MGNREGS CC Raod Estimate

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The key takeaways are that CC roads and drains will be constructed from Masid to an OHSR tank in Kommuru village to improve connectivity. Unskilled labor, cement, sand and gravel will be used along with quality control checks.

As per the specifications, CC roads will be constructed using 40mm graded metal and 1:4:8 concrete mix. The thickness will be as per approved design. Dowel joints will be provided at expansion and construction joints.

Materials that will be used include 40mm graded metal, cement, sand and gravel. Cement and steel rates will be as per current fixed rates.

WORK ID NO: 077044610006080008

Panchayat Raj Engineering Department

Detailed Estimate

Name of the Work : Construction of CC Roads & Drains to Masid to

OHSR tank in Kommuru (V) of Kakumanu

Estimate Cost : Rs 10.00 Lakhs

Grant : MGNREGS+13th Finan

Rates Adopted : Common SSR 2015-2016

Location of the Work : Annaparru Habitation

Annaparru Grama Panchayat
Pedanandipadu Mandal
Guntur District

Department : PRI Sub-Division, Prathipadu @ Guntur

PRI Division, Guntur
PR Circle, Guntur
Rural Development Department
Input Data Sheet for the work
“Construction of Pucca Internal Roads or streets including side drains,culverts
within a village”
1. The estimate should be prepared habitation wise.
2.The entire length of road shall be covered in one estimate.
3. Wherever gravel thickness is partly existing, provide gravel of 100 mm loose thickness.
4. The specification of MS name board has to be in detail in datasheet.
5. The detailed estimate, datasheet and lead statement prepared manually outside the
computer should be tied to the computer generated estimate.

A) General Information

DCC (Departmental Computer Center) Guntur Division

Name :
Name of Mandal Kakumanu Manda

Name of Gram Panchayat Annaparru

Name of Habitation Annaparru

1)Location_____________________ OC Area

2) Total length of road within the Habitation_ mts

Construction of CC Roads & Drains to Masid to

3) Road connecting from OHSR tank in Kommuru (V) of Kakumanu mandal

4) Total length of the proposed Road: 198 mts

5) CC 198 mts

6) WBM mts

7) GRAVEL mts

8) EARTHEN mts

9) Road Width 3.3 mts

10) Locality : SC/ST/GENERAL General

11) Total Drain Length: mts

12) No. of CD Works Nos

13) Population being served by this Road 200

B) Abstract estimate

Quantites and Rates shall be as per technically sanctioned estimate. Rates shall be worked
out as per standard data basing on rates available in RSSR and CSSR.
SNo Task Name Unit Task Qty Rate Per Amount
code Unit
(in Rs) (Rs.)
1 CW01.Amount for wage component days 19376 112.00 180.00 20160

2 CW02.cement bags 19377 909.00 281.00 255429

3 CW03.sand for filling cum 19378 0.00 794.73 0

4 CW04.sand for mortar cum 19379 71.22 1263.87 90015

5 CW05.Grade II Metal:Consisting of 63mm to cum 19380

45 mm IRC HBG/HBT metal 96% and 19mm to
22mm IRC HBG metal 4%
6 CW06.Grade III Metal:Consisting of 53mm to cum 19381
22.4mm IRC HBG/HBT metal 95% and 20mm
to 10 mm IRC HBG metal 5%
7 CW07.20mm to 12mm HBG/HBT graded cum 19382 73.51 1674.09 123066
Metal:Consisting of 20mm metal 60%
and12mm metal 40%

8 CW08.Graded Metal consisting of 60% of cum 19383 30.98 1418.37 43938

40mm and 40% of 20mm to 10mm graded
HBG/HBT metal
9 CW09.40 mm nominal HBG/HBT Graded cum 19384 37.95 1,245.04 47253
10 Cost for supply and delivery of pipes Rmt 32010 0.00 0.00 0

11 Cost for laying and jointing of pipes Rmt 32011 0.00 0.00 0

12 CW10.Cost towards engaging skilled Rs 19385 348706.00

labour,semi skilled labour,other materials and
equipment charges including all other materials
not covered above
13 CW11.VAT upto 5% Rs 19386 32649.00
14 CW12.QC @0.5% Rs 19387 4529.00
15 CW13.Seignorage charges Rs 19388 20272.00
16 CW14.cost of NP, other Pipes and Precast Rs 19389
chambers etc.,
17 CW15.LS amount for unforcen items. Rs 19390 13983.00
Sub Total :

Name of the official filling the details : Ch.R.K. Prasad

Designation of the official filling the details : Assistant Engineer
Assistant Engineer
Date : MPP Kakumanu

Seigniorage Charges (13th Finance) 4
Construction of CC Roads & Drains to Masid to OHSR tank in Kommuru (V) of m
Kakumanu mandal
Estimate Cost : Rs 10.00 Lakhs
Sl 0
Descripition of Item Qty. Gravel Sand Granular 40mm %20-12mm Cement
chips metal - chips
1 Earth work exevation and 18.22 18.22 1
depositing for drain 0
Laying of C.C (1:3:6) mix using m
2 18.48 8.32 16.63 m 4066.00
40mm HB(G) metal including
Cost and conveyance
Key Walls Above GL of all
3 materials and labour charges, 15.94 7.17 14.35 c 3507.00
centring chares, curing h
4 Filling HBG Stone Chipsetc
2.36 112.46 112.46 i
complete.for Key
mm and in below walls
Providing CC (1:4:8) as per
using s
5 drawing and technical 42.17 18.98 37.95 6832.00
40mm HBG metal
Costruction ofclause 305 3.9
un refinforced
6 MORD and 304 81.68 36.76 73.51 31038.00
dowel jointed forMORTH
CC Road
Filling the shoulders with gravel
7 71.28 85.54
Total : 18.22 71.22 198.00 68.93 73.51 45443.00

Gravel : 18.22 22.00 400.84

Sand : 71.22 40.00 2848.86

Granular Chips 198.00 50.00 9899.80

40 mm Metal : 68.93 50.00 3446.55

40mm & 20-10mm Metal :

20-12mm Chips : 73.51 50.00 3675.60

Total Seignarage charges : 20271.65 20272.00

Cement : 45443.00 Kgs 5.62 255390.00

908.86 Bags

Assistant Engineer
MPP Pedanandipadu



Construction of CC Roads & Drains to Masid to OHSR tank in Kommuru (V) of Kakumanu mandal
Mandal :: Pedanandipadu Grant :: MGNREGS+ 13th Finance GP
Estimate Cost: Rs 10.00 Lakhs
CW01 CW02 CW03 CW04 CW07 CW08 CW09 CW10
05 3

Matrerial Component Others

Cost Cost nior
Wage for for GSB age
Sl II 40mm & For
Description of Item component 20mm & 40mm suppl laying Layin Cha
No. Cement in Sand for Sand for HB 20mm Manho Name
in Rs. 12mm HBG y and and g of rges
Mts filling Mortar G HBG le Board
HBG Chips Metal delive jointing 2.36 mm Laying of Laying of M30 Steel in
Met Metal Stone Dust Gravel cover
ry of of and below 1:4:8 M20 CC in MTs Rs.
pipes pipes pave
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 21
ment 22 23
1 Unsilled labour for Earth work 1926.00 1926.00
exevation and depositing the
soil on banks with an initial
of lift
C.C in (1:3:6)
all soilsmix
etc., 4.07 8.32 16.63 15589.36 72538.65
using 40mm HB(G) metal
including Cost and
Key Walls above of allGL
materials 3.51 7.17 14.35 15949.40 65071.25
and labour charges, centring
chares, curing etc
2 complete.for
Unskilled Keyfor
labour walls
filling 11156.00 11156.00
stone dust
3 Filling HBG Stone Chips 2.36 112.46 85215.44
mm and in below
foundationstrenches as per
4 Provision of Name Board 4282.00 4282.00
drawing and technical
specification clause 305 3.9
5 Providing
MORD and CC (1:4:8)
304 MORTHusing 6.83 18.98 37.95 43662.82 153292.90
40mm HBG metal

6 Costruction of un refinforced 31.04 36.76 73.51 126247.35 470203.67

dowel jointed for CC Road

2 Unskilled labour for filling 7071.00 7071.00

stone dust
7 Filling the shoulders with 71.28 35112.53
Gravel including c

Total : 20153.00 45.44 0.00 71.22 73.51 30.98 37.95 0.00 0.00 112.46 0.00 71.28 0.00 4282.00 75201.58 126247.35 0.00 905869.44

111.96 908.85

112.00 909.00

Cost of each Item 180.00 281.00 794.73 1263.87 1674.09 1418.37 1,245.04 757.74 944.71 492.60

Total cost ; 20160.00 255429.00 0.00 90015.00 123066.00 43938.00 47253.00 85215.00 0.00 35113.00 0.00 4282.00 75201.58 126247.35 0.00 905919.93

Sub - Estimate Cost : 905869.44

. 348705.93
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

Seigniorage Charges 20272.00

Estimate Cost 905869.44

CW 13 - Seigniorage Charges 20272.00

CW 11- Vat @ 5.00 % 32649.00

CW 12- Quality control 4529.00

charges @ 0.50%
Storage&Safe guard of
Materials @2.50%

CW15 - LS amount for

unforeseen items.

TOTAl : 999999.44

Assistant Engineer
MPP Kakumanu

Construction of CC Roads & Drains to Masid to OHSR tank in Kommuru (V) of Kakumanu mandal

Mandal :: Pedanandipadu Grant :: MGNREGS+ 13th Finance GP

Estimate Cost: Rs 10.00 Lakhs

Sl. Measurements Rate
No Discription of Item Nos Qty Amount
L B D unit
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Length of the Road 198 RM

Width of the Road 3.30 RM

1 Unsilled labour for Earth work exevation and depositing the soil on
banks with an initial lead and lift in all soils etc., complete.
for Key Walls 2 198.00 0.23 0.20 18.22
18.22 105.71 1926
2 Laying of C.C (1:3:6) mix using 40mm HB(G) metal including Cost and
conveyance of all materials and labour charges, centring chares, curing
etc complete.for Key walls
Key walls 2 198.00 0.23 0.20 18.22

End walls 2 2.84 0.23 0.20 0.26

18.48 3925.25 72539
3 Laying of C.C (1:3:6) mix using 40mm HB(G) metal including Cost and
conveyance of all materials and labour charges, centring chares, curing
etc complete.for Key walls Above GL
Key walls 2 198.00 0.23 0.175 15.94
15.94 4082.26 65071
4 Filling HBG Stone Chips 2.36 mm and in below foundationstrenches as
per drawing and technical specification clause 305 3.9 MORD and 304

