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International Journal of Innovative Research in Technology & Science(IJIRTS)

Anu Manchanda, Waljat College of Applied Scienes,Muscat; Dr. Saurabh Mukherjee, Banasthali Vidyapeeth University,Banasthali

the updated D&M success model and The Gable et al. mod-
Measuring Information systems success has been the most el. In this section a brief summary of all these models is pre-
arguable and important issue. Evaluation of success is not an sented-
easy task. Many models have been given by researchers in
the past for the same purpose. The main objective of this
paper is to study and review four main models of IS success Technology Acceptance Model
–TAM, DeLone and McLean model, Updated DeLone and
TAM model was developed by Davis to predict user ac-
McLean model and Gable et. al model. Here we have com-
ceptance of technology and was based on Theory of Rea-
pared these four models and discussed their relevance to the
soned Action (TRA). This model was subject of his disserta-
IS field.
tion. This model can predict the behavior. TAM indicates the
Keywords: information systems, TAM, DeLone and relationship between external variables, perceived useful-
McLean model, Updated DeLone and McLean model and ness, perceived ease of use, attitude toward use and actual
Gable et. al model usage. TAM provides information on how the design choices
influence user acceptance of technology. According to Da-
vis, if the system appears useful to the users then they are
Introduction more willing to use it.
Information systems (IS) are systems that are used by or-
ganizations to store, filter and process data.(Wikipedia) Or- Perceived
ganizations are investing a huge amount of money on infor-
mation technology(IT) to get benefits from these systems. External
Since large investments are made in IT, the organizations are Variables Behavioural Actual
Intention System Use
interested in knowing the success of these systems. The or- Perceived
ganizations want to find out the impact of these systems on Ease of use
them as well as on individuals (Gable, Sedera, and Chan,
2003). The effectiveness of these system is depends upon
many factors like organizational, environmental and people
Figure 1: Technology acceptance Model
use them (Petter, DeLone, and McLean, 2008). It is not easy
to evaluate the success of information systems so measuring
IS success is of utmost importance. It is a multidimensional DeLone and McLean (D&M success mod-
concept that can be evaluated at various levels. Therefore,
many success models have been developed to assess the
success of information systems. Hence it becomes important
To measure the success of Information systems Delone
as well as necessary to review various models. The main
and McLean reviewed the research published in period be-
purposes of this paper are-
tween 1981 to 1987. Based upon their research they identi-
a) To study the models in literature related to success mea-
fied six variables of IS success- system quality, information
surement of IS
quality, use, user satisfaction, individual impact and organi-
b) Provide overview of each success measurement model
zational impact. These are interdependent variables. D&M
c) Identify their relevance to IS success measurement
model states that the amount of system use can affect the
degree of user satisfaction (DeLone and McLean, 1992). No
Information Systems Models empirical validation of the model was proposed by them.

After an extensive review of publications four models

were selected for the study here. Technology acceptance
model (TAM), DeLone and McLean (D&M success model),
International Journal of Innovative Research in Technology & Science(IJIRTS)

Figure 2: DeLone and McLean IS success Model (1992)

Updated DeLone and McLean (D&M suc-

cess model)
Figure 4: The IS-Impact Measurement. From Gable et al.,
After the publication of D & M model, Seddon studied (2008)
this model and modified the variable use to Usefulness, Sed-
don also argued that this model is confusing because of the
combination of process and variance in the same model.
Researchers also suggested to include Service Quality con-
Overview of IS success models
struct also. Individual impact and organizational impact
Table 1: Overview of IS success models
were replaced by Net Benefits.
TAM D&M Up- Gable et
dated D al
Adapt Theory Commu- Exten- Based on
ed of Rea- nication sion of D & M
from soned research D&M model
of Shan- model
non and
Action The in-
and the formation
Theory influence
of theory of
Planned Mason
Figure 3: Updated DeLone and McLean IS success Model

Gable et al (IS impact) Model Con- (i) Per- (i) System (i) Sys- (i) Infor-
structs ceived Quality tem mation
Gable et al (2008) gave a model to measure IS success or used Quality Quality
impact. According to Gable et al. (2008) the IS-impact of an Useful-
Information System (IS) is “a measure at a point in time, of ness (ii) In- (ii) Sys-
the stream of net benefits from the IS, to date and antic- (ii) Infor- forma- tem quali-
ipated, as perceived by all key-user groups”. This model is mation tion ty
based on D&M model and it overcomes many issues related Quality Quality
to past researches.

