AMEER HAMZA Job Proposal - ENI - K-3 - WBC Job - Jan16

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SPRINT Oil and Gas Services

Job Proposal for K-03

Wellbore Cleanout
Prepared by Saqib Jah Temuri Technical Engineer
Reviewed by Mustansar Raza Sr. Technical Engineer
Eni Approval ________________ ________________________

Proposal Ref # JP-CTSTN2TT/Eni-0116-012

January 20, 2016

Attn: Mr. Umar Khalid

Production Optimisation Engineer- Eni Pakistan

Cc: Mr. Franco Giuseppe

Drilling & Completion Superintendent- Eni Pakistan Limited

Subject: Job Proposal for Wellbore Cleanout at K-03

Sprint Oil & Gas Services FZC appreciates being given the opportunity to submit the Job Proposal for the
above mentioned work based on the data forwarded by Eni. The document includes:

 Well Data Sheet & Schematic

 Treatment Selection & Recipe
 N2 Calculations
 BHA Selection
 Rig Up Schematic
 Detailed Job Procedure
 TT Tools Brochures
Important Notes:

 S/L got tag at 3,192 m during RIH with 2.4” Tool. Cleanout shall be performed from 3,192 m to
3,485 m.

 After analysis of previous job, Sprint recommends to perform wellbore cleanout with SRA-10. In
case penetration is not achieved, it is recommended to soak wellbore with 10 bbl SRA-10 for half
hour and continue penetration scale with brine/acid.

 2-1/8” Rotary Jetting Tool (spin-cat) with 1.75” CT shall be used for clean out with an aim to achieve
efficient jetting with bigger OD tool.

 ETA of 2-1/8” Spin-Cat in country is 3 weeks from the date of go-ahead of operation.

 In case penetration is not achieved with jetting tool, milling run shall be performed with 2.25” Flat
Bottom Mill, using 2-1/8” Milling BHA.

 H2S Scavenger shall be used at concentration of 08 gal/1000 gal with all pumping fluids. Friction
reducer may be used if high circulation pressures are achieved at required pumping rates.

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 5500 Gallons of LN2 shall be required for this operation.

 1.75” CT shall be used for clean out operation.

Moreover, a 40- M Ton Certified Crane with appropriate Slings and Shackles would be required to carry out
this operation.

Please feel free to contact if you require any further assistance. Finally, please accept all our appreciation and

Sincerely Yours,

Saqib Jah Temuri

Technical Engineer
Sprint Oil & Gas Services FZC
Mob: +92 300 0559856

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Job Objective ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 5

Well Data Sheet .................................................................................................................................................................................. 5

Well Schematic ................................................................................................................................................................................... 7

Treatment Selection ............................................................................................................................................................................ 8

Nitrogen Calculations .......................................................................................................................................................................... 8

Chemical Recipe ................................................................................................................................................................................ 9

BHA Selection .................................................................................................................................................................................. 10

Rig-Up Schematic ............................................................................................................................................................................ 12

Detailed Job Procedure .................................................................................................................................................................... 13

Job Procedure for Wellbore Cleanout with Rotary Jetting BHA ................................................................ 13

Job Procedure for Wellbore Cleanout with Milling BHA ............................................................................ 16

Sprint Thru Tubing Tools Brochure .................................................................................................................................................... 20

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 To perform wellbore cleanout with an aim to gauge hole with a bigger OD for subsequent e-line
perforation run.


Well Name K-3

Type of Well Development Well

Formation Sandstone

3,381.3 – 3,384.8mRT (3.5 m)

H2S 15-20 ppm


Gas Production after WBC 9 MMscf/day (FWHP = 1,500 psi)

Gas Production 4 MMscf/day

Flowing BHP N/A

Formation Pressure 2,700 psi

BHT 350 °F

S/L Tagged Depth 3,192 m

Plug Depth 3,485 m

Top Connection 5-1/8” 10K Flange

Minimum ID 2.562”

Tubing 3.5” Tubing 2.992” ID

3.5” Tubing Capacity 0.008696 bbl/ft

3.5” Tubing Volume ± 100 bbl

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CT Size 1.75” OD tapered CT

CT Tapered Details 1.75"x0.145 (0-7950')

1.75"x0.156" (7950'- 10940')

1.75"x0.175" (10940'-17500')

CT Internal Volume 35 bbl

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Interval to be cleaned out = from 3,192 to 3,485 m = 293 m = 961 ft

Length of each interval = 200 ft

Number of Intervals =5

Volume for each interval

 10 bbl batch of SRA-10 shall be used as cleanout fluid for each stage.

