ISSN: 2248-9622, Vol. 7, Issue 9, (Part -8) September 2017, pp.40-55
RAP is old bituminous pavement that is milled up or ripped off the roadway . This material can be reused in
new bituminous mixtures because the components of the mix (the bitumen binder and aggregate) still have
value. The main objective of this study aims to determine the maximum amount of reclaimed asphalt pavement
material percent that can be used in BC mix with Virgin VG-30 Grade bitumen. The present laboratory
investigation carried out on Bituminous Concrete (BC) mixes prepared with control mix with virgin material,
and Mixes with variable % of RAP from 10 % to 80% with VG-30 Grade bitumen. The experimental process
involves determination of characteristics of the materials procured. All the characteristics were found to be
within specified specifications as per MoRT&H and IS standards. Firstly, the quantity of RAP and virgin
aggregates are to be blended in such a way that the resultant gradation of aggregates conforms to the BC
Grading-1 as per MoRT&H. The optimum Bitumen content is the percentage of bitumen corresponding to 4%
of Air Voids was determined from Marshal graphs. Volumetric analysis, Marshall Stability, flow and water
sensitivity tests were carried out on the specimens prepared at OBC in all mixes. Inclusion of maximum
upto30% of RAP in BC with VG-30 Grade bitumen was found to be suitable for construction and rehabilitation
of flexible pavement, without compromising specifications and standards as specified.
Keywords: Reclaimed Asphalt pavement, Bituminous concrete,VG-30 Grade bitumen, Marshall stability,
Water sensitivity.
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Date of Submission: 18-09-2017 Date of acceptance: 28-09-2017
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Table -4: Combined Gradation for RAP Material and Fresh Aggregate in BC Mix
IS Sieve Virgin Specifica
10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80%
size in Aggreg tion
mm ates Limits
26.50 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100
19.00 92.75 92.86 92.60 92.71 92.45 92.20 91.94 91.69 92.21 90-100
13.20 71.48 70.97 71.07 70.56 70.67 71.30 71.40 72.04 74.12 59-79
9.50 62.24 61.01 61.46 60.23 60.68 61.99 62.50 63.75 66.06 52-72
4.75 42.61 42.60 42.68 42.67 42.74 42.86 43.84 43.06 43.25 35-55
2.36 32.76 32.65 32.52 32.42 32.29 32.16 32.79 31.91 31.80 28-44
1.18 25.86 25.66 25.47 25.28 25.09 24.89 25.30 24.51 24.32 20-34
0.60 19.33 19.16 18.98 18.81 18.63 18.46 18.74 18.11 17.94 15-27
0.30 13.44 13.36 13.27 13.19 13.10 13.01 13.24 12.84 12.76 10-20
0.15 7.42 7.46 7.50 7.53 7.57 7.61 7.82 7.68 7.72 5-13
0.075 2.91 2.95 2.99 3.04 3.08 3.12 3.23 3.20 3.24 2-8
0%, 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, 60%, 70%, 80%
Proporti 18%, 7%, 17%, 16%, 16%, 16%, 16%, 16%, 14%,
on*** 20%, 20%, 17%, 17%, 14%, 10%, 7%, 3%, 0%,
19%, 15%, 13%, 9%, 7%, 6%, 3%, 3%, 3%,
Fig –2: Gradation Curve for Combined Gradation of RAP Material and virgin Aggregates for BC Mix
2.6 Marshall Method of Mix Design thermostatically controlled water bath at 600C for 30
Mixture Designs will be performed using minutes. The specimens are taken out one by one
the Marshall method by casting marshall specimens placed in a Marshall setup and the Marshall Stability
for each type of mix by varying the RAP proportion (maximum load carried in KN by the specimen
from 0 to 80 % with Bitumen content from 3.5 % before failure) and the flow values are noted. The
to 5.5 % in each proportion with the increment of corrected Marshall Stability values of each
0.5% and three specimens has been casted for each specimen are calculated by applying the appropriate
bitumen content. correction factor. Marshall Graphs were plotted for
different % of RAP materials i.e.0%, 10%, 20%,
2.7 Density-Void analysis , Stability - Flow 30% , 40% ,50% ,60%, 70% and 80% was obtained
Values, and Retained tensile strength of the OBC at 4 % Air voids and then find out Properties
mixes: like VMA, VFB, Density, Stability, Marshall
The optimum Bitumen content was chosen quotient ,and flow from Marshall graphs at OBC.
as the bitumen content that produced 4 % air voids. Water sensitivity tests were carried out on the
Bitumen content corresponding to all other specimens prepared at OBC in all mixes. The
parameters are checked for that binder content so as values along with the MORT&H Specifications are
to confirm that whether all other parameters such as given in Table 5.
