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This paper aims to expand the understanding of information system success dimensions as a critical factor
through which information systems spread its influences on the banking success. This research empirically
investigated the IS success evaluations in the banking sector in Saudi Arabia. By adopting information
systems success (DeLone and McLean) model as for assessing the IS success in the banking system. The
study will use a survey instrument to collect data to test the relationships shown in the research model. The
sample of this study consisted of employees of the banking sector in KSA. Only 145 questionnaires used for
analysis at 38% of total respondents. The study adopted measurement items from related studies of IS
success. Different data analysis techniques will be used to validate the IS-Success model.The finding of the
study provides empirical support for the existence of a positive relationship between the dimensions of IS
success model.IS quality dimensions (information system, system quality, service quality) have a significant
positive influence on user satisfaction and use. Just information quality has a significant positive influence
on intention to use, but system quality and service quality, not signification. Also use and intention to use
have a significant positive influence on user satisfaction. Finally user satisfaction, Use, and intention to use
have a significant positive influence on net benefit.
The banking information system grows rapidly. Information systems (IS) Investments have a significant
impact on the banking industry. IS plays a critical role in providing better services and competitive
advantage. It is a challenge for the organization to continuous improvement the information systems
success in the banking.
Organizations have a heavy investment in information systems (IS) to a chive benefit from these systems.
The organizations are concerned with the evaluation, and to find out the impact of these systems on them as
well as on individuals (Gable et al.,2008).
The failure of information systems (IS) is a major issue for the organization, that lead to over cost, over
time, and not achieving their strategic objectives and goals miss competitive advantage. According to
Chaos report, “the United States spend more than $250 billion each year on IT application development.
The average cost of a development project for all size a company is 3,687,000. A great many of these
projects will fail. The Standish Group research shows a staggering 31.1% of projects will be canceled
before they ever get completed. Further results indicate 52.7% of projects over cost “. (The Standish Group
research report chaos ,2015). Despite such failures, vast sums continue to be invested in IT projects.
Amount of spending in 2016 the information technology (IT) forecast to total US$3. 54 trillion. (Mkoba &
Evaluating the success of information systems is one of the critical issues in information systems field. The
measurement of IS success is important for assessing the effectiveness of IS and to justified IS investments.
It is argued, “If information systems research is to make a contribution to the world of practice, a well-
defined outcome measure (or measures) is essential” (Delone & Maclean,1992 p. 61).
There is little agreement among researchers on how best to measure the impact of IS in organizations
(Gable et al. ,2008). Sabherwal et al. (2006 p. 1849) observe, “Despite considerable empirical research, the
results of the relationships among constructs related to information systems (IS) success, as well as the
determinants of IS Success, are often inconsistent.” A range of concerns with past attempts to measure IS
Success have been suggested, including - poor measurement (DeLone & McLean 1992; 2003).
Despite many studies about IS success still organization facing a challenge by the lack of unified
instruments to measure IS success, poor evidence to justify investment in IS, and which are factors lead to
IS success. Still, managers need of further exploration is the information systems success in the banking
sector. The work by DeLone and McLean was the earliest attempt to organize efforts at measuring IS
performance. While there is strong evidence that the DeLone & McLean IS success model can explain and
predict the factors that contribute to the success of IS. So still need to explore the relationship between
success variables, Petter al et. said:” The IS field still suffers from a lack of research studies that test
associations between success factors and the positive organizational effects or an outcome provided by
specific IS” (Petter et al. 2013 p. 43).
A few study as test IS success model as empirical study such as Wang et al.(2011). Many scholars test meat
analysis IS success model and test all relationship between dimensions as Petter &McLean (2009) , Petter
et al.(2008), were found majority hypothesis supported .another study by Petter et al. (2013) indicate
mixed results for relationship between dimensions of IS success model in meta analysis study found mixed
results . On other hands , other study a model as partial such as Sedera et al.(2004), Lee(2012). Whereas a
most studies tested IS success model through modified and extended IS model .
The main objective of IS research is Investigating the variables that find out the value of information
systems (IS) in organizations . This study is being conducted to answer the following questions: What
factors that affect the success of the banking system? Can it help us understand the relationship between the
model variables as it exists in the banking sector? Is the model to measure IS success proposed in this study
valid and reliable to evaluate banking systems from different points of view of users?
This paper aims to broaden the understanding of information system success dimensions as a critical factor
through which information systems spread its influences on the banking success. In the context of Saudi
Arabia (KSA) banking, and to measure the success of information systems in the banking sector using a
DeLone & McLean IS success model (2003) as the theoretical framework
Theoretical Background
In this section, an attempt has been made to provide a brief overview of the IS success model and banking
sector in KSA. A brief literature review would suffice as our research is applied in nature.
