Improving Students' Speaking Ability Through Role Play
Improving Students' Speaking Ability Through Role Play
Improving Students' Speaking Ability Through Role Play
This research is designed as a research on improving students’ speaking ability in class to the second
semester of6 Gurney of KTEHZA The purpose of the research is to improve students’ ability in speaking
of expression of happiness by applying role play technique. The method of this research was classroom
action research. It was conducted in three cycles. The subjects of this research were 35 students at the
second semester of the 6 Gurney of KTEHZA in academic year 2020/2021. After collecting the data, the
writer found that improving students’ ability in expression of happiness through Role Play technique is
work well. Based on the data analysis, the result of the research was progress. It is showed that the
students’ mean score for speaking ability in expression of happiness improved. Speaking is one of the
important skills that should be mastered students in order to communicate in English fluently and clearly.
Speaking involves interaction with one or more participants (Harmer, 2001:271) this means that effective
speaking also involve a good deal of listening. Speaking take places everywhere and became parts of our
daily activities. Speaking is the most difficult skills to be mastered by the students, among the four skills
(listening, speaking, reading and writing). Rees (2004) states “speaking is fundamental to human
communication”. Communication can help people to interact with others. It is also the process of
expressing and receiving the ideas. In the school, the students can learn about the language but the only
way to learn to use it for communication. In fact, in teaching speaking, the teacher should cover some
aspects such as fluency, accuracy, pronunciation and choices of proper words for the appropriate the
expression. Learning English does not mean just learning about the structure and vocabulary, but also
learning how to speak the language for communication to one another. Students get involve in
communication because they have ideas and feeling they want to share. This sharing cannot be done in
one way, but there must be senders and receivers to built a conversation. On the other hand, having wide
speaking students can communicate effectively even though they may be weak at the grammar and
vocabulary. It means that teacher must pay a lot attention on enriching student speaking. In fact, the low
level achievement of speaking ability in 6 Gurney was because there were many factors that influence
speaking ability especially in pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary. Based on the observation in 6
Gurney The writer identified the problem by the topic that expression of happiness the students found
difficulties pronunciation in expression of happiness, lack of vocabulary and students were still shy to
speak. Another reason is caused by the inappropriate techniques used by the teacher in teaching
speaking ability. Whereas, teaching English as foreign language requires the use of effective learning
methods, techniques or activities that promote the speaking ability. In order to overcome this situation
there was an effective way that teaching speaking ability can be done through some various activities that
can progress speaking ability. We can choose one of the language teaching activities that are suitable
with the level of the students. One of them is by using role play activity as a technique in teaching and
learning process. Role play is important in teaching speaking because that gives students an opportunity
to practice communication in different social context and in S 3 different social roles. In addition, that also
allows students to be active and to put students in another person’s place for a while. Role play technique
is the way to teach speaking by setting up the students in the situations in pair of groups. This means
putting two or more students together and giving students handouts sheet, which they can read and study
first taking.
Based on the explanation above the writer would like to conduct Classroom Action Research to
solve the problem. The writer would like to use role play technique in improving speaking ability in class.
Through role play technique there are so many advantages for students in earning process. The students
can be more motivated and challenged to communicate using English in their daily life because they have
practice in classroom. As a mean of communication, language has an important role to get or to share the
information we may use written or spoken language, but if we want to convey the ideas directly we need
to speak. We can say that people are not able to comprehend the language if they cannot use the
language in speaking, so it is important for people to have a good speaking ability. According to brown
and Yule (1994) speaking is an interactive process of constructing meaning that involves producing and
receiving and processing information. It’s form and meaning are dependent on the context in which it
occurs, including the participant themselves, their collective experiences, the physical improvement, and
the purpose of a speaking. speaking requires that learner not only know how to produce specific point of
language such a grammar, pronunciation or vocabulary, but also they understand when, why and what
ways to produce the language. Brown (2001:14) says, “Technique where the specific activities manifested
in the classroom that were consistent with an approach as well”. it is supported by chirandon, et all
(2010:2) say, “A number of affective teaching techniques are used to stimulate beginners’ interest. Using
role play in classroom is one of recommended techniques.” According to Brown and Yule (1994) there are
three functions of speaking: a. Speaking as Interaction Speaking as interaction refers to the interaction
which serves a primarily social function. When people meet, they exchange greetings, engage in small
speaking and chit chat, recount recent experiences because they wish to be friendly and establish a
comfortable zone of interaction with others. The focus is more then speaker and how they wish to
presents themselves each other.
Speaking as performance is refers to public speaking, it is talk with transmit information before
and audience such as public announcement and speeches. Speaking as performance tends to be in form
of monolog rather than dialogue, often follow a recognizable format and it is closer to written language
than conversational language. c. Speaking as Transaction Speaking as transaction refers to situation
where the focus is on the message about what is said or achieved in order to make people understood
early and accurately. In speaking as transaction, the focus activity is group discussion. According to Killen
(1998:26) that” discussion is an orderly process of face to face group interaction in which people
exchange ideas about an issues for the purpose of solving problem, answering the question, enhancing
their knowledge or understanding, or making decisions. In this research, the writer offers the teaching of
speaking though role play in order to improve the students’ speaking ability in expression of happiness.
Dealing with the type of communication, expression of happiness is one of the types of public
communication in class through role play. In expressing of happiness the students more active and doing
the dialogue with another student, they work by the group. There will be learners are suppose this
activity. The topic is being discussed must be clear told to the students/group. According to Livingstone
(1986:6) defines role play as “a classroom activity which gives the student the opportunity to practice
the language, the aspects of roles he may actually meet outside the classroom.” Larsen freeman
(2000:68) explained that role plays are important in the communicative approach because they give
learners an opportunity to practice communicating in different social context and different social roles.
In role plays, students are assigned role and put into situations that they may eventually encounter
outside the classroom. Because role plays imitate life, the range of language functions that may be used
expands considerably. Also role play is highly flexible learning activity, which has a wide scope for
variation and imagination. By the same, Ladousse (1995:4) states that a role play uses different
communicative techniques and develops fluency in the language, promotes interaction in the classroom
and increases motivation. Thus, role play can improve learners’ speaking skills in 5 any situation, and
help learners to interact among the students as they play their parts lead them to practice and develop
the ability in speaking