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Version 9 Release 0

IBM MQ Appliance

Version 9 Release 0

IBM MQ Appliance

Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in “Notices” on page 873.

This edition applies to version 9 release 0 modification 4 of IBM MQ Appliance and to all subsequent releases and
modifications until otherwise indicated in new editions.
When you send information to IBM, you grant IBM a nonexclusive right to use or distribute the information in any
way it believes appropriate without incurring any obligation to you.
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2015, 2017.
US Government Users Restricted Rights – Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract
with IBM Corp.
Chapter 1. Product overview . . . . . . 1 Tool requirements . . . . . . . . . . . 60
Introduction to the IBM MQ Appliance . . . . . 1 Installing the appliance in a rack . . . . . . . 60
Appliances and the appliance firmware . . . . . 2 Installing rails in the rack frame . . . . . . 60
Relationship with IBM DataPower appliances . . 2 Installing the appliance on the rails . . . . . 62
Appliance specification . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Considerations to connect the appliance to an AC
What's new in release 9.0.4 . . . . . . . . . 4 power source . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
What's new in release 9.0.3 . . . . . . . . . 4 Connect the appliance to a network . . . . . 65
What's new in release 9.0.2 . . . . . . . . . 4 Setting up the initial firmware configuration . . . 66
What's changed in release 9.0.2 . . . . . . . . 4 Configuration requirements . . . . . . . . 66
What's new in release 9.0.1 . . . . . . . . . 5 Firmware considerations . . . . . . . . . 67
What's changed in release 9.0.1 . . . . . . . . 5 Procedure 1 of 3: Connecting the serial cable to
High availability . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 the appliance . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Disaster recovery for a high availability Procedure 2 of 3: Initializing the appliance . . . 69
configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Procedure 3 of 3: Accepting the license agreement 70
Disaster recovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
Accessibility features for IBM MQ Appliance . . . 10 Diagnosing your appliance . . . . . . . . 71
Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Troubleshooting your appliance . . . . . . 77
Trademarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Removing or replacing the appliance or parts . . 80
Terms and conditions for product documentation 14 Removing the batteries . . . . . . . . . 97
IBM Online Privacy Statement . . . . . . . 15
Chapter 4. Upgrading and
Chapter 2. Planning . . . . . . . . . 17 downgrading . . . . . . . . . . . 101
Differences between administering an IBM MQ Installing new firmware . . . . . . . . . . 101
Appliance and an IBM MQ installation . . . . . 17 Installing a new level of firmware by using the
Control commands on the IBM MQ Appliance. . 17 command line . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
Differences between queue managers that are Installing a new level of firmware by using the
running on the IBM MQ Appliance and an IBM MQ IBM MQ Appliance web UI . . . . . . . 103
installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Reverting firmware . . . . . . . . . . . 104
Exits and services on the IBM MQ Appliance . . 23 Reverting to the previous level of firmware by
Queue manager configuration on the IBM MQ using the command line . . . . . . . . . 104
Appliance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Reverting to the previous level of firmware by
IBM MQ objects on the IBM MQ Appliance . . 24 using the IBM MQ Appliance web UI . . . . 104
XA transactions . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Downgrading . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
Planning a high availability system . . . . . . 25 Suspending an appliance from an HA group for
Network requirements for high availability . . . 27 maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
Planning a disaster recovery system . . . . . . 28 Upgrading a version 8.0 IBM MQ Appliance to
Hardware limitations for disaster recovery . . . 29 version 9.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
Planning network connections . . . . . . . . 30 Upgrading to version 9.0 by using the command
Network configuration guidance . . . . . . 34 line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
Planning SAN storage . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Upgrading to version 9.0 by using the IBM MQ
Capacity planning . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Console . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
Security planning . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Chapter 5. Configuring . . . . . . . 109
Chapter 3. Installing . . . . . . . . . 43 Command line access. . . . . . . . . . . 109
Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Connecting to the serial port . . . . . . . 109
Guidelines for servicing electrical equipment . . 44 Configuring the SSH service . . . . . . . 109
Inspecting for unsafe conditions . . . . . . 45 Configuring the IBM MQ Appliance web UI . . . 112
Safety statements . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Changing the IBM MQ Appliance web UI IP
Introducing the IBM MQ Appliance . . . . . . 49 address and port . . . . . . . . . . . 112
Specifications and features . . . . . . . . 50 Configuring certificates for IBM MQ Appliance
Intrusion detection . . . . . . . . . . . 51 web UI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
Components on the front . . . . . . . . . 51 Customizing the user interfaces . . . . . . . 116
Components on the rear . . . . . . . . . 57 Supported markup for the user interface
Prepare for installation . . . . . . . . . . 58 customization file . . . . . . . . . . . 116
Rack requirements . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Template of the custom user interface file . . . 118

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2015, 2017 iii

Configuring the appliance . . . . . . . . . 119 Configuring the response timeout . . . . . 203
Ethernet interfaces . . . . . . . . . . . 119 Configuring CORS for the REST API . . . . 204
VLAN interfaces . . . . . . . . . . . 122
Link aggregation interfaces . . . . . . . . 125 Chapter 6. Administering . . . . . . 207
IPMI Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . 127 Using the IBM MQ Console . . . . . . . . 207
DNS settings . . . . . . . . . . . . 128 Working with queue managers . . . . . . 207
SNMP Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . 130 Working with IBM MQ objects . . . . . . 211
Configuring the locale, date, and time . . . . 139 Working with authority records . . . . . . 228
Configuring the appliance name . . . . . . 143 Monitoring system resource usage . . . . . 231
Configuring appliance user access . . . . . 144 Configuring dashboard layouts . . . . . . 242
Configuring the REST management interface 145 Administering IBM MQ by using the REST API 244
Configuring the appliance by using the REST Message queue control commands . . . . . . 244
management interface . . . . . . . . . . 148 Administering messaging users . . . . . . . 245
Retrieving configuration information by using Using MQSC commands . . . . . . . . . 246
REST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149 Using an IBM MQ client. . . . . . . . . . 246
Modifying and deleting existing configurations Setting up a queue manager to accept client
by using REST . . . . . . . . . . . . 151 connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247
Creating configurations by using REST . . . . 154 Configuring queue managers and objects by
Configuring user access to the IBM MQ Console using a client . . . . . . . . . . . . 249
and the CLI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156 Putting and getting messages . . . . . . . 249
Granting full administrative access to appliance Publishing and subscribing . . . . . . . . 250
system settings and IBM MQ . . . . . . . 156 Browsing a message queue . . . . . . . . 251
Granting full administrative access to appliance Creating and downloading a CCDT file . . . . 251
system settings but barring access to IBM MQ . 157 Starting and stopping the appliance . . . . . . 252
Granting access to IBM MQ but barring access Restarting the appliance . . . . . . . . . 252
to the appliance system settings . . . . . . 158 Shutting down the appliance . . . . . . . 252
Granting limited access to a queue manager . . 160 Restarting queue managers by using the
Configuring queue managers . . . . . . . . 161 command line . . . . . . . . . . . . 253
Configuring environment variables . . . . . . 162 Back up and restore . . . . . . . . . . . 253
Adding an environment variable . . . . . . 162 Backing up or saving the appliance
Modifying an environment variable . . . . . 163 configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . 254
Removing an environment variable . . . . . 164 Restoring the appliance configuration . . . . 255
Viewing environment variables . . . . . . 165 Backing up messaging users . . . . . . . 256
Configuring IBM MQ Advanced Message Security 166 Restoring messaging users . . . . . . . . 257
Configuring MCA interception . . . . . . 166 Backing up a key repository . . . . . . . 257
Configuring high availability . . . . . . . . 167 Restoring a key repository . . . . . . . . 259
Configuring the hardware for high availability 167 Backing up a queue manager . . . . . . . 259
Configuring the high availability group . . . 170 Restoring a queue manager. . . . . . . . 261
Configuring high availability queue managers 173 Backing up IBM MQ Appliance web UI
Example network set up for HA configuration 179 configuration data . . . . . . . . . . . 261
Configuring disaster recovery for a high Restoring IBM MQ Appliance web UI
availability queue manager . . . . . . . . 180 configuration data . . . . . . . . . . . 262
Replacing a failed node in a high availability Factory reset. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263
group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184 Triggering appliance operations by using the REST
Configuring disaster recovery . . . . . . . . 185 management interface . . . . . . . . . . 263
Configuring the hardware for disaster recovery 185 Operating in a high availability environment . . . 267
Configuring disaster recovery queue managers 187 Suspending an appliance from an HA group for
Configuring disaster recovery for a high maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267
availability queue manager . . . . . . . . 193 Replacing a failed node in a high availability
Configuring SAN storage . . . . . . . . . 196 group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 268
Configuring SAN for the appliance . . . . . 197 Managing queue manager locations in a high
Configuring volumes . . . . . . . . . . 198 availability group . . . . . . . . . . . 270
Initializing the file system for a volume . . . 199 Viewing the status of appliances in a high
Configuring queue managers to use SAN availability group . . . . . . . . . . . 271
storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199 Viewing the status of a high availability queue
Removing queue managers that use SAN manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 272
storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201 Regenerating the keys for secure communication
Configuring the IBM MQ Console and REST API 201 of the HA pair . . . . . . . . . . . . 273
Configuring logging for administrative REST Disaster recovery for a high availability queue
API and IBM MQ Console . . . . . . . . 201 manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274
Configuring the LTPA token expiry interval . . 203 Operating in a disaster recovery environment . . 274

iv IBM MQ Appliance
Switching over to a recovery appliance . . . . 275 Resetting a user's password by using the IBM
Switching back to the main appliance . . . . 276 MQ Appliance web UI . . . . . . . . . 386
Replacing a failed node in a disaster recovery Resetting a user's password by using the
configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . 286 command line . . . . . . . . . . . . 386
Replacing failed high availability nodes in a Forcing a password change by using the IBM
disaster recovery configuration . . . . . . 290 MQ Appliance web UI . . . . . . . . . 387
Testing the recovery appliance. . . . . . . 293 Forcing a password change by using the
Reversing disaster recovery roles . . . . . . 294 command line . . . . . . . . . . . . 387
Viewing the status of a disaster recovery queue Resetting failed login count by using the IBM
manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295 MQ Appliance web UI . . . . . . . . . 388
Managing files by using the IBM MQ Appliance Resetting failed login count by using the
web UI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297 command line . . . . . . . . . . . . 388
Managing files by using the REST management TLS certificate management . . . . . . . . 389
interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 299 Working with self-signed certificates. . . . . 389
Watchdog timer . . . . . . . . . . . . 303 Working with CA-signed certificates. . . . . 392
Listing certificates for a queue manager . . . 397
Chapter 7. Migrating and Viewing a certificate for a queue manager . . . 398
consolidating . . . . . . . . . . . 305 Deleting a certificate . . . . . . . . . . 399
Managing certificates on the appliance . . . . 399
Moving queue managers from other IBM MQ
FIPS compliance . . . . . . . . . . . . 404
platforms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305
Moving a queue manager . . . . . . . . 306
Moving queue managers secured by using TLS 308 Chapter 9. Monitoring and reporting 407
Planning for incompatible features in the queue Monitoring system resource usage . . . . . . 407
manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 309 Monitoring system resource usage by using the
Handling incompatible features in the queue status command . . . . . . . . . . . 407
manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 310 Monitoring system resource usage by using the
Editing qm.ini files . . . . . . . . . . 311 amqsrua command . . . . . . . . . . 408
Transferring queue managers to other IBM MQ Monitoring system resource usage . . . . . 410
Appliances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 315 Monitoring the appliance by using the show
Transfer from an existing single appliance to a command . . . . . . . . . . . . . 420
new single appliance by using archive files . . 315 Developing your own resource monitoring
Transfer from an existing single appliance to a program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 421
new single appliance by using DR commands . 315 Application activity trace . . . . . . . . . 422
Transfer from an existing appliance in a disaster Subscriptions to application activity trace . . . 423
recovery configuration . . . . . . . . . 319 Creating subscriptions to application activity
Transfer from an existing high availability pair trace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 423
of appliances to a new pair of appliances . . . 324 Application activity trace: subscriptions
compared with central collection . . . . . . 425
Chapter 8. Security . . . . . . . . . 331 Using amqsact to view trace messages . . . . 425
Configuring trace levels . . . . . . . . . 427
Types of user and how they are authenticated . . 331
System topics for monitoring and activity trace . . 428
User authorization, credential mapping, and access
Monitoring the appliance by using the REST
profiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 332
management interface . . . . . . . . . . 429
Access policies . . . . . . . . . . . . 333
Example of retrieving status by using REST . . 429
Role based management. . . . . . . . . . 344
Monitoring the IBM MQ Appliance by using
Important: avoiding user lock out when
SNMP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 432
configuring role based management . . . . . 346
User authentication with LDAP . . . . . . 346
User authentication with XML file . . . . . 362 Chapter 10. Troubleshooting . . . . . 433
User authentication with local users . . . . . 365 Error logs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 433
Credential mapping with an XML file . . . . 367 Viewing system error log files . . . . . . . 434
Credential mapping with local user groups . . 372 Viewing queue manager error log files . . . . 435
Password policy . . . . . . . . . . . 376 Viewing the first failure data captures . . . . 436
Account policy . . . . . . . . . . . . 378 Deleting log files . . . . . . . . . . . 437
Local users and user groups . . . . . . . 380 Downloading error logs . . . . . . . . . 437
Routine user administration . . . . . . . . 385 Reason codes . . . . . . . . . . . . 438
Changing your own password by using the IBM Event logs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 439
MQ Appliance web UI . . . . . . . . . 385 Types of log target. . . . . . . . . . . 439
Changing your own password by using the Configuring log targets . . . . . . . . . 440
command line . . . . . . . . . . . . 385 Using trace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 440
Using trace in the IBM MQ Console . . . . . . 441

Contents v
Resolving a partitioned problem in a high Chapter 11. Reference. . . . . . . . 455
availability configuration . . . . . . . . . 442 Command reference . . . . . . . . . . . 455
Resolving a partitioned problem in a disaster IBM MQ commands . . . . . . . . . . 455
recovery configuration . . . . . . . . . . 443 Appliance commands . . . . . . . . . 584
Resolving an HA queue manager left in an REST management interface . . . . . . . . 865
indeterminate state . . . . . . . . . . . 444 REST request structure . . . . . . . . . 866
Troubleshooting file copy . . . . . . . . . 445 REST response structure . . . . . . . . . 867
Troubleshooting SAN problems . . . . . . . 447 REST management resources . . . . . . . 868
Problems resizing queue managers . . . . . . 448 Query parameters . . . . . . . . . . . 871
Help with using runmqras . . . . . . . . . 448 Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 872
Recovering from hardware failures . . . . . . 449
Appliance fails, both disks unaffected . . . . 449 Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 873
Appliance fails, one disk unaffected . . . . . 450
Programming interface information . . . . . . 875
Appliance operational, one disk in RAID pair
Trademarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 875
fails . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 452

vi IBM MQ Appliance
Chapter 1. Product overview
The IBM® MQ Appliance is an appliance-based offering of IBM MQ.

For an introduction to and overview of IBM MQ, see IBM MQ Technical overview
in the IBM MQ documentation.

Introduction to the IBM MQ Appliance

The IBM MQ Appliance provides IBM MQ V9 on an appliance. You can create one
or more queue managers on an appliance and connect them as part of an IBM MQ

The IBM MQ Appliance is designed to be easy to deploy. It has a command-line

interface and a web UI for configuring and administering the appliance, and a
web-based user interface, the IBM MQ Console, for administering queue managers.
You can set up multiple administration user accounts on the appliance.

The IBM MQ Appliance can provide a number of messaging solutions in your

Rationalize your existing installation
If you are an existing IBM MQ user, you might want to use appliances to
consolidate your IBM MQ architecture. You might be in the situation where
you have a large messaging estate that is spread across a number of
different hardware platforms. Maintaining and keeping this estate up to
date can prove to be a large overhead; simplifying your estate by adding
IBM MQ Appliances can greatly reduce your total cost of operation.
Install an easy-to-update solution from the start
If you are a new IBM MQ user, using IBM MQ Appliances from the outset
can make your solution easier to later extend. You just add more
Implement high availability
If you need 24/7 reliability, you can pair appliances up to provide a high
availability solution. If your system fails, you are rapidly switched over to
a replica of that system.
Implement disaster recovery
You can implement disaster recovery to manually switch over to a replica
in a different data center should your system fail.
Place a messaging server in outlying premises
If you have outlying offices, factories, or branches, you can place an IBM
MQ Appliance on those premises to provide a simple, distributed
messaging solution. You could also employ the same solution for a
business partner, by putting an appliance on their premises.

The IBM MQ Appliance can be easily updated by downloading and installing a

new firmware version. You can install certificates onto the appliance, and connect
to your IBM MQ V9 network by using TLS.

You run applications on clients that connect to the appliance.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2015, 2017 1

View the video introductions to IBM MQ Appliance:

IBM MQ Appliance

Key Features of the IBM MQ Appliance

Appliances and the appliance firmware

The IBM MQ Appliance is a hardware product that provides IBM MQ ready
installed and ready to use. There is no general-purpose operating system that is
exposed to the administrator or messaging user, and everything that runs on the
appliance is factory-installed in the appliance firmware.

The appliance firmware can be updated by downloading update files from IBM.
No other installation or maintenance application on the system is required.

You use simple administration interfaces on the appliance to perform the

traditional management tasks on your queue managers and the objects that they
host. You initially configure the appliance by using a command line interface or the
IBM MQ Appliance web UI, see “Configuring the appliance” on page 119.

You can use the IBM MQ Console part of the IBM MQ Appliance web UI for
simple browser-based management of your queue managers, see “Using the IBM
MQ Console” on page 207. After you have created a queue manager on the
appliance, you can use IBM MQ management tools such as the IBM MQ Explorer
or runmqsc from a remote system, or other IBM or third-party management
products, to work with the queue manager.

Because only IBM certified firmware updates can be installed on the appliance, all
applications that connect to appliance queue managers do so by using the IBM MQ
Client protocol. For information about migrating queue managers and applications
on to the appliance platform see Chapter 7, “Migrating and consolidating,” on
page 305.

A major functional difference in the IBM MQ Appliance product when compared

to IBM MQ software is the high availability data replication feature, see “High
availability” on page 6, and the disaster recovery feature, see “Disaster recovery”
on page 9.

Relationship with IBM DataPower appliances

The IBM MQ Appliance includes components from the IBM DataPower Gateway
family of products.

The IBM MQ Appliance firmware builds on the long-term expertise that IBM has
in developing network appliances by including components from the IBM
DataPower Gateway family of products. This relationship is visible in a number of
places, for example, you will see mentions of 'DPOS' (the low level
firmware/operating system of the appliance) in the system logs. The IBM MQ
Appliance is, however, a discrete and stand-alone product; there is much
functionality from IBM DataPower Gateway appliances that is not present in the
IBM MQ Appliance, and vice versa.

You do not need to be familiar with IBM DataPower to work with the IBM MQ
Appliance. The information that you need is supplied in this documentation, and

2 IBM MQ Appliance
day to day management tasks are intuitive, whichever interface you choose to use.
However, in many cases you will find that any experience with DataPower
appliances (for example, first-time setup, working with the CLI, web UI, and other
management interfaces) is valuable and carries over to the IBM MQ Appliance.

Appliance domains

One fundamental aspect of the IBM DataPower appliance that is not carried over
to the IBM MQ Appliance is the concept of an 'Application Domain'. In DataPower
products, domains provide a mechanism for the separation of applications from
unrelated areas (Lines of Business, Test versus Production, and so on). In some
senses, this is similar to the separation provided by connecting applications to a
different queue manager hosted on the same appliance.

Therefore, the domain feature is not currently used in the IBM MQ Appliance, and
creation of new domains is disabled. However, by the very nature of the platform,
you will come across 'domains' mentioned in a few contexts, for example, in
creating REST URIs, or displaying system objects. Therefore, for the purposes of
DPOS as exploited in the IBM MQ Appliance, only the 'default' domain is
required, and 'default' should always be supplied in these contexts.

Appliance specification
The following table provides the technical details of the IBM MQ Appliance
hardware configuration.

You can use these details to help in performance planning and sizing activities. Do
not, however, assume 'like for like' mappings for other installations of IBM MQ, for
example, installations on UNIX platforms. For detailed planning, the best source of
information when assessing expected performance (message throughput) are the
following performance reports:
v IBM MQ Appliance Performance Report
v IBM MQ Appliance HA/DR Performance Report
Table 1. Appliance specification
M2001 (current model) M2000 (previous model)
2 x 10 core "Ivy Bridge" x86 processors (6 2 x 10 core "Ivy Bridge" x86 processors (6
cores active in B model). 2.80 GHz, cores active in B model). 2.80 GHz,
Hyperthreading enabled. Hyperthreading enabled.
192 GB RAM, 1600 MHz DIMMs 192 GB RAM, 1600 MHz DIMMs
2 x Management 1 Gb Ethernet ports (one 2 x Management 1 Gb Ethernet ports (one
supporting IPMI) supporting IPMI)
8 x 1 Gb Ethernet ports 8 x 1 Gb Ethernet ports
4 x 10 Gb Ethernet ports 2 x 10 Gb Ethernet ports
2 x 3.2 TB SSDs under hardware controlled 2x 1.2 TB HDDs under hardware controlled
mirrored RAID (3 TB effective) mirrored RAID (1 TB effective)
1 GB RAID cache 1 GB RAID cache

Chapter 1. Product overview 3

What's new in release 9.0.4

This topic describes new features in version 9.0.4 of the appliance firmware.

The following features are new for version 9.0.4:

v You can now configure a queue manager to use a storage area network (SAN)
for queue manager data. See “Configuring SAN storage” on page 196.
v There is now a wizard to guide you through creating a new queue manager
when using the IBM MQ Console. See “Working with queue managers” on page
v You can now expand the size of the file system used by a queue manager after
you have created the queue manager. You can resize by using the IBM MQ
Console, see “Working with queue managers” on page 207, or by using the
setmqsize command, see “setmqsize” on page 538.
v New configuration capabilities are now available for the IBM MQ Console and
the REST API. See “Configuring the IBM MQ Console and REST API” on page
v You can now configure communities for SNMPv1 and SNMPv2c by using the
IBM MQ Appliance web UI, see “Configuring communities by using the web
UI” on page 135.

What's new in release 9.0.3

This topic describes new features in version 9.0.3 of the appliance firmware.

The following feature is new for version 9.0.3:

v You can now use MCA interceptors where you have configured IBM MQ
Advanced Message Security on the appliance. If you are unable to configure
some or all of your IBM MQ clients to encrypt and decrypt data at the
application, you can use an MCA interceptor to give some of the benefits of
AMS without making changes to the client. See “Security planning” on page 40
and “Configuring MCA interception” on page 166 for details.

What's new in release 9.0.2

This topic describes new features in version 9.0.2 of the appliance firmware.

The following features are new for version 9.0.2:

v Dedicated commands are provided for checking and regenerating the SSH keys
used to secure communications between the two appliances in a high availability
group. See “Regenerating the keys for secure communication of the HA pair” on
page 273, “crthakeys” on page 550 and “dsphakeys” on page 552.
v You can now manage some aspects of IBM MQ by using a REST interface. See
Using the administrative REST API in the IBM MQ documentation.

What's changed in release 9.0.2

This topic describes significant features that have changed in version 9.0.2 of the
appliance firmware.

The following features have changed for version 9.0.2:

4 IBM MQ Appliance
v The timeout behavior for the IBM MQ Appliance web UI has changed. There is
a distinction between the IBM MQ Appliance web UI and the IBM MQ Console.
The IBM MQ Console is a component within the web UI that is used to work
with IBM MQ. Because the work can involve monitoring, the console session
never times out. The IBM MQ Appliance web UI is used to administer the
appliance itself, and does time out. As soon as you switch from the console back
to the web UI, the timeout timer starts. The default timeout is 600 seconds. If
this time elapses with no user input, the user is automatically logged out. You
can change the timeout period by using the idle-timeout command (see
“idle-timeout” on page 862).

What's new in release 9.0.1

This topic describes new features in version 9.0.1 of the appliance firmware.

The following features are new for version 9.0.1:

v You can now assign a floating IP address to high availability (HA) queue
managers. Applications can connect to an HA queue manager by using the same
IP address regardless of which appliance in the HA pair the queue manager is
running on. See “Specifying a floating IP address for a queue manager” on page
v Queue managers can now be configured to start automatically when the
appliance restarts. See “Restarting queue managers by using the command line”
on page 253.
v The appliance now authenticates and authorizes appliance users by using role
based management. RBM allows users to be defined in LDAP servers or XML
files, as well as defined locally on the appliance. See “Role based management”
on page 344.
v The REST management interface is now available on the appliance. You can use
this interface to configure the appliance and view status. You can, for example,
use the REST interface for automating tests on the appliance. See “REST
management interface” on page 865.
v The appliance now supports SNMP versions 1, 2c, and 3. You can configure the
appliance so that an external SNMP server can collect status information. See
“SNMP Settings” on page 130.
v The appliance has new back up and restore facilities. You can now back up a
queue manager to an archive file that can subsequently be restored. The queue
manager configuration is saved, together with log files and queue data. See
“Backing up a queue manager” on page 259
v The appliance now runs IBM MQ V9.0.1. See What's new and changed in IBM
MQ Version 9.0.1 IBM MQ documentation for details of features that are new for
Version 9.

What's changed in release 9.0.1

This topic describes significant features that have changed in version 9.0.1 of the
appliance firmware.

The following features have changed for version 9.0.1:

Chapter 1. Product overview 5

v The IBM MQ Console (used to administer IBM MQ) has completely changed,
and has some new features. You cannot migrate your old console layouts to the
new console, but you should take a backup of your existing layouts before you
upgrade, in case you need to revert to version 8.0. See “Upgrading a version 8.0
IBM MQ Appliance to version 9.0” on page 105.
v The IBM MQ Appliance web UI (used to administer the appliance itself) has also
completely changed. It has many new features. For example, you can now
restart the appliance or upgrade the firmware by using the IBM MQ Appliance
web UI.
v Command and object support has been refined, and commands and object with
no relevance for IBM MQ have been removed.
v With the introduction of role based management (RBM), you no longer have to
specify CLI command groups when you create user groups. RBM defines the
capabilities of users to work with the appliance (see “Role based management”
on page 344). You will need to manually specify authorization details for your
existing user groups by using RBM when you upgrade, see “Upgrading a
version 8.0 IBM MQ Appliance to version 9.0” on page 105.
v For features that have changed in IBM MQ version 9.0.1, see What's new and
changed in IBM MQ Version 9.0.1.

High availability
The IBM MQ Appliance might experience outages both planned and unplanned.
The high availability (HA) features of the appliance enable queue managers to
have maximum availability. The HA features of the IBM MQ Appliance give the
appliance an ability to withstand software or hardware outages. Therefore, it is
available as much of the time as possible. These outages might be planned events,
such as maintenance and backups, or unplanned events, such as hardware failures
or power failures.

To configure HA for the IBM MQ Appliance, you can connect a pair of appliances
either directly, or by using switches (a separate switch for each link). You must
then create an HA group for this pair of appliances. To work most effectively as a
high availability solution, the two appliances need to be in close physical
proximity to one another. For this reason the HA solution is not intended to
provide disaster recovery, although you can configure a disaster recovery solution
for queue managers that run on your HA pair.

For details of combining HA and disaster recovery on the appliance, see “Disaster
recovery for a high availability configuration” on page 9. A queue manager can
belong to an HA group and be part of a disaster recovery configuration.

The HA group controls the availability of any HA queue managers that are created
on the appliances. By default, the HA queue managers are run on the appliance on
which they are created, when that appliance is available. This appliance is known
as the preferred appliance of the HA queue manager. You can use commands to
specify the other appliance as the preferred appliance, if required, or to specify that
the queue manager has no preferred appliance.

If an appliance in the pair is stopped for any reason, the HA queue managers that
are running on that appliance automatically start to run on the other appliance.
That is, the queue managers are failed over to the other appliance. When the
stopped appliance is restarted, and the required data is replicated back to that
appliance, it resumes running the HA queue managers for which it is the preferred
appliance. Persistent messages are preserved.

6 IBM MQ Appliance
To ensure that the HA queue manager is ready to run on either appliance, queue
manager data is replicated synchronously between the appliances. In some
situations, such as when one appliance is unavailable, the queue manager data
cannot be replicated synchronously. When the appliance becomes available, the
queue managers in the HA group enter a catch-up phase, in which the queue
manager data is replicated. The appliances use a dedicated 10 Gb Ethernet
connection for replication.

This HA solution enables all the HA queue managers in the HA group to continue
running when one appliance in the group is stopped. If both appliances in the HA
group fail at the same time, the HA queue managers cannot run until at least one
of the appliances is restarted.

Appliances in an HA group can run other queue managers that are outside of the
HA group, but if the appliance fails or is stopped, then that queue manager stops.
Appliances can belong only to one HA group.

Applications can connect to HA queue managers in one of two ways. They can
have an IP address configured for the data interface on each of the appliances in
the HA group, and the application itself determines which one to use for
connecting to the active queue manager. Alternatively, applications can use a single
floating IP address to access a particular queue manager, and that IP address will
work for that queue manager whichever appliance it is running on (note that the
appliances still both require an interface configured with a static IP for the floating
IP address to map to). Using a floating IP address in this way makes queue
manager failover almost invisible to the connecting application.

For more information about configuring HA on the IBM MQ Appliance, see

“Configuring high availability” on page 167. For information about planning the
physical location, see “Planning a high availability system” on page 25.

Example HA group
In the example configuration, two IBM MQ Appliances, named castor and pollux,
are located in the same data center, in adjacent racks. The three cables that connect
the two appliances are less than a meter long, and so communication between the
two has the minimum of delay.

The appliance that is named pollux runs one queue manager, terentia1, which is
inside the HA group. The appliance that is named castor has two queue managers
that are running within the HA group, cicero1 and cicero2. It also has another
queue manager, tullia2, that runs outside the HA group. Both castor and pollux
have shadow versions of the HA queue managers on the other appliance. These
queue managers are kept up to date by replication across the replication interface.
Two more interfaces, a primary and a secondary, track the heartbeat of the other

Chapter 1. Product overview 7

Figure 1. Example HA group

The rack that castor is in suffers a power failure. The appliance that is named
pollux detects that castor has failed, and starts to run the queue managers cicero1
and cicero2. The queue manager tullia2 is outside the HA group, so does not fail
over to pollux.

Figure 2. Example HA group after appliance failure

When power is restored, the queue managers cicero1 and cicero2 run on the
appliance that is named castor again.

8 IBM MQ Appliance
Demonstration HA with put and get operation

View the video for a demonstration of the simple put and get demonstration
running on an HA pair of IBM MQ Appliances.

MQ Appliance demo - Simple MQ HA put/get sample

Disaster recovery for a high availability configuration

You can configure a disaster recovery (DR) solution such that an appliance at a
remote location can take over if both the appliances in a high availability (HA) pair
fail at the same time.

If you are running a queue manager on an appliance in an HA pair, and both

appliances in the pair become unavailable (for example, the data center has a
major power failure), then you can manually start and run the queue manager on
a DR appliance at a different site.

Replication between the appliances in a high availability pair is synchronous, but

queue manager data is replicated to the DR appliance asynchronously. This means
that following a recovery situation, some messaging data might be lost. But the
queue manager on the DR appliance will be in a consistent state, and able to start
running immediately, even if it is started at a slightly earlier part of the message

A floating IP address is allocated to each queue manager under HA/DR control.

The DR appliance can connect to a single IP address regardless of which of the
appliances in the HA group is running the queue manager (there are real interfaces
configured with static IP address underlying the floating IP address).

The following diagram shows an HA configuration with disaster recovery.

Disaster recovery
The IBM MQ Appliance disaster recovery solution provides for the situation where
you have a complete outage at your data center. The work can be resumed by
another IBM MQ Appliance running at a distant location.

Disaster recovery (DR) is provided on a per-queue manager basis. When you create
a queue manager on your main appliance, you create a secondary instance on your
recovery appliance at the distant site. The two appliances are linked by a
Chapter 1. Product overview 9
high-speed connection. The work of the primary queue manager is replicated to
the secondary queue manager asynchronously. For example, an IBM MQ PUT or
GET completes and returns to the application before the event is replicated to the
secondary queue manager. Asynchronous replication means that, following a
recovery situation, some messaging data might be lost. But the secondary queue
manager will be in a consistent state, and able to start running immediately, even if
it is started at a slightly earlier part of the message stream.

You can configure a queue manager so that it is part of a disaster recovery

configuration and a high availability group, see “Disaster recovery for a high
availability configuration” on page 9.

The main and recovery appliances are connected by a single replication link.
Unlike the high availability solution, there is no heartbeat detection between the
two appliances. An appliance at the recovery site can host secondary queue
managers from multiple appliances at the main site, or at different main sites. For
example, you could have an appliance in Glasgow that provided disaster recovery
for appliances in Birmingham, Paris, and Frankfurt. Equally, an appliance at your
main site could have secondary queue managers on different appliances at
different recovery sites.

When a disaster occurs, and the main appliance is lost and a primary queue
manager stops running, the secondary queue manager at the distant site can be
started manually. Applications must connect to the recovery appliance (using
automatic client reconnection). The secondary queue manager can then process
application messages until such time as normal operation can be resumed. There
can be up to 4 MB of data in the TCP send buffer of a primary queue manager,
ready to be replicated to the secondary instance, and this data is lost if a disaster

Replication, synchronization, and snapshots

When the two appliances in a DR configuration are connected, any updates to the
persistent data for a DR queue manager are transferred from the primary instance
of the queue manager to the secondary instance. This is known as replication.

If the network connection between the appliances is lost, the changes to the
persistent data for the primary instance of a queue manager are tracked. When the
network connection is restored, a different process is used to get the secondary
instance up to speed as quickly as possible. This is known as synchronization.

While synchronization is in progress, the data on the secondary instance is in an

inconsistent state. A snapshot of the state of the secondary queue manager data is
taken. If a failure of the main appliance or the network connection occurs during
synchronization, the secondary instance reverts to this snapshot and the queue
manager can be started. Any of the updates that happened since the original
network failure are lost, however.

Accessibility features for IBM MQ Appliance

Accessibility features assist users who have a disability, such as restricted mobility
or limited vision, to use information technology content successfully.

10 IBM MQ Appliance
Accessibility features

IBM MQ Appliance includes the following major accessibility features:

v Keyboard-only operation
v Operations that use a screen reader

IBM MQ Appliance uses the latest W3C Standard, WAI-ARIA 1.0, to ensure
compliance to US Section 508, and Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG)
2.0. To take advantage of accessibility features, use the latest release of your screen
reader in combination with the latest web browser that is supported by this

The IBM MQ Appliance online product documentation in IBM Knowledge Center

is enabled for accessibility. The accessibility features of IBM Knowledge Center are
described at http://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/about/

Keyboard navigation
This product uses standard navigation keys.

Interface information
The fully accessible way of using IBM MQ Appliance is to use the command line
interface. For more information about using commands, see “Command reference”
on page 455.

The IBM MQ Appliance user interfaces do not have content that flashes 2 - 55
times per second.

The IBM MQ Appliance web user interface does not rely on cascading style sheets
to render content properly and to provide a usable experience. However, the
product documentation does rely on cascading style sheets. IBM MQ Appliance
provides an equivalent way for low-vision users to use a user’s system display
settings, including high-contrast mode. You can control font size by using the
device or browser settings.

Related accessibility information

In addition to standard IBM help desk and support websites, IBM has established
a TTY telephone service for use by deaf or hard of hearing customers to access
sales and support services:

TTY service
800-IBM-3383 (800-426-3383)
(within North America)

IBM and accessibility

For more information about the commitment that IBM has to accessibility, see IBM

Chapter 1. Product overview 11

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12 IBM MQ Appliance
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Chapter 1. Product overview 13

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14 IBM MQ Appliance
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Chapter 1. Product overview 15

16 IBM MQ Appliance
Chapter 2. Planning
When you plan your IBM MQ Appliance solution, you must ensure that you
understand the key differences between the IBM MQ Appliance and IBM MQ.

Planning any deployment of IBM MQ, and applications that communicate by using
the messaging services that it provides, requires an understanding of both general
messaging concepts and IBM MQ-specific terminology and environment
considerations. For IBM MQ general information and information on planning, see
IBM MQ Technical overview and Planning in the IBM MQ documentation

These topics describe additional planning considerations for an IBM MQ Appliance

deployment, as opposed to an IBM MQ software installation.

Differences between administering an IBM MQ Appliance and an IBM

MQ installation
The IBM MQ Appliance provides an environment to configure and manage the
resources that are required for your IBM MQ system.

Many IBM MQ administrative concepts and commands are supported on the

appliance, although some differences do exist.

Control commands on the IBM MQ Appliance

You can use the IBM MQ control commands on the IBM MQ Appliance command
line. However, not all of the control commands are supported and some of the
control commands have different parameters to the IBM MQ equivalent.

To use the IBM MQ control commands, you must enter the IBM MQ
administration mode by entering the command mqcli on the command line. You
can exit the IBM MQ administration mode by entering the command exit.

The following example shows how to enter the IBM MQ administration mode and
create a queue manager:
mqa# mqcli
mqa(mqcli)# crtmqm QM1
MQ Appliance queue manager created. Creating or replacing default objects for queue manager ’QM1’.
Default objects statistics : 79 created. 0 replaced. 0 failed. Completing setup.
Setup completed.
mqa(mqcli)# exit

Unsupported commands
The commands that are not supported are listed in the following table:
Table 2. Unsupported commands
Command Comment
crtmqcvx Use of exits is not supported on the appliance. See “Exits
and services on the IBM MQ Appliance” on page 23.
crtmqenv Use the mqcli command line environment “setmqvar” on
page 501 command.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2015, 2017 17

Table 2. Unsupported commands (continued)
Command Comment
dltmqinst See Chapter 4, “Upgrading and downgrading,” on page 101.
dmpmqaut Replaced by IBM MQ Console (see “Working with authority
records” on page 228) or authority record configuration
using runmqsc (for example, SET AUTHREC) see “runmqsc”
on page 486.
dmpmqmsg Use from an external system, connecting as a client.
dspmqaut Replaced by IBM MQ Console (see “Working with authority
records” on page 228) or authority record configuration
using runmqsc (for example, SET AUTHREC) see “runmqsc”
on page 486.
dspmqcsv External control of some queue manager components is not
supported on the IBM MQ Appliance.
dspmqfls IBM MQ file access is not supported on the appliance.
dspmqinst See Chapter 4, “Upgrading and downgrading,” on page 101
dspmqspl Replaced by the SET/DISPLAY POLICY configuration using
runmqsc, see “runmqsc” on page 486, see “Configuring IBM
MQ Advanced Message Security” on page 166.
dspmqtrc Appliance side tracing is for IBM use only.
endmqcsv External control of some queue manager components is not
supported on the IBM MQ Appliance.
endmqweb You cannot start or stop the mqweb server manually on the
migmbbrk Migration tools for versions of IBM MQ earlier than V8 are
not applicable to IBM MQ Appliance queue managers.
rcdmqimg Linear logging is not supported on the IBM MQ Appliance.
rcmqobj Linear logging is not supported on the IBM MQ Appliance.
runmqchi External control of some queue manager components is not
supported on the IBM MQ Appliance.
runmqchl External control of some queue manager components is not
supported on the IBM MQ Appliance.
runmqdlq Use a dead letter queue handler connected as a client from a
remote system. As an example, the amqsdlq sample can be
compiled and linked as a client application to provide the
same behavior as the runmqdlq program. See Dead-letter
queue handler sample.
runmqlsr Listeners must be started by way of queue manager
administration. You can use the IBM MQ Console, see
“Working with listeners” on page 215, or use runmqsc, see
“runmqsc” on page 486.
runmqtmc, runmqtrm Use runmqtmc (the client form of this command) from a
remote MQ server or client installation, on which the
triggered application runs.
setmqaut Replaced by IBM MQ Console (see “Working with authority
records” on page 228) or authority record configuration
using runmqsc (for example, SET AUTHREC) see “runmqsc”
on page 486.
setmqenv Use the mqcli command line environment “setmqvar” on
page 501 command.

18 IBM MQ Appliance
Table 2. Unsupported commands (continued)
Command Comment
setmqinst See Chapter 4, “Upgrading and downgrading,” on page 101
setmqm See Chapter 4, “Upgrading and downgrading,” on page 101.
setmqspl Replaced by the SET/DISPLAY POLICY configuration using
runmqsc, see “runmqsc” on page 486, see “Configuring IBM
MQ Advanced Message Security” on page 166.
setmqprd See Chapter 4, “Upgrading and downgrading,” on page 101
strmqcfg Run IBM MQ Explorer from an external system.
strmqcsv External control of some queue manager components is not
supported on the IBM MQ Appliance.
strmqweb You cannot start or stop the mqweb server manually on the

For authorization commands, command server commands, and security policy

commands, you can use the equivalent PCF or MQSC commands. For more
information about the equivalent PCF and MQSC commands, see Comparing
command sets in the IBM MQ documentation.

Unsupported queue manager parameters

The appliance does not support the queue manager security parameter CONNAUTH

Supported commands
The IBM MQ commands that you can use on the IBM MQ Appliance are listed in
the following table.
Table 3. Supported IBM MQ commands
Command Comments
“crtmqm” on page 456 Create queue manager. The following parameters are not
v -lc
v -ll
v -ld
v -g
v -md
v -oa group
v -q
v -si
v -ss
v -z
The following parameters have been added:
v -fs FileSize
v -sx
“dltmqm” on page 459 Delete queue manager. The following parameter is not
v -z
“dmpmqcfg” on page 460 Dump queue manager configuration

Chapter 2. Planning 19
Table 3. Supported IBM MQ commands (continued)
Command Comments
“dspmq” on page 463 Display queue managers. The following parameters are not
v -o installation
v -o standby
v -x
The following parameters have been added:
v -o ha
v -o dr
“dspmqrte” on page 465 Display route
“dspmqtrn” on page 472 Display transactions
“dspmqver (display Display version and build information. The following parameter
version information)” on is not supported:
page 474 v -i

The -p parameter supports only the values 1, 64, and 128.

The output of this command is not the same as for the IBM MQ
dspmqver command. Information about the operating system,
installation details, and data paths are not displayed. That is,
only the name, version, level, and build type information is
dspmqweb Display information about the configuration of the mqweb
server. The mqweb server is used to support the IBM MQ
Console and administrative REST API.
“endmqm” on page 476 End queue manager. The following parameters are not
v -s
v -x
v -z
“endmqtrc” on page 478 End trace
“mqrc” on page 479 IBM MQ return code
“rcrmqobj” on page 481 Generate a client channel definition table (CCDT)
“rsvmqtrn” on page 481 Resolve transaction
“runmqras” on page 483 Run diagnostics collection. The following parameters are not
v -outputdir
v -zipfile
v -workdirectory
“runmqsc” on page 486 Run MQSC commands. The following parameters are not
v -n
v -c
“runswchl” on page 488 Switch cluster channel

20 IBM MQ Appliance
Table 3. Supported IBM MQ commands (continued)
Command Comments
“strmqm” on page 490 Start queue manager. The following parameters are not
v -x
v -z
v -a
v -r
“strmqtrc” on page 492 Start trace
“setmqvar” on page 501 Add or remove an environment variable for the appliance or for
a specified queue manager
setmqweb Add or remove an mqweb server configuration property.

New commands

New IBM MQ commands that are specific to the IBM MQ Appliance are listed in
the following table:
Table 4. Appliance commands
Command Description
“dspmqerr” on page 564 Display the IBM MQ error log files.
“crthagrp” on page 549 Create a high availability (HA) group of appliances.
“dsphagrp” on page 551 Display the status of the appliances in the high availability
(HA) group.
“makehaprimary” on page Specifies that an appliance is the 'winner' when resolving a
553 partitioned situation in the high availability group.
“prepareha” on page 554 Prepare an appliance to be part of an HA group that uses a
unique, generated key for communication between
“sethagrp” on page 555 Pause and resume an appliance in a high availability group.
“crtdrprimary” on page 558 Augment an existing queue manager to become the primary
queue manager in a disaster recovery configuration.
“crtdrsecondary” on page Create a secondary version of a queue manager on the
560 recovery appliance in a disaster recovery configuration.
“makedrprimary” on page Switch a disaster recovery queue manager to have the
560 primary role in the disaster recovery configuration.
“makedrsecondary” on page Prevent a queue manager on an appliance in a disaster
561 recovery configuration from starting, and specifies that it has
the secondary role.
“dltdrprimary” on page 562 Remove a queue manager currently in the primary role from
DR control.
“dltdrsecondary” on page Remove a queue manager currently in the secondary role
563 from DR control and delete it.
“dspmqini” on page 498 Display attributes from the qm.ini or mqat.ini file of a
specified queue manager.
“dspmqvar” on page 499 Display environment variables set for a specified queue

Chapter 2. Planning 21
Table 4. Appliance commands (continued)
Command Description
“setmqini” on page 500 Add or remove an attribute from the qm.ini file of a
specified queue manager. Set a value for an attribute in the
mqat.ini file.
“addcert” on page 508 Add the public part of a certificate to the keystore of a
specific queue manager.
“createcert” on page 509 Create a self-signed certificate for a queue manager.
“createcertrequest” on page Create a certificate request for a queue manager.
“deletecert” on page 513 Delete a certificate from the keystore of a specific queue
“deletecertrequest” on page Delete a certificate request that was previously issued from a
513 specific queue manager.
“detailcert” on page 514 Show detailed information about a certificate for a specific
queue manager.
“detailcertrequest” on page Show detailed information about a certificate request for a
515 specific queue manager.
“keybackup” on page 517 Back up the queue manager key repository to a file.
“keyrestore” on page 518 Restore a key repository
“listcert” on page 519 List the certificates that are held in the keystore of a specific
queue manager.
“listcertrequest” on page 520 List the certificate requests that are outstanding in the
keystore of a specific queue manager.
“receivecert” on page 520 Receive a certificate signed by a Certificate Authority (CA)
as the result of a previous request.
“recreatecertrequest” on Re-create a certificate request for a specific queue manager.
page 521
“usercreate” on page 503 Create user IDs for messaging users.
“userdelete” on page 504 Delete a messaging user.
“usermodify” on page 504 Modify user IDs for messaging users.
“userlist” on page 505 List the messaging users.
“groupcreate” on page 505 Add user groups for messaging users.
“groupdelete” on page 506 Delete user groups for messaging users.
“grouplist” on page 506 List groups for messaging users.
“userbackup” on page 506 Back up messaging users.
“userrestore” on page 507 Restore messaging users.

Differences between queue managers that are running on the IBM MQ

Appliance and an IBM MQ installation
The IBM MQ Appliance hosts queue managers.

IBM MQ Appliance queue managers are similar in their capabilities to IBM MQ

queue managers hosted on supported UNIX and Linux platforms, although some
differences do exist.

22 IBM MQ Appliance
Exits and services on the IBM MQ Appliance
You cannot run user code on the IBM MQ Appliance. Any attempts to create
administrative objects that reference user code are rejected.

The following types of exits and services are not supported:

Channel exits
Any attempt to define or alter a channel to use an exit is rejected.
Channel auto-definition exits
Any attempt to alter a queue manager to use an exit is rejected.
Cluster workload exits
Any attempt to alter a queue manager to use an exit is rejected.
Data conversion exits
You cannot upload a data conversion exit to the appliance.
Any attempt to define a service is rejected.
API exits, publish exits, and user authorization services
Stanzas about API exits, publish exits, and user authorization services
cannot be added to the qm.ini file.
MQTT services
MQTT services cannot be used on the appliance.
JAAS security exits
JAAS security exits cannot be used with the IBM MQ Light API (see IBM
MQ Light API).

The following type of service is supported:

From IBM MQ V8.0.0.5, the IBM MQ Light API can be used on the

Queue manager configuration on the IBM MQ Appliance

Queue managers on the IBM MQ Appliance are created with different default
values to queue managers in IBM MQ.

Maximum channels

On the IBM MQ Appliance, you do not need to alter the MaxChannels or

MaxActiveChannels attributes to define the maximum number of channels that can
concurrently connect to a queue manager. On the IBM MQ Appliance, the default
value of the MaxChannels and MaxActiveChannels attributes is set to infinite.

If you want to limit the maximum number of client channels, use the per-channel
MAXINST and MAXINSTC attributes on the SVRCONN channel definitions to define
limits for each SVRCONN channel:
Sets the maximum number of simultaneous instances of an individual
SVRCONN channel that can be started.
Sets the maximum number of simultaneous individual SVRCONN
channels that can be started from a single client. In this context,

Chapter 2. Planning 23
connections that originate from the same remote network address are
regarded as coming from the same client.

You can use the DEFINE CHANNEL command to set these attributes. For more
information, see DEFINE CHANNEL in the IBM MQ documentation.

TCP Network protocol

Any channels that are configured on an IBM MQ Appliance queue manager must
be of TCP protocol type. The appliance does not support any other network

User and group permissions

IBM MQ Appliance queue managers support the user-based permissions model.

Creating an authority record for a user results in only that user being granted
access. To grant a group of users access, an authority record is required for the

Circular logging

IBM MQ Appliance queue managers support only circular logging. There is no

support for creating a queue manager with linear logs.

Queue manager data

When you use the crtmqm command to create a queue manager on the appliance, a
file system is created where all queue manager data, recovery logs, and errors logs
are stored. The default size of this file system is 64 GB, but you can alter the size
by using the -fs parameter with the crtmqm command.

Applications connecting to a queue manager

There are differences between applications that are connecting to a queue manager
that is running on an IBM MQ Appliance, and one running in an IBM MQ
installation. Queue managers that are running on the appliance support only
applications that connect by using TCP, over IBM MQ channels.

IBM MQ objects on the IBM MQ Appliance

Some objects on the IBM MQ Appliance have different behavior than objects on an
IBM MQ installation.


When creating listeners on the IBM MQ Appliance, you should configure the
listener to start and stop with the queue manager. You can set the listener by using
the CONTROL(QMGR) argument to the DEFINE LISTENER MQSC command (see DEFINE
LISTENER in the IBM MQ documentation). Alternatively, you can set the control
property in the listener widget in the IBM MQ Console (see “Working with
listeners” on page 215).

Even if you leave the control property of a listener set to manual, note that it will
automatically stop when the queue manager stops on the appliance.

24 IBM MQ Appliance

The default client channel definition table (CCDT) for a queue manager is not
automatically available on the IBM MQ Appliance. Use the rcrmqobj command to
generate a CCDT file for a queue manager. The generated CCDT file can be
downloaded from the appliance from the mqbackup:// URI (see “Creating and
downloading a CCDT file” on page 251).

For more information about client channel definition tables see Client channel
definition table in the IBM MQ documentation.

XA transactions
Queue managers on an IBM MQ Appliance cannot act as XA transaction managers.

Queue managers on the appliance can participate in global transactions as resource

managers, but they cannot act as transaction managers and coordinate external

An IBM MQ client that connects to a queue manager on an appliance is not able to

issue an MQBEGIN API call. The means that the client cannot start a transaction
with the queue manager acting as transaction manager.

Planning a high availability system

You can create a high availability group from a pair of IBM MQ Appliances to give
your IBM MQ system a degree of resilience.

See “High availability” on page 6 for an overview of the high availability solution.

When you plan a high availability implementation, consider the following points:
v Appliances:
– A high availability group requires two IBM MQ Appliances.
– Both appliances should be running the same level of appliance firmware.
(Appliances can operate at different levels to allow time to upgrade the
appliances separately, but you should avoid configuring HA queue managers,
including adding or removing queue managers, during this period.)
– You can run queue managers on both appliances (there is no concept of an
'active' and a 'standby' appliance).
– An appliance can run high availability queue managers or disaster recovery
queue managers, and queue managers that do not belong to either group. You
can also run high availability queue managers that belong to disaster recovery
– An appliance can belong to only one HA group.
– You can create the HA group from either of the appliances.
– The date and time settings must be sychronized between the two appliances.
You can achieve this by configuring both appliances to use the same NTP
server (see “Configuring the locale, date, and time” on page 139).
v Queue managers:
– You specify that a queue manager belongs to an HA group when you create
the queue manager.
– You can create an HA queue manager on either of the two appliances in the
HA group.

Chapter 2. Planning 25
– The appliance that you create the queue manager on is the preferred
appliance for that queue manager. The queue manager runs on its preferred
appliance so long as that appliance is available.
– A queue manager that belongs to a high availability group can also be set to
belong to a disaster recovery configuration.
– You can specify a floating IP address for individual HA queue managers.
Applications can use the floating IP address to connect to a queue manager
regardless of which appliance it is actually running on. You specify an
interface name to connect on when you create the floating IP address (for
example eth22). That interface must be a physical interface configured with a
static IP address on both appliances.
v Physical configuration:
– The appliances in the HA group synchronize by replicating queue manager
data across a 10 Gb Ethernet link. Use the eth21 interface for the replication
– The appliances in the HA group are also connected by a primary and a
secondary interface that both use 1 Gb Ethernet links. These interfaces are
used to monitor the presence of the other appliance in the group and detect a
failover situation. Use the eth13 interface for the primary link, and the eth17
interface for the secondary link.
– For the best performance of synchronization and failover, the two appliances
need to be as physically close as possible, ensuring short connecting cable
lengths. However, the two appliances should not be in the same rack, in case
the rack fails.
– If you connect the two appliances by using a network switch, you should use
a separate switch for each of the three connections.
– If you locate the two appliances in different data centers, you should be
aware the limitations outlined in “Network requirements for high
availability” on page 27.

The following diagram shows an example HA configuration:

26 IBM MQ Appliance
Figure 3. Example HA group

Network requirements for high availability

The high availability configuration must meet minimum network requirements to
operate effectively.

Note: High availability must use the dedicated network interfaces described here
for communication between the appliances (eth13, eth17 and eth21). You cannot set
up a VLAN or link aggregation interface definition on the appliance in place of
these named interfaces. (You can configure a VLAN on network switches, if

It is recommended that you locate the appliances in a high availability pair in the
same data center (preferably in adjacent racks).

If you choose to locate the appliance in different data centers, you must be aware
of the following limitations:
v Performance degrades rapidly with increasing latency between data centers.
Although IBM will support a latency of up to 10 ms, you might find that your
application performance cannot tolerate more than 1 to 2 ms of latency.
v You must configure the primary and secondary Ethernet interfaces used for HA
across completely redundant links (that is, do not rely on shared networking
hardware, cabling, or power supplies for these connections). It is recommended
that the replication interface is connected over a third redundant link.
v The links must have sufficient dedicated bandwidth with no contention.
v The data sent across the replication link is not subject to any additional
encryption beyond that which might be in place from using MQ AMS.
v Be aware that if you lose the network connections between the two appliances, a
partitioned situation can arise where the same queue manager continues to run
on each appliance and each instance has a different set of queue manager data.

Chapter 2. Planning 27
When the connection is restored you must take action to specify which set of
data you want to preserve, and which you want to discard. (This is sometimes
called a 'split-brain' situation).

The design of the network topology should be performed by networking experts

with a deep understanding of the network architecture being employed. The tools
ping and traceroute can be used as a quick way to begin to explore the network
properties, but are not a substitute for a detailed review of the network

Use ping to test that you can connect to the other appliance in a high availability
1. Connect to the IBM MQ Appliance as described in “Command line access” on
page 109. Log in as an administrative user.
2. Type the following command to test your connection:
ping remote_IP_address

Where remote_IP_address is the IP address of the eth13 interface of the other

appliance in the high availability pair.
3. Repeat the ping test with the IP addresses of the eth17 and eth21 interfaces of
the other appliance in the high availability pair.
The ping command sends 6 Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) echo-request
messages to the specified host with a one second interval between each message
and reports the results.

Use traceroute to test the connection, reporting the addresses of any hosts used to
make the connection, and the latency of the connection:
1. Connect to the IBM MQ Appliance as described in “Command line access” on
page 109. Log in as an administrative user.
2. Type the following command to test your connection:
traceroute remote_IP_address

Where remote_IP_address the IP address of the eth13 interface of the other

appliance in the high availability pair.
3. Repeat the traceroute command with the IP addresses of the eth17 and eth21
interfaces of the other appliance in the high availability pair.
The traceroute command traces the route that packets actually take to their target
host. The output shows the IP address of the hops (for example, gateway or
routers) and the round trip time.

Because of the load it imposes on the network, do not use this command too often
during typical operations.

Planning a disaster recovery system

You can pair a queue manager that is running on a local appliance with a queue
manager that you create for the purpose on a recovery appliance in a remote
location. This process provides a disaster recovery solution.

See “Disaster recovery” on page 9 for an overview of the disaster recovery


When you plan a disaster recovery implementation, consider the following points:

28 IBM MQ Appliance
v Appliances:
– A disaster recovery configuration requires two IBM MQ Appliances.
– Both appliances should be running the same level of appliance firmware.
(Appliances can operate at different levels to allow time to upgrade the
appliances separately, but you should avoid configuring DR queue managers
during this period.)
– You run a queue manager on the main appliance, with a back-up of that
queue manager ready to run on the recovery appliance.
v Queue managers:
– You specify that an existing queue manager is to be part of a disaster
recovery configuration on the main appliance. You then run a command on
the recovery appliance to create a secondary instance of that queue manager.
– A queue manager can belong to a high availability group, and also belong to
a disaster recovery configuration (see “Disaster recovery for a high
availability configuration” on page 9).
– If an event occurs that interrupts the operation of the main appliance, you can
start the queue manager on the recovery appliance.
– Messaging data is replicated asynchronously between primary and secondary
queue manager. When the secondary queue manager starts, some of the
messaging data might be lost (because it has not been replicated before the
main appliance failed).
v Physical configuration:
– The appliances in a disaster recovery configuration synchronize by
transferring queue manager data across a 10 Gb Ethernet link.
v Security
– The link that is used to replicate queue manager data between the appliances
is not subject to any secure encryption at the appliance level. As it is likely
these connections will be wide area network connections that leave your
secure enterprise network, it is important to make appropriate arrangements
to encrypt these connections externally to the IBM MQ Appliance, for
example, by using a hardware or software Virtual LAN product.

Hardware limitations for disaster recovery

The following limitations apply to appliances configured for disaster recovery.

Note: Disaster recovery must use the dedicated network interface described here
for communication between the appliances (eth20). You cannot set up a VLAN or
link aggregation interface definition on the appliance in place of this named
interface. (You can configure a VLAN on network switches, if required.)
Network requirements for disaster recovery
v The replication link between the two appliances must use the eth20 10
Gb Ethernet interface.
v The data sent across the replication link is not subject to any additional
encryption beyond that which might be in place from using MQ AMS.
v The maximum latency for the replication link is 100 ms.
v If the IP addresses used for the two eth20 ports do not belong to the
same subnet (with that subnet used only for the disaster recovery
configuration) then you must set up an IP route between the eth20 ports
on each appliance.

Chapter 2. Planning 29
v It is recommended that the remaining 10 Gb Ethernet interfaces are used
for application traffic (eth22 and eth23 on an M2001 appliance are
intended for application traffic).

Planning network connections

The appliance has a number of network connections. Learn how to plan for their

The network connections are situated on the front of an IBM MQ Appliance. The
location of the network connections is shown in the following illustration.

Figure 4. Network ports on an M2001 appliance

▌1▐ Management Ethernet port mgt0

▌2▐ Management Ethernet port mgt1
▌3▐ 1 Gb Ethernet module, eth10
- 1 Gb Ethernet module, eth11
- 1 Gb Ethernet module, eth12
▌4▐ 1 Gb Ethernet module, eth13
▌5▐ 1 Gb Ethernet module, eth14
- 1 Gb Ethernet module, eth15
- 1 Gb Ethernet module, eth16
▌6▐ 1 Gb Ethernet module, eth17
▌7▐ 10 Gbyte Ethernet module, eth20
▌8▐ 10 Gbyte Ethernet module, eth21
▌9▐ 10 Gbyte Ethernet module, eth22 (M2001 appliance only)
▌10▐ 10 Gbyte Ethernet module, eth23 (M2001 appliance only)
▌11▐ Fibre Channel module port 0
▌12▐ Fibre Channel module port 1

You can configure each of the interfaces when you run the installation wizard for
the appliance. Alternatively, you can configure them by using the CLI or the IBM
MQ Appliance web UI (see “Configuring the appliance” on page 119).

30 IBM MQ Appliance
Aggregate linking and configuration for VLANs is supported for connections,
except where the connections are used in a high availability or disaster recovery

IPMI LAN connection

You can use an Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI) connection to

interface with the Baseboard Management Controller (BMC) on the appliance. The
BMC enables you to power up or power down an appliance remotely (provided
that power is available in the rack where the appliance is installed). You can also
use IPMI commands to perform other various functions, such as printing sensor
data and reading event logs. See http://linux.die.net/man/1/ipmitool for details
of IPMI commands.

You must use the mgt0 interface on the appliance for your IPMI connection. You
can dedicate mgt0 to IPMI, or you can share the mgt0 connection (for example,
with administration interfaces). If you share the connection, IPMI requires the
allocation of a second IP address in the same VLAN and subnet as the mgt0

Because of the nature of IPMI and the level of control that can be obtained over
the IBM MQ Appliance that uses this interface, either connect mgt0 to a secure
management network, or do not connect it at all.


You can administer the appliance by using a command line interface (connecting
via SSH) or a web user interface. You can restrict these interfaces either to mgt0 or
mgt1 to create a restricted management network.

High availability

If you are implementing a high availability (HA) configuration, note that the
following connections are dedicated to HA:
v eth13 - primary link
v eth17 - secondary link
v eth21 - replication link

Ideally, you should have a dedicated subnet for each of the HA interfaces. The
following table shows a set up for two appliances in an HA configuration, named
quirinus and romulus, using IPv4 addresses and Class C private networks for each
Table 5. Example HA configuration
Interface quirinus romulus

Chapter 2. Planning 31
Disaster recovery

If you are implementing a disaster recovery (DR) configuration, note that eth20 is
dedicated to replication for DR. The eth20 interface on each appliance in the DR
configuration can be in a different subnet, although the subnets should be
dedicated to DR replication.

If one of the appliances in a DR configuration also belongs to an HA configuration,

the eth20 interfaces of the HA group must be in the same subnet, but the eth20
interface on the DR appliance can be in a different subnet.

Disaster recovery on high availability systems

If you are implementing DR on an HA system, then eth20 is used for replication
by both HA appliances, and the recovery appliance.
v The IP addresses used for the two HA appliances should belong to the same
dedicated subnet.
v The appliance at the recovery site does not need to belong to the same subnet,
but must be able to reach it.
v The two HA appliances share a floating IP address for eth20 (in addition to each
having a static IP address defined for eth20). The floating IP is used for
replication with the recovery appliance by whichever appliance is running the
queue manager being replicated (that is, the primary appliance for the queue
v You do not have to physically configure the floating IP. You specify it as an
argument when you configure disaster recovery for an HA pair (see
“Configuring disaster recovery for a high availability queue manager” on page
180). Choose an unallocated IP address on the same subnet as the two static IP

Naming interfaces

The IBM MQ Appliance enables you to specify a host alias for a specific IP address
that is assigned to a network interface. You can use this alias to reference the
interface, rather than explicitly using the IP address. Using aliases makes it easier
to copy a configuration to another appliance, or migrate between environments,
without making extensive changes to accommodate different IP addresses.

For example, the following table shows interfaces that are defined and host aliases
allocated. In this example, the data connection has the host alias “data-int”; you
can use this host alias in IBM MQ commands instead of explicitly referencing the
IP address The following example shows the command that is used to
create a listener and bind it to the data interface:
define listener(CHA2L) trptype(TCP) control(QMGR) IPADDR(data-int)

If you then start the listener and display the status, you can see that “data-int” was
resolved to IP address
start listener(CHA2L)
display lsstatus(CHA2L)
AMQ8631: Display listener status details.
PID(43918) STARTDA(2016-05-04)
STARTTI(09.31.56) DESCR( )

32 IBM MQ Appliance
For more information about defining host aliases, see “Host Alias commands” on
page 695.
Table 6.
Interface IP address Comment Host alias
eth10 Used for IBM MQ data-int:
eth11 Used for logging log-int:
eth13 Used for HA Primary hap-int:
eth17 Used for HA has-int:
eth21 Used for replication har-int:

Data connections

You must configure one or more Ethernet connections for the IBM MQ data
handled by the appliance. You can use link aggregation to improve the resilience
and bandwidth of your data connection.

The M2001 appliance has two 10 Gb connections, eth22 and eth23, that are not
used for HA or DR. You can aggregate these two links together to act as a single
data interface.


The following table shows the network configuration of an example appliance. The
appliance is part of an HA group, and also supports disaster recovery for queue
managers. IBM MQ data is carried on link aggregated 10 Gb connections, logging
data is sent to link aggregated 1 Gb connections.
Table 7. Example network configuration for M2001 appliance
Interface Used for
mgt0 Web UI and IPMI
mgt1 Command line access (SSH)
eth10 Not used
eth11 Not used
eth12 Link aggregated 1 Gb interface for logging data
eth13 HA primary group interface
eth14 Not used
eth15 Not used
eth16 Link aggregated 1 Gb interface for logging data
eth17 HA group alternative interface
eth20 DR replication link
eth21 HA replication interface
eth22 Link aggregated 10 Gb data interface
eth23 Link aggregated 10 Gb data interface

Chapter 2. Planning 33
Network configuration guidance
You can configure your own network connections on the IBM MQ Appliance using
this guidance to help.

One of the advantages of the appliance is that all the administration tasks can be
carried out by a single appliance administrator. This guidance helps you to set up
networking on the appliance even if you are not yourself a networking expert.

When you install firmware on your appliance for the first time, you can set up one
management interface and a default gateway as part of the running the installation
wizard, which is enough to set up connectivity with the outside world. You might
well require a more sophisticated network configuration, however, and as the
appliance has many network interfaces, you need to plan before you configure
additional interfaces. You need to consider the following points:
v What is the topology of the network that you are connecting to?
– Do you have a dedicated management subnet?
– Do your brokers need to connect to multiple subnets?
v What is the motivation for configuring multiple appliance connections?
(performance, redundancy, or security are possible reasons)

TCP/IP network routing function

In simple terms, when the appliance needs to route to a host, it assesses available
connections in this order:
1. Is there an existing interface on the same subnet as the target host?
2. Are there static routes defined to that specific host?
3. Are there static routes defined to that host's subnet?
4. Is there a default gateway defined?

You can use the show route command to display the information currently
available to the appliance in making these decisions. The show route command
shows the appliance routing table. The table includes static and default routes from
appliance interface configurations.

The aim in configuring your appliance is to avoid any ambiguity or uncertainty

when routing to a host. Ambiguity can cause problems for some network
operations, for example, when pinging an appliance, you might see no response if
the return path is different to the request path. Such ambiguity can also interfere
with the high availability and disaster recovery functionality of the appliance.

Best Practice guidelines

Although much of your configuration will be dictated by the structure of the

network that you are connecting to, and your priorities in terms of performance,
redundancy, and security, you can follow these guidelines to help avoid ambiguity
and uncertainty.
Avoid having multiple IP addresses on the same subnet allocated to appliance
network interfaces
If you are planning to do this to provide redundancy, consider using link
aggregation. You can aggregate several of the appliance interfaces together,
using a single IP address to access them (see “Link aggregation interfaces”
on page 125).

34 IBM MQ Appliance
Configure HA and DR connections into separate, dedicated subnets, or define
static routes
Put direct HA and DR connections into separate, dedicated subnets. Giving
each direct connection its own subnet will completely remove any potential
issues for clashes. Such connections do not need gateways or routers of
any kind, since all traffic on these direct connections will be peer-to-peer
within that subnet.
If you are not using direct cable connections for your HA or DR interfaces,
you should still use discrete dedicated subnets for each connection (this is
most likely to be true for your DR connection, which would usually be at a
different site rather than physically nearby as for HA systems).

Chapter 2. Planning 35
If you cannot configure dedicated subnets, define static routes for your HA
and DR connections.

36 IBM MQ Appliance
Consider defining separate static routes to hosts or subnets for specific MQ and
appliance management traffic
For example, if you know that all of your management traffic should be
coming to and from 192.168 (private network) addresses, define static
routes on mgt0 and/or mgt1 to ensure that traffic with these systems takes
a known route and does not interfere with other (for example, application)

Define only one default gateway and on one interface

Avoid unpredictable routing by defining only one default gateway, and
define it on a single interface.
Define the default gateway on one of the interfaces you expect outgoing
MQ connections to use, as this makes it easy for queue managers to route
outwards to any IP that does not have a more specific route defined.

Chapter 2. Planning 37
Planning SAN storage

38 IBM MQ Appliance
You can configure an IBM MQ queue manager to use a storage area network
(SAN) for queue manager data.

By default, queue managers use the built-in RAID storage on the appliance. You
can specify that a non-high availability queue manager stores all its data on SAN
storage if you require enhanced capacity, speed, and resilience. The appliance has a
fibre channel interface for connection to the SAN.

You must first configure your appliance to use the SAN. You can then specify that
a queue manager uses SAN-storage when you create it on the appliance.

You must configure your SAN to provide one or more dedicated partitions for
appliance use. Each queue manager uses a separate storage end point, conceptually
a separate disk or device. SAN storage does not provide support for shared storage
(for example, multi-instance queue managers).

The appliance supports access to a switched SAN fabric accessed by using fibre
channel host bus adapters. You must configure your SAN so that each queue
manager uses a separate, dedicated LUN. Ensure that your storage network is
zoned so that only the appliance using a particular volume can access the LUN in
normal operations. In a disaster recovery scenario, it might be appropriate for
multiple appliances to have access to a single LUN, although only one appliance
has the volume active (enabled) at any given time.

Ensure administrative access to the data stored on SAN volumes is controlled and
audited appropriately.

Queue manager data is not encrypted by the appliance, so you must take steps to
secure your SAN storage independently. Volumes configured for appliance use are
used to store sensitive information, including certificates and password files
relating to the queue manager.

Capacity planning
There is no architectural limit on the IBM MQ Appliance as to the number of
queue managers which can be hosted on a single appliance. However, there are
some guidelines to upper limits based on the capacity of the appliance hardware
and IBM tested configurations.
v For stand-alone queue managers, observe a maximum of 60 queue managers on
a single appliance.
v For queue managers configured for high availability or disaster recovery (or
both), observe a maximum of 30 queue manager per HA or DR pair of
v For an appliance hosting a mixture of HA or DR queue managers, and
stand-alone queue managers, estimate the maximum by assuming that HA/DR
queue managers consume approximately twice the resources that stand-alone
queue managers consume. For example, you could plan a system with a
maximum capacity of 40 stand-alone queue managers and ten HA queue
v You must allocate disk storage to each queue manager from your available
storage when you create the queue manager. An HA or DR queue manager
requires twice the storage of a stand-alone queue manager.

These guidelines assume relatively light loading on each queue manager. For
heavily loaded queue managers you might not achieve acceptable performance in

Chapter 2. Planning 39
practice at these levels of co-tenancy. One heavily loaded queue manager is capable
of consuming all resources in the system, dependent on your configuration. For
more information on this, and other performance and capacity characteristics, refer
to the appliance performance report documents:
v IBM MQ Appliance Performance Report
v IBM MQ Appliance HA/DR Performance Report

Security planning
Security planning involves thinking about administrative access to the appliance
itself, and thinking about implementing security for IBM MQ messaging.

User security

There are two types of user on the IBM MQ Appliance: appliance users, and
messaging users. Appliance users are users that can administer the appliance and
IBM MQ resources. Messaging users are users that can perform operations on
messaging resources.

Administrative access of users to both the appliance and to IBM MQ is controlled

by role based management. Using role based management you can finely control
exactly what resources users have access to. Users can be authenticated by using
an LDAP repository, a local or remote XML file, or can be configured as local
users. User permissions can be defined in an XML file or a local user group. The
appliance always has the privileged administrative account admin, that you cannot
configure. There are some appliance operations that can only be performed by the
admin user.

Messaging users are defined using IBM MQ commands. You can use role based
management delegate the IBM MQ authority checks from an appliance user to a
matching messaging user. This means that you can effectively have a single user
ID to cover both functions.

For more information about role based management, see “Role based
management” on page 344.

For more information about messaging users, see “Administering messaging users”
on page 245.

Form more information about how users are authorized to use different resources,
see “User authorization, credential mapping, and access profiles” on page 332.

For examples of how to set up different users on your appliance to access different
resources, see “Configuring user access to the IBM MQ Console and the CLI” on
page 156.

Link level security for IBM MQ

The appliance supports the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol to provide link
level security for message channels and MQI channels. The appliance supports the
same levels of TLS as IBM MQ, although the implementation details are different.

For more information about TLS in IBM MQ, see SSL and TLS security protocols in
the IBM MQ documentation.

40 IBM MQ Appliance
For more information about how the appliance implements TLS, see “TLS
certificate management” on page 389.

Message level security for IBM MQ

If you require a higher level of security for sensitive data flowing through the IBM
MQ, you can implement IBM MQ Advanced Message Security on the appliance.
Under AMS, certificates are distributed to IBM MQ clients, and the clients then
encrypt and decrypt data at the application. Use of AMS guarantees that message
data has not been modified between when it is originally placed on a queue and
when it is retrieved. In addition, AMS verifies that a sender of message data is
authorized to place signed messages on a target queue.
MCA interceptor
If you are unable to configure some or all of your IBM MQ clients to
encrypt and decrypt data at the application, you can use an AMS MCA
interceptor to give some of the benefits of AMS without making changes to
the client. Using an MCA interceptor, data is encrypted/decrypted as it
enters or leaves the queue manager or queue manager network by the
channel itself, and therefore only users/applications with access to the
appropriate certificates can decrypt data as stored internally to the queue
manager. Use this mechanism where managing the encryption at the
endpoint is not an option. Only client applications that cannot manage
encryption should connect on interceptor-enabled channels.
Use of the MCA interceptor can give you increased protection against users
without physical access to the appliance, including any appliance
administrative users who do not have access to the mqcli command. The
intercept can thus give increased protection against 'privilege escalation'
style attacks from other users.
Use of the MCA interceptor should not, however, be regarded as
equivalent to full end-to-end encryption using client-side certificates, or (on
platforms where available) full disk encryption. The certificates that are
used to encrypt or sign messages are stored on the appliance disks,
alongside the actual queue manager data. This storage means that
administrators who have access to the mqcli command on the appliance
can request that a copy of this certificate store is exported from the system.
Also, anyone with physical access to the appliance could potentially
remove the disks and access the certificate store by installing the disks in
another system. You should bear these limitations in mind when planning
to use MCA intercepts.

For more information on IBM MQ Advanced Message Security, see IBM MQ

Advanced Message Security in the IBM MQ documentation.

For more information on implementing IBM MQ Advanced Message Security on

the appliance, see “Configuring IBM MQ Advanced Message Security” on page

For more information on implementing MCA intercepts on the appliance, see

“Configuring MCA interception” on page 166.

Chapter 2. Planning 41
42 IBM MQ Appliance
Chapter 3. Installing
Plan for your installation, install, and verify the installation of the IBM MQ

Installation demonstration

View the video to see a demonstration of a IBM MQ Appliance

Installing an IBM MQ Appliance

Before you install this product, read the Safety Information.

Brazilian Portuguese
Antes de instalar este produto, leia as Informações de Segurança.
Chinese (simplified)

Chinese (traditional)



Læs sikkerhedsforskrifterne, før du installerer dette produkt.
Dutch Lees voordat u dit product installeert eerst de veiligheidsvoorschriften.
Ennen kuin asennat tämän tuotten, lue turvaohjeet kohdasta Safety
Avant d'installer ce produit, lisez les consignes de sécurité.
Vor der Installation dieses Produkts die Sicherheitshinweise lesen.



Italian Prima di installare questo prodotto, leggere le Informazioni sulla Sicurezza.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2015, 2017 43




Les sikkerhetsinformasjonen (Safety Information) før du installerer dette

Antes de instalar este produto, leia as Informações sobre Segurança.


Pred namestitvijo tega proizvoda preberite Varnostne informacije.
Antes de instalar este producto, lea la información seguridad.
Läs säkerhetsinformationen innan du installerar den här produkten.

Guidelines for servicing electrical equipment

You must observe the guidelines when you service electrical equipment.

For your safety, the following guidelines must be observed:

v Check the area for electrical hazards, such as moist floors, non-grounded power
extension cords, and missing safety grounds.
v Use only approved tools and test equipment. Some hand tools have handles that
are covered with a soft material that does not provide insulation from live
electrical current.
v Regularly inspect and maintain your electrical hand tools for safe operational
condition. Do not use worn or broken tools or testers.
v Do not touch the reflective surface of a dental mirror to a live electrical circuit.
The surface is conductive and can cause personal injury or equipment damage if
it touches a live electrical circuit.
v Some rubber floor mats contain small conductive fibers to decrease electrostatic
discharge. Do not use this type of mat to protect yourself from electrical shock.
v Do not work alone under hazardous conditions or near equipment that has
hazardous voltages.
v Locate the emergency power-off (EPO) switch, disconnecting switch, or electrical
outlet so that you can turn off the power quickly in the event of an electrical
v Disconnect all power before you conduct a mechanical inspection, work near
power supplies, or remove or install main units.
44 IBM MQ Appliance
v Before you work on the equipment, disconnect the power cord. If you cannot
disconnect the power cord, have the customer power off the wall box that
supplies power to the equipment and lock the wall box in the off position.
v Never assume that power is disconnected from a circuit. Check the circuit to
make sure that power is disconnected.
v If you must work on equipment with exposed electrical circuits, observe the
following precautions:
– Make sure that another person who is familiar with the power-off controls is
near you and is available to turn off the power if necessary.
– When you are working with powered-on electrical equipment, use only one
hand. Keep the other hand in your pocket or behind your back to avoid
creating a complete circuit that might cause an electrical shock.
– When you use a circuit tester, set the controls correctly and use the approved
probe leads and accessories for the device.
– Stand on a suitable rubber mat to insulate you from grounds such as metal
floor strips and equipment frames.
v Use extreme care when you measure high voltages.
v To ensure proper grounding of components, such as power supplies, pumps,
blowers, fans, and motor generators, do not service these components outside of
their normal operating locations.
v If an electrical accident occurs, use caution, turn off the power, and send another
person to get medical aid.

Inspecting for unsafe conditions

How to identify potentially unsafe conditions in an IBM product that you are
working on.

About this task

Each IBM product, as it was designed and manufactured, possesses safety

requirements to protect users and service technicians from injury. Use good
judgment to identify potentially unsafe conditions that might be caused by
attachment of non-IBM features or options that are not addressed in the
documentation. If you identify an unsafe condition, you must determine how
serious the hazard is and whether you must correct the problem before you work
on the product.

Consider the following conditions, and the safety hazards that they present:
v Electrical hazards (especially primary power). Primary voltage on the frame can
cause serious or fatal electrical shock.
v Explosive hazards, such as a damaged CRT face or a bulging capacitor.
v Mechanical hazards, such as loose or missing hardware.

1. Make sure that the power is off and the power cords are disconnected.
2. Make sure that the exterior cover is not damaged or broken, and inspect for
any sharp edges.
3. Check the power cords:
a. Make sure that the third-wire ground connector is in good condition. Use a
meter to measure third-wire ground continuity for 0.1 ohm or less between
the external ground pin and the frame ground.

Chapter 3. Installing 45
b. Make sure that the power cords are the correct type.
c. Make sure that the insulation is not frayed or worn.
4. Check for pinched cables.

Safety statements
Safety statements are available on the included CD-ROM.

The IBM Systems: Safety Notices document is available on the CD-ROM provided
with the system.

Safety notices
These notices apply to this product.

DANGER notices warn you of conditions or procedures that can result in death or
severe personal injury. CAUTION notices warn you of conditions or procedures
that can cause personal injury that is neither lethal nor extremely hazardous.
ATTENTION notices warn you of conditions or procedures that can cause damage
to machines, equipment, or programs.

Danger notices
The following DANGER notices apply to this product.

To prevent a possible shock from touching two surfaces with different
protective ground (earth), use one hand when possible to connect or
disconnect signal cables. (D001)

Overloading a branch circuit is potentially a fire hazard and a shock hazard
under certain conditions. To avoid these hazards, ensure that your system
electrical requirements do not exceed branch circuit protection requirements.
Refer to the information that is provided with your device or the power
rating label for electrical specifications. (D002)

If the receptacle has a metal shell, do not touch the shell until you complete
the voltage and grounding checks. Improper wiring or grounding might place
dangerous voltage on the metal shell. If any of the conditions are not as
described, stop. Ensure that the proper voltage or impedance conditions are
corrected before proceeding. (D003)

An electrical outlet that is not correctly wired might place hazardous voltage
on the metal parts of the system or devices that attach to the system. The
customer is responsible to ensure that the outlet is correctly wired and
grounded to prevent an electrical shock. (D004)


46 IBM MQ Appliance
When you work on or around the system, observe the following precautions:

Electrical voltage and current from power, telephone, and communication

cables are hazardous. To avoid a shock hazard:
v Connect power to this unit only with the IBM provided power cord. Do not
use the IBM provided power cord for any other product.
v Do not open or service any power supply assembly.
v Do not connect or disconnect any cables or install, maintain, or reconfigure
this product during an electrical storm.
v The product might be equipped with multiple power cords. To remove all
hazardous voltages, disconnect all power cords.
v Connect all power cords to a properly wired and grounded electrical outlet.
Ensure that the outlet supplies proper voltage and phase rotation according
to the system rating plate.
v Connect any equipment that is attached to this product to properly wired
v When possible, use one hand only to connect or disconnect signal cables.
v Never turn on any equipment when there is evidence of fire, water, or
structural damage.
v Disconnect the attached power cords, telecommunications systems,
networks, and modems before you open the device covers, unless
instructed otherwise in the installation and configuration procedures.
v Connect and disconnect cables as described in the following procedures
when you install, move, or open covers on this product or attached devices.

To disconnect:
1. Turn off everything (unless instructed otherwise).
2. Remove the power cords from the outlets.
3. Remove the signal cables from the connectors.
4. Remove all cables from devices.

To connect:
1. Turn off everything (unless instructed otherwise).
2. Attach all cables to devices.
3. Attach the signal cables to the connectors.
4. Attach the power cords to the outlets.
5. Turn on the devices.


Caution notices
The following caution notices apply to this product.

v Do not install a unit in a rack where the internal rack ambient temperature
exceeds what the manufacturer recommends for each of your rack-mounted
v Do not install devices in a rack where the air flow is compromised. Ensure
that air flow is not blocked or reduced on any side, front, or back of a
component that is used for air flow through the unit.
v Pay attention to the connection of the equipment to the supply circuit so that
overloading of the circuits does not compromise the supply wiring or
overcurrent protection. To provide the correct power connection to a rack, refer
to the rating labels on each piece of equipment in the rack and determine the
total power requirement of the supply circuit.

Chapter 3. Installing 47
v For sliding drawers, do not pull out or install any drawer or feature if the rack
stabilizer brackets are not attached to the rack. Do not pull out more than one
drawer at a time. The rack might become unstable if you pull out more than
one drawer at a time.
v Fixed drawers must not be moved for servicing unless specified by the
manufacturer. Attempting to move the drawer partially or completely out of
the rack might cause the rack to become unstable or cause the drawer to fall
out of the rack. (R001 part 2)

The battery contains lithium. To avoid possible explosion, do not burn or charge
the battery.

Do not:
v Drop or immerse into water
v Heat to more than 100° C (212° F)
v Repair or disassemble
Exchange only with the part approved by IBM. Recycle or discard the battery as
instructed by local regulations. In the United States, IBM has a process for the
collection of this battery. For information, call 1-800-426-4333. Have the IBM part
number for the battery unit available when you call. (C003)

Laser safety information

This product might contain one or more of the following devices: CD-ROM
drive, DVD-ROM drive, DVD-RAM drive, or laser module, which are Class 1
laser products. Note the following information:
v Do not remove the covers. Removing the covers of the laser product can result
in exposure to hazardous laser radiation. There are no serviceable parts inside
the device.
v Use of the controls or adjustments, or performance of procedures other than
what the instructions specify, can result in hazardous radiation exposure.

Data processing environments can contain equipment that transmits or receives
data with laser modules that operate at greater than Class 1 power levels. To
prevent permanent injury, never look into the end of an optical fiber cable or
open receptacle. (C027)

Product handling information


The weight of this part or unit is 18 - 32 kg (39.7 - 70.5 lb). It takes two persons
to safely lift this part or unit. (C009)

48 IBM MQ Appliance
One or more of the following safety labels may apply to this product.

Hazardous voltage, current, or energy levels are present inside. Do not open
any cover or barrier. (L001)

Rack-mounted devices are not to be used as shelves or work spaces. (L002)

Multiple power cords. The product might be equipped with multiple power
cords. To remove all hazardous voltages, disconnect all power cords. (L003)

Introducing the IBM MQ Appliance

The IBM MQ Appliance provides IBM MQ V9 on an easy-to-deploy appliance.

The IBM MQ Appliance has the model number M2001, and the MTM 8436-55X.

Chapter 3. Installing 49
Specifications and features
This section contains information about the specifications and features of the

Hardware specifications for the appliance.

The following table summarizes the specifications for the chassis.

Table 8. Hardware specifications
Specification Value
Height 3.5 in. (89 mm)
Width 17.25 in. (438 mm)
Depth 23 in. (584 mm)
Appliance weight 44 lb. (20 kg)
Shipping weight 66 lb. (30 kg)
Electrical input:
Power Supply Two, 720 Watt power supply modules
Sine-wave 50/60 Hz (single-phase) required
110 Voltage AC 100 to 127 Volt (nominal) at 10.0 Amperes
220 Voltage AC 200 to 240 Volt (nominal) at 5.0 Amperes
Heat output
Idle 214 watts (730 Btu/hour)
Maximum 462 watts (1575 Btu/hour)
Shipping -40° to 140° F (-40° to 60° C)
Power off 50° to 109.4° F (10° to 43° C)
Power on 0 to 3000 ft. (0 to 914.4 m) 50° to 95° F (10° to 35° C)

3000 ft. to 7000 ft. (914.4 m to 2133.6 m): 50° to 89.6°

F (10° to 32° C)
Maximum altitude 7000 ft. (2133.6 m)
Humidity 8% to 80% (noncondensing)

Hardware features
The hardware features include processor, disk space, and memory of the appliance.

The following table describes the CPU, disk space, and memory of the appliance.
Disk drive modules are serial-attached SCSI (SAS) drives.
Table 9. IBM MQ Appliance hardware features M2001
CPU Disk space Memory
Two 10-core 2.80 GHz Intel Two 3200 GB SSDs 192 GB (Twelve 1600 MHz
Xeon E5-2680V2 processors configured as RAID 1 DDR3 DIMMs)

The machine type model (MTM) of an appliance is 8436-54X or 8436-55X.

50 IBM MQ Appliance
The system disk contains 16 GB space for system file storage.

On an M2001 model the RAID array for user storage contains 3200 GB of space.
Allocation of storage is set during appliance initialization.

Intrusion detection
There is an intrusion detection switch inside of the appliance.

The intrusion switch and intrusion detection are enabled by default. An

administrator can configure the appliance to ignore signals from the intrusion
detection switch, or reset intrusion detection.

If intrusion detection is enabled and the appliance detects an intrusion during

normal operation, then the next time the appliance restarts it will enter Fail Safe
mode. An administrator can reset the intrusion detection status by entering the
clear intrusion-detected command from the CLI.

Components on the front

The following figure shows the controls, connectors, and status indicators on the
front of the appliance.

M2001 model

Figure 5. Controls, connectors, and status indicators on the front of the appliance.

The labels in this figure correspond to the following components on the front of
the appliance:
▌1▐ LCD display.
▌2▐ Solid state disk drive 1.
▌3▐ Solid state disk drive 2.
▌4▐ Fault LED.
▌5▐ Locate LED.
▌6▐ Power LED.
▌7▐ Power button.
▌8▐ Two USB ports (not active).
▌9▐ Console connector.
▌10▐ mgt0 management port.

Chapter 3. Installing 51
▌11▐ mgt1 management port.
▌12▐ 1 Gb Ethernet module.
▌13▐ 10 Gb Ethernet module.
▌14▐ 16 Gb fibre channel module.

M2000 model

Figure 6. Controls, connectors, and status indicators on the front of the appliance.

The labels in this figure correspond to the following components on the front of
the appliance:
▌1▐ LCD display.
▌2▐ Hard disk drive 1.
▌3▐ Hard disk drive 2.
▌4▐ Fault LED.
▌5▐ Locate LED.
▌6▐ Power LED.
▌7▐ Power button.
▌8▐ Two USB ports (not active).
▌9▐ Console connector.
▌10▐ mgt0 management port.
▌11▐ mgt1 management port.
▌12▐ 1 Gb Ethernet module.
▌13▐ 10 Gb Ethernet module.
▌14▐ 16 Gb fibre channel module.

LCD module
The front panel has an LCD module that includes an LCD and five menu buttons.

The LCD displays the product name and the installed firmware version. The menu
buttons adjacent to the LCD are not functional.

Locate LED
The front has a locate LED to help you identify the intended appliance.

52 IBM MQ Appliance
The locate LED shows a steady blue light when activated. The LED remains on
until deactivated to help you identify the intended appliance.
From the CLI
Use the locate-device command in Global configuration mode.
v To activate, enter locate-device on.
v To deactivate, enter locate-device off.

Power button
The front of the appliance has a power button.

When the appliance is powered off, press the button to turn on the appliance.

When the appliance is powered on, press the button to start a graceful hardware

Console port
The front has a console port for serial communications.

The console port receives an RJ45 jack from either of the supplied serial console

For initial configuration, use one of the supplied serial cables to connect from an
ASCII terminal1 to the appliance or to connect from a PC that is running terminal
emulation software to the appliance.

Network ports
The network ports transmit and receive data communications between the
appliance and external sources.

The network ports of a IBM MQ Appliance are grouped and located by function.
Two management Ethernet ports (mgt0 and mgt1) are part of the appliance. All
other network ports are removable modules.

The 1 Gb Ethernet module contains eight ports for the RJ45 interface.

On the M2000 model, the 10 Gb Ethernet module has two small-form-factor

pluggable (SFP+) ports.

On the M2001 model, the 10 Gb Ethernet module has four small-form-factor

pluggable (SFP+) ports.

The fibre channel module has two FC ports.

1. A simple device that transmits and receives ASCII data.

Chapter 3. Installing 53
Figure 7. M2000 model network ports

▌1▐ Management Ethernet port mgt0

▌2▐ Management Ethernet port mgt1
▌3▐ 1 Gb Ethernet module, eth10
- 1 Gb Ethernet module, eth11
- 1 Gb Ethernet module, eth12
▌4▐ 1 Gb Ethernet module, eth13
▌5▐ 1 Gb Ethernet module, eth14
- 1 Gb Ethernet module, eth15
- 1 Gb Ethernet module, eth16
▌6▐ 1 Gb Ethernet module, eth17
▌7▐ 10 Gbyte Ethernet module, eth20
▌8▐ 10 Gbyte Ethernet module, eth21
▌9▐ Fibre channel module port 0
▌10▐ Fibre channel module port 1

Figure 8. M2001 model network ports

▌1▐ Management Ethernet port mgt0

▌2▐ Management Ethernet port mgt1
▌3▐ 1 Gb Ethernet module, eth10
- 1 Gb Ethernet module, eth11
- 1 Gb Ethernet module, eth12

54 IBM MQ Appliance
▌4▐ 1 Gb Ethernet module, eth13
▌5▐ 1 Gb Ethernet module, eth14
- 1 Gb Ethernet module, eth15
- 1 Gb Ethernet module, eth16
▌6▐ 1 Gb Ethernet module, eth17
▌7▐ 10 Gbyte Ethernet module, eth20
▌8▐ 10 Gbyte Ethernet module, eth21
▌9▐ 10 Gbyte Ethernet module, eth22
▌10▐ 10 Gbyte Ethernet module, eth23
▌11▐ Fibre channel module port 0
▌12▐ Fibre channel module port 1

Management Ethernet ports:

The mgt0 and mgt1 management Ethernet ports provide access to the management
interfaces of the appliance.

These ports provide remote management access to the appliance and are not to be
used as data ports. mgt0 supports IPMI over LAN (including serial over LAN).

Management traffic should be considered in the overall availability, network, and

management plan for the deployment. Management traffic (with the exception of
IPMI) is not fundamentally different than any other kind of traffic the appliance
processes. The same techniques that separate network zones apply equally to
management traffic.

Ethernet modules:

The appliance contains two Ethernet modules for network connectivity.

The left module contains eight 1 Gb Ethernet ports, and the right module contains
two or four 10 Gb Ethernet ports.
1 Gb Ethernet module
The 1 Gb Ethernet module contains eight ports for the RJ45 interface. The
Ethernet ports are placed in two rows and are numbered sequentially from
lower left to upper right. The lower row is numbered eth10 to eth13 and
the upper row is numbered eth14 to eth17. Each port has speed and
activity indicator LEDs.
Notice that the speed and activity LEDs on the lower and upper rows have
opposite orientation.

Chapter 3. Installing 55
Figure 9. 1 Gb Ethernet module with eight ports for RJ45 interface

▌1▐ eth14
▌2▐ 1 Gb Ethernet port speed LED
▌3▐ 1 Gb Ethernet port activity LED
▌4▐ eth10
Use eth13 as the HA group primary interface and eth17 as the HA group
secondary interface in a high availability pair.
4 x 10 Gb Ethernet module (M2001 models)
The 10 Gb Ethernet module has four small-form-factor pluggable (SFP+)
ports. The port designators are eth20, eth21, eth22, and eth23. SFP+ ports
support optical or electrical interfaces with the appropriate transceiver.

Figure 10. 10 Gb Ethernet module with two ports for SFP+ interface

▌1▐ eth20 (used for the replication link in a disaster recovery

▌2▐ eth21 (used for the replication link in a high availability pair)
▌3▐ eth22
▌4▐ eth23
▌5▐ eth20 port activity LED
▌6▐ eth21 port activity LED
▌7▐ eth22 port activity LED
▌8▐ eth23 port activity LED

56 IBM MQ Appliance
Fibre channel module:

The appliance contains a 16 Gb fibre channel module for SAN connectivity.

The fibre channel module contains two ports, identified as port 0 and port 1. Each
port has a firmware activity (green) and port activity (yellow) light.

Figure 11. 16 Gb Fibre channel module

Solid-state disk drive modules

The IBM MQ Appliance M2001 has two solid-state disk drive modules.

Figure 12. Solid-state disk drive module.

▌1▐ Solid-state disk drive activity LED.

▌2▐ Locking arm release latch.

Hard disk drive modules

The IBM MQ Appliance M2000 has two hard disk drive modules.

Figure 13. Hard disk drive module.

▌1▐ Hard disk drive activity LED.

▌2▐ Locking arm release latch.

Components on the rear

Fan and power supply modules are at the rear of the appliance.

Chapter 3. Installing 57
The following figure shows the components at the rear of the appliance.

Figure 14. Rear view.

▌1▐ Fan modules.

▌2▐ Fan LEDs.
▌3▐ Power supply modules.
▌4▐ Power supply module LEDs.

The fan modules and power modules are installed from the rear of the appliance.

Fan modules
There are three fan modules in the rear of the appliance.

Each fan module contains a cooling fan with an LED that indicates the status of
the module.

The speed of the fans is responsive to the temperature of the appliance as

measured by internal temperature sensors near the front and rear of the appliance.
As the temperature changes, the fan speed changes to compensate.

Power supply modules

The appliance is powered by two redundant power supply modules.

A single power supply module can supply the power to support appliance
operations. Each power supply module contains an LED that indicates the status of
the module.

Multiple power cords. The product might be equipped with multiple power
cords. To remove all hazardous voltages, disconnect all power cords. (L003)

Prepare for installation

Information about the appliance, required tools, and an installation overview.

Rack requirements
Observe the rack requirements when you plan for installation.

58 IBM MQ Appliance
The appliance can fit in a standard 19 in (48.26 cm) rack with a minimum of 28 in.
(71.1 cm) of depth. When you plan for installation, observe the following
requirements for the rack:
v The appliance rails require four mounting points in the rack.
v There must be at least 30 in. (76.20 cm) of free space behind the rack frame to
remove replaceable parts.
v The ambient temperature in the operating environment and within the rack
should not exceed 95° F (35° C).


When you work on or around the system, observe the following precautions:

Electrical voltage and current from power, telephone, and communication

cables are hazardous. To avoid a shock hazard:
v Connect power to this unit only with the IBM provided power cord. Do not
use the IBM provided power cord for any other product.
v Do not open or service any power supply assembly.
v Do not connect or disconnect any cables or install, maintain, or reconfigure
this product during an electrical storm.
v The product might be equipped with multiple power cords. To remove all
hazardous voltages, disconnect all power cords.
v Connect all power cords to a properly wired and grounded electrical outlet.
Ensure that the outlet supplies proper voltage and phase rotation according
to the system rating plate.
v Connect any equipment that is attached to this product to properly wired
v When possible, use one hand only to connect or disconnect signal cables.
v Never turn on any equipment when there is evidence of fire, water, or
structural damage.
v Disconnect the attached power cords, telecommunications systems,
networks, and modems before you open the device covers, unless
instructed otherwise in the installation and configuration procedures.
v Connect and disconnect cables as described in the following procedures
when you install, move, or open covers on this product or attached devices.

To disconnect:
1. Turn off everything (unless instructed otherwise).
2. Remove the power cords from the outlets.
3. Remove the signal cables from the connectors.
4. Remove all cables from devices.

To connect:
1. Turn off everything (unless instructed otherwise).
2. Attach all cables to devices.
3. Attach the signal cables to the connectors.
4. Attach the power cords to the outlets.
5. Turn on the devices.


Chapter 3. Installing 59
v Do not install a unit in a rack where the internal rack ambient temperature
exceeds what the manufacturer recommends for each of your rack-mounted
v Do not install devices in a rack where the air flow is compromised. Ensure
that air flow is not blocked or reduced on any side, front, or back of a
component that is used for air flow through the unit.
v Pay attention to the connection of the equipment to the supply circuit so that
overloading of the circuits does not compromise the supply wiring or
overcurrent protection. To provide the correct power connection to a rack, refer
to the rating labels on each piece of equipment in the rack and determine the
total power requirement of the supply circuit.
v For sliding drawers, do not pull out or install any drawer or feature if the rack
stabilizer brackets are not attached to the rack. Do not pull out more than one
drawer at a time. The rack might become unstable if you pull out more than
one drawer at a time.
v Fixed drawers must not be moved for servicing unless specified by the
manufacturer. Attempting to move the drawer partially or completely out of
the rack might cause the rack to become unstable or cause the drawer to fall
out of the rack. (R001 part 2)

Tool requirements
You need the following tools and hardware to install the appliance rack-mounting
v A medium Phillips screwdriver
v Two (2) standard rack screws

You need at least two (2) and up to 12 network cables to connect the appliance to
your network.

Installing the appliance in a rack

The appliance shipping carton contains a rail kit.

The rails for the appliance are for a 19 in. (48.26 cm) rack. A complete rail kit is
required to install the appliance. If any item is missing, contact IBM support.

The rail kit of the following parts:

v Left slide rail, marked L.
v Right slide rail, marked R.
v Two (2) screws (size 10-32) to secure the slide rails to the rack.

Installing rails in the rack frame

How to install rails in the rack cabinet.

Before you begin

If the rails in the kit came with thumbscrews, remove them.

Note: When you install a 2U appliance, be sure to install the slide rails in the
bottom of the 2U area in the rack.

60 IBM MQ Appliance
1. Open the front rail latches, as shown in the following figure.

Figure 15. View of the left slide rail.

Notice that each slide rail is marked with an R (right) or an L (left) to indicate
on which side of the rack it will be installed. R and L are determined as you
face the rack opening with the front portion nearest you.
a. Select one of the slide rails and push up on the front moveable tab ▌1▐;
then, pull out the front latch ▌2▐.
b. If a thumbscrew is installed in the slide rail ▌3▐, remove it.
2. Install the rear end of the slide rails into the rack, as shown in the following

Figure 16. Install the rear end of the slide rails.

a. From the front of the rack, line up the two pins on the rear of the slide rail
with the corresponding holes at the selected location at the rear of the rack.
b. Push the rails so that the pins go through the holes ▌1▐, and the top pin
seats into place ▌2▐.
3. Install the front end of the rails, as shown in the following figure.

Chapter 3. Installing 61
Figure 17. Install the front end of the slide rails.

a. Guide the front latch around the appropriate hole and pull the slide rail
forward to fit the pins through the front of the rack.
b. Rotate the front moveable tab ▌1▐ to the downward position so that the
teeth engage with the front latch.
c. Push the front latch ▌2▐ in as far as it will go.
4. Repeat steps 1 through 3 to install the other rail into the rack. Make sure that
each front latch is fully engaged.
5. Install a 10-32 screw in the rear of right rail, as shown in the following figure.

Figure 18. Securing the rails in the rack.

6. Repeat step 5 for the left rail.

Installing the appliance on the rails

How to install the appliance on the rails.

About this task

Secure the appliance to the rails. The following figure shows the numbered
components that are mentioned in the steps.

62 IBM MQ Appliance
Figure 19. Securing the appliance in the rack


The weight of this part or unit is 18 - 32 kg (39.7 - 70.5 lb). It takes two persons
to safely lift this part or unit. (C009)

Rack-mounted devices are not to be used as shelves or work spaces. (L002)

1. Pull the slide rail forward ▌1▐.
2. Use two people to carefully lift the appliance from the lifting points ▌2▐ and tilt
it into position over the slide rails so that the rear nail heads ▌3▐ on the
appliance line up with the rear slots ▌4▐ on the slide rails.
3. Slide the appliance down until the rear nail heads slip into the two rear slots,
and then slowly lower the front of the appliance ▌5▐ until the other nail heads
slip into the other slots on the slide rails.
4. Make sure that the front latch ▌6▐ slides over the nail heads.
5. Next, slide the appliance into the rack.

Sliding the appliance into the rack

Before you begin

If the appliance is locked into place, slide the appliance toward you.

About this task

The following figure shows the numbered components that are mentioned in the

Chapter 3. Installing 63
Figure 20. Sliding the appliance into the rack.

1. Secure the brackets to the appliance with the captive screws ▌1▐.
2. Slide the appliance into the rack ▌2▐.

Considerations to connect the appliance to an AC power

Read the considerations before you connect the appliance to an AC power source.

Overloading a branch circuit is potentially a fire hazard and a shock hazard
under certain conditions. To avoid these hazards, ensure that your system
electrical requirements do not exceed branch circuit protection requirements.
Refer to the information that is provided with your device or the power
rating label for electrical specifications. (D002)

If the receptacle has a metal shell, do not touch the shell until you complete
the voltage and grounding checks. Improper wiring or grounding might place
dangerous voltage on the metal shell. If any of the conditions are not as
described, stop. Ensure that the proper voltage or impedance conditions are
corrected before proceeding. (D003)

An electrical outlet that is not correctly wired might place hazardous voltage
on the metal parts of the system or devices that attach to the system. The
customer is responsible to ensure that the outlet is correctly wired and
grounded to prevent an electrical shock. (D004)

You must use the provided power cords to connect both power supply modules to
an AC power source. An unconnected module is considered by the system to be in
a failed state.

64 IBM MQ Appliance
Connect the appliance to a network
Considerations for when you connect the appliance to a network.

To prevent a possible shock from touching two surfaces with different
protective ground (earth), use one hand when possible to connect or
disconnect signal cables. (D001)

Data processing environments can contain equipment that transmits or receives
data with laser modules that operate at greater than Class 1 power levels. To
prevent permanent injury, never look into the end of an optical fiber cable or
open receptacle. (C027)

Attention: Never connect the appliance to telephone or other telecommunication


Do not use a fiber optic cable that is longer than 100 meters. The cables for
small-form factor pluggable (SFP+) modules can be longer than 100 meters. See the
product documentation for detailed information on SFP+ modules.

The appliance Ethernet ports must be connected to a compatible link partner,

preferably set to auto-negotiate connection speed and mode (half duplex or full
duplex). Depending on the negotiated or static connection speed and mode, ensure
that the cable complies with the following requirements:
10BASE-T (10 Mbps) connection
Two pairs of Category 3 wiring or better.
100BASE-TX (100 Mbps) connection
Two pairs of Category 5 wiring or better.
1000BASE-T (1 GbE) connection
Four pairs of Category 5 wiring or better.
10GBASE (10 Gbps) connection:
v Short-reach (300 meters) SFP+ modules with LC connector (multi-mode
– Optical interface specifications per IEEE 802.3ae 10GBASE-SR
– Mechanical specifications per SFF Committee SFF 8432 Improved
Pluggable Formfactor IPF
– Class 1 Eye safe per requirements of IEC 60825-1 / CDRH
v Long-reach (10 km) SFP+ modules with LC connector (single-mode
– Optical interface specifications per IEEE 802.3ae 10GBASE-LR
– LC Duplex optical connector interface confirming to ANSI TIA/EA
604-10 (FOCIS 10A)
– Class 1 Eye safe per requirements of IEC 60825-1 /CDRH
v SFP+ Copper Direct Attach twinaxial cables

The appliance is provided with the following cables, which can be used to connect
the two appliances in a high availability pair:
v Two Cat5e cables that can be used to connect ports eth13 and eth17 on one
appliance to ports eth13 and eth17 on the other appliance in an HA pair.
Chapter 3. Installing 65
v One Direct Attach Copper cable with SFP+ connectors that can be used to
connect port eth21 on one appliance to port eth21 on the other appliance in an
HA pair.

Setting up the initial firmware configuration

How to perform the initial, base firmware configuration.

About this task

This configuration is the minimal configuration to add an appliance to your

environment. Defining the full configuration for your appliance is described

1. Read the hardware and information requirements, and read the considerations
for the operation modes and the password for the admin account. (see
“Considerations for the password of the admin account” on page 67 and
“Appliance modes” on page 67)
2. Connect the serial cable to the appliance.
3. Initialize the appliance by changing the password for the admin account and
interactively defining the base configuration.
4. Accept the license agreement and verify the base configuration.

Configuration requirements
You must meet both hardware and information requirements to perform the initial
firmware configuration.

Before you begin the initial firmware configuration, make sure that you meet the
following requirements:
v You review and comply with the hardware requirements.
v You obtain the required network data.

Hardware requirement
You must use a serial connection to perform the initial configuration.

The package contains a USB serial console cable (USB to RJ45) and a DE-9 serial
console cable (DE-9 to RJ45). For initial configuration, use a supplied cable to
connect from an ASCII terminal to the appliance or to connect from a PC that is
running terminal emulation software to the appliance.

Information requirements
Before you define the base configuration, obtain the essential network data from
your network administrator.

You need IP address information for each of the following:

v Ethernet interfaces that are used for appliance management ports mgt0 and mgt1.
v Ethernet interfaces that are used for service access.
v Default gateways (routers) that support the subnets for the Ethernet interfaces.
v The IP addresses and ports for the web management interface and SSH service.

v The IBM MQ Appliance web UI is required to accept the license agreement.

66 IBM MQ Appliance
v If you want to use an IPMI connection (including serial over LAN), it must be
configured on mgt0.

Firmware considerations
During the initial firmware configuration, the script prompts you for supported
operational modes and the password for the admin account.

Considerations for the password of the admin account

On the first boot of the appliance, you must change the password for admin
v On the first boot, you must initialize the appliance. The initialization routine
prompts you to change the password for the admin account. Then, you are
prompted to create a user of the privileged account type, or the group-defined
account type (with the appropriate access policy) as a backup for the admin
account. A privileged, or group-defined user (with the appropriate access policy)
can log in and reset the password for the admin account.
v On subsequent boots, you are prompted for the credentials of the admin account
or another local account. If the account password is expired, you are prompted
to change the password.

Attention: Do not forget or misplace the password for the admin account. If you
forget or misplace this password, security best practice recommends that you
return the appliance to IBM to reset this password. However, if another user
account can log in and has the appropriate access permission, that user can reset
the password for the admin account. You can define additional administrative
accounts, see Configuring appliance users in IBM Knowledge Center.

When you receive the appliance after a password-reset, you must perform an
initial firmware setup that removes all existing configuration data from the

Appliance modes
You must confirm which mode your IBM MQ Appliance appliance operates in.

Depending on the product license purchased, the IBM MQ Appliance can operate
in one of two modes:
v IBM MQ Appliance M2001A (or ) is aimed at larger enterprise workloads.
v IBM MQ Appliance M2001B (or ) is designed to meet the needs for smaller
workloads and offers a lower processing capability.

You can verify in IBM Passport advantage which product license you have
purchased for your appliance.

The first time that you power on the IBM MQ Appliance, you are asked to confirm
which license you have purchased. The appropriate appliance is then applied.
Please take care when making this choice. If you accidentally configure this setting
incorrectly, you must apply a factory reset to the appliance (see Factory reset) or
contact IBM Support.

Once configured you will not be asked again as the appliance mode has now been
selected. The mode is indicated in the LCD panel on the front of the appliance and
the welcome banner when logging in to the IBM MQ Appliance CLI.

Chapter 3. Installing 67
If you later require more capacity, you can purchase an upgrade to convert an
M2001B (or ) appliance to an M2001B+ (or ) appliance, which has the same
capacity as an M2001A (or ) appliance.

Upgrading from an M2001B to M2001B+ (or ) does not require a factory reset or
loss of queue manager data, but does require a reboot of the appliance for the
update to take effect. Full instructions for this process are supplied on purchase of
the upgrade part through passport advantage.

Procedure 1 of 3: Connecting the serial cable to the appliance

How to make the serial connection to the appliance.

Before you begin

Read the hardware and information requirements in “Configuration requirements”

on page 66, and read the operation modes and password considerations for the
admin account in “Firmware considerations” on page 67.

About this task

For initial configuration, you must connect to the appliance console port from an
ASCII terminal, or a computer that is running terminal emulation software.

The DE-9 (sometimes called DB-9) serial console cable connects a 9-pin socket to an
8-position modular plug (RJ45). The cable conforms to the EIA/TIA-574 standard
as data circuit-terminating equipment (DCE).

If your PC does not recognize the USB serial console cable, you might need to
install a device driver. Standard drivers with installation instructions are on the
Resource Kit in an archive file.
v The driver for Windows systems is in the driver/win/ directory.
v The drivers for Mac OS systems are in the driver/mac/ directory.

v Do not connect an Ethernet network cable to the appliance serial console port.
v Do not connect a digital or analog Telephone network cable to the appliance
serial console port.

To prevent a possible shock from touching two surfaces with different
protective ground (earth), use one hand when possible to connect or
disconnect signal cables. (D001)

1. Use the appropriate cable to connect from an ASCII terminal or PC that is
running terminal emulation software to the appliance.
2. Ensure that the terminal or PC software is configured for standard, 115200,
8N12, and no flow control data transfer.

2. 8N1 is a notation for a serial configuration in asynchronous mode, where there are eight data bits, no (N) parity bit, and one stop

68 IBM MQ Appliance
What to do next

See “Procedure 2 of 3: Initializing the appliance” to define the base configuration

such as changing the password for the admin account, creating privileged users,
and configuring the web management interface.

Procedure 2 of 3: Initializing the appliance

Use this procedure to provide base configuration for the appliance.

Before you begin

See “Procedure 1 of 3: Connecting the serial cable to the appliance” on page 68 to

connect the appliance to an ASCII terminal or to a PC that is running terminal
emulation software through a serial connection.

1. Press the power button at the front of the appliance. The green power LED
v You might hear the fans start.
v You might hear the fans change speed as the screen displays DPOS boot -
press <ESC> within 7 seconds for boot options...
Wait for the appliance to boot.
2. At the Login: prompt, enter admin3.
3. At the Password: prompt, enter admin4. The script prompts you later to change
this password.
4. Follow the prompts to enable the appropriate appliance mode. Select M2001A
or M2001B (or ) according to your license (see “Appliance modes” on page 67).
Attention: Use care when you select the operational modes. If you select an
incorrect mode, the only way to change an operational mode is to reinitialize
the appliance, which deletes all configuration settings on the appliance.
5. At the Please enter new password: prompt, enter a new password.
v Ensure that your keyboard does not have Caps Lock or Number Lock
v Type the password from the keyboard. Do not copy and paste the password.
If you copy and paste, you might copy extra spaces or characters.
6. At the Please re-enter new password to confirm: prompt, enter the new
password again.
7. At the Do you want to run the Installation Wizard? prompt, enter y to start
the installation wizard.

Note: If you inadvertently enter n at the prompt, you can start the installation
wizard by entering the following commands:
configure terminal
8. Follow the prompts to complete the base firmware configuration. You should
configure the following features at the minimum:
v At least one network interface for remote management.
v The SSH service.

3. admin is the name of a local user account. The owner of this account can perform all tasks on the appliance.
4. admin is the default password for the admin account.

Chapter 3. Installing 69
v The web management service. If this is not configured, you cannot accept the
license agreement, and will be able to take no further actions on the
v The name for the system. This is mandatory if you are configuring the
appliance as one of a high availability pair, or part of a disaster recovery
After you define the base firmware configuration, the screen displays
information that is similar to the following example. The screen shows
information specific to your appliance.
Welcome to IBM MQ appliance M2001A console configuration.
Copyright IBM Corporation 1999-2015

Version: MQ00. build 000000 on 2016/08/18 12:24:18

Serial number: DPTP004

You must read and agree to the terms of the license agreement using the WebGUI.
If you did not configure the Web Management Interface, you must do it now with
the following command:
configure terminal;web-mgmt;admin-state enabled;local-address 0 9090;exit

The previous sample shows the following information:

v The appliance is an IBM MQ Appliance.
v The firmware version that is running on the appliance is 9.0.0.x at the
000000 build level.
v The date and time that build 000000 was created is August 18, 2016 at
v The serial number of this appliance is DPTP004.
v Instructions to access the license agreement.

What to do next

See “Procedure 3 of 3: Accepting the license agreement” to access the IBM MQ

Appliance web UI and accept the license agreement.

Procedure 3 of 3: Accepting the license agreement

You must access the IBM MQ Appliance web UI and accept the license agreement.

Before you begin

See “Procedure 2 of 3: Initializing the appliance” on page 69 to define the base
configuration for the appliance.

About this task

This procedure makes the following assumptions:

v The IP address for the Ethernet interface that is used to access the IBM MQ
Appliance web UI is
v The specialized HTTP server to support IBM MQ Appliance web UI access
listens on port 9090

You can discover the IP address by using the command show ipaddress on the
command line.

70 IBM MQ Appliance
1. Open a web browser.
2. In the Address field, enter If the web page is
displayed successfully, the base firmware configuration is successful.
3. Log in to the appliance with the local administrator account and password.
4. Click Login. The IBM MQ Appliance web UI displays the license agreement.
v Click I agree to accept the terms of the license agreement and non-IBM
terms. The appliance reloads the firmware. In a few minutes, you can log in
again after the appliance restarts.
v If you do not agree, click I do not agree. The initialization of the appliance
stops. You need to either power off the appliance or review and accept the
license agreement.
5. Log in again to verify that the admin account and other administrators can
access the appliance with their credentials.

What to do next
To access the information about completing the configuration beyond the base
configuration, such as creating additional users and groups, configuring interfaces,
setting up high availability and so on, see Configuring in IBM Knowledge Center.

Topics in this section describe general fault finding and maintenance of the

Diagnosing your appliance

How to diagnose problems in your appliance.

Before you perform maintenance on this product, read the safety information.

Use the indication of LEDs, test hardware command, diagnostic self-test, and
status providers for the sensors to diagnose problems with the appliance and

Appliance LEDs
LEDs help you diagnose possible problems with the hardware components of an

You can use the following LEDs to determine the behavior and diagnose a problem
with the appliance and components:
v Fault LED, locate LED, and power LED at the front of the appliance.
v Activity and speed LEDs of Ethernet modules.
v Activity LEDs of hard disk drive modules.
v LEDs of fan modules.
v LEDs of power supply modules.

Chapter 3. Installing 71
LEDs on the front of the appliance:

The following figure describes LEDs of the appliance.

Figure 21. LEDs on the front of the M2000 appliance

The labels in this figure correspond to the following LEDs on the front of the
▌1▐ Fault LED.
This indicator shows steady amber light when the appliance detects a
critical hardware event.
▌2▐ Locate LED.
This indicator shows steady blue light when activated.
▌3▐ Power LED.
This indicator shows green steady light when the power is connected and
the appliance is turned on.
▌4▐ 1 Gb Ethernet port speed LED
Green steady light indicates a 1 Gb Ethernet connection.
Amber steady light indicates a 10 or 100 Mbps connection.
▌5▐ 1 Gb Ethernet port activity LED
Green steady light indicates when the port is connected.
Green flashing light corresponds to port activity.
▌6▐ Hard disk drive activity LED
Green steady light is present when the module is inserted fully.
Green flashing light corresponds to the reading or writing of data on
the disk.
▌7▐ 10 Gb Ethernet port speed LED
Green steady light indicates a 1 Gb Ethernet connection.
Amber steady light indicates a 10 Gb Ethernet connection.
▌8▐ 10 Gb Ethernet port activity LED
Green steady light indicates when the Ethernet port is connected.
Green flashing light corresponds to port activity.
▌9▐ 16 Gb fibre channel port activity LED
Yellow - two fast flashes indicates a 4 Gbps link rate.

72 IBM MQ Appliance
Yellow - three fast flashes indicates a 8 Gbps link rate.
Yellow - four fast flashes indicates a 16 Gbps link rate.
▌10▐ 16 Gb fibre channel firmware activity LED
Green steady light indicates when the link is active.

Figure 22. LEDs on the front of the M2001 appliance

The labels in this figure correspond to the following LEDs on the front of the
▌1▐ Fault LED.
This indicator shows steady amber light when the appliance detects a
critical hardware event.
▌2▐ Locate LED.
This indicator shows steady blue light when activated.
▌3▐ Power LED.
This indicator shows green steady light when the power is connected and
the appliance is turned on.
▌4▐ 1 Gb Ethernet port speed LED
Green steady light indicates a 1 Gb Ethernet connection.
Amber steady light indicates a 10 or 100 Mbps connection.
▌5▐ 1 Gb Ethernet port activity LED
Green steady light indicates when the port is connected.
Green flashing light corresponds to port activity.
▌6▐ Solid state disk drive activity LED
Green steady light is present when the module is inserted fully.
Green flashing light corresponds to the reading or writing of data on
the disk.
▌7▐ 10 Gb Ethernet port speed LED
Green steady light indicates a 1 Gb Ethernet connection.
Amber steady light indicates a 10 Gb Ethernet connection.
▌8▐ 16 Gb fibre channel port activity LED
Yellow - two fast flashes indicates a 4 Gbps link rate.
Yellow - three fast flashes indicates a 8 Gbps link rate.
Yellow - four fast flashes indicates a 16 Gbps link rate.
Chapter 3. Installing 73
▌9▐ 16 Gb fibre channel firmware activity LED
Green steady light indicates when the link is active.

LEDs on the rear of the appliance:

The LEDs on the rear panel of the appliance provide diagnostic information about
power supply and fan modules.

Figure 23. LEDs on the rear of the appliance

The labels in this figure correspond to the following LEDs on the rear of the
▌1▐ Fan LEDs.
v Amber single flash shows when power is first applied to the fan
v Amber steady light indicates that the fan is operating at less than 1200
revolutions per minute (RPM) or there is a fault in the module.
v No illumination when there is no power present or there is no problem.
▌2▐ Power module LEDs.
v Green steady light indicates that the module is connected to a power
v Red steady light indicates that the module is not functioning within
design specifications.
v If not illuminated, there is no power to the module.

test hardware command

You can use the Global test hardware command to test the hardware from the

To use this command:

v You must establish an SSH connection to the appliance.
v You are in Global configuration mode (set with the configure terminal

To test the hardware from the configuration, enter the following commands:
# configure terminal
(config)# test hardware

74 IBM MQ Appliance
Depending on the state of the hardware, the command produces output that shows
the status of each component:
v success
v warning
v failure

The components are broken down into the following categories:

v Backtrace availability
v Interface diagnostics
v Fan diagnostics
v Cryptographic card diagnostics
v RAID volume diagnostics
v Sensors diagnostics
v CPU/memory diagnostics

Samples of success statements are as follows:

v [success] Status of voltage reading ’Voltage PU +12’ : ok.
[success] Status of voltage reading ’Voltage PU +3.3’ : ok.
[success] Status of voltage reading ’Voltage PU +5’ : ok.
v [success] CPUs OK
[success] Memory all present
DIMM_A1 0x0015 16384 MB Micron 36KSF2G72PZ-1 0C676D47
DIMM_A2 0x0015 16384 MB Micron 36KSF2G72PZ-1 0C676D62
DIMM_B1 0x0015 16384 MB Micron 36KSF2G72PZ-1 0C676C08
DIMM_B2 0x0015 16384 MB Micron 36KSF2G72PZ-1 0C676B80
DIMM_C1 0x0015 16384 MB Micron 36KSF2G72PZ-1 0C676C91
DIMM_C2 0x0015 16384 MB Micron 36KSF2G72PZ-1 0C676C59
DIMM_D1 0x0015 16384 MB Micron 36KSF2G72PZ-1 0C676BCD
DIMM_D2 0x0015 16384 MB Micron 36KSF2G72PZ-1 0C676C71
DIMM_E1 0x001F 16384 MB Micron 36KSF2G72PZ-1 0C676D68
DIMM_F1 0x001F 16384 MB Micron 36KSF2G72PZ-1 0C676B99
DIMM_G1 0x001F 16384 MB Micron 36KSF2G72PZ-1 0C676C68
DIMM_H1 0x001F 16384 MB Micron 36KSF2G72PZ-1 0C676CE1
v [success] Statistics for interface ’eth10’ show no errors
v [success] fan 1 operating within expected range
v [success] Status of crypto ’hardware2’ : fully operational.

Samples of warning statements are as follows:

v [warning] No RAID Battery Backup Unit found.
v [warning] Physical link on interface ’eth10’ is down.
v [warning] eth10 has invalid MAC (ff:ff:ff:ff:ff)

Samples of failure statements are as follows:

v [failure] Memory in error DIMM_H1, 0x001F
v [failure] fan 2 operating outside expected range (rpm too low)
v [failure] Status of crypto ’not detected’ is unknown.

The output of the test hardware command is part of any generated error report.

Using the diagnostic self-test

The appliance provides a boot-time diagnostic self-test to help you test hardware

Chapter 3. Installing 75
About this task

Only use the diagnostic self-test when directed by IBM Support to help confirm a
potential hardware problem with the appliance.

1. Connect the serial cable.
2. If the appliance is not turned on, press the power button to turn on the
appliance. The green power LED illuminates. You should hear the fans start.
3. When you see DPOS boot - press <ESC> within 7 seconds for boot options,
press ESC. You should see the DPOS prompt followed by the boot options menu.
DPOS boot - press <ESC> within 7 seconds for boot options.. <ESC>
Available boot options:

Boot Option Description

------------ ------------------------------------------
system Normal System Startup
diagnostics Run Standalone Hardware Diagnostics


4. At the DPOS prompt, enter diagnostics to start the appliance and display the
diagnostics main menu.
Hardware Diagnostics Tool Version 1.0
(C) Copyright 2011, 2014 - IBM Corporation

Main Menu:
1. Inventory n/a
2. BMC/Sensors n/a
3. Network n/a
4. Memory n/a
5. Disks n/a
0. Exit Diagnostics

Select action>

5. To select a test to run, enter its number at the Select action prompt.


After a test completes, the diagnostic self-test produces one of the following
v n/a

Viewing status providers for sensors

This section introduces the status providers for sensors that monitor the
components of the appliance.

The appliance provides the following sensors status providers:

76 IBM MQ Appliance
Fan speed sensors
Provides the measured speed in RPM for the fans in each fan module. You
can view the results of the fan speed sensors from the the CLI, enter show
Temperature sensors
Provides the measured temperature in degrees Celsius for internal
v Temperature of each CPU and each DIMM of the CPU components
v Air temperature
– The System 1 sensor reads the temperature at the front of the
– The System 2 sensor reads the temperature at the rear of the
You can view the results of the temperature sensors from the CLI, enter
show sensors-temperature. The temperature is in degree Celsius.
Voltage sensors
Provides the measured voltage for the components in millivolts. You can
view the results of the voltage sensors from the CLI, enter show
Current sensors
Provides the measured current for the internal components in
milliamperes. You can view the results of the current sensors from the CLI,
enter show sensors-current.
RAID battery backup status
Monitors the power backup unit connected to the RAID controller. You can
view the RAID battery backup status from the CLI, enter show
Other sensors
Provides Boolean values for the status of intrusion switch and power
supply modules.
v A value of true indicates that the condition exists.
v A value of false indicates that the conditions does not exist.
v For the intrusion switch, the value indicates whether it was tripped.
v For each power supply, the value indicates the condition:
– Output Failure: The power supply module failed.
– AC lost: The power cord is not attached.
v For each hard disk in the array and the battery, the values indicates the
– Fault
– Present
You can view the results of the other sensors from the CLI, enter show

Troubleshooting your appliance

Troubleshooting is a systematic approach to solving a problem. The goal of
troubleshooting is to determine why something does not work as expected and to
explain how to resolve the problem.

Follow the troubleshooting workflow to troubleshoot hardware problems with the


Chapter 3. Installing 77
Troubleshooting workflow
Use this workflow to troubleshoot the problem and determine whether you need
to contact IBM Support for assistance or to order a replacement part.

1. Did you receive a critical event through SMTP notification?
The following messages are examples of critical messages:
v [system][critic] sensors: tid(id): System power supply number has
v [system][critic] sensors-fans: tid(id): Chassis cooling fan number
operating too slowly.
For information about creating log targets for notification, see the managing
logs topic.
Yes Continue to step 3.
No Continue to step 2.
2. Does the log file contain a critical message?
For information about viewing logs, see the viewing logs topic.
Yes Continue to step 3.
No Continue to step 4.
3. Does the critical event or critical log message identify the part that is failing or
has failed?
Yes Continue troubleshooting to determine whether you need a
replacement part:
v If a fan module, see “Troubleshooting fan modules.”
v If the power supply module, see “Troubleshooting power supply
modules” on page 79
v If the hard disk drive module, see “Troubleshooting disk drive
modules” on page 79.
v If field replaceable unit (FRU) parts, contact IBM Support.
No Continue to step 4.
4. Is the Fault LED illuminated on the front of the appliance?
Yes Continue with step 5.
No The problem is with the appliance, use the appliance troubleshooting
5. Are the LEDs lit for any modules?
If a fan module, see “Troubleshooting fan modules.”
If the power supply module, see “Troubleshooting power supply
modules” on page 79
If the hard disk drive module, see “Troubleshooting disk drive
modules” on page 79.
No The problem is with the appliance, use the appliance troubleshooting

Troubleshooting fan modules

How to troubleshoot the fan modules.

78 IBM MQ Appliance
About this task

When one or more fans are not working, turn off the appliance as soon as possible
to avoid overheating. The remaining fans might not be able to maintain the
appropriate environmental temperature.

1. View sensor status.
v From the CLI, run the show sensors-fans command.
v If the output shows that all fans are running at 0 RPM, the fan module is not
seated correctly in the appliance.
v If the output shows that one or more fans are running at less than 1200 RPM,
contact IBM Support.
2. View the fan module LED.
v Amber single flash shows when power is first applied to the fan module.
v Amber steady light indicates that the fan is operating at less than 1200
revolutions per minute (RPM) or there is a fault in the module.
v No illumination when there is no power present or there is no problem.

What to do next

If the module is not seated correctly, remove and reinsert the module.

If you believe that the module must be replaced, contact IBM Support.

Troubleshooting power supply modules

How to troubleshoot the power supply module.

1. View sensor status.
v From the CLI, run the show other-sensors command.
2. View the power supply model LED.
v Green steady light indicates that the module is connected to a power source.
v Red steady light indicates that the module is not functioning within design
v If not illuminated, there is no power to the module.
3. Remove the power cord from the power supply module. The appliance can
operate with a single power supply module.

What to do next

If the module is not seated correctly, generally it is not locked in place. To ensure
that the module is seated, remove and reinsert the module.

If the module has no AC power, ensure that the power cords are connected to the
power supply and to a working AC power outlet.

If you believe that the module must be replaced, contact IBM Support.

Troubleshooting disk drive modules

How to troubleshoot the disk drive module.

Chapter 3. Installing 79
1. View RAID status.
v From the CLI, run the show raid-physical-drive command.
If the state shows Unconfigured Bad, the hard disk drive is damaged and must
be replaced.
2. Contact IBM Support to replace the disk drive module.

Troubleshooting the appliance

You can use the test hardware command and the diagnostic self-test to
troubleshoot your appliance.

When you can connect to the CLI, use the test hardware command to troubleshoot
your appliance.

When you cannot connect to the CLI, use the boot-time diagnostic self-test to
troubleshoot your appliance.

Removing or replacing the appliance or parts

The appliance parts can be removed or replaced under certain conditions.

The appliance includes two of three types of replacement parts: Tier 2 customer
replaceable unit (CRU) and field replaceable unit (FRU). Following is a list of the
three types of replacement part:
Tier 1 CRU
Replacement of a Tier 1 CRU is your responsibility. If an IBM
representative installs a Tier 1 CRU at your request, you are charged for
the installation.
Tier 2 CRU
Replacement of a Tier 2 CRU can be completed by you or an IBM
representative for no charge if still under warranty. If installed by an IBM
representative after your warranty expires, you are charged for the
FRU Replacement of a FRU must be performed by an IBM representative only.

For information about the terms of warranty, see the IBM Statement of Limited
Warranty document in the Resource Kit.

Removal and replacement guidelines

Read this information before you remove or replace a component.
v Review the guidelines for handling static-sensitive devices and the safety
statements. This information helps you work safely.
v Observe good housekeeping in the area where you are working. Place removed
parts in a safe place.
v You do not have to disconnect the appliance from the power supply to install or
replace a hot-swap module if directed to do so.
v Ensure that enough properly grounded electrical outlets exist for the appliance.
v Have a medium Phillips screwdriver available.
v Component colors:
– Orange
- Orange on a component indicates that the component can be hot-swapped.
You can remove or install the component while the appliance is running.

80 IBM MQ Appliance
Orange can also indicate touch points on hot-swap components. See the
instructions for removing or installing a specific hot-swap component for
other procedures that you might have to complete before you remove or
install the component.
– Blue
- Blue on a component indicates touch points. You can grip touch points to
remove or install the appliance, open, or close a latch, or for other

Guidelines for handling static-sensitive devices:

Read these guidelines before you handle static-sensitive devices.

Attention: Static electricity can damage the chassis and other electronic devices.
To avoid damage, keep static-sensitive devices in their static-protective packages
until you are ready to install them.

To reduce the possibility of electrostatic discharge, observe the following

v Limit your movement. Movement can cause static electricity to build up around
v The use of a grounding system improves safety. Wear an electrostatic-discharge
wrist strap, if one is available.
v Handle the device carefully, holding it by its edges or its frame.
v Do not touch solder joints, pins, or bare circuitry.
v Do not leave the device where others can handle and damage it.
v While the device is still in its static-protective package, touch it to an unpainted
metal part of the chassis or rack for at least 2 seconds. Touching the chassis
drains static electricity from the package and from your body.
v Remove the device from its package and install it immediately without setting
down the device. If it is necessary to set down the device, put it back into its
static-protective package.
v Take extra care when you handle devices during times of cold weather. Indoor
heating reduces ambient humidity and increases the conditions that cause static
electricity to accumulate.

Returning an appliance or part:

If you are instructed to return an appliance or component, follow all packaging

instructions and use the packaging materials that are provided for shipping.

Note: You might be charged for the replacement appliance or part if IBM does not
receive the defective appliance or part within a reasonable amount of time. Contact
IBM support with any questions.

Parts listing
The IBM MQ Appliance includes Tier 2 CRU parts and FRU parts.

For information about the terms of warranty, see the IBM Statement of Limited
Warranty document on the Resource Kit.

Chapter 3. Installing 81
CRU parts list - M2001:

The Ethernet modules, solid state disk drive modules, fan modules, power supply
modules, and power cords are Tier 2 CRU parts.

Replacement of a Tier 2 CRU can be completed by you or an IBM representative

for no charge if still under warranty. If installed by an IBM representative after
your warranty expires, you are charged for the installation.

The following figure shows the CRU parts on the front and rear of the appliance.

Figure 24. CRU part locations for the 8436 appliance.

The labels in this figure correspond to the following CRU components:

Table 10. Part numbers for the IBM MQ Appliance.
Tier 2 CRU part
Label Description number
▌1▐ Solid state disk drive module assembly (complete) 00VM462
▌2▐ 1 Gb Ethernet module with 8 ports for RJ45 interface 00VM052
▌3▐ 10 Gb Ethernet module with 4 ports for SFP+ interface 00VM463
▌4▐ Fan module 97Y1290
▌5▐ Power supply module 97Y0440
The following CRU parts are not shown in the figure.

82 IBM MQ Appliance
Table 10. Part numbers for the IBM MQ Appliance. (continued)
Tier 2 CRU part
Label Description number
- DE-9 to RJ45 serial console cable 46N5656
- USB to RJ45 serial console cable 97Y0517
- Rail kit to mount the appliance into the rack. 60Y0328
- Cat5e Ethernet cable x 2 01AF038
- SFP+ direct attach copper wire Ethernet cable 90Y9432
- SFP+ SR transceiver 46N5592

FRU parts listing:

FRU parts must be replaced only by an IBM representative.

The following table lists the FRU parts that are in the appliance.
Table 11. FRU part numbers for the appliance
Description Part number
Shipping box 00VM076
Full MQ appliance system 01LK676
2U chassis - 8436-54X 00VM631
2U chassis - 8436-55X 00VM675
16 GB DDR3 DIMM 00VM040
16 GB eUSB flash drive 00VM049
CMOS Button Cell battery 00RY543
CPU - Intel IvyBridge E5-2680-V2 00Y2786
RAID controller card and cache module 00VM235
RAID power backup capacitor and cable 00VM236
Emulex Fibre Channel card with carrier assembly 00VM053

Power cords
When you receive your appliance, the shipping carton contains power cords for
rack mounted appliances.

To maintain warranty or service contracts, you must use IBM parts for power
cords and rack cable cords.

Replacement of a Tier 2 CRU can be completed by you or an IBM representative

for no charge if still under warranty. If installed by an IBM representative after
your warranty expires, you are charged for the installation.
Table 12. Power cords and cords
Country Tier 2 CRU part number Description
Argentina 39M5068 2.8m, 10A/220V, C13 to IRAM 2073
Australia / 39M5102 2.8m, 10A/250V, C13 to AS/NZ 3112
New Zealand
Brazil 39M5240 2.8m, 10A/125V, C13 to NBR 14136

Chapter 3. Installing 83
Table 12. Power cords and cords (continued)
Country Tier 2 CRU part number Description
Chile 39M5165 2.8m, 220 - 240V, C13 to CEI 23-16
China 39M5206 2.8m, 10A/250V, C13 to GB2099.1
Denmark 39M5130 2.8m, 10A/250V, C13 to DK2-5a
Europe 39M5123 2.8m, 10A/250V, C13 to CEE 7/7
India 39M5226 2.8m, 10A/250V, C13 IS 6538
Israel 39M5172 2.8m, 10A/250V, C13 to SI 32
Italy 39M5165 2.8m, 220 - 240V, C13 to CEI 23-16
Japan 39M5186 2.8m, 12A/240V, C13 to JIS C-8303
Japan 39M5199 2.8m, 12A/100V, C13 to JIS C-8303
Korea 39M5219 2.8m, 12A/250V, C13 to KSC 8305
South Africa 39M5144 2.8m, 10A/250V, C13 to SANS 164
Switzerland 39M5158 2.8m, 10A/250V, C13 to SEV 1011-S24507
Taiwan 39M5247 2.8m, 10A/125V, C13 to CNS 10917-3
Taiwan 39M5254 2.8m, 10A/250V, C13 to CNS 10917-3
United 39M5151 2.8m, 10A/250V, C13 to BS 1363/A
United States 39M5081 2.8m, 10A/125V, C13 to NEMA 5-15P
United States 39M5095 2.8m, 10A/250V, C13 to NEMA 6-15P
Rack power 39M5377 2.8m, 10A/125-250 VAC, IEC 320 C13 to
cords (all IEC 320 C14

Turning off the appliance

When the appliance must be turned off, use this procedure to turn off power to the

About this task

Hazardous voltage, current, or energy levels are present inside. Do not open
any cover or barrier. (L001)

1. Save the changes from the running configuration to the startup configuration.
From the IBM MQ Appliance web UI
Click Save Configuration.
From the CLI
Use the write memory command.
2. Run the shutdown halt command to shut down the appliance.
3. Complete a graceful shutdown by pressing the power button at the front of the

84 IBM MQ Appliance
What to do next

Verify that the power LED at the front of the appliance is not illuminated. To
remove all power from the system, the power cords must be unplugged from both
power supply units.

Removing and replacing CRU parts

Use this hardware maintenance procedure to remove and replace a CRU part when
directed by IBM Support.

About this task

Replacement of a Tier 2 CRU can be completed by you or an IBM representative

for no charge if still under warranty. If installed by an IBM representative after
your warranty expires, you are charged for the installation.

v “Replacing a fan module”
v “Replacing a power supply module” on page 87
v “Replacing a solid state disk drive module - M2001 appliances” on page 88
v “Replacing an Ethernet module” on page 91

Replacing a fan module:

How to replace a failed fan module.

Before you begin

You must have part 97Y1290 available.

You must turn off the appliance and replace a fan module when directed by IBM

About this task

When one or more fan modules are not working, turn off the appliance as soon as
possible to avoid overheating. The remaining fans might not be able to maintain
the appropriate environmental temperature.

Hazardous voltage, current, or energy levels are present inside. Do not open
any cover or barrier. (L001)

Rack-mounted devices are not to be used as shelves or work spaces. (L002)


Chapter 3. Installing 85
Multiple power cords. The product might be equipped with multiple power
cords. To remove all hazardous voltages, disconnect all power cords. (L003)

1. If the appliance is not turned off, complete a graceful shutdown by pressing
the power button at the front of the appliance. Wait until the power LED is no
longer illuminated to indicate that the appliance power is turned off.
2. Unplug all network cables and power cords.
3. Remove the fan module.
The following figure shows the numbered components that are mentioned in
the steps.

Figure 25. Removing a fan module

a. Unscrew the two thumbscrews on the fan module until they twist without
resistance ▌1▐. The fan module thumbscrews are designed to remain
attached to the fan module.
b. Pull the fan module to remove it from the appliance ▌2▐.
4. Set the faulty module aside.
Attention: Ensure that the gold connectors at the rear of the module do not
come into contact with your hands or with the packing material as you
unpack the replacement module. Avoid damaging the gold connectors against
the appliance as you insert the replacement module.
5. Unpack the replacement module.

86 IBM MQ Appliance
6. Carefully align the replacement module, and insert until the module face is
flush with the rear panel.
7. Tighten the thumbscrews on the fan module.
8. Plug in all power cords.
9. Turn on the appliance by pressing the power button.
10. After you replace the fan module, confirm that the new module is working by
verifying that the following statements are true.
a. The fan module LED is not illuminated.
b. The fault LED at the front of the appliance is not illuminated.

What to do next

After you verify that the replacement module is working, return the failed part to

Replacing a power supply module:

Use this procedure to replace a power supply module.

Before you begin

You must have purchased a power supply module. The part number of a power
supply module is 97Y0440.

About this task

There are two hot-swap power supplies in the rear of the appliance. You need to
replace a power supply module as soon as possible when directed by IBM Support
or if any of the following situations occur.
v When the appliance generates a critical or warning message to indicate which
power supply module is in a failure state.
v When the LED on one of the power supply modules is illuminated red.
v The amber fault LED at the front of the appliance is illuminated when a
hardware fault is detected.

Hazardous voltage, current, or energy levels are present inside. Do not open
any cover or barrier. (L001)

Rack-mounted devices are not to be used as shelves or work spaces. (L002)

1. Unplug the power cord of the failed module.
2. Remove the power supply module.
The following figure shows the numbered components that are mentioned in
the steps.

Chapter 3. Installing 87
Figure 26. Removing a power supply module.

a. Rotate, then firmly grip the handle ▌1▐ of the failed module.
b. Push the orange release latch ▌2▐ toward the handle ▌1▐ and hold in this
c. Pull the failed module from the appliance ▌3▐.
3. When fully removed from the appliance, set aside the failed module.
Attention: Ensure that the gold connectors at the rear of the module do not
come into contact with your hands or with the packing material as you unpack
the replacement module. Avoid damage to the gold connectors as you insert the
replacement module.
4. Unpack the replacement module.
5. Replace the module.
a. Carefully align the replacement module with the open space in the
b. Completely insert the module until the release latch clicks into place.
c. Pull the handle to ensure that the module is secure.
6. Plug in the power cord to the replaced module.
7. Verify that the new module is working.
a. The power supply LED is illuminated green.
b. The fault LED is not illuminated.

What to do next

After you verify that the replacement module is working, return the failed part to

Replacing a solid state disk drive module - M2001 appliances:

How to replace a solid state disk drive module.

88 IBM MQ Appliance
Before you begin

The part number of a solid state disk drive module is 00VM461.

The solid state disk drive modules are not hot-swappable. Hot swapping the
modules causes your system to crash, and might damage your appliance. You must
turn off the appliance before you replace the solid state disk drive module.

About this task

You need to replace a solid state disk drive module when the solid state disk state
is Unconfigured Bad or if directed by IBM Support.

Chapter 3. Installing 89

When you work on or around the system, observe the following precautions:

Electrical voltage and current from power, telephone, and communication

cables are hazardous. To avoid a shock hazard:
v Connect power to this unit only with the IBM provided power cord. Do not
use the IBM provided power cord for any other product.
v Do not open or service any power supply assembly.
v Do not connect or disconnect any cables or install, maintain, or reconfigure
this product during an electrical storm.
v The product might be equipped with multiple power cords. To remove all
hazardous voltages, disconnect all power cords.
v Connect all power cords to a properly wired and grounded electrical outlet.
Ensure that the outlet supplies proper voltage and phase rotation according
to the system rating plate.
v Connect any equipment that is attached to this product to properly wired
v When possible, use one hand only to connect or disconnect signal cables.
v Never turn on any equipment when there is evidence of fire, water, or
structural damage.
v Disconnect the attached power cords, telecommunications systems,
networks, and modems before you open the device covers, unless
instructed otherwise in the installation and configuration procedures.
v Connect and disconnect cables as described in the following procedures
when you install, move, or open covers on this product or attached devices.

To disconnect:
1. Turn off everything (unless instructed otherwise).
2. Remove the power cords from the outlets.
3. Remove the signal cables from the connectors.
4. Remove all cables from devices.

To connect:
1. Turn off everything (unless instructed otherwise).
2. Attach all cables to devices.
3. Attach the signal cables to the connectors.
4. Attach the power cords to the outlets.
5. Turn on the devices.


1. If the appliance is not turned off, complete a graceful shutdown by pressing
the power button at the front of the appliance. The green power LED turning
off indicates that the appliance is powered off.
The following figure shows the numbered components that are mentioned in
the steps.

90 IBM MQ Appliance
Figure 27. Removing a solid state disk drive module.

2. Press the locking arm release latch ▌1▐ and the locking arm is released.
3. To unlock the module, rotate the locking arm approximately 40 degrees by
pulling out ▌2▐.
4. To remove the module, pull the module out of the appliance ▌3▐.
5. Set aside the failed module.
Attention: Ensure that the gold connectors at the rear of the module do not
come into contact with your hands or with the packing material as you
unpack the replacement module. Avoid damaging the gold connectors against
the appliance as you insert the replacement module.
6. Unpack the replacement module.
7. Carefully align the module, and insert into the opening until the module is
8. Push the locking arm towards the appliance until the release latch clicks into
9. Connect all network cables and power cords.
10. Turn on the appliance by pressing the power button that is on the front of the
11. Verify that the power LED is illuminated steady green.
12. Verify that the new module is working.
a. The solid state disk drive activity LED illuminates steady green.
b. The solid state disk state is not Unconfigured Bad.

What to do next

After you verify that the replacement module is working, return the failed part to

Replacing an Ethernet module:

The procedure to replace an Ethernet module.

Chapter 3. Installing 91
Before you begin

You must have purchased an Ethernet module.

v The part number of the 1 GB Ethernet module is 00VM052.
v The part number of the 4 x 10 GB Ethernet module is 00VM455.

You must turn off the appliance before you replace the Ethernet module. When
you disconnect network cables from the appliance, be sure to label each so that
you can connect them in the proper location.

About this task

Removal instructions are the same for both modules.

You can replace an Ethernet module if you have a problem with your module or if
directed by IBM Support if the following situation occurs.
v You are unable to connect to the network even though the cable is plugged in.
v If the output from the test hardware command includes Expected number of
interfaces: x - found y.
v When you use listing, all the Ethernet ports in the module are not included in
the list:
– From the IBM MQ Appliance web UI select Manage Appliance > Network >
Ethernet Interface > ..
– From the CLI, use the show interface command.

92 IBM MQ Appliance

When you work on or around the system, observe the following precautions:

Electrical voltage and current from power, telephone, and communication

cables are hazardous. To avoid a shock hazard:
v Connect power to this unit only with the IBM provided power cord. Do not
use the IBM provided power cord for any other product.
v Do not open or service any power supply assembly.
v Do not connect or disconnect any cables or install, maintain, or reconfigure
this product during an electrical storm.
v The product might be equipped with multiple power cords. To remove all
hazardous voltages, disconnect all power cords.
v Connect all power cords to a properly wired and grounded electrical outlet.
Ensure that the outlet supplies proper voltage and phase rotation according
to the system rating plate.
v Connect any equipment that is attached to this product to properly wired
v When possible, use one hand only to connect or disconnect signal cables.
v Never turn on any equipment when there is evidence of fire, water, or
structural damage.
v Disconnect the attached power cords, telecommunications systems,
networks, and modems before you open the device covers, unless
instructed otherwise in the installation and configuration procedures.
v Connect and disconnect cables as described in the following procedures
when you install, move, or open covers on this product or attached devices.

To disconnect:
1. Turn off everything (unless instructed otherwise).
2. Remove the power cords from the outlets.
3. Remove the signal cables from the connectors.
4. Remove all cables from devices.

To connect:
1. Turn off everything (unless instructed otherwise).
2. Attach all cables to devices.
3. Attach the signal cables to the connectors.
4. Attach the power cords to the outlets.
5. Turn on the devices.


Multiple power cords. The product might be equipped with multiple power
cords. To remove all hazardous voltages, disconnect all power cords. (L003)

1. If the appliance is not turned off, complete a graceful shutdown by pressing
the power button at the front of the appliance. When the power LED is no
longer illuminated, the appliance is powered off.
The following figure shows the numbered components that are mentioned in
the steps.

Chapter 3. Installing 93
Figure 28. Removing the 10 Gb Ethernet module (M2001 model).

2. Grasp the blue latch ▌1▐ rotate slightly and pull outward.
3. Pull the module out of the appliance ▌2▐ with care to support the module
weight as it exits.
4. Set aside the Ethernet module.
Attention: Ensure that the gold connectors at the rear of the module do not
come into contact with your hands or with the packing material as you
unpack the replacement module. Avoid damaging the gold connectors against
the chassis as you insert the replacement module.
5. Unpack the replacement module.
6. Carefully align the module, and insert into the appliance.
7. Push the Ethernet module forward until the module is securely in place.
8. Push the blue latch back in place to lock the module.
9. Turn on the appliance by pressing the power button at the front of the
appliance and verify that the power LED is illuminated steady green.
10. After you replace the module, verify that the new module is working.
a. You can connect to the network after you plug in the cable and the activity
LED is illuminated.
b. The fault LED light is not illuminated.

What to do next

After you verify that the replacement module is working, return the failed part to

Removing an SFP+ transceiver:

The procedure to remove a 10 Gb SFP+ transceiver.

94 IBM MQ Appliance
Before you begin
v The part number of a short reach transceiver module is 46N5592.
v The part number of a long reach transceiver module is 46N5593.

About this task


When you work on or around the system, observe the following precautions:

Electrical voltage and current from power, telephone, and communication

cables are hazardous. To avoid a shock hazard:
v Connect power to this unit only with the IBM provided power cord. Do not
use the IBM provided power cord for any other product.
v Do not open or service any power supply assembly.
v Do not connect or disconnect any cables or install, maintain, or reconfigure
this product during an electrical storm.
v The product might be equipped with multiple power cords. To remove all
hazardous voltages, disconnect all power cords.
v Connect all power cords to a properly wired and grounded electrical outlet.
Ensure that the outlet supplies proper voltage and phase rotation according
to the system rating plate.
v Connect any equipment that is attached to this product to properly wired
v When possible, use one hand only to connect or disconnect signal cables.
v Never turn on any equipment when there is evidence of fire, water, or
structural damage.
v Disconnect the attached power cords, telecommunications systems,
networks, and modems before you open the device covers, unless
instructed otherwise in the installation and configuration procedures.
v Connect and disconnect cables as described in the following procedures
when you install, move, or open covers on this product or attached devices.

To disconnect:
1. Turn off everything (unless instructed otherwise).
2. Remove the power cords from the outlets.
3. Remove the signal cables from the connectors.
4. Remove all cables from devices.

To connect:
1. Turn off everything (unless instructed otherwise).
2. Attach all cables to devices.
3. Attach the signal cables to the connectors.
4. Attach the power cords to the outlets.
5. Turn on the devices.


1. If the appliance is not turned off, complete a graceful shutdown by pressing the
power button at the front of the appliance. Wait until the power LED is no
longer illuminated.
2. Unplug all power cords.

Chapter 3. Installing 95
The following figure shows the numbered components that are mentioned in
the steps.

Figure 29. Removing the SFP transceiver

3. Pull downward on the latch at the front of the transceiver ▌1▐.

4. Pull the transceiver out of the appliance by pulling forward on the release latch

Removing the appliance from the rack

After you install the appliance in the rack, you generally remove it only to move it
to another position in the rack.

About this task

Rack-mounted devices are not to be used as shelves or work spaces. (L002)


The weight of this part or unit is 18 - 32 kg (39.7 - 70.5 lb). It takes two persons
to safely lift this part or unit. (C009)

1. If the appliance is not turned off, press the power button on the front of the
chassis. The power LED is no longer illuminated when the power is turned off.
2. Unplug all power cords from the appliance.

96 IBM MQ Appliance
The following figure shows the numbered components that are mentioned in
the steps.

Figure 30. Unlatching and rotating the front of the appliance.

3. Separate the appliance from the rails.

a. Pull the locking levers ▌1▐ forward.
b. Make sure that two people support the front and the rear of the appliance
at lifting points ▌2▐.
c. Lift the front of the appliance up slightly ▌3▐ to clear the nailhead from the
d. Unlatch and lift the front of the appliance.
4. Lift the appliance directly from the rails.
a. After the front nailheads clear the latches, lift the rear of the appliance to
make the appliance level.
b. Lift the appliance directly out of the rack from Lift points ▌1▐, and ▌2▐.
5. Place the appliance on a sturdy, clean surface.
6. Slide the rails back in the rack.

Removing the batteries

How to remove the battery and capacitor for end-of-life recycling.

About this task

Multiple power cords. The product might be equipped with multiple power
cords. To remove all hazardous voltages, disconnect all power cords. (L003)


Chapter 3. Installing 97
Improper disposal or incineration of batteries or capacitors can cause
life-threatening injury.

The Type 8436 appliance does not have any internal user serviceable parts. Any
battery or capacitor is to be accessed and removed only by trained personnel.
These instructions apply only to end-of-life recycling procedures.

1. Turn off the appliance and disconnect all power cords and external cables from
the appliance.
2. Remove the cover of the appliance.
3. Locate the CMOS battery on the system board next. The battery is next to the
RAM slots.

4. Remove the battery with your fingers to release and lift the battery from the

5. Locate the RAID capacitor inside the chassis.

98 IBM MQ Appliance
6. Loosen the indicated capacitor cover retention screw to remove the capacitor
7. Disconnect the RAID capacitor power connector and remove the capacitor from
the appliance.

What to do next

Dispose of batteries and capacitors as required by your local ordinances or


Chapter 3. Installing 99
100 IBM MQ Appliance
Chapter 4. Upgrading and downgrading
To upgrade your IBM MQ Appliance, you must install the latest level of firmware
on the appliance.

New function, security updates, and maintenance fixes for the IBM MQ Appliance
are made available through firmware releases. Additional maintenance through
iFixes are made available, as necessary, on the most recent firmware level release.

You can also downgrade your appliance, if required, either by reverting to the
previous level of firmware or by installing a specific firmware version.

Fixes are cumulative, so you should always download the most recent firmware
that is available on the IBM Fix Central website.

All queue manager information persists through upgrades and rollbacks.

Both appliances in a high availability pair should have the same firmware level.
Appliances can operate at different levels to allow time to upgrade the appliances
separately, but you should avoid configuring HA queue managers during this

Both appliances in a disaster recovery configuration should have the same

firmware level. Appliances can operate at different levels to allow time to upgrade
the appliances separately, but you should avoid configuring DR queue managers
during this period.

The standard rules of applying upgrades to IBM MQ apply when firmware is

upgraded and queue managers restarted. If the new firmware moves the IBM MQ
installation to a new command level, any queue managers that are started at the
new command level are no longer able to start under a lower command level, even
following a firmware rollback.

If you have a high availability (HA) configuration, you must ensure that you
update both appliances to the new command level at the same time. Queue
managers running at one command level are not able to run on an appliance with
a different command level.

If you have a disaster recovery (DR) configuration, you must update the recovery
appliance to the new command at the same time that you update the main
appliance. This ensures that a queue manager that has run on the main appliance
can be started on the recovery appliance if required.

Installing new firmware

You upgrade the IBM MQ Appliance by downloading a new version of the
firmware and installing it.

You download the new firmware image from the IBM Fix Central website, and
then copy the image to the appliance. You then reboot the appliance, and use the
new image.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2015, 2017 101

You can use this process to upgrade to a new level of firmware, or to downgrade
to a specific, earlier version of the firmware.

If the appliance that you are upgrading is part of a high availability configuration,
then you pause the first appliance, then upgrade and resume the appliance. You
then pause, upgrade, then resume the second appliance. See “Suspending an
appliance from an HA group for maintenance” on page 267 for guidance.

