Lets Talk About Health
Lets Talk About Health
Lets Talk About Health
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Some good food sources of Number two is you could just buy Three other common cravings—
chromium, one of my favorites, is organic free-range chicken broth. dark chocolate. I don’t know about
onions. Onions are one of the best It’s kind of like the meat broth. You you, Sherry, but for me, from time
sources of chromium. You also have can find it at most stores, definitely to time, I want some dark chocolate.
things like broccoli, green beans. health food stores nowadays, and And dark chocolate can be really,
Cinnamon. Cinnamon is a great get the full sodium one and drink really good for us. A couple of the
source of chromium. So those are that. And it really provides a mega reasons why we might crave it, one
all really good. dose of really good sodium, as well is that dark chocolate is a source of
as a bunch of trace minerals to help PAs. PAs are something that helps
Another common craving is salt you out. stimulate endorphins. Endorphins
cravings. And a lot of times people, are, in a sense, what makes us feel
when they have hypoglycemia or Sea vegetables. So there’s a snack good when we exercise or after
adrenal fatigue, they’ll have salt that my family loves. My twin boys, we exercise, that feel good rush
cravings. And what they’ll think is, “I they’re thirteen and a half months that we feel. So dark chocolate
need potato chips. I need pretzels.” old right now. And they eat this, too. helps with that. It’s also a very
That’s typically the response that And they actually eat seaweed. And good source of magnesium. So
people have. And this is a sign that it’s like one of their favorite foods. sometimes when people are craving
dark chocolate, they’re really who are participating in this summit really what we want is we want
deficient in magnesium. are plant biased. And they’re fibrous carbohydrates. So fiber is
vegetarian or vegan. Is the seaweed very important for our microbiome.
If you were to get organic dark a good replacement for that bone So our microbiome, the bacteria
chocolate that doesn’t have extra broth? in our gut, helps to break down
sugar in it, it can be a great food fiber. And they create something
source as long as your body’s able Dr. Jockers: Yeah, absolutely. called short-chain fatty acids.
to tolerate things like oxalates. Seaweed, that’s going to be one of Short-chain fatty acids are very
People that are on a low oxalate or the best possible sources of trace anti-inflammatory for our body. So
autoimmune diet, I usually take off minerals. In fact, if you are very it’s key that we get fiber. What we
of chocolate, at least for a period plant based, getting sea vegetables want is to avoid carbohydrates that
of time. But for most people, giving in your diet is going to be very don’t have that fiber component, so
a small amount of dark chocolate, important. Sea vegetables and processed, carbohydrate, sugars,
without the extra sugar in it, can be things like spirulina, which is an different things like that. A lot of the
really, really helpful. I know I have a algae, and chlorella, those things breads that are out there, we want
lot of recipes, both on my website, are really powerful because those to avoid all of that kind of stuff.
and in my Sugar Detox program algae’s are in a sense a complete
that use raw chocolate. protein source. They’re very And instead, we want to stick with
bioavailable. The amino acids are again carbohydrate sources that
It’s such a rich source of very bioavailable for you. So I would are rich in really, really good fibers.
magnesium. It has a lot of highly recommend doing a lot of So particularly vegetables, that’s
polyphenol, antioxidants that are sea vegetables and sea algae’s. going to be our best source. Okay.
really, really good for circulation, So getting a lot of really, really good
getting blood up into the brain. Sherry: Great. And with the vegetables. I’m also a fan of doing
It really helps support serotonin, chlorella, there are certain versions things like coconut water kefir, so
which is really good for mood, that you want that are more like fermented drinks. Fermented
and actually boosting serotonin bioavailable, is that correct? tonics can be really good. Coconut
has been shown to modulate water has tons of potassium, lots of
or coordinate and inhibit sugar Dr. Jockers: Yeah, like a cracked electrolytes in it.
cravings. So it’s real helpful there. cell wall chlorella is going to be the
It also helps with dopamine best form. So you’re going to want But it also is higher in sugar. When
production, which is key for just to look for that if you’re looking the bacteria go in and ferment it,
feeling like we want to accomplish for chlorella cracked cell wall, lowers the sugar content, increases
our goals. because it’s really tough for the the amount of B vitamins. And
body to break down the cell wall, B vitamins are really key for
Sherry: I was going to say, David, I on chlorella, it just passes through processing sugar, for helping
believe that chocolate is God’s way the digestive system. So the cracked our body to process and buffer
of saying he loves us and wants us cell wall, you’re able to absorb and a high blood sugar response and
to be happy. utilize the nutrients in it. it provides enzymes, probiotics,
and organic acids, which provide a
Dr. Jockers: There you go. I love it. Sherry: And let’s talk a little bit great healthy environment for our
But it’s the right type of chocolate. about the distinction between microbiome, so doing some things
carbs because a lot of people are like that also is a great source of
Sherry: That’s right because there confused between cutting down carbs.
are a lot of dark chocolates on carbs, but all plant foods are carbs.
the market that makes up for its And we want to increase plant Like for me, I’m a fan of a very low-
bitterness with tons of refined consumption. But there are certain carb diet. But at times, if I’m going
sugar. So I’m glad you made that types of carbs that we really want to cycle out of—for example, I’m a
distinction. That’s a really good to lessen our consumption around. fan of a ketogenic diet—if I’m going
point. Can you give more distinction for to cycle out of that, I’m going to use
people about the carbs that are nutrient-dense carb sources that are
Dr. Jockers: Exactly. cool and on our to-do and increase also really good fibers. Like carrots
list, and the ones that we really are amazing. Carrots are very rich
Sherry: One of the things I wanted want to minimize? in arabinogalactan fibers, which are
to circle back to was…There’s two awesome for your gastrointestinal
things. But just a lot of the people Dr. Jockers: Yeah, absolutely. So system, really good for bowel motility.
I also love beets. Beets are the One big thing that’s very avoidable are dealing with that. I know I work
richest source of something called that will drain your adrenals is with clients all the time that are
trimethylglycline, which is key for blood sugar imbalances. See, your dealing with that.
the methylation process, which adrenals are designed to keep us
helps our body to express healthy alive. So they secrete hormones, So keeping blood sugar stable is
genes. And so beets are a great and really our brain, searches our one of the most important things
antiaging food, really good for brain, a part of our brain called for getting your adrenals back on
phase 2, liver detox, which for a our hypothalamus. It’s like the track. So eating a diet that’s high in
lot of people is very sluggish. So antenna of the body. And so it’s really good healthy fats like coconut
beets are great. Sweet potatoes got it’s antenna. It’s looking in the oil, avocados. For me, I like grass-
can be really good, yams, pumpkin. bloodstream. And it says, “Okay, fed butter as another really good
So those are my personal, my blood sugar’s dropping down. We source. Olive oil, olives, these are all
favorite sources of getting extra need sugar! Like, we need to get really good fat sources, moderate
carbohydrate in the diet. this blood sugar up or we’re at risk amounts of protein, and then using
of dying because the brain needs again a lot of these fibers. Like
Sherry: I love making sauerkraut sugar.” we’re talking about using a lot of
with beets, too. vegetables and fibrous foods. This
So what does it do? It sends a signal is all going to really, really help keep
Dr. Jockers: Oh, yeah, yeah. to the pituitary gland, another part our blood stable.
Absolutely. of our brain. Our master hormone
gland, I guess you could say. And Also, hydration, hydration is so
Sherry: It’s pretty, too. the pituitary gland then sends a absolutely vital. Just like when our
signal to the adrenals and says, blood sugar drops, when we start to
Dr. Jockers: Absolutely. If beets are “Okay, pump out this hormone become dehydrated, again our body
on the table, I can’t pass them up. called cortisol.” Cortisol’s job is to produces more stress hormones, so
Personally, I love beets. increase blood sugar. So it signals we want to be as easy as possible
the liver to start to break down on the body so it’s producing a low
Sherry: Can’t beat them. Boom, stored sugar, muscle cells to start to amount of stress hormones, unless
boom, pun intended. So you break down stored sugar. And we we actually need it like when we’re
mentioned this before. You get this process. exercising or something like that.
mentioned the phrase before—
adrenal fatigue. We’re hearing lots Now, what happens is when we So we don’t want the body to be
about that. What are some of the have to continually pump this in this chronic fight or flight, this
things that cause adrenal fatigue process, this HPA—hypothalamic- chronic stress. So keeping your
and what’s the connection between pituitary-adrenal—axis to keep blood sugar stable, staying super
sugar consumption and adrenal blood sugar stable, we have to keep hydrated, that is so key throughout
fatigue? that siren on, what happens is it the day to keep your energy level
drains out the body and creates stable and to keep your HPA axis
Dr. Jockers: Yeah, absolutely. So in a sense a sluggishness or a coordinated so it’s functioning well.
really all of us, at periods of time desensitivity to this HPA axis. And And you will notice, when you do
in our life, are going to deal with now, we start under-producing the those things, your energy will get so
adrenal fatigue. In fact, if you’re cortisol. much better. You’ll sleep better at
somebody out there that has a full- night. You’ll have better quality of
time job or is running your family And now, when the blood sugar life, better mood, better memory,
full time, you’re dealing with some drops, it creates even stronger better mindset. Everything in your
level of adrenal fatigue. Okay. In stress response in our body. life will improve. So it’s huge! It’s
fact, adrenal fatigue to some degree And our body will start to look at very important.
is actually, it’s just part of life and it’s other hormones like adrenaline
healthy. However, when you start to and things like that. And so Sherry: So let’s talk about those
get into deeper periods of adrenal sometimes people will wake up lifestyle changes to crush sugar
fatigue, when you’re not practicing in the middle of night and their cravings. A lot of people will hear
rituals that allow your body to heart will be pounding or they’ll be that and they’ll get a little bit
recover and restore, that’s when we hyperventilating. And that’s because overwhelmed. And they’re like they
can get in trouble. So again, chronic of this adrenaline response because don’t know where to start. It almost
stress, just modern day life, causes their HPA axis is so wound up. And feels like the Western way of living
adrenal fatigue. there may be some listeners that is completely set up to go against
nature. What do you recommend your body is dehydrated. So starting else I need to do. So I’m a big fan of
for clients to start to incorporate with 8 to 16 ounces of water in the smoothies.
lifestyle changes? Where do you morning when you wake up, that’s
start? one of the best things you can Now, in smoothies, I make sure that
do to improve your energy right I don’t put much, if any fruits. If I do
Dr. Jockers: That’s a great question. away. You’re naturally dehydrated, use fruit, I use berries. Berries are
Where do you start? Really start drinking that water is going to low glycemic, high-nutrient density.
with your own mindset. I think stimulate better energy production I’ll use something like coconut milk
that’s the most important thing in your body. It’s also going to or almond milk or a grass-fed raw
is to get your mindset right. And start to stimulate bowel activity or milk can work, as well. Okay. So
so whatever it takes to get your peristaltic activity. You want to be I’ll use something like that. I’ll put
mindset right. I’m a big fan of moving your bowels early in the extra coconut oil or coconut fats
having my clients make a vision morning. We’ve got to get the toxins in there because coconut fats are
board so they can really visualize out of our system. So we want to be easy to digest and they help to
who they want to be. Okay. moving our bowels. stabilize blood sugar. Oftentimes,
I’ll put an avocado in my smoothie
And oftentimes, we have to ask We want to be urinating. A lot of my because avocados are a very good
ourselves, “If I want to accomplish clients, they’ll tell me, “You know, fat source, loaded with potassium,
these goals in my life, who do I need I feel like I’ve got so much energy, loaded with magnesium, and also
to be?” And see the best version of but I always have to go to the a very good fiber source. And it
themselves. So it really starts with bathroom.” And I tell them, “That’s makes it like a pudding.
having the right mindset. If you great. You’ve got to pee your way
have the right mindset, then you’ll to good health.” And that’s so true. And then, I’ll put a good, high-
start to take on the right behaviors You’ve got to be moving things quality protein powder in there.
and habits. And so creating habits through. You want your body to be So it could be like a pea protein if
and rituals that allow your body like a river, and not like a stagnant you’re a vegetarian or vegan or a
to reduce stress and to promote pond. A river is full of life. hemp protein. For me, I like to use
creativity and joy in your life. So bone broth protein, which is like
whether it’s meditation, prayer, And it actually produces energy concentrated, basically organic
doing things like that on a regular through hydroelectric functions. chicken bones that have been
basis is so critical. We can actually produce energy broken down and concentrated.
through that, whereas, a pond is And I’ve got all the gelatin and
Obviously, the second big thing, stagnant and it breeds petrification collagen proteins in there that are
really focus on hydration and and over fermentation. And good for gut health and joint health,
getting good water filtration obviously, we all have smelled the things like that. But a lot of times,
system and hydrating your body toxic pond smell. And that’s what I’ll put my clients on a pea protein,
well. Okay. A lot of people will ends up happening in our body if as well, or a hemp protein, which
say drink half your body weight we don’t do that, so hydrating your works good. So I do a smoothie,
in ounces. Meaning like for me, body really well between meals. You which is again, it’s predigested. So
I weigh 160 pounds so I should don’t want to drink a lot with the it’s easy on my digestive system.
drink a minimum of 80 ounces of meal, but you want to drink a lot So that’s typically what I’ll do
water daily. Okay. I actually tell my outside of meals. Very important. throughout the day—one to two
clients, I actually want to move you smoothies.
towards drinking an ounce of water Then get on the right nutrition plan.
per pound of body weight. So for So what does that look like? For And then, I’ll have a dinner where I’ll
myself, I drink over 160 ounces of me, I’m a huge fan of doing liquid have a big salad. I’ll have steamed
water daily. People are like, “How nutrition throughout the day as vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower,
do you do that?” much as possible or things that things like that, grass-fed butter
are easy on the digestive system melted on it, healthy meat, whether
Well, really in the morning, I just because that’s not going to compete it’s grass-fed beef, organic chicken
super saturate my system with with stress hormones. Like for me, or turkey or something like wild-
water. And sometimes you have I’ve got a busy schedule throughout caught fish, cooked in coconut oil.
to start slowly. Most people have the day, so I don’t want to eat a big Then I pour the coconut oil on top
deconditioned their hydration meal, and then have my body have afterwards so I get more of these
response so you got to start slowly. to focus on trying to digest that good fats. I like to put on a lot of
When you wake up in the morning, while I’m trying to do everything herbs, basil, oregano, thyme, so
these aromatic herbs. Like, I should So before dinner, my family, we say question. Well, we look at the brain
be able to smell my dinner from a blessing before we eat, not only to and we think of like, for example,
the next room. And that actually give thanks to God, but also from a Alzheimer’s disease is called type
helps stimulate my digestive juice nervous system perspective, it helps 3 diabetes. And what that means
production: stomach acid, bile, put us in a state of gratitude, which is basically Alzheimer’s disease is
pancreatic enzymes. So it gets stimulates the parasympathetic characterized by insulin resistance
my body ready to digest the meal nervous system, which allows me in the brain. And insulin is this
before I even eat it. again to produce better digestive master hormone that our body
juices and helps my body to secretes when blood sugar goes up.
I’ll use fresh-squeezed lemon or digest, breakdown and absorb
even organic lemon juice, apple the nutrients more effectively, We know that when blood sugar
cider vinegar on the meat and the and create the least amount of goes up, it is toxic to nerves. Why
vegetables to help predigest the inflammatory stress on my digestive is that? Because it combines. The
meat and the vegetables. There’s system. sugar molecules will combine with
citric acid in the lemon and lime. So a meal plan like that can be proteins, circulating proteins in the
There is acidic acid in the apple really, really powerful and effective body, and creates something called
cider vinegar, which help predigest for somebody. an advanced glycolytic enzyme.
the meat and the vegetables. And And so if we were to take the first
those acids have been shown, Sherry: Yes, gratitude’s not often a letter of those words, advanced is A,
in clinical studies, to lower the nutrient we think of as vital, but it glycolytic is G, enzyme is E, so AGEs.
glycemic response by 31%. So it absolutely is, isn’t it? So what do you think that does to
actually helps dampen the blood our body?
sugar response when you use Dr. Jockers: But it is. Yeah. Got it.
those. And personally, I love the Sherry: It ages us.
flavor with those. And so I put those Sherry: So you’re a board eligible
things on there. chiropractic neurologist. Dr. Jockers: It accelerates aging
process. You got it. And so those
On my salads, I like to do sprouts Dr. Jockers: Yes. AGEs damage nerves. So you think
on there. So, as well as veggies, about somebody with diabetes,
I usually like to do black olives. Sherry: Does that differ to a normal what kind of conditions, if it’s
Something along those lines where I chiropractor? uncontrolled, they can develop
get more good fat in that. So I’ve got peripheral neuropathy, where the
a combination of some raw veggies, Dr. Jockers: Yeah. So basically, I nerves in their feet, for example,
some cooked veggies with grass- did an advanced training. In fact, becomes damaged. And they don’t
fed butter on them, which is rich my advanced training is in nutrition even feel their feet anymore. They
in vitamin A and CLA and all kinds functional medicine. I’m actually can develop retinopathy, where
of different nutrients. Then I’ve got a doctor of natural medicine, as their eyes, so basically the optic
some sort of a healthy meat cooked well. And then, I did over 300 hours neuritis, where their optic nerves
in coconut oil. Again, I use lemon in advanced neurology, learning become so damaged that they
juice or lime or apple cider vinegar about the brain and how really the lose their vision. So these are all
on everything. I’ve got a lot of good brain governs the body and how common things. In fact, we look at
fat on there. the nervous system is the master things like macular degeneration,
system of the body. So basically, cataracts, glaucoma, these are all
And I also have some fermented I’m trained on how to help balance related to blood sugar imbalances.
foods with my dinner. So it could brain function. And that comes in And, of course, it affects the brain
be sauerkraut like you were talking really handy when I’m dealing with and damages the brain, as well.
about or kimchi. So that again people with balance disorders,
provides more enzymes, as well as dizziness, ADHD kids or autistic kids, And when our blood sugar goes
it’s sour. And really, anything that’s and things like that, so yes. out of balance, it will cause the,
sour is going to help to stimulate what’s called the blood-brain
the vagus nerve to produce these Sherry: So tell me how sugar barrier to open up. And so the
digestive juices. And that’s so impacts the brain and the spine? blood-brain barrier’s this tight
critical. I’m all about protecting my Like people coming in with injury junction that helps protect the brain
digestive system, and making sure and pain or issues in those areas. from circulating environmental
I’m in a place where I can digest my toxins. So we take in toxins from
food well. Dr. Jockers: Yes. Well, great the air we breathe, the food we
eat. And they’re circulating in our people, can damage their joints, down. But the longest I will sit down
bloodstream. And the blood-brain their ligaments, their joint capsules, for a period of time is like 45 to 50
barrier is there to protect the and accelerate the degenerative minutes, typically. Typically, I’m up.
brain so those toxins don’t get processes of the discs. And we’ve And if I do that, I’m up for 5 to 10
into our brain. Like, for example, if heard of disc degeneration and minutes at least, moving my body.
we consume something out of an osteoarthritis. These are very much Getting good motion in the body is
aluminum can, we’re going to get related to diet and blood sugar so critical.
some aluminum in our body. We’re imbalances.
going to get some tin in our body. On my website, and it’s on my
These things that we shouldn’t have So as a chiropractor, one of the YouTube station, this exercise called
in our body. A healthy body can most important things I would tell super brain yoga. And this is what
eliminate a vast majority of that. you to take care of your spine, your I teach office workers to do. So
brain, and your nervous system is they get up and they do basically a
However, if our blood-brain barrier get that blood sugar in balance. minute of super brain yoga every
is open because we’re dealing hour. And then, they also take a
with poor blood sugar responses, Sherry: You’re also certified little walk around their office facility.
then there’s a good chance that and have degrees around They walk around, say hi to people,
aluminum can get into our brain. sports nutrition and sports and go back and work. So basically, in an
And we find people with Alzheimer’s movement. So can you talk about hour span, you should be working
disease, that they have something the connection between how intensely for about 45 minutes
called a neurofibrillary damage. important it is for our brain and our and then taking 15 minutes off.