Researcher adopted IS success model because of the most comprehensive model used as a theoretical
framework to study information systems success as to measure IS evaluation in IS field.In 1992, DeLone &
McLean developed Information Systems (IS) success model as a comprehensive framework for measuring
the performance of information systems (DeLone & McLean, 1992). This model consists of six
interrelated dimensions of information systems success: System Quality, Information Quality, Use, User
Satisfaction, Individual Impact, and Organizational Impact.
The model is to be interpreted in the following ways: “Systems Quality and Information Quality singularly
and jointly affect both use and user satisfaction. Additionally, the amount of USE can affect the degree of
user satisfaction – positively or negatively -- as well as the reverse being true. Use and user satisfaction are
direct antecedents of individual impact; and lastly, this impact on individual performance should eventually
have some organizational impact” (Delone & Maclean 1992 P 83-87).
Based on the suggestions from some researchers, DeLone & McLean (2003) updated IS Success
Model.Which is consists of six interrelated dimensions of information systems success: System quality
(SQ), Information quality (IQ), Service quality (SerVQ), Use, intention to use User satisfaction, and Net
benefits. The updated model, presented in Figure 1.
Figure 1. Updated DeLone & McLean IS Success Model (source: DeLone & McLean, 2003 P.33)
The primary improvements to the original model include (a) the addition of service quality to reflect the
importance of service and support in successful IS systems, and (b) the collapsing of individual impacts and
organizational impacts into a more parsimonious net benefits construct (DeLone & McLean ,2003P.32).
ISSN: 2306-9007 Jaafreh (2017) 831
B June 2017
In the IS success model the dimensions of success included the following variables:
1: Information Quality
Information quality defined as “Desirable characteristics of the system outputs “Petter et al., 2013 p. 11).
Information quality defined as “the desirable characteristics of the system outputs; that is, management
reports and Web pages. For example, relevance, understandability, accuracy, conciseness, completeness,
understandability, currency, timeliness, and usability “(Petter et al. ,2008 P.239). So that IQ is the output of
the system that meets user needs and wants.
Information quality was measured in many terms the researcher summary based on rate of recurrence is IS
research as following:
Accuracy (DeLone & McLean (1992); Petter & McLean (2009); Petter et al. ( 2013); Jaafreh (2012);
Bailey & Pearson (1983); Lee (2012); Gable et al. (2008)). Availability(Petter et al. (2008); Sedera et
al.(2004); Gable et al.(2008); Urbach & Müller (2011)). Completeness (DeLone & McLean (1992);
DeLone & McLean (2003); Petter et al.(2013); Petter & McLean (2009); Jaafreh(2012); Bailey & Pearson
(1983) ;Urbach & Müller (2011)). Conciseness (DeLone & McLean (1992); Petter et al. (2008); Petter et
al. (2013); Urbach & Müller (2011); Sedera et al.(2004); Gable et al.(2008)). Format (DeLone & McLean
(1992); Petter et al. (2008); Urbach & Müller (2011); Jaafreh (2012); Sedera et al. (2004); Gable et
al.(2008); Bailey & Pearson (1983)). Precision (DeLone & McLean (1992); Petter et al.(2013); Urbach &
Müller (2011); Bailey & Pearson (1983)). Relevance (DeLone & McLean (1992; 2003); Petter et al.
(2008); Petter et al.(2013); Urbach & Müller (2011); Jaafreh (2012); Sedera et al. (2004); Gable et al.
(2008); Bailey & Pearson (1983)). Reliability(DeLone & McLean (1992); Urbach & Müller (2011);
Bailey & Pearson (1983)). Timeliness (DeLone & McLean (1992); Petter & McLean (2009); Petter et al.
(2013) ; Jaafreh(2012); Urbach & Müller (2011);Bailey & Pearson (1983); Gable et al. (2008 )).
Understandability (DeLone & McLean (1992); Petter et al. (2008); Petter et al. (2013); Urbach & Müller
(2011); Sedera et al.(2004); Gable et al.(2008)).
SQ as Technical side in IS model. DeLone & McLean (1992) defined SYSTEM QUALITY as: “the desired
characteristics of the information system itself, which produces the information “(P.62). Also, System
quality is: “Desirable characteristics of an IS. Ease of use, system flexibility, system reliability, and ease of
learning, as well as intuitiveness, sophistication, flexibility, response time”(Petter et al.,2013). The
researcher has adopted measurement of SQ and summary based on rate of recurrence is IS research as
following :
Accuracy system (DeLone & McLean (1992); Petter et al. (2008); Gable et al. (2008); Sedera et al. (2004);
Urbach & Müller (2011)). Adaptability & Availability (DeLone & McLean ,2003).
Currency(DeLone&McLean (1992); Urbach & Müller (2011); Gable et al. 2008)). Ease of learning
(DeLone & McLean (1992); Petter et al. (2013); Petter et al. (2008); Urbach & Müller (2011); Sedera et
al.(2004); Gable et al. (2008)). Ease of use (DeLone & McLean (1992); Petter et al.(2008); Petter &
McLean (2009); Petter et al.( 2013); Urbach & Müller (2011); Sedera et al. (2004); Gable et al. (2008)).