VMA, VFB, Stability and flow falls within the Mix Properties for Virgin materials and varying
MORT&H specified limits. The specimens to be different % of RAP
tested are kept immersed in water in a
Fig-3 Comparison of VMA % for different percentage of RAP Mixes for varying Binder Content with VG-30
Grade bitumen
Fig-4 Comparison of Air voids % for different percentage of RAP Mixes for varying Binder Content with
VG-30 Grade bitumen
Fig-5 Comparison of Bulk density of compacted mix values for different percentage of RAP Mixes for
varying Binder Content with VG-30 Grade bitumen
Fig-6 Comparison of VFB % for different percentage of RAP Mixes for varying Binder Content with VG-30
Grade bitumen
Fig-7 Comparison of Stability values for different percentage of RAP Mixes for varying Binder Content with
VG-30 Grade bitumen
Flow in mm
0 % RAP 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Bitumen 3.5% 3.30 3.10 3.00 2.90 2.80 2.20 1.90 1.60 1.30
Bitumen 4.0% 3.60 3.40 3.30 3.20 3.00 2.40 2.10 1.60 1.40
Bitumen 4.5% 3.70 3.50 3.40 3.30 3.10 2.40 2.20 1.80 1.40
Bitumen 5.0% 3.90 3.60 3.50 3.50 3.30 2.60 2.30 1.90 1.50
Bitumen 5.5% 4.10 3.80 3.70 3.60 3.50 2.70 2.40 2.00 1.60
Fig-8 Comparison of Flow values for different percentage of RAP Mixes for varying Binder Content with
VG-30 Grade bitumen
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Bitumen 3.5 % 3.32 3.94 4.47 4.83 5.86 8.60 11.17 14.04 19.23
Bitumen 4.0 % 3.43 4.06 4.58 4.97 6.17 8.90 11.41 15.85 20.16
Bitumen 4.5 % 3.58 4.22 4.76 5.15 6.42 9.54 11.68 15.11 21.62
Bitumen 5.0 % 3.14 3.80 4.29 4.49 5.58 8.14 10.33 13.23 18.66
Bitumen 5.5 % 2.60 3.36 3.78 4.08 4.91 7.33 9.25 11.75 16.35
Fig-9 Comparison of Marshall quotient values for different percentage of RAP Mixes for varying Binder
Content with VG-30 Grade bitumen.
2.8 Retained Tensile strength Test: Retained mixtures by comparing the stability of dry
tensile strength test, which was used to measure mix specimens which have been immersed in water bath
durability by evaluating the resistance of the at 60 C for certain times, 0.5 and 24 hours
investigated mixes to moisture damage. This test is . Water Sensitivity (Retained Tensile
intended to measure the loss of stability resulting Strength)
from the action of water on compacted bitumen
Stability in KN
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Stability 30 min 13.50 14.00 15.5 16.5 18.1 18.7 19.2 20.8 22.6
Stability 24 Hours 11.88 12.53 13.95 15.13 16.65 17.30 17.86 19.47 21.36
Fig-10 Comparison of Stability values at 60o C in 30 min and 24 hours for different percentage of RAP
Mixes for varying Binder Content with VG-30 Grade bitumen
III. ANALYSIS OF TEST RESULTS AND percentage reduction in the bitumen content is
DISSCUSSION 0.397%,0.794%,1.191%,1.588%,1.983%,2.378%,2.7
3.1 Comparison of Marshall Properties at 72 %, and 3.167% respectively.
different RAP Percentages at OBC 3.2 Analysis of Marshall Test Results. Table 5
After finding the OBC at 4 % Air voids at the shows the results of Marshall test of the investigated
various percentages of the RAP material i.e.10%, mixes.