In between Key walls 2 198.00 2.84 0.10 112.46

112.46 757.74 85215

Cum 1 Cum

5 Unsilled labour for filling the stone dust banks with an initial lead and lift
in all soils etc., complete.

2 198.00 2.84 0.10 112.46

112.46 99.20 11156

Cum 1 Cum
6 Providing CC (1:4:8) using 40mm HBG metal including cost and
conveyance of all materials and all labour charges etc., complete.
Under CC Road
1 198.00 2.84 0.075 42.17 3635.12 153293
Sl. Measurements Rate
No Discription of Item Nos Qty Amount
L B D unit
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
7 Costruction of un reinforced dowel jointed at Expansion and construction joint only plain cement
concrete pavement , thicknees as per design over a perpared sub base, with 43 grade cement or any
other type using nominal mix of VCC (1:1.5:3) coarse and fine aggregates conforming to IS :383,
maximum size of course aggregate not less than 0.20 cum capacity and 25m ,MIxied in a concrete
mixer of not less thand 0.20 cum capacity and appropriate weigh batcher using approved mix desigan
laid in approved fixed side from work ( steel channel, laying andfixing the of 125 mircon thick polythene
film, wedges, steel p;ates including levelling the from work per drawing ) spreadiang the concrete with
shovels, rakes, pate vibrators and finished in contunous poeration inclluding provision of contraction
and expansion construction joints curing of concrete slabs for 14days grade as per drwaing and
Technical Specification clause 1501.22 including over haead & contractors prifit but exeluding VAT &
seingnorage charges for Cement Concrete Pavements

1 198.00 3.30 0.125 81.68

81.68 5756.66 470204

Cum 1 Cum
8 Unsilled labour for filling the Gravel with an initial lead and lift in all soils
etc., complete.
2 198.00 0.60 0.30 71.28
71.28 99.20 7071
Cum 1 Cum
9 Filling the shoulders with gravel including cost and cnveyance of all
materialsa and labour charges ete for shoulders
2 198.00 0.60 0.30 71.28

71.28 492.60 35113

Cum 1 Cum
10 Supply and fixing of MS Name Board of size 2’.6”x4’-0'', including
painting and required lettering etc complete

1.00 4281.72 4282


11 Segniorage Charges 20272

12 Provision for VAT Charges @ 5 % 32649

13 Provision for QC Charges @ 0.50% 4529

14 Storage&Safe guard of Materials @2.50% 905870 22647

15 Provision for Unforseen Items 14033

TOTAL: 1000000

Assistant Engineer
MPP Kakumanu
Construction of CC Roads & Drains to Masid to OHSR tank in Kommuru (V) of Kakumanu mandal

Mandal :: Pedanandipadu Grant :: MGNREGS+ 13th Finance GP

Sl. Quantity Unit Description Rate Rs. Per Amount Rs.
1. Earth work excavation and depositing on bank with initial lead and lift in all soils
for sewage pipe line etc., complete. (RSSR rate)
1.00 Cum In BC soils, Red earthy soils 105.71 Cum 105.71
Add 25% MA on Labour charges 0.00
2 Removal of Unsuitable/Unserviceble soil including excavation, loading and
disposal upto 1000 mts lead but excluding compaction ground supporting
RBR- embankment subgrade replacement by suitable soil, which shall be paid
EECD-7 seperately as per clause 303.5.2 as per Technical Specification clause 302.3.11
MORD/301 MORTH - Unit : 1.00 Cum
Takng Out put : 360 Cum
(a) Labour :

2.08 Days Mazdoor ( Unskilled) 320.00 Day 665.60

Add 25% MA on Labour charges 0.00
(b) Machinary :

3.60 Hours Excavator 0.90 Cum bucket Capacity @ 100 Cum/hour 2791.00 10047.60

15.00 Hours Tipper 5.5 Cum Capacity, 4 Trips/hour 909.70 13645.50

Cost for 360 Cum 24358.70
Rate for Cum 67.66

3 Construction of Granular Sub Base using well graded material, spreding in

uniform layers with tractor mounted grader on prepared surface , mixing by mix
in place method with rotovator at OMC and compacting with Smooth whel
roller to achive the desired density , Complete as per technical speficaction
clause 401 of MORD

Taking Output : 300 Cum

(a) Labour :
2.40 Day Mazdoor (Skilled) 320.00 1Cum 768.00

8.00 Day Mazdoor (unSkilled) 320.00 1Cum 2560.00

Add 25% MA on Labour charges 0.00

(b) Machniery :

12.00 Hour Tractor mount grader @ 25 Cum per hour 422.00 Hour 5064.00

30.00 Hour Three wheel 80-100KN Static Roller @10 Cum per hour 1101.00 Hour 33030.00

3.00 Hour Water tanker 6 KL capacity 630.00 Hour 1890.00

12.00 Hour Tractor with rotovator @ 25 cum per hour 422.00 Hour 5064.00

(c) Material :
134.40 Cum 9.5mm - 4.75mm HBG chips ( 35 %) 1100.04 Cum 147845.38
48.00 Cum 4.75mm - 2.36mm HBG chips ( 12.5%) 855.04 Cum 41041.92
201.60 Cum 2.36mm & below HBG chips (52.50%) - Stone dust 750.04 Cum 151208.06

18.00 Kl Water 77.00 Kl 1386.00

Basic rate of grnular sub bsase for 300Cum 389857.36

Rate for Cum 1299.52

4 Filling HBG Stone Chips 2.36 mm and in below foundationstrenches as per
drawing and technical specification clause 305 3.9 MORD and 304 MORTH
HBG Stone Chips 2.36 mm below for filling

Unit = cum

Taking outpuot = 10 cum

a) Labour

day 0.310 Mate

day Mazdoor unskilled 320.00 99.20

0.25 Add 25%MA on Labour 0.00

1.00 b) Material 99.20

Cu.m HBG Stone Chips 2.36 mm below 750.04 750.04

Kl 0.10 Water 77.00 7.70


cost for 1 cum = a+b

5 Costruction of un reinforced dowel jointed at Expansion and construction joint only plain
cement concrete pavement , thicknees as per design over a perpared sub base, with 43
grade cement or any other type using nominal mix of VCC (1:1.5:3) coarse and fine
aggregates conforming to IS :383, maximum size of course aggregate not less than 0.20
cum capacity and 25m ,MIxied in a concrete mixer of not less thand 0.20 cum capacity
and appropriate weigh batcher using approved mix desigan laid in approved fixed side
from work ( steel channel, laying andfixing the of 125 mircon thick polythene film,
RBR- wedges, steel p;ates including levelling the from work per drawing ) spreadiang the
CCPV-5 concrete with shovels, rakes, pate vibrators and finished in contunous poeration
inclluding provision of contraction and expansion construction joints curing of concrete
slabs for 14days grade as per drwaing and Technical Specification clause 1501.22
including over haead & contractors prifit but exeluding VAT & seingnorage charges for
Cement Concrete Pavements

Unit = cum

(a) Labour

5.00 day Mason (1st class) 420.00 1 No 2100.00

5.00 day Mason (2nd class) 375.00 1 No 1875.00

150.00 day Mazdoor (Unskilled) 320.00 1 No 48000.00

6.00 day Mazdoor (Unskilled) 320.00 1 No 1920.00

2.00 day Surveyor 600.00 1 No 0.00

6.00 day Mazdoor (semi-skilled) 320.00 1 No 1920.00

Add 25% MA on Labour charges 0.00

(b) Machinery

Concrete mixer 0.28/0.40 cum capacity (6mixer) with

36.00 hr / cum weight batcger and suitable capacity calibrated water 456.20 1 Hour 16423.20
9.00 hr / cum PlateVibrating Charges 58.00 1 Hour 522.00

9.00 hr / cum Needle Vibrator 175.40 1 Hour 1578.60

5.00 hr / cum Water tanker 6KL capacity 630.00 1 Hour 3150.00

2.00 hr / cum Air Compressor ( 1 hour initial + 1 hour final ) 538.20 1 Hour 0.00

(c) Material

44.55 Cum 20 mm aggregate 1765.04 1 Cum 78632.53

22.95 Cum 12 mm aggregate 1497.54 1 Cum 34368.54

33.75 Cum Coarse Sand for Concrete 1263.87 1 Cum 42655.61

28.50 Tonne Cement @ 350 Kg/Cum 5620.00 1 Tonne 160170.00

600.00 Sqm Cost of Polythene sheet 125 m micron 18.00 Sqm 10800.00

142.50 Lits Plasticizer @ 0.5% by weight of Cement 86.00 1 Lit 12255.00

2.25 Sqm Joint filler board of 20mm thick 630.00 1Sqm 1417.50

18.00 KL Water for curing 77.00 1 Kl 1386.00

(d) Formwork @ 3% on (a+b+c) 419173.98 12575.22

Rate per cum = a+b+c+d+e+f 431749.20

Gravel filling in Side Berms including cost and conveyabce of all materials and
all labour charges etc., complete for encasement of RCC pipes
1.00 Cum Gravel 484.90 1Cum 484.90

0.10 Kl Water 77.00 1Kl 7.70



0.31 day Mazdoor (Unskilled) 320.00 1day 99.20

Add 25% MA on Labour charges 0.00


7 Providng and laying reinforced cement concrete pipe NP3for culverts on first
RBR- class bedding of granular material including fixing collar with cement motarl
PCVT-3 1:2 but excluding excation portection works back filling concrete and masonry
work in head wall and parapets tech specification cluse 1106 MORD


300 mmdia

a) labour

0.110 day Mason (1st Class) 420.00 1day 46.20

0.940 day Mazdoor (unskilled ) 320.00 1day 300.80

Add 20% MA on Labour charges 0.00

Laying & fixing of pipes with colors in position including
lifiting aligning ete

Deduct 20% on Labour charges for 300 MM dia Pipes -69.40

b) Material

0.020 Cum Sand for mortar 1330.87 1Cum 26.62

0.010 t Cement for mortar 5620.00 MT 56.20

7.50 m RCC pipe NP3 with including collar at site 958.15 Rm 7186.13

Cost for 7.50M =(a+b+c+d) 7546.55

Rate per Rm 1006.21

8 RBR- Laying of C.C (1:3:6) mix using 40mm HB(G) metal including Cost and
FNDN- conveyance of all materials and labour charges, centring chares, curing etc
4-1(i) complete.for Key walls
(M10 Grade concrete) Unit - 1 Cum

(a) Material

220.00 Kgs Cement 5620.00 1 MT 1236.40

0.45 Cum Coarse Sand for Concrete 1263.87 1 cum 568.74

0.60 Cum 40mm aggregate 1245.04 1 cum 747.02

0.30 Cum 20mm aggregate 1765.04 1 cum 529.51

1.20 Kl Water 77.00 Kl 92.40


0.40 Hour Concrete Mixer 10/7 cft (0.40/0.28 cum) 456.20 1 No 182.48

0.13 Hour Water Tanker 6 KL capacity 630.00 Hour 81.90

(c) Labour

0.10 Day Mason (1st class) 420.00 1 No 42.00

1.39 Day Mazdoor unskilled 320.00 1 No 444.80

Add 25% MA 0.00

9 RBR- Laying of C.C (1:3:6) mix using 40mm HB(G) metal including Cost and
FNDN- conveyance of all materials and labour charges, centring chares, curing etc
4-1(i) complete.for Key walls Above GL
1.00 Cum Rate for Below GL 3925.25 1Cum 3925.25