And neurofibrillary, these filaments, spine and our body and controlling And actually, if everybody created
where it’s like damaged nerve cells, blood sugars to get moving our a cycle around that, we’d have
and just a whole grouping of them. body? increased productivity.
And there’s aluminum in those.
Okay. Dr. Jockers: Yeah, absolutely. This idea of marathon work
Movement is life. So we have sessions is really not healthy. It’s
And so that aluminum, again to move to live. So basically, more about like burst training,
where did that come from? It came when we move our bodies, we where we work intensely and
from the environment and then actually give a vital nutrient to focused for a period of time, but
it got into the brain through this the brain. It’s something called then we take ergonomic breaks. Get
opening in the blood brain barrier. proprioception. And that’s a big our body up and moving, get that
So we look at that Parkinson’s is Scrabble word—proprioception. proprioception into the brain, that’s
associated with pesticides getting Well, proprioception is so valuable so critical. And then just a regular
into the blood-brain barrier. So the to the brain that people who live exercise program, and really lots
reality is that we need to keep the sedentary lifestyles, their brain of stretching and getting all of our
blood sugar balanced and stable actually, believe it or not, the aging joints through a full range of motion
in order to have healthy brain process is twice as fast for their is so valuable to the body.
function, good memory, good brain, as somebody who’s active
energy on a regular basis. throughout the day. So we need to Sherry: I’m so glad you didn’t do
move. this interview on the medicine ball
When we look at the spine, for though. Like, this would be very,
example, spinal degeneration, And not only our regular exercise very distractive, bouncing around all
we know that when blood sugar’s pattern, but actually moving over the place.
elevated, it’s going to cause chronic throughout the day. You can
inflammation. So insulin, not only exercise an hour in the morning, Dr. Jockers: Ha, ha, ha.
is it come out to get blood sugar but then sit eight hours throughout
down, but insulin also promotes the day, and actually still have Sherry: So let’s talk about some key
inflammation. So insulin needs to significant brain atrophy. So herbs, tonics, and nutrients that can
get the blood sugar down. However, it’s really, really vital that we’re address our cravings.
it’s telling the body, “Hey, we’re constantly taking ergonomic breaks
having blood sugar imbalances. if we are sitting or even better Dr. Jockers: Yeah, absolutely. So
This is a sign that we’re at risk for an getting stand up desks. I know one some different things that I use to
infection.” And so it sends out this of my workstations is stand up desk help balance blood sugar. When I
inflammatory cascade in the body. when I’m working from home. Right see people that have elevated blood
And the inflammation, for many now, for this interview, I’m sitting sugar or elevated hemoglobin
A1C, fasting blood sugars, elevated blood sugar stability. Bitter melon your children. And I know you’ve
insulin levels, the number one in there, which is another great one. had clients who, it’s even hard for
thing is definitely using lemon Fenugreek, which is another really them to conceive switching from
and lime. So lemon lime water, good one for blood sugar stability. what they’ve always grown up with,
apple cider vinegar water can be High doses of biotin, believe it or with this highly-processed food
really, really helpful. That helps not, between 5 to 15 milligrams a and what they’ve been conditioned
again stimulate the digestive juice day really, really great for blood to conceive as healthy. Where
production. And the better our sugar stability, in particular using do family start to get the sugar
body is at producing pancreatic that with a high-dose chromium out of their life and their bodies?
enzymes and hydrochloric acid, has been shown in studies to be Where do they start when it’s
the better we will be at stabilizing really powerful for stabilizing blood overwhelming?
blood sugar. So that’s a simple, easy sugar with people with really high
thing. Fermented foods, getting the hemoglobin A1Cs, really major Dr. Jockers: Really, you just want
nutrition right, all really important. sugar cravings, and high blood to start replacing. And I think that’s
sugar, so diabetic-type individuals, the big key. So where does it start
Cinnamon. So cinnamon works that can be really good. if your family’s eating, for example,
great with fruits. Cinnamon helps if they’re eating Oreos all day long,
activate something called a GLUT-4 So typically, my insulin manager first switch would be to switch to
receptor and helps navigate it up, product has all those herbs. I’ll like an organic form of Oreos. Like,
basically similar to what chromium use that with people that are there’s Newman-O’s out there.
does. It helps navigate it up closer diagnosed already with diabetes. Now, Newman-O’s still have sugar
to the cell membrane, where it can But a multivitamin with high-dose in them, but it’s an organic sugar.
grab sugar more effectively. So chromium and vanadium, like I have There’s less environmental toxins in
it helps reduce things like insulin one called high energy support, I there. So it’s a more effective swap.
resistance, also helps with just will use that for people that are just,
overall insulin receptor activity. So they’re like maybe early stage of Then over time, you can start to
cinnamon’s great, really good with prediabetic and having these blood obviously adding in, as well. Like,
desserts, with fruit, definitely using sugar cravings, and that seems to sometimes people feel, they feel
cinnamon can help moderate the work great because it provides a full like their comfort zone is being
sugar response with those things. blend of nutrients into their system, threatened when you start taking
So that’s a great one. as well as the high dose chromium away a lot of their favorite foods, so
and vanadium. instead I’ll tell my clients to start to
As far as supplements, I’ll use add in, so instead of taking away,
chromium, chromium and Also I like to get them drinking just add in some coconut oil. So add
vanadium. I use a multivitamin that adaptogenic herb teas like a Holy in some of these really good things
has a high dose of chromium and Basil tea or ashwagandha tea that we talked about. Add in some
vanadium. The RDA for chromium is can be really effective, as well. So lemon to your dinner. So you start
30 micrograms a day. That’s like far doing some herbal teas with some adding in some of these things. And
too low. Like somebody can have 30 of these adaptogenic herbs that that can be a great approach. Okay.
micrograms, and their blood sugar help adapt them to stress more So just try to start to add in.
be all over the place. I actually, effectively can be really helpful for
and a lot of functional medicine that process, as well. And you know what? What’s helpful
practitioners like myself, will get is my Sugar Detox program is really
people on like 500 micrograms to 1 Sherry: Great, that’s a fantastic list a great program for somebody just
milligram daily. And so oftentimes, for people can take off. So in our getting going with this sort of a diet
I’ll use 250 micrograms per meal last final questions, the one that I’d because we have a replacement
with people to get their blood sugar like to ask next is about families. food guide in there, which actually
stable. Sometimes I’ll use a lot Now, I’m quite certain that you and gives you replacements for your
more. Okay. Angel are raising your boys in a very typical conventional potato chips,
whole-food, wholesome family. cookies, things like that with
I have a product called insulin pictures and direct Amazon links to
manager that is a really high dose Dr. Jockers: Yeah. products that have a similar taste,
of chromium, vanadium, which is a but are much healthier. So that’s a
trace mineral that mimics insulin. It Sherry: And for some people who great place to start is to do those
also has things like gymnema, which are listening, they may not even be things.
is an herb that’s real powerful for able to relate to how you’re feeding
And I would really just focus on has detrimental consequences. to keep yourself in check, there’s
good fats. Find good recipes out And so if you’re out there, and nothing that will stop you if you
there that your family will enjoy. you’re dealing with this, and have that.
I know like on my website, we’ve you’ve struggled, one foundational
got healthy pizza recipes and all principle is to get inspired every Sherry: That’s actually a perfect
kinds of stuff that are many family day. way to end this interview. So how
favorites, and start finding the can people best connect with you?
recipes that use healthy ingredients, Like, for me, I read scripture. I listen What’s the best portal?
and start making the switches that to worship music. I’ve got things on
way. my wall. I’ve got statements on my Dr. Jockers: Yeah, my website is
wall that I speak over myself. And DrJockers.com. If you go there,
Sherry: Awesome! Last question so I’m always reminding myself of I also have a fat burning desert
before I get you to remind people the big picture of my life, and really recipe guide. It’s 10 of my favorite
where they can connect with you. what I want my legacy to be. fat-burning desert recipes. We
But with all the information that talked about chocolate and our
you have accumulated over the And we need an inspirational mutual love for it. Many of those
years, the experience, the dealing point that’s greater than ourselves, recipes we used raw chocolate. But
with clients, if you were to give because if it’s just about you losing all the recipes are easy to make.
people a nugget of wisdom to carry 10 pounds or you having more You can literally make in minutes.
with them around the whole sugar energy, if that’s the whole goal, for Most of them just use four or
piece, and ending sugar addiction, most people it’s not captivating five ingredients. And they taste
specifically, what would you like to enough. And so we need something unbelievable. And families love
leave everyone today with? much, just really that’s beyond them. So take advantage of that,
that like a legacy for our family. as well. Get some of those easy
Dr. Jockers: That’s a great question. Something that literally, a “why” that recipes and get started with that, so
I would just say the most important makes you cry. So a big “why” on DrJockers.com. You could also find
thing is create a ritual that gets why you’re doing that that evokes me on my Facebook page Dr. David
you inspired because the reality is emotion. You want a why that Jockers.
sugar is just as strong an addiction makes you cry. So if you can create
as cigarettes, as alcohol, to some a why that makes you cry, then Sherry: Fantastic! Thank you so
degree as heroine. And it lights up you will be inspired. As long as you much for joining us on the Sweet
the same areas of the brain. And continually focus on that, and start Freedom Summit! You’ve been a
so it’s a serious addiction and it your day with that, and use that gem.
Become Your Own Health CEO
Carrie Diulus, MD and Mark Hyman, MD with Kris Carr
Click here to watch this interview!
The purpose of this presentation is to convey information. It is not intended to
diagnose, treat, or cure your condition or to be a substitute for advice from your
physician or other healthcare professional.
Dr. Hyman: Yeah so powerful. So Kris: Yeah, and it’s not always low Kris: For me it’s going to be
what’s your favorite thing to do for starch, but it certainly is better definitely beans and a lot of nuts
breakfast, lunch, and dinner? starches. I love quinoa. But it’s not and seeds and almond butter,
Kris: Oh my goodness. Well I’m a what it used to be, certainly with tahini, hemp seeds. I put some
juice and smoothie queen, as you macrobiotics, where I was eating protein powder in my shakes. And I
know. So I kind of go back and forth. brown rice three, four times a day do eat soy. I always make sure that
I have a really great garden. And and just tons and tons of grains. I it’s organic. And I prefer fermented,
I love to use it while I have it. So I came to where I am now because like tempeh.
do a lot of juicing because I have I’ve done a lot of research. I follow
so much produce. But I keep it low you. I follow so many different Dr. Hyman: Traditional soy food.
glycemic and very green. people. And I put whatever you
teach and other people teach and Kris: Totally.
So if I’m making a green juice in the what I teach through the filter of
morning, it would have cucumber veganism. Dr. Hyman: There’s a lot of
and celery and some lemon and controversy about soy. Some
maybe some green apple and So how can I create a diet that people say it’s really bad for you.
whatever greens are down there. might be similar to what you would Other people say it’s fine. I love your
And then I might have a piece of suggest but without the animal perspective because as a vegetarian
either gluten free toast or maybe protein? And certainly you’re not or vegan, you kind of have to eat
two pieces of gluten free toast or a fan of dairy. When I was eating a soy in order to get enough protein.
Ezekiel bread, which I love, which lowfat vegan diet I didn’t feel good.
is sprouted grain, a lot easier to When I was eating a high grain Kris: Well there’s a lot of
digest, and a whole avocado. So I vegan diet I didn’t feel good. And I controversy. But I think what’s
usually eat a whole avocado every never really was. It was because I’ve challenging -- certainly I’m not a
day, large. always been a cancer patient. So scientist -- but one study comes out
I’ve been more mindful. But I think a one day, and another study comes
Dr. Hyman: Oh, my God, I had lot of vegans don’t eat vegetables. out another day. And one study is
a patient the other day who was pro soy.
so scared of avocadoes. I’m like, Dr. Hyman: Vegan, the v is for
“Really? Don’t you realize how good vegetables. And the other study is against soy.
they are?” And you kind of have to follow the
trail back to who does the study double down on it. So when I Kris: Right, exactly.
and what are they cherry picking. consume soy, it’s edamame, it’s
miso, it’s tempeh, or it’s organic tofu Dr. Hyman: Which is my new
But I think there is a way for you that I might bake cubes of and add favorite for high heat cooking.
to prosper on any food plan that to a big salad or a big miso broth, You’d think it would be more easily
you’re eating as long as you don’t which I did last night. It’s not any of oxidized. But it’s actually pretty
overdo it. From my perspective, it’s the fake and processed stuff. good for high heat.
very easy to overdo it on a paleo I have a lot of vegan friends. And
diet or on Atkins. Bacon is good. they may have a big super bowl Kris: That’s awesome that you
And I’m not so sure that that’s true. party. When vegans have a Super said that, actually, because I don’t
Bowl party, there are fake wings. think a lot of people know that. So
Dr. Hyman: You have six pounds You know what I mean? Have I had avocado oil and coconut oil, I love
of bacon a day, that’s not that great a fake wing once in a while? Yeah, coconut oil. I use it a lot. People
for you. but that’s definitely not healthy. And always say, “What do you use to
it’s not something that I have in my moisturize your skin?” I cook with
Kris: Right. diet on a regular basis. coconut oil, and I also do a facial at
the same time. So we talked about
Dr. Hyman: Although, I’ve seen Dr. Hyman: It’s interesting. The avocadoes. That’s pretty much it.
bacon convert many vegetarians. Buddhist monks used to use seitan, Those are the healthy fats.
which is actually 100 percent gluten.
Kris: Well, from what I understand, It’s actually delicious. It’s to make Dr. Hyman: Yeah, my favorites are
it does make people weak at the mock turkey and mock chicken macadamia nuts. And macadamia
knees. and mock meat. But I think it was nut
probably very different wheat than butter is so good. It’s like the olive
Dr. Hyman: Wow. So with soy, if we had thousands of years ago in oil of nuts basically.
you eat traditional soy foods, non China.
GMO, organic soy. Kris: It is so decadent. And Brazil
Kris: I think what’s challenging with nuts, I actually have a very deep
Kris: Yes, exactly. seitan is if you want to poop, you fondness for Brazil nuts and goji
should probably stay away from berries together, forever.
Dr. Hyman: And not the soy hot seitan. I’ve just got to be honest.
dogs and the soy cheese that I You know how I go. Dr. Hyman: Yeah, so good. And
call Frankensoy. All that stuff, I then you don’t have to worry
don’t think most people know, Dr. Hyman: I know, yeah. Well, it’s about heart disease and fats.
but it’s actually an extract and a got gluten. So for people who are And we’ve talked about it a lot on
byproduct from the soybean oil gluten sensitive it can be a problem. the fat summit, but you must’ve
industry, where they take out the So what are your favorite staple, seen that big study from Spain
soy protein, and they isolate it, and plant based fats? where everybody was having olive
they hydrolyze it in this chemical oil, basically four tablespoons of
reaction. Kris: Well, along the lines of olive oil. It’s just so delicious and
what we talked about, avocadoes yummy. And you can actually feel
And it changes the structure of it. and nuts and seeds, flax seeds good eating it. And they found
I don’t know if you’ve seen those certainly. I grind them up in my in the studies that it reduced
studies from the NIH, but they coffee grinder. I love to put them in the risk of heart disease by 30
actually found that when they give shakes or put them on salads. Flax percent, as much as drugs do or
rats the processed soy that’s in oil, I make a lot of salad dressings more, diabetes, dementia, weight,
almost all the bars, in the shakes, in with flax oil, virgin olive oil. There’s metabolism. Everything got better,
the fake hamburgers and hotdogs really no oil that I don’t use. I don’t really amazing.
and cheese, that it actually causes use canola that often, sometimes
cancer in these animals. And when an organic canola if I’m cooking Kris: I think you are at the forefront
they give them traditional soy something that needs really high of this. And this is your summit. And
foods, it doesn’t do that at all, like heat. But I can also use coconut oil. the difference that I think you’re
miso, tempeh, things like that. trying to make with people is to
Dr. Hyman: You can use avocado understand the difference between
Kris: Well thank you for clarifying oil, too. unhealthy fats and healthy fats. And
that, Mark, absolutely. And I’ll I thought of you the other day. I
almost texted you when that article by top scientists, top tier journal Cleveland Clinic, where I’m at. Dr.
came out in the New York Times in the world. And it really started Esselstyn’s probably in his 80s. And
about how they had just found out in the late 60s to tip the boat over. there are some crazy stories about
the sugar industry actively threw And when you think that that was him. I’m not going to go into the
the fat industry under the bus. It funded by the sugar industry and Cleveland Clinic. But what sort of
was these two Harvard researchers that there was this wink wink, nod surprised me was one day I was
that were paid to do it. nod back and forth between them, giving a lecture in Cleveland. This
it kind of just… woman comes up to ask a question.
Dr. Hyman: Yeah, it was such a Kris: Well it makes you lose faith in She was in her 60s. She was thin.
fascinating story. the system and makes you really She was like, “Look, I’m a diabetic.
lose faith in our government and in I had a heart attack. I went to Dr.
Kris: You know the story. And the regulators or lack thereof. And Esselstyn, got on the program.” It’s
you’ve been saying it all along. I was I think what it comes back to is we very, very lowfat. I mean, this is you
like, “This is what Mark has been all have to be our own advocates. shouldn’t have a nut. You shouldn’t
saying.” So if you want to be the CEO of your have olive oil.
health, you have to be your own
Dr. Hyman: It’s true. I saw the advocate on the front line of your Kris: No, there’s no oil.
same study. It was researchers own life.
that actually were from Harvard. Dr. Hyman: There’s no oil. There’s
And they were paid the equivalent And then honestly, when you’re nothing, zero. And she’s like, “I
of $50,000 in today’s dollars to diagnosed, or you’re going through did that. Then I had another heart
basically produce a PR piece for the a medical issue, you find the best attack. And my diabetes is out of
sugar industry that was published doctor for your situation. But you control. I can’t control my blood
in the New England Journal of also want to work with functional sugars. And I have to keep taking
Medicine, which is a top tier medicine doctors, Mark being one more and more insulin.”
journal. And it basically was this of them, and other practitioners
total manipulation of the data to who won’t just look at your specific So not everybody’s going to
exonerate sugar and vilify fat. situation, the tumor that’s hanging respond the same way to that
out, whatever it is, but will look at diet. There are people who do fine
Basically they were like, “Sugar’s your whole system and help you on a lower fat diet, people who
not a problem,” because there was rebuild your whole system. need higher fat diets. But if you’re
increasing data that was showing diabetic and you’re eating a lot of
that sugar seemed to be linked And I feel like no matter what I read, grains or a lot of starch, it actually is
to heart disease. But that data my body tells me what’s right and hard to control your blood sugar. So
was suppressed, turned around, what’s working and what isn’t. You she could be a higher fat vegan.
sort of messed up to just kind of know what I mean? And I get tested
manipulate it. And this guy was like and what not, and everything looks I think David Jenkins from University
the head of the Harvard nutrition like it’s in good shape. But we have of Toronto did this study where he
school. The other one was one of to learn how to listen to ourselves looked at people who were lowfat
the top leading researchers on more, especially if we can’t trust all or high fat vegans. And the high fat
cholesterol, who was trying to prove of the information out there. vegans lost more weight. And they
the theory that saturated fat and had better cholesterol, which sort of
fat was bad. He’s actually the guy, Dr. Hyman: Yeah, I always say the is counterintuitive.