System features (Sedera et al. (2004); Urbach & Müller (2011); Petter et al. (2008); Gable et al. (2008)).
Flexibility of system (DeLone & McLean (1992); Petter et al. (2008); Lee (2012);Petter et
al.(2013);Urbach & Müller (2011); Sedera et al.(2004); Gable et al.(2008)). Integration of systems (DeLone
& McLean (1992); Petter et al. (2008); Sedera et al.(2004); Gable et al.(2008); Bailey & Pearson (1983);
Urbach & Müller (2011)).Reliability(DeLone & McLean (1992);DeLone & McLean (2003); Petter &
McLean (2009); Petter et al. (2013); Urbach & Müller (2011);Gable et al. (2008)). Response time (DeLone
& McLean (1992; 2003); Petter et al. (2013); Urbach & Müller (2011); Bailey & Pearson (1983)).
Accessibility(DeLone & McLean (1992 2003); Gable et al. (2008)). User friendly (Eldrandaly et al. (2015);
Seddon & Kiew (1996) ).
3: Service Quality
The third items in IS model are Service quality. Service quality defined as: “Quality of the service or
support that system users receive from the IS organization and IT support personnel in general or for a
specific IS. For example; Responsiveness accuracy, reliability, technical competence, empathy of the
personal stuff” (Petter et al.,2013,P.11). Service quality refers” to the service quality provided by the IS
department across all of its services” (Petter et al.,2013,P.30).
The researcher has adopted measurement of service quality based on rate of recurrence is IS research which
is : Assurance , Empathy , Reliability, Responsiveness , and Tangibles( Parasuraman et al. (1985; 1988);
DeLone & McLean (2003); Urbach & Müller (2011); Petter et al. (2013) )
4: User Satisfaction
A common dimension in the IS model that used by most scholars to evaluate IS success.
Petter et al.(2013) defined User Satisfaction as: “Users’ level of satisfaction with the IS. Single item to
measure user satisfaction, semantic differential scales to assess attitudes and satisfaction with the system,
multiattribute scales to measure user information satisfaction “(P.11). Delone & McLean (1992) defined
User Satisfaction as: “recipient response to the use of the output of an information system” (P. 68). The
researcher has adopted measurement of User Satisfaction based on rate recurrence in IS studies ,which as
Overall satisfaction with IS applications (DeLone & McLean (1992); Petter et al. (2013); Petter &
McLean (2009); Eldrandaly et al.(2015); Urbach & Müller (2011) ), User information satisfaction (DeLone
& McLean (1992), and Overall satisfaction as singles meatueemnt (Delone & Maclean (1992;2003); Gable
et al. (2008) Seddon & Kiew (1996))
The system uses as a success variable. Use is a behavior, while Intention to Use is an attitude. And the use
is action by the user to operate and learning of IS.
Petter et al. (2013) defined” Intention to Use, or the users’ belief about their likelihood to use the IS” (p.
31). Also, Petter & McLean (2009) defined “Intention to Use Expected future consumption of an IS or its
output” (p. 161.) The most studied explain Intention to Use as is the user’s attitude toward IS (Petter et al.
2013). System use refers to “Use Consumption of an IS or its output described in terms of actual or self-
reported usage” (Petter & McLean ,2009 ,p.161.) System use is defined as: “the degree and manner in
which staff and customers utilize the capabilities of an information system. For example amount of use,
frequency of use, nature of use, appropriateness of use, extent of use, and purpose of use” (Petter et
al.,2008, p. 239)
The researcher has adopted measurement of Intention to use and System Use based on rate recurrence in IS
studies ,which as Frequency of use ,and Amount of use (DeLone & McLean (1992); Petter et al. (2013);
Urbach & Müller (2011)), Number of reports generated or self-reported usage(DeLone & McLean
(1992);Petter & McLean (2009)), Enjoyment(DeLone & McLean (1992); Petter et al.(2013)), Expected
future consumption of an IS or its output,and willing to use (Petter & McLean,2009), and Number of
requests for information for specific reports (DeLone & McLean,1992) .
6: Net Benefits
DeLone & MacLean (2003) grouped the two dimensions which are Individual impact and organization
impact into one and called it Net Benefit. Net Benefits “Extent to which IS are contributing to the success
of individuals, groups, organizations, industries, and nations”. Improved decision making, improved
productivity, increased sales, cost reductions, improved profits, market efficiency, consumer welfare, the
creation of jobs, economic development (Petter et al.,2013,P.11).
