The Use of Guessing Game To Improve Stud

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Sri Wahyuni dan Fitri Yulianti, The Use of…


Sri Wahyuni1 dan Fitri Yulianti2


Speaking is activity of two or more people in sending and receiving information or messages in oral
communication. The reason for teaching speaking to students is because it belongs to the basic
language skill in English. In speaking classes, the teacher usually give a dialogue of a certain topic,
then the students are being to practice and memorize the dialogue with their friends and finally
present the dialogue in front of the class in turn. It means that to understand the dialogue, the students
must have the ability in vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation. Because of that, speaking is very
important to be taught to the students.This study aimed to find out whether the use of guessing game
is effective. The sample of the study consist of 27 students in one class. The data in this research were
conducted by using pre-test and post-test. The result from the research showed that there is significant
difference between the students who are taught speaking by using guessing game and those who are
taught speaking by using traditional approach. The finding indicated that there is a significant
difference between the score of pre-test was 53, 6 and post-test was 82, 9. From this research it was
known that t – score is highest than t – table. It’s mean that this alternative hypothesis (Ha) is
accepted. Thus clear that the difference of the two means gained score was significant.

Keyword: Guessing Game, Speaking Skill

Sri Wahyuni, Dosen Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris STKIP Bina Bangsa Getsempena.
Fitri Yulianti, Alumni mahasiswa STKIP Bina Bangsa Getsempena

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Sri Wahyuni dan Fitri Yulianti, The Use of…

INTRODUCTION process, students often get bored to learn

Teaching English in senior high English because the material and method are
school encompasses the four language skills; monotonous and also less English practice.
listening, speaking, reading and writing. As The teacher usually asks students to
one of language skills that must be mastered real dialogue in front of class or to answer
by students, speaking is an important part for some questions for examples. Because of that
the students to acquire a language. Hybel the writer think it can make students bored and
(2001: 45) mentioned that speaking is any they do not want to speak English.
process in which people share information, Therefore, teachers should use one
ideas, and feeling. In other words, speaking is effective method for teaching speaking that
to express our idea to others in oral make students active and motivate in learning
communication, and also a process in which a speaking. The students can be motivated to say
speaker conveys information or messages to something to make possibility activities and
listeners. giving opportunity for them to practice their
In addition, speaking skill is used in speech.
real life. It means mastering English According to Savignon (1991: 4)
communication is one of the main goals in discussed, those teachers who did try to make
learning English. One of target of teaching time for students to use a pattern they had
language is to improve students skill to speak practiced in more authentic, real life situation
that language. Meanwhile, Burns (2012:37) will make their students more successful in
believed that for most foreign language speaking. To improve skill of speaking, games
learners, speaking in target language is not are considered as an effective technique to
easy thing to undertake because learning to apply in teaching speaking, because game can
speak a foreign language requires more than attract the students to use English in a fun way.
knowing grammatical and semantics rules. By using games, teaching and learning process
The researcher has found similar case will be more affective.
at second grade students in MAN 3 Banda Based on Eroz (2000:5), games are
Aceh where the students cannot say word highly motivating because they are amusing
perfectly in English. They look very confuse to and interesting. Based on the definition, it can
express their ideas on their mind. Many be concluded that the game can applied in
students do not have passion or do not feel teaching language skills. This statement also
confidence to perform English, especially in cited by Wright (1984:1) games help and
speaking class. support many learners to continue their
The students are also less enthusiastic awareness and work. It means that games
and less confident in speaking English and low make students want to continue their study and
motivation to learn. Accoding to Fulcher their work when teaching and learning
(2003:51) said that in teaching and learning

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process, because the students fell relax and someone thought. Based on definition above it
fun. can be concluded that goal of teaching
In relation to the techniques in speaking is to communicate efficiently.
teaching speaking skill, guessing games is one In addition, Haryanto (2004:13) said
of the techniques that can be used for this that speaking is talk or speaks. If both
purpose. Kipple (2012:34) stated that, the speaking and ability are combined, it means a
basic rule of the guessing games is very capability to utter the articulation of sound to
simple, someone knows the vocabulary and express or to deliver thought, opinion and wish
the others are trying to find it. to other person. Therefore, Hornby (1999:427)
Similarly, Wright (2012:1) said that, said that in short speaking can be as the way to
in a guessing games and speculating game, carry out feeling through words, even
some one knows something and the others conversations with other.
must find what it is by purposes. Based on the From the definition above, it can be
definition above, it can be concluded that inferred that speaking is one of the most
guessing games is a game in which a person or important role in people’s communicating life
participant knows something and competes among one and another. By communicating
individually or in a team to identify or to find they are able to create relationship, inform,
out the answer. share and find imformation. In this case,
Based on the background above, the speaking is the most important part in
researcher formulated the reserch question expressing the students’ ideas, opinion, though
"Does the Guessing Games improve student’s or feelings and they are able to communicative
speaking skill in MAN 3 Banda Aceh?" with others by doing some activities in
1. Definition of Speaking 2. Aspects of Speaking