Mark Hegsted, who was the leading smartest doctor in the room is your
scientist in the McGovern Report, own body. And you should pay So it’s really pretty amazing when
who was developing and shaping attention to what it’s telling you. Do you start to understand this. And I
the dietary guidelines, which you feel good, do you feel bad when think people just listen to what their
promoted lowfat, high carb diets. It you eat this or that? Do you have body’s telling them. I have patients
was really a huge deal. more energy or less energy? What who really don’t do well on certain
do your blood tests show? If you’re types of fat, like saturated fat, even
And we now kind of can look back eating a lowfat diet, and you’re coconut oil.
on that and go, “Holy mackerel,” diabetic, and it’s not working, well Others need just more stuff. I think
basically, because of some of that you should pay attention to that. they need different kinds of diets,
work. And those papers in the different kinds of food.
journal were really highly influential There are some very militant lowfat
because they were review papers folks out there. One of them is at Kris: I’m with you. I’m absolutely
with you and thankful for you. free starter kit, which talks about a love meeting communities through
lot of the stuff that we talked about change.
Dr. Hyman: That’s good. So I want today. I just finished creating a
to know what you’re doing next meditation album because as you And right now I’m not creating a
because you’re always up to great and I both know, it’s such a very new book. I have five books out
stuff. And I want people to know big important part of the journey. there. I’m not creating a new one
more about you. And I just want to Stress creates inflammation. because I’m trying to listen to some
say whoever’s watching, you should Stress completely depresses our of my own medicine, which is take a
pay attention to Kris’ work. Go to immune system and messes with bit of a break. I’ve been on a pretty
her website. Read her blog. Sign up our nervous system and really just intense schedule for the last 18
for her newsletter. tramples our joy. And for me the months. And it’s time to take a little
biggest way I’ve found to take the break.
And get her cookbooks and watch stress down is to meditate. So I
her cooking videos and get her made an album for myself, for the Dr. Hyman: That’s good. I should
cooking classes because she just most part. I tend to do everything learn from you. Kris: Well we need
makes it so fun, so easy, so great. for myself because I know that I to keep reminding each other. Dr.
And she does a lot of the work so I need all of the education and the Hyman: I’m finishing my 13th book.
don’t have to. I actually have to see inspiration, too. And then I ended
patients, so I can’t be doing cooking up sharing it with Kris: I know. You have a lot more
stuff all the time, although actually everybody. So that’s something energy than I do. So anyway, it’s
I’d rather do that. So tell us more that’s new and fun and out there. kriscarr.com. Come on board. Sign
about what you’re doing, how to up. I’ll send you lots of goodies,
find everything. And I just finished a 21… Well, I’m videos, fun things.
not finished yet. I’m in the middle of
Kris: Yeah, so you can come to it right now, a 21-day total wellness
kriscarr.com. And if you want to get program. I’ve got about 4000
a quick education you can sign up people going through it. So that
for my newsletter. And you get a was really, really exciting because I
Finally Get a Perfect Night’s Sleep
Wendy Myers, FDN-P, NC, CHHC with Jess Armine DC
Click here to watch this interview!
The purpose of this presentation is to convey information. It is not intended to
diagnose, treat, or cure your condition or to be a substitute for advice from your
physician or other healthcare professional.
Wendy: Well thank you so much If you’re having trouble getting to But if you’re having to use large,
for that. I think there are so many sleep, melatonin with GABA is a large doses, and I’ve seen people on
different products that you can very, very good call, a trace mineral 20 milligrams of melatonin because
take that I definitely recommended supplement, just combining all that they’ve either read something, or
starting with the basics. We know stuff, having either a full spectrum they have a practitioner that is not
everyone’s deficient in minerals. trace mineral, at least calcium well informed, those are the kind
So start with the minerals. If magnesium. You can cover all the of things that you should be careful
that doesn’t work, then you bases. So if you take melatonin, of because long-term high doses
can work your way down the GABA, and the trace mineral of melatonin are not exactly good
list, the supplements that we supplement, you’re covering most for the heart. There’s been some
recommended. And find out what of the bases. research out there that says you
combination of the above work for shouldn’t do that.
you. If you want to go one step up from
there, the 5-hydroxytryptophan The other thing is cortisol, which is
So let’s have a discussion about or serotonin. And if that’s not coming from the adrenal glands.
which supplements are the safest helping, start utilizing the adrenal Another good bet to use would be
to use. Let’s talk about some of the supplementation. Again, look something that will calm the cortisol
indications and contraindications for the things like ashwagandha, down. And there are two products
of various supplementation, as skullcap, Holy Basil, passion flower, that I know of. One is called Calm
well as perhaps some risk benefit kava-kava, valerian root. These are CP. And it’s from the NeuroScience
factors for the more common sleep calming herbs. Corporation. And that contains
support supplements. These are herbs that are fairly safe corosolic acid and phosphoserine,
to use. like I told you before. And there’s
Dr. Armine: I’m glad you asked Cortisol Manager by Integrative
that question because it brings And you’re not going to get some Therapeutics. That’s another very
up a very salient point. I’d like super negative response. I will warn good, safe product that can calm
your listeners to understand that people, sometimes melatonin will the adrenal glands and specifically
there are reasons for insomnia. make you groggy the next day. bring down the cortisol. And the
And some of them can be kind And if that’s so, you’re either taking way you would take that is a dosage
of serious. Insomnia’s a very too much, or you’re not hitting right before bed, whatever the
common symptom for a lot of the nail on the head. If you start bottle dosage is. That’ll usually get
different pathological conditions, utilizing things that start mimicking the adrenals to calm down for the
anything from Lyme disease to, as medications, or using very, very night.
you mentioned before, parasites high doses, this is where you start
to overgrowth of yeast in the gut, realizing that something else is Wendy: Well, thank you so much
which upregulates acetaldehyde. going on. for that. I think dosage is absolutely
important. I think people tend to
There are loads of reasons. And the And you should really check into not take enough minerals. So it’s
very first thing one has to realize it. Also, if your mind is racing, that like, “Oh, I’m taking magnesium.”
is that if you’re taking different may be elevated phenylethylamine, But they’re not taking nearly
supplements, and things aren’t which means you’re getting too enough that they need. So you
have to get the right dosage. It’s to get with a healthcare practitioner supposed to be getting when you’re
usually best to work with a qualified because it can be something more asleep.
practitioner to achieve that. serious. And it would be a real
shame to miss something in the I can get very, very technical about
But let’s say you take all these early stages that could be corrected. it, but that’s the long and the
supplements. Many people out short of it. Medicines like Ambien,
there, they’ve tried various things. Wendy: Yeah, and lifestyle factors Lunesta, regardless of what the nice
And they’re still not able to sleep. So are so important. A lot of people TV commercials show you, which,
what red flags indicate that you’re don’t have good sleep hygiene but by the way, if you’re watching those
kind of barking up the wrong tree still have an expectation to sleep commercials, people, they know
and other interventions might be well. But you kind of have to go to that what you see and what you
necessary? bed at the same time every night. hear, you’re going to default to what
Go to bed hopefully by ten o’clock. you see.
Dr. Armine: When the simple stuff And a sleep mask, for me, was
doesn’t work, people, I believe, life changing. I get such a deeper When you start listening to a drug
need to realize that, like I said quality of sleep just by using a sleep commercial, close your eyes and
before, insomnia can be a signal mask to block out any potential listen. You will run in the opposite
that you have a more serious light going through my eyelids and direction because they’re telling
problem or a problem that needs stopping melatonin production. you all the things that can happen,
to be approached from a different but they’re showing you something
manner. Dr. Armine: That is wonderful. completely different, which I always
That’s a great idea. find pretty funny. But they have
But if the simple stuff doesn’t work, psychologists that actually study
if you take calcium magnesium, Wendy: Yeah, huge. So let’s talk a this stuff. Those medicines are
and you’re maybe taking some little bit about medications. A lot of called sedative hypnotics.
melatonin, and all the reasonable people, when they first have trouble
things are not helping, this is a time sleeping, they go to their physician And there are loads of anecdotal
to get with a practitioner who’s and usually get benzodiazepines, and scientific studies that say you
learned in these areas because like Xanax, Klonopin, and things shouldn’t be using them for more
further investigation is necessary. of that nature, Ambien. Let’s talk a than two weeks. And unfortunately,
And usually a simple history will little bit about those and some of people are on them long term.
tell you what’s going on if you’re the problems that they can cause if There have been stories of people
a healthcare practitioner. But used long term. leaving the house and driving
there are lots of reasons for the somewhere and not even knowing
imbalances that occur that lead to Dr. Armine: Absolutely, how they got there. People get
insomnia. great question. First, the up and cook and do things that
benzodiazepines, benzodiazepines are seemingly normal, what we
On the internet you can type are medications like Valium, Ativan, would’ve called sleep walking
in “sleep hygiene” and get Klonopan, and the like. And what before, but it’s a hypnotic state.
innumerable websites that will they can do is stimulate the GABA
guide you into some of the real receptor to release GABA. They So guess what? It’s dangerous.
simple things. You can just look have a very high addiction potential. A lot of people have fallen and
around your bedroom and say, As my mother would say, from gotten hurt, especially in the elderly
“Maybe I should take the router out Brooklyn, “If you ain’t got it, you ain’t population, where these medicines
from the head of my bed. Maybe it got it.” are used very, very often. But again,
doesn’t belong there,” and stuff like sedative hypnotics are not giving
that. You’d be surprised how simple And eventually you need higher you true sleep. You may be asleep,
things like that will help. and higher dosages. And it but you’re not really getting true
becomes incredibly difficult to get sleep.
But if you do reasonable things off them because I’ve seen people
and it’s not helping and there’s no have seizures after long term So it doesn’t change the base
obvious reason for the insomnia, benzodiazepine use. And the fact reasons. It doesn’t change the
like situational anxiety, you’re is, that the sleep you’re getting neurotransmitter imbalance. It
having a lot of problems at work, or is not true sleep. A drug induced doesn’t change the trace mineral
there’s a serious stress in the home sleep is not true sleep. So you’re not balance. In other words, it doesn’t
and so forth, then you really need getting the benefit of what you’re change anything. It makes you
actually worse. A couple of days, And believe it or not, transdermally the suggestions Dr. Armine made.
one dose, that’s never a problem. you’re going to get that magnesium So, Dr. Armine, can you tell us
It’s the chronic continuous use of in. And I like the calcium where we can learn more about
the medicines. And you’re going to magnesium you take by mouth. you?
get all the negative consequences And you can get it transdermally.
of insomnia. And you’re not really You can relax in the bathtub. Dr. Armine: Sure. You can
sleeping. You can listen to good music, all go to my website, which is
the meditative things, preparing methylationsupport.com. I have
Wendy: Yeah, we need to get to yourself for sleep. all my individual podcasts and lots
the underlying root cause, which is of information about the types of
usually mineral depletion, excess And then when you crawl under the treatment that I have and how you
stress, excitation that needs to covers, your body has everything can consult with me. It’s all right
be calmed, not covering up the that it needs to go to sleep. That’s there. It’s a really good website.
symptom with a medication, though really the best way to start and We’ve been working on it.
they do have their place. handle it. But if you’re really up
there, and you’re really racing Wendy: Yeah. Everyone, thank
Dr. Armine: Absolutely, all through the night, you have to look you again for joining us for the
medications do. around you first and make sure Medicinal Supplement Summit. I’m
you’re down regulating yourself so thrilled to help share this vital
Wendy: But definitely my opinion, earlier in the evening. information with you on how to
that’s not the first course of action. sleep better. I know it’s one of the
Try and think of what the 50s were main struggles that people have.
Dr. Armine: That’s exactly true. like. Dad would come home from And it can be very simple to remedy
Remember that situational work, and really things would just with the right supplements.
insomnia, if there’s something going start paring down after dinner.
on, is to be expected. And trying They would do homework. It got Of course some people have to do
the simple stuff, taking a warm darker. And they may watch a testing and kind of figure out why
bath, using some essential oils, little TV together. And then people they’re not sleeping. But taking
things like lavender essential oil went to sleep. There was a whole targeted supplements can be the
or chamomile or even frankincense lot less insomnia during that time. key to helping so many of you get
on the bottom of your feet, which is Now it’s rampant. And it’s got to be the sleep that you deserve, that
a good anti-inflammatory, and the because of all the toxicity and all regenerative sleep that you need to
simple things, like taking a warm the stimulation, which is robbing be healthy.
bath… and they have Epsom salts us of the trace minerals, robbing us
that have lavender in them. of our neurotransmitter balance, Please, please take this life changing
which is why these things work so information home with you by
And it’s been said that if the world well, because those are the usual clicking on the banner beside or
took Epsom salt baths, there would reasons, the usual suspects. below this interview. You don’t
be no wars, because you’re getting want to miss one of the interviews
a ton of magnesium into you. And Wendy: Yes. Well, Dr. Armine, from the summit. It is full of so
I realize that it says magnesium thank you so much for the very much amazing information that
sulfate. And people with sulphur informative discussion. I hope the can change your life. This is Wendy
problems, that can be an issue. listeners are able to take away Myers. And my hope is that you and
But if that is an issue, they can get from this a lot of information and your family experience abundant
magnesium chloride. You can get suggestions that they can use to health. And that all begins with
that on the internet, I think, from improve their sleep. And if you taking the right supplements for
Ancient Minerals. And you can use sleep through the night, you can you.
that as a bath. improve your quality of sleep with
Healing Your Adrenals
Jonny Bowden, PhD, CNS with Alan Christianson,
Click here to watch this interview!
The purpose of this presentation is to convey information. It is not intended to
diagnose, treat, or cure your condition or to be a substitute for advice from your
physician or other healthcare professional.
So for those of you who aren’t right supplements for when I was
too familiar with Wendy, Wendy pregnant.
Myers is the founder of Liveto110.
Dr. Z: Welcome, everyone, to the com and MineralPower.com. And so I just had this huge learning
Medicinal Supplement Summit. She is a functional diagnostic curve I felt that I had to learn. And
My name is Dr. Eric Zielinski nutritionist in L.A.—Los Angeles, I’d never studied this before. And I
from DrEricZ.com. And I have the California. She attended the thought, “How did this escape me?”
expressed privilege of interviewing Institute for Integrative Nutrition And then I started learning more
your host the lovely Wendy Myers. in New York and has a degree about diet and nutrition and the
Well, Wendy, before I go into your in entrepreneurship from the right type of diet to eat. So I decided
just super impressive biography, University of Southern California. to just go to school for it. And then I
just welcome! Welcome to your She uses hair mineral analysis started my website LiveTo110.com.
event, my dear! and other functional medical tests
to design custom mineral power And then sadly, my father was
Wendy: Thank you so much! I programs. This is an individualized… diagnosed with esophageal cancer.
am so excited to be speaking And that just shook me to my
about supplements and helping We’re going to talk a lot about core. And I was furiously trying to
educate you guys about medicinal that today, folks. This is an research to try to help him. But
supplements. individualized, targeted nutrient unfortunately, he passed within
theory program to facilitate toxic about six months of his diagnosis
Dr. Z: So you are like on every metal and chemical detox—heal and really got me focused on
summit. You’re on my Essential Oils the adrenals and thyroid, regain detoxification because well,
Summit. You’re on just, it seems energy and brain function, and everything I was reading about
every week, every month. And reverse and prevent disease. So cancer was its caused by chemicals
we’re going to talk a lot about this if you haven’t, check her out at and glyphosate and toxic metals
and why you put on this event. But Liveto110.com. and mineral deficiencies.
thank you so much for being on
the other end of the microphone. It And again, Wendy, welcome and And so I wanted to help my own
takes a lot of time, a lot of energy, thank you. And let’s just jump right health. I began reading about
a lot of money really to put on an into it. Talk to us a little bit about detoxification and developed my
event like this. your background and why did you Mineral Power program to help
even get involved in the health field facilitate detoxification. And what
And I haven’t seen anyone do what to begin with. I learned in that process, it has
you’re doing to the extent that you to be individualized. It has to be
are because it’s so needed. And so, Wendy: Well, like many people customized to each person based
folks, thank you again for tuning that are in the health field, I had on their particular nutrient
in. And perk up your eyes to this my own health crisis. And I was deficiencies, their metal toxicities,
talk because Wendy is definitely also planning my pregnancy. And and their health conditions. So you
speaking on behalf of years of I had to figure out how to make have to have a customized targeted
years of understanding research my environment safe for the baby. program.
and being on the front lines helping And then I realized, we have so
people around the globe. many chemicals in our environment And I love supplements. And I
and that we put on our body and love teaching other people about
that I had to learn how to take the supplementation and how to
supplement individually. And I supplementation, which is like the And you need minerals to make
thought, “I want to do a supplement sniper approach, giving your body your body work. They’re the spark
summit.” It hasn’t really been exactly what it needs. plugs of the body. You need them
done before. There was one a to copy your DNA, to get your heart
few months ago, that vitamin And that really helps people to to beat. You need magnesium for
summit. But I had been creating meet their health goals far, far your heart to beat properly. And
this, conceiving and working on more accurately than just taking a just there’s a million examples like
this summit for about a year. And multivitamin because one person’s that. You need zinc to make your
I’m just really happy to be able to panacea is another person’s poison. digestive enzymes. And a lot of
educate people about how to take And so that’s something that a lot people are deficient in minerals
the right supplements for their of people don’t realize that some because they’re missing from the
body. people need calcium. Other people, soils.
it really messes them up. Some
Dr. Z: And it is so, just it is so critical people need copper. Other people So I start with a hair mineral
for people to take this information are copper toxic. They have to avoid analysis to determine the minerals
seriously because supplements are it like the plague. people need because I think that’s
a billion-dollar industry. And a lot a great starting point. And the hair
of folks spend a lot of money on And I can give you a million mineral analysis, it’s like a treasure
supplements much, unfortunately, examples like this, especially iron. map. It gives a lot of different
to no avail. Some people need iron. The ones information and tells me where to
that don’t, it’s really, really toxic dig further. So when I get that hair
And I’ve learned, and, folks, at and causes a lot of metabolic mineral analysis and the person’s
the end of the day, you could disturbance in the body and complete health history, then I’ll
just simply take the pee and the inflammation. The same thing with say, “You need to do this test. Do
poop test and you’ll determine vitamin D. Some people need that. this test.” And certainly, I look at the
if you like take a multivitamin— I’m not in these blanket statements. person’s medical test they’ve gotten
and I’m going to ask you right “Everyone needs vitamin D. from their physician. But based on
about that in a minute—but if you Everyone needs calcium.” No. No. that initial test, I’ll tell them what
take a multivitamin and if your No. No. If you don’t need vitamin D, else they need to do.
urine is like neon green one, two it can cause inflammation in your
hours afterwards, you literally are body. It can cause you to retain too Dr. Z: Okay. And so when you work
excreting everything that you just much calcium. It can cause different with clients all over the globe, have
took or a majority of it. And you issues in the body. So again, you you found trends and that sort of
just wasted your money. And a lot need to test. Don’t guess. thing? Like, what common mineral
of folks don’t realize that. They just deficiencies have you found?
take them because they were told Dr. Z: Love it! Love it! Love it! And so
to. talk to us a little bit about testing. Wendy: Well, almost every one,
What exact testing do you mean? 90% of people are deficient in
And so there’s a lot of blanket Do you mean like going to the magnesium. It’s the most important
advice and even unfortunately in local…What are they? There’s a ton mineral. And every single one of
like the natural health community, of them now. You can pay like a you listening should be taking it
as we all know in the medical hundred bucks and get blood tests. every single day.
community, this one-size, fits-all They’re all over, the Reddy Labs. Is
approach. So I’m very curious that the stuff you’re talking about? And a lot of my clients say, “Oh, I
on your take, Wendy, specifically am taking magnesium.” But they’re
on taking targeted supplements Wendy: Well, every nutrient and using taking it in a multivitamin,
compared to multivitamins. What is mineral, it requires a different kind which is not going to have nearly
the revelation that we need to get of test. Like for vitamin D, you test enough magnesium that you need.
out of that? blood. But for me, I like to start out Magnesium and other minerals are
with a hair mineral analysis. And very, very bulky. So you have to take
Wendy: Well, hey, a multivitamin that tells you your tissue levels of a lot of them. Usually, you have to
is better than nothing. But it’s minerals because a lot of people take them separately, in addition to
like the shotgun approach. Just are really missing the boat on your multivitamin because they are
throwing something at your body minerals. Most people are mineral so very bulky.
and hoping it sticks and maybe it’s deficient.
what you need versus a targeted And with magnesium, a rough
estimate is you need five times Also selenium, a big problem is there are certain things you should
your body weight in pounds in deficiency of selenium. Almost and shouldn’t do. So talk to us a
milligrams per day. So if you weigh every single person I test is deficient little bit about the whole concept of
200 pounds, you need about 1,000 in selenium, unless they live in detoxification, why we’re so toxic,
milligrams of magnesium per day. Hawaii. For some reason, the are we so toxic, all this stuff.
