Daisy Journey Toolkit

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Table of Contents
The Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouting ............................................................................................................. 4
How do Daisy Girl Scouts earn their Daisy Petals? ................................................................................................. 4

It's Your World - Change It! Welcome to the Daisy Flower Garden................................ 5
Sample Session 1 ................................................................................................................................................................ 6

Sample Session 2 ............................................................................................................................................................... 8

Sample Session 3 ............................................................................................................................................................. 10

It's Your Planet - Love It! Between Earth and Sky ...................................................................... 12
Sample Session 1 ...............................................................................................................................................................13

Sample Session 2 ............................................................................................................................................................. 16

Sample Session 3 ............................................................................................................................................................. 18

It's Your Story, Tell It! 5 Flowers, 4 Stories, 3 Cheers for Animals!................................. 21
Sample Session 1 .............................................................................................................................................................. 22

Sample Session 2 ............................................................................................................................................................ 24

Sample Session 3 .............................................................................................................................................................26

The Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouting
The Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouting is an essential piece to the Girl Scout Leadership Experience.
In the guide, girls are able to connect with the activities chosen, and grow to understand Girl
Scouting all over the world. The guide contains the Girl Scout Daisy Handbook, a Daisy
Awards Log, fun activities for girls, and petal and leaf requirements.

How do Daisy Girl Scouts earn their Daisy Petals?

The Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouting is purchased containing all of the information needed to
earn the Daisy Petals and leaves. Each petal represents a line of the Girl Scout Law. Girls earn
the petals by completing three fun activities, each found in the individual petal story book.
Each individual petal book is approximately 12 pages. The three main steps to earn a pedal
consist of girls enjoying a story then reflecting on it, acting out the story or another activity to
help the girls better understand the real meaning, and then practice the new part of the law
they learned in the story. It is the leader’s discretion if a girl in the troop has earned a petal. If
a Daisy Girl Scout misses a meeting, the leader can allow the girl to complete the petal at
home with a parent or guardian.

Leaders can enhance the Girl Scout Daisy Petals with leaves. There are four leaf options
available. Daisy Girl Scouts can earn two leaves each year. The categories of the leaves are
Financial Literacy and Cookie Business. To earn each leaf, girls will complete three steps
which focus on goal setting, understanding basic money principles, and learning to run their
own cookie business.

Daisy Girl Scouts begins the foundations of essential Girl Scout information and prepares
girls to progress throughout their Girl Scouting years.

Welcome to the
Daisy Flower Garden
Basic Description:
In “Welcome to the Daisy Flower Garden,” girls are introduced to the Girl Scout Law. During
the story, girls meet three friends, Cora, Campbell, and Chandra. Cora, Campbell, and
Chandra take the girls on a trip to a secret garden and find a beautiful flower garden. Girls
learn about the law more in depth in the journey, and begin to understand the values of the
Girl Scout Law.

During the journey, girls earn three separate awards that are then placed on a larger rectangle
patch to display on their tunic or vest. The journey awards are sold as a complete set. Below
is listed the three separate awards, and how they are earned.


Represents girls being responsible for what they say and do. Girls earn it by taking care of
their mini garden and beginning to understand the Promise and Law. This award is normally
earned in the beginning of the Girl Scout year.


Represents taking action in a big or small way to make the world a better place. Girls earn it by
completing a planting or growing project in their community. This award is normally earned in
the middle of the Girl Scout year.


Represents knowing and living by the Promise and Law. Girls earn it by making the Promise to
live by the Girl Scout Law. This award is normally earned at the closing party where they can
say the Promise and Law from memory.

There are many options and ways to enhance a Journey experience. Possible field trips and
community partners include; visiting a florist, create a time capsule, or plant mini gardens for
the girls to take care of at each meeting.

Below you will find three Sample Sessions for this Journey. Sample Sessions can be changed
and altered to fit your specific needs.

Welcome to the
Daisy Flower Garden
Sample Session 1

To get to know one another, learn basic Girl Scout values and dive into the Daisy story.

• Crayons and/or colored pencils
• An “It” and “Other” can (2 empty coffee cans)
• Wide craft sticks
• Girl Scout Promise on large easel paper
• Welcome to the Daisy Flower Garden, girl and adult guide

Lay out the crayons or colored pencils.