Add 4% Scaffolding Charges 157.01

Total 4082.26

Rate for Cum

10 BLD- Laying of C.C (1:4:8) mix using 40mm HBG metal including Cost and
CSTN- conveyance of all materials and labour charges, centring chares, curing etc
2-4 complete (Hand mixing)

Unit - 1 Cum

(a) Material

162.00 Kgs Cement 5620.00 1 MT 910.44

0.45 Cum Coarse Sand for Concrete 1263.87 1 cum 568.74

0.90 Cum 40mm aggregate 1245.04 1 cum 1120.54

1.20 Kl Water 77.00 Kl 92.40

(b) Labour
0.10 Day Mason (1st class) 420.00 1 No 42.00
1.39 Day Mazdoor Unskilled 320.00 1 No 444.80
Add 25% MA on Labour charges 0.00
1.00 Hour Concrete Mixer 10/7 cft (0.40/0.28 cum) 456.20 1 Hour 456.20
Rate for cum = a + b+c 3635.12
Rate for 3635.12

11 Supplying, fitting & placing HYSD bar reinforcement in foundation complete as

SBST-6 per drawings and technical Specifications Clause 1000 and 1202 of MORD &

1100,1600 of MORTH for bars below 36mm dia including overlaps and
wastage, where they are not welded
Unit = tonne
Taking Output 1.000 tonne
1.05 MT HYSD Bars including 5% for overlaps & wastage 34000.00 MT 35700.00
8.00 Kg Binding wire 70.00 Kg 560.00
b)Labour for cutting, bending, shifting to site, tying and
placing in position
10.00 day Blacksmith 420.00 day 4200.00
10.00 day Mazdoor (Un-Skilled) 320.00 day 3200.00
Add 20% MA on Labour charges 0.00
Rate per 1.000 tonne 43660.00
Supply and fixing of MS Name Board of size 2’.6”x4’-0'',
including painting and required lettering etc complete
40mm x 40mm x 5mm size angle sections (weight per
RM 9 3.00 1 RM 27.00
Rm 3.0Kgs)
Sqm 0.93 4' x2'6"x4mm thick MS sheet (weight per Sqmt. 31.40 1 Sqm 29.20
40mm x 40mm x 5mm size angle sections (weight per
Kg 27 41.00 1 Kg 1107.00
Rm 3.0Kgs)
Kg 29.2 4' x2'6"x4mm thick MS sheet (weight per Sqmt. 41.00 1 Kg 1197.20
a) Labour
Kg 56.2 Fabrication charges of steel 22.00 1 Kg 1236.40
Kg 56.2 Labour charges for fixing the board 4.00 1 Kg 224.80
Cum 0.09 b) Earthwork excavation for fixing the name board 105.71 1 Cum 9.51
Cum 0.09 c) CC (1:4:8) mix for fixing of the Name board 3635.12 1 Cum 327.16
Sqm 1.86 d) Painting on Steel Surfaces 91.52 1 Sqm 123.45
Cost of Name of baord 4281.72
12 Providing and applying two coats of ready mix Enamel paint including primer
coat of approved brand on steel surface after through cleaning of surface to
give an even shade as per drawing and Technical Specification Clause

Unit = sqm
Taking output = 10 sqm
a) Labour
0.25 day Mate 420.00 1 day 105.00
0.60 day Painter (1st Class) 420.00 1 day 252.00
0.40 day Mazdoor (Unskilled) 320.00 1 day 128.00
Add MAA @ 25% 0.00
b) Material
0.60 litre Red-oxide Primer as per specifications 142.00 1 litre 85.20
1.25 litre Paint ready mixed approved brand 276.00 1 litre 345.00
Cost for 10 sqm = a+b+c+d 915.20
Rate per sqm = (a+b+c+d)/10 91.52

Assistant Engineer
MPP Pedanandipadu
Work spot Annaparru LEAD STATEMENT
Name of the Work :: Construction of
CC Roads &
Mandal :: Pedanandipadu Drains13th
Grant :: MGNREGS+ to Masid to GP
Finance Estimate Cost :: Rs 10.00 Lakhs
OHSR tank in
Kommuru (V) of Conveyance
Kakumanu mandal Conveyance charges
Machine Add
Sl. Lead charges Excluding Blasting
Name of the Material Source Intial Cost crushing Seigniorag Total
No in Km including 14% 13.615% charges
OHC & CP charges e charges
1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 13 14
1 5 - 7 mm size HBG M/C metal-IRC Boyapalem 36 454.50 504.00 400.04 126.00 70.00 0.00 1100.04

2 2.36mm - 5mm HBG chips Boyapalem 36 454.50 308.00 400.04 77.00 70.00 0.00 855.04
2.36mm & below HBG Stone Chips
3 Boyapalem 36 454.50 350.00 400.04 0.00 750.04
IRC (Stone Dust)

4 40mm HBT Metal SS-5 Boyapalem 36 454.50 620.00 400.04 155.00 70.00 0.00 1245.04

5 20mm HBG Chips SS-5 Boyapalem 36 454.50 1036.00 400.04 259.00 70.00 0.00 1765.04

3 12mm HBG Chips SS-5 Boyapalem 36 454.50 822.00 400.04 205.50 70.00 0.00 1497.54

4 10mm HBG Chips SS-5 Boyapalem 36 454.50 692.00 400.04 173.00 70.00 0.00 1335.04

6 Gravel for blindage Boyapalem 34 433.90 103.00 381.90 0.00 484.90

7 Quary Rubbish Boyapalem 34 433.90 89.00 381.90 0.00 470.90

8 Sand for Mortar Krishna River 64 742.90 677.00 653.87 0.00 1330.87

9 Sand for Concrete Krishna River 64 742.90 610.00 653.87 0.00 1263.87

10 Sand for Filling / Blindage Krishna River 29 380.30 460.00 334.73 0.00 794.73
11 Cement Local - 0.00 5620.00 0.00 5620.00

12 HYSD Steel Local - 0.00 34000.00 0.00 34000.00

13 300 mm RCC NP3 Pipes Guntur 15 52.15 906.00 52.15 958.15

Certified that above rates and leads provided in this Estimate are correct to the best of my knowledge and belief SSR 2015-16

Assistant Engineer
MPP Pedanandipadu


Mandal :: Guntur Rural Grant :: MGNREGS+ 13th Finance GP Estimate Cost :: Rs 6.00 Lakhs

Dasupalem - Chinapalakaluru ZP Road

Anjaneya Swamy Temple

MP Ele School Asst.Engineer

MPP. Guntur Rural

Name of the Lead in Sand for Lead in Gravel or Lead in Lead in Bricks and Lead in VILLAGE
Habitation Sand for filling Km Mortar Km Quarry rubbish Km HBG Metal Km RR Stones Km
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1
AB Palem Ramavagu 8.0 Krishna River 53.4 Boyapalem 15.0 Boyapalem 15.0 Nandivelug 41.4 Perecharla

Annaparru Nakkavagu 2.0 Krishna River 66.0 Boyapalem 25.0 Boyapalem 25.0 Nandivelug 54.0 Perecharla

Annavaram Nallamada 3.0 Krishna River 65.0 Boyapalem 24.0 Boyapalem 24.0 Nandivelug 53.0 Perecharla

GG Palem Ramavagu 9.0 Krishna River 56.0 Boyapalem 16.0 Boyapalem 16.0 Nandivelug 45.0 Perecharla

Gogulamudi Ramavagu 13.0 Krishna River 60.0 Boyapalem 20.0 Boyapalem 20.0 Nandivelug 49.0 Perecharla

Katrapadu Nakkavagu 8.0 Krishna River 67.0 Boyapalem 26.0 Boyapalem 26.0 Nandivelug 55.0 Lam

Kopparru Nakkavagu 5.0 Krishna River 62.0 Boyapalem 11.6 Boyapalem 11.6 Nandivelug 50.0 Perecharla

Nagulapadu Nallamada 7.8 Krishna River 66.0 Boyapalem 25.0 Boyapalem 25.0 Nandivelug 54.0 Perecharla

palaparru Nallamada 8.0 Krishna River 67.0 Boyapalem 25.0 Boyapalem 25.0 Nandivelug 55.0 Perecharla

pamidivaripalem Nakkavagu 15.0 Krishna River 74.0 Boyapalem 33.0 Boyapalem 33.0 Nandivelug 62.0 Perecharla

Pedanandipadu Nakkavagu 6.7 Krishna River 65.0 Boyapalem 24.0 Boyapalem 24.0 Nandivelug 53.0 Perecharla

Pusuluru Nakkavagu 14.0 Krishna River 73.0 Boyapalem 32.0 Boyapalem 32.0 Nandivelug 61.0 Perecharla

Rajupalem Nallamada 1.2 Krishna River 69.0 Boyapalem 27.0 Boyapalem 27.0 Nandivelug 57.0 Perecharla

Ravipadu Ramavagu 10.0 Krishna River 57.0 Boyapalem 17.0 Boyapalem 17.0 Nandivelug 46.0 Perecharla

Uppalapadu Nallamada 3.0 Krishna River 63.0 Boyapalem 21.0 Boyapalem 21.0 Nandivelug 51.0 Perecharla

Varagani Nakkavagu 4.0 Krishna River 63.0 Boyapalem 22.0 Boyapalem 22.0 Nandivelug 51.0 Perecharla