You can use the back up and restore capabilities to provide a recovery or rollback
capability for your queue managers during the installation process. You can take
an archive of your queue managers and data before you start your queue
managers in the new environment. If you need to roll data back to the pre-upgrade
state, the queue manager data can be restored from the archive file, and the
appliance firmware rolled back to the last version. This use of archive files is
useful for stand-alone (non-HA/DR) queue managers where you want to ensure
that you have a backout strategy during migration. See “Backing up a queue
manager” on page 259 for instructions on backing up and restoring.

You can install the new firmware either by using the IBM MQ Appliance web UI
or by using the command line.

Use a computer with web access to download the required image from IBM Fix
Central. This website is a repository for all available and supported firmware
images for IBM MQ Appliances. The fixes are cumulative, so always choose the
most recent image.

Installing a new level of firmware by using the command line

After you have downloaded the new level of firmware, you can install it by using
the command line.

Before you begin

If you are installing firmware on a high availability (HA) configuration, see the
topic “Installing new firmware” on page 101 before you start installing. This topic
gives guidance on upgrading one appliance at a time and so remaining

1. Back up your IBM MQ Appliance as described in “Back up and restore” on
page 253.
2. Restart the appliance as described in “Restarting the appliance” on page 252.
3. Ensure that all the queue managers are stopped.
4. Copy the firmware image from the computer that you downloaded it to to the
image: location on the appliance:
a. Connect to the command line of the appliance as described in “Command
line access” on page 109.
b. Log in to the appliance as an administrator.
c. Type config to enter configuration mode.
d. Type flash to enter the correct mode for firmware upgrade.
e. Copy the file by typing the following command:
copy scp://username@ipaddress/[/]directorypath/firmware_file image:
5. Restart the appliance with the new image by typing the following command:
boot image accept-license firmware_file

102 IBM MQ Appliance

Where firmware_file is the name of the file that contains the new firmware
image. Type the file name without the image: prefix.
6. When the appliance restarts, verify that the firmware image is upgraded by
entering the following commands:
show version

and, from the mqcli prompt:

dspmqver -v

Installing a new level of firmware by using the IBM MQ

Appliance web UI

After you have downloaded the new level of firmware, you can install it by using
the IBM MQ Appliance web UI.

Before you begin

If you are installing firmware on a high availability (HA) configuration, see the
topic “Installing new firmware” on page 101 before you start installing. This topic
gives guidance on upgrading one appliance at a time and so remaining

1. Back up your IBM MQ Appliance as described in “Back up and restore” on
page 253.
2. Start the web UI as described in “Configuring the IBM MQ Appliance web UI”
on page 112.
3. Restart the appliance:

a. Click the administration icon and select Main > System Control.
b. Set the Shutdown Mode to Reboot system.
c. Click Shutdown.

4. Click the console icon to switch to the IBM MQ Console and ensure that
all the queue managers are stopped.
5. Copy the new firmware image to the appliance and restart the system:

a. Click the administration icon and select Main > System Control.
b. In the Boot Image section, click Upload, and browse your local system for
the new firmware image in the upload file window. Click Upload to copy
the file to the appliance.
c. Select I accept the terms of the license agreement.
d. Click Boot Image.
6. When the appliance restarts, verify that the firmware image is upgraded:

a. Click the status icon and select System > Version Information.
b. Check that the version information is as you expect.

Chapter 4. Upgrading and downgrading 103

Reverting firmware
You can, if instructed, revert to a previous level of firmware.

When you upgrade the IBM MQ Appliance firmware, the appliance retains current
configuration data. This feature is used to restore the appliance to a known, stable
state if required.
v The previous firmware image and associated configuration data is the secondary
v The newly installed firmware image and associated configuration data is the
primary installation.

When you switch between firmware images, the switch can take some time.
During this switch operation, do not power off or restart the appliance.

When you perform the boot switch operation, all system configuration reverts to
its state at initial upgrade. Any changes made since the firmware update are lost.
Losses include, for example, changes to network configuration or user definitions.
If any changes made immediately following the upgrade are the cause of problems
(and trigger the rollback), this state should be rectified by the boot switch
operation. However, data associated with queue managers is not modified when
the boot switch takes place, so, for example, messages are not lost in the rollback,
and security certificates and authority records retain any modifications.

You cannot perform this operation on an appliance that is part of a high

availability group.

Reverting to the previous level of firmware by using the

command line
You can revert to a previous level of firmware by using the command line.

1. Connect to the command line of the appliance as described in “Command line
access” on page 109.
2. Log in to the appliance as an administrator.
3. Ensure that all queue managers are stopped.
4. Type config to enter configuration mode.
5. Type flash to enter the correct mode for firmware roll-back.
6. Restart the appliance with the original image by typing the following
boot switch

Reverting to the previous level of firmware by using the IBM

MQ Appliance web UI

You can revert to a previous level of firmware by using the IBM MQ Appliance
web UI.

1. Start the web UI as described in “Configuring the IBM MQ Appliance web UI”
on page 112.

104 IBM MQ Appliance

2. Click the administration icon and select Main > System Control.
3. Click Switch Installation Image.
4. When prompted, confirm the switch boot image operation.

You can downgrade your appliance, if required, either by reverting to the previous
level of firmware or by installing a specific firmware version.

To revert to the previous level of firmware, follow the procedure described in

“Reverting firmware” on page 104.

To install a specific firmware version, follow the procedure described in “Installing

new firmware” on page 101.

If you encounter a startup configuration error when you restart the appliance after
downgrading the firmware, complete the following steps:
1. Save the current configuration by completing the procedure described in
“Backing up or saving the appliance configuration” on page 254.
2. Restart the appliance by following the procedure described in “Restarting the
appliance” on page 252.

Suspending an appliance from an HA group for maintenance

When you want to suspend an appliance from a high availability group, for
example, to carry out maintenance on the appliance, you perform a managed
failover. This procedure transfers all the workload to the remaining appliance in
the group.

To achieve the managed failover, you put the appliance that you want to
temporarily remove from the group into standby mode. You then resume the
appliance after the maintenance is complete.

Note: While you have one appliance in standby mode, your queue managers can
run only on the remaining appliance. You should take care to avoid any outage on
the second appliance.

You use this technique when you update the firmware on the appliances in your
high availability group, for example to apply a fix pack. In this situation, you
suspend the first appliance, update the firmware, and then resume it. You can then
suspend the other appliance, upgrade the firmware, and then resume it.

Upgrading a version 8.0 IBM MQ Appliance to version 9.0

You can upgrade a version 8.0 IBM MQ Appliance (running version 8.0 queue
managers) to version 9.0 (running version 9.0 queue managers).

There are a number of options in planning your upgrade, and the best approach
depends on your current environment, disaster recovery strategy, and planned
continuity of service during the upgrade window.

Chapter 4. Upgrading and downgrading 105

If you currently have a high availability (HA) or disaster recovery (DR)
configuration, you can keep queue managers active throughout the upgrade
process. You do this by running a queue manager on one appliance in the HA or
DR pair until the upgrade is complete, then swapping appliances and repeating the
upgrade. Note that, once a queue manager has been started on an upgraded
appliance, this queue manager will not be able to fail back to an appliance running
the earlier (Version 8.0) firmware. For this reason, you should upgrade DR
recovery appliances before live appliances. See also “Suspending an appliance from
an HA group for maintenance” on page 267.

The Version 9.0 firmware includes new capabilities for simple backup and restore
of queue manager data, see “Backing up a queue manager” on page 259. These
capabilities can be used to provide a recovery or rollback capability for your
Version 8 queue managers during the upgrade process. You can take an archive of
your queue managers and data before you start your queue managers in the new
environment. If you need to roll data back to the pre-upgrade state, the queue
manager data can be restored from the archive file, and the appliance firmware
rolled back to the last version. This use of archive files is useful for stand-alone
(non-HA/DR) queue managers where you want to ensure that you have a backout
strategy during migration.

The procedure to upgrade a stand-alone appliance using the described strategy

contains several major steps:
1. Stop all your queue managers.
2. Upgrade your appliance to the new firmware level.
3. Create the location and allocate storage for your backup archive files.
4. Back up all of your queue managers to archive files.
5. Restart your queue managers.
You can complete these steps by using the appliance command line interface. You
can also complete most of the steps by using the IBM MQ Console.

The IBM MQ Console has completely changed for version 9.0. You cannot migrate
your existing console layout from your version 8.0 appliance, but you should take
a backup of your console layout before you upgrade in case you want to
subsequently revert to version 8.0. See Backing up IBM MQ Appliance web UI
configuration data in the IBM MQ Appliance version 8.0 documentation for

User authentication and authorization has completely changed for version 9.0 and
is now achieved through role based management (RBM). If you have controlled
user authorization by setting up user groups with limited access to certain
appliance command groups in version 8.0, then you will need to manually
reconstruct these authorizations by using RBM (see “Credential mapping with local
user groups” on page 372). Be sure to make a note of current user group command
groups before you upgrade because these groups are not visible after you upgrade.

Upgrading to version 9.0 by using the command line

You can use the command line interface to upgrade your version 8.0 IBM MQ
Appliance to version 9.0.

106 IBM MQ Appliance

Before you begin

If you are upgrading a high availability (HA) or disaster recovery (DR)

configuration, see the topic “Upgrading a version 8.0 IBM MQ Appliance to
version 9.0” on page 105 before you start upgrading. This topic gives guidance on
upgrading one appliance at a time and so remaining operational.

About this task

Follow this procedure to take back ups of your queue managers, and associated
logs and data, and then upgrade your appliance to IBM MQ version 9.0.

1. Connect to the IBM MQ Appliance as described in “Command line access” on
page 109.
2. Log in as a user in the administrators group.
3. Type mqcli to enter IBM MQ configuration mode.
4. Stop each of your queue managers:
endmqm Queue_Manager
5. Upgrade your appliance to the new firmware level:
boot image accept-license firmware_file

Where firmware_file is the file that contains the appliance firmware upgrade (see
“Installing a new level of firmware by using the command line” on page 102
for details on obtaining the file).
6. Create the location and allocate storage for your backup archive files:
createbackupfs -s size

Where size specifies the space that is allocated on the appliance RAID volume
for back ups in GB. A directory is created at the location mqbackup:///QMgrs.
7. Back up each of your queue managers:
mqbackup -m Queue_Manager

Where Queue_Manager specifies the queue manager to be backed up. The

archive file that is created is named Queue_Manager.bak by default.
8. Restart your queue managers:
strmqm Queue_Manager

Where Queue_Manager is the queue manager to restart.

Upgrading to version 9.0 by using the IBM MQ Console

You can use the IBM MQ Console to upgrade your version 8.0 IBM MQ Appliance
to version 9.0.

Before you begin

If you are upgrading a high availability (HA) or disaster recovery (DR)

configuration, see the topic “Upgrading a version 8.0 IBM MQ Appliance to
version 9.0” on page 105 before you start upgrading. This topic gives guidance on
upgrading one appliance at a time and so remaining operational.

Chapter 4. Upgrading and downgrading 107

About this task

Follow this procedure to take back ups of your queue managers, and associated
logs and data, and then your appliance to IBM MQ version 9.0.

1. Start the IBM MQ Console as described in “Using the IBM MQ Console” on
page 207.
2. Stop each of your queue managers:
a. Select the queue manager that you want to stop from the list in the local
queue manager widget.

b. Click the stop icon in the local queue manager widget toolbar.
c. Confirm that you want to stop the queue manager by clicking Stop.
3. Upgrade your appliance to the new firmware level. For this operation you use
the IBM MQ Appliance web UI:
a. Start the IBM MQ Appliance web UI, and click the administration icon

b. Select Main > System Control
c. In the Boot Image section, select the license accept option. Select the image
that you want to use from the Firmware File list. This list contains all the
files in the Image directory on the appliance. (You can use the buttons in this
window to upload files to the appliance or move them to the Image
directory as required.)
d. Click Boot Image to restart the appliance with the new firmware installed.
4. When the appliance has restarted, create the location and allocate storage for
your backup archive files:
createbackupfs -s size

Where size specifies the space that is allocated on the appliance RAID volume
for back ups in GB. A directory is created at the location mqbackup:///QMgrs.
5. Open the IBM MQ Console again. Back up each of your queue managers:
a. Select the queue manager that you want to back up from the list in the local
queue manager widget.
b. Select Back Up from the widget menu.
6. Restart your queue managers:
a. Select the queue manager that you want to restart from the list in the local
queue manager widget.

b. Click the start icon in the local queue manager widget toolbar.

108 IBM MQ Appliance

Chapter 5. Configuring
You can configure the IBM MQ Appliance settings by using the IBM MQ
Appliance web UI or by using the command line.

Command line access

You must access the command line on the IBM MQ Appliance before you can enter
appliance administrative or IBM MQ commands.

You can access the command line in the following ways:

v Directly connect to the serial port. For details, see “Connecting to the serial
v Enable SSH and establish a remote connection through the SSH service. For
details, see “Configuring the SSH service.”

To use the IBM MQ control commands you must enter the IBM MQ administration
mode by entering the command mqcli on the command line. You can exit the IBM
MQ administration mode by entering the command exit.

Connecting to the serial port

The serial port is hard-wired to a command line administration shell.

Before you connect to the serial port, ensure that the configuration for the terminal
or PC is for standard 9600 8N1 and no flow control operation. 8N1 is a notation for
a serial configuration in asynchronous mode, where there are eight (8) data bits, no
(N) parity bit, and one (1) stop bit.

To make the serial connection, use the appropriate cable to connect the terminal or
PC to the console connector on the appliance. You require a serial-to RJ45 converter
cable or USB-to-RJ45 converter cable to connect.

When properly connected, the terminal or PC prompts for credentials for a locally
defined user. With a serial connection, the following restrictions apply:
v Authentication does not use RBM. Therefore, only locally defined users can log
in to the serial port. If a non-local user attempts to log in, the log contains the
following message:
auth error 0x81000034 User ’user001’ failed to log in.
v There can be only one active serial connection at a time.
v In addition to being local, the user must be the admin account or a privileged

Configuring the SSH service

By default, the SSH service is disabled. When enabled, the SSH service binds to the
defined local IP-address-port combination.

Without an explicit local address, the SSH service attempts to bind to the
management Ethernet interface. If the management Ethernet interface is not
defined, the SSH service binds to all configured interfaces.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2015, 2017 109

Be sure to define an explicit IP address to isolate management traffic from
application data traffic.

If any of the Ethernet interfaces on the appliance are connected to the internet, or a
similar open access network, you might want to prevent access to the SSH service
from those interfaces. By restricting the Ethernet interface that can be used to
access the SSH service, you can ensure that the service can be accessed only from
an internal network. This restriction makes your environment more secure.

You can also fine tune the ciphers that are used by the SSH service, and the order
that they are used in.

To establish an SSH session

Although many servers use password authentication for SSH login, the IBM MQ
Appliance requires an interactive process to protect credentials during the SSL
handshake. The IBM MQ Appliance initiates a secure channel and provides for an
encrypted login process.

As a side-effect of the initial connection, and depending on your SSH client, you
might see the extraneous "login as:" prompt. To bypass, press Enter.

The screen shows a warning about unauthorized access and the prompt for the
login credentials:
login as:
Unauthorized access prohibited.

Configuring the SSH service by using the IBM MQ Appliance web

You can configure the SSH service by using the SSH Service pane in the IBM MQ
Appliance web UI.

About this task

You configure the SSH service, and can then optionally go on to configure the
ciphers that the SSH service uses. By default the service uses 16 ciphers in a
recommended order. You can, if required, disable or re-enable certain ciphers and
reorder them.


1. Start the IBM MQ Appliance web UI, and click the network icon .
2. Select Management > SSH Service.
3. Select Enable administrative state.
4. In the Local address field, enter the local address the appliance monitors for
incoming SSH requests.
5. In the Port number field, change the port on which the appliance monitors for
incoming SSH requests.
6. Click Edit next to the Access control list field to modify the SSH ACL.
7. Click Apply to save the changes to the running configuration.
8. Click Save Configuration to save the changes to the persisted configuration.

110 IBM MQ Appliance

9. If you want to work with the SSH profile ciphers, click the object icon ,
then select Crypto configuration > SSH Server profile.
10. Ensure that Enable administrative state is enabled.
11. Select or deselect and reorder the ciphers as required.
12. Click Apply to save the changes to the running configuration.
13. Click Save Configuration to save the changes to the persisted configuration.

Configuring the SSH service by using the command line

You can configure the SSH service by using the config and ssh commands on the
command line.

About this task

You configure the SSH service, and can then optionally go on to configure the
ciphers that the SSH service uses. By default the service uses 16 ciphers in a
recommended order. You can, if required, disable or re-enable certain ciphers and
reorder them.

1. Enter the configuration mode by entering the following command:
2. Specify the IP address and port that the SSH service listens on by entering the
following command:
ssh IPAddress:Port
Specifies the IP address of the Ethernet interface that you want to use
to access the SSH service.
port Specifies the port number that you want to use to access the SSH
3. Exit the configuration mode by entering the following command:
4. To work with SSH ciphers, enter the crypto SSH server mode by entering the
following commands:
5. Enter the following command to change the enabled ciphers and the order of
preference that they are used in:
ciphers cipher_string

Where cipher_string lists the enabled ciphers in the required preference order.
See “ciphers” on page 824 for the names of ciphers that you can specify in the
6. Exit the configuration mode by entering the following command:
7. Exit the crypto mode by entering the following command:

Chapter 5. Configuring 111

Configuring the IBM MQ Appliance web UI
The IBM MQ Appliance web UI can be used to administer the IBM MQ Appliance.

The IBM MQ Appliance web UI can be accessed by using any of the supported
browsers. The browser must have JavaScript enabled. Currently supported
browsers are the latest versions of Firefox or Chrome, or Internet Explorer 11.

Note: If you are using Internet Explorer, you must ensure that you are running in
standards mode, not compatibility mode. To change the mode, press F12. Check
the Document Mode: menu, and the Browser Mode: menu, and make any
necessary changes.

You can connect to the IBM MQ Appliance web UI by entering the following URL:

Note: This URL uses the default port value. If you changed the port value, replace
the 9090 section of the URL with your port number.


Specifies the IP address of the management Ethernet interface.
You can determine the IP address of the management Ethernet interface by
using the show int command.

Changing the IBM MQ Appliance web UI IP address and port

System administrators can change the IP address and port values that are used to
connect to the IBM MQ Appliance web UI by using the config and web-mgmt
commands on the command line.

About this task

If any of the Ethernet interfaces on the appliance are connected to the internet, or a
similar open access network, you might want to prevent access to the IBM MQ
Appliance web UI from those interfaces. By restricting the Ethernet interface that
can be used to access the IBM MQ Appliance web UI, you can ensure that the IBM
MQ Appliance web UI can be accessed only from an internal network. This
restriction makes your environment more secure.

1. Ensure that you are not in the IBM MQ administration mode by entering the
following command:

The prompt displays mqa#.

2. Enter the configuration mode by entering the following command:
3. Enter the web management configuration mode by entering the following
4. Enable the web management service by entering the following command:
admin-state enabled

112 IBM MQ Appliance

5. Configure which IP address is used to access the IBM MQ Appliance web UI:
v Allow access to the IBM MQ Appliance web UI through all Ethernet
interfaces and all IP addresses by entering the following command:
port Specifies the port number that you want to use to access the IBM
MQ Appliance web UI.
v Allow access to the IBM MQ Appliance web UI through only a specific
Ethernet interface and IP address by entering the following command:
local-address IPAddress:port
Specifies the IP address of the Ethernet interface that you want to use
to access the IBM MQ Appliance web UI.
port Specifies the port number that you want to use to access the IBM
MQ Appliance web UI.
6. Exit the web management configuration mode by entering the following
7. Exit the configuration mode by entering the following command:

Configuring certificates for IBM MQ Appliance web UI

You can configure the IBM MQ Appliance web UI to use certificates that you

About this task

You use the appliance command line interface to configure the IBM MQ Appliance
web UI to use your certificates.

To set up secure communication between a browser and the IBM MQ Appliance

web UI and to handle certificates, you create an SSL server profile on the
appliance. You import the required certificates and key file to the appliance, and
create definition objects for them. The definition objects are used when you create
an ID credentials (idcred) object for the appliance. The idcred is in turn used when
you configure the SSL server profile. Finally, the SSL server profile is associated
with your web management profile.

If you want to configure client validation, you import the certificates of the clients
that are going to be allowed to connect. You then create definition objects for the
certificates, which are used when you create a validation credential (valcred) object.
The valcred object is in turn used when you configure the SSL server profile.

The example in this topic assumes that you have a signed certificate for the
appliance. When making certificate requests for an appliance, the CN part of the
distinguished name must be the URL that you type to reach the web UI. For
example, myappliance1.ourcompany.com. If you want to set up the profile to
validate connecting clients, you also require the relevant client certificates.

By default the web management service listens on all of the appliance ports (local
address set to You can, however, configure the service so that it listens on

Chapter 5. Configuring 113

an IP address or host alias of a specific port (and so limit access to the web UI -
see “Changing the IBM MQ Appliance web UI IP address and port” on page 112).

v To upload certificates to your appliance:
1. Ensure that you have the following items:
– A private key to access the appliance certificate.
– The appliance certificate.
– Client certificates (optional).
2. Connect to the IBM MQ Appliance as described in “Command line access”
on page 109.
3. Log in as a user in the administrators group.
4. Type the following command to enter configuration mode:
5. Upload the key and certificates to the appliance by using the copy command,
for example:
copy scp://username@otherserver//home/username/myappliance1key.pem cert:
copy scp://username@otherserver//home/username/myappliance1.cer cert:
copy scp://username@otherserver//home/username/client1.cer cert:
copy scp://username@otherserver//home/username/client2.cer cert:
copy scp://username@otherserver//home/username/client3.cer cert:
You can also copy the certificates to your appliance by using the IBM MQ
Appliance web UI, see “Uploading certificates to the appliance” on page 400.
v To create definition objects for the appliance certificate and key:
1. From configuration mode, type crypto to enter crypto configuration mode.
2. Create a crypto key definition for the private key that is used for generating
the appliance certificate:
key key_alias cert:///keyfile

For example:
key WebUiKey01 cert:///myappliance1key.pem
3. Create a crypto certificate definition for the appliance:
certificate cert_alias cert:///certfile

For example:
certificate WebUiCert01 cert:///myappliance1.cer
4. Create a crypto credential definition for the appliance:
idcred credential_name key_alias cert_alias

For example:
idcred WebUiCred01 WebUiKey01 WebUiCert01
v To create a crypto valcred definition for validating clients (this is optional):
1. From the crypto configuration mode, create a certificate definition object for
each of the client certificates that you have imported:
certificate cert_alias cert:///certfile

For example:
certificate WebUiClientCert01 cert:///client1.cer
certificate WebUiClientCert02 cert:///client2.cer
certificate WebUiClientCert03 cert:///client3.cer

114 IBM MQ Appliance

2. Create a crypto valcred definition, specifying the certificate definitions for the
client certificates:
valcred valcred_name
certificate cert_alias

Repeat the certificate command to specify the certificate definition for

every client certificate that you have uploaded. For example:
valcred WebUIvalcred01
certificate WebUIClientCert01
certificate WebUIClientCert02
certificate WebUIClientCert03
v To create an SSL server profile for the appliance:
1. From the crypto configuration mode, enter the following commands:
ssl-server SSL_Svr_Profile_name
admin-state enabled
idcred IDCred_name
protocols TLSv1d2

If you are specifying client validation, also enter:

valcred ValCred_name
request-client-auth on
require-client-auth on
send-client-auth-ca-list on

For example:
ssl-server myappliance1
admin-state enabled
idcred WebUiCred01
protocols TLSv1d2
valcred WebUIvalcred01
request-client-auth on
require-client-auth on
send-client-auth-ca-list on
v To save all the changes you have made in crypto configuration mode:
1. Type exit to leave crypto configuration mode.
2. Type write mem to save your configuration changes.
v To associate the SSL server profile with the web UI:
1. From configuration mode, type web-mgmt to enter web management
configuration mode.
2. Enter the following command:
ssl-server SSL_Svr_Profile_name

For example:
ssl-server myappliance1
v To save your web management configuration:
1. Type exit to leave web-mgmt configuration mode.
2. Type write mem to save your configuration changes.
3. Type exit again to leave configuration mode.

Chapter 5. Configuring 115

Customizing the user interfaces
You can customize certain features of the CLI or web UI on your IBM MQ

You can customize the following aspects of the user interfaces:

v The CLI prompt. For example, you could include an identifier for the appliance.
v Pre-login, post-login, and system messages for the CLI.
v Pre-login, post-login, and system messages for the web UI.

You customize the user interfaces using an XML file. You create the file that
defines your customizations and then copy it to the appliance.

You can use any text editor to create the XML file. You must cut and paste the
markup, and then specify the content of each customized message within the

After the XML file is complete, you can, if you want, validate the conformance of
the file against its schema. The schema is available on the appliance under

Copy the file to the appliance store URI, and use the custom-ui-file command to
implement your customizations, for example:
mqa# config
mqa (config)# system
mqa (config system)# custom-ui-file store:///CustomUI.xml

Supported markup for the user interface customization file

The user interface customization file is an XML file.

You can copy and paste elements from the supplied template file to create the file,
(see “Template of the custom user interface file” on page 118). The schema for the
XML file supports the following case-sensitive elements:
The <User-Interface> element is the root element of the XML file and
defines the required namespace statements. The XML file must contain this
element copied and pasted from the template without modification.
The <CustomPrompt> element indicates whether to extend the CLI prompt
with the system name. To enable this aspect, add an element of the form:

The system name is the only customization available for the CLI prompt.
The system name can be set using the name command, see “name” on page
The <MarkupBanner> element identifies the messages to display in the web
UI. The file can contain up to four <MarkupBanner> elements, based on a
combination of the type attribute and location attribute.
The type attribute identifies the type of message. This attribute
supports the following keywords.

116 IBM MQ Appliance

Displays the message before users log in to the web UI.
You can define one pre-login message.
Displays the message in a pop-up window immediately
after users log in to the web UI. You can define one
post-login message.
Displays the message on each web UI screen. You can
define two appliance messages based on the keyword of
the location attribute. Use the location attribute to define
where on the web UI to display the message.
The location attribute indicates the location on the web UI to
display the message. This attribute is relevant only when used
with type="system-banner". The location attribute supports the
following keywords. The default value is both.
header Displays the message at the top. You can define one
message with this keyword. You cannot define a message
with this keyword and another with the both keyword.
footer Displays the message at the bottom. You can define one
message with this keyword. You cannot define a message
with this keyword and another with the both keyword.
both Displays the message at the top and the bottom. You can
define one message with this keyword. You cannot define a
message with this keyword and another with the header
keyword or with the footer keyword.
The foreground-color attribute identifies the color of the text in
the web UI message. This attribute supports the following
keywords. The default value is none, which display the text in
v none
v blue
v green
v orange
v red
v yellow
The background-color attribute identifies the color of the
background in the web UI message. This attribute supports the
following keywords. The default value is none, which removes any
color from the message background.
v none
v blue
v green
v orange
v red
v yellow

Chapter 5. Configuring 117

For web UI messages, the contents of the <MarkupBanner> element can
include the following standard HTML tags.
<p> Defines individual paragraphs.
<em> Defines text to display in italics.
Defines text to display in bold.
<tt> Defines text to display in monospace.
The <TextBanner> element identifies the messages to display to users in
CLI sessions. The file can contain up to three <TextBanner> elements, one
for each keyword that is associated with the type attribute.
The type attribute identifies the type of message. This attribute
supports the following keywords.
Displays the message before users log in from the CLI.
Displays the message immediately after users log in from
the CLI.
Displays the message immediately after the completion of
each command invocation from the CLI.

For CLI messages, the content of the <TextBanner> element cannot include
other HTML or XML elements.

Template of the custom user interface file

You can use the provided template as a base for producing a custom user interface

The following template is an XML file to help you create the custom user interface
file for your IBM MQ Appliance. This template conforms to the schema

<!-- Markup for the CLI prompt -->


<!-- Markup for custom messages for the GUI -->

<MarkupBanner type="pre-login" foreground-color="red" background-color="blue">
GUI pre-login message
<MarkupBanner type="post-login" foreground-color="blue" background-color="yellow">
GUI post-login pop up message
<MarkupBanner type="system-banner" location="header" foreground-color="green"
GUI system message - header
<MarkupBanner type="system-banner" location="footer" foreground-color="blue"
GUI system message - footer

118 IBM MQ Appliance

<!-- If the following markup was outside of comments, the file would not
conform to the schema. Cannot define multiple system messages as the
header or footer.
<MarkupBanner type="system-banner">
GUI system message - header and footer

<!-- Markup for custom messages for the CLI -->

<TextBanner type="pre-login">
CLIe pre-login message
<TextBanner type="post-login">
CLI post-login message
<TextBanner type="system-banner">
CLI system message

Configuring the appliance

You can configure the appliance either by using the IBM MQ Appliance web UI or
by using the command line.

Ethernet interfaces
You must configure the Ethernet interfaces on your IBM MQ Appliance to enable

The IBM MQ Appliance provides two management ports and up to twelve

Ethernet ports:
v The management ports are mgt0 and mgt1. You can use either port for
management traffic.
v The Ethernet ports are in two modules.
– The left module has eight 1-gigabit ports. Port-numbering starts with 10,
which is eth10.
– For M2000 models, the right module has two 10-gigabit ports.
Port-numbering starts with 20, which is eth20.
– For M2001 models, the right module has four 10-gigabit ports.
Port-numbering starts with 20, which is eth20.

1. By default, the appliance blocks non-management traffic when at least one
network interface has an invalid configuration. When this situation occurs, the
appliance supports only management traffic over SSH and web management
interfaces. Until you correct the problem, the appliance cannot accept and
process client requests.
2. You must not disable Ethernet links that are used for high availability or
disaster recovery configurations. If you do disable such links, high availability
operation or disaster recovery operation are no longer available, and you might
have to set up the configuration again.
3. You must not change IP addresses for Ethernet links that are used for high
availability or disaster recovery configurations. If you do change IP addresses,
high availability operation or disaster recovery operation are no longer
available, and you might have to set up the configuration again. See “Changing

Chapter 5. Configuring 119

IP addresses in high availability configurations” on page 169 and “Changing IP
addresses in disaster recovery configurations” on page 187.
4. You must not aggregate Ethernet links that are used for high availability or
disaster recovery configurations. If you do aggregate such links, high
availability operation or disaster recovery operation are no longer available,
and you might have to set up the configuration again.

Configuring Ethernet interfaces by using the IBM MQ Appliance

web UI
You can configure the Ethernet interfaces by using the IBM MQ Appliance web UI.

About this task

You use the Network section of the IBM MQ Appliance web UI to configure the
Ethernet interfaces on your IBM MQ Appliance. The IBM MQ Appliance web UI
itself contains detailed help on the fields that you need to configure. Here we
describe the major steps that you need to complete.

Note: There are restrictions on changing the IP addresses of the Ethernet ports
used by high availability and disaster recovery configurations. See “Changing IP
addresses in high availability configurations” on page 169 and “Changing IP
addresses in disaster recovery configurations” on page 187.


1. Start the IBM MQ Appliance web UI, and click the network icon .
2. Select Interface > Ethernet Interface.
3. Click New to define a new configuration.
4. Specify a name for the configuration. You must specify the name of the
Ethernet interface that you want to configure. The following names are
v eth10
v eth11
v eth12
v eth13
v eth14
v eth15
v eth16
v eth17
v eth20
v eth21
v eth22 (M2001 appliances only)
v eth23 (M2001 appliances only)
v mgt0
v mgt1
5. Define the basic configuration for that interface. Here you specify whether the
interface is active or not, and whether the interface uses static addressing, or an
autconfiguration scheme. If you choose either of the autoconfiguration schemes,
the appliance ignores the remaining configuration data about the physical

120 IBM MQ Appliance

6. Define IP addressing. Here you define the primary IP address and netmask for
the configuration. You can optionally specify one or more secondary addresses.
7. Define IP routing. Here you define default gateways for IPv4 and IPv6 IP
addresses. You can optionally set up a routing table that defines static routes.
8. Optionally define advanced options that modify the way that the Ethernet
interface works within the network.
9. Click Apply to save the changes to the running configuration.

Configuring Ethernet interfaces by using the command line

You can configure the Ethernet interfaces by using the command interface.

About this task

To configure an Ethernet interface from the command line, you enter Ethernet
configuration mode, specifying the interface to configure, and enter the required
Ethernet commands.

Note: There are restrictions on changing the IP addresses of the Ethernet ports
used by high availability and disaster recovery configurations. See “Changing IP
addresses in high availability configurations” on page 169 and “Changing IP
addresses in disaster recovery configurations” on page 187.

1. Connect to the IBM MQ Appliance as described in “Command line access” on
page 109. Log in as an administrative user.
2. Type config to enter global configuration mode.
3. Type the following command to configure an Ethernet interface:
ethernet name

Where name identifies the interface that you want to configure and has one of
the following values:
v eth10
v eth11
v eth12
v eth13
v eth14
v eth15
v eth16
v eth17
v eth20
v eth21
v eth22 (M2001 appliances only)
v eth23 (M2001 appliances only)
v mgt0
v mgt1
4. Use the following Ethernet interface commands to configure the interface:

Command Description
“admin-state” on page 586 Sets the administrative state for the configuration.
“flow-control” on page 645 Sets the flow control mode of the Ethernet interface.

Chapter 5. Configuring 121

Command Description
“ip-address” on page 647 Assigns the primary network address for the Ethernet interface.
“ip-config-mode” on page 647 Identifies the configuration mode for the Ethernet interface.
“ip-route” on page 648 Manages static routes in the routing table for the Ethernet interface.
“ip-secondary-address” on page Manages secondary network addresses for the Ethernet interface.
“ipv4-default-gateway” on page Designates the default IPv4 gateway for the Ethernet interface.
“ipv6-dadtransmits” on page 651 Sets the number of IPv6 duplication address detection attempts for the
Ethernet interface.
“ipv6-default-gateway” on page Designates the default IPv6 gateway for the Ethernet interface.
“ipv6-nd-retransmit-timer” on Sets the interval between IPv6 neighbor discovery attempts for the Ethernet
page 652 interface.
“link-aggegation-mode” on page Indicates whether the Ethernet interface is part of an aggregate interface.
“mac-address” on page 653 Changes the MAC address for the Ethernet interface.
“mode” on page 653 Sets the interface speed and direction.
“mtu” on page 654 Sets the maximum transmission unit of the Ethernet interface.

5. Use the following commands to control the interface, if required:

Command Description
“disable-ethernet-hardware-offload” Manages the temporary disabling of hardware offload.
on page 646
“packet-capture” on page 654 Manages a packet-capture for the Ethernet interface session.

6. After you configure the Ethernet interface, enter exit to save the configuration
and exit, or type cancel to exit without saving.


The following commands configure interface eth10 to use DHCP:

mqa# config
Global configuration mode
mqa(config)# ethernet eth10
Modify Ethernet Interface configuration

mqa(config ethernet eth10)# ip-config-mode dhcp

mqa(config ethernet eth10)# exit
mqa(config)# write memory
Overwrite previously saved configuration? Yes/No [y/n]: y
Configuration saved successfully.

VLAN interfaces
You can configure the VLAN interfaces on your IBM MQ Appliance.

A VLAN interface allows multiple logical LANs to coexist on the same Ethernet
segment. VLAN packets are identified by the IEEE 802.1Q protocol. You can define
multiple VLAN interfaces on a single parent interface. The parent interface can be
an Ethernet interface or a link aggregation interface.

122 IBM MQ Appliance

VLAN interfaces are not supported for links used for high availability
configurations or disaster recovery configurations.

Note: By default, the appliance blocks non-management traffic when at least one
network interface has an invalid configuration. When this situation occurs, the
appliance supports only management traffic over SSH and web management
interfaces. Until you correct the problem, the appliance cannot accept and process
client requests.

Configuring VLAN interfaces by using the IBM MQ Appliance

web UI
You can configure the VLAN interfaces by using the IBM MQ Appliance web UI.

About this task

You use the Network section of the IBM MQ Appliance web UI to configure VLAN
interfaces on your IBM MQ Appliance. The IBM MQ Appliance web UI itself
contains detailed help on the fields that you need to configure. Here we describe
the major steps that you need to complete.

Normally, IP addresses are fixed configuration. Use Dynamic Host Configuration

Protocol (DHCP) or Stateless Address Autoconfiguration (SLAAC) only when you
have a reason to obtain addresses dynamically. When you select an
autoconfiguration method, the appliance ignores configuration data about the
physical interface.

You must configure the parent interface before you configure the VLAN interface.


1. Start the IBM MQ Appliance web UI, and click the network icon .
2. Select Interface > VLAN Interface.
3. Click New to define a new configuration.
4. Specify a name for the configuration.
5. Define the basic configuration for that interface. Here you specify whether the
interface is active or not, and whether the interface uses static addressing, or
an autconfiguration scheme, and whether the parent interface is Ethernet or
link aggregation. If you choose either of the autoconfiguration schemes, the
appliance ignores the remaining configuration data about the physical
6. Specify the parent interface of the VLAN. Specify the name of either the
Ethernet or link aggregation configuration.
7. Define the identifier for the VLAN you are configuring, and the priority level
for outbound VLAN headers for packets.
8. Define IP addressing. Here you optionally define the primary IP address and
one or more secondary addresses.
9. Define IP routing. Here you optionally define default gateways for IPv4 and
IPv6 IP addresses. You can set up a routing table that defines static routes.
10. Optionally define advanced options that modify the way that the VLAN
interface works within the network.
11. Click Apply to save the changes to the running configuration.

Chapter 5. Configuring 123

Configuring VLAN interfaces by using the command line
You can configure VLAN interfaces by using the command interface.

About this task

To configure a VLAN interface from the command line, you enter VLAN
configuration mode, specifying the interface to configure, and enter the required
VLAN commands.

1. Connect to the IBM MQ Appliance as described in “Command line access” on
page 109. Log in as an administrative user.
2. Type config to enter global configuration mode.
3. Type the following command to configure a VLAN interface:
vlan name

Where name identifies the interface that you want to configure. The name can
have a maximum of 128 characters. The following characters are valid:
v a through z
v A through Z
v 0 through 9
v Underscore (_)
v Dash (-)
v Period (.) (note that a name that consists of a single period, or including two
periods together, is not permitted)
4. Use the following VLAN interface commands to configure the interface:

Command Description
“admin-state” on page 586 Sets the administrative state for the configuration.
“ethernet-interface” on page 853 Sets the Ethernet interface to provide connectivity.
“identifier” on page 853 Sets the VLAN identifier.
“ip-address” on page 854 Assigns the primary network address for the VLAN interface.
“ip-config-mode” on page 854 Identifies the configuration mode for the VLAN interface.
“ip-route” on page 855 Manages static routes in the routing table for the VLAN interface.
“ip-secondary-address” on page Manages secondary network addresses for the VLAN interface.
“ipv4-default-gateway” on page Designates the default IPv4 gateway for the VLAN interface.
“ipv6-dadtransmits” on page 857 Sets the number of IPv6 duplication address detection attempts for the VLAN
“ipv6-default-gateway” on page Designates the default IPv6 gateway for the VLAN interface.
“ipv6-nd-retransmit-timer” on Sets the interval between IPv6 neighbor discovery attempts for the VLAN
page 858 interface.
“link-aggregation-interface” on Indicates whether the VLAN interface is part of an aggregate interface.
page 859l
“mtu” on page 859 Sets the maximum transmission unit of the VLAN interface.
“outbound-priority” on page 860 Sets the priority value in outbound packets.

124 IBM MQ Appliance

Command Description
“over” on page 860 Sets the parent interface type.

5. Use the following command to control the interface, if required:

Command Description
“packet-capture” on page 861 Manages a packet-capture for the VLAN interface session.

6. After you configure the VLAN interface, enter exit to save the configuration
and exit, or type cancel to exit without saving.

Link aggregation interfaces

You can configure the link aggregation interfaces on your IBM MQ Appliance.

A link aggregation interface combines multiple Ethernet ports. When combined

and used in parallel, the aggregate interface increases link speed beyond a single
Ethernet port. Because the aggregate interface combines Ethernet ports,
redundancy is increased to provide higher availability.

You must configure the Ethernet interfaces, and enable them for link aggregation,
before you create a link aggregation interface.

Link aggregation is not supported for links used for high availability
configurations or disaster recovery configurations.

Note: By default, the appliance blocks non-management traffic when at least one
network interface has an invalid configuration. When this situation occurs, the
appliance supports only management traffic over SSH and web management
interfaces. Until you correct the problem, the appliance cannot accept and process
client requests.

Configuring link aggregation interfaces by using the IBM MQ

Appliance web UI
You can configure a link aggregate interface by using the IBM MQ Appliance web

About this task

You use the Network section of the IBM MQ Appliance web UI to configure a link
aggregate interface on your IBM MQ Appliance. The IBM MQ Appliance web UI
itself contains detailed help on the fields that you need to configure. Here we
describe the major steps that you need to complete.

Note: You must configure the Ethernet interfaces that you want to aggregate, and
enable them for link aggregation, before you create the link aggregation interface.


1. Start the IBM MQ Appliance web UI, and click the network icon .
2. Select Interface > Link Aggregation Interface.
3. Click New to define a new configuration.
4. Specify a name for the link aggregation interface.

Chapter 5. Configuring 125

5. Define the basic configuration for that interface. Here you specify whether the
interface is active or not, and whether the interface uses static addressing, or
an autoconfiguration scheme. If you choose either of the autoconfiguration
schemes, the appliance ignores the remaining configuration data about the
physical interface.
6. Specify the aggregation mode for the interface.
7. Specify the Ethernet interfaces to be included in the aggregation.
8. Define IP addressing. Here you define the primary IP address and netmask
for the configuration. You can optionally specify one or more secondary
9. Define IP routing. Here you define default gateways for IPv4 and IPv6 IP
addresses. You can optionally set up a routing table that defines static routes.
10. Optionally define advanced options that modify the way that the link
aggregation interface works within the network.
11. Click Apply to save the changes to the running configuration.

Configuring link aggregation interfaces by using the command

You can configure the link aggregation interfaces by using the command line

About this task

To configure a link aggregation interface from the command line, you enter link
aggregation configuration mode, specifying the interface to configure, and enter
the required link aggregation commands.

Note: You must configure the Ethernet interfaces that you want to aggregate, and
enable them for link aggregation, before you create the link aggregation interface.

1. Connect to the IBM MQ Appliance as described in “Command line access” on
page 109. Log in as an administrative user.
2. Type config to enter global configuration mode.
3. Type the following command to configure a link aggregation interface:
link-aggregation name

Where name identifies the interface that you want to configure. The name can
have a maximum of 128 characters. The following characters are valid:
v a through z
v A through Z
v 0 through 9
v Underscore (_)
v Dash (-)
v Period (.) (note that a name that consists of a single period, or including two
periods together, is not permitted)
4. Use the following link aggregation interface commands to configure the

Command Description
“admin-state” on page 586 Sets the administrative state for the configuration.

126 IBM MQ Appliance

Command Description
“ip-address” on page 711 Assigns the primary network address for the link aggregation interface.
“ip-config-mode” on page 711 Identifies the configuration mode for the link aggregation interface.
“ip-route” on page 712 Manages static routes in the routing table for the link aggregation interface.
“ip-secondary-address” on page Manages secondary network addresses for the link aggregation interface.
“ipv4-default-gateway” on page Designates the default IPv4 gateway for the link aggregation interface.
“ipv6-dadtransmits” on page 714 Sets the number of IPv6 duplication address detection attempts for the link
aggregation interface.
“ipv6-default-gateway” on page Designates the default IPv6 gateway for the link aggregation interface.
“ipv6-nd-retransmit-timer” on Sets the interval between IPv6 neighbor discovery attempts for the link
page 715 aggregation interface.
“lacp-hash” on page 715 Sets which hash function the LACP aggregation uses to determine the
interface for outbound packets.
“lacp-select” on page 716 Sets the algorithm for the LACP selection policy.
“link” on page 717 Specifies which Ethernet interfaces are part of the aggregate interface.
“type” on page 719 Defines the mode to use for link aggregation.

5. Use the following command to control the interface, if required:

Command Description
“packet-capture” on page 718 Manages a packet-capture for the aggregate interface session.

6. After you configure the link aggregation interface, enter exit to save the
configuration and exit, or type cancel to exit without saving.

IPMI Settings
You can define an IPMI channel, and IPMI users on the IBM MQ Appliance.

An Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI) LAN channel enables access

to the Baseboard Management Controller (BMC) on the appliance over a LAN.

An IPMI user can create, change, or delete user authentication records in the BMC.
Authentication records allow users to communicate with IPMI protocols over
external channels, such as an IPMI LAN channel. There can be eight IPMI users on
the appliance.

Configuring IPMI LAN channels by using the command line

You can configure an IPMI LAN channel by using the command line interface.

About this task

You configure the appliance Ethernet port mgt0 to provide an IPMI LAN channel,
which can include serial over LAN (SOL) access.

To configure an IPMI user from the command line, you enter IPMI channel mode,
and enter the required IPMI channel commands.

Chapter 5. Configuring 127

1. Connect to the IBM MQ Appliance as described in “Command line access” on
page 109. Log in as an administrative user.
2. Type config to enter global configuration mode.
3. Type ipmi-lan-channel to enter IPMI LAN channel mode.
4. Use the following commands to configure the channel:

Command Description
“admin-state” on page 586 Sets the administrative state for the configuration.
“allowed-user” on page 703 Specifies the users allowed to use the channel.
“ip address” on page 704 Sets IP addresses with subnet mask for the IPMI LAN channel.
“ip default-gateway” on page 705 Sets the default gateway for the IPMI LAN channel.
“maximum-channel-privilege-level” Sets the maximum privilege level for users.
on page 705
“sol-enabled” on page 706 Indicates whether to support serial over LAN.
“sol-required-user-privilege-level”Sets the privilege level for serial over LAN.
on page 707

5. After you configure the channel, enter exit to save the configuration and exit,
or type cancel to exit without saving.

Configuring IPMI users by using the command line interface

Define an IPMI user to create an identification record in the Baseboard
Management Controller (BMC).

About this task

To configure an IPMI user from the command line, you enter IPMI user mode, and
enter the required IPMI user commands. Users are identified by an integer.
Possible identifiers are 3 to 10 inclusive.

1. Connect to the IBM MQ Appliance as described in “Command line access” on
page 109. Log in as an administrative user.
2. Type config to enter global configuration mode.
3. Type ipmi-user to enter IPMI user mode.
4. Enter the following command to define an IPMI user:
user-id identifier

Where identifier is an integer in the range 3 to 10 inclusive.

5. Enter the following command to define a password for the user:
password password

Where password specifies a password that must be between 8 and 16 characters

in length.
6. After you configure the IPMI user, enter exit to save the configuration and
exit, or type cancel to exit without saving.

DNS settings
DNS setting define the DNS servers to contact to resolve host names to IP

128 IBM MQ Appliance

The primary behavior to configure for host name resolution consists of the
following definitions:
v Which domains to search for a match when a host name without a domain
qualifier is submitted. The appliance attempts to resolve a host name with any
domain in the domain name table. The host name is resolved to the first found
v Which DNS servers to contact and their contact order.
v The load-balancing algorithm to contact name servers:
– First alive. This algorithm maintains a list of servers and forwards a new
connection to the next server on the list.
– Round robin. This algorithm uses the concept of a primary server and one or
more backup servers. When the primary server is available, all connections
are forwarded to this server. When the primary server is unavailable,
connections are forwarded to backup servers. The primary server is the first
server in the list.

The results from DNS resolution requests are cached to improve performance.
When a name server responds with an IP address, the response includes its time to
live (TTL) in the cache. The appliance uses the value from the DNS response or 10
seconds, whichever is greater. If the name server responds that a host name has no
associated IP address, the appliance caches the negative response for 30 seconds.

Configuring DNS settings by using the IBM MQ Appliance web UI

You use the IBM MQ Appliance web UI to configure the DNS settings for the IBM
MQ Appliance.


1. Start the IBM MQ Appliance web UI, and click the network icon .
2. Select Interface > DNS Service.
3. Enable the DNS service.
4. Set whether you prefer IPv4 or IPv6 addresses.
5. Define the domains to search to match partial host name. Use the directional
arrows to set the search order.
6. Define the name servers to contact for resolution. Use the directional arrows to
set the contact order. For the first alive algorithm, you can set a maximum of
three name servers.
7. Define host-address maps for static hosts. (The use of static hosts does not
improve performance).
8. Select the load balancing algorithm.
v For the first alive algorithm, set the maximum number of query attempts
before an error is returned, and the time to wait for a response before
querying the next name server in the list.
v For the round robin algorithm, set the maximum number of query attempts
on a per-server basis.
9. Click Apply to save the changes to the running configuration.

Configuring DNS settings by using the command line

You can configure the DNS settings by using the command interface.

Chapter 5. Configuring 129

About this task

To configure DNS settings from the command line, you enter DNS configuration
mode and enter the required DNS commands.

1. Connect to the IBM MQ Appliance as described in “Command line access” on
page 109. Log in as an administrative user.
2. Type config to enter global configuration mode.
3. Type the following command to configure DNS settings:
4. Use the following DNS commands to configure the settings:

Command Description
“admin-state” on page 586 Sets the administrative state for the configuration.
“ip-preference” on page 640 Sets the preferred IP version when the DNS provider publishes both versions
of addresses.
“load-balance” on page 640 Sets the load-balancing algorithm that the appliance uses to resolve host
“name-server” on page 641 Manages local DNS providers.
“retries” on page 642 Sets the number of times that the appliance attempts a failed query.
“search-domain” on page 642 Manages domain-suffixes in the search table for non-qualified domain names.
“static-host” on page 643 Manages host-address maps.
“timeout” on page 644 Sets the time to wait before the next query attempt.

5. After you configure the DNS settings, enter exit

6. Enter write memory to save the updated configuration.

Clearing hosts from the DNS cache

The IBM MQ Appliance maintains a cache of DNS hosts. If the cache contains
unwanted hosts, you must clear the cache.

About this task

You can clear hosts from the cache from the DNS Settings configuration.


1. Start the IBM MQ Appliance web UI, and click the network icon .
2. Select Interface > DNS Service.
3. Click Actions > Flush DNS Cache.

SNMP Settings

The IBM MQ Appliance supports SNMP versions 1, 2c, and 3.

SNMP versions 1 and 2c support a community-based security model. SNMP

version 3 has a security model that uses SHA or MD5 based authentication and
AES or DES encryption. The two security models use different terminology: SNMP

130 IBM MQ Appliance

version 2 and earlier uses the term “traps” for messages that inform about events,
while SNMP version 3 calls these messages “notifications”.

You can configure the SNMP settings for the appliance by using the IBM MQ
Appliance web UI or the command line interface. The web UI settings are divided
into the following sections:
Main The main SNMP settings specify local connection and security settings. You
specify the local IP address and port that is listened on for incoming
SNMP requests. You can specify that all interfaces on the appliance are
listened on, if required. If you are using SNMP v3, you can specify the
SNMP users, security levels, and access levels.
Enterprise MIBs
You can view the three MIB files that specify the interaction of the
appliance with SNMP managers. You need to download the MIB files to
use them with an SNMP monitoring application. All of the objects that are
exposed through the IBM MQ Appliance MIBs are read only.
Trap Event Subscriptions
Enables the generation of event traps/notifications for certain appliance
conditions. Currently, you can enable or disable the generation of
traps/notifications in response to a default set of appliance events. Note
that events for IBM MQ operations are not currently supported.
SNMPv1/v2c Communities
If you are using SNMP version 1 or version 2c, you use this section to
specify one or more SNMP communities.
Trap and Notification Targets
If you have enabled the default event traps/notifications, you use this tab
to specify details of the SNMP manager (or managers) that the
traps/notifications are sent to.

Specifying main SNMP settings by using the web UI

Enable SNMP and specify main connection and security details.

About this task

You can use the IBM MQ Appliance web UI to configure SNMP. You use the Main
section of the interface to specify basic details and to enable the service.


1. Start the IBM MQ Appliance web UI and click the Administration icon .
2. Select Access > SNMP Settings.
3. Ensure that Enable administrative state is selected (this step enables SNMP).
4. Specify the IP address of the local interface on which the SNMP service listens
for SNMP requests in the Local IP Address field. Specify (which is the
default value) to listen on all appliance interfaces.
5. Specify the port that is listened on in the Local Port field. The port for SNMP is
161 by default.
6. If you are configuring SNMP v3, complete the following steps:
a. If required by the chosen security level, add one or more local users who
have SNMPv3 credentials:

Chapter 5. Configuring 131

v If you have already configured a local user and specified SNMPv3
credentials, click Add and select the user from the list. Repeat this step to
add additional users.
v If you have already configured a local user, but not yet specified their
specified SNMPv3 credentials, click Add and select the user from the list,
then click the pencil icon to edit the user definition. Add the required
credentials and click Apply.

v Otherwise, click the plus icon to open the User Account dialog.
Create a new user and specify SNMPv3 credentials. Click Apply.
See “Configuring local users by using the web UI” on page 380.
b. Select the SNMPv3 security level. Choose one of the following options:
Authentication, Privacy
The SNMP connection requires authentication of users and
encryption of data. This setting is the default.
Authentication, No Privacy
The SNMP connection requires authentication of users but not the
encryption of data.
No Authentication, No privacy
The SNMP connection requires neither authentication of users nor
encryption of data.
c. Select the SNMPv3 access level. You should select the read-only option,
which allows an SNMP manager to request get, get-next, and get-bulk
operations. The read-only option is the default. (All of the objects that are
exposed through the IBM MQ Appliance MIBs are read only.)

What to do next

If you want to view the MIBs that control how SNMP managers work with the
appliance, open the Enterprise MIBs section of the dialog, or open the Trap Event
Subscriptions section to configure default traps/notifications. To specify
communities for SNMPv1 or SNMP v2c, open the SNMPv1/v2c Communities
section. Otherwise, if you have completed your SNMP configuration, click Apply.

Viewing MIBs by using the web UI

You can view MIBs, but you cannot change them.

About this task

The interaction of an SNMP manager with the appliance is controlled by MIB files,
which define the objects that the SNMP manager can collect data about. There are
three MIBs that control this interaction: configuration, status, and notifications.


1. Start the IBM MQ Appliance web UI and click the Administration icon .
2. Select Access > SNMP Settings.
3. Open the Enterprise MIBs section of the dialog.
4. Click the link for the MIB that you want to view. The MIB opens in a separate
browser window.

132 IBM MQ Appliance

What to do next

Open the Trap Events section to configure the default events that are generated by
the appliance.

Configuring default trap events by using the web UI

The appliance has a set of default events that can be reported if you enable this

About this task

The default events report on the functioning on the appliance itself rather than the
operation of IBM MQ. You can enable or disable the generation of the default
events as a whole, and specify the level at which an event is generated for the
specified conditions.

The default events are specified by code. The codes correspond to the following
Out of memory
Unable to allocate execution resources
Memory full
Duplicate IP address
NTP - Cannot Resolve Server Name
NTP Timeout Error
File is expired (refers to certificate file)
Time zone config mismatch
Installed battery is nearing end of life
Throttling connections due to low memory
Throttling connections due to low temporary file space
Throttling connections due to low number of free ports
Uncertified HSM firmware detected (not used)
HSM is uninitialized (not used)

Chapter 5. Configuring 133

HSM PED login failed (not used)
HSM password login failed (not used)
Power supply failure
Internal cooling fan has stopped
Internal cooling fan has slowed


1. Start the IBM MQ Appliance web UI and click the Administration icon .
2. Select Access > SNMP Settings.
3. Open the Trap Event Subscriptions section of the dialog.
4. Select Enable Default Event Subscriptions to enable the generation of
notification of trap events.
5. Select a minimum trap event priority from the Minimum Priority list. The
priorities are hierarchical. The lowest is listed last. Set to the minimum level of
event that will cause a trap/notification to be generated.
An emergency level message. The system is unusable.
An alert level message. Immediate action must be taken.
A critical message. Immediate action should be taken.
An error message. Processing might continue, but action should be
A warning message. Processing should continue, but action should be
A notice message. Processing continues, but action might need to be
An information message. No action required.
A debug message for processing information to help during

134 IBM MQ Appliance

What to do next

If you are using SNMP v1 or v2c, open the SNMPv1/v2c Communities section to
specify community details. Otherwise, open the Trap and Notifications Targets
section to specify the destination for the default trap notifications, if you enabled

Configuring communities by using the web UI

If you are using SNMP version 1 or version 2c, you must specify one or more

About this task

The v1 and v2c versions of SNMP rely on a password phrase that is known as a
“community”. The name of the community accompanies SNMP requests, and is
used to determine whether the request can be fulfilled or not.


1. Start the IBM MQ Appliance web UI and click the Administration icon .
2. Select Access > SNMP Settings.
3. Open the SNMPv1/v2c Communities section of the dialog.
4. Click Add to add an SNMP community.
5. Specify the name of the community in the Community field.
6. Select the type of access that SNMP managers using this community name have
to the appliance from the Mode list.
7. Specify the IP address of the SNMP manager for the appliance in the Remote
Host Address field. Set the address to to allow access to all SNMP
managers that use the community name.
8. If required, click Add to add more communities.

What to do next

If you have specified that the appliance can generate trap event notifications, open
the Trap and Notifications Targets section to specify where notifications are sent.
Otherwise, if you have completed your SNMP configuration, click Apply.

Configuring trap and notification targets by using the web UI

If you enable default trap events, you should also define a target to send them to.

About this task

The information that you supply when you configure a target depends on the
version of SNMP that you are using. SNMPv1 and v2c require different setup
information to SNMP v3.

Chapter 5. Configuring 135


1. Start the IBM MQ Appliance web UI and click the Administration icon .
2. Select Access > SNMP Settings.
3. Open the Trap and Notification Targets section of the dialog.
4. Specify the IP address of the target recipient of traps/notifications in the
Remote Host Address field.
5. Specify the port to use when sending traps/notifications in the Remote Port
field. SNMP uses port 162 by default.
6. Select the version of SNMP you are using from the Version list.
v If you select version 1 or 2c, specify the name of the community to use when
sending trap events in the Community field.
v If you select version 3, specify the name of the SNMP user used to send
event notifications in the Security Name field, and select the security level
from the Security Level list to specify whether the user is authenticated and
data is encrypted.

What to do next

If you have completed your SNMP configuration, click Apply.

Configuring SNMPv3 settings by using the command line

Enable SNMP and specify main connection and security and user details.

About this task

You can use the command line to configure connection details for SNMPv3.

1. Connect to the IBM MQ Appliance as described in “Command line access” on
page 109. Log in as an administrative user.
2. Type config to enter global configuration mode.
3. Type snmp to enter SNMP configuration mode.
4. Enable SNMP by entering the following command:
admin-state enabled
5. Specify the IP address of the local interface on which the SNMP service listens
for SNMP requests by entering the following command:
ip-address local_IP_address

Where local_IP_address is a local IP address. Specify to listen on all

appliance interfaces.
6. Specify the port that is listened on by entering the following command:
port port_number

Where port_number is the port listened on. The port is set to 161 by default.
7. Specify the security level by entering the following command:
security-level level

Where level is one of the following values:

136 IBM MQ Appliance

The SNMP connection requires neither authentication of users nor
encryption of data.
The SNMP connection requires authentication of users but not the
encryption of data.
The SNMP connection requires authentication of users and encryption
of data.

If you select either of the levels that specify user authentication, you must
define a local user for SNMP authentication, together with SNMP credentials.
See “Configuring local users by using the command line” on page 381.
8. Specify the user ID of the local user that is used for authentication:
user userName
9. Specify the access level of read-only by entering the following command:
access-level read-only

What to do next

Specify whether default trap events are enabled.

Configuring SNMPv1 or v2c settings by using the command line

Enable SNMP and specify main connection and community details.

About this task

The v1 and v2c versions of SNMP rely on a password phrase that is known as a
“community”. The name of the community accompanies SNMP requests, and is
used to determine whether the request can be fulfilled or not.

1. Connect to the IBM MQ Appliance as described in “Command line access” on
page 109. Log in as an administrative user.
2. Type config to enter global configuration mode.
3. Type snmp to enter SNMP configuration mode.
4. Enable SNMP by entering the following command:
admin-state enabled
5. Specify the IP address of the local interface on which the SNMP service listens
for SNMP requests by entering the following command:
ip-address local_IP_address

Where local_IP_address is a local IP address. Specify to listen on all

appliance interfaces.
6. Specify the port that is listened on by entering the following command:
port port_number

Where port_number is the port listened on. The port is set to 161 by default.

Chapter 5. Configuring 137

7. Enter the following command to specify a community:
community communityName access-level [ip_address]

Specifies the name of the community.
Set access-level to read-only to specify that SNMP managers are
restricted to SNMP get operations, which means that these managers
can read, but cannot change management information base (MIB)
Optionally, specify an IP address to restrict access to the SNMP
manager in the named community with the specified IP address. By
default, any SNMP manager that belongs to the named community can
make requests.

What to do next

Specify whether default trap events are enabled.

Configuring default trap events by using the command line

Enable this feature to report default events to an SNMP if they arise.

About this task

You can use the command line to enable or disable the reporting of default trap
events and to specify a target for them.

1. Connect to the IBM MQ Appliance as described in “Command line access” on
page 109. Log in as an administrative user.
2. Type config to enter global configuration mode.
3. Type snmp to enter SNMP configuration mode.
4. Enable default trap events by entering the following command:
trap-default-subscriptions on

Specify off to disable the default trap events.

5. Specify the version of SNMP that you are using:
version versionNumber

Where versionNumber can be 1, 2c, or 3.

6. If you are using SNMP v3, enter the following command:
trap-target ip_address [port] snmpVersion user security_level

Specifies the IP address of the host that receives notifications.

138 IBM MQ Appliance

port Optionally specify the port. The port is 162 by default.
Specify 3 to indicate that you are using SNMPv3.
user Specify the user ID that is used to send notifications.
Specify the security level. The level is one of noAuthNoPriv, authNoPriv,
or authPriv.
7. If you are using SNMPv1 or SNMP v2c, enter the following command:
trap-target ip_address [port] snmpVersion community

Specifies the IP address of the host that receives notifications.
port Optionally specify the port. The port is 162 by default.
Specify 1 or 2c to indicate that you are using SNMPv1 or SNMPv2c.
Provides a community name, which is essentially a password, to
include in the SNMP message header. The default value is public.

What to do next

If you have finished configuring SNMP, type exit to save the configuration and
exit, or type cancel to exit without saving.

Configuring the locale, date, and time

Configure a connection to a network time protocol server to manage the locale,
date, and time on the IBM MQ Appliance.

You can configure the date and time automatically by using network time protocol
(NTP) servers to synchronize the server time with another server. Using NTP
servers to synchronize the time ensures that the IBM MQ Appliance time is
automatically updated, and is therefore always correct. It is important for the IBM
MQ Appliance time to be correct as it is used in key information such as log files
and monitoring data.

You can configure a connection to an NTP server by using the web UI or by using
the command line interface.

Configuring NTP service settings by using the IBM MQ Appliance

web UI
You can use the IBM MQ Appliance web UI to configure the NTP service settings
for the IBM MQ Appliance.


1. Start the IBM MQ Appliance web UI, and click the network icon .
2. Select Interface > NTP Service.
3. Enter the host name or IP address of the NTP server. Click Add to specify
multiple NTP servers. The servers are contacted in the order that you specify

Chapter 5. Configuring 139

4. In the Refresh interval field, specify the interval between clock
5. Click Apply to save the changes to the running configuration.

Configuring NTP service settings by using the command line

You can configure the NTP service settings by using the command interface.

About this task

To configure NTP service settings from the command line, you enter NTP
configuration mode and enter the required NTP commands.

After an NTP server is identified by the remote-server command, the appliance

functions as a Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP) client as described in RFC
2030. As an NTP client, the appliance issues time-of-day requests to the specified
NTP server every 15 minutes.

The appliance supports one NTP server at a time. To designate a new NTP server,
use the no ntp-service command to delete the current server, and then use the
remote-server command to designate the new server.

1. Connect to the IBM MQ Appliance as described in “Command line access” on
page 109. Log in as an administrative user.
2. Type config to enter global configuration mode.
3. Type the following command to configure NTP service settings:
4. Use the following NTP commands to configure the settings:

Command Description
“admin-state” on page 586 Sets the administrative state for the configuration.
“refresh-interval” on page 638 Sets the interval between clock synchronizations.
“remote-server” on page 638 Identifies an NTP server.

5. After you configure the NTP service settings, enter exit

6. Enter write memory to save the updated configuration.

Configuring the timezone by using the IBM MQ Appliance web UI

You can use the IBM MQ Appliance web UI to configure the timezone settings for
the IBM MQ Appliance.


1. Start the IBM MQ Appliance web UI, and click the administration icon .
2. Select Device > Time Settings.
3. Select the timezone from the Local time zone list.
4. Click Apply to save the changes to the running configuration.

Configuring timezone settings by using the command line

You can configure the timezone settings by using the command interface.

140 IBM MQ Appliance

About this task

To configure timezone settings from the command line, you enter timezone mode
and enter the required timezone commands.

1. Connect to the IBM MQ Appliance as described in “Command line access” on
page 109. Log in as an administrative user.
2. Type config to enter global configuration mode.
3. Type the following command to configure timezone settings:
4. Use the following timezone commands to configure the settings:

Command Description
“admin-state” on page 586 Sets the administrative state for the configuration.
“custom” on page 627 Specifies the name of a custom time zone.
“daylight-name” on page 627 Specifies the name of the time zone when in Daylight Saving Time. This name
is appended to the time.
“daylight-offset” on page 628 Sets the offset, in hours, for Daylight Saving Time.
“daylight-start-day” on page 628 Specifies the day of the week when Daylight Saving Time starts.
“daylight-start-hours” on page Specifies the hour in the day when Daylight Saving Time starts.
“daylight-start-minutes” on page Specifies the minute in the hour when Daylight Saving Time starts.
“daylight-start-month” on page Specifies the month of the year when Daylight Saving Time starts.
“daylight-start-week” on page 631 Specifies the instance of the day in the month when Daylight Saving Time
“daylight-stop-day” on page 631 Specifies the day of the week when Daylight Saving Time stops.
“daylight-stop-hours” on page 632 Specifies the hour in the day when Daylight Saving Time ends.
“daylight-stop-minutes” on page Specifies the minute in the hour when Daylight Saving Time ends.
“daylight-stop-month” on page 633 Specifies the month of the year when Daylight Saving Time ends.
“daylight-stop-week” on page 634 Specifies the instance of the day in the month when Daylight Saving Time
“direction” on page 635 Specifies the direction, relative to Coordinated Universal Time, of the time
“name” on page 636 Sets the name of the time zone. This name is appended to the time.
“offset-hours” on page 637 Specifies the offset in hours, relative to Coordinated Universal Time, of the
time zone.
“offset-minutes” on page 637 Specifies the offset in minutes, relative to Coordinated Universal Time, of the
time zone.

5. After you configure the timezone settings, enter exit. The setting of the value
of the timezone becomes effective in the appliance when you issue the exit
command. If you do not want to make the setting effective, type cancel
6. Restart the appliance to ensure that the new timezone is used by all IBM MQ

Chapter 5. Configuring 141

Configuring the locale by using the IBM MQ Appliance web UI
You use the IBM MQ Appliance web UI to configure the locale for the IBM MQ

About this task

First, you enable the language that the locale uses, and then you select the locale.


1. Start the IBM MQ Appliance web UI, and click the administration icon .
2. Select Device > Language.
3. Double-click the language that you want to enable to open its properties.
4. Select Enable administrative state, then click Apply.
5. Select Device > System Settings.
6. Select the locale from the System locale list.
7. Click Apply to save the changes to the running configuration.

Configuring the locale by using the command line

You can configure the locale by using the command interface.

About this task

First, you enable the language that the locale uses, and then you specify the locale.

1. Connect to the IBM MQ Appliance as described in “Command line access” on
page 109. Log in as an administrative user.
2. Type config to enter global configuration mode.
3. Type the following command to enable the language for the locale:
language language_code
admin-state enabled

Where language code specifies the language that you want to enable and is one
of the following codes:
v de (German)
v en (English)
v es (Spanish)
v fr (French)
v it (Italian)
v ja (Japanese)
v ko (Korean)
v pt_BR (Brazilian Portuguese)
v ru (Russian)
v zh_CN (Simplified Chinese)
v zh_TW (Chinese, Taiwan)
4. Type exit to leave config mode.
5. Type the following command to enter system settings mode:
6. Type the following command to specify the locale:

142 IBM MQ Appliance

locale language_code
7. After you configure the locale settings, enter exit
8. Enter write memory to save the updated configuration.

Configuring the appliance name

Configuring the appliance name helps you to identify the appliance on which you
are operating.

You must configure the appliance name if the appliance is part of a high
availability configuration or a disaster recovery configuration.

Configuring the appliance name by using the IBM MQ Appliance

web UI
You can configure the appliance name by using the IBM MQ Appliance web UI.

About this task

You use the Administration section of the IBM MQ Appliance web UI to configure
the appliance name on your IBM MQ Appliance. The IBM MQ Appliance web UI
itself contains detailed help on the fields that you need to configure. Here we
describe the major steps that you need to complete.

Note: There are restrictions on changing the names of appliances used by high
availability and disaster recovery configurations. See “Changing appliance names
in high availability configurations” on page 169 and “Changing appliance names in
disaster recovery configurations” on page 187.


1. Start the IBM MQ Appliance web UI, and click the administration icon .
2. Select Device > System Settings.
3. Specify the appliance name in the Appliance name field. Use letters and
numbers in the name, avoid special characters. The name should not consist of
numbers only.
4. Click Apply to save the changes to the running configuration.

Configuring the appliance name by using the command line

You can configure the appliance name by using the command interface.

About this task

To configure the appliance name from the command line, you enter system settings
mode and enter the required system name configuration command.

Note: There are restrictions on changing the names of appliances used by high
availability and disaster recovery configurations. See “Changing appliance names
in high availability configurations” on page 169 and “Changing appliance names in
disaster recovery configurations” on page 187.

1. Connect to the IBM MQ Appliance as described in “Command line access” on
page 109. Log in as an administrative user.
2. Type config to enter global configuration mode.

Chapter 5. Configuring 143

3. Type system to enter system settings mode.
4. Type the following command to specify the appliance name:
name identifier

Where identifier is a string up to 127 characters long. Use letters and numbers in
the name, avoid special characters. The name should not consist of numbers
5. After you configure the name, enter exit to save the configuration and exit, or
type cancel to exit without saving.

Querying the appliance name by using the command line

You can discover the name of the appliance by using the command interface.

About this task

To query the appliance name from the command line, you enter system settings
mode and enter the required show command.

1. Connect to the IBM MQ Appliance as described in “Command line access” on
page 109. Log in as an administrative user.
2. Type config to enter global configuration mode. (You can also run this
command from the mqa# prompt.)
3. Type the following command to query the appliance name:
show system

The appliance responds by displaying system information, which includes the

appliance name. For example:

Configuring appliance user access

User access to the appliance is controlled by the role based management (RBM)

See “Role based management” on page 344 for details of how to control the
authentication and authorization of appliance users.

144 IBM MQ Appliance

Configuring the REST management interface

You can use the REST management interface to configure and control your
appliance using REST requests.

You must configure REST management interface to enable it and define how it is

Configuring the REST management interface by using the IBM

MQ Appliance web UI

You can configure the REST management interface by using the IBM MQ
Appliance web UI.

About this task

You use the Administration section of the IBM MQ Appliance web UI to configure
the REST management interface on your IBM MQ Appliance. The IBM MQ
Appliance web UI itself contains detailed help on the fields that you need to
configure. Here the major steps that you need to complete are described.


1. Start the IBM MQ Appliance web UI, and click the objects icon .
2. Select Device management > REST Management interface.
3. Ensure that Enable administrative state is enabled.
4. Specify the IP address (or host alias) that is used to connect to the REST
management interface. Specify to listen on all appliance interfaces.
5. Specify the port number to connect on. The port is 5554 by default for a REST
6. If you want to secure your REST connection with SSL (TSL), specify a Custom
SSL server type of Server Profile, and select the Custom SSL server profile (see
“Configuring certificates for the REST management interface” on page 146 for
instructions on creating the profile).
7. Click Apply to save the changes to the running configuration.

Configuring the REST management interface by using the

command line

You can configure the REST management interface by using the command

About this task

To configure the REST management interface from the command line, you enter
rest-mgmt mode and enter the required rest-mgmt commands.

1. Connect to the IBM MQ Appliance as described in “Command line access” on
page 109. Log in as an administrative user.

Chapter 5. Configuring 145

2. Type config to enter global configuration mode.
3. Type rest-mgmt to enter rest-mgmt mode.
4. Type the following command to enable the REST management interface:
admin-state enabled
5. Specify the local interface that the appliance listens on for REST requests:
local-interface IPaddress

You can specify an IP address of to listen on all appliance interfaces.

6. Specify the port number to listen on:
port port_number

The appliance listens on port 5554 by default.

7. If you want to secure REST requests and responses by using SSL (TLS), specify
the SSL configuration type of server and supply the name of the SSL server
profile that you have created for this purpose (see “Configuring certificates for
the REST management interface”).
ssl-config-type server
ssl-server server_profile
8. After you configure the REST management interface, enter exit to save the
configuration and exit, or type cancel to exit without saving.

Configuring certificates for the REST management interface

You can configure the REST management interface to use certificates that you

About this task

You use the appliance command line interface to configure the REST management
interface to use your certificates.

To set up secure communication between a REST client and the REST management
interface and to handle certificates, you create an SSL server profile on the
appliance. You import the required certificates and key file to the appliance, and
create definition objects for them. The definition objects are used when you create
an ID credentials (idcred) object for the appliance. The idcred is in turn used when
you configure the SSL server profile. Finally, the SSL server profile is associated
with your web management profile.

If you want to configure client validation, you import the certificates of the clients
that are going to be allowed to connect. You then create definition objects for the
certificates, which are used when you create a validation credential (valcred) object.
The valcred object is in turn used when you configure the SSL server profile.

The example in this topic assumes that you have a signed certificate for the
appliance. When you make certificate requests for an appliance, the CN part of the
distinguished name must be the URL that you type to connect to the REST API.
For example, myappliance1.ourcompany.com. If you want to set up the profile to
validate connecting clients, you also require the relevant client certificates.

By default the REST management service listens on all of the appliance ports
(local address set to However, you can configure the service so that it

146 IBM MQ Appliance

listens on an IP address or host alias of a specific port (and so limit access to the
REST management interface).

v To upload certificates to your appliance:
1. Ensure that you have the following items:
– A private key to access the appliance certificate.
– The appliance certificate.
– Client certificates (optional).
2. Connect to the IBM MQ Appliance as described in “Command line access”
on page 109.
3. Log in as a user in the administrators group.
4. Type the following command to enter configuration mode:
5. Upload the key and certificates to the appliance by using the copy command,
for example:
copy scp://username@otherserver//home/username/myappliance1key.pem cert:
copy scp://username@otherserver//home/username/myappliance1.cer cert:
copy scp://username@otherserver//home/username/client1.cer cert:
copy scp://username@otherserver//home/username/client2.cer cert:
copy scp://username@otherserver//home/username/client3.cer cert:
You can also copy the certificates to your appliance by using the IBM MQ
Appliance web UI, see “Uploading certificates to the appliance” on page 400.
v To create definition objects for the appliance certificate and key:
1. From configuration mode, type crypto to enter crypto configuration mode.
2. Create a crypto key definition for the private key that is used for generating
the appliance certificate:
key key_alias cert:///keyfile

For example:
key WebUiKey01 cert:///myappliance1key.pem
3. Create a crypto certificate definition for the appliance:
certificate cert_alias cert:///certfile

For example:
certificate RESTmgmt cert:///myappliance1.cer
4. Create a crypto credential definition for the appliance:
idcred credential_name key_alias cert_alias

For example:
idcred RESTmgtCred01 RESTmgtKey01 RESTmgtCert01
v To create a crypto valcred definition for validating clients (this step is optional):
1. From the crypto configuration mode, create a certificate definition object for
each of the client certificates that you have imported:
certificate cert_alias cert:///certfile

For example:
certificate RESTClientCert01 cert:///client1.cer
certificate RESTClientCert02 cert:///client2.cer
certificate RESTClientCert03 cert:///client3.cer

Chapter 5. Configuring 147

2. Create a crypto valcred definition, specifying the certificate definitions for the
client certificates:
valcred valcred_name
certificate cert_alias

Repeat the certificate command to specify the certificate definition for

every client certificate that you have uploaded. For example:
valcred RESTcred01
certificate RESTClientCert01
certificate RESTClientCert02
certificate RESTClientCert03
v To create an SSL server profile for the appliance:
1. From the crypto configuration mode, enter the following commands:
ssl-server SSL_Svr_Profile_name
admin-state enabled
idcred IDCred_name
protocols TLSv1d2

If you are specifying client validation, also enter:

valcred ValCred_name
request-client-auth on
require-client-auth on
send-client-auth-ca-list on

For example:
ssl-server myappliance1
admin-state enabled
idcred RESTmgtCred01
protocols TLSv1d2
valcred RESTcred01
request-client-auth on
require-client-auth on
send-client-auth-ca-list on
v To save all the changes that you have made in crypto configuration mode:
1. Type exit to leave crypto configuration mode.
2. Type write mem to save your configuration changes.
v To associate the SSL server profile with the REST management interface:
1. From configuration mode, type rest-mgmt to enter REST management
interface configuration mode.
2. Enter the following command:
ssl-server SSL_Svr_Profile_name

For example:
ssl-server myappliance1
v To save your REST management interface configuration:
1. Type exit to leave rest-mgmt configuration mode.
2. Type write mem to save your configuration changes.
3. Type exit again to leave configuration mode.

Configuring the appliance by using the REST management interface

You can use the REST management interface to view and alter IBM MQ Appliance
148 IBM MQ Appliance
When you use the REST management interface for this purpose, you send HTTP
requests to the REST interface port and receive JSON-formatted responses with a
payload and indication of success or failure. You can incorporate requests into
programs and so automate interaction with the appliance.

For a reference guide to the REST management interface, see “REST management
interface” on page 865.

Retrieving configuration information by using REST

There are a number of major steps that are involved in retrieving configuration
information from the IBM MQ Appliance by using the REST management

Identify the object class

To begin retrieving the required configuration information from the appliance, first
identify the specific object class that you need. The configuration root URI for as
/mgmt/config/. To retrieve a list of all available configuration object classes on the
appliance, make a request based on the following example:
GET https://mqhost.com:5554/mgmt/config/

To identify the exact formatting of the object class name, you search the received
response payload. The following listing shows some fragments of the received
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": "/mgmt/config/"
"AccessControlList": {
"href": "/mgmt/config/{domain}/AccessControlList"
"AuditLog": {
"href": "/mgmt/config/{domain}/AuditLog"
"CertMonitor": {
"href": "/mgmt/config/{domain}/CertMonitor"
"CRLFetch": {
"href": "/mgmt/config/{domain}/CRLFetch"
"CryptoCertificate": {
"href": "/mgmt/config/{domain}/CryptoCertificate"

Chapter 5. Configuring 149


Alternatively, you can examine the URI that is displayed in the web UI browser
window when an object or object list is accessed to identify the format of the object

Retrieve the object class list

After you identify the required object class name, you can retrieve a list of objects
that exist for that class. To retrieve the list, you construct a URI of the form
/mgmt/status/domain/class_name, replacing domain with the string “default” and
class_name with the desired object class. The following request shows a URI to
retrieve information from the User object class within the default domain:

The User object returns the following information:

"_links" : {
"self" : {
"href" : "/mgmt/config/default/User"
"doc" : {
"href" : "/mgmt/docs/config/User"
"User" : [{
"name" : "admin",
"_links" : {
"self" : {
"href" : "/mgmt/config/default/User/admin"
"doc" : {
"href" : "/mgmt/docs/config/User"
"mAdminState" : "enabled",
"UserSummary" : "Administrator",
"AccessLevel" : "privileged"
"name" : "bob",
"_links" : {
"self" : {
"href" : "/mgmt/config/default/User/bob"
"doc" : {
"href" : "/mgmt/docs/config/User"
"mAdminState" : "enabled",
"UserSummary" : "",
"AccessLevel" : "group-defined",
"GroupName" : {
"value": "Viewer",
"href" : "/mgmt/config/default/UserGroup/Viewer"

150 IBM MQ Appliance

Retrieve an individual object

You can also retrieve the configuration information about a specific object, instead
of retrieving the object list output in its entirety. To retrieve information about a
specific object, you construct a URI of the form /mgmt/config/domain/class_name/
object_name. You replace domain with the string “default”, class_name with the
required object class, and object_name with the name of a particular object that has
been configured. For example, you could enter the following URI to retrieve just
the details for the user with the ID “bob”:

The object returns the following information:

"_links" : {
"self" : {
"href" : "/mgmt/config/default/User/bob"
"doc" : {
"href" : "/mgmt/docs/config/User"
"User" : {
"name" : "bob",
"mAdminState" : "enabled",
"UserSummary" : "",
"AccessLevel" : "group-defined",
"GroupName" : {
"value": "Viewer",
"href" : "/mgmt/config/default/UserGroup/Viewer"

Retrieve an individual object property

You can also retrieve the value of a particular property from the configuration
information of a specific object. To retrieve the value of a property, you construct a
URI of the form /mgmt/config/domain/class_name/object_name/property_name.
You replace domain with the string “default”, class_name with the required object
class, object_name with the name of a particular object that has been configured,
and property_name with the name of the property whose value you want to
retrieve. For example, you could enter the following URI to retrieve the value of
the AccessLevel property for the user with the ID “bob”:

The object returns the following information:

"_links" : {
"self" : {
"href" : "/mgmt/config/default/User/bob/AccessLevel"
"doc" : {
"href" : "/mgmt/docs/config/User/AccessLevel"
"AccessLevel" : "group-defined"

Modifying and deleting existing configurations by using REST

Chapter 5. Configuring 151

The steps that are involved in modifying or deleting an existing configuration on
the IBM MQ Appliance depend on the level of the change that you want to make.

Modify the property-level configuration

To modify an existing property value, you overwrite the existing value with a
payload that contains an updated value. To overwrite the value, first retrieve the
current property value, see Retrieve an individual object property.

In this example, you want to change the IP address that is assigned to Ethernet
interface 4 on the appliance. First, you retrieve the current value of the IPAddress
property of the eth4 object that belongs to the EthernetInterface object class:
GET https://mqhost.com:5554/mgmt/config/default/EthernetInterface/eth4/IPAddress

You receive the following response:

"_links" : {
"self" : {
"href" : "/mgmt/config/default/EthernetInterface/Eth4/IPAddress"
"doc" : {
"href" : "/mgmt/docs/config/EthernetInterface/IPAddress"
"IPAddress" : ""

Modify the property payload that is received to remove the _links{} stanza and
change the property value to the new required value. Any properties that reference
other configuration objects on the appliance must also remove the embedded href
link. In the case of the IPAddress property example, the following listing shows the
modified payload:
{"IPAddress" : ""}

After the modified payload is composed, you can overwrite the existing property
value by sending an HTTP PUT request as shown in the following example.
Updating the configuration on the property level allows for updating one property
value per request.
PUT https://mqhost.com:5554/mgmt/config/default/EthernetInterface/eth4

After the target property is updated, a confirmation response is received:

"_links": {
"self": {
"href": "/mgmt/config/default/EthernetInterface/
"doc": {
"href": "/mgmt/docs/config/EthernetInterface"
"IPAddress": "property has been updated."

Modify the object-level configuration

To update multiple property values with a single request, an update on the object
level is required.

152 IBM MQ Appliance

To modify an existing object configuration, overwrite the existing configuration
with an updated payload. To overwrite the configuration, retrieve the current
configuration of the object to be modified. In the following example, the
configuration for the host alias object that is named “Thur_server” is retrieved.
GET https://mqhost.com:5554/mgmt/config/default/HostAlias/Thur_server
"_links" : {
"self" : {
"href" : "/mgmt/config/default/HostAlias/Thur_server"
"doc" : {
"href" : "/mgmt/docs/config/HostAlias"
"mAdminState" : "enabled",
"UserSummary" : "The thursday server",
"IPAddress" : ""

The payload is modified to remove the _links{} stanza and amend property
values as required:
"mAdminState" : "enabled",
"UserSummary" : "The Thurleigh server",
"IPAddress" : ""

You then put the payload that describes the Thur_server object back to the
HostAlias configuration:
PUT https://mqhost.com:5554/mgmt/config/default/HostAlias

After the target object is updated, a confirmation response is received:

"_links": {
"self": {
"href": "/mgmt/config/default/HostAlias/Thur_server"
"doc": {
"href": "/mgmt/docs/config/HostAlias"
"Thur_server": "Configuration has been updated."

Delete the object-level configuration

You can delete configurations at the object level. For example, you can delete a
particular host alias from the HostAlias configuration:
DELETE https://mqhost.com:5554/mgmt/config/default/HostAlias/Green_server

You receive confirmation that the deletion has succeeded:

"_links": {
"self": {
"href": "/mgmt/config/default/HostAlias/Green_server
"doc": {
"href": "/mgmt/docs/config/HostAlias"

Chapter 5. Configuring 153

"HostAlias": {
"value": "Configuration has been deleted."

Creating configurations by using REST

You can create a new configuration by using the REST management interface.

Compose the valid request payload

To create an object configuration, create a valid payload that contains the new
configuration. To begin constructing the payload, identify the structural description
of the target object, that is, the object schema. You can retrieve a schema from the
metadata resource of the REST management interface by using a request of the
following form:
GET https://mqhost.com:5554/mgmt/metadata/default/object_name

Where object_name identifies the configuration object that you want to create. For
example, to retrieve the metadata resource for the host alias configuration object,
you would make the following request:
GET https://mqhost.com:5554/mgmt/metadata/default/HostAlias

You receive the following response:

"_links" : {
"self" : {
"href" : "/mgmt/metadata/default/HostAlias"
"doc" : {
"href" : "/mgmt/docs/metadata/HostAlias"
"object" : {
"name" : "HostAlias",
"uri" : "network/host-alias",
"cli-alias" : "host-alias",
"properties" : {
"property" : [{
"name" : "mAdminState",
"type" : {
"href" : "/mgmt/types/default/dmAdminState"
"cli-alias" : "admin-state",
"default" : "enabled",
"name" : "UserSummary",
"type" : {
"href" : "/mgmt/types/default/dmString"
"cli-alias" : "summary",
"display" : "Comments",
"name" : "IPAddress",
"type" : {
"href" : "/mgmt/types/default/dmIPHostAddress"

154 IBM MQ Appliance

"required" : "true",
"cli-alias" : "ip-address",
"display" : "IP address",

You can also acquire the metadata for the object that you want to create by looking
up the appliance Service-Oriented Management Interface (SOMA) schema for the
configuration object. The SOMA schemas are located in the store:///xml-mgmt.xsd

From the resource metadata, you can identify the properties that are required to
create the target object. You can also identify the property names to use in the
payload. By using this information, you can create a proper JSON request payload.
A JSON payload has the following structure:
"object_class_name": {
"name": "object_name",
"property1_name": "property1_value",
"property2_name": "property2_value",
"property3_name": "property3_value",
"property4_name": "property4_value"

Using the information that you retrieved about the host alias configuration object,
you could create the following payload:
"HostAlias": {
"name": "Key_server",
"UserSummary": "Alias for Keysoe server",
"IPAddress": "",

Compose the valid request URI

You can choose from two approaches to create a configuration object. Both
approaches achieve the same result, but target a different URI. The first approach
uses an HTTP POST request, and the second uses an HTTP PUT request. Use the
POST request to create objects because a POST request results in failure if an object
with the same name exists in the target domain. This approach prevents you from
accidentally overwriting an existing object configuration. However, you can create
an object configuration by using a PUT request. Issuing a PUT request on an
existing object configuration overwrites the configuration with the values in the
request payload.

The following POST request could be used to create the host alias object that is
defined by the example payload:
POST https://mqhost.com:5554/mgmt/config/default/HostAlias

The following PUT request could also be used to create the host alias object that is
defined by the example payload:
PUT https://mqhost.com:5554/mgmt/config/default/HostAlias/Key_server

Chapter 5. Configuring 155

When you send the request, both the POST and PUT requests return the same
response after the object is successfully created:
"result": "",
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": "/mgmt/config/default/HostAlias"
"doc": {
"href": "/mgmt/docs/config/HostAlias"
"Key_server": "Configuration has been created."

Note that, if you repeat the POST request with the same payload, the command
will fail. If you repeat the PUT request, the command will succeed.

Configuring user access to the IBM MQ Console and the CLI

You can configure the appliance so that different users have different levels of
access to the console and the CLI.

To illustrate how you can configure the appliance in this way, this topic
implements the following scenario:
v Alice requires full administrative access to both appliance system settings and
v Bob requires administrative access to appliance system settings but he does not
require access to IBM MQ.
v Carlos requires full administrative access to the IBM MQ Console but no access
to appliance system settings.
v Dave requires full administrative access to the IBM MQ Console and access to
v Erin requires read-only administrative access to the IBM MQ Console so she can
monitor IBM MQ and its configuration.
v Frank requires limited access to one queue manager using the IBM MQ Console.

Granting full administrative access to appliance system

settings and IBM MQ
In this scenario, user Alice is granted full administrative access to the appliance
and to IBM MQ.

About this task

There are two different ways that you can grant Alice the user access that she
v You can create a privileged local user account for Alice
v You can add Alice as a user to a user group that grants full administrative

In this scenario, we use the IBM MQ Appliance web UI for all tasks, and assume
that you are the admin user.

156 IBM MQ Appliance

v To create a privileged local user account, complete the following steps:

1. Start the IBM MQ Appliance web UI, and click the administration icon .
2. Select Access > User Account.
3. Enter a name for the user account, in this case enter Alice.
4. Specify an initial password for Alice.
5. Select the access level Privileged.
6. Click Apply to create the user account.
v To create a user group with administrative access, and add Alice to it, complete
the following steps:

1. Start the IBM MQ Appliance web UI, and click the administration icon .
2. Select Access > User Group.
3. Select New.
4. Enter a name for the user group, in this case enter Administrators.
5. Specify the following access policy in the access profile:

This profile grants read, write, add, delete, and execute access to all resources
on the appliance.
6. Click Apply to create the user group
7. Create a user account for Alice. Select an Access level of Group defined, and
select the Administrators group that you just created in User group.
8. Click Apply to create the user account.

Granting full administrative access to appliance system

settings but barring access to IBM MQ
In this scenario, user Bob is granted full administrative access to the appliance, but
no access to IBM MQ.

About this task

Bob's user access is configured by defining a user group and adding Bob to that

In this scenario, we use the IBM MQ Appliance web UI for all tasks, and assume
that you are the admin user.


To create a user group with the required access, and add Bob to it, complete the
following steps:

1. Start the IBM MQ Appliance web UI, and click the administration icon .
2. Select Access > User Group.
3. Select New.
4. Enter a name for the user group, in this case enter Appliance_admin.
5. Specify the following four access policies in the access profile:

Chapter 5. Configuring 157

v Define a policy that grants full access to all appliance resources:
v Define a more specific access policy that revokes authority to the IBM MQ
CLI. Click Add and enter the following policy:
v Define another access policy that revokes admin authority for the IBM MQ
Console. Click Add and enter the following policy:
v Define another access policy that revokes user authority for the IBM MQ
Console. Click Add and enter the following policy:
You can also use the policy builder to define the access policies interactively. If
you use the builder, specify the following resources:
v (all resources) (read, write, add, delete, execute privilege)
v MQ CLI Administration (no privileges)
v MQ Web Administration (no privileges)
v MQ Web User (no privileges)
6. Create a user account for Bob. Select Access > User Account and specify the
name Bob
7. Select an Access level of Group defined, and select the Appliance_admin
group that you just created in User group.
8. Click Apply to create the user account.

Granting access to IBM MQ but barring access to the

appliance system settings
In this scenario, user Carlos is granted full administrative access to the IBM MQ
Console, but no access to the appliance. Dave is granted the same access as Carlos,
with the addition of IBM MQ CLI access. Erin is granted read-only access to the
IBM MQ Console.

About this task

Carlos, Dave, and Erin's user access is configured by defining different user groups
and adding Carlos,Dave, and Erin to the required groups.

In this scenario, we use the IBM MQ Appliance web UI for all tasks, and assume
that you are the admin user.

v To create a user group with access to the IBM MQ Console, and add Carlos to it,
complete the following steps:

1. Start the IBM MQ Appliance web UI, and click the administration icon .
2. Select Access > User Group.
3. Select New.
4. Enter a name for the user group, in this case enter MQConsole.
5. Specify the following access policies in the access profile:
– Define an access policy that enables group members to log into the IBM
MQ Console. Click Add and enter the following policy:

158 IBM MQ Appliance

– Define another access policy that grants read and write administrative
access to all resources in the IBM MQ Console. Click Add and enter the
following policy:
– Define another access policy that grants users in the group authority to
change their own password. Click Add and enter the following policy:
You can also use the policy builder to define the access policies. If you use
the builder, specify the following resources:
– Web-Mgmt (read privilege)
– MQ Web Administration (read and write privileges)
– Change User Password (execute privilege)
6. Create a user account for Carlos. Select Access > User Account and specify
Carlos as the user name.
7. Select an Access level of Group defined, and in User group select the
MQConsole group that you just created.
8. Click Apply to create the user account.
v To create a user group with access to the IBM MQ Console and the CLI, and add
Dave to it, complete the following steps:

1. Start the IBM MQ Appliance web UI, and click the administration icon .
2. Select Access > User Group.
3. Select New.
4. Enter a name for the user group, in this case enter MQConsoleCLI.
5. Specify the same policies as added to the MQConsole group previously
described. In addition, add the following policies:
– Define an access policy that enables users to log in to the appliance. Click
Add and enter the following policy:
– Define another access policy that grants users in the group access to the
IBM MQ CLI. Click Add and enter the following policy:
You can also use the policy builder to define the access policies. If you use
the builder, specify the following resources:
– Ssh (read privilege)
– MQ CLI Administration (execute privilege)
6. Create a user account for Dave. Select Access > User Account and specify
Dave as the user name.
7. Select an Access level of Group defined, and in User group select the
MQConsoleCLI group that you just created.
8. Click Apply to create the user account.
v To create a user group with read-only access to the IBM MQ Console and add
Erin to it, complete the following steps:

1. Start the IBM MQ Appliance web UI, and click the administration icon .
2. Select Access > User Group.
3. Select New.
4. Enter a name for the user group, in this case enter MQConsoleReadonly.

Chapter 5. Configuring 159

5. Specify the following policies:
– Define an access policy that enables group members to log into the IBM
MQ Console. Click Add and enter the following policy:
– Define another access policy that grants read administrative access to all
resources in the IBM MQ Console. Click Add and enter the following
– Define another access policy that grants users in the group authority to
change their own password. Click Add and enter the following policy:
You can also use the policy builder to define the access policies. If you use
the builder, specify the following resources:
– Web-Mgmt (read privilege)
– MQ Web Administration (read privilege)
– Change User Password (execute privilege)
6. Create a user account for Erin. Select Access > User Account and specify
Erin as the user name.
7. Select an Access level of Group defined, and in User group select the
MQConsoleReadonly group that you just created.
8. Click Apply to create the user account.

Granting limited access to a queue manager

In this scenario user Frank is granted access to use the IBM MQ Console to view
details about a single queue manager.

About this task

There are two stages to configuring a user to have access to a single queue
manager, and no other parts of the IBM MQ or appliance configurations.

Firstly you create a user group that gives user access to the IBM MQ Console and
add Frank to that group. You use the IBM MQ Appliance web UI to complete this

Then you create a messaging user of the same name (Frank) so that MQ authorities
can be granted to Frank by using the MQ object authority manager (OAM). You
use the IBM MQ command line, MQCLI, to complete this stage.

v To create a user group with access to the IBM MQ Console, and add Frank to it,
complete the following steps:

1. Start the IBM MQ Appliance web UI, and click the administration icon .
2. Select Access > User Group.
3. Select New.
4. Enter a name for the user group, in this case enter MQConsoleLimited.
5. Specify the following access policies in the access profile:
– Define an access policy that enables group members to log into the IBM
MQ Console. Click Add and enter the following policy:

160 IBM MQ Appliance

– Define another access policy that grants group members the required
permission to access IBM MQ in the IBM MQ Console. Click Add and
enter the following policy:
– Define another access policy that grants users in the group authority to
change their own password. Click Add and enter the following policy:
You can also use the policy builder to define the access policies. If you use
the builder, specify the following resources:
– Web-Mgmt (read privilege)
– MQ Web User (execute privilege)
– Change User Password (execute privilege)
6. Create a user account for Frank. Select Access > User Account and specify
Frank as the user name.
7. Select an Access level of Group defined, and in User group select the
MQConsoleLimited group that you just created.
8. Click Apply to create the user account.
v To define a messaging user, complete the following steps:
1. Log into the appliance command line, and enter the MQ CLI:
mqa# mqcli
mqa (mqcli)#
2. Create the messaging user Frank:
mqa (mqcli)# usercreate –u Frank

You do not need to specify a password because the appliance user password
is used to log in to the IBM MQ Console. See “Administering messaging
users” on page 245 for more information about messaging users.
3. You must now run MQ authority commands to give Frank the required
access. You can define the access by using MQSC, and you can grant access
directly to Frank (you could also define a messaging group, add Frank to it,
and grant access to that group). Assuming Frank only wants to display
information about the queue manager QM1 and the queues defined on it,
run the following MQSC commands to grant Frank access to the IBM MQ
Console to display QM1 and associated queues:
mqa (mqcli)# runmqsc QM1
5724-H72 (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1994, 2017.
Starting MQSC for queue manager QM1.

You could use the IBM MQ Console instead of runmqsc to define the MQ
authorities for Frank, if required.

Configuring queue managers

You can use a number of methods to configure queue managers on the IBM MQ

Chapter 5. Configuring 161

Using the IBM MQ Console

You can use the graphical interface that is provided by the IBM MQ Console to
create and configure queue managers and associated objects. For details on how to
use the IBM MQ Console, see “Using the IBM MQ Console” on page 207.

Using the appliance command line interface

The appliance provides a number of CLI commands for directly configuring queue
managers. For details of these commands, see “Queue manager commands” on
page 524.

Using the appliance command line interface to work with the

qm.ini file

The appliance also provides CLI commands that you can use to edit the qm.ini
file. You are most likely to edit the qm.ini file when you move existing queue
managers from other platforms to the appliance as part of consolidating your IBM
MQ estate. See “Editing qm.ini files” on page 311.

Configuring environment variables

You can configure environment variables either globally or for a specific queue

Adding an environment variable

You can add an environment variable by using the setmqvar command on the
command line. You can add either a global environment variable, or a queue
manager specific environment variable.

1. Enter the IBM MQ administration mode by entering the following command:
2. Add the environment variable:
v To add a global environment variable, enter the following command:
setmqvar -k Name -v Value
Name Specifies the name of the global environment variable.
Ensure that the value of Name is correct before you use the command
to add an environment variable. The value of Name is not validated.
Value Specifies the value of the specified environment variable.
If Value is a string that contains spaces, it must be enclosed in double
quotation marks. Any double quotation marks that are used in the
Value must be escaped by using a backslash ( \ ).
Ensure that the value of Value is correct before you use the command
to add an environment variable. The value of Value is not validated.
v To add an environment variable for a specific queue manager, enter the
following command:
setmqvar -m QMgrName -k Name -v Value

162 IBM MQ Appliance

Specifies the queue manager for which the environment variable is
Name Specifies the name of the queue manager environment variable.
Ensure that the value of Name is correct before you use the command
to add an environment variable. The value of Name is not validated.
Value Specifies the value of the specified environment variable.
If Value is a string that contains spaces, it must be enclosed in double
quotation marks. Any double quotation marks that are used in the
Value must be escaped by using a backslash ( \ ).
Ensure that the value of Value is correct before you use the command
to add an environment variable. The value of Value is not validated.
3. Optional: Exit the IBM MQ administration mode by entering the following


The following example shows the addition of the global environment variable
MQSSLRESET with a value of 0:
setmqvar -k MQSSLRESET -v 0

Modifying an environment variable

You can modify an environment variable by using the setmqvar command on the
command line. You can modify either a global environment variable, or a queue
manager specific environment variable.

1. Enter the IBM MQ administration mode by entering the following command:
2. Modify the environment variable:
v To modify a global environment variable, enter the following command:
setmqvar -k Name -v Value
Name Specifies the name of the global environment variable to modify.
Ensure that the value of Name is correct before you use the command
to modify an environment variable. The value of Name is not
Value Specifies the value of the specified environment variable.
If Value is a string that contains spaces, it must be enclosed in double
quotation marks. Any double quotation marks that are used in the
Value must be escaped by using a backslash ( \ ).
Ensure that the value of Value is correct before you use the command
to modify an environment variable. The value of Value is not
v To modify an environment variable for a specific queue manager, enter the
following command:
setmqvar -m QMgrName -k Name -v Value

Chapter 5. Configuring 163

Specifies the queue manager for which the environment variable is
Name Specifies the name of the queue manager environment variable.
Ensure that the value of Name is correct before you use the command
to modify an environment variable. The value of Name is not
Value Specifies the value of the specified environment variable.
If Value is a string that contains spaces, it must be enclosed in double
quotation marks. Any double quotation marks that are used in the
Value must be escaped by using a backslash ( \ ).
Ensure that the value of Value is correct before you use the command
to modify an environment variable. The value of Value is not
3. Optional: Exit the IBM MQ administration mode by entering the following


The following example shows the modification of the global environment variable
MQSSLRESET with a value of 1000:
setmqvar -k MQSSLRESET -v 1000

Removing an environment variable

You can remove an environment variable by using the setmqvar command on the
command line. You can remove a global environment variable, or a queue manager
specific environment variable.

1. Enter the IBM MQ administration mode by entering the following command:
2. Remove the environment variable:
v To remove a global environment variable, enter the following command:
setmqvar -k Name -d
Name Specifies the name of the global environment variable.
Ensure that the value of Name is correct before you use the command
to remove an environment variable. The value of Name is not
v To remove an environment variable from a specific queue manager, enter the
following command:
setmqvar -m QMgrName -k Name -d
Specifies the queue manager for which the environment variable is

164 IBM MQ Appliance

Name Specifies the name of the queue manager environment variable.
Ensure that the value of Name is correct before you use the command
to remove an environment variable. The value of Name is not
3. Optional: Exit the IBM MQ administration mode by entering the following


The following example shows the removal of the global environment variable
setmqvar -k MQSSLRESET -d

Viewing environment variables

You can view environment variables by using the dspmqvar command on the
command line. You can view either global environment variables, or queue
manager specific environment variables.

1. Enter the IBM MQ administration mode by entering the following command:
2. View one or more environment variables:
v To view all global environment variables, enter the following command:
v To view a specific global environment variable, enter the following
dspmqvar -k Name
Name Specifies the name of the global environment variable to view.
Ensure that the value of Name is correct before you use the command
to view an environment variable. The value of Name is not validated.
v To view all environment variables for a specific queue manager, enter the
following command:
dspmqvar -m QMgrName
Specifies the queue manager for which the environment variable is
v To view a specific environment variable for a specific queue manager, enter
the following command:
dspmqvar -m QMgrName -k Name
Specifies the queue manager for which the environment variable is
Name Specifies the name of the queue manager environment variable to

Chapter 5. Configuring 165

Ensure that the value of Name is correct before you use the command
to view an environment variable. The value of Name is not validated.
3. Optional: Exit the IBM MQ administration mode by entering the following

The following example views of the global environment variable MQSSLRESET:
dspmqvar -k MQSSLRESET

Configuring IBM MQ Advanced Message Security

IBM MQ Advanced Message Security ( IBM MQ AMS ) is a component of IBM MQ
that provides a high level of protection for sensitive data flowing through the IBM
MQ network, while not impacting the end applications.

A full description of IBM MQ Advanced Message Security are given in the IBM
MQ documentation, see IBM MQ Advanced Message Security.

To implement IBM MQ AMS on the appliance you must use the runmqsc
commands to manipulate security policies for individual queue managers.
Specifically, you use the following commands:

Note: You cannot use the IBM MQ control commands setmqspl or dspmqspl to
work with security policies on the appliance.

Configuring MCA interception

If you are using AMS to provide message-level security on a queue manager, you
might want to configure MCA interception on particular server-connection

MCA interception is used to implement a different message security policy for

particular clients. Without MCA interception, certificates must be distributed to
clients to enable them to encrypt or decrypt messages. With MCA interception
configured for a channel, encryption and decryption are performed by the queue
manager. Messages in flight over the channel have no message-level encryption
(but are usually protected by channel-level security, for example, TLS).

MCA interception is implemented for one of the following reasons:

v To operate in a situation where it is undesirable or not possible to distribute
certificates to IBM MQ clients.
v To ensure messages are encrypted while stored on the appliance (although note
that such data is still vulnerable if a disk is stolen from the appliance, or there is
a malicious administrator).
You must not use MCA interception on channels that you use message-level
encryption on, because this causes double-encryption.

On the appliance, you specify MCA interception for a server-connection channel

using the following command:

166 IBM MQ Appliance

setamschl -m QMgrName -n Channel_Name -c Certificate_Label

You can view the MCA intercept configuration of a queue manager, or specific
server-connection channel, by using the following command:a
dspamschl -m QMgrName [-n Channel_Name]

For more information about AMS and MCA interception, see Message Channel
Agent (MCA) interception in the IBM MQ documentation.

Configuring high availability

You can configure a pair of appliances to provide a high availability (HA) solution.

For more information about HA on the IBM MQ Appliance, see “High availability”
on page 6.

To configure HA for a pair of appliances, you must complete the following steps:
1. Connect the appliances together. For more information, see “Configuring the
hardware for high availability.”
2. Create an HA group for the appliances. For more information, see “Configuring
the high availability group” on page 170.
3. Create HA queue managers on the appliances. For more information, see
“Configuring high availability queue managers” on page 173.

Messaging users that connect to HA queue managers must be recognized on both

appliances in the HA group. You can use an external LDAP directory to store
details of messaging users, which can be accessed by both appliances in the HA
group. Otherwise, you must set up local messaging users on both appliances.

You connect your applications to HA queue managers by using IBM MQ clients

that connect to the appliance. You can define a single, floating IP address that is
used to connect to a queue manager on either of the appliances in the HA group
(see “Specifying a floating IP address for a queue manager” on page 175).
Alternatively, you can manually configure your client applications to attempt to
connect to the HA appliances using their static IP addresses in your preferred
order. You configure this by using the usual MQ channel connection mechanisms.
For guidance on how to connect clients to queue managers, see Channel and client
reconnection in the IBM MQ documentation.

View the video for a demonstration of configuring a pair of IBM MQ Appliances to

provide an HA solution:

Configuring an HA Group on Two IBM MQ Appliances

Configuring the hardware for high availability

You must physically connect the appliances together before you can configure the
IBM MQ Appliance for high availability (HA).

Before you begin

You need three Ethernet cables of sufficient length to directly connect the two
appliances together. Cables are provided with the appliance for this purpose, see
“Connect the appliance to a network” on page 65. If you supply your own cables,
note that these need to be straight through cables, not crossover cables.

Chapter 5. Configuring 167

Alternatively, you can connect two appliances that are further apart by using a
switch. If you choose to use a switch, ensure that the primary and alternative
interfaces are connected using independent switches. Using independent switches
increases the reliability of communication within the HA group as there is not a
single point of failure.

If neither the HA group primary interface nor the HA group alternate interface are
connected, the appliances in the HA group are unable to determine the state of the
other appliance. This situation can cause high availability (HA) queue managers to
run on both appliances simultaneously.

About this task

The IBM MQ Appliance uses three Ethernet ports on each appliance to configure
HA. These ports are shown in the following diagrams:

Figure 31. Ethernet ports on M2000 appliance

Figure 32. Ethernet ports on M2001 appliance

Note: Do not disable these interfaces through the IBM MQ Appliance web UI or
the command line interface in an attempt to test the high availability features.
Disabling the links causes unexpected results; you cannot simulate real high
availability behavior by disabling a network interface.

168 IBM MQ Appliance

1. Connect an Ethernet cable between port eth13 on the first appliance and eth13
on the second appliance. This connection is the HA group primary interface.
2. Connect an Ethernet cable between port eth17 on the first appliance and eth17
on the second appliance. This connection is the HA group alternate interface.
3. Connect an Ethernet cable between port eth21 on the first appliance and eth21
on the second appliance. This connection is the replication interface.
4. Ensure that the three Ethernet ports have IP addresses configured. If the ports
were not configured when you initialized the appliances, then configure them
by using the procedure that is described in “Ethernet interfaces” on page 119.
You can use the IBM MQ Appliance web UI or the command line to configure
the interfaces.
5. Ensure that both appliances have system names. If the names were not
assigned when you initialized the appliances, then name them by using the
procedure that is described in “Configuring the appliance name” on page 143.
You can use the IBM MQ Appliance web UI or the command line to assign
appliance names.

What to do next

After the appliances are connected, you can create an HA group for the appliances.
For more information, see “Creating a high availability group” on page 170.

Changing IP addresses in high availability configurations

If you change the IP addresses of any of the Ethernet ports of the appliances in a
high availability configuration, high availability operation is no longer available
and data is likely to be partitioned.

High availability (HA) configurations use the eth13, eth17, and eth21 ports on both
appliances in the HA. If you need to change IP addresses for any of these ports,
you must use the following procedure:
1. Remove the HA configuration on both appliances. You remove HA by
removing queue managers from HA control, see “Removing a queue manager
from a high availability group” on page 178, and then removing the HA group
itself, see “Deleting a high availability group” on page 172.
2. Allocate new IP numbers to the Ethernet ports as required, observing the
requirement that the addresses are on the same, dedicated subnet. See
“Configuring Ethernet interfaces by using the command line” on page 121.
3. Re-create the HA configuration by configuring the queue managers as
described in “Creating a high availability group” on page 170 and “Creating a
high availability queue manager” on page 173.

Changing appliance names in high availability configurations

If you change the appliance name of either or both of the appliances in a high
availability configuration, high availability operation is no longer available and
data is likely to be partitioned.

If you need to change appliance names, you must use the following procedure:
1. Remove the HA configuration on both appliances. You remove HA by
removing queue managers from HA control, see “Removing a queue manager
from a high availability group” on page 178, and then removing the HA group
itself, see “Deleting a high availability group” on page 172.
2. Allocate new appliance names as required, see “Configuring the appliance
name by using the command line” on page 143.

Chapter 5. Configuring 169

3. Re-create the HA configuration by configuring the queue managers as
described in “Creating a high availability group” and “Creating a high
availability queue manager” on page 173.

Configuring the high availability group

When you configure appliances to be part of a high availability (HA) solution, you
must configure the appliances to be part of the HA group.

The HA group controls the availability of the queue managers within the group,
determining where the queue managers run. You must create the HA group before
you can create HA queue managers to run in the group. After you create the HA
group, you can view the status of the group. You can also view which queue
managers are in the HA group.

If you use messaging users and groups on the appliance for authentication records
in an HA queue manager, you must set up the same messaging users and groups
on both appliances. The users and groups are not automatically replicated between
the appliances.

Creating a high availability group

You can create a high availability (HA) group by using the crthagrp command on
the command line.

Before you begin

Before you can create an HA group, you must configure the appliances that you
want to group. For more information, see “Configuring the hardware for high
availability” on page 167

About this task

The HA group controls the availability of the queue managers within the group,
determining where the queue managers run. You must create the HA group before
you can create HA queue managers to run in the group. After you create the HA
group, you can view the status of the group. You can also view which queue
managers are in the HA group.

To create an HA group and generate unique keys for communication between the
appliances in the group, you must enter commands on both appliances in the

Note: The messaging users and groups in authentication records in an HA queue

manager must be available on all appliances in the HA group. Because the users
and groups in the internal user store are not automatically replicated between the
appliances, it is recommended that you use an external LDAP repository for HA
queue managers.

1. Enter the IBM MQ administration mode on both appliances by entering the
following command:
2. On the first appliance (machine A), enter the following command:
prepareha -s SecretText -a IPAddressOfMachineB [-t timeout]


170 IBM MQ Appliance

-s SecretText
Specifies a string that is used to generate a short-lived password. The
password is used to set up the unique key for the two appliances.
-a IPAddressOfMachineB
Specifies the IP address of the HA primary interface on the second
appliance in the group. You must specify the IP address using ip v4
dotted decimal notation (for example, “”).
-t timeout
Optionally specifies a timeout in seconds. The appliance waits silently
for this period for the second appliance to contact it. If you do not
specify a timeout, the appliance waits for ten minutes.
3. On the second appliance (machine B), enter the following command:
crthagrp -s SecretText -a IPAddressOfMachineA

-s SecretText
Specifies the same string that was specified in the prepareha command
on machine A.
-a IPAddressOfMachineA
Specifies the IP address of the HA primary interface on the first
appliance in the group. You must specify the IP address using ip v4
dotted decimal notation (for example, “”).


The following example shows the creation of an HA group for appliances appl1
and appl2 where a new, unique key is generated for communication between the
appliances. The HA group primary interface of appl2 has the IP address;
the HA group primary interface of appl1 has the IP address

The following command is run from appl1:

prepareha -s AGEW1823510HH -a

The following command is run from appl2:

crthagrp -s AGEW1823510HH -a

What to do next

After the HA group is created, you can create HA queue managers that are
controlled by the HA group. For more information, see “Creating a high
availability queue manager” on page 173.

Viewing the status of appliances in a high availability group

You can view the status of appliances in a high availability (HA) group by using
the command line or the IBM MQ Console.

Viewing the high availability status by using the command line:

You can view the status of appliances in a high availability (HA) group by using
the dsphagrp command on the command line.

Chapter 5. Configuring 171

About this task

The dsphagrp command returns information about the operational status of each of
the appliances in the HA group. The status can be one of the following statuses:
v Online. The appliance is available.
v Offline. The appliance is unavailable.
v Standby. The appliance has been temporarily removed from the HA group.

1. Enter the IBM MQ administration mode by entering the following command:
2. View the status of the appliances in the HA group by entering the following
command from one of the appliances:
3. Optional: Exit the IBM MQ administration mode by entering the following

Viewing the high availability status by using the IBM MQ Console:

You can view the status of appliances in a high availability (HA) group by using
the IBM MQ Console.

About this task

The appliance can have one of the following statuses:

v Online. The appliance is available.
v Offline. The appliance is unavailable.
v Standby. The appliance has been temporarily removed from the HA group.

1. Start the IBM MQ Appliance web UI and view the MQ Console.
2. Click the High Availability menu in the console title bar. The menu displays the
status of both appliances in the group.

Deleting a high availability group

You can delete an existing high availability (HA) group by using the command line
or the IBM MQ Console.

Deleting a high availability group by using the command line:

You can delete an existing high availability (HA) group by using the dlthagrp
command on the command line.

About this task

You must delete all HA queue managers in the HA group before you delete the

You run the command on one appliance and the HA group is deleted on both
appliances in the group. If the other appliance is not available at the time of the
delete, the command must be entered on the other appliance to delete the group
on that appliance.

172 IBM MQ Appliance

1. Enter the IBM MQ administration mode by entering the following command:
2. Enter the following command to delete the HA group:

Deleting a high availability group by using the IBM MQ Console:

You can delete an existing high availability (HA) group by using the IBM MQ

About this task

You must delete all HA queue managers in the HA group before you delete the

You use the console on one appliance and the HA group is deleted on both
appliances in the group. If the other appliance is not available at the time of the
delete, the group must be deleted on that appliance when it is next available.

1. Start the IBM MQ Appliance web UI and view the MQ Console.
2. Click the High Availability menu in the console title bar, and select Delete
3. A window prompts you to confirm the deletion. Click Delete.

Configuring high availability queue managers

When you configure queue managers, you can specify that they belong to a high
availability group.

Creating a high availability queue manager

You can create a high availability (HA) queue manager by using the crtmqm
command on the command line. After the queue manager is created, it is
automatically started under the control of the HA group.

Before you begin

Before you can create an HA queue manager on an appliance, you must add the
appliance to an HA group. For more information, see “Creating a high availability
group” on page 170.

About this task

You create a queue manager and specify that it is part of an HA group. Each HA
queue manager that you create uses a unique port on the HA replication interface.
The first HA queue manager created uses port 7789, the second 7790, and so on.

1. Enter the IBM MQ administration mode by entering the following command:
2. Create the HA queue manager by using one of the following commands:
v Create the HA queue manager with the default file system size of 64 GB by
entering the following command:

Chapter 5. Configuring 173

crtmqm -sx QMgrName
Specifies the name of the HA queue manager that you want to
v Create the HA queue manager with a specific file system size by entering the
following command:
crtmqm -sx -fs FileSystemSize QMgrName
Specifies the file system size that the queue manager is created with.
This value is a numeric value, which is specified in GB.
Specifies the name of the HA queue manager that you want to

v The HA queue manager is created on the appliance on which the crtmqm
command is run. The queue manager automatically starts on that appliance
after it is created. You cannot use the strmqm command to start the queue
v You can use other crtmqm parameters in the command. For more information
about the available parameters, see “crtmqm” on page 456.
3. Optional: Exit the IBM MQ administration mode by entering the following


The following example shows the creation of an HA queue manager HAQM1:

crtmqm -sx HAQM1

Adding an existing queue manager to a high availability group

You can add an existing queue manager to a high availability (HA) group by using
the sethagrp command on the command line.

Before you begin

Before you can add an existing queue manager to a group, the queue manager
must be stopped.

1. Enter the IBM MQ administration mode by entering the following command:
2. Enter the following command to stop the queue manager:
endmqm QMname
3. Enter the following command to add an existing queue manager to the HA
sethagrp -i QMname

174 IBM MQ Appliance

Where QMname is the name of the existing queue manager. You must check
that a queue manager with that name does not already exist on the other
appliance. The queue manager is added to the group and is started.
4. Optional: Exit the IBM MQ administration mode by entering the following


The following example shows the existing queue manager QM1 being added to the
HA group:
sethagrp -i QM1

Specifying a floating IP address for a queue manager

You can optionally specify a floating IP address for a high availability (HA) queue
manager such that an application can connect whichever appliance the queue
manager is running on.

Before you begin

Both appliances in the HA pair must be active when you specify a floating IP
address for an HA queue manager.

About this task

If you specify a floating IP address for a queue manager, an application can use
that address to connect to a queue manager regardless of which appliance in the
HA pair the queue manager is actually running on.

You can define only one floating IP address for IBM MQ traffic on a queue
manager, so you can only run the sethaint command once for each queue

When you specify the floating IP address for IBM MQ traffic, you also specify the
local interface that it can be reached on (for example, eth22). This interface must be
a physical interface that exists on both appliances, and each interface must have a
static IP address configured.

The floating IP address must be a valid IPv4 address that is not already defined on
either appliance, and it must belong to the same subnet as the static IP addresses
defined for the local interface.

1. Enter the IBM MQ administration mode by entering the following command:
2. Enter the following command to add the floating IP address to the queue
sethaint -m queue_manager -a -f floating_IP -l local_interface

Is the queue manager that the floating IP address applies to.

Chapter 5. Configuring 175

Is the floating IP address in IPv4 format.
Is the local interface on the HA appliances that can be used to connect
to the queue manager.
3. Optional: Exit the IBM MQ administration mode by entering the following


The following example shows the floating IP address being allocated for
queue manager QM1 and associated with the local interface eth22:
sethaint -m QM1 -a -f - l eth22

What to do next

After you have defined a floating IP address for a queue manager, you can bind
that address to a listener or a channel.

For example, the following MQSC command binds a listener named “listy” to the
floating IP address

The following MQSC command binds a sender channel named “sendy” to the
floating IP address

If a queue manager with a floating IP address has to create a channel

automatically, and that channel has to use the floating IP address for outbound
communication, you must set the MQ_LCLADDR environment variable to the
floating IP address. For example, the queue manager might create a CLUSSDR
channel from a CLUSRCVR channel definition received from another queue
manager. The following MQCLI command sets the MQ_LCLADDR to the floating
IP address
setmqvar -m QMgrName -k MQ_LCLADDR -v

Viewing the status of a high availability queue manager

You can view the status of a queue manager in a high availability (HA) group by
using the status command on the command line, or by using the IBM MQ

About this task

The status command returns information about the operational status of a

specified queue manager in the HA group. The status can include the following
v The high availability role of the queue manager (reported as Primary or
v The current high availability status:
The appliances in the disaster recovery configuration are operating

176 IBM MQ Appliance

This appliance in standby mode
This status means that the appliance has been suspended (by using the
sethagrp -s command).
Secondary appliance in standby mode
This status means that the other appliance in the HA pair has been
suspended (by using the sethagrp -s command).
Both appliances in standby mode
This status means that both appliances in the HA pair have been
suspended (by using the sethagrp -s command).
Secondary appliance unavailable
This status means that the connections to the other appliance in the HA
pair have been lost.
Remote appliance(s) unavailable
This status means that the replication connection to the other appliance
has been lost.
Queue manager data on the appliances is out of step, and cannot be
automatically resolved.
Synchronization in progress
This status is displayed when the primary queue manager is replicating
data to the secondary queue manager.
The queue manager is inactive on both appliances in the HA pair.
The status is displayed on a secondary appliance during the initial
synchronization of a queue manager if connection has been lost and
synchronization was interrupted. The secondary appliance cannot
provide high availability functionality until the initial synchronization
has completed.
v The preferred appliance setting for the queue manager, set to This
Appliance or Other Appliance.
v The percentage complete of a synchronization operation. This information is
shown only when the status is Synchronization in progress.
v The estimated time at which a synchronization will complete. This information
is shown only when the status is Synchronization in progress.
v The amount of out-of-sync data that exists on this instance of the queue
manager. This is the amount of data written to this instance of the queue
manager since it entered the partitioned state. This information is shown only
when the status is Partitioned.

v To view the HA status of a queue manager by using the command line interface:
1. Enter the IBM MQ administration mode by entering the following command:
2. View the status of an HA queue manager by entering the following
command from one of the appliances:
status QMgrName

Chapter 5. Configuring 177

Specifies the name of the HA queue manager that you want to view
the status of.
3. Exit the IBM MQ administration mode by entering the following command:
v To view the HA status of a queue manager by using the IBM MQ Console:
1. Open the console and find the widget that displays the queue manager.
2. Select the queue manager in the widget and select the properties icon from

the toolbar .
3. In the properties window, click on the High availability status section to
open it.

Removing a queue manager from a high availability group

You can remove a queue manager from a high availability (HA) group and run it
as a stand-alone queue manager by using the sethagrp command on the command

Before you begin

If the queue manager is also part of a disaster recovery (DR) configuration, you
must remove it from the DR configuration before you remove it from the HA
group. See “Removing a queue manager from a disaster recovery configuration by
using the command line” on page 190.

About this task

You must run the command on the queue manager primary appliance (the
appliance that the queue manager is running on). You can discover where the
queue manager is running by using the dspmq command or the status qmanager
command. Either command will report the status as Running for the current
appliance, or Running elsewhere for the other appliance in the HA group.

1. Enter the IBM MQ administration mode by entering the following command:
2. Enter the following command to stop the queue manager:
endmqm QMname
3. Enter the following command to remove the queue manager from the HA
group and run it as a stand-alone queue manager:
sethagrp -e QMname

Where QMname is the name of the queue manager. The queue manager is
removed from the group. You must then use the strmqm command to start the
queue manager.
4. Optional: Exit the IBM MQ administration mode by entering the following

178 IBM MQ Appliance


The following example shows the queue manager HAQM1 being removed from the
HA group:
sethagrp -e HAQM1

Example network set up for HA configuration

The example shows the network configuration for an high availability

The configuration is illustrated in the following diagram. The two HA appliances

are located in adjacent racks, and are directly connected to each other with the
supplied cables. It is recommended that the IP addresses are in separate subnets
for each connection (as shown in the diagram). Otherwise you need to take other
steps to ensure that data leaves the appliance on the correct Ethernet interface (for
example, by setting up routes on the appliance).

Figure 33. Example HA/DR network configuration

The following tables show how the Ethernet ports are configured on the two HA
appliances, HA1 and HA2.
Table 13. Ethernet ports on appliance HA1
Ethernet port Example IP address Port Description
eth13 5404, 5405 for HA primary group
heartbeat, 2222 for interface

Chapter 5. Configuring 179

Table 13. Ethernet ports on appliance HA1 (continued)
Ethernet port Example IP address Port Description
eth17 5404, 5405 for HA group alternative
heartbeat, 2222 for interface
eth21 Each HA queue HA replication
manager uses a port, interface
starting at 7789 for
the first created, 7790
for the second
created, and so on,
up to 8021
eth22 Data interface

Table 14. Ethernet ports on appliance HA2

Ethernet port Example IP address Port Description
eth13 5404, 5405 for HA primary group
heartbeat, 2222 for interface
eth17 5404, 5405 for HA group alternative
heartbeat, 2222 for interface
eth21 Each HA queue HA replication
manager uses a port, interface
starting at 7789 for
the first created, 7790
for the second
created, and so on,
up to 8021
eth22 Data interface

Configuring disaster recovery for a high availability queue

You can specify that a high availability queue manager also belongs to a disaster
recovery configuration.

Both appliances in a high availability pair are typically located in the same data
center. If some disaster befalls the data center, and both appliances are unavailable,
you can manually start the queue manager on a recovery appliance located in
another data center. See “Disaster recovery for a high availability configuration” on
page 9 for an overview.

To configure disaster recovery for a high availability queue manager, complete the
following steps:
1. On the appliance where your HA queue manager is running, enter the IBM MQ
administration mode by entering the following command:
2. Stop the HA queue manager:
endmqm queue_manager

180 IBM MQ Appliance

3. Specify that the queue manager is the primary instance in a disaster recovery
configuration and include a floating IP address that can be used by either of
the appliances in the HA pair:
crtdrprimary –m queue_manager –r RecoveryName –i RecoveryIP
–p port_number -f floating_IP

-m QMName
Specifies the queue manager that you are preparing for participation in
a disaster recovery configuration.
-r RecoveryName
Specifies the name of the IBM MQ Appliance that is the recovery
-i RecoveryIP
Specifies the IP address of the recovery appliance.
-p port
Specifies the port that the data replication listener on each appliance
-f floatingIP
The floating IP address is an IPv4 address that is used to replicate
queue manager data from whichever HA appliance the queue manager
is currently running on to the queue manager on the recovery
appliance. The floating IP address must be in the same subnet group as
the static IP address assigned to the replication port (eth20) on both

Note that you do not physically configure an Ethernet port with this
address. Select a free IP address in the same subnet as the replication
ports on the two appliances, and specify it in the crtdrprimary
command to make it the IP used for replication with the recovery
appliance. You must specify a different floating IP address for each of
the HA queue managers that you configure disaster recovery for.
The crtdrprimary command configures the queue manager on both appliances
in the HA pair, and reserves storage for the data snapshot on both
appliances.The crtdrprimary command returns a crtdrsecondary command
when it has completed, for example:
Queue manager QM3 is prepared for Disaster Recovery replication.
Now execute the following command on appliance mydrappl:
crtdrsecondary –m QM3 –s 65536 –l myliveapp3 –i –p 2015
4. Copy the crtdrsecondary command and run it on the recovery appliance. This
creates a secondary version of the queue manager, and queue manager data is
replicated from the primary queue manager.

Chapter 5. Configuring 181

Figure 34. Configuring an HA queue manager for disaster recovery (using example IP addresses)

Example network set up for HA/DR configuration

The example shows the network configuration for an HA pair at the main site with
a DR appliance at a recovery site.

The configuration is illustrated in the following diagram. The two HA appliances

are located in adjacent racks, and are directly connected to each other with the
supplied cables. The replication connection to the recovery appliance and the data
connection for applications are made by way of a switch.

182 IBM MQ Appliance

Figure 35. Example HA/DR network configuration

The following tables show how the Ethernet ports are configured on the two HA
appliances, HA1 and HA2, and the DR appliance, DR.
Table 15. Ethernet ports on appliance HA1
Ethernet port IP address Description
eth13 HA primary group interface
eth17 HA group alternative
eth20 Static IP address configured
for DR port
- Floating IP address used by
appliance HA1 or HA2 for
replication with DR
eth21 HA replication interface
eth22 Data interface

Table 16. Ethernet ports on appliance HA2

Ethernet port IP address Description
eth13 HA primary group interface
eth17 HA group alternative
eth20 Static IP address configured
for DR port

Chapter 5. Configuring 183

Table 16. Ethernet ports on appliance HA2 (continued)
Ethernet port IP address Description
- Floating IP address used by
appliance HA1 or HA2 for
replication with DR
eth21 HA replication interface
eth22 Data interface

Table 17. Ethernet ports on appliance DR

Ethernet port IP address Description
eth20 DR replication interface
eth22 Data interface

Replacing a failed node in a high availability group

If an appliance that belongs to a high availability (HA) group fails, you can replace
the appliance and then restore the HA group by following this procedure.

Before you begin

When a node in an HA group fails, the queue managers fail over to the remaining
appliance in the group. To restore high availability function after you replace or
repair the failed appliance, you must first deconstruct the HA group by running
the queue managers stand-alone and deleting the HA group from the remaining
appliance. You then create a new HA group, and add the queue managers back to

Before you create the new group, you must ensure that both appliances are
running the same level of firmware. If your new appliance is running a later
version of the firmware, you must either upgrade your existing appliance, or
downgrade your new appliance.

1. On the appliance that did not fail, stop each queue manager by using the
following command:
endmqm QMname
2. If the queue manager is part of a disaster recovery configuration as well as part
of an HA group, you must remove it from the disaster recovery configuration.
Use the following command:
dltdrprimary -m QMname
3. Enter the following command to remove a queue manager from the HA group
and run it as a stand-alone queue manager. The queue manager must be
stopped before you run this command.
sethagrp -e QMname

Where QMname is the name of the queue manager. The queue manager is
removed from the HA group. You can use the strmqm command to restart the
queue manager and run it in a stand alone configuration while you replace the
failed node, if required.
Repeat this command for all HA queue managers.

184 IBM MQ Appliance

4. Delete the HA group by entering the following command:
5. On both the existing appliance and the replacement appliance, create a new HA
group by using the prepareha and crthagrp commands, as described in
“Creating a high availability group” on page 170.
6. On the appliance that did not fail, enter the following command to add a
queue manager back to the HA group. The queue manager must be stopped
before you run this command.
sethagrp -i QMname

Where QMname is the name of the existing queue manager. The queue manager
is added to the group and is started. Repeat for all the queue managers that
were previously part of the HA group.
7. Set the preferred appliance for the queue manager by running the following
sethapreferred QMname

Repeat this command for each queue manager. Run the command on the
appliance that did not fail if you want that appliance to be the preferred
location. Run the command on the replaced or repaired appliance if you want
that appliance to be the preferred location.
8. If you want to restore disaster recovery capability to any of the queue
managers, follow the instructions in “Configuring disaster recovery for a high
availability queue manager” on page 180.

Configuring disaster recovery

You can configure a pair of appliances to provide a disaster recovery (DR) solution.
You can also configure a disaster recovery solution for a high availability pair,
whereby a high availability queue manager can run on a single DR appliance.

For more information about disaster recovery on an IBM MQ Appliance, see

“Disaster recovery” on page 9. For more information about disaster recovery for a
high availability pair, see “Disaster recovery for a high availability configuration”
on page 9.

You cannot create a disaster recovery configuration on an appliance that has a high
availability group.

Configuring the hardware for disaster recovery

You must connect the appliances together via a network before you can configure
the IBM MQ Appliance for disaster recovery (DR).

About this task

The IBM MQ Appliance uses a single 10 GB Ethernet port on each appliance to
configure DR. The port is shown in the following diagrams:

Chapter 5. Configuring 185

Figure 36. Eth20 on an M2000 appliance

Figure 37. Eth20 on an M2001 appliance

1. Connect an Ethernet cable between port eth20 on the appliance and your
network. This connection is the replication interface.
2. Ensure that the Ethernet port has an IP address configured. If the port was not
configured when you initialized the appliance, then configure it by using the
procedure that is described in “Ethernet interfaces” on page 119. You can use
the IBM MQ Appliance web UI or the command line to configure the interface.
3. Ensure that the Eth20 port connects with the Eth20 port on the other appliance.
You can do this either by ensuring that the IP address of each Eth20 port
belongs to the same, dedicated subnet, or by defining a static IP route on each
appliance between the two Eth20 ports (see “ip-route” on page 648).
4. Ensure that both the main and recovery appliances have system names. If the
names were not assigned when you initialized the appliances, then name them
by using the procedure that is described in “Configuring the appliance name”
on page 143. You can use the IBM MQ Appliance web UI or the command line
to assign appliance names.

186 IBM MQ Appliance

Changing IP addresses in disaster recovery configurations
If you change the IP addresses of either or both of the eth20 ports of the appliances
in a disaster recovery configuration, replication is no longer possible between the
two appliances.

If you need to change IP addresses, you must use the following procedure:
1. Remove the disaster recovery (DR) configuration on both appliances. You
remove DR by removing both primary and secondary queue managers from
DR control, see “Removing a queue manager from a disaster recovery
configuration by using the command line” on page 190.
2. Allocate new IP numbers to the two eth20 ports as required, observing the
requirement that the addresses are on the same, dedicated subnet. See
“Configuring Ethernet interfaces by using the command line” on page 121.
3. Re-create the DR configuration by configuring the queue managers as described
in “Configuring queue managers for disaster recovery by using the command

You can also use the IBM MQ Appliance web UI to perform these operations.
Follow the related links for details.

Changing appliance names in disaster recovery configurations

If you change the appliance name of either or both of the appliances in a disaster
recovery configuration, replication is no longer possible between the two

If you need to change appliance names, you must use the following procedure:
1. Remove the disaster recovery (DR) configuration on both appliances. You
remove DR by removing both primary and secondary queue managers from
DR control, see “Removing a queue manager from a disaster recovery
configuration by using the command line” on page 190.
2. Allocate new appliance names as required, “Configuring the appliance name by
using the command line” on page 143.
3. Re-create the DR configuration by configuring the queue managers as described
in “Configuring queue managers for disaster recovery by using the command

You can also use the IBM MQ Appliance web UI to perform these operations.
Follow the related links for details.

Configuring disaster recovery queue managers

When you configure queue managers, you can specify that they belong to a
disaster recovery configuration.

Configuring queue managers for disaster recovery by using the

command line
You set up a disaster recovery configuration by setting up a primary and
secondary queue manager.

Before you begin

You must have configured a main appliance and a recovery appliance as described
in “Configuring the hardware for disaster recovery” on page 185.

Chapter 5. Configuring 187

About this task

When you configure disaster recovery, you specify that an existing queue manager
on your main appliance is the primary queue manager. When that command
completes, it outputs a further command that you run on your recovery appliance
to create the secondary queue manager. You then run that command on the
recovery appliance to create another instance of that queue manager and specify
that it is the secondary queue manager.

You must ensure that there is sufficient free memory for the snapshot of the queue
manager data that is required for disaster recovery. For example, a queue manager
created with the default 64 GB size requires a further 64 GB of free space to be
reserved for the snapshot of the queue manager data.

You cannot configure queue managers for disaster recovery if any of the queue
managers on the appliance belong to a high availability group.

1. On the appliance that is designated as your main appliance, run the
crtdrprimary command, specifying an existing queue manager. The queue
manager must be stopped when you run this command.
crtdrprimary -m QMName -r RecoveryName -i RecoveryIP -p Port

-m QMName
Specifies the queue manager that you are preparing for participation in
a disaster recovery configuration. The queue manager must be stopped
when you run the command.
-r RecoveryName
Specifies the name of the IBM MQ Appliance that is the recovery
-i RecoveryIP
Specifies the IP address of the DR connection (eth20) of the recovery
-p port
Specifies the port that the data replication listener on each appliance
uses. The port must be in the range 1025-9999 and must be the same on
both appliances (do not use port 2222, it is reserved by the appliance).
Each listener is active only on the replication interface (eth20), but you
must ensure that the listener does not conflict with any services
configured to listen on all appliance interfaces (for example, MQ
listeners, or SSH and WebUI services, where these are not restricted to
particular local IP addresses). The data replication listener must also
not be blocked by any routing or firewalls between the appliances on
the replication network
For example:
crtdrprimary –m QM1 –r mydrappl –i –p 2015
On successful completion, the command outputs the crtdrsecondary command.
You can now restart the queue manager.
2. On the appliance that is designated as your recovery appliance, run the
command that was output by the crtdrprimary command on its successful
completion, for example:

188 IBM MQ Appliance

crtdrsecondary –m QM1 –s 65536 –l myliveappl –i –p 2015

Synchronization of data from the main appliance to the recovery appliance

begins. (You should preserve the crtdrsecondary command in case you need to
re-create the secondary queue manager.)
3. Use the status command to check the progress of the synchronization, see
“status” on page 751.

Configuring queue managers for disaster recovery by using the

IBM MQ Console
You set up a disaster recovery configuration by setting up a primary and
secondary queue manager.

Before you begin

You must have configured a main appliance and a recovery appliance as described
in “Configuring the hardware for disaster recovery” on page 185.

About this task

When you configure disaster recovery, you specify that an existing queue manager
on your main appliance is the primary queue manager. When that command
completes, it outputs a further command that you run on your recovery appliance
to create the secondary queue manager. You then run that command on the
recovery appliance to create another instance of that queue manager and specify
that it is the secondary queue manager.

You must ensure that there is sufficient free memory for the snapshot of the queue
manager data that is required for disaster recovery. For example, a queue manager
created with the default 64 GB size requires a further 64 GB of free space to be
reserved for the snapshot of the queue manager data.

You can use the chart widget to see the amount of free space available. Configure
the widget to display Disk usage - platform wide, and select Appliance data -
free space (see “Monitoring system resource usage” on page 231).

You cannot configure queue managers for disaster recovery if any of the queue
managers on the appliance belong to a high availability group.

1. On the appliance that is designated as the main appliance, create the primary
instance of the queue manager.
a. Start the IBM MQ Appliance web UI on the main appliance and view the
MQ Console.
b. In the Queue Manager widget, select the queue manager that you want to
designate as a primary instance in the disaster recovery configuration.

c. Ensure that the queue manager is stopped. (Click the stop icon in
the queue manager widget toolbar, if necessary.)
d. Select More > Disaster Recovery and click Create DR Primary.
e. Specify the name of the appliance that will host the secondary instance of
the queue manager.

Chapter 5. Configuring 189

f. Specify the IP address of the appliance that will host the secondary instance
of the queue manager.
g. Specify the port that will be used for data replication on both appliances.
The port number must be between 1025 and 9999 (do not use port 2222, it is
reserved by the appliance).
h. Optionally specify a floating IP address. This is used where you are setting
up a DR configuration for an HA queue manager. This IP address can be
used to replicate data to the DR appliance, regardless of which HA
appliance the queue manager is currently running on.
i. Click Create.
j. Copy the command that is displayed in the 'Create DR secondary'
command field when the creation of the DR primary has completed. You
must run this command on the other appliance in the DR pair before the
disaster recovery configuration is complete.
k. Start the queue manager on the main appliance.
2. On the appliance that is designated as the recovery appliance, create the
secondary instance of the queue manager.
a. Start the IBM MQ Appliance web UI on the recovery appliance and view
the MQ Console.
b. In the Queue Managers widget, select More > Disaster Recovery and click
Create DR secondary.
c. Paste the command that you copied when you configured a primary
instance of the queue manager. Pasting the command automatically
completes the Queue manager, Volume size, Primary appliance name,
Primary appliance IP, and Port fields with the required values.
d. Click Create.
3. You can view the Disaster Recovery properties of the primary or secondary
queue managers to see the progress of the initial synchronization of primary
queue manager data with the secondary instance.

Removing a queue manager from a disaster recovery

configuration by using the command line
You can remove a queue manager from a disaster recovery configuration by using
the command line.

About this task

If you remove a queue manager from a disaster recovery configuration while it is

in the primary role, the queue manager is not deleted.

If you remove a queue manager from a disaster recovery configuration while it is

in the secondary role, the queue manager is deleted.

v To remove a primary queue manager from a disaster recovery configuration:
1. Enter the IBM MQ administration mode by entering the following command:
2. Ensure that the queue manager is stopped. Enter the following command if
endmqm qmanager
3. Enter the following command to remove the queue manager from the
disaster recovery configuration.

190 IBM MQ Appliance

dltdrprimary -m qmanager
v To remove a secondary queue manager from a disaster recovery configuration:
1. Enter the IBM MQ administration mode by entering the following command:
2. Enter the following command to remove the queue manager from the
disaster recovery configuration and delete it.
dltdrsecondary -m qmanager

Removing a queue manager from a disaster recovery

configuration by using the IBM MQ Console
You can remove a queue manager from a disaster recovery configuration by using
the IBM MQ Console.

About this task

If you remove a queue manager from a disaster recovery configuration while it is

in the primary role, the queue manager is not deleted.

If you remove a queue manager from a disaster recovery configuration while it is

in the secondary role, the queue manager is deleted.

v To remove a primary queue manager from a disaster recovery configuration:
1. Open the console and find the widget that displays the queue manager.

2. Ensure that the queue manager is stopped. (Click the stop icon in
the queue manager widget toolbar, if necessary.)
3. Select More > Disaster Recovery and select Delete DR Primary.
v To remove a secondary queue manager from a disaster recovery configuration:
1. Open the console and find the widget that displays the queue manager.
2. Select More > Disaster Recovery and click Delete DR Secondary.

Viewing the status of a disaster recovery queue manager

You can view the status of a queue manager in a disaster recovery configuration
by using the status command on the command line, or by using the IBM MQ

About this task

The status command returns information about the operational status of a

specified queue manager in the disaster recovery configuration. The status can
include the following information:
v The disaster recovery role of the queue manager (reported as Primary or
v The current disaster recovery status:
The appliances in the disaster recovery configuration are operating
Synchronization in progress
This status can mean that initial replication is completing, or there has

Chapter 5. Configuring 191

been a failure of the disaster recovery replication network and the queue
manager has switched into synchronization mode to catch up as quickly
as possible.
Queue manager data on the appliances is out of step, and cannot be
automatically resolved. The makedrprimary and makedrsecondary
commands must be used to resolve the situation. When this status is
displayed on one of the appliances in a disaster recovery pair, the other
appliance might display the remote appliance unavailable status,
because the connection was lost before it detected the partitioned status.
Remote appliance(s) unavailable
The status means that the connection to the other appliance in the
disaster recovery configuration has been lost.
The queue manager is in the secondary role on both appliances.
This status is shown only when the queue manager is in the secondary
role and an in-progress synchronization has been interrupted. If you use
the makedrprimary command on a queue manager that is in this state,
the queue manager reverts to the snapshot of its data that was taken
before it entered the inconsistent state.
Reverting to snapshot
This status is shown when the queue manager is in the secondary role,
and the makedrprimary command is issued when the queue manager is
in the inconsistent state. The queue manager is reverted to the current
snapshot of its data such that it can run.
Remote appliance(s) not configured
This status is shown when the crtdrprimary command has been run, to
specify that a queue manager has the primary role, but no
crtdrsecondary command has been run on the other appliance in the
disaster recovery pair.
v The percentage complete of a synchronization operation. This information is
shown only when the status is Synchronization in progress.
v The estimated time at which a synchronization will complete. This information
is shown only when the status is Synchronization in progress.
v The amount of out-of-sync data that exists on this instance of the queue
manager. This is the amount of data written to this instance of the queue
manager since it entered the partitioned state. This information is shown only
when the status is Partitioned.
v The percentage complete of a reversion to snapshot operation. This information
is shown only when the status is Reverting to snapshot.

v To view the DR status of a queue manager by using the command line interface:
1. Enter the IBM MQ administration mode by entering the following command:
2. View the status of a DR queue manager by entering the following command
from one of the appliances:
status QMgrName

192 IBM MQ Appliance

Specifies the name of the DR queue manager that you want to view
the status of.
3. Exit the IBM MQ administration mode by entering the following command:
v To view the DR status of a queue manager by using the IBM MQ Console:
1. Open the console and find the widget that displays the queue manager.
2. Select the queue manager in the widget. SelectMore > Disaster Recovery and
click DR status.

Configuring disaster recovery for a high availability queue

You can specify that a high availability queue manager also belongs to a disaster
recovery configuration.

Both appliances in a high availability pair are typically located in the same data
center. If some disaster befalls the data center, and both appliances are unavailable,
you can manually start the queue manager on a recovery appliance located in
another data center. See “Disaster recovery for a high availability configuration” on
page 9 for an overview.

To configure disaster recovery for a high availability queue manager, complete the
following steps:
1. On the appliance where your HA queue manager is running, enter the IBM MQ
administration mode by entering the following command:
2. Stop the HA queue manager:
endmqm queue_manager
3. Specify that the queue manager is the primary instance in a disaster recovery
configuration and include a floating IP address that can be used by either of
the appliances in the HA pair:
crtdrprimary –m queue_manager –r RecoveryName –i RecoveryIP
–p port_number -f floating_IP

-m QMName
Specifies the queue manager that you are preparing for participation in
a disaster recovery configuration.
-r RecoveryName
Specifies the name of the IBM MQ Appliance that is the recovery
-i RecoveryIP
Specifies the IP address of the recovery appliance.
-p port
Specifies the port that the data replication listener on each appliance
-f floatingIP
The floating IP address is an IPv4 address that is used to replicate
queue manager data from whichever HA appliance the queue manager
is currently running on to the queue manager on the recovery

Chapter 5. Configuring 193

appliance. The floating IP address must be in the same subnet group as
the static IP address assigned to the replication port (eth20) on both

Note that you do not physically configure an Ethernet port with this
address. Select a free IP address in the same subnet as the replication
ports on the two appliances, and specify it in the crtdrprimary
command to make it the IP used for replication with the recovery
appliance. You must specify a different floating IP address for each of
the HA queue managers that you configure disaster recovery for.
The crtdrprimary command configures the queue manager on both appliances
in the HA pair, and reserves storage for the data snapshot on both
appliances.The crtdrprimary command returns a crtdrsecondary command
when it has completed, for example:
Queue manager QM3 is prepared for Disaster Recovery replication.
Now execute the following command on appliance mydrappl:
crtdrsecondary –m QM3 –s 65536 –l myliveapp3 –i –p 2015
4. Copy the crtdrsecondary command and run it on the recovery appliance. This
creates a secondary version of the queue manager, and queue manager data is
replicated from the primary queue manager.

Figure 38. Configuring an HA queue manager for disaster recovery (using example IP addresses)

Example network set up for HA/DR configuration

The example shows the network configuration for an HA pair at the main site with
a DR appliance at a recovery site.

The configuration is illustrated in the following diagram. The two HA appliances

are located in adjacent racks, and are directly connected to each other with the
supplied cables. The replication connection to the recovery appliance and the data
connection for applications are made by way of a switch.

194 IBM MQ Appliance

Figure 39. Example HA/DR network configuration

The following tables show how the Ethernet ports are configured on the two HA
appliances, HA1 and HA2, and the DR appliance, DR.
Table 18. Ethernet ports on appliance HA1
Ethernet port IP address Description
eth13 HA primary group interface
eth17 HA group alternative
eth20 Static IP address configured
for DR port
- Floating IP address used by
appliance HA1 or HA2 for
replication with DR
eth21 HA replication interface
eth22 Data interface

Table 19. Ethernet ports on appliance HA2

Ethernet port IP address Description
eth13 HA primary group interface
eth17 HA group alternative
eth20 Static IP address configured
for DR port

Chapter 5. Configuring 195

Table 19. Ethernet ports on appliance HA2 (continued)
Ethernet port IP address Description
- Floating IP address used by
appliance HA1 or HA2 for
replication with DR
eth21 HA replication interface
eth22 Data interface

Table 20. Ethernet ports on appliance DR

Ethernet port IP address Description
eth20 DR replication interface
eth22 Data interface

Configuring SAN storage

You can configure the IBM MQ Appliance so that queue managers can use SAN

When you want to use a SAN for queue manager storage you must configure a
suitable SAN, configure the appliance to connect to the SAN using the appliance's
host bus adapters, and finally create queue managers that use SAN storage.

Queue manager data is not encrypted by the appliance, so you must take steps to
secure your SAN storage independently. Volumes configured for appliance use are
used to store sensitive information, including certificates and password files
relating to the queue manager.

The appliance supports access to a switched SAN fabric accessed by using fibre
channel host bus adapters. You must configure your SAN so that each queue
manager uses a separate, dedicated LUN.

Ensure that your storage network is zoned so that only the appliance using a
particular volume can access the LUN in normal operations. In a disaster recovery
scenario, it might be appropriate for multiple appliances to have access to a single
LUN, although only one appliance has the volume active (enabled) at any given

Ensure administrative access to the data stored on SAN volumes is controlled and
audited appropriately.

You must complete the following major steps to configure SAN storage for queue
managers on your appliance:
1. Configure the SAN to create the LUNs to be used by queue managers, and
allow access from the appliance host bus adapters. LUNs are identified by LUN
2. Define a volume for each LUN, using the LUID to identify it. You require a
separate volume for each proposed queue manager, see “Configuring volumes”
on page 198.

196 IBM MQ Appliance

3. Initialize the file system for the volume. See “Initializing the file system for a
volume” on page 199.
4. Create queue managers, specifying the volume for each queue manager, see
“Configuring queue managers to use SAN storage” on page 199.

The relationship of SAN and appliance is illustrated in the following figure.

Figure 40. Configuration of SAN and appliance

SAN disks are potentially available to multiple appliances at the same time (one
reason for using SAN disks is to obtain higher availability of queue managers).
There is a potential risk of more than one appliance trying to use a disk at the
same time. To prevent this happening, an IBM MQ Appliance uses SCSI persistent
reservations to reserve a disk for its exclusive use. In normal operation, the
appliance handles these reservations without involving any administrator action;
an appliance reserves the disk before enabling it and then releases the reservation
after disabling it. If an appliance attempts to enable a volume that is already
reserved by a different appliance, the attempt fails, with appropriate messages
reported in the system log. However, if an appliance fails abruptly while holding a
reservation on a disk the reservation is not automatically released, and the failed
appliance cannot release the reservation either. In this situation, you must remove
the SCSI persistent reservation by using thefibre-channel-unlock-volume
command before another appliance can enable the volume and the queue manager
can resume.

Configuring SAN for the appliance

You must use a storage area network (SAN) that the appliance host bus adapters
(HBA) can operate with, and set up SAN to provide storage for queue managers.

You (or the SAN administrator) must create one SAN device (LUN) for each queue
manager that the appliance persists to remote storage. The SAN must be
appropriately zoned to permit the appliance or appliances that use a particular
LUN to connect to the SAN. The SAN server must report a genuinely unique ID of

Chapter 5. Configuring 197

type 2 or type 3 as defined in the SCSI specification (Vital product data/page 0x80
and 0x83), and this ID must persist across power cycles. The ID (referred to as a
LUID or a WWID) is used to identify both the individual LUN and possible routes
to that LUN.

The appliance HBA is an Emulex 16Gb FC Dual-port HBA Gen 5 (see “Fibre
channel module” on page 57). Full details of the device can be found at

Configuring volumes

You define volume objects on the appliance that represent the storage that a queue
manager can access.

Before you begin

Determine the LUID that you will use to identify the LUN used by the queue
manager. You can view available LUIDs by choosing Status > Other Network >
Discovered Fibre Channel LUNs in the IBM MQ Appliance web UI, but your SAN
administer might provide you with the identifiers when the LUNs are created. The
LUID is a 64-bit or 128-bit number represented in hexadecimal.

About this task

You define volume objects that are then used when you create queue managers to
define the LUN used by the queue manager.

v To configure a volume object by using the IBM MQ Appliance web UI:

1. Start the IBM MQ Appliance web UI, and click the object icon .
2. Select Network Settings > Fibre Channel Volume.
3. Click New.
4. Enter a Name for the volume.
5. Click fibrechannel to reveal the fibre channel options.
6. Ensure that Enable Administrative State is enabled.
7. Specify the LUID that identifies the LUN that this volume is used to access.
8. Select or deselect the Use Multipath option as required.
9. Click Apply.
v To configure a volume object by using the command line interface:
1. Connect to the IBM MQ Appliance as described in “Command line access”
on page 109. Log in as an administrative user.
2. Type config to enter global configuration mode.
3. Type the following command to create your volume object and enter volume
configuration mode:
fibre-channel-volume volume_name
4. Specify the LUID that identifies the LUN that the volume is used to access:
lun-uid logical_unit_number
5. Specify whether the volume uses multipath connections or not:

198 IBM MQ Appliance

use-multipath on | off
6. After you configure the volume object, enter exit to save the configuration
and exit, or type cancel to exit without saving.

Initializing the file system for a volume

Before you use a volume for the first time, you must initialize the file system.

About this task

Important: You must only initialize the volume file system once, after you create it
and before you attempt to use it. Initializing after you have used the volume erases
all the contents of the volume.

v To initialize the file system by using the IBM MQ Appliance web UI

1. Start the IBM MQ Appliance web UI, and click the object icon .
2. Select Network Settings > Fibre Channel Volume.
3. Select the volume you are initializing the file space for to view its
4. Disable the administrative state.
5. Select Actions > Initialize File System
6. Enable the administrative state for the volume and save your changes.
v To initialize the file system by using the command line:
1. Connect to the IBM MQ Appliance as described in “Command line access”
on page 109. Log in as an administrative user.
2. Type config to enter global configuration mode.
3. Type the following command to enter volume configuration mode for your
fibre-channel-volume volume_name
4. Type the following commands to disable your volume, and leave volume
configuration mode:
admin-state disabled
5. Type the following command to initialize the file space for your volume:
fibre-channel-fs-init volume_name
6. Type the following commands to re-enter configuration mode for your
volume, re-enable your volume, and leave volume configuration mode:
fibre-channel-volume volume_name
admin-state enabled
7. Type exit to leave global configuration mode.

Configuring queue managers to use SAN storage

You configure a queue manager to use SAN storage when you create the queue

Chapter 5. Configuring 199

Before you begin

You must create volume objects before you can create queue managers that use
SAN storage. See “Configuring volumes” on page 198.

About this task

You configure a queue manager to use SAN storage by specifying a volume object
when you create the queue manager. The volume object in turn specifies the LUN
that the queue manager uses for storage. A queue manager must be uniquely
associated with a LUN, you cannot create a queue manager that shares a LUN
with another queue manager.

If the appliance on which you are running a queue manager fails, you can re-create
the queue manager on another appliance and re-associate it with its SAN storage.

v To configure a queue manager by using the IBM MQ Console:
1. Open the IBM MQ Console (see “Using the IBM MQ Console” on page 207).