And that’s a rough estimate. soil’s really rich in selenium there.
You want to take it to bowel And selenium is important for Wendy: Yeah. So everyone today is
tolerance. Some people can be many reasons, including repairing toxic. The question is what metals
very sensitive to different forms of chromosome breaks. So that can do you have in your body and how
magnesium. Magnesium citrate will prevent cancer. much? There’s no one that’s free of
usually cause—well, it can cause toxins, unless they’ve been detoxing
loose bowels in some people. So When your DNA doesn’t for a long time and doing an
that one, I typically tell people to copy properly and the little effective detox. And everyone has
switch to a magnesium glycinate. I chromosomes break in the DNA, chemicals in their body. The CDC—
love magnesium threonate. I also that can lead to a mutant cell. And the Center for Disease Control—
love magnesium chloride in the then that can grow into a tumor. So says that we have 700 chemicals, on
form of a spray form. that’s how it prevents that cancer. average, in our body.
And selenium’s also required
The brands I really like, I love Dr. for your thyroid hormones to be Dr. Z: Mmm. Unbelievable!
Mercola’s magnesium threonate produced properly to prevent
and Life Extension magnesium viral replication and to detox your Wendy: That’s frightening. But I
threonate. Magnesium glycinate, body. Selenium is a precursor to don’t want to depress people or
I typically recommend a Pure glutathione. So you need selenium make it seem hopeless. There’s a lot
Encapsulations. And for the to detoxify your body, which a lot of of things that you can do to detox
magnesium chloride, I personally people need help with. your body that are
use a spray called EASE by very practical. And then, I think
Activation Products. Our co-host Ian Dr. Z: Now, what’s that again? it’s really that missing piece of the
Clark has created an amazing spray What’s that again? Wendy: puzzle.
magnesium chloride. It’s Life Extension SE-Methyl-
Selenocysteine. Dr. Z: Okay. And it certainly was for me when
Dr. Z: Love it! Yeah. Wendy: That’s the best form I was eating an amazingly healthy
selenium that you can find. diet, eating fresh grass-fed meats
Wendy: It’s the highest quality and fresh vegetables and cooking
magnesium chloride available. And The next most problematic them all myself, I was taking
that’s why I wanted him to co-host. deficient mineral is potassium. A amazing supplements and a lot of
He has incredible integrity in the lot of people don’t have enough them, probably a lot I didn’t need,
quality of ingredients he uses in his potassium. And you can get it in I was sleeping every night, I was
products. He refuses to use lower- your diet. Bananas and berries are exercising, I was taking impeccable
grade quality products, which is very good sources. But most people care of myself, and I felt like crap.
why I personally use them. need to add additional potassium And I thought, “Why? Why is this?
to their diet. I like potassium citrate. What exactly do I need to do to feel
And most spray magnesium’s Really any brand is fine. There’s good?”
and spray oils, I can’t stand them really no amazing brand of it, but
because they make you itch. any potassium citrate. You can put And in my research into my own
That’s like something I just have it in some orange juice, which has health crisis when I had low thyroid
never been able to use them a lot of potassium, as well. Citrus and I had the adrenal hormones
because it makes you itch so bad. has a lot of potassium. And that of a menopausal woman at 37,
That’s because they’re using low- can really to supplement potassium and I couldn’t lose weight and I
grade magnesium chloride. So you’re missing. had horrible brain fog and just in
the difference when you use the my whole process, I finally figured
EASE is its used that high-quality Dr. Z: So your whole practice is out that detoxification was that
magnesium chloride and it won’t primarily focused on detoxification. component I was missing. And if
make you itch as long as your skin Talk to us a little bit about that you’re feeling that same way, if
is moisturized. So that’s why I like because in the context of this, you’re doing all this stuff to take
it. So those are the forms you can I know that you recommend care of yourself and you still don’t
take. supplementation to help detox. And feel good, that’s the missing piece
of the puzzle is detoxification. The next thing that I do is a product Space. And you can check them out
called Biosil. Biosil is an amazing at SaunaSpace.com. I absolutely
And there’s lots of right ways to do supplement. And it’s all natural. enjoy my sauna session
it and wrong ways to do it. But you It’s a silica, which is a mineral most every single day. Sometimes, I’ll
initially need to just assess what people are deficient in. But it’s a mediate in there. Sometimes I’m
your toxic metals are. And then that special kind of silica. You just can’t doing social media. “Hey, I’m in the
will give you a roadmap to how you take normal or natural silica like sauna sweating like a pig.”
need to detox them. horsetail like other types of silica. It
needs to be specifically Biosil. And Dr. Z: Love it.
Dr. Z: Wendy, before we get into that will bind on to specific metals
the nitty gritty of that, because that reduce our body’s ability to Wendy: Yeah. And so I enjoy my
I’ve heard you say this before. And make energy. time in there. And it just gives
actually, I think you said it…I should you this amazing glowing skin. It
remember, boy. I think you said it And I’ll go into those in a minute. bypasses the liver. Our poor little
on my summit when I interviewed And that’s what everyone wants. livers are so taxed with all these
you for my Essential Oils Summit They want more energy. And so metals and chemicals we have in
about how we should be detoxing Biosil will detox thallium, arsenic, our body. So you just sweat out
all day, every day, essentially. Can tin, and aluminum, which these through your skin, which is your
you give people just some really are specific metals that poison body’s largest detox organ. So that’s
quick tips? Like, what does that enzymes that transport nutrients probably one of the most effective
mean? Like, does that mean that into our mitochondria. And our things that you can do.
I have to drink like apple cider mitochondria are our little cells’
vinegar in my water every morning? powerhouses that make our energy. And if you can’t afford to get one
Is that good? Are there certain daily So the Biosil, taking 6 to 10 drops at your home, go to SpaFinder.com
habits that people could or should a day in a citrus juice or pineapple and you can search for infrared
be doing outside of the supplement juice, which maximizes absorption sauna in your zip code and find a
world to help supplementation, too? of the Biosil, that will really help place near you. There are lots of
to remove these metals from your different places. Acupuncture clinics
Wendy: Yes. So there’s a couple body and eventually you’ll increased and doctor’s offices have infrared
of very simple supplement energy production. saunas, Pilates centers. And there’s
recommendations I can make to even places you can go that will
help people detox. So the things But that’s a very slow process. It have 10 saunas and a little shower
that I take every single day are takes two years of taking the Biosil in each room with a sauna where
PectaSol-C. This is an amazing and the PectaSol to really maximize you can go and detox.
supplement that is basically a the amount of energy your body Dr. Z: Now for folks who aren’t
modified citrus pectin. And it’s is capable of making because it’s too familiar with infrared sauna,
made from citrus peels. It’s totally taken you a few decades. And is there a big difference between
natural. And I recommend people most people listening are 30, 40, infrared sauna and like the generic
take about 5 to 10 milligrams per 50. It’s taken you several decades Scandinavian wood sauna that we
day. of accumulating these toxins. So go to at our local like LA Fitness
you’re not going to see a miraculous or something? What’s the main
And that’s a binder. It helps to reversal of your symptoms in six difference?
absorb all these metals and months. It takes time to slowly and
chemicals that we have in our safely detox, remove these toxins Wendy: Yes, very good question, I
bodies and that we’re exposed to from your body, so stick to it. You know all the listeners were thinking
every day. And it’s very easy. You want consistency. And do the Biosil that, too. Yeah, it’s not the same.
can use the powder. You can put to mobilize these metals, and then The infrared sauna is not the same
it in some warm liquid or take the you take the PectaSol-C to absorb as the Swedish or Finish sauna, the
capsules. And I try to take it twice those metals that we’re mobilizing. dry saunas at your gym, which most
a day, in between meals. You want gyms have these. Those will heat
to take it an hour away from other I also love infrared saunas. These your body up and they penetrate
supplements and food because it are one of the most amazing ways you a few inches. But they’re so hot,
will absorb those supplements. You to sweat out all these metals and you can’t stay in them for very long.
don’t want it doing that. But you chemicals that we have in our body. I don’t know about you. I can only
want it absorbing your metals and I try to do mine every single day. I stay in them for like 10-15 minutes
chemicals. use a near infrared sauna by Sauna and I’m dying.
The infrared sauna is a much lower at, unless they’re really brilliant detox kits. And there’s definitely
temperature. And the infrared rays doctors. They’re functional medicine things that are created for the
penetrate your body. Depending on practitioners or they just have had masses that you can try. And every
the size of the ray, the near, mid, an awakening and they realize that little bit helps. And I like when
or far infrared rays penetrate your their clients have a lot of metal people are just thinking about
body several inches. And so that toxicities causing their disease and detoxing and trying different things.
heats you up from the inside out they’re testing for it, the physicians
and provides you with a far more are really missing the boat. But ultimately, if you want to really
effective detox capability. And it’s help yourself the most and get
just not comparable at all. So it has And so you have to assess your rid of your health issues and your
to be an infrared sauna to truly get metal toxicity using hair mineral annoying symptoms that people
that maximum detox effect that analysis, urine metal challenge have, get rid of fatigue and brain
people are looking for when they do tests, and stool tests. And the fog, you really have to test and
a sauna. reason ideally, you want to use all figure out, “What’s going on here
three of those is because some and what you’re working with? What
Dr. Z: Very cool. Very cool. So it’s metals come out best in the hair. toxicities you have?”
obvious you could just go outside Some come out best in the urine.
and breathe the air. And I’m only And some come out best in the Dr. Z: So what specific…I’m trying to
36 years old, so I’m not really too stool. chew on this because this is really
young. But I’m not too old. But I not my specialty. And I imagine a
remember, even when air wasn’t as One thing we don’t want to check lot of folks are listening, they’re
polluted as it is right now. You’ve or bother with is blood. I have a thinking, “Okay, so I go get a test.
got to go up in the mountains it lot of clients coming to me, their And now, what do I do?” You know
seems or somewhere nice to get physician check their blood for what I mean? Is this something that
away from all of it. It’s just there’s metals. Like, “Oh, there’s nothing someone can do at home on their
toxicity everywhere. So it’s pretty there. You’re fine.” But the toxic own? Do they need to go contact a
obvious that this is an issue. metals are very, very toxic. Your provider? You know what I mean?
body gets rid of them as quickly as How do we make this even more
And it seems even more apparent it can. So it puts them in your bones approachable for folks? Because a
from our conversation that we or it puts the metals in your fat or lot of folks don’t have the ability or
need to be assessing specific metal what have you. So typically, they’re maybe their finances restrict them
toxicity, so walk us through that. not in your blood for very long. And from traveling somewhere or even
Like, walk us through what you do you’re not going to see that unless working with someone over the
with your clients? Like, what could you’ve had a very, very recent acute phone or Internet? So talk to us a
people start doing now even to test toxic metal exposure. So blood, in little bit about that, like self-care.
for metal toxicity? And if there are my opinion, is useless for assessing
any customized detox supplements your body burden of metals. Wendy: Yes. So ideally, you want to
that you could suggest, that’d be work with a practitioner because it
super cool. Dr. Z: Okay. can be complex and what not. But
you can do certain things at home.
Wendy: Yes. So why do we want Wendy: Yeah. And so based on this Like, I mentioned, you can do the
to test for metals? It’s because the testing, you want to do it to find out Biosil and the PectaSol-C. Those
more I research, the more I realize what metals you have so we know are very effective overall, general
there’s always an underlying cause what supplements to give you or detoxifiers.
of a metal to a disease. So toxic prescription chelators like DMSA
metals do contribute and cause or EDTA. These are just chelators I provide these tests for my clients.
all different diseases. And every that grab on the metals and remove They can do them in their own
disease that I read about and the them from your body because we home. They just purchase them on
more I study has an underlying have to know what we’re working my website. And then they are sent
toxic metal or chemical component with. And different metals require test kits to do this. If people can’t
to it. different supplement and different work with a practitioner, you can
substances to remove them from actually buy hair mineral analysis,
And I see this in my client your body. just by itself for very cheap. And
population. I see this in my you can see your metal toxicities in
research. So this is something, So you again, yes, you can do a the hair mineral analysis without
and the physicians aren’t looking general detox, do these 10-day anyone needing to interpret that for
you. So that’s a way to go. Yet, at the end of the day though, I and aluminum and cadmium and
know that you have some favorite other toxic metals out of your brain
But usually, I know that you can detox supplements that you and out of your body. It works
buy the urine metals challenge typically give your clients. So talk to amazingly well. So that’s another
test on the Internet and various us a little bit about that. And what supplement people can be taking
places. But those do usually require do you even do to determine? Like, every day, taking a teaspoon of that.
DMSA, which is a prescription from does everyone get these?
a doctor that you have to get. But Or talk to us a little bit about that. HerbPharm also has a cilantro
there’s more than one way to skin a extract. That one doesn’t work as
chicken. So you can get these tests. Wendy: Yes. One thing to note is well. It does work pretty well and it
Rome wasn’t built in a day. And has a lot of clinical research behind.
Dr. Z: I love that. when I’m giving my clients a detox But that has the leaves and stems
program, it starts with their diet. So and seeds. So I personally think a
Wendy: Yeah. You can get these eating meat actually, it helps people product with only the
tests yourself on the Internet. to detox. So a lot of people don’t seeds and with a fresh-pressed oil
But, of course, I always advise realize this, but you need the sulfur- is the best product to use. And you
people working with a practitioner containing amino acids in meat like can just take a teaspoon of that
because it does get complex. And taurine so that your liver can detox. every single day.
it’s taken me 10 years to acquire
the knowledge that I have on And this is one thing that The next product I like is sodium
detoxification. So I can assure you, vegetarians and vegans, R-lipoic acid. So how is this different
it gets complex. unfortunately, their livers don’t from alpha lipoic acid? A lot of
detox very well. And that’s why people hear of alpha lipoic acid for
Dr. Z: Yeah. Just from my own toxins can build up in their body detoxification. But sodium R-lipoic
research and my personal limited and that’s why vegetarians and acid is a fat-soluble R-lipoic acid and
experience in this field and talking vegans can still get cancer, even if that the only one on the market is
to folks like you, it seems very they’re not eating meat. And that’s Life Extension Super R-lipoic acid.
practical. Like a good idea for the one thing I learned. I was vegetarian
average person out there just for a couple of years and realized in That’s the only one the I
to go out and do some self-tests my research that was not the best recommend to my clients because
just to get a gauge and just to be idea, but lots of different reasons it’s fat soluble and most other
awakened to the fact that there is to be a vegetarian and vegan other R-lipoic acids are water-soluble.
an issue. Take some of the standard than nutrition. And the fat soluble works 20 to
procedures and supplements and 30 times more effectively than an
eat better food and do things, get And other things people can do R-lipoic acid that’s water soluble or
on your own pathway. is sleeping. You have to sleep an alpha lipoic acid, so much, much,
adequately. That’s when your body much different. And that’s a very
And that’s one thing that, folks, is detoxing. So that’s another key important distinction to make.
you might want to consider, get to detoxification and very simple
comfortable because oftentimes things that people should be doing The next products I like to give
when you work with someone, it anyways to be healthy. So I just people are glutathione. Glutathione,
could be overwhelming. It could be, want to give people a couple of little a lot of people aren’t making
“What? Like, not go to McDonalds. I basics. enough of it They don’t have
can’t smoke anymore. I can’t drink enough selenium to make it or
all the time. And now, I’ve got to do And so my favorite detox they have other deficiencies or
all of this.” It’s like step by step by supplements, additional ones they have genetic issues where
step. So there’s a lot of stuff you that I give to clients, cilantro oil, they’re not able to make enough.
could do, too. very natural product. I love the So supplementing that on a detox
Panaseeda cilantro oil. It’s fresh program is a very, very smart thing
But like Wendy says, when it pressed from the seeds themselves to do.
comes to advanced, specifically the and the cilantro oil works a lot like
advanced detoxification, it could get DMSA prescription chelation drug. I really like Source Naturals
dangerous, especially when you’re Chem-Defense. That’s a great
on pharmaceutical drugs because And the oils get into your brain, thing to take. It’s a sublingual
there are a lot of contraindications because your brain readily accepts glutathione, very important
and things. So that is important. fats into it, and it will pull mercury when taking glutathione to do it
sublingually because it will absorb Dr. Z: Can you talk to us a little process all the toxins that are
into your body. If you take a pill of bit about safety—overdoing it, mobilizing quickly enough. And
glutathione, you’re feeding your gut underdoing it? Maybe even signs these are all very, very normal and
bugs. And that makes them very that you know what? You shouldn’t can be par for the course when
happy. But they’re very greedy and be doing this sort of thing. You you’re doing a full-on detox.
they don’t share it with your body. know what I mean? Because at the
end of the day, I’ve found that a lot But I encourage people to just do
So it has to be sublingual. of folks will do whatever it is that what you can handle. You’re going
Liposomal glutathione is nice, too. your coach, your doctor, whoever to be a little bit uncomfortable. As
But it’s very, very expense and it it might be tells them what to do. long as you can handle it, great,
can downregulate your own natural And they’re on their death bed and just keep going. But if you’re really
production of glutathione making they’re like, “Oh, my doctor says I feeling like you don’t feel well, it’s
you dependent on it to keep taking got to do this.” And I’m like, “Whoa! too much, you can’t do your normal
it. So I take a little bit of liposomal Whoa! Whoa! Hold on a second, daily activities, it’s time to pull the
glutathione here and there. I don’t doctors aren’t God.” You know what reigns in a little bit.
take it every day. I mean?
Dr. Z: Okay. And then what?
Another great thing to take is So what kind of just tips? Are there Like, flush water, sleep, sauna,
kelatox EDTA suppositories. These certain signs and symptoms that what would you do if you were
can be purchased from a heath you’ve seen that are common and in that situation? Because maybe
practitioner or on the Internet. not common for detoxification? someone listening, and I bet there
And these, you have to be careful. are because I get this a lot, Wendy.
These are not something for Wendy: Yes, number one, always People are like, “Okay, I’m in a place
everyone. But they are something listen to your body. Okay. Don’t right now. I know I’m not doing too
you can get over the counter. I worry about the thing you read well. I’m on this crazy regimen that’s
don’t recommend them unless in the book or what your doctor’s beating up my body.” What do you
people have cadmium toxicity, lead saying or anything, you have to recommend for that?
toxicity, manganese toxicity, people listen to your body. If your body is
can get from their well water. But saying, “Please stop this,” you need Wendy: So I recommend people
these are simple at home things to slow it down or stop whatever take a lot of PectaSol-C. A lot of
that you can do if you have those supplements or chelating agents these symptoms people are having
metal toxicities. They make a huge that you are taking, especially if are due to toxins floating around
difference in people’s lives. you’re really, really ill. in their bloodstream. And while
the body’s trying to process it,
I find that most people do have A lot of my clients coming to me are these toxins are floating around
some level of cadmium in their very ill. They have multiple health causing different problems. So if
body because you get cadmium in conditions. They have to take it you take a lot of PectaSol-C, you can
cigarette smoke. You get cadmium really, really slow. And so for like take 10 grams or even 20 grams,
in coffee. I hate to break it to you. Biosil, they can only do one or two in doing so, within the hour, you
That’s part of the kick of coffee is drops of the Biosil. That’s all they can dramatically reduce detox
the cadmium that’s in it. can handle. symptoms.