International Journal of Innovative Research in Technology & Science(IJIRTS)
Comparison of IS success models and
(ii) Per- (iii) Use (iii) (iii) Indi- their relevance to the field
ceived Service vidual
Quality Impact Many models have been given by researchers in the past
ease of (iv) User (iv) (iv) Or- to measure and evaluate the success of Information systems.
use Satisfac- Inten- ganization Each model has been studied and extended further. Each
tion tion to Impact model has strengths and weakness associated with it. Here
Use/Use we are comparing the models and discussing their relevance
(iii) Be- (v) Indi- (v)User to the field
havioral vidual Satis-
Impact faction The TAM model, developed by Davis (1989) is used to
measure the acceptance, adoption and use of information
intention (vi) Orga- (vi)Net
technology. It is very popular and two constructs are used in
nizational Benefits
TAM, perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness. Per-
ceived usefulness is the degree to which an individual be-
to use lieves that using a particular information system or informa-
(iv)Usag tion technology would enhance his or her job. Perceived
e ease of use is the degree to which a person believes that us-
Appli- Informa- IS Success IS suc- IS impact ing a particular information technology would be free of
cabili- tion measure- cess measure- effort. TAM model has gained wide popularity among the
ty of technol- ment measure ment researchers and is one of the most influential model. This is
the ogy ment different from other models as it does not measure success
model adoption but it is used to study and predict the user‟s intention to use
Re- (i) Taylor Seddon Evalua- The Ex- Information technology.
lated and Todd model tion of tended
(1995) e- ERP Sys- DeLone and McLean model is widely accepted and most
proposed learning tems Suc- popular model of IS success measurement. It is
the inte- courses cess Mea- process/casual model. It was criticized by researchers for
grated surement including construct „Use‟. It was studied further and was
cations model of Model of extended ten years later. Many studies were carried out us-
TAM (Ifine- ing this model. In their updated model they included „Ser-
and TPB do,2006) vice Quality‟ and „Use‟ was replaced by „Intention to
(named use/use‟. „Individual Impact and Organizational impact‟
Com- were substituted by „Net benefits‟. Later Gable et al. intro-
bined duced IS-impact model which is also based on D & M mod-
el. In this model they tried to resolve concerns of past IS
TAM- Eva-
success models. This model differs from other models in
TPB) luate
various ways. First, it is a measurement model and not a
casual/process model like D&M model. Second, it does not
of e-
have „Use‟ construct. Third, overall success measure is satis-
faction. Fourth, new measures were added to it reflect the IS
context and organizational success. This model can be used
to measure the complete view of the system and success
(ii) Ven- using all the four dimensions.
and Da-
vis Conclusion
proposed The main objective of this paper is to review different
TAM2 IS success models. From the study of the literature, it is
revealed that each model cannot be used in all practical
situations. The scope of each model is limited so these can
be used in different contexts. Here we have tried to give a
International Journal of Innovative Research in Technology & Science(IJIRTS)
brief idea about the theoretical view of success models. [11] Shih-Chih Chen1, Shing-Han Li and Shing-Han Li,
The paper of DeLone and McLean‟s is a key input to the Recent related research in technology acceptance
literature as it was first attempt to success measures. The model: a literature review, Australian Journal of
Delone and McLean model is the most popular among all Business and Management Research, Vol.1 No.9
the models given in the past. TAM model remains the [124-127] | December-2011
most popular to study the willingness of the user towards [12] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Information_systems
accepting Information technology. It‟s very difficult to [13] http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?pid=S1807-
state that which model is the best among all. Any one 17752010000200003&script=sci_arttext
model can be chosen depending upon the requirement of
the study to be carried.

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