Unit 1 Perdev

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UNIT 1: SELF- DEVELOPMENT outcomes of social interactions from

infant to adult development.
Module 1: Knowing and ● ALIGNMENT ​is important.
Understanding Oneself during Middle - If the way what I am (actual self) is
aligned with the way that I want (ideal
and Late Adolescence self), then I will a sense of mental
well-being or peace of mind.
- If ​not, ​the ​incongruence, ​or lack of
● IDEAL SELF alignment will result in mental distress or
- Is the self that you aspire to be. anxiety.
- The one that you hope to possess ● Personal Development modules ultimate
characteristics similar to that of a mentor goal is ​greater self- knowledge.
or some other worldly figure.
- How we want to be.
- It is an idealized image that we have
developed over time, based on what we
have learned and experience.
- Ideal self could include components of:
* What our parents have taught
* What we admire in others
* What our society promotes
* What we think is in our best
- The one that you actually see
- It is the self that has characteristics that
your nurtured or, in some cases, born to
- It is built on ​self- knowledge

- It is who we really are

- It is how we think, we feel, look, and act.
- Actual self can be seen by others, but
because we have no way of truly
knowing how others views us, the actual
self is our ​self- image.


- The actual and ideal self are two broad

categories of self- concept.
- Refers to your awareness of yourself.
- It is the construct that negotiates these
two selves.
- It connotes ;
* first ​the identification of the ideal
self as separate from others
* second​, it encompasses all the
behaviours evaluated in the
actual self that you engage in to
reach the ideal self.
● There is ​negotiation ​that exists between
the two selves which is complex because
there are numerous exchanges between the
ideal and actual self.
- These ​exchanges ​are exemplified in
social roles ​that are adjusted and
re-adjusted, and are derived from
PERSONAL EFFECTIVENESS - helps combat stress.

- Means making use of all personal - ​stress ​arises from uncertainty in an unknown
resources-- talents, skills, energy and situation when a lack of information creates the risk
time of negative consequences.
to enable you to achieve life goals. - it increases efficiency in the actively changing
- your knowledge of yourself and how you environment.
manage yourself nimpacts directly on
your n effectiveness. 5. Problem- Solving Skills
- keys to improving your personal
- help cope with problems encountered with lack of
* being self-aware
* making the most of your - increases efficiency by adopting new ways of
strengths achieving goals
* learning new skills and
techniques 6. Creativity.
* behavioural flexibility - allows you to find extraordinary ways to carry out
- Our personal effectiveness depends on a specific action that no one has tried to use.
our innate characteristics—​talent ​and
experience ​accumulated in the process - can lead to a decrease or an increase of costs.
of personal development. 7. Generating Ideas.
- Talents ​first are needed to be identified
and then developed - helps you achieve using new, original,
- Experience ​includes knowledge and unconventional ideas.
skills we acquire in cognitive and
- ​Idea i​ s a mental image of an object formed by the
practical activities.
human mind, which can be changed before being
- Knowledge ​is required for setting goals,
implemented in the real world.
defining an action plan to achieve them
and risk assessment. - for generating ideas, you can use ​mental maps,
- Skills ​also determine whether real which allows you to materialize, visualize and
actions are performed in accordance scrutinize all your ideas which in turn contributes to
with the plan. the emergence of new ideas.
● Skills that increases the efficiency of any
person who owns them:

1. Determination.

- ​allows you to focus only on achieving a specific

goals without being distracted by less important.

- can be developed thru self-discipline exercise.

2. Self- Confidence.

- appears in the process of personal development

as a result of getting aware of yourself, your actions
and their consequences.

- is manifested in speech, appearance, dressing,

gait, and physical condition.

- to develop, learn yourself and capabilities and

gain positive attitude,

3. Persistence.

- makes you keep moving forward regardless of

emerging obstacles.

- developed thru self- disciple exercise.