When girls begin to arrive, have them color and decorate the “Color Me” photos found in the
girls’ book on pages, 8, 10, & 12. The “Color Me” pictures are of “The Garden Girls”—Chandra,
Cora and Campbell, who will help them along their journey. With the help from an adult, girls
may read more about each Garden Girl below their picture.

Start the meeting by gathering all girls in a Daisy Circle. The Daisy Circle symbolizes the
opening of each meeting and the girls will understand that business is discussed. Before
sitting down for troop business, teach the girls the 1-2-3 Hello game. You and the girls join
hands in a circle and say 1-2-3 while walking towards the center. As you walk toward the
center say “Hello Daisy Girl Scouts.” Walk back and repeat 2 times, with enthusiasm. Instead
of 1-2-3 hello, you may teach and sing or say Sandy’s Song for Girl Scout Daisies, found on
page 5 of the girls’ book, or page 75 of the adult guide. Once opening is complete, have girls sit
down in their Daisy Circle.

Begin by introducing yourself and have co-leaders/troop committee members introduce
themselves. Ask the girls say their name and one thing about themselves they want all the

girls to know. Give them an example. “Hi, my name is Amy and I like to sing.” Once
completed, introduce the Girl Scout Promise. For the Promise and explanation please see
page 37 of the adult guide. It would be great to have this written on a large piece of easel
paper for the girls to see while repeating the Promise. Use page 6 of the girls’ book and/or
pages 24 and 25 of the adult guide to introduce the girls to Juliette Low, the founder of Girl
Scouts. Pages 24 and 25 of the adult guide also contain more Girl Scout history and
traditions that can be worked into any of the meetings.

Introduce the Journey, Welcome to the Daisy Flower Garden, to the girls. Let them know they
are going on a wonderful journey and will learn all about Girl Scouting along the way with the
help of 3 friends which are also knows as “The Garden Girls.” Ask each girl to share their
colored pictures from the arrival activity of “The Garden Girls.” Ask them, “what we can tell
about Cora, Chandra, and Campbell?” For example, when we look at Cora, we can see that
she likes music. Ask them, “Who likes music in our Girl Scout troop?” See pages 40 and 41 of
the adult guide for further questions to ask the girls. Once every girl has had a turn to share,
read Chapter 1, pages 17-19 of the girls’ book.

Let the girls get creative and decorate the “It” and “Other” cans. These cans will be used
throughout the meetings. Give each girl a wide craft stick to decorate and help her write her
name on it. Have two cans the girls can help decorate together. When a “helper” is needed, a
stick is drawn from the “It” can and then after the task is finished, the stick goes in the “Other”

You and the girls may opt to have snack time toward the end of the meeting. You may ask for
donation from each parent to rotate bringing the snacks, you may bring the snack for all girls,
or you may leave the decision to each girl to bring in their own snack.

Have all girls participate in cleaning up. Remember, Girl Scouts leave their space cleaner than
how they found it!

Close the meeting with the Friendship Circle, a long standing tradition in Girl Scouting.
Reference page 45 in the adult guide for more details on performing a Friendship Circle.

Welcome to the
Daisy Flower Garden
Sample Session 2

Girls begin to plant their mini garden, while developing their ability to see that throughout the
world, people and plants have unique identities.

• Basil seeds or seeds for leaf lettuce, gardening container for each pair of girls, and a
lightweight watering can
• 2 sheets of easel paper with the Girl Scout Promise and The Law
• Wide craft sticks
• Crayons/colored pencils
• Welcome to the Daisy Flower Garden, girl and adult guide

Have the crayons and/or colored pencils ready go before girls arrive.

Have girls draw and fill in the “All About Me” worksheet.

Start the meeting by gathering all girls into the Daisy circle. Welcome them and ask them if
anyone knows how to say “hello” in another language. Tell them Cora, one of “The Garden
Friends” speaks Spanish. Teach the girls to say “hola” and reference page 50 of the adult
guide for further information. Have each girl say hola to one another, and then recite the Girl
Scout Promise together. Girls can also share their “All About Me” pictures.

