Bhojpur Report

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Summary Report On Rural Camp 2019

Study Area: Bhojpur, Champe

Submitted to: Mr. Arjun Upreti

Submitted by: Shonika Rai

Roll No.: 35

Level: BASW 2nd year

My first enormous thanks goes to the faculty incharge Mr. Arjun Upreti, our field
supervisor Mrs. Geeta adhikari of social work department for their help and valuable
suggestions throughout the entire 5 days camp. I am also very thankful to Mr. Sagar
Pradhan and Mrs. Seema Pradhan of Shaktipath therapy center(Biratnagar), Satan
Organization, Four Wind Asia, Swami Aathmananda Puri, Swami Anuradha Puri, Laura
Nickolas, Nandani Kumari for being with us during the camp.

I would also like to express my heartfelt gratitude to the people of Champe, who
welcomed us warmly and kept us like a family there throughout the camp, Champe
Secondary School, Aama Samuha and Mahila Sanjal for being so co-operative and
working as a unity.

Shonika Rai

Janata Multiple College


Rural camp is a once in a lifetime opportunity to observe

and interact with people in rural environment, connect with
individuals in a country environment as well as set our fact
about life within the town straight. The rural camp gives an
excellent platform for us to learn valuable life skills and
create bond with each other.

a) To make the students understand the rural society

and community living.
b) To develop an understanding of the level of
government involvement and its impact on people.
c) To help the students develop their sense of care and
social responsibility by applying social work
techniques like counseling.
d) To assist the students in learning through the
experience in group living so as to develop their social
e) To find the effect of evil customs, bad habits,
superstitions, age old tradition and the impact of these
on their life patterns.
Literature Review


 Surveys
 Observation
 Interviews
 Focus group
 History and case study


1. Plantation: Our very first activity was plantation. Half

of the students went in plantation program where they
planted 100 plants.
2. Painting: On the same day of plantation we also
had a painting program of the health post.
3. Health camp
4. Cultural program
5. Survey

We got an experience of group living in and with the

community, sharing their life and participating with
them. They also applied social work methods into
practice. This rural camp created opportunities for
every students to develop a sense of team work. It
helped them to break from self-circle or self-centered
thinking created by them. They also learned to take
responsibilities,gain management skills,gain skills in
planning, organizing programs in the community and
develop skills to conduct social surveys and analysis.
I also learned various medical measures and health
care. So overall it was a successful camp and was a
great life-time opportunity for me.


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