2. In the Queue Manager widget, click the plus icon to start the Create
queue manager wizard.
3. Enter the name for the queue manager and click Next.
4. Click Next again to skip the high availability set up page (you cannot create
a high availability queue manager that uses SAN storage).
5. Select Yes for Use external storage.
6. Select the volume object you created for this queue manager from the SAN
volume name list.
7. Select New if this is the first time the queue manager volume is used, or
Re-create If you are recreating a queue manager after an appliance failure,
and want to reconnect to SAN storage for that queue manager
8. Click Create to create the queue manager.
v To configure a queue manager by using the command line:
1. Connect to the IBM MQ Appliance as described in “Command line access”
on page 109. Log in as a user with permissions to create IBM MQ objects.
2. Enter the mqcli command to enter IBM MQ administration mode.
3. If you are creating a new queue manager, enter the crtmqm command to
create a queue manager.
crtmqm qm_name -fc volume_object

where volume_object is the volume object previously created that specifies the
LUN that will be exclusively allocated to the queue manager.
You can use other options when you create the queue manager, as described
in “crtmqm” on page 456, but you cannot use the -sx option to specify high
availability capability.
4. If you are re-creating a queue manager that was running on a failed
appliance, enter the addmqm command:
addmqm -fc volume_object -m qm_name

where volume_object is the volume object that specifies the LUN that will be
exclusively allocated to the queue manager, and qm_name is the name of the
queue manager that you are recreating.

200 IBM MQ Appliance

Removing queue managers that use SAN storage

You can remove a queue manager that you have configured to use SAN storage.

About this task

You can remove a SAN queue manager using either the IBM MQ Console or the
command line.

You use a different method for removing a queue manager that uses SAN storage
than one that uses appliance storage. You use remove rather than delete (the
rmvmqinf command rather than the dltmqm command), this method leaves the
queue manager data intact.

After you have removed the queue manager, you must then remove the volume
object used by the queue manager (unless you are intending to reuse it for a
different queue manager).

v To remove a queue manager by using the IBM MQ Console:
1. Open the IBM MQ Console (see “Using the IBM MQ Console” on page 207).
2. Select the queue manager that you want to remove in the queue manager

widget and click the delete icon .

3. Click Remove. This action removes the instance of the queue manager
without removing the queue manager data.
v To remove a queue manager by using the command line:
1. Connect to the IBM MQ Appliance as described in “Command line access”
on page 109. Log in as a user with permissions to delete IBM MQ objects.
2. Enter the mqcli command to enter IBM MQ administration mode.
3. Enter the following command to remove the queue manager:
rmvmqinf qm_name

where qm_name is the name of the queue manager that you are removing.

What to do next

Remove the volume object that was associated with the removed queue manager.
Alternatively, you can associate the volume object with a new queue manager.

Configuring the IBM MQ Console and REST API

The mqweb server that hosts the IBM MQ Console and administrative REST API is
provided with a default configuration. You can alter some of this configuration, if

Configuring logging for administrative REST API and IBM MQ


Chapter 5. Configuring 201

You can configure the logging levels, maximum log file size, and the maximum
number of log files that are used by the mqweb server that hosts the IBM MQ
Console and administrative REST API.

Before you begin

You can view the current configuration of the logs by using the dspmqweb
properties command with the -a flag. For more information, see dspmqweb. You
can reset the logging configuration by using the setmqweb properties command
with the -k and -d flags. For more information, see setmqweb.

About this task

The log files for the mqweb server can be found in the :mqtrace/webui url of the


Use the setmqweb properties command from the mqcli prompt to configure
v To set the maximum log file size, use the following command:
setmqweb properties -k maxTraceFileSize -v size

where size specifies the size, in MB, that each log file can reach. The default
value is 20.
v To set the maximum number of files to use for logging, use the following
setmqweb properties -k maxTraceFiles -v max

where max specifies the maximum number of files. The default value is 2.
v To configure the level of logging that is used, use the following command:
setmqweb properties -k traceSpec -v level
where level is one of the values listed in Table 21. The table outlines the logging
levels in increasing level of detail. When you enable a logging level, you also
enable each level before it. For example, if you enable the *=warning logging
level, you also enable *=severe, and *=fatal logging levels.
The default value is *=info. Change this value when IBM Service requests it.
Table 21. Valid logging levels
Value Logging level applied
*=off Logging is turned off.
*=fatal Task cannot continue and component,
application, and server cannot function.
*=severe Task cannot continue but component,
application, and server can still function.
This level can also indicate an impending
unrecoverable error.
*=warning Potential error or impending error. This level
can also indicate a progressive failure (for
example, the potential leaking of resources).
*=audit Significant event affecting server state or

202 IBM MQ Appliance

Table 21. Valid logging levels (continued)
Value Logging level applied
*=info General information outlining overall task
*=config Configuration change or status
*=detail General information detailing subtask
*=fine Trace information - General trace + method
entry, exit, and return values
*=finer Trace information - Detailed trace
*=finest Trace information - A more detailed trace
that includes all the detail that is needed to
debug problems
*=all All events are logged

Configuring the LTPA token expiry interval

When users log in to the IBM MQ Console, an LTPA token is generated. If you use
token based authentication with the administrative REST API, an LTPA token is
generated when the user logs in using the /login REST API resource with the
HTTP POST method. The token is used to authenticate the user without the user
being required to log in again with their user ID and password, until the token
expires. The default expiry interval is 120 minutes, but you can configure when the
tokens expire by using the setmqweb command.

Before you begin

You can view the current configuration of the token expiry by using the dspmqweb
properties command with the -a flag. For more information, see dspmqweb. You
can reset the value of the token expiry by using the setmqweb properties
command with the -k and -d flags. For more information, see setmqweb.


Use the setmqweb properties command from the mqcli prompt to configure the
expiry interval:

Enter the following command:

setmqweb properties -k ltpaExpiration -v time

where time specifies the time, in minutes, before the LTPA token expires and the
user is logged out. The default value is 120 minutes.

Configuring the response timeout

By default, the administrative REST API times out if the time taken to send a
response back to a client is longer than 30 seconds. you can configure the
administrative REST API to use a different timeout value by using the setmqweb

Chapter 5. Configuring 203

Before you begin

You can view the current configuration of the timeout by using the dspmqweb
properties command with the -a flag. For more information, see dspmqweb. You
can reset the value of the timeout by using the setmqweb properties command
with the -k and -d flags. For more information, see setmqweb.


Use the setmqweb properties command from the mqcli prompt to configure the
response timeout:

Enter the following command:

setmqweb properties -k mqRestRequestTimeout -v timeout

where timeout specifies the time, in seconds, before the time out.

Configuring CORS for the REST API

By default, a web browser does not allow scripts, such as JavaScript, to invoke the
administrative REST API when the script is not from the same origin as the REST
API. That is, cross-origin requests are not enabled. You can configure Cross Origin
Resource Sharing (CORS) to allow cross-origin requests from specified origins.

About this task

You can access the administrative REST API through a web browser, for example
through a script. As these requests are from a different origin to the administrative
REST API, the web browser refuses the request because it is a cross-origin request.
The origin is different if the domain, port, or scheme is not the same.

For example, if you have a script that is hosted at http://example.com:1999/ you

make a cross-origin request if you issue an HTTP GET on a website that is hosted
at https://example.com:9443/. This request is a cross-origin request because the
port numbers and scheme (HTTP) are different.

You can enable cross-origin requests by configuring CORS and specifying the
origins that are allowed to access the administrative REST API.


Use the setmqweb properties command from the mqcli prompt to configure CORS:
v View the current configuration by entering the following command and viewing
the mqRestCorsAllowedOrigins and mqRestCorsMaxAgeInSeconds entries:
dspmqweb properties -a
v Specify the origins that are allowed to access the administrative REST API by
entering the following command:
setmqweb properties -k mqRestCorsAllowedOrigins -v allowedOrigins

where allowedOrigins specifies the origin that you want to allow cross-origin
requests from. You can use an asterisk, *, to allow all cross-origin requests, or

204 IBM MQ Appliance

you can enter more than one origin in a comma-separated list. To allow no
cross-origin requests, enter empty quotation marks as the value for
v Specify the time, in seconds, that you want to allow a web browser to cache the
results of any CORS pre-flight checks by entering the following command:
setmqweb properties -k mqRestCorsMaxAgeInSeconds -v time


The following example shows cross-origin requests enabled for

http://example.com:9883, https://example.com:1999, and https://
example.com:9663. The maximum age of cached results of any CORS pre-flight
checks is set to 90 seconds:
setmqweb -k mqRestCorsAllowedOrigins -v http://example.com:9883,https://example.com:1999,https://e
setmqweb -k mqRestCorsMaxAgeInSeconds -v 90

Chapter 5. Configuring 205

206 IBM MQ Appliance
Chapter 6. Administering
You can administer the IBM MQ Appliance by using the IBM MQ Appliance web
UI or by using the command line.

To use the command line to enter IBM MQ commands, you must enter the IBM
MQ administration mode. After you enter the IBM MQ administration mode, you
can use the control commands and appliance commands that are listed in the
“Command reference” on page 455. You can enter the IBM MQ administration
mode by using the mqcli command. You can exit the IBM MQ administration
mode by using the command exit.

The following example shows how to enter the IBM MQ administration mode and
create a queue manager:
mqa# mqcli
mqa(mqcli)# crtmqm QM1
MQ Appliance queue manager created. Creating or replacing default objects for queue manager ’QM1’.
Default objects statistics : 83 created. 0 replaced. 0 failed. Completing setup.
Setup completed.
mqa(mqcli)# exit

Using the IBM MQ Console

Use the IBM MQ Console to perform common IBM MQ administration tasks.

For the full range of IBM MQ tasks, use the command line interface.

To start the IBM MQ Console:

1. Connect to the IBM MQ Appliance web UI by entering the following URL:
Where IP_Address specifies the IP address of the management Ethernet interface
(you can determine the IP address of the management Ethernet interface by
using the show int command).

Note: This URL uses the default port value. If you changed the port value,
replace the 9090 section of the URL with your port number.

2. Click the MQ Console icon .

Note: The IBM MQ Console has different timeout behavior to the general IBM MQ
Appliance web UI. Because the console can be used for monitoring IBM MQ, the
console does not timeout. If you switch to the IBM MQ Appliance web UI, the
timeout counter will start. This is set to 600 seconds by default, but can be set to a
different value by using the idle-timeout command, see “idle-timeout” on page

Working with queue managers

You can use the queue manager widget in the IBM MQ Console to create,
configure, and control local queue managers.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2015, 2017 207

About this task

The queue manager widget lists the queue managers that are running on the
appliance. You can select individual queue managers from the list to work with.

You can add a queue manager widget to your dashboard by clicking Add widget

. Then, select Local Queue Managers.

You can configure the widget by clicking the configure icon in the title bar of the

widget . You can configure the widget in the following ways:

v Specify a title for that instance of the widget
v Specify how many columns are used to display the widget.


v To create a new queue manager, click the plus icon in the local queue
manager widget toolbar. The Create a Queue Manager wizard opens.
1. Enter a name for the new queue manager. The name can contain up to 48
characters. Valid characters are letters and numbers and the ".", "/", "_", and
"%" characters.
2. Optional: Enter an available TCP/IP port for the queue manager to listen
on. The port number must not exceed 65535. If you are configuring a high
availability queue manager, the port must be available on both appliances
in the high availability group.
3. Optionally use File system size to specify the size of the file system that is
created for the queue manager in either GB or MB.
4. Select Automatic startup to have the queue manager start automatically
when the appliance starts.
5. Click Next to specify high availability (HA) features if the appliance is part
of an HA group, or to continue and specify SAN features. Otherwise click
Create to create and start the queue manager.
6. Select Replicated to specify that the queue manager belongs to a high
availability (HA) group.
7. Specify the floating IP address that is used to communicate with the queue
manager when it is part of an HA group:
a. Select the appliance interface that the floating IP address is associated
with from the Floating IP interface list.
b. Specify the floating IP address in IPv4 format in the Floating IP field.
8. Click Next to specify SAN features. (SAN features are not available if you
have configured high availability, or if you have changed the file system
size.) Otherwise click Create to create and start the queue manager.
9. Select the SAN volume name for the queue manager (you must configure
the volume before you create the queue manager, see “Configuring
volumes” on page 198).
10. Click New to create a new queue manager, or Re-create to re-create a queue
manager and attach it to the existing data on the SAN volume.
11. Click Create. The new queue manager is created and started.
v To start a local queue manager:

208 IBM MQ Appliance

1. Select the queue manager that you want to start from the list in the local
queue manager widget.

2. Click the start icon in the local queue manager widget toolbar.
v To stop a local queue manager:
1. Select the queue manager that you want to stop from the list in the local
queue manager widget.

2. Click the stop icon in the local queue manager widget toolbar.
3. Confirm that you want to stop the queue manager by clicking Stop.
v To delete a local queue manager:
1. Select the queue manager that you want to delete from the list in the local
queue manager widget.
2. If the queue manager is running, stop it.

3. Click the delete icon in the local queue manager widget toolbar.
4. Confirm that you want to delete the queue manager by clicking Delete. The
queue manager and all associated objects are deleted.
v To view and edit the properties of a local queue manager:
1. Ensure that the queue manager is running, and select it in the queue
manager list.

2. Click the properties icon in the local queue manager widget toolbar.
Alternatively, double-click the queue manager.
3. View the properties and edit them as required. If the property text box is
disabled, the property is read-only, or can be edited only from the command

line. Click the help icon to get information about a property, or view
the property information in IBM Knowledge Center.
If the queue manager belongs to a high availability (HA) group, the
properties include a High availability status category.
v To refresh security for the local queue manager:
1. Ensure that the local queue manager is running, and select it in the queue
manager list.
2. Select More > Refresh security
3. Select the queue manager security to refresh:
– Select Authorization service to refresh the list of authorizations that is
held internally by the authorization services component.
– Select Connection authentication to refresh the cached view of the
configuration for connection authentication.
– Select SSL to refresh the cached view of the SSL or TLS key repository.
This option also refreshes the locations of the LDAP servers that are used
for certified revocation lists, and any cryptographic hardware parameters.
v To work with authority records for the local queue manager:
1. Ensure that the local queue manager is running, and select it in the queue
manager list.

Chapter 6. Administering 209

2. Select one of the following options:
– Select More > Manage authority records to work with the authority
records for the queue manager, and specify what actions groups of users
can take.
– Select More > Manage create authority records to work with the create
authority records for the queue manager, and specify what objects groups
of users can create on that queue manager.
For more information about working with authority records, see “Working
with authority records” on page 228.
v To automatically create a dashboard tab for a local queue manager:
1. Select the queue manager in the local queue manager widget.
2. Select More > Add new dashboard tab A new dashboard tab is created. The
tab has the name of the queue manager.
v To filter the list of local queue managers:
1. Type your filter text into the search box.
2. To stop filtering, delete the text from the search box.
v To control the operation of a high availability queue manager:
1. Ensure that the queue manager is running, and select it in the queue
manager list.
2. Select More > High Availability and select one of the following options:
– Add to HA control - add the selected queue manager to the HA group.
– Remove from HA control - remove the queue manager from the HA
group. The queue manager remains as a stand-alone queue manager. You
can select this option only when the queue manager is running on the
current appliance.
– Set preferred location - specify that the current appliance is the preferred
location for the queue manager to run on.
– Clear preferred location - specify that the current appliance is no longer
the preferred location for the queue manager to run on.
– Resolve partitioned data - after a partitioned state, specify that the queue
manager data on the current appliance should be retained, and the data
on the other appliance in the HA pair should be discarded.
You can also add an existing queue manager to the HA group by selecting
More > Add to HA control.
v To add an existing queue manager to a disaster recovery group:
1. Ensure that the queue manager is stopped.
2. Select the queue manager and then select More > Disaster Recovery and
then select Create DR Primary. Alternatively, select More > Create DR
Primary Nature.
3. Specify the name of the appliance that hosts the secondary instance of the
queue manager.
4. Specify the IP address of the appliance that hosts the secondary instance of
the queue manager.
5. Specify the port that is used for data replication on both appliances. The port
number must be between 1025 - 9999 (do not use port 2222, it is reserved by
the appliance).
6. Optionally specify a floating IP address. This is used where you are setting
up a DR configuration for an HA queue manager. This IP address can be

210 IBM MQ Appliance

used to replicate data to the DR appliance, regardless of which HA appliance
the queue manager is currently running on.
7. Click Create.
8. Copy the command that is displayed in the 'Create DR secondary' command
field when the creation of the DR primary completes. You must run this
command on the other appliance in the DR pair before the disaster recovery
configuration is complete.
v To create a secondary instance of a queue manager in a disaster recovery
1. In the Queue Managers widget, select More > Disaster Recovery, then select
Create DR Secondary.
2. Paste the command that you copied when you configured a primary instance
of the queue manager. Pasting the command automatically completes the
Queue manager, Volume size, Primary appliance name, Primary appliance
IP, and DR Port fields with the required values.
3. Click Create.
v To expand the file system of a queue manager:
1. In the Queue Managers widget, select More > Resize queue manager file
2. Specify the new size. This must be the same or greater than the existing size.
3. Click Resize.
This option is not available for high availability or disaster recovery queue
managers, or queue managers that use SAN storage. This option is not available
if the queue manager is running.

Note: Resizing file space for a queue manager does involve some I/O, and
might degrade the performance of other queue managers while the resize is in

Working with IBM MQ objects

You can use the IBM MQ object widgets in the IBM MQ Console to work with the
different types of IBM MQ object.

About this task

Each IBM MQ object widget contains objects that are associated with a specific
queue manager. You can add the following types of IBM MQ object widgets to
your dashboard:
v Queues widget
v Topics widget
v Listeners widget
v Channels widget
v Client-connection channels widget
v Authentication information widget
v Subscriptions widget

Chapter 6. Administering 211

v To create an IBM MQ object widget:

1. Click Add widget .

2. Select the appropriate queue manager from the list.
3. Click the name of the type of object widget that you want to create.
v To configure the IBM MQ object widget:

1. Click the configure icon in the title bar of the widget.

2. Optional: Specify a title for that instance of the widget.
3. Optional: Specify the queue manager that the IBM MQ objects are displayed
4. Optional: Specify whether system objects are shown or hidden.
5. Optional: Specify how many columns are used to display the widget.
6. Click Save.
v To filter the objects that are displayed in the widget:
1. Type your filter text into the search box.
2. To stop filtering, delete the text from the search box.

v To refresh the contents of the widget, click the refresh icon in the title
bar of the widget.

v To remove the widget, click the remove icon in the title bar of the

Working with queues

You can use the Queues widget in the IBM MQ Console to show the queues that
exist for a specific queue manager. You can then add and delete queues, add and
clear messages on a queue, browse messages, view and set the properties of a
queue, and manage the authority records of a queue.

Before you begin

You must create a queues widget before you can use it. For more information
about creating IBM MQ object widgets, see “Working with IBM MQ objects” on
page 211.

About this task

The queues widget lists the queues that exist for a specific queue manager. You can
select individual queues from the list to work with.

v To add a queue:

1. Click the plus icon in the queues widget toolbar.

212 IBM MQ Appliance

2. Enter a name for the queue. Valid characters are letters and numbers and the
“.”, “/”, “_”, and “%” characters.
3. Select the type of queue to add.
4. Click Create. The new queue is created.
v To put messages to a queue:
1. Select the queue that you want to add messages to from the list in the
queues widget. You cannot select a model queue.

2. Click the put message icon in the queues widget toolbar.

3. Enter the message that you want to put onto the queue.
4. Click Put.
v To clear messages from a queue:
1. Select the local queue that you want to clear messages from the list in the
queues widget.
2. Select More > Clear queue.
3. Confirm that you want to clear the queue by clicking Clear Queue.
v To browse messages on a queue:
1. Select the local or alias queue that you want to browse from the list in the
queues widget.

2. Click the browse icon in the queues widget toolbar. The browse
message window opens, displaying messages on the queue.
v To delete a queue:
1. Select the queue that you want to delete from the list in the queues widget.

2. Click the delete icon in the queues widget toolbar.

3. Optional: If the queue has messages on it, confirm that the queue can be
cleared by clicking Clear queue.
4. Confirm that you want to delete the queue by clicking Delete. The queue is
v To view and edit the properties of a queue:
1. Select the queue in the queues widget .

2. Click the properties icon in the queues widget toolbar. Alternatively,

double-click the queue.
3. View the properties and edit them as required. If the property text box is
disabled, the property is read-only, or can be edited only from the command

line. Click the help icon to get information about a property, or view
the property information in IBM Knowledge Center.
v To view and edit authority records for a queue:
1. Select the queue in the widget.

Chapter 6. Administering 213

2. Click More > Manage authority records. The authority records show the
permissions that users and administrators have on the selected queue. For
details of editing the authority records, see “Working with authority records”
on page 228.

Working with topics

You can use the topics widget in the IBM MQ Console to add and delete topics,
and view and set the properties of a topic.

Before you begin

You must create a topics widget before you can use it. For more information about
creating IBM MQ object widgets, see “Working with IBM MQ objects” on page 211.

About this task

The topics widget lists the topics that exist for a specific queue manager. You can
select individual topics from the list to work with.

v To add a topic:

1. Click the plus icon in the topics widget toolbar.

2. Enter a name for the new topic. Valid characters are letters and numbers and
the “.”, “/”, “_”, and “%” characters.
3. Specify the topic string that you publish messages for the topic to. For more
information, see IBM Knowledge Center.
4. Click Create. The new topic is created.
v To delete a topic:
1. Select the topic that you want to delete from the list in the topics widget.

2. Click the delete icon in the topics widget toolbar.

3. Confirm that you want to delete the topic by clicking Delete. The topic is
v To view and edit the properties of a topic:
1. Select the topic in the topics widget.

2. Click the properties icon in the topics widget toolbar. Alternatively,

double-click the topic.
3. View the properties and edit them as required. If the property text box is
disabled, the property is read-only, or can be edited only from the command

line. Click the help icon to get information about a property, or view
the property information in IBM Knowledge Center.
v To publish a message on a topic:

214 IBM MQ Appliance

1. Click the put message icon in the topics widget toolbar.
2. Enter a message in the Message field.
3. Enter the topic string to publish the message on in the Topic string field.
4. Click Publish.
v To subscribe to a topic:

1. Click the subscribe icon in the topics widget toolbar.

2. Enter the topic string to subscribe to in the Topic string field.
3. Click Subscribe.
v To view and edit authority records for a topic:
1. Select the topic in the topics widget.
2. Click the More > Manage authority records. The authority records show the
permissions that users and administrators have on the selected topic. For
details of editing the authority records, see “Working with authority records”
on page 228.

Working with listeners

You can use the listeners widget in the IBM MQ Console to add and delete
listeners, start and stop listeners, view and set listener properties, and manage the
authority records for a listener.

Before you begin

You must create a listeners widget before you can use it. For more information
about creating IBM MQ object widgets, see “Working with IBM MQ objects” on
page 211.

About this task

The listeners widget lists the listeners that exist for a specific queue manager. You
can select individual listeners from the list to work with.

v To add a TCP/IP listener:

1. Click the plus icon in the listeners widget toolbar.

2. Enter a name for the listener. Valid characters are letters and numbers and
the “.”, “/”, “_”, and “%” characters.
3. Enter an available TCP/IP port for the listener. The port number must not
exceed 65535.
4. Click Create. The new listener is created.
v To delete a listener:
1. Select the listener that you want to delete from the list in the listeners

Chapter 6. Administering 215

2. Click the delete icon in the listeners widget toolbar.
3. Confirm that you want to delete the listener by clicking Delete. The listener
is deleted.
v To start a listener:
1. Select the listener that you want to start from the list in the listeners widget.

2. Click the start icon in the listeners widget toolbar.

v To stop a listener:
1. Select the listener that you want to stop from the list in the listeners widget.

2. Click the stop icon in the listeners widget toolbar.

3. Confirm that you want to stop the listener by clicking Stop.
v To view and edit the properties of a listener:
1. Select the listener in the listeners widget.

2. Click the properties icon in the listeners widget toolbar. Alternatively,

double-click the listener.
3. View the properties and edit them as required. If the property text box is
disabled, the property is read-only, or can be edited only from the command

line. Click the help icon to get information about a property, or view
the property information in IBM Knowledge Center.

Note: By default, listeners are created with the control property set to manual.
Set it to Queue Manager to have it start and stop automatically with the queue
manager. On the appliance, listeners always stop automatically when the queue
manager stops, whatever the control property is set to.
v To view and edit authority records for a listener:
1. Select the listener in the listeners widget.
2. Click More > Manage authority records. The authority records show the
permissions that users and administrators have on the selected listener. For
details of editing the authority records, see “Working with authority records”
on page 228.

Working with channels

You can use the channels widget in the IBM MQ Console to add and delete
channels, start and stop channels, reset and resolve channels, and ping channels.
You can also view and set the properties of a channel, and manage authority
records for the channel.

Before you begin

You must create a channels widget before you can use it. For more information
about creating IBM MQ object widgets, see “Working with IBM MQ objects” on
page 211.

216 IBM MQ Appliance

About this task

The channels widget lists the channels that exist for a specific queue manager. You
can select individual channels from the list to work with.

v To add a channel:

1. Click the plus icon in the channels widget toolbar.

2. Enter a name for the channel. Valid characters are letters and numbers and
the “.”, “/”, “_”, and “%” characters.
3. Select the type of channel to add.
4. If you are creating a sender, cluster-sender, or requester channel, specify the
connection name. The connection name is the name of the computer that
hosts the target queue manager. The format of the name is
computer_name(port_number). computer_name is the name or IP address of the
computer that hosts the target queue manager, and port_number is the port
that the target queue manager's listener is using.
5. If you are creating a sender channel or a server channel, specify the
transmission queue that corresponds to the queue manager at the receiver
end of the channel.
6. Click Create. The new channel is created.
v To delete a channel:
1. Select the channel that you want to delete from the list in the channels

2. Click the delete icon in the widget toolbar.

3. Confirm that you want to delete the channel by clicking Delete. The channel
is deleted.
v To start a channel:
1. Select the channel that you want to start from the list in the channels widget.

2. Click the start icon in the widget toolbar.

v To stop a channel:
1. Select the channel that you want to stop from the list in the channels widget.

2. Click the stop icon in the widget toolbar.

3. Confirm that you want to stop the channel by clicking Stop.
v To view the properties of a channel:
1. Select the channel in the channels widget.

2. Click the properties icon in the channels widget toolbar.

Alternatively, double-click the channel.
3. View the properties and edit them as required. If the property text box is
disabled, the property is read-only, or can be edited only from the command

Chapter 6. Administering 217

line. Click the help icon to get information about a property, or view
the property information in IBM Knowledge Center.
v To reset a channel:
1. Select the channel in the channels widget.
2. Click More > Reset.
3. Specify a message sequence number. You need to reset a channel if it will not
start because the two ends disagree about the sequence number of the next
message to send. The message sequence number specifies that number.
4. Click Reset Channel.
v To resolve a channel:
1. Select the channel in the channels widget.
2. Click More > Resolve.
3. Choose whether to commit or back out the current batch of messages by
clicking Commit or Back out.
v To ping a channel:
1. Select the channel in the channels widget.
2. Click More > Ping.
v To view or edit authority records for a channel:
1. Select the channel in the widget.
2. Click More > Manage authority records. The authority records show the
permissions that users and administrators have on the selected channel. For
details of editing the authority records, see “Working with authority records”
on page 228.

Working with client-connection channels

You can use the client-connection channels widget in the IBM MQ Console to add
and delete client-connection channels on a queue manager, view and set the
properties, and manage the authority records for the channel.

Before you begin

You must create a client-connection channels widget before you can use it. For
more information about creating IBM MQ object widgets, see “Working with IBM
MQ objects” on page 211.

About this task

The client-connection channels widget lists the client-connection channels that exist
for a specific queue manager. You can select individual client-connection channels
from the list to work with.

v To add a client-connection channel:

1. Click the plus icon in the client-connection channels widget toolbar.

2. Enter a name for the client-connection channel. Valid characters are letters
and numbers and the “.”, “/”, “_”, and “%” characters.

218 IBM MQ Appliance

3. Specify the connection name. The connection name is the name of the
computer that hosts the target queue manager. The format is
computer_name(port_number), where computer_name is the name or IP address
of the computer that hosts the target queue manager, and port_number is the
port that the target queue manager's listener is using.
4. Click Create. The new client-connection channel is created.
v To delete a client-connection channel:
1. Select the client-connection channel that you want to delete from the list in
the client-connection channels widget.

2. Click the delete icon in the widget toolbar.

3. Confirm that you want to delete the client-connection channel by clicking
Delete. The client-connection channel is deleted.
v To view and edit the properties of a client-connection channel:
1. Select the client-connection channel in the client-connection channels widget.

2. Click the properties icon in the client-connection channels widget

toolbar. Alternatively, double-click the client-connection channel.
3. View the properties and edit them as required. If the property text box is
disabled, the property is read-only, or can be edited only from the command

line. Click the help icon to get information about a property, or view
the property information in IBM Knowledge Center.
v To view and edit authority records for a client-connection channel:
1. Select the client-connection channel in the client-connection channels widget.
2. Click More > Manage Authority Records. The authority records show the
permissions that users and administrators have on the selected
client-connection channel. For details of editing the authority records, see
“Working with authority records” on page 228.

Working with authentication information

You can use the authentication information widget in the IBM MQ Console to add
and delete authentication information objects on a queue manager. You can also
view and set the properties, and manage the authority records for the objects.

Before you begin

You must create an authentication information widget before you can use it. For
more information about creating IBM MQ object widgets, see “Working with IBM
MQ objects” on page 211.

About this task

The authentication information widget lists the authentication information that

exists for a specific queue manager. You can select individual authentication
information from the list to work with.

The queue manager authentication information forms part of IBM MQ support for
Transport Layer Security (TLS). These objects contain the definitions that are
Chapter 6. Administering 219
required to perform certificate revocation checking by using OCSP or Certificate
Revocation Lists (CRLs) on LDAP servers, and the definitions that are required to
enable user ID and password checking.

v To add an authentication information object:

1. Click the plus icon in the authentication information widget toolbar.

2. Specify the name of the authentication information object. Valid characters
are letters and numbers and the “.”, “/”, “_”, and “%” characters.
3. Specify the type of authentication information object.
4. Specify additional information appropriate to the object type:
– For CRL LDAP, specify the LDAP server name. This name is the host name,
IPv4 dotted decimal address, or IPv6 hexadecimal notation of the host on
which the LDAP server is running, with an optional port number.
– For OCSP, specify the OCSP responder URL. This URL is the URL of the
responder that is used to check for certificate revocation. This value must
be an HTTP URL containing the host name and port number of the OCSP
responder. If the OCSP responder is using port 80, which is the default for
HTTP, then the port number can be omitted. HTTP URLs are defined in
RFC 1738.
– For IDPW LDAP, specify the LDAP server name and the Short user name.
The LDAP server name is the host name, IPv4 dotted decimal address, or
IPv6 hexadecimal notation of the host on which the LDAP server is
running, with an optional port number. The short user name is the field in
the LDAP user record that is used as a short name for the connection.
5. Click Create.
v To delete an authentication information object:
1. Select the authentication information object that you want to delete from the
list in the widget.

2. Click the delete icon in the widget toolbar.

3. Confirm that you want to delete the authentication information object by
clicking Delete. The object is deleted.
v To view and edit the properties of an authentication information object:
1. Select the authentication information object in the widget.

2. Click the properties icon in the widget toolbar. Alternatively,

double-click the authentication information object.
3. View the properties and edit them as required. If the property text box is
disabled, the property is read-only, or can be edited only from the command

line. Click the help icon to get information about each property.
v To view and edit authority records for an authentication information object:
1. Select the authentication information object in the authentication information

220 IBM MQ Appliance

2. Click More > Manage Authority Records. The authority records show the
permissions that users and administrators have on the selected authentication
information object. For details of editing the authority records, see “Working
with authority records” on page 228.

Working with subscriptions

You can use the subscriptions widget in the IBM MQ Console to add and delete
subscriptions on a queue manager, view and set the properties, and manage the
authority records for the subscriptions.

Before you begin

You must create a subscriptions widget before you can use it. For more
information about creating IBM MQ object widgets, see “Working with IBM MQ
objects” on page 211.

About this task

Subscriptions are issued to a queue manager and contain information about the
publications the subscriber wants to receive:
v The topic string that the subscriber is interested in; this topic can resolve to
multiple topic strings if wildcards are used.
v An optional selection string to be applied to published messages.
v The name of the queue on which selected publications are placed.

For more information about subscriptions, see Subscribers and subscriptions and
DEFINE SUB in the IBM MQ documentation.

v To add a subscription object:

1. Click the plus icon in the subscriptions widget toolbar.

2. Specify the name of the object. Valid characters are letters and numbers and
the “.”, “/”, “_”, and “%” characters.
3. Select a Destination class of Managed or Provided. If you select Managed, a
destination is created on the local queue manager.
4. If you select a destination class of Provided, in the Destination field, specify
the name of the queue to which messages for this subscription are
5. In the Topic string field, specify the topic string to subscribe to.
6. Select a Wildcard usage setting. Select Character level wildcard to specify
that wildcard characters represent portions of strings. Select Topic level
wildcard to specify that wildcard characters represent portions of the topic
7. Select a Scope. Select All so the subscription is forwarded to all queue
managers directly connected through a publish/subscribe collective or
hierarchy. Select Queue manager so subscription forwards messages that are
published on the topic only within this queue manager.
8. Optional: Specify a Selector. A selection string is an expression that is
applied to a publication to determine whether it matches a subscription.

Chapter 6. Administering 221

9. Click Create.
v To delete a subscription object:
1. Select the subscription object that you want to delete from the list in the
subscriptions widget.

2. Click the delete icon in the widget toolbar.

3. Confirm that you want to delete the subscription object by clicking Delete.
The object is deleted.
v To view and edit the properties of a subscription object:
1. Select the subscription object in the widget.

2. Click the properties icon in the widget toolbar. Alternatively,

double-click the subscription object.
3. View the properties and edit them as required. If the property text box is
disabled, the property is read-only, or can be edited only from the command

line. Click the help icon to get information about each property.

Working with channel authentication records

You can use the channel authentication records widget in the IBM MQ Console to
add and delete channel authentication records on a queue manager. You can also
view and set the properties for channel authentication records.

Before you begin

You must create a channel authentication records widget before you can use it. For
more information about creating IBM MQ object widgets, see “Working with IBM
MQ objects” on page 211.

About this task

To exercise more precise control over the access that is granted to connecting
systems at a channel level, you can use channel authentication records.

To enforce security, you can use blocking channel authentication records to block
access to your channels. You can also use address map channel authentication
records to allow access to specified users. To learn more about channel
authentication records, see Channel authentication records in the IBM MQ

v To add a channel authentication record with an SSL/TLS distinguished name
identity, see “Creating channel authentication records with an SSL/TLS
Distinguished Name identity” on page 223.
v To add a channel authentication record with a client application user ID identity,
see “Creating channel authentication records with a client application user ID
identity” on page 224.

222 IBM MQ Appliance

v To add a channel authentication record with a remote queue manager name
identity, see “Creating channel authentication records with a remote queue
manager name identity” on page 225.
v To add a channel authentication record with an address identity, see “Creating
channel authentication records with an IP address identity” on page 226.
v To delete a channel authentication record:
1. Select the channel authentication record that you want to delete from the list
in the channel authentication records widget.

2. Click the delete icon in the widget toolbar.

3. Confirm that you want to delete the channel authentication record by
clicking Delete. The channel authentication record is deleted.
v To view and edit the properties of a channel authentication record:
1. Select the channel authentication record that you want to edit from the list in
the channel authentication record widget.

2. Click the properties icon in the widget toolbar. Alternatively,

double-click the channel authentication record.
3. View the properties and edit them as required. If the property text box is
disabled, the property is read-only, or can be edited only from the command

line. Click the help icon to get information about each property.

Creating channel authentication records with an SSL/TLS Distinguished Name


You can use the channel authentication records widget to create allowing, blocking,
and warning channel authentication records with an SSL/TLS Distinguished Name
identity. The SSL/TLS distinguished name identity matches to users who present
an SSL or TLS personal certificate that contains a specified Distinguished Name.

Before you begin

You must create a channel authentication records widget before you can use it. For
more information about creating IBM MQ object widgets, see “Working with IBM
MQ objects” on page 211.


To add a channel authentication record:

1. Click the plus icon in the channel authentication record widget

2. Select the Rule Type to indicate what type of rule you want on the channel
authentication record:
v Select Allow to allow access to inbound connections.
v Select Block to block access to inbound connections.
v Select Warn to warn about access to inbound connections that would be
blocked. The connection is allowed access, and an error message is

Chapter 6. Administering 223

reported. If events are configured, an event message is created that shows
the details of what would be blocked. Only matched rules are reported.
3. Select the SSL/TLS Distinguished Name identity type from the list.
4. Click Next
5. Specify a Profile Name. The profile name is the name of the channel or set of
channels for which you are setting the channel authentication. The profile can
contain wildcards so that you can block a range of channels. For example, the
profile alphadelta* blocks channels named alphadelta1, alphadelta2,
alphdelta3 and so on.
6. Specify the Peer Name. For example, CN=John Smith, O=IBM,OU=Test , C=GB.
For more information about peer names, see WebSphere MQ rules for
SSLPEER values in the IBM MQ documentation.
7. Optional: Specify the Address filter that is used. The address is the IP address
that is expected at the other end of the channel.
8. Optional: Specify the SSL cert issuer name. The SSL cert issuer name is the
name of the certificate authority that the SSL/TLS certificate must be issued
9. Optional: Click Next.
10. Optional: For an Allow rule type, you can optionally specify the User source
for the channel authentication record. The user source specifies the source of
the user ID that is used when the inbound connection matches the SSL/TLS
Distinguished Name.
v The Channel option specifies that inbound connections that match the
mapping use the flowed user ID or any user that is defined on the channel
v The Map option specifies that inbound connections that match the mapping
use the user ID that is specified in the MCA user ID field.
11. Optional: Click Next.
12. Optional: Specify a Description for the channel authentication record.
13. Click Create. The new channel authentication record is created.

Creating channel authentication records with a client application user ID


You can use the channel authentication records widget to create allowing, blocking,
and warning channel authentication records with a client application user ID
identity. The client application user ID identity matches to client application IDs
from a client-connection channel.

Before you begin

You must create a channel authentication records widget before you can use it. For
more information about creating IBM MQ object widgets, see “Working with IBM
MQ objects” on page 211.


To add a channel authentication record:

1. Click the plus icon in the channel authentication record widget


224 IBM MQ Appliance

2. Select the Rule Type to indicate what type of rule you want on the channel
authentication record:
v Select Allow to allow access to inbound connections.
v Select Block to block access to inbound connections.
v Select Warn to warn about access to inbound connections that would be
blocked. The connection is allowed access, and an error message is
reported. If events are configured, an event message is created that shows
the details of what would be blocked. Only matched rules are reported.
3. Select the Client application user ID identity type from the list.
4. Click Next.
5. Specify a Profile Name. The profile name is the name of the channel or set of
channels for which you are setting the channel authentication. The profile can
contain wildcards so that you can block a range of channels. For example, the
profile alphadelta* blocks channels named alphadelta1, alphadelta2,
alphdelta3 and so on.
6. Specify the Client user ID. The client user ID is the user ID of the client that
you want to allow, block, or warn about.
7. Optional: Specify the Address filter that is used. The address is the IP address
that is expected at the other end of the channel.
8. Optional: Click Next.
9. Optional: For an Allow rule type, you can optionally specify the User source
for the channel authentication record. The user source specifies the source of
the user ID that is used when the inbound connection matches the client user
v The Channel option specifies that inbound connections that match the
mapping use the flowed user ID or any user that is defined on the channel
v The Map option specifies that inbound connections that match the mapping
use the user ID that is specified in the MCA user ID field.
10. Optional: Click Next.
11. Optional: Specify a Description for the channel authentication record.
12. Click Create. The new channel authentication record is created.

Creating channel authentication records with a remote queue manager name


You can use the channel authentication records widget to create allowing, blocking,
and warning channel authentication records with a remote queue manager name
identity. The remote queue manager name identity matches to the specified queue

Before you begin

You must create a channel authentication records widget before you can use it. For
more information about creating IBM MQ object widgets, see “Working with IBM
MQ objects” on page 211.


To add a channel authentication record:

Chapter 6. Administering 225

1. Click the plus icon in the channel authentication record widget
2. Select the Rule Type to indicate what type of rule you want on the channel
authentication record:
v Select Allow to allow access to inbound connections.
v Select Block to block access to inbound connections.
v Select Warn to warn about access to inbound connections that would be
blocked. The connection is allowed access, and an error message is
reported. If events are configured, an event message is created that shows
the details of what would be blocked. Only matched rules are reported.
3. Select the Remote queue manager name identity type from the list.
4. Click Next
5. Specify a Profile Name. The profile name is the name of the channel or set of
channels for which you are setting the channel authentication. The profile can
contain wildcards so that you can block a range of channels. For example, the
profile alphadelta* blocks channels named alphadelta1, alphadelta2,
alphdelta3 and so on.
6. Specify the Queue manager name. The queue manager name specifies the
name of the remote queue manager that you want to allow, block, or warn
7. Optional: Specify the Address filter that is used. The address is the IP address
that is expected at the other end of the channel.
8. Optional: Click Next.
9. Optional: For an Allow rule type, you can optionally specify the User source
for the channel authentication record. The user source specifies the source of
the user ID that is used when the inbound connection matches the remote
queue manager name.
v The Channel option specifies that inbound connections that match the
mapping use the flowed user ID or any user that is defined on the channel
v The Map option specifies that inbound connections that match the mapping
use the user ID that is specified in the MCA user ID field.
10. Optional: Click Next.
11. Optional: Specify a Description for the channel authentication record.
12. Click Create. The new channel authentication record is created.

Creating channel authentication records with an IP address identity:

You can use the channel authentication records widget to create allowing, blocking,
and warning channel authentication records with an address identity. The address
identity matches to specific IP addresses.

Before you begin

You must create a channel authentication records widget before you can use it. For
more information about creating IBM MQ object widgets, see “Working with IBM
MQ objects” on page 211.

226 IBM MQ Appliance


To add a channel authentication record:

1. Click the plus icon in the channel authentication record widget

2. Select the Rule Type to indicate what type of rule you want on the channel
authentication record:
v Select Allow to allow access to inbound connections.
v Select Block to block access to inbound connections.
v Select Warn to warn about access to inbound connections that would be
blocked. The connection is allowed access, and an error message is
reported. If events are configured, an event message is created that shows
the details of what would be blocked. Only matched rules are reported.
3. Select the Address identity type from the list.
4. Click Next
5. Optional: For a Block or Warn rule type, specify When to match. You can
choose from these options:
v At the listener. This option attempts to match the rule at the listener.
v At the channel. This option attempts to match the rule at the channel.
6. Specify a Profile Name. The profile name is the name of the channel or set of
channels for which you are setting the channel authentication. The profile can
contain wildcards so that you can block a range of channels. For example, the
profile alphadelta* blocks channels named alphadelta1, alphadelta2,
alphdelta3 and so on.
7. Specify an Address. The address is the IP address or a comma-separated list
of IP addresses that are allowed or blocked.
8. Optional: Click Next.
9. Optional: For an Allow rule type, you can optionally specify the User source
for the channel authentication record. The user source specifies the source of
the user ID that is used when the inbound connection matches the remote
queue manager name.
v The Channel option specifies that inbound connections that match the
mapping use the flowed user ID or any user that is defined on the channel
v The Map option specifies that inbound connections that match the mapping
use the user ID that is specified in the MCA user ID field.
10. Optional: Click Next.
11. Optional: Specify a Description for the channel authentication record.
12. Click Create. The new channel authentication record is created.

Creating channel authentication records with a final assigned user ID identity:

You can use the channel authentication records widget to create blocking and
warning channel authentication records with a final assigned user ID identity. The
final assigned user ID identity matches to list of specified user IDs from a server

Chapter 6. Administering 227

About this task


To add a channel authentication record:

1. Click the plus icon in the channel authentication record widget toolbar.
2. Select the Rule Type to indicate what type of rule you want on the channel
authentication record:
v Select Block to block access to inbound connections.
v Select Warn to warn about access to inbound connections that would be
blocked. The connection is allowed access, and an error message is reported.
If events are configured, an event message is created that shows the details
of what would be blocked. Only matched rules are reported.
3. Select the Final assigned user ID identity type from the list.
4. Click Next
5. Specify a Profile Name. The profile name is the name of the channel or set of
channels for which you are setting the channel authentication. The profile can
contain wildcards so that you can block a range of channels. For example, the
profile alphadelta* blocks channels named alphadelta1, alphadelta2, alphdelta3
and so on.
6. Specify the User list. The user list is a comma-separated list of user IDs to be
blocked from the channel.
7. Optional: Click Next.
8. Optional: Specify a Description for the channel authentication record.
9. Click Create. The new channel authentication record is created.

Working with authority records

You can control the access that groups have to queue managers and IBM MQ
objects by specifying an authority record for that group.

About this task

You can fine-tune the access that a group of messaging users has to a particular
queue manager or IBM MQ object by using authority records. You configure the
authority record in the same way for all object types by using the same procedure,
although the actual permissions that you configure depend on the object type.

For example, contrast the different permissions that are available for a queue
manager and a queue, as illustrated in the following images:

228 IBM MQ Appliance

Chapter 6. Administering 229
v To view or edit an authority record for an IBM MQ object:
1. Select the object in a widget on the dashboard. The associated queue
manager must be running.
2. From the appropriate widget toolbar, select More > Manage Authority
3. Select the group that you want to view the authority record for. The
authorities for that group are displayed.
4. Select or clear authorities as required. Different authorities are available
depending on the type of object that you are creating an authority record for.
5. Click Save.
v To view or edit a create authority record for a queue manager:
1. Select the queue manager in a queue manager widget on the dashboard. The
queue manager must be running.
2. From the widget toolbar, select More > Manage Create Authority Records.
3. Select the group that you want to view the create authority record for. The
authorities for that group are displayed.
4. Select or clear create authorities as required.

230 IBM MQ Appliance

5. Click Save.
v To create an authority record for an IBM MQ object:
1. Select the IBM MQ object in a widget on the dashboard. The associated
queue manager must be running.
2. From the widget toolbar, select More > Manage Authority Records.

3. Click the plus icon .

4. Specify the name of the user or group that you are creating the authority
record for. The user or group must exist.
5. Select the Entity Type to specify whether the entity is a user or a group.
6. Click Create.
7. Select or clear the authorities that you want the user or group to have.
Different authorities are available for each type of object.
8. Click Save.
v To create an authority record for creating objects on a queue manager:
1. Select the queue manager in a widget on the dashboard. The queue manager
must be running.
2. From the widget toolbar, select More > Manage Create Authority Records.

3. Click the plus icon .

4. Specify the name of the user or group that you are creating the authority
record for. The user or group must exist.
5. Select the Entity Type to specify whether the entity is a user or a group.
6. Click Create.
7. Select or clear the create authorities that you want the user or group to have.
8. Click Save.

Monitoring system resource usage

You use the Charts widget in the IBM MQ Console to view monitoring data for
queue managers.

About this task

You add a Charts widget to your dashboard and then configure it to monitor a
particular aspect of resource usage. You can create many instances of the Charts
widget to display different data. The data is displayed in a chart format.

Data is collected at 10-second intervals. The X-axis of the chart displays a timeline.
The Y-axis displays units appropriate to the resource that you are viewing. The
Y-axis is dynamically resized to accommodate the data that is returned.

You must have at least one running queue manager before you can configure a
chart widget.

Chapter 6. Administering 231

1. Add a Charts widget to your dashboard:

a. Click Add widget .

b. Select Charts.
2. Configure the Charts widget to show data:

a. Click the configure icon in the title bar of the Charts widget.
b. Optional: Enter a Widget title. This title is shown in the title bar of the
c. Select the Resource class to monitor:
Platform central processing units
Monitor the usage of the CPUs.
Platform persistent data stores
Monitor the use of disk resource.
API usage statistics
Monitor API calls.
API per-queue usage statistics
Monitor API calls by individual queues. When you choose this class,
you specify the queue name to monitor in the Object field.
d. Select the Resource type to monitor. The resource types that are available to
select depend on the resource class that is selected. The following table
shows the resource types:
Table 22. Resource types
Class Type Description
Platform central CPU performance – platform Select this type to view performance
processing units wide data for the CPUs and memory.
CPU performance – running Select this type to view performance
queue manager data for the CPUs and memory that is
related to the queue managers that you
are monitoring. A queue manager must
be running for you to monitor it. If you
are monitoring results from more than
one queue manager, different colors are
used to distinguish the performance
data in the chart.
Platform Disk usage – platform wide Select this type to view performance
persistent data data for global disk usage.
Disk usage - running queue Select this type to view performance
managers data for the disk usage that is related
to the queue managers that you are
monitoring. A queue manager must be
running for you to monitor it. If you
are monitoring results from more than
one queue manager, different colors are
used to distinguish the performance
data in the chart.

232 IBM MQ Appliance

Table 22. Resource types (continued)
Class Type Description
Disk usage - queue manager Select this type to view data on how
recovery log disk storage is being used for the
recovery log of each queue manager
that you are monitoring.
API usage MQCONN and MQDISC Select this type to view data on
statistics MQCONN and MQDISC calls.
MQOPEN and MQCLOSE Select this type to view data on
MQINQ and MQSET Select this type to view data on
MQINQ and MQSET calls.
MQPUT Select this type to view data on
MQPUT-related calls.
MQGET Select this type to view data on
MQGET-related calls.
Commit and rollback Select this type to view information
about the use of sync points by the
queue manager.
Subscribe Select this type to view data that is
related to MQSUB calls.
Publish Select this type to view data about
published messages.
API per-queue MQOPEN and MQCLOSE Select this type to view data on
usage statistics MQOPEN and MQCLOSE calls for the
specified queue.
MQINQ and MQSET Select this type to view data on
MQINQ and MQSET calls for the
specified queue.
MQPUT and MQPUT1 Select this type to view data on
MQPUT-related and MQPUT1-related
calls for the specified queue.
MQGET Select this type to view data on
MQGET-related calls for the specified

e. Select the Resource element to monitor: The resource elements that are
available to select depend on the resource class and resource type that are
selected. The following tables show the resource elements:
Table 23. Elements for Platform central processing units resources
Type Element Description
CPU performance – User CPU time percentage Shows the percentage of CPU busy
platform wide in user state.
System CPU time percentage Shows the percentage of CPU busy
in system state.
CPU load – one-minute Shows the load average over 1
average minute.
CPU load – five-minute Shows the load average over 5
average minutes.

Chapter 6. Administering 233

Table 23. Elements for Platform central processing units resources (continued)
Type Element Description
CPU load – fifteen-minute Shows the load average over fifteen
average minutes.
RAM free percentage Shows the percentage of free RAM
RAM total bytes Shows the total bytes of RAM
CPU performance – User CPU time - percentage Estimates the percentage of CPU use
running queue estimate for queue manager in user state for processes that are
manager related to the queue managers that
are being monitored.
System CPU time - percentage Estimates the percentage of CPU use
estimate for queue manager in system state for processes that are
related to the queue managers that
are being monitored.
RAM total bytes - estimate for Estimates the total bytes of RAM in
queue managers use by the queue managers that are
being monitored.

Table 24. Elements for Platform persistent data stores resources

Type Element Description
Disk usage – platform MQ trace file system - Shows the number of bytes of disk
wide bytes in use storage that are being used by the
trace file system.
MQ trace file system - Shows the disk storage that is
free space reserved for the trace file system
that is free.
MQ errors file system - Shows the number of bytes of disk
bytes in use storage that is being used by error
MQ errors file system - Shows the disk storage that is
free space reserved for error data that is free.
MQ FDC file count Shows the current number of FDC
Appliance data - bytes in Shows the overall disk usage.
Appliance data - free Shows the overall free space.
System volume - bytes in
System volume - free
Disk usage - running Queue Manager file Shows the number of bytes of disk
queue managers system - bytes in use storage that is used by queue
manager files for the queue
managers that you are monitoring.
Queue Manager file Shows the disk storage that is
system - free space reserved for queue manager files
that is free.

234 IBM MQ Appliance

Table 24. Elements for Platform persistent data stores resources (continued)
Type Element Description
Disk usage - queue Log - bytes in use Shows the number of bytes of disk
manager recovery log storage that is used for the recovery
logs of the queue managers that you
are monitoring.
Log - bytes max Shows the maximum bytes of disk
storage that is configured to be used
for queue manager recovery logs.
Log file system - bytes in Shows the total number of disk
use bytes in use for the log file system.
Log file system - bytes Shows the number of disk bytes that
max are configured for the log file
Log - physical bytes Shows the number of bytes being
written written to the recovery logs.
Log - logical bytes Shows the logical number of bytes
written written to the recovery logs.
Log - write latency Shows a measure of the latency
when writing synchronously to the
queue manager recovery log.

Table 25. Elements for API usage statistics resources

Type Element Description
MQCONN and MQDISC MQCONN/MQCONNX Shows the number of calls
count to MQCONN and
Failed MQCONN/ Shows the number of failed
MQCONNX count calls to MQCONN and
Concurrent connections - high Shows the maximum
water mark number of concurrent
connections in the current
statistics interval.
MQDISC count Shows the number of calls
MQOPEN and MQCLOSE MQOPEN count Shows the number of calls
Failed MQOPEN count Shows the number of failed
calls to MQOPEN.
MQCLOSE count Shows the number of calls
Failed MQCLOSE count Shows the number of failed
calls to MQCLOSE.
MQINQ and MQSET MQINQ count Shows the number of calls
Failed MQINQ count Shows the number of failed
calls to MQINQ.
MQSET count Shows the number of calls

Chapter 6. Administering 235

Table 25. Elements for API usage statistics resources (continued)
Type Element Description
Failed MQSET count Shows the number of failed
calls to MQSET.
MQPUT Interval total Shows the number of calls
Interval total Shows the total bytes of
MQPUT/MQPUT1 byte count data that is put by calls to
Non-persistent message Shows the number of
MQPUT count non-persistent messages that
are put by MQPUT.
Persistent message MQPUT Shows the number of
count persistent messages that are
put by MQPUT.
Failed MQPUT count Shows the number of failed
calls to MQPUT.
Non-persistent message Shows the number of
MQPUT1 count non-persistent messages that
are put by MQPUT1.
Persistent message MQPUT1 Shows the number of
count persistent messages that are
put by MQPUT1.
Failed MQPUT1 count Shows the number of failed
calls to MQPUT1.
Put non-persistent message - Shows the number of bytes
byte count put in non-persistent
Put persistent message - byte Shows the number of bytes
count put in persistent messages.
MQSTAT count Shows the number of calls
Failed MQSTAT count Shows the number of failed
calls to MQSTAT.
MQGET Interval total destructive get - Number of messages that
count are removed from queues
Interval total destructive get - Bytes of data that is
byte count removed from queues by
Non-persistent message Number of non-persistent
destructive get - count messages that are removed
from queues by MQGET.
Persistent message destructive Number of persistent
get - count messages that are removed
from queues by MQGET.
Failed MQGET - count Shows the number of failed
calls to MQGET.
Got non-persistent messages - Shows a count of bytes of
byte count non-persistent messages that
are returned to MQGET.

236 IBM MQ Appliance

Table 25. Elements for API usage statistics resources (continued)
Type Element Description
Got persistent messages - byte Shows a count of bytes of
count persistent messages that are
returned to MQGET.
Non-persistent message Shows a count of
browse - count non-persistent messages that
have been browsed.
Persistent message browse - Shows a count of persistent
count messages that have been
Failed browse count Shows a count of failed
message browses.
Non-persistent message Shows the number of bytes
browse - byte count of non-persistent messages
that have been browsed.
Persistent message browse - Shows the number of bytes
byte count of persistent messages that
have been browsed.
Expired message count Shows a count of expired
Purged queue count Shows a count of queues
that have been purged.
MQCB count Shows the number of calls
to MQCB.
Failed MQCB count Shows the number of failed
calls to MQCB.
MQCTL count Shows the number of calls
Failed MQCTL count Shows the number of failed
calls to MQCTL.
Commit and rollback Commit count Shows the number of calls
Failed commit count Shows the number of failed
calls to MQCMIT.
Rollback count Shows the number of calls
Subscribe Create durable subscription Shows the number of calls
count to MQSUB to create durable
Alter durable subscription Shows the number of calls
count to MQSUB to alter durable
Resume durable subscription Shows the number of calls
count to MQSUB to resume
durable subscriptions.
Create non-durable Shows the number of calls
subscription count to MQSUB to create
non-durable subscriptions.

Chapter 6. Administering 237

Table 25. Elements for API usage statistics resources (continued)
Type Element Description
Alter non-durable Shows the number of calls
subscription count to MQSUB to alter
non-durable subscriptions.
Resume non-durable Shows the number of calls
subscription count to MQSUB to resume
non-durable subscriptions.
Failed create/alter/resume Shows the number of failed
subscription count calls to MQSUBRQ to create,
alter, or resume
Delete durable subscription Shows the number of calls
count to MQSUB to delete durable
Delete non-durable Shows the number of calls
subscription count to MQSUB to delete
non-durable subscriptions.
Subscription delete failure Shows the number of calls
count to MQSUB to delete
MQSUBRQ count Shows the number of calls
Failed MQSUBRQ count Shows the number of failed
calls to MQSUBRQ
Durable subscriber - high Shows the maximum
water mark number of durable
subscriptions in the current
statistics interval.
Durable subscriber - low Shows the minimum
water mark number of durable
subscriptions in the current
statistics interval.
Non-durable subscriber - high Shows the maximum
water mark number of non-durable
subscriptions in the current
statistics interval.
Non-durable subscriber - low Shows the minimum
water mark number of non-durable
subscriptions in the current
statistics interval.
Publish Topic MQPUT/MQPUT1 The number of messages
interval total that are put to topics.
Interval total topic bytes put The number of message
bytes put to topics.
Published to subscribers - Shows the number of
message count messages that are published
to subscribers.
Published to subscribers - Shows the byte count of
byte count messages that are published
to subscribers.

238 IBM MQ Appliance

Table 25. Elements for API usage statistics resources (continued)
Type Element Description
Non-persistent - topic Shows the number of
MQPUT/MQPUT1 count non-persistent messages that
are put to topics.
Persistent - topic Shows the number of
MQPUT/MQPUT1 count persistent messages that are
put to topics.
Failed topic Shows the number of failed
MQPUT/MQPUT1 count attempts to put to a topic.

Table 26. Elements for API per-queue usage statistics resources

Type Element Description
MQOPEN and MQCLOSE MQOPEN count Shows the number of calls
MQCLOSE count Shows the number of calls
MQINQ and MQSET MQINQ count Shows the number of calls
MQSET count Shows the number of calls
MQPUT and MQPUT1 MQPUT/MQPUT1 count Shows the number of calls
to MQPUT and MQPUT1.
MQPUT byte count Shows the total bytes of
data that is put by calls to
MQPUT non-persistent Shows the number of
message count non-persistent messages that
are put by MQPUT.
MQPUT persistent message Shows the number of
count persistent messages that are
put by MQPUT.
MQPUT1 non-persistent Shows the number of
message count non-persistent messages that
are put by MQPUT1.
MQPUT1 persistent message Shows the number of
count persistent messages that are
put by MQPUT1.
Non-persistent byte count Shows the number of bytes
put in non-persistent
Persistent byte count Shows the number of bytes
put in persistent messages.
Queue avoided puts
Queue avoided bytes
Lock contention
MQGET byte count

Chapter 6. Administering 239

Table 26. Elements for API per-queue usage statistics resources (continued)
Type Element Description
Destructive MQGET Number of non-persistent
non-persistent message count messages that are removed
from the queue by MQGET.
Destructive MQGET Number of persistent
persistent message count messages that are removed
from the queue by MQGET.
Destructive MQGET Shows a count of bytes of
non-persistent byte count non-persistent messages that
are returned to MQGET.
Destructive MQGET Shows a count of bytes of
persistent byte count persistent messages that are
returned to MQGET.
MQGET browse Shows a count of
non-persistent message count non-persistent messages that
have been browsed.
MQGET browse persistent Shows a count of persistent
message count messages that have been
MQGET browse Shows the number of bytes
non-persistent byte count of non-persistent messages
that have been browsed.
MQGET browse persistent Shows the number of bytes
byte count of persistent messages that
have been browsed.
Messages expired Shows a count of expired
Queue purged count Shows a count of queues
that have been purged.
Average queue time
Queue time

f. Select a queue manager to monitor, and specify the color to display

information in for that queue manager. Click Add to add more queue
managers. You can specify up to five queue managers.
g. Click Save.


After you configure the widget, there is a short delay before data is displayed in
the chart. Data is displayed along a time axis. Each data point represents the end
of the 10-second period over which the data is collected. You can hover over data
points in the chart to see detailed information as shown in the following example:

240 IBM MQ Appliance

Interpreting CPU monitoring information
You can use the CPU monitoring information to see how well used your appliance

You can view the CPU monitoring information graphically by using the IBM MQ
Console, or you can view a text report by using the status command. Using the
IBM MQ Console gives you an ongoing view.

Two types of CPU statistics are reported: time percentage and CPU load. You can
view CPU time percentage information for the appliance as a whole, or for a
specified queue manager. CPU load is reported for the appliance as a whole.

Time percentage - appliance wide

The status command reports the total CPU percentage used. You can configure the
chart widget in the IBM MQ Console to display either percentage of system CPU
usage, or percentage of user CPU usage.

Time percentage - specified queue manager

The status command reports the total CPU percentage used by the specified
running queue manager. You can configure the chart widget in the IBM MQ
Console to display either percentage of system CPU usage, or percentage of user
CPU usage for the running queue managers. The chart widget plots a line for each
running queue manager on the appliance.

CPU load

The system load is a measure of the amount of computational work that a

computer system performs. The load average represents the average system load
over a period of time. It appears in the form of three numbers that represent the
system load during the last one-, five-, and fifteen-minute periods. Each process
using or waiting for CPU (the ready queue or run queue) increments the load
number by 1. Each process that terminates decrements it by 1.

The IBM MQ Appliance M2000A/M2001A contains 20 cores, and a load average of

20 corresponds to the machine being 100% used. A load average of 10 correlates
with the appliance being 50% loaded, and a load average of 40 corresponds to the
machine having double the work requested that it can process. (The IBM MQ

Chapter 6. Administering 241

Appliance M2000B/M2001B contains 6 cores.)

Example status output

In the following example, the appliance is 75% CPU used, of which the queue
manager (PERF0) is using approximately 7%.
mqa(mqcli)# status
Memory: 16297MB used, 189.1GB total [8%]
CPU: 75%
CPU load: 6.62, 6.19, 5.07
Internal disk: 786432MB allocated, 2979.5GB total [26%]
System volume: 5270MB used, 14.7GB allocated [35%]
MQ errors file system: 175MB used, 2 FDCs, 15.8GB allocated [1%]
MQ trace file system: 3034MB used, 31.5GB allocated [9%]

mqa(mqcli)# status PERF0

QM(PERF0) Status(Running)
CPU: 7.29%
Memory: 209MB
Queue manager file system: 1230MB used, 63.0GB allocated [2%]

Configuring dashboard layouts

A dashboard is a container in the IBM MQ Console in which widgets are shown.

You can create multiple dashboard tabs to show different selections of information.

About this task

You can configure each dashboard tab by clicking the arrow next to the tab name

. You can change the tab name, and add a description for the tab. You
can also configure how many columns the tab has.

You can configure the layout of the widgets within a dashboard tab by dragging
and dropping the widgets.

Creating and deleting dashboard tabs

You can automatically create a dashboard tab that shows information about a
specific local queue manager. You can manually create and delete dashboard tabs.

About this task

When you automatically create a dashboard tab to show information about a

specific local queue manager, the following widgets are automatically added:
v Queues widget
v Client-connection channels widget
v Channels widget
v Listeners widget
v Subscriptions widget
v Topics widget

242 IBM MQ Appliance

v Authentication information widget

v To create a dashboard tab:
1. Click the plus icon next to your existing dashboard tabs

2. Enter a name for the new tab.
3. Optional: Enter a description for the new tab.
4. Click Add.
v To automatically create a dashboard tab for a specific queue manager:
1. Select the queue manager in the local queue manager widget.
2. Select More > Add new dashboard tab A new dashboard tab is created. The
tab has the name of the queue manager.
v To delete a dashboard tab:

1. Click the arrow next to the dashboard tab name .

2. Select Delete tab.
3. Confirm that you want to delete the dashboard tab by clicking Delete. The
tab is deleted.

Importing and exporting dashboard layouts

You can save a dashboard layout by exporting it from the IBM MQ Console. You
can import a saved dashboard layout into the IBM MQ Console.

About this task

When you export a dashboard, you create a .json file on your local disk.
Subsequently, you can import the .json file to a dashboard to re-create the layout.
When you import a dashboard layout, you can choose to add the imported tabs to
an existing dashboard layout. Alternatively, you can replace the existing dashboard
layout with the imported layout.

v To export a dashboard layout:

1. Click the dashboard menu icon .

2. Click the export icon . The file is saved to

your browser download folder.
v To import a dashboard layout:

1. Click the dashboard menu icon .

Chapter 6. Administering 243

2. Click the import dashboard icon . The
Import Dashboard Configuration window opens.
3. Click Browse and browse for the location of the file that contains your
4. Choose how to import the dashboard tabs: You can choose from the
following options:
– Append imported dashboard tabs to existing dashboard
– Replace existing dashboard with imported dashboard tabs
5. Click Import. The dashboard tabs are imported.

Administering IBM MQ by using the REST API

You can administer IBM MQ objects, such as queue managers and queues, by
using the administrative REST API. Information is sent to, and received by, the
administrative REST API in the JSON format.

The default URL to access the administrative REST API is:

Version 9.0.4 and later: https://localhost:5554/ibmmq/rest/v1/admin

Version 9.0.3 and earlier: https://localhost:5554/ibmmq/rest/v1

The port number is the same as that used by the appliance REST management
interface, see “Configuring the REST management interface” on page 145.

To use the administrative REST API, you must be a user with access to the
mq/webadmin or mq/webuser resource, and read access to the login/rest-mgmt
resource (see “User authorization, credential mapping, and access profiles” on page
332 and “Access policies” on page 333).

For detailed information, see Using the administrative REST API in the IBM MQ

Message queue control commands

You can control message queues by using MQSC commands that are issued on the
IBM MQ Appliance command line.

To use the IBM MQ control commands, you must enter the IBM MQ
administration mode by entering the command mqcli on the command line. You
can exit the IBM MQ administration mode by entering the command exit.

The following control commands are available on the IBM MQ Appliance.

Command Description
“addmqm” on page 524 Add an existing queue manager that uses SAN storage (used
for recovery).
“crtmqm” on page 456 Create a queue manager.
“dltmqm” on page 459 Delete a queue manager.
“dmpmqcfg” on page 460 Dump the configuration of a queue manager.
“dspmq” on page 463 Display information about queue managers.

244 IBM MQ Appliance

Command Description
“endmqm” on page 476 Stop a queue manager.
“rmvmqinf” on page 538 Remove a queue manager that uses SAN storage.
“runmqsc” on page 486 Run MQSC commands on a queue manager.
“setmqsize” on page 538 Increase the size of the file system allocated to a queue
“strmqm” on page 490 Start a queue manager.

For a full description of commands that are supported on the IBM MQ Appliance,
see “Control commands on the IBM MQ Appliance” on page 17.

Administering messaging users

Messaging users work with IBM MQ.

Messaging users perform operations on messaging resources. They can connect to

queue managers remotely to send and receive messages. They can be authorized to
remotely manage some aspects of queue managers by using client connections
such as the IBM MQ Explorer.

Messaging users are distinct from appliance users, who administer the IBM MQ
Appliance and configure IBM MQ on the appliance. See “Types of user and how
they are authenticated” on page 331 for an explanation of the distinction between
the two types of user.

After you create messaging users, you must use SET AUTHREC in runmqsc, or
use the IBM MQ Console to grant these users access to the required IBM MQ

The appliance reserves the following user IDs for its own use:
v hacluster
v mqm
v mqsystem
v root
v sshd
You cannot create user IDs with these names, or delete, modify, or list these user

By default, all users belong to the group users. You cannot remove users from the
users group, but you can add them to additional groups.

The appliance reserves the following groups for its own use:
v haclient
v root
v sshd
v utmp

You cannot create groups with these names, or delete or list these groups.

Chapter 6. Administering 245

The appliance also provides the standard IBM MQ mqm group. You cannot delete
this group, but you can add users to it.

You administer messaging users, and messaging user groups, by using the
command line. The commands are run in IBM MQ administration mode, which is
entered by typing mqcli on the command line. The following table lists the
commands that are available:

Command Description
“usercreate” on page 503 Creates user IDs for messaging users on the IBM MQ
“userdelete” on page 504 Deletes messaging users.
“usermodify” on page 504 Modifies messaging users
“userlist” on page 505 Lists messaging users, or lists details of a particular user ID.
“groupcreate” on page 505 Adds user groups for messaging users on the IBM MQ
“groupdelete” on page 506 Deletes groups for messaging users.
“grouplist” on page 506 Lists groups for messaging users.
“userbackup” on page 506 Backs up messaging users on the IBM MQ Appliance to a
“userrestore” on page 507 Restores messaging users on the IBM MQ Appliance from a
file to which they were previously backed up.

Using MQSC commands

You can use MQSC interactively on the IBM MQ Appliance.

You cannot create or edit files on the appliance, and you cannot copy existing
script files there, and so you cannot run scripts of MQSC commands directly on
the appliance.

You can, however, use MQSC interactively to run individual commands. You do so
by using the runmqsc command from the mqa(mqcli) prompt. See “runmqsc” on
page 486 for details.

For details of MQSC commands, see IBM MQ Script (MQSC) commands in the
IBM MQ documentation.

You can also run MQSC scripts on appliance message queues by running scripts
from remote machines.

See “Differences between queue managers that are running on the IBM MQ
Appliance and an IBM MQ installation” on page 22 for specific information about
using commands on the appliance.

Using an IBM MQ client

You can use an IBM MQ client to connect to queue managers that are running on
the IBM MQ Appliance.

246 IBM MQ Appliance

You can download the IBM MQ V9 Clients SupportPac from the following link:
MQC9: WebSphere MQ V9 Clients. You can install an IBM MQ client on a
Windows or a Linux platform, and then use it to connect to queue managers that
are running on the appliance.

For information on installing the IBM MQ client, see Installing a WebSphere MQ

client in the IBM MQ documentation.

You can use the client to run commands on queue managers that are running on
the appliance.

You can also use the client to run supplied sample programs that support putting
and getting messages, and publishing and subscribing to topics. Use these methods
if you cannot use the IBM MQ Console.

Setting up a queue manager to accept client connections

Configure your queue manager to securely accept incoming connection requests
from an IBM MQ client.

About this task

You must complete this task before you can run commands from a client, or run
sample programs to put or get messages, publish or subscribe to topics, or browse
message queues.

This procedure requires that you enter MQSC commands. You use the runmqsc
command on the IBM MQ Appliance to enter MQSC commands interactively. See
“runmqsc” on page 486.

1. Type mqcli to enter IBM MQ administration mode.
2. Obtain a messaging user ID on the appliance your queue manager is running
on (see “Administering messaging users” on page 245). This user ID is the
authority under which the client connection runs on the queue manager. For
usercreate -u testuser -p passw0rd
3. Create and start a queue manager (see “Message queue control commands”
on page 244):
crtmqm -p port queue_manager_name
strmqm queue_manager_name

For example:
crtmqm -p 1440 test1
strmqm test1
4. Enter the runmqsc command so that you can enter MQSC commands
interactively. For example:
runmqsc test1
5. Define a queue to be used by the sample programs. For example:
6. Define a channel for the sample program to use:
DESCR(’Channel for use by sample programs’)

Chapter 6. Administering 247

For example:
7. Create a channel authentication rule that allows only the IP address of your
client system to use the channel by entering the MQSC command:
SET CHLAUTH(’channel-name’) TYPE(ADDRESSMAP) ADDRESS(’client-machine-IP-address’) +
channel-name is the name of your channel.
client-machine-IP-address is the IP address of your client system.
messaging-user-id is the user ID you obtained in step 2.
For example:
8. Grant access to connect to and inquire the queue manager by entering the
following MQSC command:
messaging-user-id is the user ID you obtained in step 2.
For example:
9. For put and get sample programs, grant access to your queue to allow
inquiring and the putting and getting messages by the messaging user ID.
Enter the following MQSC commands:
queue-name is the name of your queue.
messaging-user-id is the user ID you obtained in step 2.
For example:
10. For publish/subscribe sample programs, grant access to your topic by the
messaging user ID to allow publishing and subscribing. Enter the following
MQSC commands:
PRINCIPAL(’messaging-user-id’) AUTHADD(PUB, SUB)
messaging-user-id is the user ID you obtained in step 2.
(This command gives messaging-user-id access to any topic in the topic tree.
Alternatively, you can define a topic object by using DEFINE TOPIC and
grant accesses only to the part of the topic tree that is referenced by that
topic object.)
For example:
11. Set up the following environment variables on your client system:
v Set the MQSAMP_USER_ID environment variable to identify the user that
is running the sample programs, as defined in step 2. On Windows, enter:

On Linux, enter:
export MQSAMP_USER_ID=’userID’

For example:

248 IBM MQ Appliance

v Set the MQSERVER environment variable to identify the channel and port
that is used for running the sample programs, as defined in step 6. The
ConnectionName parameter identifies the IP and port of the appliance. On
Windows, enter:
SET MQSERVER=ChannelName/TransportType/ConnectionName

On Linux, enter:
export MQSERVER=’ChannelName/TransportType/ConnectionName’

For example:

What to do next

Your client application can now run the sample programs to put and get messages
to a queue, publish and subscribe to a topic, or browse a message queue.

Configuring queue managers and objects by using a client

You can use an IBM MQ V9 client to run commands on an IBM MQ Appliance.

Running commands from a client allows you to configure queue managers and
IBM MQ objects by running scripts, rather than by entering individual commands.

See Overview of IBM MQ MQI clients and runmqsc in the IBM MQ


Putting and getting messages

If you cannot use the IBM MQ Console to put and get messages, you can run
sample programs on an IBM MQ client instead.

The sample programs are the accessible method for putting and getting messages
for queues that are running on the IBM MQ Appliance. The sample programs are
located in MQ_INSTALLATION_PATH\Tools\c\samples\bin (Windows) and
MQ_INSTALLATION_PATH/samp/bin (Linux).
v For information on running sample programs on a client that connects to a
queue manager on an IBM MQ Appliance, see “Setting up a queue manager to
accept client connections” on page 247.
v For information on using the get sample program, amqsgetc, see The Get sample
programs in the IBM MQ documentation.
v For information on using the put sample program, amqsputc, see The Put sample
programs in the IBM MQ documentation.

To put messages by using the sample program from the client system command
1. Enter the command:
amqsputc queue_name queue_manager_name

For example:
amqsputc Q test1
2. When prompted, enter the password for the user ID running the sample
program (note that the password is displayed in plain text).
3. Type the messages that you want to put on the queue.

Chapter 6. Administering 249

To get messages by using the sample program from the client system command
1. Enter the command:
amqsgetc queue_name queue_manager_name

For example:
amqsgetc Q test1
2. When prompted, enter the password for the user ID running the sample
program (note that the password is displayed in plain text).
3. Messages from the queue are displayed.

Follow the related link for information on putting and getting messages from the
IBM MQ Console.

Publishing and subscribing

If you cannot use the IBM MQ Console to publish and subscribe to topics, you can
run sample programs on an IBM MQ client instead.

The sample programs are the accessible method for publishing and subscribing to
topics on the IBM MQ Appliance. The sample programs are located in
MQ_INSTALLATION_PATH\Tools\c\samples\bin (Windows) and
MQ_INSTALLATION_PATH/samp/bin (Linux). You can run the sample programs that are
supplied with the client to publish and subscribe to topics.
v For information on running sample programs on a client that connects to a
queue manager on an IBM MQ Appliance, see “Setting up a queue manager to
accept client connections” on page 247.
v For detailed information on using the publish/subscribe sample programs, see
The Publish/Subscribe sample programs in the IBM MQ documentation.

To publish messages by using the sample program from the client system
command line:
1. Enter the command:
amqspubc topic_name queue_manager_name

For example:
amqspubc mytopic test1

The publisher connects to the queue manager named test1 and responds with
the output, target topic is mytopic.
2. Enter the messages that you want to publish to mytopic.

To subscribe to the topic by using the sample program:

1. Open another command window and enter the command:
amqssubc topic_name queue_manager_name

For example:
amqssubc mytopic test1

The subscriber responds with the output, Calling MQGET : 30 seconds wait
time. From now onwards, lines you type into the publisher appear in the
output of the subscriber.

250 IBM MQ Appliance

2. Start another subscriber in another command window, and watch both
subscribers receive publications.

Note: Remember to set the MQSERVER environment variable in each command

window, as described in “Setting up a queue manager to accept client connections”
on page 247.

Follow the related link for information on publishing and subscribing to topics
from the IBM MQ Console.

Browsing a message queue

If you cannot use the IBM MQ Console to browse message queues, you can run
sample programs on an IBM MQ client instead.

The sample programs are the accessible method for browsing message queues on
the IBM MQ Appliance. The sample programs are located in
MQ_INSTALLATION_PATH\Tools\c\samples\bin (Windows) and
MQ_INSTALLATION_PATH/samp/bin (Linux). You can run the sample programs that are
supplied with the client to browse message queues.
v For information on running sample programs on a client that connects to a
queue manager on an IBM MQ Appliance, see “Setting up a queue manager to
accept client connections” on page 247.
v For detailed information on using the browse sample programs, see The Browse
sample programs in the IBM MQ documentation.

To browse messages by using the sample program from the client system
command line:
1. Enter the command:
amqsbcgc queue_name queue_manager_name

For example:
amqsbcgc Q test1
2. When prompted, enter the password for the user ID running the sample
program (note that the password is displayed in plain text).
3. Information about the message queues is displayed, followed by messages from
the queue.

Creating and downloading a CCDT file

You can create a client channel definition table file and download it from the
appliance so that a client application can use the table to connect to a queue
manager running on the appliance.

Queue managers store client connection channel information in a client channel

definition table (CCDT). This information includes authentication rules you have
defined for channels on the queue manager. The table is updated whenever a client
connection channel is defined or altered.

IBM MQ client applications use the CCDT to determine the channel definitions
and authentication information to connect to a queue manager. For a client
application to use the CCDT, it must be copied to a file and downloaded from the
appliance to the client machine or to a location from where the client can access it.

To copy the CCDT to a file:

Chapter 6. Administering 251

1. Enter the IBM MQ administration mode by entering the following command:
2. Create a file containing the CCDT for a queue manager by entering the
following command:
rcrmqobj –m queue_manager –t clchltab

A file with the name queue_manager_AMQCLCHL.TAB is created and can be found

in the mqbackup:// URI on the appliance.

You can use the IBM MQ Appliance web UI to download the file, see “Managing
files by using the IBM MQ Appliance web UI” on page 297.

Starting and stopping the appliance

You can shut down and restart the appliance by using the command line interface
or the IBM MQ Appliance web UI.

Restarting the appliance

You can restart the appliance if you want to clear memory and temporary space.
You might restart, for example, before you copy a new firmware image to the

You can shut down and restart the appliance by using the command line interface.
Complete the following steps:
1. Connect to the IBM MQ Appliance as described in “Command line access” on
page 109. Log in as an administrative user.
2. Enter flash mode by typing config to enter configuration mode and then
typing flash on the command line.
3. Type the following command:
shutdown reboot

You can also shut down and restart by using the IBM MQ Appliance web UI.
Complete the following steps:
1. Start the web UI as described in “Configuring the IBM MQ Appliance web UI”
on page 112.

2. Click the administration icon and select Main > System Control.
3. Set the Shutdown Mode to Reboot system.
4. Click Shutdown. The appliance restarts.

Shutting down the appliance

You can shut down the appliance without restarting it.

You shut down the appliance by using the command line interface. Complete the
following steps:
1. Connect to the IBM MQ Appliance as described in “Command line access” on
page 109. Log in as an administrative user.
2. Enter flash mode by typing global to enter configuration mode and then
typing flash on the command line.
3. Type the following command:
shutdown halt

252 IBM MQ Appliance

You can also shut down the appliance by using the IBM MQ Appliance web UI.
Complete the following steps:
1. Start the web UI as described in “Configuring the IBM MQ Appliance web UI”
on page 112.

2. Click the administration icon and select Main > System Control.
3. Set the Shutdown Mode to Power off system.
4. Click Shutdown. The appliance restarts.

Restarting queue managers by using the command line

You can configure queue managers to auto-start.

Queue managers can be configured to automatically start when the appliance is

restarted, or they can be configured to only start when requested by an
administrator. Queue managers that are configured for high availability restart
automatically by default.

Use the crtmqm command with the -sa option to create a queue manager with the
auto-start feature enabled (see “crtmqm” on page 456).

To check the auto-start capability of an existing queue manager, use the following
dspmqini -m QM_name -s InstanceData

Where QM_name is the name of the queue manager whose auto-start setting you
want to check. The command displays the InstanceData stanza of the qm.ini file.
This contains the Startup key, which has the following setting:
v Startup = Automatic, auto-start is enabled.
v Startup = Manual, auto-start is disabled.

If dspmqini does not report the Startup key in the InstanceData stanza, then a
setting of Manual is implied. This means that the queue manager does not start
automatically when the appliance is restarted.

A high availability (HA) queue manager has a value of Startup = HA, and you
cannot modify this. If the queue manager is removed from HA control, then the
value of Startup is set to Manual (and you can set it to Automatic if required).

To change the auto-start setting of an existing queue manager, you must edit the
InstanceData stanza of the qm.ini file to change the setting of Startup to the
required state. You use the setmqini command to change the setting. The following
command enables auto-start:
setmqini -m QM_name -s InstanceData -k Startup -v Automatic

The following command disables auto-start:

setmqini -m QM_name -s InstanceData -k Startup -v Manual

Back up and restore

You can back up various features of your IBM MQ Appliance and restore these
features to the same or a different appliance, if required.

Chapter 6. Administering 253

After you back up an appliance, you must restore it to the same or another
appliance that is running the same firmware level.

To back up your IBM MQ Appliance, you back up the following features:

1. Configuration of the IBM MQ Appliance.
2. Messaging users and groups.
3. Key repository.
4. Queue manager configurations and data.
5. IBM MQ Appliance web UI configurations.
6. Optionally, IBM MQ messages.

You use URIs to copy the backed-up information from the appliance to safe
storage. You also use URIs to restore backed-up information to a target appliance.
You restore an appliance in the following order.
1. Restore configuration of the IBM MQ Appliance.
2. Restore messaging users and groups.
3. Restore key repository.
4. Restore queue manager configurations and data.
5. Restore IBM MQ Appliance web UI configurations.

Backing up or saving the appliance configuration

You can back up the configuration of the IBM MQ Appliance and restore it to a
different appliance if required. You can also save it locally on the appliance.

About this task

You use the write memory command to write the current appliance configuration to
the autoconfig.cfg file. You can then copy the command from a URI on the
appliance to secure storage on another system, if required.

Note that the backup that you take is not secure, so sensitive data, such as
appliance user IDs and passwords is not included. You must re-create these items
manually if you use the backup to restore an appliance.

1. Connect to the IBM MQ Appliance as described in “Command line access” on
page 109.
2. Log in as a user in the administrators group.
3. Type the following command to enter configuration mode:
4. Type the following command to write the current configuration:
write memory
5. When prompted, confirm that you want to overwrite the current
autoconfig.cfg file.
Overwrite existing autoconfig.cfg? y
6. Optionally, copy the autoconfig.cfg file to a location on another system from
where you can write it to back up storage:
To copy the file by using the command line:
a. Connect to the command line of the appliance as described in “Command
line access” on page 109.

254 IBM MQ Appliance

b. Log in to the appliance as an administrator.
c. Type config to enter configuration mode.
d. Copy the file by typing the following command:
copy config:///autoconfig.cfg scp://username@ipaddress/[/]directorypath
To copy the file by using the IBM MQ Appliance web UI:

a. Start the IBM MQ Appliance web UI, and click the menu icon in the
title bar.
b. Select Files to open the File Management window.
c. Open the config folder.
d. Click the autoconfig.cfg link to save the file to your local system (the exact
method for saving the file depends on the type of browser that you use).

Restoring the appliance configuration

You can restore the configuration of an IBM MQ Appliance to the same or to a
different appliance.

About this task

If you are restoring to the same appliance, it will have the same IP address and the
same name. The first steps are the same as initially configuring the appliance when
you first installed it.

If you are restoring to a different appliance, it must be running the same firmware

You copy a previously saved autoconfig.cfg file to the target IBM MQ Appliance
and then restart the appliance.

1. Complete the initial configuration as described in “Setting up the initial
firmware configuration” on page 66.
2. Copy the autoconfig.cfg to the target appliance.
To copy the file by using the command line interface:
a. Connect to the IBM MQ Appliance as described in “Command line access”
on page 109.
b. Log in as a user in the administrators group.
c. Type the following command to enter configuration mode:
d. Copy your saved autoconfig.cfg to the target appliance:
copy scp://username@ipaddress/[/]directorypath config:///autoconfig.cfg
To copy the file by using the IBM MQ Appliance web UI:

a. Start the IBM MQ Appliance web UI, and click the menu icon in the
title bar.
b. Select Files to open the File Management window.
c. Click Actions for the config folder.
d. Select Upload files from the Actions menu.
e. Click Browse, and browse for the location of the file on your local system.

Chapter 6. Administering 255

f. Click Upload to upload the file to the config directory on the appliance.
3. If you are not already connected to the appliance command line, connect as
described in “Command line access” on page 109.
4. Type flash to enter initialization mode.
5. Shut down and restart the appliance by entering the following command:
shutdown reboot
6. Re-create any appliance user IDs that were previously configured. See
“Configuring appliance user access” on page 144.

Backing up messaging users

You can back up messaging user accounts and restore them to a different IBM MQ
Appliance if required. This back up and restore feature is intended for disaster

About this task

You use a command to place a copy of the messaging user accounts in a
user-accessible file area on the appliance. You then copy that file to a backup store
on another system.

Note: You cannot back up locally defined appliance users. When you restore a
system you must re-create local appliance users and groups manually.

1. Connect to the IBM MQ Appliance as described in “Command line access” on
page 109.
2. Log in as a user in the administrators group.
3. Type mqcli to enter IBM MQ configuration mode.
4. Type the following command to back up the messaging users:
userbackup -f user_backup_filename

Where -f user_backup_filename optionally specifies a file name. If you do not

specify a file name, the backup is written to a file named userbackup-date-
time, for example, userbackup-20150219-132655.
5. Type exit to leave IBM MQ configuration mode.
6. Copy the user backup file to another system.
To copy the file by using the command line interface:
a. Connect to the command line of the appliance as described in “Command
line access” on page 109.
b. Log in to the appliance as an administrator.
c. Type config to enter configuration mode.
d. Copy the file by typing the following command:
copy mqbackup:///user_backup_filename scp://username@ipaddress/[/]directorypath
To copy the file by using the IBM MQ Appliance web UI:

a. Start the IBM MQ Appliance web UI, and click the menu icon in the
title bar.
b. Select Files to open the File Management window.
c. Open the mqbackup folder.

256 IBM MQ Appliance

d. Click the backup file name link to save the file to your local system (the
exact method for saving the file depends on the type of browser that you

Restoring messaging users

You can restore messaging user accounts that you previously backed up.

About this task

You copy a file that contains the backed up user accounts to the target appliance.
You then use a command to restore the accounts.

1. Copy the file containing the backed up user accounts to the appliance:
To copy the file by using the command line interface:
a. Connect to the IBM MQ Appliance as described in “Command line access”
on page 109.
b. Log in as a user in the administrators group.
c. Type the following command to enter configuration mode:
d. Copy your saved backup file to the target appliance:
copy scp://username@ipaddress/[/]directorypath/filename mqbackup:
e. Type exit to leave config mode.
To copy the file by using the IBM MQ Appliance web UI:

a. Start the IBM MQ Appliance web UI, and click the menu icon in the
title bar.
b. Select Files to open the File Management window.
c. Click Actions for the mqbackup folder.
d. Select Upload files from the Actions menu.
e. Click Browse, and browse for the location of the backup file on your local
f. Click Upload to upload the file to the mqbackup directory on the appliance.
2. If you are not already connected to the appliance command line, connect as
described in “Command line access” on page 109.
3. Type mqcli to enter IBM MQ configuration mode.
4. Type the following command to restore the messaging users:
userrestore -f user_backup_filename

Backing up a key repository

You can back up the queue manager key repository and restore it to a different
IBM MQ Appliance if required. This back up and restore feature is intended for
disaster recovery.

About this task

You use a command to place a copy of the key repository in a file in a

user-accessible file area on the appliance. You then copy that file to a backup store
on another system.

Chapter 6. Administering 257

The file that contains the queue manager key repository might include private
keys. The file is encrypted, but you should take appropriate security precautions
when handling the file. You need a password to modify or restore the file, and the
password is displayed after file is created. Ensure that you make a note of the
password and keep it safe.

You should follow this procedure for every queue manager on your system.

1. Connect to the IBM MQ Appliance as described in “Command line access” on
page 109.
2. Log in as a user in the administrators group.
3. Type mqcli to enter IBM MQ configuration mode.
4. Type the following command to back up the key repository for a queue
keybackup -m QmanagerName

Where QmanagerName specifies the queue manager that you want to back up
the key repository for.
5. The appliance displays the following warning:
This operation will generate a copy of your queue manager key repository,
which may include private keys. Although encrypted, you should take appropriate security
precautions in handling this file. The password required if you ever need to modify or
restore this file will be displayed after the copy has been created. Do you wish to continue?

Enter Y to continue.
The command creates a compressed archive (.tar.gz) of the key repository
files. The archive includes the .kdb and .rdb files, and the crl file, if present. It
does not include the password stash file. At completion, the name of the
archive file and the password that was stored in the password stash file is
displayed. The password is needed to restore the key repository.
6. Type exit to leave IBM MQ configuration mode.
7. Type config to enter configuration mode.
8. Copy the file containing the backed-up repository to another system.
To copy the file by using the command line interface:
a. Connect to the command line of the appliance as described in “Command
line access” on page 109.
b. Log in to the appliance as an administrator.
c. Type config to enter configuration mode.
d. Copy the file by typing the following command:
copy mqbackup:///backup_filename scp://username@ipaddress/[/]directorypath
To copy the file by using the IBM MQ Appliance web UI:

a. Start the IBM MQ Appliance web UI, and click the menu icon in the
title bar.
b. Select Files to open the File Management window.
c. Open the mqbackup folder.
d. Click the backup file name link to save the file to your local system (the
exact method for saving the file depends on the type of browser that you

258 IBM MQ Appliance

Restoring a key repository
You can restore a queue manager key repository that you previously backed up.

About this task

You copy a file that contains the archive of a previously backed-up key repository
to the target appliance. You then use a command to restore it.

1. Copy the file containing the backed up key repository to the appliance:
To copy the file by using the command line interface:
a. Connect to the IBM MQ Appliance as described in “Command line access”
on page 109.
b. Log in as a user in the administrators group.
c. Type the following command to enter configuration mode:
d. Copy your saved backup file to the target appliance:
copy scp://username@ipaddress/[/]directorypath/filename mqbackup:
e. Type exit to leave config mode.
To copy the file by using the IBM MQ Appliance web UI:

a. Start the IBM MQ Appliance web UI, and click the menu icon in the
title bar.
b. Select Files to open the File Management window.
c. Click Actions for the mqbackup folder.
d. Select Upload files from the Actions menu.
e. Click Browse, and browse for the location of the backup file on your local
f. Click Upload to upload the file to the mqbackup directory on the appliance.
2. If you are not already connected to the appliance command line, connect as
described in “Command line access” on page 109.
3. Type mqcli to enter IBM MQ configuration mode.
4. Type the following command to restore the key repository to the queue
keyrestore -m QmanagerName -file filename -password password

v QmanagerName specifies the queue manager that you want to back up the
key repository for.
v filename is the file that contains the key repository archive.
v password is the password that was returned when the key repository archive
was created.
5. Use the listcert and detailcert commands to verify that the contents of the
key repository are as expected.

Backing up a queue manager

Chapter 6. Administering 259

You can use the command line to back up a queue manager to an archive file on
the appliance.

About this task

You connect to the IBM MQ Appliance by using the command line, and save the
queue manager to a file. The queue manager configuration is saved, together with
log files and queue data.

Before you back up your first queue manager, you must create the target directory
for backup files, and allocate storage for it in the appliance RAID volume.

A backup of a high availability (HA) queue manager does not contain any HA
configuration data, so if you restore the queue manager from a backup file it is
restored as a stand-alone queue manager. Similarly, disaster recovery (DR)
configuration data is not preserved when you back up a DR queue manager.

You can back up any type of queue manager while it is running, but this requires
sufficient unallocated space on the internal disk to contain a temporary snapshot of
the queue manager. This space is not required for a stand-alone queue manager if
it is stopped before the backup is taken. HA and DR queue managers are always
backed up from an internal snapshot, however, and so always require unallocated
space on disk regardless of whether they are running or not.

If you are backing up so that you can use an archive file to migrate the queue
manager, or if you want to be able to restore a queue manager to the state it was
in at a particular time, then you should stop the queue manager before you back it

If the queue manager is running when you run the mqbackup command, a warning
message is displayed.

If a queue manager is stopped before you take a backup, it is locked during the
backup and cannot be started, deleted or otherwise changed while the backup


1. Connect to the IBM MQ Appliance as described in “Command line access” on
page 109.
2. Log in as a user in the administrators group.
3. Type mqcli to enter IBM MQ configuration mode.
4. If this is the first time you have backed up any queue manager, type the
following command to allocate storage for your backup:
createbackupfs -s size

Where size is the size of the space that is allocated in GB. A directory that is
named mqbackup:///QMgrs is created and allocated that storage.
5. Type the following command to back up a queue manager:
mqbackup -m QM_name

Where QM_name is the name of the queue manager that you want to back up.
The backup can take some time to run, during which period you cannot use

260 IBM MQ Appliance

the CLI. By default the archive file is named QM_name.bak, but you can add
the -o outfilename argument to the mqbackup command to specify a file name,
if required:
mqbackup -m QM_name -o outfilname

Restoring a queue manager

You can use the command line to restore a queue manager from an archive file
that was created when you backed up the queue manager.

Before you begin

Ensure that the archive file for the queue manager that you want to restore is
located in the mqbackup:///QMgrs directory on the appliance.

About this task

You use the mqrestore command to restore a queue manager, including all its log
files and data, from a previously taken backup. The command cannot run if there
is already a queue manager with the same name on the appliance. The archive file
must be located in the backupfs location, mqbackup:///QMgrs

You can only restore one queue manager at a time.

1. Connect to the IBM MQ Appliance as described in “Command line access” on
page 109.
2. Log in as a user in the administrators group.
3. Type mqcli to enter IBM MQ configuration mode.
4. Type the following command to restore a queue manager from its backup file:
mqrestore -f filename

Where filename is the backup file located in the mqbackup:///QMgrs. The

restoration might take some time, during which the CLI is not available.

Backing up IBM MQ Appliance web UI configuration data

The configuration data for each user who uses the IBM MQ Console on the IBM
MQ Appliance web UI can be copied and backed up.

About this task

The IBM MQ Appliance web UI configuration data for each user is automatically
copied to files in a user-accessible area on the appliance. You then copy the files to
a backup store on another system.

You should follow this procedure for every user on your system:

v To copy the file to another system by using the command line interface:
1. Connect to the command line of the appliance as described in “Command
line access” on page 109.
2. Log in to the appliance as an administrator.
3. Type config to enter configuration mode.

Chapter 6. Administering 261

4. Copy the file by typing the following command:
copy mqwebui:///com.ibm.mq.webui.persistence/username.json scp://yourusername@yourip/[/]yourdir

For example:
copy mqwebui:///com.ibm.mq.webui.persistence/admin.json scp://midtownjj@server00d//safe/store/a
copy mqwebui:///com.ibm.mq.webui.persistence/billg.json scp://midtownjj@server00d//safe/store/b
v To copy the file by using the IBM MQ Appliance web UI:

1. Start the IBM MQ Appliance web UI, and click the menu icon in the
title bar.
2. Select Files to open the File Management window.
3. Open the mqwebui folder.
4. Click the backup file name link to save the file to your local system (the
exact method for saving the file depends on the type of browser that you

Restoring IBM MQ Appliance web UI configuration data

You can restore configuration data for each user who uses the IBM MQ Appliance
web UI on the IBM MQ Appliance.

About this task

The IBM MQ Appliance web UI configuration data for each user is automatically
copied to files in a user-accessible area on the appliance. You can restore these files
to the appliance. Complete this task after you create appliance users, and before
anyone logs on to use the web ui.

You should follow this procedure for every user whose configuration you want to

v To copy the file to the appliance by using the command line interface:
1. Connect to the IBM MQ Appliance as described in “Command line access”
on page 109.
2. Log in as a user in the administrators group.
3. Type the following command to enter configuration mode:
4. Copy your saved user configuration file to the target appliance:
copy scp://yourusername@yourip/[/]yourdirectorypath mqwebui:///com.ibm.mq.webui.persistence

For example:
copy scp://midtownjj@server00d//safe/store/admin.json mqwebui:///com.ibm.mq.webui.persistence
copy scp://midtownjj@server00d//safe/store/billg.json mqwebui:///com.ibm.mq.webui.persistence
5. Type exit to leave config mode.
v To copy the file to the appliance by using the IBM MQ Appliance web UI:

1. Start the IBM MQ Appliance web UI, and click the menu icon in the
title bar.
2. Select Files to open the File Management window.
3. Click Actions for the mqwebui folder.

262 IBM MQ Appliance

4. Select Upload files from the Actions menu.
5. Click Browse, and browse for the location of the user configuration file on
your local system.
6. Click Upload to upload the user configuration file to the mqwebui directory
on the appliance.

What to do next
Your users can log in to the IBM MQ Appliance web UI and check that their
layouts are as expected.

Factory reset
A factory reset restores the IBM MQ Appliance to its default state.

Be aware that a factory reset deletes all queue managers and messages that are
hosted on the appliance. The reset forcibly ends all queue managers and detaches
any applications that are connected to them. After the update, you require direct
console access to reinitialize the system.

You reinitialize with a firmware image that you download from IBM Fix Central.
See “Installing a new level of firmware by using the command line” on page 102
for instructions on how to download a firmware image.

To do a factory reset, complete the following steps:

1. Connect to the IBM MQ Appliance as described in “Command line access” on
page 109. Log in as the user admin.
2. Enter flash mode by typing config to enter configuration mode and then
typing flash on the command line.
3. Type the following command:
reinitialize firmware_image_file

Where firmware_image_file specifies the name of the firmware image that is used
to reinitialize the appliance. The file must be in the image: directory.
4. After the reinitialization is complete, you must log in as admin, using the
password admin, and follow the initial setup procedure described in Initializing
the appliance.

Triggering appliance operations by using the REST management


A subset of appliance operations can be triggered by using the REST management


When you use the REST management interface for this purpose, you send HTTP
requests to the REST interface port and receive JSON-formatted responses with a
payload and indication of success or failure. You can incorporate requests into
programs and so automate interaction with the appliance.

Before you trigger an operation on the appliance, you must become familiar with
the actionqueue resource of the REST management interface. This resource exposes

Chapter 6. Administering 263

the appliance operation capabilities. You can find the available options for the
actionqueue resource by sending a request like the one in the following example:
GET https://mqhost.com:5554/mgmt/actionqueue/

This request returns the following response, describing how to form an

actionqueue request:
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": "/mgmt/actionqueue/"
"resource": {
"href": "/mgmt/actionqueue/{domain}"
"operations": {
"href": "/mgmt/actionqueue/{domain}/operations"
"schema": {
"href": "/mgmt/actionqueue/{domain}/operations/{operation}"
"metadata": {
"href": "/mgmt/metadata/{domain}/operations/{operation}"

To see the actual operations that are available for you to request, enter a request
based on the following example:
GET https://mqhost.com:5554/mgmt/actionqueue/default/operations

The response that is returned from the actionqueue operations URI shows all
supported operations on the appliance in the current firmware release. The
following example shows a partial response payload to this request.
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": "/mgmt/actionqueue/default/operations"
"AddPasswordMap": {
"schema": {
"href": "/mgmt/actionqueue/{domain}/operations/AddPasswordMap"
"metadata": {
"href": "/mgmt/metadata/{domain}/operations/AddPasswordMap"
"AddTrustedHost": {
"schema": {
"href": "/mgmt/actionqueue/{domain}/operations/AddTrustedHost"
"metadata": {
"href": "/mgmt/metadata/{domain}/operations/AddTrustedHost"
},"ApplyPatch": {
"schema": {
"href": "/mgmt/actionqueue/{domain}/operations/ApplyPatch"
"metadata": {
"href": "/mgmt/metadata/{domain}/operations/ApplyPatch"

264 IBM MQ Appliance

Search the response payload for the operation you want. If the operation does not
appear in the returned list, the REST management interface does not currently
support it. Instead, you must use one of the other interfaces to trigger that
operation (for example, the CLI or the Web UI). If the operation is in the returned
list, it is supported and can be triggered by using the REST management interface.
You can use the schema and metadata embedded links to retrieve additional
information about the required parameters for an operation. This is helpful when
you compose the operation request payload, which is explained in the following

Compose a valid request payload

To trigger a supported operation by using the REST management interface,

construct a valid request payload. You can use the metadata resource of the REST
management interface to help you construct a valid payload. For example, to
retrieve the metadata for the AddPasswordMap operation, you enter a request
based on the following example:
GET https://mqhost.com:5554/mgmt/metadata/default/operations/AddPasswordMap

You receive the following response:

"_links": {
"self": {
"href": "/mgmt/metadata/test-domain/operations/AddPasswordMap"
"doc": {
"href": "/mgmt/docs/metadata/operations/AddPasswordMap"
"action": {
"name": "AddPasswordMap",
"uri": "crypto/add-password-map",
"cmd-group": "crypto",
"cli-alias": "add password-map",
"parameters": {
"parameter": [
"name": "AliasName",
"required": "true",
"type": "dmString"
"name": "Password",
"required": "true",
"type": "dmString"
"display": "Add Password Map",
"summary": "Add new password to password map",
"description-encoded": "QWRkcyBhIHBhc3N3b3JkIHRvIHRoZSBleGlzdGluZyBwYXN

You can also acquire the metadata for the operation by looking up the appliance
Service-Oriented Management Interface (SOMA) schema for the configuration
object. The SOMA schemas are located in the store:///xml-mgmt.xsd file.

Chapter 6. Administering 265

From the resource metadata you can identify the properties that are required by
the operation. You can also identify the property names to use in the payload. By
using this information, you can create a proper JSON request payload. A JSON
payload has the following structure:
"{operation_name}": {
"{parameter1_name}": "{parameter1_value}",
"{parameter2_name}": "{parameter2_value}",
"{parameter3_name}": "{parameter3_value}",
"{parameter4_name}": "{parameter4_value}"

To produce a valid JSON request payload for the REST management interface,
substitute {operation_name} and include all required parameters and their values.
The following example shows a valid payload to trigger the AddPasswordMap
"AddPasswordMap": {
"AliasName": "user",
"Password": "passw0rd"

Send a request and interpret the response

After the operation request payload is constructed, you can trigger the operation
by using a POST request to the actionqueue resource. The following POST request
shows how to trigger the AddPasswordMap operation, it is accompanied by the
request payload:
POST https://mqhost.com:5554/mgmt/actionqueue/default

If the operation completed successfully, you see a confirmation response similar to

the one in the following example:
"AddPasswordMap": {
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": "/mgmt/actionqueue/default"
"doc": {
"href": "/mgmt/docs/actionqueue/operations/AddPasswordMap"
"AddPasswordMap": "Operation completed."

If the operation fails, an error is returned. To determine the cause of failure,

examine the error message in the response payload and the appliance default log.
One possible cause of failure is schema validation, as shown in the following
example. This failure is caused by sending an improperly structured payload to
trigger the operation.
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": "/mgmt/actionqueue/default"

266 IBM MQ Appliance

"error": [
"Schema validation failure. Please check the operation schema
and default log for more information."

Operating in a high availability environment

If you have configured a high availability system, there are certain maintenance
functions that you might need to complete.

Suspending an appliance from an HA group for maintenance

When you want to suspend an appliance from a high availability group, for
example, to carry out maintenance on the appliance, you perform a managed
failover. This procedure transfers all the workload to the remaining appliance in
the group.

To achieve the managed failover, you put the appliance that you want to
temporarily remove from the group into standby mode. You then resume the
appliance after the maintenance is complete.

Note: While you have one appliance in standby mode, your queue managers can
run only on the remaining appliance. You should take care to avoid any outage on
the second appliance.

You use this technique when you update the firmware on the appliances in your
high availability group, for example to apply a fix pack. In this situation, you
suspend the first appliance, update the firmware, and then resume it. You can then
suspend the other appliance, upgrade the firmware, and then resume it.

Suspending an appliance from an HA group by using the

command line
You can temporarily remove an appliance from a high availability group by using
the command line interface.

About this task

When you remove an appliance from an HA group, all queue managers that run
on the suspended appliance are failed over to the other appliance. You should not
suspend both appliances in the HA group at the same time.

Note: If you suspend an appliance in an HA group while a queue manager is

synchronizing, the queue manager ends immediately, rather than finishing the
synchronization. You can check whether a queue manager is synchronizing by
using the status command, see “status” on page 751.

v To suspend an appliance in a high availability group, complete the following
1. Log in to the appliance as a user in the administrators group.
2. Type the following command to enter IBM MQ administration mode:
3. Enter the following command:
sethagrp -s
4. Enter the following command to check the appliance status:

Chapter 6. Administering 267


The appliance is shown as being in the standby state.

v To resume the appliance after maintenance is finished, complete the following
1. Log in to the appliance as a user in the administrators group.
2. Type the following command to enter IBM MQ administration mode:
3. Enter the following command:
sethagrp -r
4. Enter the following command to check the appliance status:

The appliance is shown as being in the online state. When the appliance is
resumed in the HA group, all queue managers with a preference set for the
resumed appliance switch back onto that appliance.

Suspending an appliance from an HA group by using the IBM

MQ Console
You can temporarily remove an appliance from a high availability group by using
the IBM MQ Console.

About this task

When you remove an appliance from an HA group, all queue managers that run
on the suspended appliance are failed over to the other appliance. You should not
suspend both appliances in the HA group at the same time.

Note: If you suspend an appliance in an HA group while a queue manager is

synchronizing, the queue manager ends immediately, rather than finishing the
synchronization. You can check whether a queue manager is synchronizing by
using the status command, see “status” on page 751.

1. Start the IBM MQ Appliance web UI and view the MQ Console.
2. To suspend the appliance, select Suspend this appliance from the High
Availability menu in the console title bar.
3. Click Suspend to confirm your action. The status of the appliance changes to
4. To resume the appliance after maintenance is finished, select Resume this
appliance from the High Availability menu in the console title bar.
5. Click Resume to confirm your action. The status of the appliance changes to

Replacing a failed node in a high availability group

If an appliance that belongs to a high availability (HA) group fails, you can replace
the appliance and then restore the HA group by following this procedure.

Before you begin

When a node in an HA group fails, the queue managers fail over to the remaining
appliance in the group. To restore high availability function after you replace or
repair the failed appliance, you must first deconstruct the HA group by running

268 IBM MQ Appliance

the queue managers stand-alone and deleting the HA group from the remaining
appliance. You then create a new HA group, and add the queue managers back to

Before you create the new group, you must ensure that both appliances are
running the same level of firmware. If your new appliance is running a later
version of the firmware, you must either upgrade your existing appliance, or
downgrade your new appliance.

1. On the appliance that did not fail, stop each queue manager by using the
following command:
endmqm QMname
2. If the queue manager is part of a disaster recovery configuration as well as part
of an HA group, you must remove it from the disaster recovery configuration.
Use the following command:
dltdrprimary -m QMname
3. Enter the following command to remove a queue manager from the HA group
and run it as a stand-alone queue manager. The queue manager must be
stopped before you run this command.
sethagrp -e QMname

Where QMname is the name of the queue manager. The queue manager is
removed from the HA group. You can use the strmqm command to restart the
queue manager and run it in a stand alone configuration while you replace the
failed node, if required.
Repeat this command for all HA queue managers.
4. Delete the HA group by entering the following command:
5. On both the existing appliance and the replacement appliance, create a new HA
group by using the prepareha and crthagrp commands, as described in
“Creating a high availability group” on page 170.
6. On the appliance that did not fail, enter the following command to add a
queue manager back to the HA group. The queue manager must be stopped
before you run this command.
sethagrp -i QMname

Where QMname is the name of the existing queue manager. The queue manager
is added to the group and is started. Repeat for all the queue managers that
were previously part of the HA group.
7. Set the preferred appliance for the queue manager by running the following
sethapreferred QMname

Repeat this command for each queue manager. Run the command on the
appliance that did not fail if you want that appliance to be the preferred
location. Run the command on the replaced or repaired appliance if you want
that appliance to be the preferred location.
8. If you want to restore disaster recovery capability to any of the queue
managers, follow the instructions in “Configuring disaster recovery for a high
availability queue manager” on page 180.

Chapter 6. Administering 269

Managing queue manager locations in a high availability
You can specify that queue managers have a preferred appliance in the high
availability pair.

About this task

You can specify that a queue manager always runs on a particular appliance in the
HA pair, if that appliance is available. By default, the preferred appliance for a
queue manager is the appliance that the queue manager was created on. You can
use the sethapreferred command to specify a preferred appliance in circumstances
such as replacing a failed node, or specifying the favored appliance when an
existing queue manager is added to an HA group. The sethapreferred is used in
conjunction with the clearhapreferred command. You can also use these
commands from the IBM MQ Console.

In normal circumstances, when both appliances in the group are available and
neither has been suspended, sethapreferred can be used to relocate a queue
manager immediately from one appliance to another, by executing the command
on the target appliance. This might be used to move a queue manager back to its
natural home appliance in a controlled manner following an outage triggered
automatic failover.

When you issue the sethapreferred command, the queue manager immediately
ends on its current host appliance and starts on the appliance where the command
is issued. To revert to manual control of preferred location (leaving the queue
manager running on its new host), issue the clearhapreferred command.

If a failure occurs, and the queue manager fails over to the other appliance in the
pair, it resumes running on its preferred appliance as soon as that appliance is
available. If you have not specified a preferred appliance, in this situation the
queue manager continues to run on the appliance it has failed over to unless you
manually intervene.

It is possible that conflicting sethapreferred and clearhapreferred commands

might be issued when the appliances are disconnected. For example, both
appliances might be set, or cleared, as the preferred location. When the appliances
are reconnected, the conflict resolves to a consistent state, but that means that one
of the commands on one of the appliances is silently undone. You should check
which appliance is the preferred location when appliance reconnect after a fail

v To set the current appliance as the preferred appliance for a queue manager:
1. Enter the IBM MQ administration mode by entering the following command:
2. Specify that the current appliance is the preferred appliance for the named
queue manager:
sethapreferred QMName
v To specify that the current appliance is no longer the preferred appliance for a
queue manager:
1. Enter the IBM MQ administration mode by entering the following command:

270 IBM MQ Appliance

2. Specify that the current appliance is no longer the preferred appliance for the
named queue manager:
clearhapreferred QMName
v To set the current appliance as the preferred appliance for a queue manager by
using the IBM MQ Console:
1. Select the queue manager in the queue manager widget.
2. Select More > High Availability and select Set preferred location.
v To specify that the current appliance is no longer the preferred appliance for a
queue manager by using the IBM MQ Console:
1. Select the queue manager in the queue manager widget.
2. Select More > High Availability and select Clear preferred location.

Viewing the status of appliances in a high availability group

You can view the status of appliances in a high availability (HA) group by using
the command line or the IBM MQ Console.

Viewing the high availability status by using the command line

You can view the status of appliances in a high availability (HA) group by using
the dsphagrp command on the command line.

About this task

The dsphagrp command returns information about the operational status of each of
the appliances in the HA group. The status can be one of the following statuses:
v Online. The appliance is available.
v Offline. The appliance is unavailable.
v Standby. The appliance has been temporarily removed from the HA group.

1. Enter the IBM MQ administration mode by entering the following command:
2. View the status of the appliances in the HA group by entering the following
command from one of the appliances:
3. Optional: Exit the IBM MQ administration mode by entering the following

Viewing the high availability status by using the IBM MQ Console

You can view the status of appliances in a high availability (HA) group by using
the IBM MQ Console.

About this task

The appliance can have one of the following statuses:

v Online. The appliance is available.
v Offline. The appliance is unavailable.
v Standby. The appliance has been temporarily removed from the HA group.

1. Start the IBM MQ Appliance web UI and view the MQ Console.

Chapter 6. Administering 271

2. Click the High Availability menu in the console title bar. The menu displays the
status of both appliances in the group.

Viewing the status of a high availability queue manager

You can view the status of a queue manager in a high availability (HA) group by
using the status command on the command line, or by using the IBM MQ

About this task

The status command returns information about the operational status of a

specified queue manager in the HA group. The status can include the following
v The high availability role of the queue manager (reported as Primary or
v The current high availability status:
The appliances in the disaster recovery configuration are operating
This appliance in standby mode
This status means that the appliance has been suspended (by using the
sethagrp -s command).
Secondary appliance in standby mode
This status means that the other appliance in the HA pair has been
suspended (by using the sethagrp -s command).
Both appliances in standby mode
This status means that both appliances in the HA pair have been
suspended (by using the sethagrp -s command).
Secondary appliance unavailable
This status means that the connections to the other appliance in the HA
pair have been lost.
Remote appliance(s) unavailable
This status means that the replication connection to the other appliance
has been lost.
Queue manager data on the appliances is out of step, and cannot be
automatically resolved.
Synchronization in progress
This status is displayed when the primary queue manager is replicating
data to the secondary queue manager.
The queue manager is inactive on both appliances in the HA pair.
The status is displayed on a secondary appliance during the initial
synchronization of a queue manager if connection has been lost and
synchronization was interrupted. The secondary appliance cannot
provide high availability functionality until the initial synchronization
has completed.
v The preferred appliance setting for the queue manager, set to This
Appliance or Other Appliance.

272 IBM MQ Appliance

v The percentage complete of a synchronization operation. This information is
shown only when the status is Synchronization in progress.
v The estimated time at which a synchronization will complete. This information
is shown only when the status is Synchronization in progress.
v The amount of out-of-sync data that exists on this instance of the queue
manager. This is the amount of data written to this instance of the queue
manager since it entered the partitioned state. This information is shown only
when the status is Partitioned.

v To view the HA status of a queue manager by using the command line interface:
1. Enter the IBM MQ administration mode by entering the following command:
2. View the status of an HA queue manager by entering the following
command from one of the appliances:
status QMgrName
Specifies the name of the HA queue manager that you want to view
the status of.
3. Exit the IBM MQ administration mode by entering the following command:
v To view the HA status of a queue manager by using the IBM MQ Console:
1. Open the console and find the widget that displays the queue manager.
2. Select the queue manager in the widget and select the properties icon from

the toolbar .
3. In the properties window, click on the High availability status section to
open it.

Regenerating the keys for secure communication of the HA

Communication between the two appliance in a high availability (HA) pair is
secured by private and public keys. You can check when the keys were last
generated, and regenerate and exchange them if required.

About this task

The HA configuration sets up SSH communication between the two appliances on

the primary interface (or, if that fails, the alternate interface). Public and private
keys are created and exchanged when the HA pair are configured, but good
security practice requires that these keys are periodically regenerated.

v To regenerate keys by using the command line interface:
1. Enter the IBM MQ administration mode on either of the appliances by
entering the following command:
2. View date and time that the keys were last regenerated:

Chapter 6. Administering 273

The date and time are displayed in UTC time (UTC+00:00).
3. To regenerate the keys and exchange them, enter the following command:
(You cannot run this command if any other HA commands are running.)
4. Exit the IBM MQ administration mode by entering the following command:
v To regenerate keys by using the IBM MQ Console:
1. Open the console and select Manage HA keys from the high availability
menu on the title bar.
2. The date and time that the keys were last regenerated is displayed in UTC
time (UTC+00:00) in the Manage high availability SSH keys window. Click
Regenerate keys to regenerate and exchange the keys.

Disaster recovery for a high availability queue manager

Follow this guidance to run a queue manager on a recovery system if both
appliances in your high availability pair are unavailable.

You can configure a high availability (HA) queue manager for disaster recovery
(DR), see “Configuring disaster recovery for a high availability queue manager” on
page 180.

If you can no longer run a queue manager on either appliance in an HA pair (for
example, if there is a power outage in the data center) you can start the disaster
recovery version of the queue manager at the recovery site. Log in to your
recovery appliance, and follow the procedure described in “Switching over to a
recovery appliance” on page 275.

After your disaster is resolved, and presuming that your HA appliance pair have
been restored or re-created, you can switch the queue manager from running on
the recovery appliance back to running on the HA appliance pair. You might have
to follow a slightly different procedure depending on whether your data is
partitioned and, if so, which version of the data you want to retain. Follow the
procedures described in “Switching back to the main appliance” on page 276.

Operating in a disaster recovery environment

There are a number of situations in which you might want to switch over to the
other appliance in a disaster recovery configuration.
Disaster recovery
Following the complete loss of the primary queue manager at the main
site, you start the secondary queue manager at the recovery site.
Applications reconnect to the queue manager at the recovery site and the
secondary queue manager processes application messages. The steps taken
to revert to the previous configuration depend on the cause of the failure.
For example, complete loss of main appliance versus temporary loss.
For steps to take following a temporary loss of the main site, see
“Switching over to a recovery appliance” on page 275 and “Switching back
to the main appliance by using the command line” on page 276. For steps
to take following permanent failure, see “Replacing a failed node in a
disaster recovery configuration” on page 286.

274 IBM MQ Appliance

Disaster recovery test support
You can test the disaster recovery configuration by isolating the recovery
site and starting the secondary queue manager so that you can test it and
ensure that applications can connect to it. Normal processing continues at
the main site. After the test you can discard test data and restore the live
replication link between main and recovery appliances.
For steps to follow to test the secondary queue manager in isolation, see
“Testing the recovery appliance” on page 293.
Reversal of disaster recovery roles
You might require to periodically reverse the roles of the appliances in
your disaster recovery configuration. In this scenario, the main appliance
becomes the recovery appliance. The primary queue manager is stopped
and designated as the secondary queue manager, while the other queue
manager on the recovery appliance is started and becomes the primary
queue manager. Applications must reconnect to the new primary queue
For steps to follow to reverse disaster recovery roles, see “Reversing
disaster recovery roles” on page 294.

Switching over to a recovery appliance

If a disaster occurs in your main site, you take steps to switch over to your
recovery site.

About this task

Following the loss of the primary queue manager at the main site, you start the
secondary queue manager at the recovery site. Applications reconnect to the queue
manager at the recovery site and the secondary queue manager processes
application messages.

You can start the secondary queue manager by using the command line or the IBM
MQ Console.

Note: This task assumes that the primary queue manager on the main appliance is
not running. If the queue manager is running, and is not part of a high availability
(HA) configuration, you must stop it by using the endmqm command, or by clicking
the stop icon in the queue manager widget in the IBM MQ Console. If the queue
manager is part of an HA configuration, you must leave it to the HA subsystem to
handle the stopping of the queue manager.

v To start the secondary queue manager by using the command line interface:
1. Log in to the recovery appliance as a user in the administrators group.
2. Type the following command to enter IBM MQ administration mode:
3. Run the following command:
makedrprimary -m QMname

Where QMname is the name of the queue manager.

If the state of the queue manager is inconsistent when it starts (that is,
replication failed from the main site), the queue manager reverts to the
previous saved snapshot of its data.

Chapter 6. Administering 275

4. Run the following command to start the queue manager:
strmqm QMname
v To start the secondary queue manager by using the IBM MQ Console:
1. Start the IBM MQ Appliance web UI and view the MQ Console.
2. In the queue manager widget, select the secondary queue manager that you
want to make the primary.
3. Select More > Disaster Recovery and then select Make DR primary.

4. Click the start icon to start the queue manager .

v Ensure that your applications reconnect to the queue manager on the recovery
appliance. Provided that you have defined your channels with a list of
alternative connection names, specifying your primary and secondary queue
managers, then your applications will automatically connect to the new primary
queue manager.

Switching back to the main appliance

When the disaster has been resolved, and the main appliance restored, you can
revert to running the queue manager on your main appliance.

Switching back to the main appliance by using the command line

After you have switched operations to a recovery appliance, you can take steps to
revert to your main appliance.

Before you begin

If the queue manager that you are restoring to the main appliance is a high
availability queue manager, and the data has been partitioned, there are special
steps to take before you follow this procedure. It is possible that you have three
different versions of the data: one on the HA primary, one on the HA secondary,
and another on the recovery appliance in the DR configuration. If this is the case,
you must resolve the partitioning in the HA group, and then follow the procedure
outlined here to resolve the partitioning between the HA group and the DR
recovery appliance. See “Resolving a partitioned problem in a high availability
configuration” on page 442.

About this task

Following recovery from loss of the primary queue manager at the main site, you
stop the queue manager at the recovery site and restart it at the main site. The
process for switching back depends on the state of the queue manager data. There
are three possible states:
v No partitioning has occurred. The data on both data managers is the same.
v The data is partitioned, and you want to retain the data from the queue manager
that was running on the recovery appliance.
v The data is partitioned, and you want to retain the data from the original
primary queue manager on the main site.

You should follow the procedures outlined in full, regardless of the current states
of your main and recovery queue managers. (You might find that the partitioning
actually resolves part way through the procedure, depending on the initial state of
your queue managers, but if you try to shorten the procedures, you might find
that partitioning fails to resolve at all).

276 IBM MQ Appliance

v Where no partitioning has occurred:
1. End the queue manager on the recovery appliance:
endmqm QMName

Where QMName identifies the queue manager.

2. Specify that the queue manager on the recovery appliance is the secondary
queue manager:
makedrsecondary -m QMName
3. On the main appliance, specify that the original queue manager is now the
primary once more:
makedrprimary -m QMName
4. Start the queue manager on the main appliance:
strmqm QMName
This sequence is shown in diagrammatic form in Figure 1.

Figure 41. Switching back where there is no partitioning

v Where partitioning has occurred and you want to retain the data from the
recovery appliance:
1. End the queue manager on the recovery appliance:
endmqm QMName

Where QMName identifies the queue manager.

2. If required, end the queue manager on the main appliance:
endmqm QMName

Chapter 6. Administering 277

3. Specify that the queue manager on the main appliance is the secondary
queue manager:
makedrsecondary -m QMName
4. Specify that the queue manager on the recovery appliance is the primary
queue manager:
makedrprimary -m QMName

Synchronization begins and data is transferred from the recovery appliance

to the main appliance.
5. Check whether the synchronization has completed by using the status
status QMName

The output indicates that synchronization is in progress, and displays the

percentage complete and estimated completion time.
6. When the synchronization is complete, specify that the queue manager on
the recovery appliance is now the secondary queue manager:
makedrsecondary -m QMName
7. Specify that the queue manager on the main appliance is now the primary
queue manager:
makedrprimary -m QMName
8. Start the queue manager on the main appliance:
strmqm QMName
This sequence is shown in diagrammatic form in Figure 2.

278 IBM MQ Appliance

Figure 42. Switching back and retaining recovery appliance data

v Where partitioning has occurred and you want to retain the data from the main
1. End the queue manager on the recovery appliance:
endmqm QMName

Where QMName identifies the queue manager.

2. If required, end the queue manager on the main appliance:
endmqm QMName
3. Specify that the queue manager on the recovery appliance is now the
secondary queue manager:

Chapter 6. Administering 279

makedrsecondary -m QMName
4. Specify that the queue manager on the main appliance is now the primary
queue manager:
makedrprimary -m QMName

Synchronization begins and data is transferred from the main appliance to

the recovery appliance.
5. Check whether the synchronization has completed by using the status
status QMName

The output indicates that synchronization is in progress, and displays the

percentage complete and estimated completion time.
6. Start the queue manager on the main appliance (you do not need to wait for
synchronization to complete before starting the queue manager):
strmqm QMName
This sequence is shown in diagrammatic form in Figure 3.

280 IBM MQ Appliance

Figure 43. Switching back and retaining main appliance data

Switching back to the main appliance by using IBM MQ Console

After you have switched operations to a recovery appliance, you can take steps to
revert to your main appliance.

Before you begin

If the queue manager that you are restoring to the main appliance is a high
availability queue manager, and the data has been partitioned, there are special
steps to take before you follow this procedure. It is possible that you have three
different versions of the data: one on the HA primary, one on the HA secondary,
and another on the recovery appliance in the DR configuration. If this is the case,
you must resolve the partitioning in the HA group, and then follow the procedure
outlined here to resolve the partitioning between the HA group and the DR
recovery appliance. See “Resolving a partitioned problem in a high availability
configuration” on page 442.

Chapter 6. Administering 281

About this task

Following recovery from loss of the primary queue manager at the main site, you
stop the queue manager at the recovery site and restart it at the main site. The
process for switching back depends on the state of the queue manager data. There
are three possible states:
v No partitioning has occurred. The data on both data managers is the same.
v The data is partitioned, and you want to retain the data from the queue manager
that was running on the recovery appliance.
v The data is partitioned, and you want to retain the data from the original
primary queue manager on the main site.

You can detect whether partitioning has occurred by viewing the disaster recovery
section of the queue manager properties.

You should follow the procedures outlined in full, regardless of the current states
of your main and recovery queue managers. (You might find that the partitioning
actually resolves part way through the procedure, depending on the initial state of
your queue managers, but if you try to shorten the procedures, you might find
that partitioning fails to resolve at all).

v Where no partitioning has occurred:
1. Start the IBM MQ Appliance web UI on the recovery appliance and view the
MQ Console.
2. In the queue manager widget, end the queue manager on the recovery

appliance by selecting it and clicking the stop icon .

3. Specify that the queue manager on the recovery appliance is the secondary
queue manager. Select More > Disaster Recovery and select Make DR
4. Start the IBM MQ Appliance web UI on the main appliance and view the
MQ Console.
5. On the main appliance, specify that the original queue manager is now the
primary once more by selecting More > Disaster Recovery (DR) and clicking
Make DR primary.
6. Start the queue manager on the main appliance by clicking the start icon

This sequence is shown in diagrammatic form in Figure 1.

282 IBM MQ Appliance

Figure 44. Switching back where there is no partitioning

v Where partitioning has occurred and you want to retain the data from the
recovery appliance:
1. In the queue manager widget, end the queue manager on the recovery

appliance by selecting it and clicking the stop icon .

2. If required, end the queue manager on the main appliance by selecting it and

clicking the stop icon .

3. Specify that the queue manager on the main appliance is the secondary
queue manager. Select More > Disaster Recovery. and select Make DR
4. Specify that the queue manager on the recovery appliance is the primary
queue manager. Select More > Disaster Recovery and click Make DR
primary. Synchronization begins.
5. Check whether the synchronization has completed by selecting More >
Disaster Recovery and clicking DR status.
6. When the synchronization is complete, specify that the queue manager on
the recovery appliance is now the secondary queue manager. Select More >
Disaster Recovery and click Make DR secondary.
7. Specify that the queue manager on the main appliance is now the primary
queue manager. Select More > Disaster Recovery and click Make DR

Chapter 6. Administering 283

8. Start the queue manager on the main appliance by clicking the start icon

This sequence is shown in diagrammatic form in Figure 2.

Figure 45. Switching back and retaining recovery appliance data

v Where partitioning has occurred and you want to retain the data from the main

284 IBM MQ Appliance

1. In the queue manager widget, end the queue manager on the recovery

appliance by selecting it and clicking the stop icon .

2. If required, end the queue manager on the main appliance by selecting it and

clicking the stop icon .

3. Specify that the queue manager on the recovery appliance is now the
secondary queue manager. Select More > Disaster Recovery and click Make
DR secondary.
4. Specify that the queue manager on the main appliance is now the primary
queue manager. Select More > Disaster Recovery and click Make DR
primary. Synchronization begins.
5. Check whether the synchronization has completed by selecting More >
Disaster Recovery and clicking DR status.
6. Start the queue manager on the main appliance by clicking the start icon
(you do not need to wait for synchronization to complete before starting the

queue manager): .
This sequence is shown in diagrammatic form in Figure 3.

Chapter 6. Administering 285

Figure 46. Switching back and retaining main appliance data

Replacing a failed node in a disaster recovery configuration

If you lose one of the appliances in a disaster recovery configuration, you can
replace the appliance and restore the disaster recovery configuration by following
this procedure.

About this task

If a disaster occurs such that the appliance in the main site is beyond repair, you
delete the disaster recovery configuration while your queue manager runs on the
recovery appliance. You then replace the appliance and restore the disaster recover

286 IBM MQ Appliance


Following the loss of the queue manager on the main site, take the following steps:
1. On the recovery appliance, run the following command:
makedrprimary -m QMname

Where QMname is the name of the queue manager.

2. Delete the disaster recovery configuration:
dltdrprimary -m QMname
3. Run the following command to start the queue manager:
strmqm QMname
4. Ensure that your applications reconnect to the queue manager on the recovery
appliance. Provided that you have defined your channels with a list of
alternative connection names, specifying your primary and secondary queue
managers, then your applications will automatically connect to the new
primary queue manager.
5. Replace the failed appliance on your main site and configure it for disaster
recovery, see “Configuring the hardware for disaster recovery” on page 185.
6. Stop the queue manager:
endmqm QMName
7. On the recovery site, make the queue manager the primary in a new disaster
recovery configuration:
crtdrprimary -m QMName -r RecoveryName -i RecoveryIP -p Port
-m QMName
Specifies the queue manager. The queue manager must be stopped
when you run the command.
-r RecoveryName
Specifies the name of the replacement IBM MQ Appliance that you
have installed on the main site.
-i RecoveryIP
Specifies the IP address of the replacement appliance.
-p port
Specifies the port that the data replication listener on both appliances
On successful completion, the command outputs the crtdrsecondary
8. On the replacement appliance, run the command that was output by the
crtdrprimary command on its successful completion, for example:
crtdrsecondary –m QM1 –s 65536 –l myliveappl –i –p 2015

Synchronization of data from the recovery appliance to the main appliance

9. On the recovery appliance, ensure that the queue manager is not running, and
then make it the secondary queue manager:
mkdrsecondary -m QMName
10. On the replacement appliance, make the queue manager the primary queue
mkdrprimary -m QMName
11. On the replacement appliance, start the queue manager:

Chapter 6. Administering 287

strmqm QMname

You have now restored the configuration as it was before the failure at your
main site.
This procedure is shown in diagrammatic form in the following figure:

288 IBM MQ Appliance

Chapter 6. Administering 289
Replacing failed high availability nodes in a disaster recovery
If you lose high availability nodes which are also part of a disaster recovery (DR)
configuration, you can replace the high availability appliances and restore the DR
configuration by following this procedure.

About this task

If a disaster occurs such that the high availability appliances in the main site are
beyond repair, you delete the disaster recovery configuration while your queue
manager runs on the recovery appliance. You then replace the appliances, re-create
the high availability group, and restore the disaster recover configuration.

This procedure is shown in diagrammatic form in the following figure:

290 IBM MQ Appliance

Figure 47. Procedure for replacing failed high availability nodes in a disaster recovery configuration

Chapter 6. Administering 291


Following the loss of the high availability queue manager on the main site, take
the following steps:
1. Start running the queue manager on the DR recovery appliance and remove it
from DR control to make it a stand-alone queue manager. At the main site,
re-create the HA group on your replacement appliances:
a. On the recovery appliance, run the following command:
makedrprimary -m QMname

Where QMname is the name of the queue manager.

b. Delete the disaster recovery configuration:
dltdrprimary -m QMname
c. Run the following command to start the queue manager as standalone:
strmqm QMname
d. Ensure that your applications reconnect to the queue manager on the
recovery appliance. Provided that you have defined your channels with a
list of alternative connection names, specifying your primary and secondary
queue managers, then your applications will automatically connect to the
new primary queue manager.
e. Replace the failed appliances on your main site and configure them for high
availability, see “Configuring the high availability group” on page 170.
2. Create a new DR configuration on your recovery appliance, with the queue
manager running there as the primary. Use the output to create a secondary DR
queue manager on your preferred main site appliance. At this point the queue
manager resynchronizes and data is copied to the main site appliance.
a. On the recovery appliance, stop the queue manager:
endmqm QMName
b. On the recovery appliance, make the queue manager the primary in a new
disaster recovery configuration:
crtdrprimary -m QMName -r RecoveryName -i RecoveryIP -p Port
-m QMName
Specifies the queue manager. The queue manager must be stopped
when you run the command.
-r RecoveryName
Specifies the name of the replacement IBM MQ Appliance that you
have installed on the main site that you want to be the preferred
appliance for the queue manager.
-i RecoveryIP
Specifies the IP address of the replacement appliance.
-p port
Specifies the port that the data replication listener on both
appliances uses.
On successful completion, the command outputs the crtdrsecondary
c. On your preferred replacement appliance, run the command that was
output by the crtdrprimary command on its successful completion, for
crtdrsecondary –m QM1 –s 65536 –l myliveappl –i –p 2015

292 IBM MQ Appliance

Synchronization of data from the recovery appliance to the main appliance
3. On the recovery appliance, make the queue manager the secondary and
reestablish your main site appliance as the primary in the DR configuration.
Then remove the queue manager from DR once again.
a. On the recovery appliance, ensure that the queue manager is not running,
then make it the secondary queue manager:
mkdrsecondary -m QMName
b. On your preferred replacement appliance, make the queue manager the
primary queue manager:
mkdrprimary -m QMName
c. On the recovery appliance, delete the queue manager:
dltdrsecondary -m QMName
d. On your preferred replacement appliance remove the queue manager from
disaster recovery:
dltdrprimary -m QMName
4. Now re-create the high availability capability for the queue manager on the
main site, and then add it back to the DR configuration.
a. On your preferred replacement appliance, make the queue manager high
availability, and then add it back to the disaster recovery configuration:
sethagrp -i QMName
crtdrprimary -m Qmname -r recID -i recIP -p port -f

The parameters for crtdrprimary are as described for step 7, with the
addition of the following parameter:
- f floatingIP
The floating IP address is an IPv4 address that is used to replicate
queue manager data from whichever HA appliance the queue
manager is currently running on to the queue manager on the
recovery appliance. The floating IP address must be in the same
subnet group as the static IP address assigned to the replication port
(eth20) on both appliances.
b. On the recovery appliance, re-create the secondary queue manager using
the command that was output by the crtdrprimary command on the
replacement appliance. Synchronization of data from the recovery appliance
to the main appliance begins.
c. On your preferred replacement appliance, start the queue manager:
strmqm QMname


You have now restored the configuration as it was before the failure at your main

Testing the recovery appliance

You can test that the recovery appliance in a disaster recovery configuration is
operating correctly without disrupting the main site.

Chapter 6. Administering 293

About this task

You test the recovery appliance by disabling the replication interface between main
and recovery appliances. You make the secondary queue manager into the primary
and remove it from the disaster recovery configuration. You can then test the
stand-alone queue manager. After testing is complete, you restore the replication
interface and delete the queue manager. You then re-create the queue manager as
the secondary queue manager in the disaster recovery configuration.

1. Disable the replication link on one or both appliances:
# ethernet eth20
Modify Ethernet Interface configuration
# admin-state disabled
# exit

You can now work on the recovery appliance without affecting the main
2. On the recovery appliance, make the queue manager the primary:
makedrprimary -m QMname

Where QMname is the name of the queue manager.

3. Remove the queue manager from the disaster recovery configuration:
dltdrprimary -m QMname
4. Start the queue manager:
strmqm QMname
5. Connect applications to the queue manager and test that they work as
6. End the queue manager:
endmqm QMname
7. Delete the queue manager:
dltmqm QMname
8. Restore the replication link between the main and recovery appliances:
# ethernet eth20
Modify Ethernet Interface configuration
# admin-state enabled
# exit
9. Rerun the crtsecondary command that you used to create the secondary queue
manager when you first created the disaster recovery configuration. The
primary queue manager on the main appliance synchronizes its data with the
secondary queue manager to bring it up to date.

Reversing disaster recovery roles

You can, if required, reverse the roles of the main and recovery appliances in your
disaster recovery configuration.

About this task

When you reverse the roles of your main and recovery appliances, you convert
primary queue managers into secondary queue managers on the original main
appliance. You then convert secondary queue managers into primary queue
managers on the original secondary appliance.

294 IBM MQ Appliance

You should check the disaster recovery status of a queue manager before issuing
the makedrprimary command, as the effects of the makedrprimary command depend
on the status of the queue manager. Use the status qmgrname command to check
v If you issue makedrprimary for a queue manager that was Primary on an
appliance that failed, or is Primary when the network between the appliances
failed, then you will have to resolve a partitioned state if the appliance or
network is restored.
v If you issue makedrprimary for a queue manager in the Inconsistent state, then
the state of the queue manager will be reverted to the state when the previous
Synchronization was started. This is intended to be used when the original
appliance on which the queue manager was in the Primary role has failed and
will not be restored.

1. End the primary queue manager on the main appliance.
endmqm QMname

Where QMname is the name of the queue manager.

2. Convert the queue manager into a secondary queue manager:
makedrsecondary -m QMname
3. On the secondary appliance, make the queue manager the primary queue
makedrprimary -m QMname

What to do next

Repeat these steps for each queue manager in your disaster recovery configuration.

Viewing the status of a disaster recovery queue manager

You can view the status of a queue manager in a disaster recovery configuration
by using the status command on the command line, or by using the IBM MQ

About this task

The status command returns information about the operational status of a

specified queue manager in the disaster recovery configuration. The status can
include the following information:
v The disaster recovery role of the queue manager (reported as Primary or
v The current disaster recovery status:
The appliances in the disaster recovery configuration are operating
Synchronization in progress
This status can mean that initial replication is completing, or there has
been a failure of the disaster recovery replication network and the queue
manager has switched into synchronization mode to catch up as quickly
as possible.
Queue manager data on the appliances is out of step, and cannot be

Chapter 6. Administering 295

automatically resolved. The makedrprimary and makedrsecondary
commands must be used to resolve the situation. When this status is
displayed on one of the appliances in a disaster recovery pair, the other
appliance might display the remote appliance unavailable status,
because the connection was lost before it detected the partitioned status.
Remote appliance(s) unavailable
The status means that the connection to the other appliance in the
disaster recovery configuration has been lost.
The queue manager is in the secondary role on both appliances.
This status is shown only when the queue manager is in the secondary
role and an in-progress synchronization has been interrupted. If you use
the makedrprimary command on a queue manager that is in this state,
the queue manager reverts to the snapshot of its data that was taken
before it entered the inconsistent state.
Reverting to snapshot
This status is shown when the queue manager is in the secondary role,
and the makedrprimary command is issued when the queue manager is
in the inconsistent state. The queue manager is reverted to the current
snapshot of its data such that it can run.
Remote appliance(s) not configured
This status is shown when the crtdrprimary command has been run, to
specify that a queue manager has the primary role, but no
crtdrsecondary command has been run on the other appliance in the
disaster recovery pair.
v The percentage complete of a synchronization operation. This information is
shown only when the status is Synchronization in progress.
v The estimated time at which a synchronization will complete. This information
is shown only when the status is Synchronization in progress.
v The amount of out-of-sync data that exists on this instance of the queue
manager. This is the amount of data written to this instance of the queue
manager since it entered the partitioned state. This information is shown only
when the status is Partitioned.
v The percentage complete of a reversion to snapshot operation. This information
is shown only when the status is Reverting to snapshot.

v To view the DR status of a queue manager by using the command line interface:
1. Enter the IBM MQ administration mode by entering the following command:
2. View the status of a DR queue manager by entering the following command
from one of the appliances:
status QMgrName
Specifies the name of the DR queue manager that you want to view
the status of.
3. Exit the IBM MQ administration mode by entering the following command:

296 IBM MQ Appliance

v To view the DR status of a queue manager by using the IBM MQ Console:
1. Open the console and find the widget that displays the queue manager.
2. Select the queue manager in the widget. SelectMore > Disaster Recovery and
click DR status.

Managing files by using the IBM MQ Appliance web UI

You can use the file management interface of the IBM MQ Appliance web UI to
view, transfer, and edit files on the appliance.

Accessing the file manager

To access the file manager, start the IBM MQ Appliance web UI. Click the menu

icon and select Files.

Displaying directory contents

To show the contents of a directory, click the directory name in the file
management interface.

Uploading files from your workstation to the appliance

To upload files from your workstation to the appliance:

1. Click Actions in the row of the directory that you want to copy a file to.
2. Select Upload Files.
3. Define the file to upload to the appliance:
a. Click Browse to locate the file that you want to upload.
b. Optionally modify the file name of the destination file by typing a new
name in the Save as field.
c. Click Add.
4. To copy additional files, repeat the previous step.

Chapter 6. Administering 297

5. Optionally select Overwrite Existing Files.
6. Click Upload.

Retrieving files from a remote location

To retrieve a file from a remote location and upload it to the appliance:

1. Click Actions in the row of the directory that you want to copy a file to.
2. Select Fetch Files.
3. Specify the location of the file in the Source URL field.
4. Specify the target file name in the Save as field.
5. Optionally select Overwrite Existing Files.
6. Click Fetch.

Copying files

To copy files from one directory to another directory on the appliance:

1. Locate the directory that contains the files to be copied.
2. Select the check box next to the file name.
3. Scroll to the top or bottom of the panel and click Copy.
4. From the New Directory Name list, select the target directory.
5. In the New File Name field, enter the target file name, if different.
6. Optionally select Overwrite Existing Files.
7. Click Confirm Copy.

Renaming files

To rename a file on the appliance:

1. Locate the directory that contains the file to be renamed.
2. Select the check box next to the file name.
3. Scroll to the top or bottom of the panel and click Rename.
4. In the New File Name field, enter the target file name.
5. Optionally select Overwrite Existing Files.
6. Click Confirm Rename.

Moving files
To move files from one directory to another directory on the appliance:
1. Locate the directory that contains the files to be moved.
2. Select the check box next to the file name.
3. Scroll to the top or bottom of the panel and click Move.
4. From the New Directory Name list, select the target directory.
5. Optionally select Overwrite Existing Files.
6. Click Confirm Move.

Deleting files

To delete files on the appliance:

1. Locate the directory that contains the files to be deleted.
2. Select the check box next to the file name.

298 IBM MQ Appliance

3. Scroll to the top or bottom of the panel and click Delete.
4. Click Confirm Delete.

Viewing files

To view a file on the appliance:

1. Locate the directory that contains the file.
2. Click the file name to view its contents in your browser.

Editing files

You can edit some, but not all, of the files on the appliance. To edit a file:
1. Locate the directory that contains the file.
2. If the file can be edited, there is an edit link on the same row as the file name.
Click Edit.
3. The file opens in preview mode. Click Edit to edit the file.
4. Edit the file as required.
5. Click Submit.
6. Click Close.

Downloading files from the appliance

To download a file from the appliance to your workstation, you use the download
controls in your browser. So, for example, in Firefox you right-click a file name,
select Save link as and browse for a location on your workstation to save the link

Managing files by using the REST management interface

You can use the REST management interface to manipulate files and directories on
the IBM MQ Appliance.

When you use the REST management interface for this purpose, you send HTTP
requests to the REST interface port and receive JSON-formatted responses with a
payload and indication of success or failure. You can incorporate requests into
programs and so automate interaction with the appliance.

File system navigation

To begin retrieving and modifying existing file system resources, you must become
familiar with the filestore resource of the REST management interface that
represents the appliance file system. You can find the format of the filestore
resource by accessing the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) of the filestore, as
shown by the following example:
GET https://mqhost.com:5554/mgmt/filestore/

The following information is returned, which shows the required URI structure to
manipulate individual files and directories on the appliance:

Chapter 6. Administering 299


Directory management
You can perform all directory manipulation operations. These operations include
retrieving the contents of existing directories, creating directories and
sub-directories, and deleting existing directories. As with all other REST requests
on the IBM MQ Appliance, these requests specify the default domain.
Retrieving the contents of a directory
You can retrieve the contents of any appliance directory if you have
appropriate access permissions to that directory. To retrieve the contents of
any directory, construct a URI according to the directory link in the
filestore resource listing. The following request shows an example in
which the local:///test-directory directory is accessed in the default
GET https://mqhost.com:5554/mgmt/filestore/default/local/test-directory

The response shows that the target directory contains one file, test-file,
and the relevant information for that file.
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": "/mgmt/filestore/default/local/test-directory"
"doc": {
"href": "/mgmt/docs/filestore"
"filestore": {
"location": {
"name": "local:/test-directory",
"file": {
"name": "test-file",
"size": 1182,
"modified": "2016-04-07 15:14:17",
Create directories
You can create a directory with a PUT request or a POST request. Both
requests accomplish the same operation, but require a different URI to
complete successfully. You can choose which approach is more convenient
for you. The following POST request shows the URI that is required to
create a subdirectory in the local:/// directory:
POST https://mqhost.com:5554/mgmt/filestore/default/local

The following PUT request shows the URI that is required to create a
test-directory subdirectory within the local:/// directory:
PUT https://mqhost.com:5554/mgmt/filestore/default/local/test-directory

300 IBM MQ Appliance

Both the POST and PUT requests require that the details of the directory to
be created are specified in the request payload. The following example
shows the required request payload, with the directory name specified in
the name parameter. This payload structure is used for both the PUT
request and the POST request. The directory name in the payload and in
the URI for the PUT request must match, otherwise an error results.
"directory": {
"name": "test-directory"

Issuing a POST request or a PUT request on an existing directory resource

returns an error. This feature protects you from accidentally removing the
directory contents. If you intend to overwrite a directory with new
contents, you must first delete the directory by issuing a DELETE request
and then re-create it.
Delete existing directories
To delete an existing directory, send a DELETE request to the target
directory. The following example request requests deletion of the
local:///test_dir directory:
DELETE https://mqhost.com:5554/mgmt/filestore/default/local/test_dir

After the directory is deleted, you see a response similar to the following
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": "/mgmt/filestore/default/local/test_dir"
"doc": {
"href": "/mgmt/docs/filestore"
"result": "ok",
"script-log": ""

File management

You can perform all file manipulation operations by using the REST management
interface. These operations include retrieving and updating the contents of existing
files, creating files, and deleting existing files.
Retrieve file contents
You can retrieve the contents of any file on the appliance provided you
have appropriate access permissions to that file. To retrieve the contents of
any file, construct a URI based on the file part of the filestore resource.
For example, the following request retrieves contents of the test_file.txt
file in the local:///test_dir directory:
GET https://mqhost.com:5554/mgmt/filestore/default/local/test_dir/test_file.txt

File contents that are returned as a base64-encoded payload:

"_links": {
"self": {
"href": "/mgmt/filestore/default/local/test_dir/test_file.txt"
"doc": {

Chapter 6. Administering 301

"href": "/mgmt/docs/filestore"
"file": {
"name": "local:///test_dir/test_file.txt",
"value": "SEVMTE8hISE=..."
Create and update files
You can create a file by using a PUT request or a POST request. Both
requests create a file, but require a different URI to complete successfully.
A POST request fails if a file with the same name exists in the target
directory. This feature prevents you from accidentally overwriting an
existing file. However, you can also create a file by using a PUT request.
Issuing a PUT request on an existing file overwrites the file with the
contents in the request payload.
The following POST request shows the URI that is required to create a file
in the local:/// directory:
POST https://mqhost.com:5554/mgmt/filestore/default/local
The following PUT request shows the URI that is required to create the
test-file.txt file in the local:/// directory:
PUT https://mqhost.com:5554/mgmt/filestore/default/local/test-file.txt
Both the POST and PUT requests require that the details of the file to be
created are specified in the request payload. The following example shows
the required request payload, with the file name specified in the name
parameter and the contents in the contents parameter. The file contents
must be base64-encoded before they are embedded into the request
payload. This payload structure is used for both the PUT request and the
POST request. The file name in the payload and in the URI for the PUT
request must match, otherwise an error results.
"file": {
After the file is created, a response is returned similar to the one shown in
the following example:
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": "/mgmt/filestore/default/local/test-file"
"doc": {
"href": "/mgmt/docs/filestore"
"test-file": "File has been created."
If you use a PUT request to overwrite an existing file, you receive a
response similar to the following example:

302 IBM MQ Appliance

"_links": {
"self": {
"href": "/mgmt/filestore/default/local/test-file"
"doc": {
"href": "/mgmt/docs/filestore"
"test-file": "File has been updated."
Delete existing files
To delete an existing file, send a DELETE request to the target file. The
following example shows this request for the test_file.txt file in the
local:///test_dir directory:
DELETE https://mqhost.com:5554/mgmt/filestore/default/local/test_dir/test_file.txt

After the file is deleted, a response is returned that is similar to the

following example:
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": "/mgmt/filestore/default/local/default/test_file.txt"
"doc": {
"href": "/mgmt/docs/filestore"
"result": "ok"

Watchdog timer
The IBM MQ Appliance has a baseboard management controller (BMC) that
provides a watchdog timer.

The watchdog timer allows you to detect and recover from a serious malfunction
on the appliance, even if the appliance is at a remote location. When the appliance
is running normally, the appliance firmware informs the BMC that all is well every
few seconds. If the BMC receives no such notification for a specified time (by
default, twenty minutes), it restarts the appliance.

If you want to change the default behavior of the watchdog timer, or implement
some of the other available features, you can configure the BMC.

You use the Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI) to configure the
BMC. Commands that are sent over IPMI are independent of the appliance CPU,
firmware, and operating system. The BMC can still be accessed when the appliance
is powered off (provided that it is plugged into power).

You must meet the following requirements before you can configure the BMC:
v You must use the mgt0 interface on the appliance for your IPMI connection, see
“IPMI LAN channel commands” on page 703.
v You must create a special IPMI user, “IPMI user commands” on page 702.
v You require a remote system, for example a Linux host, running a suitable IPMI
client. (The examples use a Linux command line IPMI client called ipmitool, see

Chapter 6. Administering 303


The following examples show basic watchdog timer configuration, by using

ipmitool commands.

The following command queries the state of the watchdog timer:

ipmitool -L operator -I lanplus -H ipmi_channel_IP -U ipmi_user
-P ipmi_password mc watchdog get

v ipmi_channel_IP is the IP address that you allocated to the appliance when you
configured the IPMI interface on mgt0.
v ipmi_user is the name of the ipmi user that you configured on the appliance.
v ipmi_password is the password for the ipmi user.

The command returns information similar to the following example:

Watchdog Timer Use: SMS/OS (0x44)
Watchdog Timer Is: Started/Running
Watchdog Timer Actions: Hard Reset (0x01)
Pre-timeout interval: 0 seconds
Timer Expiration Flags: 0x00
Initial Countdown: 1200 sec
Present Countdown: 1199 sec

Watchdog Timer Is
Reports the current running state of the watchdog timer.
Watchdog Timer Action
Describes what is done when the timer reaches 0. The default is to restart
the appliance.
Initial Countdown
The total timer wait time.
Present Countdown
The current timer value.

The following command disables the watchdog timer:

ipmitool -L operator -I lanplus -H ipmi_channel_IP -U ipmi_user
-P ipmi_password mc watchdog off

You receive a message confirming that the watchdog timer is disabled:

Watchdog Timer Shutoff successful -- timer stopped

The following command reenables the timer by setting it to its initial state:
ipmitool -L operator -I lanplus -H ipmi_channel_IP -U ipmi_user
-P ipmi_password mc reset warm

You receive a message confirming the reset:

Sent warm reset command to MC

304 IBM MQ Appliance

Chapter 7. Migrating and consolidating
You can consolidate your IBM MQ estate by migrating existing queue manager
configurations onto the IBM MQ Appliance.

The IBM MQ Appliance is designed to be a good candidate for consolidation

scenarios, where an existing diverse estate of IBM MQ queue managers and
applications is converged in a messaging hub architecture. Features of the
environment that make the appliance ideal for this use case include the system
performance tuning for client connectivity, high availability tooling, and
segmentation available by using fixed storage allocations for queue managers.

A number of factors need consideration when you plan such a

migration/consolidation exercise, depending on your previous IBM MQ
configuration. The steps that are described in the following topics must be tailored
to the particular environment that is being consolidated or migrated.

Moving queue managers from other IBM MQ platforms

Consolidation of your IBM MQ estate means moving your queue managers from
their various platforms to your IBM MQ Appliance.

IBM MQ Appliance V9.0 is compatible with IBM MQ V9.0. Follow these

instructions if you are moving queue managers from an IBM MQ V9.0 platform.

You use the dmpmqcfg command on your source system to save the configuration of
a queue manager. Running dmpmqcfg records a series of MQSC commands that you
later run with the runmqsc command. For information about MQSC commands, see
MQSC commands in the IBM MQ documentation. You create a new queue
manager on your target appliance, and create a connection to it on your source
system. You then use the runmqsc command on the source system to configure the
remote queue manager.

As part of moving a queue manager, you must carefully check the details that you
are exporting. If there are features in the export that are not supported on IBM MQ
Appliance, you must take action to remedy this. In particular, note you cannot run
applications or services on the appliance. You must move such functionality to a
client application.

If you move queue managers that are part of a distributed configuration, you must
update channel definitions on other queue managers in the configuration to point
to the new location of the moved queue manager on the appliance.

The following topics contain detailed instructions for moving queue managers
from different types of platform.

Note: These instructions assume that you are moving queue managers from
platforms other than z/OS, but the general principles also apply to migrating from

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2015, 2017 305

Moving a queue manager
Follow these instructions to move a queue manager from an IBM MQ V8.0 system
to an IBM MQ Appliance.

About this task

You move a queue manager by re-creating it on the target system. The procedure
re-creates the configuration of the queue manager, it does not attempt to re-create
the current state of the queue manager by, for example, unloading and reloading

In these instructions, the source system is the system that you are moving the
queue manager from. The target system is the IBM MQ Appliance.