 5 bbl NDP shall be used for each stage, displaced by 10 bbl brine.

Based on the data forwarded by Eni

Average Pressure = 1350 psi

Average Temperature = 205 F

NVF = 392 scf/bbl

 N2 required to nitrify 125 bbl fluid at 350 scf/min = 470 gal

 N2 required to displace CT = 250 gal

 N2 losses while transferring and priming = 300 gal

 N2 required for Kick-Off = 800 gal

 N2 required for 5 stages ~ 4,000 gal

 Total requirement with 10% Excess ~ 5,500 Gallons

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4 % KCl Br ine 2 5 0 bbl 1 0 5 0 0 Gals

Co de Des cr ipt io n Co ncent r at io n / 1 0 0 0 Gal Unit T o t al Requir ed
S-329 Potassium Chloride 333.333 Pounds 3500.00
S320 H2S Scavenger 8 Pounds 84.00
H2O Water 975 Gallons 10237.50
NDP fo r dis placing 5 0 bbl 2100 Gals
Co de Des cr ipt io n Co ncent r at io n / 1 0 0 0 Gal Unit T o t al Requir ed
S1000 NDP- Agent (VES) 80 Gallons 168
S-329 Potassium Chloride 333.333 Pounds 700.00
S 320 H2S Scavenger 8 Gallons 16.8
H2O Water 895 Gallons 1879.5
S RA -1 0 70 bbl 2940 Gals
Co de Des cr ipt io n Co ncent r at io n / 1 0 0 0 Gal Unit T o t al Requir ed
32%HCL Hydrochloric Acid 283 Gallons 832.02
S-260 Iron Control Agent 100 Pounds 294
S-101 Corrosion Inhibitor 25 Gallons 73.5
S-200 Inhibitor Aid 40 Gallons 117.6
S-281 Surfactant 5 Gallons 14.7
S-320 H2S Scavenger 8 Gallons 23.52
H2O Water 639 Gallons 1878.66

*Inhibition of corrosion inhibitor shall last for 12 hours. If time of acid mixing and pumping is more than 12 hours
add additional inhibitor for tubular protection.
Mix acid and NDP in batches, as per recipe table.

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Rotary Jetting BHA for Clean Out

Tool O /D T-Length Tensile Load Supplied Item Tool Schematic
Item Tool Description Tool Connections
in Inches in Inches in lbs By

1 Roll on Connector 1. 25" AMMT Pin 1. 750 5. 50 48, 000 Sprint 1

2 Dual Flapper Check Valve 1. 25" AMMT Box & Pin 1. 750 13. 50 48, 000 Sprint

3 Hydraulic Disconnect 1. 25" AMMT Box & 1. 5" AMMT Pin 1. 750 13. 50 48, 000 Sprint

4 X-over 1. 25" AMMT Box & 1. 5" AMMT Pin 2. 125 4. 00 48, 000 Sprint

5 Spin-cat 1. 5" AMMT Box 2. 125 12. 30 48, 000 Sprint

Tool-String OD: 2.125

Note: All BHA dimensions must
Min Tool-String ID: inches
be physically measured on
Total Length of BHA: 48.80 4.07 ft
location. Total WEIGHT of BHA: lbs

Note: Use all jets of 0.09375”.

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Milling BHA for Clean Out
Tool O /D T-Length Tensile Load Fish Neck Supplied Item Tool Schematic
Item Tool Description Tool Connections
in Inches in Inches in lbs in By

1 External Dimple Connector 1. 5" AMMT Pin 2. 125 7. 00 84, 700 Sprint 1

2 Motor Head Assembly 1. 5" AMMT B ox & Pin 2. 125 28. 00 77, 000 1. 38 Sprint

3 Dow nhole Filter 1. 5" AMMT B ox & Pin 2. 125 47. 00 77, 000 Sprint

4 B ico TT Motor 1. 5" AMMT B ox & Pin 2. 125 132. 00 77, 000 Sprint

5 Flat B ottom Mill 1. 5" AMMT B ox 2. 250 11. 00 78, 000 Sprint

Tool-String OD: 2.250

Note: All BHA dimensions
must be physically Min Tool-String ID: inches
measured on location. Total Length of BHA: 225.00 18.75 ft
Total WEIGHT of BHA: lbs

Note: Maximum 10% HCl can be pumped thru mill motors with 70% N2 concentration.

