Vowel Sound Pronunciation
Vowel Sound Pronunciation
Vowel Sound Pronunciation
MEDAN 2019
Our gratitude goes to God Almighty God for His blessings and gifts, the writing
of this MAKALAH can be completed. MAKALAH is about "VOWEL SOUND".
On the other hand, we gained valuable experience and knowledge in preparing the
writing of this MAKALAH. We are very grateful to all those who have helped in the
completion of this MAKALAH, especially to the lecturer supporting this subject Mr. Yani
Lubis, S.Ag., M.Hum. and my classmate class students PBI-2 2019 along with all the
parties who have supported me in completing this MAKALAH
we realize that in the preparation of this MAKALAH it is still very far from
perfection, therefore we are looking forward to criticism and advice and guidance from
lecturers for improvement in the days to come, hopefully this MAKALAH paper is useful
for all.
PREFACE ................................................................................................................2
TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
BAB 1 INTRODUCTION .........................................................................................4
A. BACKGROUND ................................................................................................... 4
A. FORMULATION OF THE PROBLEM............................................................. 4
B. PURPOSE OF THE PAPER ................................................................................ 4
BAB II DISCUSSION ...............................................................................................5
A. WHAT IS VOWEL? ............................................................................................. 5
B. CLASSIFICATION OF ENGLISH SOUND : VOWELS ................................. 6
1. The ability of articulation.................................................................................... 7
2. Tounge Position .................................................................................................. 8
3. Lip Position ......................................................................................................... 9
4. Vowel Length...................................................................................................... 9
C. VOWELS VERSUS CONSONANT ............................................................ 9
D. THE ANATOMY OF A VOWEL .............................................................. 10
E. VOWEL PHONEMES ................................................................................ 10
a) The same but different again ................................................................................. 10
BAB III CLOSING ................................................................................................. 12
A. CONCLUSION ................................................................................................... 12
B.SUGGESTION ........................................................................................................ 12
REFERENCES ................................................................................................................ 13
Every vowel sound without exception has different value in british English
and American English in addition,the next problem which cause the mistakes in
pronunciation is most learners of English always make generalization of all vowel
sound. Vowels are articulated when a voiced airstream is shaped using the tounge
and the lips to modify the overall shapes of the mouth. from a phonetic point of
view, vowels are articulated with a relatively open configuration of the vocal tract
: no part of the mouth is closed and none of the vocal organs come so close
together that we can hear the sound of the air passing between them. In English
vowels all oral vowels and take on a nasal quality only when they are bring
influenced by adjacent nasal consonant as in no, long and man.
A. What is Vowel?
Latifah Nur, An Error Analysis In Pronunciation Of English Vowel ( Surakarta,2017 ),P.11
Novi candra amprih jaya,the comparison of pronunciation error in vowel sound between early
adolsecene learners and mid adolscene learners in foreign language learning (Gresij,2017)
In contemporary RP, American English and most southern varieties of British English, In
conservative RP and northern varieties of British English, this pronounced /I/ as in silly : /sIlI/.
/ə/ above, support, possible, Africa, mother5
Vowels are normally made with the air stream that meets no obstruction
in the mouth, pharyngeal and nasal cavities. O the articulatory level the
description of vowels notes changes :
In American English, this is pronounced with the open front vowel /æ/, e.g before /nt,f,s,Ө/ as
in ‘can’t’ / kænt/, etc.
In RP and many varities English British the r are not pronounced after a vowel ( e.g. ‘car /ka/.
This rounded vowels is not found in American English, instead it is pronounced after a vowel.
In GA ang most American Varieteies of English this is pronounced with a r-coloured vowel.
In GA and most American Varieties of English , final –er is pronounced withan r-coloured vowel
1. The ability of articulation
Vowels are produced with the vocal tract open. For that reason
they are said to be articulated with an open articulation, in opposition to
consonant. We know that in the production of a sound, several elements
participate : vibration and resonance. In the case of English vowels, they
are all produced with vibration of the vocal foids.
We entitied the previous section with the term “ pure vowels “. But
what does “ pure vowels “ mean ? well, maybe we can understand better if
we see what the opposite pf pure vowels is. Other term are Monopthongs
for p[ure vowels and Dipthongs and Tripthongs for moving vowels.
In the production of a glide there are two stages :
First, the toung adopts a starting position that reminds for a short
period of time.
Then the tounge adopts a final position thatremains longer then the
first one.
2. Tounge Position
They tounge may move forward, backward, up, down this changing
the quality of vowels.
a. When tounge is in the front part of mouth and the front part of the
toungr is raised to the hard palate a front vowel is pronounced.
They are [ i: e ǽ ]
b. When the tounge is in front part of the mouth but slightly reacted
and the part of the tounge nearer to the center than to front is
raised, a front-retracted vowel is pronounced. It is [ i ].
c. When the front of the tounge Is raised towards the back part of the
hard palate the vowel is called central. They are [ Ʌ ə: ə ]
Apartado 4-0
a. When the front or the back of the tounge is raised high towards
the palate vowels is called close. They are [ i: I u u: ]
b. When the front or the back of the tounge is as low as possible
in the mouth open vowels arw pronounced. They are [ ǽ a: o : ]
3. Lip Position
When the lips are neutral oe spread the vowels are called
unrounded. They are [ i: i e ǽ a: Ʌ ə: ə ]
When the lips are down together so that the opening between them
is more or less round the vowels is called rounded. They are [ o o: u u: ]
4. Vowel Length
All English vowels are divided into long and short vowels.
Sziliyagyi Laszlo, Put English Phonetics Into Practice ( Beregzasz : 2014 ), p.13
April McMahon, An Introduction toEnglish Phonology, P.67-74
D. The Anatomy of a Vowel
E. Vowel Phonemes
a) The same but different again
April McMahon, An Introduction toEnglish Phonology, P.79
Afzalkhan& Soleman awad mithkal alzobidy,vowel variation between American English and
British English, 2018. P.1
mistakes in pronunciation is most learners of English always make
generalization of all vowel sound.14
Wardina A.laadi. the use of short story in teaching pronunciation of English vowel sound, 2014.
Vowels are articulated when a voiced airstream is shaped using the tounge and
the lips to modify the overall shapes of the mouth ( Kelly, 2000 : 29 ). Vowels are
those units which functions at the center of syllable ( Crystal, 1995 : 330 ).from a
phonetic point of view, vowels are articulated with a relatively open configuration
of the vocal tract : no part of the mouth is closed and none of the vocal organs
come so close together that we can hear the sound of the air passing between
them. Vowels are normally made with the air stream that meets no obstruction in
the mouth, pharyngeal and nasal cavities. O the articulatory level the description
of vowels notes changes :
The author's suggestion to the reader with this paper is that we can all
increasingly understand the material about "vowel sound" so that we can
understand what are the types of pronunciation in vowel sound so that we are not
wrong in saying words in English