DLL - Week4 - LC41-44
DLL - Week4 - LC41-44
DLL - Week4 - LC41-44
is the value 0.3 in
overlapping region.
d. P(B∪V) Thus,
Hearts and
Aces and
Kings are
∪ Kings are
not Mutuall
or Exclusive
∪ (can't be
(can be
4, 5, 6}
From the given
statement A = {5} and
B={1, 3, 5} then the
number that turns up is
odd and divisible by
5, ={5}.
So, the probability of “the
number divisible by 5
turns up or the number of
odd turns up”
a. How to find the
probability of an event?
b. How to find the
probability of union of
two events, if two events
have elements in
c. How to find the
probability of union of
two events, if two events
have no elements in
d. How to find the
probability of union of
two events, if event A is
a subset of event B?
, to find the
probability of getting a
jack or a spade. Let A be
the events of getting a
jack cad and B the event
of getting spade card
P(A) = P(B) =
P(A ∩ B) =
F. Developing mastery
(leads to Formative Assessment 3)
A card is drawn from a deck Independent Practice
During the second of cards. Events E1, E2, E3,
1. What is the probability (Use of show-me board)
of drawing a card that is week of October, E4, and E5 are defines as
either a diamond or an Determine if the event is
some areas in the follows;
ace from a standard dependent or
province of Cavite
deck of 52 cards? E1 Getting an 8. independent. Write your
2. What is the probability E2 Getting a King answer on your show-me
of rolling either a 7 or 11 E3 Getting a face card board.
outbreak (mosquito
from a pair of dice? E4 Getting an ace 1. A bag contains 6
borne viral disease).
E5 Getting a heart black marbles, 9 blue
In response to the
problem, Gov. Crispin marbles, 4 yellow
“Boying” Remulla a. Are events E1 and E2 marbles, and 2 green
through the Red Mutually exclusive or not? marbles. A marble is
Cross ran a blood b. Are events E2 and E3 randomly selected,
donation drive. Fifty Mutually exclusive or not? replaced, and a second
volunteer students c. Are events E3 and E4 marble is randomly
donated blood with Mutually exclusive or not? selected. Find the
these results. d. Are events E4 and E5 probability of selecting a
Mutually exclusive or not? black marble, then a
Blood Type O A B
e. Are events E5 and E1 yellow marble.
Mutually exclusive or not?
2. A box of candies
Number of Students 2 1
6 2
contains 10 yema
Who Donated Blood 6 6
candies, 8 sampaloc
candies, and 6 bucayo
If given the chance candies. Eduardo
will you also donate randomly chooses a
blood? candy, eats it, and then
randomly chooses
another candy. What is
Using the result of the the probability that
Blood Donation Drive, Eduardo chose a yema
what is the probability candy, and then a
of the blood type for a sampaloc candy?
randomly selected
donor? 3A
. toy box contains 12
toys, 8 stuffed animals,
a. Type AB blood and 3 board games.
b. Type O blood Maria randomly
c. Type B blood chooses 2 toys for the
d. Type A or B blood child she is babysitting
e. Type A,B or O to play with. What is the
blood probability that she
chose 2 stuffed animals
as the first two choices?
4. A basket contains 6
dalandan, 5 bananas, 4
lansones, and 5
guavas. Dominic
randomly chooses one
piece of fruit, eats it,
and chooses another
piece of fruit. What is
the probability that he
chose a banana and
then a dalandan?
I. Evaluating learning Solve the following MULTIPLE CHOICE: Identify whether the
Directions: Read each problems. Choose the letter of the best events are independent or
question below. Write answer. dependent.
the letter of the correct 1. A restaurant serves a
answer on your paper. bowl of candies to their 1. Which of the following is 1. A bag of beans
Use the back portion of customers. The bowl of a mutually exclusive event? contains 10 Patani seeds,
the answer sheet for candies Gabriel receives a. Drawing a queen 6 Kasoy seeds, 7 Cacao
your solution. has 10 chocolate candies, or diamond from a seeds, and 5 Langka
8 coffee candies, and 12 standard deck of seeds. What is the
1. A day of the week is caramel candies. After cards. probability of randomly
chosen at random. Gabriel chooses a candy, b. Rolling a 3 or 4 on choosing a patani seed,
What is the probability he eats it. Find the a single roll of replacing it, randomly
of choosing a Monday probability of getting number cube? choosing another patani,
or Tuesday? candies with the indicated c. Rolling a number replacing it, and then
A. 1/7 B. 2/14 C. flavors. greater than 8 and randomly choosing a
2/7 D. none of the above a. P (chocolate or coffee) rolling an even langka seed?
b. P (caramel or not coffee) number when a
2. In a pet store, there c. P (coffee or caramel) pair of dice is 2. Rene and Cris went to
are 6 puppies, 9 kittens, d. P (chocolate or not rolled. a grocery store to buy
4 gerbils and 7 caramel) d. A card selected drinks. They chose from
parakeets. If a pet is from a deck will be 10 different brands of
chosen at random, what 2. Rhian likes to wear either an ace or a juice drinks, 6 different
is the probability of colored shirts. She has 15 spade. brands of carbonated
choosing a puppy or a shirts in the closet. Five of drinks, and 3 different
parakeet? these are blue, four are in 2. Which of the following is brands of mineral water.