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Wellbore Clean Out Job

Reference Number : RU-CT-0116-012 Item Schematic
Client: Eni BHP: ~ 2700 psi
Field: Kadanwari BHST: 340 F
Well Name & Number: K-3 Date Drawn: 1/20/2016
Min. Restriction: 2.562" Drawn By: Saqib Jah Temuri
Size or Height Weigth Min PSI
Item Description Supplier
Connection ft lbs K

1 Injector Head 260 13 8000 Sprint

Side Door
2 4 1/16" 10K to DSA6 3 3000 10 Sprint

4 1/16" 10K to 4-1/16" 10K

3 Riser/Lubricator 15 7500 10 Sprint

Dual Combi
4 Bowen to 4-1/16" 10K 5 5000 10 Sprint

5 Flow T 4 1/16" 10K to 4-1/16" 10K 1 150 10 Sprint

6 Crossover 4 1/16" 10K to 5 1/8" 10K 1 100 10 Sprint

7 Wellhead 5 1/8" 10K 10 Sprint 3

Max 3rd Party Height 0.0 ft Total Height from Swab Valve: 38.00 ft 7
Max Sprint Height 23.0 ft 11.9 TonUS
Total Weigth:
Min PSI: 10 K psi
Wednesday, January 20, 2016
Double check connections, gaskets, nuts & bolts!!

Note: Rig/Up schematic presented above is generic and is subject to change based on availability of
equipment deployed for subject operation. However, functioning of PCE shall be same regardless of
configuration and Size.

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After Spotting CTU, Pump Units and Filtration Unit as per Location Safety & Sprint Standard Procedures and

rigging up as per mentioned procedure:

Job Procedure for Wellbore Cleanout with 2-1/8” Spin-Cat

1. Check and record all the readings on various gauges at WH Installations.

2. Initially prepare chemicals as per recipe sheet provided.

Note: Take special care of inhibition time when acid is mixed in bulk. Inhibitors are added for 12

hours inhibition.

3. PJSM regarding Injector Rig up, Pressure Test and Job Procedure by Eni + SPRINT + Rig Crew +

Testing Company + Crane Operator.

4. Make up BHA as mentioned. Record dimensions of each tool and conduct surface test of spin-cat

with water/brine to record rate vs pressure drop.

Note: Pull test & Pressure Test Roll-On Connector at 10,000 lbs & 5,000 psi for 10 minutes


Note: - Use jets as mentioned in BHA. Water/brine can be used for function test of spin-cat.

- Add H2S Scavenger at 8 gal/1000 gal in water/brine used for pressure/function test.

5. Pick up Injector Head with 40-M Ton Certified Crane and Rig it up as per Standard Procedures.

6. Set CT Depth counter assembly according to completions diagram.

7. Pressure Test the entire setup against any of the X-Mass Tree Valves at 3,000 psi or a value guided

by Eni.

8. RIH CT while trickling brine at minimum possible rate 0.2 bpm.

Note: If returns seem to stop, stop pumping brine and switch to N2 at 300 scf/min.

9. Perform Pull Test every 1000 ft to record Pick up, Running in weight and also to confirm Injector

Movement. If changes in weight are observed then perform pull tests more frequently.

10. Start pumping 10 bbl SRA-10 acid followed by 5 bbl NDP in nitrified mode (350 scf/min).

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11. When acid starts to nozzle out, RIH slowly, tag the obstruction at 3,180m while CT speed reduced

to 10 fpm. Pick up CT ~1m above to record downhole off-bottom parameters.

Note: Do not slack off more than 2,000 lbs while tagging restriction.

