2011maud MS309

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Municipal Administration & Urban Development Department VGTM UDA, Divisional Office, Guntur Change of land use from Local Commercial use to Residential use in D.No.73/C of Nallapadu, Main Road, Syamala Nagar, Guntur city and Guntur District to an extent of 655.10 Sq.Mtrs - Draft variation Notification Confirmation Orders Issued. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATION & URBAN DEVELOPMENT (I2) DEPARTMENT G.O.Ms.No. 309 Dated.01.08.2011 Read the following:-

1. From the VC, VGTMUDA, Divisional Office, Guntur Lr.Rc.No. E118/2011, Dt.26.03.2011. 2. Govt.Memo.7952/I2/2011, Dated.07.07.2011. **** O R D E R: The draft variation to the Zonal Development Plan of Guntur City issued in Government memo 2nd read above was published in the Extraordinary issue of Andhra Pradesh Gazette No.348, Part-I, dated.14.07.2011. No objections and suggestions have been received from the public within the stipulated period. It is reported by the Vice Chairman, Vijayawada, Guntur, Tenali, Mangalagiri Urban Development Authority, Divisional Office, Guntur that the applicant has paid an amount of Rs.26,300/- (Rupees Twenty Six Thousand and Three Hundreds only) towards development charges. Hence, the draft variation is confirmed. The appended notification shall be published in an Extraordinary issue of Andhra Pradesh Gazette, dated.04.08.2011. (BY ORDER AND IN THE NAME OF THE GOVERNOR OF ANDHRA PRADESH) B.SAM BOB PRINCIPAL SECRETARY TO GOVERNMENT(UD) To The Commissioner of Printing, Stationery & Stores Purchase, Hyderabad. The Vice-Chairman, Vijayawada, Guntur, Tenali, Mangalagiri Urban Development Authority, Vijayawada. Copy to: The applicant through the Vice-Chairman, VGTM UDA, Vijayawada. The Special Officer and Competent Authority, Urban Land Ceiling, Guntur. The District Collector, Guntur. Sf/Sc. // FORWARDED :: BY ORDER // APPENDIX NOTIFICATION SECTION OFFICER

In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (2) of section 12 of the Andhra Pradesh Urban Areas (Development)Act, 1975(Act-I of 1975), the Government hereby makes the following variation to the Zonal Development Plan of Guntur City, the same having been previously published in Extraordinary issue of Andhra Pradesh Gazette No.348, Part-I, dated.14.07.2011 as required by sub-section (3) of the said section. 2

:: 2 :: VARIATION The site under reference measuring to an extent of 655.10 Sq.mts is falling in D.No.73/C of Nallapadu Village, Syamala Nagar, Mainroad of Guntur city and Guntur District. The boundaries of which are given in the schedule below and which was earmarked for Local Commercial use in the Zonal Development Plan of Guntur sanctioned in G.O.Ms.No. 688, M.A., dated: 30.12.2006, is designated as Residential Use as shown in Modification to the Zonal Development Plan vide M.Z.D.P.No. 06/2011/CITY/GNT which is available in the office of the Vijayawada-Guntur-Tenali-Mangalagiri Urban Development Authority, Divisional Office, Guntur, subject to the following conditions: 1. that the title and Urban Land Ceiling / Agricultural land ceiling aspect shall be scrupulously examined by the concerned authorities i.e., Urban Development Authorities / Municipal Corporations / Municipalities before issue of building permission / development permission, and it must be ensured that the best financial interests of the Government are preserved. 2. that the above change of land use is subject to the condition that may be applicable under the Urban Land Ceiling, Act, 1976 and A.P. Agriculture Ceiling Act. 3. the owners / applicants are solely responsible for any misrepresentation with regard to ownership / title, Urban Land Ceiling Clearances etc. The owners / applicants shall be responsible for any damage claimed by any one on account of change of land use proposed. 4. the change of land use shall not be used as the proof of any title of the land. 5. the change of land use shall not be used as the sole reason for obtaining exemption from the provisions of Urban Land Ceiling Act, 1976. 6. The applicant shall bring the building inconformity with rules before approaching the VGTM UDA for regular permission. 7. The applicant should hand over the road affected portion to Guntur Municipal Corporation at free of cost by way of Registered Gift deed.

8. any other conditions as may be imposed by Vice-Chairman, Vijayawada,

Guntur, Tenali, Mangalagiri Urban Development Authority, Vijayawada. SCHEDULE Site falling in D.No.73(P) of Nallapadu Village, Syamala Nagar, Main Road, Guntur Mandal, Guntur District. SOUTH : Site falling in D.No.73(P) of Nallapadu Village, Syamala Nagar, Main Road, Guntur Mandal, Guntur District. EAST : Site falling in D.No.73(P) of Nallapadu Village, Syamala Nagar, Main Road, Guntur Mandal, Guntur District. WEST : Existing 33-0 to 34-0 wide Syamala Nagar Main Road widening to 40-0 wide road as per ZDP and the site falling in D.No.73(P) of Nallapadu Village, Syamala Nagar, Main Road, Guntur Mandal, Guntur Town, Guntur District. B. SAM BOB PRINCIPAL SECRETARY TO GOVERNMENT(UD) NORTH :


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