Used net benefit indicated the Impacts of the IS on performance may be positive or negative. The effect IS
measured in term performance, work practices, and perceived usefulness (Petter & McLean, 2009). The
researcher has adopted measurement of Net Benefits based on. rate recurrence in IS research,which is: Cost
reduction,Productivity improvement, Improved decision-making , and Time savings (DeLone & McLean
(1992;2003); Gable et al. (2008); Petter et al. (2008); Urbach & Müller (2011); Petter et al. (2013)) .aslo
researcher add Overall success as subjective measurement.
The banking system in the Saudi Arabia has 12 national banks, 12 foreign banks, and 5 credit lending and
financial institutions. The banking sector has a well-defined organizational structure, equipped with a
reliable service network. There are 1,958 branches, 16,589 Automated Teller Machines (ATMs), and
189,727 Point of Sale (POS) machines as of August 2015.1 In 2014 and 2015, high level of Smartphone
penetration has provided additional reliable channels to access mobile and internet banking services. In
2015 the number of banking sector staff are 49563 employees (Sama, 2015).
In August 2015, the total monetary assets for all the banks, including Sama, are estimated at United States
Dollar (USD) 1.1 trillion, and the total assets owned by the Saudi Arabian commercial banks are valued at
USD 588.9 billion. So that there are several attractive investment high-return investment opportunities
within the Saudi Arabian banking sector (Sama, 2015).
On the technological front, the Saudi Arabian banking sector has adopted innovative banking channels,
well-developed and robust payment systems, and seamless information sharing systems. The total value of
transactions in SARIE (Saudi Arabian payment system) has grown tremendously by 600% since 2003, to
USD 14.4 trillion in 2014. (Sama 2015).
The banking sector has encouraged the implementation of advanced technology and the international policy
standards to enable seamless trade with the global markets. The bank adopts most advanced technologies
and provides innovative methods for accessing banking services (Sama, 2015).
In the modern banking era, adoption of advanced Information Technology (IT) systems are mandatory to
reach out to a customer base that is increasingly characterized by the global digital revolution. The
objective is to implement secure and accurate banking systems in a cost-effective way. Fast-growing
penetration of broadband and mobile internet growth has opened a reliable channel for banks, to provide
banking services for a larger market. The rapid adoption of technology has created demand for advanced
technological tools and systems. With a rapid growth in the use of mobile and internet banking, the skill set
that is of growing demand is a combination of financial knowledge and technology expertise to be able to
cope with technological advancement.
Currently, banks remain profitable, however, in 2015 and beyond whereas Low oil prices, decline in oil-
related exports; declining profits will intensify competition and encourage banks to adopt new technologies
to grow sustainably in a cost-effective way (Sama, 2015).
Finally, the banking sector will focus on maximizing the reach by incorporating advanced technologies and
offering innovative products. The Saudi Arabian banking sector will further improve monitoring and
reporting systems, by incorporating new technology and reliable information exchange systems.
This study adopted information systems success (DeLone & McLean) model as for assessing the IS success
in the banking system. In particular, the proposed model adopts all quality dimensions of the IS success
model. as System quality, information quality and service quality, use, user satisfaction, and net benefits to
the bank. Researcher adopted IS success model because of the most comprehensive model used as a
theoretical framework to study information systems success model to measure IS evaluation in IS field. A
theoretical framework to test information systems success shown above in figure 1.
Researchers have developed the following suggested hypothesizes to test the proposed Conceptual model.
As DeLone & McLean (2003) note, “IS success is a multidimensional and interdependent construct and it
is, therefore, necessary to study the interrelationships among or to control for, those dimensions”. Thus, the
following 14 hypotheses will be tested:
H1 There is a significant, positive relationship between Information Quality and User Satisfaction
H2 There is a significant, positive relationship between System Quality and User Satisfaction
H3 There is a significant, positive relationship between Service Quality and User Satisfaction
H4 There is a significant, positive relationship between Information Quality and Use
H5 There is a significant, positive relationship between System Quality and Use
H6 There is a significant, positive relationship between Service Quality and Use
H7 There is a significant, positive relationship between Information Quality and Intention to Use
H8 There is a significant, positive relationship between System Quality and Intention to Use
H9 There is a significant, positive relationship between Service Quality and Intention to Use
H10 There is a significant, positive relationship between Use and User Satisfaction
H11 There is a significant, positive relationship between User Satisfaction and Intention to Use
H12 There is a significant, positive relationship between Use and Net Benefits
H13 There is a significant, positive relationship between User Satisfaction and Net Benefits
H14 There is a significant, positive relationship between Net Benefits and Intention to Use
Research Methods
Population and Sample
The population of this study consisted of employees of the banking sector in KSA. The banking sector
consists of 29 banks, and the total of staff in the banking sector is 49563employees. The unit of analysis for
this study is the employees who used IS in banks. The sample size decision in order to ensure a good
decision model is 381empolyees.
Data Collection
The study will use a survey instrument to collect data to test the relationships shown in the research model.
