0022 Ammonia Production

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International Process Plants

Fall 2010

1,620 Metric Tons/Day

Ammonia i Plant
Pl t

IPP Global
Gl b l Headquarters:
H d
17A Marlen Drive
Hamilton, NJ 08610
Tele: +1 609-586-8004
Fax: +1 609-586-0002
Visit us at: www.ippe.com
1,620 MTPD Kellogg Ammonia Plant
Designed by M.W. Kellogg, the Ammonia Plant was commissioned in 1980 and shut down in
October 2002. The plant had an original capacity of 1,350 metric tons per day but has been
upgraded to its current capacity of 1,620 metric tons per day.

Raw Materials
The Ammonia Plant Process is operated using basic raw materials of Natural Gas, Water and
i The
h different
diff reactions
i i the
in h process require
i specific
ifi catalysts.

Your partner for complete

plant solutions
1,620 MTPD Kellogg Ammonia Plant
Catalysts, composition,
Catalysts composition weight in vessel and time before replacement
Designed by M.W. Kellogg, the Ammonia Plant was commissioned in 1980 and shut down in
October 2002. The plant had an original capacity of 1,350 metric tons per day but has been
upgraded to its current capacity of 1,620 metric tons per day.

Hydrogenator Co, Mo, Al 10 Tons 9 Years*

Desulphurizer Zn O 64 Tons 9 Years*

Primary Reformer NiO2 22Tons 3 Years

d Reformer
R f NiO2 40 Tons
T 8 Years

High Temp. Shift Fe, Cr

. 45 Tons 8 Years

Temp Shift
Low Temp. Cu
Cu, Zn
Zn, Al
. 66 Tons 3 Years

Methanator NiO2 43 Tons 8 Years

Ammonia Synthesis Fe 203 Tons 8 Years

Your partner for complete

plant solutions
1,620 MTPD Kellogg Ammonia Plant
Natural Gas
Natural Gas is Methane, and used as a fuel in the furnace for heating the exterior of the primary
reformer tubes. It’s used as process material inside the primary reformer tubes for the
production of Hydrogen. It’s delivered to site by pipeline at 25bar. It must be pressurized to
over 40 bar to run the process.

Fresh Water
Potable Water is delivered to site by pipeline from a local authority. It must be de-mineralized
before conversion to steam. It is used in the primary reformer as steam with natural gas where
they both react to form hydrogen and carbon oxides. Correct treatment of the water is critical
for the continuous operation of the plant.

Your partner for complete

plant solutions
1,620 MTPD Kellogg Ammonia Plant
15 000m3. Demineralized water storage 500m3
Fresh water storage 15,000m



15,000Te Water Storage

Cation Anion 500Te Demin Water

Process water Degasser

Offtake sump

Ca CO2 SO4 Na
Mg Removed NO3 SiO2
Fire Water Offtake K Cl Removed
Na SiO2
NH3 Removed

Effluent Neuteralisation Pit

Your partner for complete

plant solutions
1,620 MTPD Kellogg Ammonia Plant
Water Treatment
The water treatment plant (2008L), water is de-mineralized using as a first step, one of three
parallel cationic streams. This is followed by a common de-gasser to remove carbon dioxide
and then by one of three parallel anionic streams and finally on to one of two mixed bed
streams again in parallel. The cationic and anionic units are regenerated each shift and the
mixed beds are regenerated weekly depending on the sodium and silica slippage from the
cation and anion exchangers respectively.

Condensate Reuse
The de-mineralization unit treating the process condensate is made up of two cationic resin
beds followed by a common de-gasser
de gasser and one mixed bed.
bed The process condensate is stripped
of methanol, excess ammonia and carbon dioxide in the 103E stripper by a heat exchanger at
the bottom of 103E and the stripped condensate is cooled before the cationic exchanger inlet.
A mixed bed exchanger unit treats surface condensate from the compressors.
(Treatment became optional when the surface condensate coolers were fitted with chloride
detectors (conductivity alarms) eliminated the necessity for continuous treatment. )

Your partner for complete

plant solutions
1,620 MTPD Kellogg Ammonia Plant
Demineralised Water 100t/h Waste Heat Recovery
From Ammonia Plant RECOVERY of CONDENSATE 220t/h

355t/h Steam at 105bar

Natural Gas
R f
i & Condensate 60t/h HP TURBINE
Shift Reactions Recovery OF SYNTHESIS
Start up
40bar Steam

10t/h 40t/h 55t/ h 32t/h 73t/h 40t/h

6.9mw 4mw 9.1mw 5mw

other 5mw

Synthesis Process Air Refrigeration CO2 Small

Turbine Turbine Turbine Turbine Process

Your partner for complete

plant solutions
1,620 MTPD Kellogg Ammonia Plant
Sea Water
The main cooling requirements are the fresh tempered cooling water closed system, the surface
condenser cooling, Ammonia cooling in the 127C’s, carbon dioxide to atmosphere in 110C and
Benfield solution cooling. Seawater is pumped at 25,000 t/h from the River Lee Estuary.