4. Managing Stress.


Build on Your Strengths and Work on
Your Weakness
● Most failure emanate from weaknesses. The Power of Journal Writing:
● This weakness could be in communications,
personality, or ability.
Unfolding Your Personal Journey
● Instead of giving up: The purpose of journal writing is to help you
* go for speech lessons become the Scriptwriter if your life. There are four
* get skills upgrading (4) practical reasons to maintain a journal:
* attend personality development
sessions 1. Cost- efficient and Available.
● instead of simply focusing on your - emotional stress can be dealt in many ways like
weaknesses, recognize your own abilities talking to a friend over a cup of coffee, eating,
and talents and utilize them to your greatest travelling, shopping, painting and many more.
● Handicapped people like Jose Feliciano. - notebook and pens are inexpensive and easy to
You Need To Take Charge of Your
2. Preventive and Pro- active.
- writing yields self- awareness.
- when you write, you discover your strengths and
- This person watches movie of their lives. limitations.
Admire some parts and criticizes others.
- They do nothing else. 3. Creative and Productive.
- Feels she has absolutely no control of
- Journal writing expounds your imagination.
their lives except to comment about it.
- Most pathetic, miserable people in the - You can see various dimensions of your problem,
world. different points of view and better solutions.
ACTOR. 4. Personal and Private.
- Does not only watch, she actually - You can have the choice to keep your stories with
realizes she’s the Actor—and can yourself alone.
control a big part of her life.
- She can actually make or break the - It is a way of loving yourself.
movie—by how well she delivers her You just need one notebook to maintain a
lines and how she portrays her personal journal. You may use these questions:
- Are happy bunch, realizing they’re the 1. How do you find this day? What are the positive
start of the show and enjoy some level things that happened? What are those things that
of control. made you irritated or upset?
- They wish the movie to end in another
2. What do you really want in life? What do you
way—but realize that they have no say
want to achieve for yourself. your family, your
in such things.
community, and your country?

- This person creates the entire movie

from her mind.
- Determines what she will say, what she
will do, and how the movie will end.
- She realizes that she has enormous
control over her life.

By the way, the ​Producer ​of the movie is ​God. ​He

tells you, “Make the movie beautiful, and I will give
you all that you need for success.”


Module 2: Developing the Whole - A deeper look on the different aspects of
self can identify specific areas for ​self-
regulation, stability, ​and
Different aspects of yourself: improvement.

1, Physical Self.

- Descriptions of your height, weight, facial In a nutshell, a person is composed of 3 basic

appearance, and quality of skin. aspects of self:

2. Intellectual Self. 1. Physical or Tangible.

- Of how well you reason and solve problems, your - relate to the body.
capacity to learn and create.
2. Intellectual and Conscious.
3. Emotional Self.
- relate to the mind.
- Typical feelings you can have, feelings you
3. Emotional and Intuitive.
seldom have, feelings you try to avoid…
- relate to the spirit.
4. Sensual Self.
* The body provides a place to house the
- What sense do you most use—sight, hearing,
spirit (often expressed feelings) and the
speaking, smelling, and touching.
mind (often expressed as thought).
5. Interactional Self. * The ​mind ​is important as it direct the two
other aspects.
- Include description of your strengths and * The ​mind ​provides access creativity and
weaknesses in intimate relationships serenity which are necessary for such
6. Nutritional Self. processes as prayer, forgiveness,
acceptance, passion.
- How do you nourish yourself?
What the mind believes, the body manifest or acts
7. Contextual Self. on, and the emotions responds with it.
- Descriptors could be in the areas of maintenance The ​human emotions ​are the most feared aspect
of your living environment: reaction to light, of the self.
temperature, space, weather, colours, sound and
seasons. - (ANALOGY) Managing feelings is like
trying to hold water in the palm of your
8. Spiritual Self of Life Force, hand.
- They are illusive and deceptive
- Write words or phrases which tell about how you
- A decision made under emotional stress
feel in this area.
and strain usually impacts emotions
- This could include your feelings about yourself negatively.
and organized religion, reactions about your
Negative emotions ​that are not managed are
spiritual connections to others, feelings about your
stored and repressed.
spiritual development and history, and thought
about your spiritual regimen or routine. -​Repression​ is destructive to a content self since
all feelings, are stored away.
Self- Concept.

