Intelligent Transportation System

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Submitted in the partial fulfillment of the requirements

Of the degree of











Under the guidance of

Mr. SaumyadeepBhomik

Assistant Professor

School of Civil Engineering




(11608779) and SHAKIL AKRAM (11602897), hereby declare that this thesis report entitled
“INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM”submitted in the partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the award of degree of Bachelor of Civil Engineering, in the School of Civil
Engineering, Lovely Professional University, Phagwara, is our own work. This matter embodied
in this report has not been submitted in part or full to any other university or institute for the
award of any degree.

Date: 6-11-2019 ADITYA SINGH







Certified that this project report entitled “Intelligent Transportation System” submitted individually by
student of School of Civil Engineering, Lovely Professional University, Phagwara , carried out the work
under my supervision for the Award of Degree. This report has not been submitted to any other
university or institution for the award of any degree.

Signature of Supervisor
Mr. SaumyadeepBhomik
Assistant Professor

We hereby certify that the work which is being presented in the capstone entitled “Intelligent
Transportation System” in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of degree of
Bachelor of Technology and submitted in Department of Civil Engineering, Lovely Professional
University, Punjab is an authentic record of my own work carried out during period of Capstone
under the supervision of Mr. SaumyadeepBhomik, Assistant Professor, School of Civil
Engineering, Lovely Professional University, Punjab.

The matter presented in this capstone has not been submitted by me anywhere for the award of any
other degree or to any other institute.

Date: 6.11.2019 Aditya Singh

This is to certify that the above statement made by the candidate is correct to best of my knowledge.

Date: 29.04.2019 Mr. SaumyadeepBhomik


The B-Tech capstone examination of CIV492, has been held on _____________

Signature of Examiner

We take this opportunity to present my votes of thanks to all those guidepost who really
acted as lightening pillars to enlighten my way throughout this project that has led to
successful and satisfactory completion of this study.

We are really grateful to Saumyadeep sir for providing me with an opportunity to undertake
this project and providing me with all the facilities. We are highly thankful to sir for his
active support, valuable time and advice, whole-hearted guidance, sincere cooperation and
pains-taking involvement during the study and in completing the assignment of preparing the
said project within the time stipulated.

Lastly, we are thankful to all those, particularly the various friends , who have been
instrumental in creating proper, healthy and conductive environment and including new and
fresh innovative ideas for me during the project, without their help, it would have been
extremely difficult for me to prepare the project in a time bound framework.
Intelligent Transportation System is about the use of advanced technology in the field of
transportation and traffic engineering. There are various technologies used in it, such as car
navigation, traffic signal control systems, container management systems, variable message
signs, automatic number plate recognition or speed cameras to monitor the things on the road.
CCTV systems, parking guidance information systems, weather information, bridge deicing
systems, etc. have been used in it. It will reduce the number of road accidents and it will reduce
the traffic congestion.


1.1 1
1.1.1 History behind Development of SCC 1
1.1.2 Motive behind Development of SCC 3
1.1.3 Construction Incorporating SCC 4
1.1.4 World-wide Current Scenario of SCC 6
1.2 Benefits And Advantages 8
1.3 3 SRM’s – Secondary Raw Materials 9
1.3.1 Advantages of Using SRM’s 9
1.3.2 Role of SRM’s In Strength Enhancement 10
1.3.3 Use of Rice Husk Ash as Filler Material 10


Chapter 1

Intelligent Transportation System is the use of advanced technology in the field of transportation
and traffic engineering. Through this, we can make the transport network safe, more coordinated
and well informed to users. Technologies like providing calling facilities in case of accidents, use
of cameras for enforcement of traffic laws or speed limit signs that can change based on different
conditions. Even though, Intelligent Transportation System can refer to all modes of transport,
but according to the European Union’s directive 2010/40/EU, the field of road transport, where
we apply information and communication technologies, is called as intelligent transportation
system. It includes vehicles and users, infrastructure, mobility management, traffic management,
etc. it is expected to improve the efficiency of transport in a number of situations, such as road
transport, mobility, traffic management, etc.

Movement defines our world, billions interconnection journeys made every day creating the
most complex system on earth. We want to travel further, faster and cheaper. To reach our
destination safely and have goods delivered just in time from anywhere around the world. Space
is powering a new era of intelligent transport helping us to address the impact of our lives in
motion and allowing different types of technology to work together reacting seamless activity
and pinpoint positioning that means well know when our bus well show up for example. Data
from satellites and ground based sensors will tell operators and passenger where passengers are
in real time. It’s useful in rural areas where services are less frequent. O board, passenger will
have access to news, traffic updates weather and entertainment being via satellite. 64 percent of
journeys is still made by car and the average commute time nearly takes an hour, for example, in
the United Kingdom commuter spend 1 year of their live getting to and from work. This is a
burden on people and the economy. A host of the technology coming into play however will
fundamentally change experience of travelling. They are all connected by space. 15 years ago
global navigating satellite system revolution how we found our way about today new satellite
constellations will provide positioning to sub centimeter levels of precision. Navigation even
more accurate, while sensors embedded in junctions bridges and buildings will give motorists
real time information instantly updated. Vehicles will also communicate to each other sharing
everything from instant traffic updates to localized weather reports. These technologies will
usher in a new era of autonomous vehicles which will take away the drudgery of commutes and
long motorway hauls. In future we will be hands free and be able to sit back, work or even take a

The next generation of transportation where it’s not just about getting from point A to point B
but getting there in a safer greener and more convenient way. Thanks to Intel architecture. By
connecting and distributing processers inside vehicles and throughout the transportation
infrastructure, we can transform transportation in profound and unimaginable ways. Intelligent
travel will enhance all forms of transportation whether by car, rail or air. And travelers will be
able to remain seamlessly connected across any means of travel. Let’s take a closer look to future
vehicles which will be equipped with a Intel Atom processor delivering the processing
headroom to perform many tasks simultaneously such as improving navigation, communication
and passenger entertainment all while enabling safer more efficient travel. Your car will be able
to connect over a variety of wireless standards to the internet to intelligent traffic systems and
even to other vehicles.

