The Use of Single-Subject Research To Id PDF
The Use of Single-Subject Research To Id PDF
The Use of Single-Subject Research To Id PDF
State University of New York at Stony Brook
Universiiy of/Hindis
Emory University
liiiluirui ihiivmity
Van^rbilt Univenity
Winter 2005
settings. For example, operational participant de-
scriptions of individuals with a disability would
Single-subject research is experimental
require that the specific disability (e.g., autism rather than correlational or descrip- j
spectrum disorder, Williams syndrome) and the tive, and its purpose is to document \
specific instrument and process used to determine causal, or fiinctional, relationships be-
their disability (e.g., the Autism Diagnostic Inter-
tween independent and dependent vari- \
view-Revised) be identified. Global descriptions
such as identifying participants as having develop- ahles.
mental disabilities would be insufficient.
• Dependent variable recording is assessed for con-
DEPENDENT VARIABLE sistency throughout the experiment by frequent
Single-subject research employs one or more de- monitoring of interobserver agreement (e.g.,
pendent variables that are defined and measured. the percentage of observational units in which
In most cases the dependent variable in single- independent observers agree) or an equivalent.
subject educational research is a form of observ- The measurement of interobserver agreement
able behavior. Appropriate application of should allow assessment for each variable
single-subject methodology requires dependent across each participant in each condition of
variables to have the following features: the study. Reporting interobserver agreement
only for the baseline condition or only as one
• Dependent variables are operationally defined to score across all measures in a study would not
allow (a) valid and consistent assessment of the be appropriate.
variable and (b) replication of the assessment
process. Dependent variables that allow direct • Dependent variables are selected for their social
observation and empirical summary (e.g., significance. A dependent variable is chosen
words read correctly per min; frequency of not only because it may allow assessment of a
conceptual theory, but also because it is per-
head hits per min; number of s between re-
ceived as important for the individual partici-
quest and initiation of compliance) are desir-
pant, those who come in contact with the
able. Dependent variables that are defmed
individual, or for society.
subjectively (e.g., frequency of helping behav-
iors, with no deBnition of "helping" provided) INDEPENDENT VARIABLE
or too globally (e.g., frequency of "aggressive"
The independent variable in single-subject re-
behavior) would not be acceptable.
search typically is the practice, intervention, or
• Depejideiit variables are measured repeatedly behavioral mechanism under investigation. Inde-
within and across controlled conditions to pendent variables in single-subject research are
allow (a) identification of performance pat- operationally defined to allow both valid interpre-
terns prior to intervention and (b) comparison tation of results and accurate replication of the
of performance patterns across conditions/ procedures. Specific descriptions of procedures
phases. The repeated measurement of individ- typically include documicntation of materials
ual behaviors is critical for comparing the per- (e.g., 7.5 cm x 12.5 cm card) as well as actions
formance of each participant with his or her (e.g., peer tutors implemented the reading cur-
own prior performance. Within an experimen- riculum in 3 1:1 context, 30 min per day, 3 days
tal or condition, sufficient assessment per week). General descriptions of an interven-
occasions are needed to establish the overall tion procedure (e.g., cooperative play) ihat are
pattern of performance under that condition prone to high variability in implementation
(e.g., level, trend, variability). Measurement of would not meet the expectation for operational
the behavior of the same individual across description of the independent variable.
phases or conditions allows comparison of per- To document experimental control, the in-
formance patterns under different environ- dependent luiriiible in single-subiect research is ac-
mental conditions. tively, rather than passively, manipulated. 'I'he
Winter 2005
1 22 23 24 2 5 26 27 28
Note. Arrow.^ indicate [he ihrce points in ihc srudy where an experimental eftecr is confirmed.
