CDS and AMDP Interview Questions
CDS and AMDP Interview Questions
CDS and AMDP Interview Questions
CDS is a database entity which is used to fetch the data AMDP - is a Data base procedure (ABAP Managed
from DDIC/Standard CDS views or any data sources. It Database procedure) is a Global class with the
also creates the SQL view name in SAP with the name implemented interface (IF_AMDP_MARKER_HDB). It
provided as part of annotation doesn't create any Views in SAP.
Using CDS Variant - CDS Table function, you can do
AMDP (which is actually called as AMDF -> ABAP
Managed Table function) similar to AMDP.
Very Limited functions like CAST, STRING Functions, AMDP handles the complex logic as AMDP supports only
CURRENCY_CONVERSION, UNIT_CONVERSION, SQL language for Data fetching. Since the AMDP is a
DECIMAL_SHIFT are handled in CDS. Database procedure written at Data base layer (CODE
Less complex logic is handled at CDS level. PUSH DOWN), the performance is much higher than
Supports CODE PUSH DOWN. traditional ABAP ( data fetching is done at Application
Debugging CDS view is not possible Debugging AMDP is possible
CDS supports very limited SQL. AMDP supports 90% of SQL, hence we can use SQL
functions like STRING functions, Window functions etc.
-> Association is used to join the two or more data sources (CDS views or Tables/Views). By default it is
Left outer join. Association has Cardinality which denotes the relation (0..1), (1..1), (0..N), (1..N).
-> Association is used to create a Foreign Key Relation ship between data sources with annotation
@ObjectModel.Foreignkey.association 'Association alias'.
-> Association is an ON DEMAND JOIN. CDS views will never consume the memory from the associated
view unless the fields from the associated view are exposed as part of the result set of CDS view.
-> Associations are mainly useful when the extension is carried out on the Standard CDS view, where the
requirement is to have text field from Standard CDS view which has associations.
-> To allow only the authorized users to access CDS Views, We need to create DCL CDS Views. Data
control Language CDS views will be created on top of Basic CDS views with the authorization object.
Access Control
-> using annotation @Odata.publish: true and activate the CDS data object in /IWFND/MAINT_SERVICE
transaction code.
8. Can we call any ABAP function module or any abap object in AMDP class ?
-> NO. AMDP is a data base procedure which doesn't support ABAP. It only supports pure SQL.