1. Log in to the source system as a user in the IBM MQ administrators (mqm)
2. Save the configuration information of the queue manager that you want to
move by typing the following command:

306 IBM MQ Appliance

dmpmqcfg -a -m QM_name > QM_file

v QM_name is the name of the queue manager that you want to move.
v QM_file is the name and path of a local file on the source system that the
configuration information is written to.
3. If the queue manager is part of a distributed configuration, quiesce the queue
manager. Ensure that there are no messages in flight then stop the queue
4. Create and start a new target queue manager on the IBM MQ Appliance. You
can use the IBM MQ Console to do this action, see “Using the IBM MQ
Console” on page 207, or you can use MQSC commands, with the required
name and attribute values. If you want to use MQSC commands, you must
complete the following steps:
a. Connect to the IBM MQ Appliance as described in “Command line access”
on page 109.
b. Log in as a user in the administrators group.
c. Type the following command to open the IBM MQ command line
5. Set up any user IDs that are required by the queue manager that you are
6. Enable a client connection to the target queue manager. You must define and
start a TCP listener, define an SVRCONN channel, and allow administrator
access to the queue manager by using this channel. You can use the IBM MQ
Console to do this action, see “Using the IBM MQ Console” on page 207, or
you can use MQSC commands. If the source IBM MQ system has IBM MQ
Explorer, try using it to add a remote queue manager definition for the target
queue to check that the client connection is working.
7. Ensure that your exported queue manager configuration is compatible with
the target IBM MQ Appliance. Follow the process in “Handling incompatible
features in the queue manager” on page 310. Edit the file that contains the
queue manager configuration information if necessary.
8. Import the source queue manager configuration into the target queue
manager. You run these steps on the source system:
a. Define an environment variable that is named MQSERVER to identify the
channel that connects to the target queue manager. For example, the value
of MQSERVER could be set to:
b. Run the following command to replay on the target queue manager the
commands that were exported from the source queue manager:
runmqsc -c QM_name < QM_file
9. Restore the attributes that were masked in the dmpmqcfg output and that you
identified when you checked the output (as described in “Handling
incompatible features in the queue manager” on page 310). You restore
attributes by using the client connection from the source system. You can
either use IBM MQ Explorer, or start runmqsc interactively in client mode, and
then input MQSC commands:
runmqsc -c QM_name
10. Stop and restart the queue manager on the target IBM MQ Appliance and
ensure that it starts cleanly.

Chapter 7. Migrating and consolidating 307

Moving queue managers secured by using TLS
You must take additional steps when you move queue managers that are secured
by using TLS.

About this task

When you move a secure queue manager to IBM MQ Appliance, you must
re-create the repository on the appliance and regenerate certificates and keys. The
repository is created when you create the queue manager on the appliance; you
must take steps to regenerate certificates and keys. You then redistribute those
certificates and keys to the various queue managers and clients that want to
communicate with each other.

The following procedure describes a scenario that requires certificate exchange

using a self-signed certificate. If you are using certificates signed by a CA, you
require extra steps to request a certificate and to import the signed certificate and
any other certificates required to form the chain of trust.

1. Connect to the IBM MQ Appliance as described in “Command line access” on
page 109.
2. Log in as a user in the administrators group.
3. Type the following command to open the IBM MQ command line interface
4. Type the following command to generate a self-signed certificate, and extract it:
mqa(mqcli)# createcert -m qmname -label labelname -dn "CN=Issuer,OU=Certificate Authority,O=organ

For example:
mqa(mqcli)# createcert -m REGA -label ibmwebspheremqrega -dn "CN=Issuer,OU=Certificate Authority,
5. Type exit to exit the IBM MQ command line interface shell, and type the
following command to open the appliance configuration shell:
6. Copy the new certificate that you created in step 4 to any queue manager or
client machines that need a TLS connection to the queue manager:
mqa(config)# copy mqpubcert:///certificate_source scp://certificate_destination

For example:
mqa(config)# copy mqpubcert:///REGA_ibmwebspheremqrega scp://myuser@
7. If the queue manager is part of a distributed configuration, copy certificates
from remote queue managers to the appliance. Enter the following command:
mqa(config)# copy scp:certificate_source mqpubcert:///certificate_destination

For example:
mqa(config)# copy scp://myuser@ mq
8. Open the IBM MQ CLI shell again, and type the following command to add
certificates that you copied in the previous step to the repository:
mqa(mqcli)# addcert -m qmname -label qmlable -file remoteqm_certificate -format ascii

For example:
mqa(mqcli)# addcert -m REGA -label ibmwebspheremqregb -file ibmwebspheremqregb.p12 -format ascii

308 IBM MQ Appliance

9. On each of the systems that need to make a TLS connection with the queue
manager on the IBM MQ Appliance, issue the commands to delete the original
certificate and add the new one copied from the appliance.

Planning for incompatible features in the queue manager

It is possible that not all features in your source queue manager are supported by
the target IBM MQ Appliance. You should take time to plan how you intend to
handle any incompatible features.

For help with planning how to handle incompatible features, consult the following
v “Differences between administering an IBM MQ Appliance and an IBM MQ
installation” on page 17
v “Moving a queue manager” on page 306
v “Using an IBM MQ client” on page 246

user IDs and groups

As part of moving the queue manager, you must identify any user IDs and groups
that the queue manager configuration includes and re-create them on the IBM MQ
Appliance. If different user IDs and groups are created on the appliance, then you
must make the appropriate changes to the dmpmqcfg output.

Special considerations for moving a queue manager from z/OS

In most cases it is not appropriate to move a queue manager from z/OS to an

appliance, because the connecting applications (for example in batch, CICS, IMS
and DB2® environments) must be locally bound to a z/OS queue manager running
on the same LPAR as the application.

Queue managers on z/OS are likely to have several z/OS-specific attributes that
are not supported on IBM MQ Appliance. You must remove or comment out such

These changes do not ensure that the migrated queue manager is functionally
equivalent to the original queue manager on z/OS. You must consider each of the
attributes that are not supported by the new queue manager to decide whether its
value is significant for your applications, and if the behavior of the object in the
new queue manager, without this attribute, is acceptable. In some cases, it might
be necessary to define different objects or to set other values to achieve the same
effect. This consideration also applies to differences in the default value of some
attributes. For example, queues on z/OS default to non-shared so there might be
several statements that replace queues, including default system queues, with
non-shared versions. This action might be the right thing to do if your applications
rely on this characteristic, or it might be the wrong thing to do because you want
to preserve the default behavior of the appliance queue manager.

Inspecting qm.ini file for the source queue manager

Examine the qm.ini file and make a note of any settings that cannot be made by
running the commands in the dmpmqcfg output. These settings might include, for
example, log file settings. Particularly note any exit information in the
configuration. IBM MQ Appliance does not support exits, so this functionality
must be substituted. For example, channel exits can be replaced by channel auth

Chapter 7. Migrating and consolidating 309

records, and API exits might be replaced by activity trace. For more information
about qm.ini, see Queue manager configuration files, qm.ini in the IBM MQ


Applications cannot be run on the IBM MQ Appliance. You must plan to migrate
any applications that are local to the queue manager to a client system. Such
applications need to be rebuilt so that they can connect to the queue manager from
another machine by using client connections. If any applications are run as
triggered processes, they must also be converted to run on a client machine. In that
case, it is necessary to run the trigger monitor in client mode and to alter the
queue manager's process definitions accordingly. For help, see runmqtmc and
Managing objects for triggering in the IBM MQ documentation.

Exits and services

The IBM MQ Appliance does not support exits or services that are defined in the
queue manager configuration. You must plan to migrate exits and services to
equivalent functionality on a client system. For guidance, see “Moving a queue
manager” on page 306 and “Using an IBM MQ client” on page 246.

Channels that use SSLv3 CipherSpecs

By default, IBM MQ v9.0 does not support SSLv3 and related CipherSpecs. See
Deprecation: SSLv3 protocol. If you move a queue manager to the IBM MQ
Appliance that has one or more channels that use SSLv3, you can take action to
enable support for SSLv3. You can take one of the following actions:
v Set the environment variable AMQ_SSL_V3_ENABLE=1. See “Configuring
environment variables” on page 162 for details of how to set environment
variables on the appliance.
v Change the SSL stanza in the qm.ini file to re-enable the SSLv3 CipherSpecs, for
mqa# mqcli
mqa(mqcli)# setmqini -m QMGR -s SSL -k AllowSSLV3 -v YES

See “Adding a value to the configuration file” on page 311 for details of using
the setmqini command to edit the qm.ini file on the appliance.

Handling incompatible features in the queue manager

You must check that the queue manager that you are moving to the IBM MQ
Appliance is compatible with the appliance.

The dmpmqcfg command that you run on your source platform produces a series of
MQSC commands that you run to re-create the queue manager on the target IBM
MQ Appliance. Certain features are incompatible with the appliance, and you must
check the dmpmqcfg output, and amend it if necessary, to deal with incompatible

The output from the dmpmqcfg command contains lines that are commented out by
the asterisk (*) character. Many of these values are read-only values that are set
when the queue manager is created. They cannot be affected by the commands in
the dmpmqcfg output.

310 IBM MQ Appliance

You must also check the configuration file (qm.ini) for the source queue manager
and make a note of any non-default attributes that cannot be set by the ALTER
QMGR command, and so are not recorded in the output from dmpmqcfg.

Substitute appropriate values for masked values

The output from the dmpmqcfg command might include one or more masked
values. If these values were replayed in commands, they would not correctly
re-create the objects configuration. The values are masked to prevent sensitive data,
such as passwords, from being included in clear text in the configuration dump.

Before you replay the configuration, first check the output for masked parameters
such as SSLCRYP, PASSWORD, or LDAPPWD that are commented. You must use
additional commands to substitute valid values.

Remove definitions of queue manager services

Queue manager services are not supported by IBM MQ Appliance. You must
search the dmpmqcfg output for any DEFINE SERVICE or ALTER SERVICE
commands and remove service definitions. Services can be replaced by code in
client applications.

Remove changes to the CCSID

Remove any change to the queue manager CCSID in the ALTER QMGR command.
The default CCSID for IBM MQ Appliance is 819. If you must change the CCSID,
use a separate command and then restart the queue manager to ensure that all
processes switch to the new CCSID.

Verify user IDs

Ensure that any user IDs specified in the commands are correctly defined on the
IBM MQ Appliance. On Windows source systems, the user and group names
might be in the form name@domain. This format is not supported on the appliance,
so any such user IDs must be mapped to new user IDs on the appliance.

Remove changes to the SSLKEYR queue manager attribute

The SSLKEYR queue manager attribute is managed by the appliance, and should
not be overwritten when you replay the commands to create the queue manager

Removing listeners from Windows queue managers

Where you are moving a queue manager from a source Windows system, you
must remove any definitions for NETBIOS, SPX, and LU62 listeners from the
dmpmqcfg output.

Editing qm.ini files

You cannot directly edit a queue manager qm.ini file on the IBM MQ Appliance.
There are CLI commands, however, that you use to work with qm.ini files.

Adding a value to the configuration file

You can add a value or modify an existing value in the configuration file of a
queue manager by using the setmqini command on the command line.

Chapter 7. Migrating and consolidating 311

About this task

You can use the setmqini command to add values to the qm.ini file, which is used
for general queue manager configuration, or the mqat.ini file, which is used to
control application activity trace. The stanza that you specify as an argument to
setmqini determines which file the value is written to.

1. Enter the IBM MQ administration mode by entering the following command:
2. Add or modify the value to the qm.ini file by entering the following command:
setmqini -m QMgrName -s Stanza -k KeyName -v Value
Specifies that the configuration file that is associated with the specified
queue manager is to be modified.
Specifies which stanza the value is to be added to.
The following values for Stanza modify the qm.ini file:
v Log
v Channels
v InstanceData
v TuningParameters
v Security
v Subpool
The following value for Stanza modifies the mqat.ini file.
v AllActivityTrace
Do not edit the qm.ini file to control the number of channels. Instead,
use the MAXINST and MAXINSTC values on your SVRCONN channels. For
more information, see “Queue manager configuration on the IBM MQ
Appliance” on page 23.
Specifies which key to add or modify.
Ensure that the value of KeyName is correct before you use the
command to add a key and value from the stanza. The value of
KeyName is not validated. If incorrect values are specified in the qm.ini
file, a subsequent attempt to start the queue manager might fail.
See Configuring trace levels for details of keys that you can add or
modify to the mqat.ini file.
Value Specifies the value to add for the specified key name.
If Value is a string that contains spaces, it must be enclosed in double
quotation marks. Any double quotation marks that are used in the
Value must be escaped by using a backslash ( \ ).

312 IBM MQ Appliance

Ensure that the value of Value is correct before you use the command to
add a value to the stanza. The value of Value is not validated. If
incorrect values are specified in the qm.ini file, a subsequent attempt to
start the queue manager might fail.
3. Optional: Exit the IBM MQ administration mode by entering the following


The following example shows the addition of the key RemoteQueueAccessControl

with a value of Xmitq to the stanza Security in the qm.ini file of queue manager
setmqini -m QM1 -s Security -k RemoteQueueMangerAccessControl -v Xmitq

The following example shows the key TraceLevel being set to HIGH in the
mqat.ini file.
setmqini -m QM1 -s AllActivityTrace -k TraceLevel -v HIGH

Deleting a value from a qm.ini file

You can delete a value from the qm.ini file of a queue manager by using the
setmqini command on the command line.

About this task

You cannot delete an entire stanza from the qm.ini in a single command. To delete
an entire stanza, you must delete each key individually from the stanza.

1. Enter the IBM MQ administration mode by entering the following command:
2. Delete the value from the qm.ini file by entering the following command:
setmqini -m QMgrName -s Stanza -k KeyName -d
Specifies that the qm.ini file that is associated with the specified queue
manager is to be modified.
Specifies which stanza the value is to be removed from.
Valid values for Stanza are the following values:
v Log
v Channels
v InstanceData
v TuningParameters
v Security
v Subpool
Specifies which key and associated value to delete.

Chapter 7. Migrating and consolidating 313

Ensure that the value of KeyName is correct before you use the
command to remove a key and value from the stanza. The value of
KeyName is not validated. If you remove a value that is required by the
queue manager, a subsequent attempt to start the queue manager might
3. Optional: Exit the IBM MQ administration mode by entering the following


The following example shows the deletion of the key name and associated value of
RemoteQueueAccessControl in the Security stanza of the qm.ini file of queue
manager QM1:
setmqini -m QM1 -s Security -k RemoteQueueAccessControl -d

Viewing a configuration file

You can view the contents of a single stanza or key in a queue manager
configuration file by using the dspmqini command on the command line.

About this task

You can use the dspmqini command to view stanzas in the qm.ini file, which is
used for general queue manager configuration, or the mqat.ini file, which is used
to control application activity trace. The stanza that you specify as an argument to
dspmqini determines which file you view.

1. Enter the IBM MQ administration mode by entering the following command:
2. View the contents of the configuration file by entering one of the following
v To view the contents of the entire qm.ini file, enter the following command:
dspmqini -m QMgrName
v To view the contents of a single stanza of a qm.ini file, or of the mqat.inifile,
enter the following command:
dspmqini -m QMgrName -s Stanza
v To view the contents of a single key of the qm.ini or mqat.ini file, enter the
following command:
dspmqini -m QMgrName -s Stanza -k KeyName
Specifies that the file that is associated with the specified queue
manager is to be viewed.
Specifies the stanza that you want to view.
The following values are valid for viewing stanzas in the qm.ini file:
v Log
v Channels

314 IBM MQ Appliance

v InstanceData
v TuningParameters
v Security
v Subpool
The following value is valid for viewing the mqat.ini file:
v AllActivityTrace
Specifies the name of the key that you want to view.
3. Optional: Exit the IBM MQ administration mode by entering the following

v The following example shows viewing the Channels stanza in the qm.ini file for
queue manager QM1:
dspmqini -m QM1 -s Channels
v The following example shows viewing the value of the key name
ClusterQueueAccessControl in the Security stanza of the qm.ini file of queue
manager QM1:
dspmqini -m QM1 -s Security -k ClusterQueueAccessControl
v The following example shows viewing the value of the key name ActivityCount
in the AllActivityTrace stanza of the mqat.ini file of queue manager QM1:
dspmqini -m QM1 -s AllActivityTrace -k ActivityCount

Transferring queue managers to other IBM MQ Appliances

You can transfer queue managers and associated data from one appliance to
another. You can use the High Availability or Disaster Recovery features to assist in
such transfers, which simplifies the procedure.

Transfer from an existing single appliance to a new single

appliance by using archive files

Follow this procedure to transfer queue managers from an existing IBM MQ

Appliance to a new IBM MQ Appliance by using archive files created when
backing up each queue manager.

You can back up a queue manager, including log files and data, to an archive file
stored in the mqbackup:///QMgrs directory on the appliance. You can move the file
to another appliance and then restore the queue manager to the new appliance.
Follow the instructions in “Backing up a queue manager” on page 259 and
“Restoring a queue manager” on page 261.

Transfer from an existing single appliance to a new single

appliance by using DR commands
Follow this procedure to transfer queue managers from an existing IBM MQ
Appliance to a new IBM MQ Appliance using disaster recovery commands.

Chapter 7. Migrating and consolidating 315

The following diagram gives an overview of the procedure.

Figure 48. Transferring queue managers on single appliances

316 IBM MQ Appliance

Preparing the new appliance
Follow these steps to prepare the new appliance for transfer of an IBM MQ queue
manager and associated data from the old appliance.

About this task

To prepare the new appliance, you connect it to the old appliance and give the
new appliance a temporary configuration for ports ETH20 and MGT0. When you
have transferred all your queue managers, the new appliance will be reconfigured
with the old appliance port details, and the old appliance is then retired.

1. Power up the new appliance and attach the supplied serial console cable to the
console port.
2. Configure the ETH20 port. This is the port over which you will migrate the
queue manager data. If you are going to directly connect the two appliances,
configure a temporary IP address and leave the gateway unconfigured. If you
are connect to a 10 Gb network, specify an IP (CIDR) and a gateway for the
connection. See “Configuring Ethernet interfaces by using the command line”
on page 121 for help with configuring the Ethernet ports.
3. Configure the MGT0 port. Connect the port to a 1 Gb network, specifying an IP
(CIDR) and a gateway for the connection.
4. Connect the ETH20 port on the new appliance to the ETH20 port on the old
appliance using the supplied cable. (If the two appliances are not located near
each other, ensure both are connected to a 10 Gb network.)
5. Check that you can communicate with the new appliance by pinging the IP
address that was assigned to ETH20 on the existing appliance.
6. Ensure the MGT0 port on both appliances are connected to a 1 Gb network
(this connection enables you to send commands to the appliance from a remote

Preparing the existing appliance

Follow these steps to prepare your existing appliance for transfer of an IBM MQ
queue manager and associated data to the new appliance.

About this task

To prepare the old appliance, you connect it to the new appliance and ensure that
the two appliances can communicate.

1. If it is not already configured, configure the ETH20 port. This is the port over
which you will migrate the queue manager data. If you are going to directly
connect the two appliances, configure a an IP address and leave the gateway
unconfigured. If you are connect to a 10 Gb network, specify an IP (CIDR) and
a gateway for the connection. See “Configuring Ethernet interfaces by using the
command line” on page 121 for help with configuring the Ethernet ports.
2. Ensure that the ETH20 port on the existing appliance is connected to the
ETH20 port on the new appliance using the supplied cable. (If the two
appliances are not located near each other, ensure both are connected to a 10
Gb network.)
3. Check that you can communicate with the new appliance by pinging the IP
address that was assigned to ETH20 on the new appliance.

Chapter 7. Migrating and consolidating 317

4. Ensure the MGT0 port on both appliances are connected to a 1 Gb network
(this connection enables you to send commands to the appliance from a remote

Transferring a queue manager

Follow these steps to transfer a queue manager and associated data from one
appliance to another appliance.

About this task

You use the commands that are normally used to set up a disaster recovery
solution to transfer data between the two appliances.

On the existing appliance, you use a command that specifies that the queue
manager to be transferred is the primary version of the queue manager. When you
run this command, it outputs another command that you run on the new
appliance to create a new, secondary version of the queue manager. After you run
the command to create a secondary version of the queue manager, synchronization
begins and transfers the queue manager data across the ETH20 link.

You repeat this procedure for each queue manager on your existing appliance.

1. On the existing appliance, complete the following steps:
a. Enter MQ administration mode by typing mqcli on the command line.
b. Stop the queue manager that you want to transfer:
endmqm queue_manager
c. Enter the following command:
crtdrprimary -m queue_manager -r new_appliance_name -i new_appliance_IP
-p port
On successful completion, the command outputs a crtdrsecondary
d. Restart the queue manager:
strmqm queue_manager
2. On the new appliance, complete the following steps:
a. Enter MQ administration mode by typing mqcli on the command line.
b. Enter the crtdrsecondary command, exactly as output in step 1c.
Synchronization of data from the old appliance to the new appliance begins.
3. On either appliance, check the progress of the synchronization by using the
status command.
status queue_manager

Post transfer tasks

After you have transferred all of your queue managers from your existing
appliance to your new appliance, you retire your existing appliance and configure
the new appliance to take its place.

About this task

Your first step is to use more disaster recovery commands to remove the pairing
between the two machines. You then disconnect your old appliance from the
network. Finally, you reconfigure the new appliance so that it uses the same IP
addresses as the old appliance.

318 IBM MQ Appliance

1. On the old appliance, complete the following steps:
a. Enter MQ administration mode by typing mqcli on the command line.
b. Stop the queue manager that you want to work with:
endmqm queue_manager
c. Enter the following command to specify that a queue manager is no longer
the primary instance of that queue manager and remove it from the
temporary disaster recovery configuration:
dltdrprimary -m queue_manager
d. Repeat these steps for every queue manager on your appliance.
2. On the new appliance, complete the following steps:
a. Enter MQ administration mode by typing mqcli on the command line.
b. Enter the following command to specify that a queue manager is now the
primary instance of that queue manager:
makedrprimary -m queue_manager
c. Stop the queue manager:
endmqm queue_manager
d. Enter the following command to remove the queue manager from the
temporary disaster recovery configuration:
dltdrprimary -m queue_manager
e. Repeat these steps for every queue manager on your appliance.
3. Disconnect your old appliance from any networks that it is connected to.
4. Reconfigure your new appliance so that it uses the IP addresses previously
used by the old appliance. This step ensures that any IP address used in an
IBM MQ channel now connects to the new appliance. See “Configuring
Ethernet interfaces by using the command line” on page 121 for help with
reconfiguring your new appliance.

Transfer from an existing appliance in a disaster recovery

Follow this procedure to transfer queue managers from an existing IBM MQ
Appliance to a new IBM MQ Appliance that is part of a disaster recovery

The following diagram gives an overview of the procedure.

Chapter 7. Migrating and consolidating 319

Figure 49. Transferring from an existing appliance in a disaster recovery configuration

320 IBM MQ Appliance

Transferring from the main appliance
Follow this procedure to transfer queue managers and associated data from your
existing main appliance.

About this task

This procedure uses the following terminology:

v Main appliance - the appliance located in your main data center that runs the
primary instances of the queue managers.
v Recovery appliance - the appliance in your back up data center that has
secondary instances of the queue managers.

To prepare your main appliance to transfer queue managers to a new, replacement

appliance, you stop all the queue managers on the appliance, and run the
secondary instances as primaries on your recovery appliance. You then delete the
disaster recovery pairing between the two appliances.

The main appliance now has no active queue managers, you can disconnect it and
power it down.

1. On the main appliance, complete the following steps:
a. Enter MQ administration mode by typing mqcli on the command line.
b. Stop the queue manager that you want to work with:
endmqm queue_manager
2. On your recovery appliance, complete the following steps:
a. Enter MQ administration mode by typing mqcli on the command line.
b. Make the queue manager the primary instance:
makedrprimary queue_manager
c. Start the queue manager:
strmqm queue_manager
d. Remove the queue manager from the disaster recovery configuration:
dltdrprimary -m queue_manager
e. Repeat these steps for each queue manager.
3. After you have transferred all your queue managers from the main appliance,
you can disconnect it from the network and power it down.

Preparing the new main appliance

Follow these steps to prepare the new appliance for transfer of an IBM MQ queue
manager and associated data from the recovery appliance.

About this task

To prepare the new appliance you power up the appliance and configure the
Ethernet ports as they were configured for the original main appliance.

1. Power up the new main appliance and attach the supplied serial console cable
to the console port.
2. Configure the ETH20 port. This is the port over which you will migrate the
queue manager data. Configure it with the same details that the appliance you

Chapter 7. Migrating and consolidating 321

are replacing was configured. See “Configuring Ethernet interfaces by using the
command line” on page 121 for help with configuring the Ethernet ports.
3. Configure the MGT0 port. Connect the port to a 1 Gb network, and configure it
with the same details that the appliance you are replacing was configured.
(This connection enables you to send commands to the appliance from a remote
4. Configure the remaining Ethernet ports as they were originally configured for
the main appliance.
5. Connect the ETH20 port to the 10 Gb network that the ETH20 port of the
recovery appliance is connected to.
6. Connect the MGT0 port to the 1 Gb network that the MGT0 port of the
recovery port is connect to.
7. Ping the secondary appliance to check the connections.
8. Make other network connections as required to replicate the configuration of
the original main appliance.

Transferring queue managers to the new main appliance

Follow these steps to transfer a queue manager and associated data from the
recovery appliance to your new main appliance.

About this task

After following the procedure to this point, your queue managers are currently
running on your recovery appliance, and are not part of a disaster recovery
configuration. You now use a command for each queue manager to designate that
it is the primary instances on the recovery appliance. A command is output at the
successful completion of this command that you run on the new main appliance to
create a secondary instance of the queue manager there and synchronize it with
the primary instance across the ETH20 link.

You repeat this procedure for each queue manager on your recovery appliance.

1. On the recovery appliance, complete the following steps:
a. Enter MQ administration mode by typing mqcli on the command line.
b. Stop the queue manager that you want to transfer:
endmqm queue_manager
c. Enter the following command:
crtdrprimary -m queue_manager -r new_appliance_name -i new_appliance_IP
-p port
On successful completion, the command outputs a crtdrsecondary
d. Restart the queue manager:
strmqm queue_manager
2. On the new mains appliance, complete the following steps:
a. Enter MQ administration mode by typing mqcli on the command line.
b. Enter the crtdrsecondary command, exactly as output in step 1c.
Synchronization of data from the old appliance to the new appliance begins.
3. On either appliance, check the progress of the synchronization by using the
status command.
status queue_manager

322 IBM MQ Appliance

4. On the secondary appliance, stop each queue manager and enter the following
command to specify that the queue manager is no longer the primary instance
and remove it from the disaster recovery configuration:
dltdrprimary -m queue_manager
5. On the new main appliance enter the following command for each queue
manager to specify that it is now the primary instance of the queue manager:
makedrprimary -m queue_manager
6. Stop each queue manager:
endmqm queue_manager
7. Enter the following command for each queue manager to remove it from the
disaster recovery configuration:
dltdrprimary -m queue_manager

Replacing the recovery appliance

Follow these steps to prepare the new recovery appliance to take its place in the
disaster recovery configuration.

About this task

To prepare the new recovery appliance you power up the new appliance and
configure the Ethernet ports as they were configured for the original recovery

You then work on the main appliance to create the queue managers as primary
instances in the new disaster recovery configuration. You run the commands
produced by that procedure on the recovery appliance to create secondary
instances of the queue managers and synchronize them with the primary instance.

1. Remove the existing recovery appliance from the network and power it down.
2. Power up the new recovery appliance and attach the supplied serial console
cable to the console port.
3. Configure the ETH20 port. This is the port over which you will connect to the
main appliance. See “Configuring Ethernet interfaces by using the command
line” on page 121 for help with configuring the Ethernet ports.
4. Configure the MGT0 port with the same details that the appliance you are
replacing was configured. (This connection enables you to send commands to
the appliance from a remote workstation.)
5. Configure the remaining Ethernet ports as they were originally configured for
the recovery appliance.
6. Connect the ETH20 port to the 10 Gb network that the ETH20 port of the
recovery appliance is connected to.
7. Connect the MGT0 port to the 1 Gb network that the MGT0 port of the
recovery port is connect to.
8. Ping the main appliance to check the connections.
9. Make other network connections as required to replicate the configuration of
the original recovery appliance.
10. On the main appliance, complete the following steps:
a. Enter MQ administration mode by typing mqcli on the command line.
b. Enter the following command:
crtdrprimary -m queue_manager -r new_appliance_name -i new_appliance_IP
-p port

Chapter 7. Migrating and consolidating 323

On successful completion, the command outputs a crtdrsecondary
c. Restart the queue manager:
strmqm queue_manager
11. On the recovery appliance, complete the following steps:
a. Enter MQ administration mode by typing mqcli on the command line.
b. Enter the crtdrsecondary command, exactly as output in step 10b.
Synchronization of data from the main appliance to the recovery appliance
c. Check the progress of the synchronization by using the status command.
status queue_manager
12. Repeat steps 10 and 11 for each queue manager.

Transfer from an existing high availability pair of appliances

to a new pair of appliances
Follow this procedure to transfer queue managers from an existing high
availability pair to a new high availability pair.

The following diagram gives an overview of the procedure.

324 IBM MQ Appliance

Figure 50. Transferring from an existing high availability group

Chapter 7. Migrating and consolidating 325

Transferring from your first HA appliance
Follow this procedure to transfer queue managers from your first high availability
appliance to the other appliance in the pair.

About this task

This procedure uses the following terminology:

v Appliance HA1 - the HA appliance named HA1. This is the first appliance that
you upgrade. For the purposes of the description it is assumed that this is the
preferred appliance for all your queue managers.
v Appliance HA2 - the second appliance in your HA pair. This is the second
appliance that you upgrade.

The first part of the operation to transfer queue managers to a new, replacement
appliance, is to run the queue managers on appliance HA2, and then deconstruct
the HA group.

The appliance HA1 then has no active queue managers, you can disconnect the
appliance and power it down.

1. On appliance HA1, complete the following steps:
a. Enter MQ administration mode by typing mqcli on the command line.
b. Clear the preferred appliance setting from the queue manager that you
want to work with:
clearhapreferred queue_manager

Repeat this command for each queue manager.

2. On appliance HA2, complete the following steps:
a. Enter MQ administration mode by typing mqcli on the command line.
b. Make the appliance the preferred appliance for the queue manager:
sethapreferred queue_manager
c. If the queue manager is running, stop it:
endmqm queue_manager
d. Remove the queue manager from the HA group:
sethagrp -e queue_manager
e. Repeat these steps for each queue manager.
f. Delete the HA group:
3. Power down appliance HA1 and disconnect all the cables.

Preparing the new HA1 appliance

Follow these steps to prepare the new HA1 appliance.

About this task

To prepare the new appliance you power up the appliance and configure the
Ethernet ports as they were configured for the original HA1 appliance.

1. Power up the new HA1 appliance and attach the supplied serial console cable
to the console port.
326 IBM MQ Appliance
2. Configure the new appliance and set up ETH13, ETH17, and ETH21 to have
the same configuration as the HA1 appliance that you are replacing. See
“Configuring Ethernet interfaces by using the command line” on page 121 for
help with configuring the Ethernet ports.
3. Configure the MGT0 port. Connect the port to a 1 Gb network, and configure it
with the same details that the appliance you are replacing was configured.
(This connection enables you to send commands to the appliance from a remote
4. Configure the remaining Ethernet ports as they were originally configured for
the main appliance.
5. Connect the new HA1 appliance to the existing HA2 appliance, as specified in
the following table:

HA1 Appliance HA2 Appliance


6. Make other network connections as required to replicate the configuration of

the original HA1 appliance.
7. Check the 1 Gb and 10 Gb connections by ensuring that the HA1 appliance can
ping the HA2 appliance and vice versa.

Transferring queue managers to the new HA1 appliance

Follow these steps to transfer a queue manager and associated data from the HA2
appliance to your new HA1 appliance.

About this task

After following the procedure to this point, your queue managers are currently
located on appliance HA2, and are not part of an HA group. You now use HA
commands to create a new HA group and replicate each queue manager to the
new HA1 appliance.

1. On the HA2 appliance, complete the following steps:
a. Enter MQ administration mode by typing mqcli on the command line.
b. Enter the following command:
prepareha -s secret_text -p IPaddress

v secret_text specifies a string that is used to generate a short-lived
password. The password is used to set up the unique key for the two
v IPaddress specifies the IP address that you have assigned to ETH13 on the
new HA1 appliance.
2. On the new HA1 appliance, complete the following steps:
a. Enter MQ administration mode by typing mqcli on the command line.
b. Enter the following command:
crthagrp -s secret_text -p IPaddress


Chapter 7. Migrating and consolidating 327

v secret_text specifies the same string that you used with the prepareha
command on the HA2 appliance.
v IPaddress specifies the IP address of ETH13 on the HA2 appliance.
3. On the HA2 appliance, add the queue managers back to the HA group. For
each queue manager, ensure that it is stopped and enter the following
sethagrp –i queue_manager

Adding the queue manager to the HA group copies it to the HA1 appliance
and restarts it running on the HA2 appliance.

Removing queue managers from your HA2 appliance

Follow this procedure to remove queue managers from the high availability
configuration on appliance HA2 in preparation for replacing the HA2 appliance.

About this task

If you have followed the procedure to this point, you have a high availability pair
comprising a new HA1 appliance and the original HA2 appliance. Queue
managers are currently running on the HA2 appliance.

You now take steps to make the queue manager fail over to appliance HA1. Then
you remove all the queue managers from the HA configuration, and delete the HA

The appliance HA2 now has no active queue managers, you can disconnect it and
power it down.

1. On appliance HA2, complete the following steps:
a. Enter MQ administration mode by typing mqcli on the command line.
b. Stop the first of the queue managers that you want to work with:
endmqm queue_manager
c. Clear the preferred appliance setting from the queue manager:
clearhapreferred queue_manager

Repeat steps b. and c. for each queue manager.

2. On appliance HA1, complete the following steps:
a. Enter MQ administration mode by typing mqcli on the command line.
b. Make the appliance the preferred appliance for the queue manager:
sethapreferred queue_manager
c. If the queue manager is running, stop it:
endmqm queue_manager
d. Remove the queue manager from the HA group:
sethagrp -e queue_manager
e. Repeat these steps for each queue manager.
f. Delete the HA group:
3. Power down appliance HA2 and disconnect all the cables.

328 IBM MQ Appliance

Preparing the new HA2 appliance
Follow these steps to prepare the new HA2 appliance.

About this task

To prepare the new appliance you power up the appliance and configure the
Ethernet ports as they were configured for the original HA2 appliance.

1. Power up the new HA2 appliance and attach the supplied serial console cable
to the console port.
2. Configure the new appliance and set up ETH13, ETH17, and ETH21 to have
the same configuration as the HA2 appliance that you are replacing. See
“Configuring Ethernet interfaces by using the command line” on page 121 for
help with configuring the Ethernet ports.
3. Configure the MGT0 port. Connect the port to a 1 Gb network, and configure it
with the same details that the appliance you are replacing was configured.
(This connection enables you to send commands to the appliance from a remote
4. Configure the remaining Ethernet ports as they were originally configured for
the main appliance.
5. Connect the new HA2 appliance to the HA1 appliance, as specified in the
following table:

HA1 Appliance HA2 Appliance


6. Make other network connections as required to replicate the configuration of

the original HA2 appliance.
7. Check the 1 Gb and 10 Gb connections by ensuring that the HA2 appliance can
ping the HA1 appliance and vice versa.

Creating a new HA group

Follow these steps to create a new HA group on the new HA1 and HA2

About this task

After following the procedure to this point, your queue managers are currently
located on appliance HA1, and are not part of an HA group. You now use HA
commands to create a new HA group and replicate each queue manager to the
new HA2 appliance.

1. On the HA1 appliance, complete the following steps:
a. Enter MQ administration mode by typing mqcli on the command line.
b. Enter the following command:
prepareha -s secret_text -p IPaddress


Chapter 7. Migrating and consolidating 329

v secret_text specifies a string that is used to generate a short-lived
password. The password is used to set up the unique key for the two
v IPaddress specifies the IP address that you have assigned to ETH13 on the
new HA2 appliance.
2. On the new HA2 appliance, complete the following steps:
a. Enter MQ administration mode by typing mqcli on the command line.
b. Enter the following command:
crthagrp -s secret_text -p IPaddress

v secret_text specifies the same string that you used with the prepareha
command on the HA1 appliance.
v IPaddress specifies the IP address of ETH13 on the HA1 appliance.
3. On the HA1 appliance, add the queue managers back to the HA group. For
each queue manager, ensure that it is stopped and enter the following
sethagrp –i queue_manager

Adding the queue manager to the HA group copies it to the HA2 appliance
and restarts it running on the HA1 appliance.

330 IBM MQ Appliance

Chapter 8. Security
You must consider security requirements before and after you configure the IBM
MQ Appliance.

Types of user and how they are authenticated

There are two types of user on the IBM MQ Appliance: appliance users, and
messaging users. Appliance users are users that can administer the appliance and
IBM MQ resources. Messaging users are users that can perform operations on
messaging resources.

Appliance users

Authentication of appliance users, and authorization of them to access appliance

resources, is controlled by role based management (RBM). RBM defines how users
are authenticated and authorized. You can specify the following authentication
v Users can be authenticated by an LDAP server.
v User details can be specified in an XML file.
v You can specify local users on the appliance itself.
You can specify the following authorization methods:
v Access policies can be defined in an XML file.
v Access policies can be defined in local user groups.
You can map user groups looked up in an LDAP directory onto groups defined in
an XML file or defined locally.

Where you have locally defined users, RBM can specify password polices and
account policies for them. These policies define the rules governing password
(such as minimum length, character types, and expiration periods) and those rules
governing when accounts are locked out after failed log in attempts.

Messaging users
Messaging users can connect to queue managers remotely to send and receive
messages. They can be authorized to remotely manage some aspects of queue
managers by using client connections such as the IBM MQ Explorer. Messaging
users are created by using user administration commands.

Messaging users can be stored in the internal user store, or in an external LDAP
repository. (The internal user store is separate to the store used for appliance
users.) The scalability of the internal store is limited, so in situations where many
messaging users exist, an external LDAP repository provides better performance.

See “Administering messaging users” on page 245 for guidance on working with
messaging users and messaging user groups.

See Overview of LDAP authorization in the IBM MQ documentation for guidance

on using an external LDAP repository.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2015, 2017 331

User authorization, credential mapping, and access profiles

The credential mapping part of role based management authorizes appliance users
to use different features on the IBM MQ Appliance.

When you define credential mapping under role based management, you specify
which resources appliance users have access to. Credential mapping provides a
high degree of granularity in which resources can be excluded or included. For
example, you can specify that a user can be mapped onto a set of credentials that
allow modification of network settings, but prohibit changing user settings.

Access that appliance users have to resources is controlled by an access profile. The
access profile defines the set of privileges for one or more resources on the
appliance. Privileges for a resource can be one or more of the following
v Read
v Write
v Add
v Delete
v Execute

A bundle of access rights (also termed access policies) constitutes an access profile.
An access profile can originate from either of the following credential mapping
Local user group
Locally configured user group.
XML file
A file that defines access profiles.

After an appliance user is authenticated and the access profile is evaluated, the
appliance enforces the established access profile. The IBM MQ Appliance web UI
displays only resources that the user has access to, and the command line
recognizes only commands for resources that the user has access to. For commands
that users do not have access to, the command line displays the following message.
Unknown command or macro (command)

Access to IBM MQ resources

The following resources control administrative access by appliance users to IBM

MQ on the appliance:
Granting execute permission on this resource allows the user to use the
IBM MQ commands on the command line. The user can issue the mqcli
command and administer the MQ aspects of the system. Users can access
the command line by using SSH or by using the serial command line
connection to the appliance. All permissions other than execute on the
mq/cli resource are ignored.
Granting read/write permission to this resource allows the user to
administer IBM MQ by using the IBM MQ Console and the MQ REST API.

332 IBM MQ Appliance

Granting read permission only allows the user only to view IBM MQ
objects by using the IBM MQ Console and the MQ REST API, but not to
change anything. All other permissions on this resource are ignored.
This resource allows you to delegate the MQ authority checks for this
appliance user to a matching messaging user. A messaging user with the
same name must be defined on the appliance by using the messaging user
and group commands (see “Messaging user and group commands” on
page 503). The authorities for this messaging user are used for all
operations in the IBM MQ Console and for the MQ REST API. Grant
execute permission on the mq/webuser resource to represent ‘execution with
delegated authority’. Other permissions against this resource are ignored.

Access policies
You use access policies to control which appliance resources users can access.

Access policies are strings that identify a particular resource and grant access to it.
A number of access policies form an access profile, which can be applied to a
particular user either through credential mapping using a local user group, or an
XML file.

The access policy for the IBM MQ Appliance has the following format:

v resource is a URI that identifies the resource.
v privileges define the access given to the resource. Specify one or more of the
following privileges, optionally separated by the plus (+) character:
– r - read
– w - write
– x - execute
– a - add
– d - delete
You can also enter NONE to explicitly exclude users from a resource.
The following strings are examples of access policies:

A user with the access profile defined by these policies has read and write access
to all appliance resources, plus they have execute permission on the
access/change-password resource, which enables them to change their own
password on the appliance.

There can be multiple matches when resolving access policies, and some of these
might conflict with each other. In such cases, the more resource-specific policies are
granted greater weight and override the more general policies. For example, a user
group might have the following policies defined:

The first policy grants users read/write/add/delete/execute permissions to all

appliance resources, but the second policy restricts access to the REST management

Chapter 8. Security 333

interface such that no user in the group can access it. You can use these weighting
characteristics to give general permissions to all appliance resources and add more
policies that exclude specific resources.

Policies applying to the same users and resource that have the same weight are
additive. So, for example, if a policy provides a user group with read access on a
resource, and another policy provides write access on that resource, then users in
that group have both read and write permissions on that resource.

When defining an access policy for a local user group, you can enter the profile
strings manually using the access-policy command, or in the IBM MQ Appliance
web UI. You can also use the policy builder in the web UI to specify access

The appliance resources are listed in the following tables. The tables provide the
following information for each resource:
v Resource category. The category the resource is listed under in the IBM MQ
Appliance web UI.
v Resource. The name of the resource.
v Resource profile URI. The URI that you specify in an access policy giving access
to this resource.
v CLI command. If you grant access to this resource, then users have access to this
CLI command.
v REST URI. If you grant access to this resource, then users can use this REST
URI (provided that they have access to the REST management interface).

Status resources

The status resources control access to status reporting for various aspects of
appliance operation. Giving a user read access to a status resource enables them to
use the show CLI command for that resource, or to use a REST query to recover
the status of that resource.
Table 27. Status resources
Resource Resource profile CLI
category Resource URI command REST URI
Main Active services status/active- show /mgmt/status/default/ServicesStatus
services services
Main Active Users status/active-users show users /mgmt/status/default/ActiveUsers
Main Date and Time status/date-time show time /mgmt/status/default/DateTimeStatus
Main Logging Targets status/logging- show /mgmt/status/default/LogTargetStatus
target logging
Main Services Memory status/memory- show /mgmt/status/default/ServicesMemoryStatus2
Usage services services-
Configuration Domain Status status/domain- show /mgmt/status/default/DomainStatus
status domains
System Failure status/failure- show /mgmt/status/default/
Notification notification failure- FailureNotificationStatus2

334 IBM MQ Appliance

Table 27. Status resources (continued)
Resource Resource profile CLI
category Resource URI command REST URI
System Filesystem status/filessystem show /mgmt/status/default/FilesystemStatus
Information filesystem
System Firmware status/firmware show /mgmt/status/default/FirmwareStatus
Information firmware
System Version status/firmware- show /mgmt/status/default/FirmwareVersion2
Information version-2 firmware-
System Hypervisor status/hypervisor show /mgmt/status/default/Hypervisor2
Information hypervisor
System IPMI SEL Events status/ipmi-sel- show /mgmt/status/default/IPMISelEvents
events ipmi-sel-
System Device Features status/license show /mgmt/status/default/LicenseStatus
System Other Sensors status/other- show /mgmt/status/default/OtherSensors
sensors sensors-
System PCI Bus status/pcibus show /mgmt/status/default/PCIBus
System RAID Array status/raid-array show /mgmt/status/default/RaidArrayStatus
Status raid-array
System RAID Battery status/raid- show /mgmt/status/default/
Backup Unit battery-module raid-battery- RaidBatteryModuleStatus
Status module
System RAID Logical status/raid- show /mgmt/status/default/RaidLogicalDriveStatus
Drive Status logical-drive raid-logical-
System RAID Physical status/raid- show /mgmt/status/default/RaidPhysicalDriveStatus
Drive Status physical-drive raid-
System SSD Status status/raid-ssd show /mgmt/status/default/RaidSsdStatus
Information raid-ssd
System Fan Sensors status/sensors- show /mgmt/status/default/
fans sensors-fans EnvironmentalFanSensors
System CPU usage status/system-cpu show /mgmt/status/default/SystemCpuStatus
System Memory usage status/system- show /mgmt/status/default/SystemMemoryStatus
memory system-
System Temperature status/ show /mgmt/status/default/TemperatureSensors
Sensors temperature sensors-
System Virtual Appliance status/virtual- show /mgmt/status/default/VirtualPlatform2
Information platform virtual-

Chapter 8. Security 335

Table 27. Status resources (continued)
Resource Resource profile CLI
category Resource URI command REST URI
System Voltage Sensors status/voltage show /mgmt/status/default/VoltageSensors
IP-Network Link Aggregation status/agg show /mgmt/status/default/LinkAggregationStatus
Status link-
IP-Network DNS Cached status/dns-cache- show /mgmt/status/default/DNSCacheHostStatus4
Hosts host dns-cache
IP-Network DNS Servers status/dns-name- show /mgmt/status/default/DNSNameServerStatus2
server name-
IP-Network DNS Search status/dns-search- show /mgmt/status/default/
Domains domain search- DNSSearchDomainStatus
IP-Network DNS Static Hosts status/dns-static- show /mgmt/status/default/DNSStaticHostStatus
host static-hosts
IP-Network Ethernet status/ethernet- show /mgmt/status/default/EthernetCountersStatus
Counters counters ethernet-
IP-Network Ethernet MAU status/ethernet- show /mgmt/status/default/EthernetMAUStatus
mau ethernet-
IP-Network Ethernet MII status/ethernet- show /mgmt/status/default/
Registers mii-registers ethernet-mii- EthernetMIIRegisterStatus
IP-Network IGMP Status status/igmp-table show /mgmt/status/default/IGMPStatus
IP-Network IP address status status/ipaddress show /mgmt/status/default/IPAddressStatus
IP-Network Link status status/link show link /mgmt/status/default/LinkStatus
IP-Network Link Aggregation status/link- show /mgmt/status/default/
Member Status aggregation- link- LinkAggregationMemberStatus
member aggregation-
IP-Network Load Balancer status/ show /mgmt/status/default/LoadBalancerStatus2
Status loadbalancer- loadbalancer-
status status
IP-Network ND Cache Table status/ND-cache2 show /mgmt/status/default/NDCacheStatus2
IP-Network Network status/ show /mgmt/status/default/NetworkInterfaceStatus
Interfaces networkinterface network-
IP-Network Port Status status/port-status - /mgmt/status/default/
IP-Network Routing Table status/routing3 show route /mgmt/status/default/RoutingStatus3

336 IBM MQ Appliance

Table 27. Status resources (continued)
Resource Resource profile CLI
category Resource URI command REST URI
IP-Network TCP Port status/tcp- show /mgmt/status/default/TCPSummary
Summary connections tcp-
IP-Network TCP Port Status status/tcp-table show /mgmt/status/default/TCPTable
IP-Network VLAN Interface status/vlan2 show /mgmt/status/default/VlanInterfaceStatus2
Status vlan-status
Other NFS Mount status/nfs-mount show /mgmt/status/default/NFSMountStatus
Network Status nfs-mount
Other NTP Refresh status/ntp-refresh show /mgmt/status/default/NTPRefreshStatus
Network Status ntp-refresh
Other SNMP Status status/snmp- show /mgmt/status/default/SNMPStatus
Network status snmp-status
Crypto Cryptographic status/crypto- show /mgmt/status/default/CryptoModeStatus
Mode Status mode crypto-mode
Crypto SSH Known Host status/trusted- show /mgmt/status/default/SSHTrustedHostStatus
Table hosts known-hosts
MQ MQ System status/mq- show /mgmt/status/default/MQSystemResources
Resources resources mq-
MQ Queue Managers status/qm-status show /mgmt/status/default/QueueManagersStatus
Status qm-status

Configuration resources

The configuration resources give access to those resources that are used to
configure the appliance. Giving a user permissions (read, write, add, and delete as
required) to a configuration resource enables them to work with configuration
objects, using the web UI, or the CLI commands or REST URIs as listed in the
following table.
Table 28. Configuration resources
category Resource Resource profile URI CLI command REST URI
Network Settings DNS Settings network/dns config/dns /mgmt/config/default/
Network Settings Host Alias network/host-alias config/host-alias /mgmt/config/default/
Network Settings Ethernet network/interface config/ethernet /mgmt/config/default/
Interface EthernetInterface
Network Settings Link Aggregation network/link- config/link- /mgmt/config/default/
Interface aggregation aggregation LinkAggregation
Network Settings Load Balancer network/loadbalancer- config/ /mgmt/config/default/
Group group loadbalancer- LoadBalancerGroup
Network Settings Network Settings network/network config/network /mgmt/config/default/

Chapter 8. Security 337

Table 28. Configuration resources (continued)
category Resource Resource profile URI CLI command REST URI
Network Settings NFS Client network/nfs-client config/nfs-client /mgmt/config/default/
Settings NFSClientSettings
Network Settings NFS Static network/nfs-static- config/nfs-static- /mgmt/config/default/
Mounts mount mount NFSStaticMount
Network Settings NTP Service network/ntp-service config/ntp- /mgmt/config/default/
service NTPService

Network Settings VLAN Interface network/vlan config/vlan /mgmt/config/default/
Service License Agent services/ilmt-agent config/ilmt-agent /mgmt/config/default/
Configuration ILMTAgent
Crypto Crypto crypto/cert config/crypto/ /mgmt/config/default/
Configuration Certificate certificate CryptoCertificate
Crypto Crypto crypto/cert-monitor config/crypto/ /mgmt/config/default/
Configuration Certificate cert-monitor CertMonitor
Crypto CRL Retrieval crypto/crl config/crypto/crl /mgmt/config/default/
Configuration CRLFetch
Crypto Crypto crypto/idcred config/crypto/ /mgmt/config/default/
Configuration Identification idcred CryptoIdentCred
Crypto Crypto Key crypto/key config/crypto/ /mgmt/config/default/
Configuration key CryptoKey
Crypto SSH Server crypto/sshserverprofile config/crypto/ /mgmt/config/default/
Configuration Profile sshserverprofile SSHServerProfile
Crypto Crypto Shared crypto/sskey config/crypto/ /mgmt/config/default/
Configuration Secret Key sskey CryptoSSKey
Crypto SSL Client Profile crypto/ssl-client config/crypto/ /mgmt/config/default/
Configuration ssl-client SSLClientProfile
Crypto SSL Server crypto/ssl-server config/crypto/ /mgmt/config/default/
Configuration Profile ssl-server SSLServerProfile
Crypto SSL Host Name crypto/ssl-sni-mapping config/crypto/ /mgmt/config/default/
Configuration Mapping ssl-sni-mapping SSLSNIMapping
Crypto SSL SNI Server crypto/ssl-sni-server config/crypto/ /mgmt/config/default/
Configuration Profile ssl-sni-server SSLSNIServerProfile
Crypto Test Password crypto/test-password- config/crypto/ /mgmt/config/default/
Configuration Map map test TestPasswordMap
Crypto Crypto crypto/valcred config/crypto/ /mgmt/config/default/
Configuration Validation valcred CryptoValCred
Device IPMI LAN mgmt/ipmi-lan-channel config/ipmi-lan- /mgmt/config/default/
Management Channel channel IPMILanChannel
Device IPMI User mgmt/ipmi-user config/ipmi-user /mgmt/config/default/
Management IPMIUser

338 IBM MQ Appliance

Table 28. Configuration resources (continued)
category Resource Resource profile URI CLI command REST URI
Device REST mgmt/rest-mgmt config/rest-mgmt /mgmt/config/default/
Management Management RestMgmtInterface
Device SSH Service mgmt/ssh config/ssh /mgmt/config/default/
Management SSHService
Device Web mgmt/web-mgmt config/web-mgmt /mgmt/config/default/WebGUI
Management Management
Service config/save-
config overwrite
Access Settings Access Control access/acl config/acl /mgmt/config/default/
List AccessControlList
Access Settings LDAP Search access/ldap-search- config/ldap- /mgmt/config/default/
Parameters parameters search-parameters LDAPSearchParameters
Access Settings RBM Settings access/rbm config/rbm /mgmt/config/default/
Access Settings SNMP Settings access/snmp config/snmp /mgmt/config/default/
Access Settings User Group access/usergroup config/usergroup /mgmt/config/default/
Access Settings User Account access/username config/user /mgmt/config/default/User
Configuration Password Map config/password-alias config/password- /mgmt/config/default/
Management Alias alias PasswordAlias
Configuration Password Map config/password-map - -
Logging Audit Log logging/audit-log config/audit-log- /mgmt/config/default/
Configuration Settings settings AuditLog
Logging Log Category logging/category config/logging /mgmt/config/default/LogLabel
Configuration category
Logging Log Target logging/target config/logging /mgmt/config/default/
Configuration target LogTarget
System Settings Failure system/failure- config/failure- /mgmt/config/default/
Notification notification notification ErrorReportSettings
System Settings Language system/language config/language /mgmt/config/default/
System Settings RAID Array system/raid-disk- config/raid- -
volume volume
System Settings System Settings system/system config/system /mgmt/config/default/
System Settings Time Settings system/timezone config/timezone /mgmt/config/default/

Action resources

The action resources control access to the resources used to perform actions on the
appliance. Give users execute permission on a resource to enable the corresponding
action. Users can perform the action by using the corresponding CLI command or

Chapter 8. Security 339

by sending a request to the REST URI. All action requests use the URI
/mgmt/actionqueue/default/operations. The REST column in the following table
gives the operation name used when constructing a payload to request an action
(see “Triggering appliance operations by using the REST management interface” on
page 263).
Table 29. Action resources
Resource Resource profile
category Resource URI CLI command Operation name for REST request
Device Settings Add IPMI BMC device/add-ipmi- config/add-ipmi- AddSelTestEntry
SEL Test Entry sel-test-entry sel-test-entry
Device Settings Delete previous device/boot-delete config/flash/boot BootDelete
firmware install delete
Device Settings Boot Image device/boot-image config/flash/boot ApplyPatch
Device Settings Switch Install device/boot-switch config/flash/boot BootSwitch
Image switch
Device Settings Boot Update device/boot- config/flash/boot BootUpdate
update update
Device Settings Clear IPMI BMC device/clear-ipmi- config/clear-ipmi- ClearSel
SEL sel sel
Device Settings Create Directory device/create-dir config/mkdir CreateDir
Device Settings Delete File device/delete-file config/delete DeleteFile
Device Settings Fetch File device/fetch-file config/copy FetchFile
Device Settings Initialize file device/initialize- config/raid- -
system raid-volume- volume-initialize-
filesystem filesystem
Device Settings Control Locate device/locate- config/locate- -
LED device device
Device Settings Move File device/move-file config/move MoveFile
Device Settings Activate RAID device/raid- config/raid- -
Array activate activate
Device Settings Delete RAID device/raid-delete config/raid-delete -
Device Settings Initialize RAID device/raid- config/raid- -
Array initialize initialize
Device Settings Request Learning device/raid-learn- config/raid-learn- -
Cycle for BBU battery battery
Device Settings Make hot spare device/raid-make- config/raid-make- -
for RAID Array hot-spare hot-spare
Device Settings Rebuild RAID device/raid- config/raid- -
Array rebuild rebuild
Device Settings Remove Directory device/remove-dir config/rmdir RemoveDir
Device Settings Send File device/sendfile config/send file SendFile
Device Settings Shut down device/shutdown config/shutdown Shutdown
Device Settings Set Time and Date device/time-date config/clock SetTimeAndDate
Device Settings VerifyFirmware device/verify- config/flash/ VerifyFirmware
firmware verify-firmware
Network Settings Quiesce network/quiesce - -

340 IBM MQ Appliance

Table 29. Action resources (continued)
Resource Resource profile
category Resource URI CLI command Operation name for REST request
Network Settings Unquiesce network/ - -
Crypto Add Password crypto/add- config/crypto/ AddPasswordMap
Configuration Map password-map password-map
Crypto Convert Crypto crypto/convert- config/crypto/ ConvertCertificate
Configuration Certificate Object certificate convert-certificate
Crypto Convert Crypto crypto/convert- config/crypto/ ConvertKey
Configuration Key Object key convert-key
Crypto Export Crypto crypto/crypto- config/crypto/ CryptoExport
Configuration Object export crypto-export
Crypto Import Crypto crypto/crypto- config/crypto/ CryptoImport
Configuration Object import crypto-import
Crypto Set Cryptographic crypto/crypto- config/crypto/ CryptoModeSet
Configuration Mode mode-set crypto-mode-set
Crypto Delete Password crypto/delete- config/crypto/ DeletePasswordMap
Configuration Map password-map delete
Crypto Generate Key crypto/keygen config/crypto/ Keygen
Configuration keygen
Crypto Delete SSH crypto/no-known- config/crypto/no DeleteKnownHost
Configuration Known Host host client-known-host
Crypto Delete SSH crypto/no-known- config/crypto/no DeleteKnownHostTable
Configuration Known Host host-table client-known-host-
Table table
Crypto No Password crypto/no- config/crypto/no NoPasswordMap
Configuration Map password-map password-map
Crypto test-password- crypto/test- config/crypto/test TestPasswordMap
Configuration map password-map password-map
Access Settings Change User access/change- config/user- ChangePassword
Password password password
Access Settings Disconnect access/disconnect config/disconnect Disconnect
Access Settings Force Password access/force- config/user-expire- UserForcePasswordChange
Change password-change password
Access Settings Reset Failed access/reset-failed- config/reset UserResetFailedLogin
Login Counter login failed-login
Access Settings Reset Password access/reset- config/reset UserResetPassword
username username
Configuration Execute config/exec-config config/exec ExecConfig
Management Configuration
Configuration Password Map config/password- - -
Management map
Configuration REST Export config/rmi-export - Export
Configuration REST Load config/rmi-load- - LoadConfiguration
Management Configuration config
Configuration View Certificate config/rmi-view- - ViewCertificateDetails
Management Details details

Chapter 8. Security 341

Table 29. Action resources (continued)
Resource Resource profile
category Resource URI CLI command Operation name for REST request
Configuration Save config/save-config config/write SaveConfig
Management Configuration memory
Configuration Save Internal config/ config/save SaveInternalState
Management State saveinternlstate internal-state
Configuration Select config/select- config/flash/boot SelectConfig
Management Configuration config config
Configuration Undo config/undo- config/undo UndoConfig
Management Configuration config
System Settings Delete SSH system/no-trusted- config/no DeleteTrustedHost
Known Host host known-host
System Settings Add SSH Known system/trusted- config/known-host AddTrustedHost
Host host
Cache Flush ARP Cache cache/flush-arp config/clear arp FlushArpCache
Cache Flush DNS Cache cache/flush-dns config/clear FlushDNSCache
Management dns-cache
Cache Flush ND Cache cache/flush- config/clear FlushNDCache
Management ndcache ndcache
Cache Flush RBM Cache cache/flush-rbm config/clear rbm FlushRBMCache
Management cache
Cache Flush Document cache/refresh- - RefreshDocument
Management document
Debug Settings Disable hardware debug/disable- config/disable- DisableLinkAggregationHardwareOffload
offload aggregation- aggregation-
hardware-offload hardware-offload
Debug Settings Disable hardware debug/disable- config/disable- DisableEthernetHardwareOffload
offload ethernet-hardware- ethernet-hardware-
offload offload
Debug Settings Disable hardware debug/disable- config/disable- DisableVLANHardwareOffload
offload vlan-hardware- vlan-hardware-
offload offload
Debug Settings Generate Error debug/error-report config/save ErrorReport
Report error-report
Debug Settings Start packet debug/packet- config/ethernet DisableLinkAggregationHardwareOffload
capture capture <name>/packet- DisableEthernetHardwareOffload
capture DisableVLANHardwareOffload
config/link- PacketCapture
aggregation PacketCaptureDebug
<name>/packet- StopPacketCapture
capture LinkAggregationPacketCapture
config/packet- UniversalPacketCaptureDebug
capture-advanced UniversalStopPacketCapture
Debug Settings Ping Remote debug/ping config/ping Ping

342 IBM MQ Appliance

Table 29. Action resources (continued)
Resource Resource profile
category Resource URI CLI command Operation name for REST request
Debug Settings Send Error Report debug/send-error- config/send SendErrorReport
report error-report
Debug Settings Generate Log debug/send- config/test logging SendLogEvent
Event logevent
Debug Settings Set Log Level debug/set-loglevel config/loglevel SetLogLevel
Debug Settings Enable RBM debug/set-rbmlog - SetRBMDebugLog
Debug Logging
Debug Settings TCP Connection debug/tcp- config/test TCPConnectionTest
Test connection-test tcp-connection
Debug Settings Hardware debug/test- config/test TestHardware
Diagnostics hardware hardware

Admin only resources

The resources listed in the following table are only visible to, and usable by, the
admin user. You cannot alter access to these resources.
Table 30. Admin only resources
Resource Resource profile URI CLI command
Diagnostics Only available to admin user diagnostics
Trace Route Only available to admin user traceroute
Clear Intrusion Detected Only available to admin user clear intrusion-detected
Watchdog Only available to admin user config/watchdog
Startup Configuration Only available to admin user config/startup
Reinitialize Only available to admin user config/flash/reinitialize
Service Nagle Only available to admin user config/service nagle
Log Size Only available to admin user config/logsize
System Log Only available to admin user config/syslog

Other resources

The following table lists the resources in the following groups:

v Login - permissions on these resources specify which interfaces users can use to
interact with the appliance. There are no CLI commands or REST URIs
associated with these resources.
v File management - permissions on these resources give users access to
directories on the appliance.
v MQ configuration - permissions on these resources give users access to IBM MQ
on the appliance.

The following CLI commands are always available to all users who can connect to
the command line:
v echo
v exit
v help

Chapter 8. Security 343

v login
v top
v template
v config/dir
Table 31. Other resources
Resource profile CLI
Resource category Resource URI command REST URI
Login SSH login/ssh - -
Login Web-Mgmt login/web-mgmt - -
Login Rest-Mgmt login/rest-mgmt - -
File Management local: file/local - /mgmt/filestore/default/local
File Management temporary: file/temporary - /mgmt/filestore/default/temporary
File Management store: file/store - /mgmt/filestore/default/store
File Management config: file/config - /mgmt/filestore/default/config
File Management image: file/image - /mgmt/filestore/default/image
File Management logstore: file/logstore - /mgmt/filestore/default/logstore
File Management logtemp: file/logtemp - /mgmt/filestore/default/logtemp
File Management audit: file/audit - /mgmt/filestore/default/audit
File Management tasktemplates: file/tasktemplates - /mgmt/filestore/default/tasktemplates
File Management cert: file/cert - /mgmt/filestore/default/cert
File Management pubcert: file/pubcert - /mgmt/filestore/default/pubcert
File Management sharedcert: file/sharedcert - /mgmt/filestore/default/sharedcert
File Management export: file/export - /mgmt/filestore/default/export
File Management mqbackup: file/mqbackup /mgmt/filestore/default/mqbackup
File Management mqdiag: file/mqdiag /mgmt/filestore/default/mqdiag
File Management mqerr: file/mqerr /mgmt/filestore/default/mqerr
File Management mqpubcert: file/mqpubcert /mgmt/filestore/default/mqpubcert
File Management mqqmdata: file/mqqmdata /mgmt/filestore/default/mqqmdata
File Management mqtemporary: file/mqtemporary /mgmt/filestore/default/mqtemporary
File Management mqtrace: file/mqtrace /mgmt/filestore/default/mqtrace
File Management mqwebui: file/mqwebui /mgmt/filestore/default/mqwebui
File Management fcvolumes: file/fcvolumes /mgmt/filestore/default/fcvolumes
MQ Configuration MQ CLI mq/cli mqcli -
MQ Configuration MQ Web mq/webadmin - -
MQ Configuration MQ Web User mq/webuser - -

Role based management

Appliance users and their permissions are controlled by role based management.

344 IBM MQ Appliance

You configure role based management to determine how users logging into the
appliance are authenticated. You also set up access profiles to determine what
appliance resources users can work with after they are authenticated.

You can configure role based management by using the IBM MQ Appliance web
UI or by using the command line interface.

If you use external LDAP servers for user authentication, be aware that these
servers might potentially be a weakness in your security setup. You must take the
necessary steps to ensure that the LDAP servers are themselves secure.

User authentication
You can configure role based management to authenticate users in one of the
following ways:
LDAP The appliance authenticates users remotely by using an LDAP server. You
can also define local users to fall back to if the LDAP server is not
Local user
When authentication is local, authentication is performed by the appliance
by using user name and password.
XML file
User names and passwords can be specified in an XML file. You can store
the XML file on the appliance or on a remote server. You can use the RBM
builder on the appliance to define users. You can use the same XML file to
define access policies.

User authorization

You can configure role based management to authorize users to use appliance
resources by selecting one of the following credential mapping methods:
Local user group
Specify access profiles in the local user groups on the appliance. You can
map user groups or individual users looked up on an LDAP server onto
local user groups, which allows a user to belong to multiple role-based
XML file
Specify access policies in an XML file. You can store the XML file on the
appliance or on a remote server. You can use the RBM builder on the
appliance to define access profiles. You can map user groups or individual
users looked up on an LDAP server onto policies that are defined in an
XML file.

User authorization enforces access privileges for one or more resources on the
appliance. These privileges can be quite broad or very specific. The privileges are
combined together to form an access profile. See “User authorization, credential
mapping, and access profiles” on page 332 for detailed information.

The following table illustrates the permitted mixes of authentication and

authorization methods on the appliance.

Chapter 8. Security 345

Table 32. Permitted combinations of authentication and authorization methods
Local user group XML file authorization
LDAP authentication Yes Yes
Local user authentication Yes Yes
XML file authentication Yes Yes

Important: avoiding user lock out when configuring role based


You must take care when you configure role based management (RBM) that you
do not make it possible for all users to be locked out of the appliance.

If your user authentication depends on one or more external LDAP servers, for
example, then you must take steps to ensure that log in is still possible for one or
more users if you lose connection to the external severs. You do this by configuring
one or more fallback users. Fallback users are local users who are authenticated by
the appliance.

The RBM settings that you configure apply to users that are accessing the
appliance both by the web UI and by the CLI. (If you do lock yourself out, you
can attach a terminal directly to the physical appliance and log in as user admin.)

When you configure user authentication by using the web UI, changes take effect
as soon as you click Apply. Be careful that you do not lock yourself out before you
have defined fallback users, and ensure that your authentication server is available
and appropriately configured.

You can use the following steps to double-check your changes (you might require
physical access to your appliance in order to restart it):
1. Complete the required RBM modifications, including the definition of one or
more fallback users (and an LDAP load balancer group, if you are using one).
2. Click Apply to enforce the changes, but do not click Save Config.
3. Verify that one of your fallback users can log in to the appliance.
4. Verify that one of your externally verified users can log in to the appliance.
5. If your externally verified user cannot log in, make the necessary changes as
the fallback user, apply your changes, and try again.
6. If your fallback user cannot log in, then physically restart the appliance (by
using the power button) to roll back to the previously saved configuration.

User authentication with LDAP

You can configure the IBM MQ Appliance to authenticate users by using an LDAP

You have a number of options when you are using an LDAP server:
Using credentials directly
You can use your users' credentials directly to bind to the LDAP server. In

346 IBM MQ Appliance

this case, your user names must be part of the X.500 distinguished names
(DN) that the LDAP server uses to identify directory entries. You specify
the remainder of the DN as part of the configuration. Typically, the user
would log in using the common name (CN) part of the distinguished
name. The appliance prefixes the user name with “cn=” and suffixes it
with a comma and the remaining distinguished name elements that are
common to all appliance users.

For example, your user might log in with the user name “Robin
Dalemain”, which is the CN part of their DN. You have configured the
suffix to be“ dc=appliance203, dc=com”. When Robin attempts to log in to
the appliance, the distinguished name “cn=Robin Dalemain,
dc=appliance203, dc=com”, together with Robin's password are used to
connect to the LDAP server. If Robin's credentials successfully bind to the
LDAP server, then Robin is authenticated and can access the appliance.
Looking up users in LDAP
You can configure the appliance so that users enter a user name that is not
part of their DN. You specify search parameters so that this user name can
be passed to the LDAP server and used to look up the user's distinguished
name, which is then used with the entered password to authenticate the
user. To look up a user's distinguished name the appliance can either bind
to the LDAP server anonymously, or you can specify a bind ID and
password alias it must use.

For example, Robin Dalemain might have the user name “RWD123”. When
Robin attempts to log in to the appliance, Robin's user name is sent to the
LDAP server and the distinguished name for Robin's entry is returned.
Robin is authenticated using his distinguished name and password to
determine if he can access the appliance.
Using TLS (SSL)
You can specify that the appliance acts as an SSL client when connecting to
the LDAP server. If you use this option, user credentials are encrypted
when sent to the LDAP server, so user passwords are never sent across the
network in plain text.
Using load balancing
You can specify that the appliance uses a pool of LDAP servers rather than
a single server, and configure how the load is balanced between the LDAP
servers in the pool.
Specifying fallback users
It is important that you specify one or more fallback users. These are local
users who can log in to the appliance if you lose the connection with your
LDAP server.

After you have configured how users are authenticated using LDAP, you must go
on to specify how authenticated users are authorized to use the appliance
resources. You do this by configuring credential mapping.

Configuring direct authentication with LDAP by using the web UI

Configure the appliance to pass user credentials to the LDAP server and use them
as the bind credentials.

Chapter 8. Security 347

About this task

You can use the IBM MQ Appliance web UI to configure role based management
such that the appliance uses user credentials directly to bind the LDAP server. If
the bind is successful, the user who is attempting to log in to the appliance is
successfully authenticated. See “User authentication with LDAP” on page 346 for a
description of this method of authentication.


1. Start the IBM MQ Appliance web UI and click the Administration icon .
2. Select Access > RBM Settings
3. Ensure that Enable administrative state is selected (it is selected by default)
and click Authentication to view the authentication options.
4. Select an Authentication method of LDAP.
5. Specify the Server host and the Server port for connecting to the LDAP server
(server port is usually 389, or 636 for an SSL connection), and select the LDAP
version (the version is usually v3).
6. If you have configured a load balancer group for LDAP access and created a
profile, specify it in the Load balancer group field. Alternatively, click the plus
icon to open the Load Balancer Group dialog to specify a profile for your
load balancer group (see “Creating a load balancer group profile by using the
web UI” on page 358). You can leave this field blank if you are using a single
LDAP server.
7. Specify the LDAP prefix that the appliance prefixes the user name with when
it is constructing a DN to pass to the LDAP server. The prefix is cn= by
8. Specify the LDAP suffix that the appliance appends to the user name when it
is constructing a DN to pass to the LDAP server. For example,“
dc=appliance123, dc=com”.
9. Specify an LDAP read timeout. The timeout is the time that the appliance will
attempt to connect to the LDAP server before closing the connection. The
default is 60 seconds. Specify 0 to never timeout.
10. If you want to use an SSL (TLS) connection to the LDAP server, select an SSL
client type of Client profile. If you have already defined a profile, select the
profile name from the SSL client profile list. Alternatively, click the plus icon
to open the SSL Client Profile dialog and create a new SSL client profile
(see “Creating an SSL client profile by using the web UI” on page 355.)
11. To define fallback users, you can choose All users from the Local accounts for
fallback list to have all local users able to log in to the appliance if LDAP is
unavailable. Alternatively, select Specific users and select one or more local
12. Optionally, change the default cache settings. Cache settings determine how
long user details are held on the appliance before authentication is referred to
the LDAP server again. By default, the appliance retains details for an
absolute period of 600 seconds. You can change the cache mode or the cache
lifetime, or both. You can also disable caching altogether.
13. Click Apply to apply your changes.

348 IBM MQ Appliance

What to do next

After you specify the user authentication method, you must next configure
credential mapping.

Configuring direct authentication with LDAP by using the

command line

Use the command line to configure the appliance to pass user credentials to the
LDAP server and use them as the bind credentials.

About this task

You can use commands to configure role based management such that the
appliance uses user credentials directly to bind the LDAP server. If the bind is
successful, the user who is attempting to log in to the appliance is successfully
authenticated. See “User authentication with LDAP” on page 346 for a description
of this method of authentication.

1. Connect to the IBM MQ Appliance as described in “Command line access” on
page 109. Log in as an administrative user.
2. Type config to enter global configuration mode.
3. Type the following command to configure role based management:
4. Enter the following command to specify the LDAP authentication method:
au-method ldap
5. Specify the host name of the LDAP server (you can use a host alias if you
have defined one):
au-server-host host
6. Specify the port to use when connecting to the LDAP server:
au-server-port port

The usual port for an LDAP server is 389, or 636 for an SSL connection.
7. Specify the LDAP version that is used to access the LDAP server for RBM
ldap-version version

Where version is v2 or v3. The default value is v2.

8. Optionally specify a load balancer group. (See “Creating a load balancer
group profile by using the command line” on page 360 for details of how to
create a load balancer group):
loadbalancer-group name
9. Specify the string that is used to prefix the user name, for example, “cn=”.
ldap-prefix prefix
10. Specify the string that is used to suffix user names, for example,
“dc=appliance123, dc=com”.
ldap-suffix suffix
11. Specify the time that RBM authentication waits for a response from the LDAP
server. The default value is 60. A value of 0 indicates that the wait never times

Chapter 8. Security 349

au-ldap-readtimeout seconds
12. If you need a secure connection with your LDAP server, you must specify an
SSL client type of client, and the name of your SSL client profile (see
“Creating an SSL client profile by using the command line” on page 356 for
details of how to create an SSL client profile):
ssl-client-type client
ssl-client name
13. Optionally specify fallback users who can log in to the appliance if the LDAP
server is not available. Fallback users must already have been added as local
users to the appliance. You can specify that all local users are fallback users by
entering the following command:
fallback-login local

Alternatively, you can specify one or more particular users by entering the
following commands:
fallback-login restricted
fallback-user localuser1
fallback-user localuser2
fallback-user localuserN
14. Alter the default LDAP cache settings, if required. By default, the appliance
caches results of authentication attempts for 600 seconds, but you can change
the mode of caching, and the caching duration by entering the following
au-cache-mode mode
au-cache-ttl seconds

Where mode is one of:

Caches the results of user authentications for a period of time
specified by the au-cache-ttl command (the explicit time-to-live).
This is the default setting.
Disables caching. The appliance will not cache any results and instead
always authenticates every time a user requests access.
Compares the explicit TTL to the TTL contained in the response (if
any) and cache authentication results for the maximum of the two
Compares the explicit TTL to the TTL contained in the response (if
any) and cache authentication results for the minimum of the two


The following example configures the appliance to use an LDAP server that is
identified by the host alias “ldap_host” for user authentication. If a user attempts
to log in with the user name “Robin Dalemain”, the string “cn=Robin Dalemain,
dc=appliance123, dc=com” is passed to the LDAP server and used as the bind ID.
Robin's password is used as the bind password. If the LDAP server is unavailable,
any local appliance user can log in to the appliance.

350 IBM MQ Appliance

mqa# config
Global configuration mode
mqa(config)# rbm
Modify RBM Settings configuration

mqa(config rbm)# au-method ldap

mqa(config rbm)# au-server-host ldap_host
mqa(config rbm)# au-server-port 389
mqa(config rbm)# ldap-version v3
mqa(config rbm)# ldap-prefix "cn="
mqa(config rbm)# ldap-suffix "dc=appliance123,dc=com"
mqa(config rbm)# fallback-login local
mqa(config rbm)# exit
mqa(config)# write memory
Overwrite previously saved configuration? Yes/No [y/n]: y
Configuration saved successfully.

What to do next

After you specify the user authentication method, you must next configure
credential mapping.

Configuring look up authentication with LDAP by using the web


Configure the appliance to look up user details on the LDAP server. To look up
users, the appliance binds to the LDAP server by using credentials.

About this task

You can use the IBM MQ Appliance web UI to configure role based management
such that the appliance looks up user details in the LDAP server by using defined
search parameters. To look up users, the appliance binds to the LDAP server by
using credentials that you define as part of the RBM configuration, or you can use
an anonymous bind to access the LDAP server. See “User authentication with
LDAP” on page 346 for a description of this method of authentication.


1. Start the IBM MQ Appliance web UI and click the Administration icon .
2. Select Access > RBM Settings
3. Ensure that Enable administrative state is selected (it is selected by default)
and click Authentication to view the authentication options.
4. Select an Authentication method of LDAP.
5. Specify the Server host and the Server port for connecting to the LDAP server
(server port is usually 389, or 636 for an SSL connection), and select the LDAP
version (the version is usually v3).
6. If you have configured a load balancer group for LDAP access and created a
profile, specify it in the Load balancer group field. Alternatively, click the plus
icon to open the Load Balancer Group dialog to specify a profile for your
load balancer group (see “Creating a load balancer group profile by using the
web UI” on page 358). You can leave this field blank if you are using a single
LDAP server.
7. Select Search LDAP for DN.

Chapter 8. Security 351

8. Specify the DN that the appliance uses to bind to the LDAP server to perform
the search in the LDAP bind DN field. Specify the password alias in the
LDAP bind password alias field. Click the plus icon to create a password
alias if you have not already created one. (Leave these fields blank if you are
using an anonymous bind to access the LDAP server.)
9. Specify the LDAP search parameters. You can enter these parameters directly,
or you can click the plus icon to open the LDAP Search Parameters dialog.
10. Specify an LDAP read timeout. The timeout is the time that the appliance will
attempt to connect to the LDAP server before closing the connection. The
default is 60 seconds. Specify 0 to never timeout.
11. If you want to use an SSL (TLS) connection to the LDAP server, select an SSL
client type of Client profile. If you have already defined a profile, select the
profile name from the SSL client profile list. Alternatively, click the plus icon
to open the SSL Client Profile dialog and create a new SSL client profile
(see “Creating an SSL client profile by using the web UI” on page 355).
12. To define one or more fallback users, choose All users from the Local
accounts for fallback list to have all local users able to log in to the appliance
if LDAP is unavailable. Alternatively, select Specific users and select one or
more local users.
13. Optionally, change the default cache settings. Cache settings determine how
long user details are held on the appliance before authentication is referred to
the LDAP server again. By default, the appliance retains details for an
absolute period of 600 seconds. You can change the cache mode or the cache
lifetime, or both. You can also disable caching altogether.
14. Click Apply to apply your changes.

What to do next

After you specify the user authentication method, you must next configure
credential mapping.

Configuring look up authentication with LDAP by using the

command line

Use the command line to configure the appliance to look up user details on an
LDAP server. To look up users, the appliance binds to the LDAP server by using

About this task

You can use commands to configure role based management such that the
appliance looks up user details in the LDAP server by using defined search
parameters. To look up users, the appliance binds to the LDAP server by using
credentials that you define as part of the RBM configuration, or you can use an
anonymous bind to access the LDAP server. See “User authentication with LDAP”
on page 346 for a description of this method of authentication.

1. Connect to the IBM MQ Appliance as described in “Command line access” on
page 109. Log in as an administrative user.
2. Type config to enter global configuration mode.
3. Type the following command to configure role based management:

352 IBM MQ Appliance

4. Enter the following command to specify the LDAP authentication method:
au-method ldap
5. Specify the host name of the LDAP server (you can use a host alias if you
have defined one):
au-server-host host
6. Specify the port to use when connecting to the LDAP server:
au-server-port port

The usual port for an LDAP server is 389, or 636 for an SSL connection.
7. Specify the LDAP version that is used to access the LDAP server for RBM
ldap-version version

Where version is v2 or v3. The default value is v2.

8. Optionally specify a load balancer group. (See “Creating a load balancer
group profile by using the command line” on page 360 for details of how to
create a load balancer group):
loadbalancer-group name
9. Specify that the appliance will search the LDAP directory for user
au-ldap-search on
10. Specify the distinguished name used to bind to the LDAP server to perform
the search:
au-ldap-bind-dn DN
11. Specify the password that is used for binding to the LDAP server. You should
define a password alias, rather than entering the password directly (see
“password-map” on page 616 for details on creating a password alias).
au-ldap-bind-password password_alias

If you do not specify a bind DN and bind password, an anonymous bind is

used for the search.
12. Define the parameters for the search. You use the LDAP search parameters
commands to create a named set of parameters (see “LDAP Search Parameters
commands” on page 707). You then specify the name of the set of search
parameters to use:
au-ldap-parameters name
13. Specify the time that RBM authentication waits for a response from the LDAP
server. The default value is 60. A value of 0 indicates that the wait never times
au-ldap-readtimeout seconds
14. If you need a secure connection to your LDAP server, you must specify an
SSL client type of client, and the name of your SSL client profile (see
“Creating an SSL client profile by using the command line” on page 356 for
details of how to create an SSL client profile):
ssl-client-type client
ssl-client name
15. Optionally specify fallback users who can log in to the appliance if the LDAP
server is not available. Fallback users must already have been added as local
users to the appliance. You can specify that all local users are fallback users by
entering the following command:

Chapter 8. Security 353

fallback-login local

Alternatively, you can specify one or more particular users by entering the
following commands:
fallback-login restricted
fallback-user localuser1
fallback-user localuser2
fallback-user localuserN
16. Alter the default LDAP cache settings, if required. By default, the appliance
caches results of authentication attempts for 600 seconds, but you can change
the mode of caching, and the caching duration by entering the following
au-cache-mode mode
au-cache-ttl seconds

Where mode is one of:

Caches the results of user authentications for a period of time
specified by the au-cache-ttl command (the explicit time-to-live).
This is the default setting.
Disables caching. The appliance will not cache any results and instead
always authenticates every time a user requests access.
Compares the explicit TTL to the TTL contained in the response (if
any) and cache authentication results for the maximum of the two
Compares the explicit TTL to the TTL contained in the response (if
any) and cache authentication results for the minimum of the two


The following example configures the appliance to use an LDAP server that is
identified by the host alias ldap_host for user authentication. If a user logged in
with the user name “RobinWD”, the name is passed to the LDAP server and used
to look up Robin's distinguished name (as specified in the search parameters). If
the LDAP server is unavailable, any local appliance user can log in to the
mqa# config
Global configuration mode
mqa(config)# rbm
Modify RBM Settings configuration

mqa(config rbm)# au-method ldap

mqa(config rbm)# au-server-host ldap_host
mqa(config rbm)# au-server-port 389
mqa(config rbm)# ldap-version v3
mqa(config rbm)# au-ldap-search on
mqa(config rbm)# au-ldap-bind-dn cn=appbind, dc=appliance123, dc=com
mqa(config rbm)# au-ldap-bind-password bindpw_alias
mqa(config rbm)# au-ldap-parameters auth_params

354 IBM MQ Appliance

mqa(config rbm)# fallback-login local
mqa(config rbm)# exit
mqa(config)# write memory
Overwrite previously saved configuration? Yes/No [y/n]: y
Configuration saved successfully.

What to do next

After you specify the user authentication method, you must next configure
credential mapping.

Creating an SSL client profile by using the web UI

If you want to configure a secure SSL (TLS) connection with an LDAP server, then
you must configure a client profile.

About this task

You can configure an SSL client profile by using the IBM MQ Appliance web UI.
You can do this by opening a dialog while you configure role based management
(RBM), or as a separate operation before you configure RBM.

1. Open the SSL Client Profile window. You can do this in one of two ways:
Before you configure RBM:

a. Click the object icon .

b. Select Crypto Configuration > SSL Client Profile
c. Click New to open the SSL Client Profile window.
While you are configuring RBM:
a. In the Authenticate section (if you have selected the LDAP method) or
Credential Mapping section (if you have selected Search LDAP for group
name) select an SSL client type of Client profile.

b. Click the plus icon next to the SSL client profile field to open the SSL
Client Profile window.
2. In the SSL Client Profile window, enter a name for your profile.
3. Ensure that Enable administrative state is enabled, and optionally enter
4. Select which SSL and TLS protocols your profile supports.
5. Specify which cipher suites your profile supports.
6. Select from the following options:
Allows the client to send the Server Name Indication (SNI) extension
in the ClientHello message to the server that the client attempts to
connect to.
Permit connections to insecure SSL servers
Allows connections to SSL servers that do not support RFC 5746.
Enable compression

Chapter 8. Security 355

Enables SSL compression. Compression in HTTPS is dangerous
because the HTTPS connection becomes vulnerable to the CRIME
(Compression Ratio Info-leak Made Easy) attack.
7. Optionally specify that client connections will pass a host name in the SNI
extension to the ClientHello, and specify the host name to pass.
8. Specify the client credentials. There are two parts to this:
v Identification credentials specify the credentials that the appliance uses to
authenticate itself to an SSL server if the SSL server requests client
v Validation credentials are required if you select Validate server certificate
and specify details about how the client authenticates the SSL server.
You can create the credentials profiles before you create the SSL client profile,
and select them in the Identification credentials and Validation credentials list.
Alternatively, you can click the plus icon to open dialogs to create the two
9. Specify session caching features. Caching is enabled by default, and you can
specify how long sessions are cached for in seconds and the minimum size of
the cache in number of entries.
10. Optionally, open the Advanced section and add to the list of elliptic curves
that the SSL client profile supports.

Creating an SSL client profile by using the command line

Use the command line to create an SSL client profile.

About this task

If you want to configure a secure SSL (TLS) connection with an LDAP server, then
you must configure a client profile.

1. Connect to the IBM MQ Appliance as described in “Command line access” on
page 109. Log in as an administrative user.
2. Type config to enter global configuration mode.
3. Type crypto to enter crypto configuration mode.
4. Type the following command to configure an SSL client profile:
ssl-client name

Where name is a name for the profile you are creating.

5. Select which protocols the client profile supports:
protocols option-string

Where option-string Specifies the SSL and TLS protocol versions to support.
When you enable support for multiple protocol versions, use a plus sign (+)
character to separate the versions. The following values are valid. The default
value is TLSv1d0+TLSv1d1+TLSv1d2.
v SSLv3 - Enables SSL version 3.
v TLSv1d0 - Enables TLS version 1.0.
v TLSv1d1 - Enables TLS version 1.1.
v TLSv1d2 - Enables TLS version 1.2.

356 IBM MQ Appliance

6. Specify which cipher suites your client profile supports:
ciphers cipher-string

Where cipher-string specifies the supported cipher. You must repeat this
command for each cipher that you support. See “ciphers” on page 827 for a
list of available ciphers.
7. Optionally specify which elliptic curves your client supports:
curves name

Where name specifies the supported curve. You must repeat this command for
each cipher that you support. See “curves” on page 828 for a list of available
8. Specify options for your client profile:
ssl-client-features feature
Separate multiple features with the plus sign (+) character. The default value
is use-sni. The following features are available:
Allows the client to send the Server Name Indication (SNI) extension
in the ClientHello message to the server that the client attempts to
connect to.
Allows connections to SSL servers that do not support RFC 5746.
Enables SSL compression. Compression in HTTPS is dangerous
because the HTTPS connection becomes vulnerable to the CRIME
(Compression Ratio Info-leak Made Easy) attack.
9. Specify the identification credentials for your client. These credentials are
supplied to requesting SSL servers.
idcred name

Where name is the name of an existing identification credentials set (see

“idcred” on page 611 for how to create an identification credentials set)
10. Optionally specify that the client will validate the SSL server, and specify the
name of the validation credentials to use:
validate-server-cert on
valcred name

Where name is the name of an existing validation credentials set (see

“Validation Credentials commands” on page 846 for how to create a validation
credentials set).
11. Optionally specify that session caching is enabled, and specify the cache
timeout and size:
caching on
cache-timeout seconds
cache-size entries


The following example configures an SSL client profile named “myclient”. The
profile uses the default protocols and ciphers, and the default feature of enabling
SNI. It uses the identity credentials set named “myclientcred”, and enables server

Chapter 8. Security 357

certificate validation by using the validation credentials set named “mcserver”. The
client caches a minimum of 150 session entries for up to ten minutes.
mqa# config
Global configuration mode
mqa(config)# crypto
Crypto configuration mode

mqa(config-crypto)# ssl-client myclient

mqa(config-crypto)# idcred myclientcred
mqa(config-crypto)# validate-server-cert on
mqa(config-crypto)# valcred mcserver
mqa(config-crypto)# caching on
mqa(config-crypto)# cache-timeout 600
mqa(config-crypto)# cache-size 150
mqa(config-crypto)# exit
mqa(config)# write memory
Overwrite previously saved configuration? Yes/No [y/n]: y
Configuration saved successfully.

Creating a load balancer group profile by using the web UI

You can create a profile describing a load balancer group of LDAP servers.

About this task

You can configure a load balancer group profile by using the IBM MQ Appliance
web UI. You can do this by opening a dialog while you configure role based
management (RBM).

1. Open the Load Balancer Group profile window. In the Authenticate section (if
you have selected the LDAP method) or Credential Mapping section (if you
have selected Search LDAP for group name). Click the plus icon next to
the Load balancer group field.
2. Enter a name for your load balancer group profile.
3. Ensure that Enable administrative state is selected and optionally enter some
4. Select the algorithm for choosing between the LDAP servers in your load
balancer group. The following options are available:
First Alive
Uses the concept of a primary server and backup servers. When the
health state of the primary server is up, all connections are forwarded
to this server. When the health state of the primary server is softdown
or down, connections are forwarded to back up servers. The primary
server is the first server in the members list.
Uses the IP address of the client as the basis for server selection.
With the hash algorithm, the same client is served by the same server.
Use this algorithm only when clients access applications that require
the storage of server-side state information, such as cookies. Hashing
algorithms cannot ensure even distribution.
Least Connections

358 IBM MQ Appliance

Maintains a record of active server connections and forward a new
connection to the server with the least number of active connections.
Round Robin
Maintains a list of servers and forwards a new connection to the next
server on the list. This setting is the default value.
Weighted Round Robin
Maintains a weighted list of servers and forwards new connections in
proportion to the weight (or preference) of each server.
5. Specify a damp time. The damp time is the period that a server is removed
from the load balancer group because it cannot connect during a normal
HTTP or TCP transaction. Such a server has a health state of softdown. When
this interval expires, the server is restored to the load balancer group and
placed in the up state. This command does not affect servers that are in the
down state. Enter a value in the range 1 - 86400. The default value is 120.
6. Optionally select Do not bypass down state to block every connection when
all members of the group are in the down state.
7. Optionally select Try every server before failing. When this option is selected,
the appliance sends the request to each server until one responds or all fail.
This command applies only when none of the group members are in the up
state. Each server that fails is set to the softdown state.
8. Optionally select Masquerade as group name to pass the name of the load
balancer group as the host name to the remote server.
9. Open the Health section and specify whether health checking is enabled. A
health check is a scheduled rule that sends the same request to each member.
The successful completion of the health check requires that the server passes
normal TCP and HTTP connection criteria, depending on check type. See
“health-check” on page 723 for more information on the available options.
10. Open the Members section to specify details of the members of the load
balancer group.
11. Click Add to add a member and supply the following information:
Actual host
The name or IP address of the server.
For weighted algorithms, specifies the relative weight (preference).
Enter a value in the range 1 - 65000. The default value is 1.
Mapped server ports
Specifies the port on the real server. If nonzero, the associated real
server is contacted on this port. Normally the real server is contacted
on the same port number as the one for the virtual server. In this case,
retain the default value of 0. If services run on different ports for
different members of the group, define this value.
Health port
Specifies the port to test. Retain the default value of 0 to use the port
that is defined for this load balancer group.
12. Click Apply to save your load balancer group profile.

Chapter 8. Security 359

Creating a load balancer group profile by using the command

Use the command line to create a load balancer group profile.

About this task

If you want to configure your LDAP user authentication or credential mapping to

use a group of LDAP servers, you must configure a load balancer group profile on
the appliance.

1. Connect to the IBM MQ Appliance as described in “Command line access” on
page 109. Log in as an administrative user.
2. Type config to enter global configuration mode.
3. Type loadbalancer-group name to create a load balancer group profile.
4. Select the algorithm that is used to select which member of the group to
connect to:
algorithm selected-algorithm

Where selected-algorithm is one of the following options:

Uses the concept of a primary server and backup servers. When the
health state of the primary server is up, all connections are forwarded
to this server. When the health state of the primary server is softdown
or down, connections are forwarded to back up servers. The primary
server is the first server in the members list.
Uses the IP address of the client as the basis for server selection.
With the hash algorithm, the same client is served by the same server.
Use this algorithm only when clients access applications that require
the storage of server-side state information, such as cookies. Hashing
algorithms cannot ensure even distribution.
Maintains a record of active server connections and forward a new
connection to the server with the least number of active connections.
Maintains a list of servers and forwards a new connection to the next
server on the list. This setting is the default value.
Maintains a weighted list of servers and forwards new connections in
proportion to the weight (or preference) of each server.
5. Specify the damp time. The damp time is the period that a server is removed
from the load balancer group because it cannot connect during a normal
HTTP or TCP transaction. Such a server has a health state of softdown. When
this interval expires, the server is restored to the load balancer group and
placed in the up state. This command does not affect servers that are in the
down state.

360 IBM MQ Appliance

damp seconds

Where seconds is the number of seconds that a server remains in a softdown

state. Enter a value in the range 1 - 86400. The default value is 120.
6. Specify the action that the appliance takes when no member of the group is in
the up state.

Specify a setting of on to not forward the connection to any member. The

appliance makes the next connection attempt when at least one member is in
the up state. Specify off to select the first member in the down state and
forward the connection to this server. The default setting is off.
7. Optionally specify that the appliance sends the request to each server until
one responds or all fail. This command applies only when none of the group
members are in the up state. Each server that fails is set to the softdown state.
try-every-server setting

Where setting is on or off.

8. Optionally specify that the name of the load balancer group is passed as the
host name to the remote server.
masquerade setting

Where setting is on or off.

9. Specify whether a health check is to be implemented on members of the
group, and configure it.
health-check options

For the options available and more information, see “health-check” on page
10. Specify the LDAP servers that belong to the load balancer group:
server address [weight] [mapped-port] [health-port]
The name or IP address of the server.
For weighted algorithms, specifies the relative weight (preference).
Enter a value in the range 1 - 65000. The default value is 1.
Specifies the port on the real server. If nonzero, the associated real
server is contacted on this port. Normally the real server is contacted
on the same port number as the one for the virtual server. In this case,
retain the default value of 0. If services run on different ports for
different members of the group, define this value.
Specifies the port to test. Retain the default value of 0 to use the port
that is defined for this load balancer group.

Chapter 8. Security 361


The following example configures a load balancer group profile named

“LBGroup”. The profile specifies a first-alive algorithm, takes the defaults for other
settings, and specifies the three LDAP servers that comprise the load balancing
mqa# config
Global configuration mode
mqa(config)# loadbalancer-group LBGroup
mqa(config loadbalancer-group LBgroup)# algorithm first-alive
mqa(config loadbalancer-group LBgroup)# server ldap1.here.com
mqa(config loadbalancer-group LBgroup)# server ldap2.here.com
mqa(config loadbalancer-group LBgroup)# server ldap3.here.com
mqa(config loadbalancer-group LBgroup)# exit
mqa(config)# write memory
Overwrite previously saved configuration? Yes/No [y/n]: y
Configuration saved successfully.

User authentication with XML file

You can configure the IBM MQ Appliance to authenticate users by using an XML

You create an XML file that contains user authentication details. You can use an
XML file builder that is provided on the appliance to create the file.

After you have configured how users are authenticated by using an XML file, you
must go on to specify how authenticated users are authorized to use the appliance
resources. You do this by configuring credential mapping. You can use the same
XML file for both authentication and credential mapping. Alternatively, you can
perform credential mapping by using credentials that are defined for the group
that the user belongs to.

You can use the RBM builder in the IBM MQ Appliance web UI to create the XML
file. If you want to create the file manually, an example file, store:///RBMInfo.xml,
is provided to guide you. The final RBM file must conform to the
store:///AAAInfo.xsd schema.

Configuring user authentication with an XML file by using the

web UI

Configure the appliance to authenticate the users defined in an XML file.

About this task

You can use the IBM MQ Appliance web UI to configure role based management
such that the appliance uses user credentials that are defined in an XML file.


1. Start the IBM MQ Appliance web UI and click the Administration icon .
2. Select Access > RBM Settings.
3. Ensure that Enable administrative state is selected (it is selected by default)
and click Authentication to view the authentication options.

362 IBM MQ Appliance

4. Select an Authentication method of XML file.
5. If you already defined an XML file, enter its path in XML file URL.
Alternatively you can edit an existing file, or create a new file, by using the
RBM builder. Click Edit or New. See “Using the RBM builder to create an XML
file” on page 364 for help with using the RBM builder.
6. To define fallback users, you can choose All users from the Local accounts for
fallback list to have all local users able to log in to the appliance if the XML
file is unavailable. Alternatively, select Specific users and select one or more
local users.
7. Optionally, change the default cache settings. Cache settings determine how
long user details are held on the appliance before authentication is performed
again. By default, the appliance retains details for an absolute period of 600
seconds. You can change the cache mode or the cache lifetime, or both. You can
also disable caching altogether.
8. Click Apply to apply your changes.

What to do next

After you specify the user authentication method, you must next configure
credential mapping.

Configuring user authentication with an XML file by using the

command line

Use the command line to configure the appliance to authenticate the users defined
in an XML file.

About this task

You can use commands to configure role based management such that the
appliance uses user credentials that are defined in an XML file. You must have
already created the XML file (see “User authentication with XML file” on page 362)

1. Connect to the IBM MQ Appliance as described in “Command line access” on
page 109. Log in as an administrative user.
2. Type config to enter global configuration mode.
3. Type the following command to configure role based management:
4. Enter the following command to specify the XML file authentication method:
au-method xmlfile
5. Specify the URL of the XML you want to use.
au-info-url URL
6. Optionally specify fallback users who can log in to the appliance if the XML
file is not available. Fallback users must already have been added as local users
to the appliance. You can specify that all local users are fallback users by
entering the following command:
fallback-login local

Alternatively, you can specify one or more particular users by entering the
following commands:

Chapter 8. Security 363

fallback-login restricted
fallback-user localuser1
fallback-user localuser2
fallback-user localuserN
7. Alter the default cache settings, if required. By default, the appliance caches
results of authentication attempts for 600 seconds, but you can change the
mode of caching, and the caching duration by entering the following
au-cache-mode mode
au-cache-ttl seconds

Where mode is one of:

Caches the results of user authentications for a period of time specified
by the au-cache-ttl command (the explicit time-to-live). This is the
default setting.
Disables caching. The appliance will not cache any results and instead
always authenticates every time a user requests access.
Compares the explicit TTL to the TTL contained in the response (if any)
and cache authentication results for the maximum of the two values.
Compares the explicit TTL to the TTL contained in the response (if any)
and cache authentication results for the minimum of the two values.


The following example configures the appliance to use the authentication details
defined in the file store:///RBMInfo.xml.
mqa# config
Global configuration mode
mqa(config)# rbm
Modify RBM Settings configuration

mqa(config rbm)# au-method xmlfile

mqa(config rbm)# au-info-url store:///RBMInfo.xml
mqa(config rbm)# fallback-login local
mqa(config rbm)# exit
mqa(config)# write memory
Overwrite previously saved configuration? Yes/No [y/n]: y
Configuration saved successfully.

What to do next

After you specify the user authentication method, you must next configure
credential mapping.

Using the RBM builder to create an XML file

You can use the RBM builder in the IBM MQ Appliance web UI to define an XML
file. You can use the file for user authentication or credential mapping, or for both.

364 IBM MQ Appliance

About this task

To use the RBM builder:

v If you are using the XML file for user authentication:
1. In the Authentication section of the RBM settings, select an Authentication
method of XML file.
2. Click New for the XML file URL to open the builder.
v If you are using the XML file for user authorization:
1. In the Credential-mapping section of the RBM settings, select a
Credential-mapping method of XML file.
2. Click New for the XML file URL to open the builder.
v If you are using the XML for both user authentication and user authorization:
1. In the Authentication section of the RBM settings, select an Authentication
method of XML file.
2. Click New for the XML file URL to open the builder.
3. After you have created the XML file, in the Credential-mapping section of
the RBM settings, select a Credential-mapping method of XML file, and
specify the URL of the file that you created.


To create an XML file by using the RBM builder:

1. In the first Edit RBM Policy file page, click Next.
2. In the Default Credentials page, enter the name of a default credentials profile,
if required. Any user that fails authentication is granted this credential. Leave
blank to deny access to all users who fail authentication. Click Next.
3. In the User Identities page, click Next if you are using the file for user
authorization only. Otherwise, click Add. Enter a user name, user password,
and the name of the credential profile that you want to assign to this user.
Click Submit. Repeat for every user that you want to add, then click Next.
4. In the Access Profile Mappings page, click Next if you are using the file for
user authentication only. Otherwise, click Add. Enter a name for the profile you
are creating, then click Build to specify the permissions for the policy. Click
Help in the Builder window for guidance on defining the policy.
5. In the next page, specify the name of the XML file you are creating, and the
local directory to store it in. Click Next.
6. In the Confirm Creation page, click Commit.

User authentication with local users

You can configure the IBM MQ Appliance to authenticate users who are locally
configured on the appliance.

Appliance users are created by using the appliance user commands or the
Appliance section of the IBM MQ Appliance web UI

Local users can belong to locally defined user groups. User privileges are then
defined according to the group that they belong to.

Chapter 8. Security 365

Configuring user authentication with local users by using the
web UI

Configure the appliance to authenticate the local users defined on the appliance.

About this task

You can use the IBM MQ Appliance web UI to configure role based management
such that the appliance uses local definitions. You define the local users in a
separate procedure, see “Configuring user authentication with local users by using
the web UI.”


1. Start the IBM MQ Appliance web UI and click the Administration icon .
2. Select Access > RBM Settings
3. Ensure that Enable administrative state is selected (it is selected by default)
and click Authentication to view the authentication options.
4. Select an Authentication method of Local user.
5. Optionally, change the default cache settings. Cache settings determine how
long user details are valid before authentication is performed again. By default,
the appliance retains details for an absolute period of 600 seconds. You can
change the cache mode or the cache lifetime, or both. You can also disable
caching altogether.
6. Click Apply to apply your changes.

What to do next

After you specify the user authentication method, you must next configure
credential mapping.

Configuring user authentication with local users by using the

command line

Use the command line to configure the appliance to authenticate local users
defined on the appliance.

About this task

You can use commands to configure role based management such that the
appliance uses local user definitions. You create the users in a separate procedure,
see “Configuring local users by using the command line” on page 381.

1. Connect to the IBM MQ Appliance as described in “Command line access” on
page 109. Log in as an administrative user.
2. Type config to enter global configuration mode.
3. Type the following command to configure role based management:
4. Enter the following command to specify the XML file authentication method:
au-method local

366 IBM MQ Appliance

5. Alter the default cache settings, if required. By default, the appliance caches
results of authentication attempts for 600 seconds, but you can change the
mode of caching, and the caching duration by entering the following
au-cache-mode mode
au-cache-ttl seconds

Where mode is one of:

Caches the results of user authentications for a period of time that is
specified by the au-cache-ttl command (the explicit time-to-live). This
setting is the default setting.
Disables caching. The appliance will not cache any results and instead
always authenticates every time a user requests access.
Compares the explicit TTL to the TTL contained in the response (if any)
and cache authentication results for the maximum of the two values.
Compares the explicit TTL to the TTL contained in the response (if any)
and cache authentication results for the minimum of the two values.


The following example configures the appliance to use local user definitions.
mqa# config
Global configuration mode
mqa(config)# rbm
Modify RBM Settings configuration

mqa(config rbm)# au-method local

mqa(config rbm)# exit
mqa(config)# write memory
Overwrite previously saved configuration? Yes/No [y/n]: y
Configuration saved successfully.

What to do next

After you specify the user authentication method, you must next configure
credential mapping.

Credential mapping with an XML file

You can configure the IBM MQ Appliance to map user names onto access policies
that are defined in an XML file.

You create an XML file that contains policy details. You can use an XML file
builder that is provided on the appliance to create the file. The same file can
contain user authentication details.

Chapter 8. Security 367

The policy defines the set of permissions that a user has to the various appliance
resources. This feature is known as user authorization. A user name is mapped
onto these policies according to the user authentication method:
v If users are authenticated by using LDAP, then the user's distinguished name is
the input credential for policies that are defined in the XML file. If the appliance
is configured to look up groups the user belongs to in an LDAP server, then the
returned attribute that is specified in the LDAP search parameters is used as the
input credential for each group instead.
v If users are authenticated by using an XML file, then the same user credential is
used as input for policies that are defined in the XML file.
v If you use local user definitions, then the user name is the input credential for
policies that are defined in the XML file.

You can use the RBM builder in the IBM MQ Appliance web UI to create the XML
file. If you want to create the file manually, an example file, store:///RBMInfo.xml,
is provided to guide you. The final RBM file must conform to the
store:///AAAInfo.xsd schema.

You can, if required, configure an LDAP search to retrieve user groups from LDAP
directories for XML file or local authenticated users. Returned user groups can then
be mapped onto access policies defined in the XML file. In these cases you must
configure the LDAP search so that the XML file or local user name is used as the
input credential to the LDAP query. You might then need, for example, to append
a common suffix to the user name to build an LDAP user distinguished name
when querying the user's group membership.

Configuring credential mapping with an XML file by using the

web UI

Configure the appliance to authorize users by using access policies that are defined
in an XML file.

About this task

You can use the IBM MQ Appliance web UI to configure role based management
such that the appliance uses access policies that are defined in an XML file.

You can specify that an LDAP directory is searched for groups that the
authenticated user belongs to, then the returned groups are mapped onto access
policies in the XML file. The LDAP query should search for groups that the user
belongs to. Do not configure a search that looks for users in a particular group; if
the search returns users you will be attempting to map groups onto users, rather
than users onto groups.


1. Start the IBM MQ Appliance web UI and click the Administration icon .
2. Select Access > RBM Settings
3. Ensure that Enable administrative state is selected (it is selected by default)
and click Credential-mapping to view the authentication options.
4. Select an Credential-mapping method of XML file.
5. If you already defined an XML file, enter its path in XML file URL.
Alternatively you can edit an existing file, or create a new file, by using the

368 IBM MQ Appliance

RBM builder. Click Edit or New. See “Using the RBM builder to create an XML
file” on page 364 for help with using the RBM builder.
6. If you have defined a user authentication method of LDAP, select Search LDAP
for group name to look up an attribute (usually the distinguished name) of
each group the user belongs to. These attributes are then used as the input
credential to the XML file. Otherwise, the distinguished name of the user is
used as the input credential. If you select this option, you must then supply the
details for connecting to the LDAP server:
a. Specify the Server host and the Server port for connecting to the LDAP
server (server port is usually 389, or 636 for an SSL connection).
b. If you have configured a load balancer group for LDAP access and created
a profile, specify it in the Load balancer group field. Alternatively, click the
plus icon to open the Load Balancer Group dialog to specify a profile
for your load balancer group, see “Creating a load balancer group profile by
using the web UI” on page 358. You can leave this field blank if you are
using a single LDAP server.
c. Specify the DN that the appliance uses to bind to the LDAP server to
perform the search in the LDAP bind DN field. Specify the password alias
in the LDAP bind password alias field. Click the plus icon to create a
password alias if you have not already created one. (Leave these fields
blank if you are using an anonymous bind to access the LDAP server.)
d. Specify the LDAP search parameters. You can enter these parameters
directly, or you can click the plus icon to open the LDAP Search Parameters
dialog. Your search must look for the user group or groups that the
authenticated user belongs to, and return one or more user group names.
e. Specify an LDAP read timeout. The timeout is the time that the appliance
will attempt to connect to the LDAP server before closing the connection.
The default is 60 seconds. Specify 0 to never timeout.
f. If you want to use an SSL (TLS) connection to the LDAP server, select an
SSL client type of Client profile. If you have already defined a profile,
select the profile name from the SSL client profile list. Alternatively, click
the plus icon to open the SSL Client Profile dialog and create a new SSL
client profile, see “Creating an SSL client profile by using the web UI” on
page 355.
7. Click Apply to apply your changes.

What to do next

After you specify the credential mapping method, you can next configure the
password policy for your local users (password policy does not apply to other user

Configuring credential mapping with an XML file by using the

command line

Use the command line to configure the appliance to authorize users by using
access policies that are defined in an XML file.

Chapter 8. Security 369

About this task

You can use commands to configure role based management such that the
appliance uses access policies that are defined in an XML file. You must have
already created the XML file (see “Credential mapping with an XML file” on page

You can specify that an LDAP directory is searched for groups that the
authenticated user belongs to, then the returned groups are mapped onto access
policies in the XML file. The LDAP query should search for groups that the user
belongs to. Do not configure a search that looks for users in a particular group; if
the search returns users you will be attempting to map groups onto users, rather
than users onto groups.

1. Connect to the IBM MQ Appliance as described in “Command line access” on
page 109. Log in as an administrative user.
2. Type config to enter global configuration mode.
3. Type the following command to configure role based management:
4. Enter the following command to specify the XML file authorization method:
mc-method local
5. Specify the URL of the XML file that you want to use.
mc-info-url URL
6. If you have defined a user authentication method of LDAP, you can look up an
attribute (usually the distinguished name) of each group the user belongs to.
These attributes are then used as the input credential to the XML file.
Otherwise, the distinguished name of the user is used as the input credential. If
you want to perform an LDAP search, you must then supply the details for
connecting to the LDAP server:
a. Specify that you want to perform an LDAP search:
mc-ldap-search on
b. Specify the server and password for connecting to the LDAP server:
mc-server-host host
mc-server-port port

Where host is the IP address or domain name of the LDAP server and port
is usually 389, or 636 for an SSL connection.
c. If you have configured a load balancer group for LDAP access and created a
profile, specify the profile by using the following command:
mc-loadbalancer-group name

Where name is the name of the load balancer group profile.

d. Specify the Distinguished Name and password that the appliance uses to
bind to the LDAP server to perform the search by using the following
commands. (Omit these commands if you are using an anonymous bind to
access the LDAP server.)
mc-ldap-bind-dn dn
mc-ldap-bind-password password

Where dn is the Distinguished Name and password is the password.

e. Specify the LDAP search parameters by entering the following command:

370 IBM MQ Appliance

mc-ldap-parameters parameters_name

Where parameters_name is the name of a set of LDAP search parameters that

you have previously defined using the ldap-search-parameters command.
Your search must look for the user group or groups that the authenticated
user belongs to, and return one or more user group names.
f. Specify a timeout for the LDAP search. This is the time that the appliance
will attempt to connect to the LDAP server before closing the connection.
The default is 60 seconds. Specify 0 to never timeout.
mc-ldap-readtimeout timeout

Where timeout specifies the duration of the timeout period.

g. If you want to use an SSL (TLS) connection to the LDAP server, specify an
SSL client profile to use by entering the following commands:
ssl-client-type client
ssl-client client_profile

Where client_profile is the name of a client profile that you have previously


The following example configures the appliance to use the authorization details
defined in the file store:///RBMInfo.xml.
mqa# config
Global configuration mode
mqa(config)# rbm
Modify RBM Settings configuration

mqa(config rbm)# mc-method xmlfile

mqa(config rbm)# mc-info-url store:///RBMInfo.xml
mqa(config rbm)# exit
mqa(config)# write memory
Overwrite previously saved configuration? Yes/No [y/n]: y
Configuration saved successfully.

The following commands configure the appliance to use the authorization details
defined in the file store:///RBMInfo.xml, performing an LDAP search to retrieve
user group names from an LDAP repository:
mqa# config
Global configuration mode
mqa(config)# rbm
Modify RBM Settings configuration

mqa(config rbm)# mc-method xmlfile

mqa(config rbm)# mc-info-url store:///RBMInfo.xml
mqa(config rbm)# mc-ldap-search on
mqa(config rbm)# mc-server-host LDAP_serv1
mqa(config rbm)# mc-server-port 389
mqa(config rbm)# mc-ldap-bind-dn "cn=proxyuser"
mqa(config rbm)# mc-ldap-bind-password p@Ssw0rd
mqa(config rbm)# mc-ldap-parameters ldap1-MC
mqa(config rbm)# mc-ldap-readtimeout 120
mqa(config rbm)# exit
mqa(config)# write memory
Overwrite previously saved configuration? Yes/No [y/n]: y
Configuration saved successfully.

Chapter 8. Security 371

What to do next

After you specify the credential mapping method, you can next configure the
password policy for your local users (password policy does not apply to other user

Credential mapping with local user groups

You can configure the IBM MQ Appliance to use local user groups for user

You create user groups locally on the appliance, and define what access members
of that group have to appliance resources. This access is known as user
authorization. A user name is mapped onto a user group according to the user
authentication method:
v If users are authenticated by using LDAP, then the user's distinguished name is
used to perform a further LDAP query (in the same directory or a different one).
The second query retrieves the user group or groups for that distinguished
name, and these groups are in turn mapped onto local user groups. If, as a
result of this process, multiple local user groups apply to the user, then the
access profiles for the groups are combined so the user has the superset of the
authority they grant. If a local group is not found for a particular LDAP group
then the group is ignored. If no LDAP groups are returned for the user, or no
matching local user groups are found, then the user has no authority and access
is denied.
v If users are authenticated by using an XML file, then the user credential profiles
specified for the user in the file is mapped onto local user groups.
v If you use local user definitions, then the local groups defined for that user are
used for authorization.

You can, if required, configure an LDAP search to retrieve user groups from LDAP
directories for XML file or local authenticated users. Returned user groups can then
be mapped onto local user groups. In these cases you must configure the LDAP
search so that the XML file or local user name is used as the input credential to the
LDAP query. You might then need, for example, to append a common suffix to the
user name to build an LDAP user distinguished name when querying the user's
group membership.

Configuring credential mapping with local user groups by using

the Web UI

Configure the appliance to authorize users by using local user group definitions.

About this task

You can use the IBM MQ Appliance web UI to configure role based management
such that the appliance uses local user groups for user authorization. You define
the local users in a separate procedure, see “Configuring local user groups by
using the web UI” on page 383.

You can specify that an LDAP directory is searched for groups that the
authenticated user belongs to, then the returned groups are mapped onto local
user groups. The LDAP query should search for groups that the user belongs to.

372 IBM MQ Appliance

Do not configure a search that looks for users in a particular group; if the search
returns users you will be attempting to map groups onto users, rather than users
onto groups.


1. Start the IBM MQ Appliance web UI and click the Administration icon .
2. Select Access > RBM Settings
3. Ensure that Enable administrative state is selected (it is selected by default)
and click Credential-mapping to view the authentication options.
4. Select an Credential-mapping method of Local user group.
5. If you have defined a user authentication method of LDAP, then you must
selectSearch LDAP for group name. You must then supply the details for
connecting to the LDAP server:
a. Specify the Server host and the Server port for connecting to the LDAP
server (server port is usually 389, or 636 for an SSL connection).
b. If you have configured a load balancer group for LDAP access and created
a profile, specify it in the Load balancer group field. Alternatively, click the
plus icon to open the Load Balancer Group dialog to specify a profile
for your load balancer group.
c. Specify the DN that the appliance uses to bind to the LDAP server to
perform the search in the LDAP bind DN field. Specify the password alias
in the LDAP bind password alias field. Click the plus icon to create a
password alias if you have not already created one. (Leave these fields
blank if you are using an anonymous bind to access the LDAP server.)
d. Specify the LDAP search parameters. You can enter these directly, or you
can click the plus icon to open the LDAP Search Parameters dialog. Your
search must look for the user group or groups that the authenticated user
belongs to, and return one or more user group names.
e. Specify an LDAP read timeout. This is the time that the appliance will
attempt to connect to the LDAP server before closing the connection. The
default is 60 seconds. Specify 0 to never timeout.
f. If you want to use an SSL (TLS) connection to the LDAP server, select an
SSL client type of Client profile. If you have already defined a profile,
select the profile name from the SSL client profile list. Alternatively, click
the plus icon to open the SSL Client Profile dialog and create a new SSL
client profile.
6. Click Apply to apply your changes.

What to do next

After specifying the credential mapping method, you can next configure the
password policy for your local users (password policy does not apply to other user

Configuring credential mapping with local user groups by using

the command line

Use the command line to configure the appliance to authorize users by using local
user group definitions.

Chapter 8. Security 373

About this task

You can use commands to configure role based management such that the
appliance uses local user groups for user authorization. You must create user
groups as a separate operation.

You can specify that an LDAP directory is searched for groups that the
authenticated user belongs to, then the returned groups are mapped onto local
user groups. The LDAP query should search for groups that the user belongs to.
Do not configure a search that looks for users in a particular group; if the search
returns users you will be attempting to map groups onto users, rather than users
onto groups.

1. Connect to the IBM MQ Appliance as described in “Command line access” on
page 109. Log in as an administrative user.
2. Type config to enter global configuration mode.
3. Type the following command to configure role based management:
4. Enter the following command to specify the local user group authorization
mc-method local
5. If you are using local user groups to authorize LDAP users, define an LDAP
search to retrieve the user group for the authenticated user, that can in turn be
mapped onto a local user group. Enter the following commands:
a. Specify that you want to perform an LDAP search:
mc-ldap-search on
b. Specify the server and password for connecting to the LDAP server:
mc-server-host host
mc-server-port port

Where host is the IP address or domain name of the LDAP server and port
is usually 389, or 636 for an SSL connection.
c. If you have configured a load balancer group for LDAP access and created a
profile, specify the profile by using the following command:
mc-loadbalancer-group name

Where name is the name of the load balancer group profile.

d. Specify the Distinguished Name and password that the appliance uses to
bind to the LDAP server to perform the search by using the following
commands. (Omit these commands if you are using an anonymous bind to
access the LDAP server.)
mc-ldap-bind-dn dn
mc-ldap-bind-password password

Where dn is the Distinguished Name and password is the password.

e. Specify the LDAP search parameters by entering the following command:
mc-ldap-parameters parameters_name

Where parameters_name is the name of a set of LDAP search parameters that

you have previously defined using the ldap-search-parameters command.
Your search must look for the user group or groups that the authenticated
user belongs to, and return one or more user group names.

374 IBM MQ Appliance

f. Specify a timeout for the LDAP search. This is the time that the appliance
will attempt to connect to the LDAP server before closing the connection.
The default is 60 seconds. Specify 0 to never timeout.
mc-ldap-readtimeout timeout

Where timeout specifies the duration of the timeout period.

g. If you want to use an SSL (TLS) connection to the LDAP server, specify an
SSL client profile to use by entering the following commands:
ssl-client-type client
ssl-client client_profile

Where client_profile is the name of a client profile that you have previously
6. Save your configuration and exit.


The following example configures the appliance to use the authorization details
defined by local user groups.
mqa# config
Global configuration mode
mqa(config)# rbm
Modify RBM Settings configuration

mqa(config rbm)# mc-method local

mqa(config rbm)# exit
mqa(config)# write memory
Overwrite previously saved configuration? Yes/No [y/n]: y
Configuration saved successfully.

The following commands configure the appliance to use the authorization details
defined by local user groups, performing an LDAP search to retrieve user group
names from an LDAP repository:
mqa# config
Global configuration mode
mqa(config)# rbm
Modify RBM Settings configuration

mqa(config rbm)# mc-method local

mqa(config rbm)# mc-ldap-search on
mqa(config rbm)# mc-server-host LDAP_serv1
mqa(config rbm)# mc-server-port 389
mqa(config rbm)# mc-ldap-bind-dn "cn=proxyuser"
mqa(config rbm)# mc-ldap-bind-password p@Ssw0rd
mqa(config rbm)# mc-ldap-parameters ldap1-MC
mqa(config rbm)# mc-ldap-readtimeout 120
mqa(config rbm)# exit
mqa(config)# write memory
Overwrite previously saved configuration? Yes/No [y/n]: y
Configuration saved successfully.

What to do next

After specifying the credential mapping method, you can next configure the
password policy for your local users (password policy does not apply to other user

Chapter 8. Security 375

Password policy

You can define a password policy as part of your RBM configuration.

The password policy applies only to locally defined users. It does not apply to
users who are defined externally or in an XML file.

The password policy enables you to dictate the requirements for a password, such
as minimum length, whether it must contain some numbers, some
non-alphanumeric characters, some mixed-case characters and so on. You can also
specify how often the password must be changed.

Configuring a password policy by using the web UI

Configure the password policy for locally defined users.

About this task

You can use the IBM MQ Appliance web UI to configure the password policy for
users defined locally on the appliance. The policy does not apply to users defined
in other ways.


1. Start the IBM MQ Appliance web UI and click the Administration icon .
2. Select Access > RBM Settings
3. Ensure that Enable administrative state is selected (it is selected by default)
and click Password policy.
4. Define the policy by specifying the following options:
a. In the Minimum length field, enter the minimum number of characters in a
b. Define characteristics for passwords:
v Set the Require mixed case property to require mixed case passwords.
v Set the Require non-alphanumeric property to require nonalphanumeric
characters in passwords.
v Set the Require number property to require numeric characters in
v Set the Disallow user name substring property to indicate whether to
allow the user name string in the password. If the user is george, the
property controls whether to allow george1! or passgeorgeword as the
c. Set the Enable aging property to control password-aging. If enabled, define
the maximum password age in the Maximum age field.
d. Set the Control reuse property to control the reuse of previous passwords.
If enabled, define the reuse history by entering the number of past
passwords to compare against for reuse in the Reuse history field.
e. From the Password hash algorithm list, select the algorithm that is used to
hash passwords before they are stored.
5. Click Apply to apply your changes.

376 IBM MQ Appliance

What to do next

After you specify a password policy, you can next configure an account policy.

Configuring a password policy by using the command line

Use the command line to configure a password policy for local users.

About this task

You can use commands to configure the password policy for users defined locally
on the appliance. The policy does not apply to users defined in other ways.

1. Connect to the IBM MQ Appliance as described in “Command line access” on
page 109. Log in as an administrative user.
2. Type config to enter global configuration mode.
3. Type the following command to configure role based management:
4. Use the following commands, as required, to configure your password policy:
v Enter the following command to specify the minimum length of the
pwd-minimum-length length
v Enter the following command to specify that passwords must contain both
uppercase and lowercase characters:
pwd-mixed-case on
v Enter the following command to specify that the password must contain
non-alphanumeric characters in addition to alphanumeric characters:
pwd-nonalphanumeric on
v Enter the following command to specify that the password must contain
pwd-digit on
v Enter the following command to indicate whether to allow the user name
string in the password:
pwd-username on
v Enter the following commands to specify password aging in the policy:
pwd-aging on
pwd-max-age days

Where days is the number of days before the password expires.

v Enter the following commands to specify that the reuse of recent passwords
should be controlled:
pwd-history on
pwd-max-history count

Where count is the number of passwords to retain.

v Enter the following command to specify the hash algorithm to use when
encrypting the password:
password-hash-algorithm algorithm

Where algorithm is one of:

Chapter 8. Security 377

– md5crypt (default)
– sha256crypt


The following example configures a password policy that requires user passwords
are 8 characters long, must contain a number, and expires after three months.
mqa# config
Global configuration mode
mqa(config)# rbm
Modify RBM Settings configuration

mqa(config rbm)# pwd-minimum-length 8

mqa(config rbm)# pwd-digit on
mqa(config rbm)# pwd-aging on
mqa(config rbm)# pwd-max-age 90
mqa(config rbm)# exit
mqa(config)# write memory
Overwrite previously saved configuration? Yes/No [y/n]: y
Configuration saved successfully.

What to do next

After you specify a password policy, you can next configure an account policy.

Account policy

You can define an account policy as part of your RBM configuration.

The account policy applies only to locally defined users. It does not apply to users
who are defined externally or in an XML file.

The account policy enables you to specify how many failed log in attempts can
occur before you lock out that connection, and how long the lock out remains in
force. You can also specify how long a CLI session can be idle before it times out.

You can also restrict the admin account so it can access the appliance only by using
the serial interface.

Configuring an account policy by using the web UI

Configure the account policy for locally defined users.

About this task

You can use the IBM MQ Appliance web UI to configure the account policy for
users defined locally on the appliance. The policy does not apply to users defined
in other ways.


1. Start the IBM MQ Appliance web UI and click the Administration icon .
2. Select Access > RBM Settings

378 IBM MQ Appliance

3. Ensure that Enable administrative state is selected (it is selected by default)
and click Account policy.
4. Define the policy by specifying the following options:
a. Select Restrict admin to serial to specify that the admin account can connect
only by using the serial interface.
b. Specify the Maximum failed log ins that a connection can have before it
times out. The default is 0 to indicate that there is no restriction.
c. Specify the time in minutes that a lock out should last for. The default is 1
d. Specify the time that a CLI session can be idle before it times out. The
default is 0 seconds to indicate that there is no timeout.
5. Click Apply to apply your changes.

Configuring an account policy by using the command line

Use the command line to configure an account policy for local users.

About this task

You can use commands to configure the account policy for users defined locally on
the appliance. The policy does not apply to users defined in other ways.

1. Connect to the IBM MQ Appliance as described in “Command line access” on
page 109. Log in as an administrative user.
2. Type config to enter global configuration mode.
3. Type the following command to configure role based management:
4. Use the following commands, as required, to configure your account policy:
v Specify that you want to restrict the admin account to connect only by using
the serial port by entering the following command:
restrict-admin on
v Specify the maximum number of login attempts that can occur before an
account is locked out:
max-login-failure count
v Specify the duration to lock out accounts for after the specified number of
failed logins:
lockout-duration minutes
v Enter the following command to specify a CLI timeout:
cli-timeout seconds


The following example configures an account policy that specifies a user can have
three attempts to log in before they are locked out for an hour. CLI sessions
timeout if they are inactive for twenty minutes.
mqa# config
Global configuration mode
mqa(config)# rbm
Modify RBM Settings configuration

Chapter 8. Security 379

mqa(config rbm)# max-login-failure 3
mqa(config rbm)# lockout-duration 60
mqa(config rbm)# cli-timeout 1200
mqa(config rbm)# exit
mqa(config)# write memory
Overwrite previously saved configuration? Yes/No [y/n]: y
Configuration saved successfully.

Local users and user groups

You can define local users and local user groups on your appliance

You can configure role based management so that user authentication is set up for
local users. You can also specify that local users are used as fall back when a
remote authentication platform is unavailable (ensuring that someone can always
log on to the appliance). You can separately specify that local user groups are used
for credential mapping. You can use this setting for local user authentication, or
any of the other authentication methods available.

Appliance users are created by using the appliance user commands or the
Appliance section of the IBM MQ Appliance web UI

Local users can belong to locally defined user groups. User privileges are then
defined according to the group that they belong to.

Configuring local users by using the web UI

You can configure local users by using the IBM MQ Appliance web UI.

About this task

Note: If you use messaging users and groups on the appliance for authentication
records in an HA queue manager, you must set up the same messaging users and
groups on all appliances in the HA group. The users and groups are not
automatically replicated between the appliances.


1. Start the IBM MQ Appliance web UI and click the Administration icon .
2. Select Access > User Account.
3. Click New to add a user.
4. Specify the name of the user that you are configuring. This is the name that the
local user uses to log in to the appliance. The name can contain a maximum of
128 characters. The following characters are valid:
v a through z
v A through Z
v 0 through 9
v Underscore (_)
v Dash (-)
v Period (.) (note that a name that consists of a single period, or including two
periods together, is not permitted)
5. Optionally enter a comment.

380 IBM MQ Appliance

6. Specify a password for the user. Optionally select Suppress initial password
change. Otherwise, the user is requested to change their password the first time
that they log in.
7. Set the user level of the account, choose from:
v Privileged. This level is the highest level of access.
v Group defined. The user takes their access level from the group they belong
8. Optionally add SNMPv3 credentials:
a. Click Add.
b. Specify the Engine ID, this ID is always 0 for the IBM MQ Appliance.
c. Select the authentication protocol that is used from the list. This is one of
SHA, MD5, or none.
d. If you have selected a protocol other than none, specify whether
authentication uses a key or a plain-text password.
e. Enter the password, 16-byte key (MD5 protocol), or 20-byte key (SHA
protocol) in the Authentication secret field. Enter a key in hexadecimal
f. Select the encryption type used from the Privacy Protocol list. The type is
one of AES, DES, or none.
g. If you have selected a protocol other than none, specify whether encryption
uses a key or a plain-text password.
h. Enter the password or key in the Privacy secret field. Enter a key in
hexadecimal notation.
9. Click Apply to save the new user configuration.

Configuring local users by using the command line

You can configure local users by using the command interface.

About this task

To configure an appliance user from the command line, you enter user
configuration mode, specifying the name of the user that you want to configure,
and enter the required user configuration commands.

Note: If you use messaging users and groups on the appliance for authentication
records in an HA queue manager, you must set up the same messaging users and
groups on all appliances in the HA group. The users and groups are not
automatically replicated between the appliances.

1. Connect to the IBM MQ Appliance as described in “Command line access” on
page 109. Log in as an administrative user.
2. Type config to enter global configuration mode.
3. Type the following command to configure a local user:
user name

Where name identifies the user that you want to configure. If you are creating a
new user, name can contain up to 128 characters. The following characters are
v a through z

Chapter 8. Security 381

v A through Z
v 0 through 9
v Underscore (_)
v Dash (-)
v Period (.) (note that a name that consists of a single period, or including two
periods together, is not permitted)
4. Specify a password for the user:
password password
5. Set the user level of the account:
access-level level

Where level is group-defined to specify privileges according to group, or

privileged to define a user with all privileges (that is, and administrative user).
6. Specify the group that the user belongs to, if required:
group groupName
7. Optionally, specify SNMPv3 credentials for the user:
snmp-cred engine-ID authentication-protocol authentication-secret-type authentication-secret priv

This ID is set to 0 to identify the local engine.
Specify none to use no authentication key, md5 to use HMAC-MD5-96
as the authentication protocol, or sha to use HMAC-SHA-96 as the
authentication protocol.
Enter password to specify that the authentication secret is a password
that is converted to an intermediate key with a standardized algorithm.
Enter key to specify a fully localized key. This parameter is not required
if you have set authentication-protocol to none.
Specifies the secret, or key, for authentication for this account.
v If a password, specify a plaintext password that is at least 8
characters long.
v If a key and HMAC-MD5 are the authentication protocol, specify the
hex representation of a 16-byte key.
v If a key and HMAC-SHA-96 are the authentication protocol, specify
the hex representation of a 20-byte key.
This parameter is not required if you have set authentication-protocol to
Identifies which privacy (encryption) protocol to use. Set to none to not
encrypt data. Set to des to use CBC-DES (this setting is the default). Set
to aes to use CFB128-AES-128.
Enter password to specify that the privacy secret is a password that is
converted to an intermediate key with a standardized algorithm. Enter
key to specify a fully localized key.

382 IBM MQ Appliance

Specifies the secret, or key, for privacy (encryption) for this account.
This parameter is required when the privacy protocol is des or aes.
v If a password, specify a plain text password that is at least 8
characters long.
v If a key, and HMAC-MD5 is the authentication protocol, specify the
hex representation of a 16-byte key.
v If a key, and HMAC-SHA-96 is the authentication protocol, specify
the hex representation of a 20-byte key.
8. After you configure the user, enter exit to save the configuration and exit, or
type cancel to exit without saving.

Configuring local user groups by using the web UI

You can configure local user groups by using the IBM MQ Appliance web UI.

About this task

Note: If you use messaging users and groups on the appliance for authentication
records in an HA queue manager, you must set up the same messaging users and
groups on all appliances in the HA group. The users and groups are not
automatically replicated between the appliances.


1. Start the IBM MQ Appliance web UI and click the Administration icon .
2. Select Access > User Group.
3. Click New to add a user group.
4. Specify the name of the user group that you are configuring. The name can
contain a maximum of 128 characters. The following characters are valid:
v a through z
v A through Z
v 0 through 9
v Underscore (_)
v Dash (-)
v Period (.) (note that a name that comprises a single period, or including two
periods together, is not permitted)
5. Optionally enter a comment.
6. Specify an access profile for the group. You can click Build to open the access
policy. You can add several policies, if required.
7. Click Apply to save the new user configuration.

Configuring local user groups by using the command line

You can configure local user groups by using the command line interface.

Chapter 8. Security 383

About this task

To configure a local user group from the command line, you enter user group
configuration mode, specifying the name of the user group that you want to
configure, and enter the required user group configuration commands. You define
the local users in a separate procedure, see “Configuring local user groups by
using the command line” on page 383

Note: If you use messaging users and groups on the appliance for authentication
records in an HA queue manager, you must set up the same messaging users and
groups on all appliances in the HA group. The users and groups are not
automatically replicated between the appliances.

1. Connect to the IBM MQ Appliance as described in “Command line access” on
page 109. Log in as an administrative user.
2. Type config to enter global configuration mode.
3. Type the following command to configure a local user group:
usergroup name

Where name identifies the user group that you want to configure. If you are
creating a new user group, name can contain up to 128 characters. The
following characters are valid:
v a through z
v A through Z
v 0 through 9
v Underscore (_)
v Dash (-)
v Period (.) (note that a name that comprises a single period, or including two
periods together, is not permitted)
4. Set the access policy for the user group:
access-policy statement

Where statement defines the access policy that applies to users who belong to
this group. A policy statement takes the form:
address/domain/resource?[Name=name]&Access=permission [&field=value]
An IP address or host alias for a local interface (Ethernet or VLAN) on
the appliance. The special value * matches all appliance addresses.
Enter * to match all domains.
The resource type to which this policy applies. The special value *
matches all resource types.
Optionally Identifies by name an instance of the specified resource
type. You can use a PCRE; for example, foo.* to specify all resources
that start with foo.

384 IBM MQ Appliance

The permission string assigns permissions. The string is cumulative and
connected by plus (+) signs. For example, the string a+d+x+r+w
represents add, delete, execute, read, and write permissions.
Optional: the field token must be one of the additional fields that can
be added to the string. The corresponding value can be a PCRE.
5. After you configure the user group, enter exit to save the configuration and
exit, or type cancel to exit without saving.

Routine user administration

Various routine administration tasks can be completed for local users, either by
using the appliance command line or the IBM MQ Appliance web UI.

Some routine tasks are completed by administrative users on behalf of users, while
actions such as changing passwords can be completed by appliance users

Changing your own password by using the IBM MQ Appliance

web UI
You can change you own password by using the IBM MQ Appliance web UI.

Before you begin

You must belong to a group that has the password change permission, or be a
privileged user.

About this task

You can change your own password by using the System Control dialog in the
IBM MQ Appliance web UI.


1. Start the IBM MQ Appliance web UI and click the Administration icon .
2. Select Main > System Control. Provided that you have permission to change
your own password, the Change User Password fields are displayed.
3. Enter your existing password in the Old Password field.
4. Enter your new password in the New Password field and enter it again in the
Confirm Password field.
5. Click Change User Password.

Changing your own password by using the command line

You can change you own password by using the command line interface.

Before you begin

You must belong to a group that has the password change permission, or be a
privileged user.

Chapter 8. Security 385

About this task

You can change your own password by using the password command.

1. Connect to the IBM MQ Appliance as described in “Command line access” on
page 109.
2. Log in using your existing password.
3. Type config to enter global configuration mode.
4. Type the following command:
5. The appliance prompts you to enter the old password, and then to enter and
confirm your new password.

Resetting a user's password by using the IBM MQ Appliance

web UI
If you are an administrator on the appliance, you can reset the passwords of other
users by using the IBM MQ Appliance web UI

Before you begin

You must belong to a group that has the reset password permission, or be a
privileged user.

About this task

You use the user account dialog to reset the password for a particular user.


1. Start the IBM MQ Appliance web UI and click the Administration icon .
2. Select Access > User Account.
3. Click on the name of the user whose password you want to reset to open the
user account window for that user.
4. From the Actions menu, select Reset password.
5. Enter the new password in the New Password field and then confirm it by
typing it again.
6. Click Reset password.

Resetting a user's password by using the command line

If you are an administrator on the appliance, you can reset the passwords of other
users by using the command line interface.

Before you begin

You must belong to a group that has the reset password permission, or be a
privileged user.

About this task

You use the reset username command to reset a user's password.

386 IBM MQ Appliance

1. Connect to the IBM MQ Appliance as described in “Command line access” on
page 109.
2. Log in as a privileged user.
3. Type config to enter global configuration mode.
4. Enter the following command:
reset username user new_password

Where user is the username of the user whose password you are resetting, and
new_password is the new password.

Forcing a password change by using the IBM MQ Appliance

web UI
If you are an administrator on the appliance, you can force a user to reset their
password the next time they log in.

Before you begin

You must belong to a group that has the force password change permission, or be
a privileged user.

About this task

You use the user account dialog to set the force password change option for a
particular user.


1. Start the IBM MQ Appliance web UI and click the Administration icon .
2. Select Access > User Account.
3. Click on the name of the user whose password you want to reset to open the
user account window for that user.
4. From the Actions menu, select Force password change.
5. Confirm that you want to force a password change.

Forcing a password change by using the command line

If you are an administrator on the appliance, you can force a user to reset their
password the next time they log in.

Before you begin

You must belong to a group that has the force password change permission, or be
a privileged user.

About this task

You use the user-expire-password command to force a user to change password.

1. Connect to the IBM MQ Appliance as described in “Command line access” on
page 109.
2. Log in as a privileged user.

Chapter 8. Security 387

3. Type config to enter global configuration mode.
4. Enter the following command:
user-expire-password user

Where user is the username of the user for whom you are forcing a password

Resetting failed login count by using the IBM MQ Appliance

web UI
If you are an administrator on the appliance, you can reset the failed log in count.

Before you begin

You must belong to a group that has the reset failed login counter permission, or
be a privileged user.

About this task

You need to reset the failed log in count for a user if they exceed the permitted
number of failed login attempts and are locked out of the appliance. You use the
user account dialog to reset the count.


1. Start the IBM MQ Appliance web UI and click the Administration icon .
2. Select Access > User Account.
3. Click on the name of the user whose failed login count you want to reset.
4. From the Actions menu, select Reset failed login.
5. Confirm that you want to reset the login count.

Resetting failed login count by using the command line

If you are an administrator on the appliance, you can reset the failed log in count.

Before you begin

You must belong to a group that has the reset failed login counter permission, or
be a privileged user.

About this task

You need to reset the failed log in count for a user if they exceed the permitted
number of failed login attempts and are locked out of the appliance. You use the
reset failed-login command to reset the count.

1. Connect to the IBM MQ Appliance as described in “Command line access” on
page 109.
2. Log in as a privileged user.
3. Type config to enter global configuration mode.
4. Enter the following command:
reset failed-login user

388 IBM MQ Appliance

Where user is the username of the user whose failed login count you are

TLS certificate management

The IBM MQ Appliance supports the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol to
provide link level security for message channels and MQI channels.

The IBM MQ Appliance supports the same levels of TLS as IBM MQ. However, on
the IBM MQ Appliance you do not set up a key repository. When a queue
manager is created on the appliance, a key repository is automatically created for
that queue manager. The key repository is deleted when the queue manager is
deleted. Each of the commands that are available for working with certificates
require you to specify which queue manager the command is applied to, so that
the correct key repository is used.

You can choose to use self-signed certificates, or CA certificates (issued by a trusted

third party). Self-signed certificates can be used for test systems, but should not be
used for production systems.

For self-signed certificates, you exchange copies of the public part of each
certificate in order to establish the trust relationship between the end-points. The
public part of the certificate is held in a file that you move between the end-points.

For more information about TLS, see Cryptographic security protocols in the IBM
MQ documentation. For more information about TLS in IBM MQ, see SSL and TLS
security protocols in the IBM MQ documentation.

Working with self-signed certificates

A self-signed certificate can be used for testing a system while you are waiting for
the officially signed certificate to be returned from the certificate authority (CA).

The self-signed certificate is generated by the queue manager. Self-signed

certificates are not suitable for production use, for the following reasons:
v Self-signed certificates cannot be revoked, which might allow an attacker to
spoof an identity after a private key is compromised. CAs can revoke a
compromised certificate, which prevents its further use. CA-signed certificates
are therefore safer to use in a production environment, though self-signed
certificates are more convenient for a test system.
v Self-signed certificates never expire. This is both convenient and safe in a test
environment, but in a production environment it leaves them open to eventual
security breaches. The risk is compounded by the fact that self-signed certificates
cannot be revoked.
v A self-signed certificate is used both as a personal certificate and as a root (or
trust anchor) CA certificate. A user with a self-signed personal certificate might
be able to use it to sign other personal certificates. In general, this is not true of
personal certificates issued by a CA, and represents a significant exposure.

You can create a self-signed certificate by using the createcert command. The
public part of the certificate data is extracted to a file. This public part of the
certificate must be exchanged with any communicating partners, for example, IBM
MQ clients or other queue managers. Exchanging the public part of the certificate
establishes a trust relationship between the queue manager and the partner.

Chapter 8. Security 389

To add the public part of the certificate to other queue managers on an IBM MQ
Appliance, you can use the addcert command.

For more information about certificates in IBM MQ, see Digital certificates.

Creating a self-signed certificate

You can create a self-signed certificate for a queue manager by using the
createcert command on the command line.

About this task

A self-signed certificate can be used for testing a system while you are waiting for
the officially signed certificate to be returned from the certificate authority (CA).
The self-signed certificate is generated by the queue manager. As it is signed by the
queue manager, and it certifies the identity of the queue manager, it is not suitable
for use in a production system.

1. Enter the IBM MQ administration mode by entering the following command:
2. Create a self-signed certificate by entering the following command:
createcert -m QMgrName -dn DistinguishedName -label LabelName
Specifies the name of the queue manager that you want to create a
certificate for.
Specifies the X.500 distinguished name that uniquely identifies the
DistinguishedName is a string that is enclosed in double quotation
marks. For example, “CN=John Smith,O=IBM,OU=Test,C=GB”. The CN, O,
and C attributes are required.
Specifies the name of the label that is associated with the certificate.
If you do not specify a label name, a label is automatically generated.
This label has the name ibmwebspheremq<QMgrName>, where QMgrName
is the name of the queue manager in lowercase.

Note: You can specify a number of optional parameters when you create a
self-signed certificate. For more information, see “createcert” on page 509.
3. Optional: Exit the IBM MQ administration mode by entering the following

What to do next

After the self-signed certificate is generated, the public part of the certificate is
extracted to a file that is placed in mqpubcert://.

Add the public part of the certificate to the key repository of any communicating
partners. For example, you can add the public part of the certificate to IBM MQ
clients or to other queue managers. To add the public part of the certificate to

390 IBM MQ Appliance

other queue managers on the IBM MQ Appliance, use the addcert command. For
more information, see “Adding the public part of a self-signed certificate.”

If you want to copy the certificate to another system to add it to the key repository
of a communicating partner, you can use the copy command. For more
information, see “Downloading certificates from the appliance” on page 399.

Adding the public part of a self-signed certificate

You can add the public part of a self-signed certificate to a queue manager by
using the addcert command on the command line.

Before you begin

The certificate file that you want to add to the key repository must be on the
appliance in the following location: mqpubcert://. You can upload a file to this
location by using the copy command. For more information, see “Uploading
certificates to the appliance” on page 400.

About this task

You must add the public part of the certificate to the key repositories of any
partners that communicate with the queue manager for which the certificate was
created. For example, the partners might be IBM MQ clients, or other queue
managers. If the partner queue manager is running on the IBM MQ Appliance, use
the addcert command to add the public part of the certificate to the key repository
of the queue manager.

1. Enter the IBM MQ administration mode by entering the following command:
2. Add the public part of the self-signed certificate by entering the following
addcert -m QMgrName -label Label -file FileName
Specifies the name of the queue manager that you want to add the
public part of a certificate to.
Label Specifies the label that is associated with the certificate.
Specifies the file that contains the public part of the certificate.
The file must be available on the appliance. The file must be located in

Note: You can specify a number of optional parameters when you add the
public part of a certificate. For more information, see “addcert” on page 508.
3. Optional: Exit the IBM MQ administration mode by entering the following

Chapter 8. Security 391

Working with CA-signed certificates
A certificate authority (CA) signed certificate is a certificate that is issued by a
trusted third party. As it is signed by a certificate authority, the certificate provides
assurance that the public key of the certificate truly belongs to the entity for which
it is issued.

CA-signed certificates are suitable for use in production systems.

When you work with CA-signed certificates, there are two types of certificate that
you use:
CA-signed certificate
The CA-signed certificate is the certificate that is digitally signed by the
certificate authority. This certificate identifies the queue manager.
CA certificate
The CA certificate is the certificate that identifies the certificate authority
that issued the CA-signed certificate.

If you do not have a CA-signed certificate, you can generate a certificate request by
using the createcertrequest command. This command creates a new
public-private key pair and a certificate request in the key repository. The
certificate request is extracted to a file, which can then be sent to a certificate
authority to be signed.

After you receive the signed certificate from the certificate authority, you must add
the certificate to the key repository of the queue manager for which it was signed.
You can add the CA-signed certificate to the key repository by using the
receivecert command.

You must also add the CA certificate to the key repository of any communicating
partners, for example, IBM MQ clients or other queue managers. To add the
certificate to other queue managers on an IBM MQ Appliance, you can use the
addcert command. If you are using a certificate chain, you must add each CA
certificate in the chain to the key repository.

If the queue manager you are communicating with is not running on an appliance,
you can add the certificate by following the instructions in the IBM MQ
documentation. For more information, see Working with SSL or TLS.

When the CA-signed certificate expires, you can create a new request to send to
the certificate authority by using the recreatecertrequest command.

For more information about certificate authorities and CA-signed certificates, see
Digital certificates in the IBM MQ documentation.

Creating a certificate request

You can create a certificate request for a queue manager by using the
createcertrequest command on the command line.

About this task

If you do not have a CA-signed certificate, you can generate a certificate request by
using the createcertrequest command. This command creates a new
public-private key pair and a certificate request in the key repository. The
certificate request is extracted to a file, which can then be sent to a certificate
authority to be signed.
392 IBM MQ Appliance
1. Enter the IBM MQ administration mode by entering the following command:
2. Create the certificate request by entering the following command:
createcertrequest -m QMgrName -dn DistinguishedName -label
Specifies the name of the queue manager that you want to create a
certificate request for.
Specifies the X.500 distinguished name that uniquely identifies the
DistinguishedName is a string that is enclosed in double quotation
marks. For example, “CN=John Smith,O=IBM,OU=Test,C=GB”. The CN, O,
and C attributes are required.
Specifies the name of the label that is associated with the certificate.
If you do not specify a label name, a label is automatically generated.
This label has the name ibmwebspheremq<QMgrName>, where QMgrName
is the name of the queue manager in lowercase.

Note: You can specify a number of optional parameters when you create a
certificate request. For more information, see “createcertrequest” on page 511.
3. Optional: Exit the IBM MQ administration mode by entering the following

What to do next

The certificate request is extracted to a file that is placed into mqpubcert:.

You must send the certificate request file to the certificate authority to be signed.
To copy the certificate to another system, you can use the copy command. For more
information, see “Downloading certificates from the appliance” on page 399.

When you receive the signed certificate, you must add it to the key repository of
the queue manager for which the request was created. See, “Receiving a CA-signed

Receiving a CA-signed certificate

You can receive a CA-signed certificate into the key repository of a queue manager
by using the receivecert command on the command line.

Before you begin

The certificate file that you want to receive must be on the appliance in the
following location: mqpubcert://. You can upload a file to this location by using
the copy command. For more information, see “Uploading certificates to the
appliance” on page 400.

Chapter 8. Security 393

About this task

After you receive the signed certificate from the certificate authority, you must add
the certificate to the key repository of the queue manager for which it was signed.
You can add the certificate to the key repository by using the receivecert

1. Enter the IBM MQ administration mode by entering the following command:
2. Receive the certificate by entering the following command:
receivecert -m QMgrName -file FileName
Specifies the name of the queue manager for which you want to receive
the certificate.
Specifies the name of the file that contains the certificate.
The file must be available on the appliance. The file must be located in

Note: You can specify a number of optional parameters when you receive a
certificate. For more information, see “receivecert” on page 520.
3. Optional: Exit the IBM MQ administration mode by entering the following

What to do next

After the certificate is received, you must add the CA certificate that signed the
CA-signed certificate to the key repository of any communicating partners. For
example, you can add the public part of the certificate to IBM MQ clients or to
other queue managers. You can add the CA certificate to other queue managers on
the IBM MQ Appliance by using the addcert command. For more information, see
“Adding a CA certificate” on page 396.

Listing certificate requests for a queue manager

You can list any outstanding certificate requests for a queue manager by using the
listcertrequest command on the command line. An outstanding certificate
request is a request where the CA-signed certificate has not been received. Ensure
that each certificate request is sent to your certificate authority.

1. Enter the IBM MQ administration mode by entering the following command:
2. List the certificate requests by entering the following command:
listcertrequest -m QMgrName
Specifies the name of the queue manager that you want to list the
certificate requests for.

394 IBM MQ Appliance

3. Optional: Exit the IBM MQ administration mode by entering the following

What to do next
v You can view the details of each outstanding certificate request by using the
detailcertrequest command. For more information, see “Viewing a certificate
request for a queue manager.”
v After the certificate authority sends you the CA-signed certificate, you must
receive the CA-signed certificate to the key repository. For more information, see
“Receiving a CA-signed certificate” on page 393.

Viewing a certificate request for a queue manager

You can view the details of a specific outstanding certificate request for a queue
manager by using the detailcertrequest command on the command line.

1. Enter the IBM MQ administration mode by entering the following command:
2. View the details of the certificate request by entering the following command:
detailcertrequest -m QMgrName -label Label
Specifies the name of the queue manager for which the certificate
request details are shown.
Label Specifies the label that is associated with the certificate request for
which detailed information is shown.
3. Optional: Exit the IBM MQ administration mode by entering the following

Deleting a certificate request

You can delete an outstanding certificate request for a queue manager by using the
deletecertrequest command on the command line.

1. Enter the IBM MQ administration mode by entering the following command:
2. Delete the certificate request by entering the following command:
deletecertrequest -m QMgrName -label Label
Specifies the name of the queue manager that you want to delete the
certificate request from.
Label Specifies the label that is associated with the certificate request.
3. Optional: Exit the IBM MQ administration mode by entering the following

Chapter 8. Security 395

What to do next

You can delete any associated certificate request files from mqpubcert:// by using
the delete command. For more information, see “Deleting certificates from the
appliance” on page 402.

Adding a CA certificate
You can add a CA certificate to a queue manager by using the addcert command
on the command line.

Before you begin

The certificate file that you want to add to the key repository must be on the
appliance in the following location: mqpubcert://. You can upload a file to this
location by using the copy command. For more information, see “Uploading
certificates to the appliance” on page 400.

About this task

Any partners that communicate with the queue managers must have a copy of the
CA certificate of the CA that signed the certificate of the queue manager. For
example, the partners might be IBM MQ clients, or other queue managers. If the
partner queue manager is running on the IBM MQ Appliance, use the addcert
command to add the public part of the certificate to the key repository of the
queue manager.

1. Enter the IBM MQ administration mode by entering the following command:
2. Add the CA certificate by entering the following command:
addcert -m QMgrName -label Label -file FileName
Specifies the name of the queue manager that you want to add the
certificate to.
Label Specifies the label that is associated with the certificate.
For more information about valid syntax for the certificate label, see
com.ibm.mq.sec.doc/q014340_.htm in the IBM MQ documentation.
Specifies the file that contains the certificate.
The file must be available on the appliance. The file must be located in

Note: You can specify a number of optional parameters when you add the
certificate. For more information, see “addcert” on page 508.
3. Optional: Exit the IBM MQ administration mode by entering the following

396 IBM MQ Appliance

Renewing a CA-signed certificate
You can create a renewal request for a CA-signed certificate by using the
recreatecertrequest command on the command line.

About this task

When a CA-signed certificate expires, you can create a renewal request to send to
the certificate authority. The certificate request is extracted to a file, which can then
be sent to a certificate authority.

1. Enter the IBM MQ administration mode by entering the following command:
2. Create the certificate renewal request by entering the following command:
recreatecertrequest -m QMgrName -dn DistinguishedName
Specifies the name of the queue manager that you want to renew a
certificate request for.
Specifies the X.500 distinguished name that uniquely identifies the
DistinguishedName is a string that is enclosed in double quotation
marks. For example, “CN=John Smith,O=IBM,OU=Test,C=GB”. The CN, O,
and C attributes are required.

Note: You can specify a number of optional parameters when you renew a
certificate request. For more information, see “recreatecertrequest” on page 521.
3. Optional: Exit the IBM MQ administration mode by entering the following

What to do next

The certificate renewal request is extracted to a file that is placed into


You must send the file to the certificate authority to be renewed. To copy the file to
another system, you can use the copy command. For more information, see
“Downloading certificates from the appliance” on page 399.

When you receive the new CA-signed certificate, you must add it to the key
repository of the queue manager for which the request was created. See,
“Receiving a CA-signed certificate” on page 393.

Listing certificates for a queue manager

You can list the certificates that are stored in the key repository of a queue
manager by using the listcert command on the command line. All certificates are
listed, including self-signed certificates, CA-signed certificates, and CA certificates.

Chapter 8. Security 397

1. Enter the IBM MQ administration mode by entering the following command:
2. List the certificates in one of the following ways:
v List all the certificates by entering the following command:
listcert -m QMgrName
Specifies the name of the queue manager that you want to list the
certificates for.
v List all the certificates and the valid-from and valid-to dates of those
certificates by entering the following command:
listcert -m QMgrName -expiry
Specifies the name of the queue manager that you want to list the
certificates for.
v List all the certificates and the valid-from and valid-to dates of certificates
that expire within a specified number of days by entering the following
listcert -m QMgrName -expiry Days
Specifies the name of the queue manager that you want to list the
certificates for.
Days Specifies that the valid-from and valid-to dates are displayed for
certificates that expire within that number of days.
3. Optional: Exit the IBM MQ administration mode by entering the following

Viewing a certificate for a queue manager

You can view the details of a certificate in the key repository of a queue manager
by using the detailcert command on the command line.

1. Enter the IBM MQ administration mode by entering the following command:
2. View the details of the certificate by entering the following command:
detailcer“Viewing a certificate for a queue manager”t -m QMgrName -label
Specifies the name of the queue manager for which the certificate
details are shown.
Label Specifies the label that is associated with the certificate for which
detailed information is shown.

398 IBM MQ Appliance

3. Optional: Exit the IBM MQ administration mode by entering the following

Deleting a certificate
You can delete a certificate from the key repository of a queue manager by using
the deletecert command on the command line.