Combustion Air
Air is also used for combustion of natural gas in the primary reformer and is supplied to the
burners by a forced draught fan.
This is a critical plant area and one can observe the air inlet to the fan and also the second fan
that draws the combustion gases from the primary reformer. This induced draught fan is much
hi h capacity
higher it than
th the
th forced
f d draught
d ht fan
f so the
th furnace
f system
t always
l runs under
d a slight
li ht
negative pressure. So there is no danger of combustion gases leaking from any part of the heat
recovery section as the combustion gases are cooled on route to atmosphere.

Your partner for complete

plant solutions
1,620 MTPD Kellogg Ammonia Plant
Combustion Air continued
The temperature of the combustion gases is 1050°C at the primary-reformer- furnace so heat
recovery is an essential part of the process. There are several heat recovery units in this waste
heat recovery section of the plant reducing the temperature from 1050°C to 135°C at the
discharge point.
This area was one of the significant plant modifications where the Steam Superheater was
redesigned to give a better heat transfer efficiency resulting in a lower temperature in the
b ti gases tot atmosphere.
t h

Primary Reformer Burners and

a Riser Tube Glowing Red on the Left

Your partner for complete

plant solutions
1,620 MTPD Kellogg Ammonia Plant
Process Air
Air is filtered, compressed to 35bar using a steam turbine powered compressor and fed to the
process at the inlet of the secondary reformer.

Production Process
The natural gas is divided into two streams, fuel gas and process gas.
The process gas is the main source of hydrogen and is first pressurized to 42bar using two
natural gas compressors.
The natural Gas is odorless when taken from the gas field but must by law be given a
distinctive odor. Sulphur compounds such as Methyl, Ethyl and Tertiary-Butyl Mecraptans are
added to give the gas a recognizable odor. Sulphur compounds are catalyst poisons in the
ammonia plant and the process must remove this sulphur to avoid catalyst damage.

Your partner for complete

plant solutions
1,620 MTPD Kellogg Ammonia Plant
Production Process continued
100bar Steam @580o C
AIR 103J
Refridg 106F
40bar Steam@340 C


Plant Emission CO2

Steam Drum

Primary Secondary 101C's HTS LTS Absorber Stripper Methanator Converter


CH4 Anhydrous
Refridg. System Ammonia
Sulphur Removal Hydrogenator NH3 TANKS

Overview of the Ammonia Plant, Steam System,

Compressors, Reaction Vessels and Storage Tanks.
Your partner for complete
plant solutions
1,620 MTPD Kellogg Ammonia Plant
The Sulphur compounds in the process gas are converted into hydrogen sulphide using
hydrogen and a catalyst made up of cobalt & molybdenum oxides. There are 10te of catalyst in
the vessel. A hydrogen rich gas stream from the synthesis loop supplies the hydrogen. This is
taken from the re-cycle stage of the 103J – Synthesis gas compressor.
The hydrogen sulphide formed is removed by absorption onto zinc oxide forming zinc sulphide
and is retained in these two vessels. There are 64te of Zinc Oxide in the two vessels.

Primary Reformer
In the primary reformer steam and natural gas are added in a steam to gas ratio of 3:1. So 100te
t andd 33te
33t off natural
t l gas per hour
h are added
dd d to
t the
th primary
i reformer
f t b att a pressure off
32bar. Before entering the catalyst filled tubes the mixture is pre-heated to 500°C by the
combustion gases leaving the reformer furnace.

