Use of Pavement Wastes (Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement) in Base and Sub-Base Layers of Road Construction
Use of Pavement Wastes (Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement) in Base and Sub-Base Layers of Road Construction
Use of Pavement Wastes (Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement) in Base and Sub-Base Layers of Road Construction
In current pavement engineering practice, the shortage of natural aggregate supplies along with the increase
in processing cost has encouraged the use of various reclaimed materials from old structures as a source of
construction material. This technology reduces both the cost of highway construction and protects
the environment by reducing construction waste. Reclaimed Asphalt Concrete Pavement (RAP) had been used
as aggregate for pavement construction for some time. In EI Cajon-California, considerable saving was
made using RAP as a base course for the construction of a thoroughfare(Munzenmaier, 1994).
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RAP is also widely used in many highway construction projects in Ontario.In most engineering
applications, when used as unbound granular material(UGM), RAP is usually milled or crushed down to
37.5 mm or less, with a maximum allowable top size of approximately 50 mm. RAP has
performed satisfactorily in many cases when it is blended with conventional aggregates as granular
base/sub base. Some of the benefits of RAP aggregates that have been properly incorporated into
granular base/sub base applications include: dequate bearing capacity, acceptable resilient modulus, good
drainage characteristics and durability.
Research objectives
The objective of this research is to carry out performance-related tests on selected RAP and natural
aggregates to explore the feasibility of producing high-performance granular base/sub base layers that
contain up to 100% RAP. The main objective of the study is to find out suitability of Reclaimed asphalt
pavement (RAP) materials to be used in construction of flexible pavements. To perform experimental
investigations to assess the values of related parameters
and their technical viability.
To use untreated RAP materials as a stabilizing material to treat weak soil sub-grade to
enhance CBR value and thereby reduction in the crust thickness and construction cost as well.
To use RAP materials after blending in sub-base and base courses of flexible pavements.
Physical Properties
The properties of RAP are largely dependent on the properties of the constituent materials and the type
of asphalt concrete mix (wearing surface, binder course, etc.). There can be substantial differences between
asphalt concrete mixes in aggregate quality, size, and consistency. Since the aggregates in surface course
(wearing course) asphalt concrete must have high resistance to wear/abrasion (polishing) to contribute to
acceptable friction resistance properties, these aggregates may be of higher quality than the aggregates in binder
course applications, where polishing resistance is not of concern.
Both milling and crushing can cause some aggregate degradation. The gradation of milled RAP is
generally finer and more dense than that of the virgin aggregates. Crushing does not cause as much degradation
as milling; consequently, the gradation of crushed RAP is generally not as fine as milled RAP, but finer than
virgin aggregates crushed with the same type of equipment.
The particle size distribution of milled or crushed RAP may vary to some extent, depending on the type
of equipment used to produce the RAP, the type of aggregate in the pavement, and whether any underlying base
or sub base aggregate has been mixed in with the reclaimed asphalt pavement material during the pavement
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Table1. Typical range of particle size distribution for reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP)
IS Sieve(mm) Percentage passing by weight Requirement for GSB grading II (table 400-2) of
MORTH revision 4
53 100 100
26.5 92 50-80
19 80 -
10 66 -
4.75 38 15-35
2.36 22 -
0.6 11 -
0.075 2 <10
Table 2 . Physical and mechanical properties of reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP).
Type of Property RAP Property Typical Range of Values
Unit Weight 1940 - 2300 kg/m3 (120-140 lb/ft3)
Moisture Content Normal: up to 5%
Maximum: 7-8%
Physical Properties Asphalt Penetration Normal: 10-80 at 25°C (77°F)
Asphalt Content Normal: 4.5-6% Maximum Range: 3-7%
Specific gravity and porosity Specific gravity test and water IS : 2386 (Part 3)
absorption test
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MORTH Gradation
This chapter summarizes the laboratory test results of all tests and materials (both natural
aggregates and blends with different RAP contents). 3.1. Collection of Samples:
The particle size distribution (PSD) of collected sample of RAP material and corresponding
requirement of code to use it as granular sub-base (GSB) is shown in table no 1.
From table 1 it is clear that certain sieve size material was missing in RAP to use as GSB material. To match the
required grading the following modifications were done.
60% of 40mm down and 10% of stone dust as filler to satisfy the requirement as per MORTH 4 th
The RAP material was used up to 30% to get the desired grading of GSB (coarse grade) as per
MORTH 2013.
The table below shows the composition of mixed materials to get the desired grading of GSB material.