- Is represented by several aspects of the

- It is conceived as ​collection of
multiple, context- dependent selves.
- This construct believes that context
activates particular regions of ​self-
knowledge ​and ​self- relevant
feedback ​affects self- evaluations and


THREE SUCCESS STORIES * The purpose of this story is to find ways to
manage your mind to live your life in
1. Manny Pacquiao’s Unbelievable Success Story accordance with what your own judgement
Will Inspire You says is best for you.
* A more shocking realization is that there are
2. Pia Wurtzbach Success Story
many things about ourselves that we seem
3. A Love Affair That Got Me Close to a Great powerless to control.
Doctor / Rodrigo Roa Duterte - Some of these are our ​thoughts,
feelings, ​and​ actions w
​ hich can be
source of distress.
A Real Winner ​is one who is able to: - It may be thoughts such as “I cannot
stop hating my teacher for not giving me
1. Win over his/her battles and difficulties in life and high grades.”
turns them into a learning and glorifying
experience. “The one you feed” is deceivingly simple. The
results of psychological research indicate that there
2. Find meaning in pleasant and unpleasant events are at least four important concepts or ideas
in his life. implied by the answer:
3. Live in peace with difficult people and difficult 1. The mind is not the unitary entity it seems to us
situations. but consists of different parts.
4. Win the goodwill of others, their respect and - For example in the story there are two wolves and
admiration. the “you” that chooses between them.
5. Get what he wants using win-win strategies; 2. These parts of the mind/brain can interact and be
never at the expense of others. in conflict with each other i.e. the two wolves fight
6. Discover and use opportunities to his best for dominance over our mind and behaviour.
advantage. 3. The “you” has the ability to decide which wolf to
7. Develop and use his talents and abilities to the feed.
best advantage and in doing so, make meaningful 4. Having made a choice, “you” can decide
contribution in making this world a better place to specifically how to “feed” or nurture the selected
live in. wolf.

The Story of the Two Wolves

The ff is an old Cherokee Indian story that is
enlightening and helpful.

And old Cherokee and his grandson.

“My son, the battle is between two wolves inside us


-One is evil: he is angry, envy, sorrow, regret,

greed, arrogance, self- pity, guilt, resentment,
inferiority, lies false pride, superiority, and ego.

-One is good: he is joy, peace, serenity, humanity,

kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth,
compassion, and faith.

“Which wolf will win?”

“The one you feed.” Said Old Cherokee

* Knowing which wolf to feed ​is the first

step towards recognizing you have control
over your own self.


