Cce Progress Report Card PDF
Cce Progress Report Card PDF
Cce Progress Report Card PDF
Qualitative statement about any exceptional ability of the student RUBRIC INDICATOR NO. 1 : PARTICIPATION INDICATOR NO. 3 : INTERPRETATION AND INDICATOR NO. 5 : AESTHETIC AND CREATIVE
(Observation and comment) a) Actively Participates and has leadership quality. APPLICATION EXPRESSION
b) Actively participates and exchanges views. a) Able to interpret, give example, and apply. a) Aesthetic and creative, both inside and outside the
c) Participates but doesn’t show interest in exchanging b) Able to interpret, give example, but unable to apply. classroom.
views. c) Able to partially interpret, but unable to apply. b) Aesthetic and creative, only inside the classroom.
d) Shows little interest in participation. d) Only memorises. c) Aesthetic. Interested in creative activities.
INDICATOR NO. 2 : QUESTIONING AND INDICATOR NO. 4 : EMPATHY AND COOPERATION d) Aesthetic. Least interested in creative activities.
EXPERIMENTATION a) Actively empathetic to both known and unknown
Class Teacher’s/Subject Teachers’/Guardian’s comment(s)on the Grading scale for formative Grading scale for
student(if necessary) a) Can ask learning -related questions and is interested in people.
Evaluation summative Evaluation
experimentation. b) Actively empathetic to known people, but for unknown
A = 75-100% A+ = 90-100%
b) Can ask learning- related questions, but is not interested people, only sympathetic.
B = 50-75% A = 80-89%
in experimentation. c) Empathetic to the known people
C = 25-49% B+ = 70-79%
c) Asks few learning-related questions and is interested in d) Shows little empathy.
D = 0-24% B = 60-69%
C+ = 45-59%
d) Asks very few learning-related questions and least
C = 25-44%
interested in experimentation.
D = 0-24%