1. Enter the IBM MQ administration mode by entering the following command:
2. Delete the certificate by entering the following command:
deletecert -m QMgrName -label Label
Specifies the name of the queue manager that you want to delete the
certificate from.
Label Specifies the label that is associated with the certificate.
3. Optional: Exit the IBM MQ administration mode by entering the following

What to do next

You can delete any associated certificate files from mqpubcert:// by using the
delete command. For more information, see “Deleting certificates from the
appliance” on page 402.

Managing certificates on the appliance

Certificate files and certificate request files for the IBM MQ Appliance are stored in
mqpubcert:. You can upload, download, or delete files from this location. You can
also back up and restore the key repository.

You can back up and restore the key repository by using the keybackup and
keyrestore commands. For more information, see “Backing up a key repository”
on page 257, and “Restoring a key repository” on page 259.

Downloading certificates from the appliance

Certificate files and certificate request files for the IBM MQ Appliance are stored in
mqpubcert:. You can download files to a remote system from this location to add to
communicating partners or to send to certificate authorities by using the copy
command, or by using the IBM MQ Appliance web UI.

About this task

In this task, the files are downloaded by using the SCP protocol. However, you can
download the files by using HTTP, HTTPS, SCP, or SFTP. For more information
about using the copy command with these protocols, see “copy” on page 664.

v To download a file by using the command line interface:

Chapter 8. Security 399

1. Connect to the command line of the appliance as described in “Command
line access” on page 109.
2. Log in to the appliance as an administrator.
3. Type config to enter configuration mode.
4. Copy the file by typing the following command:
copy mqpubcert:certFileName scp://username@ipaddress:port//path/

Specifies the name of the certificate file or certificate request file that
you want to download.
Specifies the user name to log on to the remote system where the file
is downloaded to.
The IP address and port of the remote system where the file is
downloaded to.
path The file path on the remote system where the file is downloaded to.
v To download a file to your local system by using the IBM MQ Appliance web
1. Start the IBM MQ Appliance web UI, and click the File Management tab.
2. Open the mqpubcert folder.
3. Click the certificate file name link to save the file to your local system (the
exact method for saving the file depends on the type of browser that you


The following example shows the download of the certificate for the queue
manager QM1. The certificate has the default label ibmwebspheremqqm1. The file is
downloaded to the home directory on the remote system
copy mqpubcert:ibmwebspheremqqm1 scp://user@

What to do next

If you want to delete the file at any time later on, you can delete the file from
mqpubcert:// by using the delete command. For more information, see “Deleting
certificates from the appliance” on page 402.

Uploading certificates to the appliance

Certificate files and certificate request files for the IBM MQ Appliance are stored in
mqpubcert:. You can upload files from a remote system to this location to add to
the key repositories of the queue managers by using the copy command, or by
using the IBM MQ Appliance web UI.

About this task

In this task, the files are uploaded by using the SCP protocol. However, you can
upload the files by using HTTP, HTTPS, SCP, or SFTP. For more information about
using the copy command with these protocols, see “copy” on page 664.

400 IBM MQ Appliance

Note: For firmware versions before, if you copy a certificate from a UNIX
system, you must change file permissions on the certificate before you copy it to
the appliance. You must change the permissions to -rw-r-----. You can use the
following command on the UNIX system to change the permissions:
chmod u=rw,g=r cert_file_name

v To upload a certificate file by using the command line interface:
1. Connect to the IBM MQ Appliance as described in “Command line access”
on page 109.
2. Log in as a user in the administrators group.
3. Type the following command to enter configuration mode:
4. Copy the certificate file to the target appliance:
copy scp://username@ipaddress:port//path/ mqpubcert:///certFileName
Specifies the user name to log on to the remote system where the file
is uploaded from.
The IP address and port of the remote system from where the file is
path The file path on the remote system where the file is uploaded from.
Specifies the name of the certificate file that you want to upload.
5. Type exit to leave config mode.
v To upload a certificate file from your local system by using the IBM MQ
Appliance web UI:
1. Start the IBM MQ Appliance web UI, and click the File Management tab.
2. Click Actions for the mqpubcert folder.
3. Select Upload files from the Actions menu.
4. Click Browse, and browse for the location of the certificate file on your local
5. Click Upload to upload the certificate file to the mqpubcert directory on the


The following example shows the upload of the certificate for the queue manager
QM2. The certificate has the default label ibmwebspheremqqm2. The file is uploaded
from the home directory on the remote system
copy scp://user@ mqpubcert:///ibmwebspheremqqm2

What to do next

You can delete the file from mqpubcert: by using the delete command. For more
information, see “Deleting certificates from the appliance” on page 402.

Chapter 8. Security 401

Deleting certificates from the appliance
Certificate files and certificate request files for the IBM MQ Appliance are stored in
mqpubcert:. You can delete files from this location by using the delete command.


Delete a file by entering the following command:

delete mqpubcert:certFileName
Specifies the name of the certificate file that you want to delete.


The following example shows deleting the certificate ibmwebspheremq<qm1>:

delete mqpubcert:ibmwebspheremq<qm1>

Configuring certificates for IBM MQ Appliance web UI

You can configure the IBM MQ Appliance web UI to use certificates that you

About this task

You use the appliance command line interface to configure the IBM MQ Appliance
web UI to use your certificates.

To set up secure communication between a browser and the IBM MQ Appliance

web UI and to handle certificates, you create an SSL server profile on the
appliance. You import the required certificates and key file to the appliance, and
create definition objects for them. The definition objects are used when you create
an ID credentials (idcred) object for the appliance. The idcred is in turn used when
you configure the SSL server profile. Finally, the SSL server profile is associated
with your web management profile.

If you want to configure client validation, you import the certificates of the clients
that are going to be allowed to connect. You then create definition objects for the
certificates, which are used when you create a validation credential (valcred) object.
The valcred object is in turn used when you configure the SSL server profile.

The example in this topic assumes that you have a signed certificate for the
appliance. When making certificate requests for an appliance, the CN part of the
distinguished name must be the URL that you type to reach the web UI. For
example, myappliance1.ourcompany.com. If you want to set up the profile to
validate connecting clients, you also require the relevant client certificates.

By default the web management service listens on all of the appliance ports (local
address set to You can, however, configure the service so that it listens on
an IP address or host alias of a specific port (and so limit access to the web UI -
see “Changing the IBM MQ Appliance web UI IP address and port” on page 112).

v To upload certificates to your appliance:
1. Ensure that you have the following items:
– A private key to access the appliance certificate.

402 IBM MQ Appliance

– The appliance certificate.
– Client certificates (optional).
2. Connect to the IBM MQ Appliance as described in “Command line access”
on page 109.
3. Log in as a user in the administrators group.
4. Type the following command to enter configuration mode:
5. Upload the key and certificates to the appliance by using the copy command,
for example:
copy scp://username@otherserver//home/username/myappliance1key.pem cert:
copy scp://username@otherserver//home/username/myappliance1.cer cert:
copy scp://username@otherserver//home/username/client1.cer cert:
copy scp://username@otherserver//home/username/client2.cer cert:
copy scp://username@otherserver//home/username/client3.cer cert:
You can also copy the certificates to your appliance by using the IBM MQ
Appliance web UI, see “Uploading certificates to the appliance” on page 400.
v To create definition objects for the appliance certificate and key:
1. From configuration mode, type crypto to enter crypto configuration mode.
2. Create a crypto key definition for the private key that is used for generating
the appliance certificate:
key key_alias cert:///keyfile

For example:
key WebUiKey01 cert:///myappliance1key.pem
3. Create a crypto certificate definition for the appliance:
certificate cert_alias cert:///certfile

For example:
certificate WebUiCert01 cert:///myappliance1.cer
4. Create a crypto credential definition for the appliance:
idcred credential_name key_alias cert_alias

For example:
idcred WebUiCred01 WebUiKey01 WebUiCert01
v To create a crypto valcred definition for validating clients (this is optional):
1. From the crypto configuration mode, create a certificate definition object for
each of the client certificates that you have imported:
certificate cert_alias cert:///certfile

For example:
certificate WebUiClientCert01 cert:///client1.cer
certificate WebUiClientCert02 cert:///client2.cer
certificate WebUiClientCert03 cert:///client3.cer
2. Create a crypto valcred definition, specifying the certificate definitions for the
client certificates:
valcred valcred_name
certificate cert_alias

Repeat the certificate command to specify the certificate definition for

every client certificate that you have uploaded. For example:

Chapter 8. Security 403

valcred WebUIvalcred01
certificate WebUIClientCert01
certificate WebUIClientCert02
certificate WebUIClientCert03
v To create an SSL server profile for the appliance:
1. From the crypto configuration mode, enter the following commands:
ssl-server SSL_Svr_Profile_name
admin-state enabled
idcred IDCred_name
protocols TLSv1d2

If you are specifying client validation, also enter:

valcred ValCred_name
request-client-auth on
require-client-auth on
send-client-auth-ca-list on

For example:
ssl-server myappliance1
admin-state enabled
idcred WebUiCred01
protocols TLSv1d2
valcred WebUIvalcred01
request-client-auth on
require-client-auth on
send-client-auth-ca-list on
v To save all the changes you have made in crypto configuration mode:
1. Type exit to leave crypto configuration mode.
2. Type write mem to save your configuration changes.
v To associate the SSL server profile with the web UI:
1. From configuration mode, type web-mgmt to enter web management
configuration mode.
2. Enter the following command:
ssl-server SSL_Svr_Profile_name

For example:
ssl-server myappliance1
v To save your web management configuration:
1. Type exit to leave web-mgmt configuration mode.
2. Type write mem to save your configuration changes.
3. Type exit again to leave configuration mode.

FIPS compliance
Gives a guide to FIPS 140-2 level 1 compliance on the IBM MQ Appliance.

Note: You cannot ensure that all encryption on the appliance is performed using
FIPS compliant code paths.

While you can ensure that individual components of the IBM MQ Appliance use
FIPS compliant libraries for cryptographic applications, as described in the
following sections, there is currently no global way to ensure the system as a
whole performs all encryption using only compliant code paths.

404 IBM MQ Appliance

Administration interfaces

The appliance has various interfaces that can be used to administer the appliance:
SSH, web UI, and REST API. Use the command crypto-mode-set fips-140-2-11 to
tell the appliance administrative process to perform the encryption on these
interfaces using a cryptographic software module that is validated to FIPS 140-2
Level 1 (see “crypto-mode-set” on page 610).

For FIPS compliance and administration interfaces that use MQ Channels (for
example, PCF or remote MQSC), see the following section, IBM MQ Channels.

IBM MQ channels
Appliance queue managers can be instructed to use a library that has been tested
for FIPS 140-2-l1 compliance for cryptography on all MQ channels. The library is
named IBM Crypto for C (ICC). The versions of the library embedded in the IBM
MQ Appliance can be displayed using the command dspmqver -p 64 -v (see
“dspmqver (display version information)” on page 474).

See Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) for UNIX, Linux, and
Windows in the IBM MQ documentation for more information about IBM MQ
channels and FIPS compliance.

IBM MQ clients
For client connections to the appliance, you must ensure that your client is
configured for FIPS compliance, see Specifying that only FIPS-certified CipherSpecs
are used at run time on the MQI client in the IBM MQ documentation.

Chapter 8. Security 405

406 IBM MQ Appliance
Chapter 9. Monitoring and reporting
You can monitor the IBM MQ Appliance to understand how it is being used, and
watch for potential problems. Monitoring provides a picture of the health of the
IBM MQ Appliance.

Monitoring system resource usage

You can monitor the use of IBM MQ.

Monitoring system resource usage by using the status

You can monitor the use of system resources on the appliance by using the status
command on the command line.

About this task

You can use the status command to view the following information about the
system resources on the appliance:
v The size and usage of the system memory
v The CPU usage of the system
v CPU average load (in 1, 5, and 15 minute averages)
v The size and usage of the internal disk
v The size and usage of the system volume
v The number of FDCs and the disk space used
v The disk space used by trace

You can use the status command to view the following information about the
system resources that are used by a queue manager:
v The queue manager name
v The queue manager status
v An estimate of the CPU usage of the queue manager
v An estimate of the memory usage of the queue manager.
v The amount of the queue manager file system used by the queue manager

For a high availability queue manager, the following additional information can be
v The file system size for the queue manager
v The replication status of the queue manager
v The preferred appliance for the queue manager
v Whether a partitioned situation has been detected, and if it has, the amount of
'out-of-sync' data held.

For a disaster recovery queue manager, the following additional information can be
v The disaster recovery role (primary or secondary)
v The disaster recovery status

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2015, 2017 407

v The percentage complete if synchronization is in progress
v The estimated time to completion if synchronization is in progress
v The amount of out-of-sync data if the disaster recovery system is partitioned

1. Enter the IBM MQ administration mode by entering the following command:
2. View either the resource usage for the entire appliance, or for a specific queue
v To view the resource usage for the entire appliance, enter the following
v To view the resource usage for a specific queue manager on the appliance,
enter the following command:
status qMgrNameWhere:
Specifies the name of the queue manager that you want to view the
resource statistics for.
3. Optional: Exit the IBM MQ administration mode by entering the following

The following example shows the command to view the resource usage for a
queue manager QM1:
status QM1

This command results in the following output:

QM(QM1) Status(Running)
CPU: 29.89%
Memory: 336MB
QMgr filesystem: 137MB used, 4.0GB allocated [3%]

Monitoring system resource usage by using the amqsrua

You can use the amqsrua command to query metadata that is related to the system
resource usage of a queue manager.

About this task

The amqsrua command reports metadata that is published by queue managers. This
data can include information about the CPU, memory, and disk usage. You can
also see data equivalent to the STATMQI PCF statistics data. The data is published
every 10 seconds and is reported while the command runs.

1. Enter the IBM MQ administration mode by entering the following command:
2. Query the meta data by entering the following command:

408 IBM MQ Appliance

amqsrua -n MaxPubs -m QMgrName
Specifies how many reports are returned before the command ends.
The command publishes data every ten seconds, so if you enter a value
of 50, the command returns 50 reports over 500 seconds.
If you do not specify this parameter, the command runs until either an
error occurs, or the queue manager shuts down.
Specifies the name of the queue manager that you want to query. The
queue manager must be running.
If you do not specify a queue manager name, the default queue
manager is used.
3. From the list of options, enter the class of data you want returned. The class is
case-sensitive. The following options are available:
CPU Returns information about CPU usage.
DISK Returns information about disk usage.
Returns information about MQI usage.
Returns information about per-queue MQI usage.
4. From the list of options, enter the type of data you want returned. The type is
case-sensitive. The following options are available:
v For the CPU class:
Returns information about CPU performance across the platform.
Returns information about CPU performance by the queue manager.
v For the DISK class:
Returns information about disk usage across the platform.
Returns information about disk usage by running queue managers.
Log Returns information about disk usage by the queue manager
recovery log.
v For the STATMQI class:
Returns information about calls to MQCONN and MQDISC.
Returns information about calls to MQOPEN and MQCLOSE.
Returns information about calls to MQINQ and MQSET.
PUT Returns information about calls to MQPUT.
GET Returns information about calls to MQGET.

Chapter 9. Monitoring and reporting 409

Returns information about syncpoint.
Returns information about calls to MQSUB.
Returns information about subscribe requests.
v For the STATQ class:
Returns information about calls to MQOPEN and MQCLOSE.
Returns information about calls to MQINQ and MQSET.
PUT Returns information about calls to MQPUT and MQPUT1.
GET Returns information about calls to MQGET.
After you have specified an option for the STATQ class, the appliance
requests an object name. Specify the name of the queue that you want
information for.
5. Optional: When amqsrua finishes, exit the IBM MQ administration mode by
entering the following command:

The following example shows the result of using amqsrua to view CPU
performance data for the running queue manager over a 20-second period:
mqa(mqcli)# amqsrua -n 2 -m ASH
CPU : Platform central processing units
DISK : Platform persistent data stores
STATMQI : API usage statistics
STATQ : API per-queue usage statistics
Enter Class selection
==> CPU
SystemSummary : CPU performance - platform wide
QMgrSummary : CPU performance - running queue manager
Enter Type selection
==> QMgrSummary
Publication received PutDate:20151014 PutTime:09175398
User CPU time - percentage estimate for queue manager 0.02%
System CPU time - percentage estimate for queue manager 0.04%
RAM total bytes - estimate for queue manager 200MB

Publication received PutDate:20151014 PutTime:09180405

User CPU time - percentage estimate for queue manager 0.00%
System CPU time - percentage estimate for queue manager 0.00%
RAM total bytes - estimate for queue manager 200MB


Monitoring system resource usage

You use the Charts widget in the IBM MQ Console to view monitoring data for
queue managers.

410 IBM MQ Appliance

About this task

You add a Charts widget to your dashboard and then configure it to monitor a
particular aspect of resource usage. You can create many instances of the Charts
widget to display different data. The data is displayed in a chart format.

Data is collected at 10-second intervals. The X-axis of the chart displays a timeline.
The Y-axis displays units appropriate to the resource that you are viewing. The
Y-axis is dynamically resized to accommodate the data that is returned.

You must have at least one running queue manager before you can configure a
chart widget.

1. Add a Charts widget to your dashboard:

a. Click Add widget .

b. Select Charts.
2. Configure the Charts widget to show data:

a. Click the configure icon in the title bar of the Charts widget.
b. Optional: Enter a Widget title. This title is shown in the title bar of the
c. Select the Resource class to monitor:
Platform central processing units
Monitor the usage of the CPUs.
Platform persistent data stores
Monitor the use of disk resource.
API usage statistics
Monitor API calls.
API per-queue usage statistics
Monitor API calls by individual queues. When you choose this class,
you specify the queue name to monitor in the Object field.
d. Select the Resource type to monitor. The resource types that are available to
select depend on the resource class that is selected. The following table
shows the resource types:
Table 33. Resource types
Class Type Description
Platform central CPU performance – platform Select this type to view performance
processing units wide data for the CPUs and memory.
CPU performance – running Select this type to view performance
queue manager data for the CPUs and memory that is
related to the queue managers that you
are monitoring. A queue manager must
be running for you to monitor it. If you
are monitoring results from more than
one queue manager, different colors are
used to distinguish the performance
data in the chart.

Chapter 9. Monitoring and reporting 411

Table 33. Resource types (continued)
Class Type Description
Platform Disk usage – platform wide Select this type to view performance
persistent data data for global disk usage.
Disk usage - running queue Select this type to view performance
managers data for the disk usage that is related
to the queue managers that you are
monitoring. A queue manager must be
running for you to monitor it. If you
are monitoring results from more than
one queue manager, different colors are
used to distinguish the performance
data in the chart.
Disk usage - queue manager Select this type to view data on how
recovery log disk storage is being used for the
recovery log of each queue manager
that you are monitoring.
API usage MQCONN and MQDISC Select this type to view data on
statistics MQCONN and MQDISC calls.
MQOPEN and MQCLOSE Select this type to view data on
MQINQ and MQSET Select this type to view data on
MQINQ and MQSET calls.
MQPUT Select this type to view data on
MQPUT-related calls.
MQGET Select this type to view data on
MQGET-related calls.
Commit and rollback Select this type to view information
about the use of sync points by the
queue manager.
Subscribe Select this type to view data that is
related to MQSUB calls.
Publish Select this type to view data about
published messages.
API per-queue MQOPEN and MQCLOSE Select this type to view data on
usage statistics MQOPEN and MQCLOSE calls for the
specified queue.
MQINQ and MQSET Select this type to view data on
MQINQ and MQSET calls for the
specified queue.
MQPUT and MQPUT1 Select this type to view data on
MQPUT-related and MQPUT1-related
calls for the specified queue.
MQGET Select this type to view data on
MQGET-related calls for the specified

e. Select the Resource element to monitor: The resource elements that are
available to select depend on the resource class and resource type that are
selected. The following tables show the resource elements:

412 IBM MQ Appliance

Table 34. Elements for Platform central processing units resources
Type Element Description
CPU performance – User CPU time percentage Shows the percentage of CPU busy
platform wide in user state.
System CPU time percentage Shows the percentage of CPU busy
in system state.
CPU load – one-minute Shows the load average over 1
average minute.
CPU load – five-minute Shows the load average over 5
average minutes.
CPU load – fifteen-minute Shows the load average over fifteen
average minutes.
RAM free percentage Shows the percentage of free RAM
RAM total bytes Shows the total bytes of RAM
CPU performance – User CPU time - percentage Estimates the percentage of CPU use
running queue estimate for queue manager in user state for processes that are
manager related to the queue managers that
are being monitored.
System CPU time - percentage Estimates the percentage of CPU use
estimate for queue manager in system state for processes that are
related to the queue managers that
are being monitored.
RAM total bytes - estimate for Estimates the total bytes of RAM in
queue managers use by the queue managers that are
being monitored.

Table 35. Elements for Platform persistent data stores resources

Type Element Description
Disk usage – platform MQ trace file system - Shows the number of bytes of disk
wide bytes in use storage that are being used by the
trace file system.
MQ trace file system - Shows the disk storage that is
free space reserved for the trace file system
that is free.
MQ errors file system - Shows the number of bytes of disk
bytes in use storage that is being used by error
MQ errors file system - Shows the disk storage that is
free space reserved for error data that is free.
MQ FDC file count Shows the current number of FDC
Appliance data - bytes in Shows the overall disk usage.
Appliance data - free Shows the overall free space.
System volume - bytes in

Chapter 9. Monitoring and reporting 413

Table 35. Elements for Platform persistent data stores resources (continued)
Type Element Description
System volume - free
Disk usage - running Queue Manager file Shows the number of bytes of disk
queue managers system - bytes in use storage that is used by queue
manager files for the queue
managers that you are monitoring.
Queue Manager file Shows the disk storage that is
system - free space reserved for queue manager files
that is free.
Disk usage - queue Log - bytes in use Shows the number of bytes of disk
manager recovery log storage that is used for the recovery
logs of the queue managers that you
are monitoring.
Log - bytes max Shows the maximum bytes of disk
storage that is configured to be used
for queue manager recovery logs.
Log file system - bytes in Shows the total number of disk
use bytes in use for the log file system.
Log file system - bytes Shows the number of disk bytes that
max are configured for the log file
Log - physical bytes Shows the number of bytes being
written written to the recovery logs.
Log - logical bytes Shows the logical number of bytes
written written to the recovery logs.
Log - write latency Shows a measure of the latency
when writing synchronously to the
queue manager recovery log.

Table 36. Elements for API usage statistics resources

Type Element Description
MQCONN and MQDISC MQCONN/MQCONNX Shows the number of calls
count to MQCONN and
Failed MQCONN/ Shows the number of failed
MQCONNX count calls to MQCONN and
Concurrent connections - high Shows the maximum
water mark number of concurrent
connections in the current
statistics interval.
MQDISC count Shows the number of calls
MQOPEN and MQCLOSE MQOPEN count Shows the number of calls
Failed MQOPEN count Shows the number of failed
calls to MQOPEN.
MQCLOSE count Shows the number of calls

414 IBM MQ Appliance

Table 36. Elements for API usage statistics resources (continued)
Type Element Description
Failed MQCLOSE count Shows the number of failed
calls to MQCLOSE.
MQINQ and MQSET MQINQ count Shows the number of calls
Failed MQINQ count Shows the number of failed
calls to MQINQ.
MQSET count Shows the number of calls
Failed MQSET count Shows the number of failed
calls to MQSET.
MQPUT Interval total Shows the number of calls
Interval total Shows the total bytes of
MQPUT/MQPUT1 byte count data that is put by calls to
Non-persistent message Shows the number of
MQPUT count non-persistent messages that
are put by MQPUT.
Persistent message MQPUT Shows the number of
count persistent messages that are
put by MQPUT.
Failed MQPUT count Shows the number of failed
calls to MQPUT.
Non-persistent message Shows the number of
MQPUT1 count non-persistent messages that
are put by MQPUT1.
Persistent message MQPUT1 Shows the number of
count persistent messages that are
put by MQPUT1.
Failed MQPUT1 count Shows the number of failed
calls to MQPUT1.
Put non-persistent message - Shows the number of bytes
byte count put in non-persistent
Put persistent message - byte Shows the number of bytes
count put in persistent messages.
MQSTAT count Shows the number of calls
Failed MQSTAT count Shows the number of failed
calls to MQSTAT.
MQGET Interval total destructive get - Number of messages that
count are removed from queues
Interval total destructive get - Bytes of data that is
byte count removed from queues by
Non-persistent message Number of non-persistent
destructive get - count messages that are removed
from queues by MQGET.

Chapter 9. Monitoring and reporting 415

Table 36. Elements for API usage statistics resources (continued)
Type Element Description
Persistent message destructive Number of persistent
get - count messages that are removed
from queues by MQGET.
Failed MQGET - count Shows the number of failed
calls to MQGET.
Got non-persistent messages - Shows a count of bytes of
byte count non-persistent messages that
are returned to MQGET.
Got persistent messages - byte Shows a count of bytes of
count persistent messages that are
returned to MQGET.
Non-persistent message Shows a count of
browse - count non-persistent messages that
have been browsed.
Persistent message browse - Shows a count of persistent
count messages that have been
Failed browse count Shows a count of failed
message browses.
Non-persistent message Shows the number of bytes
browse - byte count of non-persistent messages
that have been browsed.
Persistent message browse - Shows the number of bytes
byte count of persistent messages that
have been browsed.
Expired message count Shows a count of expired
Purged queue count Shows a count of queues
that have been purged.
MQCB count Shows the number of calls
to MQCB.
Failed MQCB count Shows the number of failed
calls to MQCB.
MQCTL count Shows the number of calls
Failed MQCTL count Shows the number of failed
calls to MQCTL.
Commit and rollback Commit count Shows the number of calls
Failed commit count Shows the number of failed
calls to MQCMIT.
Rollback count Shows the number of calls
Subscribe Create durable subscription Shows the number of calls
count to MQSUB to create durable
Alter durable subscription Shows the number of calls
count to MQSUB to alter durable

416 IBM MQ Appliance

Table 36. Elements for API usage statistics resources (continued)
Type Element Description
Resume durable subscription Shows the number of calls
count to MQSUB to resume
durable subscriptions.
Create non-durable Shows the number of calls
subscription count to MQSUB to create
non-durable subscriptions.
Alter non-durable Shows the number of calls
subscription count to MQSUB to alter
non-durable subscriptions.
Resume non-durable Shows the number of calls
subscription count to MQSUB to resume
non-durable subscriptions.
Failed create/alter/resume Shows the number of failed
subscription count calls to MQSUBRQ to create,
alter, or resume
Delete durable subscription Shows the number of calls
count to MQSUB to delete durable
Delete non-durable Shows the number of calls
subscription count to MQSUB to delete
non-durable subscriptions.
Subscription delete failure Shows the number of calls
count to MQSUB to delete
MQSUBRQ count Shows the number of calls
Failed MQSUBRQ count Shows the number of failed
calls to MQSUBRQ
Durable subscriber - high Shows the maximum
water mark number of durable
subscriptions in the current
statistics interval.
Durable subscriber - low Shows the minimum
water mark number of durable
subscriptions in the current
statistics interval.
Non-durable subscriber - high Shows the maximum
water mark number of non-durable
subscriptions in the current
statistics interval.
Non-durable subscriber - low Shows the minimum
water mark number of non-durable
subscriptions in the current
statistics interval.
Publish Topic MQPUT/MQPUT1 The number of messages
interval total that are put to topics.
Interval total topic bytes put The number of message
bytes put to topics.

Chapter 9. Monitoring and reporting 417

Table 36. Elements for API usage statistics resources (continued)
Type Element Description
Published to subscribers - Shows the number of
message count messages that are published
to subscribers.
Published to subscribers - Shows the byte count of
byte count messages that are published
to subscribers.
Non-persistent - topic Shows the number of
MQPUT/MQPUT1 count non-persistent messages that
are put to topics.
Persistent - topic Shows the number of
MQPUT/MQPUT1 count persistent messages that are
put to topics.
Failed topic Shows the number of failed
MQPUT/MQPUT1 count attempts to put to a topic.

Table 37. Elements for API per-queue usage statistics resources

Type Element Description
MQOPEN and MQCLOSE MQOPEN count Shows the number of calls
MQCLOSE count Shows the number of calls
MQINQ and MQSET MQINQ count Shows the number of calls
MQSET count Shows the number of calls
MQPUT and MQPUT1 MQPUT/MQPUT1 count Shows the number of calls
to MQPUT and MQPUT1.
MQPUT byte count Shows the total bytes of
data that is put by calls to
MQPUT non-persistent Shows the number of
message count non-persistent messages that
are put by MQPUT.
MQPUT persistent message Shows the number of
count persistent messages that are
put by MQPUT.
MQPUT1 non-persistent Shows the number of
message count non-persistent messages that
are put by MQPUT1.
MQPUT1 persistent message Shows the number of
count persistent messages that are
put by MQPUT1.
Non-persistent byte count Shows the number of bytes
put in non-persistent
Persistent byte count Shows the number of bytes
put in persistent messages.
Queue avoided puts

418 IBM MQ Appliance

Table 37. Elements for API per-queue usage statistics resources (continued)
Type Element Description
Queue avoided bytes
Lock contention
MQGET byte count
Destructive MQGET Number of non-persistent
non-persistent message count messages that are removed
from the queue by MQGET.
Destructive MQGET Number of persistent
persistent message count messages that are removed
from the queue by MQGET.
Destructive MQGET Shows a count of bytes of
non-persistent byte count non-persistent messages that
are returned to MQGET.
Destructive MQGET Shows a count of bytes of
persistent byte count persistent messages that are
returned to MQGET.
MQGET browse Shows a count of
non-persistent message count non-persistent messages that
have been browsed.
MQGET browse persistent Shows a count of persistent
message count messages that have been
MQGET browse Shows the number of bytes
non-persistent byte count of non-persistent messages
that have been browsed.
MQGET browse persistent Shows the number of bytes
byte count of persistent messages that
have been browsed.
Messages expired Shows a count of expired
Queue purged count Shows a count of queues
that have been purged.
Average queue time
Queue time

f. Select a queue manager to monitor, and specify the color to display

information in for that queue manager. Click Add to add more queue
managers. You can specify up to five queue managers.
g. Click Save.


After you configure the widget, there is a short delay before data is displayed in
the chart. Data is displayed along a time axis. Each data point represents the end
of the 10-second period over which the data is collected. You can hover over data
points in the chart to see detailed information as shown in the following example:

Chapter 9. Monitoring and reporting 419

Monitoring the appliance by using the show command
You can monitor specific aspects of the operation of the appliance by using the
show command on the command line.

About this task

You can use the show command to view information about how an aspect of the
appliance is configured or to monitor aspects of the appliance operation. The
argument specifies which information you view. The show command is available at
login, and in most configuration modes.

v Enter the command:
show status_provider

Where status_provider identifies the status that the command displays.

v The available values for status_provider are listed in the following table:

Command Description
“show clock” on page 758 Displays the current time and appliance uptime.
“show file” on page 760 Displays a specified printable file.
“show firmware-version” on page Displays the current firmware version, without image type and installation
761 date.
“show firmware” on page 760 Displays the current firmware version, with image type and installation date.
“show ipaddress” on page 762 Provides IP address information about interfaces.
“show Lists members in link aggregation interfaces.
on page 763
“show link-aggregation-status” Provides statistics for aggregate interfaces.
on page 763
“show link” on page 764 Provides status about all interfaces on the appliance.
“show load” on page 765 Displays task level system usage.
“show log” on page 766 Displays the appliance default log.
“show logging” on page 766 Displays a specified appliance log.

420 IBM MQ Appliance

Command Description
“show loglevel” on page 767 Displays the log-level for logging targets.
“show ndcache” on page 768
“show network-interface” on page Shows generic status of all network interfaces on the appliance.
“show ntp-refresh” on page 769 Lists the refresh status for the current NTP server.
“show raid-array” on page 770 Displays the status of the RAID array.
“show raid-battery-module” on Displays the information about the battery backup unit of the RAID controller.
page 771
“show raid-logical-drive” on page Displays the status of the RAID logical drive.
“show raid-physical-drive” on Displays the status of the RAID physical drive.
page 773
“show raid-ssd” on page 773 Displays the estimated remaining life of the solid state disks
“show route” on page 774 Shows the routing table.
“show sensors-current” on page Displays the values for sensors that read electrical current.
“show sensors-fans” on page 775 Displays the values for sensors that read the speed of the fans.
“show sensors-other” on page 775 Displays the status of sensors that have true or false values.
“show sensors-temperature” on Displays the values for sensors that read temperatures.
page 776
“show sensors-voltage” on page Displays the values for sensors that read voltage.
“show services” on page 777
“show services-memory” on page
“show system” on page 778 Displays the System Settings configuration.
“show tcp-connections” on page Lists the number of TCP connections in specific states.
“show tcp-table” on page 779 Lists the current TCP connections.
“show tcp” on page 779 Lists the current TCP connections followed by the number of connections in
each state.
“show throughput” on page 780 Displays interface-specific traffic statistics.
“show time” on page 780 Displays the current time and appliance uptime.
“show users” on page 780 Lists all users who are currently logged in to the appliance.
“show version” on page 781 Displays the version of the firmware and libraries.

Developing your own resource monitoring program

You can develop your own program to monitor system resources.

Each queue manager publishes resource usage data to topics. This data is
consumed by subscribers to those topics. When a queue manager starts, the queue
manager publishes a set of messages on meta-topics. These messages describe
which resource usage topics are supported by the queue manager, and the content
of the messages published to those topics. Administrative tools can subscribe to the
meta data to discover what resource usage information is available, and on what
topics, and then subscribe to the advertised topics.

Chapter 9. Monitoring and reporting 421

The topic tree for the meta data has the following structure:

For a list of possible classes and types, see “Monitoring system resource usage by
using the amqsrua command” on page 408.

The source code for the amqsrua program is provided as an IBM MQ sample. You
can use this program as a guide for creating your own monitoring program. You
can retrieve the source for the sample from an IBM MQ client installation. The
source file is named amqsruaa.c and is located in the samples directory:
v On Linux and UNIX platforms, MQ_INSTALLATION_PATH/samp/
v On Windows platforms, MQ_INSTALLATION_PATH\tools\c\Samples\

The amqsrua program subscribes to MQ resource usage topics and formats the
resulting published PCF data. The program source provides a basic example of
how to request and consume this type of administrative data. The amqsrua
program completes the following tasks:
v Creates a non-durable subscription to the topics identified by the input
v Calls MQGET repeatedly to get messages from the topics, and writes to stdout.
v Writes a message for each MQI reason (other than MQRC_NONE).
v Stops if there is a MQI completion code of MQCC_FAILED, or when the
requested number of resource usage publications have been consumed.

When your program is ready, you must run it on an IBM MQ client that connects
to the queue manager you are monitoring. See “Setting up a queue manager to
accept client connections” on page 247.

Application activity trace

Application activity trace produces detailed information about the behavior of
applications that are connected to a queue manager.

Application activity trace traces the behavior of an application and provides a

detailed view of the parameters that are used by an application as it interacts with
IBM MQ resources. It also shows the sequence of MQI calls issued by an

The IBM MQ Appliance supports the IBM MQ V9 methods of collecting

application activity trace data, with the important exception that you cannot
configure the collection of data by directly editing the mqat.ini configuration file.
See Application activity trace in the IBM MQ documentation for details of
collecting and reading application activity trace data. The methods write activity
trace PCF messages to the system queue

In addition to writing trace data to the system queue, the IBM MQ Appliance
introduces a new method of subscribing to activity trace data written to special
IBM MQ system topics. This method is described in the following topics.

Note that the IBM MQ Appliance does not support the use of exits. If you have
previously used exits to trace application activity, you must switch to using
application activity trace.

422 IBM MQ Appliance

Subscriptions to application activity trace
You can subscribe to an IBM MQ system topic to collect application activity trace

You subscribe to a special IBM MQ system topic string that represents the activity
to trace. Subscribing automatically generates activity trace data messages and
publishes them to the subscription destination queue. If you delete the
subscription, the generation of activity trace data stops for that subscription.

A subscription can trace activity on one of the following resources:

v A specified application
v A specified IBM MQ channel
v An existing IBM MQ connection

You can create multiple subscriptions, with different, or the same topic strings.
Where you create multiple subscriptions with the same system activity trace topic
strings, each subscription receives a copy of the activity trace data, and this might
have adverse performance implications.

Enabling any level of activity trace might have adverse performance effects. The
more subscriptions, or the more resources subscribed to, the greater the potential
performance overhead. To minimize the overhead of collecting activity trace, the
data is written to messages and delivered to the subscriptions asynchronously from
the application activity itself. Often, multiple operations are written to a single
activity trace data message. The asynchronous operation can introduce a delay
between the application operation and the receipt of the trace data that records the

Creating subscriptions to application activity trace

You can create subscriptions to specific topics to collect application activity trace
data on the IBM MQ Appliance.

When a subscription is created against specific system topic strings, appropriate

activity trace PCF data messages are automatically published to that subscription.
For detailed information on subscribing to topics, see Publish/subscribe messaging
in the IBM MQ documentation.

The topic strings have the format:


v qmgr_name specifies the queue manager that the traced application is connected
to. qmgr_name is the name of the queue manager with all trailing blank
characters removed and any forward slash (/) characters replaced by an
ampersand (&) character.
v resource_type specifies the type of resource data is being collected for, and is one
of the following strings:
– ApplName to specify an application. The request subscribes to all IBM MQ
connections that have an application name that matches the one specified by
the resource_identifier.
– ChannelName to specify an IBM MQ channel.
– ConnectionId to specify an IBM MQ connection.

Chapter 9. Monitoring and reporting 423

v resource_identifier identifies the actual resource. The format depends on the
resource type:
– For a resource type of ApplName, the resource_identifier is the trailing part (the
value that follows the last / or \) of the application name as seen by the
queue manager, with any trailing blank characters removed. The value
matches the ApplName value from the API exit context structure (MQAXC).
The ApplName of a connection is returned as the APPLTAG value when you
use the MQSC command DISPLAY CONN.
– For a resource type of ChannelName, the resource_identifier is the name of the
channel to be traced. If the channel name identifies an SVRCONN channel, all
application activity for connected clients is traced. If the channel name
identifies a queue manager to queue manager channel, the incoming and
outgoing messages are traced. The resource_identifier is the channel name with
all trailing blank characters removed and any ‘/’ characters replaced by a ‘&’
– For a resource type of ConnectionId, the resource_identifier is the unique
connection identifier that is assigned to each connection. The connection
identifier in the topic string is the full 24-byte value written as a hexadecimal
string. This value is the concatenation of the EXTCONN followed by the
CONN values that are returned from the MQSC command DISPLAY CONN.
You can use wildcards in a resource_identifier to match multiple resource
identities in a single subscription. The wildcard can either be in the default topic
style ('#' or '+') or in the character style ('*' or '?'). When you use the topic style
wildcard, it cannot be combined with part of a resource name, it can be used
only to match all possible applications, channels, or connections. The use of any
wildcards increases the level of trace data that is generated, which can affect

To subscribe to these topic strings, you must have “subscribe” authorization.

System topics do not inherit authorizations from the root of the queue manager
topic tree. A user must be granted access to an administered topic object at or
deeper than the $SYS/MQ point in the topic tree. You can subscribe if you have
access to the SYSTEM.ADMIN.TOPIC, although this grants access to all $SYS/MQ
topic strings, not just the activity trace. To control access more specifically, new
administered topic objects can be defined for deeper points in the tree, either for
all activity trace or, for example, for a specific application name or channel name.

The following example shows a topic string for an application that is named
amqsput running on a Windows system:

The following example shows a topic string for a channel:


The following example shows a topic string for a connection:


The following example shows a topic string that creates a subscription to trace
data for all channels on queue manager QMGR1:

424 IBM MQ Appliance

The following example shows a topic string that creates a subscription to trace
data for applications with names that start with “amqs” (note that to use the “*”
wildcard, the subscription must be created using the character wildcard model):

Application activity trace: subscriptions compared with

central collection
The IBM MQ Appliance supports two methods of collecting application activity
trace data. There are points of overlap and differences between the two methods.
v Creating a subscription enables activity trace. You do not have to set queue
manager or application attributes as for central collection of trace data. However,
any explicit blocking of activity trace by disabling trace at queue manager or
application levels also blocks activity trace from being delivered to any matching
v You cannot edit the mqat.ini file directly to configure central activity trace
collection on the IBM MQ Appliance.

Using amqsact to view trace messages

You can use the amqsact program with the IBM MQ Appliance to generate and
view trace messages.

The amqsact program is an IBM MQ sample. To use this sample with the IBM MQ
Appliance, you must use the client-connected executable file, amqsactc. The
executable file is located in the samples directory:
v On Linux and UNIX platforms, MQ_INSTALLATION_PATH/samp/bin64
v On Windows platforms, MQ_INSTALLATION_PATH\tools\c\Samples\Bin64

You can use amqsact in two ways:

Display mode
Format and display activity trace data messages that are being delivered to
Dynamic mode
Create a subscription to a set of resources and display the generated
activity trace by running amqsact.

Display mode

By default, amqsact in display mode processes messages on

SYSTEM.ADMIN.TRACE.ACTIVITY.QUEUE. You can override this behavior by
specifying a queue name or topic string. Activity trace must be enabled by using
one of the methods that are described in Collecting application activity trace
information in the IBM MQ documentation. You can control the trace period that is
displayed and specify whether the activity trace messages are removed or retained
after display. In display mode, amqsact takes the following arguments:
-m queue_manager_name
Required. Specify the queue manager that trace messages are collected for.
-q queue_name
Display only trace messages that are related to the named queue.
-t topic_string
Display only trace messages that are related to the named topic.

Chapter 9. Monitoring and reporting 425

-b Specify that trace messages are retained after display.
-v Display trace messages in verbose mode.
-d depth
The number of messages to display.
-w timeout
Specify a timeout. If no trace messages appear in that period, amqsact exits.
-s start_time
Use this argument with the -e argument to specify a time period. Trace
messages from the specified time period are displayed.
-e end_time
Use this argument with the -s argument to specify a time period. Trace
messages from the specified time period are displayed.

For example, the following command displays activity trace messages that are held
on SYSTEM.ADMIN.TRACE.ACTIVITY.QUEUE, and deletes the messages after
amqsact –m QMGR1

The following command displays activity trace messages on the specified queue,
SUB.QUEUE, and deletes the messages after display. Messages continue to be
displayed until a period of 30 seconds with no new messages elapses. This
command can, for example, be used with a subscription to an activity trace system
topic string.
amqact –m QMGR1 –q SUB.QUEUE.1 –w 30

The following command displays in verbose format any activity trace data that is
currently held on the SYSTEM.ADMIN.TRACE.ACTIVITY.QUEUE that occurred in
the 20-minute period specified. Messages will remain on the queue after display.
amqsact –m QMGR1 –b -v –s 2014-12-31 23.50.00 –e 2015-01-01 00.10.00

Dynamic mode

You enable dynamic mode by specifying an application name, a channel name, or

a connection identifier as an argument to amqsact. You can use wildcard characters
in the name. In dynamic mode, activity trace data is enabled at the start of the
sample by use of a non-durable subscription to a system topic. Collecting activity
trace data stops when amqsact stops. You must specify a timeout for amqsact in
dynamic mode. You can run multiple copies of amqsact concurrently, and each
instance receives a copy of any activity trace data. In dynamic mode, amqsact takes
the following arguments:
-m queue_manager_name
Required. Specify the queue manager that trace messages are collected for.
-w timeout
Required. Specify a timeout. If no trace messages appear in that period,
amqsact exits.
-a application_name
Specify an application to collect messages for.
-c channel_name
Specify a channel to collect messages for.

426 IBM MQ Appliance

-i connection_id
Specify a connection to collect messages for.
-v Display trace messages in verbose mode.

For example, the following command generates and displays activity trace
messages for any connections that are made by applications that are named
“amqsget.exe”. After 30 seconds of inactivity, the amqsact program ends, and no
new activity trace data is generated.
amqsactc -m QMGR1 -w 30 -a amqsget.exe

The following command generates and displays activity trace messages for any
connections that are made by applications that start with the text “amqs”. After 30
seconds of inactivity, the amqsact program ends, and no new activity trace data is
amqsactc -m QMGR1 -w 30 -a amqs*

The following command generates and displays activity trace messages for any
activity on the QMGR1.TO.QMGR2 channel. After 10 seconds of inactivity, the
amqsact program ends, and no new activity trace data is generated.
amqsactc -m QMGR1 -w 10 -c QMGR1.TO.QMGR2

The following command generates and displays activity trace messages for any
activity on any channels. After 10 seconds of inactivity, the amqsact program ends,
and no new activity trace data is generated.
amqsactc -m QMGR1 -w 10 -c #

The following command generates and displays verbose activity trace messages for
any activity on the existing IBM MQ connection that has a CONN of
"6B576B5420000701", and an EXTCONN of "414D5143514D47523120202020202020".
After a minute of inactivity, the amqsact program ends, and no new activity trace
data is generated.
amqsactc -m QMGR1 -w 60 -i 414D5143514D475231202020202020206B576B5420000701 -v

Configuring trace levels

You configure trace levels for a queue manager on the IBM MQ Appliance by
using the setmqini command.

You use the setmqini command to set values in the mqat.ini file for the queue
manager. See “Adding a value to the configuration file” on page 311 for details of
how to use the setmqini command.

You can set the following values for the AllActivityTrace stanza:
Time interval in seconds between trace messages. Activity trace does not
use a timer thread, so the trace message is not written at the exact instant
that the time elapses, it is written when the first MQI operation is executed
after the time interval elapses. If this value is 0, the trace message is
written when the connection disconnects (or when the activity count is
reached). Defaults to 1.
Number of MQI operations between trace messages. If this value is 0, the
trace message is written when the connection disconnects (or when the
activity interval elapses). Defaults to 100.

Chapter 9. Monitoring and reporting 427

Amount of parameter detail that is traced for each operation. The
description of individual operations details which parameters are included
for each trace level. Set to LOW, MEDIUM, or HIGH. Defaults to
Amount of message data that is traced in bytes for MQGET, MQPUT,
MQPUT1, and Callback operations. Defaults to 0.
Can be set to ON or OFF. Defaults to ON.
Can be set to BATCHED or IMMEDIATE. Determines whether the
ActivityInterval and ActivityCount parameters are to be used when one or
more activity trace subscriptions are present. Setting this parameter to
IMMEDIATE results in the ActivityInterval and ActivtyCount values being
overridden with effective values of 1 when the trace data has a matching
subscription. Each activity trace record is not batched with other records
from the same connection and instead delivered to the subscription
immediately with no delay. The IMMEDIATE setting increases the
performance overhead of collecting activity trace data. The default setting

System topics for monitoring and activity trace

System topics in queue manager topic trees are used for resource monitoring and
for application activity trace.

Each queue manager’s topic tree contains the $SYS/MQ branch. The queue
manager publishes to topic strings in this branch. An authorized user can subscribe
to these topic strings to receive information on the queue manager and the activity
on it. These system topics are used for both monitoring resources on the IBM MQ
Appliance and for application activity trace. For more information on topic trees,
see Topic Trees in the IBM MQ documentation.

The root of the $SYS/MQ branch is represented by the SYSTEM.ADMIN.TOPIC

topic object. The $SYS/MQ branch of the topic tree is isolated from the rest of the
topic tree in the following ways:
v A subscription that is made with wildcard characters at a point higher in the
tree than $SYS/MQ does not match any topic string within the $SYS/MQ
branch. The wildcard operation for SYSTEM.ADMIN.TOPIC is set to “Block”
and cannot be modified. This limitation also applies when you use wildcard
characters with the runmqsc command DISPLAY TPSTATUS to display nodes in
the topic tree. To view topic nodes within the $SYS/MQ branch, start the topic
string with $SYS/MQ. For example, use $SYS/MQ/# to see all nodes.
v A user must be authorized at or deeper than $SYS/MQ to be granted authority
to use the $SYS/MQ topic tree. Authorization to subscribe to a topic string is
based on authorization being granted for an administered topic object at or
higher than the topic string in the topic tree. Authorizations that are granted at
the very root (SYSTEM.BASE.TOPIC) would grant a user authority to all topic
strings. However, in the case of the $SYS/MQ branch, access granted higher
than $SYS/MQ does not apply to the $SYS/MQ topic strings.
v The $SYS/MQ branch of the topic tree is isolated from topic attributes set higher
in the tree. The SYSTEM.ADMIN.TOPIC does not inherit any attributes from a

428 IBM MQ Appliance

topic object defined higher in the topic tree. For example, changing attributes of
SYSTEM.BASE.TOPIC does not affect the behavior of the $SYS/MQ branch.

All topic strings that start with $SYS/MQ are reserved for use by IBM MQ. These
topic strings have the following restrictions:
v You cannot enable multicast from the $SYS/MQ branch of the topic tree.
v Clustering is not supported for the $SYS/MQ branch.
v The proxy subscription mechanism cannot be set to “force”.
v Applications cannot publish to a $SYS/MQ topic string.
v Publication and subscription scope defaults to the local queue manager only.
v The use of wildcard characters within subscription topic strings is restricted. No
wildcard characters can be used at the following points:
– $SYS/MQ/
– $SYS/MQ/INFO/QMGR/queue_manager_name
– $SYS/MQ/INFO/QMGR/queue_manager_name/ActivityTrace
Attempts to use wildcard characters at these points causes a subscription failure

Monitoring the appliance by using the REST management interface

You can use the REST management interface to monitor the status of the IBM MQ

When you use the REST management interface for this purpose, you send HTTP
requests to the REST interface port and receive JSON-formatted responses with a
payload and indication of success or failure. You can incorporate requests into
programs and so automate interaction with the appliance.

You must be a local user to use the REST management interface. If you have
configured role based management to use LDAP or XML file user authentication,
then configure a fallback user to access the REST interface (see “Role based
management” on page 344).

The appliance has a number of 'status providers'. You can retrieve complete status
provider data for all existing status provider classes and retrieve individual
property values of each status provider. The following topic provides an example
of retrieving status by using the REST interface. For a reference guide to the REST
management interface, see “REST management interface” on page 865.

Example of retrieving status by using REST

There are a number of major steps involved in retrieving status from the IBM MQ
Appliance by using the REST management interface.

Chapter 9. Monitoring and reporting 429

Identify a required status class

To begin retrieving the required status provider data from the appliance, first
identify the specific status provider class that you need. To identify the required
status class name, access the REST management interface root URI by using a GET
request to identify the status root URI:
GET https://mqhost.com:5554/mgmt/

You receive the following response:

"_links": {
"self": {
"href": "/mgmt/"
"config": {
"href": "/mgmt/config/"
"domains": {
"href": "/mgmt/domains/config/"
"status": {
"href": "/mgmt/status/"
"actionqueue": {
"href": "/mgmt/actionqueue/"
"filestore": {
"href": "/mgmt/filestore/"
"metadata": {
"href": "/mgmt/metadata/"
"types": {
"href": "/mgmt/types/"

You can identify the status root URI in the received response as /mgmt/status/.
Then, to retrieve a list of all available status provider classes on the appliance,
make the following request:
GET https://mqhost.com:5554/mgmt/status/

To identify the exact formatting of the status provider class name, you search the
received response payload. The following listing shows some fragments of the
received response:
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": "/mgmt/status/"
"ActiveUsers": {
"href": "/mgmt/status/{domain}/ActiveUsers"
"Battery": {
"href": "/mgmt/status/{domain}/Battery"
"ConnectionsAccepted": {
"href": "/mgmt/status/{domain}/ConnectionsAccepted"

430 IBM MQ Appliance


Retrieve complete status data

After you identify the required status provider class name, you can retrieve the
associated status data. To retrieve the data, you construct a URI of the form
/mgmt/status/domain/class_name, replacing domain with the string “default” and
class_name with the desired status provider class. The following request shows a
URI to retrieve information from the MQSystemResources status provider within the
default domain:

The status provider returns the following information:

"_links" : {
"self" : {
"href" : "/mgmt/status/default/MQSystemResources"
"doc" : {
"href" : "/mgmt/docs/status/MQSystemResources"}
"MQSystemResources" : {
"TotalStorage" : 15667,
"UsedStorage" : 9216,
"TotalErrorsStorage" : 1024,
"UsedErrorsStorage" : 40,
"TotalTraceStorage" : 2048,
"UsedTraceStorage" : 281,
"HAStatus" : "",
"HAPartner" : ""

The following request shows a URI to retrieve information from the

DateTimeStatus status provider within the default domain:

The status provider returns the following information:

"_links" : {
"self" : {
"href" : "/mgmt/status/default/DateTimeStatus"
"doc" : {
"href" : "/mgmt/docs/status/DateTimeStatus"}
"DateTimeStatus" : {
"time" : "Mon Oct 31 14:29:37 2016",
"timezone" : "GMT",
"tzspec" : "GMT0BST,M3.5.0/1:00,M10.5.0/2:00",

Chapter 9. Monitoring and reporting 431

"uptime2" : "3 days 03:19:14",
"bootuptime2" : "3 days 03:21:39"

Retrieve partial status data

You can also retrieve the value of a specific status provider property, instead of
retrieving the status provider output in its entirety. To retrieve the value, you
construct a URI of the form /mgmt/status/domain/class_name/property_name. You
replace domain with the string “default”, class_name with the required status
provider class, and property_name with the specific property name as it appears in
the complete status provider response. For example, you could enter the following
URI to retrieve just the up time from the datetime status provider:

The status provider returns the following information:

"_links" : {
"self" : {
"href" : "/mgmt/status/default/DateTimeStatus/uptime2"
"doc" : {
"href" : "/mgmt/docs/status/DateTimeStatus/uptime2"}
"DateTimeStatus" : {
"uptime2" : "3 days 03:19:14",

Monitoring the IBM MQ Appliance by using SNMP

You can configure SNMP to monitor the appliance. The appliance supports SNMP
versions 1, 2c, and 3.

When you configure SNMP on the appliance, you enable one or more SNMP
managers to interrogate the appliance to retrieve information about its current
state. The appliance objects that can be interrogated are defined in three MIB files.
You can view the MIB files by using the web UI (see “Viewing MIBs by using the
web UI” on page 132).

The appliance can also respond to events by generating traps (v1 and v2c) or
notifications (v3). These traps or notifications can be sent to SNMP managers to
inform them that the event has occurred.

You can configure SNMP on the appliance either by using the web UI or the
command line interface. See “SNMP Settings” on page 130.

432 IBM MQ Appliance

Chapter 10. Troubleshooting
You can use the troubleshooting information to help you to diagnose and resolve
problems that you experience with your IBM MQ Appliance.

There are a number of diagnostic tools that you can use to help you resolve
v You can list or view the system error logs, queue manager error logs, and first
failure data captures (FDCs) by using the dspmqerr command.
v You can start and stop trace, and you can download the generated trace files by
using the strmqtrc and endmqtrc commands.
v You can start and stop trace, and you can download the generated trace files by
using the IBM MQ Console.
v You can view information about return codes by using the mqrc command.
v You can gather diagnostic information to send to IBM support by using the
runmqras command.
v You can configure, generate, and put a trace-route message into a queue
manager network by using the dspmqrte command. For more information, see
dspmqrte in the IBM MQ documentation.

Error logs
There are several types of error logs generated by the IBM MQ Appliance,
including system error logs, queue manager error logs, and first failure data
captures (FDCs).

System error logs

The system error logs contain information about errors that occur where a queue
manager name is not known. For example, if there are problems in a listener or a
TLS handshake, the information is logged in the system error log. These files have
a file type of LOG.

Queue manager error logs

The queue manager error logs contain information about errors that occur on a
particular queue manager. This information includes messages that are related to
channels that belong to the queue manager, unless the queue manager is
unavailable, or the queue manager name is unknown. In this case, channel related
messages are recorded in the system error log. These files have a file type of LOG.

You can configure the queue manager error logs:

v You can restrict the maximum size of the log file.
v You can exclude particular messages from the log.
v You can prevent repeats of particular messages within a set time interval.
For more information about how to configure the queue manager error logs, see
Queue manager error logs in the IBM MQ documentation.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2015, 2017 433

First failure data captures (FDCs)

First failure data captures provide an automated snapshot of the system

environment when an unexpected internal error occurs. This snapshot is used by
IBM support personnel to provide a better understanding of the state of the system
when the problem occurred. These files have a file type of FDC.

For more information about FDCs, see First Failure Support Technology (FFST) in
the IBM MQ documentation.

Viewing the logs

You use the dspmqerr command to view all types of error logs. See the child topics
for details of how to use the command for each log type. The command is based
on the UNIX less command. You can take the following actions:
v Use the arrows keys to scroll up and down the logs.
v Use the page, space, or return keys for simple scrolling.
v Enter q to exit at any time
v Enter h to display full help while you view a log. The help lists further
commands, for example, for searching for strings or jumping a set number of

Note: Some controls (for example, those controls that manipulate file names) are
disabled for security reasons. If you try to use these controls, you get the message
Command not available.

Viewing system error log files

You can view the system error log files by using the dspmqerr command on the
command line. The log files are displayed on the command line. You can choose to
display the most recent error log file, or a specific log file.

About this task

The command is based on the UNIX less command. The less command provides
controls for navigating the contents of a file, and you can use these controls when
you view system error logs.

1. Enter the IBM MQ administration mode by entering the following command:
2. Choose which system error log file to view:
v To display the most recent system error log file, enter the following
dspmqerr -s
v To list system error log files, enter the following command:
dspmqerr -s -l
v To display a specific system error log file, enter the following command:
dspmqerr -s Filename
Specifies the name of the system error log file to display.

434 IBM MQ Appliance

3. Optional: Exit the IBM MQ administration mode by entering the following


The following example displays the system error log file AMQERR02.LOG:
dspmqerr -s AMQERR02.LOG

Viewing queue manager error log files

You can view the log files generated by a queue manager either from the appliance
command line, or from the IBM MQ Console.

Viewing queue manager error log files by using the command

You can view the queue manager error log files by using the dspmqerr command
on the command line. The log files are displayed on the command line. You can
choose to display the most recent error log file, or a specific log file.

About this task

The command is based on the UNIX less command. The less command provides
controls for navigating the contents of a file, and you can use these controls when
you view system error logs.

1. Enter the IBM MQ administration mode by entering the following command:
2. Choose which queue manager error log file to view:
v To display the most recent log file for a queue manager, enter the following
dspmqerr -m QMgrName
Specifies the name of the queue manager that the log file is
associated with.
v To list error log files for a queue manager, enter the following command:
dspmqerr -l -m QMgrName
Specifies the name of the queue manager that the log files are
associated with.
v To display a specific log file for a queue manager, enter the following
dspmqerr -m QMgrName Filename
Specifies the name of the queue manager that the log file is
associated with.

Chapter 10. Troubleshooting 435

Specifies the name of the system error log file to display.
3. Optional: Exit the IBM MQ administration mode by entering the following


The following command lists all the error logs for the queue manager QM1:
dspmqerr -l -m QM1

Viewing queue manager error log files by using the IBM MQ

Appliance web UI
You can view the queue manager error log files by using the IBM MQ Appliance
web UI. You can choose to display the most recent error log file, or a specific log

About this task

You can view the log file in your browser, and save it to your local computer from
your browser, if required.


1. Start the IBM MQ Appliance web UI, and click the menu icon in the title
2. Select Files to open the File Management window.
3. Open the mqerr/qmgrs folder.
4. Select the log file you want to view. You can view the file, or save it to your
local disk, depending on the options offered by your web browser.

Viewing the first failure data captures

You can view the first failure data captures (FDCs) by using the dspmqerr
command on the command line. The FDCs are displayed on the command line.

About this task

The command is based on the UNIX less command. The less command provides
controls for navigating the contents of a file, and you can use these controls when
you view system error logs.

1. Enter the IBM MQ administration mode by entering the following command:
2. Choose which FDC to view:
v To list all the FDCs that are available to view on the appliance, enter the
following command:
dspmqerr -f -l
v To display a specific FDC, enter the following command:
dspmqerr -f Filename

436 IBM MQ Appliance

Specifies the name of the FDC to display.
3. Optional: Exit the IBM MQ administration mode by entering the following

The following command displays the FDC AMQ12345.FDC:
dspmqerr -f AMQ12345.FDC

Deleting log files

You can periodically purge log files to prevent them taking too much disk space.

About this task

You use the dltmqras command to delete log files. You can delete all log files, or
specify the type of log files to delete.

For each file deleted, a message in the form File deleted: filename is written to
MQSystem.log. You can view MQSystem.log by using the dspmqerr command
without parameters.

1. Enter the IBM MQ administration mode by entering the following command:
2. Specify what types of file you want to delete:
v dltmqras -a to delete all log files apart from queue manager log files
v dltmqras -d to delete general diagnostics files
v dltmqras -e to delete older error logs. The current error log (MQSystem.log) is
not deleted.
v dltmqras -f to delete FDC files
v dltmqras -h to delete HA log files
v dltmqras -m qmname to delete service tool output for the specified queue
v dltmqras -p to delete files in the mqtemporary: location
v dltmqras -t to delete trace files
v dltmqras -w to delete console log files
3. Optionally specify -y so that you are not prompted to confirm deletion. For
dltmqras -a -y

Downloading error logs

You can view, delete, and download log files from the IBM MQ Appliance.

Directory structures on the appliance are accessible in the form of URIs. There is a
dedicated URI, mqerr, for accessing IBM MQ logs. Use this URI to access queue
manager logs, FDC files, and the system log.

Chapter 10. Troubleshooting 437

You enter the commands to download files on the IBM MQ Appliance command
line. Connect to the appliance as described in “Command line access” on page 109.
Log in as an administrative user and type the command:

You can also view the URIs and view, delete, and download log files by using the
IBM MQ Appliance web UI.

Listing the log directory

To list the contents of the log directory by using the command line, enter the
following command:
dir mqerr:

To list the contents of the log directory by using the IBM MQ Appliance web UI:
1. Start the IBM MQ Appliance web UI, and click the File Management tab.
2. Open the mqerr folder.
3. Select the log file that you want to view.

Deleting a log file

To delete a log file by using the command line, enter the following command:
delete mqerr:///logfile

For example:
delete mqerr:///MQSystem.log

To delete a log file by using the IBM MQ Appliance web UI:

1. Start the IBM MQ Appliance web UI, and click the File Management tab.
2. Open the mqerr folder.
3. Select the log file that you want to delete.
4. Click Delete.

Downloading a log file

To download a log file from the appliance to your local system by using the
command line, enter the following command:
copy mqerr:///logfile scp://username@ipaddress/[/]directory/

For example:
copy mqerr:///MQSystem.log scp://me@mycomputer//logfiles/

To download a log file by using the IBM MQ Appliance web UI.

1. Start the IBM MQ Appliance web UI, and click the File Management tab.
2. Open the mqerr folder.
3. Click the log file name link to save the file to your local system (the exact
method for saving the file depends on the type of browser that you use).

Reason codes
IBM MQ Appliance has some new error reason codes in addition to the error codes
listed in the IBM MQ documentation.

438 IBM MQ Appliance

This error can occur when you create or modify a topic object. One or
more attributes of the topic object are not supported on an IBM MQ
administrative topic. Modify the configuration to adhere to the
documented restrictions.
This error can occur when calling MQSUB or MQOPEN. Publishing to an
IBM MQ admin topic string that starts with $SYS/MQ/ is not permitted.
When you subscribe to an IBM MQ admin topic string, the use of
wildcards is restricted, see “System topics for monitoring and activity
trace” on page 428 for details.

Event logs
Log targets capture messages that are posted by the various objects and services
that are running on the appliance. These are appliance-specific objects and services,
IBM MQ logging is separate.

An appliance supports a maximum of 500 log targets.

Log targets capture events that occur because of some internal process or hardware
status change.

Different types of log targets might include one or more of the following
v Archive files through rotation or upload
v Forward messages to remote servers

Types of log target

Target types enable additional capabilities that include rotating files and sending
files to remote servers.

The following types of log targets are available.

Cache Writes log entries to memory.
Writes log entries to the screen with Telnet, SSH, or command-line access
through a serial connection.
File Writes log entries to a file on the appliance. This file can be archived using
the rotate or upload method. The file can be sent as an email.
Depending on the machine type of the appliance, the location of the file
can be the local file system or the hard disk array.
SMTP Forwards log entries as an email to configured addresses. The processing
rate can be limited.
SOAP Forwards log entries as SOAP messages. The URL can be set. The
processing rate can be limited.
syslog Forwards log entries using UDP to a remote syslog daemon. The local
address, remote address, remote port, and syslog facility can be set. The
processing rate can be limited.
Forwards log entries using TCP to a remote syslog daemon. The local

Chapter 10. Troubleshooting 439

address, remote address, remote port, and syslog facility can be set. An SSL
connection to the syslog host can be created. The processing rate can be

Configuring log targets

You can configure a logging target by using the IBM MQ Appliance command line

About this task

Messages in log targets can be restricted by object filters, event category, and event
priority. By default, a log target cannot accept messages until it is subscribed to
one or more events.

After you have created and configured a logging target, you can add further
features by using the global configuration commands that are described in the
following topics.


To configure a log target:

1. Connect to the IBM MQ Appliance as described in “Command line access” on
page 109. Log in as an administrative user.
2. Type config to enter global configuration mode.
3. Enter the following command to create your logging target configuration:
logging target name

Where name specifies the name of the configuration.

4. Use the log target commands to configure your logging target. Use these
commands to specify features such as log type, log events, IP address of the
target where the log is written. For example, the following commands set up a
syslog-tcp target on the remote machine rmach.hursley.ibm.com:
mqa(config)# logging target syslog-server
New Log Target configuration

mqa(config logging target syslog-server)# summary "Remote logging to rmach.hursley.ibm.com"

mqa(config logging target syslog-server)# type syslog-tcp
mqa(config logging target syslog-server)# timestamp syslog
mqa(config logging target syslog-server)# local-ident "warrior12"
mqa(config logging target syslog-server)# upload-method ftp
mqa(config logging target syslog-server)# remote-address "" "1514"
mqa(config logging target syslog-server)# local-address
mqa(config logging target syslog-server)# event "all" "notice"
mqa(config logging target syslog-server)# exit
mqa(config)# write mem

Using trace
You can use the strmqtrc and endmqtrc commands on the command line to start
and end tracing.

The strmqtrc command has optional parameters to enable you to customize the
trace file that is generated. You can trace one or more queue managers. You can
trace one or more processes. You can trace specific threads within applications. You

440 IBM MQ Appliance

can trace events. You can also specify what level of trace detail you require. For
more information about strmqtrc and the optional parameters, see “strmqtrc” on
page 492.

The endmqtrc command has optional parameters to enable you to control which
entities the trace is ended for. For more information about these parameters, see
“endmqtrc” on page 478.

After you generate the trace files, you can download them from the appliance.

To generate and retrieve trace files from the appliance, complete the following
1. Use the strmqtrc command to specify details about the trace information that
you want to collect.
2. Use the endmqtrc command to end the trace.
3. Use the command runmqras -section trace to export the trace information to
a file. The command output gives you the file details.
4. Use the copy command to download the trace file from the mqtrace: URI on
the appliance to your local system.

The trace is not formatted on the appliance, but you can format it after you
download it, if required, by using the dspmqtrc command, see dspmqrtc in the
IBM MQ documentation.

Using trace in the IBM MQ Console

You can trace activity in the IBM MQ Console.

To enable the tracing of the console:

1. Click the menu icon in the IBM MQ Console title bar and select Diagnostics
from the menu.

Figure 51. Enabling trace from the IBM MQ Console

2. In the Diagnostics window, click Enable for IBM MQ Console browser trace.

Chapter 10. Troubleshooting 441

Figure 52. The diagnostics window

3. Click OK.

You can then re-create the problem that you are trying to troubleshoot and capture
the results in the trace. You then disable trace once more.
1. Click the help icon in the IBM MQ Console title bar and select Diagnostics
from the menu.
2. In the Diagnostics window, click Disable for IBM MQ Console browser trace.
3. Click Save.

Capture save the trace in a file by using the runmqras -section trace command
from the command line (see “Using trace” on page 440). You can download the
trace file from the File Management window of the IBM MQ Appliance web UI
(see “Managing files by using the IBM MQ Appliance web UI” on page 297). The
trace files is stored in the mqdiag:// directory.

Resolving a partitioned problem in a high availability configuration

A partitioned problem occurs when the two appliances in a high availability
configuration lose the ability to communicate with each other.

If the two appliances in your high availability configuration lose both primary and
secondary interface connections, then replication no longer occurs between the two
appliances. After the connection is restored, the data replication system detects that
there have been independent changes to the same resources on both appliances.
This situation is described as a partitioned situation, because the two appliances
have two different views of the current state of the queue manager (it is sometimes
called a 'split-brain' situation). The queue manager continues to run on the
primary, but is stopped on the secondary appliance.

To resolve the situation, you must decide which of the two appliances has the data
that you want to retain, you then issue a command that identifies this appliance as
the “winner”. Data on the other appliance is discarded. The queue manager is then
started on the preferred appliance.

442 IBM MQ Appliance

To help you decide, you can run the status command for the affected queue
manager on each appliance. The status command returns status of partitioned
together with a report of how much out-of-sync data the appliance has for that
queue manager.

You identify the winner by running the following commands on the chosen
1. Connect to the IBM® MQ Appliance as described in Command line access.
2. Log in as a user in the administrators group.
3. Type the following command to enter IBM MQ mode:
4. Type the following command on the appliance that you determined to be the
makehaprimary HAQMName

Where HAQMName is the name of the queue manager. The queue manager
then runs on that appliance as it is now the primary.

You can also perform this operation from the IBM MQ Console:
1. Start the IBM MQ Appliance web UI on the appliance that you determined to
be the winner and click MQ Console.
2. In the queue manager widget, select the queue manager whose data is
partitioned and select More > High Availability (HA) > Resolve partitioned
3. Confirm that you want the current appliance to become the primary data
source for the queue manager.

If the two appliances lose the replication interface, the HA status is reported as
Remote appliance(s) unavailable. The running queue manager might accumulate
out-of-sync data. The other queue manager remains in standby with no out-of-sync
data. When the connection is remade, replication is resumed.

If your HA queue manager is configured for disaster recovery, and failed over to
the recovery appliance when your HA group went out of service, then you might
have to resolve data partitioning between the HA group and the recovery
appliance. After you have restored your HA group, and resolved data partitioning
between the primary and secondary appliances, you must follow the procedure
described in “Switching back to the main appliance” on page 276.

Resolving a partitioned problem in a disaster recovery configuration

A partitioned problem is when the queue manager data on one of the appliances in
a disaster recovery pair is out of step with the data on the other appliance.

A partitioned problem can arise when the replication link between the two
appliances has been lost. It might be the case that a disaster has occurred, and the
secondary queue manager has been started on the recovery appliance. When the
main site is restored, the queue manager on the appliance there will be out of step
with the queue manager on the recovery appliance.

Depending on how the partitioning occurred, your two appliances could show any
of the statuses listed in the following table (this is the status when the previously
disconnected connection is restored, but the queue manager is running on the
recovery appliance):

Chapter 10. Troubleshooting 443

Table 38. Partitioned statuses
Main site DR status Recovery site DR status
Remote appliance(s) unavailable Partitioned
Partitioned Remote appliance(s) unavailable
Partitioned Partitioned

In a partitioned situation you must decide whether to keep the data from the
original queue manager, and copy this to the recovery queue manager, or keep the
data from the recovery queue manager and copy this to the original queue
manager. You use the makedrprimary and makedrsecondary commands to achieve
the required outcome.
v To keep the data from the queue manager on the recovery appliance:
1. Ensure the queue managers are stopped.
2. Specify that the queue manager on the main appliance is the secondary, for
makedrsecondary -m myqueuemanager
3. Specify that the queue manager on the recovery appliance is the primary, for
makedrprimary -m myqueuemanager

Synchronization begins, with the data from the recovery appliance being
copied to the main appliance.
4. When the synchronization is complete, run the makedrsecondary command
on the queue manager on the recovery appliance, for example:
makedrsecondary -m myqueuemanager
5. Specify that the queue manager on the main appliance is now the primary,
for example:
makedrprimary -m myqueuemanager
6. Start the queue manager on the main appliance, for example:
strmqm myqueuemanager
v To keep the data from the queue manager on the main appliance:
1. Ensure the queue managers are stopped
2. Specify that the queue manager on the recovery appliance is the secondary,
for example:
makedrsecondary -m myqueuemanager
3. Specify that the queue manager on the main appliance is the primary, for
makedrprimary -m myqueuemanager

Synchronization begins, with the data from the main appliance being copied
to the recovery appliance.
4. When synchronization is complete, start the queue manager on the main
appliance, for example:
strmqm myqueuemanager

Resolving an HA queue manager left in an indeterminate state

If a power failure occurs when adding a queue manager to a high availability (HA)
group, it can leave the queue manager in an indeterminate state.

444 IBM MQ Appliance

HA commands can take some time to run. A power failure, or similar disruption,
occurring when you are adding an existing queue manager to an HA group can
leave the queue manager in an indeterminate state where it is running on neither
appliance in the HA pair.

You can resolve this situation by using one of the following methods (the 'local'
appliance is the one where you issued the commands that were interrupted).

First, recover the HA status of the queue manager from both appliances by using
the status QMName command.
v If the queue manager on the local appliance is in a non-HA state and the remote
appliance is in a HA state, then complete the following steps:
1. On the remote appliance, enter the following command:
dltmqm QMName
2. On the local appliance, enter the following command:
sethagrp -i QMName
The queue manager will be added to the HA group and run on the local
v If the queue manager on the local appliance is in an indeterminate HA state and
the remote appliance is in an HA state, then complete the following steps:
1. On the remote appliance, enter the following command:
dltmqm QMName

You might need to repeat this command several times.

2. On the local appliance, enter the following command:
sethagrp -e QMName
The queue manager will run on the local appliance as a stand-alone queue

Troubleshooting file copy

If you encounter problems copying files to and from the appliance, try some of the
following steps to resolve the problem.

When a copy command fails, make the following checks:

v Ensure that the file name and path that you have specified are correct. The
following table gives a list of valid URIs on the appliance.
Table 39. Appliance URIs
URI Permissions Description
mqbackup:// copy from Used for:
v user backup and restore
copy to
v certificate backup and restore
v dmpmqcfg output
mqdiag:// copy from Used for:
v runmqras output
v amqrfdm
v amqspdbg

Chapter 10. Troubleshooting 445

Table 39. Appliance URIs (continued)
URI Permissions Description
mqerr:// copy from Used for:
v MQSystem.log and other system
v FDCs
Can also be used to access QM
error logs
mqpubcert:// copy from You can copy certificates to this
location. Use the certificate
copy to commands (see “Queue manager
security management commands”
on page 507)
mqtemporary:// copy from This directory is temporary, and
does not survive an appliance
copy to restart.

Under certain severe error

conditions that cause other areas of
appliance storage to be inaccessible,
error reports (FFSTs) are recorded
here to assist IBM support staff in
problem diagnosis.
mqtrace:// copy from Used for:
v MQ Trace
v console trace, errors, and FDCs
mqwebui:// copy from Saving and loading user dashboards

copy to

v Ensure that the appliance is correctly configured with an IP address. You can do
this by typing the show ipaddress command.
v Ensure that you can ping the server that you are copying a file to or from.
v Ensure that there is an SSH daemon running on the server that you are copying
a file to or from.
v Examine the sshd_config file on the server that you are copying a file to or
from, and ensure that it contains the line PasswordAuthentication yes.

If the network connections have not been correctly configured, you might see
messages including the information “non-management traffic will be blocked”.

This can cause file copy to fail. You can check configurations by using the IBM MQ
Appliance web UI. Select Manage Appliance > Network > Ethernet Interface. If
any of the interfaces have the status down, you must investigate the configuration,
and resolve the problem by using one of the following methods:
v Fix the configuration problem, and check that the status changes to up.
v Disable the Block nonmanagement traffic for invalid interface configuration:
1. Select Manage Appliance > Network > Network Settings.
2. Deselect Block nonmanagement traffic for invalid interface configuration.

You should also remove cached information for the host that you are copying the
file from or to interface on the appliance:

446 IBM MQ Appliance

1. At the appliance command line, type config to enter configuration mode.
2. Type:
no known-host IP_address

Where IP_address is the IP address of the host that you are copying the file from
or to.

Troubleshooting SAN problems

What happens when you lose SAN connectivity.

If you have configured a queue manager to use SAN storage (rather than local
appliance storage), you will encounter problems if you lose connection to the SAN

In all cases it is recommended that you use multipath connections to SAN, and
enable multipath in your SAN configurations on the appliance. This reduces the
likelihood of losing access to the remote storage.

If you do lose connectivity across all paths, you might see errors in your
application (for example, reporting object damaged), and first failure data captures
(FDCs) might be recorded on the appliance. Additionally, the Fibre-Channel-
Volume object transitions to Op-State Down (you can view the operational state of
the object by using the show fibre-channel-volume-status command). The state
transition causes the queue manager that is using that Fibre-Channel-Volume to
transition from a status such as Running or Ending to Status Not Available.

After the routes to the SAN storage are restored, the Fibre-Channel-Volume must
be disabled then re-enabled to transition from Op-State Down to Op-State Up. This
transition causes the queue manager status to change to Ended Unexpectedly. You
should then be able to start the queue manager to resume normal operations.

If you can restore SAN connectivity but the primary appliance that was previously
running the queue manager on SAN cannot be recovered, you can recreate the
queue manager on a different appliance. The SAN Volume containing the queue
manager data must be made available to the other appliance.

You should create the Fibre-Channel-Volume using the same attributes as the
original volume. Create the volume in the disabled state, because the
newly-created volume uses the same LUID as the original, which will still have the
primary appliance's locks on that volume. You must issue the fibre-channel-
unlock-volume volume_name to clear the primary appliance's locks.

Having cleared the locks, the next step is to enable the volume for use. To recover
the queue manager you must run the addmqm -fc volume_name -m
queue_manager_name command from the mqcli prompt. Running this command
restores the queue manager on the new appliance. The queue manager has the
ended state.

Chapter 10. Troubleshooting 447

Unlocking volumes

You might require to unlock a volume, for example, if it has been left locked by an
appliance that stopped abruptly while having the volume enabled. You can unlock
the volume from another appliance to take over the work from the failed

You unlock a volume by using the fibre-channel-unlock-volume command (see

“fibre-channel-unlock-volume” on page 673).

The appliance that unlocks a volume must be zoned such that it can see the

When a volume is locked, any other appliance should be able to clear the locks
whether the volume was defined as multipath or non-multipath. If, however, the
locks are cleared on a non-multipath volume by the appliance on which the
volume became locked, the volume must remain defined as non-multipath.
Otherwise a registration conflict occurs.

Problems resizing queue managers

You might encounter a problem where you have used the setmqsize command to
increase the size of a queue manager's file system, but the size has not actually

The setmqsize command uses a two-stage operation when increasing the file
system size. If the operation is interrupted before both stages have completed (for
example, by a power failure) your queue manager can be left in the situation
where it reports having a file system of the new size, but actually still has the old
file system size.

To remedy this situation, re-run the setmqsize command, specifying the desired
file system size.

Help with using runmqras

Tips on using the runmqras command to collect troubleshooting information.

You should use runmqras command only when instructed by IBM support. When
so instructed, proceed as follows:
1. From the command line, run the runmqras as instructed by IBM support (see
“runmqras” on page 483 for more information about the command).
2. Retrieve the file that runmqras created from the appliance. The file is located
under the mqdiag:// URI, and has a name of the form
runmqras_timestamp.zip.You can retrieve the file by using the appliance
command line, or by using the IBM MQ Console.
v From the command line, enter the following commands:
copy mqdiag://runmqras_YYMMDD_HHmmss.zip scp://user@host//home/user
v In the IBM MQ Console, use the File Manager to navigate to the mqdiag://
URI and save the runmqras_YYMMDD_HHmmss.zip file to your local computer.
3. Send the file to IBM Support.

448 IBM MQ Appliance

You should take note of the following features when you use the runmqras
v Use of the runmqras -section all command is likely to fill up all allocated
space. This is especially true if there are multiple default-sized queue managers.
v Use runmqras -section trace to collect the trace files.
v If the Web UI output (wlp_dump.zip) is not picked up by runmqras, it could be
because the dumping command timed out. Try running runmqras -section
webui again.

Recovering from hardware failures

In the situation where you experience a hardware failure on an appliance, there are
various steps you can take to get your queue managers running again as soon as

If you detect a hardware failure, for example, indicated by the test hardware
command (see “test hardware command” on page 74), contact IBM support for
assistance. However, in some cases and depending on availability of spare
components, there may be local actions you can take to quickly restore your
appliance queue managers to operation.

The following topics describe scenarios that might occur and give step by step
instructions to recover from them.

Appliance fails, both disks unaffected

In this scenario, your appliance has experienced a failure that stops it operating,
such as main board or RAID board failure, but the disks themselves are unaffected.

If you have a spare appliance, you can swap your two disks into the spare, and
restart running your queue managers with the minimum of disruption.

To swap your disks to a new appliance:

1. Shut down both appliances (assuming both are running) by using the
following command:
mqa# shutdown halt
2. After shutdown is complete, power down both appliances.
3. Remove the disks from the first appliance, see “Replacing a solid state disk
drive module - M2001 appliances” on page 88 for instructions on how to
remove disks.
4. Fit the disks into the second appliance. You might wish to place the disks in
the equivalent slots to the appliance that they were removed from, but as the
contents of each disk is identical, positioning is not significant.
5. Power up the second appliance.
6. Log in to the second appliance and enter the following command to enter
global configuration mode:
mqa# config
7. Ensure that the disks have been discovered by the RAID controller, but not
yet configured:
mqa (config)# show raid-physical-drive

In the data returned by the command, the state field should contain the
following text:

Chapter 10. Troubleshooting 449

8. Enter the following command to activate RAID:
mqa (config)# raid-activate raid0
9. Enter the following command to check that the disks have been activated:
mqa (config)# show raid-physical-drive

The state field should now contain the following text:

10. Restart the appliance:
mqa(config)# exit
mqa# shutdown reboot
11. Log in again, and go to the IBM MQ command line to check the state of your
queue managers:
mqa# mqcli
mqa(mqcli)# dspmq

If this procedure does not go as expected, contact IBM Support.

Appliance fails, one disk unaffected

In this scenario, your appliance has experienced a failure that stops it operating,
such as main board or RAID board failure, one disk out of the pair is good.

If you have a spare appliance, you can insert your one good disk into the spare
appliance and replicate its contents to another good disk to make a RAID pair. You
can then restart and run your queue managers with the minimum of disruption.

This scenario assumes that the spare appliance has no disks of its own. First you
install the good disk from which you want to recover the data, and configure that.
After you have ensured that the disk is OK, you install a new, second disk and
configure that.

To swap your good disk to a new appliance:

1. Shut down the failed appliance by using the following command:
mqa# shutdown halt
2. After shutdown is complete, power down the appliance.
3. Remove the good disk from the appliance. See “Replacing a solid state disk
drive module - M2001 appliances” on page 88 for instructions on how to
remove disks.
4. Fit the disk into the second appliance. You might wish to place the disk in the
equivalent slot to the appliance that it was removed from, but positioning is
not significant.
5. Power up the second appliance.
6. Log in to the second appliance and enter the following command to enter
global configuration mode:
mqa# config
7. Confirm that there is currently no logical drive on the appliance:
mqa (config)# show raid-logical-drive

The command returns an empty status report.

8. Ensure that the disk has been discovered by the RAID controller:
mqa (config)# show raid-physical-drive

450 IBM MQ Appliance

In the data returned by the command, the state field should report the state
online or unconfiguredGoodForeign.
9. If the state was unconfiguredGoodForeign, enter the following command to
activate the RAID disk:
mqa(config)# raid-activate raid0

Enter the following command to check that the disk has been activated:
mqa (config)# show raid-physical-drive

The state field should now contain the following text:

10. Restart the appliance:
mqa (config)# exit
mqa# shutdown reboot
11. Go to the IBM MQ command line to check the state of your queue managers:
mqa# mqcli
mqa(mqcli)# dspmq
12. Optionally back up your queue managers and associated data and copy the
backups to an external location:
a. Create a back up location in the directory mqbackup:///QMgrs:
createbackupfs -s size

Where size specifies the size of the reserved storage in GB (for example,
createbackupfs -s 1 specifies 1 GB of storage).
b. Back up each of your queue managers:
mqbackup -m queuemanager
c. Copy the backups for each of your queue managers to an external location,
for example:
mqa(mqcli)# exit
mqa# config
Global configuration mode
mqa(config)# copy mqbackup:/QMgrs/queuemanager.bak scp://user@machine//home/MQ/DISKSWAP.ba
mqa(config)# exit
13. Shut down the appliance:
mqa# shutdown halt

After shutdown is complete, power down the appliance.

Now you can add a second disk to your appliance to fully populate the disk
1. Insert the new disk into the empty disk slot of the appliance. See “Replacing a
solid state disk drive module - M2001 appliances” on page 88 for instructions.
2. Power up the appliance.
3. Check the status of the drives:
mqa# config
mqa(config)# show raid-logical-drive

As only one disk is configured, the appliance returns the state of the logical
drive as degraded, check the physical status of the drives:
mqa(config)# show raid-physical-drive

Chapter 10. Troubleshooting 451

The appliance should report an online state for the existing disk, and either
online, rebuild or unconfiguredGoodForeign for the disk you have just
installed. If the status is unconfiguredGoodForeign, continue to step 4. If the
status is rebuild, then go to step 6. If the status is online, then go to step 7.
4. Enter the following command to get RAID to recognize and rebuild the new
mqa(config)# raid-make-hot-spare raid0
5. Check the state of the array again:
mqa(config)# show raid-physical-drive

The new disk should have the rebuild state.

6. Wait for the rebuild operation to complete. This might take some hours. You
can periodically check the progress by using the show raid-physical-drive
command. The percentage complete is displayed in the progress column.
7. After the rebuild is complete, check the logical status of the RAID:
mqa(config)# show raid-logical-drive

The status should be optimal.

8. Check the state of your queue managers:
mqa(config)# exit
mqa# mqcli
mqa(mqcli)# dspmq

If this procedure does not go as expected, contact IBM Support.

Appliance operational, one disk in RAID pair fails

If one of your disks fails, you can replace it with another disk and resume

Follow this procedure to replace a failed disk. You can use a good disk from
another appliance or a new, replacement disk. The RAID system replicates the
contents of the existing disk to the new disk.
1. Shut down the appliance by using the following command:
mqa# shutdown halt

If you are taking a disk from another appliance, you must shut down the
donor appliance too.
2. Power off the appliance or appliances.
3. Remove the failed disk from your first appliance. Follow the instructions in
“Replacing a solid state disk drive module - M2001 appliances” on page 88.
4. If you are reusing a disk from another appliance, remove that disk.
5. Insert the good disk in the appliance to replace your failed disk.
6. Power up the appliance that you have replaced the disk in.
7. Log in to the appliance and enter the following command to enter global
configuration mode:
mqa# config
8. Check the status of the disks by entering the following command:
mqa(config)# show raid-physical-drive
9. The original disk should have the state online, while the replacement disk
should have the state rebuild.

452 IBM MQ Appliance

10. Wait for the rebuild operation to complete. This might take some hours. You
can periodically check the progress by using the show raid-physical-drive
command. The percentage complete is displayed in the progress column.
11. After the rebuild is complete, check the logical status of the RAID:
mqa(config)# show raid-logical-drive

The status should be optimal.

12. Ensure that your queue managers are as expected:
mqa(config)# exit
mqa# mqcli
mqa(mqcli)# dspmq
13. Optionally back up your queue managers and associated data and copy the
backups to an external location:
a. Create a back up location in the directory mqbackup:///QMgrs:
createbackupfs -s size

Where size specifies the size of the reserved storage in GB (for example,
createbackupfs -s 1 specifies 1 GB of storage).
b. Back up each of your queue managers:
mqbackup -m queuemanager
c. Copy the backups for each of your queue managers to an external location,
for example:
mqa(mqcli)# exit
mqa# config
Global configuration mode
mqa(config)# copy mqbackup:/QMgrs/queuemanager.bak scp://user@machine//home/MQ/DISKSWAP.ba
mqa(config)# exit

If this procedure does not go as expected, contact IBM Support.

Chapter 10. Troubleshooting 453

454 IBM MQ Appliance
Chapter 11. Reference
You can use the reference information in this section to accomplish the tasks that
address your business needs.

Command reference
The command line is the accessible interface for the IBM MQ Appliance. The
commands include methods to configure the appliance itself. The commands also
include methods to manage IBM MQ objects.

IBM MQ commands
Use the IBM MQ commands to work with messaging features.

Using commands

To use the IBM MQ commands, connect to the appliance as described in

“Command line access” on page 109.

You must enter MQ administration mode before issuing commands. To enter MQ

administration mode, type mqcli on the command line. You see the prompt

Command help
The supported IBM MQ commands can be viewed on the command line. These
commands are divided into categories, including administration commands,
diagnosis commands, user commands, and certificate commands. To view a list of
the available categories, enter the following command from the IBM MQ
administration mode:

To view the commands that are in a specific category, enter the following
command from the IBM MQ administration mode:
help category

To view detailed help about a particular command, enter one of the following
commands from the IBM MQ administration mode:
v help commandName
v ? commandName
where commandName is the name of the command that you want to view the help

The command descriptions in the following topics use railroad diagrams for
command syntax. for an explanation of how to use these diagrams, see How to
read railroad diagrams in the IBM MQ documentation.

IBM MQ Control commands

You can use the IBM MQ control commands to manage queue managers and to
perform various utility functions, such as running MQSC commands.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2015, 2017 455

The IBM MQ control commands can be run from the command line interface in
MQ command mode. To enter MQ command mode, type mqcli.

The commands, including the command name itself, the flags, and any arguments,
are case-sensitive. For example:
v The command name must be crtmqm, not CRTMQM
v The flag must be -u, not -U
v The dead-letter queue is called SYSTEM.DEAD.LETTER.QUEUE
v The argument is specified as QM1, which is different from qm1


Create a queue manager.


You can use the crtmqm command to create a queue manager.


►► crtmqm ►
-c Text -d DefaultTransmissionQueue

► ►
-fs FileSystemSize -h MaximumHandleLimit

► ►
-lf LogFilePages -lp LogPrimaryFiles

► ►
-ls LogSecondaryFiles -p PortNumber -sx

► ►
-t IntervalValue -u DeadLetterQueue

► QMgrName ►◄
-x MaximumUncommittedMessages -fc SANvolume

Specifies the name of the queue manager that you want to create.
The queue manager name must be the last parameter that is specified in the
The name can contain up to 48 characters. The following characters can be
0-9 A-Z a-z . / _ %

456 IBM MQ Appliance

The name of the queue manager must be unique on the IBM MQ Appliance. If
the queue manager connects to other queue managers, the queue manager
names must be unique within that group of queue managers.
This parameter is required.
-c Text
Specifies descriptive text for this queue manager.
You can use up to 64 characters. If you include special characters, enclose the
description in single quotation marks. The maximum number of characters is
reduced if you are using a double-byte character set (DBCS).
The default value is all blanks.
-d DefaultTransmissionQueue
Specifies the name of the local transmission queue where remote messages are
put if a transmission queue is not explicitly defined for their destination.
There is no default value.
-fs FileSystemSize
Specifies that the queue manager is created with the file system size
FileSystemSize. If you do not specify this argument, the file system size defaults
to 64 GB.
FileSystemSize is a numeric value, which is specified in GB. You can specify a
value in MB by entering the value followed by the character M. For example, to
specify a FileSystemSize of 3 GB, enter 3. To specify a FileSystemSize of 1024 MB,
enter 1024M.
For the appliance the minimum value is 128 MB.
The FileSystemSize is allocated from the available disk space. A disaster
recovery or high availability queue manager requires twice the disk space of a
stand-alone queue manager.

Note: After a queue manager is created you cannot resize the file system;
ensure the value that is specified here is sufficient for the current and any
future workload.
-h MaximumHandleLimit
Specifies the maximum number of handles that an application can open at the
same time.
Specify a value in the range 1 - 999999999.
The default value is 256.
-lf LogFilePages
Specifies the number of log file pages to use for the log files.
The log data is held in a series of files called log files. The log file size is
specified in units of 4 KB pages.
The default number of log file pages is 4096, giving a log file size of 16 MB.
The minimum number of log file pages is 64 and the maximum is 65535.
-lp LogPrimaryFiles
Specifies the log files that are allocated when the queue manager is created.
The minimum number of primary log files you can have is 2 and the
maximum is 510. The default is 3. The total number of primary and secondary
log files must not exceed 511 and must not be less than 3.

Chapter 11. Reference 457

You can change this value after the queue manager is created. However, the
change is not effective until the queue manager is restarted.
-ls LogSecondaryFiles
Specifies the log files that are allocated when the primary files are exhausted.
The minimum number of secondary log files you can have is 2 and the
maximum is 509. The default is 2. The total number of primary and secondary
log files must not exceed 511 and must not be less than 3.
You can change this value after the queue manager is created. However, the
change is not effective until the queue manager is restarted.
-p PortNumber
Create a managed TCP listener on the specified port.
Specify a valid port value to create a TCP listener object that uses the specified
port. The new listener is called SYSTEM.LISTENER.TCP.1. This listener is
under queue manager control, and is started and stopped along with the
queue manager.
Automatic queue manager startup. The queue manager is configured to start
automatically when the appliance restarts. This argument is mutually exclusive
with -sx.
Specifies that the queue manager is a high availability (HA) queue manager.
The queue manager starts automatically as part of the HA group. This
argument is mutually exclusive with -sa.
-t IntervalValue
Specifies the trigger time interval in milliseconds for all queues that are
controlled by this queue manager.
That is, after the queue manager receives a trigger-generating message,
triggering is suspended for the length of time that is specified by IntervalValue.
Specify a value in the range 0 - 999999999.
The default value is 999999999 milliseconds. This value effectively means that
triggering is disabled after the first trigger message.
-u DeadLetterQueue
Specifies the name of the local queue that is to be used as the dead-letter
(undelivered-message) queue.
The default is no dead-letter queue.
-x MaximumUncommittedMessages
Specifies the maximum number of uncommitted messages under any one sync
The uncommitted messages are the sum of the following messages:
v The number of messages that can be retrieved from queues
v The number of messages that can be put on queues
v Any trigger messages that are generated within this unit of work
The limit that is specified does not apply to messages that are retrieved or put
outside a sync point.
Specify a value in the range 1 - 999999999.
The default value is 10000 uncommitted messages.

458 IBM MQ Appliance

-fc SANvolume
Specifies that the queue manager uses SAN storage. The LUN that the queue
manager is associated with is identified by a previously-created volume object
specified by SANvolume. This option is mutually exclusive with the -sx option,
because SAN storage is not available to high availability queue managers.

Usage notes
v This command must be run from the IBM MQ administration mode. If the
system is in the IBM MQ administration mode the prompt includes mqa(mqcli)#.
To enter the IBM MQ administration mode, enter mqcli on the command line. To
exit the IBM MQ administration mode, enter exit on the command line.
v After you create the queue manager, you can use the strmqm command to start
the queue manager. A high availability queue manager is started automatically
after creation, so you do not need to start it by using strmqm.
v When a queue manager is created, the default and system objects are also
created. These objects are listed in System and default objects in the IBM MQ
v For more information about this command in IBM MQ, see ctrmqm in the IBM
MQ documentation.

v The following command creates a queue manager that is called QM1, with a
description of example queue manager, and creates the system and default
crtmqm -c "example queue manager" QM1
v The following command creates a queue manager that is called QM2. It creates
the system and default objects, sets the trigger interval to 5000 milliseconds (5
seconds), and specifies SYSTEM.DEAD.LETTER.QUEUE as its dead-letter queue.
crtmqm -t 5000 -u SYSTEM.DEAD.LETTER.QUEUE QM2

Related commands
v strmqm (Start queue manager)
v endmqm (End queue manager)
v dltmqm (Delete queue manager)


Delete a queue manager.


You can use the dltmqm command to delete a queue manager.


►► dltmqm QMgrName ►◄

Chapter 11. Reference 459

Specifies the name of the queue manager that you want to delete.
This parameter is required.

Usage notes
v This command must be run from the IBM MQ administration mode. If the
system is in the IBM MQ administration mode the prompt includes mqa(mqcli)#.
To enter the IBM MQ administration mode, enter mqcli on the command line. To
exit the IBM MQ administration mode, enter exit on the command line.
v Before you delete the queue manager, you must end the queue manager by
using the endmqm command.
v For more information about this command in IBM MQ, see dltmqm in the IBM
MQ documentation.

v The following command deletes the queue manager QM1.
dltmqm QM1

Related commands
v crtmqm (Create queue manager)
v strmqm (Start queue manager)
v endmqm (Delete queue manager)


Dump the configuration of a queue manager.


You can use the dmpmqcfg command to dump the configuration of a queue


►► dmpmqcfg ►
-c String -x filter -a -s SeqNumber

► ►
-z -u userID -n objectNames -t objectType

► ►

► ►◄
-r RmtQMgr -m QMgrName

-c string
Specifies that a client mode connection is used to connect to the queue
460 IBM MQ Appliance
string can take one of the following values:
Specifies that the default client connection process is used.
Specifies that the specific client channel specified by chlname is used to
connect to the queue manager at connname.
connname specifies the location of the queue manager in the following
format host(portnumber)
If -c is omitted, the command connects to the queue manager by using server
bindings. If that connection fails, client bindings are used.
-x filter
Specifies that the procedure is filtered.
filter can be one of the following values:
authority records
channel authentication

The default value is all.

-a Specifies that object definitions show all attributes.
The default is to return only attributes that differ from the defaults for the
object type.
-s SeqNumber
Specifies that the channel sequence number for sender, server, and cluster
sender channel types is reset to the value specified.
SeqNumber must be in the range 1 - 999999999.
-z Specifies that the command runs in silent mode.
All warnings, such as those that appear when attributes from a queue manager
of a higher command level are inquired, are suppressed.
-n objectNames
Specifies that the definitions produced by object or profile name are filtered.
The object or profile name can contain a single asterisk. The * option can be
placed only at the end of the entered filter string.
-t objectType
Specifies a single type of object to export.
objectType can be one of the following values:
all All object types.
An authentication information object.
A channel (including MQTT channel type).

Chapter 11. Reference 461

A communications information object.
A listener.
A namelist.
A process.
queue A queue.
qmgr A queue manager.
A service.
topic A topic.
The default value is all.
-o outputType
Specifies the type of output for the command.
outputType can be one of the following values:
mqsc Multi-line MQSC that can be used as direct input to runmqsc
1line MQSC with all attributes on a single line for line diffing
setmqaut statements; valid only when -x authrec is specified
Generates IBM i syntax for granting access to the objects.

The default value is mqsc.

-u userID
If a userID is specified, a password is requested.
-q Specifies the name of the reply-to queue used when configuration information
is retrieved.
-r Specifies the name of the remote queue manager/transmit queue when queued
mode is used.
If this parameter is omitted, the configuration for the directly connected queue
manager (specified with the -m parameter) is dumped.
-m Specifies the name of the queue manager to connect to.
The default value is the default queue manager.

Usage notes
v This command must be run from the IBM MQ administration mode. If the
system is in the IBM MQ administration mode the prompt includes mqa(mqcli)#.
To enter the IBM MQ administration mode, enter mqcli on the command line. To
exit the IBM MQ administration mode, enter exit on the command line.
v If any object is not at the default value, the -a option must be used if the
dumped configuration is used to restore the configuration.
v The dmpmqcfg command dumps only subscriptions of type
MQSUBTYPE_ADMIN, that is, only subscriptions that are created by using the

462 IBM MQ Appliance

MQSC command DEFINE SUB or its PCF equivalent. The output from dmpmqcfg is
a runmqsc command to enable the administration subscription to be re-created.
Subscriptions that are created by applications by using the MQSUB MQI call of
type MQSUBTYPE_API are not part of the queue manager configuration, even if
durable, and so are not dumped by dmpmqcfg.
v The user must have MQZAO_OUTPUT (+put) authority to access the command
(+dsp) authority to access the default model queue
(SYSTEM.DEFAULT.MODEL.QUEUE), to be able to create a temporary dynamic
queue if the default reply queue is used. The user must also have
MQZAO_CONNECT (+connect) and MQZAO_INQUIRE (+inq) authority for the
queue manager, and MQZAO_DISPLAY (+dsp) authority for every object that is
v For more information about this command in IBM MQ, see dmpmqcfg in the
IBM MQ documentation.

v The following command dumps the queue manager configuration for a queue
manager QM1:
dmpmqcfg -m QM1


Display information about queue managers.


You can use the dspmq command to display the names and details of the queue
managers on the IBM MQ Appliance.


►► dspmq ►◄
-m QMgrName -o all -n -a
-o ha
-o dr
-o fs

-o default
-o status

-a Specifies that information about only the active queue managers is displayed.
A queue manager is active one or more of the following statements are true:
v The queue manager is running
v A listener for the queue manager is running
v A process is connected to the queue manager

Chapter 11. Reference 463

-m QMgrName
Specifies which queue manager to display the details for.
If no queue manager name is specified, all queue managers are displayed.
-n Specifies that the translation of output strings is suppressed.
Specifies that the operational status of the queue managers is displayed.
This parameter is the default status setting. It is equivalent to -o status.
-o all
Specifies that the operational status of the queue managers is displayed.
-o default
Specifies that the default queue manager status is displayed.
-o ha
Specifies that the HA type is displayed.
-o dr
Specifies that disaster recovery information is displayed. Displays the port that
the data replication listener on both appliances uses and the IP address used
by the remote appliance.
-o fs
Specifies that information about the queue manager file system is displayed.
For a queue manager that uses SAN storage, it gives the volume label of the
associated device.
-o status
Specifies that the operational status of the queue managers is displayed.

Usage notes
v This command must be run from the IBM MQ administration mode. If the
system is in the IBM MQ administration mode the prompt includes mqa(mqcli)#.
To enter the IBM MQ administration mode, enter mqcli on the command line. To
exit the IBM MQ administration mode, enter exit on the command line.
v The queue manager can be in any of the following states:
– Starting
– Running
– Running as standby
– Running elsewhere
– Quiescing
– Ending immediately
– Ending pre-emptively
– Ended normally
– Ended immediately
– Ended unexpectedly
– Ended pre-emptively
– Status not available
v For more information about this command in IBM MQ, see dspmq in the IBM
MQ documentation.

464 IBM MQ Appliance

v The following command displays queue managers on the appliance:
dspmq -o all


Determine the route that a message has taken through a queue manager network.


You can use the dspmqrte to generate a trace-route message and put it into a queue
manager network. As the trace-route message travels through the queue manager
network, activity information is recorded. When the trace-route message reaches its
target queue, the activity information is collected and displayed.

Chapter 11. Reference 465


Generation options
►► dspmqrte ►
-c -i CorrelId Display options

► -q TargetQName ►◄
-m QMgrName

Generation options:

-ac -d Deliver -f Forward

► ►
-l Persistence -o -p Priority

► ►
-qm TargetQMgrName ,

-ro ▼ ReportOption

► ►
-rq ReplyToQ -s Activities
-rqm ReplyToQMgr

► ►
-t Detail -ts TopicString -u UserID

Display options

-xp PassExpiry -xs Expiry -n

Display options:

-v summary

-b -v all

▼ DisplayOption

-w WaitTime

466 IBM MQ Appliance

-q TargetQName
Specifies the name of the target queue to send the trace-route message to.
If the command is being used to view previously gathered activity information,
TargetQName specifies the name of the queue where the activity information is
This parameter is required.
Specifies that the command connects as a client application.
-i CorrelId
Specifies the message identifier of the original trace-route message when
displaying previously accumulated activity information.
There can be many activity reports and trace-route reply messages on the
queue specified by -q TargetQName. Therefore, -i can be used to identify the
activity reports, or a trace-route reply message, related to a specific trace-route
Specify CorrelId as a 48 character hexadecimal string.
-m QMgrName
Specifies the name of the queue manager to which the command connects.
The name can contain up to 48 characters.
The default value is the default queue manager.

The following parameters are used when the command is used to put a trace-route
message into a queue manager network. That is, the parameters are the generation
Specifies that activity information is to be accumulated within the trace-route
If you do not specify this parameter, activity information is not accumulated
within the trace-route message.
Specifies that a trace-route reply message containing all accumulated activity
information is generated in the following circumstances:
v The trace-route message is discarded by a queue manager.
v The trace-route message is put to a local queue (target queue or dead-letter
queue) by a queue manager.
v The number of activities performed on the trace-route message exceeds the
value of specified in -s Activities.
If you do not specify this parameter, a trace-route reply message is not
-d Deliver
Specifies whether the trace-route message is to be delivered to the target queue
on arrival.
Deliver can be one of the following values:

Chapter 11. Reference 467

yes On arrival, the trace-route message is put to the target queue, even if
the queue manager does not support trace-route messaging
no On arrival, the trace-route message is not put to the target queue.
The default value is no.
-f Forward
Specifies the type of queue manager that the trace-route message can be
forwarded to.
Forward can be one of the following values:
all The trace-route message is forwarded to any queue manager.
If forwarded to a queue manager before Version 6.0, the trace-route
message is not recognized and can be delivered to a local queue
despite the value of the -d parameter.
The trace-route message is only forwarded to a queue manager that
honors the value of the -d parameter.

The default value is supported.

-l Persistence
Specifies the persistence of the generated trace-route message.
Persistence can be one of the following values:
yes The generated trace-route message is persistent.
If you use this value, you must specify the parameter -rq ReplyToQ.
The reply-to queue must not resolve to a temporary dynamic queue.
no The generated trace-route message is not persistent.
q The generated trace-route message inherits its persistence value from
the queue specified by -q TargetQName.
A trace-route reply message, or any report messages, returned shares the same
persistence value as the original trace-route message.
The default value is no.
-o Specifies that the target queue is not bound to a specific destination.
Typically this parameter is used when the trace-route message is to be put
across a cluster. The target queue is opened with option
If you do not specify this parameter, the target queue is bound to a specific
-p Priority
Specifies the priority of the trace-route message.
The value of Priority is either greater than or equal to 0, or
the priority value is taken from the queue specified by -q TargetQName.
The default is that the priority value is taken from the queue specified by -q

468 IBM MQ Appliance

-qm TargetQMgrName
Specifies the target queue manager for the target queue.
The target queue is specified with -q TargetQName.
The default is that the queue manager to which the command is connected is
used as the reply-to queue manager.
-ro ReportOption
ReportOption can be one or more of the following values specified in a
comma-separated list:
none Specifies that no report options are set.
The report option MQRO_ACTIVITY is set.
coa The report option MQRO_COA_WITH_FULL_DATA is set.
cod The report option MQRO_COD_WITH_FULL_DATA is set.
The report option MQRO_EXCEPTION_WITH_FULL_DATA is set.
The report option MQRO_EXPIRATION_WITH_FULL_DATA is set.
The report option MQRO_DISCARD_MSG is set.
The default value is activity, discard.
-rq ReplyToQ
Specifies the name of the reply-to queue that all responses to the trace-route
message are sent to.
If the trace-route message is persistent, or if the -n parameter is specified, a
reply-to queue must be specified that is not a temporary dynamic queue.
If you do not specify this parameter, the system default model queue,
SYSTEM.DEFAULT.MODEL.QUEUE is used as the reply-to queue. Using this
model queue causes a temporary dynamic queue to be created.
-rqm ReplyToQMgr
Specifies the name of the queue manager where the reply-to queue is located.
The name can contain up to 48 characters.
If you do not specify this parameter, the queue manager to which the
command is connected is used as the reply-to queue manager.
-s Activities
Specifies the maximum number of recorded activities that can be performed on
behalf of the trace-route message before it is discarded.
This parameter prevents the trace-route message from being forwarded
indefinitely if caught in an infinite loop.
The value of Activities is either greater than or equal to 1, or
specifies that an unlimited number of activities can be performed on behalf of
the trace-route message.
If you do not specify this parameter, an unlimited number of activities can be
performed on behalf of the trace-route message.

Chapter 11. Reference 469

-t Detail
Specifies the activities that are recorded.
Detail can be one of the following values:
low Activities performed by user-defined application are recorded only.
Activities specified in low are recorded. Additionally, activities
performed by MCAs are recorded.
high Activities specified in low, and medium are recorded. MCAs do not
expose any further activity information at this level of detail. This
option is available to user-defined applications that are to expose
further activity information only. For example, if a user-defined
application determines the route a message takes by considering
certain message characteristics, the routing logic can be included with
this level of detail.

The default value is medium.

-ts TopicString
Specifies a topic string to which the command is to publish a trace-route
message, and puts the command into topic mode.
In this mode, the command traces all of the messages that result from the
publish request.
-u userID
User ID to use for connecting to a queue manager.
-xp PassExpiry
Specifies whether the report option MQRO_DISCARD_MSG and the remaining
expiry time from the trace-route message is passed on to the trace-route reply
PassExpiry can be one the following values:
yes The report option MQRO_PASS_DISCARD_AND_EXPIRY is specified
in the message descriptor of the trace-route message.
If a trace-route reply message, or activity reports, are generated for the
trace-route message, the MQRO_DISCARD_MSG report option (if
specified), and the remaining expiry time are passed on.
no The report option MQRO_PASS_DISCARD_AND_EXPIRY is not
If a trace-route reply message is generated for the trace-route message,
the discard option and remaining expiry time from the trace-route
message are not passed on.

The default value is yes.

-xs Expiry
Specifies the expiry time for the trace-route message, in seconds.
The default value is 60.
-n Specifies that activity information returned for the trace-route message is not to
be displayed.

470 IBM MQ Appliance

If this parameter is accompanied by a request for a trace-route reply message
(-ar), or any of the report generating options (-ro ReportOption), then a
specific (non-model) reply-to queue must be specified using -rq ReplyToQ.
After the trace-route message is put to the specified target queue, a 48
character hexadecimal string is returned containing the message identifier of
the trace-route message. The message identifier can be used by the command
to display the activity information for the trace-route message at a later time.
This can be done using the -i CorrelId parameter.
By default, activity report messages are requested.

The following parameters are used when the command is used to display collected
activity information. That is, the parameters are the display options:
-b Specifies that the command only browses activity reports or a trace-route reply
message related to a message.
This parameter allows activity information to be displayed again at a later
If you do not specify this parameter, the command gets activity reports or a
trace-route reply message related to a message, and deletes them.
-v summary | all | none | outline DisplayOption
The values can be the following values:
The queues that the trace-route message was routed through are
all All available information is displayed.
none No information is displayed.
outline DisplayOption
Specifies display options for the trace-route message.
DisplayOption can be one or more of the following values, using a
comma as a separator:
All non-PCF group parameters in Activity PCF groups are
Values with parameter identifiers MQBACF_MSG_ID or
MQBACF_CORREL_ID are displayed.
This value overrides msgdelta.
All non-PCF group parameters in Message PCF groups are
When this value is specified, you cannot specify msgdelta.
All non-PCF group parameters in Message PCF groups, that
have changed since the last operation, are displayed.
When this value is specified, you cannot specify message.

Chapter 11. Reference 471

All non-PCF group parameters in Operation PCF groups are
All non-PCF group parameters in TraceRoute PCF groups are
If no values are supplied for DisplayOption the application name, the
type of each operation, and any operation specific parameters are
The default value is summary.
-w WaitTime
Specifies the time, in seconds, that the command waits for activity reports, or a
trace-route reply message, to return to the specified reply-to queue.
The default value is the expiry time of the trace-route message, plus 60

Usage notes
v This command must be run from the IBM MQ administration mode. If the
system is in the IBM MQ administration mode the prompt includes mqa(mqcli)#.
To enter the IBM MQ administration mode, enter mqcli on the command line. To
exit the IBM MQ administration mode, enter exit on the command line.
v For more information about this command in IBM MQ, see dspmqrte in the IBM
MQ documentation.

v The following command puts a trace-route message into a queue manager
network with the target queue specified as TARGET.Q. Providing queue managers
on route are enabled for activity recording, activity reports are generated.
Depending on the queue manager attribute, ACTIVREC, activity reports are
either delivered to the reply-to queue ACT.REPORT.REPLY.Q, or are delivered to a
system queue. The trace-route message is discarded on arrival at the target

Providing one or more activity reports are delivered to the reply-to queue,
ACT.REPORT.REPLY.Q, the command orders and displays the activity information.
v The following command puts a trace-route message into a queue manager
network with the target queue specified as TARGET.Q. Activity information is
accumulated within the trace-route message, but activity reports are not
generated. On arrival at the target queue, the trace-route message is discarded.
Depending on the value of the target queue manager attribute, ROUTEREC, a
trace-route reply message can be generated and delivered to either the reply-to
queue, TRR.REPLY.TO.Q, or to a system queue.
dspmqrte -ac -ar -ro discard -rq TRR.REPLY.TO.Q -q TARGET.Q

Providing a trace-route reply message is generated, and delivered to the reply-to

queue TRR.REPLY.TO.Q, the command orders and displays the activity
information that was accumulated in the trace-route message.


Display in-doubt and heuristically completed transactions.

472 IBM MQ Appliance


You can use the dspmqtrn command to display details of transactions. The
transactions that can be displayed include transactions that are coordinated by
both the IBM MQ Appliance and external transaction managers.


►► dspmqtrn ►
-e -h -i -a -q

► ►◄
-m QMgrName

-e Specifies that details of externally coordinated, in-doubt transactions are
These transactions are transactions for which the IBM MQ Appliance has been
asked to prepare to commit, but has not yet been informed of the transaction
-h Specifies that details of externally coordinated, heuristically completed
transactions are displayed.
These transactions are transactions that are resolved by the rsvmqtrn command,
but that the external transaction coordinator has yet to acknowledge with an
xa-forget command.
-i Specifies that details of internally coordinated, in-doubt transactions are
These transactions are transactions for which each resource manager has been
asked to prepare to commit, but the IBM MQ Appliance has yet to inform the
resource managers of the transaction outcome.
-a Specifies that a list of all transactions known to the queue manager are
The returned data includes transaction details for all transactions known to the
queue manager. If a transaction is currently associated with an IBM MQ
Appliance application connection, information related to that application
connection is also returned.
-q Specifies that all the data from the -a parameter and a list of up to 100 unique
objects updated within the transaction are displayed.
If more than 100 objects are updated in the same transaction, only the first 100
distinct objects are listed for each transaction.
Specifying this parameter on its own is the same as specifying -a -q.
-m QMgrName
Specifies the name of the queue manager for which to display transactions.
The default value is the default queue manager.

Chapter 11. Reference 473

Usage notes
v This command must be run from the IBM MQ administration mode. If the
system is in the IBM MQ administration mode the prompt includes mqa(mqcli)#.
To enter the IBM MQ administration mode, enter mqcli on the command line. To
exit the IBM MQ administration mode, enter exit on the command line.
v If you do not specify -e, -h, or -i, details of both internally and externally
coordinated in-doubt transactions are displayed. Details of externally
coordinated, heuristically completed transactions are not displayed.
v Not all of the fields are appropriate for all transactions. When the fields are not
meaningful, they are displayed as blank.
v For more information about this command in IBM MQ, see dspmqtrn in the IBM
MQ documentation.

v The following command shows externally coordinated, in-doubt transactions for
the queue manager QM1:
dspmqtrn -e -m QM1

Related commands
v rsvmqtrn

dspmqver (display version information):

Display version and build information.


You can use the dspmqver command to display version and build information for
the IBM MQ Appliance.


►► dspmqver ►

► ►◄
-a -p components -f fields -b -v

-a Specifies that information about all fields and components is displayed.
-p Components
Specifies that only information about the components that are specified is
Multiple components can be specified as a sum of the values of the required
components. The components have the following values:
1 IBM MQ Appliance
64 GSKit
128 IBM MQ Advanced Message Security

474 IBM MQ Appliance

The default value is 1.
-f Fields
Specifies that only information about the fields that are specified is displayed.
Multiple components can be specified as a sum of the values of the required
fields. The fields have the following values:
1 Name
2 Version, in the form V.R.M.F: Where V=Version, R=Release,
M=Modification, and F=Fix pack
4 Level
8 Build type

The default value is 15.

-b Specifies that header information is omitted.
-v Specifies that verbose output is displayed.

Usage notes
v This command must be run from the IBM MQ administration mode. If the
system is in the IBM MQ administration mode the prompt includes mqa(mqcli)#.
To enter the IBM MQ administration mode, enter mqcli on the command line. To
exit the IBM MQ administration mode, enter exit on the command line.
v For more information about this command in IBM MQ, see dspmqver in the
IBM MQ documentation.

v The following command displays verbose version and build information:
dspmqver -v

dspmqweb (display mqweb server configuration):

Display information about the configuration of the mqweb server. The mqweb
server is used to support the IBM MQ Console and administrative REST API.


Use the dspmqweb properties command to view details of the configuration of the
mqweb server.

The following configuration properties are available on the appliance:

v mqRestRequestTimeout - REST request timeout
v traceSpec - Trace specification
v maxTraceFileSize - Maximum trace file size
v maxTraceFiles - Maximum number of trace files
v ltpaExpiration - LTPA token expiration
v mqRestCorsAllowedOrigins - REST CORS allowed origins
v mqRestCorsMaxAgeInSeconds - Maximum REST CORS age

Chapter 11. Reference 475


-u -t
►► dspmqweb properties -a -c ►◄

Optional parameters
Displays information about the configurable properties of the mqweb server.
That is, which properties are configurable by the user and those that have been
-u Displays only the configurable properties that have been modified by the
-a Displays all available configurable properties, including those which have
been modified by the user.
-t Formats the output as text name-value pairs.
-c Formats the output as command text which can be used as input to the
corresponding setmqweb properties command.
-l Enable verbose logging. Diagnostic information is written to a mqweb server

Return codes

code Description
0 Command successful
>0 Command not successful.


Stop a queue manager.


You can use the endmqm command to stop a queue manager. This command stops a
queue manager in one of three modes:
v Controlled or quiesced shutdown
v Immediate shutdown
v Preemptive shutdown

476 IBM MQ Appliance


►► endmqm QMgrName ►◄


Specifies the name of the message queue manager that you want to stop.
This parameter is required.
-c Specifies that the queue manager ends in a controlled (or quiesced) shutdown.
In a controlled shutdown, the queue manager stops after all applications are
disconnected. Any MQI calls currently being processed are completed. Control
is returned to you immediately and you are not notified of when the queue
manager is stopped.
This parameter is the default.
-i Specifies that the queue manager ends in an immediate shutdown.
In an immediate shutdown, the queue manager stops after it all the MQI calls
currently being processed are completed. Any MQI requests made after the
command starts fail. Any incomplete units of work are rolled back when the
queue manager is next started. Control is returned after the queue manager
-p Specifies that the queue manager ends in a preemptive shutdown.
In a preemptive shutdown, the queue manager might stop without waiting for
applications to disconnect or for MQI calls to complete. This behavior can give
unpredictable results for your applications. Therefore, use this type of
shutdown only after other endmqm commands fail to stop the queue manager.
-r Specifies that client connectivity can be re-established with other queue
managers in their queue manager group.
The client might not reconnect to the same queue manager. Depending on the
MQCONNX reconnect option the client uses, and the definition of the queue
manager group in the client connection table, the client might reconnect to a
different queue manager. You can configure the client to force it to reconnect to
the same queue manager.
-w Specifies that the queue manager ends in a wait shutdown.
In a wait shutdown, the queue manager stops after all applications are
disconnected. Any MQI calls currently being processed are completed. Control
is returned to you after the queue manager stops.

Usage notes
v This command must be run from the IBM MQ administration mode. If the
system is in the IBM MQ administration mode the prompt includes mqa(mqcli)#.

Chapter 11. Reference 477

To enter the IBM MQ administration mode, enter mqcli on the command line. To
exit the IBM MQ administration mode, enter exit on the command line.
v This command does not affect the attributes of the queue manager.
v The endmqm command affects any client application that is connected to the
queue manager by a server-connection channel. The effect is equivalent to a
STOP CHANNEL command in one of the following modes:
– If the -c, or -w parameters are used, the mode is QUIESCE.
– If the -i parameter is used, the mode is FORCE.
– If the -p parameter is used, the mode is TERMINATE.
v If an dspmq command is entered in the time between the applications
disconnecting and the queue manager stopping, the dspmq command might
report the status as Ending immediately, even if a controlled shutdown was
v For more information about this command in IBM MQ, see endmqm in the IBM
MQ documentation.

v The following command ends the queue manager that is named QM1 in a
controlled way:
endmqm QM1
v The following command ends the queue manager that is named QM2
endmqm -i QM2

Related commands
v crtmqm (Create queue manager)
v strmqm (Start queue manager)
v dltmqm (Delete queue manager)


End trace for some or all of the entities that are being traced.


You can use the endmqtrc command to end tracing for a specified entity, or for all


►► endmqtrc ►
-m QMgrName -i PidTids -p Apps

► ►◄
-e -a -w

-m QMgrName
Specifies the name of the queue manager for which to end tracing.

478 IBM MQ Appliance

The QMgrName supplied must match exactly the QMgrName supplied on the
strmqtrc command. If the strmqtrc command used wildcard characters, the
endmqtrc command must use the same wildcard characters.
A maximum of one -m flag can be supplied on the command.
-i PidTids
Specifies the process identifier (PID) and thread identifier (TID) for which to
end tracing.
You cannot use the -i flag with the -e flag.
This parameter must be used only under the guidance of IBM Service
-p Apps
Specifies the processes for which to end tracing.
Specify Apps as a comma-separated list, with each name in the list specified
exactly as the program name would be displayed in the "Program Name" FDC
header. You can use an asterisk (*) as a wildcard to match zero or more
characters. You can use a question mark (?) to match a single character.
You cannot use the -p flag with the -e flag.
-e Specifies that early tracing of all processes ends.
You cannot use the -e flag with the -m flag, the -i flag, or the -p flag.
-a Ends all tracing.
This flag must be specified alone.
-w Restrict triggering of trace to applications run by an IBM MQ Appliance

Usage notes
v This command must be run from the IBM MQ administration mode. If the
system is in the IBM MQ administration mode the prompt includes mqa(mqcli)#.
To enter the IBM MQ administration mode, enter mqcli on the command line. To
exit the IBM MQ administration mode, enter exit on the command line.
v Specifying endmqtrc with no parameters has the same effect as specifying
endmqtrc -e.
v For more information about this command in IBM MQ, see endmqtrc in the IBM
MQ documentation.

v The following command ends tracing of data for a queue manager called QM1:
endmqtrc -m QM1
v The following command ends tracing for queue manager QM2 only. Any other
traces that are running are not affected:
endmqtrc -m QM2

Related commands
v “strmqtrc” on page 492


Display information about return codes.

Chapter 11. Reference 479


You can use the mqrc command to display information about symbols, return
codes, and AMQ messages. You can specify a range of return codes or AMQ
messages, or you can specify specific return codes or AMQ messages.


►► mqrc returnCode ►◄
-a -b -r returnCode
-m AMQmessage
-f first -l last
-M -f first -l last

Specifies the return code to display.
Specifies the AMQ message to display.
Specifies the symbol to display.
-a Specifies that all severities are tried to find message text.
-b Specifies that messages are displayed without extended information.
-m AMQmessage
Specifies the AMQ message to display.
-M -f first -l last
Specifies that AMQ messages in a range are displayed from the first value to
the last value.
-r returnCode
Specifies the return code to display
-R Specifies that all return codes are displayed.
-R -f first -l last
Specifies that return codes in a range are displayed from the first value to the
last value.
-s symbol
Specifies the symbol to display

Usage notes
v This command must be run from the IBM MQ administration mode. If the
system is in the IBM MQ administration mode the prompt includes mqa(mqcli)#.
To enter the IBM MQ administration mode, enter mqcli on the command line. To
exit the IBM MQ administration mode, enter exit on the command line.
v Numeric arguments are interpreted as decimal if they start with a digit 1 - 9, or
hex if prefixed with 0x.

480 IBM MQ Appliance

v If there is a problem with a message within a range, an indication is displayed
before the message text. ? is displayed if there are no matching return codes for
the message. ! is displayed if the message severity is not the same as the return
code severity.
v For more information about this command in IBM MQ, see mqrc in the IBM MQ

v This command displays AMQ message 5005:
mqrc AMQ5005
v This command displays return codes in the range 2505 - 2530:
mqrc -R -f 2505 -l 2530


Create a client channel definition table (CCDT) file and place it in a downloadable


►► rcrmqobj -t ObjectType ►◄
-m QMgrName -z

Required parameters
-t ObjectType
The types of object to re-create. The object type for this command when used
on the appliance is always clchltab.

Optional parameters
-m QMgrName
The name of the queue manager for which to re-create objects. If omitted, the
command operates on the default queue manager.
-z Suppresses error messages.


Resolve in-doubt and heuristically completed transactions


You can use the rsvmqtrn command to resolve two different transaction states. You
can resolve internal or external in-doubt transactions, and external heuristically
completed transactions. Heuristically completed transactions are transactions that
are manually resolved by a resource manager but are unacknowledged by the
transaction manager.

Chapter 11. Reference 481


►► rsvmqtrn -m QMgrName +- -a ►◄
-b Transaction

-m QMgrName
Specifies the name of the queue manager to resolve transactions for.
This parameter is required.
-a Specifies that the queue manager resolves all internally coordinated, in-doubt
transactions. That is, all global units of work.
-b Transaction
Specifies that the named transaction is backed out.
Transaction specifies the number of the transaction to back out.
This flag is valid for externally coordinated transactions only. That is, for
external units of work only.
-c Transaction
Specifies that the transaction is committed.
Transaction specifies the number of the transaction to commit.
This flag is valid for externally coordinated transactions only. That is, external
units of work only.
Specifies that the named heuristically completed transaction is forgotten.
This flag is valid only for externally coordinated transactions that are resolved,
but unacknowledged by the transaction coordinator. That is, external units of
work that are resolved, but unacknowledged by the transaction coordinator.
Use this parameter only if the external transaction coordinator is never going
to be able to acknowledge the heuristically completed transaction. For example,
if the transaction coordinator was deleted.
-r RMID Transaction
Specifies that the participation of the resource manager in the in-doubt
transaction can be ignored.
The queue manager does not call the resource manager. Instead, it marks the
participation of the resource manager in the transaction as being complete.
RMID specifies the ID of the resource manager. Transaction specifies the
number of the transaction.
This flag is valid for internally coordinated transactions only, and for resource
managers that had their resource manager configuration entries removed from
the queue manager configuration information.

482 IBM MQ Appliance

Usage notes
v This command must be run from the IBM MQ administration mode. If the
system is in the IBM MQ administration mode the prompt includes mqa(mqcli)#.
To enter the IBM MQ administration mode, enter mqcli on the command line. To
exit the IBM MQ administration mode, enter exit on the command line.
v Use this command only when you are certain that transactions cannot be
resolved by the normal protocols. Using this command might result in the loss
of transactional integrity between resource managers for a distributed
v You can use the dspmqtrn command to find the number of a transaction.
v For more information about this command in IBM MQ, see rsvmqtrn in the IBM
MQ documentation.

v The following command shows all internally coordinated, in-doubt transactions
being resolved for queue manager QM1:
rsvmqtrn -m QM1 -a

Related commands
v “dspmqtrn” on page 472


Gather diagnostic information together into a single archive to submit to IBM



You can use the runmqras command to gather diagnostic information from the
appliance into a single archive. You can use this command to gather information
about an application or appliance failure, possibly for submission into IBM when
you report a problem.

By default, the command gathers information such as the FDC files, error logs,
product version, and status information. The command does not gather user
information that is contained in messages on queues when you use the default
setting. However, if you request sections other than default, the data collected
might contain user information.

The diagnostic information is written to a zip file named runmqras_timestamp.zip,

where timestamp has the format yymmdd_HHMMSS.

The zip file written to the appliance URI mqdiag://, You can retrieve it by using
the copy command (see “copy” on page 664), or by using the IBM MQ Appliance
web UI (see “Managing files by using the IBM MQ Appliance web UI” on page
297). You can also use the ftp custom option of the runmqras command to copy the
trace directly to an FTP server.

Chapter 11. Reference 483


►► runmqras ►◄
section Sections
qmlist QMGRs
timeout secs

ftp IBM
ftp custom
ftpserver server
ftpusername userid
ftppassword password
ftpdirectory path
pmrno pmr_number

section Sections
Specifies the optional sections about which to gather more specific information.
By default, a generic section of documentation is collected. Running without
requesting more sections is intended as a starting point for general problem
diagnosis, but more specific information can be gathered for a specific problem
type. You can specify multiple values for Sections in a comma-separated list.
IBM support generally supplies you with the sections to use. Example values
for Sections are the following values:
all Gathers all possible information, including all trace files, and
diagnostics for many different types of problems.
This option results in the generation of a very large file, so you must
check that the mqdiag:// directory does not currently contain trace
information. If mqdiag:// does already contain information, you should
copy the files off of the appliance, or send them to IBM support, before
running runmqras with the all section.
Gather information specific for clustering
defs Gather the queue manager definitions and status
Prevents the default collections from occurring, but other explicitly
requested sections are still collected.
trace Gather all the trace file information plus the default information.
This option results in the generation of a very large file, so you must
check that the mqdiag:// directory does not currently contain trace
information. If mqdiag:// does already contain information, you should
copy the files off of the appliance, or send them to IBM support, before
running runmqras with the trace section.
webui A diagnostics test is run on the IBM MQ Console, and the results
written to the archive.

484 IBM MQ Appliance

qmlist QMRs
Specifies one or more queue manager names on which the command is to be
You can specify multiple queue managers in a comma-separated list.
By default, the command is run on all queue managers.
timeout secs
Specifies the default timeout to give an individual command before the
command stops waiting for completion.
A value of zero means that the command waits indefinitely.
The default value is 10.
Specifies that the command is run in demonstration mode.
In demonstration mode, no commands are processed, and no files gathered.
However, you can see which commands would be processed, and which files
would be gathered in the console.log file that is generated as part of the
-v Specifies verbose output.
ftp IBM pmrno number
Specifies that the collected archive is sent through basic FTP to IBM.
Anonymous FTP is used to deliver the archive into the IBM ECuRep server.
This process is identical to submitting the file manually by using FTP.
number must specify a valid IBM PMR (problem record number) against which
to associate the archive.
ftp custom
Specifies that the collected archive is sent through basic FTP to a site of your
When you use this parameter, you must specify the following ftp parameters:
ftpserver server
Specifies an FTP server name to connect to.
ftpusername userid
Specifies the user ID to log in to the FTP server with.
ftppassword password
Specifies the password to log in to the FTP server with
ftpdirectory path
Specifies the directory on the FTP server to place the resulting file into.

Usage notes
v This command must be run from the IBM MQ administration mode. If the
system is in the IBM MQ administration mode the prompt includes mqa(mqcli)#.
To enter the IBM MQ administration mode, enter mqcli on the command line. To
exit the IBM MQ administration mode, enter exit on the command line.
v For more information about this command in IBM MQ, see runmqras in the IBM
MQ documentation.

v The following command gathers the default documentation from the installation,
and all queue managers on the system:

Chapter 11. Reference 485

v The following command gathers the default documentation from the installation,
and sends it directly into IBM to be associated with PMR number 11111,222,333
using the basic FTP capability:
runmqras -ftp ibm -pmrno 11111,222,333
v The following command gathers the default documentation from a machine,
plus all trace files, the queue manager definitions, and status for all queue
managers on the system:
runmqras -section trace,defs
v The following command copies the information gathered by runmqras from the
mqdiag:// directory on the appliance to another location on a system with the IP
(config)# copy mqdiag://runmqras_160818_221406.zip scp://jrb@


Run MQSC commands on a queue manager.


You can use the runmqsc command to start the runmqsc prompt for a queue
manager. From the runmqsc prompt you can directly enter MQSC commands to
perform administration tasks. For example, you can define, alter, or delete a local


►► runmqsc ►
-e -v -u UserID

► ►◄
-w WaitTime QMgrName
-x -m LocalQMgrName

-e Specifies that the source text of the MQSC commands is not copied into a
This parameter is useful when you enter commands interactively.
-v Specifies that the commands entered are to be verified without performing the
You cannot use this parameter with a remote queue manager. That is, the -w
and -x parameters are ignored if specified at the same time as -v.
-u UserID
Specifies the user ID that the queue manager is accessed with. You are
prompted for a matching password.
-w WaitTime
Specifies that the MQSC commands are to be run on a remote queue manager.

486 IBM MQ Appliance

The WaitTime specifies how many seconds the command waits for replies from
the queue manager. Any replies received after this time are discarded, but the
MQSC commands still run.
The WaitTime must be a value in the range 1 - 999999.
The replies are received on queue SYSTEM.MQSC.REPLY.QUEUE and the
outcome is added to the report. This can be defined as either a local queue or a
model queue.
You must have the required channel and transmission queues set up for this.
See Preparing channels and transmission queues for remote administration in
the IBM MQ documentation.
This parameter is ignored if the -v parameter is specified.
-x Specifies that the remote queue manager is running under z/OS. The MQSC
commands are then written in a form suitable for the z/OS command queue.
This parameter applies only if the -w parameter is also specified.
-m LocalQMgrName
Specifies the local queue manager that you want to use to submit commands
to the remote queue manager.
The default value is the local default queue manager.
This parameter applies only if the -w parameter is also specified.
Specifies the name of the target queue manager on which to run the MQSC
The default value is the default queue manager.

Usage notes
v This command must be run from the IBM MQ administration mode. If the
system is in the IBM MQ administration mode the prompt includes mqa(mqcli)#.
To enter the IBM MQ administration mode, enter mqcli on the command line. To
exit the IBM MQ administration mode, enter exit on the command line.
v To stop the runmqsc command, use the end command. You can also use the exit
or the quit command.
v For a full list of MQSC commands and their syntax, see The MQSC commands
in the IBM MQ documentation.
v The runmqsc command takes its input from stdin. You can enter MQSC
commands interactively by taking stdin from the keyboard. Alternatively, you
can enter MQSC commands in a file, and run a sequence of frequently used
commands by redirecting the input from the file.
v When the commands are processed, the results and a summary are put into a
report that is sent to stdout. Therefore, you can redirect the output report to a

v The following command starts the runmqsc prompt for the default queue
v The following command starts the runmqsc prompt for the queue manager QM1:
runmqsc QM1

From the runmqsc prompt you can directly enter MQSC commands.

Chapter 11. Reference 487


Switch or query the cluster transmission queues associated with cluster-sender



You can use the runswchl to switch or query cluster transmission queues that are
associated with cluster-sender channels.

The command switches all the stopped or inactive cluster-sender channels that
match the -c parameter, require switching, and can be switched. The command
reports back on the channels that are switched, the channels that do not require
switching, and the channels it cannot switch because they are not stopped or


►► runswchl -m QmgrName -c ChannelName ►◄


-m QmgrName
Specifies the queue manager to run the command against.
The queue manager must be started.
This parameter is required.
-c ChannelName
Specifies the cluster-sender channels to run the command against.
The ChannelName can specify a single channel, or multiple channels if you use
a wildcard in the value. You can use an asterisk (*) as a wildcard to match zero
or more characters. You can use an asterisk (*) to specify all cluster-sender
This parameter is required.
-q Specifies that the state of the channels is displayed.
If you specify this parameter, no switching occurs. Instead, channels that
would be switched are listed.
-n Specifies that when transmission queues are switched, messages are not
transferred from the old queue to the new transmission queue.
Messages on the old transmission queue are not transferred unless you
associate the transmission queue with another cluster-sender channel.

Usage notes
v This command must be run from the IBM MQ administration mode. If the
system is in the IBM MQ administration mode the prompt includes mqa(mqcli)#.
To enter the IBM MQ administration mode, enter mqcli on the command line. To
exit the IBM MQ administration mode, enter exit on the command line.
v For more information about this command in IBM MQ, see runswchl in the IBM
MQ documentation.

488 IBM MQ Appliance

v The following command displays the configuration state of cluster-sender
channel TO.QM1:
runswchl -m QM1 -c TO.QM1 -q
v The following command switches the transmission queue for cluster-sender
channel TO.QM3 without moving the messages on it:
runswchl -m QM1 -c TO.QM3 -n
v The following command switches the transmission queue for cluster-sender
channel TO.QM3 and move the messages on it:
runswchl -m QM1 -c TO.QM3
v The following command displays the configuration state of all cluster-sender
channels on QM1:
runswchl -m QM1 -c * -q
v The following command displays the configuration state of all cluster-sender
channels with a generic name of TO.*:
runswchl -m QM1 -c TO.* -q

setmqweb (set mqweb server configuration):

Add or remove a known mqweb server configuration property.


You can use the setmqweb properties command to configure the mqweb server.
The mqweb server is used to support the IBM MQ Console and administrative


►► setmqweb properties -r ►◄
-k name -d -l
-v value

-r Reset to default values. This parameter removes all user-modified
configuration properties .
-k name
The name of the configuration property to add, update or remove. The
following list shows the valid values for name on the appliance:
v mqRestRequestTimeout
v traceSpec
v maxTraceFileSize
v maxTraceFiles
v ltpaExpiration
v mqRestCorsAllowedOrigins
v mqRestCorsMaxAgeInSeconds
-d Deletes the specified configuration property.
-v value
The value of the configuration property to add to or update. Any existing

Chapter 11. Reference 489

configuration properties of the same name are overwritten. Duplicate
configuration properties are removed. The value is case-sensitive and can be
enclosed in double quotation marks to allow for multiple token or empty
values. The value that is specified is not validated. If incorrect values are
specified a subsequent attempt to start the mqweb server might fail. For
possible values for each name, see “Configuring the IBM MQ Console and
REST API” on page 201.
-l Enable verbose logging. Diagnostic information is written to an mqweb server

Return codes

code Description
0 Command successful
>0 Command not successful.


Start a queue manager.


You can use the strmqm command to start a queue manager.

If the queue manager is part of a high availability configuration, it might start on

the other appliance if that is identified as the queue manager's preferred appliance.
You can use the status command to check which is the queue manager's preferred
appliance. See “status” on page 751.

You can use the strmqm command to start a queue manager in the primary role in
a disaster recovery configuration. If you use the command to try to start a queue
manager in the secondary role, you receive an error message.


►► strmqm ►
-c -f -d Information
-e CMDLEVEL= Level

► ►◄
-ns QMgrName

Required parameters


Optional parameters
-c For an HA queue manager, this option only has an effect if it is used with the
-ns option.
Specifies that the queue manager default and system objects are to be reset.
490 IBM MQ Appliance
Any non-default values for the queue manager default and system objects are
replaced with the default values.
The queue manager is stopped after the default and system objects are reset.
After you have reset the default and system objects for the queue manager,
you must use the strmqm command again to start the queue manager.
If you run mq strmqm -c on a queue manager that is being used as a IBM MQ
Managed File Transfer coordination queue manager, you must rerun the MQSC
script that defines the coordination queue manager objects. This script is in a
file called queue_manager_name.mqsc, which is in the IBM MQ Managed File
Transfer configuration directory.
-d Information
For an HA queue manager, this option only has an effect if it is used with the
-ns option.
Specifies whether information messages are displayed.
You can specify one of the following values for Information:
all All information messages are displayed.
The minimal number of information messages are displayed
none No information messages are displayed.

The default value is all.

For an HA queue manager, this option only has an effect if it is used with the
-ns option.
Specifies which command level is enabled for the queue manager.
The queue manager is stopped after the command level is set. After you set
the command level for the queue manager, you must use the mq strmqm
command again to start the queue manager.
You must specify a command level that is greater than the current command
level of the queue manager and less than or equal to the maximum command
level supported by the IBM MQ Appliance.
This flag cannot be specified with -c.
-f For an HA queue manager, this option only has an effect if it is used with the
-ns option.
Specifies that the queue manager data directory is to be re-created and file
permissions are to be reset.
Use this option if you know that a queue manager is not starting because its
data directories are missing or corrupted.
If the command is successful, the queue manager starts. If the queue manager
fails to start because the configuration information is missing, re-create the
configuration information, and restart the queue manager.
You must not use this parameter to re-create the queue manager data
directories if you can restore the directories by correcting the configuration.
However, you must use this parameter to re-create the queue manager data
directory if you are performing media recovery for a queue manager.

Chapter 11. Reference 491

Specifies that the channel initiator, the command server, the listeners, and the
services are not started automatically when the queue manager starts. Also
specifies that a high availability system does not start. If you start a queue
manager that is normally part of an HA configuration, the queue manager
starts on the issuing appliance, even if it is not the preferred location. If that
appliance subsequently fails, the queue manager will not fail over to the other
appliance in the HA group.
Specifies the name of the queue manager to start.
The default value is the default queue manager.

Usage notes
v This command must be run from the IBM MQ administration mode. If the
system is in the IBM MQ administration mode the prompt includes mqa(mqcli)#.
To enter the IBM MQ administration mode, enter mqcli on the command line. To
exit the IBM MQ administration mode, enter exit on the command line.
v The strmqm command is not required to start a newly-created queue manager.
An HA queue manager is started automatically on creation.
v The strmqm command is required to restart a stopped HA queue manager. In this
case, the queue manager is started on the appliance that is the preferred location
for the queue manager, regardless of which appliance the command is issued on.
If the HA preferred location is not set, the queue manager starts on the same
appliance that it stopped on.
v For more information about creating and activating a backup queue manager,
see Backing up and restoring WebSphere MQ queue manager data in the IBM
MQ documentation.
v For more information about this command in IBM MQ, see strmqm in the IBM
MQ documentation.

v The following command starts the queue manager QM1:
strmqm QM1

Related commands
v crtmqm (Create queue manager)
v endmqm (Start queue manager)
v dltmqm (Delete queue manager)


Start trace at a specified level of detail, or report the level of tracing in effect.


You can use the strmqtrc command to enable tracing. You can specify the tracing
that you want:
v You can trace one or more queue managers.
v You can trace one or more processes. The processes can be either part of the
product or customer applications that use the IBM MQ API.
v You can trace specific threads within customer applications, either by thread
number or by operating system thread number.

492 IBM MQ Appliance

v You can trace events. These events can be either the entry or exit from internal
functions or the occurrence of a first failure data capture (FDC).
v You can choose from different levels of trace detail.
Trace files are written to the appliance URI mqtrace://, You can retrieve them by
using the copy command (see “copy” on page 664), or by using the IBM MQ
Appliance web UI (see “Managing files by using the IBM MQ Appliance web UI”
on page 297)


►► strmqtrc ►
-m QMgrName -e

► ▼ ►
-t TraceType -t TraceLevel -x TraceType

► ►
-l MaxSize -d 0 -i PidTids

► ►
-p Apps -s -b StartTrigger -c StopTrigger

► -w ►◄

-m QMgrName
Specifies the name of the queue manager to trace.
You can use an asterisk (*) as a wildcard to replace zero or more characters.
You can use a question mark (?) as a wildcard to replace any single character.
-e Specifies that any process that belongs to any component of any queue
manager traces its early processing.
You can use this flag to trace the creation or startup of a queue manager.
You cannot use the -e flag with the -m flag, -i flag, the -p flag, the -c flag, or
the -b flag.
The default is not to perform early tracing.
-t TraceType -t TraceLevel
Specifies the points to trace and the amount of trace detail to record.

Chapter 11. Reference 493

To specify multiple points to trace, specify multiple -t TraceType -t
TraceLevel parameters in sequence.
Each TraceType can be one of the following values for the points to trace:
all Output data for every trace point in the system. This parameter
activates tracing at default detail level.
api Output data for trace points that are associated with the MQI and
major queue manager components.
Output data for trace points that are associated with comments in the
Output data for trace points that are associated with data flowing over
communications networks.
csdata Output data for trace points that are associated with internal data
buffers in common services.
Output data for trace points that are associated with processing flow in
common services.
Output data for trace points associated with the IBM MQ Explorer.
Java Output data for trace points associated with applications using the
IBM MQ classes for Java™ API.
Output data for trace points that are associated with internal data
buffers in the local queue manager.
Output data for trace points that are associated with processing flow in
the local queue manager.
Output data for trace points that are associated with internal data
buffers in other components.
Output data for trace points that are associated with processing flow in
other components.
parms Activate tracing at default-detail level for flow processing trace points.
Output data for trace points that are associated with internal data
buffers in the communications component
Output data for trace points that are associated with processing flow in
the communications component.
Output data for trace points that are associated with internal data
buffers in the service component.
Output data for trace points that are associated with processing flow in
the service component.

494 IBM MQ Appliance

soap Output data for trace points associated with IBM MQ Transport for
Output data for trace points that are associated with buffers and
control blocks that use a security policy (AMS) operation.
Output data for trace points that are associated with entry and exit
data for functions that use a security policy (AMS) operation.
ssl Output data that is associated with using GSKit to enable Secure
Sockets Layer (SSL) channel security.
Output data for trace points that are associated with the version that is

The default value is all.

Each TraceLevel can be one of the following values:
detail Activate tracing at high-detail level for flow processing trace points.
parms Activate tracing at default-detail level for flow processing trace points.

The default value is parms.

-x TraceType
Specifies the points to exclude from trace.
You can specify the same values for TraceType as listed for the -t parameter.
The default value is all.
To specify multiple points to exclude from trace, specify multiple -x TraceType
parameters in sequence.
-l MaxSize
Specifies the maximum size of a trace file in megabytes (MB).
The maximum value for MaxSize is 2048.
-d 0
Specifies that no user data is traced.
-d -1
Specifies that all user data is traced.
-d NumOfBytes
Specifies the number of bytes of data to trace.
For a communication trace, trace the specified number of bytes of data,
including the transmission segment header (TSH).
For an MQPUT or MQGET call, trace the specified number of bytes of message
data that is held in the message buffer.
Values in the range 1 - 15 are not allowed.
-i PidTids
Specifies the process identifier (PID) and thread identifier (TID) to which the
trace generation is restricted.
You cannot use the -i flag with the -e flag.

Chapter 11. Reference 495

This parameter must be only used under the guidance of IBM Service
-p Apps
Specifies the named processes to which the trace generation is restricted.
Specify Apps as a comma-separated list, with each name in the list specified
exactly as the program name would be displayed in the "Program Name" FDC
header. You can use an asterisk (*) as a wildcard to match zero or more
characters. You can use a question mark (?) to match a single character.
You cannot use the -p flag with the -e flag.
-s Specifies that the tracing options that are currently in effect are reported.
You must use this parameter on its own with no other parameters.
-b Start_Trigger
Specifies the FDC probe IDs for which tracing must be turned on.
Start_Trigger takes one of the following values:
FDC=comma-separated list of FDC probe IDs
Turns tracing on when any FDCs with the specified FDC probe IDs are
You can use an asterisk (*) as a wildcard to match zero or more
characters. You can use a question mark (?) to match a single character.
You cannot use the -b flag with the -e flag.
This parameter must be used only under the guidance of IBM Service
-c Stop_Trigger
Specifies the FDC probe IDs for which tracing must be turned off, or interval
in seconds after which tracing must be turned off.
Stop_Trigger takes one of the following values:
FDC=comma-separated list of FDC probe IDs
Turns tracing off when any FDCs with the specified FDC probe IDs are
You can use an asterisk (*) as a wildcard to match zero or more
characters. You can use a question mark (?) to match a single character.
Where n is an unsigned integer in the range 1 - 32,000,000.
Turns tracing off n seconds after it starts or, if it tracing is already
enabled, turns tracing off n seconds after this instance of the command
is entered.
This parameter must be used only under the guidance of IBM Service
-w Allow any application to trigger trace.

Usage notes
v This command must be run from the IBM MQ administration mode. If the
system is in the IBM MQ administration mode the prompt includes mqa(mqcli)#.
To enter the IBM MQ administration mode, enter mqcli on the command line. To
exit the IBM MQ administration mode, enter exit on the command line.

496 IBM MQ Appliance

v Each combination of parameters on an individual invocation of the command
are interpreted as having a logical AND between them. You can start the
command multiple times, regardless of whether tracing is already enabled. If
tracing is already enabled, the trace options that are in effect are modified to
those options specified on the most recent invocation of the command.
v Multiple invocations of the command, without an intervening enqmqtrc
command, are interpreted as having a logical OR between them. The maximum
number of concurrent strmqtrc commands that can be in effect at one time is 16.
v When a trace file reaches the specified maximum, it is renamed to
AMQppppp.qq.TRS and a new AMQppppp.qq.TRC file is started. If a previous copy of
an AMQppppp.qq.TRS file exists, it is deleted.
v For more information about this command in IBM MQ, see strmqtrc in the IBM
MQ documentation.

v The following command enables tracing of processing flow from common
services and the local queue manager for a queue manager called exampleQM.
Trace data is generated at the default level of detail.
strmqtrc -m exampleQM -t csflows -t lqmflows -t parms
v The following command disables tracing of SSL activity on a queue manager
called exampleQM. Other trace data is generated at the parms level of detail.
strmqtrc -m exampleQM -x ssl -t parms
v The following command enables high-detail tracing of the processing flow for all
strmqtrc -t all -t detail
v The following command enables tracing when FDC KN34650 occurs, and stops
tracing when FDC KN346080 occurs. In both cases the FDC must occur on a
process that is using queue manager exampleQM:
strmqtrc -m exampleQM -b FDC=KN346050 -c FDC=KN346080

The next examples use the -p and -m flags to show how a combination of
parameters on an individual invocation of the command are interpreted as having
a logical AND between them. The examples also show how multiple invocations of
the command, without an intervening mq enqmqtrc command, are interpreted as
having a logical OR between them:
1. The following command enables tracing for all threads that result from any
executing process that is called amqxxx.exe:
strmqtrc -p amqxxx.exe
v If you start the following command after the command in step 1, without an
intervening endmqtrc command, then tracing is limited to all threads that
result from any running process that is called amqxxx.exe and that are using
queue manager exampleQM2:
strmqtrc -p amqxxx.exe -m exampleQM2
v If you start the following command after the command in step 1, without an
intervening endmqtrc command, then tracing is limited to all processes and
threads that result from running amqxxx.exe or that are using queue manager
strmqtrc -m exampleQM2

Related commands
v “endmqtrc” on page 478

Chapter 11. Reference 497

IBM MQ configuration commands
You can use the IBM MQ configuration commands to set and clear environments
variables for your IBM MQ system.

The queue manager certificate commands can be run from the command line
interface in MQ command mode. To enter MQ command mode, type mqcli.


Display attributes from the qm.ini or mqat.ini file of a specified queue manager.


You can use the dspmqini command to display the qm.ini or mqat.ini file for a
queue manager.


►► dspmqini -m QMgrName ►◄
-s Stanza
--k KeyName

-m QMgrName
Specifies that the configuration file that is associated with the specified queue
manager is displayed.
If you do not specify any further parameters, the command displays all of the
stanzas and values for the queue manager.
-s Stanza
Specifies which stanza of the file is displayed.
Valid values for Stanza are the following values for the qm.ini file:
v Log
v Channels
v InstanceData
v TuningParameters
v Security
v Subpool
Valid values for Stanza are the following values for the mqat.ini file:
v AllActivityTrace
If you do not specify any further parameters, the command displays the values
for the stanza specified.
-k KeyName
Specifies which key name of the file is displayed.

498 IBM MQ Appliance

Usage notes
v This command must be run from the IBM MQ administration mode. If the
system is in the IBM MQ administration mode the prompt includes mqa(mqcli)#.
To enter the IBM MQ administration mode, enter mqcli on the command line. To
exit the IBM MQ administration mode, enter exit on the command line.

v The following command displays the key names and values in the Log stanza of
the qm.ini file of queue manager QM1:
dspmqini -m QM1 -s Log
v The following command displays the value of the key name
ClusterQueueAccessControl in the Security stanza of the qm.ini file of queue
manager QM1:
dspmqini -m QM1 -s Security -k ClusterQueueAccessControl

Related commands
v setmqini


Display environment variables set for a specified queue manager.


You can use the dspmqvar command to display the environment variables that are
set for a specified queue manager.


►► dspmqvar ►◄
-m QMgrName --k Name

-m QMgrName
Specifies the queue manager to display the environment variables for.
If you do not specify this parameter, the global environment variables are
If you do not specify any further parameters, the command displays all of the
environment variables for the queue manager.
-k Name
Specifies which environment variable is displayed.

Usage notes
v This command must be run from the IBM MQ administration mode. If the
system is in the IBM MQ administration mode the prompt includes mqa(mqcli)#.
To enter the IBM MQ administration mode, enter mqcli on the command line. To
exit the IBM MQ administration mode, enter exit on the command line.

Chapter 11. Reference 499

v The following command displays the value of the environment
variable AMQ_SERVICE_DEBUG_REPOS for the queue manager QM1:
v The following command displays the values of all the global environment

Related commands
v setmqvar


Add or remove an attribute from the qm.ini file of a specified queue manager. Set
a value for an attribute in the mqat.ini file.


You can use the setmqini command to configure a queue manager by editing the
qm.ini file for that queue manager. You can also use the command to configure
trace levels in the mqat.ini file. Changes to the values in the mqat.ini file do not
take effect until the next time the queue manager is started.


►► setmqini -m QMgrName -s Stanza --k KeyName -v Value ►◄


-m QMgrName
Specifies that the qm.ini file that is associated with the specified queue
manager is to be modified.
-s Stanza
Specifies which stanza of the configuration file is to be added to, or deleted
from. The stanza that is specified determines whether the qm.ini or mqat.ini
file is changed.
The following values for Stanza modify the qm.ini file:
v Log
v Channels
v InstanceData
v TuningParameters
v Security
v Subpool
The following value for Stanza modifies the mqat.ini file.
v AllActivityTrace

500 IBM MQ Appliance

-k KeyName
Specifies the key name to add or remove from the qm.ini file, or the key to
edit in the mqat.ini file.
Ensure that the value of KeyName is correct before you use the command to
add or remove a key and value from the stanza. The value of KeyName is not
validated. If incorrect values are specified in the qm.ini file, a subsequent
attempt to start the queue manager might fail.
-v Value
Specifies the value to add for the specified key name.
If Value is a string that contains spaces, it must be enclosed in double quotation
marks. Any double quotation marks that are used in the Value must be escaped
by using a backslash ( \ ).
Ensure that the value of Value is correct before you use the command to add or
remove a key and value from the stanza. The value of Value is not validated. If
incorrect values are specified in the qm.ini file, a subsequent attempt to start
the queue manager might fail.
-d Specifies that the key name specified by the -k parameter is deleted from the
qm.ini file.
To delete an entire stanza, each key name must be deleted individually.