Table: Details of composite WMM with use of RAP
IS Material Percent Requirement for
Sieve 45 RAP 11.2 Stone 32% 35% 13% 20% Total WMM grading
size mm mm dust 45mm RAP 11.2 mm Stone (table 400-II) of
(mm) down down down down dust MORTH
revision 4
53 100 100 100 100 32 35 13 20 100 100
45 100 100 100 100 32 35 13 20 100 95-100
20 28 92 100 100 8.96 32.2 13 20 74.6 60-80
12.5 0 70 98 100 0 24.5 12.74 20 57.2 40-60
4.75 0 38 8 97 0 13.3 1.04 19.4 33.7 25-40
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2.36 0 22 0 75 0 7.7 0 15 22.7 15-30
0.6 0 11 0 40 0 3.85 0 18 11.8 8-22
0.75 0 2 0 8 0 0.7 0 1.6 2.3 <10
Sample Composition:
Both natural and RAP samples were brought to required size and suitable grading required for sub-
base, base and surface course as per MORTH specifications. Samples of different compositions were
prepared by adding different percentage of RAP materials (0% RAP, 10%RAP,20%RAP, 30%RAP,
40%RAP and 100% RAP) as shown below
Table: Samples of different compositions
Sample no Details of Composition
R1 RAP 0% + 100% Natural Aggregate
R2 RAP 10% + 90% Natural Aggregate
R3 RAP 20% + 80% Natural Aggregate
R4 RAP 30% + 70% Natural Aggregate
R5 RAP 40% + 60% Natural Aggregate
R6 RAP 100% + 0% Natural Aggregate
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Test Results
Table: Results on Samples of different compositions of RAP and Natural Aggregates combinations
Sample Aggregate Aggregate Flakiness & Loss Specific Water Soundn
Composition Crushing Impact Elongation Angeles Gravity Absorption ess
Value Value Index Abrasion Test
(Combined) Test
RAP 10% +
90% Natural 22.8% 21.7% 20.8% 21.1% 2.65 1.32% 7.2%
RAP 20%+
80% Natural 22.7% 20.9% 20.5% 20.1% 2.66 1.10% 7.1%
RAP30% +
70% Natural 20.3% 19.4% 20.4% 19.8% 2.72 0.98% 6.5%
RAP40% +
60% Natural 20.2% 19.6% 20.3% 19.8% 2.73 1.12% 5.2%
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Figure.Variation of Aggregate Impact Value for different Samples
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Figure.Variation of Flakiness & Elongation Index for different Samples
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Figure.Variation of Soundness for different Samples
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The test results of various combinations of proportions of RAP and natural aggregates are shown in
table above. The various parameters like Aggregate Crushing Value, Aggregate Impact Value,
Flakiness & Elongation Index (Combined), Loss Angeles Abrasion Test Value, Specific Gravity, Water
Absorption, Soundness Test value and
California Bearing Ratio (CBR) values are within the norms prescribed by MORTH and it can also be
used in base of in flexible pavements. The best result was obtained on combination of30% RAP along with 70%
Natural Aggregates.
The aggregate crushing, Los Angeles abrasion and Impact values are represented in figure
above. The low values shows that the fraction of aggregate crushed is low and hence stronger and more
tougher the aggregate is and it can capable of withstanding on higher wheel loads. The best result was
observed on combination of 30% RAP along with 70% Natural Aggregates.
Water Absorption & Soundness Values of different compositions of RAP & Natural Aggregates The
Water Absorption & Soundness Values of different compositions are Plotted in figure above. The water
absorption value and soundness value for 30% RAP along with 70% Natural Aggregates combination was
found to be 0.98% and 6.56% respectively.
On the basis of study and experimental investigations following conclusions were drawn
1. It was observed that the RAP materials can be successfully used in granular sub base layer of flexible
pavements after blending to match the required grading as per MORTH specifications for sub base material.
2. It was also observed that the RAP materials in combination to natural aggregate in various proportions can be
easily used after blending to match the required grading as per MORTH specifications in the base courses of
flexible pavements
3. It is clear from the above investigation results that 30% replacement of natural aggregate can be successfully
done in base course of flexible pavements, resulting in a savings of around 25-30% in construction cost.
4. It was observed that RAP has a higher content of fines as a result of degradation of material during milling
and crushing operations it can be easily used for soil stabilization purpose to increase the CBR value of sub-
grade and hence the crust thickness of road will be reduced resulting in reduction of cost of construction.
5. Above all the problem of disposal of RAP wastes can be easily solved and adverse effect on environment may
be avoided by using the RAP materials in flexible pavement construction
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