How about in instances where crosswalks lack traffic lights to manage traffic order, people,
traffic flow is large, the traditional traffic equipment has very limited warning capabilities can’t
satisfy the safety needed. Due to this absence of light to mark crosswalks drivers cannot jump to
conclusions that there will be pedestrians crossing the crosswalk ahead ,and most or majority
pedestrians lack of traffic safety awareness, which easily cause crosswalk accidents resulting into
hit and runs mostly leading up to severe injuries and death sometimes. Non-Light control area-
intelligent pedestrian system comprehensively screens the pedestrians that are crossing or will
cross crosswalks for activating the pre-warning system. This is how it works, how the system
alarms drivers of the pedestrians ahead that are about to cross the road. Once the system starts,
the road stud led lamp and the led sign toward to the drivers flash for warning them there ahead
pedestrians will cross the crosswalk, which asks the drivers to please slow down and give way
for people to cross the road; the road stud led board towards to pedestrians flashes and the voice
alert module sounds for warning pedestrians you will pass crosswalks, warning them to be
careful, also ensuring the safety of both the driver and the pedestrian. The following is the
summary of the feature and application. There are activation modes for ensuring trigger the pre-
warning system before crossing. Adoption of daytime visible light design for great warning
effect at the day and the night because mainly during the day there is enough light but the
reflection causes by the lights causes the individual to stand out same applies for the night time.
There is a 360° dynamic early warning: the flash warning sign, road stud and also a voice alarm
module effectively warn pedestrians and drivers from vision and hearing points. The voice
alarms serves well wear both pedestrians and drivers have no proper visual warning about the
road ahead especially at corners or curves on the road.

Currently the government all over the world, has been focusing on ITS, because of their
motivation for providing better homeland security. Most of the proposed or established ITS
systems, includes surveillance of roadways, which is a necessity of homeland security. Their
funding generally comes either from homeland security systems or with their approval. Plus, ITS
has the potential to play an important role in mass evacuation of people in urban areas, in case of
a natural disaster or a threat, which will avoid unnecessary casualties. Most of the infrastructure
and planning work go hand in hand with ITS for the need of better homeland security systems. In
today’s world urbanization is taking place very rapidly, due to which a great demand for
different types of vehicles has been there. In highly populated and major cities, like New Delhi,
urbanization has created problems like traffic congestion, air pollution, insufficient places for
people’s living, etc. In such cases, people have been travelling large distances from their work
places to their homes on a daily basis, which is also a major reason for the rise in number of
vehicles and traffic congestion. For example, people travelling from New Delhi to Gurgaon (now
Gurugram) or from New Delhi to Greater Noida, etc. on a daily basis. Based on their economic
status, they either choose public transport or personal transport. The rapid increase in population
and continuous urbanization are making this problem worse in the coming future. Wastage of a
lot of time by the general public on a daily basis, is affecting their daily lives and their health, on
day to day basis. With the help of ITS, it is possible to solve these major problems.

1.1 Technologies

There are various technologies applied in intelligent transportation systems from basic
management systems to use of advanced technologies. The basic management systems are traffic
signal control systems, car navigation, automatic number plate recognition or speed cameras to
observe applications, like CCTV systems, container management systems, variable message
signs, etc. The more advanced technologies which combine live data and feedback from a
number of additional places, like weather information, parking guidance and information
systems, bridge de-icing (US de-icing) systems, etc.

1.1.1 Wireless Communication Technology

There are different forms of wireless communications technologies that have been suggested for
intelligent transportation systems. Inside ITS, for long range and short range communication, we
use Radio modem communications on UHF (Ultra High Frequency) and VHF (Very High
Frequency) frequencies. IEEE802.11 protocols can help in achieving short-range
communications of 350 m . Intelligent Transportation Society of America and the United States
Department of Transportation have precisely promoted WAVE (Wireless Access in Vehicular
Environments) or the Dedicated Short Range Communications standard. Mobile ad hoc networks
or Mesh networking can extend the range of these protocols conceptually. Infrastructure
networks such as Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) , 3G, WiMAX (IEEE
802.16) , have been suggested for longer range communications. Even though using these
methods, the long-range communications are well set up, but unalike short-range protocols, these
methods require large and exorbitant infrastructure deployment. So, there is a insufficiency of
concord as to what business model should keep up this infrastructure. Ad hoc solutions have
been utilized by auto insurance companies to support behavioral tracking and e-call
functionalities in the form of Telematics 2.0.

1.1.2 Advance Computational Technologies used in ITS

Currently there is a trend for more expensive microprocessor modules with real-time operating
systems and hardware memory management. The recent embedded system platforms permit for
additional advanced software applications to be executed. It includes artificial intelligence,
ubiquitous controlling and model-based process control, where the most the most significant is
artificial intelligence for Intelligent Transportation Systems.
1.1.3 Floating Car Data Methods

In case of floating car, raw data have been obtained by four different methods, which are
triangulation method, vehicle re-identification, GPS based methods and smartphone-based rich
monitoring. Method of Triangulation