Usage notes
v This command must be run from the IBM MQ administration mode. If the
system is in the IBM MQ administration mode the prompt includes mqa(mqcli)#.
To enter the IBM MQ administration mode, enter mqcli on the command line. To
exit the IBM MQ administration mode, enter exit on the command line.
v Do not edit the qm.ini file to control the number of channels. Instead, use the
MAXINST and MAXINSTC values on your SVRCONN channels. For more information,
see “Queue manager configuration on the IBM MQ Appliance” on page 23.
v For more information about changing the qm.ini file, see Changing queue
manager configuration information in the IBM MQ documentation.
v For more information about the mqat.ini file, see Configuring activity trace
behavior using mqat.ini in the IBM MQ documentation.

v The following command adds the value Xmitq to the key name
RemoteQueueAccessControl in the Security stanza of the qm.ini file of queue
manager QM1:
setmqini -m QM1 -s Security -k RemoteQueueAccessControl -v Xmitq
v The following command deletes the key name and associated value of
RemoteQueueAccessControl in the Security stanza of the qm.ini file of queue
manager QM1:
setmqini -m QM1 -s Security -k RemoteQueueAccessControl -d

Related commands
v dspmqini


Add or remove an environment variable for the appliance or for a specified queue

Chapter 11. Reference 501


You can use the setmqvar command to configure environment variables for the
appliance or for a specified queue manager.

When you set a specific queue manager variable, the changes take effect the next
time that the queue manager is started.

When you set a global environment variable, the changes take effect immediately.


►► setmqvar --k Name -v Value ►◄

-m QMgrName -d

-m QMgrName
Specifies the queue manager for which the environment variable is modified.
If this parameter is omitted, the global environment variable is modified.
-k Name
Specifies the name of the environment variable to add or remove.
Ensure that the value of Name is correct before you use the command to add or
remove an environment variable. The value of Name is not validated.
-v Value
Specifies the value to add for the specified environment variable.
If Value is a string that contains spaces, it must be enclosed in double quotation
marks. Any double quotation marks that are used in the Value must be escaped
by using a backslash ( \ ).
Ensure that the value of Value is correct before you use the command to add or
remove an environment variable. The value of Value is not validated.
-d Specifies that the environment variable specified by the -k parameter is

Usage notes
v This command must be run from the IBM MQ administration mode. If the
system is in the IBM MQ administration mode the prompt includes mqa(mqcli)#.
To enter the IBM MQ administration mode, enter mqcli on the command line. To
exit the IBM MQ administration mode, enter exit on the command line.

v The following command adds an environment variable AMQ_SERVICE_DEBUG_REPOS
with the value of TRUE to the queue manager QM1:
v The following command deletes the global environment variable DEBUG_MODE:
setmqvar -k DEBUG_MODE -d

502 IBM MQ Appliance

Related commands
v dspmqvar

Messaging user and group commands

Appliance administrative users use these commands to set up user IDs and groups
for messaging users.

These commands must be run from the WebSphere MQ administration mode. If

the system is in the WebSphere MQ administration mode the prompt includes mq.
To enter the WebSphere MQ administration mode, enter mqcli on the command
line. To exit the WebSphere MQ administration mode, enter exit on the command

The appliance reserves the following user IDs for its own use:
v hacluster
v mqm
v mqsystem
v root
v sshd
You cannot create user IDs with these names, or delete, modify, or list these user

The appliance reserves the following groups for its own use:
v haclient
v root
v sshd
v utmp

You cannot create groups with these names, or delete or list these groups.

The appliance also provides the standard IBM MQ mqm group. You cannot delete
this group, but you can add users to it.


Creates user IDs for messaging users on the IBM MQ Appliance.

>>-usercreate---- -u--username--+---------------+--+-------------------------+------->
’- -p--password-’ | |
| .------,------. |
| V | |
’- -g- ----+-------+---+--’
| |

’- -d--description-’

-u username
Specifies the user ID to be created.

Chapter 11. Reference 503

-p password
Optionally specifies a password for the user ID.
-g group1, group2, groupn...
Optionally specifies one or more groups that the user belongs to. By default,
all new users belong to the group named users (you cannot remove users from
this group).
-d text
Optionally specifies a description for the user ID.

v The following command creates a new user ID, myid, with the password, pword,
belonging to the admin group:
usercreate -u myid -p pword -g MQadmin


Deletes a messaging user on the IBM MQ Appliance.


►► userdelete -u username ►◄

-u username
Specifies the user ID to be deleted.

v The following command deletes the user ID yourid:
userdelete -u yourid


Modifies user IDs for messaging users on the IBM MQ Appliance.

>>-usermodify---- -u--username--+---------------+--+-------------------------+------->
’- -p--password-’ | |
| .------,------. |
| V | |
’- -g- ----+-------+---+--’
| |

’- -d--description-’

-u username
Specifies the user ID to be modified.
-p password
Optionally specifies a password when modifying a user ID.

504 IBM MQ Appliance

-g group1, group2, groupn...
Optionally specifies one or more groups that the user belongs to when
modifying a user ID.
-d text
Optionally specifies a description when modifying a user ID.

v The following command modifies the user, myid, changes the password to be
newpword, and replaces the groups to which the user belongs to adminUK and
usermodify -u myid -p newpword -g MQadminUK, MQadminUS


Lists the messaging users on the IBM MQ Appliance.


►► userlist ►◄
-u username

-u username
If you specify a user ID, then the details of that user are listed.

v The following command lists the current user IDs:


Adds user groups for messaging users on the IBM MQ Appliance.


You can use the groupcreate command to work with user groups for the
messaging users on the IBM MQ Appliance.

By default, all users belong to the group users. You cannot remove users from the
users group, but you can add them to other groups if required.


►► groupcreate -g group ►◄

-g group
Specifies the user group to be created.

Chapter 11. Reference 505

v The following command creates a new user group, MQgrp:
groupcreate -g MQgrp


Deletes user groups for messaging users on the IBM MQ Appliance.


You can use the groupdelete command to work with user groups for the
messaging users on the IBM MQ Appliance.


►► groupdelete -g ►◄

-g group
Specifies the user group to be deleted.

v The following command deletes the user group, MQ0grp:
groupdelete -g MQ0grp


Lists user groups for messaging users on the IBM MQ Appliance.


You can use the grouplist command to work with user groups for the messaging
users on the IBM MQ Appliance.


►► grouplist ►◄

v The following command lists the user groups on the appliance:


Backs up messaging users and groups on the IBM MQ Appliance to a file.


You can use the userbackup command to create a back up file containing the
details for messaging users and groups that have been defined on the IBM MQ

506 IBM MQ Appliance


►► userbackup ►◄
-f file

-f filename
Specifies the file that the messaging users and groups are backed up to. The
file is written to the mqbackup: location on the IBM MQ Appliance. If you do
not specify a file name, the back up is written to a file named
userbackup-date-time, for example, userbackup-20150219-132655.

v The following command backs up users and groups to the file backup_15115:
userbackup -f backup_15115


Restores messaging users and groups on the IBM MQ Appliance from a file to
which they were previously backed up.


You can use the userrestore command to restore messaging users and groups
from back up file containing the details for messaging users and groups.


►► userrestore -f file ►◄

-f filename
Specifies the file containing the users and groups to restore. The file must be
located in the mqbackup: location on the IBM MQ Appliance.

v The following command restores users from the file backup_15115:
userrestore -f backup_15115

Queue manager security management commands

You can use the certificate management commands to manage certificates for
queue managers. If you have configured advanced message security for your
queue managers, you can also implement MCA interception using security
management commands.

The queue manager security commands can be run from the command line
interface in MQ command mode. To enter MQ command mode, type mqcli.

Chapter 11. Reference 507


Add the public part of a certificate to the keystore of a specific queue manager.


You can use the addcert command to add the public part of a certificate to the key
repository of a specified queue manager.


►► addcert -m QMgrName -label Label -file FileName ►

► ►◄
-format ascii|binary

-m QMgrName
Specifies the name of the queue manager for which the certificate is added.
The queue manager must exist.
-label Label
Specifies the label that is associated with the certificate.
For more information about valid syntax for the certificate label, see Digital
certificate labels, understanding the requirements in the IBM MQ
-file FileName
Specifies the file that contains the certificate.
This file must be available on the appliance. The file must be located in
-format ascii|binary
Specifies the format of the certificate.
The default value is ascii.

Usage notes
v This command must be run from the IBM MQ administration mode. If the
system is in the IBM MQ administration mode the prompt includes mq. To enter
the IBM MQ administration mode, enter mqcli on the command line. To exit the
IBM MQ administration mode, enter exit on the command line.

v The following command adds a CA certificate from file CA.pem, with a label of
CACert to the key repository for the queue manager QM1:
addcert -m QM1 -file CA.pem -label CACert

Related commands
v “createcert” on page 509
v “deletecert” on page 513

508 IBM MQ Appliance

v “detailcert” on page 514
v “listcert” on page 519
v “receivecert” on page 520


Create a self-signed certificate for a queue manager.


You can use the createcert command to create a self-signed certificate and add it
to the key repository of a specified queue manager. The certificate data is extracted
from the newly created certificate and placed in a file.


►► createcert -m QMgrName -dn DistinguishedName ►

-label Label

► ►
-sig_alg HashAlgorithm -size KeySize -expire Days

► ►
-format ascii|binary -ku Usage -eku Usage

► ►◄
-san_dnsname DNSNames -san_ipaddr IPAddresses

-m QMgrName
Specifies the name of the queue manager for which the self-signed certificate is
The queue manager must exist.
-dn DistinguishedName
Specifies the X.500 distinguished name that uniquely identifies the certificate.
DistinguishedName is a string that is enclosed in double quotation marks. For
example, “CN=John Smith,O=IBM,OU=Test,C=GB”. The CN, O, and C attributes
are required.
-label Label
Specifies the label that is associated with the certificate.
The default value is ibmwebspheremq<QMgrName>, where QMgrName is the
name of the queue manager in lowercase.
-sig_alg HashAlgorithm
Specifies the signing algorithm that is used to create the signature that is
associated with the new self-signed certificate.
HashAlgorithm can be one of the following values:
SHA1WithECDSA, SHA1WithRSA, sha224, SHA224_WITH_RSA, SHA224WithDSA,

Chapter 11. Reference 509

SHA224WithECDSA, SHA224WithRSA, sha256, SHA256_WITH_RSA, SHA256WithDSA,
SHA256WithECDSA, SHA256WithRSA, SHA2WithRSA, sha384, SHA384_WITH_RSA,
SHA384WithECDSA, SHA384WithRSA, sha512, SHA512_WITH_RSA, SHA512WithECDSA,
SHA512WithRSA, SHAWithDSA, SHAWithRSA , EC_ecdsa_with_SHA1,
EC_ecdsa_with_SHA224, EC_ecdsa_with_SHA256, EC_ecdsa_with_SHA384, or
The default value is SHA256WithRSA.
-size KeySize
Specifies the size of the new key pair.
The default value is 2048 for all RSA signature algorithms. For elliptic curve
signature algorithms, use 256, 384, or 512 to match the selected algorithm.
-expire Days
Specifies the expiration time of the certificate, in days.
The default value is 365.
-format ascii|binary
Specifies the format of the output file.
The default value is ascii.
-ku Usage
Specifies a list of valid uses for the certificate.
To specify more than one use, enter each value in a comma-separated list.
-eku Usage
Specifies a list of valid uses for the certificate.
To specify more than one use, enter each value in a comma-separated list.
-san_dnsname DNSNames
Specifies the Subject Alternative Name (SAN) DNS names for the certificate
that is created.
To specify more than one DNS name, enter each value in a comma-separated
-san_ipaddr IPAddresses
Specifies the Subject Alternative Name (SAN) IP addresses for the certificate
that is created.
To specify more than one IP address, enter each value in a comma-separated

Usage notes
v This command must be run from the IBM MQ administration mode. If the
system is in the IBM MQ administration mode the prompt includes mq. To enter
the IBM MQ administration mode, enter mqcli on the command line. To exit the
IBM MQ administration mode, enter exit on the command line.
v The target file name is generated based on the label that is specified in the
command. The file name is displayed when the command completes.

v The following command creates a certificate for queue manager QM1, with a
distinguished name of “CN=John Smith,O=IBM,OU=Test,C=GB”:
createcert -m QM1 -dn "CN=John Smith,O=IBM,OU=Test,C=GB"

510 IBM MQ Appliance

Related commands
v “addcert” on page 508
v “deletecert” on page 513
v “detailcert” on page 514
v “listcert” on page 519
v “receivecert” on page 520


Create a certificate request for a queue manager.


You can use the createcertrequest command to create a certificate request for a
specified queue manager.


►► createcertrequest -m QMgrName -dn DistinguishedName ►

► ►
-label Label -sig_alg HashAlgorithm -size KeySize

► ►
-ku Usage -eku Usage -san_dnsname DNSNames

► ►◄
-san_ipaddr IPAddresses

-m QMgrName
Specifies the name of the queue manager for which the certificate request is
The queue manager must exist.
-dn DistinguishedName
Specifies the X.500 distinguished name that uniquely identifies the certificate.
DistinguishedName is a string that is enclosed in double quotation marks. For
example, “CN=John Smith,O=IBM,OU=Test,C=GB”. The CN, O, and C attributes
are required.
-label Label
Specifies the label that is associated with the certificate request.
The default value is ibmwebspheremq<QMgrName>, where QMgrName is the
name of the queue manager in lowercase.
-sig_alg HashAlgorithm
Specifies the signing algorithm that is used to create the signature that is
associated with the new certificate.
HashAlgorithm can be one of the following values:

Chapter 11. Reference 511

SHA1WithECDSA, SHA1WithRSA, sha224, SHA224_WITH_RSA, SHA224WithDSA,
SHA224WithECDSA, SHA224WithRSA, sha256, SHA256_WITH_RSA, SHA256WithDSA,
SHA256WithECDSA, SHA256WithRSA, SHA2WithRSA, sha384, SHA384_WITH_RSA,
SHA384WithECDSA, SHA384WithRSA, sha512, SHA512_WITH_RSA, SHA512WithECDSA,
SHA512WithRSA, SHAWithDSA, SHAWithRSA , EC_ecdsa_with_SHA1,
EC_ecdsa_with_SHA224, EC_ecdsa_with_SHA256, EC_ecdsa_with_SHA384, or
The default value is SHA256WithRSA.
-size KeySize
Specifies the size of the new key pair.
The default value is 2048 for all RSA signature algorithms. For elliptic curve
signature algorithms, use 256, 384, or 512 to match the selected algorithm.
-ku Usage
Specifies a list of valid uses for the certificate.
To specify more than one use, enter each value in a comma-separated list.
-eku Usage
Specifies a list of valid uses for the certificate.
To specify more than one use, enter each value in a comma-separated list.
-san_dnsname DNSNames
Specifies the Subject Alternative Name (SAN) DNS names for the certificate
that is created.
To specify more than one DNS name, enter each value in a comma-separated
-san_ipaddr IPAddresses
Specifies the Subject Alternative Name (SAN) IP addresses for the certificate
that is created.
To specify more than one IP address, enter each value in a comma-separated

Usage notes
v This command must be run from the IBM MQ administration mode. If the
system is in the IBM MQ administration mode the prompt includes mq. To enter
the IBM MQ administration mode, enter mqcli on the command line. To exit the
IBM MQ administration mode, enter exit on the command line.
v The certificate request file name is generated based on the label that is specified
in the command. The file name is displayed when the command completes.

v The following command creates a certificate request for queue manager QM2,
with a distinguished name of “CN=Jane Smith,O=IBM,OU=Test,C=US”:
createcertrequest -m QM2 -dn "CN=Jane Smith,O=IBM,OU=Test,C=US"

Related commands
v “deletecertrequest” on page 513
v “detailcertrequest” on page 515
v “listcertrequest” on page 520
v “recreatecertrequest” on page 521

512 IBM MQ Appliance


Delete a certificate from the keystore of a specific queue manager.


You can use the deletecert command to remove a certificate from the key
repository of a specified queue manager.


►► deletecert -m QMgrName -label Label ►◄

-m QMgrName
Specifies the name of the queue manager for which the certificate is deleted.
The queue manager must exist.
-label Label
Specifies the label that is associated with the certificate.

Usage notes
v This command must be run from the IBM MQ administration mode. If the
system is in the IBM MQ administration mode the prompt includes mq. To enter
the IBM MQ administration mode, enter mqcli on the command line. To exit the
IBM MQ administration mode, enter exit on the command line.

v The following command deletes a certificate file certificate.pem, with a label of
cert1 for the queue manager QM1:
deletecert -m QM1 -file certificate.pem -label cert1

Related commands
v “addcert” on page 508
v “createcert” on page 509
v “detailcert” on page 514
v “listcert” on page 519
v “receivecert” on page 520


Delete a certificate request that was previously issued from a specific queue


You can use the deletecertrequest command to delete a certificate request that
was previously issued from a specified queue manager.

Chapter 11. Reference 513


►► deletecertrequest -m QMgrName -label Label ►◄

-m QMgrName
Specifies the name of the queue manager for which the certificate request is
The queue manager must exist.
-label Label
Specifies the label that is associated with the certificate request.

Usage notes
v This command must be run from the IBM MQ administration mode. If the
system is in the IBM MQ administration mode the prompt includes mq. To enter
the IBM MQ administration mode, enter mqcli on the command line. To exit the
IBM MQ administration mode, enter exit on the command line.

v The following command deletes a certificate request with a label of cert1 for the
queue manager QM1 :
deletecert -m QM1 -label cert1

Related commands
v “createcertrequest” on page 511
v “detailcertrequest” on page 515
v “listcertrequest” on page 520
v “recreatecertrequest” on page 521


Show detailed information about a certificate for a specific queue manager.


You can use the detailcert command to show detailed information about a
specific certificate, or about the queue manager default certificate


►► detailcert -m QMgrName ►◄
-label Label

514 IBM MQ Appliance

-m QMgrName
Specifies the name of the queue manager for which the certificate details are
The queue manager must exist.
-label Label
Specifies the label of the certificate for which detailed information is shown.

Usage notes
v This command must be run from the IBM MQ administration mode. If the
system is in the IBM MQ administration mode the prompt includes mq. To enter
the IBM MQ administration mode, enter mqcli on the command line. To exit the
IBM MQ administration mode, enter exit on the command line.

v The following command shows the details of the certificate ibmwebspheremqqm1
for the queue manager QM1 :
detailcert -m QM1 -label ibmwebspheremqqm1

Related commands
v “addcert” on page 508
v “createcert” on page 509
v “deletecert” on page 513
v “listcert” on page 519
v “receivecert” on page 520


Show detailed information about a certificate request for a specific queue manager.


You can use the detailcertrequest command to show detailed information about
a certificate request for a specified queue manager.


►► detailcertrequest -m QMgrName ►◄
-label Label

-m QMgrName
Specifies the name of the queue manager for which the certificate request
details are shown.
The queue manager must exist.

Chapter 11. Reference 515

-label Label
Specifies the label of the certificate request for which detailed information is

Usage notes
v This command must be run from the IBM MQ administration mode. If the
system is in the IBM MQ administration mode the prompt includes mq. To enter
the IBM MQ administration mode, enter mqcli on the command line. To exit the
IBM MQ administration mode, enter exit on the command line.

v The following command shows the details of the certificate request request1 for
the queue manager QM1 :
detailcertrequest -m QM1 -label request1

Related commands
v “createcertrequest” on page 511
v “deletecertrequest” on page 513
v “listcertrequest” on page 520
v “recreatecertrequest” on page 521


Display information about MCA interception on queue managers.


You can use the dspamschl command to display information about which queue
managers have MCA interceptions set on one or more channels.


►► dspamschl -m QMgrName ►◄
-n channel_name

-m QMgrName
Specifies the name of the queue manager which you want to display MCA
interception information for.
-n channel_name
Optionally specify a channel whose MCA interception status you are interested

Usage notes
v This command must be run from the IBM MQ administration mode. If the
system is in the IBM MQ administration mode the prompt includes mq. To enter
the IBM MQ administration mode, enter mqcli on the command line. To exit the
IBM MQ administration mode, enter exit on the command line.

516 IBM MQ Appliance

v The following command queries MCA interception status for the
server-connection channel SC1 on queue manager QM1:
dspamschl -m QM1 -n SC1


Back up the queue manager key repository to a file.


You can use the keybackup command to write a copy of the queue manager key
repository to a file. You can then copy the file to another system, and restore it
when required.

The command creates a compressed archive (.tar.gz) of the key repository files This
includes the .kdb and .rdb files, and the crl file, if present. It does not include the
password stash file. At completion the name of the archive file, and the password
that was stored in the password stash file is displayed. The password is needed to
restore the key repository.


►► keybackup -m QMgrName ►◄

-m QMgrName
Specifies the name of the queue manager for which the key repository is
backed up.
The queue manager must exist.
Forces the back up, without displaying a warning about the security issues
raised by backing up the key repsotory.

Usage notes
v This command must be run from the IBM MQ administration mode. If the
system is in the IBM MQ administration mode the prompt includes mq. To enter
the IBM MQ administration mode, enter mqcli on the command line. To exit the
IBM MQ administration mode, enter exit on the command line.
v The operation could be regarded as insecure as it places a copy of the queue
manager Key Repository into the user accessible file area on the appliance.
Unless you specify the -force parameter, the appliance prompts you to confirm
that you want to continue with the back up:
This operation will generate a copy of your queue manager key repository,
which may include private keys. Although encrypted, you should take appropriate security
precautions in handling this file. The password required if you ever need to modify or
restore this file will be displayed after the copy has been created. Do you wish to contin

Chapter 11. Reference 517

v The following command backs up the key repository for the queue manager QM1:
keybackup -m QM1

Related commands
v “keyrestore”
v “copy” on page 664


Restore a key repository

You can use the keyrestore command to restore to a queue manager a key
repository that you have previously backed up.

This command will prompt for password unless one is provided, and then replace
the .kdb, .rdb, and .crl (if present) files for this queue manager with the content of
the archive file provided. It will then generate a new password stash file.


►► keyrestore -m QMgrName -file filename ►


► -password password ►◄

-m QMgrName
Specifies the name of the queue manager for which the key repository is
backed up.
The queue manager must exist.
-file filename
Specifies the name of the archive file containing the key repository that you are
By default, the key repository is restored to the queue manager immediately. If
you specify the -defer parameter, the action is suppressed until an
administrator has manually stopped SSL/TLS channels on that queue manager,
and issued a MQSC REFRESH SECURITY TYPE(SSL) command.
-password password
When running the keyrestore command, you must specify the password that
was displayed when the archive was created using the keybackup command.
You must enclose the password in double quotes if it includes special
characters. You must also escape any backslash or double quote characters that
are part of the password with a backslash character. For example. if the
keybackup command returned pass"word\, then you should supply the
password to the keyrestore command as shown:

518 IBM MQ Appliance

Usage notes
v This command must be run from the IBM MQ administration mode. If the
system is in the IBM MQ administration mode the prompt includes mq. To enter
the IBM MQ administration mode, enter mqcli on the command line. To exit the
IBM MQ administration mode, enter exit on the command line.

v The following command restores the key repository for the queue manager QM1:
keyrestore -m QM1 -file QM1keystore.tar.gz

Related commands
v “keybackup” on page 517
v “copy” on page 664


List the certificates that are held in the keystore of a specific queue manager.


You can use the listcert command to list the certificates that are held in the key
repository of a queue manager.


►► listcert -m QMgrName ►◄

-m QMgrName
Specifies the name of the queue manager for which the certificates are listed.
The queue manager must exist.
-expiry Days
Specifies that the valid-from and valid-to dates are displayed.
Days is an optional numeric value that specifies that the valid-from and
valid-to dates are displayed for certificates that expire within that number of

Usage notes
v This command must be run from the IBM MQ administration mode. If the
system is in the IBM MQ administration mode the prompt includes mq. To enter
the IBM MQ administration mode, enter mqcli on the command line. To exit the
IBM MQ administration mode, enter exit on the command line.

v The following command lists the certificates for the queue manager QM1:
listcert -m QM1

Chapter 11. Reference 519

Related commands
v “addcert” on page 508
v “createcert” on page 509
v “deletecert” on page 513
v “detailcert” on page 514
v “receivecert”


List the certificate requests that are outstanding in the keystore of a specific queue


You can use the listcertrequest command to list the certificate requests that are
outstanding in the key repository of a specified queue manager.


►► listcertrequest -m QMgrName ►◄

-m QMgrName
Specifies the name of the queue manager for which the oustanding certificate
requests are listed.
The queue manager must exist.

Usage notes
v This command must be run from the IBM MQ administration mode. If the
system is in the IBM MQ administration mode the prompt includes mq. To enter
the IBM MQ administration mode, enter mqcli on the command line. To exit the
IBM MQ administration mode, enter exit on the command line.

v The following command lists the outstanding certificate requests for the queue
manager QM1 :
listcertrequest -m QM1

Related commands
v “createcertrequest” on page 511
v “deletecertrequest” on page 513
v “detailcertrequest” on page 515
v “recreatecertrequest” on page 521


Receive a certificate signed by a Certificate Authority (CA) as the result of a

previous request.

520 IBM MQ Appliance


You can use the receivecert command to accept a certificate that has been signed
by a CA.


►► receivecert -m QMgrName -file FileName ►◄

-format ascii|binary

-m QMgrName
Specifies the name of the queue manager for which the certificate is accepted.
The queue manager must exist.
-file FileName
Specifies the file that contains the certificate.
This file must be available on the appliance. The file must be located in
-format ascii|binary
Specifies the format of the certificate.
The default value is ascii.

Usage notes
v This command must be run from the IBM MQ administration mode. If the
system is in the IBM MQ administration mode the prompt includes mq. To enter
the IBM MQ administration mode, enter mqcli on the command line. To exit the
IBM MQ administration mode, enter exit on the command line.

v The following command accepts a certificate file certificate.pem for the queue
manager QM1 :
receivecert -m QM1 -file certificate.pem

Related commands
v “addcert” on page 508
v “createcert” on page 509
v “deletecert” on page 513
v “detailcert” on page 514
v “listcert” on page 519


Re-create a certificate request for a specific queue manager.

Chapter 11. Reference 521


You can use the recreatecertrequest command to re-create a certificate request.

The certificate request can then be sent to a CA to be renewed.


►► recreatecertrequest -m QMgrName ►
-label Label

► ►
-sig_alg HashAlgorithm -ku Usage -eku Usage

► ►◄
-san_dnsname DNSNames -san_ipaddr IPAddresses

-m QMgrName
Specifies the name of the queue manager for which the certificate request is
The queue manager must exist.
-label Label
Specifies the label that is associated with the certificate request.
The default value is ibmwebspheremq<QMgrName>, where QMgrName is the
name of the queue manager in lowercase.
-sig_alg HashAlgorithm
Specifies the signing algorithm that is used to create the signature that is
associated with the new certificate.
HashAlgorithm can be one of the following values:
SHA1WithECDSA, SHA1WithRSA, sha224, SHA224_WITH_RSA, SHA224WithDSA,
SHA224WithECDSA, SHA224WithRSA, sha256, SHA256_WITH_RSA, SHA256WithDSA,
SHA256WithECDSA, SHA256WithRSA, SHA2WithRSA, sha384, SHA384_WITH_RSA,
SHA384WithECDSA, SHA384WithRSA, sha512, SHA512_WITH_RSA, SHA512WithECDSA,
SHA512WithRSA, SHAWithDSA, SHAWithRSA , EC_ecdsa_with_SHA1,
EC_ecdsa_with_SHA224, EC_ecdsa_with_SHA256, EC_ecdsa_with_SHA384, or
The default value is SHA256WithRSA.
-ku Usage
Specifies a list of valid uses for the certificate.
To specify more than one use, enter each value in a comma-separated list.
-eku Usage
Specifies a list of valid uses for the certificate.
To specify more than one use, enter each value in a comma-separated list.
-san_dnsname DNSNames
Specifies the Subject Alternative Name (SAN) DNS names for the certificate
that is created.

522 IBM MQ Appliance

To specify more than one DNS name, enter each value in a comma-separated
-san_ipaddr IPAddresses
Specifies the Subject Alternative Name (SAN) IP addresses for the certificate
that is created.
To specify more than one IP address, enter each value in a comma-separated

Usage notes
v This command must be run from the IBM MQ administration mode. If the
system is in the IBM MQ administration mode the prompt includes mq. To enter
the IBM MQ administration mode, enter mqcli on the command line. To exit the
IBM MQ administration mode, enter exit on the command line.

v The following command re-creates a certificate request for the queue manager
QM1 :
recreatecertrequest -m QM1

Related commands
v “createcertrequest” on page 511
v “deletecertrequest” on page 513
v “detailcertrequest” on page 515
v “listcertrequest” on page 520


Set up MCA interception on a specific server-connection channel on a queue

manager previously configured with AMS.


You can use the setamschl command to set up MCA interception on a particular
server-connection channel on a specified queue manager. You can also use
setamschl to delete existing MCA interceptions.


►► setamschl -m QMgrName -n channel_name -c certificate_label ►

► ►◄

-m QMgrName
Specifies the name of the queue manager for which the MCA interception is
The queue manager must exist.

Chapter 11. Reference 523

-n channel_name
Specifies the name of the server-connection channel for which the MCA
interception is required.
-c certificate_label
Specifies the certificate used for the queue manager. The certificate is identified
by its label.
-d Specify this option to delete the specified MCA interception.

Usage notes
v This command must be run from the IBM MQ administration mode. If the
system is in the IBM MQ administration mode the prompt includes mq. To enter
the IBM MQ administration mode, enter mqcli on the command line. To exit the
IBM MQ administration mode, enter exit on the command line.

v The following command creates an MCA interception for the server-connection
channel SC1 on queue manager QM1:
setamschl -m QM1 -n SC1 -c cert1

Queue manager commands

You can use the queue manager commands to create, delete, and manage queue

The queue manager commands can be run from the command line interface in MQ
command mode. To enter MQ command mode, type mqcli.

See “Differences between queue managers that are running on the IBM MQ
Appliance and an IBM MQ installation” on page 22 for specific information about
using commands on the appliance.


Add an existing queue manager that uses SAN storage.


You can use the addmqm command to re-create queue manager and reattach it to its
SAN storage. You are most likely to need this command where the queue manager
was previously running on an appliance that has failed.


►► addmqm -fc SANvolume -m QMname ►◄

-fc SANvolume
Specifies the volume object that identifies the LUN that this queue manager
This parameter is required.

524 IBM MQ Appliance

-m QMName
Specifies the name of the queue manager that you want to re-create.
This parameter is required.

Usage notes
v This command must be run from the IBM MQ administration mode. If the
system is in the IBM MQ administration mode the prompt includes mqa(mqcli)#.
To enter the IBM MQ administration mode, enter mqcli on the command line. To
exit the IBM MQ administration mode, enter exit on the command line.

v The following command re-creates the queue manager QM1 using the volume
addmqm -fc SAN_QM1 -m QM1

Related commands
v crtmqm (Create queue manager)


Create a queue manager.


You can use the crtmqm command to create a queue manager.


►► crtmqm ►
-c Text -d DefaultTransmissionQueue

► ►
-fs FileSystemSize -h MaximumHandleLimit

► ►
-lf LogFilePages -lp LogPrimaryFiles

► ►
-ls LogSecondaryFiles -p PortNumber -sx

► ►
-t IntervalValue -u DeadLetterQueue

► QMgrName ►◄
-x MaximumUncommittedMessages -fc SANvolume

Specifies the name of the queue manager that you want to create.

Chapter 11. Reference 525

The queue manager name must be the last parameter that is specified in the
The name can contain up to 48 characters. The following characters can be
0-9 A-Z a-z . / _ %
The name of the queue manager must be unique on the IBM MQ Appliance. If
the queue manager connects to other queue managers, the queue manager
names must be unique within that group of queue managers.
This parameter is required.
-c Text
Specifies descriptive text for this queue manager.
You can use up to 64 characters. If you include special characters, enclose the
description in single quotation marks. The maximum number of characters is
reduced if you are using a double-byte character set (DBCS).
The default value is all blanks.
-d DefaultTransmissionQueue
Specifies the name of the local transmission queue where remote messages are
put if a transmission queue is not explicitly defined for their destination.
There is no default value.
-fs FileSystemSize
Specifies that the queue manager is created with the file system size
FileSystemSize. If you do not specify this argument, the file system size defaults
to 64 GB.
FileSystemSize is a numeric value, which is specified in GB. You can specify a
value in MB by entering the value followed by the character M. For example, to
specify a FileSystemSize of 3 GB, enter 3. To specify a FileSystemSize of 1024 MB,
enter 1024M.
For the appliance the minimum value is 128 MB.
The FileSystemSize is allocated from the available disk space. A disaster
recovery or high availability queue manager requires twice the disk space of a
stand-alone queue manager.

Note: After a queue manager is created you cannot resize the file system;
ensure the value that is specified here is sufficient for the current and any
future workload.
-h MaximumHandleLimit
Specifies the maximum number of handles that an application can open at the
same time.
Specify a value in the range 1 - 999999999.
The default value is 256.
-lf LogFilePages
Specifies the number of log file pages to use for the log files.
The log data is held in a series of files called log files. The log file size is
specified in units of 4 KB pages.
The default number of log file pages is 4096, giving a log file size of 16 MB.
The minimum number of log file pages is 64 and the maximum is 65535.

526 IBM MQ Appliance

-lp LogPrimaryFiles
Specifies the log files that are allocated when the queue manager is created.
The minimum number of primary log files you can have is 2 and the
maximum is 510. The default is 3. The total number of primary and secondary
log files must not exceed 511 and must not be less than 3.
You can change this value after the queue manager is created. However, the
change is not effective until the queue manager is restarted.
-ls LogSecondaryFiles
Specifies the log files that are allocated when the primary files are exhausted.
The minimum number of secondary log files you can have is 2 and the
maximum is 509. The default is 2. The total number of primary and secondary
log files must not exceed 511 and must not be less than 3.
You can change this value after the queue manager is created. However, the
change is not effective until the queue manager is restarted.
-p PortNumber
Create a managed TCP listener on the specified port.
Specify a valid port value to create a TCP listener object that uses the specified
port. The new listener is called SYSTEM.LISTENER.TCP.1. This listener is
under queue manager control, and is started and stopped along with the
queue manager.
Automatic queue manager startup. The queue manager is configured to start
automatically when the appliance restarts. This argument is mutually exclusive
with -sx.
Specifies that the queue manager is a high availability (HA) queue manager.
The queue manager starts automatically as part of the HA group. This
argument is mutually exclusive with -sa.
-t IntervalValue
Specifies the trigger time interval in milliseconds for all queues that are
controlled by this queue manager.
That is, after the queue manager receives a trigger-generating message,
triggering is suspended for the length of time that is specified by IntervalValue.
Specify a value in the range 0 - 999999999.
The default value is 999999999 milliseconds. This value effectively means that
triggering is disabled after the first trigger message.
-u DeadLetterQueue
Specifies the name of the local queue that is to be used as the dead-letter
(undelivered-message) queue.
The default is no dead-letter queue.
-x MaximumUncommittedMessages
Specifies the maximum number of uncommitted messages under any one sync
The uncommitted messages are the sum of the following messages:
v The number of messages that can be retrieved from queues
v The number of messages that can be put on queues

Chapter 11. Reference 527

v Any trigger messages that are generated within this unit of work
The limit that is specified does not apply to messages that are retrieved or put
outside a sync point.
Specify a value in the range 1 - 999999999.
The default value is 10000 uncommitted messages.
-fc SANvolume
Specifies that the queue manager uses SAN storage. The LUN that the queue
manager is associated with is identified by a previously-created volume object
specified by SANvolume. This option is mutually exclusive with the -sx option,
because SAN storage is not available to high availability queue managers.

Usage notes
v This command must be run from the IBM MQ administration mode. If the
system is in the IBM MQ administration mode the prompt includes mqa(mqcli)#.
To enter the IBM MQ administration mode, enter mqcli on the command line. To
exit the IBM MQ administration mode, enter exit on the command line.
v After you create the queue manager, you can use the strmqm command to start
the queue manager. A high availability queue manager is started automatically
after creation, so you do not need to start it by using strmqm.
v When a queue manager is created, the default and system objects are also
created. These objects are listed in System and default objects in the IBM MQ
v For more information about this command in IBM MQ, see ctrmqm in the IBM
MQ documentation.

v The following command creates a queue manager that is called QM1, with a
description of example queue manager, and creates the system and default
crtmqm -c "example queue manager" QM1
v The following command creates a queue manager that is called QM2. It creates
the system and default objects, sets the trigger interval to 5000 milliseconds (5
seconds), and specifies SYSTEM.DEAD.LETTER.QUEUE as its dead-letter queue.
crtmqm -t 5000 -u SYSTEM.DEAD.LETTER.QUEUE QM2

Related commands
v strmqm (Start queue manager)
v endmqm (End queue manager)
v dltmqm (Delete queue manager)


Delete a queue manager.


You can use the dltmqm command to delete a queue manager.

528 IBM MQ Appliance


►► dltmqm QMgrName ►◄

Specifies the name of the queue manager that you want to delete.
This parameter is required.

Usage notes
v This command must be run from the IBM MQ administration mode. If the
system is in the IBM MQ administration mode the prompt includes mqa(mqcli)#.
To enter the IBM MQ administration mode, enter mqcli on the command line. To
exit the IBM MQ administration mode, enter exit on the command line.
v Before you delete the queue manager, you must end the queue manager by
using the endmqm command.
v For more information about this command in IBM MQ, see dltmqm in the IBM
MQ documentation.

v The following command deletes the queue manager QM1.
dltmqm QM1

Related commands
v crtmqm (Create queue manager)
v strmqm (Start queue manager)
v endmqm (Delete queue manager)


Dump the configuration of a queue manager.


You can use the dmpmqcfg command to dump the configuration of a queue


►► dmpmqcfg ►
-c String -x filter -a -s SeqNumber

► ►
-z -u userID -n objectNames -t objectType

Chapter 11. Reference 529

► ►

► ►◄
-r RmtQMgr -m QMgrName

-c string
Specifies that a client mode connection is used to connect to the queue
string can take one of the following values:
Specifies that the default client connection process is used.
Specifies that the specific client channel specified by chlname is used to
connect to the queue manager at connname.
connname specifies the location of the queue manager in the following
format host(portnumber)
If -c is omitted, the command connects to the queue manager by using server
bindings. If that connection fails, client bindings are used.
-x filter
Specifies that the procedure is filtered.
filter can be one of the following values:
authority records
channel authentication

The default value is all.

-a Specifies that object definitions show all attributes.
The default is to return only attributes that differ from the defaults for the
object type.
-s SeqNumber
Specifies that the channel sequence number for sender, server, and cluster
sender channel types is reset to the value specified.
SeqNumber must be in the range 1 - 999999999.
-z Specifies that the command runs in silent mode.
All warnings, such as those that appear when attributes from a queue manager
of a higher command level are inquired, are suppressed.
-n objectNames
Specifies that the definitions produced by object or profile name are filtered.

530 IBM MQ Appliance

The object or profile name can contain a single asterisk. The * option can be
placed only at the end of the entered filter string.
-t objectType
Specifies a single type of object to export.
objectType can be one of the following values:
all All object types.
An authentication information object.
A channel (including MQTT channel type).
A communications information object.
A listener.
A namelist.
A process.
queue A queue.
qmgr A queue manager.
A service.
topic A topic.
The default value is all.
-o outputType
Specifies the type of output for the command.
outputType can be one of the following values:
mqsc Multi-line MQSC that can be used as direct input to runmqsc
1line MQSC with all attributes on a single line for line diffing
setmqaut statements; valid only when -x authrec is specified
Generates IBM i syntax for granting access to the objects.

The default value is mqsc.

-u userID
If a userID is specified, a password is requested.
-q Specifies the name of the reply-to queue used when configuration information
is retrieved.
-r Specifies the name of the remote queue manager/transmit queue when queued
mode is used.
If this parameter is omitted, the configuration for the directly connected queue
manager (specified with the -m parameter) is dumped.

Chapter 11. Reference 531

-m Specifies the name of the queue manager to connect to.
The default value is the default queue manager.

Usage notes
v This command must be run from the IBM MQ administration mode. If the
system is in the IBM MQ administration mode the prompt includes mqa(mqcli)#.
To enter the IBM MQ administration mode, enter mqcli on the command line. To
exit the IBM MQ administration mode, enter exit on the command line.
v If any object is not at the default value, the -a option must be used if the
dumped configuration is used to restore the configuration.
v The dmpmqcfg command dumps only subscriptions of type
MQSUBTYPE_ADMIN, that is, only subscriptions that are created by using the
MQSC command DEFINE SUB or its PCF equivalent. The output from dmpmqcfg is
a runmqsc command to enable the administration subscription to be re-created.
Subscriptions that are created by applications by using the MQSUB MQI call of
type MQSUBTYPE_API are not part of the queue manager configuration, even if
durable, and so are not dumped by dmpmqcfg.
v The user must have MQZAO_OUTPUT (+put) authority to access the command
(+dsp) authority to access the default model queue
(SYSTEM.DEFAULT.MODEL.QUEUE), to be able to create a temporary dynamic
queue if the default reply queue is used. The user must also have
MQZAO_CONNECT (+connect) and MQZAO_INQUIRE (+inq) authority for the
queue manager, and MQZAO_DISPLAY (+dsp) authority for every object that is
v For more information about this command in IBM MQ, see dmpmqcfg in the
IBM MQ documentation.

v The following command dumps the queue manager configuration for a queue
manager QM1:
dmpmqcfg -m QM1


Display information about queue managers.


You can use the dspmq command to display the names and details of the queue
managers on the IBM MQ Appliance.

532 IBM MQ Appliance


►► dspmq ►◄
-m QMgrName -o all -n -a
-o ha
-o dr
-o fs

-o default
-o status

-a Specifies that information about only the active queue managers is displayed.
A queue manager is active one or more of the following statements are true:
v The queue manager is running
v A listener for the queue manager is running
v A process is connected to the queue manager
-m QMgrName
Specifies which queue manager to display the details for.
If no queue manager name is specified, all queue managers are displayed.
-n Specifies that the translation of output strings is suppressed.
Specifies that the operational status of the queue managers is displayed.
This parameter is the default status setting. It is equivalent to -o status.
-o all
Specifies that the operational status of the queue managers is displayed.
-o default
Specifies that the default queue manager status is displayed.
-o ha
Specifies that the HA type is displayed.
-o dr
Specifies that disaster recovery information is displayed. Displays the port that
the data replication listener on both appliances uses and the IP address used
by the remote appliance.
-o fs
Specifies that information about the queue manager file system is displayed.
For a queue manager that uses SAN storage, it gives the volume label of the
associated device.
-o status
Specifies that the operational status of the queue managers is displayed.

Chapter 11. Reference 533

Usage notes
v This command must be run from the IBM MQ administration mode. If the
system is in the IBM MQ administration mode the prompt includes mqa(mqcli)#.
To enter the IBM MQ administration mode, enter mqcli on the command line. To
exit the IBM MQ administration mode, enter exit on the command line.
v The queue manager can be in any of the following states:
– Starting
– Running
– Running as standby
– Running elsewhere
– Quiescing
– Ending immediately
– Ending pre-emptively
– Ended normally
– Ended immediately
– Ended unexpectedly
– Ended pre-emptively
– Status not available
v For more information about this command in IBM MQ, see dspmq in the IBM
MQ documentation.

v The following command displays queue managers on the appliance:
dspmq -o all


Stop a queue manager.


You can use the endmqm command to stop a queue manager. This command stops a
queue manager in one of three modes:
v Controlled or quiesced shutdown
v Immediate shutdown
v Preemptive shutdown


►► endmqm QMgrName ►◄


534 IBM MQ Appliance

Specifies the name of the message queue manager that you want to stop.
This parameter is required.
-c Specifies that the queue manager ends in a controlled (or quiesced) shutdown.
In a controlled shutdown, the queue manager stops after all applications are
disconnected. Any MQI calls currently being processed are completed. Control
is returned to you immediately and you are not notified of when the queue
manager is stopped.
This parameter is the default.
-i Specifies that the queue manager ends in an immediate shutdown.
In an immediate shutdown, the queue manager stops after it all the MQI calls
currently being processed are completed. Any MQI requests made after the
command starts fail. Any incomplete units of work are rolled back when the
queue manager is next started. Control is returned after the queue manager
-p Specifies that the queue manager ends in a preemptive shutdown.
In a preemptive shutdown, the queue manager might stop without waiting for
applications to disconnect or for MQI calls to complete. This behavior can give
unpredictable results for your applications. Therefore, use this type of
shutdown only after other endmqm commands fail to stop the queue manager.
-r Specifies that client connectivity can be re-established with other queue
managers in their queue manager group.
The client might not reconnect to the same queue manager. Depending on the
MQCONNX reconnect option the client uses, and the definition of the queue
manager group in the client connection table, the client might reconnect to a
different queue manager. You can configure the client to force it to reconnect to
the same queue manager.
-w Specifies that the queue manager ends in a wait shutdown.
In a wait shutdown, the queue manager stops after all applications are
disconnected. Any MQI calls currently being processed are completed. Control
is returned to you after the queue manager stops.

Usage notes
v This command must be run from the IBM MQ administration mode. If the
system is in the IBM MQ administration mode the prompt includes mqa(mqcli)#.
To enter the IBM MQ administration mode, enter mqcli on the command line. To
exit the IBM MQ administration mode, enter exit on the command line.
v This command does not affect the attributes of the queue manager.
v The endmqm command affects any client application that is connected to the
queue manager by a server-connection channel. The effect is equivalent to a
STOP CHANNEL command in one of the following modes:
– If the -c, or -w parameters are used, the mode is QUIESCE.
– If the -i parameter is used, the mode is FORCE.
– If the -p parameter is used, the mode is TERMINATE.

Chapter 11. Reference 535

v If an dspmq command is entered in the time between the applications
disconnecting and the queue manager stopping, the dspmq command might
report the status as Ending immediately, even if a controlled shutdown was
v For more information about this command in IBM MQ, see endmqm in the IBM
MQ documentation.

v The following command ends the queue manager that is named QM1 in a
controlled way:
endmqm QM1
v The following command ends the queue manager that is named QM2
endmqm -i QM2

Related commands
v crtmqm (Create queue manager)
v strmqm (Start queue manager)
v dltmqm (Delete queue manager)


Run MQSC commands on a queue manager.


You can use the runmqsc command to start the runmqsc prompt for a queue
manager. From the runmqsc prompt you can directly enter MQSC commands to
perform administration tasks. For example, you can define, alter, or delete a local


►► runmqsc ►
-e -v -u UserID

► ►◄
-w WaitTime QMgrName
-x -m LocalQMgrName

-e Specifies that the source text of the MQSC commands is not copied into a
This parameter is useful when you enter commands interactively.
-v Specifies that the commands entered are to be verified without performing the
You cannot use this parameter with a remote queue manager. That is, the -w
and -x parameters are ignored if specified at the same time as -v.

536 IBM MQ Appliance

-u UserID
Specifies the user ID that the queue manager is accessed with. You are
prompted for a matching password.
-w WaitTime
Specifies that the MQSC commands are to be run on a remote queue manager.
The WaitTime specifies how many seconds the command waits for replies from
the queue manager. Any replies received after this time are discarded, but the
MQSC commands still run.
The WaitTime must be a value in the range 1 - 999999.
The replies are received on queue SYSTEM.MQSC.REPLY.QUEUE and the
outcome is added to the report. This can be defined as either a local queue or a
model queue.
You must have the required channel and transmission queues set up for this.
See Preparing channels and transmission queues for remote administration in
the IBM MQ documentation.
This parameter is ignored if the -v parameter is specified.
-x Specifies that the remote queue manager is running under z/OS. The MQSC
commands are then written in a form suitable for the z/OS command queue.
This parameter applies only if the -w parameter is also specified.
-m LocalQMgrName
Specifies the local queue manager that you want to use to submit commands
to the remote queue manager.
The default value is the local default queue manager.
This parameter applies only if the -w parameter is also specified.
Specifies the name of the target queue manager on which to run the MQSC
The default value is the default queue manager.

Usage notes
v This command must be run from the IBM MQ administration mode. If the
system is in the IBM MQ administration mode the prompt includes mqa(mqcli)#.
To enter the IBM MQ administration mode, enter mqcli on the command line. To
exit the IBM MQ administration mode, enter exit on the command line.
v To stop the runmqsc command, use the end command. You can also use the exit
or the quit command.
v For a full list of MQSC commands and their syntax, see The MQSC commands
in the IBM MQ documentation.
v The runmqsc command takes its input from stdin. You can enter MQSC
commands interactively by taking stdin from the keyboard. Alternatively, you
can enter MQSC commands in a file, and run a sequence of frequently used
commands by redirecting the input from the file.
v When the commands are processed, the results and a summary are put into a
report that is sent to stdout. Therefore, you can redirect the output report to a

v The following command starts the runmqsc prompt for the default queue

Chapter 11. Reference 537

v The following command starts the runmqsc prompt for the queue manager QM1:
runmqsc QM1

From the runmqsc prompt you can directly enter MQSC commands.


Remove a queue manager that uses SAN storage.


You can use the rmvmqinf command to remove a queue manager that uses SAN


►► rmvmqinf QMname ►◄

Specifies the name of the queue manager that you want to remove.
This parameter is required.

Usage notes
v This command must be run from the IBM MQ administration mode. If the
system is in the IBM MQ administration mode the prompt includes mqa(mqcli)#.
To enter the IBM MQ administration mode, enter mqcli on the command line. To
exit the IBM MQ administration mode, enter exit on the command line.
v Use this command to remove a queue manager that uses SAN storage. Do not
use it to remove a queue manager that uses local SAN storage.

v The following command removes the queue manager QM1.
rmvmqinf QM1

Related commands
v “addmqm” on page 524


Increase the size of the file system allocated to a queue manager.


When a queue manager is created, it is allocated file system space. This is 64 GB

by default, but you can specify a different value if required when you create the
queue manager. If you subsequently require a larger file system for that queue
manager, you can expand it by using the setmqsize command.

538 IBM MQ Appliance


►► setmqsize -m QMname -s size ►◄

-m QMName
Specifies the name of the queue manager that you want to expand the file
system for.
This parameter is required.
-s size
Specifies the new size of the file system. Specify a positive integer with an
optional M or G suffix to indicate megabytes or gigabytes. The value is taken
as gigabytes if you do not specify otherwise.
This parameter is required.

Usage notes
v This command must be run from the IBM MQ administration mode. If the
system is in the IBM MQ administration mode the prompt includes mqa(mqcli)#.
To enter the IBM MQ administration mode, enter mqcli on the command line. To
exit the IBM MQ administration mode, enter exit on the command line.
v This command cannot be run on a queue manager that uses SAN storage.
v This command cannot be run on a queue manager that belongs to a high
availability (HA) or disaster recovery (DR) configuration. If you require to
expand the file system of an HA or DR queue manager, you must remove it
from the HA or DR configuration, expand the file system size, then re-add it to
the HA or DR configuration.
v The queue manager must be stopped before the command is run.
v The new size of the file system must be greater than or equal to the current file
system size.
v Resizing file space for a queue manager does involve some I/O, and might
degrade the performance of other queue managers while the resize is in

v The following command expands the file storage for the queue manager QM1 to
128 GB.
setmqsize -m QM1 -s 128G

Related commands
v crtmqm (Create queue manager)


Start a queue manager.


You can use the strmqm command to start a queue manager.

Chapter 11. Reference 539

If the queue manager is part of a high availability configuration, it might start on
the other appliance if that is identified as the queue manager's preferred appliance.
You can use the status command to check which is the queue manager's preferred
appliance. See “status” on page 751.

You can use the strmqm command to start a queue manager in the primary role in
a disaster recovery configuration. If you use the command to try to start a queue
manager in the secondary role, you receive an error message.


►► strmqm ►
-c -f -d Information
-e CMDLEVEL= Level

► ►◄
-ns QMgrName

Required parameters


Optional parameters
-c For an HA queue manager, this option only has an effect if it is used with the
-ns option.
Specifies that the queue manager default and system objects are to be reset.
Any non-default values for the queue manager default and system objects are
replaced with the default values.
The queue manager is stopped after the default and system objects are reset.
After you have reset the default and system objects for the queue manager,
you must use the strmqm command again to start the queue manager.
If you run mq strmqm -c on a queue manager that is being used as a IBM MQ
Managed File Transfer coordination queue manager, you must rerun the MQSC
script that defines the coordination queue manager objects. This script is in a
file called queue_manager_name.mqsc, which is in the IBM MQ Managed File
Transfer configuration directory.
-d Information
For an HA queue manager, this option only has an effect if it is used with the
-ns option.
Specifies whether information messages are displayed.
You can specify one of the following values for Information:
all All information messages are displayed.
The minimal number of information messages are displayed
none No information messages are displayed.

The default value is all.

540 IBM MQ Appliance

For an HA queue manager, this option only has an effect if it is used with the
-ns option.
Specifies which command level is enabled for the queue manager.
The queue manager is stopped after the command level is set. After you set
the command level for the queue manager, you must use the mq strmqm
command again to start the queue manager.
You must specify a command level that is greater than the current command
level of the queue manager and less than or equal to the maximum command
level supported by the IBM MQ Appliance.
This flag cannot be specified with -c.
-f For an HA queue manager, this option only has an effect if it is used with the
-ns option.
Specifies that the queue manager data directory is to be re-created and file
permissions are to be reset.
Use this option if you know that a queue manager is not starting because its
data directories are missing or corrupted.
If the command is successful, the queue manager starts. If the queue manager
fails to start because the configuration information is missing, re-create the
configuration information, and restart the queue manager.
You must not use this parameter to re-create the queue manager data
directories if you can restore the directories by correcting the configuration.
However, you must use this parameter to re-create the queue manager data
directory if you are performing media recovery for a queue manager.
Specifies that the channel initiator, the command server, the listeners, and the
services are not started automatically when the queue manager starts. Also
specifies that a high availability system does not start. If you start a queue
manager that is normally part of an HA configuration, the queue manager
starts on the issuing appliance, even if it is not the preferred location. If that
appliance subsequently fails, the queue manager will not fail over to the other
appliance in the HA group.
Specifies the name of the queue manager to start.
The default value is the default queue manager.

Usage notes
v This command must be run from the IBM MQ administration mode. If the
system is in the IBM MQ administration mode the prompt includes mqa(mqcli)#.
To enter the IBM MQ administration mode, enter mqcli on the command line. To
exit the IBM MQ administration mode, enter exit on the command line.
v The strmqm command is not required to start a newly-created queue manager.
An HA queue manager is started automatically on creation.
v The strmqm command is required to restart a stopped HA queue manager. In this
case, the queue manager is started on the appliance that is the preferred location
for the queue manager, regardless of which appliance the command is issued on.
If the HA preferred location is not set, the queue manager starts on the same
appliance that it stopped on.

Chapter 11. Reference 541

v For more information about creating and activating a backup queue manager,
see Backing up and restoring WebSphere MQ queue manager data in the IBM
MQ documentation.
v For more information about this command in IBM MQ, see strmqm in the IBM
MQ documentation.

v The following command starts the queue manager QM1:
strmqm QM1

Related commands
v crtmqm (Create queue manager)
v endmqm (Start queue manager)
v dltmqm (Delete queue manager)


Reports disk usage, CPU usage, and memory usage across the appliance or for a
specific queue manager. Also reports additional information for a queue manager
running in a high availability configuration, or a disaster recovery configuration.


You can use the status command to get information about the disk usage, CPU
usage, and memory usage for the appliance or for a specific queue manager.

This command must be run from the IBM MQ administration mode. If the system
is in the IBM MQ administration mode the prompt includes mqcli#. To enter the
IBM MQ administration mode, enter mqcli on the command line. To exit the IBM
MQ administration mode, enter exit on the command line.

If the queue manager is running in a high availability configuration, the following

information is also reported:
v The high availability role of the queue manager (reported as Primary or
v The current high availability status:
The appliances in the disaster recovery configuration are operating
This appliance in standby mode
This status means that the appliance has been suspended (by using the
sethagrp -s command).
Secondary appliance in standby mode
This status means that the other appliance in the HA pair has been
suspended (by using the sethagrp -s command).
Both appliances in standby mode
This status means that both appliances in the HA pair have been
suspended (by using the sethagrp -s command).
Secondary appliance unavailable
This status means that the connections to the other appliance in the HA
pair have been lost.

542 IBM MQ Appliance

Remote appliance(s) unavailable
This status means that the replication connection to the other appliance
has been lost.
Queue manager data on the appliances is out of step, and cannot be
automatically resolved.
Synchronization in progress
This status is displayed when the primary queue manager is replicating
data to the secondary queue manager.
The queue manager is inactive on both appliances in the HA pair.
The status is displayed on a secondary appliance during the initial
synchronization of a queue manager if connection has been lost and
synchronization was interrupted. The secondary appliance cannot
provide high availability functionality until the initial synchronization
has completed.
v The preferred appliance setting for the queue manager, set to This
Appliance or Other Appliance.
v The percentage complete of a synchronization operation. This information is
shown only when the status is Synchronization in progress.
v The estimated time at which a synchronization will complete. This information
is shown only when the status is Synchronization in progress.
v The amount of out-of-sync data that exists on this instance of the queue
manager. This is the amount of data written to this instance of the queue
manager since it entered the partitioned state. This information is shown only
when the status is Partitioned.

If the queue manager is running in a disaster recovery configuration, the following

information is also reported:
v The disaster recovery role of the queue manager (reported as Primary or
v The current disaster recovery status:
The appliances in the disaster recovery configuration are operating
Synchronization in progress
This status can mean that initial replication is completing, or there has
been a failure of the disaster recovery replication network and the queue
manager has switched into synchronization mode to catch up as quickly
as possible.
Queue manager data on the appliances is out of step, and cannot be
automatically resolved. The makedrprimary and makedrsecondary
commands must be used to resolve the situation. When this status is
displayed on one of the appliances in a disaster recovery pair, the other
appliance might display the remote appliance unavailable status,
because the connection was lost before it detected the partitioned status.

Chapter 11. Reference 543

Remote appliance(s) unavailable
The status means that the connection to the other appliance in the
disaster recovery configuration has been lost.
The queue manager is in the secondary role on both appliances.
This status is shown only when the queue manager is in the secondary
role and an in-progress synchronization has been interrupted. If you use
the makedrprimary command on a queue manager that is in this state,
the queue manager reverts to the snapshot of its data that was taken
before it entered the inconsistent state.
Reverting to snapshot
This status is shown when the queue manager is in the secondary role,
and the makedrprimary command is issued when the queue manager is
in the inconsistent state. The queue manager is reverted to the current
snapshot of its data such that it can run.
Remote appliance(s) not configured
This status is shown when the crtdrprimary command has been run, to
specify that a queue manager has the primary role, but no
crtdrsecondary command has been run on the other appliance in the
disaster recovery pair.
v The percentage complete of a synchronization operation. This information is
shown only when the status is Synchronization in progress.
v The estimated time at which a synchronization will complete. This information
is shown only when the status is Synchronization in progress.
v The amount of out-of-sync data that exists on this instance of the queue
manager. This is the amount of data written to this instance of the queue
manager since it entered the partitioned state. This information is shown only
when the status is Partitioned.
v The percentage complete of a reversion to snapshot operation. This information
is shown only when the status is Reverting to snapshot.

If the queue manager is part of both an HA and a DR configuration, then both HA

and DR information is displayed.


►► status ►◄

Specifies the name of the queue manager for which the status summary is
If this parameter is omitted, a summary of all disk and memory usage on the
appliance is returned.

544 IBM MQ Appliance

Usage Notes
v This command must be run from the IBM MQ administration mode. If the
system is in the IBM MQ administration mode the prompt includes mqa(mqcli)#.
To enter the IBM MQ administration mode, enter mqcli on the command line. To
exit the IBM MQ administration mode, enter exit on the command line.
v The information that is returned for the appliance includes the following
– The size and usage of the system memory
– The CPU usage of the system
– The size and usage of the internal disk. If the appliance has queue managers
that belong to a disaster recovery configuration, the size information includes
the space reserved for the snapshot logical volume for each disaster recovery
queue manager.
– The size and usage of the system volume
– The number of FDCs and the disk space used
– The disk space used by trace
v The information that is returned for a queue manager includes the following
– The queue manager name
– The queue manager status
– The CPU usage of the queue manager
– The memory usage of the queue manager. If this is a disaster recovery queue
manager, this figure does not include the additional memory required for the
snapshot image. Note that creating a primary queue manager in a disaster
recovery configuration fails if there is insufficient memory bor both the queue
manager data, and the snapshot of the queue manager data.
– The amount of the queue manager file system used by the queue manager
v The information that is returned for a high availability queue manager can also
include the following information:
– The operational state of the HA group
– The replication status of the queue manager (if synchronization is in progress)
– The preferred appliance for the queue manager
– Whether a partitioned situation has been detected, and if it has, the amount
of 'out-of-sync' data held
v The information that is returned for a disaster recovery queue manager can also
include the following information:
– The disaster recovery role (primary or secondary)
– The disaster recovery status
– The percentage complete if synchronization is in progress
– The estimated time to completion if synchronization is in progress
– The amount of out-of-sync data if the disaster recovery system is partitioned
– The percentage complete if reversion to snapshot is in progress
– The number of logical writes not yet completed by the primary instance of a
queue manager to the secondary instance.
– The number of logical bytes not yet written by the primary instance of a
queue manager to the secondary instance.

Chapter 11. Reference 545

v The following command returns a report for the appliance:
v The following command returns a report for a specific queue manager, QM1:
status QM1

Back up and restore commands

You can use the IBM MQback up and restore commands to back up queue
managers, together with their log files and data.

The commands can be run from the command line interface in MQ command
mode. To enter MQ command mode, type mqcli.

createbackupfs:create appliance storage location for back up:

Allocate space for back up archive files on the appliance.


The createbackupfs command allocates space for queue manager back ups on the
Appliance RAID volume. The storage is visible in the directory mqbackup:///QMgrs.


►► createbackupfs -s size ►◄

-s size
Specifies the size of the back up allocation in GB. You can specify a value in
MB by entering the value followed by the character M. For example, to specify
a size of 3 GB, enter 3. To specify a size of 1024 MB, enter 1024M.

Usage notes
v This command must be run from the IBM MQ administration mode. If the
system is in the IBM MQ administration mode the prompt includes mqa(mqcli)#.
To enter the IBM MQ administration mode, enter mqcli on the command line. To
exit the IBM MQ administration mode, enter exit on the command line.
v You must run this command before you back up any queue managers.

v The following command allocates 4 GB of storage in the mqbackup:///QMgrs
createbackupfs -s 4

Related commands
v “deletebackupfs: clear previously allocated back up space” on page 547
v “mqbackup: back up queue manager” on page 547

546 IBM MQ Appliance

v “mqrestore: restore queue manager from back up” on page 548

deletebackupfs: clear previously allocated back up space:

Free the space that was previously allocated for back up archive files on the


The deletebackupfs command clears the storage on the appliance RAID volume
previously allocated for back ups.


►► deletebackupfs ►◄

Usage notes
v This command must be run from the IBM MQ administration mode. If the
system is in the IBM MQ administration mode the prompt includes mqa(mqcli)#.
To enter the IBM MQ administration mode, enter mqcli on the command line. To
exit the IBM MQ administration mode, enter exit on the command line.
v The directory mqbackup:///QMgrs must be empty. If it contains any files, the
command will fail. You can use the delete command to delete files, see “delete”
on page 666.

Related commands
v “createbackupfs:create appliance storage location for back up” on page 546
v “mqbackup: back up queue manager”
v “mqrestore: restore queue manager from back up” on page 548

mqbackup: back up queue manager:

Back up a queue manager.


You can use the mqbackup command to back up a queue manager, including all its
log files and data. The command creates an archive and writes it to a location in
the appliance file store. You must run the createbackupfs command to assign
space for them, before you run the mqbackup command.

You can use the mqbackup when a queue manager is stopped, or when it is
running. If you are backing up so that you can use an archive file to migrate the
queue manager, or if you want to be able to restore a queue manager to the state it
was in at a particular time, then you should stop the queue manager before you
back it up. Taking a back up of a running queue manager requires more free disk
space than backing up a stopped queue manager, see “Usage notes” on page 548.

If the queue manager is running when you issue the mqbackup command, a
warning message is displayed.

Chapter 11. Reference 547


►► mqbackup -m QMgrName ►◄
-o outfile

-m QMgrName
Specifies the name of the queue manager that you want to back up.
This parameter is required.
-o outfile
Optionally specifies the name of the back up file. If no name is specified, the
filename QMgrName.bak is used. If the file already exists, no back up is made
and an error is reported.

Usage notes
v This command must be run from the IBM MQ administration mode. If the
system is in the IBM MQ administration mode the prompt includes mqa(mqcli)#.
To enter the IBM MQ administration mode, enter mqcli on the command line. To
exit the IBM MQ administration mode, enter exit on the command line.
v You can back up a queue manager while it is running, but this requires sufficient
unallocated space on the disk to contain a temporary snapshot of the queue
manager. This space is not required if the queue manager is stopped before the
back up is taken.
v If a queue manager is stopped before taking a back up, it is locked for the
duration of the back up and cannot be started, deleted or otherwise changed
while the back up is running.
v The back up can take some time to run, during which period your CLI session
will be suspended. Interrupting the CLI session will terminate the backup
v You can run the back up command on the primary instance of a queue manager
on the main appliance in a disaster recovery configuration, or on the secondary
instance on the recovery appliance. However, if synchronization is in progress
when you try to back up a secondary instance, or if the data has become
inconsistent on the secondary instance, the back up will fail.

v The following command backs up the queue manager QM1 to the file
mqbackup -m QM1 -o safeandsound.bak

Related commands
v “createbackupfs:create appliance storage location for back up” on page 546
v “deletebackupfs: clear previously allocated back up space” on page 547
v “mqrestore: restore queue manager from back up”

mqrestore: restore queue manager from back up:

Restore a queue manager from a back up archive.

548 IBM MQ Appliance


You can use the mqrestore command to restore a queue manager, including all its
log files and data, from a previously taken back up. The command cannot run if
there is already a queue manager with the same name on the appliance. The
archive file must be located in the backupfs location on the appliance that was
specified by the createbackupfs command.


►► mqrestore -f filename ►◄

-f filename
Specifies the name of the queue manager that you want to restore.
This parameter is required.

Usage notes
v This command must be run from the IBM MQ administration mode. If the
system is in the IBM MQ administration mode the prompt includes mqa(mqcli)#.
To enter the IBM MQ administration mode, enter mqcli on the command line. To
exit the IBM MQ administration mode, enter exit on the command line.
v After restoration, the queue manager has the same name, configuration, and
data as the original queue manager had when the archive was created. But any
high availability or disaster recovery configuration is lost, the queue manager is
restored as a stand-alone queue manager.
v Only one queue manager can be restored at a time.

v The following command restores the queue manager QM1 from the file
mqrestore -f safeandsound.bak

Related commands
v “createbackupfs:create appliance storage location for back up” on page 546
v “deletebackupfs: clear previously allocated back up space” on page 547
v “mqbackup: back up queue manager” on page 547

High availability commands


Creates a high availability (HA) group of appliances.


You can use the crthagrp command to create an HA group of two appliances. The
prepareha command must be run on the other appliance before you run crthagrp.

Chapter 11. Reference 549


►► crthagrp -s SecretText -a IPAddress ►◄

-a IPAddress
Specifies the IP address of the HA group primary interface on other
appliance in the group. You must specify the IP address using ip v4 dotted
decimal notation (for example, “”).
The IP address specified must be that of the appliance that the command is
not run on.
-s SecretText
This argument is used when generating a unique key to be used by the
appliances to communicate with one another. Specifies a string that is used
to generate a short-lived password. The password is used to set up the
unique key for the two appliances. The command prepareha must be run
first on the other appliance in the HA group, specifying the same -s
SecretText argument.

Usage Notes
v This command must be run from the IBM MQ administration mode. If the
system is in the IBM MQ administration mode the prompt includes mqa(mqcli)#.
To enter the IBM MQ administration mode, enter mqcli on the command line. To
exit the IBM MQ administration mode, enter exit on the command line.
v The appliances must be connected to each other with cables inserted in the
correct ports. For more information about configuring the appliance hardware
for HA, see Configuring the hardware for high availability.

v The following example shows the creation of an HA group for appliances appl1
and appl2 where a new, unique key is generated for communication between the
appliances. The HA group primary interface of appl2 has the IP address, the HA group primary interface of appl1 has the IP address
The following command is run from appl1:
prepareha -s AGEW1823510HH -a
The following command is run from appl2:
crthagrp -s AGEW1823510HH -a


Regenerate SSH public and private keys and exchange public keys between
appliances in an HA pair.


Good security practise requires that the secret keys used to secure communications
between appliances in an HA pair are periodically regenerated and exchanged. Use

550 IBM MQ Appliance

the crthakeys command to regenerate and exchange the keys without affecting the
existing HA queue managers.


►► crthakeys ►◄

Usage Notes
v This command must be run from the IBM MQ administration mode. If the
system is in the IBM MQ administration mode the prompt includes mqa(mqcli)#.
To enter the IBM MQ administration mode, enter mqcli on the command line. To
exit the IBM MQ administration mode, enter exit on the command line.
v You can run the crthakeys command at any time on either appliance in the HA
pair, provided that no other HA command is running. The command does not
have any operational or performance impact.


Displays the status of the appliances in the high availability (HA) group.


You can use the dsphagrp command to display the status of each appliance in an
HA group. The status returned can be Online, Offline, or Standby. The status is
Online when the appliance is operating normally, Offline when some fault has
occurred, or Standby when the appliance has been suspended by using the
sethagrp -s command.


►► dsphagrp ►◄



Usage Notes
v This command must be run from the IBM MQ administration mode. If the
system is in the IBM MQ administration mode the prompt includes mqa(mqcli)#.
To enter the IBM MQ administration mode, enter mqcli on the command line. To
exit the IBM MQ administration mode, enter exit on the command line.

v The following command displays information about the high availability group:

Chapter 11. Reference 551


Display information about the SSH keys used for secure communication between
an HA pair.


Good security practise requires that the secret keys used to secure communications
between appliances in an HA pair are periodically regenerated and exchanged. Use
the dsphakeys command to see when the keys used by the HA configuration were
last generated.


►► dsphakeys ►◄

Usage Notes
v This command must be run from the IBM MQ administration mode. If the
system is in the IBM MQ administration mode the prompt includes mqa(mqcli)#.
To enter the IBM MQ administration mode, enter mqcli on the command line. To
exit the IBM MQ administration mode, enter exit on the command line.
v If you run dsphakeys on an appliance on which HA was configured before the
upgrade to Version 9.0.2, an error occurs. To correct the error, regenerate the
keys by using the crthakeys command.
v You can run the dsphakeys command at any time on either appliance in the HA
pair. The command does not have any operational or performance impact.
v The command displays the date and time that the keys were last generated in
UTC time (UTC+00:00).


Deletes a high availability (HA) group.


You can use the dlthagrp command to delete an existing HA group.


►► dlthagrp ►◄



552 IBM MQ Appliance

Usage Notes
v This command must be run from the IBM MQ administration mode. If the
system is in the IBM MQ administration mode the prompt includes mqa(mqcli)#.
To enter the IBM MQ administration mode, enter mqcli on the command line. To
exit the IBM MQ administration mode, enter exit on the command line.
v The appliance that you run the command on must have previously been put
into an HA group with another appliance. For more information about
configuring the appliance hardware for HA, see “Configuring the hardware for
high availability” on page 167.
v Before using this command, all HA queue managers must be deleted.
v The HA group is deleted on both appliances in the group. If the other appliance
is not available at the time of the delete, the command must be entered on the
other appliance to delete the group on that appliance.

v The following command deletes the HA group that the appliance belongs to:


Specifies that an appliance is the 'winner' when resolving a partitioned situation in

the high availability group.


You use the makehaprimary command to specify which appliance in an HA group

is considered to have the most up-to-date view of a queue manager after a
partitioned situation has occurred.


►► makehaprimary QMname ►◄

Specifies the name of the queue manager for which the partitioned
situation occurred.
The command is run only on the appliance to be identified as the winner.

Usage Notes
v This command must be run from the IBM MQ administration mode. If the
system is in the IBM MQ administration mode the prompt includes mqa(mqcli)#.
To enter the IBM MQ administration mode, enter mqcli on the command line. To
exit the IBM MQ administration mode, enter exit on the command line.

v The following example shows the command being run for queue manager QM1.
The following command is run from the appliance considered to be the winner:
makehaprimary QM1

Chapter 11. Reference 553


Prepares an appliance to be part of an HA group that uses a unique, generated key

for communication between appliances.


You use the prepareha command to prepare an appliance to be part of an HA

group that uses a new, generated key for communication. You run it on the
appliance that you do not run crthagrp on.


►► prepareha -s SecretText -a IPAddress ►◄

-t timeout

-a IPAddress
Specifies the IP address of the HA group primary interface on other
appliance in the group. You must specify the IP address using ip v4 dotted
decimal notation (for example, “”).
The command is run on only one appliance. The IP address specified must
be that of the appliance that the command is not run on.
-s SecretText
Specifies a string that is used to generate a short-lived password. The
password is used to set up the unique key for the two appliances. After
prepareha is run, crthagrp must be run first on the other appliance in the
HA group, specifying the same -s SecretText argument.
-t timeout
Specifies the time period in seconds that you have to run the crthagrp
command on the other appliance in the group. It defaults to 600 (that is,
ten minutes).

Usage Notes
v This command must be run from the IBM MQ administration mode. If the
system is in the IBM MQ administration mode the prompt includes mqa(mqcli)#.
To enter the IBM MQ administration mode, enter mqcli on the command line. To
exit the IBM MQ administration mode, enter exit on the command line.
v The appliances must be connected to each other with cables inserted in the
correct ports. For more information about configuring the appliance hardware
for HA, see “Configuring the hardware for high availability” on page 167.

v The following example shows the creation of an HA group for appliances appl1
and appl2 where a new, unique key is generated for communication between the
appliances. The HA group primary interface of appl2 has the IP address, the HA group primary interface of appl1 has the IP address
The following command is run from appl1:

554 IBM MQ Appliance

prepareha -s AGEW1823510HH -a
The following command is run from appl2:
crthagrp -s AGEW1823510HH -a


Pauses and resumes a high availability group on an appliance. Removes or adds

existing queue managers from or to a high availability group.


You use the sethagrp command to pause the high availability (HA) group on an
appliance. Any queue managers running on that appliance fail over to the other
appliance in the group. You can then use sethagrp to resume a previously paused
HA group on the appliance.

You can also use the sethagrp command to add a standalone queue manager to an
HA group, or to remove a queue manager from an HA group and run it as a
stand-alone queue manager.

You cannot remove a queue manager from an HA group if it is also part of a

disaster recovery (DR) configuration. In that case, you must remove the DR
configuration from the queue manager before you run the sethagrp command, see
“dltdrprimary” on page 562.


►► sethagrp -s ►◄
-i QMname
-e QMname

-s Suspend the HA group on the appliance into standby mode.
-r Resume the HA group on the appliance from standby mode.
-i QMname
Add an existing queue manager to the HA group. The queue manager
must not already be under HA control and must be currently stopped. The
queue manager is started automatically after the command is completed.
You cannot use this command on a queue manager that is already part of a
DR configuration.
-e QMname
Remove a queue manager from the HA group. The queue manager must
be under HA control and be currently stopped. You must run the
command on the appliance that the queue manager was running on when
it was stopped. You can discover where the queue manager is running
before you stop it by using the dspmq command or the status qmanager
command. Either command will report the status as Running for the
current appliance, or Running elsewhere for the other appliance in the HA
Chapter 11. Reference 555
You cannot use this option if the queue manager is also part of a DR
Use the strmqm command to restart the queue manager after the command
is completed.

Usage Notes
v This command must be run from the IBM MQ administration mode. If the
system is in the IBM MQ administration mode the prompt includes mqa(mqcli)#.
To enter the IBM MQ administration mode, enter mqcli on the command line. To
exit the IBM MQ administration mode, enter exit on the command line.


Specify a floating IP address for a high availability (HA) queue manager, or delete
an existing floating IP address.


You use the sethaint command to specify a floating IP address that can be used
by applications to connect to an HA queue manager, regardless of which appliance
in an HA group it is actually running on. You also use sethaint to delete an
existing floating IP address.


►► sethaint -m QueueManager -a -f floatingIP -l LocalInterface ►◄


-m QueueManager
Identifies the HA queue manager that you are creating or deleting the
floating IP address for.
-a Specifies that you are adding the address specified by the -f and -l options.
-d Specifies that you are deleting the floating IP address for the specified
queue manager.
-f floatingIP
Specifies the floating IP address. You must specify the IP address using ip
v4 dotted decimal notation (for example, “”).
-l LocalInterface
Specifies the name of the local interface that is used to connect to the
queue manager on the two appliances in the HA group. For example,

Usage Notes
v This command must be run from the IBM MQ administration mode. If the
system is in the IBM MQ administration mode the prompt includes mqa(mqcli)#.
To enter the IBM MQ administration mode, enter mqcli on the command line. To
exit the IBM MQ administration mode, enter exit on the command line.

556 IBM MQ Appliance

v You can run the sethaint command only once for each queue manager. You can
only define one floating IP address for IBM MQ traffic on a queue manager
v Both appliances in the HA pair must be active when you run this command.
v The local interface that you specify must be a physical interface that exists on
both appliances and must each have a static IP address configured.
v The floating IP address must be a valid IPv4 address that is not already defined
on either appliance, and it must belong to the same subnet as the static IP
addresses defined for the local interface.


The following example shows the floating IP address being allocated for
queue manager QM1 and associated with the local interface eth22:
sethaint -m QM1 -a -f - l eth22


Sets a preferred appliance in the high availability (HA) group for a queue manager
to run on.


You use the sethapreferred command to specify which appliance in an HA pair a

queue manager should run on, provided that the appliance is available.

By default, the preferred appliance for a queue manager is the appliance that the
queue manager was created on. You can use the sethapreferred command in
circumstances such as replacing a failed node, or specifying the favored appliance
when an existing queue manager is added to an HA group. The sethapreferred is
used in conjunction with the clearhapreferred command.

You run the command on the appliance that you want to be the preferred
appliance, specifying the queue manager name. If the queue manager is currently
running on the other appliance, it will fail over to this appliance, provided that is
possible (for example, data replication between the two appliances must be up to


►► sethapreferred QMname ►◄

Specify the queue manager that you are setting the preferred appliance for.

Usage Notes
v This command must be run from the IBM MQ administration mode. If the
system is in the IBM MQ administration mode the prompt includes mqa(mqcli)#.
To enter the IBM MQ administration mode, enter mqcli on the command line. To
exit the IBM MQ administration mode, enter exit on the command line.

Chapter 11. Reference 557


Clears the preferred appliance for a queue manager in a high availability (HA)


You use the clearhapreferred command to clear the preferred appliance setting for
a queue manager.

By default, the preferred appliance for a queue manager is the appliance that the
queue manager was created on. You can use the clearhapreferred command to
specify that the queue manager has no preferred appliance. You can also use the
command when replacing a failed node. The clearhapreferred is used in
conjunction with the sethapreferred command.


►► clearhapreferred QMname ►◄

Specify the queue manager that you are clearing the preferred appliance
for. The queue manager must be part of an HA group.

Usage Notes
v This command must be run from the IBM MQ administration mode. If the
system is in the IBM MQ administration mode the prompt includes mqa(mqcli)#.
To enter the IBM MQ administration mode, enter mqcli on the command line. To
exit the IBM MQ administration mode, enter exit on the command line.

Disaster recovery commands


Augments an existing queue manager to become the primary queue manager in a

disaster recovery configuration.


You use the crtdrprimary command as part of configuring a disaster recovery

solution. You specify that an existing queue manager on the live IBM MQ
Appliance is the primary queue manager. On successful completion, the command
outputs the crtdrsecondary command that you must run on the recovery
appliance to configure the queue manager on there.

558 IBM MQ Appliance


►► crtdrprimary -m QMName -r RecoveryName -i RecoveryIP -p port ►◄

-f FloatingIP

-m QMName
Specifies the queue manager that you are preparing for participation in a
disaster recovery configuration. The queue manager must be stopped when
you run the command, unless it is a high availability queue manager (in
which case you must leave it to the underlying HA system to handle the
stopping of the queue manager).
-r RecoveryName
Specifies the name of the IBM MQ Appliance that is the recovery
-i RecoveryIP
Specifies the IP address of the recovery appliance.
-p port
Specifies the port that the data replication listener on each appliance uses.
The port number must be between 1025 and 9999, and must be the same
on each appliance (do not use port 2222, it is reserved by the appliance).
Each listener is active only on the replication interface (eth20), but you
must ensure that the listener does not conflict with any services configured
to listen on all appliance interfaces (for example, MQ listeners, or SSH and
WebUI services, where these have not been restricted to particular local IP
addresses). The data replication listener must also not be blocked by any
routing or firewalls between the appliances on the replication network.
-f floatingIP
This parameter is required if you are configuring disaster recovery for a
high availability pair. The queue manager specified by -m QMName must
already belong to an HA pair if you use the -f option. The floating IP
address is an IPv4 address that is used to replicate queue manager data
from whichever HA appliance the queue manager is currently running on
to the queue manager on the recovery appliance. The floating IP address
must be in the same subnet group as the static IP address assigned to the
replication port (eth20) on both appliances.
You do not have to physically configure an Ethernet port with this address.
Select a free IP address in the same subnet as the replication ports on the
two appliances.
Used with this option, the crtdrprimary command configures the queue
manager on both appliances in the HA pair, and reserves storage for the
data snapshot on both appliances.

Usage Notes
v The queue manager must be stopped before you run crtdrprimary. You can use
the endmqm command to stop the queue manager.
v On successful completion, the command outputs the crtdrsecondary command
that you must run on the recovery appliance to configure the queue manager on

Chapter 11. Reference 559

v There must be sufficient memory for both the queue manager data and the
snapshot of the data that is required for disaster recovery. For example, if there
is 100 GB free and you create a queue manager with the default size of 64
GB,and then run the crtdrprimary command for that queue manager without
freeing some additional space, crtdrprimary fails because there is not another 64
GB of free space.
v After the command completes, you can restart the queue manager on the live
appliance. This can continue to run while messages are replicated to the
recovery appliance.


The following example shows the existing queue manager QM1 being prepared for
running on a disaster recovery configuration, with the appliance that you run the
command on as the live system, and the appliance named mydrapp1 as the
crtdrprimary –m QM1 –r mydrappl –i –p 2015

Upon successful completion, the command returns the following information:

Queue manager QM1 is prepared for Disaster Recovery replication.
Now execute the following command on appliance mydrappl:
crtdrsecondary –m QM1 –s 65536 –l myliveappl –i –p 2015

The following example shows the high availability queue manager QM3 being
prepared for running on a disaster recovery configuration, with the appliance that
you run the command on as the live system, and the appliance named myliveapp3
as the recovery. In this example the eth20 port on the HA appliance currently
running QM3 has the static IP address (which is not used in the
command) and the floating IP address The DR appliance has the IP
crtdrprimary –m QM3 –r mydrapp3 –i –p 2015 -f

Upon successful completion, the command returns the following information:

Queue manager QM3 is prepared for Disaster Recovery replication.
Now execute the following command on appliance mydrappl:
crtdrsecondary –m QM1 –s 65536 –l myliveapp3 –i –p 2015


Creates a secondary version of a queue manager on the recovery appliance in a

disaster recovery configuration.


All parameters are supplied by the equivalent crtdrprimary command and should
be entered exactly as shown in the output from that command.

After this command is run, synchronization of data from the main to the recovery
appliance begins. The queue manager status is shown as stopped, and initial
synchronization progress can be followed by using the status command.


Switches a disaster recovery queue manager to have the primary role in the
disaster recovery configuration.

560 IBM MQ Appliance


You use the makedrprimary command on an appliance to identify it as the primary

version in a disaster recovery configuration.

You should always check the disaster recovery status of a queue manager before
you issue the makedrprimary command on that queue manager.

If you run makedrprimary when the queue manager is in the partitioned state (that
is, each appliance has a different version of the queue manager data) the version of
the queue manager and associated data on this appliance are identified as the
definitive version.

If you run makedrprimary on the recovery appliance when the secondary queue
manager is inconsistent (that is, replication has not completed successfully and the
queue manager would be unable to start), then the command reverts the queue
manager to the data snapshot taken before the queue manager became
inconsistent. The command then makes the queue manager the primary version in
the disaster recovery configuration.

If you run makedrprimary on the recovery appliance when the secondary queue
manager is inconsistent (that is, replication has not completed successfully and the
queue manager would be unable to start), then the command starts the process of
reverting the queue manager to the data snapshot taken before the queue manager
became inconsistent. You can monitor the progress of the reversion by using the
status command, see “status” on page 751. If the reversion is interrupted for any
reason, it will resume and complete. After it has reverted to the snapshot, the
queue manager becomes the primary version in the disaster recovery

If you run makedrprimary on a secondary queue manager after initial

synchronization has failed, a message informs you that you cannot do this until the
initial synchronization has completed. If the main appliance has failed and will not
be restored (so that the initial synchronization can never complete), then the queue
manager must be deleted on the recovery appliance by running the
dltdrsecondary command.


►► makedrprimary -m QMName ►◄

-m QMName
Specifies the queue manager that you are identifying as the primary queue
manager in a disaster recovery configuration.


Prevents a queue manager on an appliance in a disaster recovery configuration

from starting, and specifies that it has the secondary role.

Chapter 11. Reference 561


You use the makedrsecondary command on an appliance to prevent a queue

manager on that appliance from starting. If you attempt to start the queue
manager by using the strmqm command, you receive an error message. You identify
the queue manager as the secondary version in a disaster recovery configuration. If
you run this command when the queue manager is in the partitioned state, data on
this appliance associated with the queue manager is discarded. When the
makedrprimary command is run on the other appliance in the disaster recovery
configuration, the queue managers are resynchronized and data is replicated from
the primary queue manager to the secondary.


►► makedrsecondary -m QMName ►◄

-m QMName
Specifies the queue manager that you are identifying as the secondary
queue manager in a disaster recovery configuration.


Remove a queue manager currently in the primary role from DR control.


You use the dltdrprimary command to remove a queue manager from the disaster
recovery configuration on the appliance. The queue manager is in the primary role.
The queue manager must have the stopped status on the appliance. You receive an
error if you run the command on a queue manager that is running, or a queue
manager that is in the secondary role.

After you run dltdrprimary, the queue manager is left as a stand-alone queue
manager and can be started or deleted as required.

If you run dltdrprimary on a queue manager that is running in a high availability

group, the command removes the disaster recover status and the space reserved
for the snapshot logical volume on both appliances in the HA group.


►► dltdrprimary -m QMName ►◄

562 IBM MQ Appliance

-m QMName
Specifies the queue manager that you are removing from the disaster
recovery configuration.


Remove a queue manager currently in the secondary role from DR control and
delete it.


You use the dltdrsecondary command to remove a queue manager from the
disaster recovery configuration on the appliance. The queue manager is in the
secondary role. The queue manager must have the stopped status on the appliance.
You receive an error if you run the command on a queue manager that is running,
or a queue manager that is in the primary role.

After you run dltdrsecondary, the queue manager is completely removed from the


►► dltdrsecondary -m QMName ►◄

-m QMName
Specifies the queue manager that you are removing from the disaster
recovery configuration.

Troubleshooting commands

Deletes the IBM MQ error log files.


You can use the dltmqras command to periodically purge IBM MQ log files.

For each file deleted, a message in the form File deleted: filename is
written to MQSystem.log. You can view MQSystem.log by using the dspmqerr
command without parameters.

Chapter 11. Reference 563


►► dltmqras ►◄
-a -y
-m QMgrName

-a Specifies that all files of all types apart from queue manager logs are deleted.
-d Specifies that general diagnostics files are deleted.
-e Specifies that older error logs are deleted. The current error log (MQSystem.log)
is not deleted.
-f Specifies that FDC files are deleted.
-h Specifies that HA files are deleted.
-m QMgrName
Specifies that service tool output for the specified queue manager are deleted.
-p Specifies that the files in the mqtemporary: location are deleted.
-t Specifies that trace files are deleted.
-w Specifies that console log files are deleted.
-y Specifies that the specified files are deleted without asking for confirmation.

Usage notes
v This command must be run from the IBM MQ administration mode. If the
system is in the IBM MQ administration mode the prompt includes mqa(mqcli)#.
To enter the IBM MQ administration mode, enter mqcli on the command line. To
exit the IBM MQ administration mode, enter exit on the command line.

v The following command purges all types of log files without asking you for
dltmqras -a -y
v The following command purges FDC files:
dltmqras -f
v The following command purges all the service tool output for queue manager
dltmqras -m qm1


Displays the IBM MQ error log files.

564 IBM MQ Appliance


You can use the dspmqerr command to view or list the IBM MQ error log files.

You can view a list of the files available, then repeat the command specifying a file
name to view a specific file. If you specify neither the list argument nor a file
name, you can view the default file of the specified type.

The command is based on the UNIX less command. The less command provides
controls for navigating the contents of a file, and you can use these controls when
viewing system error logs.


►► dspmqerr ►◄
-f -l
-m QMgrName Filename

-f Specifies that the file type to return is FDC.
-s Specifies that the file type to return is system-wide error log.
-m QMgrName
Specifies that the file type to return is the log or logs for the specified queue
-w Specifies that the file type to return is an IBM MQ Console log.
-l Lists the files available.
Specifies the particular file to view.

Usage notes
v This command must be run from the IBM MQ administration mode. If the
system is in the IBM MQ administration mode the prompt includes mqa(mqcli)#.
To enter the IBM MQ administration mode, enter mqcli on the command line. To
exit the IBM MQ administration mode, enter exit on the command line.

v The following commands all display the system error log:
dspmqerr -s
dspmqerr MQSystem.log
v The following command lists all the error logs on the appliance (but not FDC
dspmqerr -l
v The following command lists all the FDC files:
dspmqerr -f -l
v The following command lists all the IBM MQ Console files:

Chapter 11. Reference 565

dspmqerr -w -l
v The following command lists all the log files for the queue manager QM1:
dspmqerr -m QM1 -l
v The following command lists the first log file in the log file directory for the
queue manager QM1:
dspmqerr -m QM1
v The following command lists the log file for the queue manager QM1 named
dspmqerr -m QM1 AMQERR02.LOG
v The following command displays the FDC file named AMQ12345.FDC:
dspmqerr -f AMQ12345.FDC
v The following command displays the IBM MQ Console file named messages.log:
dspmqerr -w messages.log


Determine the route that a message has taken through a queue manager network.


You can use the dspmqrte to generate a trace-route message and put it into a queue
manager network. As the trace-route message travels through the queue manager
network, activity information is recorded. When the trace-route message reaches its
target queue, the activity information is collected and displayed.

566 IBM MQ Appliance


Generation options
►► dspmqrte ►
-c -i CorrelId Display options

► -q TargetQName ►◄
-m QMgrName

Generation options:

-ac -d Deliver -f Forward

► ►
-l Persistence -o -p Priority

► ►
-qm TargetQMgrName ,

-ro ▼ ReportOption

► ►
-rq ReplyToQ -s Activities
-rqm ReplyToQMgr

► ►
-t Detail -ts TopicString -u UserID

Display options

-xp PassExpiry -xs Expiry -n

Display options:

-v summary

-b -v all

▼ DisplayOption

-w WaitTime

Chapter 11. Reference 567

-q TargetQName
Specifies the name of the target queue to send the trace-route message to.
If the command is being used to view previously gathered activity information,
TargetQName specifies the name of the queue where the activity information is
This parameter is required.
Specifies that the command connects as a client application.
-i CorrelId
Specifies the message identifier of the original trace-route message when
displaying previously accumulated activity information.
There can be many activity reports and trace-route reply messages on the
queue specified by -q TargetQName. Therefore, -i can be used to identify the
activity reports, or a trace-route reply message, related to a specific trace-route
Specify CorrelId as a 48 character hexadecimal string.
-m QMgrName
Specifies the name of the queue manager to which the command connects.
The name can contain up to 48 characters.
The default value is the default queue manager.

The following parameters are used when the command is used to put a trace-route
message into a queue manager network. That is, the parameters are the generation
Specifies that activity information is to be accumulated within the trace-route
If you do not specify this parameter, activity information is not accumulated
within the trace-route message.
Specifies that a trace-route reply message containing all accumulated activity
information is generated in the following circumstances:
v The trace-route message is discarded by a queue manager.
v The trace-route message is put to a local queue (target queue or dead-letter
queue) by a queue manager.
v The number of activities performed on the trace-route message exceeds the
value of specified in -s Activities.
If you do not specify this parameter, a trace-route reply message is not
-d Deliver
Specifies whether the trace-route message is to be delivered to the target queue
on arrival.
Deliver can be one of the following values:

568 IBM MQ Appliance

yes On arrival, the trace-route message is put to the target queue, even if
the queue manager does not support trace-route messaging
no On arrival, the trace-route message is not put to the target queue.
The default value is no.
-f Forward
Specifies the type of queue manager that the trace-route message can be
forwarded to.
Forward can be one of the following values:
all The trace-route message is forwarded to any queue manager.
If forwarded to a queue manager before Version 6.0, the trace-route
message is not recognized and can be delivered to a local queue
despite the value of the -d parameter.
The trace-route message is only forwarded to a queue manager that
honors the value of the -d parameter.

The default value is supported.

-l Persistence
Specifies the persistence of the generated trace-route message.
Persistence can be one of the following values:
yes The generated trace-route message is persistent.
If you use this value, you must specify the parameter -rq ReplyToQ.
The reply-to queue must not resolve to a temporary dynamic queue.
no The generated trace-route message is not persistent.
q The generated trace-route message inherits its persistence value from
the queue specified by -q TargetQName.
A trace-route reply message, or any report messages, returned shares the same
persistence value as the original trace-route message.
The default value is no.
-o Specifies that the target queue is not bound to a specific destination.
Typically this parameter is used when the trace-route message is to be put
across a cluster. The target queue is opened with option
If you do not specify this parameter, the target queue is bound to a specific
-p Priority
Specifies the priority of the trace-route message.
The value of Priority is either greater than or equal to 0, or
the priority value is taken from the queue specified by -q TargetQName.
The default is that the priority value is taken from the queue specified by -q

Chapter 11. Reference 569

-qm TargetQMgrName
Specifies the target queue manager for the target queue.
The target queue is specified with -q TargetQName.
The default is that the queue manager to which the command is connected is
used as the reply-to queue manager.
-ro ReportOption
ReportOption can be one or more of the following values specified in a
comma-separated list:
none Specifies that no report options are set.
The report option MQRO_ACTIVITY is set.
coa The report option MQRO_COA_WITH_FULL_DATA is set.
cod The report option MQRO_COD_WITH_FULL_DATA is set.
The report option MQRO_EXCEPTION_WITH_FULL_DATA is set.
The report option MQRO_EXPIRATION_WITH_FULL_DATA is set.
The report option MQRO_DISCARD_MSG is set.
The default value is activity, discard.
-rq ReplyToQ
Specifies the name of the reply-to queue that all responses to the trace-route
message are sent to.
If the trace-route message is persistent, or if the -n parameter is specified, a
reply-to queue must be specified that is not a temporary dynamic queue.
If you do not specify this parameter, the system default model queue,
SYSTEM.DEFAULT.MODEL.QUEUE is used as the reply-to queue. Using this
model queue causes a temporary dynamic queue to be created.
-rqm ReplyToQMgr
Specifies the name of the queue manager where the reply-to queue is located.
The name can contain up to 48 characters.
If you do not specify this parameter, the queue manager to which the
command is connected is used as the reply-to queue manager.
-s Activities
Specifies the maximum number of recorded activities that can be performed on
behalf of the trace-route message before it is discarded.
This parameter prevents the trace-route message from being forwarded
indefinitely if caught in an infinite loop.
The value of Activities is either greater than or equal to 1, or
specifies that an unlimited number of activities can be performed on behalf of
the trace-route message.
If you do not specify this parameter, an unlimited number of activities can be
performed on behalf of the trace-route message.

570 IBM MQ Appliance

-t Detail
Specifies the activities that are recorded.
Detail can be one of the following values:
low Activities performed by user-defined application are recorded only.
Activities specified in low are recorded. Additionally, activities
performed by MCAs are recorded.
high Activities specified in low, and medium are recorded. MCAs do not
expose any further activity information at this level of detail. This
option is available to user-defined applications that are to expose
further activity information only. For example, if a user-defined
application determines the route a message takes by considering
certain message characteristics, the routing logic can be included with
this level of detail.

The default value is medium.

-ts TopicString
Specifies a topic string to which the command is to publish a trace-route
message, and puts the command into topic mode.
In this mode, the command traces all of the messages that result from the
publish request.
-u userID
User ID to use for connecting to a queue manager.
-xp PassExpiry
Specifies whether the report option MQRO_DISCARD_MSG and the remaining
expiry time from the trace-route message is passed on to the trace-route reply
PassExpiry can be one the following values:
yes The report option MQRO_PASS_DISCARD_AND_EXPIRY is specified
in the message descriptor of the trace-route message.
If a trace-route reply message, or activity reports, are generated for the
trace-route message, the MQRO_DISCARD_MSG report option (if
specified), and the remaining expiry time are passed on.
no The report option MQRO_PASS_DISCARD_AND_EXPIRY is not
If a trace-route reply message is generated for the trace-route message,
the discard option and remaining expiry time from the trace-route
message are not passed on.

The default value is yes.

-xs Expiry
Specifies the expiry time for the trace-route message, in seconds.
The default value is 60.
-n Specifies that activity information returned for the trace-route message is not to
be displayed.

Chapter 11. Reference 571

If this parameter is accompanied by a request for a trace-route reply message
(-ar), or any of the report generating options (-ro ReportOption), then a
specific (non-model) reply-to queue must be specified using -rq ReplyToQ.
After the trace-route message is put to the specified target queue, a 48
character hexadecimal string is returned containing the message identifier of
the trace-route message. The message identifier can be used by the command
to display the activity information for the trace-route message at a later time.
This can be done using the -i CorrelId parameter.
By default, activity report messages are requested.

The following parameters are used when the command is used to display collected
activity information. That is, the parameters are the display options:
-b Specifies that the command only browses activity reports or a trace-route reply
message related to a message.
This parameter allows activity information to be displayed again at a later
If you do not specify this parameter, the command gets activity reports or a
trace-route reply message related to a message, and deletes them.
-v summary | all | none | outline DisplayOption
The values can be the following values:
The queues that the trace-route message was routed through are
all All available information is displayed.
none No information is displayed.
outline DisplayOption
Specifies display options for the trace-route message.
DisplayOption can be one or more of the following values, using a
comma as a separator:
All non-PCF group parameters in Activity PCF groups are
Values with parameter identifiers MQBACF_MSG_ID or
MQBACF_CORREL_ID are displayed.
This value overrides msgdelta.
All non-PCF group parameters in Message PCF groups are
When this value is specified, you cannot specify msgdelta.
All non-PCF group parameters in Message PCF groups, that
have changed since the last operation, are displayed.
When this value is specified, you cannot specify message.

572 IBM MQ Appliance

All non-PCF group parameters in Operation PCF groups are
All non-PCF group parameters in TraceRoute PCF groups are
If no values are supplied for DisplayOption the application name, the
type of each operation, and any operation specific parameters are
The default value is summary.
-w WaitTime
Specifies the time, in seconds, that the command waits for activity reports, or a
trace-route reply message, to return to the specified reply-to queue.
The default value is the expiry time of the trace-route message, plus 60

Usage notes
v This command must be run from the IBM MQ administration mode. If the
system is in the IBM MQ administration mode the prompt includes mqa(mqcli)#.
To enter the IBM MQ administration mode, enter mqcli on the command line. To
exit the IBM MQ administration mode, enter exit on the command line.
v For more information about this command in IBM MQ, see dspmqrte in the IBM
MQ documentation.

v The following command puts a trace-route message into a queue manager
network with the target queue specified as TARGET.Q. Providing queue managers
on route are enabled for activity recording, activity reports are generated.
Depending on the queue manager attribute, ACTIVREC, activity reports are
either delivered to the reply-to queue ACT.REPORT.REPLY.Q, or are delivered to a
system queue. The trace-route message is discarded on arrival at the target

Providing one or more activity reports are delivered to the reply-to queue,
ACT.REPORT.REPLY.Q, the command orders and displays the activity information.
v The following command puts a trace-route message into a queue manager
network with the target queue specified as TARGET.Q. Activity information is
accumulated within the trace-route message, but activity reports are not
generated. On arrival at the target queue, the trace-route message is discarded.
Depending on the value of the target queue manager attribute, ROUTEREC, a
trace-route reply message can be generated and delivered to either the reply-to
queue, TRR.REPLY.TO.Q, or to a system queue.
dspmqrte -ac -ar -ro discard -rq TRR.REPLY.TO.Q -q TARGET.Q

Providing a trace-route reply message is generated, and delivered to the reply-to

queue TRR.REPLY.TO.Q, the command orders and displays the activity
information that was accumulated in the trace-route message.


End trace for some or all of the entities that are being traced.

Chapter 11. Reference 573


You can use the endmqtrc command to end tracing for a specified entity, or for all


►► endmqtrc ►
-m QMgrName -i PidTids -p Apps

► ►◄
-e -a -w

-m QMgrName
Specifies the name of the queue manager for which to end tracing.
The QMgrName supplied must match exactly the QMgrName supplied on the
strmqtrc command. If the strmqtrc command used wildcard characters, the
endmqtrc command must use the same wildcard characters.
A maximum of one -m flag can be supplied on the command.
-i PidTids
Specifies the process identifier (PID) and thread identifier (TID) for which to
end tracing.
You cannot use the -i flag with the -e flag.
This parameter must be used only under the guidance of IBM Service
-p Apps
Specifies the processes for which to end tracing.
Specify Apps as a comma-separated list, with each name in the list specified
exactly as the program name would be displayed in the "Program Name" FDC
header. You can use an asterisk (*) as a wildcard to match zero or more
characters. You can use a question mark (?) to match a single character.
You cannot use the -p flag with the -e flag.
-e Specifies that early tracing of all processes ends.
You cannot use the -e flag with the -m flag, the -i flag, or the -p flag.
-a Ends all tracing.
This flag must be specified alone.
-w Restrict triggering of trace to applications run by an IBM MQ Appliance

Usage notes
v This command must be run from the IBM MQ administration mode. If the
system is in the IBM MQ administration mode the prompt includes mqa(mqcli)#.
To enter the IBM MQ administration mode, enter mqcli on the command line. To
exit the IBM MQ administration mode, enter exit on the command line.

574 IBM MQ Appliance

v Specifying endmqtrc with no parameters has the same effect as specifying
endmqtrc -e.
v For more information about this command in IBM MQ, see endmqtrc in the IBM
MQ documentation.

v The following command ends tracing of data for a queue manager called QM1:
endmqtrc -m QM1
v The following command ends tracing for queue manager QM2 only. Any other
traces that are running are not affected:
endmqtrc -m QM2

Related commands
v “strmqtrc” on page 492


Display information about return codes.


You can use the mqrc command to display information about symbols, return
codes, and AMQ messages. You can specify a range of return codes or AMQ
messages, or you can specify specific return codes or AMQ messages.


►► mqrc returnCode ►◄
-a -b -r returnCode
-m AMQmessage
-f first -l last
-M -f first -l last

Specifies the return code to display.
Specifies the AMQ message to display.
Specifies the symbol to display.
-a Specifies that all severities are tried to find message text.
-b Specifies that messages are displayed without extended information.
-m AMQmessage
Specifies the AMQ message to display.
-M -f first -l last
Specifies that AMQ messages in a range are displayed from the first value to
the last value.

Chapter 11. Reference 575

-r returnCode
Specifies the return code to display
-R Specifies that all return codes are displayed.
-R -f first -l last
Specifies that return codes in a range are displayed from the first value to the
last value.
-s symbol
Specifies the symbol to display

Usage notes
v This command must be run from the IBM MQ administration mode. If the
system is in the IBM MQ administration mode the prompt includes mqa(mqcli)#.
To enter the IBM MQ administration mode, enter mqcli on the command line. To
exit the IBM MQ administration mode, enter exit on the command line.
v Numeric arguments are interpreted as decimal if they start with a digit 1 - 9, or
hex if prefixed with 0x.
v If there is a problem with a message within a range, an indication is displayed
before the message text. ? is displayed if there are no matching return codes for
the message. ! is displayed if the message severity is not the same as the return
code severity.
v For more information about this command in IBM MQ, see mqrc in the IBM MQ

v This command displays AMQ message 5005:
mqrc AMQ5005
v This command displays return codes in the range 2505 - 2530:
mqrc -R -f 2505 -l 2530


Gather diagnostic information together into a single archive to submit to IBM



You can use the runmqras command to gather diagnostic information from the
appliance into a single archive. You can use this command to gather information
about an application or appliance failure, possibly for submission into IBM when
you report a problem.

By default, the command gathers information such as the FDC files, error logs,
product version, and status information. The command does not gather user
information that is contained in messages on queues when you use the default
setting. However, if you request sections other than default, the data collected
might contain user information.

The diagnostic information is written to a zip file named runmqras_timestamp.zip,

where timestamp has the format yymmdd_HHMMSS.

The zip file written to the appliance URI mqdiag://, You can retrieve it by using
the copy command (see “copy” on page 664), or by using the IBM MQ Appliance
web UI (see “Managing files by using the IBM MQ Appliance web UI” on page
576 IBM MQ Appliance
297). You can also use the ftp custom option of the runmqras command to copy the
trace directly to an FTP server.


►► runmqras ►◄
section Sections
qmlist QMGRs
timeout secs

ftp IBM
ftp custom
ftpserver server
ftpusername userid
ftppassword password
ftpdirectory path
pmrno pmr_number

section Sections
Specifies the optional sections about which to gather more specific information.
By default, a generic section of documentation is collected. Running without
requesting more sections is intended as a starting point for general problem
diagnosis, but more specific information can be gathered for a specific problem
type. You can specify multiple values for Sections in a comma-separated list.
IBM support generally supplies you with the sections to use. Example values
for Sections are the following values:
all Gathers all possible information, including all trace files, and
diagnostics for many different types of problems.
This option results in the generation of a very large file, so you must
check that the mqdiag:// directory does not currently contain trace
information. If mqdiag:// does already contain information, you should
copy the files off of the appliance, or send them to IBM support, before
running runmqras with the all section.
Gather information specific for clustering
defs Gather the queue manager definitions and status
Prevents the default collections from occurring, but other explicitly
requested sections are still collected.
trace Gather all the trace file information plus the default information.
This option results in the generation of a very large file, so you must
check that the mqdiag:// directory does not currently contain trace
information. If mqdiag:// does already contain information, you should
copy the files off of the appliance, or send them to IBM support, before
running runmqras with the trace section.

Chapter 11. Reference 577

webui A diagnostics test is run on the IBM MQ Console, and the results
written to the archive.
qmlist QMRs
Specifies one or more queue manager names on which the command is to be
You can specify multiple queue managers in a comma-separated list.
By default, the command is run on all queue managers.
timeout secs
Specifies the default timeout to give an individual command before the
command stops waiting for completion.
A value of zero means that the command waits indefinitely.
The default value is 10.
Specifies that the command is run in demonstration mode.
In demonstration mode, no commands are processed, and no files gathered.
However, you can see which commands would be processed, and which files
would be gathered in the console.log file that is generated as part of the
-v Specifies verbose output.
ftp IBM pmrno number
Specifies that the collected archive is sent through basic FTP to IBM.
Anonymous FTP is used to deliver the archive into the IBM ECuRep server.
This process is identical to submitting the file manually by using FTP.
number must specify a valid IBM PMR (problem record number) against which
to associate the archive.
ftp custom
Specifies that the collected archive is sent through basic FTP to a site of your
When you use this parameter, you must specify the following ftp parameters:
ftpserver server
Specifies an FTP server name to connect to.
ftpusername userid
Specifies the user ID to log in to the FTP server with.
ftppassword password
Specifies the password to log in to the FTP server with
ftpdirectory path
Specifies the directory on the FTP server to place the resulting file into.

Usage notes
v This command must be run from the IBM MQ administration mode. If the
system is in the IBM MQ administration mode the prompt includes mqa(mqcli)#.
To enter the IBM MQ administration mode, enter mqcli on the command line. To
exit the IBM MQ administration mode, enter exit on the command line.
v For more information about this command in IBM MQ, see runmqras in the IBM
MQ documentation.

578 IBM MQ Appliance

v The following command gathers the default documentation from the installation,
and all queue managers on the system:
v The following command gathers the default documentation from the installation,
and sends it directly into IBM to be associated with PMR number 11111,222,333
using the basic FTP capability:
runmqras -ftp ibm -pmrno 11111,222,333
v The following command gathers the default documentation from a machine,
plus all trace files, the queue manager definitions, and status for all queue
managers on the system:
runmqras -section trace,defs
v The following command copies the information gathered by runmqras from the
mqdiag:// directory on the appliance to another location on a system with the IP
(config)# copy mqdiag://runmqras_160818_221406.zip scp://jrb@


Start trace at a specified level of detail, or report the level of tracing in effect.


You can use the strmqtrc command to enable tracing. You can specify the tracing
that you want:
v You can trace one or more queue managers.
v You can trace one or more processes. The processes can be either part of the
product or customer applications that use the IBM MQ API.
v You can trace specific threads within customer applications, either by thread
number or by operating system thread number.
v You can trace events. These events can be either the entry or exit from internal
functions or the occurrence of a first failure data capture (FDC).
v You can choose from different levels of trace detail.
Trace files are written to the appliance URI mqtrace://, You can retrieve them by
using the copy command (see “copy” on page 664), or by using the IBM MQ
Appliance web UI (see “Managing files by using the IBM MQ Appliance web UI”
on page 297)

Chapter 11. Reference 579


►► strmqtrc ►
-m QMgrName -e

► ▼ ►
-t TraceType -t TraceLevel -x TraceType

► ►
-l MaxSize -d 0 -i PidTids

► ►
-p Apps -s -b StartTrigger -c StopTrigger

► -w ►◄

-m QMgrName
Specifies the name of the queue manager to trace.
You can use an asterisk (*) as a wildcard to replace zero or more characters.
You can use a question mark (?) as a wildcard to replace any single character.
-e Specifies that any process that belongs to any component of any queue
manager traces its early processing.
You can use this flag to trace the creation or startup of a queue manager.
You cannot use the -e flag with the -m flag, -i flag, the -p flag, the -c flag, or
the -b flag.
The default is not to perform early tracing.
-t TraceType -t TraceLevel
Specifies the points to trace and the amount of trace detail to record.
To specify multiple points to trace, specify multiple -t TraceType -t
TraceLevel parameters in sequence.
Each TraceType can be one of the following values for the points to trace:
all Output data for every trace point in the system. This parameter
activates tracing at default detail level.
api Output data for trace points that are associated with the MQI and
major queue manager components.

580 IBM MQ Appliance

Output data for trace points that are associated with comments in the
Output data for trace points that are associated with data flowing over
communications networks.
csdata Output data for trace points that are associated with internal data
buffers in common services.
Output data for trace points that are associated with processing flow in
common services.
Output data for trace points associated with the IBM MQ Explorer.
Java Output data for trace points associated with applications using the
IBM MQ classes for Java™ API.
Output data for trace points that are associated with internal data
buffers in the local queue manager.
Output data for trace points that are associated with processing flow in
the local queue manager.
Output data for trace points that are associated with internal data
buffers in other components.
Output data for trace points that are associated with processing flow in
other components.
parms Activate tracing at default-detail level for flow processing trace points.
Output data for trace points that are associated with internal data
buffers in the communications component
Output data for trace points that are associated with processing flow in
the communications component.
Output data for trace points that are associated with internal data
buffers in the service component.
Output data for trace points that are associated with processing flow in
the service component.
soap Output data for trace points associated with IBM MQ Transport for
Output data for trace points that are associated with buffers and
control blocks that use a security policy (AMS) operation.

Chapter 11. Reference 581

Output data for trace points that are associated with entry and exit
data for functions that use a security policy (AMS) operation.
ssl Output data that is associated with using GSKit to enable Secure
Sockets Layer (SSL) channel security.
Output data for trace points that are associated with the version that is

The default value is all.

Each TraceLevel can be one of the following values:
detail Activate tracing at high-detail level for flow processing trace points.
parms Activate tracing at default-detail level for flow processing trace points.

The default value is parms.

-x TraceType
Specifies the points to exclude from trace.
You can specify the same values for TraceType as listed for the -t parameter.
The default value is all.
To specify multiple points to exclude from trace, specify multiple -x TraceType
parameters in sequence.
-l MaxSize
Specifies the maximum size of a trace file in megabytes (MB).
The maximum value for MaxSize is 2048.
-d 0
Specifies that no user data is traced.
-d -1
Specifies that all user data is traced.
-d NumOfBytes
Specifies the number of bytes of data to trace.
For a communication trace, trace the specified number of bytes of data,
including the transmission segment header (TSH).
For an MQPUT or MQGET call, trace the specified number of bytes of message
data that is held in the message buffer.
Values in the range 1 - 15 are not allowed.
-i PidTids
Specifies the process identifier (PID) and thread identifier (TID) to which the
trace generation is restricted.
You cannot use the -i flag with the -e flag.
This parameter must be only used under the guidance of IBM Service
-p Apps
Specifies the named processes to which the trace generation is restricted.
Specify Apps as a comma-separated list, with each name in the list specified
exactly as the program name would be displayed in the "Program Name" FDC

582 IBM MQ Appliance

header. You can use an asterisk (*) as a wildcard to match zero or more
characters. You can use a question mark (?) to match a single character.
You cannot use the -p flag with the -e flag.
-s Specifies that the tracing options that are currently in effect are reported.
You must use this parameter on its own with no other parameters.
-b Start_Trigger
Specifies the FDC probe IDs for which tracing must be turned on.
Start_Trigger takes one of the following values:
FDC=comma-separated list of FDC probe IDs
Turns tracing on when any FDCs with the specified FDC probe IDs are
You can use an asterisk (*) as a wildcard to match zero or more
characters. You can use a question mark (?) to match a single character.
You cannot use the -b flag with the -e flag.
This parameter must be used only under the guidance of IBM Service
-c Stop_Trigger
Specifies the FDC probe IDs for which tracing must be turned off, or interval
in seconds after which tracing must be turned off.
Stop_Trigger takes one of the following values:
FDC=comma-separated list of FDC probe IDs
Turns tracing off when any FDCs with the specified FDC probe IDs are
You can use an asterisk (*) as a wildcard to match zero or more
characters. You can use a question mark (?) to match a single character.
Where n is an unsigned integer in the range 1 - 32,000,000.
Turns tracing off n seconds after it starts or, if it tracing is already
enabled, turns tracing off n seconds after this instance of the command
is entered.
This parameter must be used only under the guidance of IBM Service
-w Allow any application to trigger trace.

Usage notes
v This command must be run from the IBM MQ administration mode. If the
system is in the IBM MQ administration mode the prompt includes mqa(mqcli)#.
To enter the IBM MQ administration mode, enter mqcli on the command line. To
exit the IBM MQ administration mode, enter exit on the command line.
v Each combination of parameters on an individual invocation of the command
are interpreted as having a logical AND between them. You can start the
command multiple times, regardless of whether tracing is already enabled. If
tracing is already enabled, the trace options that are in effect are modified to
those options specified on the most recent invocation of the command.
v Multiple invocations of the command, without an intervening enqmqtrc
command, are interpreted as having a logical OR between them. The maximum
number of concurrent strmqtrc commands that can be in effect at one time is 16.

Chapter 11. Reference 583

v When a trace file reaches the specified maximum, it is renamed to
AMQppppp.qq.TRS and a new AMQppppp.qq.TRC file is started. If a previous copy of
an AMQppppp.qq.TRS file exists, it is deleted.
v For more information about this command in IBM MQ, see strmqtrc in the IBM
MQ documentation.

v The following command enables tracing of processing flow from common
services and the local queue manager for a queue manager called exampleQM.
Trace data is generated at the default level of detail.
strmqtrc -m exampleQM -t csflows -t lqmflows -t parms
v The following command disables tracing of SSL activity on a queue manager
called exampleQM. Other trace data is generated at the parms level of detail.
strmqtrc -m exampleQM -x ssl -t parms
v The following command enables high-detail tracing of the processing flow for all
strmqtrc -t all -t detail
v The following command enables tracing when FDC KN34650 occurs, and stops
tracing when FDC KN346080 occurs. In both cases the FDC must occur on a
process that is using queue manager exampleQM:
strmqtrc -m exampleQM -b FDC=KN346050 -c FDC=KN346080

The next examples use the -p and -m flags to show how a combination of
parameters on an individual invocation of the command are interpreted as having
a logical AND between them. The examples also show how multiple invocations of
the command, without an intervening mq enqmqtrc command, are interpreted as
having a logical OR between them:
1. The following command enables tracing for all threads that result from any
executing process that is called amqxxx.exe:
strmqtrc -p amqxxx.exe
v If you start the following command after the command in step 1, without an
intervening endmqtrc command, then tracing is limited to all threads that
result from any running process that is called amqxxx.exe and that are using
queue manager exampleQM2:
strmqtrc -p amqxxx.exe -m exampleQM2
v If you start the following command after the command in step 1, without an
intervening endmqtrc command, then tracing is limited to all processes and
threads that result from running amqxxx.exe or that are using queue manager
strmqtrc -m exampleQM2

Related commands
v “endmqtrc” on page 478

Appliance commands
Use the appliance commands to work with features of the appliance.

The following special characters are used in syntax statements.

[ ] Indicates optional parameters. Parameters that not enclosed in square
brackets are required.

584 IBM MQ Appliance

| Indicates mutually exclusive parameters. You can use the parameter to the
left or the right of the separator. You cannot use all options.
{ } Indicates a set of mutually exclusive parameters when a parameter is

Appliance commands
Some of the appliance commands are available at initial log in, before you enter a
configuration mode. The other appliance commands are available in most
configuration modes.

The following commands are available at initial log in:

Command Description
“clear Clears the detected intrusion when the appliance is in
intrusion-detected” on Fail-Safe mode.
page 587
“clock” on page 587 Sets the date or time.
“configure terminal” on Enters configuration mode.
page 588
“diagnostics” on page 588 Enters Diagnostics mode. Use this command only at the
explicit direction of IBM Support.
“disconnect” on page 588 Closes the session for an active user.
“echo” on page 589 Echoes text to the console.
“exec” on page 589 Calls and runs a configuration script.
“exit” on page 590 Applies configuration changes to the running configuration
and returns to the parent mode.
“help” on page 591 Displays online help.
“login” on page 591 Logs a specific account on to the appliance.
“ntp” on page 591 Identifies an NTP server.
“ping” on page 592 Determines whether the network can reach a remote target.
“show” on page 593 Displays configuration or status information
“shutdown” on page 593 Restarts or shuts down the appliance.
“test tcp-connection” on Tests the TCP connection to a remote target.
page 595

The following commands are available in most configuration modes:

Command Description
“admin-state” on page 586 Sets the administrative state for the configuration.
“cancel” on page 586 Exits this configuration mode without saving changes to the
running configuration.
“disconnect” on page 588 Closes the session for an active user.
“echo” on page 589 Echoes text to the console
“exit” on page 590 Applies configuration changes to the running configuration
and returns to the parent mode.
“help” on page 591 Displays online help
“ping” on page 592 Determines whether the network can reach a remote target.
“reset” on page 593 Restores the default values to the configuration.

Chapter 11. Reference 585

Command Description
“show” on page 593 Displays configuration or status information
“test tcp-connection” on Tests the TCP connection to a remote target.
page 595
“traceroute” on page 596 Traces the network path to a target host.


This command sets the administrative state for the configuration.

Enable the configuration
admin-state enabled
Disable the configuration
admin-state disabled

Sets the configuration to the inactive state.
Sets the configuration to the active state.


The admin-state command sets the administrative state for the configuration.
Administrative states are not equivalent to operational states.
v When the administrative state is enabled, the operational state can be up, down,
or pending.
v When the administrative state is disabled, the operational state is always down.


Disable the configuration.

# admin-state disabled


This command exits this configuration mode without saving changes to the
running configuration.




The cancel command exits this configuration mode without saving changes to the
running configuration and returns to its parent mode.

586 IBM MQ Appliance

clear intrusion-detected:

This command clears the detected intrusion when the appliance is in Fail-Safe


All users, unless your environment enforces RBM on the command line. When
RBM enforcement applies to the command line, as defined by the RBM apply-cli
command, this command is available to only the admin account (dp-admin account
on XI50z).


clear intrusion-detected


The clear intrusion-detected command clears the detected intrusion when

intrusion detection is enabled in System Settings mode. When the appliance detects
the intrusion, the appliance starts in Fail-Safe mode. After you clear intrusion
detection, you must use the shutdown reboot command to restart the appliance


Clear intrusion detection of the appliance.

(fail-safe)# clear intrusion-detected
Resetting chassis intrusion flag(s) ...
(fail-safe)# shutdown reboot


This command sets the date or time.

Set the date.
clock yyyy-mm-dd
Set the time.
clock hh:mm:ss

Specifies the date in four-digit year, two-digit month, and two-digit day
format. When you set the date, separate each value with a hyphen (-).
Specifies the time in two-digit hour, two-digit minute, and two-digit
second format. When you set the time, separate each value with a colon (:).


The clock command sets the date or time for the appliance. This command is also
available in Global mode.

Chapter 11. Reference 587

v Set the date to 8 August 2007.
# clock 2007-08-08
Clock update successful
v Set the time to 8:31 PM.
# clock 20:31:00
Clock update successful

configure terminal:

This command enters Global mode.


configure terminal


The configure terminal command enters Global mode. In this mode, you can
create system-wide resources for various system service, configure global
behaviors, and enter specialized configuration modes.


This command enters Diagnostics mode. Use this command only at the explicit
direction of IBM Support.




The diagnostics command enters Diagnostics mode. For details about the
available commands, see the online help.

You must be logged in as the user admin to use this command.

Attention: Use this command only at the explicit direction of IBM Support.


This command closes the session for an active user.


disconnect session

Specifies the session ID.

588 IBM MQ Appliance


The disconnect command closes a user session. To list the active user sessions, use
the show users command.

On XI50z, the dp-admin account cannot disconnect a session that belongs to any
other administrative account.


List the active users and closes the session for the user that is associated with
session ID 36.
# show users
Session ID Name ...
36 egsmith2 ...
# disconnnect 36
Session 36 closed


This command echoes text to the console.


echo text

text Specifies the text to echo to the console.


The echo command specifies the text to echo to the console.


This command calls and runs a configuration script.


exec URL

URL Identifies the location of the configuration file.
v When the file is on the appliance, this parameter takes the
directory:///file format.
Identifies a local directory. Generally, the directory is config or
file Identifies the file in the directory.
v When the file is remote and the transport protocol is HTTP or HTTPS,
this parameter takes one of the following formats.

Chapter 11. Reference 589

– http://user:password@host/file
– https://user:password@host/file
The host name can be an IP address or, when DNS is enabled, a
qualified host name.


The exec command enables modularity of configuration scripts. For example, you
can include all service configuration commands in a script called services.cfg and
all certificates configuration commands in the cert.cfg script.

A main configuration script can consist entirely of a series of exec commands.


Run the specified configuration scripts.

# configure terminal
# exec config:///housekeeping.cfg
# exec config:///interfaces.cfg
# exec config:///crypto.cfg
# exec config:///services.cfg


This command applies configuration changes to the running configuration and

returns to the parent mode.




The exit command exits the current configuration and applies all changes to the
running configuration. To save these changes to the startup configuration, use the
write memory command.

When you enter the exit command from user or privileged mode, this command
closes the CLI connection. In all other modes, the command returns to its parent
mode. When issued from the top most parent, the command closes the CLI


Apply all changes made to the valcred-1 validation credentials configuration . Exit
Validation Credentials mode, and returns to Crypto mode. Exit Crypto mode, and
returns to Global mode. Persist all configuration changes to the startup
configuration. Close the CLI connection.
(config valcred valcrec-1)# exit
(config-crypto)# exit
(config)# write memory
(config)# exit
# exit

590 IBM MQ Appliance


This command displays online help.


help [command]

Specifies the command name.


The help command list the available commands or provides information about a
specific command.
v Without arguments, list the commands that are available in the current mode.
v With an argument, displays information about the specific command when that
command is available in the current mode.


This command logs a specific account on to the appliance.




After you enter the login command, the CLI prompts you for an account name
and password.
v The admin account, the dp-admin account on XI50z, privileged accounts, and
group-specific accounts log on to Privileged Mode. The prompt for this mode is
the hash (#) character.
v User accounts log on to User Mode. The prompt for this mode is the greater
than (>) character.

After an initial login, the CLI prompts you to change the password for the account.


This command identifies an NTP server.


ntp server [interval]

no ntp

server Specifies the IP address or host name.

Chapter 11. Reference 591

Specifies the number of seconds between synchronizations with the NTP
server. The default value is 900.


The ntp command identifies the NTP (Network Time Protocol) server. After you
identify an NTP server, the appliance functions as a Simple Network Time Protocol
(SNTP) client as described in RFC 2030.

From the CLI, the appliance supports the configuration of only one NTP server.
Although the CLI supports only one NTP server, you can use a web management
interface to identify multiple NTP servers. When more than one NTP server is
identified, the appliance contacts the first NTP server in the list. If this server does
not respond, the appliance contacts the next server in the list. If you used a web
management interface to identify more than one NTP server, do not use the CLI to
modify the NTP service.

Attention: The ntp command replaces the entire list with the one identified NTP

Use the no ntp command to remove the use of NTP servers.


This command determines whether the network can reach a remote target.


ping address

ping host [IP-version]

Specifies the IP address of the target.
host Specifies the host name of the target.
Optional: Identifies the IP version to use when resolving an ambiguous
host name to an IP address. An ambiguous host name occurs when the
DNS publishes an IPv4 address and an IPv6 address. If not specified,
resolves to the preferred IP version as defined by the ip-preference
command in DNS Settings mode.
-4 Identifies the target as an IPv4 host.
-6 Identifies the target as an IPv6 host.
This parameter applies to ambiguous host names only. Although you
specify -6, the output will show IPv4 output if the DNS published an IPv4
address only. Conversely, if you specify -4 and the DNS publishes an IPv6
address only, the output will show IPv6 output.

592 IBM MQ Appliance


The ping command sends 6 Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) echo-request
messages to the specified host with a one second interval between each message
and reports the results.


This command restores the default values to the configuration.




The reset command restores mode-specific properties to their default values.

Properties that lack default values, are unchanged.

This command has no effect on properties that are specific to MQCLI mode.

Default values that are assigned by the reset command are not applied until you
use the exit command to save changes and exit the mode.


Restore default values to the configuration and returns to the parent mode.
# reset
# exit


This command displays configuration or status information


show [argument]

Specifies the specific configuration or status provider.


The show command displays configuration information or status information that is

relevant to the provided argument. Without an argument, the result differs
depending on where you entered the command.
v Within the initial login, lists available arguments.
v Within a configuration mode, lists the current configuration.


This command restarts or shuts down the appliance.

Chapter 11. Reference 593



shutdown reboot [seconds]

shutdown halt [seconds] (deprecated)

shutdown poweroff [seconds]

reboot Shuts down and restarts the appliance.
halt Shuts down the appliance without restarting. The power to the appliance
remains on. This keyword is deprecated. Use poweroff instead.
Stops the appliance and turns off the power.
Specifies the number of seconds before the appliance starts the shutdown
operation. Enter a value in the range 0 - 65535. The default value is 10.


The shutdown command shuts down, or shuts down and restarts the appliance.
Without parameters, the command restarts the appliance after waiting ten seconds.

The appliance restarts with the startup configuration that is specified by the boot
config command and the startup firmware image that is specified by the boot
image command. Without a designated startup configuration or firmware image,
the appliance restarts with the configuration and firmware image that were active
when you issued the shutdown command.

v Wait 10 seconds to shut down and restart the appliance.
# shutdown reboot
Reboot in 10 second(s).
v Wait 1 minute to shut down and turn off the appliance.
# shutdown poweroff 60
Shutdown in 60 second(s).


This command specifies the descriptive summary for the configuration.


summary “string”

string Specifies the descriptive summary.

594 IBM MQ Appliance


The summary command specifies the descriptive summary for the configuration.
Enclose the summary in double quotation marks.


Add the summary to a configuration.

# summary "Amended server list"


This command runs an interactive command-line script.


template URL

URL Specifies the fully qualified location of the interactive command-line script.


The template command specifies the URL of the interactive command-line script.
The script is an XML file that can be local or remote to the appliance. The script
must conform to the store:///schemas/dp-cli-template.xsd schema.


Run the interactive script as defined in the local:///shell-script.xml file.

# template local:///shell-script.xml

test tcp-connection:

This command tests the TCP connection to a remote target.

Test the connection with an IP address.
test tcp-connection address port [seconds]
Test the connection with a host name.
test tcp-connection host port [seconds] [IP-version]

Specifies the IP address of the target.
host Specifies the host name of the target.
Optional: Identifies the IP version to use when resolving an ambiguous
host name to an IP address. An ambiguous host name occurs when the
DNS publishes an IPv4 address and an IPv6 address. If not specified,
resolves to the preferred IP version as defined by the ip-preference
command in DNS Settings mode.

Chapter 11. Reference 595

-4 Identifies the target as an IPv4 host.
-6 Identifies the target as an IPv6 host.
This parameter applies to ambiguous host names only. Although you
specify -6, the output will show IPv4 output if the DNS published an IPv4
address only. Conversely, if you specify -4 and the DNS publishes an IPv6
address only, the output will show IPv6 output.
port Specifies the target port.
Specifies the number of seconds to wait for a response from the target. The
default value is 10.


The test tcp-connection command verifies TCP connectivity from the appliance
to a specific target.

v Test the TCP connection to the specified host on port 80 with the default timeout
value of 10 seconds.
# test tcp-connection ragnarok 80
TCP connection successful
v Test the TCP connection to the specified IP address on port 21. The timeout
value is 5 seconds.
# test tcp-connection 21 5
TCP connection successful


This command traces the network path to a target host.

Trace the path by IP address.
traceroute address
Trace the path by host name.
traceroute host [IP-version]

Specifies the IP address of the target.
host Specifies the host name of the target.
Optional: Identifies the IP version to use when resolving an ambiguous
host name to an IP address. An ambiguous host name occurs when the
DNS publishes an IPv4 address and an IPv6 address. If not specified,
resolves to the preferred IP version as defined by the ip-preference
command in DNS Settings mode.
-4 Identifies the target as an IPv4 host.
-6 Identifies the target as an IPv6 host.

596 IBM MQ Appliance

This parameter applies to ambiguous host names only. Although you
specify -6, the output will show IPv4 output if the DNS published an IPv4
address only. Conversely, if you specify -4 and the DNS publishes an IPv6
address only, the output will show IPv6 output.


The traceroute command traces the route that packets actually take to their target
host. The output shows the IP address of the hops (for example, gateway or
routers) and the round trip time.

You must be logged in as the admin user to use this command.

The traceroute command is intended for use in network testing, measurement,

and management. In other words, use this command for manual fault isolation.
Because of the load it imposes on the network, do not use this command during
typical operations or from automated scripts.

While the ping command confirms IP network reachability, you cannot pinpoint
and improve some isolated problems. Consider the following situation:
v When there are many hops (for example, gateways or routers) between the
appliance and the target host, and there seems to be a problem somewhere along
the path. The target host could have a problem, but you need to know where a
packet is actually lost.
v The ping command hangs up and provides no reason for a lost packet.

The traceroute command can inform you where the packet is located and why the
route is lost. If your packets must pass through routers and links, which belong to
and are managed by other organizations or companies, it is difficult to check
related routers. The traceroute command provides a supplemental role to the ping


Confirm an available TCP connection to loki.

# traceroute loki

Appliance user commands

You can use the appliance user commands to configure appliance users on the IBM
MQ Appliance.

The appliance user commands can be run from the command line interface in user
configuration mode. To enter user configuration mode, complete the following
1. From the appliance command line, enter global configuration mode:
2. From global configuration mode, enter user configuration mode:
user name

Where name identifies the user that you want to configure. If you are creating a
new user, name can contain up to 128 characters. The following characters are
v a through z
v A through Z

Chapter 11. Reference 597

v 0 through 9
v Underscore (_)
v Dash (-)
v Period (.) (note that a name comprising a single period, or including two
periods together, is not permitted)
3. Type exit to save your changes and leave user configuration mode, then type
exit again to leave global configuration mode.


This command assigns an account type of an account.


access-level { group-defined | privileged | user }

Specifies that the user is granted access privileges as defined by a specific
User Group. The user must later be assigned to this group with the group
Assigns executive access to the account. A privileged account has virtually
the same access levels as the admin account. It differs only in that a
privileged account cannot delete the admin account.
user Deprecated - The user keyword is deprecated. Instead, assign the user
account to a group-defined account type and define access restrictions
through the group.


By default, newly created accounts are assigned the user access level.


This command associates an account with a user group.


group name

name Specifies the name of a user group.


The group command associates an account with a user group.


This command manages the password for an account.

598 IBM MQ Appliance


password password

Specifies the password for the account. A password can contain only
printable characters and must be 5 - 20 characters in length.


The password command assigns a password to a new account, or changes the

password of an existing account.

You must assign when you create an account.


This command adds SNMP V3 credentials to the account.


snmp-cred engine-ID authentication-protocol authentication-secret-type

authentication-secret privacy-protocol privacy-secret-type privacy-secret

Specifies the engine ID of the SNMP V3 engine for which this account is
being defined. A value of 0 is the shorthand representation of the engine
ID of the local SNMP V3 engine on the appliance. For any other engine ID,
the value is a hex string that represents the 5 - 32-byte value.
Identifies which authentication protocol to use. The default value is sha.
none The account has no authentication key.
md5 The account uses HMAC-MD5-96 as the authentication protocol.
sha The account uses HMAC-SHA-96 as the authentication protocol.
Indicates whether the authentication secret is a password or a fully
localized key. This parameter is required when the authentication protocol
is md5 or sha. The default value is password.
The authentication secret is a password that is converted to an
intermediate key with a standardized algorithm, and then localized
against the engine ID value.
key The authentication secret is a fully localized key. Specifying a fully
localized key is useful when the key was initially created on
another system.
Specifies the secret, or key, for authentication for this account. This
parameter is required when the authentication protocol is md5 or sha.

Chapter 11. Reference 599

v If a password, specify a plaintext password that is at least 8 characters
v If a key and HMAC-MD5 are the authentication protocol, specify the hex
representation of a 16-byte key.
v If a key and HMAC-SHA-96 are the authentication protocol, specify the
hex representation of a 20-byte key.
You can use colons (:) between every 2 hex characters.
Identifies which privacy (encryption) protocol to use. The default value is
none The account has no privacy key.
des The account uses CBC-DES as the privacy protocol.
aes The account uses CFB128-AES-128 as the privacy protocol.
Indicates whether the privacy secret is a password or a fully localized key.
This parameter is required when the privacy protocol is des or aes.
The privacy secret is a password that is converted to an
intermediate key with a standardized algorithm, and then localized
against the engine ID value.
key The privacy secret is a fully localized key. Specifying a fully
localized key is useful when the key was initially created on
another system.
Specifies the secret, or key, for privacy (encryption) for this account. This
parameter is required when the privacy protocol is des or aes.
v If a password, specify a plaintext password that is at least 8 characters
v If a key and HMAC-MD5 are the authentication protocol, specify the hex
representation of a 16-byte key.
v If a key and HMAC-SHA-96 are the authentication protocol, specify the
hex representation of a 20-byte key.
You can use colons (:) between every 2 hex characters.


The snmp-cred command adds SNMP V3 credentials for this account. Each account
can have multiple SNMP V3 credentials, one for each SNMP V3 engine that is
identified by an engine-ID parameter.

Note: The current implementation supports an SNMP V3 credential for the local
engine ID only. Therefore, there can be only one SNMP V3 credential for each

The secret for authentication and privacy can be defined either as a password
(passphrase) or as a localized hex key. If a password, it is hashed and localized
with the engine ID.

600 IBM MQ Appliance

v Create SNMP V3 credentials for this account on the appliance with
HMAC-MD5-96 as the authentication algorithm, and DES-CBC as the privacy
algorithm. The password aBigSecret is converted to a localized authentication
key, and the password aDifferentSecret is converted to a localized encryption
snmp-cred 0 md5 password aBigSecret des password aDifferentSecret
v Create SNMP V3 credentials for this account on the remote machine with the
engine ID 000000000000000000000002, with HMAC-MD5-96 as the authentication
algorithm, and with no privacy algorithm. The password is maplesyrup, which is
converted to a localized key for the specified engine ID
snmp-cred 000000000000000000000002 md5 password maplesyrup none password ""
v Create SNMP V3 credentials for this account on the remote machine with the
engine ID 000000000000000000000002, with HMAC-MD5-96 as the authentication
algorithm, and with no privacy algorithm. The fully localized key is
snmp-cred 000000000000000000000002 md5 key
52:6f:5e:ed:9f:cc:e2:6f:89:64:c2:93:07:87:d8:2b none password ""


This command control whether the password for this account must be changed
after the initial login by the account owner.

Account owner does not need to change the account passwords after initial
login. suppress-password-change on
Forces account owner to change the account passwords after initial login.

Indicates that the account owner does not need to change the account
passwords after initial login.
Forces the account owner must change the account passwords after initial
login. This setting is the default behavior.


The suppress-password-change commands control whether the password for this

account must be changed after the initial login by the account owner. By default,
all local users must change their passwords after initial creation.

Note: The property is available during only initial creation and is unavailable
when you edit this configuration.

Appliance user group commands

You can use the appliance user group commands to configure appliance user
groups on the IBM MQ Appliance.

Chapter 11. Reference 601

The appliance user group commands can be run from the command line interface
in user group configuration mode. To enter user group configuration mode,
complete the following steps:
1. From the appliance command line, enter global configuration mode:
2. From global configuration mode, enter user configuration mode:
usergroup name

Where name identifies the user group that you want to configure. If you are
creating a new user group, name can contain up to 128 characters. The
following characters are valid:
v a through z
v A through Z
v 0 through 9
v Underscore (_)
v Dash (-)
v Period (.) (note that a name comprising a single period, or including two
periods together, is not permitted)
3. Type exit to save your changes and leave user group configuration mode, then
type exit again to leave global configuration mode.


This command assigns an access policy.


access-policy “statement”

Specifies the policy statement to add. A policy statement takes the
following form:
address/domain/resource?[Name=name]&Access=permission [&field=value]
address An IP address or host alias for a local interface (Ethernet or VLAN)
on the appliance. The special value * matches all appliance
domain The name of an application domain. This policy applies to only
resources in the identified domain.
v The special value * matches all domains.
v A PCRE can match select domains.
The resource type to which this policy applies. The special value *
matches all resource types.
Optional: Identifies by name an instance of the specified resource
type. You can use a PCRE; for example, foo.* to specify all
resources that start with foo.
The permission string assigns permissions. The string is cumulative

602 IBM MQ Appliance

and connected by plus (+) signs. For example, the string a+d+x+r+w
represents add, delete, execute, read, and write permissions.
Optional: The field token must be one of the additional fields that
can be added to the string. The corresponding value can be a


The access-policy command assigns one or more access policy statements to the
user group. If there are more than one statement, the statements are cumulative. If
more than one statement applies to the same resource, the most specific statement
applies. For example, given the following two statements any member of this user
group can read all objects but has complete access privileges to the web
management interface:

It is not possible to remove a specific access policy from the CLI. If you run the no
access-policy command, all access policies are removed. To remove a specific
access policy from a user group, use the GUI.

v Add full access privileges to all resources and read only access for GUI login
and network interface resources to members of the appdev user group.
# usergroup appdev
User group configuration mode
# access-policy "*/*/*?Access=r+w+a+d"
# access-policy "*/*/login/web-mgmt?Access=r"
# access-policy "*/*/network/interface?Access=r"
# exit
Usergroup update successful

Audit Log Settings commands

Audit Log Settings commands set the size and the number of rotations of the audit

To enter the mode, use the Global audit-log-settings command.


This command sets the number of rotations of audit log files.


rotate rotations

Sets the number of rotations of audit log files. Enter a value in the range 1
- 100. The default value is 3.


The rotate command sets the number of rotations of audit log files.

Chapter 11. Reference 603

v When the contents of the audit-log file reach the size set by the size command,
a rotation occurs. A new audit file continues to record audit events. The
audit-log file that is filled becomes the audit-log.1 file. More rotation files are
renamed from audit-log.n to audit-log.n+1, for as many rotations set by the
rotate command.
v When the maximum number of rotations are generated, the oldest rotation file is
replaced. The data in the oldest rotation is lost.


Set the appliance for 5 rotations of audit log files at 5000 KB each. In this case, the
appliance can maintain up to 30,000 KB of audit records, which are the audit-log
file and its five rotations.
# size 5000
# rotation 5


This command sets the size of audit log files.


size KB

KB Sets the size for audit log files in KB. Enter a value in the range 250 -
500000. The default is 1000.


The size command sets the size of audit log files.

v When the contents of the audit-log file reach the size set by the size command,
a rotation occurs. A new audit file continues to record audit events. The
audit-log file that is filled becomes the audit-log.1 file. More rotation files are
renamed from audit-log.n to audit-log.n+1, for as many rotations set by the
rotate command.
v When the maximum number of rotations are generated, the oldest rotation file is
replaced. The data in the oldest rotation is lost.


Set the appliance for 5 rotations of audit log files at 5000 KB each. In this case, the
appliance can maintain up to 30,000 KB of audit records, which are the audit-log
file and its five rotations.
# size 5000
# rotation 5

Crypto commands
You can use the crypto commands to manage certificates on the IBM MQ

The crypto commands can be run from the command line interface in crypto
configuration mode. To enter crypto configuration mode, type crypto.

604 IBM MQ Appliance

Note: For certificate commands for queue managers, see “Queue manager security
management commands” on page 507


This command enters Certificate Monitor mode.




The cert-monitor command enters Certificate Monitor mode. The certificate

monitor scans the expiration date of all certificates.


This command creates an alias for an X.509 certificate.


certificate alias URL [password password] [ignore-expiration]

certificate alias URL [password-alias password-alias] [ignore-expiration]

no certificate alias

alias Specifies the alias for the certificate.
The name can contain a maximum of 32 characters. The following
characters are valid:
v a through z
v A through Z
v 0 through 9
v Underscore (_)
v Dash (-)
v Period (.)

Note: Names cannot be a single period or two consecutive periods.

For a z/OS® certificate, see your z/OS Communications Server
URL Specifies a URL that identifies the file that contains the certificate.
v If stored in the public cryptographic area, takes the pubcert:///filename
v If stored in the private cryptographic area, takes the filename form.
v If retrieved from z/OS, takes the saf-cert://nssclient/filename form.
password password
Specifies the plaintext password to access the certificate file.
password-alias password-alias
Specifies the alias for the encrypted password to access the certificate file.

Chapter 11. Reference 605

Specifies an optional keyword to allow the creation of a certificate before
its activation date (the NotBefore value in the certificate) or after its
expiration date (the NotAfter value in the certificate). Although the
certificate is in the up operational state, any configuration that references
the certificate uses the internal expiration values.
In other words, the certificate itself is in the up operational state, but
validation credentials, firewall credentials, or identification credentials that
reference the certificate adhere to the internal expiration values.
v If the certificate is for certificate chain validation from validation
credentials and the certificate is invalid, validation fails.
v If the certificate is for certificate chain validation from identification
credentials, the appliance sends the certificate to the SSL peer for a
connection. The peer can reject the certificate as invalid.


The certificate command creates an alias for an X.509 certificate.

The password or password-alias keyword is required only when a certificate file is


To use the password-alias keyword, you must have created an alias. Use
the password-map command to create the password alias.

Use the certificate command with the key and idcred commands to create
identification credentials. Identification credentials consist of a certificate, which
contains a public key, and the corresponding private key.

Use the certificate command with the valcred command to create validation
credentials. Validation credentials can be used, but are not required, during the SSL
handshake to authenticate the certificate from the remote SSL peer.

Use the no certificate command to delete only the alias for the certificate. The
file that contains the certificate material remains on the appliance.

v Create the bob alias for the bob.pem X.509 certificate. Store the target certificate in
the public cryptographic area.
# certificate
bob pubcert:bob.pem
Creating certificate ’bob’
v Create the bob alias for the bob.pem certificate. Store the target certificate in the
public cryptographic area. Allow the certificate to be accessed with the
pikesville plaintext password.
# certificate bob pubcert:bob.pem
password pikesville
Creating certificate ’bob’
v Create the bob alias for the bob.pem certificate. Store the target certificate in the
public cryptographic area. Allow the certificate to be accessed with the dundaulk
encrypted password alias.
# certificate bob pubcert:bob.pem
password-alias dundaulk
Creating certificate ’bob’

606 IBM MQ Appliance

v Create the zicsfCert5 alias for the z/OS ICSFCERT5 certificate. Use the nssclient
NSS client to connect to z/OS to retrieve the target certificate from z/OS. Store
the target certificate in memory.
# certificate zicsfCert5 saf-cert://nssclient/ICSFCERT5
Creating certificate ’zicsfCert5’
v Delete the bob certificate alias.
# no certificate bob
Certificate ’bob’ deleted


This command converts a certificate alias to a specific output format and writes it
to a file.


convert-certificate alias file [format]

alias Specifies the name of the certificate alias.
file Specifies the output file name. Use the temporary:///mycert.pub format.
Specifies the format for the output file. The supported format is


The convert-certificate command converts a certificate alias to a specific output

format and writes it to a file.

The openssh-pubkey format can be used in OpenSSH authorized_keys files.


This command converts a private key alias to a specific output format and writes it
to a file.


convert-key alias file [format]

alias Specifies the name of the key alias.
file Specifies the output file name. Use the temporary:///mykey.pub format.
Specifies the format for the output file. The supported format is


The convert-keycommand converts a private key alias to a specific output format

and writes it to a file. If the output format includes private fields of the key, the
file must be in the same directory as the configured file of the private key alias.

Chapter 11. Reference 607

The openssh-pubkey format can be used in OpenSSH authorized_keys files. The
format does not contain any private fields. It contains only public fields.


This command enters CRL mode to create or modify a CRL update policy.


crl name { http | ldap }

no crl name

name Specifies the name of the CRL update policy.
The name can contain a maximum of 32 characters. The following
characters are valid:
v a through z
v A through Z
v 0 through 9
v Underscore (_)
v Dash (-)
v Period (.)

Note: Names cannot be a single period or two consecutive periods.

http Indicates an HTTP-enabled CRL update policy.
ldap Indicates an LDAP-enabled CRL update policy.


The crl command enters CRL mode to create or modify a CRL (certificate
revocation list) update policy.
v Use the fetch-url and refresh commands to define an HTTP-enabled CRL
update policy
v Use the bind-dn, bind-pass, read-dn, refresh, and remote-address commands to
define an LDAP-enabled CRL update policy.

Use the no crl command to delete a CRL update policy.

v Create the HTTP30 HTTP-enabled CRL update policy.
# crl HTTP30 http
Entering CRL mode for ’HTTP30’
v Create the LDAP1440 LDAP-enabled CRL update policy.
# crl LDAP1440 ldap
Entering CRL mode for ’LDAP1440’
v Delete the LDAP1440 LDAP-enabled CRL update policy.
# no crl LDAP1440

608 IBM MQ Appliance


This command creates an export package that contains a certificate.

Exports a certificate
crypto-export cert name output file

cert name
Identifies the name of the certificate.
output file
Identifies the name and location to store the export.


The crypto-export command creates an export package that contains a certificate.


Create the exportBob.xml export package in the temporary: directory. The package
contains the bob certificate.
# crypto-export cert bob output temporary:///exportBob.xml


This command imports an export package that contains a certificate.

Imports a certificate
crypto-import cert alias input file

cert name
Identifies the name of the certificate.
input file
Identifies the name and location of the stored export package.
password password
Optional: Specifies the password that was used to encrypt the input file.
This parameter is mutually exclusive to the password-alias parameter.
password-alias alias
Optional: Specifies the password that was used to encrypt the input file.
This parameter is mutually exclusive to the password parameter.

v Import the exportBob.xml export package from the temporary directory. The
package contains the bob certificate.
# crypto-import cert bob input temporary:///exportBob.xml

Chapter 11. Reference 609


This command sets the appliance-wide cryptographic mode for the next firmware


crypto-mode-set mode

mode Indicates which cryptographic mode to enable. The following keywords are
available to indicate the modes to enable:
Runs the firmware in permissive mode.
Runs the firmware in FIPS 140-2 Level 1 mode.


The crypto-mode-set command sets the cryptographic mode for the appliance.
This setting affects only the encryption used for system management aspects of the
appliance. For example, the encryption of administrative user passwords, CLI, and
Web UI connections to your MQ Appliance. It does not affect the encryption used
for your MQ channel traffic, which is configured on a per-queue manager basis.

Changes made using crypto-mode-set take effect at the next firmware reload. The
specified mode remains effective until the command is called with a different
mode and the firmware is reloaded. If you never set the cryptographic mode with
this command, the appliance runs in permissive mode.
v Use FIPS 140-2 Level 1 mode when you must comply with FIPS requirements.
v Use permissive mode to switch back to normal operations.

When you set the mode to FIPS 140-2 Level 1 mode, you must understand the
v FIPS 140-2 Level 1 mode removes support in the firmware's main task for MD2,
MD4, MD5, RIPEMD160, single DES, RC2, RC4, Blowfish, and CAST because
these algorithms are prohibited by the corresponding specification. These
algorithms are only available in the firmware's main task in permissive mode.
v FIPS 140-2 Level 1 mode prohibits the use of public keys smaller than 1024 bits.
v FIPS 140-2 Level 1 mode makes the firmware's main task use a pseudorandom
number generator that is compliant with NIST SP800-131a and FIPS 140-2.

Use the show crypto-mode command to display the status of cryptographic modes.

v Enable FIPS 140-2 Level 1 mode at the next reload of the firmware.
# crypto-mode-set fips-140-2-l1
v Change the cryptographic mode back to permissive mode at the next reload of
the firmware.
# crypto-mode-set permissive

610 IBM MQ Appliance


This command creates identification credentials.


idcred name key-alias certificate-alias [ca certificate-alias-n]

name Specifies the name of the configuration.
The name can contain a maximum of 32 characters. The following
characters are valid:
v a through z
v A through Z
v 0 through 9
v Underscore (_)
v Dash (-)
v Period (.)

Note: Names cannot be a single period or two consecutive periods.

Specifies an existing alias for the private key that is referenced by the
identification credentials.
Specifies an existing alias for the certificate that is referenced by the
identification credentials.
ca certificate-alias-n
Optional: Identifies an intermediate certificate that is required to establish a
chain-of-trust starting with the certificate that is referenced by the
certificate-alias and a CA trusted by the remote SSL peer. The list can
contain up to 10 intermediate certificates.


The idcred command creates identification credentials. An SSL proxy profile uses
identification credentials to authenticate itself to a remote peer.

The SSL standard requires an SSL server to authenticate itself to a remote SSL
client. An SSL proxy profile operating as an SSL server (in either reverse or
two-way mode) must be assigned identification credentials with which to
authenticate itself to a remote SSL client.

The SSL standard allows an SSL server to authenticate the remote client peer. An
SSL proxy profile operating as an SSL client (in either forward or two-way mode)
can be assigned a set of identification credentials if the remote SSL server requires
authentication. While SSL servers typically do not require client identification,
certain highly secure websites can impose such a requirement.

Before you create identification credentials, you must use the following procedure.
1. Use the key command to create an alias for the private key.
2. Use the certificate command to create an alias for the certificate.

Chapter 11. Reference 611

The no idcred command deletes only the alias for the identification credentials.
The aliases that created the identification credentials and the files that contain the
actual certificate and private key remain available for use.

v Create the bob identification credentials that consist of the private key that is
aliased by bob and the X.509 certificate aliased by bob.
# idcred bob bob bob
Creating identification credentials ’bob’
v Create the bob identification credentials that consist of the private key that is
aliased by bob and the X.509 certificates aliased by bob and bob-intermediate.
# idcred bob bob bob ca bob-intermediate
Creating identification credentials ’bob’
v Delete the identification credentials alias bob.
# no idcred bob
Identification Credentials ’bob’ deleted


This command creates an alias for a private key.


key alias URL [password password]

key alias URL [password-alias password-alias]

no key alias

alias Specifies the alias for the private key.
The name can contain a maximum of 32 characters. The following
characters are valid:
v a through z
v A through Z
v 0 through 9
v Underscore (_)
v Dash (-)
v Period (.)

Note: Names cannot be a single period or two consecutive periods.

For a z/OS key, see your z/OS Communications Server for details on label
URL Specifies a URL that identifies the file that contains the private key.
v To store the private key in the private cryptographic area, the URL takes
the filename form.
v To store the private key in the public cryptographic area, the URL takes
the pubcert:///filename form.

Note: Do not store private key files in the pubcert: directory. This
directory is intended for the storage of public certificate files.

612 IBM MQ Appliance

v To retrieve the private key from z/OS, the URL takes the
saf-key://nssclient/filename form. A saf-key:// must be a SAF key
that is not stored in ICSF.
v To access the remote private key on the z/OS system, the URL takes the
saf-remote-key://nssclient/filename form. A saf-remote-key:// must
be a SAF key that is stored in ICSF.
password password
Optional: Identifies the plaintext password that is required to access the
private key file.
password-alias password-alias
Optional: Identifies the alias for the encrypted password that is required to
access the private key file.


The password or password-alias keyword is required only when a key file is


To use the password-alias keyword, you must have created an alias. Use
the password-map command to create the password alias.

Use the key command with the certificate and idcred commands to create
identification credentials that consist of a certificate, which contains a public key
and the corresponding private key.

Use the no key command to delete only the alias for the private key. The file that
contains the key material remains on the appliance.

v Create the bob alias for the K2.pem private key. The target key is in the private
cryptographic storage area.
# key bob K2.pem
Creating key ’bob’
v Create the bob alias for the K2.der private key. The target key is in the private
cryptographic area and is accessed with the annapolis plaintext password.
# key bob K2.der password annapolis
Creating key ’bob’
v Create the bob alias for the K2.der private key. The target key is in the private
cryptographic area and is accessed with the towson encrypted password alias.
# key bob K2.der password-alias towson
Creating key ’bob’
v Create the zCert_key alias for the z/OS CERT private key. Use the nssclient NSS
client to connect to and retrieve the target key. Cache the target key on the
# key zCert_key saf-key://nssclient/CERT
Creating certificate ’zCert_key’
v Create the zicsfCert2_key alias for the z/OS ICSFCERT2 private key. Use the
nssclient NSS client to connect to and access the ICSFCERT2 private key but
does not retrieve or store the z/OS private key on the appliance.
# key zicsfCert2_key saf-remote-key://nssclient/ICSFCERT2
Creating certificate ’zicsfCert2_key’
v Delete the bob private key alias.