20%, 30% ,40%,50%,60%,70%,and 80% .the
Table-5 Mix Properties for Virgin materials and varying different % of RAP @ 4 % Air Voids with VG-30
Grade Bitumen
RAP% Criteri
a as
Parameter per
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Aggregate Bulk
Specific Gravity 3.036 3.024 3.011 3.000 2.988 2.975 2.963 2.952 2.939
Apparent Specific
Gravity of 3.098 3.087 3.075 3.063 3.052 3.040 3.029 3.017 3.006
Aggregate (Gsa)
Aggregate Effective
Specific Gravity 3.065 3.051 3.040 3.039 3.035 3.016 3.000 2.987 2.972
Bitumen specific
1.04 1.041 1.042 1.043 1.043 1.044 1.045 1.046 1.046
Gravity Gb
theoritical Specific
2.814 2.808 2.794 2.799 2.795 2.781 2.768 2.756 2.752
Gravity of loose
Bulk Specific
Gravity of
2.697 2.685 2.678 2.673 2.670 2.652 2.638 2.623 2.610
Compacted Mixture
Optimum Binder
Content (%) by total 4.650 4.680 4.695 4.725 4.750 4.800 4.900 4.950 5.000
5.2% *
weight of mix
% of Residual
bitumen in RAP by - 0.397 0.794 1.191 1.588 1.983 2.378 2.772 3.167
Weight of total mix
% of Virgin
bitumen VG-30
4.650 4.283 3.901 3.534 3.163 2.817 2.523 2.178 1.833
Grade by Weight of
total mix
Absorbed Binder
0.329 0.306 0.330 0.448 0.539 0.472 0.434 0.418 0.386
(Pba) (%)
Effective Binder
4.337 4.388 4.381 4.298 4.236 4.351 4.487 4.552 4.633
(Pbe) (%)
0.6 to
Dust-Binder Ratio 0.626 0.631 0.638 0.642 0.648 0.650 0.659 0.647 0.649
Voids in Mineral
Aggregate (VMA) 15.20 15.20 15.20 15.10 14.80 15.10 15.30 15.40 15.60
Voids Filled with
73.00 73.00 73.00 73.00 73.00 73.00 74.00 74.00 74.50 65-75
Bitumen (VFB) (%)
Stability (KN at Min 9
13.00 14.40 15.80 16.60 19.30 22.20 24.70 26.00 28.80
600C, 30 minutes) KN
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Aggregate gradation is directly related to mixtures. From the fig-11 it can be noticed that the
OBC. The finer the mix gradation, the greater the optimum bitumen content is slightly increased as the
surface area of aggregate and the greater the binder RAP percent increases. The relationship between
that will be required to uniform coat the optimum bitumen content % (O.B.C) and RAP % in
particles.Fig-11 is plotted Based on Marshall test mix is as follows:
results presented in table (5) to show the optimum OBC = 0.0045 RAP +4.6148
bitumen content percent for the investigated
2.700 Density =-0.0011 RAP+2.7008
R² = 0.9625
Density gm/cc
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
examine the relationship between mix density The relationship between mix density content and
content and RAP percent figure (12) was plotted. RAP % in Mix is as follows:-
Mix Density = – 0.0011 RAP+2.7008
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
One of the most important properties of increased by about 27.69%. ,when the RAP percent
bitumen mix is the stability. The mix stability is an increases from 30% to 80% the increase in the
important indicator for resisting pavement stability value from 16.6 KN to 28.8 KN i.e.
distresses. The stability of the investigated mixtures increased by about 73.49%. To deduce the
is presented in the table 5. Referring to the table it relationship between mix stability and recycled
can be noticed that, the mix stability is increased as aggregate percent figure (13) was plotted. The
RAP percent increases. It can be also noted that, relationship between mix stability and RAP percent
increasing RAP percent from zero to 30% increase in mix is as follows:
the stability value from 13 KN to 16.6 KN i.e. Stability = 0.2023 RAP+11.996
2.000 Flow = -0.0291 RAP+4.013
R² = 0.9253
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
decreases from 3.75 mm to 3.3 mm.i.e. decreased by percent reaches to 70%. This flow value is out of
about 12%.When the RAP percent increases from specification limits. To derive the relationship
40%,50%,60%, 70% and 80% the decrease in the between mix flow and RAP percent, fig-14 was
flow values of mix are 3.3,2.5,2.3,1.85 and 1.5 mm plotted. The relationship between mix flow and RAP
respectively, decreases of flow value from 40% RAP % in Mix is as follows.