Still sitting in the Daisy Circle, take care of any unfinished business that may have been left
over from the last meeting. Begin talking to them about a ceremony, called an Investiture
ceremony, that is coming up were they will receive their Girl Scout Daisy pin. More

information on an Investiture ceremony can be found in the glossary. Next, teach the girls
the Girl Scout sign which is found on page 50 of the adult guide.

With the help from you and other adult volunteers, girls will create their own garden.
Reference page 42 of the adult guide for complete instructions on planting a mini garden.
Have each pair of girls decorate a wide craft stick as a plant marker so they will know which
plant is theirs. Girls may need assistance writing their name on the craft stick.

Play the game “Daisy Circle, Garden Style” found on page 44 of the adult guide. This is a game
where girls will re-enact different critters found in a garden. Note: Be sensitive to different
abilities and make adaptations as needed.

You and the girls may opt to have snack time toward the end of the meeting. You may ask for
donation from each parent to rotate bringing the snacks, you may bring the snack for all girls,
or you may leave the decision to each girl to bring in their own snack.

Have all girls participate in cleaning up. Remember, Girl Scouts leave their space cleaner than
how they found it!

In the Girl Scout Daisy Circle, encourage the girls share their Journey book with family
members. Have them look at page 11 and suggest that they have someone help them with
this activity. Close the troop meeting with the Friendship Circle.

Welcome to the
Daisy Flower Garden
Sample Session 3

To create initial plans and invitations for the investiture ceremony; please see the glossary
for additional information regarding an investiture ceremony.

• Crayons or slim markers
• Invitations to the investiture the girls can personalize/decorate
• Stickers, scrap fabric and ribbon for invitations
• A Girl Scout Daisy pin
• Welcome to the Daisy Flower Garden, girl and adult guide

Set up the arrival activity and organize the supplies for the girls to personalize/decorate the

Have girls color and fill in the “Me and My World” activity and help if needed.


Gather in a Daisy Circle and begin with the 1-2-3 Hello game making sure a girl leads the game.
Recite the Promise and discuss any old or future business. Show them the Daisy Girl Scout
pin and ask if they know what a ceremony is. Let the girls know there will be a ceremony in
which they will receive this pin very soon. Give the girls some suggestions on things they
might want to include in their ceremony. For example, will there be food and if so, what kind
or will there be decorations or songs. After giving them some choices, have the girls discuss
their ideas and decide as a group on what the ceremony will look like.

Have the girls color/decorate their investiture invitations with all of the supplies.

Have plant buddies water their plant together and check the progress of the plant. Meet back
in a Daisy Circle to discuss the changes with the plants.

If it is nice outside, try the Outdoor Sights game found on page 46 of the adult guide. If you
cannot go outside, play Daisy to Daisy, a fun interactive game to release some energy. Please
see the glossary for detailed instructions.

You and the girls may opt to have snack time toward the end of the meeting. You may ask for
donation from each parent to rotate bringing the snacks, you may bring the snack for all girls,
or you may leave the decision to each girl to bring in their own snack.

Have all girls participate in cleaning up. Remember, Girl Scouts leave their space cleaner than
how they found it!

Close the meeting by bringing the girls back into their Daisy circle, and having a friendship

Between Earth and Sky
Basic Description:

The flowers introduced in It’s Your World—Change it! depart on a cross country road trip to
Maine, Pittsburgh, Wisconsin, the Great Salt Lake, Arizona, California and Alaska. Girls explore
the beauty of nature in new places as well as their home, and learn about various seeds and
plants including their benefits, problems they cause, things that are endangering them, and
their living conditions.

During the journey, girls earn three separate awards that are then placed on a larger rectangle
patch to display on their tunic or vest. The journey awards are sold as a complete set. Listed
below are the three separate awards, and how they are earned.

THE BLUE BUCKET AWARD – Encourages girls to become aware of their feelings and the
feelings of those around them. Also encourages them to develop good relationship skills. To
earn, the girls tell one another about their feelings and the feelings of those around them,
Take part in role-playing activities that encourages them to resolve conflicts, negotiate and
be considerate of others

THE FIREFLY AWARD – Girls recognize and develop their skills, and then choose a skill they
will educate and inspire others about. To earn, the girls think about and talk about their own
skills and those of their sister Daisies

THE CLOVER AWARD – Girls team up to protect a natural treasure in their region. To earn,
girls learn about and commit to protecting a natural treasure in their region, and educate and
inspire others in their community to join with them to protect it. Suggestions for project can
be found on pages 82–83 of the adult guide
During this journey, girls review the Girl Scout Law, and its importance. Possible community
partners or field trips include; planting a nursery, visiting a natural history museum, or have
the girls share pictures or describe their favorite family trip or vacation. Girls can also get
creative and develop their own ‘petal-powered car’ like Lupe’s found on page 10-11 of the girl

Below you will find three Sample Sessions for this Journey. Sample Sessions can be changed
and altered to fit your specific needs.