Dr. Z: Oh, I didn’t know that. And fatigue is one of the biggest And that’s why PectaSol-C should
issues in detoxification because it be a very important part of any
Wendy: Yes. And you get it, even if takes a lot of energy to detox. And detox program because you have to
it’s organic coffee, it doesn’t matter. so when people are experiencing have something to absorb all these
You get it in dental work. And a a lot of fatigue, they may just need toxins that your body is mobilizing.
lot of the companies are illegally to slow it down a little bit. Take less Eating lots and lots of vegetables,
dumping cadmium. So a lot of of the supplements or stop the lots of fiber really important
different places that we’re getting supplements for a couple of days. because toxic metals get bound up
that. in the fiber and then eliminate it. So
And people can have other PectaSol-C is essentially a fiber.
So those are just some simple tips symptoms. They can have anxiety.
that people can start detoxing on They can have nausea. Many times And when people are not eating
their own at home if they’re not people have nausea when their a fiber, that can be problematic,
able to work with a practitioner. liver is overloaded and it just can’t just generally for health and on a
detox program. But like you said, get to a place like we’re walking on myself, I had all of the above. I had
drinking a ton of water, flushing it cloud nine. I’ve experienced that everything. I had thallium, arsenic,
out. Coffee enemas are not super and like, “Wow!” tin, and aluminum. And that’s why I
popular, but very, very effective at was exhausted.
helping your liver to dump its toxic And then so for me, I’ve been so
contents and just get your body in tune with my body, just living And over the course of the last few
flushed out, generally. the lifestyle that I’ve lived the last years when I’ve been able to detox
13 or so years, that I’ll know. Being these metals, my energy has just
So when your body is backed up sluggish, being fatigued, that’s really blossomed. And I’m still always
with toxins, the liver is backed for me my number one sign. Like, looking for that next level of energy,
up. When you flush it out with a if I have to drink a cup of coffee to that next level of brain functioning.
coffee enema, it’s not for cleaning keep up my crazy energy a couple I’m a perfectionist. But I went from
the colon, it’s for cleaning out times a week, that’s like, “Okay, I’ve just exhausted all the time, not
the liver and flushing the liver. got to sit back.” having enough energy to work out,
That can really help your body to and just feeling like my brain wasn’t
facilitate processing whatever toxin And so I know, Wendy, you’re really working.
is bothering you. And they’re not passionate on helping people
for everyone. If you don’t tolerate overcome fatigue because it is such And I was a shadow of my former
caffeine, probably not going to be a common complaint with most self. And I wanted to go get a
able to tolerate a coffee enema. people. So we all want energy. master’s degree and I was like, “I’m
And why do you think specifically, not going to be able to remember
Dr. Z: That is super helpful. Do you because I know you have some anything. I can’t remember
have any thoughts on colonics— really good insight into this, why something I wrote in an article last
colon irrigation? and what have you found causes week. How am I going to go back to
this chronic fatigue across our school?” And I really, for me, I put
Wendy: You know what? I’ve done nation? the brakes on my dreams because
them before a long, long time ago. I knew I didn’t have what it took to
I think that they’re helpful. I don’t Wendy: Yes. Well, fatigue is the accomplish them. And it was only
think people should have to pay first sign something’s not working because of these toxins.
$75 or $100 to go somewhere and properly in your body. And people
do colon irrigation. I prefer when will turn to coffee. They’ll turn to And so let’s talk a little about these
people do things at home stimulants. I totally get it. I’ve been toxins that reduce fatigue. The main
with an enema bag and what not. there myself. one is thallium. Nobody knows
It’s just, you can get started for about this, not even a lot of detox
$8. Get an enema bag at your But what I realize in my research is experts. And it’s in the air that we’re
drugstore. that there are toxic metals that are breathing. It’s from car exhaust. It’s
poisoning enzymes that transport from smog. Thallium is a gasoline
And the water will irrigate your nutrients into our mitochondria. additive that our lovely petroleum
colon. And that’s very helpful. If you And your mitochondria make your companies add to the gas because
are constipated, you don’t want that ATP. They make your body’s energy. it makes the car engines last longer.
toxic fecal matter and the toxins in And I reviewed this earlier. But It prevents knocking.
that reabsorbing back through your these toxic metals are really what
colon into your body. So I think it’s are causing your lack of energy. And And so we’re breathing this in. And
very important for people to relieve there’s no amount of coffee that’s it’s very toxic. It’s actually used in
constipation with water enemas going to cover this up. You can’t assassination attempts. In Russia,
if they don’t tolerate coffee. But keep covering it up for very long there’s like some interesting stories
it’s not the most effective detox because it comes back to get you. behind that. But it’s very toxic to
strategy. I think that coffee enemas And then people move into chronic the body and reduces our ability
really help the liver to detox. And fatigue syndrome and things like to produce energy. It causes our
that’s more, more important than that. adrenal fatigue. It blocks potassium
just flushing out the colon. channels in the body and just
And my clients with chronic fatigue, causes so many different problems.
Dr. Z: Folks, a lot of us out there they typically have very high levels
don’t even realize how toxic we are of, either thallium, arsenic, tin, Then there’s arsenic. Arsenic is
until we do some of these things aluminum, or all of the above. And in our water. It’s in conventional
that Wendy suggests. And then we when I first did an assessment of chickens and eggs. They’re fed
antibiotics that contain arsenic. It’s just about out of time. Is there this information home with you.
in rice products. You want to go something that you feel needs a I know you’ve got to listen to this
organic. But even they still have little more emphasis? Did you forget interview again, a couple of times,
arsenic. And arsenic also poisons something? Did I forget to ask you just to get all the information that
enzymes that transport fat out of something? How would you like to Wendy just shared with us.
fat cells. So if you’re trying to do wrap up?
everything to lose weight like I was And, Wendy, we do have but just
and failing, because I was very, very Wendy: Well, it’s just my main a quick minute. Because you are
arsenic toxic. message to people to start thinking the hostess of the event, we could
about detoxification and adding wrap up with this. Would you like to
And as I have reduced my arsenic it to your health regime. I feel so give anyone just like a run through,
body burden, I’ve been able to lose bad. A lot of my clients are going any of the special talks that people
weight a lot more easily. So that to doctor after doctor after doctor really need to listen to. I’m a father
was my arch nemesis was that trying to figure out what’s wrong of four. And all my children are my
arsenic. with them. And they do all this favorite.
testing and spend all this money.
Then there’s tin. Tin is found in a And the doctors are not looking at And like every interview I’ve ever
lot of different things. Then there’s mineral and nutrient deficiencies done, I love them all. But there’s
aluminum. Most people have and heavy metal and chemical always a couple that really, really
some level of aluminum in their toxicities. stand out. So as people walk
body. We’ve been slathering on through this next week with you at
this aluminum toxic deodorant our And I don’t get it because they the Medicinal Supplement Summit,
whole lives. And it’s also used as learn about mineral physiology in what do you really want them to
a drying and anti-caking agent in college. And then, they’ll just have get out of it, number one? And
flour and salt. It’s in our soda cans it trained out of them or something two, what must-listen, must-watch
that people are drinking from every because they’re always just looking interviews are there?
single day. There’s so many ways for, “What medication can I give to
that we get aluminum. It’s added to solve this problem?” The underlying Wendy: I had so much fun putting
municipal water sources. Just a lot root cause of health issues, disease this summit together. Yeah, it was a
of different ways we get that. symptoms are mineral and nutrient lot of work. But it’s just such a labor
So these metals are just one deficiencies and heavy metal and of love because I know when I was
example of how they reduce our chemical toxicities. So if you aren’t first getting interested in health
energy, how they interfere in our looking at that, that’s the missing and learning about supplements
metabolic function. And there’s piece of the puzzle that you need to and trying to figure out what brand
a million more examples. Lead, address. is good? Should I do food-based
people that have lead, especially or synthetic and should I take
older folks that were breathing in Dr. Z: Well said, my dear. Well said. resveratrol and turmeric? And I was
the leaded gasoline fumes, that lead Wendy, thank you again for, not reading all these amazing articles
is being stored in your bones and only your work in what you’ve been about all these amazing natural
causing fatigue in your body. So I doing for so many years, but this is substances that people can be
can just go on and on and on. like your legacy, this summit, this taking to improve their health.
event. This is in a sense up in to
I’m very, very passionate about where you’re at, a culmination of And I was very confused. And I
detoxification. So it just begs your life’s work, putting all these thought, “How much stuff do I really
the question. You need to start contacts and experts together. And need to be taking to be healthy?
detoxing and doing simple daily I’ve done three of these now. I know And I had this huge shopping bag
detox strategies and protocols what it’s like being on the other full of supplements and taking so
every single day, but just get started end of the microphone. And it’s just many things that I was spending
with some basics. Get started with exceptionally draining. It is. And so so much money. And I wanted
some Biosil and some PectaSol-C. thank you. to do this summit to help reduce
And that will help you to get rid confusion and help get people
of some of these metals that are Folks, you don’t realize there’s a lot focused in and honed in on the
causing your fatigue. of energy that comes into putting basic supplements that everyone
on something like this. Like Wendy should be taking.
Dr. Z: That’s fantastic. Wendy, you said it’s been a year. So please
covered so much information. We’re share this with your loved one. Take And then what supplements you
can take customized to your health I also love Harry Massey’s talk. And I’ve just heard amazing
condition and illuminate some He’s of NESHealth.com. And he testimonials about how this work.
testing people can do if they want suffered from chronic fatigue for And it seems very farfetched. I was
to take things to the next level and seven years. He was bedridden. certainly very skeptical when I first
customize it to their body and their And he came up with this device heard about it because we’re so
body chemistry and throw in some where you scan your hand and it used to thinking, “Oh, you have to
information about genetics and scans your body’s electromagnetic take a medicine to make changes
how you can supplement around activity. And based on that, you can or take supplements to make
your genetics. And there’s lots of tell infections you’ve had. It can tell changes.”
very interesting ways that you can your nutrient deficiencies. It can tell
go about it. So I want to just give so much information about your But it’s very, very interesting. So I
people a basic education on how body. encourage people to listen to that
they can supplement for them. one, as
And you get this infoceutical water well.
And the most interesting talks I that the practitioner can make
found that you have to listen to, based on your skin. And you can Dr. Z: That’s wild. And that’s
the number one favorite of mine is work on one part of your body at awesome! And, folks, you’re
the Mike Adams talk. Mike Adams a time. Say you want to work on awesome, too. Thank you so much.
of NaturalNews.com, he’s been anxiety or you want to work on I know that listening and being part
around forever and has so much gut health or you want to work of something like this summit is,
amazing information to share. He on detox or you want to work not only the first step, but it helps
created a lab where he is testing on whatever part of your body continue our health and education.
all the foods, all the supplements, you want to work on, whatever’s
testing teas for toxic metals. problematic for you, your energy So again, this is your guest host,
And he’s called out a lot of these levels, what have you. And this Dr. Eric Zielinski. And it’s been a
organic supplement companies and infoceutical water has information lovely interview with Wendy Myers.
organ ic food companies and a lot that tells your cells how to behave And you could check out Wendy at
of the big makers of the products properly. LiveTo110.com. And please, please,
that we’re eating every day for please share this summit with your
our health. But some of them And this is the future of loved ones because they need it.
contain large, and shockingly large supplementation. This is the future
amounts of toxic metals that are of medicine, actually to take this Well, folks, we’ll talk to you soon!
undermining our health and we are infoceutical water and retrain your Bye-bye.
paying for the privilege. So that’s an cells and your body how to function
important talk. properly.
The 4 Rs of Gut Healing
Sean Croxton with Reed Davis FDN-P, CMTA
Click here to watch this interview!
The purpose of this presentation is to convey information. It is not intended to
diagnose, treat, or cure your condition or to be a substitute for advice from your
physician or other healthcare professional.
and along comes bugs so need to treated, but they’re still not feeling
remove bugs as well. like their old selves. Something is
still going on.
That’s what you want me to talk
about but if you just remove the As a matter of fact, some people
Reed Davis: Thanks very much bugs, I guarantee you’re not going that come to us who have been
Sean. I’m really happy to be and to really fix that person long term. treated by numerous practitioners,
be participating in the Digestion Another thing you’re going to have they went to one practitioner,
Sessions, and I want to fulfill to do is replace some nutrients, they found a bug, they treated
my duty to you to do a good job hydrochloric acid being one of the the bug, and then they were okay
in talking about parasites and main ones and also enzymes and for a while, now they have not
infections. Before we do that, I’m going to show you why that’s another bug. Or maybe another
I just want to give a little brief real important in just a minute. one. Sometimes we’re the fourth
introduction to the difference or fifth person that they’re seeing
between alternative medicine Another thing you’re going to have to treat bugs, and so what we
versus modern medicine, and then to do down the road somewhere realized a long time ago is it’s not
we’re going to go over some of eventually is repair the gut. Just the bug. I’m not saying they don’t
the actual bugs and solutions and getting rid of foods, just getting have to do with them, but it’s the
things so that we can actually get rid of bugs, even if you take some host and the health of the person
rid of these bugs permanently if nutrients, you may have a long- that really matters.
possible. term project on your hands in
terms of reducing inflammation You really have to get into how the
Now in alternative medicine, as and actually repairing gut function. digestive system actually works
a matter of fact, if you search Last but not least here is and we need to take a look first
on the Internet for “alternative reinoculate. In other words, and what a real good healthy
solutions to digestive problems”, we want to reseed the gut with digestive system looks like. Here
undoubtedly you’re going to come probiotics. That’s a formula that, we have drawn out for you the
across something that says the four generally speaking, will move brain and the esophagus and the
R’s of digestion. If you just typed in you towards health dealing with stomach right here. Believe it or
“four R’s of digestion,” you’ll come digestive problems. not, if I asked you where does
up with about 84,000 different You asked me to specifically about digestion begin, you might not
versions of the four-R system of bugs, but again I just have to think the brain; you might think
improving gut health. emphasize that if you’re not healing the stomach or you might think
the whole digestive system, as a enough about chewing. It actually
The first R is remove and what I’m matter of fact, the whole person, starts in the brain.
showing you now is the one we you’re just not going to reach the
use in FDN and actually I borrowed long-term results you’re looking You have to think about your
this from one of our clinician for. food, at least you’re supposed
advisors, Dr. Brian Walsh because to take a moment, sit down and
it works. The first thing we do Sean will tell you that we’ve seen just be eating. We need to let the
when we want to repair someone’s hundreds and hundreds of people parasympathetic nervous system
digestive system is get rid of the in our office who were treated for kick in, which gets the juices
foods that they’re sensitive too. a bug already. They went off to a flowing and we start salivating, the
Those can cause inflammation foreign country, they came back other digestive juices start flowing,
and do some devastating things, with the bug and they got that we smell our food and things like
that. If you’re on sympathetic, if
you’re in the fight or flight mode, happens by making pepsin, and pancreas. Most of us when we
you’re probably not going to have pepsin by the way is made out think of pancreas we think of
a good healthy digestive system if of something called pepsinogen insulin and it’s really important.
you keep doing that over and over that is a pre-enzyme that’s made
again. by the chief cells and released The pancreas releases insulin
into the gut, but it takes HCl to and it helps us control our blood
We have the brain and then we turn the pepsinogen into pepsin, sugar, but the pancreas also
have the mouth, and the mouth another reason why you need releases some other enzymes and
of course requires you to chew good strong HCL. proenzymes into the beginning
your food. You’re required to chew of the small intestine. One of
your food. That’s to increase the The third reason you need HCl is the main enzymes it releases is
surface area of the food. If you the HCl sends signals to the rest of lipase. Lipase dissolves fat. So
are swallowing chunks of meat the digestive system to get ready we’ve started to break down the
for instance, you’re not going to that food’s coming. Food’s going sugars, started to break down
be able to break that meat down. to spend maybe an hour or two the proteins and we also need to
You want to grind it up so that the or up to about three hours in the break down all the fats so we can
stomach acid can get to it. stomach and then it’s going to get all the nutrition from that, but
It’s really important in the mouth. be all ready and prepared, and it lipase is basically useless unless
There are actually three things. starts heading down the tube into the gallbladder has released
Increasing of surface area is very the small intestine. some bile into the same area.
important. The lubrication of
the food, you want to mix it with This is a critical area obviously As a matter of fact, the gallbladder
saliva. By the way, you won’t have and the small intestine is about and the pancreas release their
saliva if you don’t have the right in most people 20-22 feet long juices into a tube and that one
brain activity that turns the saliva and it’s because you need a lot tube goes into the top of the small
on. The other thing about saliva of surface area for absorption. intestine. The pancreas released
is it starts to break down the There’s a tremendous amount lipase, which is basically only
carbohydrates; your simple sugars of surface area there. I’ve heard going to work on fat if the bile
and things actually start to get that it’s about the size of a small has already emulsified the fat and
digested in the mouth. tennis court if you stretch it all broken it down so that the lipase
out. can break it down further.
Obviously we all know that food will
come down here into the stomach. It starts in the brain, you chew What does that depend on? The
The stomach is your main digestive your food up real well, lubricate gallbladder depends on liver so we
organ. That’s where you’re really it and start breaking down the need to also keep our livers in good
going to pulverize the food. There sugars, it goes into the stomach, shape. I think what you’re seeing
are actually three layers of muscles you start further dissolving it, here is that the digestive system is
in the stomach that churn it and you send signals down to the rest really dependent upon a whole lot
mix it up and such. Nothing is more of the body, you start breaking of influences, a whole lot of parts
important the hydrochloric acid. down the proteins and then the all working together, hopefully
You need plenty of hydrochloric food passes into here. That’s perfectly. There’s also an awful
acid to further break down that not good enough for the small lot of opportunity for dysfunction
food. You’ve already thought about intestine. to appear here. Something to
it, you’ve already chewed it up, It needs that food to be prepared add here, it might be a good time
but now you need good strong even more for digestion into the to talk about the fact that the
stomach acid. body. Remember, we’re trying to digestive system works almost
nourish ourselves here. All these independently of everything else in
There’s another thing in the nutrients, all these vitamins and your body.
stomach that’s really important minerals and phytonutrients need
and it’s called pepsin. Pepsin is to get absorbed. The small intestine Even though I just mentioned
going to start breaking down the is perfectly designed for this if the the fact that a lot of the rest of
proteins. We’ve started to break food is properly prepared. your body might affect it, it can
down the sugars in the mouth, We talked about these sections. operate because it has its own
we’re now breaking down the Lets draw in here another little nervous system. As a matter of
proteins in the gut and that organ and that is called the fact, there are as many neurons
in the digestive tract as there
are in your whole spinal cord. can break down your proteins, juices, the pancreatic proenzymes.