Triangulation method: in developed countries, most of the cars have one or more mobile phones.
The phones transmit their presence information from time to time to mobile phone network, even
when there is no voice call connection is established. In mid-2000s, there were numerous efforts
to utilize mobile phones as unidentified traffic inquiries. We can see that when the car moves, the
signal of the mobile phone kept in the car also moves. By estimating and examine network data
using Triangulation cell sector statistics (in unidentified format) or pattern matching, the used to
be converted into traffic flow information. In metropolitan areas, the distance between two
antennas is small, so conceptually the correctness rises. The major advantage of this method is
that no infrastructure is required to construct along the road, only the mobile phone network is
strengthen. Well, in reality the triangulation method is convoluted, mainly in places where
mobile phone towers serve two or more parallel routes. That’s why there was a decline in
popularity of Triangulation method from 2010. Method of Re-identification of Vehicle

Vehicle re-identification: in this method a number of detectors are set up along the roads. At one
given location on the road, the unique serial number in the vehicle is spotted, and then spotted
once more (re-identified) further down the road. Speed and travel time are deliberated by
comparing the time at which a particular device is spotted by sets of sensors. It can be done using
RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) serial numbers from ETC (Electronic Toll Collection)
transponders (also known as Toll Tags) or using the Mac addresses from Bluetooth or other
devices. Methods based on GPS

GPS based methods: now a number of vehicles are provided with GPS (satellite navigation)
systems or in-vehicle satnav systems that help in providing two way communications with a
traffic data supplier. To calculate vehicle speed the readings of positions of these vehicles are
used. The modern methods are unable to use allocated hardware, but Smartphone based
solutions, using Telematics 2.0 technology can be used. Methods based on Smartphone-based Rich Monitoring

Smartphone-based rich monitoring: since smartphones have various sensors, so it’s easy to trace
traffic density and speed. Smartphones used by car drivers is good enough to access
accelerometer data, from smartphones, which is observed to know road quality and traffic speed.
Recognition of possible traffic jams and traffic density can be done by audio data and GPS
labeling of smartphones. In Bangalore city of India, this was executed as a part of research
experimental system Nericell. Advantages

Floating car data technology has numerous advantages over other methods of traffic

 It is less expensive compared to cameras or sensors.

 It provides more coverage compared to other methods, which means that it’s potential
includes all streets and locations.
 It can be quickly established and it requires less maintenance.
 It works in all weather conditions, unlike other methods, even in heavy rains it also

1.2.1Detection Technologies

Technological development in information technology and telecommunications, as well as state-

of-the-art microchips, RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) and cost-effective smart tag
detection technologies have improved the technical capabilities of improving the safety benefits
of intelligent traffic system drivers around the world. Identification systems for ITS, are
networked systems based on vehicles and infrastructures, i.e. intelligent vehicle technologies.
Infrastructure sensors are indestructible devices (such as reflectors on the road) built or
embedded in the road or around the road (for example, buildings, columns and slabs). If
necessary, and can be manually distributed during the preventive maintenance of road
construction or by sensor injection machines for rapid deployment. Vehicle detection systems
include the provision of electronic tags from infrastructure to vehicle and from vehicle to
infrastructure for identification communication. You can also use technology to detect license
plate video or detect magnetic vehicle signatures at desired intervals to improve continuous
vehicle monitoring around the world. Detection Using Inductive Loop

Inductive loops can be placed in a paving bed to detect vehicles as they pass through the
magnetic field of the loop. The easiest detectors simply add up the number of vehicles in a unit
of time (usually 60 seconds in the US) that pass the loop, while advanced sensors speed, length,
class and speed calculate the distance of the vehicles. Loops can be placed on one or more tracks.
They work with very slow or stopped vehicles as well as vehicles that drive at high speed. Video vehicle recognition

Measuring traffic flow and automatically detecting incidents with video cameras is another form
of vehicle detection. Because video detection systems used in automatic license plate recognition
do not install components directly on the road or the lane, this type of system is referred to as a
traffic detection method. "not intrusive". The video from the cameras is transmitted to the
processors analyzing the changing characteristics of the video image about the vehicles. The
cameras are usually mounted on poles or structures above or beside the carriageway. Most video
recognition systems require an initial configuration to "teach" the reference background image to
the processor. As a rule, known measured values are detected, example: as the distance between
the track lines or the height of the camera above the road. A single video-detection processor can
simultaneously detect traffic from one to eight cameras, depending on the make and model. The
typical output of a video recognition system is the speed, counting, and reading of vehicle lane
occupancy. Some systems provide additional outputs, such as: As deviation, overtaking stopped
vehicle detection and non-compliant vehicle alarms. Bluetooth discovery

Bluetooth is a precise and cost-effective way to transfer the position of a moving vehicle.
Bluetooth devices installed in passing vehicles are detected by detectors along the road. When
these sensors are connected together, they can calculate travel time and provide data for the
source and destination matrices. Compared to other traffic measurement technologies, the
Bluetooth measurement has some differences:

 Precise measuring points with absolute confirmation for second traversing times.
 Not intrusive, which can lead to cheaper installations for permanent and temporary
 Is limited to the number of Bluetooth devices radiated in a vehicle, so that counting and
other applications are limited.
 The systems are generally quick to configure and require little or no calibration.

As Bluetooth devices are increasingly being used in vehicles and the number of portable
electronic transmissions is greater, the amount of data collected over time becomes more
accurate and useful for the duration of the journey. See the estimates below.

It is also possible to measure traffic density on a road using the cumulative audio signal from tire
noise, engine noise, idle, horns, and atmospheric turbulence. A roadside microphone picks up the
sound that incorporates the vehicle's various noise processing techniques. Audio signals can also
be used to estimate traffic status. The accuracy of such a system compares well with the other
methods described above. Merging information from multiple traffic detection modalities

Data from various capture technologies can be intelligently combined to accurately determine
traffic status. It has been shown that a data fusion approach with roadside-acquired acoustic,
image and sensor data combines the benefits of various individual methods.