A. B. ½ C. different shades of red, a mutually exclusive event? What is the probability
11/26 D. none of the and the rest are of different a. A card selected that Rene and Cris both
above colors. What is the from a deck will be chose juice drinks, if Rene
probability that she will either a black or a randomly chose first and
3. The probability of a wear a blue or a red shirt? king. liked the first brand he
teenager owning a 3. Mark has pairs of pants b. A card selected picked up?
skateboard is 0.37, of in three different colors, from a deck will be
owning a bicycle is 0.81 blue, black, and brown. He either a queen or a 3. As part of the
and of owning both is has 5 colored shirts: a king. recreational activities
0.36. If a teenager is white, a red, a yellow, a c. A card selected done during the Teacher’s
chosen at random, what blue, and a mixed-colored from a deck will be Day celebration, faculty of
is the probability that the shirt. What is the either an ace or a GFMNHS goes bowling at
teenager owns a probability that Mark wears king. Mall of Asia (MOA). On
skateboard or a bicycle? a black pair of pants and a d. A card selected one shelf of the bowling
A. 1.18 B. 0.7 C. red shirt on a given day? from a deck will be alley there are 6 green
0.82 D. none of the above either an ace or a and 4 red bowling balls.
4. A motorcycle licence spade. One teacher selects a
4. A number from 1 to 10 plate has 2 letters and 3 bowling ball. A second
is chosen at random. numbers. What is the 3. Which of the following is teacher then selects a ball
What is the probability of probability that a not mutually exclusive from the same shelf. What
choosing a 5 or an even motorcycle has a licence event? is the probability that each
number? plate containing a double a. Toss a coin and teacher picked a red
A. 3/5 B. ½ C. 1/5 letter and an even rolling a number bowling ball if
D. all of the above
number? cube. replacement is allowed?
b. Rolling a 3 or 5 on
5. A single 6-sided die is a single roll of a 4. Juan’s mp3 playlist has
rolled. What is the
number cube. 7 dance tracks and 3 rock
probability of rolling a
c. Drawing a 3 and a tracks. What is the
number greater than 3 or
diamond from a probability that his player
an even number?
A. 1 B. 2/3 C. 5/6 standard deck of randomly selects a dance
D. none of the above cards. track followed by a rock
d. Rolling a number track?
greater than 3 or a
multiple of 3 when 5. At the Tire Store, 5 out
a pair of dice is of every 50 tires are
rolled. defective. If you purchase
4 tires for your vehicle
4. Which one of the and they are randomly
following events is mutually selected from a set of 50
exclusive? newly shipped tires, what
a. a dice rolling a 4 is the probability that all
b. a dice rolling 3 and four tires will be
then 4 defective? (Once chosen,
c. a pair of dice the tires are not replaced).
rolling 4 and 2
d. a pair of dice
rolling 6 and 6
5. Which of these is a
mutually non exclusive
a. rolling an 8 on a six
sided die
b. getting four 5 balls
in a row from the
same lottery
machine with 35
c. getting a head and
a tail
d. rolling a 3 on a 3
sided die
J. Additional activities for application Follow-up (To be posted in the class
or remediation I. Follow-up Suppose there are three FB Group) A. Follow Up
A bowl contains 15 chips events A, B, and C that are Create 2 situations
numbered 1 to 15. If a not mutually exclusive. List A. Follow-up illustrating independent
chip is drawn randomly all the probabilities you Determine whether the events and 2 situations for
from the bowl, what is would need to consider in events are mutually dependent events
the probability that it is order to calculate exclusive or not mutually
a. 7 or 15? . Then, exclusive. B. Study:
b. 5 or a number write the formula you 1. Mr. Juanito, has 45 red 1. How is the probability
divisible by 3? would use to calculate the chips, 12 blue chips, and 24 of independents event
c. even or divisible by 3? probability. white chips. What is the calculated?
d. a number divisible by Explain why subtraction is probability that Mr. Juanito
3 or divisible by 4? used when finding the randomly selects a red chip 2. How is the probability
probability of two events or a white chip? of independents event
II. Study: Mutually that are not mutually 2. Mrs. Ruby’s dog has 8 calculated?
Exclusive Events exclusive. puppies. The puppies
include white females, 3
Study : Independent and mixed-color females, 1
Dependent Events white male, and 2 mixed-
Define (1) Independent color males. Mrs. Ruby
Events; and (2) Dependent wants to keep one puppy.
Events. What is the probability that
Why the outcome of the flip she randomly chooses a
of a fair coin is puppy that is female and
independent of the flips white?
that came before it? 3. Chris basketball shooting
records indicate that for any
frame, the probability that
he will score in a two-point
shoot is 30%, a three-point
shoot, 45%, and neither,
25%. What is the probability
that Cindy will score either
in a two-point shoot or in a
three-point shoot?
B. Advance
1. Study the probability of
mutually exclusive and not
mutually exclusive events.
2. What is the formula in
finding the probability of
mutually exclusive and not
mutually exclusive events?
3. How to solve the
probability of mutually
exclusive and not mutually
exclusive events?
2. REFLECTION Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your students’ progress this week. What works? What
else needs to be done to help the students learn? Identify what help your instructional supervisors can provide for you so when
you meet them, you can ask them relevant questions.
A. No. of learners who earned 80%
in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored below
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have caught
up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with other
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