Design of Transformer Foundation PDF

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Design of PitWall for Transformer

Design Parameters
1 Height of Embankment 'h' 1.25 m
2 Bulk density of soil 'w' 17.5 kN/m3
3 Angle of repose $ 30 Degree
Net Allowable bearing capacity
4 'p' ( At a depth of 1.25m ) 1.25 50 kN/m2
5 Hort. Force 'F' 20 kN
Permissible Stresses
1 Stress in Conc. @cb 5.00 N/mm2
2 Stress in Steel. @st 230 N/mm2
3 Q 0.87
4 j 0.87
5 m 18 m/sec

1 Overall depth of wall 'H' 1.55 M
2 Thickness of base slab 129.17 mm
3 Adopt Thickness of base slab 0.20 M
4 Length of Boundary wall 1.00 M
5 Width of base slab 0.78 M
6 Provided width 'b' 1.36 M
7 Toe Projection 0.45 Kg
say 0.45 M

Calculation of self weight

1 Wt. of Footings 1 1.00 1.36 0.20 0.27 25.0 6.8 KN
2 Wt. of Wall 1 1.00 0.15 1.55 0.23 25.0 5.8125 KN
3 Wt. of Earth 1 1.00 0.45 1.25 0.56 17.5 9.84375 KN
22.45625 KN
Vert. Load 'P' 22.46 KN
Provided Base size 1.00 1.36 1.36 Sqm
Net Upward Pressure 16.51 kN/sqm OK

Design of Wall
Cp = [ 1-sin$/1+sin$] 0.33
Max. B.M. in wall Cp. W h3/6 12.500 14.40 kN-m
Effective depth of wall reqd. 129 mm
Provide eff. Depth 145 mm
Overall depth 170 mm

Area of Steel reqd. 496.26 mm2

Min. steel reqd 255 mm2
Spacing of 10mm dia bars 78.50 158.181719 mm

Provide 10mm dia bars @

150mm c/c on both face of
wall as vert. reinf.

Dist. Steel 0.00 255.00

Spacing of 8mm dia bars 50.27 197.137255 2

Provide 8mm dia bars @

200mm c/c on both face of
wall as hort. reinf.

Check for Stability

Zxx 1.36 1.00 1.00 6 0.23 Cum
Area of Foundation A 1.36 1.00 1.36 Sqm
P 2245.63 Kg
Moment 1439.89 Kg-m
Distance of point of application of resultant 'Z' 0.64 m
eccentricity 'e' Z-b/2 -0.04
b/6 0.23
e<b/6 OK
P/A 1651.19 Kg/sqm
M/Z 6352.44 Kg/sqm
Pmax 8003.64 Kg/sqm 80.04 KN/sqm OK less than G
Pmin -4701.25 Kg/sqm -47.01 KN/sqm

Max. projection of fdn 0.450 M

Moment 80.04 0.450 0.450 2.00 8.10 kN-m

Provide overall depth of 200 Mm Eff.depth 150 Mm

Ast Required 12.16 1000000 / 0.87 150 230

12155525.48 / 30015

404.98 Mm2
Min. Area of steel reqd. 0.15% 300.00 mm2
Spacing of 10mm dia bars 78.5 1000 / 404.98 193.84 Mm
Say 175 Mm
Provide 10mm dia bars @ 175mm Longitudinal at bottom & top

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Provide 8mm dia bars @ 200mm bothways at top

Design of 200mm thick PitWall

Design of Wall
Cp = [ 1-sin$/1+sin$] 0.33
Max. B.M. in wall Cp. W h3/6 20.000 31.83 kN-m
Effective depth of wall reqd. 190 mm
Provide eff. Depth 225 mm
Overall depth 250 mm

Area of Steel reqd. 706.96 mm2

Min. steel reqd 375 mm2
Spacing of 12mm dia bars 113.10 159.981159 mm

Provide 12mm dia bars @

150mm c/c on both face of
wall as vert. reinf.

Dist. Steel 0.00 375.00

Spacing of 10mm dia bars 78.50 209.333333

Provide 10mm dia bars @

200mm c/c on both face of
wall as hort. reinf.

Design of Main Block

Calculation of Weight
1 Weight from equipment 3320 kN
2 Wt. of footinf 6.65 3.726 2 49.56 25 1238.90 kN
8.15 7 0.3 17.12 25 427.875 kN
3 Wt. from walls 10 0.3 2 6 25 150 kN
Total 5136.77 kN
Area of footing provided 8.15 7 57.05 57.05 m2

Earth pressure 90.04 kN/m2

Max. Projection of footing 0.75 m

Max. B.M. 25.32 kN-m
Eff. Depth reqd. 170 mm

Provided Overall depth 250 mm

Effective depth provided 200 mm

Area of steel reqd.along X-axis 632.78 mm2

Spacing of 12mm dia bars along X - axis 113.097 178.731527 mm
say 175 mm c/c
Provide 12mm dia bars @ 175 mm c/c bothways at bottom and 10 dia @ 200 c/c bothways at top

Provide 16mm dia bars @ 150 mm c/c as vert. reinf in periphery of main block & 10 mm dia bars @ 150 mm c/c as hori. Reinf

Design of Foundation for COOLING BANK

Calculation of Weight
1 Weight from equipment 80 kN
2 Wt. of footinf 25 0 kN
2.8 0.7 0.25 0.49 25 12.25 kN
3 Wt. from walls 2.5 0.4 2.05 2.05 25 51.25 kN
Total 143.5 kN
Area of footing provided 2.8 0.7 1.96 1.96 m2

Earth pressure 73.21 kN/m2

Max. Projection of footing 0.175 m

Max. B.M. 1.12 kN-m
Eff. Depth reqd. 35 mm

Provided Overall depth 200 mm

Effective depth provided 150 mm

Area of steel reqd.along X-axis 37.35 mm2

Spacing of 10mm dia bars along X - axis 78.5 2101.68 mm
say 650 mm c/c
Provide 10mm dia bars @ 200 mm c/c bothways at bottom and 10 dia @ 200 c/c bothways at top

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Gross BC

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