2.1 Intelligent transport applications

2.1.1 Emergency call systems for vehicles

In 2015, the EU passed a law requiring automakers to equip all new cars from eCall, a European
initiative that helps drivers in the event of a collision. The eCall in the vehicle is generated
manually by the occupants of the vehicle or automatically via the activation of sensors in the
vehicle after an accident. When enabled, the integrated eCall device sets up voice and data
distress, forwarding directly to the nearest emergency call point (usually closest to public safety
response point E1-1-2, PSAP). The voice call allows the vehicle occupant to communicate with
the trained eCall operator. At the same time, a minimum record is sent to the eCall operator, who
receives the voice call.

The minimum record contains information about the incident, including time, exact location,
vehicle direction and vehicle identification. The pan-European eCall system is to be ready for
use by default for all new type-approved vehicles. Depending on the manufacturer of the eCall
system, this may be a mobile phone (Bluetooth connection to a vehicle-based interface), an
integrated eCall device, or a function of a larger system such as navigation. , Telematics or toll.
eCall should be available at the end of 2010 at the earliest, until standardization is completed by
the European Telecommunication Standardization Institute and the involvement of major EU
Member States, such as France, and the United Kingdom.

The EU-financed Safe TRIP project is advancing an open ITS system that enhances road safety
and authorizes secure communication through the use of S-band satellite communications and
broader coverage of the ITS. For example, more coverage of Emergency calls service within the

2.1.2 Automatic road control

A system of traffic surveillance cameras, consisting of a camera and a vehicle monitoring device,
is used to detect and identify vehicles that do not comply with a speed limit or other legal
obligation with regard to road traffic. Tickets are sent by post. Applications include:

 Radars that identify vehicles that exceed the speed limit. Many of these devices use radar
to detect the speed of a vehicle or electromagnetic loops buried in each lane of the road.
 Red light cameras detect vehicles crossing a stop line or a designated stopping point
when a red light is on.
 Bus way cameras that identify vehicles driving on specific bus lanes. In some countries
bus lanes can also be used by taxis or carpools.
 Railroad crossing cameras identifying vehicles illegally crossing railroad tracks at rail
 Double white line cameras identifying vehicles driving through these lines.
 Cameras for high occupancy vehicles that identify vehicles that violate HOV

2.1.3 Variable speed limits

Recently, some jurisdictions have begun to experiment with variable speed limits that change
with traffic congestion and other factors. In general, these speed limits only decrease in poor
conditions and do not improve on good ones. One example is the British M25, which travels
around London. The M25 variable speed limits in combination with an automated application
have been in operation since 1995 on the busiest section of 23 km (nodes 10 to 16). The number
of accidents has decreased, so that the implementation became final in 1997. The tests on the
M25 have not been successful so far.

2.1.4 Sequence of dynamic traffic lights

An article from 2008 dealt with the use of RFID for dynamic traffic light sequences. It bypasses
or avoids the problems typically encountered in systems that use image processing and beam
interruption techniques. The RFID technology with the appropriate algorithm and database has
been applied to a multi-vehicle, multiple lanes, and multiple route intersection to provide an
efficient time management system. For each column, a dynamic calendar has been developed.
The simulation showed that the dynamic sequence algorithm can adapt even in extreme cases.
According to the newspaper, the system could mimic the verdict of an on-duty traffic cop, taking
into account the number of vehicles in each column and the routing characteristics.

2.1.5 Collision avoidance systems

Japan has installed sensors on its highways to warn drivers against locking a car.

2.1.6 Electronic toll collection

Today most toll roads are provided with an electronic toll collection system, such as E-Zpass,
which identifies and processes tolls electronically. The E-ZPass E-ZPass process uses a vehicle
Transponder mounted activated by an antenna on a toll lane, your account information will be
stored in the transponder. The antenna identifies your transponder and reads the information
from your account. The amount of the toll will be deducted and you are allowed to pass.
2.1.7 Emergency Management Services

Emergency management is significantly improved by traffic control centers that continuously

monitor road conditions. In the event of an incident, the nearest rescue vehicle is located
electronically and sent to the scene. Traffic managers then alert other drivers about dynamic
traffic signs about the incident. These services reduce response times, save lives and reduce the
number of secondary incidents.

The Infrared Sensing Bollards, when pedestrians cross between the infrared sensing bollards, the
pre-warning system starts hence alarming the driver to be on the lookout. The second one is the
Touch Button. When, the pedestrian who will cross the crosswalk touches the button, the pre-
warning system starts. The button is attractive as to draw attention of the pedestrians to push the
button before crossing the road. The third on is the intelligent Pedestrian System Camera. As
walkers go into the discoverable area, the pre-warning system starts. In this case the camera only
detects the pedestrian who is or will cross the crosswalk for activating the pre-warning system
and it freely set detection for both the area and target.

Also some warning equipment can be set in place such as fully and Edge Lit sign. This works I
such a way that once the pre-warning system starts, the led lamp flashes for early warning
drivers there ahead pedestrians will cross the crosswalk please slow down and give way, the led
board automatically illuminate at the night for better warning effect. Equally during the day time,
the LED lamps adopt daytime visible light for effective warning in daytime and night-time. The
other advantageous thing about this system is that the LED board automatically illuminate at the
night for better warning effect hence no need to hire an individual responsible for the switching
on and off of the circuit board enabling the lights hence making it more efficient for the
commuters, drivers and also pedestrian and on top of that ensuring safety for all. The other
advantage is that it is easy to install and very low maintenance once the system is set up.

Another intelligent transport system is the embedded road stud-urban type where once the pre-
warning system starts, the led lamps toward to drivers flash for warning drivers there ahead
pedestrians will cross the crosswalk, please slow down and give way; the led board towards to
pedestrians flash for warning pedestrians you will cross the crosswalk, please take cautious.
There is a dual-aspect pre-warning in this case. With the use of adopted daytime visible light
design for effective warning in daytime and night time as well as a quick installation and
minimum damage to the road. And also a presence of split structure design for low maintenance.

