional
height. It is a triple launch coaster with two 0-70 acres than its previous footprint and will contain more
Out of
mph forward launches and one backwards launch rides than ever, including a new roller coaster. It will be
the Loop
through a tunnel. Another unique feature is the “wetter” as they will double the size of the water park,
Twitter Feed
launch over the “top hat” in which riders are shot up Hurricane Bay. The group that finally was able to come
and over the record-breaking loop at a height of to an agreement to reopen the park is led by none
For more ongoing coverage of news
over 160 feet, experiencing a spectacular view and other than Ed Hart, who was part of the original group
out of the Central Florida loop, follow
some airtime. With Full Throttle’s opening, the total running the park before Premier Parks/Six Flags took
me on Twitter @AttractionsOOTL.
coaster count at Magic Mountain was brought to 18, over in the late ‘90s until its close in 2009. The park
Also follow our main Twitter feed
the most in the world. has a planned reopen date of May 2014.
A d ve n tu re
I s l a n d s of
Unive rs a l ’s
ct s.
t’s not one of Or
for nothing. As
Hulk Coaster yo
So m
ar e
lando’s top 10 ro
you walk under
u’ll notice a net
things that have
t of the launch
, like these sung
net. As you can
ller coasters
The Incredible
full of random
flown off guests
and sp
, ar
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y to land in a lu ck y eith er.
luck jects haven’t been
he r ob ck-
photo, many ot e the provided lo
t th es e se rv e as a warning, us
Le .
your sunglasses
ers and strap on