Basically it has its own brain. It and it sends signals to the rest of These enzymes produced by the
doesn’t even need the brain to the body, including the pancreas, pancreas really aren’t activated
operate. which releases lots of enzymes, until they hit the absorptive area
You could be completely including some proenzymes and then they’re activated and of
unconscious, almost sever that need to be activated later. course then food can get broken
the brain and there’s The one that breaks down fat is down to one molecule size. If it’s
enough neuronal activity very dependent on bile, which of two molecules together, the body
and intelligence to keep you course is dependent on the liver, really isn’t supposed to recognize
digesting your food and having which is dependent upon lots of it yet as food and shouldn’t let it
it move through there. A really other things. in.
neat thing, very sensitive of
course and something that we Lets say the food does get through We’ll talk about that part of the
need to take really good care of. that point and the fats are being small intestine in just a little bit,
broken down. What we need the immune function of it, and
As I’m going to show you in just a now and what you want to think Sean will tell you that about 75%
few minutes, it’s not just the bugs about when you think of the of your immune system is also
and if that’s all you do, if that’s all small intestine is absorption. I in the digestive tract. What we’ve
you wanted to know about, I would told you that it’s 20-22 feet long. done here is we’ve increased the
just tell you here’s some stuff that I’ve told you that it has its own surface area of the small intestine
would get rid of bugs, but that’s nervous system and that it’s really so that we get a lot of digestion
not the point here. What we want intelligent. Its job is to absorb going on, a lot of activation of
to do is continue to look at what a nutrients, but they still aren’t quite enzymes and if you think about
healthy gut system looks like so we ready for absorption. it for a second, why are these
can understand the potential for One thing we need to know is pancreatic enzymes not active
metabolic chaos. that in terms of that absorption, if until they get into the small
you look even with the naked eye, intestine?
Metabolic chaos is a term that if you cut open someone’s gut,
our medical director Dr. Bailey you’d see that there are folds in Because if they were active inside
uses all the time to describe the the small intestine. That increases the pancreas, they would eat the
dysfunctions in different areas of surface area. If this was a piece of pancreas up. They’re very strong
the body. You can see there’s a lot string and we stretched it out, it enzymes that would dissolve the
of room so far for metabolic chaos, would be much longer. pancreas itself. As a matter of fact,
but lets go ahead and continue. In order to increase the size of there are diseases of the pancreas
We’ve got the brain, you think the gut and the surface area for that involve that activity. We don’t
about food, you start getting the absorption even more, we’ve got need to go into all that right now.
juices flowing. You start chewing what are called villi, which are on
your food up and you’re breaking the folds. We just need to know that you
it down into just the right size and think about food, you chew it
lubricating it and breaking down Villi is what food actually up, it goes into the stomach for
your carbohydrates. gets absorbed through into a purification and further processing,
bloodstream that goes over to the break down the proteins, it
You’ve got the stomach full of good liver. Once again, you see there goes into the small intestine for
strong acid, which is going to not are folds and on those folds are absorption, but that can’t happen
only break down the food into these little fingers. If you stretch without the proper pancreatic
smaller pieces, but it’s also going that out, you’d be increasing the juices and bile flow and a real good
to purify it. If I didn’t mention surface area even more and on strong surface area.
that, that’s a very major function top of that, there are little tiny I’m going to go on in a second to
of hydrochloric acid. It purifies hairs basically, called microvilli, the large intestine because that’s
and kills bacteria, kills spores also known as the brush border. a really important part of the
and things like that that might be immune system and the digestive
involved in parasitic infections. In those little tiny microscopic process, but just a little bit more
fingers are enzymes, and those about this area right here.
And then of course it turns enzymes are going to help break This area is incredibly sensitive.
pepsinogen into pepsin so you down more of the pancreatic It’s been said that the lining of the
gut is like your second skin, but it’s basically dehydrate it, at the same through our skin in different
much more sensitive. time you’re going to take out some ways.
electrolytes or still a little tiny bit of
If your skin got bacteria on it, nutrition left in it, even when it’s in This is the main area and that’s
you’d take some soap and water this large intestine. why we stated the immune
and wash it off. If you spilled The other thing that you want system begins right here with your
some chemicals or an irritant to think about when you think mouth chewing food up, starting
of some sort, you’d take some of large intestine is bacteria. We to break it down, hydrochloric
soap and water, wash it off have been told many times that acid basically sanitizing things, the
and it’s fine. It’s basically just there’s actually five to ten pounds further breakdown, bacteria, in
waterproof resistant stuff. It of bacteria living in the colon and the way that the small intestine
does have some dynamics but there’s also some bacteria spread protects us at work. There are also
we don’t need to get into that. up in other areas. immunoglobulins, things that float
up through the bloodstream into
Regardless, it’s not even close The colon has five to ten pounds of this area to help protect us and
to as sensitive as the lining of live bacteria that needs to be good help neutralize toxins, neutralize
your small intestine. These healthy flora and if it’s not, you’re bacteria and of course once stuff
brush borders with just a little going to have some serious issues gets into the large intestine, we
bit of the wrong food or bacteria because we just stated 75% of your have lots of bacteria there to
or parasites will be gone. You immune system is here in this area, further inoculate things.
won’t have any brush border but a lot of it has to do with that
left. Therefore, you’re not going bacteria and the immune cells that That’s a healthy gut and we do
to have the breakdown of food are around the digestive system. what we do in our business, we
properly because you’re not There are immune cells basically handle bugs in a certain way
activating the pancreatic enzymes. everywhere, really heavily packed because we believe that most
into this area to protect us. people when they come to us, this
Even worse, you could end up with is an important distinction, they
basically what we call that blunted This is where I want to go into that have enough vital reserve to get
brush border, or villus atrophy. little bit of a discussion between this back in shape. If we simply
They’re just certain conditions what we do as alternative remove these things, if we start
where these villi get blunted. Now practitioners, is basically what I replacing nutrients and things that
you’re really not absorbing your call functional diagnostic nutrition. the body needs, we get function
food and how healthy do you Lets say this was all working going there, we basically clean up
think you would be then? You’re perfectly and everything else in the place. We remove the clutter
not. That’s an important aspect your body is working perfectly. and then start a replacing and
of gut function. It’s part of the That would be a person with rebuilding.
potential metabolic chaos that can a tremendous amount of vital
exist that would keep you from reserve. It’s just an innate healing That works for us if and when
being healthy. ability, that’s what our medical that person has enough vital
director Dr. Bailey calls that reserve to kick in at some
Now I’m actually going to go ahead strategic intelligence, that innate point. We totally trust that.
and draw in the large intestine. ability of the body to heal itself. If Physicians are around and
Food passes through here and it you get cut on your arm, it heals they’re good to have around
needs to go into the large intestine as long as you keep it clean. because they are there when
and then things get excreted there isn’t enough vital reserve.
through bowel movements. There’s vital reserve in every area A person might have really
What we see is that food needs of the body. There’s also a lot of taken a turn for the worse
to be further processed. Our potential for metabolic chaos. and they need intervention,
semiliquid here is going to have When things come down the they need some really strong
a couple things happen. You’re pipes, and I’m talking bacteria medicine. That’s when its good
going to start absorbing water, and fungus and parasitic to have a physician around
that semiliquid by the time it gets bugs. We also have toxins and who can write a prescription or
around here to be excreted is chemicals, it enters the body all do some surgery or whatever it
going to be a semisolid. kinds of ways, we can breathe it might be to save that person’s
and actually could get absorbed life.
You’re going to take out water, you
With me, I never talk about us what’s called functional diagnostic your food and really masticate it to
versus them, alternative, which nutrition, and so I am completely that point. He’s got a point. There
I am, versus modern medicine. I dependent on there being enough are two areas of dysfunction right
just say it depends on what the vital reserve. there.
needs are. They’re sick, they’re
coming in, they have heartburn, Physicians again get kind of 24:22 The other one is that people are
gas, bloating, indigestion, because they can come in with very chronically low in hydrochloric
diarrhea, constipation, belching, powerful things and fix up what acid. What is the number one
flatulence and such; those are they want do. It might be get rid medication over the counter
concerns and yet they probably of a bug, it might be just move a sold in the United States today?
still have enough vital reserve test result from here back up into Antacids. Anti-acids. You’re
that if we can clean up the place, range or from here to back down basically purposefully taking your
remove the clutter and do some into range; that’s just what they get level of hydrochloric acid down to
holistic things, they’re going to be concerned about. almost nothing.
okay. They’re not at death’s door
You’re not going to turn your
so to speak. I want to make that They leave off the table a lot of this pepsinogen into pepsin, you
distinction. vital reserve and the body’s innate won’t be breaking down your
ability to heal. protein, you won’t have enough
In our business, in alternative, hydrochloric acid to sanitize
we’re constantly assessing the I am completely dependent upon
that vital reserve because I can’t your food and purify it, kill all the
amount of metabolic chaos and bugs that are in it, and of course
contrasting that against the write a prescription and I certainly
wouldn’t do surgery and those without the proper amount of HCl,
amount of vital reserve they you won’t be sending the right
have and seeing where we can kinds of things. Our approach is
very solid and valuable and fits signals down into the rest of your
be helpful. This has worked on systems. That’s another area of
thousands of people where we’ve a need. If you don’t need drugs
and surgery, it’s not going to help dysfunction that is a contributing
gotten them from having all those factor to metabolic chaos.
symptoms or something about the you and even if you did need it,
way they look or something about it will never return you to normal
health and wellness. Lets turn Others of course, we have a lot of
the way they feel that they don’t
now to what could go wrong and people with dysfunctional livers
like and they make a commitment
what is involved in this metabolic for lots of reasons, it can lead
to taking some action, and we
chaos that is continuously playing to they’re really not producing
can do the things that would help
against this if you will. enough bile. Bile gets stored in
clean them up.
the gallbladder and then it still
For one thing, in digestion, has to be excreted into the small
I wanted to just briefly go over intestine so there’s a lot of area for
one more little thing about this you could ignore my
recommendations and you can dysfunction in there. Pancreases
vital reserve because I contrasted can be very busy with keeping your
the physicians practicing modern just eat on the run. You could be
running through the drive thru, blood sugar regulated. They help
medicine with alternative regulate blood sugar by producing
practitioners. I’m not saying even good food. If you don’t sit
down and pay attention, if you insulin. There’s some literature
that those modern medicine and some talk about it may not be
practitioners don’t recognize vital just got your sympathetic mode
all the time when you eat, that’s doing a very good job of producing
reserve. They understand there’s a these enzymes and proenzymes, so
strategic reserve in the body. not a good thing. That’s an area of
dysfunction. another area.
What I will say though is that
they’re more concerned with If you don’t chew your food, lets Then we get down into the small
certain complexes; they look say you have rotten teeth and intestine and as I went over just
more at genes, they look more at you’re not just chewing your briefly before, there can be an
epigenetics and other complexities. food or you don’t think you have awful lot of dysfunction on these
They often completely leave off time and you’re swallowing big villi and microvilli. You may not
the table the complexities of vital chunks, I’m not saying you have have a lot of microvilli. We call it a
reserve. The other thing is that to masticate it down to the finest brush border because it looks like
an alternative practitioner like particles. A good friend of ours, a brush when you see it and that
me, I’m not a physician, I practice Paul Chek says you should drink can be gone. The villi themselves
can be atrophied and then you’re end up with inflammation. Those all in the gut, but there’s an awful
not getting nutrients into the things are basically what’s wrong lot made in the gut.
bloodstream and they’re not going with people and those things go Another thing is if you have
over to the liver to be processed out, why is this important? inflammation in the gut, you’re
there and sent out to the rest of Because they go out to the rest going to end up with inflammation
your body. of the body and cause other systemically. Systemic
problems. Digestive issues inflammation is going to give you
We also could have an awful lot, are at the root of many health achy joints and skin falling off your
and people do have problems, complaints. Lets just take a look at body, any kind of thing, migraine
everything from constipation, a few of those things. headaches and lots of other things
diarrhea, and cancer of the that could be going on there,
bowel; there are all kinds of If you have inflammation, autoimmune conditions and such.
things that can be going on in infections and a dysbiosis, your
the bowel for a lot of different cortisol is probably going to go Another thing that this will affect
reasons. Probably the worst up. Cortisol is the stress hormone. is thyroid. I’m not sure if you
one that’s very common and Cortisol’s job is to raise blood saw my segment in The Thyroid
absolutely not normal is that sugar. When you’re under stress Sessions that Sean did, but I went
constipation. from anything, it doesn’t have over how gut dysfunction is highly
to be driving in traffic, doesn’t involved in people with thyroid
Lets say you’re not moving your have to you don’t like your job, problems. Inflammation is affecting
stool through to be excreted as doesn’t have to be your kids are the thyroid, neurotransmitters
a bowel movement. What you’re misbehaving; it could just be affecting the thyroid, some of
going to find is that the toxins that you’ve got hidden internal these infections and overgrowths
that are in there start getting stressors that you don’t even know affecting the thyroid lead to
reabsorbed into the body. That’s about and you wonder why is your lowered thyroid stimulating
why there’s so much of this cortisol high all the time. hormone, so you’re not going to
immune activity and immune put out a lot of thyroid hormones.
cells around the colon. We’ve just That’s going to effect and raise
identified quite a few reasons your blood sugar. That’s going to Another thing that happens is
why you could have a higher level come full circle around one day it affects the way that T4, the
of metabolic chaos in your body to be insulin resistance. That of majority of your thyroid hormone,
and it will bring down your vital course you know if you don’t get will not get properly turned into
reserve. it fixed is going to lead to higher T3. So that’s a really serious thing
It’s not an emergency yet. You blood sugar, possible pre-diabetes and you can have all kinds of
don’t need drugs and surgery yet. and diabetes. I think you’re starting thyroid symptoms and you can go
You could even go to a physician to get the idea that the gut is get your thyroid medication, but
with some of the complaints that pretty important not just for three it’s not going to affect the cause
would come along in this type of things that you might take some of the thyroid dysfunction unless
situation and not get any relief anti-inflammatories, you can take you really know how to take apart
for that. The three main things I some stuff and kill some bugs, you the metabolic chaos.
want to point out is that you can can even take a lot of probiotics
have inflammation, you could and try to fix your dysbiosis, but
Another thing, there’s a hormone
have infections, and you could the further along this gets, the
and it’s called ghrelin and it
have that dysbiosis in the large more metabolic chaos is in your
actually is produced in your
intestine here. You’re going to entire body.
body and it helps you pursue
see an imbalance occur between food. It’s a good thing. You need
the amount of friendly bacteria Another thing that happens is nourishment. Ghrelin, when it
versus unfriendly bacteria. We you end up with neurotransmitter goes up, makes you crave more
call that dysbiosis. problems. Neurotransmitters are nourishment, so you end up with
made out of proteins and where increased cravings. Another one
Inflammation is anything else do we get our proteins from? We is increased leptin resistance.
causing ruckus and dysfunction. get them from the gut. We get This has the opposite effect. You’ll
It has to do with how these things them from breaking down food. never feel satisfied if your leptin
are meeting up with your immune They become amino acids and resistance is up.
system inside the gut, but you they eventually get made into
neurotransmitters. Not necessarily Inflammation, infection and
dysbiosis can up-regulate that. virulent and you just want to go they’re been to three four or five
get some medicine right away. As different practitioners over the
Those things will lower what’s a matter of fact, there are bugs last six or seven or eight years.
called secretory IgA. I talked a little that will kill you. Eight years ago, they went to
bit about gut dysfunction and how some foreign country, they come
our immune system is certainly There are other bugs that maybe back, they were sick, they got
involved. Back to the villi with the aren’t quite so dangerous and better but never really got all the
little hairs on them, one of the they won’t kill you unless you have way better, and they may have
things that actually comes up out really low vital reserve. Physicians various fluctuations in their vital
of the blood stream are these tend to come along and not give reserve and they get sick and get
immunoglobulins which are going much credit to vital reserve and better and get sick and get better.
out, being released into the gut to just treat or not treat. They’re
help kill the bad bacteria. That will going to come in with the big guns, We want to be the last person
get lowered so you’ll be much more kill the bugs and then their view they get to see or have to see. I
susceptible to further infection. It on vital reserve is, “we got you in have seen lots of serious health
becomes a vicious cycle. the ballpark, we killed this bug, we issues be completely resolved even
retested you, we know it’s gone, so when a medical diagnosis was in
From inflammation and dysbiosis, good luck with that, hope you got place when they first came in. It’s
you could lose the brush border. If enough vital reserve to kick in.” because we did all that fine-tuning.
you lose the brush border you’re
not making the proper enzymes What we do as nutritionists and Having said that, I don’t mind
that activate the pancreatic health coaches and things is we do giving you a few tips about getting
enzymes and then the villi itself all of the fine-tuning. We’re glad to rid of bugs because you do have
and actually become quite blunted have you in the ballpark, we might to remove them. We said remove
and now you’re not getting food have been able to do something inflammatory foods that helps heal
into the bloodstream the way you to help you move in that direction, the gut, remove the bugs, that gets
want. but now we’re going to do all the you moving in the right direction,
repair and rebuilding, we’re going gets you in the ballpark, where
Needless to say, there’s a lot to resolve and help dissipate all now you can work on all the other
of ramifications of having bad this metabolic chaos. We’re going things.
digestion that we don’t want to to bring order where there was
just say there’s a bug and lets kill chaos to the rest of the body. We don’t need to go back over
the bug. I’ve said it thousands That’s how it works. all the places where dysfunction
of times it is not the bug; it’s occurs and contributes to that
the host that matters. This is a We also want to give a slight metabolic chaos. We’re going to
pretty good description of the admonition to those who practice assume that you have enough vital
host and a pretty good review of allopathic nutrition. When you take reserve, that you’re in the ballpark
the metabolic chaos that might antibiotics, you can create resistant and not dying. If you’re dying, we’re
be going on and a pretty good strains of bacteria. They have a lot going to send you to a physician
idea of how you lose vital reserve of toxic side effects and things like for some intervention. That by
overtime if you don’t keep things that, so a lot of people don’t want the way for those of you who care
tuned up. to take the drugs, and they want to to discuss it delineates what is a
use alternative botanical products medical diagnosis versus what is a
There’s probably no one left in instead. dysfunctional problem, metabolic
this conversation now that thinks chaos and reduced vital reserve. It’s
that taking medicine for bugs is I’m for that, but those same a medical diagnosis when you’re
going to heal your whole body or people may also just leave you in bent over and you need to get
make all your problems go away. the ballpark and hope that your intervention.