MAA Steel
Cement Sattenapalli

5 6 7 10 11
7 10
6 12
9 14
9 13
12 3
4 14
12 11
9 13
14 5
16 12
8 12
8 11
8 12
8 11
8 12
8 11
Lead Chart SS rate for 15-16
Lead in Metal, Cement Slabs,
Sand, Brick 300NP3 350 450
Km Stone and steel Shahabad
1 31.00 29.90 18.70 44.00 49.80 40.95 44.10 56.70
2 43.40 41.90 26.20 61.60 69.80 40.95 44.10 56.70
3 57.90 57.90 36.20 85.10 93.00 40.95 44.10 56.70
4 70.30 70.30 43.90 103.40 112.90 40.95 44.10 56.70
5 82.70 82.70 51.70 121.60 132.90 40.95 44.10 56.70
6 95.10 95.10 59.50 139.80 152.80 42.07 45.36 58.65
7 107.50 107.50 67.30 158.00 172.70 43.19 46.62 60.60
8 119.90 119.90 75.10 176.20 192.60 44.31 47.88 62.55
9 132.30 132.30 82.90 194.40 212.50 45.43 49.14 64.50
10 144.70 144.70 90.70 212.60 232.40 46.55 50.40 66.45
11 157.10 157.10 98.50 230.80 252.30 47.67 51.66 68.40
12 169.50 169.50 106.30 249.00 272.20 48.79 52.92 70.35
13 181.90 181.90 114.10 267.20 292.10 49.91 54.18 72.30
14 194.30 194.30 121.90 285.40 312.00 51.03 55.44 74.25
15 206.70 206.70 129.70 303.60 331.90 52.15 56.70 76.20
16 219.10 219.10 137.50 321.80 351.80 53.27 57.96 78.15
17 231.50 231.50 145.30 340.00 371.70 54.39 59.22 80.10
18 243.90 243.90 153.10 358.20 391.60 55.51 60.48 82.05
19 256.30 256.30 160.90 376.40 411.50 56.63 61.74 84.00
20 268.70 268.70 168.70 394.60 431.40 57.75 63.00 85.95
21 281.10 281.10 176.50 412.80 451.30 58.87 64.26 87.90
22 293.50 293.50 184.30 431.00 471.20 59.99 65.52 89.85
23 305.90 305.90 192.10 449.20 491.10 61.11 66.78 91.80
24 318.30 318.30 199.90 467.40 511.00 62.23 68.04 93.75
25 330.70 330.70 207.70 485.60 530.90 63.35 69.30 95.70
26 343.10 343.10 215.50 503.80 550.80 64.47 70.56 97.65
27 355.50 355.50 223.30 522.00 570.70 65.59 71.82 99.60
28 367.90 367.90 231.10 540.20 590.60 66.71 73.08 101.55
29 380.30 380.30 238.90 558.40 610.50 67.83 74.34 103.50
30 392.70 392.70 246.70 576.60 630.40 68.95 75.60 105.45
31 403.00 403.00 253.20 591.80 647.00 70.07 76.86 107.40
32 413.30 413.30 259.70 607.00 663.60 71.19 78.12 109.35
33 423.60 423.60 266.20 622.20 680.20 72.31 79.38 111.30
34 433.90 433.90 272.70 637.40 696.80 73.43 80.64 113.25
35 444.20 444.20 279.20 652.60 713.40 74.55 81.90 115.20
36 454.50 454.50 285.70 667.80 730.00 75.67 83.16 117.15
37 464.80 464.80 292.20 683.00 746.60 76.79 84.42 119.10
38 475.10 475.10 298.70 698.20 763.20 77.91 85.68 121.05
39 485.40 485.40 305.20 713.40 779.80 79.03 86.94 123.00
40 495.70 495.70 311.70 728.60 796.40 80.15 88.20 124.95
41 506.00 506.00 318.20 743.80 813.00 81.27 89.46 126.90
42 516.30 516.30 324.70 759.00 829.60 82.39 90.72 128.85
43 526.60 526.60 331.20 774.20 846.20 83.51 91.98 130.80
44 536.90 536.90 337.70 789.40 862.80 84.63 93.24 132.75
45 547.20 547.20 344.20 804.60 879.40 85.75 94.50 134.70
46 557.50 557.50 350.70 819.80 896.00 86.87 95.76 136.65
47 567.80 567.80 357.20 835.00 912.60 87.99 97.02 138.60
48 578.10 578.10 363.70 850.20 929.20 89.11 98.28 140.55
49 588.40 588.40 370.20 865.40 945.80 90.23 99.54 142.50
50 598.70 598.70 376.70 880.60 962.40 91.35 100.80 144.45
51 609.00 609.00 383.20 895.80 979.00 92.47 102.06 146.40
52 619.30 619.30 389.70 911.00 995.60 93.59 103.32 148.35
53 629.60 629.60 396.20 926.20 1012.20 94.71 104.58 150.30
54 639.90 639.90 402.70 941.40 1028.80 95.83 105.84 152.25
55 650.20 650.20 409.20 956.60 1045.40 96.95 107.10 154.20
56 660.50 660.50 415.70 971.80 1062.00 98.07 108.36 156.15
57 670.80 670.80 422.20 987.00 1078.60 99.19 109.62 158.10
58 681.10 681.10 428.70 1002.20 1095.20 100.31 110.88 160.05
59 691.40 691.40 435.20 1017.40 1111.80 101.43 112.14 162.00
60 701.70 701.70 441.70 1032.60 1128.40 102.55 113.40 163.95
61 712.00 712.00 448.20 1047.80 1145.00 103.67 114.66 165.90
62 722.30 722.30 454.70 1063.00 1161.60 104.79 115.92 167.85
63 732.60 732.60 461.20 1078.20 1178.20 105.91 117.18 169.80
64 742.90 742.90 467.70 1093.40 1194.80 107.03 118.44 171.75
65 753.20 753.20 474.20 1108.60 1211.40 108.15 119.70 173.70
66 763.50 763.50 480.70 1123.80 1228.00 109.27 120.96 175.65
67 773.80 773.80 487.20 1139.00 1244.60 110.39 122.22 177.60
68 784.10 784.10 493.70 1154.20 1261.20 111.51 123.48 179.55
69 794.40 794.40 500.20 1169.40 1277.80 112.63 124.74 181.50
70 804.70 804.70 506.70 1184.60 1294.40 113.75 126.00 183.45
71 815.00 815.00 513.20 1199.80 1311.00 114.87 127.26 185.40
72 825.30 825.30 519.70 1215.00 1327.60 115.99 128.52 187.35
73 835.60 835.60 526.20 1230.20 1344.20 117.11 129.78 189.30
74 845.90 845.90 532.70 1245.40 1360.80 118.23 131.04 191.25
75 856.20 856.20 539.20 1260.60 1377.40 119.35 132.30 193.20
76 866.50 866.50 545.70 1275.80 1394.00 120.47 133.56 195.15
77 876.80 876.80 552.20 1291.00 1410.60 121.59 134.82 197.10
78 887.10 887.10 558.70 1306.20 1427.20 122.71 136.08 199.05
79 897.40 897.40 565.20 1321.40 1443.80 123.83 137.34 201.00
80 907.70 907.70 571.70 1336.60 1460.40 124.95 138.60 202.95
81 918.00 918.00 578.20 1351.80 1477.00 126.07 139.86 204.90
82 928.30 928.30 584.70 1367.00 1493.60 127.19 141.12 206.85
83 938.60 938.60 591.20 1382.20 1510.20 128.31 142.38 208.80
84 948.90 948.90 597.70 1397.40 1526.80 129.43 143.64 210.75
85 959.20 959.20 604.20 1412.60 1543.40 130.55 144.90 212.70
86 969.50 969.50 610.70 1427.80 1560.00 131.67 146.16 214.65
87 979.80 979.80 617.20 1443.00 1576.60 132.79 147.42 216.60
88 990.10 990.10 623.70 1458.20 1593.20 133.91 148.68 218.55
89 1000.40 1000.40 630.20 1473.40 1609.80 135.03 149.94 220.50
90 1010.70 1010.70 636.70 1488.60 1626.40 136.15 151.20 222.45
91 1021.00 1021.00 643.20 1503.80 1643.00 137.27 152.46 224.40
92 1031.30 1031.30 649.70 1519.00 1659.60 138.39 153.72 226.35
93 1041.60 1041.60 656.20 1534.20 1676.20 139.51 154.98 228.30
94 1051.90 1051.90 662.70 1549.40 1692.80 140.63 156.24 230.25
95 1062.20 1062.20 669.20 1564.60 1709.40 141.75 157.50 232.20
96 1072.50 1072.50 675.70 1579.80 1726.00 142.87 158.76 234.15
97 1082.80 1082.80 682.20 1595.00 1742.60 143.99 160.02 236.10
98 1093.10 1093.10 688.70 1610.20 1759.20 145.11 161.28 238.05
99 1103.40 1103.40 695.20 1625.40 1775.80 146.23 162.54 240.00
100 1113.70 1113.70 701.70 1640.60 1792.40 147.35 163.80 241.95
101 1124.00 1124.00 708.20 1655.80 1809.00 148.47 165.06 243.90
102 1134.30 1134.30 714.70 1671.00 1825.60 149.59 166.32 245.85
103 1144.60 1144.60 721.20 1686.20 1842.20 150.71 167.58 247.80
104 1154.90 1154.90 727.70 1701.40 1858.80 151.83 168.84 249.75
105 1165.20 1165.20 734.20 1716.60 1875.40 152.95 170.10 251.70
106 1175.50 1175.50 740.70 1731.80 1892.00 154.07 171.36 253.65
107 1185.80 1185.80 747.20 1747.00 1908.60 155.19 172.62 255.60
108 1196.10 1196.10 753.70 1762.20 1925.20 156.31 173.88 257.55
109 1206.40 1206.40 760.20 1777.40 1941.80 157.43 175.14 259.50
110 1216.70 1216.70 766.70 1792.60 1958.40 158.55 176.40 261.45
111 1227.00 1227.00 773.20 1807.80 1975.00 159.67 177.66 263.40
112 1237.30 1237.30 779.70 1823.00 1991.60 160.79 178.92 265.35
113 1247.60 1247.60 786.20 1838.20 2008.20 161.91 180.18 267.30
114 1257.90 1257.90 792.70 1853.40 2024.80 163.03 181.44 269.25
115 1268.20 1268.20 799.20 1868.60 2041.40 164.15 182.70 271.20
116 1278.50 1278.50 805.70 1883.80 2058.00 165.27 183.96 273.15
117 1288.80 1288.80 812.20 1899.00 2074.60 166.39 185.22 275.10
118 1299.10 1299.10 818.70 1914.20 2091.20 167.51 186.48 277.05
119 1309.40 1309.40 825.20 1929.40 2107.80 168.63 187.74 279.00
120 1319.70 1319.70 831.70 1944.60 2124.40 169.75 189.00 280.95
121 1330.00 1330.00 838.20 1959.80 2141.00 170.87 190.26 282.90
122 1340.30 1340.30 844.70 1975.00 2157.60 171.99 191.52 284.85
123 1350.60 1350.60 851.20 1990.20 2174.20 173.11 192.78 286.80
124 1360.90 1360.90 857.70 2005.40 2190.80 174.23 194.04 288.75
125 1371.20 1371.20 864.20 2020.60 2207.40 175.35 195.30 290.70
126 1381.50 1381.50 870.70 2035.80 2224.00 176.47 196.56 292.65
127 1391.80 1391.80 877.20 2051.00 2240.60 177.59 197.82 294.60
128 1402.10 1402.10 883.70 2066.20 2257.20 178.71 199.08 296.55