12. If restriction is not encountered, pickup CT 5 m above 3,180 and adopt same procedures in batches

as mentioned below

a. 10 bbl SRA-10 (nitrified at 350 scf/min)

b. 5 bbl NDP (nitrified at 350 scf/min)

c. 10 bbl Brine (nitrified at 350 scf/min)

13. RIH slowly and try to establish a smooth cleanout pattern. Closely monitor the wellhead pressure

and gas returns at surface.

14. After pumping cumulative 40bbls liquid or 1m of penetration, POOH CT ~30m above the restriction.

Continue to flow the well at maximum potential and observe the returns on surface.

15. If well continues to flow and smooth penetration is achieved, continue same procedures i.e. 10 bbl

SRA-10, 5 bbl NDP and 10 bbl Brine all nitrified at 350 scf/min.

16. In case penetration is not achieved and solid tag is observed during cleanout, perform jetting while

reciprocating between HUD and 10 ft above it while well is shut in. Give soaking time to restriction

and flow back well by changing drawdown.

Note: Sprint Job Supervisor to make sure CT remains above acid level during acid soak.

17. If WHP decreases at any stage during clean out, increase choke size, pick up CT above scaled

interval and switch to lean N2 at 700 scf/min to displace CT volume with N2.

Note: If well tends to kill and does not flow on its own potential, then pump only 40 bbl liquid in the

well and perform bottom up with N2 to lift all the liquid from wellbore. Maintain FWHP below 500 psi.

18. Continue above procedures till clearance is established to top of Slick line plug depth i.e. 3,485 m

19. N2 Kickoff shall be performed from safe depth to unload liquid column out of wellbore.

20. When CT reaches to 3,485 m, ensure clearance by performing one CT cycle from 3,100 to 3,485 m,

with 20 bbl SRA-10 and 15 bbl NDP as final sweep while CT is stationed at 3,485 m.

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21. Pick-up CT to 3,000 m and observe well behaviour. Make sure pH is neutralized and well remains

flowing, if not, perform N2 kickoff at 3,000 m and perform cycle upto 3,480 m to displace all acid

out of hole.

Note: Tag plug and flag CT reel for depth correlation for fishing job.

22. When returns are clean and flow is stabilized, start POOH CT to surface.

23. Once, CT is at the surface, rig-down as per Sprint Safety & Standard Procedures.

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Job Procedure for Wellbore Cleanout with 2-1/4” Flat Bottom Mill (contingency)
When clearance of 2.125” cannot be established thru jetting tool, proceed as per below steps:

1. Conduct PJSM regarding Injector Rig up, Pressure Test and Job Procedure by PPL + SPRINT + Rig

Crew + Rig Crew + Crane Operator.

2. Install 2” 1502 WECO Connection surface inline filter in pumping line.

3. Make up external dimple connector and pull test at 15,000 lbs.

4. Make up the Motor Head Assembly below the connector and pressure test to 5,000 psi using a

blank. After successful pressure test install a 5,000 psi burst disk.

Note: - Refer to attached sheet for MHA specs.

- TT Engineer to ensure shear pins in required pumping limits.

5. Make BHA and Function Test Motor from 20 to 50 gpm to record surface parameters.

Note: Function test BHA at same flow rates before and after connecting motor to observe

Differential Pressure due to motor.

6. Pick up Injector Head with 40-M Ton Certified Crane and Rig it up as per Standard Procedures.

Note: R/U Riser on top of BOP to accommodate milling BHA between BOP and Stripper.

7. Pressure Test entire setup against swab Valve at 3,000 psi.

8. Perform Pull Test every 1000 ft to record Pick up, Running in weight and also to confirm Injector

Movement. If changes in weight are observed, perform pull tests more frequently.

9. RIH at 50 ft/min with trickling at 0.2 bpm to prevent nozzle from blockage. Reduce CT speed to 10-

15 feet/min when at 3,180 m.

10. When at 50 ft above obstruction, slow down CT to 05 feet/min and record RIH & PU weights.

Switch pumping to 10 bbl SRA-10, dry-tag the obstruction at 0.2 bpm and pick up ~3 feet to record

down-hole off-bottom parameters.

Note: During entire job make sure circulation pressures do not exceed burst disc pressure and

dynamic pressure limits of CT.

