Presentation Skills For Teachers

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Teacher Talk:!

Presentation Skills for Teachers!

with Kevin McCaughey!

Live from the !

U.S. Embassy in !
Pretoria, South Africa!

Office of English Language Programs

U.S. Department of State
Why this topic?!

is teacher talk
Critical Thinking!

“[I]t is the greatest good for a man to

discuss virtue every day and those
other things about which you hear me
conversing and testing myself and
others, for the unexamined life is not
worth living.” !
—Plato, Apology 38a.!
1 Teacher Talk Time!
•  How much do we talk in class? !
•  How much should we refrain from talking?!

2 Unfortunate Teacher Talk Types!

•  A humorous(?) look at avoidable things!
we say and do in front of a class!

3 Student Talk and Presentations!

•  Tips for organizing students!
Part 1!
Teacher Talk Time!
“People think that I talk !
more than I actually do.” !
— Kevin’s friend!
How much do you talk in class?!

A lot!
Me, too!

Take Poll 3!
Teacher Talk Time (TTT) is a

Chat: When is teacher talk time necessary and helpful

to your students?
Not all TTT is bad!

!  Are your learners young enough that

you don’t demand output?!
!  Are you telling stories, providing
comprehensible input?
!  Does your teacher talk consist of
prompts which generate student talk?
!  Are you a lecturer who is expected to
talk for the entire class?
Student Talk Time (STT)!

“Teachers of English in many countries

are now being trained to give more
attention to the development of speaking
skills in their learners… [S]poken
language is seen as such a vital tool in
modern communication.”!
— Rod Bolitho (2006)!
“Teacher Talk and Learner Talk”!!
Not all STT is good!

! Sometimes student speaking is rote!

memorization or responses that
involve little thinking!

!  Unless group or pair work is

involved, students get little practice!
TTT and STT!


TTT and STT!
Then there’s TWT…!

Chat: What does the abbreviation

TWT mean?!
Teacher Wait Time!

The amount of time a teacher waits

after asking students a question!
Teacher Wait Time

How long do you wait?!

Take Poll 4!
Teacher Wait Time

The typical teacher waits !

less than one second!!

— Mary Budd Rowe (1986)

“Wait Time: Slowing Down May Be a Way of Speeding Up”!

— William W. Wilen (1991)

Questioning Skills for Teachers. What Research Says to the Teacher!
Part 2!
8 Unfortunate !
Teacher Talk Types!
This teacher is guilty on all counts!!

Sentence Finisher!
Self-Answerer! Pause Eater!


in !
Interrupter! Kev
Excuse Maker!

Speed Talker!
#1 The Sentence Finisher
Teacher engaging student in conversation:!

Teacher: What did you do yesterday?!

Student: !It was nice day, so with my !

friends went to… uh…!

Teacher: To the park?!

Student: Uhh… yes.!

#1 The Sentence Finisher
Or just reading aloud:!

Teacher: Carlos, please read sentence 5.!

Carlos: ! “The young man goes to bed…”!

Teacher: ! “at midnight.” Marike, read

the next sentence.!
#1 The Sentence Finisher

Take Poll 5!
#2 The Interrupter!

Is it okay to interrupt a student !

who is speaking? !


Take Poll 6!
#3 The ________ ________

Video clip from Ferris Bueller’s Day Off

Paramount Pictures (1987)

Can you identify the

Unfortunate Talk Type?
#3 The Self-Answerer!
Thinking Back…

Take Poll 7!
#4 The Speed Talker

Do you talk too fast?

If so, why do you

think you do?

Share your ideas in the chat box.
#5 The Pause Eater

“It was the best of times it was the
worst of times.”

“It was the best of times,

(1 second pause)
it was the worst of times.”
— Charles Dickens !
A Tale of Two Cities!
That’s a shame because a

!  allows you to vary pace, like any good

piece of writing, music, or film does

!  allows you to assess the level of

comprehension or the mood in a room
Take the Pause Challenge
Experiment next time you’re in class.!
Pause between your thoughts or

Try one second.!