129 1412.40 1412.40 890.20 2081.40 2273.80 179.83 200.34 298.50
130 1422.70 1422.70 896.70 2096.60 2290.40 180.95 201.60 300.45
131 1433.00 1433.00 903.20 2111.80 2307.00 182.07 202.86 302.40
132 1443.30 1443.30 909.70 2127.00 2323.60 183.19 204.12 304.35
133 1453.60 1453.60 916.20 2142.20 2340.20 184.31 205.38 306.30
134 1463.90 1463.90 922.70 2157.40 2356.80 185.43 206.64 308.25
135 1474.20 1474.20 929.20 2172.60 2373.40 186.55 207.90 310.20
136 1484.50 1484.50 935.70 2187.80 2390.00 187.67 209.16 312.15
137 1494.80 1494.80 942.20 2203.00 2406.60 188.79 210.42 314.10
138 1505.10 1505.10 948.70 2218.20 2423.20 189.91 211.68 316.05
139 1515.40 1515.40 955.20 2233.40 2439.80 191.03 212.94 318.00
140 1525.70 1525.70 961.70 2248.60 2456.40 192.15 214.20 319.95
141 1536.00 1536.00 968.20 2263.80 2473.00 193.27 215.46 321.90
142 1546.30 1546.30 974.70 2279.00 2489.60 194.39 216.72 323.85
143 1556.60 1556.60 981.20 2294.20 2506.20 195.51 217.98 325.80
144 1566.90 1566.90 987.70 2309.40 2522.80 196.63 219.24 327.75
145 1577.20 1577.20 994.20 2324.60 2539.40 197.75 220.50 329.70
146 1587.50 1587.50 1000.70 2339.80 2556.00 198.87 221.76 331.65
147 1597.80 1597.80 1007.20 2355.00 2572.60 199.99 223.02 333.60
148 1608.10 1608.10 1013.70 2370.20 2589.20 201.11 224.28 335.55
149 1618.40 1618.40 1020.20 2385.40 2605.80 202.23 225.54 337.50
150 1628.70 1628.70 1026.70 2400.60 2622.40 203.35 226.80 339.45
151 1639.00 1639.00 1033.20 2415.80 2639.00 204.47 228.06 341.40
152 1649.30 1649.30 1039.70 2431.00 2655.60 205.59 229.32 343.35
153 1659.60 1659.60 1046.20 2446.20 2672.20 206.71 230.58 345.30
154 1669.90 1669.90 1052.70 2461.40 2688.80 207.83 231.84 347.25
155 1680.20 1680.20 1059.20 2476.60 2705.40 208.95 233.10 349.20
156 1690.50 1690.50 1065.70 2491.80 2722.00 210.07 234.36 351.15
157 1700.80 1700.80 1072.20 2507.00 2738.60 211.19 235.62 353.10
158 1711.10 1711.10 1078.70 2522.20 2755.20 212.31 236.88 355.05
159 1721.40 1721.40 1085.20 2537.40 2771.80 213.43 238.14 357.00
160 1731.70 1731.70 1091.70 2552.60 2788.40 214.55 239.40 358.95
161 1742.00 1742.00 1098.20 2567.80 2805.00 215.67 240.66 360.90
162 1752.30 1752.30 1104.70 2583.00 2821.60 216.79 241.92 362.85
163 1762.60 1762.60 1111.20 2598.20 2838.20 217.91 243.18 364.80
164 1772.90 1772.90 1117.70 2613.40 2854.80 219.03 244.44 366.75
165 1783.20 1783.20 1124.20 2628.60 2871.40 220.15 245.70 368.70
166 1793.50 1793.50 1130.70 2643.80 2888.00 221.27 246.96 370.65
167 1803.80 1803.80 1137.20 2659.00 2904.60 222.39 248.22 372.60
168 1814.10 1814.10 1143.70 2674.20 2921.20 223.51 249.48 374.55
169 1824.40 1824.40 1150.20 2689.40 2937.80 224.63 250.74 376.50
170 1834.70 1834.70 1156.70 2704.60 2954.40 225.75 252.00 378.45
171 1845.00 1845.00 1163.20 2719.80 2971.00 226.87 253.26 380.40
172 1855.30 1855.30 1169.70 2735.00 2987.60 227.99 254.52 382.35
173 1865.60 1865.60 1176.20 2750.20 3004.20 229.11 255.78 384.30
174 1875.90 1875.90 1182.70 2765.40 3020.80 230.23 257.04 386.25
175 1886.20 1886.20 1189.20 2780.60 3037.40 231.35 258.30 388.20
176 1896.50 1896.50 1195.70 2795.80 3054.00 232.47 259.56 390.15
177 1906.80 1906.80 1202.20 2811.00 3070.60 233.59 260.82 392.10
178 1917.10 1917.10 1208.70 2826.20 3087.20 234.71 262.08 394.05
179 1927.40 1927.40 1215.20 2841.40 3103.80 235.83 263.34 396.00
180 1937.70 1937.70 1221.70 2856.60 3120.40 236.95 264.60 397.95
181 1948.00 1948.00 1228.20 2871.80 3137.00 238.07 265.86 399.90
182 1958.30 1958.30 1234.70 2887.00 3153.60 239.19 267.12 401.85
183 1968.60 1968.60 1241.20 2902.20 3170.20 240.31 268.38 403.80
184 1978.90 1978.90 1247.70 2917.40 3186.80 241.43 269.64 405.75
185 1989.20 1989.20 1254.20 2932.60 3203.40 242.55 270.90 407.70
186 1999.50 1999.50 1260.70 2947.80 3220.00 243.67 272.16 409.65
187 2009.80 2009.80 1267.20 2963.00 3236.60 244.79 273.42 411.60
188 2020.10 2020.10 1273.70 2978.20 3253.20 245.91 274.68 413.55
189 2030.40 2030.40 1280.20 2993.40 3269.80 247.03 275.94 415.50
190 2040.70 2040.70 1286.70 3008.60 3286.40 248.15 277.20 417.45
191 2051.00 2051.00 1293.20 3023.80 3303.00 249.27 278.46 419.40
192 2061.30 2061.30 1299.70 3039.00 3319.60 250.39 279.72 421.35
193 2071.60 2071.60 1306.20 3054.20 3336.20 251.51 280.98 423.30
194 2081.90 2081.90 1312.70 3069.40 3352.80 252.63 282.24 425.25
195 2092.20 2092.20 1319.20 3084.60 3369.40 253.75 283.50 427.20
196 2102.50 2102.50 1325.70 3099.80 3386.00 254.87 284.76 429.15
197 2112.80 2112.80 1332.20 3115.00 3402.60 255.99 286.02 431.10
198 2123.10 2123.10 1338.70 3130.20 3419.20 257.11 287.28 433.05
199 2133.40 2133.40 1345.20 3145.40 3435.80 258.23 288.54 435.00
200 2143.70 2143.70 1351.70 3160.60 3452.40 259.35 289.80 436.95
201 2154.00 2154.00 1358.20 3175.80 3469.00 260.47 291.06 438.90
202 2164.30 2164.30 1364.70 3191.00 3485.60 261.59 292.32 440.85
203 2174.60 2174.60 1371.20 3206.20 3502.20 262.71 293.58 442.80
204 2184.90 2184.90 1377.70 3221.40 3518.80 263.83 294.84 444.75
205 2195.20 2195.20 1384.20 3236.60 3535.40 264.95 296.10 446.70
206 2205.50 2205.50 1390.70 3251.80 3552.00 266.07 297.36 448.65
207 2215.80 2215.80 1397.20 3267.00 3568.60 267.19 298.62 450.60
208 2226.10 2226.10 1403.70 3282.20 3585.20 268.31 299.88 452.55
209 2236.40 2236.40 1410.20 3297.40 3601.80 269.43 301.14 454.50
210 2246.70 2246.70 1416.70 3312.60 3618.40 270.55 302.40 456.45
211 2257.00 2257.00 1423.20 3327.80 3635.00 271.67 303.66 458.40
212 2267.30 2267.30 1429.70 3343.00 3651.60 272.79 304.92 460.35
213 2277.60 2277.60 1436.20 3358.20 3668.20 273.91 306.18 462.30
214 2287.90 2287.90 1442.70 3373.40 3684.80 275.03 307.44 464.25
215 2298.20 2298.20 1449.20 3388.60 3701.40 276.15 308.70 466.20
216 2308.50 2308.50 1455.70 3403.80 3718.00 277.27 309.96 468.15
217 2318.80 2318.80 1462.20 3419.00 3734.60 278.39 311.22 470.10
218 2329.10 2329.10 1468.70 3434.20 3751.20 279.51 312.48 472.05
219 2339.40 2339.40 1475.20 3449.40 3767.80 280.63 313.74 474.00
220 2349.70 2349.70 1481.70 3464.60 3784.40 281.75 315.00 475.95
221 2360.00 2360.00 1488.20 3479.80 3801.00 282.87 316.26 477.90
222 2370.30 2370.30 1494.70 3495.00 3817.60 283.99 317.52 479.85
223 2380.60 2380.60 1501.20 3510.20 3834.20 285.11 318.78 481.80
224 2390.90 2390.90 1507.70 3525.40 3850.80 286.23 320.04 483.75
225 2401.20 2401.20 1514.20 3540.60 3867.40 287.35 321.30 485.70
226 2411.50 2411.50 1520.70 3555.80 3884.00 288.47 322.56 487.65
227 2421.80 2421.80 1527.20 3571.00 3900.60 289.59 323.82 489.60
228 2432.10 2432.10 1533.70 3586.20 3917.20 290.71 325.08 491.55
229 2442.40 2442.40 1540.20 3601.40 3933.80 291.83 326.34 493.50
230 2452.70 2452.70 1546.70 3616.60 3950.40 292.95 327.60 495.45
231 2463.00 2463.00 1553.20 3631.80 3967.00 294.07 328.86 497.40
232 2473.30 2473.30 1559.70 3647.00 3983.60 295.19 330.12 499.35
233 2483.60 2483.60 1566.20 3662.20 4000.20 296.31 331.38 501.30
234 2493.90 2493.90 1572.70 3677.40 4016.80 297.43 332.64 503.25
235 2504.20 2504.20 1579.20 3692.60 4033.40 298.55 333.90 505.20
236 2514.50 2514.50 1585.70 3707.80 4050.00 299.67 335.16 507.15
237 2524.80 2524.80 1592.20 3723.00 4066.60 300.79 336.42 509.10
238 2535.10 2535.10 1598.70 3738.20 4083.20 301.91 337.68 511.05
239 2545.40 2545.40 1605.20 3753.40 4099.80 303.03 338.94 513.00
240 2555.70 2555.70 1611.70 3768.60 4116.40 304.15 340.20 514.95
241 2566.00 2566.00 1618.20 3783.80 4133.00 305.27 341.46 516.90
242 2576.30 2576.30 1624.70 3799.00 4149.60 306.39 342.72 518.85
243 2586.60 2586.60 1631.20 3814.20 4166.20 307.51 343.98 520.80
244 2596.90 2596.90 1637.70 3829.40 4182.80 308.63 345.24 522.75
245 2607.20 2607.20 1644.20 3844.60 4199.40 309.75 346.50 524.70
246 2617.50 2617.50 1650.70 3859.80 4216.00 310.87 347.76 526.65
247 2627.80 2627.80 1657.20 3875.00 4232.60 311.99 349.02 528.60
248 2638.10 2638.10 1663.70 3890.20 4249.20 313.11 350.28 530.55
249 2648.40 2648.40 1670.20 3905.40 4265.80 314.23 351.54 532.50
250 2658.70 2658.70 1676.70 3920.60 4282.40 315.35 352.80 534.45