The use of a voice alert module which when once the pre-warning system starts, the voice alert
module sounds for warning the pedestrians you will cross the crosswalk please take cautious.
The fourth is the pedestrian fill light system and for this case, the pedestrian fill light system will
automatically operate at the night to illuminate pedestrian waiting area for better warning the
drivers. Due to night time, drivers may now clearly observe people at cross walks hence this light
provide efficient light in the night.
3.1 Cooperative systems on the road

The cooperation on the road includes car to car, car to infrastructure and vice versa. The data
available from the vehicles is collected and transmitted to a server for central aggregation and
processing. This data can be used to spot incidents such as rain (wiper activity) and congestion
(frequent braking activities). The server processes a dedicated driving recommendation for one
or a specific group of drivers and wirelessly transmits them to the vehicles. The aim of
cooperative systems is the use and planning of a communication infrastructure and sensors to
improve traffic safety. The definition of cooperative road transport systems is in line with the
European Commission:

"Road operators, infrastructure, vehicles, their drivers and other road users will work together
to ensure the most efficient, safe and comfortable journey possible, and the vehicle-to-vehicle,
infrastructure-based systems will contribute to these goals, beyond those achievable with
autonomous systems Improvements. "

World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems - ITS World Congress is yearly exposition
elevating IVS technologies. ERTICO-ITS Europe, ITS America and ITS Asia Pacific sponsor the
yearly ITS World Congress and Exhibition. The event takes place every year in a different region
(Europe, America or Asia-Pacific). The earliest ITS World Congress was clasped in Paris in

4.1 Smart Transportation - New Business Models

The mainstreaming of Intelligent Transportation System is also obvious in the private sector,
where the critical engine of technological innovation in the market is developments in wireless
communications are widening the national and global information infrastructure, giving
individuals seamless access to information anywhere, any time. Intelligent Transportation
System is taking advantage of these present vast technological developments, including the
explosive growth of the Internet today. Automotive manufacturers are coming to view the
wireless provision of Intelligent Transportation System information, suitability, and safety
services and smooth running as an important complement to their relationship with their
customers, which include commuters, pedestrians and motorists.

New mobility and smart transport models are emerging worldwide. Sharing programs for bikes,
cars and scooters like Lime or Bird is becoming increasingly popular. Charging systems for
electric vehicles are taking off in many cities, the connected car is a growing market segment.
New intelligent parking solutions are used by commuters and buyers around the world.

All these new models offer the opportunity to solve the problems of the last mile in urban areas.

4.1.1 Intelligent Transportation System in the networked world

Mobile operators are becoming a major player in these value chains (beyond pure connectivity).
With specialized applications, you can handle mobile payments, provide useful information and
navigation tools, provide incentives and discounts, and support digital commerce.

4.1.2 Flexible payment and billing

These new mobility models are based on high monetization flexibility and partner management
capabilities. The flexible billing and billing platform enables quick and easy revenue sharing and
a better customer experience. In addition to a better service, users can also be rewarded with
discounts, loyalty points and rewards and integrated via direct marketing.

5.1 Europe

The network of national ITS associations pools the national interests in STI. It was officially
announced on October 7, 2004 in London. ERTICO - ITS Europe is the place for the secretariat.

ERTICO - ITS Europe is a public-private partnership endorsing the advancement and

deployment of ITS. They connect authorities, industry players, infrastructure managers, users,
national ITS associations and other organizations. The ERTICO work program focuses on
initiatives to improve road safety and network efficiency, taking into account measures to reduce
the environmental impact.

6.1 United States

In the United States, each state has an ITS chapter that organizes an annual conference to
promote and introduce ITS technologies and ideas. Representatives of the individual public
transport companies (federal state, city, and district) participate in this conference.
Chapter 2

Literature Review
The authors Ricardo Alirio Gonzalez, Roberto Escobar Ferro and DiarooLiberona had worked on
“Government and governance in intelligent cities, smart transportation study case in Bogota
Columbia”. As per them this article talks about smart cities all over the world and it discusses the
concepts of artificial intelligence, governance. It also shows how the governance can be done
with the cautious support of the population, through various ways, which can meet the needs of a
community – economically, mobility and environmentally in a place. Bogota is a city in
Colombia which is considered as a specific case. It talks about the cities technological
achievements obtained in the past few years. That will serve as the example of intelligent city. It
will also deal with the faults that the city has at the transportation level, which is a big problem
for generated traffic jams. Plus, it also talks about the possible solution through supervised neural
networks, which generates simulation in the road traffic simulation application for the data.
Similarly, taking the advantage of the way to make a transition in the traffic light of the city from
the use of incandescent bulbs to LED luminaire, that reduces the consumption of electricity. It
also discusses how to optimize traffic in the city and it provides a solution to people, who want
less time for their daily trips. The main reason behind the creation of this document is to show a
way with the help of artificial intelligence, we can improve the traffic flow of a city. Bogota is
one of the cities with the most traffic in the world. Hence, rigorous evaluation of different
neuronal architectures has been shown to alleviate the traffic congestion of a few streets of the