Your partner for complete

plant solutions
1,620 MTPD Kellogg Ammonia Plant
Primary Reformer continued
The reforming takes place in 520 tubes filled with promoted nickel oxide catalyst (22te) and the
temperature of reaction is 820°C. This reaction is takes in heat. Heat is supplied by burning
natural gas in 198 burners in the roof of the furnace. There are also 11 burners surrounded by
firebricks on the floor of the furnace at the outlet end of the reformer tubes. The process gases
and steam flows downward in the catalyst filled tubes. The tubes are divided into ten rows of
52 tubes. 51 of these in each row of tubes are filled with catalyst but one tube in the middle of
each row is a riser and does not contain catalyst.
catalyst This tube has no restriction and is capable of
transporting the total flow from the other 51 catalyst filled tubes upwards. The tubes are welded
into a common header along the bottom to allow the gases leaving the catalyst filled tubes to
run to the empty tube which carries the gases in the opposite direction up to another header
meeting the other outlets of other rows. So there are 10 risers taking reformed gases to a
common header going on to feed the secondary reformer.

Your partner for complete

plant solutions
1,620 MTPD Kellogg Ammonia Plant
Primary Reformer continued
The gas leaves the primary reformer as a mixture of gases but mostly hydrogen the first of the
elements needed for the ammonia synthesis, the approximate composition at this stage is, 70%
H2, 10% CO2, 10% CO, and 10% methane.
Approximately 30 te of water and 30te of natural gas is converted to hydrogen and carbon
oxides at this stage so more steam must be added. It is important to remember that the preferred
reactions in the primary & secondary reformer depend on excess water being present.
Air o
130 C
Gas + Steam 198 Gas Burners

Steam S
h t

Air & Steam

Gas & Steam


ID Fan

Your partner for complete

plant solutions
1,620 MTPD Kellogg Ammonia Plant
Secondary Reformer
The next step is the addition of air and steam. This is pre-heated by waste heat from the
combustion gases to 455°C. The air is the source of nitrogen for the ammonia synthesis. The
volume of air is designed to give a Hydrogen to Nitrogen ratio of 3:1 (H2:N2) in the gas stream
following the removal of carbon oxides, steam and methanol.
This air and steam at 455°C meets the mixture of steam and gas from the primary reformer at
825°C at an inverted burner at the top of the secondary reformer (40te NiO catalyst). The
i i methane
th i reformed
is f d andd the
th temperature
t t i
increases t 920°C att the
to th exit.
it This
Thi vessell
is surrounded by water jackets to keep the metal surface cool.
Approx. composition: 57% H2, 22% N2, 13% CO, 7% CO2, 0.3% CH4.
The gases exit the secondary reformer through two waste heat boilers 101C A&B each
producing 100 te steam per hour. The boilers are high heat flux Bayonet/scabbard type boilers.
They are followed by a shell and tube boiler 102C 50te/hr capacity. These exchangers utilize
the excess heat in the process stream.

Your partner for complete

plant solutions
1,620 MTPD Kellogg Ammonia Plant
Secondary Reformer continued
100bar Steam 340 o C

101F Steam Drum

Process Air & Steam
455oC 337 o C 208 o C


Fuel 102C

370 o C
920oC 103-C
230 o C

Water 101CA/CB 104-C


Primary Reformer Secondary Reformer

Natural Gas - Desulphurised

Your partner for complete

plant solutions
1,620 MTPD Kellogg Ammonia Plant
High and Low Temperature Shift Reactions
The temperature of the process gas is now down to 337°C and enters the high temperature shift
reactor. The catalyst here is Iron & Chromium oxide, (45te) and the reaction is conversion of
carbon monoxide to carbon dioxide using steam and producing Hydrogen, the temperature
increasing to 370°C.
The next step, is the low temperature shift reaction and an inlet temperature of 208°C is
required. This temperature is achieved using three heat exchangers and by the addition of water
t a u-tube
to t b where
h th heat
the h t off vaporization
i ti causes the th reduction
d ti in i temperature.
t t Th 103C,
The 103C a
shell and tube boiler and produces steam. The 104C exchanges heat with gases leaving the
Benfield absorber. Water is injected into the gas stream as it passes through a u-tube assembly
and finallyy a tempered
p water exchanger
g 112C mayy be used or bypassed
yp as required
q to meet the
inlet temperature requirements.
The gases leaving the low temperature shift are at 230°C and go on to boil the lean benfield
solution at the bottom of the stripper in the 105C A&B re-boilers.