Loading 17.30 34.60 47.60

Unloading 8.65 17.30 47.60
RCC Pipes
RCC Pipes
600 700 900 1000
Pipes Dia Initial
Cost Sand Cement
93.45 103.95 163.80 197.40 300 906.00 300 2.5 2.6
93.45 103.95 163.80 197.40 350 1117.00 350 3.5 3.6
93.45 103.95 163.80 197.40 450 1412.00 450 4 6
93.45 103.95 163.80 197.40 600 2309.00 600 5 7
93.45 103.95 163.80 197.40 700 2870.00 750
97.79 108.99 173.30 206.90 900 4764.00 900
102.13 114.03 182.80 216.40 1000 5917.00 1000
106.47 119.07 192.30 225.90
110.81 124.11 201.80 235.40
115.15 129.15 211.30 244.90
119.49 134.19 220.80 254.40
123.83 139.23 230.30 263.90
128.17 144.27 239.80 273.40
132.51 149.31 249.30 282.90
136.85 154.35 258.80 292.40
141.19 159.39 268.30 301.90
145.53 164.43 277.80 311.40
149.87 169.47 287.30 320.90
154.21 174.51 296.80 330.40
158.55 179.55 306.30 339.90
162.89 184.59 315.80 349.40
167.23 189.63 325.30 358.90
171.57 194.67 334.80 368.40
175.91 199.71 344.30 377.90
180.25 204.75 353.80 387.40
184.59 209.79 363.30 396.90
188.93 214.83 372.80 406.40
193.27 219.87 382.30 415.90
197.61 224.91 391.80 425.40
201.95 229.95 401.30 434.90
206.29 234.99 410.80 444.40
210.63 240.03 420.30 453.90
214.97 245.07 429.80 463.40
219.31 250.11 439.30 472.90
223.65 255.15 448.80 482.40
227.99 260.19 458.30 491.90
232.33 265.23 467.80 501.40
236.67 270.27 477.30 510.90
241.01 275.31 486.80 520.40
245.35 280.35 496.30 529.90
249.69 285.39 505.80 539.40
254.03 290.43 515.30 548.90
258.37 295.47 524.80 558.40
262.71 300.51 534.30 567.90
267.05 305.55 543.80 577.40
271.39 310.59 553.30 586.90
275.73 315.63 562.80 596.40
280.07 320.67 572.30 605.90
284.41 325.71 581.80 615.40
288.75 330.75 591.30 624.90
293.09 335.79 600.80 634.40
297.43 340.83 610.30 643.90
301.77 345.87 619.80 653.40
306.11 350.91 629.30 662.90
310.45 355.95 638.80 672.40
314.79 360.99 648.30 681.90
319.13 366.03 657.80 691.40
323.47 371.07 667.30 700.90
327.81 376.11 676.80 710.40
332.15 381.15 686.30 719.90
336.49 386.19 695.80 729.40
340.83 391.23 705.30 738.90
345.17 396.27 714.80 748.40
349.51 401.31 724.30 757.90
353.85 406.35 733.80 767.40
358.19 411.39 743.30 776.90
362.53 416.43 752.80 786.40
366.87 421.47 762.30 795.90
371.21 426.51 771.80 805.40
375.55 431.55 781.30 814.90
379.89 436.59 790.80 824.40
384.23 441.63 800.30 833.90
388.57 446.67 809.80 843.40
392.91 451.71 819.30 852.90
397.25 456.75 828.80 862.40
401.59 461.79 838.30 871.90
405.93 466.83 847.80 881.40
410.27 471.87 857.30 890.90
414.61 476.91 866.80 900.40
418.95 481.95 876.30 909.90
423.29 486.99 885.80 919.40
427.63 492.03 895.30 928.90
431.97 497.07 904.80 938.40
436.31 502.11 914.30 947.90
440.65 507.15 923.80 957.40
444.99 512.19 933.30 966.90
449.33 517.23 942.80 976.40
453.67 522.27 952.30 985.90
458.01 527.31 961.80 995.40
462.35 532.35 971.30 1004.90
466.69 537.39 980.80 1014.40
471.03 542.43 990.30 1023.90
475.37 547.47 999.80 1033.40
479.71 552.51 1009.30 1042.90
484.05 557.55 1018.80 1052.40
488.39 562.59 1028.30 1061.90
492.73 567.63 1037.80 1071.40
497.07 572.67 1047.30 1080.90
501.41 577.71 1056.80 1090.40
505.75 582.75 1066.30 1099.90
510.09 587.79 1075.80 1109.40
514.43 592.83 1085.30 1118.90
518.77 597.87 1094.80 1128.40
523.11 602.91 1104.30 1137.90
527.45 607.95 1113.80 1147.40
531.79 612.99 1123.30 1156.90
536.13 618.03 1132.80 1166.40
540.47 623.07 1142.30 1175.90
544.81 628.11 1151.80 1185.40
549.15 633.15 1161.30 1194.90
553.49 638.19 1170.80 1204.40
557.83 643.23 1180.30 1213.90
562.17 648.27 1189.80 1223.40
566.51 653.31 1199.30 1232.90
570.85 658.35 1208.80 1242.40
575.19 663.39 1218.30 1251.90
579.53 668.43 1227.80 1261.40
583.87 673.47 1237.30 1270.90
588.21 678.51 1246.80 1280.40
592.55 683.55 1256.30 1289.90
596.89 688.59 1265.80 1299.40
601.23 693.63 1275.30 1308.90
605.57 698.67 1284.80 1318.40
609.91 703.71 1294.30 1327.90
614.25 708.75 1303.80 1337.40
618.59 713.79 1313.30 1346.90
622.93 718.83 1322.80 1356.40
627.27 723.87 1332.30 1365.90
631.61 728.91 1341.80 1375.40
635.95 733.95 1351.30 1384.90
640.29 738.99 1360.80 1394.40
644.63 744.03 1370.30 1403.90
648.97 749.07 1379.80 1413.40
653.31 754.11 1389.30 1422.90
657.65 759.15 1398.80 1432.40
661.99 764.19 1408.30 1441.90
666.33 769.23 1417.80 1451.40
670.67 774.27 1427.30 1460.90
675.01 779.31 1436.80 1470.40
679.35 784.35 1446.30 1479.90
683.69 789.39 1455.80 1489.40
688.03 794.43 1465.30 1498.90
692.37 799.47 1474.80 1508.40
696.71 804.51 1484.30 1517.90
701.05 809.55 1493.80 1527.40
705.39 814.59 1503.30 1536.90
709.73 819.63 1512.80 1546.40
714.07 824.67 1522.30 1555.90
718.41 829.71 1531.80 1565.40
722.75 834.75 1541.30 1574.90
727.09 839.79 1550.80 1584.40
731.43 844.83 1560.30 1593.90
735.77 849.87 1569.80 1603.40
740.11 854.91 1579.30 1612.90
744.45 859.95 1588.80 1622.40
748.79 864.99 1598.30 1631.90
753.13 870.03 1607.80 1641.40
757.47 875.07 1617.30 1650.90
761.81 880.11 1626.80 1660.40
766.15 885.15 1636.30 1669.90
770.49 890.19 1645.80 1679.40
774.83 895.23 1655.30 1688.90
779.17 900.27 1664.80 1698.40
783.51 905.31 1674.30 1707.90
787.85 910.35 1683.80 1717.40
792.19 915.39 1693.30 1726.90
796.53 920.43 1702.80 1736.40
800.87 925.47 1712.30 1745.90
805.21 930.51 1721.80 1755.40
809.55 935.55 1731.30 1764.90
813.89 940.59 1740.80 1774.40
818.23 945.63 1750.30 1783.90
822.57 950.67 1759.80 1793.40
826.91 955.71 1769.30 1802.90
831.25 960.75 1778.80 1812.40
835.59 965.79 1788.30 1821.90
839.93 970.83 1797.80 1831.40
844.27 975.87 1807.30 1840.90
848.61 980.91 1816.80 1850.40
852.95 985.95 1826.30 1859.90
857.29 990.99 1835.80 1869.40
861.63 996.03 1845.30 1878.90
865.97 1001.07 1854.80 1888.40
870.31 1006.11 1864.30 1897.90
874.65 1011.15 1873.80 1907.40
878.99 1016.19 1883.30 1916.90
883.33 1021.23 1892.80 1926.40
887.67 1026.27 1902.30 1935.90
892.01 1031.31 1911.80 1945.40
896.35 1036.35 1921.30 1954.90
900.69 1041.39 1930.80 1964.40
905.03 1046.43 1940.30 1973.90
909.37 1051.47 1949.80 1983.40
913.71 1056.51 1959.30 1992.90
918.05 1061.55 1968.80 2002.40
922.39 1066.59 1978.30 2011.90
926.73 1071.63 1987.80 2021.40
931.07 1076.67 1997.30 2030.90
935.41 1081.71 2006.80 2040.40
939.75 1086.75 2016.30 2049.90
944.09 1091.79 2025.80 2059.40
948.43 1096.83 2035.30 2068.90
952.77 1101.87 2044.80 2078.40
957.11 1106.91 2054.30 2087.90
961.45 1111.95 2063.80 2097.40
965.79 1116.99 2073.30 2106.90
970.13 1122.03 2082.80 2116.40
974.47 1127.07 2092.30 2125.90
978.81 1132.11 2101.80 2135.40
983.15 1137.15 2111.30 2144.90
987.49 1142.19 2120.80 2154.40
991.83 1147.23 2130.30 2163.90
996.17 1152.27 2139.80 2173.40
1000.51 1157.31 2149.30 2182.90
1004.85 1162.35 2158.80 2192.40
1009.19 1167.39 2168.30 2201.90
1013.53 1172.43 2177.80 2211.40
1017.87 1177.47 2187.30 2220.90
1022.21 1182.51 2196.80 2230.40
1026.55 1187.55 2206.30 2239.90
1030.89 1192.59 2215.80 2249.40
1035.23 1197.63 2225.30 2258.90
1039.57 1202.67 2234.80 2268.40
1043.91 1207.71 2244.30 2277.90
1048.25 1212.75 2253.80 2287.40
1052.59 1217.79 2263.30 2296.90
1056.93 1222.83 2272.80 2306.40
1061.27 1227.87 2282.30 2315.90
1065.61 1232.91 2291.80 2325.40
1069.95 1237.95 2301.30 2334.90
1074.29 1242.99 2310.80 2344.40
1078.63 1248.03 2320.30 2353.90
1082.97 1253.07 2329.80 2363.40
1087.31 1258.11 2339.30 2372.90
1091.65 1263.15 2348.80 2382.40
1095.99 1268.19 2358.30 2391.90
1100.33 1273.23 2367.80 2401.40
1104.67 1278.27 2377.30 2410.90
1109.01 1283.31 2386.80 2420.40
1113.35 1288.35 2396.30 2429.90
1117.69 1293.39 2405.80 2439.40
1122.03 1298.43 2415.30 2448.90
1126.37 1303.47 2424.80 2458.40
1130.71 1308.51 2434.30 2467.90
1135.05 1313.55 2443.80 2477.40
1139.39 1318.59 2453.30 2486.90
1143.73 1323.63 2462.80 2496.40
1148.07 1328.67 2472.30 2505.90
1152.41 1333.71 2481.80 2515.40
1156.75 1338.75 2491.30 2524.90
Mason(1st Class)
RATES OF MATERIALS 2015-2016 SoR w.e.f 13-08-2014
Page SoR S No Name of the Material Rate
P-7 35 1 1st Class Painter 480.00
P-6 1 2 1st Class Barbender 490.00
P-6 11 3 1st Class Mason, Brick Layer, Carpentor, Blacksmith 420.00
P-8 35 4 2nd Class Mason, Brick Layer, Carpentor, Blacksmith, painter & Mate 375.00
P-8 3 5 Man / Women Mazdoor 320.00
P-256 4 6 Diploma Engineer / Surveyor 600.00
7 S/F of 125 Microns thick polythene Sheet by EE,PR. Markapur 18.00
P-13 1 8 Rough Stone for Masonary OTG 160.00
P-13 2 9 225mm thick Revetment stone 144.00
P-13 3 10 300mm thick Apron stone 164.00
P-13 12 11 Rough Stone for Masonary Granite, Trap 252.00
P-16 45 12 HBG /HBT MORTH 2.36mm to 5 mm 308.00
P16/14 46/25 13 HBG /HBT MORTH 5 to 7 mm 504.00
47/26 14 HBG /HBT MORTH 9.5 to 11.2mm 656.00
P16/15 48/27 15 HBG /HBT MORTH 12 to 14mm 780.00
49/28 16 HBG /HBT MORTH 19 to 22mm 984.00
50/29 17 HBG /HBT MORTH 25 to 27mm 944.00
51/30 18 HBG /HBT MORTH 40 to 45mm 588.00
P17/15 52/31 19 HBG /HBT MORTH 50 to 55mm 456.00
53/32 20 HBG /HBT MORTH 60 to 63mm 419.00
54/33 21 HBG /HBT MORTH 65mm 379.00
55/34 22 HBG /HBT MORTH 75mm 304.00
P-15 36 23 Add Rs 70-00 towards Blasting charges item S No 12 to 22 70.00
P-18 79 24 Soling Stone 150mm Granite, Trap 95.00
P-18 81 25 Soling Stone 150mm OTG 66.00
P-18 90 26 Gravel 103.00
P-18 91 27 Quarry Rubbish 89.00
P-18 92 28 HBG Stone Chips 2.36 mm and below / Stone Dust 350.00
P-19 93 29 Sand for Mortar, Plastering, Ceiling coat including washing & Screening 677.00
P-19 94 30 Sand for Concrete 610.00
P-19 95 31 Sand for Filling, Blindage 460.00
P-19 100 32 Shell Lime Slaked and Screened 987.00
P-19 101 33 White Cement 36.00
P-20 109 34 Clearing of Heavy Jungle 3.20
P-20 110 35 Clearing of Light Jungle 2.80
P-20 112 36 Clearing Juliflora(prosafts) jungle including uprooting&removing of Juliflora stumps 4.40
P-20 113 37 Uprooting&Removing of stumps of other kinds of trees includi stacking of girth 30-100cm 21.00
BMT-A.01 38 Clay Bricks 23 X 11 X 7 cm Non-Modular or Traditional size 5200.00
BMT-A.02 39 -do- 19 X 9 X 9 cm Modular or Traditional size 5850.00