Module 3: Developmental Stages in
Middle and Late Adolescence
Human Development focuses on human TASK DURING THE LIFE SPAN
growth and changes across the lifespan, including
Robert J Havighurt elaborated on the
physical, cognitive, social, intellectual, perceptual,
Developmental Task Theory in the most systematic
personality and emotional growth.
and extensive manner.
The human being is either on a stage of
- His main assertion is that ​development
growth or decline, but either condition, imparts
id continuous throughout the entire
lifespan, occurring in stages, where the
Developmental Stages and its Characteristics individual moves from one stage to the
next by means of successful resolution
1. Pre- natal (Conception to birth)
of problems or performance of
- Age when hereditary endowment and sex are developmental tasks.
fixed and all body features, both external and - Havighurst proposed a bio physical
internal are developed. model of development with influence on
the individual’s biology, his psychology,
2. Infancy (Birth to 2 years) and sociology.
- Foundation age when basic behaviour are INFANCY AND EARLY CHILDHOOD (0-5).
organized and many ontogenetic maturation skills
are developed. 1. Learning to walk, talk, take solid foods, and
control the elimination of body wastes.
3. Early Childhood (2 to 6 years)
2. Learning sex differences and sexual modesty.
- Pre-gang stage, exploratory, and questioning.
3. Acquiring concepts and language to describe
- Language and Elementary reasoning, social and physical reality.
4. Late Childhood (6 to 1 2 years) 4. Readiness for reading
- Gang and creativity age when self-help skills. 5. Learning to distinguish right from wrong and
Social skills, school skills, and play are developed. developing a conscience.
5. Adolescence (puberty to 18 years) MIDDLE CHILDHOOD (6-12)
- Transition age from childhood to adulthood. 1. Learning physical skills necessary for ordinary
- Sex maturation and rapid physical development games.
occur (feeling, thinking, and acting). 2. Building a wholesome attitude toward oneself.
6. Early Adulthood (18 to 40 years old) 3​. Learning to get along with age-mates.
- Age of adjustment to new patterns of life and roles 4. ​Learning an appropriate sex role.
such as spouse, parent, and bread winner.
5. Developing fundamental skills in reading, writing,
7. Middle Age (40 years to retirement) and calculating.
- Transition age when adjustments to initial physical 6. Developing concepts necessary for everyday
and mental decline are experienced. living.
8. Old Age (retirement to death) 7. Developing conscience, morality, and a scale of
- Retirement age when increasingly rapid physical values.
and mental decline are experienced. 8. ​Achieving personal independence.

9. Developing acceptable attitudes toward society.




ADOLESCENCE (13-18). True. Helpful. I. Now. Kind.

1. Achieving mature relations with both sexes. LIVING MINDFULLY

2. Achieving a masculine or feminine social role. Living mindfully is like being an artist: you need the
right tools to practice your craft, and you need to
3. ​Accepting one’s physique.
constantly refine your technique to achieve your
4. Achieving emotional independence of adults. creative potential.

5. Preparing for marriage and family life. TOOL 1. ​Breathe Mindfully.

6. Preparing for an economic career. - Use your breath as an anchor to still

your mind and bring your focus back to
7. Acquiring values and an ethical system to guide the present.
TOOL 2. ​Listen Deeply.
8. Desiring and achieving socially responsibility
behaviour. - Listen with intention. Let others fully
express themselves and focus on
EARLY ADULTHOOD (19-30). understanding how they think and feel.
1. Selecting a mate. TOOL 3. ​Cultivate Insight.
2. Learning to live with a partner. - See life as it is, allowing each
experience to be an opportunity for
3. Starting a family.
4. Rearing a children.
TOOL 4. ​Practice Compassion.
5. Managing a home.
- Consider thoughts and feelings of others
6. Starting an occupation. and let tenderness, kindness and
empathy be your guides.
7. Assuming civic responsibility.
TOOL 5. ​Limit Reactivity.
- Observe rather than be controlled by
1. Helping teenage children to become happy and your emotions. Pause, breathe, and
responsible adults. choose a skilful response based on
2. Achieving adult social and civic responsibility. thoughtful speech and non- violence
under every condition.
3. Satisfactory career achievement.
TOOL 6. ​Express Gratitude.
4. Developing adult leisure time activities.
- Practice gratitude daily and expand it
5. Relating to one’s spouse as a person. outward, appreciating everyone and
everything you encounter.
6. Accepting the psychological changes of middle
age. TOOL 7. ​Nurture Mutual Respect.
7. Adjusting to aging parent. - Appreciate our common humanity and
value different perspectives as well as
your own.
1. Adjusting to decreasing strength and health.
TOOL 8. ​Build Integrity.
2. Adjusting to retirement and reduced income.
- Cultivate constructive values and
3. Adjusting to death of spouse. consistently act from respect, honesty,
and kindness.
4. Establishing relations with one’s age group.
TOOL 9. ​Foster Leadership.
5. Meeting social and civic obligations
- Engage fully in life and in community.
6. Establishing satisfactory living quarters. Share your unique talents and
T.H.I.N.K. ​Before You Speak. Have Mindful generosity so that others can also be
Speech. inspired.