The study was conducted in KSA from January to June 2016. The survey method was required to be the
most appropriate method for this study to measure the factors investigated. The questionnaires were also
ISSN: 2306-9007 Jaafreh (2017) 835
B June 2017
translated to the native language to supply for the lower job level group who were not that conversant in
English such as the administrative support staff. A five-point Likert-scale was used to represent the
responses of the subjects, whereas scale from 5 (highly agree or satisfied) to 1 (highly disagree or satisfied).
A total of 381 questionnaires was distributed, As a result, 194 were returned, giving a 51% response rate.
But only 145 questionnaires used for analysis at 38% from total questionnaires.
The study used perceptual measures to capture data on IS success and technological factors. A criterion for
selection of constructs is that they have been employed frequently in IS research as a measure of IS
success. The specific constructs included for measurement in the questionnaires are summarized in the
previous Table, but most theses studied depended on few studied which is a mention below.
Based on DeLone & McLean’s recommendations, the study adapted measurement items from related
studies of IS success. System quality was measured using thirteen items adopted from DeLone & McLean
(1992;2003), Gable et al.(2008)and Sedera et al. (2004): Accuracy system, Ease of learning, Ease of use,
Accessibility, Flexibility of the system, And Integration of systems. Five items from DeLone & McLean
(1992;2003): Adaptability, Availability, currency, Reliability, Response time. And from Sedera et al.
(2004) and Petter et al. (2008): System features. Finally user-friendly from Seddon & Kiew (1996).
Information quality adopted eleven items, whereas eight items from DeLone & McLean (1992) and; Bailey
& Pearson (1983): Accuracy, Completeness, Format, Precision, Relevance, Reliability, and Timeliness.
Understandability and Conciseness from DeLone & McLean (1992); Petter et al. (2008) and Petter et al.
(2013). Clearly from DeLone & McLean (1992) and Seddon & Kiew (1996). Finally, Availability from
Petter et al. (2008); Sedera et al. (2004) and Gable et al.(2008). Each scale was measured as proposed by
the source authors.
Service quality adopted five items from Parasuraman et al. (1985; 1988), DeLone & McLean (2003):
Assurance, Reliability, Responsiveness, Tangibles, And Empathy. User satisfaction will be measured using
the three items and adopted from User information satisfaction (DeLone & McLean 1992), Overall
satisfaction Gable et al. (2008), Seddon & Kiew (1996)), and Overall satisfaction with IS applications
(DeLone & McLean (1992); Petter et al. (2013); Petter & McLean (2009); Seddon & Kiew (1996)). The
user constructs (intention to use) measured by five items: Frequency of use, Enjoyment (DeLone &
McLean (1992); Petter et al.(2013), Amount of use (Petter et al.,2013), Number of reports generated or
requests for information for specific reports (DeLone & McLean (1992); Petter & McLean (2009)), and
Expected future consumption of an IS or its output (Petter & McLean, 2009) and willing to use (Petter &
McLean ,2009).
Finally, Net Benefit adopted five items to measure, whereas three adopted from DeLone & McLean (1992),
Petter et al. (2008), and Sedera et al. (2004): Cost reduction, improved decision making, and Productivity
improvement. And Time savings from DeLone & McLean (1992; 2003), and finally the researcher
suggested items Overall success to measure success in general. Besides the above items, demographic
factors (age, gender, educational level, job level, experience).
The data collection instrument of this study is designed based on previous studies, namely, Delone &
Maclean (1992; 2003), Bailey & Pearson (1983) and other studies. In addition, to maintain the validity of
the instrument, it was by expert panels including faculty members.
Alpha test for assessing reliability is conducted in this part of the study using the all the questions in the
questionnaire. This test is mainly conducted to assess the consistency of the instrument. Cronbach’s Alpha
Equation of internal consistency was used to calculate the reliability of each tool for the study. Results are
shown in below table.
The results indicate that the reliability coefficients for the dimensions of information system success ranged
between (0.921-0.940), and the overall was (0.941). These values are considered acceptable for the
purposes of this study. If alpha is high (0.70 or higher), then this suggests that all of the items are reliable
and the entire test is internally consistent.
Demographic Analysis
Descriptive Statistic Measures: used to describe the characteristics of the study sample. A summary of the
demographic characteristics is shown in below Table.
Table (2) shows the distribution of the received sample according to gender (Men 88% and Women 12%)
and educational level. The university degrees (undergraduate and postgraduate) represent 67% of the
sample. Respondents to age ranged from 19 to more than 50 years of age approximately 33% above
40years, 53% between 20 to 40 years .And Respondents about experience approximately 56% above of 5
years, and 44% less than 5 years.