The authors KarelSchmeidler and Ivan Fancl had worked on “Intelligent Transportation Systems
on Czech ageing generation”. As per them if we are taking the example of Czech Republic,
owning and utilizing of a car, is considered a best solution against the reducing reduction of
cruising radius in old times and a comfortable way to sustain autonomy and independence of
living as well as social relations. Physical handicaps and limits of the elderly are the problems
that can be solved today by using sophisticated technical solutions. The promotion of specialized
driver-assistance systems in cars and advancement of the demand for age relevant cars with high-
tech-optimization, are the solutions. These technical means will be useful in the future, to a
greater extent. Their purposes will be preventing road accidents (active safety) and to reduce the
impact of road accidents, that occur (passive safety) to senior citizens. Use of telematics should
help in minimizing accidents. Technical development related to increase in the safety of vehicles
for older passengers, should not be for few selected individuals. It is important to cooperate with
manufactures to make sure that technical innovations are available to everyone and it should be
attainable for a wide range of new vehicles. The ways of equipping older vehicles (that are
already on the roads) with new technologies should be investigated. With the change in attitudes
and conditions such as the desire to travel for services, business and leisure, gives a major source
of ideas for the design and production of IVIS (In Vehicle Information System) and ADAS
(Advance Driver-Assistance System) . Senior drivers are seemed to be suitable for the use of
IVIS and ADAS technologies. The appropriate solution is the use of telematics development –
IVIS and ADAS, technologies, to reduce traffic accidents and to support elderly drivers in the
most suitable and user oriented way.

The authors R. Sukthankar, J. Hancock and C. Thorpe had worked on “Tactical-Level

Simulation for Intelligent Transportation Systems”. As per them we had also talked about
SHIVA in this paper, which was also related to our given topic and had been an advance
technology. SHIVA (Simulated Highways for Intelligent Vehicle Algorithms) is a type of kinetic
simulation of vehicles, which move and interact on a user defined stretch of roadway. These
vehicles can be equipped with simulated human drivers or with sensors and algorithms that
provides automated control. The algorithms can influence vehicle’s motion, by simulated
commands to the accelerator, brake and steering wheel. SHIVA’s user interface can provide
facilities, which a can visualize and influence the interactions between vehicles. Apart from
modeling the elements of the domain, which are most useful to tactical driving research, it also
provides tools, which can rapidly prototype and test algorithms in situations of challenging
traffics. Plus, the scenario control tools can allow repeatable testing of different systems on a
consistent/regular set of traffic situations. These features are important in the development and
evaluation of intelligent vehicle technology for the application of intelligent transportation

The authors Vittorio Astarita, Demetrio Carmine Festa, Vincenzo PascqualeGeofre, Giuseppe
Guido and Alessandro Vitare had worked on “The use of Smartphones to access the feasibility of
a Cooperative Intelligent Transportation Safety System based on Surrogate Measures of Safety”.
As per them it discusses the future of road transportation will be shaped by connectivity and
autonomous driving. Connected and autonomous vehicles will increase the safety and reduce
traffic congestion. When all the vehicles will be connected and geo-localized, there will be a
need to integrate another level of autonomous vehicles on the road, from human driven vehicle to
fully autonomous vehicle. The surrogate safety measures are extensively estimate/predict the risk
of accidents due to improper driving. Till now, there was no attempt to use them to help drivers,
in leading them to a better driving style. The paper presents/gives an experimentation on the
idea, to give warnings to drivers, when they are driving in a way (owing to their interactions with
other vehicles) , which can lead to accident. In this suggested system, the driver is alerted of the
danger of crash by the amalgamated use of localization (GPS) collected information and the
application of road safety indicators, like Deceleration Rate to avoid a crash, Time to collision,
etc. The experimentation car including car related vehicles shows the feasibility with existing
technologies, of using surrogate measures of safety, to provide assistance to driver in maintain a
good driving trajectory. When the connected vehicles will be introduced in the market, the show
results can be a base, for developing commercial smartphone applications, which will allow
users of “not connected” earlier vehicles to also take benefit of real time driving assistance for a
secure use of the road.
Olmer Garcia, GiovaniBernardesVitor and JanitoVaqueiro Ferreira have work on “The VILMA
intelligent vehicle : an architectural design for cooperative control between driver and automated
system”. As per them, the challenge was firstly to ensure that drivers can understand the
capabilities and limitations of such systems and secondly to design a system that can handle the
interaction between the automated intelligent system and the driver. Cooperative control also
addresses the problem of driver inattention use an autoregressive input–output hidden model to
capture contextual information and driver maneuvers a few seconds before they occur and so
prevent accidents. Author was also describe an intelligent driver training system that analyzes
crash risks for a given driving situation by improving and personalizing driver training
programs. It was intended to help reduce the risk of accidents and how the path projected by the
autonomous system can be changed safely by the driver. This system was considering six major
functional groups such as Interface Sensors, Perception, Control, Vehicle Interface, and User
Interface. Author also introduces Automation hardware architecture and Framework architecture.
Automation hardware architecture was an embedded system which was used to control the
steering, acceleration, brakes, and gearbox. Framework architecture was divided into three areas,
Firmware (green), embedded system (blue), and Linux software (white) according to the
programming approach used.

QuanOuyang, Jun Zheng and Shunlin Wang work on “Investigation of the construction of
intelligent logistics system from traditional logistics model based on wireless network
technology”. As per author, it was the concept to generate low carbon, environmental protection,
increase use of green logistic, and resource recyclability works. According to them, there were
five major core radio-frequency identification technologies such as, RFID technology, bar code
technology, communication technology, remote sensing technology, and the continuous
upgrading of intelligent information equipment. The smart logistics system was containing
sensory layer mainly to upload information such as user information, employee information,
managerial information, and product information. The application layer designed includes
logistics enterprise subsystems, vehicle subsystems, industry management subsystems and on-
site subsystems. The on-site subsystems were distributed on roads, warehouses, and yards for
information collection. The vehicle subsystem was composed of information receiving, sending
and collecting equipment installed on vehicles. Industry management subsystem was being
mainly from relevant government departments such as logistics transit points, airport station
railways, banks, insurance, and taxation.

