This daily lesson plan is for a Year 3 mathematics class on fractions, decimals, and percentages. The lesson focuses on converting proper fractions to their simplest form involving denominators up to 10. Students will work in groups with flash cards to practice converting fractions and present their answers. They will also complete an exercise in their activity books. The teacher will assess students' understanding through discussion and evaluate the overall success of the lesson.
This daily lesson plan is for a Year 3 mathematics class on fractions, decimals, and percentages. The lesson focuses on converting proper fractions to their simplest form involving denominators up to 10. Students will work in groups with flash cards to practice converting fractions and present their answers. They will also complete an exercise in their activity books. The teacher will assess students' understanding through discussion and evaluate the overall success of the lesson.
This daily lesson plan is for a Year 3 mathematics class on fractions, decimals, and percentages. The lesson focuses on converting proper fractions to their simplest form involving denominators up to 10. Students will work in groups with flash cards to practice converting fractions and present their answers. They will also complete an exercise in their activity books. The teacher will assess students' understanding through discussion and evaluate the overall success of the lesson.
This daily lesson plan is for a Year 3 mathematics class on fractions, decimals, and percentages. The lesson focuses on converting proper fractions to their simplest form involving denominators up to 10. Students will work in groups with flash cards to practice converting fractions and present their answers. They will also complete an exercise in their activity books. The teacher will assess students' understanding through discussion and evaluate the overall success of the lesson.
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THEME: NUMBERS AND OPERATIONS TITLE: 3.0 FRACTIONS, DECIMALS AND PERCENTAGES CLASS: 3 Magnificent WEEK: 23 UNIT: FRACTIONS, DECIMALS AND TIME: 10.50 am DATE: 20/9/2022 PERCENTAGES PERIOD: 1 hour DAY: Tuesday TOPIC: FRACTIONS IN THE SIMPLEST FORM CONTENT STANDARD LEARNING STANDARD MORAL VALUES CCE CODE: CODE: 3.1 3.1.3 Cooperation Values Pupils’ Aspiration Thinking Leadership Bilingual Ethics and National Knowledge / / skills skills proficiency spirituality identity LEARNING OBJECTIVES (LO): SUCCESS CRITERIA (SC): In the end of the class, pupils will be able to: Pupils can:- (i) Convert proper fractions to the simplest form 1. Convert proper fractions to the simplest form correctly involving denominators up to 10 TEACHING AIDS Textbook, page 85-86, BA page 56 LEARNING OUTLINE IMPACT / REFLECTION Pre-lesson: 1. Pupils recall previous lesson on fractions Activities:- 2. Teacher explains on how to convert proper fraction to the simplest form _____ / _____ pupils were able to based on the example in the textbook achieve learning objectives and 3. Teacher emphasizes on looking for the simplest form, by dividing given enrichment exercise (s). nominator and denominator with same number 4. Pupils study and understand the pictures in the textbook _____ / _____ pupils were able to 5. Teacher reminds the pupils that the simplest form of fraction is when achieve learning objectives with the nominator and denominator have the smallest value (can only be guidance and given reinforcement divided with 1) exercise (s). 6. Pupils discover the number pattern of nominator and denominator for proper fraction to the simplest form _____ / _____ pupils were not able 7. Teacher divides the pupils into groups to achieve learning objectives and 8. Each group (2-3 pupils in each group) gets different flash cards on given remedial exercise(s). proper fraction. Pupils convert proper fraction to the simplest form (21st CA) TODAY’S LESSON: 9. Pupils share the answers in front of the class Excellent 10. Pupils complete the exercises given by the teacher. (Activity book – Need improvement Page: 56) 11. Teacher and pupils discuss the answers (HOTS) Post-lesson:- 12. Pupils make the correction and conclude today’s lesson Presentations (Persembahan)- HOTS Analysis 21ST CA berkumpulan. CLASSROOM BASED ASSESSMENT PERFORMANCE LEVEL 5 (CBA) Worksheet STUDENTS’ TASK TO FOLLOW UP Remedial: Reinforcement: Enrichment: Pupils do activity with guidance Worksheet for reinforcement. Worksheet for enrichment. REFLECTION The next lesson plan: The next lesson plan will continue with new topics. This lesson plan will be repeated in future learning. The next lesson plan will be improved on ______________________________________________________________