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MCQs in PTCL test(repeated from OGDCL)

6) The controlling Authority regarding telecommunication issues is

i) NTC
ii) PTA
iii) PTCL
iv) FAB
7) 3+2/2,5+4/4,7+6/6
i) 7+8/8
ii) 10+8/8
iii) 9+8/8
iv) All of these

8) DC Motors are the best choice for the electric traction because……………

9) A switched network consists of series of interlinks node called switches. These network are divided
into …………… board types
i) 2 ii) 3 iii) 4 iv) 5

10) The communication in circuit switch network require ………………….. phase

i) 2
ii) 3
iii) 4
iv) 5

11) low pass filter types are;

1 causal 2 stability 3 all of these
12) In circuit switch network .the resources are reserved in ……………phase
I) Networking
II) Tear –down
III) Data transfer
IV) Setup
13) EDGE can be used for ………….application such as internet
i) PS
ii) CS
iii) Data switch
iv) Data transmission
14) EDGE produces a ……….word for every change in carrier phase
i) 2 bit
ii) 4 bit
iii) 6 bit
iv) 8 bit
v) 3 bit
15) GPS is the early application of ……..
i) TDM
ii) FDM
iii) CDM
iv) WDM
16) ……… are the typical design of a filter
i) Localize
ii) Casual
iii) Stale
iv) All of these
17) Decomposition of N-DFT point into smaller DFT
i) FFT algo
ii) DFT algo
iii) IIR
iv) FIR
18) The splits Radix FFT algo uses ………….
19) Ranges of microwave uses of the 3-30 GHz
20) CSMA/CD is a method in which signal is ………………..whenever
21) Which province home minister died in suicide attack
i) Kpk ii) shind iii) Punjab iv) Baluchistan
22) In ………..fiber ,the index of refraction in the core decreases between the axis and cladding
i) Step
ii) Graded
iii) Single
iv) Multi
23) In SDH. The data rate progression start at 155.52Mbits/sec and increase by
i) Multiple of 2
ii) Multiple of 3
iii) Multiple of 4
iv) Half
v) One third
24) Due to voltage saturation, MOSFET enters in Saturation region _______ (ogdcl and ssgc)
1) at pinchoff voltage
2)after pinchoff voltage
25) The DSB category of AM system is generally used in ___________(b)
a. Oscillator
b. Color information TV
c. Oscilloscope
(NPGCL(Northern Power Generation Company Limited (Recruitment Test) by NTS -2015) NTS Paper
questions preparation
26) power system-------- is a word used in connection with AC current power system condition.
4) Stability.
27) the terminal of an element is called ------? a)edge b)limit c) zero d)node(not sure) d)rim?
Q 3: transformer contains primary ,secondar and? core
Q 4:which analysis deals with the effect of disturbances on power system? a)fault trend analysis
b)sinusoidal analysis c)stability analysis d)line power analysis e)load flow analysis
Q 5:sinusoidal voltage and current at constant frequency is characterized by 2 parameters,a max value
and --------? Minimum value, phase
Q 6:reactive power can be generated at L load is determined by -----? a)field current cooling limit b) Field
Current Heating Limit d)peak load c)potential difference d)rate of variable output.
Q 7------interepting contacts of circuit breaker is a set of contancts which enable cicuit break to be
removed ?a)widrawal b)discontinue c)plug in d)current limiter (not sure) e)moulded case.
Q 8:what are examples of semi controlled switches ? Diode, thyristor
Q10:stability of LC tuned circuit depends on what ? Q factor
Q11 figuration of high impedance to low impedance depends on what criterion ?voltage follower
Q12:which bridge is used to measure low resistance accurately? Kelvin bridge
voltage less than 10 volts is called----? a)dim b)Tame c)STray d)ground voltage.
Q 13:which theorem is used to analyse fault power?superposition
1. ____ is defined as the measure of instrument by which it is error free
A. Accuracy
B. Precision
C. Resolution
Ans: Precision
2. A _____ meter is used a null detector in wheatstone bridge
A. Ammeter
B. Voltmeter
C. Galvanometer
Answer: Galvanometer
3. A moving iron ammeter coil has few turns of thick wire in order to have:
A. Low resistance
B. High sentivity
C. Effective damping
D. Large scale
Answer: A
4. A permanent magnet coil meter has which features
A. Low power consumption
B. no hysteresis loss
C. reduced eddy current
D. reduced damping
E. all
Ans: E
When there is rapid attenuation of field inside the conductor, the field current are concentrated close
to the surface of the conductor; this phenomenon is called
A. skin effect

B. EM concentration effect

C. Faraday's effect

D. Ohm's effect

Ans: Skin Effect

The wavelength of an electromagnetic wave after reflection at angle on a surface
[A]. remains same as the wavelength perpendicular to the surface

[B]. remains same in the free space

[C]. increases in actual direction of propagation

[D]. decreases in actual direction of propagation
The velocity of electromagnetic wave in a good conductor is
A. 3 x 108 m/s

B. more than 3 x 108 m/s

C. very low

D. high
Answer: Option C

, for good conductor εr >> 1.