[antrums between the first A phase (Baseline) and ships between manipulation of independent vari-
the first B phase (Intervention); (b) a second ables and change in dependent variables. Rival
change in response patterns (e.g., return to Base- hypotheses (e.g., passage of time, measurement
line patterns) with re-introduction of the Baseline effects, uncontrolled variables) must be discarded
conditions in the second A phase; and (c) a third to document experimental control. Traditional
change in response patterns (e.g., reduction in case study descriptions, or studies with only a
tantninis) with re-introduction of the interven- baseline followed by an intervention, may provide
tion in the second B phase. useful information for the field, but do not pro-
A similar logic for documenting experimen- vide adequate experimental control to qualify as
tal control exists tor multiple baseline designs single-subject research.
with three or more data series. The sta^ered in-
troduction of the intervention within a multiple
baseline design allows demonstration of the ex- Single-subject research results may be interpreted
perimental ertect not only within each data series, with the use of statistical analyses (Todnian &
btit also across data series at the staggered times ot Dugard, 2001); however, the traditional approach
intervention. Figure 2 presents a (.ie.sign that in- ro analysis of single-subject research data involves
cludes three series, with introduction of the inter- systematic visual comparison of responding
vention at a different point in time for each series. within and across conditions of a study (Parson-
The results document experimental control by son & Baer, 1978). Documentation of experi-
demonstrating a covariation between change in mental control requires assessment of all
behavior patterns and introduction of the inter- conditions within the design. Each design (e.g.,
vention within three different series at three dif- reversal, multiple baseline, changing criterion, al-
ferent point.s in time.
Excellent sources exist describing the grow-
ing array of single-subject designs that allow doc- Single-subject designs provide experimen-
umentation of experimental control (Hersen &
Barlow, 1976; Kazdin, 1982, 1998; Kennedy, in tal documentation of unequivocal rela-
press; Kratochwill & Levin, 1992; McReynolds & tiomhips between manipulation of
Kearns, 1983; Richard, et al., 1999; Tawney & independent variables and change in de-
Gast, 1984). Single-subject designs provide exper- pendent variables.
imental documentation of unequivocal relation-
Exceptional Children
Example of a Multiple Baseline Design Across Participants That Demomtrates Experimental Control
Baseline Intervention
10 Participant A
n I I r
Vi 60
o 40
a. 10 Participant B
I r i I I I \ I I r
Participant C
^ r I i I I 1 ; TTi
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
Note. Arrows indicate the three demonstrations of effect at thtee ditlcrent points in time.
170 WmUr2005
ternating treatments) requires a specific data pat- tent to which an effect documented by one study
tern for the researcher to claim that change in the has relevance for participants, locations, materials,
dependent variable is, and only is, a function of and behaviors beyond those defined in the study.
manipulating the independent variable. External validity of results from single-subject re-
Visual analysis involves interpretation of search IS enhanced through replication of the ef-
the level, trend, and variability ot performance oc- fects across different participants, different
curring during baseline and intervention condi- conditions, and/or different measures of the de-
tions. Level refers to the mean performance pendent variable.
during a condition (i.e., phase) of the study. Although a study may involve only one par-
Trend references the rate of increase or decrease of ticipant, features of external validity of a .single
the best-fit straight line for the dependent variable study are improved if the smdy includes multiple
within a condition (i.e., slope). Variability refers participants, settings, materials, and/or behaviors.
to the degree to which performance fluctuates It i.s typical for single-subject studies to demon-
around a mean or slope during a phase. In vi.sual strate effects with at least three different partici-
analysis, the reader also judges (a) the immediacy pants. It also is expected that the generality
of effects following the onset and/or withdrawal and/or "boundaries" of an intervention will be es-
of the intervention, (b) the proportion of data tablished not by a single study, but through sys-
points in adjacent phases that overlap in level, (c) tematic replication of effects across multiple
the magnitude of changes in the dependent vari- studies conducted in multiple locations and across
able, and (d) the consistency of data patterns multiple researchers (Birnbrauer, 1981). External
across multiple presentations of intervention and validity in single-subject rese,irch also is enhanced
nonintervention conditions. The integration of through operational description of (a) the partici-
information from these multiple assessments and pants, (b) the context in which the study is con-
comparisons is used to determine if a functional ducted, and (c) the factors influencing a
relationship exists benveen the independent and participant's behavior prior to intervention (e.g.,
dependent variables. assessment and baseline patterns).