Lucia Janusova and Silvia Cicmancov work on “Improving Safety of Transportation by Using
Intelligent Transport Systems”. As per them, intelligent transportation systems were being used
to protect elements of critical road and rail transportation infrastructure which was very complex
issue. Author also address that to eliminate all the critical risk is impossible but protection of
critical transportation infrastructures serves as the preparation and implementation of
measures designed to minimize any risks. Critical infrastructure protection can be served by
Preventing all the effects of risk factors, preventing negative impacts that threaten an element,
increasing security in transport infrastructure, averting threats to critical infrastructure
component, reducing the negative effect on the environment, quickly clean-up, returning to
operation and ensuring the stability and functioning element. ITSs were provided for the
transfer collection, processing and exchange of information between service providers of
traffic and transport infrastructure users. This should help transport and rescue operators to
monitor and control traffic, to detect and respond to incidents, and to inform the public about the
traffic situation via the Internet, means of transport and the media.

Hsin Hung Pan and ShuChing Wang work on” an integrated data exchange platform for ITSs”.
According to them, Intelligent Transportation System were make use of advanced detection,
communication, and computing technology to improve the safety and efficiency of surface
transportation networks. They also address a variety of equipment and devices which are
incorporate with ITSs. Each piece of these equipments and devices has its own data formats and
protocol so that they cannot exchange data with each other directly. According to them, a
platform of data exchange in ITSs was proposed that can received data and then dispatched the
data to different devices inside the vehicles. Each of the vehicles has their own unique code to
maintain the devices and equipments. These systems were also provided for the management and
operation of a variety of transportation facilities and functions, including freeways, arterial
streets, transit operations, toll facilities, airports and seaports, emergency service providers,
commercial vehicle operators, and information service providers.

The authors YuyangPeng, Jun LI, Sangdon Park, Konglin Zhu, Mohammed Mehedi Hassan, and
Ahmed Alsanad had worked on “Energy efficient cooperative transmission for intelligent
transportation system”. As per them, in our daily life, when we travelled on roads, various
wireless system sensor nodes embedded on the road infrastructure were came across to help us
reduce accidents and guided us properly while travelling. The problem aroused in
communication when the energy consumption of wireless sensors was constraint. So we had this
main objective to reduce the total energy consumption. For this communication done in
Infrastructure to Vehicle (I2V) and Infrastructure to Infrastructure (I2I) was modified in the ITS
networks. In order to find the one with more energy efficient we had to compare between SISO
and CMIMO-SM. SISO is Single Input Single Output model which has one antenna and one
transmitter and the other ITS model was based on CMIMO-SM which is Cooperative Multiple
Input Multiple Output (Spatial Modulation).This enhanced both data and coverage. An Energy
consumption analysis of the above model compared with the traditional single-input-single-
output (SISO) based scheme was then presented. The comparison conducted between these
communicationschemes helped us select the optimal one for energy reduction in energy
constrained Intelligent Transportation System networks. Additionally, under the guidance of the
proposed scheme we considered the multi-hop transmission scenario where the energy efficiency
improvement was achieved by finding the optimal hop number with the equal hop-length
scheme. As a result, we analyzed the energy consumption in different situations, and discuss the
requirements on the hop-length and hop number in ITS networks. It showed that the optimal
results were dependent on the ITS scenarios and choosing the appropriate transmission scheme
would provide a good energy consumption performance in ITS. This was the hot research topic
on how to reduce the energy consumption.

The authors AgachaiSumalee and Hung Wai Ho had worked on “Smarter and more connected:
Future intelligent transportation system”. As per the authors, a connected vehicle-infrastructure-
pedestrian environment and big data with the advancement of technologies had made it easier
and cheaper to collect, store, analyze, use, and disseminate multi-source data. New approaches
were introduced with the connected environment to flexible control and management of
transportation systems in real time to improve overall system performances. This connected
environment was more advanced and helped us in facing the current trends in ITS. The current
trends included accidents, pollution, congestion issues which were more severe due to raise in
various travel demands including public transportation, freight, vehicular traffic and even
pedestrian traffic. For resolving such issues, ITSs had developed that were able to integrate a
broad range of systems, including sensing, communication, information dissemination, and
traffic control. Three essential components were necessary for any ITS to perform its functions:
data collection, data analysis, and data/information transmission. Data-collection components
gather all observable information from the transportation system (e.g., number of passengers
boarding a transit line, traffic flow at a particular point of the road network, average travel time
for a particular road section, etc.) for further analysis of the present traffic conditions. Data
analysis components of ITSs aimed to provide various information and management/control
measures, using the traffic data collected from the various sources discussed (e.g., inductive loop
detectors, GPS, etc.) The data/information transmission components of ITSs helped to
communicate the collected data to operation centers for evaluation and disseminate information,
and/or management/control measures, to travelers and infrastructures. Methods for transmitting
collected data had evolved from wires to optical fibers to wireless networks (e.g., 3G/4G, WiFi,
etc.) with cloud platforms.

The author Hagen Ubler, Oliver Michler, Gunter Loffler had worked on “Validation of multiple
sensor systems based on a telematics platform for intelligent freight wagons”. As per the authors,
the topic described about the multiple sensor systems fitted on wagons to check conditions of
goods. First of all, let us know about Telematics. It is an interdisciplinary field that encompasses
vehicular technologies, telecommunication, for instance, road safety, road transportation,
computer science and electrical engineering. In order to design an efficient freight rolling stock
operation, information of the vehicle and load must be available for transport companies,
customers, maintainers and network operators. So equipping vehicles with telematics modules
with GPS and RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) and NFC(Near Field Communication) tags
enabling the operator and customers to monitor parameters such as load condition, temperature,
and humidity. The paper was about the provision of a telematics sensor platform for intelligent
freight wagons, which was able to detect and transmit multiple status information regarding
maintenance, safety and localization aspects. With the help of all these we are now able to
monitor our goods while travelling and make necessary improvements which we find fit for the
goods to be safe and sound.

