Is Chemistry Important in BS Psychology?
Is Chemistry Important in BS Psychology?
Is Chemistry Important in BS Psychology?
A Position Paper
By Maricor Daguplo
chemicals that aid in human functioning, including the human behaviour. An imbalance of chemicals in
our body may affect our mood or cause psychological disorders. According to David Barlow’s Triple
Vulnerability Theory, there are 3 factors that may contribute to psychological disorders: biological, social
and psychological contributions. Biological contributions include genetics and neurotransmitters while
social contributors involve the environment and psychological contributions involve conditioning such as
classical conditioning.
Chemistry is involved in our daily functioning; from digestion to our emotion. Our emotions and
functions are controlled by our neurotransmitters, hormones and chemicals. The chemicals released by
our brain influences our emotions. An imbalance of these chemicals may also lead to psychological
illness or disorders. One of the most common neurotransmitter is serotonin. Serotonin is responsible for
mood regulation, appetite, sleep and pain. Norepinephrine, on the other hand, is important in emotions,
sleeping and learning. An imbalance of these chemicals may cause depression, aggressiveness and other
mood disorders.
The treatment of some psychological disorders such as mood disorders and anxiety-related
disorders may need to involve medication depending on the cause of the disorder. Medicines such as
antidepressants regulate mood disorders. Some antidepressants increase the level of serotonin while
others block the brain cell communication in order to relax the body. Antipyschotic drugs used for
anxiety and panic disorders are block dopamine and affect serotonin levels.
Understanding the relationship of chemistry to the human behaviour can help in the
Chemistry is often neglected in the understanding of the human behaviour but it is just as
important as the psychological and environmental factors. Having knowledge in chemistry would help us
understand the human behaviour in a different perspective; it may also be helpful in eradicating the
stigma against psychological disorders. Knowing about the chemicals in our body and how they work
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