Documentation of a functional relationship The external validity for a program of sin-
reqtiires compelling demonstration of an effect gle-subject studies is narrowed when selection and
(Parsonson & Baer, 1992). Demonstration of a attrition bias (e.g., the selection of only certain
functional relationship is compromised when (a) participants, or the publication of only successful
there is a long latency between manipulation of examples) limit the range of examples available
the independent variable and change in the de- for analysis (Durand & Rost, in press). Having
pendent variable, (b) mean changes across condi- and reporting specific selection criteria, however,
tions are small and/or similar to changes within assist in defining for whom, and under what con-
conditions, and (c) trends do not conform to ditions a given independent variable is likely to
those predicted following introduction or manip- result in defined changes in the dependent mea-
ulation of the independent variable. sures. Attrition is a potent threat to both the in-
A growing set of models also exists for con- ternal and external validity of single-subject
ducting mcta-analysis of single-subjeci research studies, and any participant who experienced
(Busk & Serlin, 1992; Didden, Duker, & Korzil-
ius, 1997; Faith, Allison, & Gorman, 1996; Her-
shberger, Wallace, Green, & Marquis, 1999;
Marquis et al., 2000). This approach to analysis is External validity of results from single-
of special value in documentation of comparative subject research is enhanced through
trends in a field. replication of the effects across different
EXTERNAL VALIDITY participants, different conditions, and/or
Single-subject designs are used to (a) test concep-
different measures of the dependent vari-
tual theory and (b) identify and validate effective able.
clinical interventions. A central concern is the ex-
Wimer 2(tO5
tion package) has on one or more dependent vari-
ables; or (c) focus on the relative effects of two or Single-subject research designs are orga- '
more independent variable manipulations (e.g., nized to proi'idefine-grained,time-series
alternative interventions) on one or more depen- analysis of change in a dependent vari-
dent variables. Examples of questions ap-
able(s) across systematic introduction or
propriately addressed by single-subject methods
manipulations of an independent vari-
• Does functional communication training re-
duce problem behavior?
• Do incidental reaching procedures increase so- SUBJECT RESEARCH METHODS
cial initiations by young children with autism? F O R R E S E A R C H IN S P E C I A L
• Is time delay prompting or least-to-most
prompt hierarchy more effective in promoting Single-subject research methods offer a number of
self-help skills of young children with severe features that make them particularly appropriate
disabilities? for tise in special education research. Special edu-
cation is a field that emphasizes (a) the individual
• Does pacing of reading instruction increase the
student as the unit of concern, (b) active interven-
rate of acquisition of reading skills by third
tion, and (c) practical procedures that can he used
graders? in typical school, home, and community contexts,
• Does the use of a new drug for children with Special education is a problem-solving discipline,
AD/HD result in an increase in sustained at- in which ongoing research in applied settings is
tention? needed. Single-subject research matches well with
the needs of special education in the following
QUALITY INDICATORS FOR • Single-subject research focuses on the individual.
SINGUE-SUBJECT RESEARCH Causal, or functional, relationships can be iden-
tified without requiring the assumptions
By its very nature, research is a process of approxi- needed for parametric analysis (e.g., normal dis-
mations. The features listed previously define the trihution). Research questions in special educa-
core elements of single-subject research methodol- tion often focus on low-incidence or
ogy, but we recognize that these features will be heterogeneoas populations. Information about
met with differing levels of precision. We also rec- mean performanct- of these groups may be of
ognize that there are conditions in which excep- less value for application to individuals. Single-
tions are appropriate, It is important, therefore, to subject methods allow targeted analysis at the
offer guidance for assessing the degree to which unit of the "individual," the same unit at which
single-subject research methods have been applied the intervention will be delivered.
adequately within a study, and an objective stan- • Single-subject research allows detailed analysis of
dard for determining if a particular study meets "nonresponders'as well as "rcsponders." C,onuo\
the minimally acceptable levels that permit inter- group designs produce conclusions about the
pretation. generality of treatment effects as they relate to
Impressive efforts exist for quantifying the group means, not as they relate to specific indi-
methodological rigor of specific single-subject viduals. Even in the most successful group de-
studies (Busk & Serlin, 1992; Kratochwill, & signs, there are individuals whose behavior
Scoiber, 2002). In combination with the previous remains unaffected, or is made worse, by the
descriptions, we ofFer the information in Table 1 treatment (e.g., "nonresponders"). Single-suh-
as content for determining if a study meets the ject designs provide an empirically rigorous
"acceptable" methodological rigor needed to be a method for analyzing the characteristics of
credible example of single-subject research. these nonresponders, thereby advancing
• The majoriry of single-subject research studies will include a baseline pliase thai provides repealed measure-
ment of a dependent variable and establishes a pattern of responding that can be used to predict the pattern of
future performance, if introduction or manipulation of the independent variable did not occur.