Try three seconds.!
Try five seconds!!
Can you do 10?!
#6 The Commentator
(a.k.a. The Filler)

Teacher: So, I would like to write a

question on the board, asking you what
you did over the weekend. I’m just
going to grab the chalk, which is on my
desk. There it is. I’ve got it. And… give
me just a moment while I write this on
the board for you. “What… did… you…!
#7 The Over-Explainer
Sample Dialogue!
Teacher begins class by telling about what’s happening at his home.!

Is that the present !

My dog has been sick.!
perfect in that sentence?!

As a matter of fact, yes. Because!

my dog was sick yesterday and the day
before, and he was still sick this morning.!

Remember, we use the present perfect,

among other things, to show that an
action started at some point in the past
and continues until now. !

Or we use the present perfect to show

something that has just happened. For
instance, “The Prime Minister has just
given a speech.”!
A Good Explanation?!

My dog has been sick.

Type why or why not in the chat box. !

Kevin’s response!

Is that the present My dog has been sick.

perfect in that sentence?

Yes, it is.
Why I keep it short!

!  I try to answer precisely what a student asks!

!  The topic may be of vital interest to the student asking

the question, but of no interest to the rest of the class!

!  I can pause after the short answer to see if the class

is satisfied or has another question!
Why I keep it short!

!  I don’t want to dominate the class with my words!

!  I’m
aware that sometimes I try to look smart in front of
students, but that doesn’t benefit them, so I avoid that!

!  I
know I can later design an activity where students
may explore, say, the present perfect!
Pause and think: !
Can you explain when to use in, on, and
at for certain places?!
What can you do
instead of explain?!
Ask groups of students to make 5-10!
sample sentences!
#8 The Excuse Maker!
Photo: Library of Congress, Public Domain!
The End!
Part 3!
Student Talk and Presentations!
Speaking Task!
Students talk in groups without
advance preparation !

Students are asked to prepare to
speak on a topic!
Should students give
presentations in English?

Take Poll 8!
What are advantages
and disadvantages of student
Advantages of Student
Preparing involves multiple skills:!
!  Thinking!
!  Organization!
!  Research!
!  Reading!
!  Writing and note-taking!
!  Speaking practice!
Disadvantages of Student
!  Can cause students stress!

!   Does not reflect how students will often use their

speaking skills in life!

!   If one student presents and the rest of class listens, we

are not increasing STT!

!  Often students just read their presentation!

!   Poor use of class time: e.g., 30 students with 5-minute

presentations = 2.5 hours!
Use Group Format for
class of 30 students! 3-minute presentations!

= presenters!
Use Group Format for
class of 30 students! 3-minute presentations!

= presenters!
presenters rotate, repeating presentation!
Consider Video Presentations!

!  Students record a 1-minute presentation

using a phone’s video camera!

!  Upload it to internet!

!  Other students watch at home !

!  Audience students write a brief response or

record a brief audio/video response!
Take the Teacher Talk Type !
Video Challenge!

!  Enlist a teacher friend!

!  Your friend films your lesson!

!  Do you see any Unfortunate Teacher Talk Types?!

!  What is good? What can you improve on?!

!  Are you taking advantage of pauses?!

Take the Stopwatch Challenge!

!  Record one lesson (audio or video)!

!   Later, use a stopwatch to precisely time:!

!  How much you talk!
!  How much students talk!
!  How long it takes to explain things!
!  …and more!!
Albina’s Stopwatch Challenge!

“While analyzing my taped

lessons many questions arose. !
First, I could not account for 12
minutes of my lesson. They got
wasted. Where do I waste my
lesson time and how can I use
my lesson time more efficiently?" !
— Albina Krasnova, 2011!
“Establishing Rapport with Your Students”!
The Unexamined Life

We spend a lot of time examining our students'

English skills and progress!

It’s so easy to forget about ourselves!!

“The unexamined life is not worth living."!

— Plato

It’s Webinar Wednesday!!

Awareness Outcomes?!
1 Teacher Talk Time!
•  Do you have new insight into how much
you talk in class, when, and why?!
Take Poll 9!

2 Unfortunate Teacher Talk Types!

•  Have you increased awareness of these
habits in a useful way?!

3 Student Talk and Presentations!

•  Will you try presentations in small groups?!
Teacher Talk:!
Presentation Skills for Teachers!
I look forward to seeing you on the Ning!!

Except where otherwise noted, images are the presenter’s own or from and (open source, public domain)

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