Speaking is one aspect that important Speaking represents a real challenge to

in teaching and learning process. The aim of most language learners. No wonder that, some
teaching speaking is to train the students to be people think that the ability to speak shows the
able to express their ideas meaningfully in the competence of a person in language mastery.
real life. According to Kayi (2006:7), speaking Because language is a habit, speaking skill, as
is the ability to express a squence of ideas a part of four major skill in a language, must
fluently. be practiced more in its frequency in order to
This statement cited by Tarigan be fluent with the target language that is being
(1997:15), speaking is the capability in learned. Furthermore, other expert add some
pronouncing sound or word to express or aspect that should to know by the student, the
convey though, idea or feeling. It means are included of acuracy (grammar, vocabulary,
speaking is an articulation of sound to express

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and pronunciation). Fluency and b. Fluency

comprehension. The main goal of teaching speaking is

a. Accuracy oral fluency. Fluency mean as the ability to

1) Grammar speak fluently and accurately. Fluency in

Grammar is structure words that is speaking is the aim of many language learners.

arranged to be sentences to give meaning, it is Symbol of fluency consist of a logically fast

needed for students to arrange a correct speed of speaking and only a small number of

sentence in conversation. As cited by Heaton pauses and “ums” or “ems”. These symbols
show that the speaker does not have to spend a
(1988:5), that students’ ability to manipulate
lot of time searching for the language items
structure and to distinguish appropriate
needed to express the message. This statement
grammatical from in appropriate one.
supported by Brown (1997: 4).
2) Vocabulary
As cited by Brown (2001: 269), fluency
Beyorn (2006:1) believed, vocabulary
should be the target for beginning learners and
means the appropriate diction which is used in
should continue to be target as learners move
communication. Without having a sufficient
toward more advanced stages in their language
vocabulary, students cannot communicative
acquisition. Fluency is sometimes mistakenly
affectively or express their ideas in both oral
thought to be the least difficult aspects of
and written form. Based on Hornby (1995:
speaking development, because they are
137), vocabulary is all the words of a language
influenced by dialect and their mother tongue.
that can be used by everyone. It means
c. Comprehension
vocabulary is one of the speaking components
Heroine (2014:7) suggested teachers
which are very important in mastering English.
have to ensure that students are paying
3) Pronunciation
attention and understanding the material. It
According to Gerard (2000:10),
means conducting comprehension checks will
pronunciation is the way for students’ to
highlight what students are struggling with and
produce clearer language when they speak. It
what needs to be covered more thoroughly
deals with the phonological process that refers
before completing additional activities or
to the components of a grammar made up of
moving on the next topic.
the elements and principles that determine how
Consequently, the teacher can do the
sounds vary and pattern in a language. There
comprehension exercises often determined by
are two features of pronunciation; phonemes
the type of activities, and then teacher have
and supra segmental features. A speaker who
decided to include in his lessons. Most of the
constantly mispronounces a range of
comprehension checks for speaking exercises
phonemes can be extremely difficult for a
will be done during the initial introduction and
speaker from another language community to
practice sections of the lesson.

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Therefore, the teacher can ask the chance for students to practice their speaking.
students to practice the pronunciation of new Teachers, in designing their lesson objective,
words, provide synonyms for certain must consider students’ need too in order to
vocabulary, and the teacher also gives the ease students in mastering English as a target
translations of target structures to see if language that is being learned.
students grasp the meaning of certain material. Therefore, an English teacher has to
During speaking exercises it may be difficult process sufficient knowledge and
to correct students because correcting a student understanding toward learning materials that
during a class activity brings him negative she/he will teach. Furthermore, the teacher
attention while when students are doing should be able to select an appropriate
exercise in groups it is impossible to catch teaching methodology to be used in teaching
everything they say. materials as well classroom learning activities
3. Teaching Speaking that can motivate students to learn. As cited by
Teaching speaking, especially English Hence (2004: 3), the students will feel enjoy
is teaching students how to communicate during the class and keep on practicing their
orally to others. Moreover, the teacher has to speaking ability.
find and prepare the materials, give clear There are many activities to uphold
explanations or direction and also make speaking in the classroom. Kayi (2006: 2-5)
relationship the materials that they have learn said that, from many linguist on her article on
to their own lives. Teaching English as Second Language (TESL)
There are many language learners there are thirteen activities to uphold speaking,
considered speaking ability as the measure of they are discussion, simulations, information
knowing a language. These learners define gap, brain storming story-telling, interviews,
fluency as the ability to converse with others. story completion, reporting, playing cards,
Based on Fisher (2007:16), speaking is the picture narrating, picture describing, find the
uniquely human act or process of sharing and differences, and role play.
exchanging information, ideas, emotions by 4. Guessing Games
using oral language. The goal of teaching Guessing games is a game in which
speaking skills is communicate effeciency. the participants compete individually or in
Meanwhile, David (2000:197) sated teams to identify something that indicate
that the purpose of teaching English in senior obscurely. According to Webster (2001: 8), in
high school to gain function in all level. It teaching speaking through guessing games,
means that students should be able to students are expected to be involve datively in
communicate in oral or written form to solve speaking class activity; they are much courage
their problem in their daily life. Moreover, to think what they want to say. In other words,
English teachers have to make their speaking by guessing game students more active and
class atmosphere interesting and give more interest in learning speaking.