BMT-A.03 40 Fly Ash Cement / Lime Solid Blocks 290 X 225 X 140 mm size 25.00
BMT-B.01 41 Kadapa slab 40mm thick not less than 0.457X0.457M 96.00
BMT-B.02 42 -do- 50mm thick 110.00
BMT-B.06 43 Black Polished Kadapa stone slab minimum 15mm th (0.457X0.457M) 1379.00
BMT-B.07 44 White Polished Betamcherla Marble minim 25mm th (0.254X0.254M) 3859.00
BMT-B.08 45 Bethamcherla Polished coloured minimum 25mm th (0.254X0.254M) 2756.00
BMT-C.01 46 Ceramic Floor Tiles of not less than 7.3mm thick
BMT-C.15 47 Vitrified Polished Floor Glossy finish Tiles of size not < 598X598X8mm thi
BMT-C.16 48 Vitrified Polished Floor Regular finish Tiles of size not < 598X598X8mm thi
BMT-E.01 49 Medium Teakwood Scantlings/Frames Size upto 2M Rs 80094.00 / M3 2268.00
BMT-E.04 50 -do- Shutters or Planks any thickness Rs 160189-00 / M3 4536.00
BMT-E.05 51 Best Teakwood Scantlings/Frames Sizes upto 2M Rs 137941-00 / M3 3906.00
BMT-E.08 52 -do- Shutters or Planks any thickness Rs 173539-00 / M3 4915.00
BMT-E.15 53 Sal Wood Scantlings or Frames or Sizes any length Rs 51994-00 / M3 1472.00
BMT-E.16 54 -do- Shutters or Planks any thickness Rs 69327-00 / M3 1963.00
BMT-F.07 55 Galvanized Steel Barbed wire Type A IOWA / Type B Glidden 82.00
BMT-F.18 56 Galvanized Iron Fly Proof wire mesh of not less than 20 gauge 217.00
BMT-F.28 57 Rabbit wire Mesh (Chicken Mesh) of not less than 30 gauge 17.00
BMT-G.08 58 Alluminium Tower bolt 150mm long 114.00
BMT-H.01 59 Impervious Water Proofing Powder Compound (Accoproof)
BMT-H.64 60 Concrete Plasticizers
BMT-H.94 61 Bitumen Solution primer
BMT-H.95 62 Tar Felt Rain seal Felt / Zorifelt BT Sheet Type 2 Grade I
BMT-J.01 63 Cement Primer of interior Grade I 165.00
BMT-J.02 64 Cement Primer of exterior Grade 2 210.00
BMT-J.03 65 Red Oxide iron Primer Paint for iron works Grade 1 142.00
BMT-J.05/06 66 Wood Primer or Metal Paste (Putty) for Steel Work 158.00
BMT-J.08 67 White Lead 118.00
BMT-J.11 68 Linseed Oil 63.00
BMT-J.21 69 Oil Bound Washable Distemper 90.00
BMT-J.23 70 Synthatic polymer Laxuary Plastic Emulsion Paint 473.00
BMT-J.25 71 Synthatic Polymer acrylic Exterior Plastic Emulsion Paint 196.00
BMT-J.24 71 Water proof Cement Paint of Snowcem 53.00
BMT-J.26 72 Water Proof Cement Paint Pack Snowcem Powder Rs 1375-00 / 25Kg 55.00
BMT-J.27 73 Paint Grade White lime for wash Suryacem Powder Rs 600-00 / 25Kg 24.00
BMT-J.30 74 Synthatic Enamil Paint Grade I in all shades 276.00
BMT-J.40 75 Wall Putty of White Cement Rs 875-00 / 20Kg 43.75
BMT-M.37 76 Thermocole Supply 12 mm thick 26.00
BMT-M.53 77 Supplying & Fixing of Plaster of Paris board 12mm thick 441.00
BMT-N.48 78 Supplying & Fixing of Fly Mesh Shutters of size 20X40mm FFM with SS
BMT-U.02 79 Joint filler Board 20mm thick 902.00
BMM-V.14 80 Labour charges Fabricating steel works,window Grills Excluding fixing 24.00
BMM-V.15 81 Labour charges for Fixing Window Grills in position 4.00
BMS-W.15 82 Cement Jali 25mm thick for Ventilators 226.00
BMS-W.20 83 Mastic Pad (0.60 X 1.2 M) of 1" or 25.4mm thick 991.00
BMS-W.21 84 Mastic Pad (0.60 X 1.2 M) of 1/2" or 12.7mm thick 568.00
BMS-W.45 85 Roofing with 0.5mm thick GI Profiled sheets fixed to Purlins 799.00
BMW-F.75 86 S & F of Nominal Bore 40mm ϕ GI Pipe Light Grade 436.00
P-85 A 87 Footings SC (Mat 277 + Lab 473 ) = 750-00 Wooden Centering=Nil -
P-85 C 88 Pedastals, Pile Cap Steel Centering (Mat 315 + Lab 753 ) 1068.00
P-85 D 89 Plinth beam Steel Centering (Mat 1335 + Lab 1141 ) 2476.00
P-85 E 90 Lintels SC (Mat 1133+Lab 1211) = 2344 WC (Mat 760+Lab 953) = 1713.00
P-85 F 91 Sunshades SC (Mat 224+Lab 186)= 410-00 WC (Mat 150+Lab 146) = 296.00
P-85 G 92 Columns SC (Mat 341+Lab 1700)= 2041-00 WC (Mat 229+Lab 1338)= 1567.00
P-85 H 93 Beams SC (Mat 2002+Lab 1426)= 3428-00WC (Mat 1342+Lab 1122)= 2464.00
P-85 I 94 Slab upto 150mm th SC (Mat 227+Lab 162)=389 WC (Mat 152+Lab 127)= 279.00
P-85 J 95 Slab 150-300mm SC (Mat 233+Lab 166)= 399 WC (Mat 156+Lab 131)= 284.00
P-85 A 96 Scaffolding over Basement Brick/Stone Masonary (Mat 9.93 +Lab 61.83)= 71.76
P-86 A 97 Scaffolding over Basement for Plastering to Walls (Mat 0.99 + Lab 6.18= 7.17
P-86 A 98 Scaffolding over Basement for Ceiling Plastering (Mat 2.37 + Lab 12.55)= 14.92
P-11 2 99 Asphalt 80/100 grade 46.00
P-11 3 100 Binding wire 70.00
P-12 15 101 Curing Compound 130.00
P-13 37 102 GI Pipe 80mm ϕ B Class 490.00
P-13 41 103 Hectometer Stone one line dressed 250.00
P-13 51 104 Kilometer Stone one line dressed 475.00
P-13 61 105 PVC Pipe of 100mm φ 175.00
P-14 70 106 Super Plasticizer 86.00
P-14 72 107 Synthatic adhesive ( Resin+ Hardener ) 360.00
P-14 73 108 Tar felt joint filler board 12mm thick 420.00
P-14 74 109 Tar felt joint filler board 20mm thick 630.00
P-14 80 110 Water proofing Compound 75.00
P-16 14 111 MS Pipe 32mm φ 185.00
P-22 4 112 Diesel 57.00
P-23 10 113 Petrole 69.00
P-25 M011 114 Fly Ash Confirming to IS 3812 72.00
P-28 M063 115 Barbed wire 80.00
P-29 M092 116 Earth Cost excluding Seigniorage 40.00
P-29 M097 117 Epoxy Primer 613.00
P-29 M098 118 Epoxy Resin - hardener mix for Prime Coat 633.00
P-34 M188 119 Un Slaked Lime 2616.00
P-34 M189 120 Water Charges Rs 103-00 in Urban Area and in Rural Area 77.00
P-34 M192 121 Chain Link Wire Mesh 8 Gauge (3mm) 2"X2" ( 50mm X 50mm ) 252.00
P-35 5 122 Thinner 140.00
Per Reference
Day R & Bridge works
Day R & Bridge works
Day R & Bridge works
Day R & Bridge works
Day R & Bridge works
Day labour wages
1 M2
1 M3 Material & Work
1 M3 Material & Work
1 M3
1 M3
1 M3
1 M3 6 mm (SS 5) 532.00
1 M3 10 mm (SS 5) 692.00
1 M3 12 mm (SS 5) 822.00
1 M3 20 mm (SS 5) 1036.00
1 M3 25 mm (SS 5) 994.00
1 M3 40 mm (SS 5) 620.00
1 M3 50 mm (SS 5) 456.00
1 M3 60 mm (SS 5) 419.00
1 M3 65 mm (SS 5) 379.00
1 M3 75 mm (SS 5) 304.00
1 M3 Material & Work
1 M3 Material & Work
1 M3 Material & Work
1 M3 Material & Work
1 M3 Material & Work
1 M3 Material & Work
1 M3 Material & Work
1 M3 Material & Work
1 M3 Material & Work
1 M3 Material & Work
1 Kg Material & Work
1 M2 Material & Work
1 M2 Material & Work
1 M2 Material & Work
Each Material & Work
1000 No Blg
1000 No Blg
Each Blg
1 M2 Blg
1 M2 Blg 8821
10 M2 Blg 4410.5
10 M2 Blg
10 M2 Blg
1 M2 Blg
1 M2
1 M2 2-3M
1 Cft 3402.00 2268.262
1 Cft
1 Cft 4411.00 4914.624
1 Cft Blg
1 Cft Blg
1 Cft Blg
1 Kg Blg
1 M2 Blg
1 M2 Blg
Each Blg
1 Kg Blg
1 Liter Blg
1 Kg Blg
1 M2 Blg
1 Kg Blg
1 Kg Blg
1 Liter Blg
1Lt / 1Kg Blg
1 Kg Blg
1 Liter Blg
1 Kg Blg
1 Liter Blg
1Litre Blg
1 Kg Blg
1 Kg Blg
1 Kg Blg
1 Liter Blg
1 Kg Blg
1 M2 Blg
1 M2 Blg
1 M2 Blg
1 M2 Blg
1 kg Blg
1 kg Blg
1 M2 Blg
1 M2 Blg
1 M2 Blg
1 M2 Blg
1 RM Water Supply
1 M3 Blg
WC Nil 1 M3
WC Nil 1 M3
1 M3 Blg
1 M2 Blg
1 M3 Blg
1 M3 Blg
1 M2 Blg
1 M2 Blg
1 M2 Blg
1 M2 Blg
1 M2 Blg
1 Kg Basic input Data
1 Kg Basic input Data
1 Liter Basic input Data
1 RM Basic input Data
Each Basic input Data
Each Basic input Data
1 RM Basic input Data
1 Kg Basic input Data
1 Kg Basic input Data
1 M2 Basic input Data
1 M2 Basic input Data
1 Kg Basic input Data
1 RM Basic input Data
1 Liter Basic input Data
1 Liter Basic input Data
1 M3 Basic input Data
1 Kg Basic input Data
1 M3 Basic input Data
1 Kg Basic input Data
1 Kg Basic input Data
1 Ton Basic input Data
1 KLt Basic input Data
1 Kg Basic input Data
1 Liter Basic input Data
Hire charges of Plant & Machinery for 15-16 w.e.f 28-08-15
Page Ref N Item of the work Rate Per
per Day
P-25 8 1 Hire charges of Power roller per day of 8 hours 1101x8 8808.00 Day
WBM Roads & Other Roads
P-22 160 1 Loose 50 mm Compacted to 40mm thick(1.5") 740 Sqm 185.00 11.90 10 M2
P-23 161 2 Loose 75 mm Compacted to 50mm thick (2") 650 Sqm 210.00 135.51 10 M2
P-23 162 3 Loose 100 mm Compacted to 75mm thick (3") 560 Sqm 231.00 157.29 10 M2
P-23 163 4 Loose 133 mm Compacted to 100mm thick (4") 490 Sqm 248.80 179.76 10 M2
5 Soling 150mm thick (6" thick) 42.5 Cum 1 M3
6 EW or Gravel or Sand Gravel Mix compaction 425 Cum 207.25 10 M3
BT Work & Other Bituminous Pavements
1 BTSD or BTWC or Mix Seal surfacing 465 Sqm 10 M2
2 Bituminous Macadam/Built up Spray grout 50mm thick 280 Sqm 10 M2
3 BTSC or Single coat BTSD with dry chips 930 Sqm 10 M2
4 Asphaltic concrete 40mm thick (1.5") 125 Sqm
5 Bituminous Macadam 75mm thick (3") 200 Sqm
6 Sands seal coat or Pre Mixed Seal coat 930 Sqm
7 Semi-Dense Bituminous concrete 25mm thick 372 Sqm
8 Filling big pot holes or bitumenous built up Spray grout 15 Cum
9 Filling small pot holes with pre Mixed stone aggregates 9.30 Cum
10 Lean Bitumenous macadam/Dense bitumenous macada 14 Cum
P-6 7 1 Conveyance of Bitumen for Packed Rs 1.75 / KM per MT
P-6 7 2 Conveyance of Bitumen for Bulk Rs 1.50 / KM per MT (Round the Trip Rs 3.00)
P-25 2 1 Dozar D 50 1649.00 Hour
P-25 3 2 Mortor Grader 3220.00 Hour
P-25 4 3 Hydraulic Excavator 2791.00 Hour
P-25 6 4 Tipper 5 Cum / 5.5 Cum 909.70 Hour
P-25 7 5 Vibratory Roller 8 Tonne 2609.10 Hour
P-25 8 6 Road Roller Diesel 10 Tonne/Smooth wheel roller 1101.00 Hour
P-25 9 7 Water tanker 8000 Liters 865.50 Hour
P-25 10 8 Water tanker 6000 Liters 630.00 Hour
P-25 11 9 Tractor Pulling 415.00 Hour
P-25 12 10 Tractor with Rotavator Scarifying 422.00 Hour
P-25 14 11 Air Compressor General purpose 538.20 Hour
P-26 16 12 Mechanical Broom Hydraulic Surface Cleaning 375.00 Hour
P-26 18 13 Emulsion pressure distributor applying emulsion tack coat 860.00 Hour
P-26 21 14 Hot Mix Plant 60 TPH Capacity 21700.00 Hour
P-26 23 15 Paver Finisher hydostatic with sensor controle100 TPH 3060.00 Hour
P-26 29 16 Bitumen boiler oil fired for Bitumen Spraying 219.00 Hour
P-27 38 17 Concrete Mixer 0.28 Cum 456.20 Hour
P-27 38 18 Concrete Mixer 1.00 Cum 620.00 Hour
P-28 43 19 Generator 30 KVA 816.80 Hour
P-28 48 20 Plate Compactor 58.00 Hour
P-43 40 21 Needle Vibrator 40mm (Petrole) 175.40 Hour
300mm 350mm 450mm 600mm
RCC Pipes Rate / 1M
ϕ ϕ ϕ ϕ