to 80 % RAP by about 54.54%.It must be noted that Mix flow = -0.0291 RAP+4.013
the mix flow reaches a value of 1.85 as the RAP
Marshall Quotient (MQ) also known as about 293%..It must be noted that the mix Marshall
rigidity ratio is the ratio of stability to flow value of Quotient value reaches a value of 5.85 KN/mm as
the mixture and the Marshall Quotient values of the RAP percent reaches to 40%. This value is out
Bituminous concrete mix with different RAP of specification limits. Therefore, it is
contents are shown in Fig.15. It is observed that recommended to use RAP up to the percent of 30
Marshall Quotient (MQ) increases with increase of only with VG-30 Grade bitumen in Bituminous
RAP content. It can be also noted that, increasing concrete mix.. To derive the relationship between
RAP percent from zero to 30% increase the Marshall Quotient (MQ) and RAP percent, fig-15
Marshall Quotient (MQ) value from 3.47 KN/mm to was plotted. The relationship between mix Marshall
4.88 KN/mm i.e. increased by about 40.63%. ,when Quotient (MQ) and RAP percent in Mix is as
the RAP percent increases from 30% to 80% the follows.
increase in the Marshall Quotient (MQ)value from Marshall Quotient = 0.1824 RAP+1.1115
4.88 KN/mm to 19.2 KN/mm i.e. increased by
3.2.6 Analysis of Air voids results Fig-4 the Air Voids value goes on slightly increased
The air voids is an important factor that while increasing the RAP content. Analysing the
must be considered when designing bitumen data in the Fig-4, it can be seen that virgin bitumen
Concrete mixture. The air voids limits are in the may not perfectly blended with the RAP binder as
range 3-5 % of the total mix volume. When air voids its percentage increases. This may be due to the
lower than 3% bleeding of bitumen will occur ineffective old bitumen in the aggregate pores which
specially with higher temperature. On the other hand prevent partly the virgin bitumen from occupying
for air voids percent greater than 5% of the mix, the deeply the aggregate pores
pavement will be weak and unstable. For these The results of the investigated mixes are shown in
considerations the bitumen binder is a very sensitive table-5 were Based on the 4 % air voids.
element in pavement design. It is observed that from
17.000 VMA = 0.004 RAP+15.051
R² = 0.2469
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
VMA must be high enough to achieve an when RAP reached to 40% again it is increasing to
adequate bitumen film thickness ,which results in a 15.6% as the RAP percent increases to 80%. No
durable pavement. Bituminous mixes with below change is noted in VMA upto 20% of RAP, The
minimum VMA values will have thin film of decrease in VMA is of low rate up to RAP % of
bitumen and will provide bituminous pavement with 40% i.e. decreased by about 2.63%. when the RAP
low durability. Table (5) presents the voids in % increases from 40% to 80% the VMA is slightly
mineral aggregate for all the investigated mixes. increased by about 5.4%. To derive the relationship
VMA is satisfying in all mixes of Variable % of between the voids in mineral aggregate and the
RAP from 0 to 80% and it’s value is more than the RAP% in mix, figure (16) was plotted and the
minimum value of 12 as specified. From the table it relationship is as follows: VMA =0.004
can be noted that, the VMA of mix is 15.2%upto RAP+15.051
20% of RAP there after it is reducing to 14.8%
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
VFB criteria helps to avoid those mixes that in the range of 73 to 74.5% at OBC. From the table
would be susceptible to rutting in heavy traffic it can be noted that, the VFB of mix is 73% upto50%
situation. The main effect of the VFB criteria is to of RAP there after it is slightly increasing to 74.5%
limit maximum levels of VMA, and subsequently, when RAP reached to 80%. No change is noted in
maximum levels of Bitumen content. VFB is used to VFB values upto50% of RAP, when the RAP %
ensure proper asphalt film thickness in the mix, if it increases from 50% to 80% the VFB is slightly
is too low the mix will have poor durability or if it is increased by about 2.05%. To derive the