Chapter 11. Reference 613

# no key bob
Key ’bob’ deleted


This command generates a public-private key pair and a CSR (certificate signing
request) for a server.

Generates a key pair
keygen [{C | countryName} iso-code] [{L | localityName} locality] [{ST |
stateOrProvinceName} state] [{O | organizationName} org] [{OU |
organizationalUnitName} unit-name] {CN | commonName} server-name rsa
{1024 | 2048 | 4096} [gen-object] [object-name name] [gen-sscert] [days
number-days] [file-name name] [export-key] [export-sscert] [password
plaintext] [password-alias alias] [using-key name]

{C | countryName} ISO-code
Optionally specifies the ISO two-character country identifier for the CSR.
{L | localityName} locality
Optionally specifies the city or town name for the CSR. Use a text string
up to 64 characters in length. If the string contains spaces, enclose in
double quotation marks.
{ST | stateOrProvinceName} state
Optionally specifies the unabbreviated state or province name for the CSR.
Use a text string up to 64 characters in length. If the string contains spaces,
enclose in double quotation marks.
{O | organizationName} organization
Optionally specifies the organization name for the CSR. Use a text string
up to 64 characters in length. If the string contains spaces, enclose in
double quotation marks.
{OU | organizationalUnitName} unit-name
Optionally specifies the organizational unit name for the CSR. Use a text
string up to 64 characters in length. If the string contains spaces, enclose in
double quotation marks.
{CN | commonName} server-name
Specifies the fully qualified domain name of the server for the CSR. Use a
text string up to 64 characters in length.
rsa {1024 | 2048 | 4096}
Indicates the length of the generated RSA key. The default value is 1024.
The generation of a 4096-bit key can take up to 30 seconds.
Creates a key management object. To create a certificate management object
use the gen-sscert property.
object-name name
Optionally specifies the names for the objects that are created by the
gen-object property. If not specified, the value for the commonName property
is used.

614 IBM MQ Appliance

Optionally creates a self-signed certificate in addition to the private key
and CSR.
days number-days
Optionally specifies the validity period in days for the self-signed
certificate. The default value is 365 days.
file-name name
Optionally specifies a common prefix for the generated private key, CSR,
and self-signed certificate. If not specified, the value for the object-name
property is used.
Optionally creates a copy of the private key in the temporary: directory in
addition to the one in the cert: directory.
Optionally creates a copy of the self-signed certificate in the temporary:
directory in addition to the one in the cert: directory.
password plaintext
Optionally specifies the password to encrypt the private key when it is
saved to a file.
password-alias alias
Optionally specifies a password alias in an existing password map file.
This alias is used to decrypt the password.
using-key name
Optionally specifies an existing key object to sign the CSR and any
self-signed certificate that is generated. The point of this parameter is to
reissue a new CSR or self-signed certificate with the existing key material
to do the signature.


CA policies can vary with regard to the amount of information that is required in
the CSR. Check with the CA before generating the CSR to ensure that you provide
sufficient information.

The password or password-alias keyword is required only when a key file is

password protected.

To use the password-alias keyword, you must have created an alias. Use the
password-map command to create the password alias.

v Generate a private key and CSR for the specified server. Default conditions
apply as follows.
– The private key (1024 bits in length) is saved as cert:sample-privkey.pem.
– The CSR is saved as temporary:sample.csr.
– The private key file is not password protected
# keygen C au L "South Melbourne" ST Victoria
O "DataPower Australia, Ltd." OU "Customer
Support" CN www.bob.datapower.com.au
v Generate a private key and CSR for the specified server with the following

Chapter 11. Reference 615

– The private key (2048 bits in length) is saved as cert:bob-privkey.pem.
– The CSR is saved as temporary:bob.csr.
– The private key file is password protected with the plaintext password
# keygen C au L "South
Melbourne" ST Victoria
O "DataPower Australia, Ltd." OU "Customer
Support" CN www.bob.datapower.com.au rsa 2048 out bob password
v Create a new password map and generate a host key to encrypt the plaintext
password didgeridoo, and associate the alias WaltzingMatilda with the
encrypted password. Generate a private key and CSR for the specified server
with the following options.
– The private key (2048 bits in length) is saved as cert:bob-privkey.pem.
– The CSR is saved as temporary:bob.csr.
– The private key file is password protected with the encrypted password
# password-map
Please enter alias-name and plaintext password pairs
- Leading and trailing white space is removed
- Enter a blank alias name to finish
Alias-name: WaltzingMatilda
Plaintext password: didgeridoo
SSL: password-map saved
# keygen C au
L "South Melbourne" ST Victoria
O "DataPower Australia, Ltd." OU "Customer Support"
CN www.bob.datapower.com.au rsa 2048 out bob
password-alias WaltzingMatilda


This command manages the encrypted passwords to a password aliases in a

password map file.

Interactively add an entry to the password map file.
Delete an entry from the password map file.
delete password-map alias
Delete the password map file.
no password-map

alias The alias is the reference to a password.


The password-map command maps the encrypted password to a password alias in a

password map file.

The password map and the locally generated key are saved to separate files on the
appliance. Plaintext passwords are not saved on the appliance. Password maps are
typically used to protect key and certificate files.

616 IBM MQ Appliance

v In commands that use plaintext, or unencrypted passwords, the password
argument is used to open and read the corresponding file.
v In commands that use encrypted passwords, the password-alias argument is the
search criteria for the password map file to identify its associated encrypted
password. Then the encrypted password is decrypted with the locally generated
host key to yield the plaintext password. This password is used to open and
read the corresponding file.

An attempt to reference an encrypted password that is not found in the password

map results in command failure.

The password-map command interactively prompts for alias:password pairs.

alias Specifies the name of the alias. This name must consist of alphanumeric
characters and cannot contain white space. The length is limited to 127
Specifies the plaintext password. This password must consist of
alphanumeric characters but can contain white space (spaces or tabs).
Leading and trailing white space is ignored. The length is limited to 127

You must ensure that synchronization is maintained between the startup

configuration and the password map file. You must use the password-map
command to generate and encrypt aliases for certificate or key passwords before
the certificate or key commands can access files that are protected by an
encrypted password. An attempt to reference an encrypted password that is not in
the password map results in failure.

Deletion of the password map and host key file has no immediate effect on keys
and certificates that are in memory. At restart, however, key and certificate
commands that contain references to aliases in the deleted password map fail
unless a new password map was created with the same aliases.

Note: The password-map command cannot be used in a configuration script. When

found, the command is ignored.

Use the no password-map command to delete the password map and host key files.

v Create a password map and generate the host key to encrypt the two plaintext
# password-map
Please enter alias-name and plaintext password pairs
- Enter a blank alias name to finish
Alias-name: towson
Plaintext password: ********
Re-enter plaintext password: ********
Alias-name: dundaulk
Plaintext password: ********
Re-enter plaintext password: ********
Password-map saved (2 entries)
v Confirm the creation of the password map.

Chapter 11. Reference 617

# show password-map
2 password-map aliases
v Add another alias-password pair to the password map.
# password-map
A password-map already exists, overwrite? Yes/No [y/n]: n
Appending to current password map...
Please enter alias-name and plaintext password pairs
- Leading and trailing white space is removed
Alias-name: columbia
Plaintext password: ********
Re-enter plaintext password: ********
Password-map saved (3 entries)
v Delete the entry associated with the columbia alias.
# delete password-map columbia
Deleted passwrod-map alias ’columbia’
password-map saved : 2 entry(s)
v Delete the password map.
# no password-map
Are you sure you want to remove the password-map? Yes/No [y/n]: y
Deleted saved password-map

profile (deprecated):

This command creates a cryptographic profile that specifies an SSL service level.


profile name idCred [ssl name] [ciphers cipher-string] [option-string options-mask]

[clientcalist {on | off}]

profile name %none% [ssl name] [ciphers cipher-string] [option-string options-mask]

[clientcalist {on | off}]

no profile name

name Specifies the name of the configuration.
The name can contain a maximum of 32 characters. The following
characters are valid:
v a through z
v A through Z
v 0 through 9
v Underscore (_)
v Dash (-)
v Period (.)

Note: Names cannot be a single period or two consecutive periods.

idCred Specifies the name of identification credentials that were created with the
idcred command. The assignment of identification credentials is required
when the cryptographic profile is used with an SSL server, which is

618 IBM MQ Appliance

required by the SSL specification to authenticate itself to clients. The
assignment of identification credentials is optional when the cryptographic
profile is used with an SSL client.
%none% Indicates that no identification credentials are assigned to the
cryptographic profile.
ssl name
Specifies the name of validation credentials that were created with the
valcred command.
ciphers cipher-string
Specifies a list of symmetric key-encryption algorithms that are supported
by this cryptographic profile. Table 40 list the available keywords. The
default value is HIGH:MEDIUM:!aNULL:!eNULL:@STRENGTH.
Table 40. Available algorithm keywords for the cipher string
Algorithm keyword Meaning
DEFAULT All cipher suites (including weak export ciphers) except the
aNULL and eNULL ciphers.
ALL All cipher suites except the eNULL ciphers, which must be
explicitly enabled.
HIGH All high encryption cipher suites, which are currently AES or 3DES
cipher suites.
MEDIUM All medium encryption cipher suites, which are currently 128-bit
RC2 and 128-bit RC4 cipher suites.
LOW All low encryption cipher suites, which are currently 64-bit RC4
and 56-bit DES non-export cipher suites.
EXP or EXPORT Export (weak) encryption algorithms that are eligible for export out
of the United States, currently 40 and 56-bit algorithms.
EXPORT40 40-bit export (weak) encryption algorithms.
EXPORT56 56-bit export (weak) encryption algorithms.
eNULL or NULL NULL ciphers offer no encryption at all and are a security risk.
These cipher suites are disabled unless explicitly included.
aNULL The cipher suites that offer no authentication, which is the
anonymous DH algorithms. These cipher suites are vulnerable to
man-in-the-middle attacks. Use is normally discouraged.
kRSA and RSA Cipher suites that use RSA key exchange.
kEDH Cipher suites that use ephemeral DH key agreement. These cipher
suites are only supported when the cryptographic profile acts as a
aRSA Cipher suites that use RSA authentication where the certificates
carry RSA keys.
aDSS and DSS Cipher suites that use DSS authentication where the certificates
carry DSS keys.
TLSv1 TLS version 1.0 cipher suites.
SSLv3 SSL version 3.0 cipher suites.
SSLv2 SSL version 2.0 cipher suites.
DH Cipher suites that use DH, including anonymous DH.
ADH Anonymous DH cipher suites.
3DES Cipher suites that use triple DES.

Chapter 11. Reference 619

Table 40. Available algorithm keywords for the cipher string (continued)
Algorithm keyword Meaning
DES Cipher suites that use DES instead of triple DES.
RC4 Cipher suites that use RC4.
RC2 Cipher suites that use RC2.
MD5 Cipher suites that use MD5.
SHA1 or SHA Cipher suites that use SHA-1.
AES Cipher suites that use AES.

The cipher string consists of one or more cipher keywords that are
separated by colons. Commas or spaces are acceptable separators, but
colons are the norm.
The cipher string can take different forms.
v A single cipher suite, such as RC4-SHA.
v A list of cipher suites that contains a certain algorithm, or cipher suites
of a certain type. For example, SHA1 represents all ciphers suites that use
the SHA-1 digest algorithm.
v A combination of single cipher string that uses the + character, which is
used as a logical AND operation. For example, SHA1+DES represents all
cipher suites that contain the SHA-1 and the DES algorithms.
Optionally, each cipher keyword can be preceded by the following
! Permanently deletes the cipher from the list. Even if you explicitly
add the cipher to the list, it can never reappear in the list.
- Deletes the cipher from the list. You can add this cipher again.
+ Moves the cipher to the end of the list. The + character moves
existing ciphers. It does not add them.
If none of these characters is present, the string is interpreted as a list of
ciphers to be appended to the current list. If the list includes a cipher that
is already in the list, that cipher is ignored. That is, existing ciphers are not
moved to the end of the list.
Additionally, the cipher string can contain the @STRENGTH keyword at any
point to sort the cipher list in order of encryption algorithm key length.
option-string options-mask
Optional: Enables various SSL options for the cryptographic profile. Use
the string that identifies specific supported SSL options.Table 41 lists the
available options.
Table 41. SSL options as string
String value Description
OpenSSL-default The default value.
Disable-SSLv2 Disallows the use of SSL version 2.
Disable-SSLv3 Disallows the use of SSL version 3.
Disable-TLSv1 Disallows the use of TLS version 1.0.
Enable-Legacy-Renegotiation Allows SSL and TLS renegotiation, which is
vulnerable to a man-in-the-middle (MITM)
attack that is documented in CVE-2009-3555.

620 IBM MQ Appliance

Table 41. SSL options as string (continued)
String value Description
Enable-Compression Allows compression.
Disable-TLSv1d1 Disallows the use of TLS version 1.1.
Disable-TLSv1d2 Disallows the use of TLS version 1.2.
SSL protocol version 2 is deprecated.

When you use the string value, use a + character to join values. For
example, to disallow both SSL version 3 and TLS version 1.0, enter
clientcalist {on | off}
Indicates whether to enable the transmission of a client CA List during the
SSL handshake. Transmission of a client CA List is meaningful only when
this profile supports a reverse (or server) proxy and when this profile has
validation credentials. The default value is off.
on Enables the transmission of a client CA List during the SSL
off Disables the transmission of a client CA List during the SSL


A cryptographic profile defines a level of SSL service. When you create an SSL
proxy profile with the sslproxy command, you assign a cryptographic profile to
the SSL proxy profile.

Before you create a cryptographic profile to use with an SSL server, use the
certificate command with the key and idcred commands to create identification
credentials. This set of credentials consists of a certificate, which contains a public
key, and the corresponding private key.

A cryptographic profile optionally uses validation credentials to validate

certificates that are received from remote SSL peers.
v The SSL client requires validation credentials only when it validates the
certificate that is presented by an SSL server. The SSL standard does not require
the validation of the server certificate.
v The SSL server requires validation credentials only when it validates certificates
that are presented by SSL clients. The SSL standard does not require the
validation of SSL clients.

If you want the SSL service to validate received certificates:

1. Use the valcred and certificate commands to create the validation
2. Assign the validation credentials to the cryptographic profile.

Assignment of validation credentials to a cryptographic profile mandates that SSL

validates the certificate that is presented by the remote peer. If the peer fails to
present a certificate on request or presents a certificate that cannot be validated, the
cryptographic profile requires the termination of the SSL connection.

Chapter 11. Reference 621

Note: In the absence of the ssl keyword, the cryptographic profile does no SSL
peer authentication.

The no profile command deletes only the specified cryptographic profile. The
alias names that create the original cryptographic profile are available for use as
are the files that contain the certificate and key material that implement the
cryptographic profile.

v Create the Low cryptographic profile that uses the XSSL-1 identification
credentials (certificate and private key) to identify the SSL proxy profile. The
cryptographic profile specifies no validation of received peer certificates and
supports the default cipher list.
# profile Low XSSL-1
Creating new crypto profile ’Low’
v Create the Low cryptographic profile that uses the XSSL-1 identification
credentials to identify the SSL proxy profile. The cryptographic profile specifies
no peer validation, supports the default cipher list, and disables SSL Version 2.
# profile Low XSSL-1
option-string Disable-SSLv2
Creating new crypto profile ’Low’
v Create the Low cryptographic profile that uses the XSSL-1 identification
credentials to identify the SSL proxy profile. The cryptographic profile specifies
no peer validation, supports the default cipher list, and disables SSL Version 2
and TLS Version 1.0.
# profile Low XSSL-1
option-string Disable-SSLv2+Disable-TLSv1
Creating new crypto profile ’Low’
v Create the High cryptographic profile that uses the XSSL-2 identification
credentials to identify the SSL proxy profile. The cryptographic profile validates
the SSL peer with the TSC-1 validation credentials, and supports symmetric
encryption algorithms that include AES and 3DES cipher suites.
# profile High XSSL-2
ssl TSC-1 ciphers HIGH
Creating new crypto profile ’High’
v Delete the High cryptographic profile.
# no profile High
Crypto Profile ’High’ deleted


This command enters SSL client profile mode.




The sshserverprofile command enters SSH server profile mode to modify the
ciphers for the SSH server profile.


This command creates an alias for a shared secret key.

622 IBM MQ Appliance


sskey alias URL

no sskey alias

alias Specifies an alias for the stored shared secret key.
The name can contain a maximum of 32 characters. The following
characters are valid:
v a through z
v A through Z
v 0 through 9
v Underscore (_)
v Dash (-)
v Period (.)

Note: Names cannot be a single period or two consecutive periods.

URL Specifies a local URL that identifies the file that contains the private key.


Use the sskey command with the certificate and idcred commands to create
identification credentials that consist of a certificate, which contains a public key,
and the corresponding private key.

The no sskey command deletes only the alias for the stored shared secret key. The
file that contains the actual shared secret key remains on the appliance.

v Create an alias, alice, for the specified shared secret key.
# sskey alice cert:///alicekey
Creating key ’alice’
v Delete the alice alias.
# no sskey alice
Key ’alice’ deleted


This command enters SSL client profile mode.


ssl-client name

no ssl-client name

name Specifies the name of the configuration.
The name can contain a maximum of 128 characters. The following
characters are valid:

Chapter 11. Reference 623

v a through z
v A through Z
v 0 through 9
v Underscore (_)
v Dash (-)
v Period (.)

Note: Names cannot be a single period or two consecutive periods.


The ssl-client command enters SSL Client Profile mode to create or modify an
SSL client profile. An SSL client profile secures connections between the appliance
and its targets.

Use the no usergroup command to delete an SSL client configuration.


This command enters SSL Server Profile mode.


ssl-servername name

no ssl-servername name

Specifies the name of the configuration.
The name can contain a maximum of 32 characters. The following
characters are valid:
v a through z
v A through Z
v 0 through 9
v Underscore (_)
v Dash (-)
v Period (.)

Note: Names cannot be a single period or two consecutive periods.


The ssl-server command enters SSL Server Profile mode to create or modify an
SSL server profile. An SSL server profile secures connections between clients and
the appliance.

To delete an SSL server profile, use the no ssl-server command.

624 IBM MQ Appliance

test password-map:

This command tests the association between an encrypted password alias and a


test password-map alias type URL

alias Specifies the name of the candidate alias.
type Identifies the file type. Use the value key or cert.
URL Specifies a local URL that identifies the file that contains the certificate or
v If stored in the public cryptographic area, takes the pubcert:file form.
v If stored in the private cryptographic area, takes the file form.


The test password-map command tests the association between an encrypted

password alias and a file. Confirms or denies that the alias references the password
that protects the file.

Assuming syntactical correctness, testing a key or certificate file that does not
require a password succeeds in all cases.

Note: The test password-map command cannot be used in a startup configuration.

If found, the script ignores the command.

v Indicates that towson does not reference the encrypted password that protects
the dpSupplied.der certificate file.
# test password-map towson cert pubcert:dpSupplied.der
Alias ’towson’ with file ’pubcert:dpSupplied.der’ --> FAIL
v Indicates that dundaulk references the encrypted password that protects the
dpSupplied.der certificate file.
# test password-map dundaulk cert pubcert:dpSupplied.der
Alias ’dundaulk’ with file ’pubcert:dpSupplied.der’ --> OK
v Indicates that columbia does not reference the encrypted password that protects
the K2.der key file.
# test password-map columbia key K2.der
Alias ’columbia’ with file ’K2.der’ --> FAIL
v Indicates that towson references the encrypted password that protects the K2.der
key file.
# test password-map towson key K2.der
Alias ’towson’ with file ’K2.der’ --> OK


This command enters Validation Credentials mode.

Chapter 11. Reference 625


valcred name

no valcred name

name Specifies the name of the configuration.
The name can contain a maximum of 32 characters. The following
characters are valid:
v a through z
v A through Z
v 0 through 9
v Underscore (_)
v Dash (-)
v Period (.)

Note: Names cannot be a single period or two consecutive periods.


The valcred command enters Validation Credentials mode. A cryptographic profile

optionally uses validation credentials to validate certificates from remote SSL peers.
v Validation credentials are required by an SSL client only when it validates the
certificate that is presented by an SSL server. Validation of a server's certificate is
not required by the SSL standard.
v Validation Credentials are required by an SSL server only when it validates
certificates that are presented by SSL clients. Validation of SSL clients is not
required by the SSL standard.

If you want the SSL service to validate received certificates, complete the following
1. Use the valcred command to create the validation credentials.
2. Use the certificate command to add certificate alias to the validation
3. Assign the validation credentials to the cryptographic profile.

The assignment of validation credentials to a cryptographic profile mandates that

SSL validates the certificate that is presented by the remote peer. If the peer fails to
present a certificate on request or presents a certificate that cannot be validated, the
cryptographic profile requires the termination of the SSL connection.

Use the no valcred command to delete the validation credentials. The certificate
aliases for the validation credentials remain available for use as do as the files that
contain the actual certificates.

Date, time, and locale configuration commands

You can use these commands to configure the time, date, and locale on the IBM
MQ Appliance.

Included are commands for configuring the appliance to work with an NTP server.
To work with date, time, and locale configuration:

626 IBM MQ Appliance

1. From the appliance command line, enter global configuration mode:
2. From global configuration mode, enter one of the following configuration
modes, depending on the feature that you want to configure:
v For configuring the appliance to work with an NTP server, enter
v For configuring the timezone for the appliance, enter timezone.
3. When you have finished, save your configuration:
write memory
4. Type exit to leave the configuration mode, then type exit again to leave global
configuration mode.


This command specifies the name of a custom time zone.


custom name

name Specifies the symbolic name of the custom time zone.


The custom command specifies the symbolic name of a custom time zone. This
name is appended to local times. The name must be three or more alphabetic
characters. If you use any other characters, the time zone becomes Coordinated
Universal Time.


This command specifies the name of the time zone when in daylight saving time.
This name is appended to the time.


daylight-name name

name Specifies the name of the timezone when in daylight saving time.


The daylight-name command specifies the name of the time zone when in daylight
saving time. This name is appended to the time. The name must be three or more
alphabetic characters. If you use any other characters, the time zone becomes
Coordinated Universal Time.

This command is meaningful for custom time zones where daylight saving time
rules apply.

Chapter 11. Reference 627


This command sets the offset, in hours, for daylight saving time.


daylight-offset hours

hours Specifies the offset (difference) in hours between daylight saving time and
regular time.


The daylight-offset command sets the offset, in hours, for daylight saving time.
Generally, the difference is 1 hour. A value of 1 means that the clock moves
forward or back 1 hour when the time boundary is crossed.

This command is meaningful for custom time zones where daylight saving time
rules apply.


This command specifies the day of the week when daylight saving time starts.


daylight-start-day day

day Specifies the day of the week when daylight saving time starts. The default
value is Sunday.
v Monday
v Tuesday
v Wednesday
v Thursday
v Friday
v Saturday
v Sunday


The daylight-start-day command specifies the day of the week when daylight
saving time starts.

This command is meaningful for custom time zones where daylight saving time
rules apply.

When you define when daylight saving time starts, you must also define the time
and date with the daylight-start-hours, daylight-start-minutes,
daylight-start-month, and daylight-start-week commands.

628 IBM MQ Appliance


Set the second Sunday in March at 2:30 AM as the start of daylight saving time.
# daylight-start-month March
# daylight-start-week 2
# daylight-start-day Sunday
# daylight-start-hours 2
# daylight-start- minutes 30


This command specifies the hour in the day when daylight saving time starts.


daylight-start-hours hour

hour Specifies the hour in the day when daylight saving time starts. Enter an
value in the range 0 - 23.


The daylight-start-hours command specifies the hour in the day when daylight
saving time starts. The value uses the 24 hour clock. A setting of 2 is 2 AM; and a
setting of 14 is 2 PM.

This command is meaningful for custom time zones where daylight saving time
rules apply.

When you define when daylight saving time starts, you must also define the time
and date with the daylight-start-day, daylight-start-minutes,
daylight-start-month, and daylight-start-week commands.


Set the second Sunday in March at 2:30 AM as the start of daylight saving time.
# daylight-start-month March
# daylight-start-week 2
# daylight-start-day Sunday
# daylight-start-hours 2
# daylight-start- minutes 30


This command specifies the minute in the hour when daylight saving time starts.


daylight-start-minutes minute

Specifies the minute in the hour when daylight saving time starts. Enter a
value in the range 0 - 59.

Chapter 11. Reference 629


The daylight-start-minutes command specifies the minute in the hour when

daylight saving time starts.

This command is meaningful for custom time zones where daylight saving time
rules apply.

When you define when daylight saving time starts, you must also define the time
and date with the daylight-start-hours, daylight-start-day,
daylight-start-month, and daylight-start-week commands.


Set the second Sunday in March at 2:30 AM as the start of daylight saving time.
# daylight-start-month March
# daylight-start-week 2
# daylight-start-day Sunday
# daylight-start-hours 2
# daylight-start- minutes 30


This command specifies the month of the year when daylight saving time starts.


daylight-start-month month

month Specifies the month of the year when daylight saving time starts. The
default value is March.
v January
v February
v March
v April
v May
v June
v July
v August
v September
v October
v November
v December


The daylight-start-month command specifies the month of the year when

daylight saving time starts.

This command is meaningful for custom time zones where daylight saving time
rules apply.

630 IBM MQ Appliance

When you define when daylight saving time starts, you must also define the time
and date with the daylight-start-hours, daylight-start-minutes,
daylight-start-day, and daylight-start-week commands.


Set the second Sunday in March at 2:30 AM as the start of daylight saving time.
# daylight-start-month March
# daylight-start-week 2
# daylight-start-day Sunday
# daylight-start-hours 2
# daylight-start- minutes 30


This command specifies the instance of the day in the month when daylight saving
time starts.


daylight-start-week instance

Specifies the instance of the day in the month when daylight saving time
starts. Enter a value in the range 1 - 5.


The daylight-start-week command specifies the instance of the day in the month
when daylight saving time starts.

This command is meaningful for custom time zones where daylight saving time
rules apply.

When you define when daylight saving time starts, you must also define the time
and date with the daylight-start-hours, daylight-start-minutes,
daylight-start-day, and daylight-start-month commands.


Set the second Sunday in March at 2:30 AM as the start of daylight saving time.
# daylight-start-month March
# daylight-start-week 2
# daylight-start-day Sunday
# daylight-start-hours 2
# daylight-start- minutes 30


This command specifies the day of the week when daylight saving time stops.


daylight-stop-day day

Chapter 11. Reference 631

day Specifies the day of the week when daylight saving time ends. The default
value is Sunday.
v Monday
v Tuesday
v Wednesday
v Thursday
v Friday
v Saturday
v Sunday


The daylight-stop-day command specifies the day of the week when daylight
saving time ends.

This command is meaningful for custom time zones where daylight saving time
rules apply.

When you define when daylight saving time ends, you must also define the time
and date with the daylight-stop-hours, daylight-stop-minutes,
daylight-stop-month, and daylight-stop-week commands.


Set the second Sunday in November at 2:30 AM as the end of daylight saving time.
# daylight-stop-month November
# daylight-stop-week 2
# daylight-stop-day Sunday
# daylight-stop-hours 2
# daylight-stop- minutes 30


This command specifies the hour in the day when daylight saving time ends.


daylight-stop-hours hour

hour Specifies the hour in the day when daylight saving time ends. Enter a
value in the range 0 and 23.


The daylight-stop-hours command specifies the hour in the day when daylight
saving time ends. The value uses the 24 hour clock. A setting of 2 is 2 AM; and a
setting of 14 is 2 PM.

This command is meaningful for custom time zones where daylight saving time
rules apply.

632 IBM MQ Appliance

When you define when daylight saving time ends, you must also define the time
and date with the daylight-stop-day, daylight-stop-minutes,
daylight-stop-month, and daylight-stop-week commands.


Set the second Sunday in November at 2:30 AM as the end of daylight saving time.
# daylight-stop-month November
# daylight-stop-week 2
# daylight-stop-day Sunday
# daylight-stop-hours 2
# daylight-stop- minutes 30


This command specifies the minute in the hour when daylight saving time ends.


daylight-stop-minutes minute

Specifies the minutes of the hour when daylight saving time ends. Enter a
value in the range 0 - 59.


The daylight-stop-minutes command specifies the minute in the hour when

daylight saving time ends.

This command is meaningful for custom time zones where daylight saving time
rules apply.

When you define when daylight saving time ends, you must also define the time
and date with the daylight-stop-hours, daylight-stop-day, daylight-stop-month,
and daylight-stop-week commands.


Set the second Sunday in November at 2:30 AM as the end of daylight saving time.
# daylight-stop-month November
# daylight-stop-week 2
# daylight-stop-day Sunday
# daylight-stop-hours 2
# daylight-stop- minutes 30


This command specifies the month of the year when daylight saving time ends.


daylight-stop-month month

Chapter 11. Reference 633

month Specifies the month of the year when daylight saving time ends. The
default value is November.
v January
v February
v March
v April
v May
v June
v July
v August
v September
v October
v November
v December


The daylight-stop-month command specifies the month of the year when daylight
saving time ends.

This command is meaningful for custom time zones where daylight saving time
rules apply.

When you define when daylight saving time ends, you must also define the time
and date with the daylight-stop-hours, daylight-stop-minutes,
daylight-stop-day, and daylight-stop-week commands.


Set the second Sunday in November at 2:30 AM as the end of daylight saving time.
# daylight-stop-month November
# daylight-stop-week 2
# daylight-stop-day Sunday
# daylight-stop-hours 2
# daylight-stop- minutes 30


This command specifies the instance of the day in the month when daylight saving
time ends.


daylight-stop-week instance

Specifies the instance of the day in the month when daylight saving time
ends. Enter a value in the range 1 - 5.

634 IBM MQ Appliance


The daylight-stop-week command specifies the instance of the day in the month
when daylight saving time ends.

This command is meaningful for custom time zones where daylight saving time
rules apply.

When you define when daylight saving time ends, you must also define the time
and date with the daylight-stop-hours, daylight-stop-minutes,
daylight-stop-day, and daylight-stop-month commands.


Set the second Sunday in November at 2:30 AM as the end of daylight saving time.
# daylight-stop-month November
# daylight-stop-week 2
# daylight-stop-day Sunday
# daylight-stop-hours 2
# daylight-stop- minutes 30


This command specifies the direction, relative to Coordinated Universal Time, of

the time zone.


direction { East | West }

East The direction is east of Coordinated Universal Time. Asia is east.
West The direction is west of Coordinated Universal Time. North America is
west. This setting is the default value.


The direction command specifies the direction, relative to Coordinated Universal

Time, of the time zone.
v When West, the offset is added.
v When East, the offset is subtracted.

A time zone that is in Coordinated Universal Time can have an offset of 0.

The command is required for custom time zones.


Set an offset of 2 hours and 30 minutes east of Coordinated Universal Time.

# direction East
# offset-hours 2
# offset-minutes 30

Chapter 11. Reference 635


This command sets the name of the time zone. This name is appended to the time.


name value

value Specifies the name of the local time zone. The default value is EST-5EDT.
The appliance provides predefined values and the ability to define a
custom time zone.

Value Description Meaning

HST10 US Hawaii-Aleutian Time 10 hours west of Coordinated
Universal Time (UTC), no daylight
saving time (DST).
AKST9AKDT US Alaska Time 9 hours west of UTC, United States
DST rules.
PST8PDT US Pacific Time 8 hours west of UTC, United States
DST rules.
MST7MDT US Mountain Time 7 hours west of UTC, United States
DST rules.
CST6CDT US Central Time 6 hours west of UTC, United States
DST rules.
EST5EDT US Eastern Time 5 hours west of UTC, United States
DST rules.
AST4ADT Atlantic Time 4 hours west of UTC, Canada DST
UTC Coordinated Universal Time UTC, no DST.
GMT0BST GMT, United Kingdom UTC, United Kingdom DST rules.
CET-1CEST Central Europe Time 1 hour east of UTC, European
Union DST rules.
EET-2EEST Eastern Europe Time 2 hours east of UTC, European
Union DST rules.
MSK-3MSD Moscow Time 3 hours east of UTC, Russian DST
AST-3 Saudi Arabia 3 hours east of UTC, no DST.
KRT-5 Pakistan 5 hours east of UTC, no DST.
IST-5:30 India Standard Time 5 hours and 30 minutes east of
UTC, no DST.
NOVST-6NOVDT Novosibirsk 6 hours east of UTC, Russian DST
CST-8 China Coast Time 8 hours east of UTC, no DST.
WST-8 Australia Western Time 8 hours east of UTC, no DST.
JST-9 Japan 9 hours east of UTC, no DST.
CST-9:30CDT Australia Central Time 9 hours and 30 minutes east of
UTC. Follows standard Central
Australia Daylight savings time

636 IBM MQ Appliance

Value Description Meaning
EST-10EDT Australia Eastern Time 10 hours east of UTC. Follows
standard Eastern Australia
Daylight savings time rules.
EST-10 Australia Eastern Time, 10 hours east of UTC, no DST.
Custom User-defined Custom time zone that you define
with or without DST.


The name command sets the name of the time zone. This name is appended to the
v Enter a predefined time zone names to set the time zone and its corresponding
DST or summer time, values.
v Enter Custom to define a custom time zone with or without DST.


Sets the local time zone to IST-5:30 (India, 5:30 hours east of UTC, no DST).
# name IST-5:30


This command specifies the offset in hours, relative to Coordinated Universal Time,
of the time zone.


offset-hours hours

hours Specifies the offset in hours, relative to Coordinated Universal Time, of the
time zone. Enter a value in the range 0 - 12.


The offset-hours command specifies the offset in hours, relative to Coordinated

Universal Time, of the time zone.

The command is required for custom time zones.


Set an offset of 2 hours and 30 minutes east of Coordinated Universal Time.

# direction East
# offset-hours 2
# offset-minutes 30


This command specifies the offset in minutes, relative to Coordinated Universal

Time, of the time zone.

Chapter 11. Reference 637


offset-minutes minutes

Specifies the offset in minutes, relative to Coordinated Universal Time, of
the time zone. Enter a value in the range 0 - 59.


The offset-minutes command specifies the offset in minutes, relative to

Coordinated Universal Time, of the time zone.

The command is required for custom time zones.


Set an offset of 2 hours and 30 minutes east of Coordinated Universal Time.

# direction East
# offset-hours 2
# offset-minutes 30


This command sets the interval between clock synchronizations.


refresh-interval seconds

Specifies the number of seconds between clock synchronizations. Enter a
value in the range 60 - 86400. The default value is 900.


The refresh-interval command sets the interval between clock synchronizations.


Identify the NTP server and set the clock synchronization interval of 5 minutes.
# ntp-service
NTP Service configuration
# remote-server Chronos-1
# refresh-interval 300


This command identifies an NTP server.

638 IBM MQ Appliance


remote-server host

no remote-server

host Identifies the NTP server by host name or IP address.


From the CLI, the appliance supports one NTP server at a time. To designate a
new NTP server, use the no ntp-service command to delete the current server.

The GUI supports the specification of multiple NTP servers. If you run the no
ntp-service command, all defined NTP servers are deleted. To delete just one NTP
server, use the GUI.


Identify the NTP server and specify a synchronization interval of 5 minutes.

# ntp-service
NTP Service configuration
# remote-server Chronos-1
# refresh-interval 300

DNS commands
You can use the DNS commands to configure the DNS settings on the IBM MQ

The DNS commands can be run from the command line interface in DNS
configuration mode. To enter DNS configuration mode, complete the following
1. From the appliance command line, enter global configuration mode:
2. From global configuration mode, enter DNS configuration mode:
3. Type exit to save your changes and leave DNS configuration mode, then type
exit again to leave global configuration mode.


This command sets whether to restrict DNS queries to the preferred IP version.


force-ip-preference { on | off }

Sends DNS queries to only the preferred IP version: A (IPv4) or AAAA
(IPv6) record. This setting avoids latency with unneeded IPv6 queries in
IPv4-only environments and vice versa.

Chapter 11. Reference 639

Sends DNS queries for both A and AAAA records. This setting is the
default setting.


The force-ip-preference command sets whether to restrict DNS queries to the

preferred IP version. You want to force the IP preference except when both IPv4
and IPv6 addresses are in use. When not forced, the appliance resolves each host
name by querying A and AAAA records and waiting for both responses or a
timeout. Waiting for the response or timeout for both records can introduce
unnecessary latency in DNS resolution.

To set the preferred IP version, use the ip-preference command.


This command sets the preferred IP version when the DNS provider publishes
both versions of addresses.


ip-preference { 4 | 6 }

4 Sets the IP version preference to 4. This setting is the default setting.
6 Sets the IP version preference to 6.


The ip-preference command sets the preferred IP version that the appliance uses
when the DNS provider publishes both supported versions of addresses. If the
DNS resolves the host name for a remote destination to both a version 4 address
and a version 6 address, this property determines which version of the addresses
the appliance uses to attempt the connection to the remote destination. The
appliance supports version 4, commonly known as IPv4, and version 6, commonly
known as IPv6.


This command sets the load-balancing algorithm that the appliance uses to resolve
host names.


load-balance { first-alive | round-robin }

Uses the concept of a primary server and one or more backup servers.
When the health state of the primary server is up, all connections are
forwarded to this server. When the health state of the primary server is
softdown or down, connections are forwarded to back up servers. The
primary server is the first server in the members list.

640 IBM MQ Appliance

Maintains a list of servers and forwards a new connection to the next
server on the list. This setting is the default value.


The load-balance command sets the load balancing algorithm. For a request to
resolve a host name, a server with a health state of up is selected from the pool
according to the algorithm. The algorithm provides a method to select which
server with a health status of up receives an incoming client request.


This command manages local DNS providers.


name-server address

no name-server address

no name-server *

Specifies the IP address or host name of the DNS server.
* Indicates all DNS servers.


The name-server command manages the list of DNS servers. Use this command to
create a list of one or more name servers that the appliance contacts to resolve host
names. Each use of the command adds a server to the list.

Note: Unless explicitly instructed, do not change the settings for DNS name

Use the no name-server command to delete a DNS provider.

The following syntax is deprecated. For details about this usage, see the online

name-server address [UDP] [TCP] [flags] [count]

This command is equivalent to the Global ip name-server command.

v Add the DNS server at with the default port.
# ip name-server
v Delete the specified DNS provider.
# no name-server
v Delete all DNS providers.
# no name-server *

Chapter 11. Reference 641


This command sets the number of times that the appliance attempts a failed query.


retries attempts

The number of times that the appliance attempts a failed query. If the
query fails, the appliance attempts the query to a different DNS server that
is determined by the load balance algorithm. Enter a value in the range 0 -
4294967295. The default value is 2.


The retries command sets the number of times that the appliance attempts a
failed query before an error is returned. This command is used when the load
balancing algorithm is first-alive. Any value set with the retries command is
ignored when the load balancing algorithm is round-robin.

With the timeout command, the retries command specifies the number of
attempts that the appliance makes to resolve DNS server queries after the initial


This command manages domain-suffixes in the search table for nonqualified

domain names.


search-domain domain

no search-domain domain

Specifies a base domain name to which a host name can be prefixed.


The search-domain command manages domain-suffixes in the search table for

nonqualified domain names. Use this command to create a list of one or more
domain names that can be added to a host name to resolve host names. Each use
of the command adds an entry to the search table.

The appliance attempts to resolve a host name with any domains that are defined
with this command. The host name is resolved as soon as a match is found.

Use the no search-domain command to delete an entry from the search table.

This command is equivalent to the Global ip domain command.

642 IBM MQ Appliance

v Add datapower.com to the search table.
# search-domain datapower.com
v Remove datapower.com from the search table.
# no search-domain datapower.com
v Add datapower.com, somewhereelse.com, and endoftheearth.com to the search
# search-domain datapower.com
# search-domain somewhereelse.com
# search-domain endoftheearth.com
# exit
The appliance attempts to resolve the host name loki as follows:
1. loki.datapower.com
2. loki.somewhereelse.com
3. loki.endoftheearth.com


This command manages host-address maps.


static-host host address

no static-host host

no static-host *

host Specifies the host name.
Specifies the IP address of the host.
* Specifies all hosts.


The static-host command manages host-address maps.

Use the no static-host command to remove a host-address map or all

host-address maps.

This command is equivalent to the Global ip host command.

v Map host loki-v4 to address
# static-host loki-v4
v Map host loki-v6 to address FEDC:BA98:7654:3210:C:BA98:7654:3210.
# static-host loki-v6 FEDC:BA98:7654:3210:C:BA98:7654:3210
v Delete the map for host loki-v4.

Chapter 11. Reference 643

# no static-host loki-v4
v Delete all maps.
# no static-host *


This command sets the time to wait before the next query attempt.


timeout seconds

Specifies the number of seconds to wait for a response from a remote DNS
server. If the query fails, the appliance attempts the query to a different
DNS server that is determined by the load balance algorithm. The default
value is 5.


The timeout command sets the time to wait before the next query attempt. Use this
command only when the load-balancing algorithm is first-alive. Any value set with
the timeout command is ignored when the load balancing algorithm is

With the retries command, the timeout command specifies the amount of time
that the appliance attempts to resolve DNS server queries.

Ethernet commands
You can use the Ethernet commands to configure the Ethernet interfaces on the
IBM MQ Appliance.

The Ethernet commands can be run from the command line interface in Ethernet
configuration mode. To enter Ethernet configuration mode, complete the following
1. From the appliance command line, enter global configuration mode:
2. From global configuration mode, enter Ethernet configuration mode:
ethernet name

where name is the name of the Ethernet port that you want to configure.
3. Type exit to leave the configuration mode and save your changes, then type
exit again to leave global configuration mode.

You cannot aggregate Ethernet links that are used in high availability or disaster
recovery configurations.

If you change the IP addresses of Ethernet links that are used in high availability
or disaster recovery configurations, the configuration will cease to function. See
“Changing IP addresses in high availability configurations” on page 169 and
“Changing IP addresses in disaster recovery configurations” on page 187

644 IBM MQ Appliance


This command sets the flow control mode of the Ethernet interface.


flow-control { auto | disabled }

flow-control { auto | disabled | tx | rx | full }

auto For interfaces that support autonegotiation, performs standard IEEE 802.3
autonegotiation for flow control. This setting is the default value.
Disables flow control. The interface does not send flow control PAUSE
frames and ignores received PAUSE frames.

Note: Do not select this option unless you are working with IBM Support.
tx Enables transmit mode. The interface transmits flow control PAUSE frames
but ignores the received PAUSE frames.
rx Enables receive mode. The interface honors received flow control PAUSE
frames but does not transmit PAUSE frames.
full Enables full flow control. The interface transmits flow control PAUSE frames
and honors the received PAUSE frames.


The flow-control command specifies the flow control mode of the Ethernet
interface. Disable flow control only at the direction of IBM Support.


Set the flow control mode of Ethernet interface eth20 to disabled.

# interface eth20
Interface configuration mode (eth20)
(config-if[eth20]) # flow-control disabled


This command indicates whether to force Ethernet physical mode instead of

autonegotiation behavior.


force-mode { on | off }

Force the physical mode set by the mode command.
Use autonegotiation. This setting is the default value.

Chapter 11. Reference 645


The force-mode command indicates whether to force Ethernet physical mode

instead of autonegotiation behavior.
v By default, autonegotiation is used.
v When enabled, the physical mode is forced. No autonegotiation is done at the
Ethernet driver level. Enable this option only when IBM® Support diagnoses that
you are encountering a problem.

The command is not meaningful when the mode set with the mode command is


This command manages the temporary disabling of hardware offload.




The disable-ethernet-hardware-offload command manages the temporary

disabling of hardware offload. This command does not modify the interface
configuration. Use the disable-ethernet-hardware-offload command to disable
hardware offload temporarily. In rare situations, hardware offload can cause
stability issues.

The hardware offload function, as set with the hardware-offload command,

controls whether to offload TCP/IP packet processing of Ethernet device drivers
and chips.


Temporarily disable hardware offload.

# disable-ethernet-hardware-offload


This command indicates whether to offload TCP/IP packet processing.


hardware-offload {on | off}

on Enables the hardware offload of TCP/IP packet processing. This setting is
the default value.
off Disables the hardware offload of TCP/IP packet processing.


The hardware-offload command indicates whether to offload TCP/IP packet


646 IBM MQ Appliance

v When enabled, offloads TCP/IP packet processing of Ethernet device drivers
and chips. Hardware offload can improve performance.
v When disabled, does not offload TCP/IP packet processing. Disable this option
only when IBM support diagnosed that you are encountering this problem.

If you disable the hardware offload and then re-enable offloading, you must restart
the appliance for the change to take effect. To modify the operational behavior
temporarily, use the disable-hardware-offload command.


Disable hardware offload at the direction of IBM Support.

# hardware-offload off


This command assigns the primary network address for the Ethernet interface.


ip-address address

Specifies the IP address and netmask. The netmask is in CIDR format and
is the integer that assigns the prefix length.
v For version 4, the prefix length can be in the range of 0 through 32.
v For version 6, the prefix length can be in the range of 0 through 128.


The ip-address command assigns the primary network address to the interface.
The network address is an IP address with its subnet mask.

To assign secondary, or auxiliary, IP addresses, use the ip-secondary-address


This command is meaningful except in the following situations:

v You use the link-aggregation-mode command to make the interface part of an
aggregate interface.
v You use the ip-config-mode command to identify autoconfiguration with DHCP

v Assign an IP address in version 4 format.
# ip-address
v Assign an IP address in version 6 format.
# ip-address 2001:0db8:3c4d:0015::abcd:ef12/34


This command identifies the configuration mode for the Ethernet interface.

Chapter 11. Reference 647


ip-config-mode { static | dhcp | slaac }

static Indicates a static, manual configuration. This setting is the default value.
dhcp Indicates IPv4 autoconfiguration with DHCP.
slaac Indicates IPv6 autoconfiguration with SLAAC.


The ip-config-mode command identifies the configuration mode of the interface.

v With the static keyword, define the configuration for the interface as provided
by your network administrator.
– Use the ip-address command to assign the primary network address.
– Use the ip-secondary-address command to manage secondary, or auxiliary,
network addresses.
– Use the ipv4-default-gateway command to assign the default IPv4 gateway.
– Use the ipv6-default-gateway command to assign the default IPv6 gateway.
– Use the ip-route command to manage static routes in the routing table.
v With the dhcp keyword, the appliance ignores configuration data about the
physical interface.
v With the slaac keyword, the appliance ignores configuration data about the
physical interface.

This command is meaningful only when you do not use the link-aggregation-
mode command to make interface part of an aggregate interface.

v Change the configuration mode to IPv4 autoconfiguration with DHCP.
# ip-config-mode dhcp
v Change the configuration mode to manual configuration.
# ip-config-mode static


This command manages static routes in the routing table for the Ethernet interface.

Add a static route
ip-route address next-hop-address [metric]
Delete a static route
no ip-route address next-hop-address

Specifies the IP address and netmask. The netmask is in CIDR format and
is the integer that assigns the prefix length.
v For version 4, the prefix length can be in the range of 0 through 32.
v For version 6, the prefix length can be in the range of 0 through 128.

648 IBM MQ Appliance

Specifies the IP address of the next-hop router.
metric Optionally specifies the preference for the route. The lesser the value, the
more preferred the route. For each IP family, the supported range differs.
v For IPv4, enter a value in the range 0 - 255. The default value is 0.
v For IPv6, enter a value in the range 0 - 65536. The default value is 512.


The ip-route command manages static routes in the routing table. Issue this
command for each static route to add to the routing table.

To delete a static route, use the no ip-route command. Issue this command for
each static route to delete from the routing table.

This command is meaningful except in the following situations:

v You use the link-aggregation-mode command to make the interface part of an
aggregate interface.
v You use the ip-config-mode command to identify autoconfiguration with DHCP

v Add a static route to the routing table (subnet via next-hop router The metric for the route is 0, the default value for IPv4, which is
the most preferred route.
# ip-route
v Delete a static route from the routing table (subnet via next-hop
# no ip-route


This command manages secondary network addresses for the Ethernet interface.

Add a secondary address
ip-secondary-address address
Remove a secondary address
no ip-secondary-address address
Remove all secondary addresses
no ip-secondary-address

Specifies the IP address and netmask. The netmask is in CIDR format and
is the integer that assigns the prefix length.
v For version 4, the prefix length can be in the range of 0 through 32.
v For version 6, the prefix length can be in the range of 0 through 128.

Chapter 11. Reference 649


The ip-secondary-address command manages secondary network addresses for

the current interface. The network address is the IP address and its subnet mask. A
secondary IP address is a bind address. The secondary IP address is used only as a
source IP address when it responds to incoming traffic to the secondary IP address.

To create the primary IP address, use the ip-address command.

To remove secondary IP addresses, use the no ip-secondary-address command.

This command is meaningful except in the following situations:

v You use the link-aggregation-mode command to make the interface part of an
aggregate interface.
v You use the ip-config-mode command to identify autoconfiguration with DHCP

v Add as a secondary IP address to the interface.
# ip-secondary-address
v Remove as a secondary IP address.
# no ip-secondary-address
v Remove all secondary IP addresses.
# no ip-secondary-address


This command designates the default IPv4 gateway for the Ethernet interface.

Designates the default IPv4 gateway
ipv4-default-gateway address
Deletes the default IPv4 gateway
no ipv4-default-gateway

Specifies the IP address of the default IPv4 gateway.


The ipv4-default-gateway command designates the default IPv4 gateway that the
interface can reach. If the interface supports both IP families, use the
ipv6-default-gateway command to designate the default IPv6 gateway.

Use the no ipv4-default-gateway command to delete the default IPv4 gateway.

This command is meaningful except in the following situations:

v You use the link-aggregation-mode command to make the interface part of an
aggregate interface.
v You use the ip-config-mode command to identify autoconfiguration with DHCP

650 IBM MQ Appliance


This command sets the number of IPv6 duplication address detection attempts for
the Ethernet interface.


ipv6-dadtransmits attempts

Specifies the number of attempts. The default value is 1.


The ipv6-dadtransmits command sets the number of IPv6 duplication address

detection (DAD) attempts. This command is relevant for only IPv6 addresses on
the appliance.

If you specify more than one attempt, use the ipv6-nd-retransmit-timer command
to set the interval between attempts.

This command is meaningful except when you use the link-aggregation-mode

command to make the interface part of an aggregate interface.


This command designates the default IPv6 gateway for the Ethernet interface.

Designate the default IPv6 gateway
ipv6-default-gateway address
Delete the default IPv6 gateway
no ipv6-default-gateway

Specifies the IP address of the default IPv6 gateway.


The ipv6-default-gateway command designates the default IPv6 gateway that the
interface can reach. Define a default IPv6 gateway if you defined IPv6 IP

If the interface supports both IP families, use the ipv4-default-gateway command

to designate the default IPv4 gateway.

Use the no ipv6-default-gateway command to delete the default IPv6 gateway.

This command is meaningful except in the following situations:

v You use the link-aggregation-mode command to make the interface part of an
aggregate interface.

Chapter 11. Reference 651

v You use the ip-config-mode command to identify autoconfiguration with DHCP


This command sets the interval between IPv6 neighbor discovery attempts for the
Ethernet interface.


ipv6-nd-retransmit-timer milliseconds

Specifies the interval between attempts in milliseconds. The default value
is 1000.


The ipv6-nd-retransmit-timer command sets the interval neighbor discovery

attempts. This command is relevant for only when the interface uses IPv6

This command is meaningful except when you use the link-aggregation-mode

command to make the interface part of an aggregate interface.


This command manages Ethernet interfaces in the aggregate interface.


link-aggregation-mode { on | off }

Sets the interface as part of an aggregate interface.
Does not set the interface as part of an aggregate interface. This setting is
the default value.


The link-aggregation-mode command indicates whether the interface is part of an

aggregate interface. When the Ethernet interface is part of an aggregate interface,
the appliance ignores configuration data about the physical Ethernet interface. In
other words, you cannot modify the Ethernet interface when it is part of an
aggregate interface.


Set the interface as part of an aggregate interface.

# link-aggregation-mode on

652 IBM MQ Appliance


This command changes the MAC address for the Ethernet interface.


mac-address address

Specifies the 48-bit MAC address in hex.


The mac-address command changes the MAC address of the Ethernet interface. By
default, the appliance uses “burned-in” MAC addresses from the network interface


Change the “burned-in” MAC address to a nondefault value.

# mac-address 00:11:22:aa:bb:cc


This command sets the interface speed and direction.


mode { Auto | 10baseT-FD | 10baseT-HD | 100baseTx-FD | 100baseTx-HD |

1000baseTx-FD | 10000baseTx-FD }

Auto For interfaces that do autonegotiation, the appliance uses standard IEEE
802.3 autonegotiation for interface speed and direction. Preference is given
to the highest speed. Preference is for full-duplex over half-duplex. This
setting is the default value.
Advertises 10BASE-T PHY (10 Mbps) in full-duplex mode.
Advertises 10BASE-T PHY (10 Mbps) in half-duplex mode.
Advertises 100BASE-TX PHY (100 Mbps) in full-duplex mode.
Advertises 100BASE-TX PHY (100 Mbps) in half-duplex mode.
Advertises 1000BASE-T PHY (1 Gbps) in full-duplex mode.
Advertises 10000BASE-T PHY (10 Gbps) in full-duplex mode.

Chapter 11. Reference 653


The mode command specifies the operational mode for the interface. The
operational mode is the interface speed and direction. Generally you can retain the
default value.

On some appliances, you cannot use this command to modify the operational
mode. Because some network equipment might not negotiate properly, you can use
this command to set speed and direction explicitly. If you manually configure one
end of the link, you must manually configure the other end of the link to the same

On physical appliances, you cannot modify the operational mode for Ethernet
interfaces that use 10-gigabit ports. On blades, you cannot modify the operational
mode on any Ethernet interface.


This command sets the maximum transmission unit of the Ethernet interface.


mtu bytes

bytes Specifies the maximum size in bytes. Enter a value in the range 576 -
16128. The default value is 1500.


The mtu command sets the maximum transmission unit (MTU) for the Ethernet
interface. The MTU is determined regardless of the length of the layer 2
v When the Ethernet interface is part of a VLAN interface, the MTU of the VLAN
interface cannot be greater than the MTU for the Ethernet interface.
v When the Ethernet interface is part of an aggregate interface, the MTU of the
aggregate interface overrides the MTU of the Ethernet interface.


Set the MTU to 4 KB.

# mtu 4096


This command manages a packet-capture for the Ethernet interface session.

Start a packet-capture session
packet-capture file seconds KB ["expression"]
Stop a packet-capture session
no packet-capture file

654 IBM MQ Appliance

file Specifies the file name for the packet capture. You can simultaneously
capture packets on multiple interfaces by specifying a different file name
for each interface.
Specifies the maximum duration of the packet-capture session in seconds.
Enter a value in the range 5 - 86400. The special value of -1 indicates that
the packet capture is continuous and completes when it reaches the
maximum file size or until you issue the no packet-capture command.
KB Specifies the maximum size of the file in KB. Enter a value in the range 10
- 500000.
Optionally specifies the expression that filters the packet capture. Enclose
the expression in double quotation marks.


The packet-capture command manages a packet-capture session on the current

interface. The data from the session is saved in the pcap format. To interpret the
packet, use a network protocol analyzer.

Use the no packet-capture command to stop a packet-capture session.

v Start a timed packet-capture session that writes data to the temporary:///
capture-1 file. The session completes either after 30 minutes or when the file
contains 2500 KB, whichever occurs first.
# packet-capture temporary:///capture-1 1800 2500
Trace begun.
v Start a timed packet-capture session that writes data to the temporary:///
capture-2 file. The session records only packets where 53 is the destination port.
The session completes either after 30 minutes or when the file contains 2500 KB,
whichever occurs first.
# packet-capture temporary:///capture-2 1800 2500 "dst port 53"
Trace begun.
v Start a continuous packet-capture session that writes data to the
temporary:///capture-3 file. The session completes either when it contains
50000 KB or when you stop it.
# packet-capture temporary:///capture-3 -1 50000
Trace begun.
v Stop the packet-capture session that writes data to the temporary:///capture-3
# packet-capture temporary:///capture-3
Continuous packet capture to temporary:///capture-3 on interface stopped.

Failure notification commands

You can use the failure notification commands to control the content and
destination of error reports.

Chapter 11. Reference 655

The failure notification commands can be run from the command line interface in
failure notification mode. To enter failure notification mode, complete the following
1. From the appliance command line, enter global configuration mode:
2. From global configuration mode, enter failure notification mode:
3. Type exit to leave the failure notification mode and save your changes, then
type exit again to leave global configuration mode.


This command indicates whether to generate an error report on shutdown.


always-on-shutdown { on off }
on Generate the report. This setting is the default value.
off Does not generate the report.


The always-on-shutdown command indicates whether to generate an error report

on each shutdown. Because error reports are written to the temporary: directory,
you must configure failure notification to send reports as email or upload reports.
The appliance deletes the contents of the temporary: directory during appliance
v To send error reports as email, use the use-smtp command.
v To upload error reports, use the upload-report command.


This command indicates whether to send an error report on each restart.


always-on-startup { on | off }
on Sends the report.
off Does not automatically send the report on startup. This setting is the
default value.


The always-on-startup command indicates whether to send an error report on

each firmware restart. Use this command to ensure that any restart generates an
error report.


This command specifies the email address to which to send error reports.

656 IBM MQ Appliance


email-address address

Specifies the full email address of the message recipient.


The email-address command specifies the email address to which to send error


Specify the email address of the recipient.

# email-address techsupport@example.com


This command specifies the email address of the sender of the error report.


email-sender-address address

Specifies the full email address of the message sender.


The email-sender-address command specifies the email address of the sender of

the error report. If you do not use this command to specify the email address of
the sender, the value set for the email-address is used as the sender address.


Specify the email address of the message sender.

# email-sender-address tech-support@example.com

ffdc event-log:

This command indicates whether to generate a background event log.


ffdc event-log { on | off }

on Includes the event log.
off Does not include the event log. This setting is the default value.

Chapter 11. Reference 657


The ffdc event-log command indicates whether to run an always-on background

log message capture, capturing all log and trace points within the code with
minimal processor usage. Log messages that are captured are independent of the
system logging configuration. This information is formatted into an error report
when a first failure data capture (FFDC) event is triggered. Enable this feature to
help resolve problems.

ffdc memory-trace:

This command indicates whether to generate a background memory leak capture.


ffdc memory-trace { on | off }

on Includes the memory leak.
off Does not include the memory leak. This setting is the default value.


The ffdc memory-trace command indicates whether to run a memory leak capture
if the system memory usage is too low or too high. This option enables
background leak detection, capturing all allocation call sites when the system
detects a memory leak trend. This information is formatted into an error report
when a first failure data capture (FFDC) event is triggered. Enable this feature to
help resolve problems.

ffdc packet-capture:

This command indicates whether to generate a background packet capture.


ffdc packet-capture { on | off }

on Includes the packet capture.
off Does not include the packet capture. This setting is the default value.


The ffdc packet-capture command indicates whether to run an always-on

background packet capture, capturing network packets on all interfaces, which
include the internal loopback interface. This information is formatted into an error
report when a first failure data capture (FFDC) event is triggered. Enable this
feature to help resolve problems. If you enable this feature and manually request a
packet capture, two packet captures are running, which significantly impacts

658 IBM MQ Appliance


This command indicates the path on the FTP server to upload the report.


ftp-path filepath
The file path on the FTP server where the error report is written.


This command indicates the remote FTP server to upload the error report.


ftp-server host

host The host name or IP address of the FTP server.


This command indicates the user agent that describes how to connect to remote
FTP servers.


ftp-server user-agent

The name of the user agent.


The ftp-server command indicates the user agent that describes how to connect to
remote FTP servers. In addition to the FTP policy to define the connection, ensure
that the user agent defines the basic authentication policy (user name and
password) to connect to the FTP server.


This command indicates whether to include a snapshot of the internal state.


internal-state { on | off }

on Includes the snapshot.
off Does not include the snapshot. This setting is the default value.

Chapter 11. Reference 659


The internal-state command indicates whether to include a snapshot of the

internal state. Including the internal state in the error report can aid in problem


This command specifies the subject line of the email message.


location-id string

string Specifies descriptive text.


The location-id command specifies the subject line of the email message. If the
message contains spaces, wrap the value in double quotation marks.


Provide a descriptive subject line.

# location-id "South Campus Building 9 5th Floor"


This command specifies the NFS mount point to upload the error report.


nfs-mount mount

mount The NFS mount point.


This command specifies the NFS path location to upload the error report.


nfs-path path

path The file path on the NFS server to which to upload the error report.


This command indicates the protocol to use to upload the error report.

660 IBM MQ Appliance


protocol protocol

Sets the protocol scheme to upload the error report.
ftp Uses FTP to upload the error report to a remote server.
nfs Uploads the error report to a specified location on an NFS mount.
raid Uploads the error report to a specified location on a RAID volume.
smtp Sends the error report to a specified email address.
Uploads the error report to a temporary local location.


The protocol command indicates the protocol to use to upload the error report.
v If the protocol is ftp, use the ftp-server, ftp-path, and ftp-user-agent
commands to define the location and connection information to the FTP server.
v If the protocol is nfs, use the nfs-mount and nfs-path commands to define the
NFS mount point and file path to upload the error report.
v If the protocol is raid, use the raid-path and raid-volume commands to define
the RAID volume and location to upload the error report.


This command specifies the directory on the RAID volume to upload the error


raid-path path

path The file path on the RAID volume to upload the error report to.


This command specifies the RAID volume to upload the error report.


raid-volume volume

The RAID volume to upload the error report to.


This command identifies the remote SMTP server to send the failure notification.

Chapter 11. Reference 661


remote-address host

host Identifies the remote SMTP server by host name or IP address.


The remote-address command identifies remote SMTP server to send the failure


This command indicates the number of error reports to store.


report-history number

Identifies the number of error reports to keep. Enter a value in the range 2
- 10. The default value is 5.


Locally stored error reports overwrite the oldest report when the entered number
is exceeded. Remotely stored error reports cannot be overwritten and are kept until
manually removed.


This command indicates whether to upload the error report.


upload-report { on | off }

on Uploads the error report to a specified location.
off Does not upload the error report. This setting is the default value.


This command indicates whether to use SMTP to send the error report as an email


use-smtp { on | off }

on Sends the error report to a specified email address.

662 IBM MQ Appliance

off Does not send the error report. This setting is the default value.

Fibre channel volume commands

You can use the fibre channel volume commands to configure fibre channel
volumes on the IBM MQ Appliance.

The fibre channel volume commands can be run from the command line interface
in fibre channel volume configuration mode. To enter fibre channel volume
configuration mode, complete the following steps:
1. From the appliance command line, enter global configuration mode:
2. From global configuration mode, enter fibre channel volume configuration
fibre-channel-volume name

where name is the name of the volume that you want to configure.
3. Type exit to leave the configuration mode and save your changes, then type
exit again to leave global configuration mode.


This command specifies the lun-uid (LUID) used to identify the SAN storage
device corresponding to the volume.



The globally unique type 3 (FC Name_Identifier) or type 2 (IEEE EUI-64)
LUID that should be used to locate the storage device. Provide the 128-bit
or 64-bit value as a hexadecimal string.


You can discover the LUIDs that are available to the appliance by typing the
following command:
show fibre-channel-luns


This command indicates whether multipath connections are enabled for a volume
connecting to a SAN.


use-multipath {on | off}

Chapter 11. Reference 663

on Enables multipath connections. This setting is the default value.
off Disables multipath connections.


Typically, SAN infrastructures have multiple routes configured in the SAN fabric to
each SAN host. Using multipath combines these routes to appear as a single route
to the queue manager, but with the underlying advantages of reliability and
performance offered by multiple routes. The multipath option is selected by default
for a volume. If you know that you do not have multiple physical routes
configured, select off.


Disable multipath connections.

# use-multipath off

File commands
You can use the file commands to move files on and off the IBM MQ Appliance
and list the contents of directories.

The file commands can be run from the command line interface in configuration
mode. To enter configuration mode, type config.


This command copies a file to or from the appliance.


copy [-f] source destination [manager]

-f Overwrites an existing file when one with the same name exists. When
omitted, an attempt to save a file with the same name as an existing file
results in a confirmation prompt.
Specifies the locations as a URL that identifies the source file and target
v When the source or destination is the appliance, use the
directory:///file format.
v If the source file or target destination is remote and the transport
protocol is SCP or SFTP, use a format that is RFC 1738 compliant.
To use an absolute path.
To use a path that is relative to the user's home directory.

664 IBM MQ Appliance

host Specifies the fully qualified host name or IP address of the
remote server. If DNS is enabled, the host name.
port Specifies the listening port on the remote server.
After you enter the command, the appliance prompts you for the remote
login password.
Specifies the name of an XML manager that defines the user agent for
basic authentication. When omitted, the appliance uses the basic
authentication settings for the default XML manager.


The copy command transfers files to or from the DataPower® appliance. You must
issue this command from the appliance.
v The optional -f parameter forces an unconditional copy. When provided, the
command does not warn of possible file overwrites.
v The optional manager parameter defines the basic authentication configuration to
use. When provided, the command uses the user agent for this XML manager
instead of the default XML manager.

When the source file or target destination is remote to the appliance, this command
supports only the following protocols:
v Secure Copy (SCP)
v Secured File Transfer Protocol (SFTP)

Note: If you use SCP or SFTP to copy multiple files at the same time, a system
error might occur. The appliance supports only one SCP or SFTP connection at a
time. Issue the command again if you encounter a system error.

To send a file from the appliance as an email, use the global send file command.

Restriction: When you use the copy command, be aware of the following
v You cannot copy files from the cert: directory.
v You cannot copy files to the audit:, logstore:, or logtemp: directory.

v Use HTTP to copy a file from the specified location to the image: directory.
(config)# copy http://host/image.crypt image:///image.crypt
File copy success (1534897 bytes transferred)
v Use HTTP over SSL to copy a file from the specified location to the image:
(config)# copy https://host/image.crypt image:///image.crypt
File copy success (1534897 bytes transferred)
v Use HTTP to copy a file from the specified location to the local: directory with
the basic authentication credentials in the sec XML manager.
(config)# copy http://host/sec/stock.wsdl local:///stock.wsdl sec
File copy success (2022 bytes copied)

Chapter 11. Reference 665

v Use SCP to copy a file from the specified location to the store: directory.
(config)# copy scp://jrb@
Password: yetanotherpassword
File copy success
v Use SCP to copy a file from the logstore: directory to the specified remote
target (identified by a qualified host name).
(config)# copy logstore:///Week1.log scp://jrb@ragnarok.datapower.com//LOGS/Week1.log
Password: yetanotherpassword
File copy success
v Use SFTP to copy a file from the specified location to the store: directory.
(config)# copy sftp://jrb@
Password: yetanotherpassword
File copy success
v Use SFTP to copy a file from the logstore: directory to the specified remote
(config)# copy logstore:///Week1.log sftp://jrb@
Password: yetanotherpassword
File copy success
v Copy the startup-config file from the config: directory to the local: directory.
(config)# copy config:///startup-config local:///startup-config
file copy successful (2347 bytes transferred)


This command deletes a file from the appliance.


delete URL

Specifies the location as a URL of the file to delete in the
directory:///file format.


The delete command deletes a file on the DataPower appliance. The deletion of a
file is permanent. After you delete a file, it cannot be recovered.

Attention: The delete command does not prompt for confirmation.

v Delete the startup-config-deprecated file from the store: directory.
(config)# delete store:///startup-config-deprecated
v Delete the betaImage file from the image: directory.
(config)# delete image:///betaImage


This command lists the contents of a directory.

666 IBM MQ Appliance


dir directory

Specifies a directory on the appliance.

v List the contents of the config: directory.
(config)# dir config:

File Name Last Modified Size

--------- ------------- ----
unicenter.cfg Mon Jul 9 11:09:36 2007 3411
autoconfig.cfg Mon Jul 9 14:20:27 2007 20907

89.2 MB available to config:

v List the contents of the msgcat subdirectory of the store: directory.
(config)# dir store:\\\msgcat

File Name Last Modified Size

--------- ------------- ----
crypto.xml Mon Jul 9 11:09:26 2007 179069
dplane.xml Mon Jul 9 11:09:26 2007 299644
xslt.xml Mon Jul 9 11:09:26 2007 10233

89.2 MB available to store:\msgcat


This command moves a file from one directory to another.


move [-f] source destination

-f Overwrites an existing file when one with the same name exists. When
omitted, an attempt to save a file with the same name as an existing file
results in a confirmation prompt.
Specifies the locations as a URL that identifies the source file and target
destination in the directory:///file format.


You can use the move command to transfer a file to or from a directory.

Restriction: You cannot use the move command to copy a file from the private
cryptographic area, such as the cert: directory.

Chapter 11. Reference 667

v Move a file from the config: directory to the store: directory.
(config)# move config:///startup-config store:///archiveConfig-10
v Rename a file.
(config)# move config:///startup-config config:///archiveConfig-10

Global configuration commands

You can use the global configuration commands to manage configuring the IBM
MQ Appliance.

You enter the commands in configuration mode. Type config to enter

configuration mode.


This command enters Access Control List mode.

Creates or edits a service-specific ACL.
acl name
Edits the ACL for the SSH service.
acl ssh
Edits the ACL for the web management interface.
acl web-mgmt
Edits the ACL for the XML management interface.
acl xml-mgmt
Deletes a service-specific ACL.
no acl name

name Specifies the name of the configuration.
The name can contain a maximum of 128 characters. The following
characters are valid:
v a through z
v A through Z
v 0 through 9
v Underscore (_)
v Dash (-)
v Period (.)

Note: Names cannot be a single period or two consecutive periods.

ssh Identifies the SSH service. On XI50z, the dp-admin account cannot edit the
Identifies the web management interface. On XI50z, the dp-admin account
cannot edit the ACL.
Identifies the XML management interface. On XI50z, the dp-admin account
cannot edit the ACL.

668 IBM MQ Appliance


The acl command enters Access Control List mode. In this mode, you can
configure an ACL for a specific service.

An ACL contains one or more clauses. Each clause consists of an IP address range
that is defined by an IP address and netmask and a Boolean value (allow or deny).
IP addresses are evaluated against each clause in the order in which they are in the
list. A candidate address is denied or granted access to the service with the first
matching clause. Therefore, the order of clauses is important.

Use the no acl command to delete a service-specific ACL.

v Create the ACL-1 ACL.
# acl ACL-1
v Delete the ACL-1 ACL.
# no acl ACL-1
v Edit the ACL for the SSH service.
# acl ssh
v Edit the ACL for the web management interface.
# acl web-mgmt
v Edit the ACL for the XML management interface.
# acl xml-mgmt


This command enters Audit Log Settings mode.

Enter Audit Log Settings mode


The audit-log-settings command enters Audit Log Settings mode. In this mode,
you can set the size and the number of rotations of the audit log.

clear dns-cache:

This command clears the DNS cache.


clear dns-cache


Clear the DNS cache.

# clear dns-cache
Cleared DNS cache

Chapter 11. Reference 669

clear rbm cache:

This command clears all cached RBM authentication data.


clear rbm cache


Clear cached RBM authentication data.

# clear rbm cache
Cleared RBM cache


This command enters Crypto mode.




The crypto command enters Crypto mode.

Use the exit command to exit Crypto mode and return to Global mode.


This command enters DNS Settings mode.



no dns


On XI50z, the DNS settings are read-only.


The dns command enters DNS Settings mode to define DNS settings.

Use the no dns command to disable DNS services.

v Enter DNS Settings mode.
# dns
DNS Settings mode
v Disable DNS.
# no dns

670 IBM MQ Appliance


This command enters Ethernet Interface mode to manage the configuration of

Ethernet interfaces.

Before you configure an interface, obtain the essential network data from your
network team.

Accesses the configuration of an Ethernet interface
ethernet name
Deletes the configuration for an Ethernet interface
no ethernet name

name Specifies the name of the configuration. The show link command lists the
supported Ethernet interfaces.


The ethernet command enters Ethernet mode for a specific Ethernet interface.

If you use a name for an Ethernet interface that your appliance type does not
support, you create that configuration. However, this configuration is not
associated with the appliance and cannot be used for traffic. When you import a
configuration from another appliance type, the import operation can create these
unsupported Ethernet interface configurations.
v If you accidentally create a configuration, use the no ethernet command to
delete it.
v When the configuration is created from an import operation, you might need the
configuration details.
– If you need these details, modify the configuration for supported Ethernet
interfaces. After you modify the configurations, use the no ethernet
command to delete the configuration for unsupported Ethernet interfaces.
– If you do not need these details, use the no ethernet command to delete the
configuration for unsupported Ethernet interfaces.

The no ethernet command deletes the configuration for an Ethernet interface. You
can delete the configuration for supported interfaces. If you delete the
configuration for a supported interface, you can use a following approach to have
a supported interface that can be used for traffic.
v You can create the configuration again.
v Restart the appliance to re-re-create the interface.

To disable an Ethernet interface, use the admin-state command in Ethernet

interface mode.

v Enter Interface mode for the eth10 Ethernet interface.
# ethernet eth10
Modify Ethernet Interface configuration
v Disable the eth10 Ethernet interface.

Chapter 11. Reference 671

# ethernet eth10
Modify Ethernet Interface configuration
# admin-state disabled
# exit
v Delete the configuration for the eth5 Ethernet interface.
# no ethernet eth5


This command enters Failure Notification mode.



no failure-notification


Use the no failure-notification command to disable failure reporting. By

default, failure reporting is disabled.


This command enters Flash mode.




The flash command enters Flash mode. In Flash mode, use the available command
to manage firmware images and the files on the appliance.

To exit Flash mode and return to Global mode, use the exit command.


This command initializes the file space for the specified volume.


fibre-channel-fs-init volume_name

The volume to initialize the file space for.


You must only initialize the volume file system once, after you create it and before
you attempt to use it. Initializing after you have used the volume erases all the
contents of the volume.

672 IBM MQ Appliance


This command repairs the file space for the specified volume.


fibre-channel-fs-repair volume_name

The volume to repair the file space for.


This command unlocks the specified volume.


fibre-channel-unlock-volume volume_name

The volume to unlock.


You might require to unlock a volume, for example, if it has been left locked by an
appliance that stopped abruptly while having the volume enabled. You can unlock
the volume from another appliance to take over the work from the failed

The appliance that unlocks a volume must be zoned such that it can see the

Attention: You should not use this command other than in fault situations. If you
unlock a volume currently in use by another appliance with no fault, you will
cause the queue manager to crash.


This command creates a volume used to connect to a SAN using the appliance
fibre channel.

Creates or modifies a volume.
fibre-channel-volume volume
Deletes a volume.
no fibre-channel-volume volume


Physical appliances only.

Chapter 11. Reference 673

Specifies the name of the volume.


The fibre-channel-volume command enters volume configuration mode. While in

the mode, define a SAN volume.

Use the no fibre-channel-volume command to remove a volume.


This command enters Host Alias mode to map an IP address to an alias.


host-alias alias

no host-alias alias

alias Specifies the alias to assign to the specified IP address.


Use the no host-alias command to remove an alias map.


This command enters IPMI LAN Channel mode.

Defines the LAN channel.
ipmi-lan-channel mgt0
Deletes the LAN channel.
no ipmi-lan-channel mgt0


Physical appliances only.


The ipmi-lan-channel command enters IPMI LAN Channel mode for the mgt0
interface. While in the mode, define the LAN channel. The Intelligent Platform
Management Interface (IPMI) LAN channel must be on the mgt0 interface, which is
accessible over only the mgt0 physical interface on the appliance.

An IPMI LAN channel allows access to the Baseboard Management Controller

(BMC) on the appliance over a LAN. IPMI allows remote management access and
can provide serial over LAN to the console serial port.

674 IBM MQ Appliance

If you enable serial over LAN support for the IPMI LAN channel, an IPMI user
who connects through an IPMI 2.0 client has access to the serial console port.
v An IPMI user can connect through an IPMI 2.0 client independent of the state
of the appliance. The only time that an IPMI user cannot connect to the
appliance is when the appliance is disconnected from AC power.
v An IPMI user has higher priority than a user who is directly connected to the
serial port.
v If a user is directly connected to the serial port, the IPMI user usurps the
current serial session and does not need to log in to the appliance. If no user
is directly connected to the serial port, the IPMI user must log in to the
v There can be only one serial user. The IPMI user suspends the serial session
of the user who is directly connected to the serial port until the remote IPMI
user closes (deactivates) the serial session. When the IPMI user closes the
serial session, the session for the user who is directly connected to the serial
port resumes.
v If an IPMI user is connected to the appliance and you need to use the serial
port, you must unplug the Ethernet cable from the MGT0 port. After you
unplug the cable, wait for the serial port to become available, which can take
up to 20 minutes.

Use the no ipmi-lan-channel command to delete the IPMI LAN channel.


This command enters IPMI User mode.

Creates or modifies an IPMI user.
ipmi-user name
Deletes an IPMI user.
no ipmi-user name


Physical appliances only.

name Specifies the name of the IPMI user. The name must be 16 characters or


The ipmi-user command enters IPMI User mode. While in the mode, define an
Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI) user.

An IPMI user can create, change, or destroy user authentication records in the
Baseboard Management Controller (BMC). Authentication records allow users to
communicate with IPMI protocols over external channels, such as an IPMI LAN
channel. On the IBM MQ Appliance, there can be eight IPMI users.

Chapter 11. Reference 675

Note: If you apply the configuration but do not save it, the IPMI user data is
written to the BMC but not saved to the startup configuration. In this situation, the
IPMI user can connect to the serial port over the IPMI LAN channel.

Use the no ipmi-user command to remove an IPMI user.


This command adds or removes an SSH peer as an SSH known host.


known-host host ssh-rsa key

no known-host host

host Specifies the fully-qualified host name or IP address for the peer. For
Identifies RSA as the key type.
key Specifies the host public key for the peer. For example:


The known-host command adds an SSH peer as an SSH known host.

The no known-host command removes an SSH peer as an SSH known host.

v Add ragnarok.datapower.com by host name as an SSH known host.
# known-host ragnarok.datapower.com ssh-rsa
v Add ragnarok.datapower.com by IP address as an SSH known host.
# known-host ssh-rsa
v Remove ragnarok.datapower.com by IP address as an SSH known host.
# no known-host

676 IBM MQ Appliance


This command enters the Language mode to set the administrative state of a


language locale

locale Specifies the operating language.
de German.
en English.
es Spanish.
fr French.
it Italian.
ja Japanese.
ko Korean.
pt_BR Brazilian Portuguese.
ru Russian.
zh_CN Simplified Chinese.
zh_TW Chinese (Taiwan).


The language command enters Language mode for the specified language.

While in this mode, use the admin-state command to enable or disable the
language. The admin-state command is the only command available in this mode.
v When a language has an administrative state of enabled, its operational state is
v When a language has an administrative state of disabled, its operational state is

Language enablement is for the following purposes:

v Control the operating language of the appliance that you can set with the locale
command in System Settings mode.
v Support native languages for browsers that connect to the appliance with a web
management interface.

v Enable a locale.
# language fr
Modify Language configuration
# admin-state enabled
v Disable a locale.
# language de
Modify Language configuration
# admin-state disabled

Chapter 11. Reference 677


This command enters LDAP Search Parameters mode.


ldap-search-parameters name

no ldap-search-parameters name

name Specifies the name of the configuration.
The name can contain a maximum of 128 characters. The following
characters are valid:
v a through z
v A through Z
v 0 through 9
v Underscore (_)
v Dash (-)
v Period (.)

Note: Names cannot be a single period or two consecutive periods.


The ldap-search-parameters command enters LDAP Search Parameters mode. In

this mode, you can create or modify LDAP search parameters. These parameters
are used to search an LDAP search to retrieve the distinguished name (DN) of the

Use the no ldap-search-parameters command to delete LDAP search parameters.


This command enters Link Aggregation mode to manage the configuration of

aggregate interfaces.

Before you configure an interface, obtain the essential network data from your
network team.

Enters the mode to create or modify an aggregate interface configuration
link-aggregation name
Deletes an aggregate interface configuration
no link-aggregation name

name Specifies the name for the configuration.
The name can contain a maximum of 128 characters. The following
characters are valid:
v a through z

678 IBM MQ Appliance

v A through Z
v 0 through 9
v Underscore (_)
v Dash (-)
v Period (.)

Note: Names cannot be a single period or two consecutive periods.


The link-aggregation command enters Link Aggregation mode to manage the

configuration of aggregate interfaces. An aggregate interface can contain only
Ethernet interfaces.

Before you can add an Ethernet interface, you must use the link-aggregation-mode
command in Interface mode to set the Ethernet interface as part of an aggregate
interface. While an Ethernet interface is part of the aggregate interface, you cannot
change its administrative state.

Use the no link-aggregation command to delete the configuration for an

aggregate interface.


This command enters Load Balancer Group mode.


loadbalancer-group name

no loadbalancer-group name

name Specifies the name of the configuration.
The name can contain a maximum of 128 characters. The following
characters are valid:
v a through z
v A through Z
v 0 through 9
v Underscore (_)
v Dash (-)
v Period (.)

Note: Names cannot be a single period or two consecutive periods.


The loadbalancer-group command enters Load Balancer Group mode. After you
complete the configuration of a load balancer group, assign it to an XML manager.
The assignment of the load balancer group to an XML manager makes the group
available to DataPower services that this XML manager supports.

Use the no loadbalancer-group command to delete a load balancer group.

Chapter 11. Reference 679
logging target:

This command enters Logging mode.


logging target name

no logging target name

name The name of the configuration. The name can have a maximum of 128
characters. The following characters are valid:
v a through z
v A through Z
v 0 through 9
v Underscore (_)
v Dash (-)
v Period (.) (note that a name that consists of a single period, or including
two periods together, is not permitted)


After you enter Logging mode, you must use the type command to identify the
log type. More configuration depends on the log type.

Use the no logging target command to delete an event log.


This command sets the size of a basic event log.


logsize KB

KB Specifies the size in KB of the log. The default value is 200.


Without an argument, the logsize command displays the size of the log file in KB.

You must be logged in as the admin user to use this command.


Use the loglevel, logsize, and syslog commands to configure the basic logging

Use the logging target command to enter Logging mode. From this mode, define
more precise control over log formats and contents.

680 IBM MQ Appliance

v Set the log size to 250 KB.
# logsize 250
v Display the configured log size in KB.
# logsize


This command creates a subdirectory.


mkdir local:///subdirectory

The subdirectory to create in the local: directory.


The mkdir command creates subdirectories in the local: directory on the

DataPower appliance. You can create subdirectories for application-specific files
such as style sheets and schemas.

Use the rmdir command to delete subdirectories.

v Create the stylesheets subdirectory of the local: directory.
# mkdir local:///stylesheets
Directory ’local:///stylesheets’ successfully created.
v Create the C-1 subdirectory in the stylesheets subdirectory of the local:
# mkdir local:///stylesheets/C-1
Directory ’local:///stylesheets/C-1’ successfully created.


This command enters Network Settings mode or resets network settings.

Enters Network Settings mode
Resets network settings
no network


The network command enters Network Settings mode. While in this mode, you can
define network settings that include the following functions:

Chapter 11. Reference 681

v Control the generation of certain Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP)
replies and how to manage failures. By default, the appliance replies to the
corresponding ICMP requests.
v Control routing behavior.
v Control interface isolation.
v Define ECN settings.

The no network command resets network settings to their default settings.


This command manages a packet capture session.

Starts a packet-capture session
packet-capture-advanced name file seconds KB packet-size ["expression"]
Stops a packet-capture session
no packet-capture-advanced name file

name Specifies the name of the interface for the packet capture. There are two
special keywords.
lo Captures internal traffic on the loopback interface.
all Captures traffic from all Ethernet interfaces.
file Specifies the file name for the packet capture. You can simultaneously
capture packets on multiple interfaces by specifying a different file name
for each capture session or with the special all keyword.
Specifies the maximum duration of the packet-capture session in seconds.
Enter a value in the range 5 - 86400. The special value of -1 indicates that
the packet capture is continuous and stops after you enter the no
packet-capture-advanced command.
KB Specifies the maximum size of the file in KB. Enter a value in the range 10
- 500000.
Optionally specifies the maximum size of each captured packet of data in
bytes. Enter a value in the range 20 - 9000. The special value -1 sets the
length to the default value of 9000 bytes, which is the maximum
transmission unit (MTU) for Ethernet interfaces. The default value ensures
that the entire packet is captured.
Optionally specifies the expression that filters the packet capture. Enclose
the expression in double quotation marks.


The packet-capture-advanced command manages a packet-capture session on the

specified interface. The data from the session is saved in the pcap format. To
interpret the packet, use a network protocol analyzer.

682 IBM MQ Appliance

For a continuous packet capture, you must enter the no packet-capture-advanced
command to stop the packet capture. When the file for the packet capture reaches
its maximum size, a new file is created with the file name as its base file. For
example, if the file name is capture-3, the second file is capture-3.002. The
appliance retains the last three files.

Use the no packet-capture-advanced command to stop a packet-capture session.

v Start a timed packet-capture session on the eth10 interface that writes data to
the temporary:///capture-1 file. Each packet in the capture is limited to the
default size of 9000 bytes. The session completes either after 30 minutes or when
the file contains 2500 KB, whichever occurs first.
# packet-capture-advanced eth10 temporary:///capture-1 1800 2500 -1
Trace begun.
v Start a timed packet-capture session on all interfaces that writes data to the
temporary:///capture-2 file. The session records only packets where 53 is the
destination port. Each packet in the capture is limited to 9000 bytes. The session
completes either after 30 minutes or when the file contains 2500 KB, whichever
occurs first.
# packet-capture-advanced all temporary:///capture-2 1800 2500 9000 "dst port 53"
Trace begun.
v Start a continuous packet-capture session on the eth11 interface that writes data
to the temporary:///capture-3 file. Each packet in the capture is limited to 500
bytes. The session completes only when you stop it with the no
packet-capture-advanced command. When the file reaches its maximum size, a
new file is created with capture-3 as the base file name; for example,
capture-3.002 for the second file that is created.
# packet-capture-advanced eth11 temporary:///capture-3 -1 50000 500
Trace begun.
v Stop the packet-capture session on the eth11 interface that writes data to the
temporary:///capture-3 file.
# no packet-capture-advanced eth11 temporary:///capture-3
Continuous packet capture to temporary:///capture-3 on eth11 stopped.


This command activates an array volume.


raid-activate name

name Specifies the name of the array volume. The name is raid0.


The raid-activate command activates an array volume that is in the inactive

state, typically with the foreign volume inactive state.

Chapter 11. Reference 683


Activate the RAID volume in the disks as the active RAID volume.
# raid-activate raid0


This command deletes an array volume.


raid-delete name

name Specifies the name of the array volume. The name is raid0.


The raid-delete command makes the disks that are presently an array volume on
the appliance no longer an array volume, removing all metadata. This action
destroys the content of the array volume.


Delete the array volume on the disks.

# raid-delete raid0


This command initializes an array volume.


raid-initialize name

name Specifies the name of the array volume. The name is raid0.


The raid-initialize command makes the two disks into an array volume. This
action destroys any prior content of the array volume.


Build a RAID volume on the disks on the system.

# raid-initialize raid0


This command requests the BBU to start the learning cycle.



684 IBM MQ Appliance


The raid-learn-battery command request the battery backup unit (BBU) to start
the learning cycle. This action takes approximately 6 hours to complete. During the
learning cycle, the write cache is disabled. During this period, write performance is


Start the learning cycle for the BBU.

# raid-learn-battery


This command creates a hot spare for a RAID volume.


raid-make-hot-spare name

name Specifies the name of the RAID volume. The name is raid0.


The raid-make-hot-spare command makes any connected disk that it not part of
the RAID volume into a hot spare. A hot spare is the replacement for a failed disk
in the RAID volume. Use this command after you replace a failed disk with a new


Create a hot spare for the raid0 array volume.

# raid-make-hot-spare raid0


This command forces a rebuild of a RAID volume.


raid-rebuild name

name Specifies the name of the RAID volume. The name is raid0.


The raid-rebuild command forces a rebuild of a RAID volume. The contents of

the primary disk are copied to the secondary disk.


Rebuild the raid0 RAID volume.

# raid-rebuild raid0

Chapter 11. Reference 685


This command enters RAID Array mode for a RAID volume.


raid-volume name

name Specifies the name of the array volume. The name is raid0.


The raid-volume command enters RAID Array mode for the raid0 RAID volume.


This command enters RBM Settings mode.



no rbm


While in RBM mode, you configure role-based management (RBM) settings.

Use the no rbm command to disable RBM service. Note that this command can
disable GUI access.

reset failed-login:

This command resets the failed login for a user so they can attempt to log in again.


reset failed-login account

Specifies the name of the user account to reset the failed login count for.


The reset failed-login command allows a privileged administrator to reenable

an account after lockout due to exceeding the number of permitted failed login


Reset the count for the suehill account.

(config)# reset failed-login suehill

686 IBM MQ Appliance

reset username:

This command reenables a locked out account.


reset username account [password]

Specifies the name of the user account to reset.
Specifies the new, temporary password for the account.


The reset username command allows a privileged administrator to reenable an

account after lockout. If the invocation does not include the password, the interface
prompts for the password. In either case, the interface prompts for confirmation of
the password.

After an administrator reenables the account, the administrator needs to send the
owner of the account the new password. The next time the owner of the account
logs in, the interface prompts for a new password. This password must comply
with the corporate password policy.


Reenable the suehill account by changing the password for the account. The
administrator does not set the password.
# configure terminal
(config)# reset username suehill
Enter new password: ********
Re-enter new password: ********
Password for user ’suehill’ is reset.


This command enters REST Management Interface mode to manage the

configuration of the REST management interface.


The rest-mgmt command enters REST Management Interface mode to configure the
REST management interface. The REST management interface monitors REST
management traffic. When enabled, You can send requests to the REST
management interface to supported service protocols to manage the appliance. The
REST management interface runs SSL and uses HTTP Basic Authentication (user
name and password).

Use the no rest-mgmt command to disable the REST management interface.


Enter REST Management Interface mode to configure the REST management

Chapter 11. Reference 687
# rest-mgmt
Modify REST Management Interface configuration

Disable the REST object management interface.

# no rest-mgmt
REST management: successfully disabled


This command removes a subdirectory.


rmdir local:///subdirectory

The subdirectory to remove from the local: directory.


The rmdir command removes subdirectories from the local: directory.


Deletes the stylesheets subdirectory and all its contents from the local: directory.
# rmdir local:///stylesheets
Removing ’local:///stylesheets’ will delete all files including subdirectories!
Do you want to continue? [y/n]:y
Directory ’local:///stylesheets’ successfully deleted.


This command enters SNMP Settings mode.



no snmp


While in SNMP Settings mode, you configure Simple Network Management

Protocol (SNMP) settings.

Use the no snmp command to disable SNMP.

v Enter SNMP Settings mode to manage the SNMP log target.
# snmp
SNMP Settings mode

688 IBM MQ Appliance

v Disable SNMP.
# no snmp


This command enables SSH on appliance interfaces.


ssh address port

no ssh [address]

Specifies the IP address of a local interface.
port Identifies the port of a local interface that services SSH traffic. The default
value is 22.


SSH is disabled by default. You can use the optional arguments to explicitly bind
SSH to a specified interface. If you explicitly bind SSH to an interface, you must
have previously configured that interface.

In the absence of an explicit address assignment, SSH first attempts to bind to the
management port. If the appliance does not have a management port configured,
SSH binds to all configured interfaces.

If the Ethernet for the local address supports IPv6 addresses, modify the ssh access
control list to include an allow clauses for specific or all IPv6 addresses.

Use the no ssh command to disable SSH.

v Enable SSH on port 22 (the default port) of the specified interface.
# ssh
SSH service listener enabled
v Enable SSH on port 2200 of the specified interface.
# ssh 2200
SSH service listener enabled
v Disable SSH on all interfaces, which restores the default state.
# no ssh
SSH service listener disabled


This command enters System Settings mode.



Chapter 11. Reference 689


This command enters Timezone mode.




While in Timezone mode, configure the time zone settings for the appliance. The
time zone alters the display of time to the user.


This command returns you to your initial login mode.




Regardless of the current location in the configuration modes, the top command
immediately returns you to your initial login mode.

For custom accounts, this command returns you the your user group-specific login


Return from Crypto mode to the user-specific login mode.

(config crypto)# top
Exiting Crypto Configuration mode


This command reverts a modified configuration to its previously saved



undo type name

type Specifies the type of configuration. For a complete list, use the show
name Specifies the name of the configuration.


The undo command reverts a modified configuration to its last persisted state. The
persisted state is the configuration in the startup configuration. You use the write
memory command to save configuration changes to the startup configuration.

690 IBM MQ Appliance

For a modified configuration in the startup configuration, you receive the
following message.

type name - Configuration reverted.

For a new configuration that in not saved to the startup configuration, you receive
the following message.

Cannot undo new configuration

For a configuration that is not modified, you receive the following message.

Cannot undo - configuration was not modified

For a nonexistent configuration, you receive the following message.

Cannot undo last configuration change

For a nonexistent type, you receive the following message.

Invalid class


This command enters User mode.


user name

no user name

name Specifies the name of the user.
The name can contain a maximum of 128 characters. The following
characters are valid:
v a through z
v A through Z
v 0 through 9
v Underscore (_)
v Dash (-)
v Period (.)

Note: Names cannot be a single period or two consecutive periods.


The user command is available in Global mode. The user command enters User
mode. While in User mode, you can create or modify User objects.

Use the no user command to delete a user account.

To confirm the account, use the show usernames command.

Chapter 11. Reference 691


This command enters User Group mode.


usergroup name

no usergroup name

name Specifies the name of the user group.
The name can contain a maximum of 128 characters. The following
characters are valid:
v a through z
v A through Z
v 0 through 9
v Underscore (_)
v Dash (-)
v Period (.)

Note: Names cannot be a single period or two consecutive periods.


A user group consists of a set of access privileges that are subsequently assigned to
individual user accounts.

Use the no usergroup command to delete a user group.


This command forces a user to change the account password at the next log on.


user-expire-password account

Identifies the target account.


Force a password change for the josephb account on the next log on.
# user-expire-password josephb
Expire password for user ’josephb’ succeeded


This command enters VLAN mode to manage the configuration of VLAN


692 IBM MQ Appliance

Before you configure an interface, obtain the essential network data from your
network team.

Enters the mode to create or modifies a VLAN interface configuration
vlan name
Deletes a VLAN interface configuration
no vlan name

name Specifies the name of the configuration.
The name can contain a maximum of 128 characters. The following
characters are valid:
v a through z
v A through Z
v 0 through 9
v Underscore (_)
v Dash (-)
v Period (.)

Note: Names cannot be a single period or two consecutive periods.


The vlan command enters VLAN mode to manage the configuration of VLAN
interfaces. You can create multiple VLAN interface configurations on a single
Ethernet interface or aggregate interface.

VLAN packets are identified by the IEEE 802.1Q protocol.

Use the no vlan command to delete the configuration for a VLAN interface.


This command manages access to the web management service.

Enters Web Management Service mode.
Starts the web management service on a listening address-port pair with an
optional session timer.
web-mgmt address port [ timer | off ]
Disables the web management service.
no web-mgmt

Identifies the listening IP address on the appliance. The default value is
v When the value is, the service listens on all active IPv4 addresses.

Chapter 11. Reference 693

v When the value is ::, the service listens on all active IPv4 and IPv6

Attention: For a management service, the value of or :: is a

security risk.
port Identifies the listening port on the appliance. The default value is 9090.
timer Sets the idle-session timer in seconds. Enter a value in the range 0 - 65535.
The default value is 600. A value of 0 disables the session timer.
off Restores the idle-session timer to its default value.


The web-mgmt command manages access to the web management service.

Use the no web-mgmt command to disable the web management service.

v Enters Web Management Service mode.
# web-mgmt
Modify Web Management Service configuration
v Modify the web management service for the specified IP address-port pair. The
idle-session timer uses the default value of 10 minutes.
# web-mgmt 9090
Web management successfully started
v Modify the web management service for the specified IP address-port pair. Set
the idle-session timer to 15 minutes.
# web-mgmt 9090 900
Web management successfully started
v Restore the idle-session timer to its default value.
# web-mgmt 9090 off
Web management successfully started
v Disable the idle-session timer.
# web-mgmt 9090 0
Web management successfully started
v Disable the web management service.
# no web-mgmt
Web management successfully disabled
v Enable the web management service with its previously defined settings.
# web-mgmt
Modify Web Management Service configuration
# admin-state enabled
# exit

write memory:

This command copies the running configuration as the startup configuration.


write memory

694 IBM MQ Appliance


After the running configuration is copied to the config:///autoconfig.cfg file, the

appliance determines whether the current startup configuration script file can be
overridden by config:///autoconfig.cfg.

If it can be overridden, the autoconfig.cfg file becomes the startup configuration.

v Save the running configuration as the startup configuration.
# write memory
Overwrite existing autoconfig.cfg? y
v Cancel the operation.
# write memory
Overwrite existing autoconfig.cfg? n

Host Alias commands

Host Alias mode provides the commands to create or modify a host alias.

To enter the configuration mode, use the Global host-alias command. To delete a
host alias, use the Global no host-alias command.

While in this mode, use the commands in the following table to define a host alias.
v To view the current configuration, use the show command.
v To restore default values, use the reset command.
v To exit this configuration mode without saving changes to the running
configuration, use the cancel command.
v To exit this configuration mode and save changes to the running configuration,
use the exit command.
Table 42. Host Alias commands
Command Purpose
“admin-state” on page 586 Sets the administrative state for the configuration.
“ip-address” Creates an alias for an IP address on a Ethernet port.


This command creates an alias for an IP address on a Ethernet port.


ip-address address

Specifies the IP address to map.


The ip-address command creates an alias for a local IP address of the appliance.
Instead of providing the IP address, you can specify this alias.

Chapter 11. Reference 695


Create the Ragnarok alias. Map Ragnarok to IP address

# host-alias Ragnarok
New Host Alias configuration
# ip-address
# exit

Initialization commands
You can use the initialization commands to initalize or reset the IBM MQ

The initialization commands can be run from the command line interface in flash
mode. To enter flash configuration mode, from the appliance command line, type

boot config:

This command designates the startup configuration for the next restart.


boot config file

file Specifies the name of the startup configuration file.


The boot config and boot image commands work together to define the restart
v The boot config command designates the startup configuration.
v The boot image command designates the startup firmware image.


Designate testEnvironment.cfg as the startup configuration.

# boot config testEnvironment.cfg

boot delete:

This command deletes the secondary installation.


boot delete


A firmware upgrade with the boot image command retains current configuration
data to restore the appliance to a known, stable state if necessary. The previous
firmware image and associated configuration data is referred to as the secondary

696 IBM MQ Appliance

While you can use the boot delete command to delete the secondary installation,
keep in mind that its deletion prevents firmware rollback as provided by the boot
switch command. Therefore, do not delete the secondary installation unless
directed by IBM Support.


Delete the secondary installation.

# boot delete
Previous firmware install deleted

boot image:

This command designates the startup firmware image and restarts the appliance
with this image.


boot image [accept-license] file

Indicates acceptance of the terms of the license agreements.
file Specifies the name of the firmware image.


The boot config and boot image commands work together to define the restart
v The boot config command designates the startup configuration.
v The boot image command designates the startup firmware image.

The firmware image can contain new version of component firmware. Examples of
component firmware includes, but is not limited to, the BIOS, BMC, and RAID
controller for the appliance. When the firmware image contains new versions of
component firmware. the upgrade can take approximately 20 minutes. During this
upgrade process, do not power off or restart the appliance.

You must use the accept-license keyword to confirm acceptance of the original
license agreement (that is, the license agreement that you accepted when you
installed and configured the IBM MQ Appliance).

You can use an empty license.accepted file when you automate the installation
process with a script. To indicate acceptance of the terms of the license agreements,
the script must create the empty license.accepted file in the temporary: directory
on the appliance. When the file exists on the appliance:
v The license is considered to be accepted.
v The appliance allows the firmware upgrade to proceed.

v Restarts the appliance with the file 5001 in the image: directory. Acknowledge
acceptance of the license agreements with the accept-license keyword.

Chapter 11. Reference 697

# boot image accept-license 5001
.....Firmware upgrade successful
Device is rebooting now.
v Restarts the appliance with the file 5001 in the image: directory when an empty
file temporary://license.accepted exists.
# boot image 5001
.....Firmware upgrade successful
Device is rebooting now.

boot switch:

This command switches between primary and secondary installations.


boot switch


A firmware upgrade with the boot image command retains current configuration
data, including activated features, which allows you to restore the appliance (rolled
back) to a known, stable state if necessary.
v The previous firmware image and associated configuration data is the secondary
v The newly installed firmware image and associated configuration data is the
primary installation.

The boot switch command is not available on an appliance that is part of a high
availability group.

When you switch between firmware images that contain different versions of
component firmware, the switch can take approximately 20 minutes. During this
switch operation, do not power off or restart the appliance. Examples of
component firmware includes, but is not limited to, the BIO, BMC or RAID
controller for the appliance.

You can use the boot switch command to transition between the newly installed
and previously active firmware versions.

Configuration edits that are made to a selected image are local and are not
included during the rollback operation. It is possible to issue the boot switch
command twice, which returns the appliance to the newly installed version.

While you can use the boot delete command to delete the secondary installation,
keep in mind that its deletion prevents firmware rollback as provided by the boot
switch command. Do not delete of the secondary installation unless you are
working with IBM Support.


The rollback operation failed. The secondary installation was deleted with the boot
delete command.

698 IBM MQ Appliance

# boot switch
% Firmware roll-back failed: Switch active firmware failed:
Secondary install not available

boot update:

This command creates a new configuration or opens an existing configuration for



boot update write file

boot update append file

write Creates and opens a new configuration. If the file exists, the appliance
erases and opens the existing configuration.
append Opens an existing configuration to which to add commands.
file Specifies the name of the configuration file to create or open.


The boot update command creates a new configuration or opens an existing

configuration for editing. When you open a configuration file, the CLI prompts for
input. Enter startup commands, one per line. End with a period.

Enter commands, and press the Enter key.

If you add commands to an existing configuration, start with appropriate

commands to move to the correct configuration mode.

Follow the last command of the configuration with the following sequence to
signal the end of the configuration.
1. Press the Enter key.
2. Enter a ..
3. Press the Enter key.

The CLI acknowledges configuration completion. Configuration completed


After you complete your edits, use the boot config and shutdown commands to
activate this configuration.

v Create the jrb_03.cfg configuration. If it exists, the appliance erases and opens
the file.
# boot update write jrb_03.cfg
Enter startup commands, one per line. End with a period.
v Open the jrb_03.cfg configuration to add commands.
# boot update append jrb_01.cfg
Enter startup commands, one per line. End with a period.

Chapter 11. Reference 699


This command deletes all configuration data from the file system of the appliance.


reinitialize file

file Specifies the name of the firmware image to reinitialize the appliance. The
file must be in the image: directory.


The reinitialize command deletes all configuration data in the file system of the
appliance. This data consists of style sheets, object configurations, keys, certificates,
log files, and so forth.

You must be logged in as the user admin to use the reinitialize command.

After files are deleted, they cannot be recovered. If you might need any of these
files after you reinitialize the appliance, ensure that you have copies of these files.

The following conditions occur after you reinitialize the appliance.

v The network configuration is removed. You can no longer access the appliance
through the former IP address. You can connect to the appliance only through a
serial cable. After you connect to the appliance, use the startup command to
provide the base configuration data.
v The password for the admin account is reset to admin.


Delete all user files and data on the appliance, and restart the appliance.
# reinitialize firmware.scrypt2
WARNING - all user data and files will be deleted
Do you want to continue ("yes" or "no")? y


This command restarts or shuts down the appliance.



shutdown reboot [seconds]

shutdown halt [seconds] (deprecated)

shutdown poweroff [seconds]

reboot Shuts down and restarts the appliance.

700 IBM MQ Appliance

halt Shuts down the appliance without restarting. The power to the appliance
remains on. This keyword is deprecated. Use poweroff instead.
Stops the appliance and turns off the power.
Specifies the number of seconds before the appliance starts the shutdown
operation. Enter a value in the range 0 - 65535. The default value is 10.


The shutdown command shuts down, or shuts down and restarts the appliance.
Without parameters, the command restarts the appliance after waiting ten seconds.

The appliance restarts with the startup configuration that is specified by the boot
config command and the startup firmware image that is specified by the boot
image command. Without a designated startup configuration or firmware image,
the appliance restarts with the configuration and firmware image that were active
when you issued the shutdown command.

v Wait 10 seconds to shut down and restart the appliance.
# shutdown reboot
Reboot in 10 second(s).
v Wait 1 minute to shut down and turn off the appliance.
# shutdown poweroff 60
Shutdown in 60 second(s).


This command runs the integrity verifier tool against the current firmware image.




The verify-firmware command runs the integrity verifier tool against the current
firmware image. This tool verifies the integrity of files that are part of the currently
installed firmware.

When you run the integrity verifier tool, it verifies the integrity of files that are
part of the currently installed firmware. When files are different than the currently
installed firmware image, messages are written to the console and also written as
warnings to the system log.

This command is similar the boot image command with the file-integrity checker.


Runs the integrity verifier tool.

Chapter 11. Reference 701

# verify-firmware
Verifying manifest signature
Examining files...
Examined 1000 records, checked 955 files
File store:AAAInfo.xml has changed
Examined 6000 records, checked 4807 files
Verification complete. Examined 6999 files
Checked 5145 files, 1 changed
Firmware verification completed with warnings

IPMI user commands

You can use the IPMI user commands to create or modify an IPMI users on the
IBM MQ Appliance.

The IPMI user commands can be run from the command line interface in IPMI
user configuration mode. To enter IPMI user configuration mode, complete the
following steps:
1. From the appliance command line, enter global configuration mode:
2. From global configuration mode, enter IPMI user configuration mode:
3. Type exit to save your changes and leave IPMI user configuration mode, then
type exit again to leave global configuration mode.


This command sets the password for the IPMI user.


password [password]

Optional: Sets the password for the user.


The password command sets the password that the remote user must present for
authentication. The password length must be 8 - 16 characters. This command with
the user-id command defines an authentication record in the Baseboard
Management Controller BMC).

Note: Because the password is in only the BMC, it is not included as part of an
export or backup operation. Because the password is not part of an export, it is not
added during an import or restore operation.


This command sets the identifier for the IPMI user.


user-id identifier

702 IBM MQ Appliance

Sets the identifier for the IPMI user. Enter a value in the range 3 - 10. The
default value is 3.


The user-id command sets the identifier for the IPMI user. This command with
the password command defines an authentication record in the Baseboard
Management Controller BMC).

Each user must have a unique identifier. The index for all user configurations in
the BMC is this identifier.

IPMI LAN channel commands

You can use the IPMI LAN channel commands to create or modify an IPMI LAN
channel on the IBM MQ Appliance.

The IPMI LAN channel commands can be run from the command line interface in
IPMI LAN channel configuration mode. To enter IPMI LAN channel configuration
mode, complete the following steps:
1. From the appliance command line, enter global configuration mode:
2. From global configuration mode, enter IPMI LAN channel configuration mode:
3. Type exit to save your changes and leave IPMI LAN channel configuration
mode, then type exit again to leave global configuration mode.


This command specifies the users allowed to use the channel.

Allows a user
allowed-user ID [privilege] [SOL] [sessions]
Disallows a user
no allowed-user ID

ID Specifies the name of an existing Intelligent Platform Management
Interface (IPMI) user to enable on this LAN channel. To create an IPMI
user, use the Global ipmi-user command.
Optional: Sets the maximum privilege level to allow the user on this LAN
Allows IPMI commands that establish a callback connection.
user Allows IPMI commands that read operational status. This setting is
the default value.
Allows IPMI commands that change operational status.

Chapter 11. Reference 703

If this value is greater than the value set with the maximum-channel-
privilege-level command, the value set with the maximum-channel-
privilege-level command is the effective level.
SOL Optional: Indicates whether to allow the user to use the serial over LAN
protocol (payload) over Remote Control and Management Protocol Plus
(RCMP+) on this LAN channel.
on The user can use serial over LAN provided that the user has a
privilege level equivalent to or greater than the minimum required
privilege level set with the sol-required-user-privilege-level
command. This setting is the default value.
off The user cannot use serial over LAN.
Optional: Sets the maximum number of simultaneous sessions to allow the
user on this LAN channel. The minimum value is 0, and the maximum
value is 7. If set to 0, there is no limit. The default value is 0.


The allowed-user command specifies a user allowed to use this LAN channel. For
each user, include the maximum privilege level, whether to allow serial over LAN,
and the maximum number of simultaneous sessions. Use this command for each
user to allow.

If you enable serial over LAN support for the IPMI LAN channel, an IPMI user
who connects through an IPMI 2.0 client has access to the serial console port.
v An IPMI user can connect through an IPMI 2.0 client independent of the state
of the appliance. The only time that an IPMI user cannot connect to the
appliance is when the appliance is disconnected from AC power.
v An IPMI user has higher priority than a user who is directly connected to the
serial port.
v If a user is directly connected to the serial port, the IPMI user usurps the
current serial session and does not need to log in to the appliance. If no user
is directly connected to the serial port, the IPMI user must log in to the
v There can be only one serial user. The IPMI user suspends the serial session
of the user who is directly connected to the serial port until the remote IPMI
user closes (deactivates) the serial session. When the IPMI user closes the
serial session, the session for the user who is directly connected to the serial
port resumes.
v If an IPMI user is connected to the appliance and you need to use the serial
port, you must unplug the Ethernet cable from the MGT0 port. After you
unplug the cable, wait for the serial port to become available, which can take
up to 20 minutes.

Use the no allowed-user command to disallow a user on this LAN channel.

ip address:

This command sets IP addresses with subnet mask for the IPMI LAN channel.

704 IBM MQ Appliance

Assign the address.
ip address address
Remove the address.
no ip address address

Specifies the IP version 4 (IPv4) address and netmask. The netmask can be
in CIDR (slash) format or dotted decimal format. With CIDR format, the
integer specifies the prefix length. The prefix length can be in the range 0 -


The ip address command sets IPv4 addresses with subnet mask to the interface.
This IP address must be distinct from all IP addresses on the appliance and from
all IP address on the connected subnet (broadcast domain).

Use the no ip address command to remove the address.

ip default-gateway:

This command sets the default gateway for the IPMI LAN channel.

Sets the default gateway
ip default-gateway address
Deletes the default gateway
no ip default-gateway

Specifies the IP address of the default gateway.


The ip default-gateway command designates the default gateway that

communicates with systems not on the local subnet. The default gateway must be
on the same subnet as the IP address defined with the ip address command.
Without a default gateway, the LAN channel cannot communicate with clients that
are not on the same local subnet (broadcast domain).

Use the no ip default-gateway command to delete the default gateway.


This command sets the maximum privilege level for users.


maximum-channel-privilege-level privilege

Chapter 11. Reference 705

Sets the maximum privilege level for users on this channel. The keyword
list is in from lowest to highest privilege level.
Allows IPMI commands that establish a callback connection.
user Allows IPMI commands that read operational status. This setting is
the default value.
Allows IPMI commands that change operational status.


The maximum-channel-privilege-level command sets the maximum privilege level

for all users on the LAN channel.

Each Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI) command has a minimum

privilege level. This command sets the maximum privilege level that a user can
attain on the LAN channel even when that user has a greater privilege level.


This command indicates whether to support serial over LAN.


sol-enabled { on | off }

on Users can use the serial over LAN protocol. This setting is the default
off Users cannot use the serial over LAN protocol.


The sol-enabled command indicates whether to support the serial over LAN
protocol over Remote Control and Management Protocol Plus (RCMP+) on this
channel. When enabled, use the sol-required-user-privilege-level command to
set the privilege level for serial over LAN connections.

706 IBM MQ Appliance

If you enable serial over LAN support for the IPMI LAN channel, an IPMI user
who connects through an IPMI 2.0 client has access to the serial console port.
v An IPMI user can connect through an IPMI 2.0 client independent of the state
of the appliance. The only time that an IPMI user cannot connect to the
appliance is when the appliance is disconnected from AC power.
v An IPMI user has higher priority than a user who is directly connected to the
serial port.
v If a user is directly connected to the serial port, the IPMI user usurps the
current serial session and does not need to log in to the appliance. If no user
is directly connected to the serial port, the IPMI user must log in to the
v There can be only one serial user. The IPMI user suspends the serial session
of the user who is directly connected to the serial port until the remote IPMI
user closes (deactivates) the serial session. When the IPMI user closes the
serial session, the session for the user who is directly connected to the serial
port resumes.
v If an IPMI user is connected to the appliance and you need to use the serial
port, you must unplug the Ethernet cable from the MGT0 port. After you
unplug the cable, wait for the serial port to become available, which can take
up to 20 minutes.


This command sets the privilege level for serial over LAN.


sol-required-user-privilege-level privilege

Sets the privilege level required for serial over LAN. The keyword list is in
from lowest to highest privilege level.
Allows IPMI commands that establish a callback connection.
user Allows IPMI commands that read operational status. This setting is
the default value.
Allows IPMI commands that change operational status.


The sol-required-user-privilege-level command sets the required privilege

level for users to use the serial over LAN protocol (payload) over Remote Control
and Management Protocol Plus (RCMP+) on this LAN channel.

This command is available when serial over LAN is enabled with the sol-enabled

LDAP Search Parameters commands

Chapter 11. Reference 707

LDAP Search Parameters mode provides the commands to modify LDAP search

To enter the mode, use the Global ldap-search-parameters command.

While in this mode, use the following commands in the following table to define
the LDAP search parameters.
v To view the current configuration, use the show command.
v To restore default values, use the reset command.
v To exit this configuration mode without saving changes to the running
configuration, use the cancel command.
v To exit this configuration mode and save changes to the running configuration,
use the exit command.


This command specifies the base DN to begin the search.


base-dn DN

DN Specifies the base DN for the search.


The base-dn command specifies the distinguished name (DN) relative to the LDAP
search. This value identifies the entry level of the tree that is used by the scope


This command specifies the prefix of the LDAP filter expression.


filter-prefix prefix

prefix Specifies the prefix of the filter expression.


The filter-prefix command specifies the string prefix to construct an LDAP filter
expression, as defined in RFC 4515. This string is added before the user name to
construct the LDAP filter to search for the DN of the user.

If the prefix is (&(mail= and the user name is bob@example.com and the suffix is
)(c=US)), the LDAP search filter is (&(mail=bob@example.com)(c=US)).

You can use the filter-suffix to append a string to the LDAP filter expression to
complete the search filter.

708 IBM MQ Appliance


Create the LDAP filter expression (&(mail=bob@example.com)(c=US)) based on

bob@example.com as the user name.
# filter-prefix "(&(mail="
# filter-suffix ")(c=US))"


This command specifies the suffix of the LDAP filter expression.


filter-prefix suffix

suffix Specifies the suffix of the filter expression.


The filter-suffix command specifies the string suffix to construct an LDAP filter
expression, as defined in RFC 4515. This string is added after the user name to
construct the LDAP filter to search for the DN of the user.

If the prefix is (&(mail= and the user name is bob@example.com and the suffix is
)(c=US)), the LDAP search filter is (&(mail=bob@example.com)(c=US)).

You must use the filter-prefix to add the prefix string to the LDAP filter
expression to complete the search filter.


Create the LDAP filter expression (&(mail=bob@example.com)(c=US)) based on

bob@example.com as the user name.
# filter-prefix "(&(mail="
# filter-suffix ")(c=US))"


This command specifies the attribute to return for each match.


returned-attribute attribute

Specifies the name of the attribute to return. The default value is dn.


The returned-attribute command specifies the name of the attribute to return for
each entry that matches the search criteria.

Chapter 11. Reference 709


This command indicates the depth of the LDAP search.


scope { base | one-level | subtree }

base Searches the entry level of the tree only.
Searches the entry level of the tree and any object that is one-level below
the input.
Search the entry level of the tree and all of its descendants. This setting is
the default value.


The scope command indicates the depth of the LDAP search. The entry level of the
tree is defined by the base-dn command.

Link aggregation commands

You can use the link aggregation commands to configure link aggregation
interfaces on the IBM MQ Appliance.

The link aggregation commands can be run from the command line interface in
link aggregation configuration mode. To enter link aggregation configuration
mode, complete the following steps:
1. From the appliance command line, enter global configuration mode:
2. From global configuration mode, enter link aggregation configuration mode:
link-aggregation name

where name is the name of the link aggregation interface that you want to
configure. The name can have a maximum of 128 characters. The following
characters are valid:
v a through z
v A through Z
v 0 through 9
v Underscore (_)
v Dash (-)
v Period (.) (note that a name comprising a single period, or including two
periods together, is not permitted)
3. Type exit to leave the configuration mode and save your changes, then type
exit again to leave global configuration mode.

Link aggregation interfaces are not supported for links used in high availability
configurations or disaster recovery configurations.

710 IBM MQ Appliance


This command assigns the primary network address for the aggregate interface.


ip-address address

Specifies the IP address and netmask. The netmask is in CIDR format and
is the integer that assigns the prefix length.
v For version 4, the prefix length can be in the range of 0 through 32.
v For version 6, the prefix length can be in the range of 0 through 128.


The ip-address command assigns the primary network address to the interface.
The network address is an IP address with its subnet mask.

To assign secondary, or auxiliary, IP addresses, use the ip-secondary-address


This command is meaningful except when you use the ip-config-mode command
for autoconfiguration with DHCP or SLAAC.

v Assign an IP address in version 4 format.
# ip-address
v Assign an IP address in version 6 format.
# ip-address 2001:0db8:3c4d:0015::abcd:ef12/34


This command identifies the configuration mode for the aggregate interface.


ip-config-mode { static | dhcp | slaac }

static Indicates a static, manual configuration. This setting is the default value.
dhcp Indicates IPv4 autoconfiguration with DHCP.
slaac Indicates IPv6 autoconfiguration with SLAAC.


The ip-config-mode command identifies the configuration mode of the interface.

v With the static keyword, define the configuration for the interface as provided
by your network administrator.
– Use the ip-address command to assign the primary network address.

Chapter 11. Reference 711

– Use the ip-secondary-address command to manage secondary, or auxiliary,
network addresses.
– Use the ipv4-default-gateway command to assign the default IPv4 gateway.
– Use the ipv6-default-gateway command to assign the default IPv6 gateway.
– Use the ip-route command to manage static routes in the routing table.
v With the dhcp keyword, the appliance ignores configuration data about the
physical interface.
v With the slaac keyword, the appliance ignores configuration data about the
physical interface.

v Change the configuration mode to IPv4 autoconfiguration with DHCP.
# ip-config-mode dhcp
v Change the configuration mode to manual configuration.
# ip-config-mode static


This command manages static routes in the routing table for the aggregate

Add a static route
ip-route address next-hop-address [metric]
Delete a static route
no ip-route address next-hop-address

Specifies the IP address and netmask. The netmask is in CIDR format and
is the integer that assigns the prefix length.
v For version 4, the prefix length can be in the range of 0 through 32.
v For version 6, the prefix length can be in the range of 0 through 128.
Specifies the IP address of the next-hop router.
metric Optionally specifies the preference for the route. The lesser the value, the
more preferred the route. For each IP family, the supported range differs.
v For IPv4, enter a value in the range 0 - 255. The default value is 0.
v For IPv6, enter a value in the range 0 - 65536. The default value is 512.


The ip-route command manages static routes in the routing table. Issue this
command for each static route to add to the routing table.

To delete a static route, use the no ip-route command. Issue this command for
each static route to delete from the routing table.

This command is meaningful except when you use the ip-config-mode command
for autoconfiguration with DHCP or SLAAC.

712 IBM MQ Appliance

v Add a static route to the routing table (subnet via next-hop router The metric for the route is 0, the default value for IPv4, which is
the most preferred route.
# ip-route
v Delete a static route from the routing table (subnet via next-hop
# no ip-route


This command manages secondary network addresses for the aggregate interface.

Add a secondary address
ip-secondary-address address
Remove a secondary address
no ip-secondary-address address
Remove all secondary addresses
no ip-secondary-address

Specifies the IP address and netmask. The netmask is in CIDR format and
is the integer that assigns the prefix length.
v For version 4, the prefix length can be in the range of 0 through 32.
v For version 6, the prefix length can be in the range of 0 through 128.


The ip-secondary-address command manages secondary network addresses for

the current interface. The network address is the IP address and its subnet mask. A
secondary IP address is a bind address. The secondary IP address is used only as a
source IP address when it responds to incoming traffic to the secondary IP address.

To create the primary IP address, use the ip-address command.

To remove secondary IP addresses, use the no ip-secondary-address command.

This command is meaningful except when you use the ip-config-mode command
for autoconfiguration with DHCP or SLAAC.

v Add as a secondary IP address to the interface.
# ip-secondary-address
v Remove as a secondary IP address.
# no ip-secondary-address
v Remove all secondary IP addresses.
# no ip-secondary-address

Chapter 11. Reference 713


This command designates the default IPv4 gateway for the aggregate interface.

Designates the default IPv4 gateway
ipv4-default-gateway address
Deletes the default IPv4 gateway
no ipv4-default-gateway

Specifies the IP address of the default IPv4 gateway.


The ipv4-default-gateway command designates the default IPv4 gateway that the
interface can reach. If the interface supports both IP families, use the
ipv6-default-gateway command to designate the default IPv6 gateway.

Use the no ipv4-default-gateway command to delete the default IPv4 gateway.

This command is meaningful except when you use the ip-config-mode command
for autoconfiguration with DHCP or SLAAC.


This command sets the number of IPv6 duplication address detection attempts for
the aggregate interface.


ipv6-dadtransmits attempts

Specifies the number of attempts. The default value is 1.


The ipv6-dadtransmits command sets the number of IPv6 duplication address

detection (DAD) attempts. This command is relevant for only IPv6 addresses on
the appliance.

If you specify more than one attempt, use the ipv6-nd-retransmit-timer command
to set the interval between attempts.


This command designates the default IPv6 gateway for the aggregate interface.

Designate the default IPv6 gateway
ipv6-default-gateway address

714 IBM MQ Appliance

Delete the default IPv6 gateway
no ipv6-default-gateway

Specifies the IP address of the default IPv6 gateway.


The ipv6-default-gateway command designates the default IPv6 gateway that the
interface can reach. Define a default IPv6 gateway if you defined IPv6 IP

If the interface supports both IP families, use the ipv4-default-gateway command

to designate the default IPv4 gateway.

Use the no ipv6-default-gateway command to delete the default IPv6 gateway.

This command is meaningful except when you use the ip-config-mode command
for autoconfiguration with DHCP or SLAAC.


This command sets the interval between IPv6 neighbor discovery attempts for the
aggregate interface.


ipv6-nd-retransmit-timer milliseconds

Specifies the interval between attempts in milliseconds. The default value
is 1000.


The ipv6-nd-retransmit-timer command sets the interval neighbor discovery

attempts. This command is relevant for only when the interface uses IPv6


This command sets which hash function the LACP aggregation uses to determine
the interface for outbound packets.


lacp-hash { ip-port | mac | mac-ip }

Indicates that the hash function uses both IP addresses and TCP/UDP
ports. IP addresses are layer 3. TCP/UDP ports are layer 4. This approach
is not strictly compliant to the LACP standard.

Chapter 11. Reference 715

mac Indicates that the hash function uses only MAC addresses, which is layer 2
mac-ip Indicates that the hash function uses both MAC addresses and IP
addresses. MAC addresses are layer 2. IP addresses are layer 3. This setting
is the default value.


The lacp-hash command sets which hash function the Link Aggregation Control
Protocol (LACP) aggregation uses to determine the interface for outbound packets.

The command is meaningful only when you use the type command to define
LACP as the link aggregation type.


Set the aggregate interface to use LACP and choose the aggregator with the
highest bandwidth. The aggregate interface uses only the MAC address hash
# type LACP
# lacp-select bandwith
# lacp-hash mac


This command sets the algorithm for the LACP selection policy.


lacp-select { bandwith | count | stable }

Chooses the aggregator with the highest bandwidth.
count Selects the aggregator with the most NICs.
stable Does not change the aggregator when a better one is available. This setting
is the default value.


The lacp-select command sets the algorithm for the Link Aggregation Control
Protocol (LACP) selection policy. When there is more than one LACP aggregator
for the members of an LACP aggregation, the appliance uses the algorithm to
determine which aggregator to use. In other words, the algorithm determines
which group of aggregate interfaces is active.

The command is meaningful only when you use the type command to define
LACP as the link aggregation type.


Set the aggregate interface to use LACP and choose the aggregator with the
highest bandwidth. The aggregate interface uses only the MAC address hash

716 IBM MQ Appliance

# type LACP
# lacp-select bandwith
# lacp-hash mac


This command manages Ethernet interfaces in the aggregate interface.

Add an Ethernet interface
link name
Delete an Ethernet interface
no link name

name Specifies the name of an Ethernet interface.


The link command manages Ethernet interfaces in the aggregate interface.

v For each Ethernet interface to add to the aggregate interface, use the link
v For each Ethernet interface to delete from the aggregate interface, use the no
link command.

You cannot add members to an aggregate interface in the following situations:

v The Ethernet interface is part of a VLAN interface
v The Ethernet interface is part of another aggregate interface
v The Ethernet interface is not enabled for link aggregation with the
link-aggregate-mode command in Ethernet mode.


Add the eth10, eth11, and eth12 Ethernet interfaces to the aggregate interface.
# link eth10
# link eth11
# link eth12

Deletes the eth12 Ethernet interface from the aggregate interface.

# no link eth12


This command sets the maximum transmission unit of the aggregate interface.


mtu bytes

bytes Specifies the maximum size in bytes. Enter a value in the range 576 -
16128. The default value is 1500.

Chapter 11. Reference 717


The mtu command sets the maximum transmission unit (MTU) for the aggregate
interface. The MTU of the aggregate interface overrides the MTU of the Ethernet

The MTU is determined regardless of the length of the layer 2 encapsulation.


Set the MTU to 4 KB.

# mtu 4096


This command manages a packet-capture for the aggregate interface session.

Start a packet-capture session
packet-capture file seconds KB ["expression"]
Stop a packet-capture session
no packet-capture file

file Specifies the file name for the packet capture. You can simultaneously
capture packets on multiple interfaces by specifying a different file name
for each interface.
Specifies the maximum duration of the packet-capture session in seconds.
Enter a value in the range 5 - 86400. The special value of -1 indicates that
the packet capture is continuous and completes when it reaches the
maximum file size or until you issue the no packet-capture command.
KB Specifies the maximum size of the file in KB. Enter a value in the range 10
- 500000.
Optionally specifies the expression that filters the packet capture. Enclose
the expression in double quotation marks.


The packet-capture command manages a packet-capture session on the current

interface. The data from the session is saved in the pcap format. To interpret the
packet, use a network protocol analyzer.

Use the no packet-capture command to stop a packet-capture session.

v Start a timed packet-capture session that writes data to the temporary:///
capture-1 file. The session completes either after 30 minutes or when the file
contains 2500 KB, whichever occurs first.
# packet-capture temporary:///capture-1 1800 2500
Trace begun.

718 IBM MQ Appliance

v Start a timed packet-capture session that writes data to the temporary:///
capture-2 file. The session records only packets where 53 is the destination port.
The session completes either after 30 minutes or when the file contains 2500 KB,
whichever occurs first.
# packet-capture temporary:///capture-2 1800 2500 "dst port 53"
Trace begun.
v Start a continuous packet-capture session that writes data to the
temporary:///capture-3 file. The session completes either when it contains
50000 KB or when you stop it.
# packet-capture temporary:///capture-3 -1 50000
Trace begun.
v Stop the packet-capture session that writes data to the temporary:///capture-3
# packet-capture temporary:///capture-3
Continuous packet capture to temporary:///capture-3 on interface stopped.


This command defines the mode to use for link aggregation.


type { active-backup | LACP | transmit }

Sets link aggregation to active-backup. One link is active, and the other
links are backup. If the active link is lost, switches to a backup link. This
setting is the default value.
LACP Sets link aggregation to the Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP).
The IEEE 802.1AX-2008 standard defines LACP. This mode requires
support on the network switch.
Sets link aggregation to transmit-based load balancing. This mode uses a
single link for incoming traffic but distributes outgoing traffic among all


The type command defines the mode to use for link aggregation.

When the aggregate interface uses LACP, you can change the selection policy and
the distribution algorithm for outbound packets.
v Use the lacp-select command to change the LACP selection policy. The default
selection policy is to use active-backup.
v Use the lacp-hash command to change the LACP distribution algorithm for
outbound packets. The default algorithm is to use the hash function against both
MAC addresses and IP addresses.

Chapter 11. Reference 719


Set the aggregate interface to use LACP and choose the aggregator with the
highest bandwidth. The aggregate interface uses only the MAC address hash
# type LACP
# lacp-select bandwith
# lacp-hash mac


This command manages the inclusion of the aggregate interface in the standby




The yield-standby command removes this appliance in the standby group. This
command does not modify the interface configuration. After removal, the interface
is added back to the standby group in potentially a different state.

Use this command after you quiesce the appliance to remove the interface
gracefully from its standby group. You quiesce the appliance for maintenance.

Attention: Never use this command when preemptions is enabled in the standby
control configuration.

The state of the interface in the standby group controls what happens after you
run the command.
v When you issue the yield-standby command against the active appliance, the
following changes occur.
– The active appliance resigns from the standby group and a standby control
takeover occurs, which potentially breaks in flight connections and
– The standby appliance becomes the active appliance.
– An election occurs among the group members to determine which one
becomes the standby appliance.
v When you issue the yield-standby command against the standby appliance, the
following changes occur.
– The standby appliance is temporarily removed from the standby group.
– An election occurs among the group members to determine which one
becomes the standby appliance.
v When you issue the yield-standby command against a listen appliance, that
appliance is removed and added back without an observable difference.


Temporarily remove the appliance from the standby group.

# yield-standby

720 IBM MQ Appliance

Load Balancer Group commands

Load Balancer Group mode provides the commands to create or modify a load
balancer group configuration.

To enter the mode, use the Global loadbalancer-group command. To delete a load
balancer group, use the Global no loadbalancer-group command.

While in this mode, use the following commands to define a load balancer group.
v To view the current configuration, use the show command.
v To restore default values, use the reset command.
v To exit this configuration mode without saving changes to the running
configuration, use the cancel command.
v To exit this configuration mode and save changes to the running configuration,
use the exit command.


This command specifies the server selection algorithm.


algorithm { first-alive | hash | least-connections | round-robin |

weighted-least-connections | weighted-round-robin }

Uses the concept of a primary server and backup servers. When the health
state of the primary server is up, all connections are forwarded to this
server. When the health state of the primary server is softdown or down,
connections are forwarded to backup servers. The primary server is the
first server in the members list.
hash Uses the IP address of the client as the basis for server selection.
With the hash algorithm, the same client is served by the same server. Use
this algorithm only when clients access applications that require the
storage of server-side state information, such as cookies. Hashing
algorithms cannot ensure even distribution.
Maintains a record of active server connections and forward a new
connection to the server with the least number of active connections.
Maintains a list of servers and forwards a new connection to the next
server on the list. This setting is the default value.
Maintains a weighted list of servers and forwards new connections in
proportion to the weight (or preference) of each server.


The algorithm command specifies the server selection algorithm. A request to

connect to a load balancer group results in a server with a health state of up

Chapter 11. Reference 721

selected from the pool according to the algorithm. The algorithm provides a
method for selecting which server with a health state of up receives an incoming
client request.

v Specify that server selection uses the first-alive algorithm.
# algorithm first-alive
v Specify that server selection uses the least-connections algorithm.
# algorithm least-connections
v Specify that server selection uses the weighted-round-robin algorithm.
# algorithm weighted-round-robin


This command specifies the dampening period for a server with health state of


damp seconds

Specifies the number of seconds that a server remains in a softdown state.
Enter a value in the range 1 - 86400. The default value is 120.


The damp command specifies the dampening period for a member server. The
dampening period is the duration that a server is removed from the load balancer
group because it cannot connect during a normal HTTP or TCP transaction. Such a
server has a health state of softdown. When this interval expires, the server is
restored to the load balancer group and placed in the up state.

This command does not affect servers that are in the down state.


Set the dampening period of 5 minutes.

# damp 600


This command specifies the connection-behavior when no member is up.


giveup-when-all-members-down { on | off }

on Does not forward the connection to any member. Makes the next attempt
when at least one member is in the up state.

722 IBM MQ Appliance

off Selects the first member in the down state and forwards the connection to
this server. This setting is the default value.

v Disable connection attempts if all members are in the down state.
# giveup-when-all-members-down on
v Restore the default state.
# giveup-when-all-members-down off


This command defines the periodic health check procedure.


health-check admin-state target-uri target-port type use-soap send-soap timeout

frequency xpath filter [sslproxy] [enforce-timeout] [independent-checks]
[gatewayscript-checks] [request-method] [request-custom-method] [request-doc]
[request-content-type] [response-evaluator-metadata] [response-evaluator]

Controls whether to run a periodic health check.
on Enables the health check.
off Disables the health check. This setting is the default state.
For a standard health check, specifies the non-server (file path) portion of
the target URI. That is, specify the URI to receive the client request that the
rule generates. The default value is /.
This URI is used with the specified remote port.
Specify the port on the target server to receive the query. The default value
is 80.
You can override this value for one or more members of the Load Balancer
Group with the health-port argument of the server command.
The response from the server is evaluated to determine the health status of
each member server in the group. The request is sent to the target URI and
remote port.
This port is used for LDAP and standard health checks.
type Controls the type of check.
Checks the health with an HTTP request on the remote port. The
port is specified by the port argument unless it is overridden by
members of the load balancer group with the health-port
argument of the server command. The standard setting is the
default value.
Checks the health with a TCP connection request on the remote
Chapter 11. Reference 723
port. The port is specified by the port argument unless it is
overridden by members of the load balancer group with the
health-port argument of the server command.
For a standard health check, specifies the HTTP method to access the target
on Accesses the target URI with an HTTP POST operation by posting
a SOAP message. This setting is the default value.
off Accesses the target URI with an HTTP GET operation.
When the use-SOAP argument is on, specify the SOAP message to send as
a client request. The default value is store:///healthcheck.xml. When the
use-SOAP argument is off, use two double quotation marks.
Specifies the number of seconds for the completion of the health check.
Enter a value in the range 2 - 86400. The default value is 10.
If successful, the server is deemed healthy and is marked as up; otherwise,
the server is marked as down.
Specifies the number of seconds between health checks. Enter a value in
the range 5 - 86400. The default value is 180.
xpath Use with the filter argument to specify the XPath expression that must be
found in a valid server response.
filter Specifies the style sheet to filter the server response. The default value is
This style sheet uses the specified xpath argument as input and scans the
server response for its presence. If found, the server is deemed healthy and
is marked as up; otherwise, the server is marked as down.
For a standard health check, specifies the name of the SSL Proxy Profile to
secure the connection.
For a standard health check, specifies whether to use the health check
timeout value to interrupt and end a health check transaction.
on Specifies that the health check timeout value is used.
off Specifies that the health check timeout value is not used. This
setting is the default value.
For a standard health check, specifies whether the health check
transactions in a Load Balancer Group run independently or sequentially.
on Specifies that the health check transactions run independently.
off Specifies that the health check transactions run sequentially. This
setting is the default value.

724 IBM MQ Appliance


A health check is a scheduled rule that sends the same request to each member.
The successful completion of the health check requires that the server passes
normal TCP and HTTP connection criteria, depending on check type. Optionally, a
standard health check can use a filter to evaluate the response from the server. The
filter can use a defined expression or the evaluator can use a defined string to help
determine the server's health. If the evaluation passes, the server is healthy;
otherwise, the health state of the server is down. The response must be valid XML.
The response is analyzed with the XSL health check filter against the defined
XPath expression.

The timeout argument specifies how much time can expire before an attempt to
complete a health check fails. However, if the request hangs because the server
does not respond, the health check timeout compares only the actual time that the
request took. In this case, the health check timeout is not used to interrupt the
transaction. The enforce-timeout argument overrides this behavior and forces the
timeout to interrupt the transaction.

The frequency argument specifies the number of seconds between health checks.
This frequency value is used sequentially such that the health check consecutively
queries each load balancer member only after the prior health check completes. If a
server hangs for a long time, all other health checks for the other members are
delayed by that amount of time. The independent-checks argument overrides this
behavior and makes each health check independent.

v Specify a periodic health check for members.
# health-check on cgi-bin/x.cgi 80 Standard
on store:///identity.xsl 4 60 / store:///healthcheck.xsl sslProxy1
v Specify a periodic health check for members of the test1 load balancer group.
The submode commands specify that the target URI is cgi-bin/x.cgi and the
target port is 80. The health check timeout value is used, and health checks run
independently. All other properties use the default values. The health check is
saved on exit.
# loadbalancer-group test1
# health-check
# admin-state on
# target-uri cgi-bin/x.cgi
# target-port 80
# enforce-timeout on
# independent-checks on
# exit


This command specifies the host name to provide to the remote server.


masquerade { on | off }

on Passes the name of the load balanced group to the remote server.

Chapter 11. Reference 725

off Passes the name of the member server to the remote server. This setting is
the default value.


Pass the name of the load balancer group as the host name to the remote server.
# masquerade on


This command adds a member to the load balancer group.


server address [weight] [mapped-port] [""] [health-port]

Specifies the name or IP address of the server.
For weighted algorithms: Specifies the relative weight (preference). Enter a
value in the range 1 - 65000. The default value is 1.
Specifies the port on the real server. If nonzero, the associated real server is
contacted on this port. Normally the real server is contacted on the same
port number as the one for the virtual server. In this case, retain the
default value of 0. If services run on different ports for different members
of the group, define this value.
This port is used for IMSConnect health check.
Specifies the port to test. Retain the default value of 0 to use the port that
is defined for this load balancer group.


The server command adds a server to the load balancer group. When you define a
member server, optionally specify the ports to use for sending client requests and
for the health check.
v For the first-alive algorithm, the sequence is significant. The first server is the
primary server, while subsequent entries serve as backup servers. For all other
algorithms, the sequence is not significant.
v For weighted algorithms, use the weight parameter to specify the relative
preference of a server. The greater the value, the more likely this server is to
receive a connection request. Assume that the load balancer group has the
following members.
– Member A with a weight of 100.
– Member B with a weight of 60.
– Member C with a weight of 40.
Because of the weights, member A receives 50% of requests, member B receives
30% of requests, and member C receives 20% of requests.

726 IBM MQ Appliance

If you use a weighted algorithm, there is a limit of 64 servers per load balancer
group. For all other algorithms, the limit is 512 servers per load balancer group.


Add ragnarok.appliance.com with a weight of 5 to the load balancer group.

# server ragnarok.appliance.com 5


This command specifies the retry-behavior for a failed attempt.


try-every-server { on | off }

on Sends the requests to each server until one responds or all fail. Each server
that fails is set to the softdown state.
off Does not attempt to contact other members. This setting is the default


The try-every-server sends the request to each server until one responds or all
fail. This command applies only when none of the group members are in the up
state. Each server that fails is set to the softdown state.


Contact all member server before failure.

# try-every-server on

Log target commands

Log target mode provides the commands to create or modify a log target.

To enter the mode, use the Global logging target command. To delete a log target,
use the no logging target command.

While in this mode, use the commands in the following table to configure a log
v To view the current configuration, use the show command.
v To restore default values, use the reset command.
v To exit this configuration mode without saving changes to the running
configuration, use the cancel command.
v To exit this configuration mode and save changes to the running configuration,
use the exit command.
Table 43. Log Target commands
Command Purpose
“active-timeout” on page 729 This command sets the timer to close an established and active connection
to the server.

Chapter 11. Reference 727

Table 43. Log Target commands (continued)
Command Purpose
“admin-state” on page 586 This command sets the administrative state for the configuration.
“ansi-color” on page 729 This command manages a multicolored console log.
“archive-mode” on page 730 This command specifies an archival behavior for file-based logs.
“backup” on page 731 This command specifies a backup for the current log.
“connect-timeout” on page 730 This command sets the time to wait to establish a connection.
“email-address” on page 731 This command specifies the email address of a remote recipient of SMTP log
“event” on page 731 This command adds an event class and a priority to the log target.
“event-code” on page 732 This command specifies an event code to add to the log target.
“event-detection” on page 733 This command suppresses identical events in the log target.
“event-filter” on page 733 This command specifies an event code to exclude from the log target.
“facility” on page 734 This command specifies the syslog facility.
“feedback-detection” on page 734 This command suppresses events from the logging subsystem itself.
“format” on page 734 This command specifies the format in which events are added to the log.
“idle-timeout” on page 735 This command sets the idle timer for the logging target.
“ip-filter” on page 736 This command adds an IP address to include in the log target.
“local-address” on page 736 This command specifies the local address over which log events are
transmitted to a remote recipient.
“local-file” on page 736 This command specifies a local file for log messages.
“local-ident” on page 737 This command sets the string that the remote recipient uses to identify this
log target.
“object” on page 738 This command adds an object filter to the current log target.
“priority” on page 738 This command sets the service-level priority for the log target.
“rate-limit” on page 739 This command sets the maximum rate of events to log.
“remote-address” on page 739 This command specifies the destination address of log messages or the log
“remote-directory” on page 740 This command specifies the remote directory where uploaded logs are
“remote-login” on page 741 This command specifies the user name to use to upload a log file to a
remote server.
“remote-port” on page 742 This command specifies the listening port on the remote server.
“rotate” on page 743 This command sets the maximum number of file rotations.
“sender-address” on page 743 This command specifies the email address of the sender.
“size” on page 744 This command sets the maximum size of a local log file.
“smtp-domain” on page 744 This command specifies the domain name of the SMTP client.
“soap-version” on page 744 This command specifies the version of SOAP to use.
“ssl” on page 745 This command associates an SSL proxy profile for SOAP-based log over
“suppression-period” on page 746 This command sets the interval to suppress identical events.
“timestamp” on page 747 This command specifies the time stamp format.
“trigger” on page 747 This command creates an event trigger.
“type” on page 748 This command identifies the logging model.

728 IBM MQ Appliance

Table 43. Log Target commands (continued)
Command Purpose
“upload-method” on page 749 This command sets the protocol to upload a file-based log to a remote site.
“url” on page 750 This command sets the destination for SOAP-based log entries.


This command sets the timer to close an established and active connection to the


active-timeout seconds

Sets the number of seconds to wait before the connection is closed. Enter a
value in the range 0 - 60. The default value is 0.


The active-timeout command sets the number of seconds to wait before an

established and active connection to the server is closed. The default value of 0
allows the log target to most efficiently send messages to the server by maintaining
a working connection indefinitely.

Attention: If multiple log targets have the following configuration, they might
share connections.
v The same local address and port
v The same remote address and port

Because of potential connection-sharing, set the same active timeout for these log

You can use the connect-timeout and idle-timeout connection commands to

modify the additional timeout values.
v The connect timeout sets the number of seconds to wait to establish a connection
to the server before an error message is generated.
v The idle timeout sets the number of seconds to wait before an established, but
inactive, connection to the server is closed.


This command manages a multicolored console log.


ansi-color { on | off }

on Enables different priorities to display in different colors.
off Provides a monochrome display. This setting is the default value.

Chapter 11. Reference 729


Meaningful only when the log type is console. Otherwise, it is ignored.


This command specifies an archival behavior for file-based logs.


archive-mode { rotate | upload }

rotate Specifies that when a log file reaches its maximum size, the log is rotated
as specified by the rotate command. This setting is the default value.
upload Specifies that when a log file reaches its maximum size, the file is
uploaded to a specified site for remote storage.


The archive-mode command is required when the log type is file. Otherwise, it is

After you set the upload mode, you must use the remote-address,
remote-directory, remote-login, and upload-method commands to enable transfer
of the log file to the remote site.

v Set the archive type to upload.
# archive-mode upload
v Set the archive type to rotate, which restores the default state.
# archive-mode rotate


This command sets the time to wait to establish a connection.


connect-timeout seconds

Sets the number of seconds that the appliance waits to establish a
connection. Enter a value in the range 1 - 90. The default value is 60.


The connect-timeout command indicates the time that the appliance waits to
establish a connection to the server before it generates an error message. After the
appliance generates the log message, it attempts to establish the connection again.
You can use the active-timeout and idle-timeout connection commands to
modify other timeout values.

730 IBM MQ Appliance

v The active timer sets the number of seconds to wait before the appliance closes
an established and active connection to the server.
v The idle timer sets the number of seconds to wait before the appliance closes an
established but inactive connection to the server.


This command specifies a backup for the current log.


backup name

name Specifies the name of a log, of any log type.


Meaningful only when the log type is file. Otherwise, it is ignored.


This command specifies the email address of a remote recipient of SMTP log


email-address address

Specifies the remote email address.


The email-address command is only used when the log type is smtp.


Assign an email address.

# email-address techDesk@datapower.com


This command adds an event class and a priority to the log target.


event class priority

class Specifies the name of an event-class, which is a set of related events.
Identifies the event priority.

Chapter 11. Reference 731


Log priority is characterized (in descending order of importance) as emerg, alert,

critic, error, warn, notice, info, and debug. The priority specifies that the
appliance writes to the log all events that are greater than or equal to this

You can use the show logging priority command to display a list of event

You can use the show logging event command to display a list of event classes.


Set which event classes and which event priorities to log.

# event schema error
# event xmlfilter error
# event crypto error
# event ssl error
# event auth warning


This command specifies an event code to add to the log target.


event-code code

code Identifies the hex value of the event code.


This command allows only messages that contain specified event codes to be
written to the current log target. Thus, it is possible to create a log target that
collects only messages for a particular set of event codes. For example,
“Operational State down.”

Use the View List of Event Codes from the GUI to view a list of all event codes.


Create a file-based log target that contains only XML parser events.
# type file
# event-code 0x00030001
# event-code 0x00030002
# event-code 0x00030003
# event-code 0x00030004
# event-code 0x00030005
# event-code 0x00030006
# event-code 0x00030007
# event-code 0x00030008
# event-code 0x00030009
# event-code 0x0003000a

732 IBM MQ Appliance


This command suppresses identical events in the log target.


event-detection { on | off }

on Suppresses the writing of identical events to the log for the specified
suppression period.
off Identical events are written to the log. This setting is the default value.


The event-detection command allows for the suppression of identical log events
that are generated by the same configuration object over a configurable time
period. When enabled, the log target retains a reference to each processed event for
the duration set with the suppression-period command. Until this period expires,
the log target does not process the same event from the same configuration.


This command specifies an event code to exclude from the log target.


event-filter code

code Specifies the hex value of the event code.


Event filters provide for the exclusion of log messages that contain specified event
codes from the log target.

Use the View List of Event Codes from the GUI to view a list of all event codes.


Create a file-based log excluding XML parser events.

# type file
# event-filter 0x00030001
# event-filter 0x00030002
# event-filter 0x00030003
# event-filter 0x00030004
# event-filter 0x00030005
# event-filter 0x00030006
# event-filter 0x00030007
# event-filter 0x00030008
# event-filter 0x00030009
# event-filter 0x0003000a

Chapter 11. Reference 733


This command specifies the syslog facility.


facility facility

Identifies the syslog facility.


The facility command specifies the syslog facility. This command is meaningful
only with syslog-based log targets.


Set to the local0 syslog facility.

# type syslog
# local address
# remote-address
# facility local0


This command suppresses events from the logging subsystem itself.


feedback-detection { on | off }

on Suppresses all log events that are triggered by the logging subsystem.
off Suppresses log events that are triggered by the target itself, but writes
events that are generated by other log targets. This setting is the default


The feedback-detection command allows for the suppression of log events that
are triggered by the logging subsystem itself. Log targets always suppress log
events that are triggered by the target itself but write events that are generated by
other log targets. Under certain circumstances, with two or more log targets, these
events can create a positive feedback loop that might cause resource contention.
When enabled, feedback detection suppresses all log events that are triggered by
the logging subsystem.


This command specifies the format in which events are added to the log.

734 IBM MQ Appliance


format format

Indicates the format of log messages. The default value is xml.
cbe Specifies the log format follows the IBM Common Base Event
csv Specifies the log format as comma-separated.
raw Specifies the log format as unformatted text.
text Specifies the log format as formatted text.
xml Specifies the log format as XML.


Use the show logging format command to list the available formats.


This command sets the idle timer for the logging target.


idle-timeout seconds

Sets the number of seconds to wait before the appliance closes an inactive
connection. Enter a value in the range 1 - 600. The default value is 15.


The idle-timeout command sets the number of seconds to wait before the
appliance closes an established but inactive connection to the server.

Attention: If multiple log targets have the following configuration, they might
share connections.
v The same local address and port.
v The same remote address and port.

Because of potential connection-sharing, set the same values for these log targets.

You can use the active-timeout and connect-timeout connection commands to

modify other timeout values.
v The active timeout sets the number of seconds to wait before the appliance
closes an established and active connection to the server.
v The connect timeout sets the number of seconds to wait to establish a connection
to the server before an error message is generated.

Chapter 11. Reference 735


This command adds an IP address to include in the log target.


ip-filter address

Identifies the network IP address.


The ip-filter command adds an IP address to include in the log target. Only log
messages that are from the specified IP address are written to the log target. With
this command, you can create a log target that collects log messages from only
specific clients.


This command specifies the local address over which log events are transmitted to
a remote recipient.


local-address address

Specifies the IP address of the interface.


The local-address specifies the local address over which syslog log events are
transmitted to a remote recipient.
v For an SMTP log target, the local-address command is required. The log target
uses TCP port 25.
v For a syslog-based log target, the local-address command is optional.
– For syslog via UDP, the log target uses port 25.
– For syslog via TCP, the log target uses port 514.

For all other log types, the local-address command is not used.


Specify the local interface used to transmit log messages to an SMTP server.
# type smtp
# local-address


This command specifies a local file for log messages.

736 IBM MQ Appliance


local-file URL

URL Specifies the file to store log messages and takes the logstore:///file


When the log type is file, the local-file command is required. For all other log
types, it is not used.


This command sets the string that the remote recipient uses to identify this log


local-ident identifier

Specifies the identifier for the log target.


The local-ident sets the string that a remote recipient uses to identify the log
target. For an SMTP or syslog-based log target, this command is optional. For all
other types of log targets, the value set by this command is ignored.


This command specifies the path to the NFS mount file.


nfs-file file

file Specifies the path to the log file relative to the NFS mount point.


The file name can use only the characters a-z, A-Z, 0-9, or an underscore. The path
can have subdirectories that are delimited by a slash.

The file must have write permission.


This command assigns a static mount.

Chapter 11. Reference 737


nfs-static-mount name

name Specifies the name of an NFS static mount.


When the log type is nfs, specify the NFS static mount point to write the log over

To create an NFS static mount, use the Global nfs-static-mount command.


This command adds an object filter to the current log target.


object type [name]

type Specifies an object type. This filter restricts messages to only messages for
that object type.
name Optional: Specifies the name of an instance of the selected object type.


Use the object command to enable a finer granularity of log content.

Object filters allow only those log messages that are generated by specific objects
to be written to the log target. Object filters are based on object type and based on
specific instances of that object type. Therefore, you can create a log target to
collect log messages for an instance of a particular object type. For example, you
can create a log target to write messages for the xyz service. Omit the instance
name to filter on all instances of the specified type.

v Add an object filter to log messages for the domain-3 domain.
# object domain domain-3
v Add an object filter to log messages for the Gateway-1 Multi-Protocol Gateway.
# object XSLProxy Proxy-1


This command sets the service-level priority for the log target.


priority { low | normal | high }

738 IBM MQ Appliance

low Sets the DataPower service to receive below normal priority for scheduling
and resource allocation.
normal Sets the DataPower service to receive normal priority for scheduling and
resource allocation. This setting is the default value.
high Sets the DataPower service to receive above normal priority for scheduling
and resource allocation.


The priority command sets the priority for log target event-flushing. When
resources are in high demand, setting the priority to high can increase processing
capacity of the log target but might have a negative effect on the throughput of the


This command sets the maximum rate of events to log.


rate-limit events/seconds

Sets the maximum number of transactions per second. Enter a value in the
range 1 - 1000. The default value is 100.


The rate-limit command sets the number of log transactions per second.
v Remote log targets might receive more than this number of events within a
second, depending on network latency and buffering. Because only a single TCP
connection is made to the syslog server, a syslog over TCP log target is
v For syslog over TCP log targets, the rate limit is the maximum number of events
that are transmitted over the connection within 1 second. A value of 0 disables
rate-limiting by the log target.

This command is meaningful for an NFS, SMTP, SOAP, or syslog-based log target.
Otherwise, it is ignored.


Limit transactions to a maximum of 50 per second.

# rate-limit 50


This command specifies the destination address of log messages or the log itself.

Chapter 11. Reference 739


remote-address host

host Identifies the host name or IP address of the remote server.


The remote-address command specifies the destination of transmitted log

messages or the location of an uploaded log file. This command is relevant in the
following situations.
v For an SMTP or syslog-based log target, as specified by the type command.
v For a file-based log target with an archive mode, as specified by the
archive-mode command set to upload.

Use the remote-address command with the remote-port command to define the
destination of transmitted log messages.

With TCP-based, network log targets, instead of specifying the IP address or host
name of a remote server, you can specify the name of a load balancer group. In
this situation, the same load balancer group must be assigned to the default XML
manager in the domain with the XML Manager loadbalancer-group command. To
create a load balancer group, use the Global loadbalancer-group command.

To establish a secure connection to a remote server, use the remote-server and

remote-port commands to set the values to that of a local SSL Proxy service on the
appliance. The local SSL Proxy service, as defined by the Global sslforwarder
command, can then forward log messages over a secure connection to the remote

v Specify the address of an SMTP server. Uses the default TCP port of 25.
# type smtp
# local address
# remote-address ragnarok.datapower.com
v Specify the address of a syslog daemon. Uses the default UDP port of 514.
# type syslog
# local address
# remote-address
v Specify the recipient address for an uploaded log file.
# type file
# archive-mode upload
# remote-address


This command specifies the remote directory where uploaded logs are stored.


remote-directory file-path

740 IBM MQ Appliance

Identifies the writable remote directory that stores uploaded log files.


The remote-directory command is used only in the following situations:

v The log type is file.
v The archive mode is upload.
v The upload method is scp, ftp, or sftp.

Note: The scp upload method is deprecated.

To denote an absolute directory from the root directory, specify a single forward
slash character or equivalent encoded character (%2F) before the fully qualified file
v For SCP or SFTP, specify /file-path.
v For FTP, specify %2Ffile-path.