P-20 1 RCC NP 3 Plain ended Pipes intial cost 906.00 1117.00 1412.00 2309.00
P-21 2 RCC NP 3 Collors intial cost Each 142.00 176.00 267.00 417.00
P-26 3 Conveyance charges for NP3 P/E Pipes upto 5KM 40.95 44.10 56.70 93.45
Rate for every addl 1 Km lead or part thereof 1.12 1.26 1.95 4.34
P-22 4 RCC NP 3 Socket and Spigot Pipes intial cost 1049.00 1635.00 2623.00
P-27 5 Conveyance charges for NP 3 S/S Pipes upto 5KM 46.00 68.00 101.00
Rate for every addl 1 Km lead or part thereof 1.45 3.15 4.84
P-58 6 PVC Pressure Pipes 20mm ϕ 10 Kg /cm2 16.00 1M

Mate & Work 119.027027

Mate & Work 135.507692
Mate & Work 157.285714
Mate & Work 179.755102


R & Bridge works

R & Bridge works





















Machine Hire
700/750 900mm 1000mm
mm ϕ ϕ ϕ

2870.00 4764.00 5917.00

561.00 832.00 1040.00
103.95 163.80 197.40
5.04 9.50 9.50
“Specification Report" and "General Report"
N/W: Construction of CC Roads & Drains to Masid to OHSR tank in Kommuru (V) of
Kakumanu mandal
Grant MGNREGS+13th Finance Estimate Cost : Rs 10.00 Lakhs
(A). Necessity of the Work :
An Amount of Rs 234049/- was sanctioned under MGNREGS & GP funds vide Progs RC No.
T3/PR/MGNREGS/G.O. No. 58/CC Roads/2015 Dt. 30.09.2015 of District Collector & District
Programm Co Ordinator, MGNREGS ,Guntur.
v The above said internal village roads are badly damaged and it is very much inconvenient for
moving of vehicles, particularly in rainy season.
v Hence, the present detailed estimate is prepared for obtaining necessary technical Sanction from
competent authority.
(B). Provisions made in the present Estimate:
Unsilled labour for Earth work exevation and depositing the soil on banks with an initial lead and
lift in all soils etc., complete.
Unskilled labour for filling sand in sewer line including all labour charges etc., complete
Providing CC (1:4:8) using 40mm HBG metal including cost and conveyance of all materials and
all labour charges etc., complete.
Provision RCCName(1:2:4)
Boardusing 20mm HBG metal including cost and conveyance of all materials
and all labourofcharges
Costruction etc., complete.
un refinforced dowel jointed at Expansion and construction joint only plain
cement concrete pavement , thicknees as per design over a perpared sub base ,w with 43 grade
cement or any other type as per clause 1501.22 VCC (1:2:4) coarse and fine aggregates
conforming ot is :383 maximum size of coarse aggregate not less than 0.20 cum capacity and 25m
,MIxied ina concret capacity and appropriate weigh batcher using approved mix design,

Provisions are made for the Quality Control (QC) Charges @ 0.50%, Insurance Charges @ 0.50%
and VAT Charges @ 5% on the value of the work proposed for execution.
Provision is also made for unforeseen items of the work.
The present estimate is prepared as per the current Common Standard Schedule of Rates 2015-
The rates of Cement and Steel are adopted as per the current rates fixed.
The amount of seignioarage charges of materials are not included in the datas and are included in
the estimate by separate calculation in a sheet, which was enclosed to the estimate.
Further, the data for CC Pavement is adopted as per AP Revised Standard Data.
The work has to be executed as per the standards of the Andhra Pradesh Detailed Standard
Specifications (APDSS).

Assistant Engineer
MPP Pedanandipadu

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