Between Earth and Sky
Sample Session 1

To get to know one another, learn basic Girl Scout values and dive into the Daisy story.

• Container the girls will use to create their blue bucket
• Cardboard or paper for their luggage tags
• Crayons and/or colored pencils
• Girl Scout Promise on large easel paper
• Between Earth and Sky, girl and adult guide
• If you are staying inside for the second activity, collect some nature objects.

Lay out the bucket(s) and art supplies to decorate. If you are staying inside for the second
activity, spread the natural objects around your meeting space.

Throughout the Journey the girls will be reflecting on what they are doing, what they are
learning and how they feel about it. As an arrival activity, have the girls decorate their very
own Blue Bucket where they can store all of their thoughts as they travel on the Journey so
they can look back at them at the end of the year. Each girl can create her own bucket, or they
can create one for the whole group. If each girl has her own book, you can ask them to look
through it before the meeting starts.

Start the meeting by gathering all girls in a Daisy Circle. The Daisy Circle symbolizes the
opening of each meeting and the girls will understand that business is discussed. Begin by
introducing yourself and the other adult volunteers. Ask the girls say their name and how
they feel today. Give them an example. “Hi, my name is Katie and I feel excited today.” Once
opening is complete, have girls sit down in their Daisy Circle.

This is a great time to introduce the girls to the new Journey they will be going on, “Between
Earth and Sky.” You can let them know that in the story they will be going on a trip across the
country learning lots of new things with the flower friends. The story is called “A Road Trip to
Remember” and one of the things they’ll learn is how to say “Have a great trip” in many
languages. Let the girls know that next they are going to make luggage tags that they can
decorate with the phrase “have a good trip” in all the languages they learn. Still sitting in the
Daisy circle, hand out the cardboard or paper and crayons so they can start to decorate!

Read the short introduction on page 5 of the girl book. Let them know they will be traveling
through a story and that the story is make believe so they won’t need any suitcases at all; they
just need to listen closely and enjoy everything that happens to the flowers on their trip. They
will also get to enjoy all that is Between Earth and Sky by going outdoors, just like the flower
friends. Start a discussion about what traveling the girls have done and where else they
would like to go. See page 45 of the adult guide for some suggested questions.

Now, let the girls “take a walk.” You can do this activity outdoors or inside, depending on your
meeting space. In this activity, the girls are going to collect one natural item. The only catch is
they must all collect the same type of item. So, the girls are going to have to make a group
decision about what to collect. Once they make their choice, give them five or ten minutes to
go outside (or look around the meeting space) to collect their item. Once they return, have
them sketch their item using crayons and paper. When the sketches are done, have them sit
in a circle with their sketches in front of them and their objects in the center of the circle.
Now, ask them to try to match the sketch to the real thing! For some discussion questions
and more detailed directions for this activity, see page 47 of the adult guide.

You and the girls may opt to have snack time toward the end of the meeting. You may ask for
donation from each parent to rotate bringing the snacks, you may bring the snack for all girls,
or you may leave the decision to each girl to bring in their own snack.

Have all girls participate in cleaning up. Remember, Girl Scouts leave their space cleaner than
how they found it!

Close the meeting by bringing the girls back into their Daisy circle. Invite them to go around
the circle and say how they’re feeling after this first session, write it on a piece of paper and
put it in the Blue Bucket they decorated earlier. Once everyone has spoken, have the girls
stand up and end their time together with a Friendship Circle and a friendship squeeze, a long
standing tradition in Girl Scouting.

Between Earth and Sky
Sample Session 2

Girls continue to explore what makes them unique as they start to consider the feelings of
their sister Daisies and expand their knowledge of shapes in nature.