too high, the mix can be unstable. Table (5) presents relationship between the voids filled with bitumen
the voids filled with the bitumen for all the and the RAP% in mix, figure (17) was plotted and
investigated mixes. VFB is satisfying in all mixes of the relationship is as follows: VFB
Variable % of RAP from 0 to 80% and it,s value is =0.0183RAP+72.656
Retained Tensile strength in %
IV. COST ANALYSIS 660 per MT and the rate of VG-30 Grade bitumen is
The primary saving in central hot mix Rs 32600 per MT , the cost of a 100 percent virgin
recycling comes from savings in the cost of virgin mix with OBC at4.65percentbitumen the material
bitumen materials and aggregates. Fig-19 shows cost cost worked out to Rs 2145 per MT of Mix. The cost
of mix per MT by using Variable percentages of of milling machine and hauls the RAP back to the
Reclaimed bitumen pavement (RAP) with VG-30 Central hot mix plant, the total cost for RAP is
Grade bitumen. Based on AP SSR Rates 2016-2017 worked out to Rs 708/MT
it is obtained Average rate of Virgin aggregates is Rs
Cost in Rs
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80%
Cost per MT 2145 2,033 1,916 1,803 1,689 1,584 1,494 1,389 1,284
Fig-19: Comparison of Cost in RS per 1 MT of Mix materials for different percentage of RAP with VG-30
Grade bitumen
Savings of Cost % =0.5003RAP+0.5418
R² = 0.9988
Savings %
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Fig-20: Savings % by using diffrent percentages of RAP with VG-30 Grade bitumen
. CONCLUSIONS RAP from zero to 80% decreases the mix
The following conclusions were determined density by 3.225 % only,
based upon the experimental results obtained from a Mix Density =– 0.0011 RAP + 2.7008
laboratory investigation of mixes of Control mix 5.3 At optimum binder content the Marshall
with Virgin materials ( 0% RAP) and mixes with Stability value of control mix was 13 KN
Variable % of RAP from 10 to 80% which contain found to be less than RAP 30% 16.6 KN by
both RAP and Virgin Material on Bituminous 27.69%. Mix stability increases as the RAP
Concrete Grade-I. percent increases. However, the increasing
The results obtained showed that there were stability of bitumen mix is more significant
no significant difference in Volumetric Properties of when the percent of RAP is higher than 30
mix, between Control mix with Virgin materials ( %.,increases of RAP from zero to 30% the
0% RAP) and mixes with Variable % of RAP from mix Stability increases by27.69 %,whereas
10 to 80%. But there are significant effect on the from increase of RAP from 30% to 80% the
Marshall stability, flow of mix, Marshall quotient increases in the mix Stability by73.49 %
and water sensitivity test values were noted. Stability =0.2023 RAP + 11.996
5.1 The optimum binder content for Control Mix 5.4. At optimum binder content the mix flow
was at 4.65% bitumen, OBC for RAP 30% value of control mix was 3.75 mm found to
Mix is 4.725%. It was also observed that the be more than RAP 30% 3.4 mm by 9.33%.At
optimum binder content for RAP mixes was optimum binder content flow value of RAP
slightly increased as the RAP percent mixes were lesser than the control mix.The
increases. This may mainly due to decrease of mix flow decreased as the RAP percent
bulk specific gravity of compacted mix as the increased. However, the decreasing flow of
percentage of increasing RAP, and the mix bitumen mix is more significant when the
gradation is very slightly finer when percent of RAP is higher than 40 %.,increases
increasing of RAP causing the slightly of RAP from zero to 40% the mix flow
increasing the surface area of aggregate and decreases by12 %,whereas from increase of
the greater the binder that will be required to RAP from 40% to 80% the decrease in the
uniform coat the particles. mix Flow by54.54 %
OBC = 0.0045 RAP+4.6148 Mix flow = -0.0291 RAP +4.013
5.2 At optimum binder content the density of 5.5 At optimum binder content the mix
Control mix (RAP 0%) was 2.697 g/cc Marshall Quotient of control mix was
which is slightly higher than that of RAP 3.47KN/mm found to be less than RAP
30% which had density 2.673 g/cc by 0.89 % 30% 4.88 KN/ mm by 40.63%.It is
