100 Top Science Trivia Questions and Answers
100 Top Science Trivia Questions and Answers
100 Top Science Trivia Questions and Answers
1. What is the unit measurement for the activity of a radioactive source? The Becqueral
(Bq). 1 Bq = 1 disintegration per second
2. If you mix all light colours, do you get black, white or a rainbow? White. Technically
adding all colours of light together is called colour addition.
3. How many separate patents did Thomas Edison file? 1093!
4. Is a white gold ring pure gold? White gold is usually an alloy of gold and a white metal
such as silver and palladium. Nickel is no longer used due to skin allergies. What is ‘fools
gold’? Iron pyrite crystals.
5. What is the symbol for Silver? Ag
6. What does ATP stand for? Adenosine triphosphate, the molecule that is used for energy
by all cells
7. What survives impacting Earth’s surface; a meteor, a meteorite or an asteroid?
8. What is the strongest known magnet in the Universe? A Neutron Star
9. Which is the hottest planet in the solar system? Venus, surface temperature 460oC
10. How far is the moon away from Earth? Around 376 600 km away.
11. Where does sound travel faster; water or air? Water.
12. What is opposite to matter? Antimatter.
13. Do have the same number of neck vertebrae as giraffe’s? Yes.
14. How much salt does the average human body contain? Around 250 grams.
15. If I kept walking in a straight line on a flat surface with no visible features, is it
possible to walk in circles eventually? People often favor one leg over the other. It is
possible that over time the discrepancy between the two leg strides may indeed cause
you to walk in circles.
16. Why do bubbles pop? They get too dry from the surrounding air.
17. What is the Law of Conservation of Energy? The energy of the Universe is constant; it
can neither be created or destroyed but only transferred and transformed.
18. True or false – there are 206 bones in an adult human body and 300 bones in an
infants body? True. Some bones in infants skulls have not yet fused together.
19. True or false- most of the dust in your home is made of human skin? True – up to
20. Can you lick your elbow? No. Now be honest, did you try?
21. If you go into space, do you get taller? Yes, the cartilage disks in your spine expand
under zero gravity.
22. What does a manometer measure? The pressure of a closed system.
23. What is the unit measurement for the activity of a radioactive source? The Becqueral
(Bq). 1 Bq = 1 disintegration per second
24. If you mix all light colours, do you get black, white or a rainbow? White. Technically
adding all colours of light together is called colour addition.
25. How many separate patents did Thomas Edison file? 1093!
See also: 100 Hard Trivia Questions and Answers
26. What type of organism makes up the oldest known fossil?Blue-green algae from
South Africa at 3.2 billion years old.
27. What does the Scoville Heat Unit Scale measure?The heat of chilies
28. Is a tomato a fruit or vegetable?A fruit.
29. Why do bubbles pop? They get too dry from the surrounding air.
30. What is the Law of Conservation of Energy? The energy of the Universe is constant; it
can neither be created or destroyed but only transferred and transformed.
31. What is the name given to planets outside our solar system? Extrasolar planets
32. Which is the rarest blood type in humans? AB negative. <1% of the population
33. Why does eyesight change as you get older? The eye’s lens continues to grow
throughout life, becoming thicker and less transparent.
34. True or false; nitroglycerine can be used to treat heart attacks? True. It dilates blood
35. What Australian timber made the London docks?Turpentine; Syncarpia glomulifera
36. What is Xylem?The hollow woody tissue in plants that carries water and minerals
from the roots to throughout the entire plant
37. What is the scientific name of a Sydney Blue Gum?Eucalyptus saligna
38. Where is the largest known meteorite crater on Earth? Vredefort Ring in South Africa,
299km diameter!
39. What causes an Aurora? Charged particles from solar wind
40. What temperature and pressure is needed to convert graphite into a diamond? 3000
degrees celsius and 100,000 atmospheres. That’s 10132500 kPA, at least 20,000 times
more pressure than the pressure inside the average bike tire!
41. What is a buret? A long tube of glass usually marked in 0.1mL units that’s equipped
with a stopcock for the controlled addition of a liquid to a receiving flask
42. What is the hardest substance in the human body? Tooth enamel.
43. What is trepanning? An ancient form of medicine which involved making holes in
human skull to relieve pressure; don’t try at home!
44. What is the longest type of cell in the body? The nerve cell (neuron).
45. What does bile do in you body? Emulsify fats in the small intestine
46. Which is the only metal that is liquid at room temperature? Mercury (melting point of
-38.87 deg Celsius). Room temperature is usually defined as 25 deg. Celsius. Gallium
gets close to also melting at room temperature > it’s melting temperature is 29.78 deg.
Celsius… almost made it!
47. Who invented the first battery? Count Alessandro Volta
48. What is a Pyrogen? A substance that causes fever.
49. Where would you find your pinna? It’s your outer ear (the bit you see made out of
50. Who has more hair follicles, blondes or brunettes? Blondes.
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