• The girls’ Blue Bucket
• Crayons and/or colored pencils; art supplies
• Recyclables for the second activity
• Between Earth and Sky, girl and adult guide

Organize your recyclables for the second activity and make sure the luggage tags are ready.

As the girls arrive, ask them to complete the activities on pages 20 and 21 of their book.

Start the meeting by gathering all girls their Daisy Circle. Have the girls say the Girl Scout
Promise while making the Girl Scout Sign. If your group is a mix of new and returning Daisies,
ask the returning girls to teach the new girls the Promise and what it means. Explain and
introduce the Rededication or Investiture ceremony. Explain that what the girls just did is
called a ceremony and in a few meetings they are going to have another ceremony that they
get to plan. Ask for a few ideas about what they would like to do and let them know that we will
do more planning later.

Still sitting in the Daisy circle, take care of any unfinished business. This is also a great time to
let the girls know that they have a very special job today. It is their job to pay close attention to
the way the girl on her right feels throughout the meeting. Does she feel happy? Sad? Tired?
At the end of the meeting, you will say how you thought she was feeling and she’ll tell you if
you’re right!

Today is the day to dip into the flower friends’ story! The first chapter of the story, “Lupe’s
Powder-Blue Pedal-Power Car” starts on page 6 of the girls’ book. Today, you are only going to
read half of the story; stop at page 12 when Lupe says “I’m getting ready for a road trip.” You
can read to the girls, or assign some helpers. Once you are done, turn back to pages 10 and 11
to show the girls Lupe’s car. Then, discuss all of its special features by asking some of the
suggested questions on page 52 of the adult guide.

Seeing Lupe’s creative flower car might get the girls thinking about creating their own car. For
this activity, the girls will spend some time drawing or building their own car creation. Then,
with some recycled materials, they can make their drawing come to life. Prior to this meeting,
you may want to ask parents or the girls themselves to bring in some of their recycling for this

You and the girls may opt to have snack time toward the end of the meeting. You may ask for
donation from each parent to rotate bringing the snacks, you may bring the snack for all girls,
or you may leave the decision to each girl to bring in their own snack.

Have all girls participate in cleaning up. Remember, Girl Scouts leave their space cleaner than
how they found it!

Now is the time to finish the activity you talked about when you discussed business at the
beginning of the meeting. Ask the girls to gather in their Daisy Circle in the same order they
were in for the opening Daisy Circle. Then, go around the circle and ask each girl to say how
she thought the girl on her right was feeling today. Have the girls write the feelings on pieces
of paper and add them to your Blue Bucket. Finish your meeting with a friendship squeeze
and let them know you look forward to seeing them again at the next meeting.

Between Earth and Sky
Sample Session 3

The girls continue to explore their feelings and how they differ from one girl to another, and
earn their Blue Bucket Award. They also explore how plants grow in nature.

• The girls’ Blue Bucket
• The girls’ luggage tags
• Invitations for the arrival activity
• Crayons and/or colored pencils
• A slightly droopy plant that the girls can water
• Between Earth and Sky, girl and adult guide

Place your plant and some water on a table where you can easily get to it. Prepare your
vegetables or drawings for the snack activity. Organize the girls’ luggage tags and art supplies.

As the girls arrive, hand them each an invitation to the Rededication or Investiture ceremony
and ask them to decorate them and give to their guests.

Start the meeting by gathering all girls their Daisy Circle. Pass out the girls’ luggage tags and
let them know that today they will be able to continue decorating their tag with “have a great
trip!” in French. Teach the girls that “Have a great trip” is Bon Voyage! Now ask the girls to go
around in the circle so each girl can say Bon Voyage to the girl on her right. Once everyone is
done, have everyone say it together.

Still sitting in the Daisy circle, take care of any unfinished business. Here you can also let the
girls know that, just like last time, they have another special job to do during this meeting. This
time, you are all going to pay attention to what you and your sister Daisies say and do. See if

you can find someone who is feeling like you and someone who might be feeling something
different. At the end of today, we’ll all tell one another what we noticed.

Finish reading the first chapter of the flower friends’ story. Ask a few of the girls to remind
everyone what happened last time, and then begin the story where you left off on page 12.
When you are done reading, discuss the suggested questions on page 58 of the adult guide.