The Person’s correlation coefficients will be used to assess whether or not there are significant direct
associations (correlation) between the constructs of the model. The results are shown in below table that the
correlation coefficients are between 0.240 and 0.949; it means that there is a positive correlation between
framework variables as shown in below table. The correlation among variables is positive and statistically
As shown in the above table, the correlation matrix indicates that the highest coefficient of correlation in
this research between Information quality and intention to use is 0.906. There was a significant positive
relationship between Information quality and Intention to USE (r = 0.906, n = 145, p ≤ 0.01). The weakest
correlation was for intention to use and net benefit (r = 0.240, n = 145, p ≤ 0.01).
Multiple Regression Analysis: used to test the validity of the study model and the impact of the
independent variable on the dependent variable. And to test the hypothesized associative relationships.
Stepwise Multiple Regression Analysis: used to test the entry of independent variables in the equation to
predict the dependent variable.
The multiple regression analysis was used to further explain the significance of the independent and
dependent variables. Whereas, R2 and its adjusted variant (R2adj) were used to assess the total contribution
of the independent variables. The ANOVA table presented the F-test and level of significance for each step
generated, reporting the degree to which the relationship was linear. Finally, the set of coefficients was
examined to consider the standardized coefficients (ß), the t values and significance values. And
significance level of the path coefficients. Whereas the size of the Beta, weights indicate the strength of
their independent relationships.
H1 There is a significant, positive relationship between Information Quality and User Satisfaction
H2 There is a significant, positive relationship between System Quality and User Satisfaction
H3 There is a significant, positive relationship between Service Quality and User Satisfaction
ISSN: 2306-9007 Jaafreh (2017) 838
B June 2017
The results of the multiple regression analysis are reported in below Table.
Table 4. Multiple regression analysis of the relationship between IS quality with User Satisfaction
Model R Adjuste R F Sig. F Standardized Sig. F-value t-
R dR Square Change Change Coefficients value
Square Square Change Beta
1 a .007 62.839 2.755
.773 .598 .595 .598 212.75 .000 .460
2 b .049 61.148 1.982
.780 .609 .603 .011 3.927 .049 .331
3 .749c .561 .558 .561 182.53 0.047 .322 0.047 60.673 1.642
a. Predictors: (Constant), SQ
b. Predictors: (Constant), SQ, IQ
c. Predictors: (Constant), SQ, IQ, SerVQ
d. Dependent Variable: User Satisfaction, p < 0.01; p < 0.05
To evaluate the hypothesizes, a multiple regression analysis was conducted to determine whether there is
any significant effect of the independent variables (IQ , SQ , and SerVQ) on predictors of User
Satisfaction. Regression results show that the system quality, information quality, and service quality are
significantly influential to customer satisfaction. Whereas Information Quality as significant predictors of
User Satisfaction ( R2=.609, R2adj=.603, and F=61.148, Sig.049) .This explains 60.9% of the variance in
User Satisfaction. And System Quality as significant predictors of User Satisfaction ( R2=.598, R2adj=.595,
and F=62.839, Sig.007) .This explains 59.8% of the variance in User Satisfaction. Service quality is a
significant predictor of User Satisfaction ( R2=.561, R2adj=.558, and F=60.673, Sig.047) .This explains
56.1% of the variance in User Satisfaction.
While the system quality was shown as the most critical factor those determinants affecting customer
satisfaction (ß =046, t=2.755, p<0.01). IQ is the second important variable (ß =0.331, t=1.982, p<0.01).
The third dimension, service quality, has an effect on users’ satisfaction (ß =0.322, t=1.642, p<0.01). So
H1, H2, H3 are accepted. our results are comparable to those of Tajuddin (2015) and Jimmy (2014) , they
show that the IS quality, which includes system quality, information quality, and service quality, positively
impacts user satisfaction.
Table 5. The multiple regression analysis the relationship between IS quality with Use
Model R R F Sig. F Standardized Sig. F- t-
R Adjusted Square Change Change Coefficients value value
Square R Square Change Beta
1 .876a .767 .765 .767 469.621 .000 .775 .000 42.882 5.162
2 .885b .782 .779 .016 10.334 .002 .481 .000 39.973 3.896
3 .892c .797 .792 .014 9.786 .002 .376 .002 37.378 3.128
a. Predictors: (Constant), SQ
b. Predictors: (Constant), SQ, IQ
c. Predictors: (Constant), SQ, IQ, ServQ
D. Dependent Variable: Use , p < 0.01
To evaluate above the hypothesizes, a multiple regression analysis was conducted to determine whether
there is any significant effect of IQ, SQ, and SerVQ on Use. Regression results show that the system
quality, information quality, and service quality are significantly influential to Use. Whereas system
Quality as significant predictors of Use ( R2=.767, R2adj=.765, and F=42.882, Sig.000) .This explains
76.7% of the variance in Use. Information Quality as significant predictors of Use ( R2=.782, R2adj=.779,
and F=39.973, Sig.000) .This explains 78.2% of the variance in Use. And service quality as significant
predictors of Use ( R2=.797, R2adj=.792 and F=37.378, Sig.002) (. While the system quality was shown as
the most critical factor those determinants affecting Use (ß =.775, t=5.162 p<0.05). IQ is the second
important variable (ß =0.481, t=3.896, p<0.01). And the third service quality (ß =.376, t= 3.128, p<0.01).