For many years, probably 15 years body kicks in and takes over and
now, I’ve been saying what I said does all the rest of the repair, Bugs like that can be entamoeba
a few minutes ago, it’s not the replacement, re-inoculation on histolytica, there are viruses, there
bug; it’s the host. But that doesn’t its own, and very rarely does that are certain forms when fungus
mean we don’t have to take care happen. progresses through certain states,
of bugs and sometimes physicians celiac sprue and things like that,
might need to get called in. There Back to the story I told about and then of course you have
are certain bugs that are very people coming in our office,
what happens downstream from not just going to go jump on that The third thing that we’re going
that as we went through. You got medication or even that nutritional to talk about is Just Eat Real Food.
the autoimmune conditions, you supplement or that botanical Get away from anything out of a
got leaky gut, you got migraine product and say, “oh, I treated my bag or a box that has chemicals
headaches, and all these sorts of problem” because you won’t have in it because you’re going to start
things where it could go. treated the problem. I’ll say that we breaking down the system and
know now that all those symptoms if you don’t have bugs already,
Removing bugs with botanicals that you might have, the heartburn, you’re going to be susceptible to
can be done with some natural the gas, indigestion, the bloating, them.
products as we said when you’ve the constipation, the diarrhea,
got the approval of your physician. you need more than just some The fourth thing is eliminate. We
I have to say that because it’s true. symptom relief care for that. You know that you can get tested for
Sometimes we run a test, there’s need to get into the dysfunctions. food sensitivities, but if you aren’t
some serious bugs, you need to going to test, you want to at least
go get approved by your doctor When it comes to having those get off soy, corn, dairy, eggs and
to go the botanical way. There are things, there’s a lot of other stuff wheat. Theses are the five major
things like olive leaf, goldenseal it could be associated with. It offenders that will cause that
and bilberry. There’s black walnut, gets worse from there, you get inflammation, dysbiosis and they
there’s garlic, there’s oregano, the leaky gut, the autoimmune, break down the brush border, the
there’s tea tree oil; these are very you get the psoriasis, multiple villi. They pretty much can ruin
effective antimicrobials. sclerosis and fibromyalgia and or be a big cause of ruination,
chronic fatigue and migraine big cause of metabolic chaos
They will destroy a lot of different headaches and such. Even from inside your digestive system. So
bacteria, even some parasites and there, it could probably get eliminate some foods.
some fungus, or at least they can worse. Rather than treat the
knock it down. Then we do the symptoms, we want to look at the The fifth thing I will go ahead
rest of the cleaning up, they get in underlying causes. I’m going to do and tell you about because this
the ballpark, and then you do all one last thing here and I’m going is what I do for a living is we test.
the cleaning up and you can reach to go ahead and give you my final We say get tested. Sean says it
that state where they’re gone and solution. all the time; don’t guess, test. We
you’re working on health. want to have you run basically
There’s another one that I If you’re doing the four R’s, that’s three kinds of tests. One is the
particularly like for parasites a good step in the right direction, food sensitivity test. You can get
and that’s wormwood. but never forget your basics. What tested different ways. There’s IgG
Wormwood, also known as we’re going to do is go back here testing, there’s mediated release
Chinese wormwood, is also and say that probably in terms of testing, and there’s ways to test
a botanical called Artemisia having a healthy digestive system, which foods. You do have to invest
Annua. you’re going to want to sit down a little bit, sometimes more, but
and eat your food in a quiet place. you can get tested for 150 foods,
That’s been used by the Chinese You’re going to want to relax, get we have a test for 115 foods, we
to get rid of parasites and worms the parasympathetic going and get have another test that’s just a little
for thousands of years very the juices flowing, thinking about finger stick for 96 foods. That’s
successfully. There are some good your food, smell your food, and important because remember we
solid things that you can get your really try to enjoy your food. want to remove foods.
hands on. I don’t own any stock in
any product companies so I don’t Two is you’re going to want to chew We also want to remove parasites
have a brand for you right now, it up really well. Dr. Brian Walsh is and so you would go a GI pathogen
but if you’re looking at the labels a mention of mine that says that screen and they’re not expensive.
and you see a combination of the more you chew your food and They’re actually pretty easy to do
those things and the potency and swallow it in a tiny liquid thing, the because you just collect stool at
the purity seems to be there, they less you’ll eat. Just sitting down and home and you send it off to the
could be very effective at knocking thinking about your food, getting lab. They’ll tell you if you have
down the bugs. the juices flowing and chewing infections and infestations. They’ll
your food better is actually a way of also give you an assessment of
When you hear bugs or even if dieting. dysbiosis and such so we’ll know
you get tested for bugs, you’re a lot about the health, a lot about
what needs to be removed and by explain some symptoms you’re can do FDN as a client, just hire
identifying, by speciating like that, having and we mentioned a few, somebody or at least even just
we know what the best treatment but it’s almost anything can be talk to someone about your own
plans are. tracked back to digestive health health situation. You would go
and digestive health is involved in to FDNselfcare.com/uw if you’re
We could tell if you need something just about every health problem interested in becoming a client.
really potent, you might just want we know about.
to ask you doctor for or will these If you’re interesting in learning
other botanical things, like about By looking at gut function on a more about the Functional
that wormwood and olive leaf and test, we can point you in the right Diagnostic Nutrition certification
oregano and garlic. direction, give you lots of things course where you can learn how to
to do to build your health. I really practice this and become a health
Sometimes those will be okay hope this has been helpful. I really detective, go to FDNtraining.com
for a person if they have neough want to thank Sean Croxton for and read all about how you can
vital reserve and we make that allowing me to participate in The become a health detective. Real
assessment for you and help you Digestion Sessions. Hope you quick entry from there and see if
make it. picked up some good insights on you qualify and that’s all it takes.
how you can take control of your
The third test, and this is a really own health. Thanks again, Sean, for having me. I
neat test, is actually overall gut really hope you guys enjoy it and it’s
function. You can look at certain What I’ve been talking about and been a pleasure to be here.
markers, biological markers, that the way that I look at things, we
will tell us what the typographies call that functional diagnostic
like, what sort of the environment nutrition, or FDN. There are
is like in here. That way, it might two ways you can do FDN. You
Transcending the Detox/
Retox Cycle through Radical
Deanna Minich, PhD, CNS, IFMCP with Sayer Ji
Click here to watch this interview!
The purpose of this presentation is to convey information. It is not intended to
diagnose, treat, or cure your condition or to be a substitute for advice from your
physician or other healthcare professional.
Dr. Minich: Hello, everyone! This don’t you tell us a bit. You’re path and mission, really for the
is Deanna Minich, host of The doing lots of different things. past ten years. I’ve really focused
Detox Summit. And today we have You mentioned to me that your on trying to accumulate that
a very special guest. His name is father’s a toxicologist. You’re really research that has helped me, and
Sayer Ji. And for those of you who involved with health. You’re really then disseminate it as widely as
don’t know Sayer, he’s an author, interested in GMOs. I’d like to just possible.
educator, advisory board member hear a little bit more about you as
of the National Health Federation, a person, and just to hear more Dr. Minich: So GreenMedInfo
the steering committee member of about your path. So maybe you came about in 2008. So what
the Global GMO-Free Coalition, and can tell us your story. was the catalyst? What finally
the founder of the world’s most brought you to the point of
widely referenced, evidence-based, Sayer: Okay. Well, I believe that thinking, “I need to make
natural health resource of its kind. I was drawn into these sorts a website which gives this
And that website is GreenMedInfo. of topics—natural health, and information out to people?”
com. And that was founded in even the issues associated with What was it that was the
2008 in order to provide the world toxicity—because of personal catalyst?
an open access evidence-based experiences very young. I was
resource supporting natural and rather sickly as an infant. And Sayer: Well, it was just the
integrative modalities. it was throughout maybe really fortunate experience of having
most early childhood and been introduced to MEDLINE. The
First of all, Sayer, welcome. Thanks adolescence, that I came to National Library of Medicine has
for being part of The Detox Summit. experience of the dark side of this massive sea of data, as you
conventional medicine. And yet know. I love Google in the sense
Sayer: It’s an honor. Thank you for through time I had to deal with of being able to just type into the
having me. the process of accepting, as well, global brain a keyword and find
that I don’t know if I was harmed almost anything relevant. It really
Dr. Minich: I always get questions by those things. So part of my is remarkable.
from people about what are exploration has been trying to
the go-to sites of where they identify really solid evidence of So really when you look at the
should go for credible, reputable ways that I can heal myself, and global brain as the Internet,
information. And I love your then also, of course try to provide MEDLINE is just that convolution
site. I just learned about your those tools to others. in the brain that’s dedicated
site earlier this year. And I’m so to biomedicine. And all these
pleased to have found it. So GreenMedInfo is really just peer-reviewed and citations
sort of a natural consequence of are available, largely through
Sayer: Thank you. my own personal struggle. Many taxpayer money. So it’s really
of us who get into this it’s very something we provide ourselves.
Dr. Minich: So it’s quite incredible much a personal transformative But most people don’t know
to pull together all of those experience that brings us to really about it. So when I saw this
resources, and to be able to wanting to share it with others. ocean of data and spent time
offer that to people. So why And so really that had become my diving in, finding these clinical
pearls, many of which are idea then definitely is to try to remarketed as having a therapeutic
indexed on our site now, I was simplify data access so you don’t effect for sleep, even though on
just amazed that, yes, there is get lost in the sea of data. But we average there are at least seventy-
so much support for yoga and also encourage people to go back five documented adverse health
natural medicine and almost any to that sea and be aware that it effects per chemical.
modality you can think of. exists as this national treasure
house that of most people aren’t So the whole notion that somehow
Twenty-three million citations aware of. So part of our mission this is medicine or somehow
represent approximately twenty- is actually to pass through us and related to stimulating self-healing
three million years of scientific get back to the free resource just is really quite sad because it’s not
labor. So just when you look at so people know it’s there. about that. In fact, most of the
the scale of the data, and you common medical practice today
can just hone in with the new Dr. Minich: That’s wonderful. I is suppressing chemical poisoning
algorithms available, it just was think it’s an incredible resource, with further chemicals.
so amazing. So I felt like, “Wow! again. So I’m kind of curious.
So the overarching theme is that
I need to try and index this—It’s Since you are a purveyor of the
we are you living in a completely
there already—and then just put literature…And I would call you a
new phase of human evolution
it out on open access because literature hound, people that are
or devolution, which is that we
that’s what it’s about, anyway. It’s really with their nose in the book
are now slathering chemicals
free data. in the virtual books of science.
all over ourselves, taking them
What are some of trends that
therapeutically. Every aspect of our
Dr. Minich: And you make in such you’re noticing as it relates to the
life now is filled with them. And
a way that it’s very accessible toxicity of our planet? What are
that’s why I believe your summit is so
to the average consumer, you seeing emerging? What are
important, Deanna, because for some
right? Because many scientists some of the aspects that people
time myself I’ve been thinking about
use PubMed in order to get should be aware of that maybe
why isn’t someone focusing on this
information. But it’s really not for they’re not on the pulse of?
particular issue? It’s so important.
everybody. So you’ve taken that
information and distilled it into Sayer: Great question. Well most
So what we want to do, of course,
these nuggets where people can people really don’t realize that
is reveal the problem in high
actually utilize it and understand modern medical practice in the
relief. And it’s rather disarming
what people are researching and drug-based model is actually
and disillusioning. But it doesn’t
all of those scientific abstracts. a form of applied chemistry in
have to be disempowering
ways. So really what I mean is
Sayer: Yeah, we try. That’s for because a lot of my own work
that you have this massive global
sure. So the core data set is is finding that research that
petrochemical industrial complex.
really just these twenty- three shows we can use foods and
It’s a trillion dollar plus system.
thousand abstracts that are probiotics and certain types of
And it’s so interesting because
indexed across ailments. So spiritual practices to overcome
actually a lot of its product is
you have thirty-one hundred what almost appears like a post-
actually just fueled back into itself.
ailments from A to Z. So real apocalyptic situation.
simple. And then once they get
So this self-organized entity is
to, say, diabetes type II, they You can’t take back radioisotopes
based on, again, fossil fuels.
can further breakdown the that are released into our
But part of it—its subsector—
substances associated from environment. Plutonium has a half-
is what is known as fine
A to Z or, say, the problem life of 24,000 years. In fact, uranium
chemicals, which are then
substances because that is what 238, which is one of the fallouts from
fed as sort of feedstock into
we’ll talk about, of course. basic nuclear power industries, as
the pharmaceutical industry.
well as Chernobyl and Fukushima,
And then those chemicals are
Pesticide exposure has been has a half-life as old as this earth. So
tested. And they are targeted
shown to induce insulin you can’t recall back these. And then
to basically disrupt certain
resistance. So it’s not just people you have biopollution with genetic
processes in the body, i.e.
being hedonistic and eating manipulation, which is irrevocable.
too much. Most of us are being
poisoned in a way that expresses And so you have this situation where
And some of them say if it causes
itself as these diseases. So the we can’t undo what we’ve done. And
a sleepy side effect, are then
yet we’re holding together. The our relationships with our bodies And many people say, “Well, we
miracle is that we are still whole and our world. The most sacred of don’t need to detoxify because
and we’re alive. And most of us are all things is water. It’s the primary our bodies already have these
almost kind of almost healthy still. constituent of our body. And the systems in place.” So how do you
It’s just amazing in that respect. way we treat the environment and address that? You’ve been alluding
So that speaks to something really the amount of poison we’re pouring to the fact that our bodies are very
beautiful about the fact that we in daily is just so unconscionable. resilient. They’re very adaptable.
are constructed in this way, as you So don’t you think that we’re doing
know, of course, because your focus So, yes, such a profound question fairly well? Like you mentioned,
is so scientific and spiritual. I’m sure you’re asking. I have to say, we’re surviving. And some of us
you could add to that. though, I am always amazed are pretty healthy. So do you think
that when I think about the were okay with the detoxification
Dr. Minich: I don’t know if I detoxification systems that are systems that we have in our bodies
can add anything to the beauty body was pre- constructed to currently?
of what you just said and really have previous to the industrial Sayer: That’s the best question
unravel to all of us and what I’m revolution, which is around the you could have asked, exactly. This
picking up is really this message 1890s is when it all began. And we is the fundamental fatal flaw of
of hope and inspiration. So really started to produce literally millions conventional toxicology, which is
understanding and being realistic of new novel chemical compounds. the assumption that our bodies are
about the facts, but then realizing And somehow our body was sort of a biofilter, and that the dose
that we can do something about it. preordained, pre-constructed to makes the poison. So the old model
have the cytochrome P450 enzyme was completely ignorant of thing
I think before we get into the area systems that are capable of like endocrine disruption, where the
of moving into doing something breaking down and eliminating— lower concentration of a chemical
about it, I would like to take with well, eliminating, primarily—these compound, the higher its ability to
you, if I could, a little bit of a chemicals that didn’t exist when disrupt and/or mimic a hormone.
philosophical journey into the past those mechanisms evolved over
because we can learn so much millions of years.
And this is something we’ve
about the future from history, recently found with glyphosate,
right? So if we kind of look back, So I just don’t know exactly which is the primary constituent
what do you think Sayer is part of what that means. But it’s very of Roundup herbicide, is
the reason? How did we get to this encouraging in certain respects that in the parts per trillion
place of being so toxic? What was that in many ways this is a phase concentration range it exhibits an
it? What were kind of the lynchpins? we’re going through that’s already estrogenic, carcinogenic property
And what was it throughout our designed to be that way. But I that wouldn’t be present if there
evolution and throughout our guess it’s about really rediscovering was a higher concentration,
society? And what was happening? ancient healing technologies and which would just strictly be
How did we get to this point in the the power of the body, as well cytotoxic. It would just kill.
21st century that now we have to as using the science to, in ways,
have a summit focused on toxicity? confirm and further amplify those
The same is true for our discovery
What do you think here? powers that are built within us.
of low-dose radio isotope
But the question’s so profound, I
Sayer: What an amazing accumulation in the body. The old
would have to spend a few days
question! Well, I would almost risk model was based on really
just thinking about it to have an
say our modern situation is an atomic bomb blast survivors,
articulate answer.
being caused by things like where there is an external doses
yoga deficiency, right? I really gamma radiation across a certain
think when it comes to cancer, Dr. Minich: I think you gave a amount of tissue. And they’re
it’s deficiency of vegetables very articulate response. And finding that very low amounts
and fruits, right? And of course it really does make me think of of uranium 238, which is used
it’s much more complex. probably what our listeners have in depleted uranium munitions
in mind, which is you mentioned now, et cetera—there’s dust
But really that loss of that through evolution and through all over the world because of
connectedness to just the earth the times that we’ve evolved with it—or plutonium. Just one little
itself has developed into sort of these enzymes that we have in our plutonium atom is enough to
the mass insanity when it comes to bodies in order to cope with these cause cancer.
There’s a number of mechanisms that a xenohormetic effect, where because of its ability to basically
that they’ve identified. But the idea just a small amount has amplified pull out those radioisotopes.
is that it is exponentially greater effect… Or taking kimchi bacteria— the
toxicity associated either a lower beneficial bacteria—and showing
particle size—so this applies to So I’m just curious. So why doesn’t that it can break down these
nanotechnology, as well—take everybody get cancer then? Or why persistent organic pollutant
nanoparticle titanium dioxide don’t we all get some kind chronic pesticides, which our own bodies
in sunscreen, and it’s far more disease pretty early because don’t have the genetic or enzyme
harmful because it can get right it sounds like so many things capability to do.
through the pores and start actually that we are encountering in our
activating nuclear programs within environment, we can’t really go a So as we become more familiar
the cell. And then, of course, again day really without having this kind with symbiosis and this network
endocrine disrupters, which are of exposure right? of trillions of cells that constitute
primarily petrochemical based, our meta-organism, we’re starting
BPA, etc. as well as, of course, radio Sayer: Yes. Yes. to understand how powerful
isotopes. these natural processes are and
Dr. Minich: We’ll talk about what we how they protect us on a moment-
And again all of our risk can do about it. But I’m just curious, to-moment basis. So, yeah. It’s a
assessments were based on the why don’t we all form some type of really good question.
concept that you had to take chronic disease much earlier on?
animals and kill fifty percent Why aren’t we all getting cancer? Dr. Minich: One of the things that
with a chemical. And then from you they just mentioned there—and
there you deduce an acceptable Sayer: I like Andrew Lloyd Wright. me being a nutrition professional
level of harm for humans based He said something like, “I believe hearing you say things like kimchi
on the body weight difference. in God. But I call it nature.” That’s and apple pectin can do things
So because we didn’t see all the proof of God’s or of this infinite that maybe our body can’t do so
these dead bodies around us, intelligence of benevolence because efficiently—are you suggesting that
we assumed that all of these there is no reason why knowing part of the solution might come from
chemicals were safe: release what we know that we should all food?
them into the environment. Put even be feeling a semblance of our
them in your food. own humanity in certain respects, Sayer: Yes. Food to me is the
like even being conscious because most sacred of all words on
And now half a century or more it’s that omnipresent. some level because we our
later we’re discovering that this food. And food is life. And
epidemic of disease, especially The air and rain samples recently it’s also a profoundly dense
things like cancer, is really being performed in the Midwest source of information, which
caused by these chemicals. So, showed that most contain is something that I think is
yes, that question so important. glyphosate in physiologically over looked. So when you do
The old model of toxicology has relevant conditions. You can’t things to food like irradiated it
been completely disproven. And even escape it. We’re breathing with ionizing radiation, you’ve
needs to be revised to favor of the it in daily. If you were doing destroyed such a complex
precautionary principle, which as assays of our teeth, you’d find all set of packets of information
we talked about earlier really is the types of uranium or plutonium upon which our genetic and
return of the principle of no injury signatures from nuclear epigenetic infrastructure
or sort of a Buddhist concept back weapons testing. depend. So when we start
into this the system. understanding what food
So that is a great question. When I really is and that it’s life in
Dr. Minich: Well said. Again, I really started to look more into this issue, that respect, then, yes, that is
like to wax philosophic with you I focused on indexing research on actually the answer.
here because there are so many the adverse effects of bisphenol
angles we can go after. I guess and even radioisotopes. And you There’s not a single cell in the
something that came to mind find the studies that show post body—Andrew Saul said this—
for me as I was just listening to Chernobyl, they took apple pectin. that is composed of a chemical.
you was if it’s really about a low And they saved literally hundreds So why would we even think to
dose can have such an exorbitant of thousands of children from expose ourselves or intentionally
effect—and in some worlds we call certain accelerated premature death take a “therapeutic chemical”
or put it in our food or injected high quality, as far as I can ensure, overnight? Or just tell a little bit
it into our bodies knowing that high-nutrient, low-carbohydrate. about what you do in a way.
fundamental fact? And we’re in a I know it sounds ridiculous…
unique situation. In a way it’s sort Things like kale and eating a whole Sayer: Generally I wake and I have
of post-apocalyptic in the sense avocado when I’m hungry. I don’t coffee with honey. And I know that
of is there really anything called try to eat the sort of standard, some are not big fans so coffee.
