My Treasure

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My Treasure


The gifts of nature are countless, but we only appreciate their

importance when we don’t have them or lose them. Just imagine a single
day without seeing the daylight. Would life be worth living?

 Always appreciate the love and effort of my

family and friends for no material thing can
make me feel the way they cared for me
and not leaving me alone despite my flaws
but instead continue to guide me to the
right path
 Treasure the memories that I already have
and I will have in my future adventures with
Thus, I realize my love ones so that when I get old, I can
that in life, say that I am contented and live my life the
way I wanted it
 Not value material things over great
experiences with my family and always
engage in new things, having courage to
take some risks for we only live once so we
must enjoy it in a good way and in God’s
My Treasure

In the developing world, the impact of mutual phenomena can be

challenging and devastating. Through this literary work, the author tries to
portray nature’s role in our lives. In our human relationships, we want others
to sacrifice for us, yet it seems very hard to reciprocate

Ask yourself, “How can I pull together the different parts of my life so I can lead a
better life and be a better leader?”

There’s a simple exercise you can use any time you find yourself stuck in
“Either/Or” thinking that will help you think in more expansive “Both/And” ways:

1. “Either I can’t have the things that I always wanted and usually asked for or
I can have settled and appreciate the more important things that were given to
me that I know can help me a lot.

2. Identify the two things between which you are forcing yourself to choose.
(Work or rest? Study or have fun? Get ahead or enjoy my life?)
 The two things which I force myself to choose is study and go ahead.

3. Bring together those two things in a single sentence.

 If I am not watching movies, I am either studying or pushing myself to go
ahead and start making my homework.

4. How can I both study and also do my homework?

 Well, in finding answers for my homework I usually scan my notes first to see
if I can find the answer that I need. This way, I can do both study and also do
my homework.

Life is a beautiful struggle. When you take this kind of thinking to heart, you will be
living and leading with integrity. You will be who you want to be and do what you
want to do despite all the challenges you encounter in your life.
My Treasure


What will you do to make a change?

Complete the following graphic organizer with what you will do to make a change,
heal the world and make it better. Write them inside the leaves. Inside the box,
describe your vision of what the Earth will be like after 10 years, if all these things will
be done. Observe the correct use of pronouns and quotation marks wherever

Give importance
and practice
proper waste
Bear in mind
that when you
cut, you
should plant.
Be thrifty and Use social media
limit the usage as a platform to
of our natural encourage
resources people to restore
our mother Earth We should
Re-use, Reduce
and Recycle
As much as you can, try
to walk to your
destination to lessen
the smokes produce by

In the future, I expect that if these things would be done, then certainly
My Treasure

In response to the prevailing social conditions happening now, particularly the state of
nature, tweet something expressing your sentiments using the hashtag
#ilovemotherearth. Write it on a ¼ cartolina, decorate it, and post it in your

Having successfully accomplished your tasks for the entire week, you
now have all the reasons to celebrate. Hence, you must have something
to remember. For this, complete the following:

The lessons presented for the whole week were (add descriptive words)
 very helpful specially the stories that have great lessons that we can
apply in our lives and also it serves as an eye opener of what the
people, us, do to our motherland that instead of taking care of it, we
are the primary reason of its destruction.

The insights I gained are

 that it is true in the story “A Grain as big as a Hen’s Egg” that
people nowadays have already forgotten the ways of living in the
past where they do not depend on a single penny rather they use
their body to work and survive in our world.

They made me
 realize that in life, we cannot predict our future whether we will
become rich or poor. But if we just have the hardwork and

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