• Baseline conditions are described with replicable precision.
Experimental Control/internal Validity
• The design provides at least three demonstrations of experimental efFcct at three different points in time.
• The design controls for common threats to internal validity (e.g., permits elimination of rival hypotheses).
• The results document a pattern that demonstrates experimental control.
External Validity
• Experimental effects are replicated across participants, settings, or materials to establish extetna! validity.
Social Validity
• The dependent variable is socially important.
• The magnitude of change in the dependent variable resulting from the intervention is socially important.
• Implementation of the independent variable is practical and cost effective.
• Social validity is enhanced by implementation of the independent variable over extended time periods, by typi*
cal intervention agents, in typical physical and social contexts.
knowledge about the possible existence of sub- Single-subject research provides a practical
groups and subjcct-by-treattiient interactions. methodology for testing educational and behav-
Analysis of notirespondcrs also allows identifi- ioral interventions. Single-subject methods
cation of intervention adaptations needed to allow unequivocal analysis of tbe relationsbip
produce intended outcomes with a wider range between individualized inicrventions and
of participants. change in valued outcomes. Tbtough replica-
tion, the methodology also allows testing of the
breadth, or external validity', of findings.
Single-subject research methods ojfer a
numher of features that make them par- Single-subject research provides a practical re-
tiaihirly appropriate for use in special ed- search methodology for assessing experimental ef-
ucation research. fects under typical educational conditions.
Single-subject designs evaluate interventions
Exceptianal Children
" Experimental control is demonstrated across a
sufficient range of studies, researchers, and partic-
Appropriate concern exists that invest- ipants to alloiv confidence in the effect. Docu-
ment in practices that lack adequate em- mentation of an evidence-based practice
pirical support may drain limited typically requires multiple single-subject stud-
ies. We propose the following standard: A
educational resources and, in some cases,
practice may be considered evidence based
may result in the use of practices that are when (a) a minimum of five single-subject
not in the best interest of children. studies that meet minimally acceptable
methodological criteria and document experi-
mental control have been published in peer-re-
cated across a sufficient number of studies, re- viewed journals, (b) the studies arc conducted
searchers, and participants to allow confidence in by at least three different researchers across at
the findings. Each of these standards is elaborated three diffetent geographical locations, and
in the following list. (c) the five or more studies include a total of at
least 20 participants.
• The practice is operationally defined. A practice
must be described with sufficient precision so An example of applying these criteria is
that individuals other than the developers can provided by the literature assessing functional
replicate it with fidelity. communication training (FCT). As a practice,
FCT involves (a) using functional assessment pro-
• TJje context and outcomes associated with a prac- cedures to define the consequences (hat function
tice are clearly defined. Practices seldom are ex-as reinforcers (or undesirable behavior, (b) teach-
pected to produce all possible benefits for all ing a socially acceptable, and equally efficient, al-
individuals under all conditions. For a practice ternative behavior tbat produces the same
to be considered evidence based it must be de- consequence as the undesirable behavior, and (c)
fined in a context. This means operational de- minimizing reinforcement of the undesirable be-
scription of (a) the specific conditions where havior. Doctimentation of this practice as evi-
the practice should be used, (b) the individuals dence-based is provided by the following
qualified to apply the practice, (c) the popula- citations, which demonstrate experimental effects
tion(s) of individuals (and their functional in eight peer-reviewed articles across five major
charactetistics) for whom the practice is ex- research groups and 42 participants (Bird, Dores,
pected to be effective, and (d) the specific out- Moniz, & Robinson, 1989; Brown et al., 2000;
comes (dependent variables) affected by the Carr & Durand, 1985; Durand & Carr, 1987,
practice. Practices that are effective in typical 1991; Hagopian, Fisher, Sullivan, Acquisto, &
performance settings such as the home, school, LeBlanc, 1998; Mildon, Moore, & Dixon, 2004;
community, and workplace are of special Wackeretal.. 1990).
Winter 2005
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ExceptUttud Children