“organic” anymore? formulaic sandwich or pasta with But I am. And maybe I have a little
something. I just stay away from bit of a bias. I’ve collected a lot of
Our bodies are so part of that generally. But I also allow research on its health benefits.
the environment. There’s no for that experience, assuming it’s And I’m sort of advocate of Paul
difference. We can’t do anything gluten-free because I’m pretty Scholick’s perspective on coffee. It
out there isn’t going to directly strict about that because when is a fermented food. It’s a powerful
affect our bodies. So it’s really you started to get orthorexic and antioxidant and one of the few
important that we reconnect you have this sort of my poisoning things in the Western dietary
to the meaning of food and of the experience, the very real configuration that has bitter, that
know where it comes from and nocebo effect... we appreciate. So that’s something I
understand soil quality and all the start off with.
connected factors for sure. lf you think something is bad for
you, it actually generates a cortisol And then I usually do some type of
Dr. Minich: So I’m curious about elevation, which has a series of work out. I’m fortunate enough to
what you eat and how you take deleterious health effects. It even live on the gulf so I can actually go
precautions in the way of food in will cause an elevation of blood run on the beach. I had a barefoot
order to ensure that you’re reducing sugar, gluconeogenesis in the liver, running experience this morning
your toxin load. So can you give all the things you don’t want by with a dolphin there to, which
the listeners some ideas as to what eating carbohydrates. was just amazing. So I know it’s a
they could do in your everyday life People do project their fears of blessed life right now. But we also
with food? Maybe some things that mortality into their food because have the terrible red tide that can
you currently do, since you’re such it’s one of the only things we can accost you at any moment.
a walk-the-talk person, right? You control, is what we are eating or not
So then I come back and I usually
are right there in it, very authentic. eating. In fact, even their religious
have, believe it or not, I do a little
So I’m sure that you’ve adopted issues and aspirations get projected
whey isolate right after the workout.
practices with food that have been into their food as you know better
Just to make sure I can continue on
very beneficial. than anyone I’m sure.
my day without muscle soreness.
No casein in it. Again, I don’t know
Sayer: Yeah, I actually recently But I do try to eat one meal that’s
how healthy this sounds. I don’t eat
started to re-explore intermittent very sort of standard meal. But I’m
often until maybe twelve or one. I’ll
fasting. And I think that could be a fortunate because in Southwest
have macadamia nuts or avocado or
gendered aspects to this, almost a Florida we have a one hundred
a green drink of some type. So right
little chauvinistic. And also I’m type percent organic restaurant called
now food hasn’t been so much of
O blood, if it’s relevant. Food and Thought. It’s also a store.
my focus as just yoga and running
And they have a raw meal that they
and things like that.
There are certain things about my make that tastes amazing. And they
diet now…I like to start my day off do all organic, so as far as organic
Dr. Minich: Hmm. Well, maybe
really by doing exercise. And I find can protect me. I hope that helps.
you can talk about that, too,
that if I’m using good quality fats— because there are many ways to
coconut oil, for example—I think Dr. Minich: Oh, no, that’s great. detox, right? And so one of them is
my metabolism has really flipped Well, I was hoping you could take through sweat, in through activity,
towards using fats as a primary us a little bit even more into your and getting at circulation the
fuel source. This is consistent with day. Are there certain things that lymphatics moving. And I’d also like
certain approaches out there. Dr. you make sure that you eat every for you to talk about yoga and your
McCullough is also someone at work day? Or just give us a little bit more practice there, and perhaps even
with, who has given me some really of a lens into a Sayer day. And your more of the spiritual approach and
good information that I’ve employed waking up. What are you eating for looking at all of the other aspects
that have been helpful to me. breakfast? What are you eating for of toxins. So are these just physical
lunch? If you’re doing intermittent toxins? Or can we also take in
But I do try to balance that out very
fasting, is that twelve hours
psychological toxins? How do we remarkable. As a yoga practitioner person had a positive diagnosis
get rid of those? yourself, I’m sure you could shed that you have cancer, they had
light on that as well, of course. of the 26.9-fold increased risk of
Sayer: Really good question. death within the first week from
Dr. Minich: No, that’s beautiful. And
Well, I love the fact you brought heart-related causes. And it was the
yoga is such a great way to meld
up sweating because I’m a big directly correlated to the type of
together the body, mind, and spirit.
advocate of trying to induce really cancer. So if it was brain cancer—
And so through that practice, we
profuse sweat as often as possible, hard to treat—then it was the worst.
might be able to really reconcile and
partially because of new research So to see that and to know that
use the body to deal with a lot of
that’s surfaced just actually in 2011 your thoughts or someone else’s
these psychological toxins too that
that proves that even if you did a thoughts that you trust in authority
we might be feeling, right?
blood serum assay of your heavy has that kind of power over us to
metal levels or even tissue, you even kill you within one week is so
Sayer: Yes.
won’t always find that you have important for people to understand.
high levels. But what they did Dr. Minich: So what do you do if
they induced sweating. And they So I think that’s where the future
you’re having a bad day? I know
measured the sweat. And found of nutrition really lies, is also just
that you’re living within this aura of
significantly elevated levels of acknowledging how important it is to
goodness with green medicine info
petroleum byproducts and things really appreciate the experience of
and just doing on this great work.
like mercury and cadmium being food, as well, as well as just strictly
But do you ever have a day where
excreted in high amounts. the composition of it. It’s a very
you just feel like maybe there was
double-edged sword. But I think
little bit of a toxic exchange? Or
So, it confirms what we kind of that’s why your project intrigues
toxic people?
already know, which is that me so much because I want those
sweating is a very effective way to answers, too. I want to know
I’m sure that you might come across
eliminate a lot of these compounds where it coincides and how we can
those situations, maybe infrequent.
So I really do aspire to do that. But I navigate these two poles, which
But what you do with that? What
also try to infuse my diet with seem opposite. But yet they’re so
do you do with that information?
things like Himalayan sea salt and essential, both of them.
How do you process it? How do you
really mineral-rich foods otherwise detoxify from those things?
you can get in trouble there. Dr. Minich: Well, you’re very
familiar with the science. Are you
Sayer: That’s a great question. seeing more studies on things
And then, of course, lymphatic Certainly, it happens quite often.
system doesn’t really have a like spirituality and how spiritual
And I largely take responsibility for practices or religion or a belief
pump like the heart pumps your it in certain ways…Obviously, my
blood. So when you’re doing system can really influence
emotions in response to those sorts somebody’s health? Because I
sweating you’re also really getting of situations. But just being aware
your lymphatic system moving, believe even when I read The Blue
of it and letting it be and trying not Zones by Dan Buettner, he talked
which is extremely important as to repeat or contribute to repeating
far as things like immune health, about we have to have a sense of
that really makes a huge difference purpose. That really is a marker of
as well as cancer prevention. So because with the discovery of the
it’s a big part of it. longevity. So do you subscribe to
nocebo effect, which really means, this? Or do you think that there’s
“I do harm”…And it’s in the context anything to these types of beliefs
But when it comes to yoga, actually of clinical medicine. Placebo is, “I
I took a significant break from it, that we carry?
will help,” or, “I will heal.” It’s that the
and only recently returned to it. attitude one has towards one other
And, for me, because I do really or one’s self is directly connected to Sayer: Absolutely. There’s been
love the feeling I get from intense our physiology in a very measurable research on meditation and yoga,
workouts from CrossFit to group way. enhancing either the enzymes
power to spin, I just recently telomerase—which is what heals
realized how sacred yoga is for all up the ends of our chromosomes
For example a study was published
levels, especially things like power so when cells divide as they have to
in the New England Journal of
vinyasa. I just really love what it through life to repair and replenish
Medicine. Now it’s just two years ago.
does. And the strength that one has the damaged cells—if the end of
But it showed that when a cancer
to have from the inside out in order those chromosomes gets cut into
diagnosis was being made, if that
to really be in those poses. It’s just every time, eventually you’re going
to cut into code that’s important. the proof until we actually can get that the GMO corn, and some of
And it’ll cause mutations. And the somebody to be invested in the those proteins and compounds
cell will die or have cancer disease. idea. are being fed back into the plants
So telomerase heals those ends up and they don’t biodegrade in there
so you can do that many more times Sayer: You’ve got it! Yeah. all the time, the situation is truly
into the future. unconscionable and extremely sad.
Dr. Minich: Yeah. So it’s nice to
So the USDA organic certifications
hear that you really have a very
So it’s interesting how now we unfortunately no longer hold as
overarching embrace and a good
can measure on a molecular level much value if any, in certain cases.
mindset, I think, around how to
genetically that these practices,
perceive all of this scientific data
which are sort of top down— There is a USDA organic formula
that you deal with on a day-to-day
spirit, mind, body—have a direct on the market, which is sold in
basis. You have a very balanced
effect. natural product stores that has
approach, which is very refreshing.
a pesticide in it, which is cupric
Unquestionably we know now that, sulfate. That’s okay to call it
Sayer: Thank you.
yes, you can take back your destiny “USDA organic,” and yet it has a
even without having to even focus Dr. Minich: So, gosh, you pesticide in it? It’s no wonder we
neurotically on what you’re putting mentioned so many things, Sayer, have one of the highest infant
into your mouth, although that is in terms of Roundup and GMOs mortality rates in the world. So
essential, as well. and chemicals and Macadamia unfortunately there is a big issue
nuts. There are so many things with that now.
So, yeah, I think the science is
here that we could again mine.
really starting to confirm. But Ultimately, the real solution will
there’s also the reality that the be when we start locally growing
I think one of the things that are
evidence-based medical model our food again because, again,
our listeners are very concerned
is so myopic in certainly ways. the organic certification supports
about—and I know that you have a
And when there’s a null finding, a globalized food system where
lot of your efforts directed here—is
it doesn’t mean that is not true. you’re still taking fossil fuel or
towards GMOs. And we’re going
And that’s the assumption is, “Oh, nuclear energy derived food
to be speaking with other experts
we didn’t prove that it’s true. So calories to deliver, let’s say, one
on this area. But I’m curious if you
therefore it’s not real.” calorie of organic carrots from
can share with us perhaps some
the West Coast to the East Coast
strategies. People ask me this all
So I think that is another severe with fifty calories of fossil fuel and
the time. Are they protected against
limit is that science has become nuclear energy.
eating GMOs if they buy organically
in many ways the ultimate
grown food? What is their way to
religion that it attempts to devour So that’s so unsustainable and
protect themselves from GMOs?
all others. And it’s just not the so unhealthy to the planet as a
case there’s so many ways to whole so that if you feel you’re
Sayer: Wow, what a great
experience life, even through hermetically sealed, you can
question. Well, I’d like to say that,
your senses. You don’t need the afford to buy organic foods
yes, we can protect ourselves
intermediary of peer-reviewed, at Whole Foods and it doesn’t
from the contamination with GMO
published research to do that. matter, it’s just not true anymore.
products or the agrochemical
And then there’s a problem with
fallout from the system. But
Dr. Minich: Wow. And we’re both jet fuel contaminating a lot of
the reality is that here even in
scientists, right? So for you say the organic produce because it
Florida, there is some organic
something like that is very profound, just bioaccumulates there. So
farming going on where you can
that you’re flexible about your views everything unfortunately—well,
technically legally take Perdue
on science, yet appreciate it and see it’s fortunate that we know this—
chicken manure and use that as
it as a wonderful tool. And I know is linked now. And we can’t just
your fertilizer.
that for many people, until we have pretend like we’re protected by
science on certain things, they’re not the label anymore.
So if you just look at the
going to really adhere to anything
microbiome issue there, which
or try a modality. So it’s almost like But we do need it. We need
is profound—meaning don’t the
a dog chasing its tail, that we can’t better to know that it wasn’t
existence of antibiotic resistant
really initiate something until we explicitly poisoned, explicitly
bacteria—and then you realize
have the proof. But we can’t get irradiated. It’s just not the same
anymore. discoveries of microbiology. They’ll of coming into communion again
use amethyst powder to amplify the with all of nature, and really feeling
Dr. Minich: So what my takeaways light energy. But there’s probably that that sense of interconnection
are from what you just said is if other aspects to what’s happening through the web? How do we get
you can, grow your own food as that we don’t fully understand. there?
best you can, depending on where But it’s part of the sort of Rudolf
you live and your circumstances. Steiner tradition. I’m certainly not Sayer: Well, you know, one of the
But even if it’s a windowsill herb an expert in it. But it’s definitely best more practical approaches I
garden, perhaps, starting there and way beyond organic. And you’ll see would consider taking—and this is
really small. And then, secondly, Demeter-certified products now, something I’ve done in the past—is
that organic would be the higher so you’ll know. And a lot of this sometimes you just literally take
choice. It may not be deliberately happens in New Zealand, wherever. a break from what you’re eating a
contaminated. But it may have But that’s really I think where we daily basis and do things like do a
things just by way of distribution. need to move. And there are at least mono diet of just organic apples.
So we just do our best there. models out there—permaculture Depending on your climb. If it’s
as well—which really honor that your higher latitude, it’s winter, it
Sayer: Yeah. And then also ancient way of getting the land might not be a good idea. But that is
biodynamic is really the most to produce sustainably with that better than just, say, going through
spiritual of all forms of farming. abundance. a heroic herbal detox where the
It’s almost like a calorie into the assumption is you’re just going to
land in and a calorie point maybe Dr. Minich: You’re saying a number use these potent herbs to stimulate
one or two out, which is really of things that is leading me down quickly elimination. And some of the
the whole nature of universe is to a different train of thought of more high-tech interventions even,
create abundance out of practically wondering whether or not all this like chelation therapy, although they
nothing. And so once we realize that toxicity is because we’re out of have value, you could accomplish
free energy is available on all levels, alignment with the planet. And when many of the same effects through
especially with our food…It’s like we’re out of alignment and we’re not pomegranate and other things that
with yoga, and all the things you’re connected to the planet and we start have been now tested.
trying to connect or are connecting, to impose our own chemicals, then
that’s really the future, I think, is we have repercussions. We have But the idea is you’re giving your
understanding that. health effects. We have where we body, sometimes for the first time
need to start talking about detox. in your life, a break from having
Dr. Minich: Can you explain to digest something that has been
biodynamic? When I lived in It’s almost like we just came full cooked or processed, just kind of
Europe there was a pretty good circle into what we started off like the sludgy stuff we call food.
understanding of that there. But I talking about. How did we get And the vibrant beautiful energy
don’t think that many Americans, here? And now how do we get of one of nature’s most perfect
North Americans, maybe other back to where we were? And whole foods with structure—water,
pockets of the world really have maybe it has something to do dissolved oxygen, pectins, just living
a good understanding of what with being in proper connection life force in it—will not only nourish
biodynamic is. So maybe you can with nature. you because you really, again,
just give us kind of a snapshot of will never be hungry. You just eat
what that means exactly. How can another apple thirty minutes for
Sayer: Yes.
we grow biodynamic food? then if you really are. And then it
will also provide the detoxification
Dr. Minich: How do we just do that?
Sayer: Well, the idea, too, is you elements. That’s kind of what I
Because many people are busy
don’t have any type of let’s say meant by radical nourishment, that
professionals. They have busy lives.
input of energy into the land you’re state of detox/re-tox. Really we can
They’re juggling families. Maybe
growing you food that was maybe get back to using our foods as a way
they’re in school. I’m just seeing so
from a tractor that’s driven by fossil to nourish and detoxify us at the
many people really stressed. And so
fuel. Or you do things like you take same moment.
it’s almost like we have the universe
an old-growth tree, take some of
of our individual self. Then we have
the soil underneath it, and put A lot of the soluble fibers in things
that macrocosm of everything were
into the soil through a horn. Like like steam kale, for example,
connected to. So how do we even
say a ram’s horn and it inoculates will just gently suction out that
begin to create this healing salve
that soil. And this is before a lot of gallbladder, help to pull the toxins
the liver’s not effectively removing. in time to really where our body up. You have about eight hours,
And the thing, too, about the still is. We live in sort of a post- I think, approximately of storage
microbiome is that if you’re getting agrarian society where we just don’t glycogen. And then rest gets turned
food from the soil that’s healthy even think about eating grains. into things that the body doesn’t
it’ll have shot through it all of these It’s normal. We feed them to our need. And so when we exercise,
amazing bacteria. You chop up animals. We eat the animals or their we’re getting that energy.
cabbage. milk. And I would like people to go
back in time to where that didn’t We’re expending it. We’re
even exist. leaving room for the cells to
Throw it in a mason jar. Leave
it there for a few days. Each pull in not only those basic
tablespoon in theory could have Because toxicity really starts, nutrients like glucose, but all
a trillion or more colony-forming I think, with foods that are the cofactors that we need
units. biologically incompatible. And once to be healthy.
you remove those foods it leaves
And so really understanding this amazing place open for the So it’s also essential for our
that it’s all there for us already. truly healing detoxification as we talked about.
But we want to get back to And not just physically, but
vegetables and fruits and that
more pristine kind of healing emotionally. The amount of beautiful
whole rainbow of colors, all of
food protocol. And, again, it’s powerful neurochemicals released
which are so essential for our
got to individualized everyone. gives oxycodone and chocolate
healing. When you look at, say, an
But I do think it’s important to and all those things a run for their
apple, or a tomato or kale, you’re
start thinking of skipping meals, money, Prozac. When you get the
dealing with tens of thousands of
developing some emptiness and juices flowing—and it doesn’t have
compounds. And you’re dealing
hunger, and then reintroducing to be just through running. It could
with an energy state that’s also
a whole food that a lot of power: be through things like yoga—then
an information state, which will
avocado, apples, things like that. we have finally gotten back to that
bathe our genes in the information
baseline of being able to rebuild
Dr. Minch: That sounds beautiful. ourselves.
It’s simple enough where people Because in the field of epigenetics
could do it. And it’s sustainable, now we know the center of how And then remembering that every
too. molecule in our body really does
we maintain our health is not
within the gene itself. Every cell come through what we are or
So, Sayer, to kind of come to a are not eating. And that is such
has the same genome. And they’re
close, because we talked about so a powerful fact is that every
all different, doing different things.
many things very philosophical, three days the intestinal lining
It’s actually the environment,
various scientific, even spiritual, is completely regenerated. The
which in the case of nutrition, is
what would you say would be, if average age of the human body
really the foods we’re bathing
you could just distill everything carbon- 14 testing, which is actually
ourselves in that are going to
into three essential bullet points nuclear fallout related, is about ten
determine our health most part.
or takeaways, what would you to fourteen years.
want people to remember based
So that’s number one is go back in
on everything that we talked There’s only a few cells in body
time to, not necessarily Paleo as an
about? What is most important for that are there forever, which
orthodox system, but similar to whole
them to have top of mind as they is like brain cells behind our
foods based things that you aren’t
continue to move forward now, eye, which is so interesting.
cooking as much. Although, cooking
learning about toxins, going to the But generally we have the
does have value. And I would defer to
process of detoxification, and then ability to regenerate the entire
Ayurvedic teachings with that.
preventing retoxification, right? infrastructure of our body over
So how do we stay in that mode? the course of just a decade. And
Number two would be, I guess,
What are Sayer’s top three tips? it’s going to depend on what we
really as a tip, exercise because I
really feel, when we eat most of us are or are not are eating.
Sayer: Well, top tip is that basically
get to this point of saturating our And then I guess lastly is number
the number one problem is what
bodies nutrition. And a lot of it’s just four. It’s just acknowledging
we’re exposed to. So when we
carbohydrate, like the starch like the miracle that we all still here
look at our diet, I would definitely
glycogen in our cells. It just builds functioning given what has occurred
encourage people to go back
to our planet. And that is really our scientific and sacred detoxification
power in realizing that 99.9% of process. I love everything that
our health is really based on the you just said, very useful tips for
self-healing energy that’s constantly everybody. What a contribution. So
unfolding. And really realizing, too, thank you so much for being part
the biggest enemy of that is our of The Detox Summit. It’s really
mind not knowing that, projecting been a pleasure to have you.
all of the power of healing onto an
authority outside of us. And really Sayer: Thank you. It’s completely
we need to protect it back into my honor. You’re doing great things.
where it is, which is nature, which is Appreciate it.
what we are. We have to treat our
environment and our planet as the
most sacred of all things. So that’s
really my whole thing.