7. When electric field is parallel to the plane of incidence, the electromagnetic wave is said to be
Ans: Parallel polarized
When electric field is parallel to the plane of incidence, the electromagnetic wave is said to
a.Linearly polarized
b.Circularly polarized
c. Elliptically polarized
d. Hyperbolically polarized
By convention, the "polarization" direction of an electromagnetic wave is given by its electric
field vector.

9. Bucholz relay is used in

Ans: Transformer Protection
10. Solid grounding is used for voltages
a. above 220 kV
b. above 11 kV
c. below 660 V
d. below 115 V
Answer: C
11. Maximum Cross over distortion in
Answer: Class B
12. The channel of a JFET is between the
A. Gate and drain
B. Drain and source
C. Gate and source
D. Input and output
Answer: B
13. Velocity saturation in MOSFET is ?
14. Which type of engine uses maximum air fuel ratio
A. Petrol engine
B. Gas engine
C. Diesel engine
D. Gas turbine
E. Hydro turbine
Ans: Gas turbine
15. If ROC (Region of Convergence) does not converge
16. In LTI system is characterized by
A. Impulse input
B. Step input
Ans: Impulse Response
17. Which thing happens in gas discharge lamps
Answer: Ionization in vapor or gas
18. Continuous signal in the time domain in frequency domain
19. Which of the following relay is used in Motor for protection
Answer: Thermal relay
20. In z transform cos pi/4 is the period is equal to
Ans: N=8
21. Which system used dc to dc high voltage gain
A. Solar system
B. Battery backup(BOTH)
22. Power plant the availability of power is least for
A. Wind
B. Solar
C. Tidal
D. Geothermal
E. Bio gass
Ans: ?
23. A diode that has a negative resistance characteristics is the
A. Schottkey diode
B. Tunnel diode
C. Hot-carrier diode
D. Laser diode
E. Zener Diode

Answer: B

24. We built control systems for _______

1) remote control,
2) stability,
3) overcomingdisturbances,
$) All of above
Ans: All
25. Natural frequency of a system gives
1) nature of transient
2) overshoot
3) oscillations
4) speed of response
Ans: Oscillations
26. Hay bridge is used for the measurement of
Ans: Inductance
27. ____ bridge used for the measurement of resistance
Ans: Wheatstone bridge
28. _____ acts as voltage controlled variable capacitor
Ans: Varactor
29. By which a meter after checking with no current returns to its previous state
Ans: Controlling Torque
30. By connecting a shunt of higher value in ammeter what will decrease
Ans: Current sensitivity decreases
31. If z transform lies in ROC then
A. System is stable
B. Inverse of system is stable
C. Both system and its inverse are unstable
D. Both system and its inverse are stable(D)
32. Under damped response have
1) damping ratio>1
2) 0>damping ratio<1(correct)
3)damping ratio =1
4)damping ratio =0
33. The rotor winding has resistance 85 ohms at temptature 22 degee,ifresistence increases to 100 ohms
with temptature coefficient 0.004, what would be the temperature
1) 20 degrees
2) 50 degrees
3) 70 degrees
4)100 degrees
5) 120 degrees
Ans: 70 degree (not sure)
34. At Unity Power Factor, Armature Flux is??
1) Cross Magnetizing
2) Demagnetizing
3) zero
Ans: ?
35. If ROC does not lie inside unit circle, then
1) FFT converges
2) Z-Transfrom converges
Ans: ?
36. ROC converges if poles and zeros lies inside
1) origin
2) z=1
Ans: z=1 (not sure)
37. Fastest achievable Response without overshooting
1) under damped
2) overdamped
3) critically damped
Ans: critically damped
38. z transform is used when the system is not
Ans: Diverges (Not sure)
39. The main feature of crystal oscillator is
Ans: Stability
40.period of infinite continuous fourier series
3) 2*pi/n(correct)
43. Common mode rejection ratio is the ratio of
Answer: Differential mode gain to Common Mode gain
44. Resolution of ADC is defined as the no of bits in
Answer: Output

Question ye tha k capacitor kabehavior DC k lea kesahoga us ka answer open circuit tha

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