Your partner for complete

plant solutions
1,620 MTPD Kellogg Ammonia Plant
Carbon Dioxide Removal
At this point the removal of carbon dioxide is one of the key limiting factors in the plant
Carbon dioxide is removed in the absorber by allowing the gas to flow upwards against a flow
of 32% potassium Carbonate solution in a tower containing a packing of metal rings. The
carbon dioxide dissolves in the Potassium Carbonate to form Potassium Bicarbonate. The high
pressure assists the absorption of the carbon dioxide. The potassium Carbonate contains a
i off amines,
i di h l i
diethanolamine, triethanolamine
i h l i andd LRS10 (A ( proprietary
i mixture
i off
amines) to increase the rate that carbon dioxide is absorbed and desorbed.
1-% vanadium is added also to protect the mild steel tower from corrosion. The potassium
bicarbonate now rich in Carbon dioxide is then passed to the second tower packed with a
similar material and the pressure is reduced to 0.5bar. The carbon dioxide is stripped from the
solution again aided by the amine additive and the boiling action in the 105C’s reboilers drive
off the remaining carbon dioxide.

Your partner for complete

plant solutions
1,620 MTPD Kellogg Ammonia Plant
Carbon Dioxide Removal continued
The gases then pass through 102F where water is knocked out and returned as process
condensate to 103E for steam stripping of methanol and ammonia. The stripped condensate is
then ppassed through
g a cation exchange
g resin bed followed byy a de-gasser
g and finallyy to a mixed
bed ion exchanger unit before reuse as boiler feed water. (The Benfield low heat system was another
significant modification improving plant efficiency.)

Your partner for complete

plant solutions
1,620 MTPD Kellogg Ammonia Plant
Carbon Dioxide Removal continued
CO2 EMIT 106-D

136C Low Heat water to
RV 102E CH4

121F Gas
LTS 114-C

ABSORBER Water wash
107J 115-C

Feed Gas

BFW 102-F To 103-J


106-C To 103-E 104-F

Your partner for complete

plant solutions
1,620 MTPD Kellogg Ammonia Plant
The gases leaving the benfield go through knock out pots to remove water before going on to
the methanator where the small traces of carbon oxides are converted to methane (Carbon
oxides and water are ppoisons to the iron catalyst y in the synthesis
y converter and must be
removed). The catalyst in the methanator is the same material, promoted nickel oxide, as that in
the reformer tubes. However, the reaction is the reverse of that in the primary reformer and this
is possible because there is no water present in the process stream going through the
methanator The reaction here generates heat when carbon oxides and hydrogen recombine to
form methane (Methane is not a poison to the synthesis catalyst). The gases are then cooled by
boiler feed water before going on to the first compression stage of the 103J compressor.
et a e bu
ds up in tthee Sy
t es s Loop
oop w
t ot
e inerts
e ts introduced
t oduced from
o tthee aair tthrough
oug tthee
secondary reformer. They are removed through a Hydrogen Recovery unit where the ammonia
is scrubbed with water and sent to the urea plant for reuse. The hydrogen is separated in a set of
prisms by diffusion and recycled to make more ammonia. The methane is burned with the fuel

Your partner for complete

plant solutions
1,620 MTPD Kellogg Ammonia Plant
Ammonia Synthesis
The 103J compressor has three compression stages, stage 1, stage 2 and recycle. The process
gases in the synthesis loop recirculate in the ammonia rich loop, between the synthesis
converter and the 106F ((ammonia, knock out vessel).
) The ggasses leavingg the 106F now low in
ammonia and containing make up gas from the second stage of the 103J return to the synthesis
converter via the recycle stage of the 103J.
Ammonia is made up of 3 molecules of hydrogen and 1 molecule of Nitrogen.
Heat is generated by this reaction so low temperature would favor the reaction, however the
temperature is maintained high to get a faster generation of a smaller percentage of ammonia
followed by rapid removal of over 90% of the ammonia after it is formed.
Once the
O h synthesis
h i reaction
i isi established
bli h d andd the
h catalyst
l i fully
is f ll reduced
d d the
h gases entering
the synthesis converter catalyst contain 1.5-% ammonia the process stream leaving the
synthesis converter contains 17% ammonia.

Your partner for complete

plant solutions
1,620 MTPD Kellogg Ammonia Plant
Ammonia Synthesis continued
Because the reaction gives out heat and temperatures above 550°C will damage the catalyst the
temperature is controlled between 350°C and 500°C by gas flow through the catalyst bed in the
y converter.
The synthesis converter was one of the most significant modifications that improved the
efficiency of the plant. The original converter was configured to have a gas flow axially
through the vessel. This was modified to give radial flow through the catalyst, which gave a
h pathh with
i h lower
l pressure differential.
diff i l A smaller
ll particle
i l size
i catalyst
l couldld also
l beb used.
This modification increased the ammonia concentration at the outlet of the converter from 14%
to 17%.