For this activity, the girls are going to see a plant “drinking.” Review the girls’ arrival activity
found on page 9 from their book, and go over all the parts of the plant and see if any of the
girls can guess how a plant grows. Let them know that one way a plant grows is by “drinking”
water from its roots and point out the roots on the picture. Now, have the girls look at the
plant you brought in. What do they notice? Is it droopy or limp? Once they make their
observations, you can have the girls take turns watering the plant just a little, or you can do it
yourself. The plant might not perk up immediately. If it doesn’t, go on to the next activity and
come back later to take a look.

Have the girls brainstorm a little more about their ceremony. With assistance, have the girls
finalize their plans and then practice (if time allows). If the girls didn’t see the plant “perk up”
right away this could be a great time to walk over and check it again!

You and the girls may opt to have snack time toward the end of the meeting. You may ask for
donation from each parent to rotate bringing the snacks, you may bring the snack for all girls,
or you may leave the decision to each girl to bring in their own snack.

Have all girls participate in cleaning up. Remember, Girl Scouts leave their space cleaner than
how they found it!

Ask the girls to gather together in their Daisy circle and finish the activity you introduced in
the business section of the meeting. Have them tell one another what feelings they noticed.
Discuss that everyone has different feelings. For suggestions, see pages 59 and 60 of the
adult guide. Now let the girls know that they only have one more activity to do before they
earn their first Journey award: the Blue Bucket Award! To earn the award, each girl has to go
around and say what they think is the most important thing they learned so far; you can write
it down and put it in the group’s blue bucket. To finish the meeting, you can present each girl
her award. Let them know that this award represents their learning some good thinking and
talking skills and agreeing to teach them to others.

5 Flowers, 4 Stories,
3 Cheers for Animals!
Basic Description:

Girls explore the beauty of nature and learn the many ways to care for animals, and embark
on an animal adventure. Girls will also use their knowledge and creativity to teach others how
to care for animals

During the journey, girls earn three separate awards that are then placed on a larger rectangle
patch to display on their tunic or vest. The journey awards are sold as a complete set. Listed
below are the three separate awards, and how they are earned.

THE BIRDBATH AWARD – Girls earn this award when they are able to see the importance that
both animals and people need care. Details regarding a small ceremony for this award can be
found on page 52 of the adult guide

THE RED ROBIN AWARD – Girls earn this award when they’ve spoken up for animals. Girls will
also be able to share their knowledge with the community. Details regarding a small
ceremony for presenting this award can be found on page 94 of the adult guide

THE TULA AWARD – Girls earn this award by taking on the task of caring for animals and
sharing her knowledge with others. Girls are also able to express their feelings towards
animals and how caring for animals makes them feel. Details regarding a small ceremony for
presenting this award can be found on page 107 of the adult guide

During this journey, girls review the Girl Scout Law and also learn to care for animals and their
importance. Possible community partners or field trips include; visiting a natural history
museum or the zoo, visiting an aquarium, or even spending time at a petting zoo or a ‘bring
your pet’ meeting.

Below you will find three Sample Sessions for this Journey. Sample Sessions can be changed
and altered to fit your specific needs.

5 Flowers, 4 Stories,
3 Cheers for Animals!
Sample Session 1

Girls will get to know each other and be introduced to the Journey and overall theme.

• “5 Flowers, 4 Stories, 3 Cheers for Animals!” girl and adult guide
• Large paper for the Team Animal Mural
• Crayons and/or colored pencils
• Supplies for the Team Birdbath

Hang up the large paper to be used for the Team Animal Mural, and complete preparations
for the Team Birdbath.

Ask girls to become familiar with the journey book by finding the hidden animals on pages 6-7.

Start the meeting by gathering all girls in a Daisy Circle. Begin by introducing yourself and
other adult volunteers. Around the circle, ask the girls say their name and one thing they
hope to do in Girl Scouts. Once opening is complete, have girls sit down in their Daisy Circle.

Review the Girl Scout Promise and Law. Introduce girls to the journey and explain the main
theme of animals. Ask the girls to share their favorite animals and if they care for any pets at
home. Let the girls know that throughout the Journey, girls will learn about different animals
and how to care for them.