The authors K. Ashokkumar, Baron Sam, R. Arshadprabhu, Britto had worked on “Cloud based
intelligent transport system”. As per the authors,the cloud based Intelligent Transport System
were used to improve transport outcomes such as road safety, transport productivity, travel
reliability, informed travel choices, environment protection and traffic resilience. To resolve the
challenges caused by the increasing transportation problems, the advances in cloud computing
and web of things (IOT) have provided a promising chance. A novel multilayered vehicular data
cloud platform by using cloud computing and IOT technologies was presented. The cloud
computing provides data centers available to many users over the Internet and The IOT
technologies provides abilities to transfer data over a network without requiring human to human
or human to computer interaction.

DeexaVashishtha, as well as Manoj Panda has worked on maximum likelihood multiple models
filtering for path prediction in intelligent transportation system. The driver intention and
behaviour’, ‘manoeuvres’ or a combination of any of these can be used to predict the future state
of the vehicle. Each measure has its own advantages and disadvantages associated with it. In this
paper, we develop a new filtering method to track the movements of an ego vehicle using
measurements from GPS sensors. Vehicle manoeuvre is captured using different kinematic
models. In order to combine the strengths of different models, the proposed filter performs a
maximum likelihood selection of model-dependent filter estimates, Path prediction is an
important step in many automotive applications. The idea is to develop a system which allows a
vehicle to predict its own path as well as the path of the vehicles in its locality. This helps the
driver to acquire an enhanced perception of the road environment. This helps in the safety sector
because accidents are reduced due to predictable driver behaviour obtained.

Michael Bommes alongside Markus Oeser has worked on video based intelligent transportation
system. Things like Traffic flow and managing traffic densities on the street especially rush hour
times can be properly dealt with when using video based transportation system. In order to give a
better understanding on the methods and capacities of this technology, a structured review is
presented which not only includes current applications but also shows future use cases by
analysing the techniques of image processing and generalising their results to the future
requirements of traffic engineering.Video sensor systems can play an important role in providing
data for better traffic management and route planning. Smart road technologies will majorly
depend on data quantity and quality in the future. Video-based detection systems, which are a
necessary component of intelligent traffic systems, have enormous potential as they not only
provide a flexible way to collect data, but are also rapidly evolving due to recent developments
in hardware and software technology. The application of event detection is of great importance
in video sensors, as the safety of the road users is the focus. The aim of this technological
solution is the automatic detection of dangerous traffic situations such as the presence of an
opposite vehicle, a slow moving vehicle or a stationary vehicle. Additionally, some already
implemented solutions also include the detection of dropped cargo due to road bumps or
sharp curves.

Jun Wang has worked on image recognition and anti-fatigue driving.Intelligent transport system
must solve the main problems of traffic safety. This article is about road safety caused by
tiresome driving based on the image recognition of key research and analysis technologies. This
article suggests that the location of the facial and facial feature points and the classification of
fatigue detection are the most important links for determining the fatigue detection rate. When
analyzing the facial locating algorithm based on skin color modeling, a corner-based
optimization method is proposed to optimize the facial area. Based on the analysis of the binary
algorithm for localizing the human eye, a bidirectional integral projection method is proposed to
achieve accurate localization of the human eye. Finally, the proposed method is verified by the
simulation test of the fatigue driving. Experimental results show that the algorithm based on skin
colour modelling can accurately locate the driver’s face region. The bivalent algorithm based on
the bivalent algorithm can also accurately locate the eye location of the tester. The accuracy of
the fatigue detection model is 87.82%. It can detect the fatigue condition of the driver with high

Author Garcia Ortiz has worked on enabling technologies in intelligent transportation programs
that take many different names throughout the world. All of them share very similar objectives,
i.e., Traveller Information Systems, Vehicle Control Systems, the development of advanced
Traffic Management Systems, Commercial Vehicle Operations, Rural Transportation Systems
and Public Transportation Systems. Several key technologies serve to synthesize each of these
goals.These technologies are: Computers, Path Planning, Digital Maps, Sensors,
Communications, Human Factors, Traffic Control, and Vehicle Control. This paper discusses
each one of these subjects in enough detail to provide introduction to both the technology and its
state-of-the-art. In addition, discusses socio-politico-economic issues associated with the
implementation of the various programs. I believe that this highly neglected subject will serve to
temper the development and deployment of these programs. The use of digital maps finds
application in traveller information systems, traffic management systems, commercial vehicle
operations, public transportation systems, and rural transportation systems. The reason for this is
rather obvious-a map is a graphical representation of natural and man-made objects that surround
us. As such it provides a “natural” mechanism for the visual presentation, and quick assimilation
by the viewer, of situational information such as traffic density and speed, and travel routes. As a
matter of fact, very few graphical displays achieve the information density possible with maps.
Chapter 3

3.1 Methodology

Collection of data related to traffic congestion

Processing of that data

Implementation of suitable traffic model by

using ITS

Designing a path for safe transport system

Observation and result

3.2 Objectives
 In this project, we are trying to minimize the causalities that take place every time on
roads. Since, India is a country, where we have one of the highest number of road
accidents in the world, so ITS will help it to minimize the number of accidents.
 Through ITS, we are minimizing the journey time of people. India being the second most
populated country in the world and one of the most densely populated country faces a lot
of traffic jams in a number of cities, which affects the speed of work of people and the
economy. With the help of ITS, we can reduce the problems of traffic congestion, which
boost the economy and save time of people in their journey.
 With the help of ITS, we can reduce the air pollution caused daily in traffic jams. This
will improve the quality of air up to some extent.
 ITS will help in case of mass evacuation of people in case of natural disasters. This will
drastically reduce the number of causalities in case of mass evacuation of people and it
will reduce the time of evacuation of people in case of natural disasters.

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