BS 4 Romantic and Victorian Poetry

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Roll # : _______

National University of Modern Languages Section: ______

Faculty of English Language, Literature and Linguistics
BS(English)-Mid Term ExaminationFall2019

Paper: Romantic and Victorian poetry Total marks : 30

Time allowed: 2hours Semester : 4

 Attempt all questions.

 Write down your roll# no on the question paper.
 Attach your question paper with the answer sheet before leaving examination hall.
 Keep your university ID cards with you during the examination

Q1 (a) – Write down characteristics of Romantic poetry (Marks 05)

Q1 (b) Discuss the themes of “world is too much with us” with reference to lines. (Marks 05)

Q2 (a) What do you know about William Wordsworth as a poet of nature prove it with his poetic
expression( Marks 05)

Q2 (b) Demonstrate the characteristics of Victorian age .(Marks 05)

Q3 Associate the themes of “Lotus eater” with Victorian age. (Marks 10)


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