Increasing RAP has unpronounced effect on observed that Marshall Quotient (MQ)
the mix unit weight. However, increasing increases with increase of RAP content.It
can be also noted that, increasing RAP
percent from zero to 30% increase the VFB = 0.0183 RAP + 72.656
Marshall Quotient (MQ) value by about
40.63%. ,when the RAP percent increases 5.9. At optimum binder content Retained tensile
from 30% to 80% the increase in the strength of control mix was 88 % found to be
Marshall Quotient (MQ)value from 4.88 less than RAP 30% mix value of 91.7% by
KN/mm to 19.2 KN/mm i.e. increased by 4.2%.Increasing of RAP percent decreases
about 293%.It must be noted that the mix the loss of stability of bitumen mix and there
Marshall Quotient value reaches a value of by increases the percentage of Retained
5.85 KN/mm as the RAP percent reaches to Tensile strength. it can be noted that Retained
40%. This value is out of specification tensile strength is satisfying in all mixes of
limits. Mixes having Marshall Quotient Variable % of RAP from 0 to 80% and its
(MQ) value more than 5 KN/mm are not value is more than the minimum value of
acceptable because pavements with such 80% as specified
mixes tend to be less durable and prone to % of Retained tensile strength=0.0008
cracking prematurely under heavy volumes RAP + 0.8864
of traffic. Therefore, it is recommended to
use RAP up to 30% only with VG-30 Grade In this present paper, based on the laboratory studies
bitumen in bituminous concrete Grading-1. it was concluded that upto maximum 30% RAP
The relationship between mix Marshall with VG-30 Grade bitumen was satisfied the
Quotient (MQ) and RAP percent in mix is Volumetric properties of compacted mix, stability,
as follows. Flow, Marshall quotient ,and Retained tensile
Marshall Quotient =0.1824 RAP + strength than the other mixes Hence Maximum upto
1.1115 30% RAP can be used in the Bituminous concrete
5.6 Specimen prepared with Control Mix (0% of mix with VG-30 Grade Bitumen. It was also noted
RAP) sample has less Air Voids value than that the use of 30% RAP in Bituminous concrete
specimen prepared with RAP mixes it will save 16 % of mix initial cost.
indicates that Air Voids value goes on
slightly increased while increasing the RAP VI. SCOPE FOR FURTHER STUDY
content. It can be seen that virgin bitumen 6.1 A large scale study can be carried out taking
may not perfectly blended with the RAP into considerations of several parameters like
binder as its percentage increases. This may age of RAP materials, Residual binder
be due to the ineffective old bitumen in the content, availability of RAP, viscosity of
aggregate pores which prevent partially the binder etc and corrections also need to be
virgin bitumen from occupying deeply the established with respect to age of RAP and
aggregate pores. The results of the other factors example residual binder,
investigated mixes are shown in table-5 were percentages etc.
Based on the 4 % air voids. 6.2 Performance based test methods can be
carried out are Static or Creep, Dynamic
5.7 At optimum binder content the VMA of loading and Rutting tests to provide accurate
control mix was 15.2 % found to be slightly and realistic relationship under the actual
more than RAP 30% 15.1 % by 0.65%. VMA traffic loading and environmental conditions.
is satisfying in all mixes of Variable % of
RAP from 0 to 80%. No change is noted in
VMA upto 20% of RAP, The decrease in REFERENCES
VMA is of low rate up to RAP % of 40% i.e. [1]. MaulikRao, Dr.N.C.Shah, Utilisation of
decreased by about 2.63%. When the RAP % RAP (Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement)
increases from 40% to 80% the VMA is Material Obtained By Milling Process:
slightly increased by about 5.4%. With Several Options in Urban Area at
VMA = 0.004 RAP + 15.051 Surat, Gujarat, India, Int. Journal of
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RAP mix 30% was same as that of Control Technical viability of using
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increases from 50% to 80% the VFB is [3]. Saurabh S Mahankale1, Satish R Patel,
slightly increased by about 2.05% Vishal APatil, Abhishek A Dalvi,