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Klippel (1994:32) defined, the basic class. This study focuses on investigate about
rule of guessing game is eminently simple: one guessing game in improving students’
person knows something that another one speaking skill at MAN 3 Banda Aceh.
wants to find out. Based on definition above, it 2. Population and Sample
can be conclude that guessing game is a game The populations of this research were
in which person or participant knows all of the students MIA from the second grade
something and competes individually or in of MAN 3 Banda Aceh in the academic year
team to identify or to find out the answer. 2015/2016. Meanwhile, in this reserach, the
Similarly, Klippel (1994:33) said that writer used 27 students from 100 students of
guessing is true communicative situation and second grade in MAN 3 Banda Aceh as a
such are very important for foreign language sample. So, the sample of this research was the
practice with fun and excitement. It means that students in class XI MIA-3 that were consisted
by guessing game the students can easy to of 27 students.
practice their speaking and more enthusiasm. 3. Research Instruments
Therefore, games can help the students According to Selinger (2006:125)
in building a good relationship with their there are several techniques that can be used in
friends as well as in increasing their a qualitative research to collect data such as:
achievement in learning English. Webster self reports and interview, test, observation,
(2001:2) pointed out a game in which survey and questionnaire, et cetera. In this
participate competes individually or team to research, the writer needs various data that
identification of something indicates should be obtained from a number of students
obscurely. at MAN 3 Banda Aceh. The instrument was
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY used for this study is test. So, the writer used
1. Research Design test to measure the students’ speaking
This research is experiment study and achievement while conducting the research.
quantitative approach. Emzir (2012:63) While, the pre-test gave in the first
pointed out; the experiment study is the meeting and it was used to know how far the
research method that can test hypothesis based learn with their own teacher before. In this
on causal relationship (cause-effect). section, the teacher asks the students to speak
Moreover, according to Mujjs (2004:1) in front of the class without determine the
pointed out; quantitaive research is explaining topic by the teacher or it is called free
phenomena y collecting numerical data that speaking. Then, the writer gave treatment in
are analyzed using mathematically based the second and third meeting, and post-test is
methods (in particular statistic). Moreover, in done to know the students’ speaking progress
this research the writer used one group pre-test after giving the treatment.
design. It chosen because to thriftly the time
and to make their writer easy to manage the

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4. Technique of Analysis Data As cited by Brown (2004:71), to

In conducting this research, the analyze the results of students’ speaking
procedure of data analysis would be collected ability, the writer used the speaking assesment
from result pre-test, treatment, and post-test rubric which contains three aspects of
result. After collecting the data, the writer did speaking skill, namely grammar, vocabulary
some steps in analyzing the data. and pronunciation.

Table 1. The classifications of minimum values completeness of MAN 3 Banda Aceh:

Score Value Category

90-100 4 Excellent
80-89 3 Very good
65-79 2 Good
55-64 1 Enough
0-54 0 Bad
(Taken from KKM MAN 3 Banda Aceh.)
The score of all tests from this Explanations:
research was setting up in the frequency Md : D divided by N
distribution which is analyzed by using Mean. D : Score treatment I-score of treatment II
The formula of this statistic is suggested by N : Number of Sample
The mean (M): 1. Result of Research
𝑥 This research was conducted at the
M= 𝑁
second grade students’ of MAN 3 Banda
Explanations: M = Mean
Aceh, on January 11th - 17th 2016. Moreover,
∑x = Sum of score
after giving treatment to the students in three
N = Number of sample
meetings, the writer collected all the data
Then to find out the weather the differences
needed from the result of pre-test and post-test.
between pre-test and post-test is significant,
First of all, the writer would like to discuss the
the writer used the following T-score formula
result from pre-test.
as suggested by Bunging (2005:191):
𝑁 (𝑁 −1)

Table 2. the result of students’ pre-test and post-test.