So H4, H5, H6 are accepted.
H7 There is a significant, positive relationship between Information Quality and Intention to Use
H8 There is a significant, positive relationship between System Quality and Intention to Use
H9 There is a significant, positive relationship between Service Quality and Intention to Use
The results of the multiple regression analysis are reported in below Table.
Table 6. The multiple regression analysis the relationship between IS quality with Intention to Use
Model R Adjusted R Square F Sig. F Standardized Sig. F- T-
R R Change Change Change Coefficients value value
Square Square Beta
1 .951a .905 .904 .905 1363.186 .000 .951 .000 14.940 36.921
a. Predictors: (Constant), IQ
b. Dependent Variable: intention to use , p < 0.01
To evaluate above the hypothesizes, a multiple regression analysis was conducted to determine whether
there is any significant effect of IQ, SQ, and SerVQ on Intention to Use. Regression results show that the
information quality is significantly influential to Intention to Use. Whereas Information Quality as
significant predictors of Intention to Use ( R2=.905, R2adj=.904, and F=14.940, Sig.000) .This explains
90.5% of the variance in Intention to Use. While the information quality was shown as a critical factor that
determinants affecting Intention to Use (ß =.951, t=36.921 p<0.01). But system quality and service quality
are not significant predictors of Intention to Use. So H7 is accepted, but H8, H9 are rejected.
H10 There is a significant, positive relationship between Use and User Satisfaction
H11 There is a significant, positive relationship between User Satisfaction and Intention to Use
The results of the multiple regression analysis are reported in below Table.
Table 7. The multiple regression analysis of the hypotheses H10 and H11
Model R Adjusted R Square F Sig. F Standardized Sig. F- t-
R R Change Change Change Coefficients value value
Square Square Beta
1 .776 .603 .600 .603 216.817 .000 .588 .000 62.129 6.321
2 .786b .618 .613 .016 5.905 .016 .226 .016 59.649 2.430
a. Predictors: (Constant), Use
b. Predictors: (Constant), Use, intention to use
D. Dependent Variable: User Satisfaction , p < 0.01
To evaluate above the hypothesizes, a multiple regression analysis was conducted to determine whether
there is any significant effect of Use and intention to use on User Satisfaction. Regression results show that
the Use and intention to use are significantly influential to User Satisfaction. Whereas use as significant
predictors of User Satisfaction ( R2=.603, R2adj=.600, and F=62.129, Sig.000).
This explains 60.30% of the variance in User Satisfaction. Intention to use as significant predictors of User
Satisfaction ( R2=.618, R2adj=.613, and F=59.649, Sig.016) .This explains 61.8% of the variance in User
Satisfaction. While The Use was shown as the most critical factor those determinants affecting User
Satisfaction (ß =.588, t=6.321 p<0.01). Intention to use is the second important variable (ß =0.226, t=2.430,
p<0.01). So H10, H11 is accepted.
The relationship between Use, Intention to Use, and user Satisfaction With net benefit, which are:
H12 There is a significant, positive relationship between Use and Net Benefits
H13 There is a significant, positive relationship between User Satisfaction and Net Benefits
H14 There is a significant, positive relationship between Net Benefits and Intention to Use
The results of the multiple regression analysis are reported in below Table.
To evaluate above the hypothesizes, a multiple regression analysis was conducted to determine whether
there is any significant effect of Use , intention to use and User Satisfaction on net benefit . Regression
results show that the Use, intention to use and User Satisfaction are significantly influential to a net benefit.
Whereas User Satisfaction as significant predictors of net benefit(R2=.399, R2adj=.395, and F=137.652,
This explains 39.9% of the variance in a net benefit. Intention to use as significant predictors of net benefit
( R2=.491, R2adj=.483 and F= 116.714, Sig.000) .This explains 49.1% of the variance in a net benefit. Use
as significant predictors of net benefit (R2=.514, R2adj=.503, and F=111.385, Sig.010).
While The User Satisfaction was shown as the most critical factor those determinants affecting net benefit
(ß =.825, t=8.680, p<0.01). Intention to use is the second important variable (ß =0.607, t=5.642,
p<0.01).and Use a third important variable (ß =0.310, t=2.597, p<0.01). So H12, H13, H14 is accepted.
Most of the hypotheses proposed are positive and significant, and the results confirm the main goals of this
study. These results are consistent with the prior literature. And provide empirical support for the existence
of a positive relationship between the dimensions of IS success model.