TOOL 10. ​Be Peace.
- Cultivate your own inner peace, becoming
an agent for compassionate action and
social good.


Module 4: The Challenges of Middle ​ ncouragement 101: The Courage to
Reading: E
Be Imperfect
and Late Adolescence
( Timothy Evans, Ph. D)

1. Discuss how facing the challenges during

adolescence, you may be able to clarify and Encouragement ​is important in improving
manage the demands of teen years. relationships.
2. Express your feelings on the expeactation
of the significant people around you - The lack of ut could result tk conflict and
3. Make affirmations that help you become misbehavior
more lovable and capable as an adolescent. - It develops person's hardiness and social
​ he Passage to Adulthood: Challenges
Reading: T -
of Late Adolescence
Hardiness-​ the ability to function and recover
when things aren't going their way.
● Most girls have completed physical changes
related to puberty
● Boys are still maturing and gaining strenght Spiritual Connotation:​ Hebrew'a 3:11 "Encourage
and muscles one another daily."

EMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT: Psychological Idea:​ was developed by Alfred Adler

and soon evolved by Rudolf Dreikurs
● May stress over school and trst scores
● Is self- involved - Praise​ is mistakenly used as an effort to
● Seeks privacy and time alone "encourage" others.
● Is concerned about physical and sexual - Half of the job of ​encouragement ​lies in
attractiveness avoiding discouraging words and action​.
● May complain when parents prevents him in × Most commonly, we discourage in fuve general
doing such things ways:
● Starts to want both physical and emotional
intimacy 1. We set standarda rhat are too jugh for
● The experience of intimate partnerships others to meet because we are overly
SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT 2. We focus on mistakes as a way to motivate
● Shifts in relationship with parenta from change.
dependency to subordination 3. We make constant comparisons
● Is more and more aware of social behaviors 4. We automatically give a negatuve spin to
of friends. the action of others.
● Seeks friends that share the same beliefs, 5. We dominate others by being overly helpful,
values and interests. implying that they are unable to do it as
● Friends become more important. well.
● Starts to have more intellectual interests.
● Explores romantic and sexual behaviors
with others. - Encouragement ​conveys the idea that all
● May be influenced by peers to try risky human beings are worthwhilr simply
behaviors because they exist.
- "I like you just the way you are."
MENTAL DEVELOPMENT - It enhances a feeling of ​belonging​ which
● Becomes better able to set goals and think leads to greater social interest.
in terms of future
● Has a better understanding of complex Social Interest​- the tendency for people to unite
problems and issues. themselves with other human beings to
● Starts to develop moral ideals and to select accomplish their task.
role models.

- The Junior League of Mission is rooted in

the idea of social interest.


- First step​ of becoming and encouraging
person is to learn how to ​distinfuish
encouragement from discouragement​.
- "Whatever I say or do, will it bring me closer
together or father apart from this person?"

​ he Power of Personal Declarations

Reading: T

(Dr. Emily De Carlo)

● We must not give our power away to others

by accepting their declarations concerning
our affairs.
● To counteract dangerous declarations, one
must consciously replace them with one
own's declarations.

× I declare that I am totally free of all addictions.

× I declare that I am free in my mind, body, and


×I declare that I am free to set goals and reach


​ eing Happy
Reading: B

● Being happy is not having sky without a

● It is finding strenght in forgiveness, hope in
one's battle, security at the stage of fear,
and love in disagreements.
● It is also to reflect on sadness.
● Is having joy in anonymity.
● Is to recognize it is worthwhile to live.

×​ Spring time​, may you become lover of joy.

×​ Winter time,​ may you become a friend of wisdom.

● Happiness is life that losses to refine



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