11. Gently tag the obstruction to establish a smooth penetration pattern while SRA-10 is leaving the

nozzle. Keep penetration with 10 bbl SRA-10 + 5 bbl NDP + 10 bbl brine (energized at 350 scf/min)

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Note: If motor stall is observed shut down pumps as first priority and pick up CT 50 ft above tag

depth and repeat above steps.

Note: Displacement brine will be nitrified, as nitrification reduces efficiency of motor.

12. Once penetration of 100 ft is achieved pickup CT 200 ft, note injector weight and continue RIH while

milling at minimum possible rate using brine.

13. Perform a bottom up with nitrified brine to observe nature of returns. (keep volume of liquid below 40

bbl to avoid well killing)

14. In the similar manner, mill the obstruction from HUD to TD while pumping same volume of cleanout

fluids for every 100 - 200 ft.

15. Keep pattern of fluid as mentioned below while milling:

a. 10 bbl SRA-10 (nitrified at 350 scf/min)

b. 5 bbl NDP (nitrified at 350 scf/min)

c. 10 bbl Brine (nitrified at 350 scf/min)

Note: - Do not stop circulation when milled material is in annulus and CT is below minimum ID.

- Perform bottom up as and when required.

- Contact head office, in case penetration is not achieved.

16. Once clearance upto 3,485 m is achieved. Pump 15 bbl NDP and circulate it out by pumping brine

at 0.5 bpm, nitrified at 500 scf/min.

17. In case no penetration is achieved, place 10 bbl of SRA-15 while well is closed from surface and

give soaking time of 30 minutes. Open well and attempt penetration with Milling.

24. Ensure clearance by performing one CT cycle from 3,100 to 3,485 m, with 20 bbl SRA-10 and 15

bbl NDP as final sweep while CT is stationed at 3,485 m.

18. POOH to surface at a safe speed and break down BHA. Check condition of tools, report any

irregular wear.

19. Rig-Down all PCEs as per standard safe practice.

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Important Points

1. Conduct a pre-job Safety Meeting. All operational and safety hazards will be discussed before the
operation starts. It is essential that all personnel involved in the operation review the ORA and
understand their duties before the operation starts.

2. All fluids to be pumped thru CT should contain H2S Scavenger at 08 gal/1000 gal.

3. Inhibitors are added in corrosive fluid to provide corrosion inhibition. Check inhibiting time before
mixing and pumping acid.

4. Always monitor the returns. If returns stop at any time during cleanout, POOH immediately with
pumping Nitrogen at 700 scf/min.

5. Control of choke shall be done by Client. Sprint would suggest keeping the choke fully open in order
to avoid less or no back pressure during cleanout job and reduce choke to 32/64 for acid soaking.

6. If it is required to be stationed during job, CT should be parked in safe area & 100 m above top of
first tagged depth. Also, keep performing frequent pull test to ensure movement of IH.

7. Never stay stationary in the wellbore even if pumping rate is maximum. Keep reciprocating the CT.
Never stop pumping while cleaning up.

8. During the entire cleanout job, well should be opened into the burning pit.

9. Testing company to collect sample and share their concerns with Client and Sprint.

10. Client representative to highlight in PJSM the maximum pressure limitations across any of the
Completion String components.

11. Pumping Pressures should be within the limits of Static and Dynamic pressures of provided
CT/completion assemblies/X-mass tree.

12. Differential across CT should not exceed +/-1,500 psi.

13. Pressurized CT Cycles against any fixed interval shall not be more than 3.

14. Change in plan, deviation in well behavior or adversities should be brought in consensus of Sprint
Technical Team and client representative at location prior proceeding.

25. Barricade area during pressure test. Ensure presence of concern people nearby work site. Use radio
sets for communicating while pressurizing and bleeding system and avoid handle signals.

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26. Nitrified pumping may be required if production from well is unable to offload liquid column.

27. If circulation pressure are higher than anticipated use friction reducer at 3 gal/1000 gal with brine.

28. If circulation is stopped/CT is stuck, perform back surging, by building 3,000 psi in CT and bleeding
immediately. Closely monitor weight indicator during back surging.

29. Carefully monitor circulation pressure during cleanout. Increase in circulation pressure during
penetration into restriction indicates obstruction of jets/loading of well with particles.

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