1. The influence of IS quality (Information Quality, System Quality, Service Quality) on user satisfaction
and use was positive significant and strong correlation. It means that the IS quality affects the user
satisfaction of the system banking technology and usage the system. Thus the IS quality needs a
critical analysis and proper adjustment to further enhance the users experience and satisfaction.
2. The influence of IS quality (Information Quality, System Quality, Service Quality) on intention to use.
Just information quality has a significant positive influence on intention to use . It means that the
information quality affects the intention to use the system banking technology. But system quality and
service quality, not signification that may be because of many reasons as this negative finding may be
explained by the mandatory nature of the system, which may inflate the significance of actual use in
the model. So we can say that system quality and service quality did not influence intention to use.
3. The influence of use and intention to use on user satisfaction was positive significant and strong
correlation. It means that the use and intention to use affect the user satisfaction of the system banking
4. The influence of user satisfaction, Use, and intention to use on net benefit was positive significant and
strong correlation.
This research empirically investigated the IS success evaluations in the banking sector in KSA. In general,
the results support partially the DeLone-McLean model as a predictive model. Our results also confirm the
previous research results regarding variables in IS success models. Overall, our results are comparable to
those of Petter et al. (2008) and Petter et al.(2013), they show that the IS quality, which includes system
quality, information quality, and service quality, positively impacts user satisfaction , use and net benefit.
Also use and intention to use have positively impacted user satisfaction, and finally use, intention to use,
and user satisfaction has positive impacted net benefits. results are comparable to those of Tajuddin
(2015)and Jimmy (2014) they show the IS quality have positivity impacts on user satisfaction and use .Also
Our results are only in partial agreement with those of Thumsamisorn & Rittippant(2011)) as they show
that system quality and service quality has no significant relationship with intention to use ,or Because of
respondents looking to intention to use might be as the willingness of the user towards accepting
Information technology, but they used system as mandatory.
ISSN: 2306-9007 Jaafreh (2017) 842
B June 2017
A huge investment and poor IS quality motivation top management of Increased attention toward IS quality
improvement. As IS quality is a multidimensional measure, it is important to determine which aspects of IS
quality are critical for organizations to help top management to devise effective IS quality improvement.
This research explores the relationship between IS quality (system quality, information quality, service
quality) and user satisfaction, Use, intention to use, and user satisfaction with a net benefit. Our results
indicate that most variables provided a sufficient contribution for prediction of the dependent variable.
IS quality dimensions (information system, system quality, service quality) have a significant positive
influence on user satisfaction and use. Just information quality has a significant positive influence on
intention to use, but system quality and service quality, not signification. Also use and intention to use have
a significant positive influence on user satisfaction. Finally user satisfaction, Use, and intention to use have
a significant positive influence on net benefit.
The improvement of an information system through enhancing information quality; system quality, service
quality, intention to use, use, and user satisfaction. The proposed model and its variables proved that it can
be used as a useful tool for decision makers in banks in evaluating the implementation of information
The result of the study also can be used by users in an organization to develop high quality of information
system that is supported by vendors to produce better quality of information. This study contributes to the
body of knowledge in two ways. First, it presents a conceptual framework of the relationship between IS
quality and user satisfaction, also among use, intention to use and user satisfaction with Net benefits,
including empirical evidence regarding the validity of this model. Second, it provides empirical details
regarding the nature of user perceptions of the relationship between the variables of the model.
These contributions are expected to benefit both researchers and practitioners. Researchers can benefit by
applying the IS success model in the conduct of similar research in other organizational settings. This
research reveals an important gap in the research literature, in that the linkage between IS quality and net
benefits through user satisfaction and use. The power of system quality, information quality and service
quality as predictors of user satisfaction suggests that they provide an effective diagnostic framework in
which to analyze system features that may “cause” user satisfaction and dissatisfaction.
Top management can now use the results of this study with more confidence usability testing, when
designing a new information system. Top management’s main concern should be given to IS quality
enhancements. Emphasis on training the IS staff to develop better attitudes toward service orientation. Top
management should improve system quality and service quality to improve information quality. So, IS
managers should emphasize update hardware and software. Also, Top management should improve IS
capabilities that lead to improved IS quality. Our results provide a better understanding and help
organizations to motivate users and customers to be interested in using IS. Researchers can use these
findings to find the direction of future research in KSA regarding the end user satisfaction. Since the study
observed that technological issues were impediments to user satisfaction; that lead to increased investment
in internet infrastructure to a world class standard as well as the internet services.
as a benchmark for studying the impacts of IS quality on net benefit in other Arabs countries. The research
may be repeated in different IS contexts.
This paper has its limitations. Empirical testing of the DeLone-McLean model should, therefore, be
extended to cover a wider variety of systems. One limitation of this study is the lack of confidence in
assessing the accuracy of the respondents’ answers to the question in the questionnaire. The unwillingness
of many firms to contribute in responding to the questionnaires is another limitation of this research.
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