The path in the URL resolves to //file-path for SCP or SFTP and /%2Ffile-path
for FTP.

To denote a directory that is relative to the user's home directory, do not specify a
forward slash character or equivalent encoded character before the fully qualified
file name. For example, specify file-path. The path in the URL resolves to

v Specify the remote directory for an uploaded log file that is relative to the user's
home directory.
# type file
# archive-mode upload
# upload-method sftp
# remote-address
# remote-port 2121
# remote-directory logs/
v Specify the remote directory for an uploaded log file that is absolute to the root
# type file
# archive-mode upload
# upload-method ftp
# remote-address 172.16.300.254
# remote-port 2123
# remote-directory %2Flogs/


This command specifies the user name to use to upload a log file to a remote


remote-login user [password]

Chapter 11. Reference 741

user Specifies the user name to access a recipient of uploaded logs.
Specifies the password for the user name.


The remote-login command is used only if the log type is file and the
archive-mode is upload.

Without a password, you must specify it during the upload session.


Specify the recipient address, user name, password, and remote directory for an
uploaded log file.
# type file
# remote-address
# remote-login jrb brj
# remote-directory logs/


This command specifies the listening port on the remote server.


remote-port port

port Specifies the destination port that monitors traffic. The default value is 514.


The remote-port command specifies the listening port on the remote server. This
command is relevant only when for an SMTP or syslog-based log target, as
specified by the type command.

Use the remote-port command with the remote-address command to define the
destination of transmitted log messages.

You can use SSL to establish a secure connection to a remote server. For this
configuration, set the values of the remote-server and the remote-port commands
to the values of a local SSL Proxy on the appliance. The local SSL Proxy, as defined
by the Global sslforwarder command, can then forward log messages over a
secure connection to the remote server.


Set the address of an SMTP server that listens on port 5400.

# type smtp
# local address
# remote-address ragnarok.datapower.com
# remote-port 5400

742 IBM MQ Appliance


This command sets the maximum number of file rotations.


rotate count

count Specifies how many times to rotate a log file. Enter a value in the range 1 -
100. The default value is 3.


The rotate command specifies the maximum number of rotations for the log file.

Depending on the appliance type, the location of the file can be the local file
system or the hard disk array.

Assuming a file name of CryptoLog and three rotations, the directory that contains
the log file can contain the following local files.
The current log file.
The log file that was most recently archived.
The log file that was next most recently archived.
The oldest log file.

This command is meaningful only when one of the following conditions is met.
v The log type for the type command is file, and the archival mode for the
archive-mode command is rotate.
v The log type for the type command is nfs.


This command specifies the email address of the sender.


sender-address address

Specifies the local email address.


The sender-address command is only used when the log type is smtp.

Chapter 11. Reference 743


This command sets the maximum size of a local log file.


size KB

KB Specifies the maximum size of the file in KB. Enter a value in the range
100 - 50000. The default value is 500.


The size command sets the maximum size of a local log file in KB.

Depending on the appliance type, the location of the file can be the local file
system or the hard disk array.

This command is only meaningful when the log type, as specified by the type
command, is file.


This command specifies the domain name of the SMTP client.


smtp-domain domain

Specifies the fully qualified domain name of the SMTP client.


The smtp-domain command specifies the fully qualified domain name of the SMTP
client. This domain name is sent as part of the SMTP session invitation (HELO

This command is meaningful only in the following situations:

v The log type, as specified by the type command, is smtp.
v The log type, as specified by the type command, is file, and the upload
method, as specified by the upload-method command is smtp.


Set the recipient of SMTP domain.

# type smtp
# smtp-domain popServer-1.example.com


This command specifies the version of SOAP to use.

744 IBM MQ Appliance


soap-version { soap11 | soap12 }

soap11 SOAP targets use SOAP 1.1. This setting is the default value.
soap12 SOAP targets use SOAP 1.2.


When the log type is soap, specifies the version of SOAP for use by SOAP log


This command associates an SSL proxy profile for SOAP-based log over HTTPS.


ssl name

no ssl

name Specifies the name of an SSL proxy profile.


Use the ssl command associates an SSL proxy profile for SOAP-based log over
HTTPS. This command is meaningful only when the target type is SOAP and URL
uses HTTPS.

To create an SSL proxy profile, use the Global sslproxy command.

To remove the association of the SSL proxy profile, use the no ssl command.


This command associates an SSL client profile for SOAP-based or syslog log


ssl-client name

no ssl-client

Specifies the name of an SSL client profile.

Chapter 11. Reference 745


The ssl-client command specifies the SSL client profile to secure connections
between the appliance and its targets.

To create an SSL client profile, use the Crypto ssl-client command. To remove
the profile, use the no ssl-client command.

This command is relevant only when the following conditions are met:
v The log type set by the type command is soap, syslog-tcp, or syslog-ng.
v The type set by the ssl-client-type command is client.


This command sets the type of the SSL profile for SOAP-based or syslog log

Use an SSL client profile
ssl-client-type client
Use an SSL proxy profile (deprecated)
ssl-client-type proxy

proxy (deprecated)
Uses the SSL proxy profile with the cryptographic profiles to secure
connections. This setting is the default value for backward compatibility.
Uses the SSL client profile to secure connections.


The ssl-client-type command sets the SSL profile type to secure connections
between the DataPower® Gateway and its targets. You can use an SSL proxy profile
or an SSL client profile.
v The SSL proxy profile is deprecated. Check whether your configuration uses an
SSL proxy profile. If yes, modify the configuration to use an SSL client profile to
secure connections. To specify an SSL proxy profile, use the ssl command.
v To specify an SSL client profile, use the ssl-client command.

This command is relevant only when the log type set by the type command is
soap, syslog-tcp, or syslog-ng.


This command sets the interval to suppress identical events.


suppression-period seconds

746 IBM MQ Appliance

Specifies the interval in seconds to suppress identical events. The default
value is 10.


This command specifies the time stamp format.


timestamp { numeric | syslog }

Specifies a numeric time stamp format. This setting is the default value.
syslog Specifies a syslog time stamp format.


This command creates an event trigger.


trigger message-ID [expression] only-once only-this-trigger command

no trigger message-ID [expression] only-once only-this-trigger command

Specifies the message identifier that will, when logged, trigger the
Optionally specifies a regular expression that must match the body of the
message to trigger the command.
Indicates the behavior when the trigger criteria are met more than one
on This command is triggered only the first time that the trigger
criteria are met.
off This command is triggered each time that the trigger criteria are
met. This setting is the default value.
Indicates how other event triggers behave that have the same trigger
on This command is triggered, but other commands that would be
triggered by the same message ID are not. This setting is the
default value.
off Subsequent event triggers, that share this message ID, are also

Chapter 11. Reference 747

The command that runs when the trigger criteria are met. Commands must
be separated by semicolons. If the command contains a space, enclose the
value in double quotation marks.


Use the event trigger to run specific commands when specific messages appear in
the system logs.

v Start a packet capture when the specified message is logged. The only-once
parameter is set to on so that multiple packet captures are not initiated. The
only-this-trigger parameter is set to on so that the stop packet capture command
is not triggered immediately.
# trigger "0x99999" "" on on "interface eth0; packet-capture
temporary:///capture -1 250"
v Stop the packet capture.
# trigger "0x99999" "" on on "interface eth0; no packet-capture


This command identifies the logging model.


type model

model Sets the logging model.
cache Writes log entries to memory.
Writes log entries to the console screen.
file Writes log entries to a file on the appliance.
nfs Writes log entries to a file on a remote NFS mount.
smtp Forwards log entries as email messages to a specified recipient.
soap Forwards log entries as SOAP messages to a specified recipient.
syslog Forwards log entries to a remote syslog daemon over UDP.
Deprecated. Use syslog-tcp.
Forwards log entries to a remote syslog daemon over TCP.


For all log types, use the event command to specify log contents.
v For cache, requires no configuration beyond the identification of log type. You
can use the format, size, and timestamp commands to customize log behavior.

748 IBM MQ Appliance

v For console, no additional configuration is required. You can use the format and
timestamp commands to customize log behavior.
v For file, you must specify the name of the log file with the local-file
command. You can use the following commands to customize log behavior.
– The size command to specify the file size.
– The rotate command to specify the number of file rotations.
– The backup command to specify a backup log.
– The format command to specify the log format,
– The timestamp command to specify the time stamp method.
– The archive-mode, upload-method, local-ident, remote-address,
email-address, and sender-address commands to specify an archival and
retrieval method.
v For nfs, no network-file event messages for network file access are logged to
NFS log targets. To troubleshoot network-file events, use a log target type other
than NFS.
v For smtp, you must use the local-address and remote-address commands to
specify source and destination IP addresses and the email-address command to
specify a destination email address. You can use the following commands to
customize log behavior.
– The rate-limit command to control event message flow.
– The local-port and remote-port commands to identify nonstandard source
or destination ports.
– The sender-address command to specify a pseudo recipient email address.
– The local-ident command to specify a local identifier.
– The backup command to specify a backup log.
– The format command to specify the log format.
v For soap, you must use the url command to specify the recipient of
SOAP-enveloped log events and use the rate-limit command to throttle the
event flow. You can use the backup command to specify a backup log.
v For syslog-based logs, you must use the remote-address command to specify a
remote IP address. You can use the following commands to customize log
– The remote-port command to specify a nonstandard destination port number.
– The local-address and local-port commands to specify a specific local
interface for syslog transmissions.
– The local-ident command to specify a local identifier.
– The facility command to identify the syslog facility.

See the Global sslforwarder command for information on enabling the

transmission of syslog events over a secure TCP connection.


This command sets the protocol to upload a file-based log to a remote site.


upload-method protocol

Chapter 11. Reference 749

Specifies the protocol to upload the report. The default value is scp, which
is deprecated.
ftp Identifies the File Transfer Protocol.
scp Deprecated - Identifies the Secure Copy Protocol (SCP).
sftp Identifies the Secure File Transfer Protocol.
smtp Identifies the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol.


The upload-method command sets the protocol to upload a file-based log to a

remote site. This command is used in the following situations:
v The log type that is set by the type command is file.
v The archive-mode that is set by the archive-mode command is upload.

The SCP upload method is deprecated. If you use SCP to upload multiple log
targets at the same time, a system error might occur. The appliance supports only
one SCP connection at a time. To minimize the risk when you use SCP, configure
log targets with different settings, such as different event subscriptions and
different log sizes.


Provide the required information (transfer protocol, recipient address, user name,
password, and remote directory) to upload a file-based log to a remote storage site.
# type file
# upload-method sftp
# remote-address
# remote-login jrb brj
# remote-directory logs/


This command sets the destination for SOAP-based log entries.


url URL

URL Identifies the destination.


The url command sets the destination for SOAP-based log entries. This command
is used only if the log type is soap.


Set the recipient of SOAP log messages.

750 IBM MQ Appliance

# type soap
# url http;//ragnarok.example.com/logs

Monitoring and reporting commands

You use the monitoring and reporting commands to view the status of queue
manager and of the appliance.

Use the status command to view general information about the appliance and
specific information about a queue manager.

Use the show command to view details of the status of the appliance.


Reports disk usage, CPU usage, and memory usage across the appliance or for a
specific queue manager. Also reports additional information for a queue manager
running in a high availability configuration, or a disaster recovery configuration.


You can use the status command to get information about the disk usage, CPU
usage, and memory usage for the appliance or for a specific queue manager.

This command must be run from the IBM MQ administration mode. If the system
is in the IBM MQ administration mode the prompt includes mqcli#. To enter the
IBM MQ administration mode, enter mqcli on the command line. To exit the IBM
MQ administration mode, enter exit on the command line.

If the queue manager is running in a high availability configuration, the following

information is also reported:
v The high availability role of the queue manager (reported as Primary or
v The current high availability status:
The appliances in the disaster recovery configuration are operating
This appliance in standby mode
This status means that the appliance has been suspended (by using the
sethagrp -s command).
Secondary appliance in standby mode
This status means that the other appliance in the HA pair has been
suspended (by using the sethagrp -s command).
Both appliances in standby mode
This status means that both appliances in the HA pair have been
suspended (by using the sethagrp -s command).
Secondary appliance unavailable
This status means that the connections to the other appliance in the HA
pair have been lost.
Remote appliance(s) unavailable
This status means that the replication connection to the other appliance
has been lost.

Chapter 11. Reference 751

Queue manager data on the appliances is out of step, and cannot be
automatically resolved.
Synchronization in progress
This status is displayed when the primary queue manager is replicating
data to the secondary queue manager.
The queue manager is inactive on both appliances in the HA pair.
The status is displayed on a secondary appliance during the initial
synchronization of a queue manager if connection has been lost and
synchronization was interrupted. The secondary appliance cannot
provide high availability functionality until the initial synchronization
has completed.
v The preferred appliance setting for the queue manager, set to This
Appliance or Other Appliance.
v The percentage complete of a synchronization operation. This information is
shown only when the status is Synchronization in progress.
v The estimated time at which a synchronization will complete. This information
is shown only when the status is Synchronization in progress.
v The amount of out-of-sync data that exists on this instance of the queue
manager. This is the amount of data written to this instance of the queue
manager since it entered the partitioned state. This information is shown only
when the status is Partitioned.

If the queue manager is running in a disaster recovery configuration, the following

information is also reported:
v The disaster recovery role of the queue manager (reported as Primary or
v The current disaster recovery status:
The appliances in the disaster recovery configuration are operating
Synchronization in progress
This status can mean that initial replication is completing, or there has
been a failure of the disaster recovery replication network and the queue
manager has switched into synchronization mode to catch up as quickly
as possible.
Queue manager data on the appliances is out of step, and cannot be
automatically resolved. The makedrprimary and makedrsecondary
commands must be used to resolve the situation. When this status is
displayed on one of the appliances in a disaster recovery pair, the other
appliance might display the remote appliance unavailable status,
because the connection was lost before it detected the partitioned status.
Remote appliance(s) unavailable
The status means that the connection to the other appliance in the
disaster recovery configuration has been lost.
The queue manager is in the secondary role on both appliances.

752 IBM MQ Appliance

This status is shown only when the queue manager is in the secondary
role and an in-progress synchronization has been interrupted. If you use
the makedrprimary command on a queue manager that is in this state,
the queue manager reverts to the snapshot of its data that was taken
before it entered the inconsistent state.
Reverting to snapshot
This status is shown when the queue manager is in the secondary role,
and the makedrprimary command is issued when the queue manager is
in the inconsistent state. The queue manager is reverted to the current
snapshot of its data such that it can run.
Remote appliance(s) not configured
This status is shown when the crtdrprimary command has been run, to
specify that a queue manager has the primary role, but no
crtdrsecondary command has been run on the other appliance in the
disaster recovery pair.
v The percentage complete of a synchronization operation. This information is
shown only when the status is Synchronization in progress.
v The estimated time at which a synchronization will complete. This information
is shown only when the status is Synchronization in progress.
v The amount of out-of-sync data that exists on this instance of the queue
manager. This is the amount of data written to this instance of the queue
manager since it entered the partitioned state. This information is shown only
when the status is Partitioned.
v The percentage complete of a reversion to snapshot operation. This information
is shown only when the status is Reverting to snapshot.

If the queue manager is part of both an HA and a DR configuration, then both HA

and DR information is displayed.


►► status ►◄

Specifies the name of the queue manager for which the status summary is
If this parameter is omitted, a summary of all disk and memory usage on the
appliance is returned.

Usage Notes
v This command must be run from the IBM MQ administration mode. If the
system is in the IBM MQ administration mode the prompt includes mqa(mqcli)#.
To enter the IBM MQ administration mode, enter mqcli on the command line. To
exit the IBM MQ administration mode, enter exit on the command line.
v The information that is returned for the appliance includes the following

Chapter 11. Reference 753

– The size and usage of the system memory
– The CPU usage of the system
– The size and usage of the internal disk. If the appliance has queue managers
that belong to a disaster recovery configuration, the size information includes
the space reserved for the snapshot logical volume for each disaster recovery
queue manager.
– The size and usage of the system volume
– The number of FDCs and the disk space used
– The disk space used by trace
v The information that is returned for a queue manager includes the following
– The queue manager name
– The queue manager status
– The CPU usage of the queue manager
– The memory usage of the queue manager. If this is a disaster recovery queue
manager, this figure does not include the additional memory required for the
snapshot image. Note that creating a primary queue manager in a disaster
recovery configuration fails if there is insufficient memory bor both the queue
manager data, and the snapshot of the queue manager data.
– The amount of the queue manager file system used by the queue manager
v The information that is returned for a high availability queue manager can also
include the following information:
– The operational state of the HA group
– The replication status of the queue manager (if synchronization is in progress)
– The preferred appliance for the queue manager
– Whether a partitioned situation has been detected, and if it has, the amount
of 'out-of-sync' data held
v The information that is returned for a disaster recovery queue manager can also
include the following information:
– The disaster recovery role (primary or secondary)
– The disaster recovery status
– The percentage complete if synchronization is in progress
– The estimated time to completion if synchronization is in progress
– The amount of out-of-sync data if the disaster recovery system is partitioned
– The percentage complete if reversion to snapshot is in progress
– The number of logical writes not yet completed by the primary instance of a
queue manager to the secondary instance.
– The number of logical bytes not yet written by the primary instance of a
queue manager to the secondary instance.

v The following command returns a report for the appliance:
v The following command returns a report for a specific queue manager, QM1:
status QM1

754 IBM MQ Appliance


Use the show command to view the status of the appliance or an aspect of the
appliance configuration.

Type show on its own to see a list of arguments.

The command has the following format:

show status_provider

Where status_provider identifies the status that the command displays. The
available status providers are described in the following sub topics.

show configuration_type

Where configuration_type can identify one of the appliance configuration types, as

shown in the following table:
Table 44. Arguments for showing configuration with the show command
Argument Description
aliases Lists the currently defined command macros.
cert-monitor Displays the current cert-monitor configuration.
certificate Shows current certificate aliases.
dns Displays the current DNS configuration, see “DNS commands”
on page 639.
dns-cache Shows the DNS hosts held in the DNS cache.
ethernet Displays the current Ethernet configuration, see “Ethernet
commands” on page 644.
host-alias Shows current host aliases.
image Shows details of the current firmware image.
known-hosts Shows current SSH known hosts. See “known-host” on page 676.
link-aggregation Displays the current link-aggregation configuration, see “Link
aggregation commands” on page 710.
name-servers Shows currently defined name servers.
network Displays the current network configuration, see “Network
commands” on page 781.
ntp-service Displays the current NTP service configuration, see “Date, time,
and locale configuration commands” on page 626.
search-domains Lists domain-suffixes in the search table for non-qualified
domain names.
static-hosts Lists currently defined static hosts.
syslog Shows where logging messages are currently forwarded to.

Chapter 11. Reference 755

Table 44. Arguments for showing configuration with the show command (continued)
Argument Description
throttle Displays the current throttle configuration.
web-mgmt Displays the current web management configuration, see “Web
management service commands” on page 862.

show audit-log:

This command displays the contents of the audit log.


show audit-log [-np] [rotation { 1 | n }]

show audit-log [-np] user [rotation { 1 | n }]

show audit-log [-np] date [rotation { 1 | n }]

show audit-log [-np] time [rotation { 1 | n }]

show audit-log [-np] address [rotation { 1 | n }]

-np Indicates no pagination.
user Sorts the events in the audit log alphabetically by user name.
Sorts the events in the audit log numerically by IP address.
date Sorts the events in the audit log numerically by date.
time Sorts the events in the audit log numerically by time.
rotation {1 | n}
Specify the audit log rotation to show. Without this parameter, shows the
audit-log file.


The show audit-log command displays the audit log with or without pagination.
Use the -np keyword to display the audit log without pagination. Use the user,
date, time, or address keyword to indicate the sorting sequence. Use the rotation
keyword to indicate the audit log to show (audit-log.1, audit-log.2, and so on).

The date and time keywords are equivalent.

v Display the events in the current audit log file (audit:///audit-log) in date
# show audit-log date
v Display the events in the second rotation of the audit log file
(audit:///audit-log.2) by date without pagination.
show audit-log -np date rotation 2

756 IBM MQ Appliance

show audit-search:

This command searches the audit log and displays matching events.


show audit-search [-np] user name

show audit-search [-np] date start [end]

show audit-search [-np] time start [end]

show audit-search [-np] address address[/netmask]

-np Indicates no pagination.
user name
Displays events in the audit log for the specified user.
date start [end]
Displays events in the audit log from the specified start date to optional
end date. Without an end date, displays events to the most recent date.
time start [end]
Displays events in the audit log from the specified start time to the
optional end time. Without an end time, displays events until 23:59:59.
address address[/netmask]
Displays events in the audit log for the specified IP address or, if you use a
netmask, the IP address range.


The show audit-search command searches the audit log and displays events that
match the specified criteria. Use the -np parameter to indicate no pagination for
the output.

v Display events in the audit log for the joesmith account one screen at a time.
# show audit-search user joesmith
v Display events in the audit log from February 10, 2008 onward one screen at a
# show audit-search date 20080210
v Display events in the audit log from IP address upward as one
continuous list.
# show audit-search -np address
v Display events in the audit log from the IP address in the range of
through one screen at a time.
# show audit-search address

Chapter 11. Reference 757

show clock:

This command displays the current time and appliance uptime.


show clock


The show clock command produces the same results as the show time command.

# show clock

Local Time: Fri Nov 30 12:03:02 2012

Time Zone: EST
Time Zone Spec: EST5EDT,M3.2.0/2:00,M11.1.0/2:00
Uptime: reload: 0 days 00:00:17
Uptime: reboot: 35 days 11:23:04

show fibre-channel-hba:

This command displays the state of the fibre channel adapters.


show fibre-channel-hba


The show fibre-channel-hba command shows the current state of the fibre channel
adapters on the appliance.

# show fibre-channel-hba
fibre-channel-hba: fch1 [up]
admin-state enabled

fibre-channel-hba: fch2 [up]

admin-state enabled

show fibre-channel-hba-status:

This command displays the current status of the fibre channel adapters.


show fibre-channel-hba-status


The show fibre-channel-hba-status command shows the current status of the

fibre channel adapters on the appliance.

758 IBM MQ Appliance

mqa# show fibre-channel-hba-status

HBA Op-State WWPN Port state Port speed Port type Supported speeds
---- -------- ----------------------- ---------- ---------- --------- ------------------------
fch1 up 10:00:00:90:fa:8e:0a:c2 online 8 Gbit nport 4 Gbit, 8 Gbit, 16 Gbit

fch2 up 10:00:00:90:fa:8e:0a:c3 online 8 Gbit nport 4 Gbit, 8 Gbit, 16 Gbit

show fibre-channel-luns:

This command displays the available LUNs that the appliance knows about.


show fibre-channel-luns


The show fibre-channel-luns command shows the LUNs (identified by LUIDs)

that are available to be used by volume definitions. Each volume must use a
different LUN, so that each queue manager has a dedicated LUN.

# show fibre-channel-luns


-------------------------------- ---- -------- -----------------------
600507680181804D9800000000001B47 fch2 0 50:05:07:68:01:10:26:65
600507680181804D9800000000001B47 fch2 0 50:05:07:68:01:10:27:05
600507680181804D9800000000001B47 fch1 0 50:05:07:68:01:30:26:65
600507680181804D9800000000001B47 fch1 0 50:05:07:68:01:30:27:05
600507680181804D980000000000235C fch2 1 50:05:07:68:01:10:26:65
600507680181804D980000000000235C fch2 1 50:05:07:68:01:10:27:05
600507680181804D980000000000235C fch1 1 50:05:07:68:01:30:26:65
600507680181804D980000000000235C fch1 1 50:05:07:68:01:30:27:05

show fibre-channel-volume:

This command displays the state of the fibre channel volumes.


show fibre-channel-volume


The show fibre-channel-volume command shows the current state of the volumes
defined on the appliance.

# show fibre-channel-volumefibre-channel-volume: jps2 [up] (new)
admin-state enabled
lun-uid 600507680181804D980000000000235C
use-multipath on

fibre-channel-volume: mandyvol [up]

Chapter 11. Reference 759

admin-state enabled
lun-uid 600507680181804D9800000000001B47
use-multipath on

show fibre-channel-volume-status:

This command displays the current status of the fibre channel volumes.


show fibre-channel-volume-status


The show fibre-channel-volume-status command shows the current status of the

volumes defined on the appliance.

mqa# show fibre-channel-volume-status

Volume LUID OpStatus Link Status

-------- -------------------------------- -------- -----------
jps2 600507680181804D980000000000235C up up
mandyvol 600507680181804D9800000000001B47 up up

show file:

If used in config mode this command displays a specified printable file. Otherwise
displays total and free space details for the appliance.


In config mode:
show file URL

Not in config mode:

show file

URL Identifies the URL of the file to display. The URL takes the
directory:///file format.
Specifies a directory on the appliance.
file Specifies the name of a file in the directory.


You cannot use the show file command to display files in the cert: directory.

show firmware:

This command displays the current firmware version, with image type and
installation date.

760 IBM MQ Appliance


show firmware


The show firmware command provides a subset of the details of the show
firmware-version command. The show firmware command includes information
about whether the current firmware image is the primary or secondary installation
image and the date when the image was installed.

The command displays the following information.

v The type of the firmware installation type. Can be primary or secondary.
v The version of the firmware image.
v The specific build of the firmware image.
v The build date of the firmware image.
v The date that the firmware was installed.
v The number of times the firmware image was restarted. The count is from the
initial firmware load on the appliance until the current time. The count is
independent of firmware version.

show firmware-version:

This command displays the current firmware version, without image type and
installation date.


show firmware-version


The show firmware-version command provides information about the current

firmware version. This command provides the same details as the show version
command, but it does not provide the versions of the licenses that are available
with the show library-version command.

The show firmware-version command does not include information about whether
the current firmware image is the primary or secondary installation image or the
date on which the image was installed. For these details, use the show firmware

The show firmware-version command displays the following information.

v The serial number of the appliance. This number is unique to each appliance.
v The version of the firmware.
v The build number of the firmware.
v The date on which the firmware was built.
v The build number of the system health monitor (watchdog).
v The version number of the installed DataPower appliance manager (DPOS).
v The version number of the running DataPower appliance manager.
v The type of XML accelerator.
v The IBM Machine Type of the appliance.

Chapter 11. Reference 761

v The IBM Model Type of the appliance.

show ipaddress:

This command provides IP address information about interfaces.


show ipaddress


The show ipaddress command provides IP address information about interfaces.


The output includes the following data about each interface.

v The name of the interface.
v The primary address for the interface: IP version, address, and netmask.

show ipmi-lan-channel:

This command shows the current IPMI LAN channel configuration.


show ipmi-lan-channel

show ipmi-user:

This command shows the current IPMI user configuration.


show ipmi-user

show key:

This command lists the keys that have been configured.


show key


The show key command lists keys.

mqa# show key

key: iop-mgmt-key [down]

admin-state enabled
file-name cert:///dtxkey.pem

762 IBM MQ Appliance

show link-aggregation-member-status:

This command lists members in link aggregation interfaces.


show link-aggregation-member-status


The show link-aggregation-member-status command lists the members in link

aggregation interfaces. To view statistics for aggregate interfaces, use the show
link-aggregation-status command. The output shows the following data about
each aggregate interface.
v The aggregate interface’s index.
v The aggregate interface’s name: Kernel and configuration.
v The member interface’s index.
v The member interface’s name in the configuration.
v The ID that is assigned to the aggregator.

show link-aggregation-status:

This command provides statistics for aggregate interfaces.


show link-aggregation-status


The show link-aggregation-status command provides statistics for aggregate

interfaces. To view the members in a link aggregation, use the show
link-aggregation-members-status command. The output shows the following data
about each aggregate interface.
v The aggregate interface’s index.
v The interface’s name: Kernel and configuration.
v The maximum transmission unit (MTU) for the aggregation.
v The mode for link aggregation.
Active-backup (ab)
The mode is active-backup. One link is active, and the other link is
LACP The mode uses the Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP). The IEEE
802.1AX-2008 (formerly IEEE 802.3ad) standard defines LACP.
Transmit load balancing (tib)
The mode uses transmit-based load balancing.
The mode is not supported. Contact IBM Support.
v The link state of the aggregate interface. Values are ok or no link. If no link, the
interface is not responding to the network.
v Which link, if any, is primary when the link aggregation mode is active-backup.

Chapter 11. Reference 763

v The active link when the link aggregation mode is transmit-based load balancing
or active-backup.
v With the LACP aggregation mode, the distribution algorithm for outbound
packets among the active physical interfaces. The policy should match the
layer2 Indicates that the hash function uses only MAC addresses, which is
layer 2 data.
Indicates that the hash function uses both MAC addresses and IP
addresses. MAC addresses are layer 2. IP addresses are layer 3. This
setting is the default value.
Indicates that the hash function uses both IP addresses and TCP/UDP
ports. IP addresses are layer 3. TCP/UDP ports are layer 4. This
approach is not strictly compliant to the LACP standard.
v With the LACP aggregation mode, the transmission rate that members send
LACP frames. The rate can be either fast or slow. In LACP, the frame uses the
term LACPDU.
v With the LACP aggregation mode, the selection policy. The policy should match
the configuration.
Chooses the aggregator with the highest bandwidth.
count Selects the aggregator with the most NICs.
stable Does not change the aggregator when a better one is available.
v With the LACP aggregation mode, the active aggregator’s ID.
v With the LACP aggregation mode, the number of available ports for the active
v With the LACP aggregation mode, the value of the operational key that the
Actor assigned to the port.
v With the LACP aggregation mode, the value of the operational key that the
Partner assigned to the port.
v With the LACP aggregation mode, the Partner’s physical MAC address.
v The MII link state of the aggregation. Values are ok or no link. If no link, the
interface is not responding to the network.

show link:

This command provides status about all interfaces on the appliance.


show link


The show link command provides status about all interfaces on the appliance. The
output includes the following data about each interface.
v The name of the interface.
v The link state of the interface. Values are ok or no link. If no link, one of the
following conditions exists.

764 IBM MQ Appliance

– The interface is not responding to the network.
– The Ethernet interface is configured for link aggregation but is not assigned to
an aggregate interface.
v The actual fixed, configured, or negotiated Ethernet PHY mode, including speed
and duplex. All network interfaces, other than Ethernet interfaces, report a value
of none.
v The type of interface: Ethernet, VLAN, aggregate, or other. The other interface
type refers to network interfaces that you cannot configure. Examples of other
interface types include gre0, ip6tnl0, lo, sit0, and usb0. Not all appliances have
all of these other interface types.
v The maximum transmission unit (MTU), or largest packet, size that can be sent
or received on the interface.
v The associated aggregate interface, if any.
v The physical address for the interface. The default value for Ethernet interfaces
is programmed in the Ethernet hardware.

show load:

This command displays task level system usage.


show load


The show load command displays the system usage by task. Use this command
with the load-interval command to monitor system load.

The show load command displays memory usage for many tasks across the system,
not for just the main task. The total memory usage from the show load command
might be higher than the memory usage that displays with the show memory
command. This discrepancy is because the show load command displays memory
for these additional tasks.

The show load command displays the following status information.

v The instance of the task.
v The name of the task.
v The percentage of total load for the tasks during the measurement interval. A
load above 90 indicates that the task is at or near load capacity. High load values
are not necessarily indicative of a problem, if transaction latencies are not
affected. Low load values mean that the task is looking for work. High load
values mean that the task is doing work.
v The number of pending work items, including internal communication, in the
queue for processing by the appliance. This number is for internal diagnostic
tests and is not intended for capacity planning.
v The percentage of processor capacity that is used by this task.
v The percentage of memory that is used by this task. This ratio is relative to the
amount of memory accessible to each task, rather than the memory accessible to
the appliance as a whole. The cumulative task memory is not comparable to the
memory usage as reported by the show memory command.
v The number of open file handles. The file count increases when the appliance
accepts new connections or opens a file for reading. The count decreases when

Chapter 11. Reference 765

this file handle is closed. The file count value helps to identify which tasks are
contributing to the high open file counts.

show log:

This command displays the appliance default log.


show log


Use show log to display the default log. Use show logging to display the default or
other log files.

show logging:

This command displays a specified appliance log.


show logging log-name [PCRE]

show logging archive

show logging category [category]

show logging event

show logging format

show logging priority

show logging status [name]

show logging target [name]

show logging timestamp

show logging type [type]

show logging upload

name [PCRE]
Specifies the name of a log, and optionally displays only the events from
the specified log that match the specified expression.
Displays a list of available archival methods.
category [category]
Displays summary information about all active log categories, or displays
summary information about the specified log category.
event Displays a list of supported event classes.

766 IBM MQ Appliance

format Displays a list of supported log formats.
Displays a list of event priorities.
status [name]
Displays summary information about all active log targets or a specific log
target [target-name]
Displays configuration data for all log targets or a specific log target.
Displays a list of time stamp formats.
type [type]
Displays summary information about all available logging types, or
displays detailed information about the specified log type.
upload Displays a list of available upload methods.


Use show log to display the default log.

show loglevel:

This command displays the log-level for logging targets.


show loglevel


The show loglevel command shows the minimum log level for logging targets.

Log messages are characterized in descending order of criticality as emerg, alert,

critic, error, warn, notice, and info.


Show the log level of logging targets in the current application domain. The output
shows that the default-log logging target in the default domain is set to error.
# show loglevel
Minimum log level for ’default-log’ is 3 (error) in ’default’ domain

show multipath:

This command shows the routes available for volumes that are using multipath.


show multipath


The show multipath command shows the routes available for each volume.

Chapter 11. Reference 767

The following example shows the information displayed for the volume named
Volume name Group number Group priority HBA Bus LUN Group state Path state Device state
----------- ------------ -------------- ---- --- --- ----------- ---------- ------------
volume1 1 50 fch1 0 0 active active ready
volume1 1 50 fch2 0 0 active active ready
volume1 2 10 fch1 0 0 enabled active ready
volume1 2 10 fch2 0 0 enabled active ready

The show multipath command shows route information only for multipath
volumes that are in OP-State UP. Additionally, if a route is lost to the SAN Storage,
that route is no longer be listed in the table.

show ndcache:

This command shows the status of IPv6 neighbor discovery translations on all


show ndcache


The show ndcache command shows neighbor discovery (ND) translations on all
local interfaces. The output shows only complete cache entries. The output shows
the following data about the network interface node:
v The primary address for the interface: IP version, address, and netmask.
v The physical (MAC) address of the interface.
v The name of the interface.
v The type of interface: Ethernet, VLAN, aggregate, or other. The other interface
type refers to network interfaces that you cannot configure. Examples of other
interface types include gre0, ip6tnl0, lo, sit0, and usb0. Not all appliances have
all of these other interface types.
v The lifecycle state for the entry.
Resolving neighbor and inaccessible.
Neighbor is valid and accessible.
stale Neighbor is valid, but potentially reachable. State to be checked at first
delay Awaiting verification from stale neighbor and inaccessible.
failed Failed to resolve and inaccessible.
noarp No attempt to resolve and inaccessible.
Neighbor is valid forever and always accessible.
probe Awaiting confirmation from neighbor and inaccessible.

show network-interface:

This command shows generic status of all network interfaces on the appliance.

768 IBM MQ Appliance


show network-interface


The show network-interface command shows the following information about all
network interfaces on the appliance.
v The type of interface: Ethernet, VLAN, aggregate, or other. The other interface
type refers to network interfaces that you cannot configure. Examples of other
interface types include gre0, ip6tnl0, lo, sit0, and usb0. Not all appliances have
all of these other interface types.
v The name of the interface.
v The configured goal operational state of the interface.
v The operational state of the interface. States are Up, Down, Unknown, Dormant, Not
present, or Lower Layer Down.
v The primary address for the interface: IP version, address, and netmask.
v The physical (MAC) address of the interface.
v The maximum transmission unit (MTU), or largest packet, size that can be sent
or received on the interface.
v Statistics about received transactions:
– The amount of data, in bytes, that was received successfully on the interface,
which includes MAC-framing.
– The number of packets that were received successfully on the interface and
were passed to the network layer.
– The number of packets that were not received because of errors in the packet
or in the hardware.
– The number of received packets that were not in error but were not passed to
the network layer because of resource constraints.
v Statistics about transmitted transaction:
– The amount of data, in bytes, that was transmitted successfully on the
interface, which includes MAC-framing.
– The number of packets that were transmitted successfully on the interface.
– The number of packets that were not transmitted because errors on the
network or in the hardware.
– The number of packets that were not transmitted because the network layer
generated packets faster than the physical network can accept them.

show ntp-refresh:

This command lists the refresh status for the current NTP server.


show ntp-refresh


The show ntp-refresh command lists the following information about the current
NTP server.
v The IP address of the last NTP server that was contacted.

Chapter 11. Reference 769

v The results of the contact.
v The time after the refresh.

show password-map:

This command lists the defined aliases that have password maps.


show password-map


The show password-map command list the number of passwords maps and their


Available in only Crypto configuration mode.

(config-crypto)# show password-map

2 password-map aliases

show profile:

This command lists cryptographic profiles that have been configured.


show profile


The show profile command lists cryptographic profiles.


Available in only Crypto configuration mode.

show raid-array:

This command displays the status of the RAID array.


show raid-array


Physical appliances only.

770 IBM MQ Appliance


The show raid-array command displays the status of the RAID array.
v The reference number of the RAID card. The value is always 1.
v The reference number of this array. Numbering starts with 1.
v The identifier of the logical driver of which this array is a part.
v The RAID level of this array configuration.
v The number of physical drives for this array.
v The normalized size of this array in megabytes. The value is rounded down to
an even multiple so that you can swap drives of the same nominal size but
might not be the same raw size.

show raid-battery-module:

This command displays the information about the battery backup unit of the RAID


show raid-battery-module


Physical appliances only.


The show raid-battery-module command displays information about the battery

backup unit (BBU) of the RAID controller. The BBU protects against the loss of
cached data in the event of power failure.
v The reference number of the RAID card. The value is always 1.
v The type of BBU.
v The serial number of the BBU.
v The name of the BBU.
v The status of the BBU.
The battery is charging.
The battery is discharging.
The battery has inter-integrated circuit (I2C) errors.
The battery is in the learning cycle.
The learning cycle for the battery failed because of errors in the learning
A request was submitted for a learning cycle.
The learning cycle for the battery timed out.

Chapter 11. Reference 771

normal The battery is in a normal state.
The battery is unplugged.
A request was submitted for a learning cycle to run battery maintenance.
The remaining capacity of battery is low.
The battery needs to be replaced.
The battery temperature is high.
The battery state is undefined.
The battery voltage is low.
v The actual voltage of the battery in millivolts.
v The current through the battery terminals in milliamperes.
v The temperature of the battery in degrees Celsius.
v The designed capacity of the battery in milliampere-hour.
v The designed voltage of the battery in millivolts.

show raid-logical-drive:

This command displays the status of the RAID logical drive.


show raid-logical-drive


Physical appliances only.


The show raid-logical-drive command displays the status of the RAID logical
v The reference number of the RAID card. The value is always 1.
v The reference number of the logical drive.
v The name of the logical drive. The value is always raid0.
v The RAID level of the logical drive.
v The number of physical drives in the logical drive.
v The state of the logical drive in the volume.
v The state of the logical drive initialization.
v The read policy in effect.
v The write policy in effect.
v The cache policy in effect.
v The access policy in effect.

772 IBM MQ Appliance

v An indicator of whether there are bad blocks in the logical drive.
v The total size of the logical drive in megabytes.

show raid-physical-drive:

This command displays the status of the RAID physical drive.


show raid-physical-drive


Physical appliances only.


The show raid-physical-drive command displays the status of the RAID physical
v The reference number of the RAID card. The value is always 1.
v The reference number of the physical disk. Numbering starts with 1.
v The reference number to which this array joins.
v The identifier of the logical driver of which this array is a part.
v The name of the logical drive. The value is always raid0.
v The location of the disk in the appliance.
v The overall state of the disk.
v The progress of a rebuild, copyback, patrol, or clear operation against the disk
in percents.
v The exact size of this array in megabytes.
v The normalized size of this array in megabytes. The value is rounded down to
an even multiple so that you can swap drives of the same nominal size but
might not be the same raw size.
v The type of interface.
v The speed of the SAS interface. The speed is negotiated between the RAID
controller and the physical disk.
v The SAS address of the disk.
v The vendor identification string for the disk.
v The product identification string for the disk.
v The vendor-provided revision string for the disk.
v The vendor-specific identifier for the disk. Normally, the value is unique for each
physical drive.

show raid-ssd:

This command displays the remaining expected lifetime of the solid state disks in
the RAID array.


show raid-ssd

Chapter 11. Reference 773


Physical appliances only.


The show raid-ssd command displays the expected remaining life of the SSDs. The
lifetime of SSDs depends upon their workload (writes per day). The following
information is dispayed:
v The disk number. The value is 1 or 2.
v The serial number of the SSD drive.
v The total GB written.
v The estimated life left of the SSD drive.

For example:
mqa# show raid-ssd

Disk Number SN Total Written (Gib) Life Left (%)

----------- -------- ------------------- -------------
1 ZAM11507 86 100
2 ZAM1150Q 86 100

show route:

This command shows the routing table.


show route


The show route command shows the routing table. This table describes the IP
routes on the appliance. The table includes static and default routes from interface
configurations and dynamic routes from discovery protocols.

For each route, the table provides the following information.

v The IP version, address, and netmask information for the destination.
v The type of interface: Ethernet, VLAN, or aggregate.
v The name of the interface.
v The IP version and address of the next hop gateway.
v The metric for the route. When the same destination has multiple routes, the
route with the lowest metric is used.

show sensors-current:

This command displays the values for sensors that read electrical current.


show sensors-current


Physical appliances only.

774 IBM MQ Appliance

The show sensors-current command provides values for sensors that read
electrical current. These sensors provide the current that certain components of the
appliance use. This command returns an empty output on blades. The output for
this command includes the following data.
v The name of the current sensor that is being monitored.
v The most recent reading of the current sensor in milliamperes. There are only
three significant digits.
v The maximum allowable reading of the current sensor in milliamperes.
v Whether the current reading is OK or the reading exceeds the upper critical
threshold. If the status is not OK, contact IBM support.

show sensors-fans:

This command displays the values for sensors that read the speed of the fans.


show sensors-fans


Physical appliances only.


The show sensors-fans command provides values for sensors that read fan speed.
This command returns an empty output on blades. The output for the show
sensors-fans command includes the following data.
v The identifier for the fan.
v The fan speed in revolutions per minute (RPM).
v The lowest allowable reading of the fan speed sensor.
v The highest allowable reading of the fan speed sensor. If the maximum speed for
a fan does not exist, no value is displayed.
v Whether the current fan speed is OK or the fan speed is below the lower critical
threshold. If the status is not OK, contact IBM support.

show sensors-other:

This command displays the status of sensors that have true or false values.


show sensors-other


Physical appliances only.


The show sensors-other command provides the state of sensors that have true or
false (nonnumeric) values.

Chapter 11. Reference 775

Which sensors the appliance provides depends on the appliance. The following list
includes the sensors that different appliance provide, but the sensors are not
limited to the ones in the list.
v Battery status
v Intrusion detection
v Hard disk drive status
v RAID controller status
v Power supply status, including failures, lack of input power, and so forth
v DRAM memory status
v PCI bus status
v CPU status

The output for the show sensors-other command includes the following data.
v The name of the sensor that is being monitored. The name is in the form of a
descriptive predicate. If the value of the sensor is true, the descriptive predicate
is true; if the value of the sensor is false, the descriptive predicate is false. For
example, the sensor name Intrusion detected with a value of false means that
intrusion is not detected.
v The value of the sensor. The value is either true or false.
v The status of the sensor. The status can be one of the following values.
OK The reading of the sensor is normal.
The reading of the sensor indicates a problem or a failure in the
No reading
No reading of the sensor is available now. An internal hardware or
software error might occur. Contact IBM Support.
The DataPower software requested a sensor reading by using an invalid
sensor identifier. An internal DataPower software error might occur.
Contact IBM Support.

show sensors-temperature:

This command displays the values for sensors that read temperatures.


show sensors-temperature


Physical appliances only.


The show sensors-temperature command provides values for sensors that read
temperatures. These sensors provide the temperature of the air that flows through
the appliance and key components of the appliance.
v Temperature of each internal CPU components

776 IBM MQ Appliance

For Type 8436 appliances, the sensors also read the temperature for each DIMM
of the CPU components.
v Temperature of the internal inlet and outlet air temperatures
For Type 8436 appliances, the System 1 sensor reads the inlet air temperature
that is located in the front of the appliance. The System 2 sensor reads the outlet
air temperature that is located in the rear of the appliance.

The output for the show sensors-temperature command includes the following
v The name of the temperature sensor.
v The most recent reading of the temperature sensor in degree Celsius. There are
only three significant digits.
v The temperature at which a warning of high temperature occurs. If the
temperature is above this value, investigate the cause and correct the problem.
v The temperature at which a critical error of high temperature occurs. If the
temperature is above this value, correct the problem immediately.
v The temperature at which a risk of permanent damage to the appliance exists. If
the temperature is above this threshold, correct the problem immediately.
Otherwise, turn off the power supply of the appliance.
v Whether the current temperature is OK or exceeds the warning, critical, or
danger threshold.

show sensors-voltage:

This command displays the values for sensors that read voltage.


show sensors-voltage


Physical appliances only.


The show sensors-voltage command provides values for sensors that read
voltages. These sensors provide the voltage of the power supplies and for other
components of the appliance.

The output for the show sensors-voltage command includes the following data.
v The name of the voltage sensor.
v The most recent reading of the voltage sensor in millivolts. There are only three
significant digits.
v The lowest allowable reading of the voltage sensor.
v The highest allowable reading of the voltage sensor.
v Whether the current voltage is OK or the voltage exceeds the upper or lower
critical threshold. If the status is not OK, contact IBM support.

show services:

This command lists all local services that are listening for incoming connections.

Chapter 11. Reference 777


show services


Use the show services command to list all local services that are listening for
incoming connections. For each entry in the table, the service that created the
listener is shown.

An IP address of indicates that the service is active on all interfaces.

# show services

local IP local port type name

-------- ---------- ---- ---- 5550 xml-mgmt xml-mgmt 9090 web-mgmt web-mgmt

show services-memory:

This command displays memory usage for active services.


show services-memory


Use the show services-memory command to display a list of all active services and
their memory usage in MB.

The output shows the memory usage in MB for each service within the following
time frames.
v When the report is generated (current)
v During the last 60 seconds (1 minute)
v From the end of the first minute to the end of the fifth minute (1 - 5 minutes)
v From the end of the fifth minute to the end of the tenth minute (5 - 10 minutes)
v From the end of the tenth minute to the end of the first hour (10 minutes - 1
v From the end of the first hour to the end of the twelfth hour (1 - 12 hours)
v From the end of the twelfth hour to the end of the first day (12 hours - 1 day)
v From the end of the first day (lifetime)

show system:

This command displays the System Settings configuration.


show system

778 IBM MQ Appliance

show tcp-connections:

This command lists the number of TCP connections in specific states.


show tcp-connections


The tcp-connections command list the number of TCP connections in the

following states.
v established
v syn-sent
v syn-received
v fin-wait-1
v fin-wait-2
v time-wait
v closed
v close-wait
v last-ack
v listen
v closing

To list the current TCP connections, use the show tcp-table command.

show tcp-table:

This command lists the current TCP connections.


show tcp-table


The show tcp-table command lists the current TCP connections. To list the
number of TCP connections in specific states, use the show tcp-connections

show tcp:

This command lists the current TCP connections followed by the number of
connections in each state.


show tcp


The show tcp command lists the current TCP connections followed by the number
of connections in each state. This command provides the details that are provided
by the show tcp-connections and show tcp-table commands.

Chapter 11. Reference 779

show throughput:

This command displays interface-specific traffic statistics.


show throughput


The show throughput command displays interface-specific traffic statistics. The

output includes the following tables.
v Received transactions in kilobits per second.
v Received transactions in packets per second.
v Transmitted transactions in kilobits per second.
v Transmitted transactions in packets per second.

Each table lists the count for each interface for the last 10 seconds, 1 minute, 10
minutes, 1 hour, and 24 hours.


To view statistics, data collection must be active. Use the global statistics
command to control data collection. If disabled, the command returns the
Statistics disabled message.

show time:

This command displays the current time and appliance uptime.


show time


The show time command produces the same results as the show clock command.

# show time

Local Time: Fri Nov 30 12:03:02 2012

Time Zone: EST
Time Zone Spec: EST5EDT,M3.2.0/2:00,M11.1.0/2:00
Uptime: reload: 0 days 00:00:17
Uptime: reboot: 35 days 11:23:04

show users:

This command lists all users who are currently logged in to the appliance.


show users

780 IBM MQ Appliance

# show users

Session ID Name Connection IP address Login Domain

---------- ---- ---------- ---------- ----- ------

show version:

This command displays the version of the firmware and libraries.


show version


The show version command provides the combined details of the show
firmware-version and show library-version commands.

Network commands
You can use the network commands to modify network settings on the IBM MQ

The network commands can be run from the command line interface in network
configuration mode. To enter network configuration mode, complete the following
1. From the appliance command line, enter global configuration mode:
2. From global configuration mode, enter network settings mode:
3. Type exit to leave the network settings mode and save your changes, then type
exit again to leave global configuration mode.


This command sets the time interval between ARP attempts.


arp-interval milliseconds

Sets the time interval in milliseconds between ARP attempts. Enter a value
in the range 500 - 5000. The default value is 500.


The arp-interval command sets the time interval between ARP attempts. The
appliance waits the defined time before it tries a failed ARP request again.


Set the interval to 100 milliseconds.

# arp-interval 100

Chapter 11. Reference 781


This command sets the number of times the appliance attempts a failed ARP


arp-retries attempts

Sets the number of attempts for a failed ARP request. Enter a value in the
range 1 - 64. The default value is 8.


The arp-retries command sets the number of times the appliance attempts a
failed ARP request.


Set the number of attempts to 5.

# arp-retries 5


This command indicates whether to block nonmanagement traffic for an invalid

interface configuration.


block-traffic { on | off

on The appliance blocks nonmanagement traffic. The setting is the default
off The appliance allows all network traffic.


When at least one network interface has an invalid configuration, the

block-traffic command indicates whether to block nonmanagement traffic or
allow all network traffic.

For a production appliance, always enable this property. With this setting, the
appliance supports only management traffic over Telnet, SSH, web management
interfaces (WebGUI and Blueprint Console), and the XML management interface.
Until you correct the problem, the appliance cannot accept and process client


For a test appliance, allow all network traffic.

# block-traffic off

782 IBM MQ Appliance


This command controls how the appliance determines the route to return the


destination-routing { on | off }

on Interface selection is based on the best path to the client, irrespective of the
service or receiving interface.
off Interface selection is based on the interface that is bound to the address of
the service that generated the response. This setting is the default value.


The destination-routing command controls how the appliance determines the

route to return the response to the originating client. The route to return the
response is the outbound packet. The originating client is the destination of the
outbound packet.
v When enabled, interface selection is based on the best path to the client,
irrespective of the service or receiving interface. The best path is determined by
static routes that are bound to the available interfaces.

Note: Destination-based routing is for compatibility with an earlier version only.

Enable destination-based routing only if an upgrade disables existing
v When disabled, the default, interface selection is based on the interface that is
bound to the address of the service that generated the response.
– If the service is bound to a single address, responses are routed through the
interface that is assigned to that address.
– If the service is bound to multiple addresses, responses are routed through
the receiving interface instead of the interface for the service that generated
the response.


Ensure that outbound packets originate from an interface that is bound to an

address of the service that created the packet.
# destination-routing off


This command controls interface isolation.


disable-interface-isolation { on | off }

on Enables interface-isolation.
off Disables interface-isolation. This setting is the default value.

Chapter 11. Reference 783


The disable-interface-isolation command controls whether to allow interface

isolation. By default the appliance refuses to accept a packet on an interface other
than the one bound to the destination address of the packet. As a security policy,
the interface that receives a packet must be configured with the IP address that is
the destination address of the packet. Enabling interface isolation relaxes the


Allow any interface on the same subnet to accept a packet.

# disable-interface-isolation on


This command controls ECN-capable TCP sessions.


ecn-disable { on | off }

on Stops the generation of ECN-capable TCP sessions.
off Generates ECN-capable TCP sessions. This setting is the default value.


Stop the appliance from generating ECN-enabled TCP sessions.

# ecn-disable on


This command sets the starting port for the ephemeral port range.


ephemeral-port-range port

port Specifies the starting port of the ephemeral port range. By default, the
appliance can use ephemeral ports in the range 10000 - 61000. You can
override the default by defining a subset of ephemeral ports to not be
ephemeral ports. These ports are ephemeral ports in the range 10000 -
32768. Even if you override, the appliance always has control of the
ephemeral ports in the range 32769 - 61000.


The ephemeral-port-range command sets the starting port for the ephemeral port
range. DataPower appliances use ephemeral ports to send data over TCP and UDP.
To avoid conflicts between the ephemeral ports and the ports on which services
listen, specify the starting port of the ephemeral port range. The last port in the
ephemeral port range is 61000.

784 IBM MQ Appliance


This command disables the generation of a specific ICMP reply message.

Disable ICMP reply messages
icmp-disable { addressmask-reply | echo-reply | info-reply |
timestamp-reply }
Enables ICMP, if disabled
no icmp-disable { addressmask-reply | echo-reply | info-reply |
timestamp-reply }

Specifies the target ICMP reply type.


The icmp-disable command disables the generation of a specific Internet Control

Message Protocol (ICMP) reply message. By default, the appliance replies to the
corresponding ICMP requests. Issue this command for each ICMP reply to disable.

Use the no icmp-disable command to enable the generation of a specific ICMP

reply, if the ICMP reply is disabled. Issue this command for each ICMP reply to

v Disable reply messages for ICMP echo (ping) requests.
# icmp-disable echo-reply
v Enable ping reply messages to restore the default state.
# no icmp-disable echo-reply


This command controls whether to allow packets from a wrong interface when
both interfaces are on the same subnet.


relax-interface-isolation { on | off }

on Accepts a packet on an interface other than the one bound to the
destination address of the packet. This setting is the default value.
off Allows only the interface that is bound to the destination address to accept
the packet.

Chapter 11. Reference 785


The relax-interface-isolation command controls whether to allow packets from

a wrong interface when both interfaces are on the same subnet. As a security
policy, the interface that receives a packet must be configured with the IP address
that is the destination address of the packet. Enabling this option relaxes that
restriction. The packet is allowed if the interface it arrives on contains an IP
address in the same subnet as the destination address of the packet. Relax interface
isolation, if destination-routing is enabled.


Allows only the interface that is bound to the destination address to accept a
# relax-interface-isolation off


This command determines whether incoming packets with a source address that
cannot be routed by that interface are accepted and processed.


reverse-path-filtering { on | off }

on Ignores incoming packets with a source address that cannot be routed by
that interface.
off Accepts and processes incoming packets with a source address that cannot
be routed by that interface. This setting is the default value.


The reverse-path-filtering command determines whether incoming packets with

a source address that cannot be routed by that interface are accepted and
processed. Enabling this option effectively disables source routing because the
appliance ignores such packets.

Note: If you allow reverse path filtering, the appliance cannot correctly route
requests from the Sysplex Distributor to use the Target Control Server.


This command sets the number of times to send a failed TCP SYN request.


tcp-retries retries

retries Specifies the number of times the local system sends a TCP SYN that
receives no response. Enter a value in the range 1 - 32. The default value is

786 IBM MQ Appliance


The tcp-retries command sets the number of times the local system sends a
failed TCP SYN request.


Set to 10 attempts.
# tcp-retries 10


This command determines whether to enable TCP window scaling.


tcp-window-scale { on | off }

on Enables TCP window scaling. This setting is the default value.
off Disables TCP window scaling.


The tcp-window-scale command determines whether to enable TCP window

scaling. Window scaling allows the negotiation of window sizes greater than 64
KB. Disabling this option might help workaround TCP systems that do not
understand or that misinterpret window scaling.

RBM setting commands

Use the RBM commands to configure role based management on the IBM MQ

You enter the commands in RBM configuration mode:

1. From the appliance command line, enter global configuration mode:
2. From global configuration mode, type rbm to enter RBM configuration mode.
3. Type exit to leave the configuration mode and save your changes, then type
exit again to leave global configuration mode.


This command sets the caching mode for authentication results.


au-cache-mode { absolute | disabled | maximum | minimum }

Caches the results of user authentications for a period of time specified by
the au-cache-ttl command (the explicit time-to-live).

Chapter 11. Reference 787

Disables caching. The system will not cache any results and instead always
authenticate every time a user requests access.
Compares the explicit TTL to the TTL contained in the response (if any)
and cache authentication results for the maximum of the two values. This
setting is the default value.
Compares the explicit TTL to the TTL contained in the response (if any)
and cache authentication results for the minimum of the two values.


The au-cache-mode command establishes the required caching mode for

authentication results. Use the au-cache-ttl command to establish the explicit


Cache authentication results for the maximum amount of time.

# au-cache-mode maximum


This command specifies the time-to-live for cached authentication results.


au-cache-ttl seconds

Specifies the time-to-live (TTL) in seconds. Enter a value in the range 1 -
86400. The default value is 600.


The au-cache-ttl command defines the explicit TTL in seconds for cached
authentication results. This value is compared against the TTL in the authentication
response in accordance with the cache mode, as defined with the au-cache-mode


Set the TTL to 5 minutes.

# au-cache-ttl 300


This command specifies the URL of the authentication XML file.


au-info-url URL

788 IBM MQ Appliance

URL Specifies the location of the XML file.


The au-info-url command defines the fully qualified file name (URL) of the XML
file for authentication. This command is relevant when the authentication method,
as defined with the au-method command, is xmlfile.


Identify the RBM-AU.xml file in the local: directory as the authentication XML file.
# au-method xmlfile
# au-info-url local:///RBM-AU.xml


This command specifies the login DN to access an LDAP server.


au-ldap-bind-dn DN

DN Specifies the login DN (distinguished name).


The au-ldap-bind-dn command specifies the login DN to access the target LDAP
server. This command is relevant when the authentication method, as defined with
the au-method command, is ldap and when the LDAP search for group name
property, as defined with the au-ldap-search command, is enabled.

Beyond specifying the login DN to search the LDAP for the group name, you must
use the au-ldap-bind-password command and optionally use the
au-ldap-parameters command.
v The au-ldap-bind-password command specifies the user's password.
v The au-ldap-parameters command associates LDAP search parameters.


Identify LDAP authentication with optional retrieval of the group DN.

# au-method ldap
# au-server-host ldap-1
# au-server-port 389
# au-ldap-search on
# au-ldap-bind-dn proxyuser
# au-ldap-bind-password p@Ssw0rd


This command specifies the password to access an LDAP server.

Chapter 11. Reference 789


au-ldap-bind-password password

Specifies the password for the login DN.


The au-ldap-bind-password command specifies the password for the login DN to

access the target LDAP server. This command is relevant when the authentication
method, as defined with the au-method command, is ldap and when the LDAP
search for group name property, as defined with the au-ldap-search command, is

Beyond specifying the login password to search the LDAP for the group name, you
must use the au-ldap-bind-dn command and optionally use the
au-ldap-parameters command.
v The au-ldap-bind-dn command specifies the user.
v The au-ldap-parameters command associates LDAP search parameters.


Identify LDAP authentication with optional retrieval of the group DN.

# au-method ldap
# au-server-host ldap-1
# au-server-port 389
# au-ldap-search on
# au-ldap-bind-dn proxyuser
# au-ldap-bind-password p@Ssw0rd


This command assigns LDAP search parameters for an LDAP search.


au-ldap-parameters name

name Specifies the name of the LDAP search parameters.


The au-ldap-parameters command assigns LDAP search parameters for an LDAP

search. The search retrieves the user's distinguished name (DN).

This command is relevant only when LDAP search is enabled with the
au-ldap-search command and when the authentication method is ldap, as defined
with the au-method command.


Identify LDAP authentication with optional retrieval of the group DN.

790 IBM MQ Appliance

# au-method ldap
# au-server-host ldap-1
# au-server-port 389
# au-ldap-search on
# au-ldap-bind-dn proxyuser
# au-ldap-bind-password p@Ssw0rd


This command sets the time that RBM authentication waits for a response from the
LDAP server.


au-ldap-readtimeout seconds

Indicates the number of seconds to wait for a response from the LDAP
server before the appliance closes the connection. Enter a value in the
range 0 - 86400. The default value is 60. A value of 0 indicates that the
connection never times out.


The ldap-readtimeout command specifies the number of seconds that the

appliance waits for a response from the LDAP server before the appliance closes
the LDAP connection. This command is relevant only when the authentication
method, as defined with the au-method command, is ldap.

Specify a maximum time length of 60 seconds that the appliance waits for the
response from the LDAP server.
# au-ldap-readtimeout 60


This command indicates whether to retrieve the DN with an LDAP search.


au-ldap-search { on | off }

on Enables an LDAP search for the user's distinguished name (DN). The login
name and LDAP search parameters are used as part of an LDAP search to
retrieve the user's DN.
off Disables an LDAP search for the user's DN. The login name with the
LDAP prefix and suffix are used to construct the user's DN. This setting is
the default value.


The au-ldap-search command indicates whether to retrieve the distinguished

name with an LDAP search.
v When enabled, use the following command to complete the configuration.

Chapter 11. Reference 791

– The au-ldap-bind-dn command to specify the user's DN.
– The au-ldap-bind-password command to specify the user's password.
– The au-ldap-parameters command to associate an LDAP search parameters
v When disabled, use the following command to complete the configuration. The
provided prefix and suffix form the DN to submit to the LDAP server.
– The ldap-prefix command to specify the LDAP prefix to add to the user
– The ldap-suffix command to specify the LDAP suffix to append to the user

This command is relevant when the authentication method, as defined with the
au-method command, is ldap.


Identify LDAP authentication with optional retrieval of the group DN.

# au-method ldap
# au-server-host ldap-1
# au-server-port 389
# au-ldap-search on
# au-ldap-bind-dn proxyuser
# au-ldap-bind-password p@Ssw0rd


This command specifies the RBM authentication method.


au-method method

Sets the RBM authentication method. The default value is local.
Uses a SSL certificate from a connection peer. Requires validation
credentials associated with the au-valcred command.
ldap Uses an LDAP server. Requires information about the LDAP server
with the au-server-host and au-server-port commands.
local Uses the user configuration that is maintained on the local system.
Does not access external resources.
XML file
Uses a locally stored RBM Info file. Requires the location of the file
with theau-info-url command.


The au-method command sets the authentication method for RBM. The selected
method must be fully configured before invoking this command.

792 IBM MQ Appliance

If the admin account is not configured with all permissions, the admin account is
locked out of the GUI. Use the CLI to change this circumstance.


This command specifies the IP address or domain name of a remote authentication



au-server-host host

host Specifies the IP address or domain name of the server.


The au-server-host command specifies the IP address or domain name of the

authentication server.

When the authentication method is ldap, as defined with the au-method command,
define the LDAP server in one of the following ways:
v The au-server-host and au-server-port commands
v The loadbalancer-group command


Identify LDAP authentication with optional retrieval of the group DN.

# au-method ldap
# au-server-host ldap-1
# au-server-port 389
# au-ldap-search on
# au-ldap-bind-dn proxyuser
# au-ldap-bind-password p@Ssw0rd


This command specifies the port on the remote authentication server.


au-server-port port

port Specifies the port number of the authentication server.


The au-server-port command specifies the listening port of the authentication

server that is defined with the au-server-host command.

When the authentication method is ldap, as defined with the au-method command,
define the LDAP server in one of the following ways:
v The au-server-host and au-server-port commands
v The loadbalancer-group command

Chapter 11. Reference 793


Identify LDAP authentication with optional retrieval of the group DN.

# au-method ldap
# au-server-host ldap-1
# au-server-port 389
# au-ldap-search on
# au-ldap-bind-dn proxyuser
# au-ldap-bind-password p@Ssw0rd


This command assigns validation credentials for SSL client certificate



au-valcred name

name Specifies the name of the validations credentials.


The au-valcred command associates validations credentials to validate the identity

in a client certificate from an SSL peer. This command is relevant when the
authentication method, as defined with the au-method command, is client-ssl.

Use the Crypto valcred command to create validations credentials.


Assign the valCred-1 validations credentials for SSL client certificate

# au-method client-ssl
# au-valcred valCred-1


This command specifies the time before the CLI session is closed because of


cli-timeout seconds

Specifies the timeout value of the idle session in seconds. Enter a value in
the range 0 - 65535. The default value is 0, which disables the timer.


The cli-timeout command specifies the amount of idle time in seconds before the
CLI session is closed because of inactivity. When the session times out, you must
reestablish a session and reauthenticate.

794 IBM MQ Appliance

This command manages the session timeout for the CLI. The idle-timeout
command in Web Management Service mode controls the session timeout for the


This command specifies whether to use local users if the primary authentication
method fails.


fallback-login { disabled | local | restricted }

Indicates that no locally defined user can log on. This setting is the default
local Indicates that all locally defined users can log on.
Indicates that only specific locally defined users can log on.


The fallback-login command indicates whether to use local user accounts as

fallback users when the primary authentication method fails. With fallback users,
locally defined users can log on to the appliance if the authentication method fails
or in the event of a network outage that affects the primary authentication.

To limit fallback users to a specific set, use the restricted keyword. In this case,
use the fallback-user command to define the specific, locally defined users to
allow as fallback users.

The fallback-login command is relevant only when remote authentication. In

other words, this command is relevant when the setting for the au-method is any
value except local.

Note: On XI50z, this option is local. No administrator can modify this setting.

v Allow all locally defined users to log on.
# fallback-login local
v Designate bobsmith and joselopez as fallback users.
# fallback-login restricted
# fallback-user bobsmith
# fallback-user joselopez
v Disallow all locally defined users from logging on.
# fallback-login disabled


This command adds a locally defined user as a fallback user.

Chapter 11. Reference 795


fallback-user user

no fallback-user user

user Specifies the name of a locally defined user.


The fallback-user command allows a locally defined user to be a fallback user.

Run the fallback-user command for each fallback user.

This command is relevant when the fallback-login command is set to restricted.

Use the no fallback-user command to remove a user from the list of fallback


Designate bobsmith and joselopez as fallback users.

# fallback-login restricted
# fallback-user bobsmith
# fallback-user joselopez


This command specifies the LDAP prefix to add to the user name to form the DN.


ldap-prefix prefix

prefix Specifies an LDAP prefix.


The ldap-prefix command specifies the string to add as a prefix to the user name
to form the distinguished name (DN) for LDAP authentication. The LDAP prefix
and the user name are separated with a comma, and both are included within
quotation marks.

If the LDAP prefix is cn= and the user name is Bob Smith, the beginning portion of
the DN is cn=Bob Smith.

This command is relevant only when the au-ldap-search command is off.


Set the LDAP prefix to cn=.

# ldap-prefix "cn="

796 IBM MQ Appliance


This command associates the SSL proxy profile for LDAP authentication.


ldap-sslproxy name

name Specifies the name of an SSL proxy profile.


The ldap-sslproxy command associates the SSL proxy profile to secure

communication with the LDAP server during LDAP authentication. When
specified, LDAP communication uses the configuration in this SSL proxy profile. If
not specified, the communication is nonsecure.

To create an SSL proxy profile, use the Global sslproxy command.

This command is relevant only when the authentication method, as specified with
the au-method command, is ldap.


This command specifies the LDAP suffix to add to the user name to form the DN
for RBM authentication.


ldap-suffix suffix

suffix Specifies an LDAP suffix.


The ldap-suffix command specifies the string to add after the user name to form
the base distinguished name (DN) for LDAP authentication. The LDAP suffix and
the user name are separated with a comma, and both are included within
quotation marks.

For example, if LDAP suffix is O=example.com and the user name is Bob, the DN is

This command is relevant only in the following situation:

v The au-method command is set to ldap.
v Theau-ldap-search command is set to off.


This command specifies the LDAP version to access the LDAP server for RBM

Chapter 11. Reference 797


ldap-version { v2 | v3 }

v2 Uses LDAP version 2 as the protocol. This setting is the default value.
v3 Uses LDAP version 3 as the protocol.


The ldap-version command specifies the LDAP version for RBM authentication.
This command is relevant only when the au-method command is set to ldap.


This command associates the load balancer group for RBM LDAP authentication.


loadbalancer-group name

name Specifies the name of a load balancer group.


The loadbalancer-group command associates a load balancer group for LDAP

authentication. When the authentication method is ldap, as defined with the
au-method command, you must define the LDAP server in one of the following
v The au-server-host and au-server-port commands
v The loadbalancer-group command

To create a load balancer group, use the Global loadbalancer-group command.


Set the LDAP load balancer to LBGroup1.

# au-method ldap
# loadbalancer-group LBGroup1
# au-ldap-search on
# au-ldap-bind-dn proxyuser
# au-ldap-bind-password p@Ssw0rd


This command specifies the duration to lock out local accounts.


lockout-duration minutes

798 IBM MQ Appliance

Specifies the number of minutes to lock out an account after the maximum
number of failed login attempts is exceeded. A value of 0 indicates that
accounts are locked out until reset by a privileged administrator. Enter a
value in the range 0 - 1000. The default value is 1.


The lockout-duration command specifies the duration to lock out accounts after
the maximum number of failed login attempts is exceeded. Define the maximum
number of failed login attempts with the max-login failure command. Instead of
locking out an account for a specific duration, the account can be locked out until
re-enabled by a privileged administrator. To lock out accounts until reset, set the
duration to 0.

Note: The lockout-duration command applies to all local accounts, which include
the admin account. When the duration is 0, the admin account is locked out for 120
minutes or until reenabled by another administrator.


Enable lockout behavior for accounts that on the fifth login failure, the account is
locked out until reset by a privileged administrator:
# lockout-duration 0
# max-login-failure 4


This command specifies whether to lock out a local user account after a specific
number of failed login attempts.


max-login-failure count

count Specifies the maximum number of failed login attempts to allow before
lockout. A value of 0 disables account lockout. Enter a value in the range 0
64. The default value is 3.


The max-login-failure command defines the number of failed login attempts to

allow before a successful login. If the value is 3 and the user failed three
consecutive login attempts, the behavior on the next login attempt for this user is
as follows:
v If failure, the account is locked out. The duration of the lockout depends on the
value that is defined by the lockout-duration command.
v If successful, the account is not locked out and the count is reset.

Note: The max-login failure command applies to all local accounts, which
include the admin account. When the duration is 0, the admin account is locked out
for 120 minutes or until reenabled by another administrator.

Chapter 11. Reference 799

v Enable lockout behavior for accounts that on the fifth login failure, the account
is locked out until reset by a privileged administrator:
# lockout-duration 0
# max-login-failure 4
v Disable lockout.
# max-login failure 0


This command specifies the URL of the RBM credential-mapping custom style


mc-custom-url URL

URL Specifies the location of the style sheet.


The mc-custom-url command defines the fully qualified file name (URL) of the
custom style sheet to map credentials. This command is relevant when the
mapping credentials method, as defined with the mc-method command, is custom.


Identify the RBM-MC.xsl style sheet in the mapCred directory of the

myserver.example.com server as the style sheet to map credentials. This file is
retrieved over HTTPS.
# mc-method custom
# mc-custom-url https://myserver.example.com/mapCred/RBM.xsl


This command specifies the URL of the mapping credentials XML file.


mc-info-url URL

URL Specifies the location of the XML file.


The mc-info-url command defines the fully-qualified file name (URL) of the XML
file for credentials mapping. This command is relevant when the mapping
credentials method, as defined with the mc-method command, is xmlfile.


Identify the RBM-MC.xml file in the local: directory.

800 IBM MQ Appliance

# mc-method xmlfile
# mc-info-url local:///RBM-MC.xml


This command specifies the password for the login DN to access an LDAP server.


mc-ldap-bind-password password

Specifies the password for the login DN.


The mc-ldap-bind-password command specifies the password for the login DN to

access the target LDAP server.

This command is relevant only in the following situation:

v LDAP search is enabled with the mc-ldap-search command
v When the credentials mapping method, as defined with the mc-method
command, is local or xmlfile.

Beyond the password for the login DN to search the LDAP for the group name,
use the following commands to complete the configuration.
v How to connect to the LDAP server. Use either of the following approaches.
– The mc-server-host and mc-server-port commands
– The mc-loadbalancer-group command
v Optionally associate an SSL proxy profile with the mc-ldap-sslproxy command
to secure communication with the LDAP server
v Specify the login DN to access the LDAP server with the mc-ldap-bind-dn
v Optionally associate LDAP search parameters with the mc-ldap-parameters


Use a local XML file to map credentials and search the LDAP retrieve the
distinguished name.
# mc-method xmlfile
# mc-info-url local:///RBM-MC.xml
# mc-ldap-search on
# mc-server-host ldap.mydomain.com
# mc-server-port 389
# mc-ldap-bind-dn "cn=proxyuser"
# mc-ldap-bind-password p@Ssw0rd
# mc-ldap-parameters ldap1-MC


This command assigns the LDAP search parameters to search LDAP.

Chapter 11. Reference 801


mc-ldap-parameters name

name Specifies the name of the LDAP search parameters.


The mc-ldap-parameters command assigns the LDAP search parameters

configuration to perform an LDAP search. The search retrieves the user's group.

This command is relevant only in the following situation:

v LDAP search is enabled with the mc-ldap-search command
v When the credentials mapping method, as defined with the mc-method
command, is local or xmlfile.

Beyond LDAP search parameters to search LDAP for the group name, use the
following commands to complete the configuration.
v How to connect to the LDAP server. Use either of the following approaches.
– The mc-server-host and mc-server-port commands
– The mc-loadbalancer-group command
v Optionally associate an SSL proxy profile with the mc-ldap-sslproxy command
to secure communication with the LDAP server
v Specify the login DN to access the LDAP server with the mc-ldap-bind-dn
v Specify the user's password with the mc-ldap-bind-password command


Use a local XML file to map credentials and search the LDAP retrieve the
distinguished name.
# mc-method xmlfile
# mc-info-url local:///RBM-MC.xml
# mc-ldap-search on
# mc-server-host ldap.mydomain.com
# mc-server-port 389
# mc-ldap-bind-dn "cn=proxyuser"
# mc-ldap-bind-password p@Ssw0rd
# mc-ldap-parameters ldap1-MC


This command sets the time that RBM credential mapping waits for a response
from the LDAP server.


mc-ldap-readtimeout seconds

Indicates the number of seconds to wait for a response from the LDAP

802 IBM MQ Appliance

server before the appliance closes the connection. Enter a value in the
range 0 - 86400. The default value is 60. A value of 0 indicates that the
connection never times out.


The mc-ldap-readtimeout command specifies the number of seconds that the

appliance waits for a response from the LDAP server before the appliance closes
the LDAP connection. This command is relevant only when the credentials
mapping method, as defined with the mc-method command, is local or xmlfile.


Specify a maximum time length of 60 seconds that the appliance waits for the
response from the LDAP server.
# mc-ldap-readtimeout 60


This command indicates whether to retrieve the group names with an LDAP


mc-ldap-search { on | off }

on Enables an LDAP search for the user's group. The authenticated DN of the
user with the LDAP search parameters are used as part of an LDAP search
to retrieve the user’s group.
off Disables an LDAP search for the user's group. The authenticated identity
of the user (DN or user group of local user) is used directly as the input
credential. This setting is the default value.


The mc-ldap-search command indicates whether to retrieve the distinguished

name with an LDAP search.

This command is relevant when the credentials mapping method, as defined with
the mc-method command, is local or xmlfile.

When enabled, use the following commands to complete the configuration.

v How to connect to the LDAP server. Use either of the following approaches.
– The mc-server-host and mc-server-port commands
– The mc-loadbalancer-group command
v Optionally associate an SSL proxy profile with the mc-ldap-sslproxy command
to secure communication with the LDAP server
v Specify the login DN to access the LDAP server with the mc-ldap-bind-dn
v Specify the user's password with the mc-ldap-bind-password command
v Optionally associate LDAP search parameters with the mc-ldap-parameters

Chapter 11. Reference 803


Use a local XML file to map credentials and search the LDAP retrieve the
distinguished name.
# mc-method xmlfile
# mc-info-url local:///RBM-MC.xml
# mc-ldap-search on
# mc-server-host ldap.mydomain.com
# mc-server-port 389
# mc-ldap-bind-dn "cn=proxyuser"
# mc-ldap-bind-password p@Ssw0rd
# mc-ldap-parameters ldap1-MC


This command assigns an SSL proxy profile with the LDAP credentials server.


mc-ldap-sslproxy name

name Specifies the name of an SSL proxy profile.


The mc-ldap-sslproxy command assigns an SSL proxy profile to secure

communication with the LDAP credentials server. When specified, LDAP
communication uses the configuration in the assigned SSL proxy profile. If not
specified, communications is nonsecure.

This command is relevant only in the following situation:

v LDAP search is enabled with the mc-ldap-search command
v When the credentials mapping method, as defined with the mc-method
command, is local or xmlfile.

Beyond an SSL proxy profile to secure communication to search the LDAP for the
group name, use the following commands to complete the configuration.
v How to connect to the LDAP server. Use either of the following approaches.
– The mc-server-host and mc-server-port commands
– The mc-loadbalancer-group command
v Specify the login DN to access the LDAP server with the mc-ldap-bind-dn
v Specify the user's password with the mc-ldap-bind-password command
v Optionally associate LDAP search parameters with the mc-ldap-parameters


Use a local XML file to map credentials and search the LDAP retrieve the
distinguished name.
# mc-method xmlfile
# mc-info-url local:///RBM-MC.xml
# mc-ldap-search on
# mc-server-host ldap.mydomain.com

804 IBM MQ Appliance

# mc-server-port 389
# mc-ldap-bind-dn "cn=proxyuser"
# mc-ldap-bind-password p@Ssw0rd
# mc-ldap-parameters ldap1-MC


This command assigns a load balancer group as the target for an LDAP search.


mc-loadbalancer-group name

name Specifics the name of a load balancer group.


The mc-loadbalancer-group command assigns an LDAP load balancer group

instead of a single LDAP server as the target for the search to retrieve the user's

This command is relevant only in the following situation:

v LDAP search is enabled with the mc-ldap-search command
v When the credentials mapping method, as defined with the mc-method
command, is local or xmlfile.

This command is mutually exclusive with the combination of the mc-server-host

and mc-server-port commands.

Beyond the LDAP load balancer group to search for the group name, use the
following commands to complete the configuration.
v Optionally associate an SSL proxy profile with the mc-ldap-sslproxy command
to secure communication with the LDAP server
v Specify the login DN to access the LDAP server with the mc-ldap-bind-dn
v Specify the user's password with the mc-ldap-bind-password command
v Optionally associate LDAP search parameters with the mc-ldap-parameters


Uses a local XML file to map credentials and search LDAP to retrieve the DN.
# mc-method xmlfile
# mc-info-url local:///RBM-MC.xml
# mc-ldap-search on
# mc-loadbalancer-group LBGroup1
# mc-ldap-bind-dn "cn=proxyuser"
# mc-ldap-bind-password p@Ssw0rd


This command specifies the login DN to access an LDAP server.

Chapter 11. Reference 805


mc-ldap-bind-dn DN

DN Specifies the login DN (distinguished name) to access the target LDAP


The mc-ldap-bind-dn command specifies the login DN to access the target LDAP

This command is relevant only in the following situation:

v LDAP search is enabled with the mc-ldap-search command
v When the credentials mapping method, as defined with the mc-method
command, is local or xmlfile.

Beyond the login DN to search the LDAP for the group name, use the following
commands to complete the configuration.
v How to connect to the LDAP server. Use either of the following approaches.
– The mc-server-host and mc-server-port commands
– The mc-loadbalancer-group command
v Optionally associate an SSL proxy profile with the mc-ldap-sslproxy command
to secure communication with the LDAP server
v Specify the user's password with the mc-ldap-bind-password command
v Optionally associate LDAP search parameters with the mc-ldap-parameters


Use a local XML file to map credentials and search the LDAP retrieve the
distinguished name.
# mc-method xmlfile
# mc-info-url local:///RBM-MC.xml
# mc-ldap-search on
# mc-server-host ldap.mydomain.com
# mc-server-port 389
# mc-ldap-bind-dn "cn=proxyuser"
# mc-ldap-bind-password p@Ssw0rd
# mc-ldap-parameters ldap1-MC


This command specifies the credentials mapping method.


mc-method { custom | local | xmlfile }

custom Uses a custom style sheet. Use the mc-custom-url command to specify the
location of the style sheet.

806 IBM MQ Appliance

local Uses the user group on the appliance. Does not access external resources.
This setting is the default value and is the only option available if you
have selected an au-method of local.
Uses an XML file on the appliance. Use the mc-info-url command to
specify the location of the file.


The mc-method command sets the credential mapping (authorization) method for

The following table lists the supported credential mapping methods for each user
authentication method.
Table 45. Authentication methods and supported credential mapping methods
Map credential method
Authentication method local xmlfile custom
client-ssl No Yes Yes
custom No Yes Yes
ldap No Yes Yes
local Yes Yes Yes
radius No Yes Yes
spnego No Yes Yes
xmlfile Yes Yes Yes

When the credentials mapping method is local or xmlfile, you can use the
mc-ldap-search command to retrieve the distinguished name with an LDAP

v The selected credentials mapping method must be fully configured before
invoking this command.
v If the admin account is not configured with all permissions, the admin user is
locked out of the GUI. Access the command line to change this circumstance.

v Set the authorization method to xmlfile and identifies the location of the file.
# mc-method xmlfile
# mc-info-url "local:///RBMPolicy.xml"
v Set the authorization method to local.
# mc-method local


This command specifies the host of the LDAP server.


mc-server-host host

Chapter 11. Reference 807

host Specifies the IP address or domain name of the server.


The mc-server-host command specifies the IP address or domain name of the

credentials server.

This command is relevant only in the following situation:

v LDAP search is enabled with the mc-ldap-search command
v When the credentials mapping method, as defined with the mc-method
command, is local or xmlfile.

This command is mutually exclusive with the mc-loadbalancer-group command.

Beyond the LDAP server to search for the group name, use the following
commands to complete the configuration.
v The mc-server-port command to specify the listening port on the LDAP server
v Optionally associate an SSL proxy profile with the mc-ldap-sslproxy command
to secure communication with the LDAP server
v Specify the login DN to access the LDAP server with the mc-ldap-bind-dn
v Specify the user's password with the mc-ldap-bind-password command
v Optionally associate LDAP search parameters with the mc-ldap-parameters


Use a local XML file to map credentials and search the LDAP retrieve the
distinguished name.
# mc-method xmlfile
# mc-info-url local:///RBM-MC.xml
# mc-ldap-search on
# mc-server-host ldap.mydomain.com
# mc-server-port 389
# mc-ldap-bind-dn "cn=proxyuser"
# mc-ldap-bind-password p@Ssw0rd
# mc-ldap-parameters ldap1-MC


This command specifies the listening port on the LDAP server.


mc-server-port port

port Specifies the listening port on the server.

808 IBM MQ Appliance


The mc-server-port command specifies the listening port on the LDAP server.

This command is relevant only in the following situation:

v LDAP search is enabled with the mc-ldap-search command
v When the credentials mapping method, as defined with the mc-method
command, is local or xmlfile.

This command is mutually exclusive with the mc-loadbalancer-group command.

Beyond the listening port on the LDAP server to search the LDAP for the group
name, use the following commands to complete the configuration.
v The mc-server-host command to specify the LDAP server
v Optionally associate an SSL proxy profile with the mc-ldap-sslproxy command
to secure communication with the LDAP server
v Specify the login DN to access the LDAP server with the mc-ldap-bind-dn
v Specify the user's password with the mc-ldap-bind-password command
v Optionally associate LDAP search parameters with the mc-ldap-parameters


Use a local XML file to map credentials and search the LDAP retrieve the
distinguished name.
# mc-method xmlfile
# mc-info-url local:///RBM-MC.xml
# mc-ldap-search on
# mc-server-host ldap.mydomain.com
# mc-server-port 389
# mc-ldap-bind-dn "cn=proxyuser"
# mc-ldap-bind-password p@Ssw0rd
# mc-ldap-parameters ldap1-MC


This command sets the hash algorithm to apply to passwords before they are


password-hash-algorithm { md5crypt | sha256crypt }

Uses MD5 Crypt as the hash algorithm. This setting is the default value.
Uses SHA-256 Crypt as the hash algorithm.


The password-hash-algorithm command specifies the hash algorithm that is

applied to passwords for locally defined users before the passwords are stored.

Chapter 11. Reference 809

v In FIPS 140-2 Level 1 mode, the appliance cannot check MD5 Crypt password
entries because MD5 is banned in this mode. If any existing account passwords
use MD5 Crypt, the appliance refuses to enter FIPS 140-2 Level 1 mode to avoid
user lockout. To successfully enter FIPS 140-2 Level 1 mode, you must select
sha256crypt and then change the password on any existing user accounts that
used MD5 Crypt when last changed.
v Firmware releases before 6.0.1 do not support SHA-256 Crypt passwords. If you
need to downgrade to a release before 6.0.1, you must select md5crypt and then
change the password on any existing user accounts that used SHA-256 Crypt
when last changed. Only after such configuration is downgrading to the release
before 6.0.1 allowed. This check is to avoid user lockout.


Use the hash algorithm SHA-256 Crypt to apply to passwords before they are
# password-hash-algorithm sha256crypt


This command specifies whether users must periodically change their passwords.


pwd-aging { on | off }

on Requires the periodic change of passwords.
off Allows continued use of passwords. This setting is the default value.


If password-aging is enabled, use the pwd-max-age command to specify the

maximum shelf-life of a user password.


Require passwords to be changed every 15 days.

# pwd-aging on
# pwd-max-age 15


This command specifies whether passwords must contain at least one numeric


pwd-digit { on | off }

on Indicates that passwords must contain at least one numeric character.
off Indicates that passwords do not require numeric characters. This setting is
the default value.

810 IBM MQ Appliance


When enabled, p4AssWord is acceptable, but password or PASSWORD is not acceptable.

When disabled, p4AssWord, password, or PASSWORD are acceptable.


This command specifies whether recent passwords can be reused.


pwd-history { on | off }

on Indicates that passwords can be reused.
off Indicates that passwords cannot be reused. This setting is the default value.


When enabled, use the pwd-max-history command to specify the number of

passwords to retain. Passwords that are retained are not eligible for reuse.


Indicate that the three most recent passwords cannot be reused.

# pwd-history on
# pwd-max-history 3


This command specifies the maximum duration of passwords.


pwd-max-age days

days Specifies the maximum number of days that a password is valid. Enter a
value in the range 1 - 65535. The default value is 300.


If password-aging is enabled with the pwd-aging command, use the pwd-max-age

command to specify the maximum shelf-life of a user password.


Require passwords to be changed every 15 days.

# pwd-aging on
# pwd-max-age 15


This command specifies the number of passwords to retain.

Chapter 11. Reference 811


pwd-max-history count

count Specifies the number of passwords to retain. Enter a value in the range 1 -
65535. The default value is 5.


If password reuse is enabled with the pwd-history command, use the

pwd-max-history command to specify the number of recent passwords to retain.
Passwords that are retained are not eligible for reuse.


Indicate that the three most recent passwords cannot be reused.

# pwd-history on
# pwd-max-history 3


This command specifies the minimum length of passwords.


pwd-minimum-length length

length Specifies the minimum length. Enter a value in the range 1 - 128. The
default value is 6.


This command specifies whether passwords must contain uppercase and lowercase


pwd-mixed-case { on | off }

on Indicates that passwords must contain uppercase and lowercase characters.
off Indicates that passwords do not require uppercase and lowercase
characters. This setting is the default value.


When enabled, pAssWord is acceptable, but password or PASSWORD is not acceptable.

When disabled, pAssWord, password, or PASSWORD is acceptable.

812 IBM MQ Appliance

v Require passwords to contain both uppercase and lowercase characters.
# pwd-mixed-case on
v Restore the default state.
# pwd-mixed-case off


This command specifies whether passwords must contain nonalphanumeric



pwd-nonalphanumeric { on | off }

on Indicates that passwords must contain nonalphanumeric characters.
off Indicates that passwords do not require nonalphanumeric characters. This
setting is the default value.


When enabled, pa$$word is acceptable, but pAssWord or pa33word is not acceptable.

When disabled, pa$$word, pAssWord, or pa33word is acceptable.

v Require passwords to contain nonalphanumeric characters.
# pwd-nonalphanumeric on
v Restore the default state.
# pwd-nonalphanumeric off


This command specifies whether passwords can contain the user string.


pwd-username { on | off }

on Indicates that passwords can contain the user name.
off Indicates that passwords cannot contain the user name. This setting is the
default value.


When enabled, the password BobPassword or password4Bob is acceptable for user


When disabled, the password BobPassword or password4Bob is not acceptable for

user Bob.

Chapter 11. Reference 813

v Allow passwords to contain the user.
# pwd-username on
v Restore the default state.
# pwd-username off


This command specifies whether to restrict access by the admin account to the CLI
through a serial connection.


restrict-admin { on | off }

on Restricts the admin account to CLI access through a serial connection.
off Allows the admin account to all access methods. This setting is the default


The restrict-admin command specifies whether to restrict access by the admin

account to the CLI through a serial connection.
v When enabled, the access method for the admin account is through the CLI when
connected through a serial connection.
v When disabled, the default state, the admin account can use all of the available
access methods.

Note: On XI50z, this option is disabled. No administrator can modify this setting.

v Restrict CLI access by the admin account to serial connections.
# restrict-admin on
v Allow access by the admin account to all access methods.
# restrict-admin off


This command associates an SSL client profile for LDAP authentication.


ssl-client name

no ssl-client

Specifies the name of an SSL client profile.

814 IBM MQ Appliance


The ssl-client command specifies the SSL client profile to secure connections
with the LDAP server during LDAP authentication.

To create an SSL client profile, use the Crypto ssl-client command. To remove
the SSL client profile, use the no ssl-client command.

This command is relevant when the following conditions are met.

v The authentication method set by the au-method command is ldap.
v The type set by the ssl-client-type command is client.


This command sets the type of the SSL profile for LDAP authentication.


ssl-client-type { proxy | client }

This value is deprecated. Do not use.
Uses the SSL client profile to secure connections.


The ssl-client-type command sets the SSL profile type to secure connections with
the LDAP server during LDAP authentication. To specify an SSL client profile, use
the ssl-client command.

REST Management Interface commands

Use the REST Management Interface commands to enable and modify the
configuration of the REST management interface.

You enter the commands in REST Management Interface configuration mode:

1. From the appliance command line, enter global configuration mode:
2. From global configuration mode, type rest-mgmt to enter REST Management
Interface configuration mode.
3. Type exit to leave the configuration mode and save your changes, then type
exit again to leave global configuration mode.


This command assigns a local IP address on which the REST management interface

Chapter 11. Reference 815


local-address address

Identifies the IP address on which the appliance listens for incoming REST
management requests.


The local-address command assigns a local IP address on which the REST

management interface listens.

You can specify the local address and port together with the local-address
command or specify the port independently with the port command.


Specify a listening address for the REST management interface:

# local-address

Specify a listening address and port for the REST management interface:
# local-address 5552


This command assigns the local port on which the REST management interface


port port

Identifies the port on the appliance. The default value is 5554.


The port command assigns the local port on which the REST management
interface listens.

To specify the local IP address for the REST management interface, use the
local-address command.


Specify a listening port for the REST management interface.

# port 5552


This command sets the type of the SSL profile for the REST management interface.

816 IBM MQ Appliance


ssl-config-type config_type

Specify server if you want to specify SSL (TLS) security for the REST
management interface.


The ssl-config-type command sets the SSL profile type to secure connections
between clients and the appliance. You must use the server type.


This command associates an SSL server profile with the REST management


ssl-server name

Specifies the name of an SSL server profile.


The ssl-server command specifies the SSL server profile to secure connections
between clients and the appliance. You use an SSL server profile when the
appliance is an SSL server.

To create an SSL server profile, use the Crypto ssl-server command.

This command is relevant when the type set by the ssl-config-type command is

SNMP Settings commands

SNMP Settings mode provides the commands to modify the SNMP settings.

To enter the mode, use the Global snmp command. To disable SNMP, use the Global
no snmp command.

While in this mode, use the following commands to define the server connection.
The settings grant access to the SNMP agent for an SNMP manager, identify the
appliance UDP port that is monitored by the SNMP agent, and manages the trap
events from the SNMP agent.
v To view the current configuration, use the show command.
v To restore default values, use the reset command.

Chapter 11. Reference 817

v To exit this configuration mode without saving changes to the running
configuration, use the cancel command.
v To exit this configuration mode and save changes to the running configuration,
use the exit command.


This command specifies the level of access that an SNMPv3 manager has to the
appliance MIBs.


access-level read-only

access-level read-write

Indicates that managers are restricted to SNMP get operations, which
means that these managers can read, but cannot change management
information base (MIB) values.
Indicates that managers have access to both SNMP get and set operations,
which means that these managers can read and change MIB values.

v Specify read-only access.
# access-level read-only


This command grants and defines access to the specified SNMPv1 or v2c


community communityName read-only [IP_address]

community communityName read-write [IP_address]

Specifies the name of the community. The community name is effectively a
password phrase that accompanies SNMP requests, and is used to
determine whether the request can be fulfilled or not.
Indicates that managers are restricted to SNMP get operations, which
means that these managers can read, but cannot change management
information base (MIB) values.
Indicates that managers have access to both SNMP get and set operations,
which means that these managers can read and change MIB values.

818 IBM MQ Appliance

Specify an IP address to restrict access to the SNMP manager in the named
community with the specified IP address. By default, any SNMP manager
belonging to the named community can make requests.

v Specify read-only access to the community named “private”.
# community private read-only


This command specifies the IP address that is listened on for SNMP requests.


ip-address local_IP_address

Specify a local IP address that the SNMP service listens on for SNMP
requests to the appliance. Specify to listen on all appliance

v Specify the appliance listens on IP address for SNMP requests.
# ip-address


This command identifies the appliance UDP port that is monitored by the SNMP
agent for SNMP requests.


port [address] port

Specifies an optional IP address that identifies a specific local interface as a
recipient of SNMP requests.
port Identifies the UDP port that is monitored by the SNMP agent or engine for
SNMP requests. The default value is 161.


In the absence of an IP address argument, the SNMP agent monitors the specified
port on all interfaces for SNMP requests. With an IP address argument provided,
the SNMP agent monitors only the specified interface-port pair for SNMP requests.
For example, the IP address might be the XML management port.

v Identify a nonstandard SNMP port, 65161, on all interfaces as the recipient of
SNMP requests.

Chapter 11. Reference 819

# port 65161
v Identify a specific IP address and port pair as the recipient of SNMP requests.
# port 161


This command specifies the access that an SNMPv3 manager has to the appliance.


security-level noAuthNoPriv

security-level authNoPriv

security-level authPriv

The SNMP connection requires neither authentication of users nor
encryption of data.
The SNMP connection requires authentication of users but not the
encryption of data.
The SNMP connection requires authentication of users and encryption of

v Specify that the appliance requires an SNMPv3 manager to supply valid user
and credentials, and that data transferred to the manager is encrypted.
# security-level authPriv


This command adds an event code to the trap list.


trap-code code

no trap-code code

code Specifies the hex identifier of an event code.


The trap-code command specifies individual event codes to add to the trap list.
Run this command for each event to add to the list.

Use the no trap-code command to delete a previously configured code from the
trap list.

820 IBM MQ Appliance

The following is a list of the event subscriptions that cannot be deleted. Even if
you delete one or more these subscriptions, the are added after the next restart.
v 0x00030002 (Out of memory)
v 0x00230003 (Unable to allocate execution resources)
v 0x00330002 (Memory full)
v 0x00b30014 (Duplicate IP address)
v 0x00e30001 (NTP - Cannot Resolve Server Name)
v 0x00e40008 (NTP Timeout Error)
v 0x00f30008 (File is expired)
v 0x01530001 (Time zone config mismatch.)
v 0x01a2000e (Installed battery is nearing end of life.)
v 0x01a40001 (Throttling connections due to low memory)
v 0x01a40005 (Throttling connections due to low temporary file space)
v 0x01a40008 (Throttling connections due to low number of free ports)
v 0x01b10009 (uncertified HSM firmware detected)
v 0x01b20002 (HSM is uninitialized)
v 0x01b20004 (HSM PED login failed)
v 0x01b20008 (HSM password login failed)
v 0x02220001 (Power supply failure.)
v 0x02220003 (Internal cooling fan has stopped.)
v 0x02240002 (Internal cooling fan has slowed)

Note: The “File is expired” event refers to the file associated with the certificate
aliases on the appliance.

This command is relevant when the trap-default-subscriptions property is



Add the “Out of memory” parser event with hex code 0x00030002 to the list.
# trap-code 0x00030002


This command enables or disables the default list of event codes that generate


trap-default-subscriptions { on | off }

on The default event subscriptions are used. This setting is the default value.
off The default event subscriptions are not used. Your event subscriptions
persist after a system restart.

Chapter 11. Reference 821


The trap-default-subscriptions command controls whether you can define your

own event subscriptions.
v When enabled, use the trap-code and trap-priority command to define
v When disabled, define an SNMP log target.


This command specifies the minimum criticality for trap events.


trap-priority priority

Identifies the event priority. The default value is error.


The trap-priority command specifies the minimum criticality for trap events. The
priorities are hierarchical. In descending order of criticality, the priorities are
emergency, alert, critic, error, warn, notice, info, and debug.

This command is relevant when the trap-default-subscriptions command is set

to on.


Set the trap priority to warn or greater criticality.

# trap-priority warn


This command specifies the recipient of SNMP traps issued by the local SNMP


For SNMP v3:

trap-target IPaddress port 3 user security_level

For SNMP v1:

trap-target IPaddress port 1 community

For SNMP v2c:

trap-target IPaddress port 2c community

822 IBM MQ Appliance

Specifies the IP address that receives traps/notifications.
port Identifies a UDP port at the IP address. The default value is 162.
user The user ID to authenticate with when sending notifications in SNMP v3.
The SNMP security level, is one of:
v noAuthNoPriv (no user authentication, no data encryption)
v authNoPriv (user authentication, no data encryption)
v authPriv (user authentication, data encryption)
Provides a community name, which is essentially a password, to include in
the SNMP message header. The default value is public.


The local SNMP agent or engine issues the following generic traps:
v coldStart
v linkDown
v linkUp
v authenticationFailure

Use the no trap-target command to delete a previously configured recipient of

SNMP traps.

v Specify a recipient of SNMP v3 traps at The trap recipient is
accessed with user ID “snmpNs”, and authentication and encryption are
# trap-target 3 snmpNs authPriv
v Specify a recipient of SNMP v2c traps at The trap recipient is
accessed with the public community.
# trap-target 2c
v Specify a recipient of SNMP traps at The trap recipient is
accessed with the OpenView community.
# trap-target 2c OpenView
v Delete from the list of trap recipients.
# no trap-target


This command specifies the user ID used by a SNMPv3 manager to connect to the


user userName

Chapter 11. Reference 823

The name of a local user on the appliance. The local user must have been
defined with SNMPv3 credentials, see “snmp-cred” on page 599.


This command specifies the supported SNMP version.


version { 1 | 2c | 3 }

1 Specifies support for SNMP Version 1 as defined in RFC 1155, RFC 1156,
and RFC 1157.
2c Specifies support for SNMP Version 2c as originally defined in RFC 1901
through RFC 1908. This setting is the default value.
3 Specifies support for SNMP Version 3 as defined in RFC 2261 through RFC

v Specifies support for SNMP Version 1.
# version 1
v Specifies support for SNMP Version 2c, which is, the default state.
# version 2c

SSH Server Profile commands

SSH Server Profile mode provides the commands to manage the cipher suites for
SSH connections.

To enter the mode, use the Crypto sshserverprofile command.


This command specifies the cipher suites that the appliance accepts for SSH

Add a cipher.
ciphers cipher-string
Delete a cipher.
no ciphers cipher-string

Specifies the ciphers allowed by OpenSSH version 2 to use in SSH
communication. The order of cipher suites is important. The server

824 IBM MQ Appliance

compares its list to the client's list in order of preference. The first cipher
suite in the client's list is chosen when it is also supported by the server.
The cipher suites in the following list are supported and all are default
values. You can change the preference order of cipher suites.
v AES128-CTR
v AES192-CTR
v AES256-CTR
v AES128-CBC
v AES192-CBC
v AES256-CBC

SSL Client Profile commands

SSL Client Profile mode provides the commands to create or modify an SSL client

To enter the mode, use the Crypto ssl-client command. To delete an SSL client
profile, use the Crypto no ssl-client command.

While in this mode, use the following commands to define the SSL client profile.
v To view the current configuration, use the show command.
v To restore default values, use the reset command.
v To exit this configuration mode without saving changes to the running
configuration, use the cancel command.
v To exit this configuration mode and save changes to the running configuration,
use the exit command.


This command specifies the maximum number of client sessions to cache.


cache-size entries

Specifies the maximum number of client sessions to cache. Enter a value in
the range 1 - 500000. The default value is 100.

Chapter 11. Reference 825


The cache-size command specifies the maximum number of client sessions to


This command is relevant only when the caching command is set to on.


This command sets the time that SSL sessions remain in the client session cache
before they are removed.


cache-timeout seconds

Sets the time that SSL sessions remain in the SSL session cache. Enter a
value in the range 1 - 86400. The default value is 300.


The cache-timeout command sets the time that SSL sessions remain in the session
cache before they are removed.

This command is relevant only when the caching command is set to on.


This command controls whether to cache SSL sessions when the appliance is an
SSL client.


caching { on | off }

Enables SSL session caching. This setting is the default value.
Disables SSL session caching.


The caching command controls whether to cache SSL sessions. When enabled, you
can change the following SSL session settings. The default behavior is 100 entries
and 5 minutes.
v Use the cache-size command to specify the maximum number of SSL sessions
to cache.
v Use the cache-timeout command to specify the time that SSL sessions remain in
the SSL session cache before they are removed.

826 IBM MQ Appliance


This command specifies the cipher suites that the SSL client profile uses to
establish a secure connection.


ciphers cipher_string

Specifies the cipher suites. The following cipher suites are supported.
v RSA_WITH_RC4_128_MD5
v RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA (default)
v DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA (default)
v DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA (default)
v RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA (default)
v DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA (default)
v DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA (default)
v RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 (default)
v RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256 (default)
v DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 (default)
v DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 (default)
v DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256 (default)
v DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256 (default)
v RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 (default)
v RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 (default)
v DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 (default)
v DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 (default)
v DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 (default)

Chapter 11. Reference 827

v ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 (default)
v ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384 (default)
v ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 (default)
v ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 (default)
v ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 (default)
v ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384 (default)
v ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 (default)
v ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 (default)


The ciphers command specifies the cipher suites that the SSL client profile uses to
establish a secure connection.

The cipher suites correspond to the RFC names without the TLS_ or SSL_ prefix.
For example, RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA correspond to
in the relevant RFC.

The SSL client profile must include at least one cipher suite that matches the
associated key material.
v An RSA signing key requires ECDHE_RSA cipher suites.
v An ECDSA signing key requires ECDHE_ECDSA cipher suites.

To specify multiple cipher suites, run this command for each cipher suite.


This command specifies the list of elliptic curves that the SSL client profile


curves name

Specifies the name of the curve. The following curves are supported:
v sect163k1

828 IBM MQ Appliance

v sect163r1
v sect163r2
v sect193r1
v sect193r2
v sect233k1
v sect233r1
v sect239k1
v sect283k1
v sect283r1
v sect409k1
v sect409r1
v sect571k1
v sect571r1
v secp160k1
v secp160r1
v secp160r2
v secp192k1
v secp192r1
v secp224k1
v secp224r1
v secp256k1 (default)
v secp256r1 (default)
v secp384r1 (default)
v secp521r1 (default)
v brainpoolP256r1 (default)
v brainpoolP384r1 (default)
v brainpoolP512r1 (default)


The curves command specifies the elliptic curves that the SSL client profile

To specify multiple curves, run this command for each curve.


This command specifies the identification credentials the appliance uses to

authenticate itself to an SSL server if the SSL server requests client authentication.


idcred name

Specifies the name of the identification credentials.

Chapter 11. Reference 829


The idcred command specifies the identification credentials that the appliance uses
to authenticate itself to an SSL server if client authentication is requested.

To create identification credentials, use the Crypto idcred command.


This command specifies the SSL and TLS protocol versions to support when the
appliance is an SSL client.


protocols option-string

Specifies the SSL and TLS protocol versions to support. When you enable
support for multiple protocol versions, use a plus sign (+) character to
separate the versions. The following values are valid. The default value is
SSLv3 Enables SSL version 3.
Enables TLS version 1.0.
Enables TLS version 1.1.
Enables TLS version 1.2.


The protocols command specifies the SSL and TLS protocol versions to support.


This command specifies the features to add in the SSL client profile.


ssl-client-features feature

Identifies the feature. Separate multiple features with the plus sign (+)
character. The default value is use-sni.
Allows the client to send the Server Name Indication (SNI)
extension in the ClientHello message to the server that the client
attempts to connect to.

830 IBM MQ Appliance

Allows connections to SSL servers that do not support RFC 5746.
Enables SSL compression. Compression in HTTPS is dangerous
because the HTTPS connection becomes vulnerable to the CRIME
(Compression Ratio Info-leak Made Easy) attack.


The ssl-client-features command specifies the features to add in the SSL client
profile that secures connections between the appliance and its targets.


This command specifies the name of the validation credentials to validate the SSL
server certificate during the SSL handshake.


valcred valcred

Specifies the name of the validation credentials.


The valcred command specifies the name of the validation credentials to validate
the SSL server certificate during the SSL handshake. Validation credentials consist
of a set of certificates that validates the authenticity of received certificates and
digital signatures.

This command is required when the validate-server-cert command is set to on.


This command controls whether to validate the server certificate during the SSL


validate-server-cert { on | off }

Validates the server certificate. This setting is the default value.
Does not validate the server certificate.


The validate-server-cert command controls whether to validate the server

certificate during the SSL handshake. When enabled, use the valcred command to

Chapter 11. Reference 831

specify the validation credentials with the certificate to validate the server

SSL Server Profile commands

You can use the SSL Server Profile commands to create or modify an SSL server

To enter SSL Server Profile mode, use the crypto ssl-server command. To delete
an SSL server profile, use the crypto no ssl-server command.

While in this mode, use the commands in the following table to define the SSL
server profile.
v To view the current configuration, use the show command.
v To restore default values, use the reset command.
v To exit this configuration mode without saving changes to the running
configuration, use the cancel command.
v To exit this configuration mode and save changes to the running configuration,
use the exit command.


This command controls whether to allow SSL renegotiation with SSL clients that do
not support RFC 5746.


allow-legacy-renegotiation { on | off }

Allows SSL renegotiation with SSL clients that do not support RFC 5746.
Does not allow SSL renegotiation with SSL clients that do not support RFC
5746. This setting is the default value.


The allow-legacy-renegotiation command controls whether to allow SSL

renegotiation with SSL clients that do not support RFC 5746. By default, this
support is disabled because renegotiation with such clients is vulnerable to
man-in-the-middle attacks as documented in CVE-2009-3555.


This command specifies the maximum number of server sessions to cache.


cache-size entries


832 IBM MQ Appliance

Specifies the maximum number of server sessions to cache in kilo entries
(1024 entries). Enter a value in the range 1 - 500. The default value is 20.


The cache-size command specifies the maximum number of server sessions to


This command is relevant only when the caching command is set to on.


This command sets the time that SSL sessions remain in the server session cache
before they are removed.


cache-timeout seconds

Sets the time that SSL sessions remain in the SSL session cache. Enter a
value in the range 1 - 86400. The default value is 300.


The cache-timeout command sets the time that SSL sessions remain in the session
cache before they are removed.


This command controls whether to cache the SSL sessions when the appliance is an
SSL server.


caching { on | off }

Enables SSL session caching. This setting is the default value.
Disables SSL session caching.


The caching command controls whether to cache SSL sessions. When enabled, you
can change the following SSL session settings. The default behavior is 20480 entries
and 5 minutes.
v Use the cache-size command to specify the maximum number of SSL sessions
to cache.
v Use the cache-timeout command to specify the time that SSL sessions remain in
the SSL session cache before they are removed.

Chapter 11. Reference 833


This command specifies the cipher suites that the SSL server profile uses to
establish a secure connection.


ciphers cipher_string

Specifies the cipher suites. The following cipher suites are supported.
v RSA_WITH_RC4_128_MD5
v RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA (default)
v DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA (default)
v DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA (default)
v RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA (default)
v DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA (default)
v DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA (default)
v RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 (default)
v RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256 (default)
v DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 (default)
v DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 (default)
v DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256 (default)
v DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256 (default)
v RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 (default)
v RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 (default)
v DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 (default)
v DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 (default)
v DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 (default)

834 IBM MQ Appliance

v ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 (default)
v ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384 (default)
v ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 (default)
v ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 (default)
v ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 (default)
v ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384 (default)
v ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 (default)
v ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 (default)


The ciphers command specifies the cipher suites that the SSL server profile uses to
establish a secure connection.

The cipher suites correspond to the RFC names without the TLS_ or SSL_ prefix.
For example, RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA correspond to
in the relevant RFC.

The SSL server profile must include at least one cipher suite that matches the
associated key material.
v An RSA signing key requires ECDHE_RSA cipher suites.
v An ECDSA signing key requires ECDHE_ECDSA cipher suites.

The SSL server profile must include at least one cipher suite that matches the
identification credentials as specified by the idred command.
v When the identification credentials contains RSA keys, you must specify at least
one RSA cipher suite.
v When the identification credentials contains ECDSA keys, you must specify at
least one ECDSA cipher suite.

To specify multiple cipher suites, run this command for each cipher suite.


This command controls whether to enable SSL compression when the appliance is
an SSL server.

Chapter 11. Reference 835


compression { on | off }

on Enables SSL compression
Disables SSL compression. This setting is the default value.


The compression command controls whether to enable SSL compression.

Compression in HTTPS is dangerous because the HTTPS connection becomes
vulnerable to the CRIME (Compression Ratio Info-leak Made Easy) attack.


This command specifies the list of elliptic curves that the SSL server profile


curves name

Specifies the name of the curve. The following curves are supported:
v sect163k1
v sect163r1
v sect163r2
v sect193r1
v sect193r2
v sect233k1
v sect233r1
v sect239k1
v sect283k1
v sect283r1
v sect409k1
v sect409r1
v sect571k1
v sect571r1
v secp160k1
v secp160r1
v secp160r2
v secp192k1
v secp192r1
v secp224k1
v secp224r1

836 IBM MQ Appliance

v secp256k1 (default)
v secp256r1 (default)
v secp384r1 (default)
v secp521r1 (default)
v brainpoolP256r1 (default)
v brainpoolP384r1 (default)
v brainpoolP512r1 (default)


The curves command specifies the elliptic curves that the SSL server profile

To specify multiple curves, run this command for each curve.


This command specifies the identification credentials that authenticate the

appliance during the SSL handshake.


idcred name

Specifies the name of the identification credentials.


The idcred command specifies the identification credentials that authenticate the
appliance during the SSL handshake.

To create identification credentials, use the Crypto idcred command.


This command specifies the maximum time to maintain an SSL session after the
initial negotiated handshake when the appliance is an SSL server.


max-duration seconds

Specifies the maximum time in seconds. Enter a value in the range 1 -
11520. The default value is 60.


The max-duration command specifies the maximum time to maintain an SSL

session after the initial negotiated handshake.

Chapter 11. Reference 837

This command is relevant only when the value set by the ssl-options command
contains max-duration.


This command specifies the maximum number of renegotiation attempts that a

client can initiate per session.


max-renegotiation-allowed seconds

Specifies the maximum number of renegotiation attempts that a client can
initiate per session. Enter a value in the range 0 - 512. The default value is
0, which disables the support for the client initiated renegotiation.


The max-renegotiation-allowed command specifies the maximum number of

renegotiation attempts that a client can initiate per session. The client can initiate
renegotiation after the original negotiation in the handshake.

This command is relevant only when the value set by the ssl-options command
contains max-renegotiation.


This command controls whether to use the server's cipher suite order instead of
the client's during cipher suite negotiation.


prefer-server-ciphers { on | off }

Uses the server's cipher suite order. This setting is the default value.
Uses the client's cipher suite order.


The prefer-server-ciphers command controls whether to use the server's cipher

suite order instead of the client's cipher suite order during cipher suite negotiation.

When the server and the client negotiate which cipher suites to use, the server
compares the client's ciphers suites list with the server's cipher suites list and select
a shared one for connection. For example:
v The client's cipher suite list in order of the client's preference:

838 IBM MQ Appliance

v The server's cipher suite list in order of the server's preference:

The following rules apply.

v When enabled, the server selects the first shared cipher suite based on the
server's preference. In this case, DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256 is
v When disabled, the server selects the first shared cipher suite based on the
client's preference. In this case, ECDHE_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA is


This command controls whether a previous SSL session can be resumed during a
renegotiation handshake.


prohibit-resume-on-reneg { on | off }

Indicates that a previous session cannot be resumed during a renegotiation
Indicates that a previous session can be resumed during a renegotiation
handshake. This setting is the default value.


The prohibit-resume-on-reneg command controls whether a previous SSL session

can be resumed during a renegotiation handshake.

This command is relevant only when the value set by the max-renegotiation-
allowed command is not 0.


This command specifies the SSL and TLS protocol versions to support when the
appliance is an SSL server.


protocols option-string

Specifies the SSL and TLS protocol versions to support. When you enable
support for multiple protocol versions, use a plus sign (+) character to
separate the versions. The following values are valid. The default value is

Chapter 11. Reference 839

SSLv3 Enables SSL version 3.
Enables TLS version 1.0.
Enables TLS version 1.1.
Enables TLS version 1.2.


The protocols command specifies the SSL and TLS protocol versions to support.


This command controls whether to request client authentication during the SSL


request-client-auth { on | off }

Requests client authentication.
Does not request client authentication. This setting is the default value.


The request-client-auth command controls whether to request client

authentication during the SSL handshake.

When enabled, you must provide validation credentials with the valcred command
to validate the SSL client certificate.


This command controls whether to require client authentication during the SSL


require-client-auth { on | off }

Requires client authentication. This setting is the default value.
Does not require client authentication.

840 IBM MQ Appliance


The require-client-auth command controls whether to require client

authentication during the SSL handshake. When enabled, the SSL handshake fails
if the client certificate is not provided.

This command is relevant only when the request-client-auth command is set to



This command controls whether to require client authentication during the SSL


send-client-auth-ca-list { on | off }

Transmits the client CA list during the SSL handshake. This setting is the
default value.
Does not transmit the client CA list during the SSL handshake.


The send-client-auth-ca-list command controls whether to transmit the client

CA list during the SSL handshake. Transmission of a client CA list is meaningful
only when this profile uses validation credentials to validate the SSL client


This command specifies the list of elliptic curves that the SSL server profile


ssl-options options

Specifies the options to apply to the SSL connection. The following values
are valid. To specify multiple options, separate each option with the plus
sign (+) character. For example, max-duration+max-renegotiation.
Enables the option to specify the maximum duration of the SSL
Enables the option to specify the maximum number of the client
initiated renegotiation that is allowed per session.

Chapter 11. Reference 841


The ssl-options command specifies the options to apply to the SSL connection.
Enabling these options has negative impact on the performance of the SSL
communication. When enabled, you can change the following SSL settings. The
default behavior is 60 seconds and 0 renegotiation attempts.
v Use the max-duration command to change the maximum duration of the SSL
v Use the max-renegotiation-allowed command to change the maximum number
of renegotiation attempts that the client can initiate per session.


This command specifies the name of the validation credentials to validate the SSL
client certificate during the SSL handshake.


valcred valcred

Specifies the name of the validation credentials.


The valcred command specifies the name of the validation credentials to validate
the SSL client certificate during the SSL handshake.

This command is required when the following conditions are true.

v The value set by the request-client-auth command is on.
v The value set by the validate-client-cert command is on.


This command controls whether to validate the client certificate during the SSL
handshake if the client certificate is provided.


validate-client-cert { on | off }

Validates the client certificate. This setting is the default value.
Does not validate the client certificate.


The validate-client-cert command controls whether to validate the client

certificate during the SSL handshake if the client certificate is provided.

842 IBM MQ Appliance

This command is relevant only when the request-client-auth command is set to

System Settings commands

System Settings mode provides the commands to modify system information for
the appliance.

To enter the configuration mode, use the Global system command.

While in this mode, use the commands in the following table to define system
v To view the current configuration, use the show command.
v To restore default values, use the reset command.
v To exit this configuration mode without saving changes to the running
configuration, use the cancel command.
v To exit this configuration mode and save changes to the running configuration,
use the exit command.
Table 46. System settings commands
Command name Description
“admin-state” on page 586 This command sets the administrative state for the configuration.
“contact” This command identifies the person or function responsible for appliance
“custom-ui-file” on page 844 This command specifies the location of the custom user interface file.
“entitlement” on page 844 This command manages intrusion detection of the appliance in System
Settings mode.
“locale” on page 845 This command specifies the locale for the operating language of the
“location” on page 845 This command specifies the location of the appliance.
“name” on page 846 This command sets an identifier for the appliance.


This command identifies the person or function responsible for appliance



contact contact

Identifies the person or function responsible for appliance maintenance.


The contact command identifies the person who is responsible for managing the
appliance. This information identifies the person who is responsible for managing
this appliance by name, telephone number, email address, or a combination of
these items.

Chapter 11. Reference 843


Set a system contact.

# contact "Tector Gorch; 555.555.5555; tector.gorch@example.com"


This command specifies the location of the custom user interface file.


custom-ui-file URL

no custom-ui-file

URL Specifies the location of the file on the appliance.


The custom-ui-file command specifies the location of the custom user interface
file. The file must be in the local: or store: directory on the appliance. The file
cannot be on a mounted file system.

This XML file contains custom user interface messages to display in the GUI and
from the CLI. This file also defines the custom prompt for the CLI. After you create
the custom user interface file, use the test schema command to validate that the
XML file is conformant with the dp-user-interface.xsd schema.

Use the no custom-ui-file command to remove the use of custom messages and
the CLI prompt that are defined in the custom user interface file.


Specify the xyzbanner.xml file in the store: directory as the custom user interface
# custom-ui-file store:///xyzbanner.xml


This command specifies the original serial number.


entitlement original

Specifies the original serial number.


The entitlement command specifies the serial number of the original appliance
after you receive a replacement appliance. Without the serial number of the

844 IBM MQ Appliance

original appliance, IBM cannot entitle the replacement appliance for future
maintenance or warranty service.


This command specifies the locale for the operating language of the appliance.


locale locale

locale Specifies the operating language.
de German.
en English.
es Spanish.
fr French.
it Italian.
ja Japanese.
ko Korean.
pt_BR Brazilian Portuguese.
ru Russian.
zh_CN Simplified Chinese.
zh_TW Chinese (Taiwan).


The locale command specifies the locale for the operating language of the
appliance. This setting manages locale-specific conventions, such as date and time
formats, and controls the language of log messages.

Before a locale is selected, the administrative state of the language must be enabled
with the language command.


This command specifies the location of the appliance.


location location

Specifies the appliance location.


The location command identifies the location of the appliance.

Chapter 11. Reference 845


This command sets an identifier for the appliance.


name identifier

Specifies the identifier. Use a string up to 127 characters in length.


The name command specifies the system identifier of the appliance. Define an
identifier that consists of only ASCII letters and numbers, for this value can be
used to identify the appliance to establish a remote connection. Some protocols do
not support spaces. If the name contains spaces, enclose in double quotation

You should not specify a name that consists of only numbers.

Renaming appliances that belong to a high availability or disaster recovery

configuration will prevent either from operating. See “Changing appliance names
in high availability configurations” on page 169 and “Changing appliance names in
disaster recovery configurations” on page 187.

When the custom user interface file defines the command-line extension, this
identifier is added before the prompt.

Specify no name to clear a previously set name.

v Set Duluth as the name of the appliance.
# name Duluth
v Set Tango Lake as the name of the appliance.
# name "Tango Lake"
v Clear a previously set name:
# no name

Validation Credentials commands

Validation Credentials mode provides the commands to modify validation

To enter the mode, use the Crypto valcred command. To delete validation
credentials, use the no valcred command.

While in this mode, use the following commands to define the validation
v To view the current configuration, use the show command.
v To restore default values, use the reset command.
v To exit this configuration mode without saving changes to the running
configuration, use the cancel command.

846 IBM MQ Appliance

v To exit this configuration mode and save changes to the running configuration,
use the exit command.


This command sets the certificate validation method.


cert-validation-mode { legacy | pkix | exact-match }

legacy The validation credentials contain the exact peer certificate to match or the
certificate of the immediate issuer, which might be an intermediate CA or a
root CA. This mode is maintained for backwards compatibility. You can
use exact-match or pkix in most cases instead of using legacy. This setting
is the default value.
pkix The complete certificate chain is checked from subject to root with this
validation credentials for certificate validation. Validation succeeds only if
the chain ends with a root certificate in the validation credentials. Nonroot
certificates in the validation credentials are used as untrusted intermediate
certificates. More untrusted intermediate certificates are dynamically
obtained from the context at hand (SSL handshake messages, PKCS#7
tokens, PKIPath tokens, and so forth).
The validation credentials contain the exact peer certificate to match. This
mode is useful when you want to match the peer certificate exactly, but
that certificate is not necessarily a self-signed (root) certificate.


The cert-validation-mode command sets the certificate validation method.

The pkix method, as described in RFC 3280, expects the remote peer to provide all
intermediate certificates to the DataPower appliance during SSL negotiation. The
associated validation credentials consist of self-signed certificates and certificates of
trust anchors. Certificates can be a root CA or an intermediate CA.

v Create the ValCred-1 validation credentials with PKIX validation.
# valcred ValCred-1
Crypto Validation Credentials configuration
# cert-validation-mode pkix
v Restores the default setting for the ValCred-1 validation credentials.
# valcred ValCred-1
Crypto Validation Credentials configuration
# cert-validation-mode legacy


Adds a certificate alias to the validation credentials.

Chapter 11. Reference 847


certificate alias

no certificate alias

alias Specifies the name of the certificate alias.


The certificate command adds a certificate alias to the validation credentials.

A cryptographic profile optionally uses validation credentials to authenticate a

remote SSL peer.
v Validation credentials are required by an SSL client only when it authenticates
the certificate that is presented by the remote SSL server. Authentication of the
server's certificate is not required by the SSL standard.
v Validation credentials are required by an SSL server only when it authenticates
remote SSL clients. Authentication of SSL clients is not required by the SSL

Assignment of validation credentials to a cryptographic profile requires that SSL

validates the certificate that is presented by the remote peer. If the peer fails to
present a certificate on request or presents a certificate that cannot be validated, the
cryptographic profile requires the termination of the SSL connection.

Before you can add a certificate-alias to validation credentials, you must complete
the following procedure.
1. Use the copy command to transfer the certificate to the appliance.
2. Use the Crypto certificate command to create an alias for the certificate.

Use the no certificate command to remove a certificate alias from the validation


Add the bob-1 certificate alias.

# certificate bob-1


This command controls whether to check the current date against the NotBefore
value and the NotAfter value in the X.509 certificates and CRLs during certificate


check-dates { on | off }

on Checks the current date against the NotBefore value and the NotAfter
value in the X.509 certificates and CRLs during certificate validation. If the
certificate is expired, validation fails. This setting is the default value.

848 IBM MQ Appliance

off Does not check the current date against the NotBefore value and the
NotAfter value in the X.509 certificates and CRLs during certificate
validation. If a certificate is expired, it can still be accepted and validated
during certificate validation without causing validation failure.


The check-dates command controls whether to check the current date and time
against the activation date (the NotBefore value in the certificate) and the
expiration date (the NotAfter value in the certificate) in the X.509 certificates and
CRLs during certificate validation.
v When enabled, expired certificates causes the validation to fail during certificate
v When disabled, expired certificates can be accepted and validated during
certificate validation without causing the validation to fail.


Allow the expired certificates to be accepted and validated during certificate

# check-dates off


This command controls support for the X.509 Certificate Distribution Point
certificate extension.


crldp { ignore | require }

ignore Ignores the certificate extension. This setting is the default value.
Indicates that a candidate certificate is deemed valid if the presented
certificate chain ends with a trust anchor. This method is used only when
the validation credentials are for SSL peer validation.


The crldp command controls support for the X.509 Certificate Distribution Point
certificate extension. This noncritical certificate extension specifies how to obtain
CRL information.

See RFC 2527 and RFC 3280 for information about certificate policies.

v Create the ValCred-1 validation credentials that enable support the Certificate
Distribution Point extension.
# valcred ValCred-1
Crypto Validation Credentials configuration
# crldp require
v Restore the default state for the ValCred-1 validation credentials.

Chapter 11. Reference 849

Crypto Validation Credentials configuration
# crldp ignore


This command controls support for the initial explicit policy variable.



no explicit-policy


The explicit-policy command, controls support for the initial explicit policy
variable. This command is meaningful only if the cert-validation mode command
is set to pkix.

If enabled, the chain validation algorithm must end with a non-empty policy tree.
If disabled, the algorithm can end with an empty policy tree unless policy
constraints extensions in the chain require an explicit policy.

For information about certificate policies, see RFC 2527 and RFC 3280.

v Create the ValCred-1 validation credentials where the chain validation algorithm
must end with an empty tree.
# valcred ValCred-1
Crypto Validation Credentials configuration
# cert-validation mode pkix
# explicit-policy
v Restore the default state for the ValCred-1 validation credentials.
# valcred ValCred-1
Crypto Validation Credentials configuration
# no explicit-policy


This command identifies a certificate policy for the validation credentials.


initial-policy-set identifier

no initial-policy-set identifier

Specifies the unique identifier for the certificate policy.

850 IBM MQ Appliance


The initial-policy-set command, identifies a certificate policy for the validation

credentials. This command is meaningful only if the cert-validation mode
command is set to pkix.

RFC 2527 defines a certificate policy as follows:

A named set of rules that indicate the applicability of a certificate to a

particular community and/or class of application with common security
requirements. For example, a particular certificate policy might indicate
applicability of a type of certificate to the authentication of electronic data
interchange transactions for the trading of goods within a given price range.

The certificate policies extension contains a sequence of one or more policy

information terms, each of which consists of an object identifier (OID) and optional

Note: The use of qualifiers is not supported. If present, they are ignored.

In a host certificate, policy information terms indicate the policy under which the
certificate was issued and the purposes that the certificate can be used for.

In a CA certificate, policy information terms limit the set of policies for certification
paths that include this certificate. When a CA does not want to limit the set of
policies for certification paths that include this certificate, the CA can assert the
special anyPolicy policy. The anyPolicy policy has an OID of

Use this command as often as needed to construct a set of certificate policy

identifiers. By default, the initial certificate policy set consists of the single OID, which identifies anyPolicy.

All members of the set are used during certificate chain processing as described in
Section 6.1.1 of RFC 3280.

Use the no initial-policy-set command to remove a certificate policy from the

validation credentials.

v Modify the ValCred-1 validation credentials to add the
policy identifier.
# valcred ValCred-1
Crypto Validation Credentials configuration mode
# initial-policy-set
v Modify the ValCred-1 validation credentials to remove the policy identifier.
# valcred ValCred-1
Crypto Validation Credentials configuration
# no initial-policy-set


This command mandates CRL use during certificate chain processing.

Chapter 11. Reference 851



no require-crl


The require-crl command mandates CRL (certificate revocation list) use during
certificate chain processing. By default, CRL use is not required during certificate
chains processing.

Use the no require-crl command to restore the default condition, which allows,
but does not require, CRL use during certificate chains processing.

v Create the ValCred-1 validation credentials that require CRL use during
certificate chain processing.
# valcred ValCred-1
Crypto Validation Credentials configuration
# require-crl
v Restores the default setting for the ValCred-1 validation credentials.
# valcred ValCred-1
Crypto Validation Credentials configuration
# no-require-crl


This command enables but does not require the use of certificate revocation lists
during certificate chain processing.



no use-crl


The use-crl command enables but does not require the use of certificate
revocation lists during certificate chain processing. By default, CRL use is enabled
during processing certificate chains.

Use the no use-crl command to disable the use of certificate revocation lists
during certificate chain processing.

v Create the ValCred-1 validation credentials that disable CRL use during
certificate chain processing.
# valcred ValCred-1
Crypto Validation Credentials configuration
# no use-crl
v Restore the default setting for the ValCred-1 validation credentials.
# valcred ValCred-1
Crypto Validation Credentials configuration
# use-crl

852 IBM MQ Appliance

VLAN Commands
You can use the VLAN commands to configure the VLAN interfaces on the IBM
MQ Appliance.

The VLAN commands can be run from the command line interface in VLAN
configuration mode. To enter VLAN configuration mode, complete the following
1. From the appliance command line, enter global configuration mode:
2. From global configuration mode, enter Ethernet configuration mode:
vlan name

where name is the name of VLAN interface that you want to configure.
3. When you have finished, save your configuration:
write memory
4. Type exit to leave the configuration mode, then type exit again to leave global
configuration mode.

VLAN interfaces are not supported for links used in high availability
configurations or disaster recovery configurations.


This command sets the Ethernet interface to provide connectivity.


ethernet-interface {eth10 | eth11 | eth12 | eth13 | eth14 | eth15 | eth16 |

eth17 | eth21 | eth22 | mgt0 | mgt1 }


The ethernet-interface command sets the Ethernet interface that provides

connectivity to the VLAN interface. Even if the Ethernet interface is not configured
with an IP address, this command enables that Ethernet port.

This command is meaningful only when you use the over command to indicate
that connectivity is over an Ethernet interface.

Indicate that the eth10 Ethernet interface is the parent.

# over ethernet
# ethernet-interface eth10


This command sets the VLAN identifier.


identifier number

Chapter 11. Reference 853

Specifies the number of the VLAN identifier. Enter a value in the range 1 -
4094. The default value is 2.


The identifier command specifies the VLAN identifier to send traffic as well as
to receive traffic. The identifier must be unique among all VLAN interfaces on the
same Ethernet interface.

Set the VLAN identifier to 42.

# identifier 42


This command assigns the primary network address for the VLAN interface.


ip-address address

Specifies the IP address and netmask. The netmask is in CIDR format and
is the integer that assigns the prefix length.
v For version 4, the prefix length can be in the range of 0 through 32.
v For version 6, the prefix length can be in the range of 0 through 128.


The ip-address command assigns the primary network address to the interface.
The network address is an IP address with its subnet mask.

To assign secondary, or auxiliary, IP addresses, use the ip-secondary-address


This command is meaningful except when you use the ip-config-mode command
for autoconfiguration with DHCP or SLAAC.

v Assign an IP address in version 4 format.
# ip-address
v Assign an IP address in version 6 format.
# ip-address 2001:0db8:3c4d:0015::abcd:ef12/34


This command identifies the configuration mode for the VLAN interface.


ip-config-mode { static | dhcp | slaac }

854 IBM MQ Appliance

static Indicates a static, manual configuration. This setting is the default value.
dhcp Indicates IPv4 autoconfiguration with DHCP.
slaac Indicates IPv6 autoconfiguration with SLAAC.


The ip-config-mode command identifies the configuration mode of the interface.

v With the static keyword, define the configuration for the interface as provided
by your network administrator.
– Use the ip-address command to assign the primary network address.
– Use the ip-secondary-address command to manage secondary, or auxiliary,
network addresses.
– Use the ipv4-default-gateway command to assign the default IPv4 gateway.
– Use the ipv6-default-gateway command to assign the default IPv6 gateway.
– Use the ip-route command to manage static routes in the routing table.
v With the dhcp keyword, the appliance ignores configuration data about the
physical interface.
v With the slaac keyword, the appliance ignores configuration data about the
physical interface.

v Change the configuration mode to IPv4 autoconfiguration with DHCP.
# ip-config-mode dhcp
v Change the configuration mode to manual configuration.
# ip-config-mode static


This command manages static routes in the routing table for the VLAN interface.

Add a static route
ip-route address next-hop-address [metric]
Delete a static route
no ip-route address next-hop-address

Specifies the IP address and netmask. The netmask is in CIDR format and
is the integer that assigns the prefix length.
v For version 4, the prefix length can be in the range of 0 through 32.
v For version 6, the prefix length can be in the range of 0 through 128.
Specifies the IP address of the next-hop router.
metric Optionally specifies the preference for the route. The lesser the value, the
more preferred the route. For each IP family, the supported range differs.
v For IPv4, enter a value in the range 0 - 255. The default value is 0.

Chapter 11. Reference 855

v For IPv6, enter a value in the range 0 - 65536. The default value is 512.


The ip-route command manages static routes in the routing table. Issue this
command for each static route to add to the routing table.

To delete a static route, use the no ip-route command. Issue this command for
each static route to delete from the routing table.

This command is meaningful except when you use the ip-config-mode command
for autoconfiguration with DHCP or SLAAC.

v Add a static route to the routing table (subnet via next-hop router The metric for the route is 0, the default value for IPv4, which is
the most preferred route.
# ip-route
v Delete a static route from the routing table (subnet via next-hop
# no ip-route


This command manages secondary network addresses for the VLAN interface.

Add a secondary address
ip-secondary-address address
Remove a secondary address
no ip-secondary-address address
Remove all secondary addresses
no ip-secondary-address

Specifies the IP address and netmask. The netmask is in CIDR format and
is the integer that assigns the prefix length.
v For version 4, the prefix length can be in the range of 0 through 32.
v For version 6, the prefix length can be in the range of 0 through 128.


The ip-secondary-address command manages secondary network addresses for

the current interface. The network address is the IP address and its subnet mask. A
secondary IP address is a bind address. The secondary IP address is used only as a
source IP address when it responds to incoming traffic to the secondary IP address.

To create the primary IP address, use the ip-address command.

To remove secondary IP addresses, use the no ip-secondary-address command.

856 IBM MQ Appliance

This command is meaningful except when you use the ip-config-mode command
for autoconfiguration with DHCP or SLAAC.

v Add as a secondary IP address to the interface.
# ip-secondary-address
v Remove as a secondary IP address.
# no ip-secondary-address
v Remove all secondary IP addresses.
# no ip-secondary-address


This command designates the default IPv4 gateway for the VLAN interface.

Designates the default IPv4 gateway
ipv4-default-gateway address
Deletes the default IPv4 gateway
no ipv4-default-gateway

Specifies the IP address of the default IPv4 gateway.


The ipv4-default-gateway command designates the default IPv4 gateway that the
interface can reach. If the interface supports both IP families, use the
ipv6-default-gateway command to designate the default IPv6 gateway.

Use the no ipv4-default-gateway command to delete the default IPv4 gateway.

This command is meaningful except when you use the ip-config-mode command
for autoconfiguration with DHCP or SLAAC.


This command sets the number of IPv6 duplication address detection attempts for
the VLAN interface.


ipv6-dadtransmits attempts

Specifies the number of attempts. The default value is 1.

Chapter 11. Reference 857


The ipv6-dadtransmits command sets the number of IPv6 duplication address

detection (DAD) attempts. This command is relevant for only IPv6 addresses on
the appliance.

If you specify more than one attempt, use the ipv6-nd-retransmit-timer command
to set the interval between attempts.


This command designates the default IPv6 gateway for the VLAN interface.

Designate the default IPv6 gateway
ipv6-default-gateway address
Delete the default IPv6 gateway
no ipv6-default-gateway

Specifies the IP address of the default IPv6 gateway.


The ipv6-default-gateway command designates the default IPv6 gateway that the
interface can reach. Define a default IPv6 gateway if you defined IPv6 IP

If the interface supports both IP families, use the ipv4-default-gateway command

to designate the default IPv4 gateway.

Use the no ipv6-default-gateway command to delete the default IPv6 gateway.

This command is meaningful except when you use the ip-config-mode command
for autoconfiguration with DHCP or SLAAC.


This command sets the interval between IPv6 neighbor discovery attempts for the
VLAN interface.


ipv6-nd-retransmit-timer milliseconds

Specifies the interval between attempts in milliseconds. The default value
is 1000.

858 IBM MQ Appliance


The ipv6-nd-retransmit-timer command sets the interval neighbor discovery

attempts. This command is relevant for only when the interface uses IPv6


This command sets the aggregate interface to provide connectivity.


link-aggregation-interface name

name Specifies the name of an aggregate interface


The link-aggregation-interface command sets the aggregate interface to provide


This command is meaningful only when you use the over command to indicate
that connectivity is over an aggregate interface.

Indicate that the aggregate-1 aggregate interface is the parent.

# over link-aggregation
# link-aggregation-interface aggregate-1


This command sets the maximum transmission unit of the VLAN interface.


mtu bytes

bytes Specifies the maximum size in bytes. Enter a value in the range 576 -
16128. The default value is 1500.


The mtu command sets the maximum transmission unit (MTU) for the VLAN

The MTU for the VLAN interface cannot be greater than the MTU of the parent
interface. The parent interface is either an Ethernet interface or an aggregate
interface. Use the over command to set the parent interface type.
v When the parent is an Ethernet interface, the ethernet-interface command sets
the Ethernet interface. The MTU of the VLAN interface cannot be greater than
the MTU of the Ethernet interface.
v When parent is an aggregate interface, the link-aggregation-interface
command sets the aggregate interface. The MTU of the VLAN interface cannot
be greater than the MTU of the aggregate interface.

Chapter 11. Reference 859

The configuration for each interface type provides the mtu command. The MTU is
determined regardless of the length of the layer 2 encapsulation.


Set the MTU to 4 KB.

# mtu 4096


This command sets the priority value in outbound packets.


outbound-priority priority

Specifies the priority value. Enter a value in the range 0 - 7. The default
value is 0.


The outbound-priority command sets the priority value in outgoing VLAN

headers for packets. These packets are sent on this VLAN interface. This value is
placed in the user_control field of the Tag Control Information (TCI). The exact
interpretation of the value depends on the VLAN switch configuration.

Set the priority value to 4.

# outbound-priority 4


This command sets the parent interface type.


over { ethernet | link-aggregation }

Indicate that the parent is an Ethernet interface. This setting is the default
Indicates that the parent is an aggregate interface.


The over command sets the parent interface type for the VLAN interface.
v When an Ethernet interface, use the ethernet-interface command to set the
parent Ethernet interface.
v When an aggregate interface, use the link-aggregation-interface command to
set the parent aggregate interface.

860 IBM MQ Appliance


Indicate that the eth10 Ethernet interface is the parent.

# over ethernet
# ethernet-interface eth10

Indicate that the aggregate-1 aggregate interface is the parent.

# over link-aggregation
# link-aggregation-interface aggregate-1


This command manages a packet-capture for the VLAN interface session.

Start a packet-capture session
packet-capture file seconds KB ["expression"]
Stop a packet-capture session
no packet-capture file

file Specifies the file name for the packet capture. You can simultaneously
capture packets on multiple interfaces by specifying a different file name
for each interface.
Specifies the maximum duration of the packet-capture session in seconds.
Enter a value in the range 5 - 86400. The special value of -1 indicates that
the packet capture is continuous and completes when it reaches the
maximum file size or until you issue the no packet-capture command.
KB Specifies the maximum size of the file in KB. Enter a value in the range 10
- 500000.
Optionally specifies the expression that filters the packet capture. Enclose
the expression in double quotation marks.


The packet-capture command manages a packet-capture session on the current

interface. The data from the session is saved in the pcap format. To interpret the
packet, use a network protocol analyzer.

Use the no packet-capture command to stop a packet-capture session.

v Start a timed packet-capture session that writes data to the temporary:///
capture-1 file. The session completes either after 30 minutes or when the file
contains 2500 KB, whichever occurs first.
# packet-capture temporary:///capture-1 1800 2500
Trace begun.

Chapter 11. Reference 861

v Start a timed packet-capture session that writes data to the temporary:///
capture-2 file. The session records only packets where 53 is the destination port.
The session completes either after 30 minutes or when the file contains 2500 KB,
whichever occurs first.
# packet-capture temporary:///capture-2 1800 2500 "dst port 53"
Trace begun.
v Start a continuous packet-capture session that writes data to the
temporary:///capture-3 file. The session completes either when it contains
50000 KB or when you stop it.
# packet-capture temporary:///capture-3 -1 50000
Trace begun.
v Stop the packet-capture session that writes data to the temporary:///capture-3
# packet-capture temporary:///capture-3
Continuous packet capture to temporary:///capture-3 on interface stopped.

Web management service commands

You can use the web management service commands to configure the web
management service settings on the IBM MQ Appliance.

The web management service commands can be run from the command line
interface in web management service configuration mode. To enter web
management service configuration mode, complete the following steps:
1. From the appliance command line, enter global configuration mode:
2. From global configuration mode, enter throttle configuration mode:
3. Type exit to leave the configuration mode and save your changes, then type
exit again to leave global configuration mode.

While in this mode, use the commands in the following table to modify the web
management service.


This command specifies the idle-session timer for the web management service.


idle-timeout seconds

Specifies the timeout value of the idle session in seconds. Use any value of
0 - 65535. The default value is 600. A value of 0 disables the timer.


The idle-timeout command settings only apply to the IBM MQ Appliance web UI
part of the user interface. The IBM MQ Console does not time out because it
performs monitoring tasks.
862 IBM MQ Appliance

This command changes the local address and port that the web management
service monitors for requests.


local-address address port

Specifies the IP address or host alias of a local interface that the service
listens on. The default value is
port Specifies the listening port for the service. The default value is 9090.


The local-address command specifies the local address and port that the service
listens on.
v When the value is, the service listens on all active IPv4 addresses.
v When the value is ::, the service listens on all active IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.

Attention: If the service is a management service, the value of or :: is a

security risk.

If the local address supports IPv6 addresses, modify the web-mgmt ACL to include
an allow clauses for specific or all IPv6 addresses.

Use a host alias to help ease migration tasks among appliances. To create a local
host alias, use the Global host-alias command.

To change the port, use the port command.


Specify that port 8090 on all interfaces is monitored for requests to the Web
Management Service.
# web-mgmt
Web Management Service configuration mode
# local-address 8090


This command changes the listening port for the web management service.


port port

port Indicates the listening port. The default value is 9090.

Chapter 11. Reference 863


Change the port to 8090 on the local interfaces that monitor for requests to the web
management service.
# web-mgmt
Web Management Service configuration mode
# port 8090

ssl (deprecated):

This command changes the association of the SSL proxy profile for the web
management interface.


ssl name

name Specifies the name of an SSL proxy profile.


The ssl command changes the association of the SSL proxy profile for the web
management interface. You must associate an SSL proxy profile with the web
management interface. By default, the web management interface uses the shipped
configuration. Unless you create and assign a different SSL proxy profile, all
appliances use the same SSL configuration.

To create an SSL proxy profile, use the Global sslproxy command.


This command sets the type of the SSL profile for the web management interface.


ssl-config-type {proxy | server | sni}

proxy (deprecated)
Uses an SSL proxy profile with the cryptographic profiles to secure
connections. This setting is the default value for backward compatibility.
Uses an SSL server profile to secure connections.
Uses an SSL SNI server profile to secure connections.


The ssl-config-type command sets the SSL profile type to secure connections
between clients and the appliance. You can use an SSL proxy profile, an SSL server
profile, or an SSL SNI server profile.

864 IBM MQ Appliance

v The SSL proxy profile is deprecated. Check whether your configuration uses an
SSL proxy profile. If yes, modify your configuration to use an SSL server profile
or an SSL SNI server profile to secure connections.
v When the appliance is an SSL server, you use an SSL server profile to secure
connections. To specify an SSL server profile, use the ssl-server command.
v When the appliance is an SSL server and supports Server Name Indication
(SNI), you use an SSL SNI server profile. To specify an SSL SNI server profile,
use the ssl-sni-server command.


This command associates an SSL server profile with the web management


ssl-servername name

Specifies the name of an SSL server profile.


The ssl-server command specifies the SSL server profile to secure connections
between clients and the appliance. You use an SSL server profile when the
appliance is an SSL server.

To create an SSL server profile, use the Crypto ssl-server command.

This command is relevant when the type set by the ssl-config-type command is

REST management interface

The REST management interface provides access to the actions and to the
configuration and status resources on the appliance.

The REST management interface is used to manage the appliance itself

For REST commands for administering IBM MQ, see “Administering IBM MQ by
using the REST API” on page 244, also see Using the administrative REST API in
the IBM MQ documentation.

You can use the management REST interface to view status or configuration data,
or to configure and reconfigure the appliance. You can send HTTP requests to the
REST interface port and receive JSON-formatted responses with a payload and
indication of success or failure. To send requests and receive responses, you can
use the curl program, a similar shell tool, or a browser tool such as one for Firefox
or Chrome. The response contains information about the resource at the URI target.
You can also use the REST management interface by incorporating requests into
programs that you write.

Chapter 11. Reference 865

The REST interface uses a URI structure that makes the following resources
available to work with:
v /mgmt/config/default/configuration_objects
v /mgmt/status/default/status_objects
v /mgmt/actionqueue/default/
v /mgmt/filestore/
v /mgmt/metadata/
v /mgmt/types/

REST management uses the HTTP GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE methods on its
URIs. Not every resource is available for all HTTP methods. For example, status
resources support only the GET method, where configuration resources allow more
supported methods. You can retrieve the list of supported HTTP methods on any
URI by sending the OPTIONS request to that URI.

The response payload conforms to the Hypertext Application Language standard.

With this format, you can identify available resources in the JSON responses.

REST request structure

You can use different methods when you send requests to the REST management

The general structure of all REST management interface requests is the same. You
give the method (GET, PUT, POST, DELETE, OPTIONS) followed by the URI
(starting with https://address:5554/mgmt/...). The remaining structure of the
request depends on the resource and URI of the request. For example:
GET ’https://example.com:5554/mgmt/config/default/User/Bob’

See “REST management resources” on page 868 for valid URIs and applicable
methods. You can also see which methods are supported for which URIs, by
sending a request to that URI using the OPTIONS method. For example:
OPTIONS ’https://example.com:5554/mgmt/config/default/User/Bob’

When you make requests on config objects, you can optionally specify view, depth,
and state query parameters. For example:
GET ’https://example.com:5554/mgmt/config/default/User/Bob?view=recursive&depth=2’

See “REST management resources” on page 868 and “Query parameters” on page
871 for details on the parameters and where you can use them.

Authentication header

An HTTP basic authentication header must be present in every request that is sent
to the REST management interface.

Request payloads
When you use a PUT or POST method with a URI, you include a payload that
contains what is to be put or posted.

866 IBM MQ Appliance

The payload is in JSON and conforms to a specific schema. The payload schema is
derived from the existing appliance SOMA schema, which is documented in

For example, if you were wanted to modify the default gateway IP address in the
eth0 Ethernet interface configuration, you would first retrieve the current value, for
GET https://myhost.com:5554/mgmt/config/default/EthernetInterface/eth0/DefaultGateway
"_links" : {
"self" : {
"href" : "/mgmt/config/default/EthernetInterface/eth0/DefaultGateway"
"doc" : {
"href" : "/mgmt/docs/config/EthernetInterface/DefaultGateway"
"DefaultGateway" : ""

You can then use a PUT request to modify the property:

PUT https://myhost.com:5554/mgmt/config/default/EthernetInterface/eth0/DefaultGateway

With the following payload:

"DefaultGateway" : ""

The appliance responds to the PUT request:

"_links" : {
"self" : {"href" : "/mgmt/config/default/EthernetInterface/eth0/DefaultGateway"
"doc" : {"href" : "/mgmt/docs/config/EthernetInterface/DefaultGateway"
"DefaultGateway" : "property has been updated."

REST response structure

The appliance returns responses to REST management interface requests.

When you send a REST request, the appliance responds with a structured response
in JSON format. The exact structure of the response depends on the resource and
URI of the request, but all responses are similar.

The response includes all available resources from any point within the API. It
includes the resources by embedding a _links element within the JSON response,
which contains pointers to accessible resources, including possible documentation.
You can then target the resources within the _links element in your subsequent
REST management interface requests.

For example, when you specify a GET request for the REST API root
(https://example.com:5554/mgmt/), the response consists of the resources available
that is structured as a list of fields and values:

Chapter 11. Reference 867

"_links": {
"self": {
"href": "/mgmt/"
"config": {
"href": "/mgmt/config/"
"domains": {
"href": "/mgmt/domains/config/"
"status": {
"href": "/mgmt/status/"
"actionqueue": {
"href": "/mgmt/actionqueue/"
"filestore": {
"href": "/mgmt/filestore/"
"metadata": {
"href": "/mgmt/metadata/"
"types": {
"href": "/mgmt/types/"

The following example shows the response to a request for status information
about the current firmware version of the appliance, GET ’/mgmt/status/default/
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": "/mgmt/status/default/FirmwareVersion"
"doc": {
"href": "/mgmt/docs/status/FirmwareVersion"
"FirmwareVersion": {
"Serial": xxxxxxx,
"Version": "MQ00.",
"Build": "xxxxxxx",
"BuildDate": "2016/09/20 10:29:27",
"WatchdogBuild": "MQ00.",
"InstalledDPOS": "MQ00.",
"RunningDPOS": "MQ00.",
"XMLAccelerator": "embedded",
"MachineType": 5725,
"ModelType": "S14"

REST management resources

You use URIs to work with appliance resources.

The root URI begins with the /mgmt/ resource. All available resources are
positioned below this resource.

868 IBM MQ Appliance

The GET https://address:5554/mgmt/ request returns a structure with the available

Configuration resources

Use the configuration resources for the following actions:

v Viewing appliance configuration
v Configuring the appliance

Query parameters are available for use with these resources, see “Query
parameters” on page 871.
Table 47. Configuration resources
Supported HTTP Supported query
URI methods parameters Description
/mgmt/config/ GET none List of appliance
/mgmt/config/ GET, POST state List of all
default/class configurations of a
specific object class
/mgmt/config/ GET, PUT, DELETE depth, state, view configuration of the
default/class/ specified instance in
object the object class
/mgmt/config/ GET, PUT state The value of the
default/class/ specified scalar
object/ property belonging to
scalar_property the specified object in
the class.
/mgmt/config/ GET, PUT, POST state The value of the
domain/class/ specified vector
object/ property belonging to
vector_property the specified object in
the class.

Status resources
Use the status resources to access appliance status information.
Table 48. Status resources
URI Supported HTTP methods Description
/mgmt/status/ GET List of all available status
providers on the appliance
/mgmt/status/default/class GET The status provider of the
specified object class

Chapter 11. Reference 869

Actionqueue resources

Use the actionqueue resources to trigger operations on the appliance.

Table 49. Actionqueue resources
URI Supported HTTP methods Description
/mgmt/actionqueue/ GET Usage information for an
actionqueue resource.
/mgmt/actionqueue/default/ POST Run any action
/mgmt/actionqueue/default/ GET List of all supported
operations operations. The only actions
that are supported are listed
in the /mgmt/actionqueue/
domain/operations URI. The
actions that are excluded
from the AnyActionElement
type are specified in
/mgmt/actionqueue/default/ GET JSON metadata information
operations/operation for the operation

Filestore resources
Use the filestore resources to work with files and directories on the appliance.
Table 50. Filestore resources
URI Supported HTTP methods Description
/mgmt/filestore/ GET List of available URIs
/mgmt/filestore/default/ GET List of available directories
/mgmt/filestore/default/ GET Contents of the specified
directory directory
/mgmt/filestore/default/ GET, PUT, POST, DELETE Contents of the specified file

Metadata resources

Use these resources to access the metadata of appliance objects.

Table 51. Metadata resources
URI Supported HTTP methods Description
/mgmt/metadata/ GET List of valid URIs for
fetching metadata
/mgmt/metadata/default/ GET Complete metadata for a
class specific appliance
configuration or status object
in the specified object class
/mgmt/metadata/default/ GET Metadata for a specific
class/property property of an object class
/mgmt/metadata/default/ GET, PUT, POST, DELETE Metadata information for the
operations/operation specific actionqueue

870 IBM MQ Appliance

Type resources

Use these resources to access object types.

Table 52. Type resources
URI Supported HTTP methods Description
/mgmt/types/ GET List of all types in use on the
appliance, including base
/mgmt/types/default/type GET

Query parameters

You can use query parameters with requests to the configuration resource URIs.

You can access various kinds of data by using query parameters. All the
parameters are optional. The parameters are used only on certain API requests, as
specified. The default behavior is for the parameters not to be specified.
The view query parameter specifies the amount of detail that is returned in
a request. Set view=recursive to receive the requested data and the
contents of any referenced objects. Use with the depth parameter to control
the depth of recursion (the default is seven levels of recursion). The
recursive process can impact performance substantially.
v Each retrieved level of referenced configuration contents is a new depth.
The depth parameter specifies how many levels to retrieve. The retrieved
contents appear in the data under the _embedded : descendents field of
the object.
"_embedded": {
"descendants": [ ]
v The referenced data from all the depths is retrieved as a flat list of
objects and types. No information about the hierarchical relationship
between the returned data is conveyed by this list.

The depth query parameter limits the returned payload to a specified
number of expansions, controlling the number of referenced objects that
are retrieved. The value of the parameter is an integer in the range 1 - 7.
The recursive process can impact performance substantially.
v This parameter is ignored unless it is used with the view=recursive
v When the view=recursive parameter is used without a depth parameter,
the value of depth defaults to 7.


Chapter 11. Reference 871

The state query parameter retrieves the runtime state of a configuration
object. The value of the state parameter can be any of true | false, 1 |
0, yes | no. The runtime state of an object is indicated by five labels:
v opstate indicates whether the object is operational. If an object is not
operational, the opstate is down; otherwise, the opstate is up. For
example, the opstate is down, when the object is incorrectly configured.
v adminstate indicates whether an object can be used. If an object can be
used, the adminstate is enabled; otherwise, the adminstate is disabled.
v eventcode corresponds to the message ID associated with the current
state of the object. When no error occurs, the eventcode is 0.
v errorcode contains the message text that is associated with the event
code. When no error occurs, the errorcode is "".
v configstate indicates the saved state of the configuration. It can have
one of the following values:
– saved configuration is saved.
– modified the configuration has been modified but not saved.
– new the configuration is new but has not been saved.

The state of an object is retrieved with a GET request. The response contains
both the runtime state and the configuration.
"state": {
"opstate": "down",
"adminstate": "disabled",
"eventcode": "0x0034000d",
"errorcode": "Object is disabled",
"configstate": "saved"

Visit the messages section in the IBM MQ documentation for help with IBM MQ
diagnostic messages.


872 IBM MQ Appliance

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874 IBM MQ Appliance

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Notices 875
876 IBM MQ Appliance

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