Girls will create a Team Animal Mural. Ideas were brainstormed during the opening, allowing
girls to be prepared to each take part in creating the mural. Instructions can be found on

page 30 of the adult guide. The activity found in the book can be altered to allow each girl to
take a turn and draw their favorite animal on the mural.

Girls, with the assistance of adults, will create a Team Birdbath. Instructions for this activity
can be found on page 32-33 of the adult guide.

You and the girls may opt to have snack time toward the end of the meeting. You may ask for
donation from each parent to rotate bringing the snacks, you may bring the snack for all girls,
or you may leave the decision to each girl to bring in their own snack.

Have all girls participate in cleaning up. Remember, Girl Scouts leave their space cleaner than
how they found it!

Close the meeting by bringing the girls back into their Daisy circle for a friendship squeeze.

5 Flowers, 4 Stories,
3 Cheers for Animals!
Sample Session 2

Girls will begin the first story on the Journey book and begin to learn how to make decisions.

• “5 Flowers, 4 Stories, 3 Cheers for Animals!” girl and adult guide
• Crayons and/or colored pencils

Prepare a space for girls to role play.

As the girls arrive, have them discuss new items they are adding to their nest. This will allow
the girls to have social time in preparation for reading “The First Stories.”

Start the meeting by gathering all girls in a circle. Discuss animals in different regions, and the
different types of animals all over the world. Around the circle, ask each girl if she were an
animal what region she would live.

This is a good time to take attendance and prepare the girls for the tasks that will occur during
this meeting.

Read “The First Stories” found on pages 17-24 of the girl book. After reading, complete the
activities on pages 24-25 of the girl book. Begin with page 25 and allow the girls’ time to share
their birds upon completion. Complete page 24 in the girls’ book to help them prepare to
create a skit.

Girls will pair up for some role-play to make decisions. Example scenarios can be found on
page 48 of the adult guide. Girls may need assistance in creating a full skit that includes
decision making. Allow time for girls to perform their skits.

You and the girls may opt to have snack time toward the end of the meeting. You may ask for
donation from each parent to rotate bringing the snacks, you may bring the snack for all girls,
or you may leave the decision to each girl to bring in their own snack.

Have all girls participate in cleaning up. Remember, Girl Scouts leave their space cleaner than
how they found it!

Close the meeting by bringing the girls back into their Daisy circle. Invite them to go around
the circle and say their favorite part about the meeting, then finish with a friendship squeeze.

5 Flowers, 4 Stories,
3 Cheers for Animals!
Sample Session 3

Girls will learn about the needs of animals and also receive the Birdbath Award.

• Team Animal Mural
• Paper and other supplies for the flipbook
• Crayons and/or colored pencils
• Birdbath Award
• 5 Flowers, 4 Stories, 3 Cheers for Animals! girl book and adult guide

Display the Team Animal Mural and have crayons and/or colored pencils ready.

Upon arrival, girls will add more animals to the Team Animal Mural. Ask girls to draw animals
they think need a lot of room to move around, and require a lot of care.

Start the meeting by gathering all girls in a circle. During the opening, discuss the animals the
girls recently added to the Team Animal Mural. Discuss the importance of giving animals
space, and ask the girls to think about how much space they need.

This is a good time to take attendance and prepare the girls for the tasks that will occur during
this meeting. Also, let the girls know that it is a special day, as they are earning their first
award- the Birdbath Award!


Girls will create a flip book of animals. Detailed instructions can be found on pages 54-55 of
the adult guide. Pictures can be provided for the girls, or girls can be creative and create their
own animals for the flipbook. Allow girls time to be creative, and then share their flipbooks.

Girls will have a small ceremony to earn the Birdbath Award. A sample ceremony can be
located on page 52 of the adult guide.

You and the girls may opt to have snack time toward the end of the meeting. You may ask for
donation from each parent to rotate bringing the snacks, you may bring the snack for all girls,
or you may leave the decision to each girl to bring in their own snack.

Have all girls participate in cleaning up. Remember, Girl Scouts leave their space cleaner than
how they found it!

Close the meeting by bringing the girls back into their Daisy circle. Complete the friendship
squeeze, and prepare girls for the next meeting. Let them know of any paperwork that will be
due, or any field trips or outside meeting space activities coming up.


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