Your partner for complete

plant solutions
1,620 MTPD Kellogg Ammonia Plant
Ammonia Synthesis continued
Boiler Feed

124C A/B 121C

123C 130C

118C 140C 117C 187bar Pressure


119C 350oC to 530 oC

STORAGE Iron catalyst
AT - 33 oC

Steam Turbine 103J

N2 + 3 H2 2 NH3 + HEAT
Feed Gas
N2 + 3H 2 1 mol + 3 mol 2 mol

Synthesis converter, heat exchangers,

Your partner for complete compressor and flow pattern.
plant solutions
1,620 MTPD Kellogg Ammonia Plant
The ammonia is sent for storage in two refrigerated tanks each with a capacity of 15,000te. The
tanks have a separate refrigeration plant to maintain the temperature at -33°C. The tanks are
mild steel and are enclosed in a concrete capsule with a 1meter gap between the concrete and
the tank. There is a pumping system for loading trains and sea going tankers. It is also possible
to import ammonia by ship if required.

Your partner for complete

plant solutions
1,620 MTPD Ammonia Plant 
1,620 MTPD Ammonia Plant –– Flow Diagram

Your partner for complete

plant solutions
1,620 MTPD Ammonia Plant 
1,620 MTPD Ammonia Plant ‐‐ Modifications
 Monsanto hydrogen recovery unit
 Casale modified ammonia converter
 A Benfield low heat unit in the CO2 removal system
 A suction
ti cooler
l fitt
d tto synthesis
th i gas compressor
 Extra heat recovery coil in the convection section of the primary reformer
 Reformer tubes were replaced in 1996, only in service 5 years. Tube material is paralloy H
39 WM ((micro
i alloy).
ll ) H Header
d material
t i l iis paralloy
ll CR 32 WW. Number
N b off ttubes-
b 520
 A number of heat exchangers have been recently replaced, including:
• 116-C, Syn’gas compressor 1st stage aftercooler
• 129
C Syn
gas compressor interstage chiller
• 102-C, secondary waste heat boiler
 New spare exchangers include:
• 136-C,, Methanator feed exchanger
• 104-C, Methanator feed heater

Your partner for complete

plant solutions
1,620 MTPD Ammonia Plant 
1,620 MTPD Ammonia Plant ‐‐ Modifications
 Spare tube bundles for both waste heat boilers are available.
 A new 114-C, Methanator effluent/boiler feed water heater, is partially constructed and
available for completion.
 Major plant overhauls took place at frequencies that varied between two and four years.
 Compressor details- (Spare rotors for these machines):
• Synthesis compressor manufactured by Dresser Clark: twin-case, centrifugal, Models
463B 5/5 & D373bR 8/1,, Siemens Turbine Drive.
• Air compressor manufactured by GHH: twin-case, centrifugal, Type Tkd 7/4.4 & Tk
6.5/5.1, Siemens Turbine Drive.
• Refrigeration compressor manufactured by GHH: twin-case, centrifugal, Type Tkz
6/6 4 & Tkk 6/5.4,
6/6.4 6/ 4 Siemens
Si Turbine
bi Drive.

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plant solutions
1,620 MTPD Kellogg Ammonia Plant Photos

Other Equipment-Turbines Covered Absorber 101-E

Stripper 102-E
Your partner for complete
plant solutions
1,620 MTPD Kellogg Ammonia Plant Photos

Air Compressor 101-JA Ammonia Compressor 1015-J

part 1

Synthesis Gas Compressor 103-J

Your partner for complete
plant solutions
1,620 MTPD Kellogg Ammonia Plant Photos

Secondary Reformer 103-D Various Equipment

Various Equipment 105 CA/CB

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plant solutions
Contact International Process Plants Today!
IPP Global Headquarters: Michael Joachim
17A Marlen Drive Director, Plants Dept.
H ilt
Hamilton, NJ 08610 +1 609 838 5930 direct
USA +1 609 516 9107 mobile
Tele: +1 609 586 8004
FFax: +1
1 609 586 0002
Sanjeev Rege
VP Global Plant Sales
1 609 838 5938 direct
+1 609 510 2616 mobile

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