No. Name of Students Score of pre-test Score of post-test
1. AT 50 85
2. CIV 40 80
3. FH 43 90
4. IES 59 95
5. IM 58 100
6. KN 60 85

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7. KI 50 70
8. KD 60 90
9. MA 45 95
10. MRS 45 100
11. MS 55 85
12. MI 59 100
13. MLN 53 100
14. NN 60 90
15. NI 58 85
16. RS 57 70
17. RM 50 90
18. RM 50 100
19. RR 54 95
20 RN 58 85
21. RM 37 90
22. SN 60 100
23. SZ 60 100
24. UJM 55 90
25. ZMI 59 90
26. ZH 53 80
27. RM 60 100
Total 1448 2440
Mean 53,6 82,9

2. Analysis of pre-test 3. Analysis of post-test

From the table above, it can be seen From the table 2 shows that the
the highest score of pre-test is 60, and the students’ score are range from 70 to 100. The
lowest score of pre-test is 37. Meanwhile, total following is the mean score of the result of
of students’ score is 1448. Next step is to find post-test.
the means score of pre-test. 𝑥 2240
M= 𝑁
= 27
𝑥 1448
M= 𝑁
= 27 M =82,9
M =53,6 Meanwhile, based on the table above,
From the classification above, it can it can be concluded that students’ post-test is
be seen that there is no students who got higher than pre-test. It means that, there are
excellent score and most of them got bad differences in both test. Therefore, teaching
score. Also, the score of the mean is 50. That speaking by using guessing games helps
is categorized as bad score. Therefore, we can students in improving their speaking skill.
concludedthat the average of the young From the classification above, it could
learners ability before the writer gave be seen that there was contras result between
treatment were bad. pre-test and post-test score. In pre-test, almost
all of students got bad score. However, we can
see a significance improvement of the score in

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post-test. Most of them are get very good 4. Discussion

score. None of them got bad score. So, the
The section discuss the research
writer concluded that the average of the young
finding which has been introduced to previous
learners ability after the writer gave treatment
section of this chapter, by maintaining the
were very good.
relevance with research problem to describe
Now, to find out the weather the the use of guessing game in improving
differences between pre-test and post-test is students’ speaking skill. After analyzing the
significant, the writer used following T-score data, the research can be proved students’
formula as suggested by Bungin (2005:191). speaking skill by using guessing game at
second grade students in MAN 3 Banda Aceh.
Score of pre −test −score of pre −test
Md = Number of sample In learning process, especially on
2240 −1448 speaking, the students usually depend on the
= 27
teacher’s explanation. It is means the teacher is
= 27 as the center or main recource in getting the
= 29,3 knowledge. Therefore, the students are passive
and just accept the material from the teacher.
𝑡= While, through using guessing game in
𝑁 (𝑁 −1)
teaching speaking, the teacher is as the
𝑡= 24848 facilitator.
27 26
Teaching speaking by using guessing
𝑡= game encourage the students learn actively.
The students look enjoyed in game, they give
𝑡= 65,389 more attention and participation on game.

29,3 They have opportunity to discuss and share the

𝑡 = 8,09
material. The use of guessing game script is
t = 3,23 helping the researcher to investigate the
t-table = 2,093 df = N-1 students’ speaking skill in senior high school.
= 27-1 = 26 The evidance, the experiment was conduct and
From the statistical analysis above, we the result is the use of guessing game can be
can see that the t-score of this research is applying in all of school, This strategy is
higher that score in the t-table (t>t-test). It beneficial for reviewing and integrating
means that the difference was significant and subject matter.
the alternative hypothesis (Ha) was accepted The finding indicated that there is a
and null hypothesis (Ho) was rejected. significant difference between the score of pre-
test was 53, 6 and post-test was 82, 9. From
this research it was known that t – score is

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highest than t – table. It’s mean that this not only is able to increase their speaking
alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted, while ability but also their confidence in their life.
the null hypothesis (Ho) was rejected. CONCLUSION
The use of guessing game script in The result of this research the use of
this research was suitable for the students. guessing game technique in class room
However, the students must learn more to achieve more effective for students’ speaking
increase their speaking ability, but by this skill. The criteria of success are t-score is 3, 23
technique it can help to measure their and t-table is 2, 093. It’s mean that this
speaking. So that, the students got the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted and the
confidence when speak to each other null hypothesis (Ho) was rejected. In fact, the
especially in front of the class. By learning result of the test demonstrated that after the
game, they have e brave when performance in use of guessing game technique in teaching
front of the class. These are some of the and learning process, the students’ score has
benefit or positive impact by learning game, increased.

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